Intellectual game "The smartest" Objectives. Educational portal

Intellectual game
Intellectual game "The smartest" Objectives. Educational portal

Intellectual week "The smartest"

Targets and goals:

Development of the communicative qualities of a person, intellectual literacy, ingenuity, speed of reaction in decision-making;

Instilling interest in the acquisition of knowledge in various fields, fostering interest in the history of your country, folk art, folk wisdom, laid down in the tales of different peoples;

Development of the creative abilities of younger adolescents.

Preliminary work. The show is prepared and conducted according to the principle of the popular TV game for gifted children "The Most Intelligent".

In the course of the game, you can make changes that will reflect the degree of preparedness of the classroom (study group, circle, studio, club) and the general intellectual level of younger adolescents.

A specially intellectual group of 8 people is pre-selected from a group of students (classroom, circle). The game takes place in 6 rounds: in the first round, students are offered questions, estimated at 5 points, in the second - 10, in the third - 15 points, etc. In each round, the leader (teacher) at a fast pace asks one question to each student. Time for thinking is given no more than 20-30 seconds. For the correct answer, the student receives 1 point (in the first round, for the correct answer 5 points). In rounds 1-4, each student is asked 2 questions, that is, you can “earn” 10 points in the first round, 20 in the second, 30 in the third, etc.

In rounds 5-7, when there is already a small number of players, the game intensifies and participants are asked only one question in each round.

If the answer is incorrect, then you can invite the fans (the rest of the classroom team) to answer it. For each correct answer of the students, a token with the score of this round is awarded. At the end of the game, the “smartest” will be determined among the spectators by the number of points scored during the game.

Of the main 8 participants in each round, the “weakest link” is determined, that is, the student with the lowest score. He drops out of the main game and joins the audience. After the fourth round, a musical pause can be held so that all participants do not get tired of the "intellectual pressure".

The winner of the game, as well as the winner from the audience, is necessarily awarded the "title" of "The smartest student in the class" and presents.

Description of the intellectual show

Teacher: Dear guys and our guests! Today we have an unusual meeting - we will try to identify in our class (circle, club) the most intellectual fifth grader (sixth grader). Of course, this is just a game, the losers have nothing to be upset about, because we know very well that there are many capable and talented guys in our class (circle, club). And the winner of our game will be able to proudly bear the title of "The smartest" student of our class (circle, club) for at least a few days.

The order of the show is already familiar to you from the well-known children's TV show. We just do not have the opportunity to design our audience so beautifully, and we have slightly changed some of the conditions of the game. But the real knowledge that you acquired in four years of schooling will be useful to you here.

So, we invite everyone to the interactive show "The smartest"!

1st round. From simple to complex

(5-point questions)

1. What is the largest lake in the world? (Caspian Sea)

2. Who made the first trip around the world? (F. Magellan)

3. Complete the proverb: "Out of the fire, yes." (into the fire)

4. What is the name of the device for measuring the sides of the horizon? (Compass)

5. What is the largest city on the Don? (Rostov)

6. How can you name the volume, breadth of interests, knowledge? (Horizon)

7. What was the name of the ancient siege weapon? (Ram)

8. What is the name of popular Greek dance? (Sirtaki)

9. What is the name of the German inventor of book printing? (I. Gutenberg)

10. What is the name of the path along which any planet moves? (Orbit)

11. What is the name of the constellation in the sky, which has the shape of a "drinking tool"? (Big Dipper)

12. What did Little Red Riding Hood carry to grandmother? (Patty and butter pot)

13. What did Carlson love the most? (Jam and biscuits)

14. Where did the woman get the flour for the bun? (I swept through the barns, scratched the bottom of the barrel)

15. What did the fairy make a carriage for Cinderella? (From pumpkin)

16. What was the name of the poodle in the tale "The Adventures of Pinocchio"? (Artemon)

17. What was the name of the son of Tsar Saltan? (Guidon)

18. What are the names of Dunno's friends (Donut, Syrup, Screw, Shpunt and k)

2nd round. A little about everything

(10-point questions)

1. How many meridians can be drawn through one point? (Lots of)

2. What is the largest island in the world? (Greenland)

3. Name the "colored" seas of the world. (Red, Yellow, Black)

4. Name the smallest continent. (Antarctica)

5. How many continents do you know? (Six)

6. What is the deepest river in Africa? (Congo)

7. Name the hero of the popular science fiction novel by Alexei Tolstoy, who created the laser beam. (Garin)

8. What was the name of the people of women warriors in Greek mythology? (Amazons)

9. What is the name of the bear's winter lair? (Den)

10. How can you name a unique, one-of-a-kind object? (Unique)

11. What is the name of the world's first female ambassador (A.M. Kollontai)

12. What is the name of the highest military rank? (Generalissimo)

13. What can you call a manifestation of tenderness, respect, love? (Weasel)

14. What is the name of a beautiful, smooth, soft, slightly shiny fabric? (Atlas)

15. What is the name of a medical facility in military units? (Infirmary)

16. What is the name of the hanging net for rest? (Hammock)

17. What is the name of the art of drawing up flower arrangements? (Ikebana)

18. Who cast the famous Tsar Cannon in Moscow? (A. Chokhov)

3rd round. Think and guess

(15-point questions)

1. What great Russian scientist was a poet and artist, chemist and geographer, geologist and steelmaker? (M.V. Lomonosov)

