Questions for a children's quiz 4 5 years. The game "In the world of animals

Questions for a children's quiz 4 5 years.  The game
Questions for a children's quiz 4 5 years. The game "In the world of animals

Municipal budgetary educational institution of additional education for children "Center for additional education of children"

Game "In the world of animals"
For children 5-7 years old

Compiled by: Nogovitsyna Nadezhda Viktorovna,
additional education teacher,
MBOU DOD "Center for additional
education of children, Prokopyevsk

Game "In the world of animals"

The game is designed for children 5-7 years old. There are many riddles used in the game, as a riddle is "a brief description of an object or, often in poetic form." The content of the riddles reflects the phenomena of the surrounding reality. They make the child think, develop observation, the desire for reflection and knowledge of the surrounding reality. The game can be used in classes on ecology or the world around.

The goal is to generalize children's knowledge about animals.

Tasks - to consolidate children's knowledge about animals; to develop in children logical thinking, attention, imagination, visual memory; develop respect for animals.

Equipment: pictures of wild and domestic animals, tokens, hoop, 3 identical sets with pictures of animals and birds.

Game progress

Children are divided into 3 teams, the teams come up with a name. For each correct answer, teams receive a token. The team with the most tokens wins, and all participants in the game are awarded sweet prizes.
There is just a temple
There is a temple of science.
And there is also a temple of nature -
With scaffolding pulling hands
Against the sun and winds.
He is holy at any time of the day,
Open for us in the heat and chill,
Come in here
Be a little heart
Don't desecrate her shrines.
S. Smirnov
Teacher: Guys, we are the masters of our nature, it is our pantry.
Fish need clean water, therefore, we need to protect our water bodies. There are valuable animals in the forests, mountains, steppes, which means that their habitat must be protected. Man needs a homeland, and protecting nature means protecting the homeland.
The animal world is rich and varied. We meet our favorite animals and birds everywhere. It would be sad to live without them on our planet. It is very interesting to watch them, you look at animals and rejoice at their existence.
Guys, tell me, why do we need animals? Why should they be protected? (Children's answers.)
And now I suggest you start the game "In the world of animals."

Riddles about animals
Riddles are read to each team in turn. For each correct answer, teams receive 1 token.
After each riddle is solved, a picture of an animal is posted on the board.

1. Who goes to sleep in a lair -
Wolf, bear or fox? (Bear)
2. I am small, white,
timid, timid,
I give wool to my mistress
For scarves and sweatshirts. (Sheep)
3. Under the pines, under the trees
There is a bag of needles. (Hedgehog)
4. When he is in a cage, he is pleasant,
There are many black spots on the skin.
He is a predatory beast, although a little,
Like a lion and a tiger, like a cat. (Leopard)
5. Instead of a tail - a hook,
Instead of a nose - a patch.
Piglet - full of holes
And the hook is swivel. (Pig)
6. Pet,
And also a true friend. (Dog)
7. And sour cream and kefir,
Milk and delicious cheese.
For us to be healthy
The motley will give us ... (cow)
8. Cross-eyed, small,
In a white coat, in felt boots. (Hare)
9. He lives in Australia,
Eucalyptus leaf chews. (Koala)
10. Who am I - guess for yourself.
I'm taking a sleigh in winter
That easily glide through the snow.
In the summer I drive a cart. (Horse)
11. Without wings,
And faster birds.
From tree to tree
Jumps. (Squirrel)
12. I am a humpbacked beast,
And the guys like me. (Camel)
13. Who is on his head
Does he wear horns? (Deer)
14. A log floats in the river,
And it's green. (Crocodile)
15. What kind of horses,
On all the vests. (Zebras)
16. The tail is fluffy,
The fur is golden.
Lives in the forest
He steals chickens in the village. (Fox)
17. I know how to wash often,
Not with water, but with a tongue.
And I often dream
Saucer with warm milk. (Cat)
18. Tusks-fangs are thick, large.
The trunk is strong, who is it? (Elephant)

Collect Animals
All teams are invited. There is a hoop on the floor, in which there are pictures depicting animals previously posted on the board.
- the first team collects pictures of domestic animals - a pig, a dog, a cow, a horse, a cat, a sheep;
- the second team collects pictures of wild animals - a bear, a hedgehog, a squirrel, a hare, a deer, a fox;
- the third team collects pictures of animals from hot countries - leopard, koala, elephant, crocodile, zebra, camel.
Teams that have collected all the pictures correctly receive 2 tokens.