2. What was the name of the military leader or the ruler among the Slavic peoples? (Voivode)

3. What is the name of the terrain that usually opens from a height? (Panorama)

4. What battle picture and under what name did M.V. Lomonosov with his students? (Mosaic painting "The Battle of Poltava")

5. Who was the first Russian scientist to be awarded the Nobel Prize? (I.P. Pavlov)

6. What is the name of the famous Russian artist, author of the painting "The merchant's wife at tea." (Kustodiev)

7. Name the god of dreams in Greek mythology. (Morpheus)

8. Head of the faculty at the university. (Dean)

9. What else can you call a thin, hard steering wheel? (Drying)

10. What is the name of the main character of the famous novel by M. Bulgakov? (Margarita)

11. What was the name of the ransom paid by the groom to the bride's relatives in the East? (Kalym)

12. What is the name of the artisan pottery maker? (Ceramist)

13. What is the name of the mythological ancient Greek singer and musician. (Orpheus)

14. What can you call the carved decoration on the roof of the hut or the top of the tent? (Skate)

15. What is the name of the popular hero-detective of the novels of J. Simenon. (Maigret)

16. What was the name of the type of public transport in the city before the introduction of tram traffic? (Konka)

17. What was the name of the third letter in the Slavic alphabet? (Lead)

4th round. From savvy to savvy

(20-point questions)

1. Where did Signor Tomato hide the keys? (In a stocking)

2. What was the name of the jackal? (Tobaki)

3. Where did the Head come from in Ruslan and Lyudmila? (It was Chernomor who decapitated the fabulous giant)

4. What shares did Dunno sell on the moon? (Giant Plant Seeds)

5. What was the name of the flying island? (Laputu)

6. What were the names of the political parties among the Lilliputians? (Pointed points and blunt points)

7. Who was the father of Ali Baba's brother's wife? (By the judge)

8. What caused the conflict between Cipollino and Signor Tomato? (Pumpkin House)

9. Titles Orange, Lemon, Mandarin and Cherry? (Baron, Prince, Duke and Countess)

10. What word did Kai put out of the pieces of ice? (Eternity)

11. What is the name of the young deer antlers used for the preparation of medicines? (Antlers)

12. How long did the struggle of the Ukrainian people under the leadership of Bohdan Khmelnytsky, which began with the uprising of 1648, continued? (Six years, until 1654)

13. What is the name of the famous Japanese theater, sometimes called "silent"? (Kabuki)

14. When did the first people appear on the Don? (100-150 thousand years ago)

15. How long was the oprichnina in Russia, established by Ivan IV in 1565? (Seven years, until 1572)

16. Who was the publisher of the Russian satirical magazines "Truten", "Painter"? (N.I. Novikov)

17. What is the name of the sign used when dividing a word into parts? (Hyphen, dash)

5th round. From ingenuity to knowledge

(25-point questions)

1. Who is Henry Pouchelle? (Piglet after washing)

2. How many children were there in the Kid's family? (Three, another brother and sister)

3. For whom dug a hole in "Winnie the Pooh" and who got there? (For Heffalump, but Piglet hit)

4. What was the name of the meeting of the lunar capitalists? (Big Bedlam)

5. What was the road leading to the Emerald City? (Yellow brick road)

6. What is the name of the shoemaker in the tale "The Adventures of Cipollino". (Master Grape)

7. What did Hottabych do to annul the results of the football match? (All footballers got measles)

8. What was the name of the first capital of the Don Cossacks? (Cherkasy town)

6th round. Dialogue of winners

(30-point questions)

1. At the sight of what did Piglet get so excited that he had to be put to bed? (At the sight of Christopher Robin's blue aids)

2. Who is Sashka-Bukashka? (Rabbit's smallest relative)

3. What was the name of the moon money? (Fartings and santics)

4. When did old man Hottabych's beard not work? (When she got wet)

5. German ending to the fairy tale "Cinderella"? (A dove flew - pecked out in the eye of her stepmother and daughters)

6. How did Niels Holgersen manage to become big again? (By doing a good deed)

7. What weed was missing from Queen's Pie? (Chi-hai-na-health)

8. What happened to Kozlik in the shelter? (The rat bit his neck)

7th round. Fan competition

Teacher: So, we have identified the winners of our game. Before announcing the winner, I invite all the participants of our show to take part in the fan contest.

This competition is a bit unusual. The participant (winner) with the highest number of points in the fan contest will have the opportunity to give 1 point to one of our applicants, that is, his vote, as a member of the jury, to his “idol”. Do you understand the condition?

And now about the conditions of the fan contest. The tasks of the competition are related to the history of the ancient world. Here you will need knowledge of the history of Ancient Rome, Ancient Greece and Ancient Egypt.

I suggest you listen to the names of several animals, reptiles and birds. Remember what stories in the ancient world are associated with these animals.

So, here are these animals: a she-wolf, geese, horse, elephants, snakes, goat, peacock; a snake wrapped around a staff; spider, dolphin, turtle, winged horse. (The terms can be called after the guys explain.)

Right answers

She-wolf("Capitoline"). Her statue was installed in Rome in the Capitol for the fact that, according to the legend about the founding of the city, she allegedly fed the twin brothers Rem and Romulus, the founders of Rome in 753 BC. NS.

Geese... There is a popular expression: "The geese saved Rome", associated with the fact that the geese allegedly woke up the Roman soldiers with their cry at the time of the start of the storming of the Capitol during the Gauls attack on Rome in 390 BC. NS.

Horse... Horse Senator - this honorary title was given to his beloved horse, Incitatus the Swift-footed, by the Roman emperor Gaius Julius Caesar (Caligula) (37-41 AD), who became famous for the three years of his reign for squandering the treasury, bloodthirstiness, executions, murders and exorbitant praise of his personality and deification during his lifetime.

Elephants Carthaginian leader Hannibal, became famous in wars, especially in the campaign of 218 BC. NS.

Snakes who killed the priest and soothsayer of Troy Laocoon and his two sons. This tragic death was prepared for him because he called on his fellow citizens to destroy the wooden Trojan horse, not knowing that the death of Troy was predetermined by the gods themselves.

Goat. There is a myth telling that with the milk of the divine goat Amalfea, the nymphs who guarded the rest of the baby Zeus on about. Crete, nurtured the future thunderer.

Peacock- the sacred bird of the goddess Hera. Legend has it that Hera, overwhelmed by jealousy, forced Argus - a hundred-eyed monster - to guard Zeus' favorite Io day and night. Angry Zeus instructed the god Hermes to kill the hated guard, which he did, first putting all the eyes of the monster to sleep. Hera was saddened, collected all one hundred eyes of the murdered man and placed them on the peacock's tail.

Snake, wrapped around the staff of the god of healing Asclepius (Aesculapius), was considered a symbol of renewal (recovery), since she changed her skin every year.

Spider... The angry goddess Athena was turned into a spider Arachne - a mortal girl from Lydia. This punishment befell her because, being an excellent weaver, she challenged Athena herself, who taught people this craft.

Dolphin- a sacred animal, according to one of the legends, he was the first witness of the birth of the most beautiful of the goddesses - Aphrodite from the sea foam off the coast of Cyprus.

Turtle. Among the many animals dedicated to Aphrodite, the turtle is a symbol of chastity.

Horse(white, winged) Pegasus, knocking out a deep trail with a blow of his hoof - "the source of the horse" - Hypocrene. Pegasus is the personification of poetic inspiration.

The winner of the Fan Contest is determined. Then the floor is given to the jury members and the winner of the show is announced. The teacher thanks everyone for their active participation and awards the winner with a symbolic medal. At the end of the game, you can listen to audio recordings or play fun mini-games.

Vasilyeva Lyubov Alexandrovna,
aftercare teacher
GBOU Lyceum No. 384 of the Kirovsky district of St. Petersburg

Levanova Elena Nikolaevna,
primary school student of the highest category
GBOU Lyceum No. 384 of the Kirovsky district of St. Petersburg

According to the Federal State Educational Standard, a modern lesson, extracurricular activities should contribute to the development of the intellectual, cognitive, artistic and aesthetic abilities of primary schoolchildren, to form vital moral and ethical ideas in a form accessible for a given age. This is facilitated in the best possible way by the intellectual game "The smartest", which we conduct together with the teacher of the extended day group at the end of the quarter and at the end of the school year. Here is an example of such a game, which was held at the end of the 1st grade.

We start the game "The smartest". First, I will remind you of the rules of the game. I will ask 14 questions. There are 4 possible answers to each question. You need to choose the only correct answer by showing the desired number.

For example:

So, let's start the game. The one with the most points goes to the semifinals.

Which month is shorter in number of days than others?

Which of these plants is a shrub?

4. Honeysuckle

Which of these musical instruments has the smallest number of strings?

3. Piano

Which of the suggested words do you think should be removed when talking about traffic safety?

3. Traffic light

4. Sidewalk

Popcorn is made from it.

1. Carrots

2. Corn

This vegetable, with which the grasshopper is compared in the song, has been eaten by humans for over 6,000 years.

1. Carrots

The hero of the work of A. L. Barto, whose paw was torn off.

There is a sea - you cannot swim, there is a road - you cannot go, there is land - you cannot plow. What is it?

Which of these plants is indoor?

1. Cornflower

2. Chamomile

3. Begonia

Which of these animals is an insect?

2. Dragonfly

Which of these plants is a berry?

3. Tomato

From which of the following plants is millet obtained?

4. Wheat

Which of these months is not fall?

Who wrote such a congratulation: "About vlya vlya sdine mrash day"?

1. Winnie the Pooh

Additional questions.

What word is the mistake made?

1. Thank you

2. Please

3. Appetite

4. Hello

Which of these names is complete?

In which of these words are all consonants solid?

Here are the semi-finalists (3 - 5 people). They showed the best results in the first stage. Before deciding in what order they will play next, we will run a small competition. Players are semi-finalists, you will need to link the concepts in pairs. For example:

The board has attached themes that players can choose during the game:

Children - semi-finalists choose a topic to answer questions.

Fabulous animals.

1. What is the name of Uncle Fyodor's dog? (Ball)

2. Artemon. Whose poodle is this? (Malvins)

3. What is the name of Dr. Aibolit's dog? (Abba)

4. What is the name of Ellie the dog from the story - fairy tale "The Wizard of the Emerald City"? (Totoshka)

5. The dog that helped the grandfather and grandmother to pull the turnip out of the ground? (Bug)

6. Turtle from the fairy tale "Golden Key"? (Tortilla)

7. A boa constrictor from "Mowgli"? (Kaa)

8. Panther from Mowgli? (Bagheera)

9. Hen (Ryaba)

10. Old woman's rat Shapoklyak. (Lariska)

11. Pig is a friend of Winnie the Pooh. (Piglet)

12. Friend of Cheburashka. (Crocodile Gena)

13. A cat from the village of Prostokvashino. (Matroskin)

14. A fly from a fairy tale by K. Chukovsky. (Tsokotukha)

15. Cow from Prostokvashino. (Murka)

16. Donkey. (IA)

17. Fabulous horse. (Humpbacked)

18. The friend of the cat Basilio. (Fox Alice)

19. Leader of the wolf pack that sheltered Mowgli. (Akela)

20. The kitten that got into the hat and scared Volodya and Vadik. (Vaska)

General knowledge.