Animals in cartoons and fairy tales
Do you listen and watch fairy tales and cartoons attentively? We will now verify this by conducting a comic quiz.
For each correct answer, teams receive 1 token.

 Where did Winnie the Pooh find Eeyore's tail? (On the door at the Owl)
 Who got Winnie the Pooh stuck in the door? (At the Rabbit)
 The name of Malvina's favorite dog from the fairy tale "The Adventure of Pinocchio"? (Artemon)
 What was the ransom for Mowgli's life? (Buffalo)
 Who did Alice run after in Wonderland? (Behind the rabbit)
 Who did the little robber give to help Gerda? (deer)
 Who sings a song: "I'm lying in the sun ..."? (Turtle and lion cub)
 What is the favorite expression of the cat Leopold. ("Guys let's be friends")
 38 parrots and 1 wing - this is the length of whom? (Boa constrictor)
 “Whoever visits in the morning acts wisely...” Whose words are these? (Winnie the Pooh)
 What was the name of the turtle from the fairy tale "The Adventure of Pinocchio" (Tortilla)
 What is the name of the fairy-tale hero who has big ears? (Cheburashka)
 To whom did the mammoth hurry? (To Mom)
 This scary beast ate the fabulous Little Red Riding Hood along with her grandmother (Wolf)
 What was the name of Ellie's dog from the fairy tale "The Wizard of the Emerald City"? (Totoshka)

Learn from ads
Teams receive the same pictures with the image of animals. The teacher reads out the announcements left by the animals. Commands are answered by simultaneously raising the card of the desired animal. For each correctly picked up card, teams receive -1 token.

1. Friends! Who needs needles, please contact me. (Hedgehog, tree.)
2. Help wake me up in spring. Come better with honey. (Bear.)
3. I am the most charming and attractive! Whoever you want to deceive, I will circle around your finger. Given all this, I urge you to call me by my first name and patronymic. Do not call Patrikeevna any more! (Fox.)
4. It became very boring to howl at the moon alone. Who will keep me company? (Wolf.)
5. Everyone, everyone, everyone! Who has a need for horns. Contact me once a year. (Elk.)
6. I teach all sciences! From chicks in a short time I make birds. Please note that classes are held at night. (Owl.)
7. I can help kind, but lonely birds to find family happiness! Hatch my chicks! I have never experienced maternal feelings and never will. I wish you happiness in your personal life. (Cuckoo.)
8. To the one who finds my tail! Leave it as a memento. I am successfully growing a new one. (Lizard.)
9. I have been waiting for a friend for 150 years! The character is positive. There is only one drawback - slowness. (Turtle.)

Summing up, awarding the winners

Quiz with answers for older preschool children

This quiz is intended for children of preschool age. The material can be useful both for preschool teachers and parents. It can be included in the lesson on the lexical topics "Domestic and wild animals", "Animals of hot countries", "Animals of the Far North", and can also be used in sensitive moments.

Target: consolidate children's knowledge of animals.
- consolidate children's knowledge about domestic and wild animals; about animals of the far north and hot countries; about their habits and cubs;
- develop children's logical thinking, mindfulness and ingenuity;
- educate the desire to know animals as much as possible
Theme: Animals of hot countries
1. An animal that has a hump that contains fat deposits? (Camel)
2. Which animal carries a baby in a pouch? (Kangaroo)
3. Who has a long "hose"? (Elephant)
4. Which animal has one horn? (Rhinoceros)
5. The color of which animal is similar to a "crosswalk"? (Zebra)
6. Which animal moves slowly and carries its home with it? (Turtle)
7. Striped feline? (Tiger)
8. A creeper with poison? (Snake)
9. An animal that is called a "green log" with a large mouth? (Crocodile)
10. What animal is most similar to humans? (Monkey)
11. Who has a big mane and tufted tail? (A lion)
12. An animal similar to a rhinoceros, but only without a horn? (Hippopotamus)