1. This boy was raised by animals. (Mowgli)

2. What is the name of the children's newsreel? ("Yeralash")

4. Fabulous hat. (invisible)

5. This product is made from milk, usually eaten with pancakes. (Sour cream)

6. How to call both an orange and an apple in one word. And a tangerine? (the fruit)

7. What other word is used for a good or an evil sorceress from fairy tales? (fairy)

8. Is he afraid of everything? (coward)

9. He gets to his house on the roof using a motor on his back. (Carlson)

10. Inside it is cold, cold, hungry opens it. (fridge)

11. How did the Wolf catch fish in the fairy tale "Little Fox-Sister and the Gray Wolf"? (tail)

12. What is the name of the bottom of the shoe? (sole)

13. How many months in a year? (12)

14. What product is the head of all? (bread)

15. Which month does autumn end? (November)

17. What is the name of Santa Claus's granddaughter? (Snow Maiden)

19. Why was Cipollino imprisoned? (stepped on the prince's corn)

20. Complete the proverb "Don't have a hundred rubles, but have ..." (one hundred friends)

Questions are jokes.

1. How to write "dry grass" in four letters? (hay)

2. What stands between the mountain and the valley? (and)

3. Which month is the shortest? (May, February)

4. 7 brothers walked, each had one sister. How many people were walking? (eight)

5. December has come, 3 cornflowers have blossomed, then another one. How many cornflowers have blossomed? (not at all)

6. What do they often walk on and never ride on? (On the stairs)

7. From under the gate you can see 8 cat's paws. How many cats are there in the yard? (2)

8. Which is lighter: 1 kg of iron or 1 kg of hay? (the same)

9. My father's child, but not my brother. Who is this? (sister)

10. How many nuts are in an empty glass? (not at all)

11. Who did not find work on the ground? (to the astronaut)

12. What key does not strike or unlock? (musical)

13. Who plunges headlong into the water? (diver)

14. Pasha's grandmother has a grandson Sasha, a cat Ryzhik, a dog Pyzhik. How many grandchildren does grandmother have? (1)

15. Can a whale call itself a fish? (no, he can't speak)

16. What is it impossible for a person to live without? (no name)

17. When a car is driving, which wheel does it not spin? (spare)

18. What did the brother buy a hat for? (for money)

19. The cheesecake was cut into 3 pieces. How many incisions were made? (2)

20. What is not in the river, but what is there in the lake, sea, ocean? (letters O)

The world.

1. What is the surrounding world?

2. What is nature?

3. What kind of nature is there? (alive and inanimate)

4. Name the objects of living nature.

5. Name the objects of inanimate nature.

6. What is the thermometer used for? (for temperature measurement)

7. How many spots are there on the back of a ladybug? (7)

8. What breed is this cat? (show picture)

9. What breed of dog is most similar to the ancestor of dogs - the wolf? (shepherd)

10. What is rubber made of? (from rubber)

11. How else can you call the “living museum of plants”? (Botanical Garden)

12. What is the name of the underground part of the plants? (root)

13. Which coniferous plant sheds its needles in the fall? (larch)

14. Where is sugar obtained from?

15. Who founded our gorol?

16. What is the title of the country's main song? (hymn)

17. What colors are on the Russian flag? (White blue red)

18. What is the body of the fish covered with? (scales)

19. What is the body of animals covered with? (wool)

20. Why do you need to eat a lot of vegetables and fruits? (pantry of vitamins)


1. What was the name of the main character of the movie "The Little Dwarf"? (Vasya)

2. Who did Bella fall in love with? (into the monster prince)

3. What is the name of Shrek's wife? (Fiona)

4. How many children does Shrek have? (3)

5. Who is the Black Cloak's assistant? (Zigzag, duck)

6. Who was captured by the lady of the beetles? (Cockroach)

7. What is the name of the zebra in the film "Madagascar"? (Marty)

8. What is the name of the dog in the movie "Hunting Season"? (Sausage)

9. What is the name of the lion from the movie "Madagascar"? (Alex)

10. How many dinosaurs hatched from eggs in m / f “Ice Age. The era of the dinosaurs "? (3)

11. What is the name of the girl with long magical hair? (Rapunzel)

12. Who was Tom the cat chasing? (behind the mouse Jerry)

13. What did the Mermaid donate to get her legs in return? (in my own voice)

14. In which cartoon did the circus and wild bears switch places? ("Season of the Hunt")

15. What dog breed was the trainer from the Belka and Strelka cartoon? (shepherd)

16. On what characters did the Crow change in the movie "Plasticine Crow"? (dog and cow)

17. Which character in the movie "Alice in Wonderland" belongs to the words: "I'm late, the queen will be very unhappy"? (White hare)