Theme: Animals of the Far North
1. An animal of the north that looks like a fox? (Arctic fox)
2. What bird has wings but does not fly? (Penguin)
3. An animal with horns on its head? (Reindeer)
4. A thick-skinned animal with tusks that is not afraid of cold water? (Walrus)
5. Which bear does not hibernate? (Polar bear)
6. An oblique animal with long ears? (Polar hare)
7. A cat that doesn't purr and swims in the sea? (Fur seal)
8. Predatory beast with click teeth? (Polar Wolf)

Topic: Domestic and wild animals. animal habits
1. What time of year does the bear sleep? (in winter)
2. What color is the coat color of a hare in summer? (Grey)
3. Do hedgehogs crawl through the forest in winter? (Not)
4. What is the name of the fox's house? (Nora)
5. What is the name of the bear's house? (Den)
6. House of the wolf? (den)
7. A baby fox? (Fox cub)
8. Wolf cub? (Wolf cub)
9. Baby sheep? (lamb)
10. Baby cow? (Calf)
11. What are mammals? (Animals that feed their young with milk)
12. What do caterpillars turn into? (Butterfly)
13. What does a fox eat? (mice, birds)
14. What do hedgehogs eat? (Insects, frogs)
15. Why do hedgehogs wear apples and mushrooms on needles? (handles his needles)
16. What animals are called domestic? (Live at home)
17. What animals are called wild? (Live in the forest)
18. Which animal gives us milk? (Cow)
19. Which animal dries mushrooms for the winter? (Squirrel)
20. A kind relative of the wolf, who is called "man's friend"? (Dog)

Quiz with answers for preschoolers on the topic: Our favorite fairy tales

Sabiryanova Nadezhda Fidarisovna, teacher of the MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 5" Alyonushka "Shushnur".
Short description: This quiz is intended for preschool children.
Target: Summarize children's knowledge of fairy tales.
Tasks: 1. Consolidate and systematize the knowledge of preschool children about fairy tales;
2. Develop speech, thinking, imagination, interest, attention.
3. Cultivate love and respect for fairy tales.

Quiz questions:

1. Who broke the golden egg? (mouse)
2. Who planted the turnip? (Grandfather).
3. Where did the seventh kid hide? (in the oven).
4. From what object did Cinderella have a carriage? (from pumpkin).
5. Who lost the glass slipper? (Cinderella).
6. What did Mukha - Tsokotukha buy at the bazaar? (Samovar).
7. What musical instrument did the cat play at the fox hut to save the cockerel? (Gusli).
8. Which animal fished with its tail from the Russian folk tale "The Fox and the Wolf?" (tail).
9. Whom did Thumbelina save? (swallow).
10. How many dwarfs did Snow White have? (seven)
11. Whom did the Snow Queen steal? (Kaya).
12. Who did Ivanushka turn into after drinking water from a puddle? (goat).
13. What did Masha bake for grandparents from the fairy tale Masha and the Bear? (Pies).
14. Who did Emelya catch in the hole? (Pike)
15. The apparatus on which Baba Yaga flew? (Mortar).

Quiz game for children of the middle group on the topic: Professions.

Quiz "All work is good" for children 4-5 years old

Target: Expansion of ideas about professions.

Quiz progress:

Educator: Hello! Guys, in the morning your parents brought you to kindergarten, but where did you go? To work. Do you know where your parents work? What are their professions called? Children's answers.

I work in a kindergarten, and my profession is a teacher.

Educator: When you grow up, you will need to choose a profession for yourself. Today we will talk about some professions.

But, it will not be just a conversation, but a game - a quiz, where children will take part.

Our participants: 3 teams of children. Let's applaud our teams.

The quiz will consist of 5 rounds.

1. "Show your profession"

Educator: Now, our participants, namely the children, one participant from the team, in turn, must show the profession of a person, and their team must guess. (3 cards - doctor, hairdresser, cook)

2. “Who needs these things? »

Educator: And now, each team must guess which tool belongs to a certain profession, and which profession.

(Brush, plane, frying pan, hammer, comb, pipe)

3. "Fold the picture."

Teams receive four parts of a split picture. Teams assemble a picture to the music.

The team that quickly collected the picture and named the profession of the people depicted on them wins. (fireman, postman, cook)

4. "What's in the black box"

Team members must guess what the object is.