18. What is the mistress of the bugs stuck in? (in its own web)


1. Not for the fact that the wolf is beaten, that the ser ...

2. The day is boring until the evening ...

3. Learning is light, but ...

4. You can't catch it without work ...

5. What has fallen from the cart, then ...

6. Measure seven times ...

7. Fisherman fisherman ..

8. There is no friend - look, but ...

9. Do you like to ride, love and ...

10. Don't dig another hole ...

11. Early bird began to sing ...

12. Prepare the sleigh in the summer, and ...

13. An old friend ...

14. Truth does not burn on fire and ...

15. It is not a place that paints a person, but ...

16. Don't spit in the well ...

17. In a hurry - ...

18. To eat a fish, you have to ...

19. Human labor feeds, but ...

20. From good to good ...

21. Under a lying stone ...

22. How to go hunting, so ...

23. Will pour into the cat ...

24. There would be cats, but ...


1. Not a tree, but with leaves, not a shirt, but sewn, not a man, but a story. (book)

2. Stretched out like an accordion, the miracle stove at the window. (battery)

3. It has glass in the window and a picture on the wall. (frame)

4. Eyes, mustache, tail, and wash all cleaner. (cat)

5. I am all made of iron, I have no legs or arms. I’ll fit a hat into the board, but for me everything is knock and knock. (nail)

6. A living castle grunted, lay down at the door across, two medals on his chest, it is better not to go into the house. (dog)

7. Two ends, two rings, in the middle of the studs. (scissors)

8. Sits - turns green, flies - turns yellow, falls - turns black. (sheet)

9. In winter and summer in one color. (fur tree, pine tree)

10. Cheers in spring, cools in summer, nourishes in autumn, warms in winter. (wood)

11. Sleeps during the day, flies at night, scares passers-by. (owl)

12. The slider crawls, the needles are lucky. (hedgehog)

13. Not a bird, but with wings. (butterfly)

14. The rope is twisted, at the end of the head. (snake)

15. In the summer - walks, in the winter - rest. (bear)

16. What kind of baby is born with a mustache? (Kitty)

17. Who walks while sitting? (chess player)

18. What kind of brother? Here's a riddle! He has a heel behind his nose! (shoe)

19. Rolled around in a kolobok until he became a toe. (clew)

20. The white pebble melted, leaving traces on the board. (chalk)


Russian language.

1. How many letters are in the Russian alphabet? (33)

2. How many sounds are in the Russian alphabet? (47)

3. What can you ask: "Vowel or consonant"? (about sound)

4. How many sounds are in the word "autumn"? (4)

5. What letter shall we write in the word "garage"? (f)

6. What sign should you write in the word "entrance"? (b)

7. What is the patronymic on behalf of Vova.

8. Complete the proverb: "Measure seven times, once ..." (cut off)

9. What did the Owl want to write to Eeyore's donkey: "About nothing vlya with dine mrash denya"?

10. What word do they say when they give thanks? (thanks)

11. Name a word for this scheme:

12. Using the letters of the word CARP, form a new word. (a park)

13. How many sounds are there in the word "sings"? (5)

14. Collect a proverb from the words: words, empty, what, without, nut, kernels ... (Empty words, that a nut without a kernel.)

15. Name the opposite word (antonym): careless ... (careful)

16. What is the name of the country in which you live? (Russia)

17. How many vowels are there in the alphabet? (ten)

18. What is the fifth letter in the alphabet? (e)

19. How many syllables are in the word "toy"? (3)

20. How many vowels are there in the word "guys"? (3)


1. How many triangles are there? (eight)

2. How many corners does a rectangle have? (4)

3. 10 is 3 and how much more? (7)

4.4 increase by 5. (9)

5. The dress has 7 buttons, and the blouse has 4 fewer buttons. How many buttons are there on the blouse?

6. Which is heavier: 1 kg of down or 1 kg of iron?

7. How many segments are there?

8.6 - 2 + 10. How much it? (fourteen)

9. What number follows 15?

10. Which number precedes 20?

11.11 + 7. How much it?

12. 18 - 4. How much is it?

13. Igor found 9 porcini mushrooms, which is 6 less than aspen mushrooms. How many boletus has Igor found?

14. The box contained as many markers as there were pencils. Vanya took 6 pencils and 4 felt-tip pens from the box. What is more in the box and how much?

15. Compare: 1 dm 2 cm ... 20 cm.

16. 13 decrease by 6. How much is it?

17. Replace the ellipsis with "+" or "-" signs so that you get the correct record:

10 … 9 … 8 = 2

18. Which is greater: the sum of the numbers 20 and 10 or their difference?

19. 8 and the same number. How much it?

20. 1 dec. 7 units What is this number?

The one with the highest number of points goes to the final and becomes the winner of the game "The smartest".

1001 ideas for interesting activities with children


Lilipu Svetlana Vladimirovna, MOU "Lyceum No. 57", teacher of informatics and ICT, Prokopyevsk

Golinskaya Tatyana Vladimirovna, MOU "Lyceum No. 57", teacher of physics and natural science, Prokopyevsk

Luneva Natalya Alekseevna, MOU "Lyceum No. 57", teacher of geography, Prokopyevsk

Subject (focus): informatics and ICT, physics and natural science.

Children's age: 9-11 grades.

Location: outside the classroom.


Competition Warm-up

The first “Warm-up” competition will allow us to draw lots and determine which team will be the first to answer the questions in the next round: “Areas of Knowledge” Guess the riddles: The first riddle can be answered by any of the three teams. The first team to respond receives the "first" start number. The second riddle is guessed by the remaining two teams, and the team that answered gets the "second" start number.

    I wanted to write "open Italian pie", but it turned out to be "a resort in France" (pizza - Nice) I wanted to write "karkusha", but it turned out to be a city in Italy (crow - Verona)
Competition: "Areas of Knowledge" The priority has already been established. 9 categories of knowledge are posted on the board in front of the participants. In turn, the participants choose one of the categories and answer the questions asked by the presenter in 1 minute. For each correct answer, the participant receives 1 point.
Category "Informatics"
    A complete set of characters for encoding (alphabet) A specific sequence of commands leading from the initial data to the final result (Algorithm) Eight bits (bytes) Graphical form of writing algorithms (block diagram) The most common storage medium (disk, diskette) Science working with information (computer science) World Wide Web (Internet) A device on which you can write, read, create cartoons. (computer) A device for working with the Internet (modem) A material object for storing information (media) The process of increasing the number of objects (copying) Media that can contain text, digital, graphic information (book) A communications company that transfers text information (mail ) The person who composes the program (programmer) Outputs information on paper (printer) Geometric figure, with which a command is indicated in the block diagram (rectangle) Image recognition device (scanner) Intersection of a row and a column in a spreadsheet (cell) In a Microsoft text editor Word is the text that was typed before the key was pressed. (paragraph) The portion of the screen occupied by a Windows application or document. (window) Two contiguous bytes of random access memory, as well as a part of the text. (word) The science of laws and forms of thinking. (logic) A programming language named after a famous physicist. (Pascal) Inventor of the information coding system using two characters - a dot and a dash. 14. A kind of information carrier. (Morse Code) Universal electronic device for information processing. (processor) A device for connecting external devices to the system unit of a personal computer. (connector, socket) The opposite of lies. (true) A unit of measure for the amount of information. (byte, bit) Generalized name for duplicators. (copier, copier) Several interconnected computers. (network) The name of which well-known computer company can be translated from English into Russian as “Melkomyagkaya”? (Microsoft)
Category "Devices"
    Force measuring device (dynamometer). A device for determining voltage (voltmeter). A device for measuring current strength (ammeter). A device for measuring body weight (scales) A ​​device for determining the amount of charge (electrometer). A device for measuring atmospheric pressure (barometer). A device for measuring time (clock). A device designed to change the current in the circuit (rheostat). A device for measuring the speed of a car (speedometer) A device for measuring power (wattmeter) A device for measuring the pressure of liquids (manometer) A device for registering waves from earthquakes (seismograph) A device for determining the temperature and composition of sea water at different depths (hydrophysical probe) A device that includes includes temperature, humidity, pressure sensors, an altitude indicator and a radio transmitter (radio probe) A device for measuring air humidity (hygrometer, psychrometer) A device that combines a voltmeter, an ammeter and a clock (electric energy meter) A device whose name is translated from Greek as "small" and “looking” (microscope) A device for measuring temperature (thermometer) A device for “accelerating” charged particles (accelerator) A device for determining the engine speed (tachometer) A device for converting sound waves into electrical vibrations (microphone) A device for measuring volume liquids (beaker) Device for determining the cardinal points (compass) Device, in which the effect of the reflection of radio waves is used to detect ships (radar) A machine used to squeeze bodies or substances with great force (press). A device for measuring the speed of a ship (log) A device that allows you to determine any depth of the World Ocean (echo sounder) A device for measuring the density of a liquid (hydrometer)
Category "Geography"
    With which country does Russia have the longest (shortest) border? (Kazakhstan, Korea) How many states does Russia border on? (16) What is the approximate length of Russia's borders? (61,000 km) What is the area of ​​the territory of Russia? (17,100,000 km 2) What is the population of Russia? How many economic regions are there in Russia? Which economic region includes the largest number of republics (autonomous okrugs, territories)? Which economic region has the most millionaire cities? In which economic region is the fishing industry the main industry specialization? How many millionaire cities are there in Russia? (13) With which states does Russia have only sea borders? (USA, Japan) With which CIS countries does Russia have no common border? How many autonomous regions are part of the Russian Federation? Name the center of the only autonomous region in Russia. What place does Russia occupy in the world in oil (gas, coal) production? What are the largest coal basins in Russia? In what year was the first census of the population of Russia carried out? What is the capital of Karelia? Which city in Russia is famous for its samovars and gingerbread? Which cities in Russia are famous for their guns? Which industries are part of the fuel industry? The largest city in the Kemerovo region. Coal basin in the south of Western Siberia. The former name of the city is Yekaterinburg. The modern name of the city is Yekaterinodar. The easternmost settlement in Russia.
Category "Chemistry"