1. The black box contains a small metal object that people use several times a day.

2. This item is needed by the cook.

3.Used as a musical instrument.

4. Long-tailed horse

She brought us sweet porridge.

The horse is waiting at the gate

Open your mouth wider. (A spoon)

5. "Tell me a word."

    The facilitator asks a question, says a sentence that needs to be completed.

    In the store, we can buy milk, a doll, a bed, ...

    To feed people deliciously, the cook bakes, salts, ... (cooks, fries, washes, cleans,.)

    To cure the patient, the doctor makes a compress, gives. (medication, puts an injection, smears with ointment, looks at the throat)

What can you name?

    Flying an airplane (pilot)

    At school teaches us (teacher)

    Builds buildings (builder)

    Painted the walls (painter)

    Sings songs to us (singer)

    Trade busy (seller)

    Heals from diseases (doctor)

    Put out the fire in an instant (fireman)

    We catch fish (fisherman)

    Serves at sea (sailor)

    Carrying cargo in the car (driver)

    In a hot forge (blacksmith)

    Everyone who knows - well done!

Educator: Well done! It is impossible to determine the most important and necessary of the professions. All of them are necessary and useful. Friendship wins today! All participants receive soap bubbles.


How much is needed in the world

People do around:

They weave sea nets,

Those with dawn mow the meadow,

Boil steel, storm space,

They stand behind the machine in the workshop,

Millions of smart adults

Children are taught literacy

Enough daily work

For you and for me.

Everything will always be alright

If the Earth works.

Fairy tale quiz for children 4-5 years old.

This quiz will be useful for middle school teachers whose children are enrolled in the Veraksa program. It is better to conduct a quiz at the end of the school year in order to summarize and consolidate all the works studied by children during the year.
Target: consolidate the knowledge gained by children in the course of studying works for the entire academic year.
1 task: What story is this passage from?
1.1. I didn't sleep for three nights
I'm tired.
I would like to sleep
But as soon as I lay down -
call? …
A) the fairy tale "Confusion"
B) fairy tale "Telephone"
C) the fairy tale "Fly-Tsokotuha"
1.2. The fireflies came running
Lights were lit -
Something became fun
That's good!..
A) the fairy tale "The Stolen Sun"
B) fairy tale "Telephone"
C) the fairy tale "Fly-Tsokotuha"
1.3. The mice caught the cat
Put in a mousetrap...
A) the fairy tale "Fly-Tsokotuha"
B) the fairy tale "The Stolen Sun"

C) the fairy tale "Confusion"
1.4. Happy bunnies and squirrels,
Happy boys and girls
Hugs and kisses clubfoot:
"Well, thank you, grandfather,
For the sun...
A) the fairy tale "Fly-Tsokotuha"
B) the fairy tale "The Stolen Sun"
C) the fairy tale "Confusion"

Task 2: What fairy tale does this illustration belong to?
A) The Three Little Pigs
B) the fairy tale "Fox-sister and the wolf"
C) fairy tale "Fox with a rolling pin"

A) the fairy tale "The Cockerel and the Bean Seed"
B) the fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut"
C) the fairy tale "Fox-sister and the wolf"

A) the fairy tale "The Stolen Sun"
B) the fairy tale "Fox with a rolling pin"
C) the fairy tale "Three Little Pigs"

A) the fairy tale "Teremok"
B) fairy tale "Kolobok"
C) the fairy tale "Three Bears"
Task 3: Name the author of the fairy tale:
3.1 . Fairy tale "Fedorino grief"
A) Dmitry Mamin-Sibiryak
B) Russian folk tale
B) Korney Chukovsky
3.2. "The tale about Komar Komarovich - a long nose and about Shaggy Misha - a short tail"
A) Russian folk tale
B) Korney Chukovsky
C) Dmitry Mamin-Sibiryak
3.3. Fairy tale "Winter hut of animals"
A) Russian folk tale
B) Korney Chukovsky
C) Dmitry Mamin-Sibiryak
3.4. Fairy tale "The Fox and the Goat"
A) Russian folk tale
B) Korney Chukovsky
C) Dmitry Mamin-Sibiryak

4. Arrange the pictures according to the content of the fairy tale.