    How to remove the shell from an egg without breaking it? (Dissolve in acid) What "ice" is obtained from the products of coal combustion? (Solid carbon dioxide (t = - 84 ° C) is called "dry ice") Which element is in some cases as hard as steel, and in others - soft? (Carbon, it all depends on the crystal lattice; diamond is hard, graphite is soft) What is the name of a mixture of concentrated nitric and hydrochloric acids ("aqua regia"?) What kind of water is turbid from breathing? (Limestone) What, when burned, releases energy in the form of heat? (Fuel) What metal is liquid at room temperature? (Mercury) This is the lightest gas. (H 2) What kind of acid can you drink? (H 2 CO 3) What is the name of the reaction in which heat is released? (exothermic) What are the names of carbonic acid salts? (carbonates) What is the substance that is formed during the combustion of oxygen and hydrogen (water) A substance that disinfects water and does not leave an aftertaste? (Ozone) Water purification method? (Filtration) Name a metal whose density is less than that of water. (Sodium) What is the name of the process accompanied by the release of electrons (oxidation) What is the property of atoms of chemical elements to form several simple substances? (allotropy) What type of crystal lattice is in a diamond? (Atomic) What is the name of the chemical bond between ions? (ionic) What is the chemical element, the name of which comes from the name of the planet? (uranium, neptunium, plutonium) Atoms that differ in atomic mass, but have the same nuclear charge? (isotopes) What is the metal that is part of table salt? (sodium) Name natural gas that contains carbon and hydrogen (methane) Name the most abundant element in space (hydrogen) What are the names of water-soluble bases? (alkalis) Elementary particles, the movement of which determines many of the physical properties of metals? (electrons) What is the chemical element that is part of bleach (chlorine) What is the most common element in the earth's crust. (Oxygen) What metal is used to make sparklers? (Magnesium) Liquid metal? (Mercury) What is water-insoluble acid? (Silicon) Why can't burning kerosene be extinguished with water? (The density of water is greater than the density of kerosene, as a result, it will go down and will not block the access of air to the burning kerosene) The ratio of the number of particles decayed into ions to the total number of dissolved particles (degree of dissociation)
Category "Secret" - Names
    He discovered one of the laws of electricity in 1785 using a torsion balance. (Charles Pendant). An English physicist, a member of the Royal Society of London, studied the structure of the atom and radioactive processes, for the first time carried out the fission of the atomic nucleus. (Ernest Rutherford). He created the first theory that expressed the connection between electrical and magnetic phenomena, he owns a hypothesis about the nature of magnetism, he introduced the concept of "electric current" into physics. (Ampere). Computer tycoon, founder and owner of Microsoft Corporation, created his first program at the age of 13. (Bill Gates) An Italian physicist, one of the founders of the theory of electric current, created the first galvanic cell. (Volta Alessandro). He theoretically discovered and experimentally confirmed the law expressing the relationship between the strength of the current in the circuit, voltage and resistance. (Om Georg). An English physicist, independently of Lenz, established a law that determines the thermal effect of an electric current. (Joule James). In the 17th century he designed the first calculating machine, and one of the programming languages ​​is named after him. (Blaise Pascal) Who created the first Russian university? (MV Lomonosov) Who invented the radio? (A. Popov) Who first measured atmospheric pressure? (E. Torricelli) Founder and permanent head of anti-virus research of the popular Russian company "Laboratory ... .." (Evgeny Kaspersky) Who invented cinema? (Brothers Lumiere) Who is the founder of astronautics? (K. E. Tsiolkovsky) What great English poet's daughter is considered the world's first programmer? (Ada Lovelace - daughter of Lord George Byron) Who was the first to go into outer space? (A. A. Leonov) Who invented the incandescent lamp? (T. Edison) Who was called “the father of Russian aviation”? (N. Ye. Zhukovsky) Who created the theory of relativity? (A. Einstein) Danish physicist who discovered the effect of current on a magnetic needle. (H. Oersted) Who studied the free fall of bodies? (G. Galilei) In honor of which scientist is the main unit of voltage measurement named? (A. Volta) The first woman astronaut. (V.V. Tereshkova) What is the full name of Lomonosov (Mikhail Vasilievich) What was the name of Newton (Isaac) What was the name of Einstein (Albert) What was the name of Galileo (Galileo) What was the full name of Tsiolkovsky (Konstantin Eduardovich) What was the name of Ampere (Andre)
Category "Biology"
    What are the different forms of one gene called? (Allele) A set of external and internal traits received by descendants from parents ... (phenotype). The plant that Mendel used in his experiments ... (peas, etc.). A vessel that brings blood to the heart (vein). How many circles of blood circulation do fish have? (1). The body's response to irritation (reflex). What organ can most fish use to change the diving depth? (swim bladder). How many pairs of ribs form the chest (12) What is the name of oxygenated blood? (arterial). What order do horses, zebras, tapirs and rhinos (equids) belong to? The composition of the nervous system (brain and spinal cord) Organic compounds containing both acid and basic groups (amino acids) How many parts does the body of a fish consist of? (out of 3: head, torso, tail). Living beings that feed themselves, i.e. create organic substances from minerals, using the energy of light (autotrophs) Accelerate the course of chemical reactions in the body (enzymes) The largest gland in our body (liver) Method of division for all cells of plants and animals (mitosis) Fish, shaped like a chess piece. (seahorse) Red blood cells (erythrocytes) Liquid part of blood, aqueous solution of substances (plasma) Science that studies the living appearance of the planet (ecology) Space in which living organisms live and which is strongly influenced by their vital activity (biosphere) This class includes over 70% of all species of animals known on Earth (insects) In ancient Egypt, the right to ride them was the privilege of the pharaohs and the highest nobility, they are close relatives of horses (donkeys) Small wingless blood-sucking insects (lice) A set of organ systems connected with each other and the environment (organism)
Category "Physics"
    The length of the body trajectory. (Path) The energy that the body receives or gives off during heat transfer. (Amount of heat) Pressure unit. (Pascal) The phenomenon of conservation of speed in the absence of action on the body of other bodies. (Inertia) What phenomena is the action of a medical syringe based on? (On the existence of atmospheric pressure and pressure) How is the device for measuring the current strength included in the circuit? (Sequential) A physical quantity that characterizes the economy of devices and motors. (Efficiency) An atom that has lost an electron. (Positive ion) The phenomenon that occurs when moving with acceleration g in free fall, when a spacecraft is flying in a circular orbit with the engines turned off (weightlessness) Numerical value of the second cosmic velocity for the Earth? (11.2 km / s) A method of transferring energy by moving a liquid or gas. (Convection) Strong disturbance of the Earth's magnetic field, which sharply violates its smooth diurnal course. (Magnetic storm) A physical quantity that shows how fast a body is moving. (Velocity) The point on the optical axis of the lens where all parallel incident rays intersect. (Focus) A physical quantity that shows how quickly the body's speed changes. (Acceleration) The reason for the change in body speed. (Force) Acceleration acquired by a body under the action of a gravitational force near the surface of celestial bodies (g) The process of release of matter on the electrodes when a current is passed through an electrolyte (electrolysis) A simple device consisting of a coil put on an iron core (electromagnet) An electrically neutral set of neutral and charged particles (plasma) The phenomenon of a sharp increase in the amplitude of forced oscillations (resonance) Graph of changes in the macroscopic parameters of a gas during an isothermal process (isotherm) Unit of the amount of matter (mol) Minimum time interval through which the movement is repeated (period) Dependence of the radius vector or coordinates on time ( law of motion) A branch of mechanics that studies the motion of bodies in the gravity field of the Earth (ballistics) The phenomenon of a sharp increase in the strength of the current with a sudden "drop" of resistance. (Short circuit)
Category "Technique"
    The ancestor of the camera (camera - obscura) Where paper was invented (China) The name of the vessels connected to each other (communicating). A document certifying the state recognition of a technical solution as an invention, and securing the right to a person to use this object (patent) Dissemination of information from one object to another. Slang name for the speed level of a car. (Transfer) Button on PC desktop. The process of starting a car engine. (Start) The condition by which the selection of records in the database takes place. A device in a car for cleaning fuel, oils, etc. (Filter) The very first electrical capacitor (Leiden bank) Weapons capable of throwing heavy cannonballs (catapults) A group of electrical connection lines that transfer data and control signals between computer components. Rubber car part. (Tire) A device for spraying fuel in an internal combustion engine (nozzle or injector) The most common type of car body: closed with 2 or 4 doors and a separate trunk (sedan) Abbreviated name of the operator of repetition of actions. A set of periodically repeating strokes of an internal combustion engine. (Cycle) Sailing, sailing-motor or motor vessel for sports and recreation (yacht) Invention of Volt, named after Galvani (galvanic cell) Competitions on roads, races (rallies) Horse-drawn railways in Russia (horse tram) Device for moving passengers and cargo along a steep climb for a short distance (funicular) Perpetuum nobile (perpetual motion machine) They first built and launched a balloon (Montgolfier brothers) Movable part of the engine (rotor or anchor) He invented the telephone (Bell) Writing instrument with a porous rod impregnated with special dye (felt-tip pen) Self-propelled underwater projectiles (torpedoes) Ladder with moving steps (escalator) Serves to hold the vessel in place at sea (anchor) "Talking machine" - the first apparatus for recording and reproducing human voice, invented by Edison (phonograph) Denier charged electrode (cathode) Airplane wheels (landing gear) Bicycle for two (tandem) Rail track along which locomotives and wagons (railway) Optical device in the form of a vertical tube, lifted to the surface of the water from a submarine (periscope) Hand-held anti-tank grenade launcher (bazooka) Coarse shot, with a diameter of more than 5 mm (buckshot) What color is the "black box" of the aircraft (orange) Garage for the aircraft (hangar) Where the tower clock was first installed (England)
Category "Physical Geography"
    An atmospheric vortex, in the center of which there is pressure, and air moves in the Northern Hemisphere counterclockwise towards the center. Displacement of air masses in a horizontal direction from a high pressure area to a low pressure area. Warm wind blowing from the mountains. Strong cold wind on the Black Sea coast near Novorossiysk. Radiation of heat and light by the Sun. The amount of moisture that can evaporate under given atmospheric conditions. Atmospheric vortex, in the center of which there is high pressure, and the air moves in the Northern Hemisphere from the center in a clockwise direction. The wind blowing from sea to land during the day, and from land to sea at night. The rise in air temperature in the troposphere with height. The difference between the highest and the lowest temperature. The process of changing the properties of air masses. Hot dry wind. Constant wind blowing from the tropics to the equator. The wind blowing from land to sea in winter and land from sea in summer. Russian scientist climatologist. Part of the solar radiation that reaches the earth's surface in the form of direct sunlight. Some of the solar radiation that was absorbed by the air was reflected by the clouds and hit the Earth's surface in the form of heat rays. Long-term weather regime typical for a given area. The movement of air masses of various origins. Air volumes with homogeneous properties. The ability of air masses to change their physical properties, moving over the land surface from one area to another. The total amount of solar energy that has reached the Earth's surface. The amount of water actually evaporated. Large atmospheric vortex, air moves from the periphery to the center, deviating counterclockwise. The amount of moisture that can evaporate from a surface under given atmospheric conditions. Prolonged dry weather at elevated air temperatures with no precipitation. Drying wind with a speed of 5 to 20 m / s, high temperature and low air humidity. A strong wind blowing and carrying huge masses of soil particles over great distances, and sand in deserts. The ratio between the annual amount of precipitation and the evaporation of a given area. Wind of destructive force and duration with a speed of more than 30 m / s. Radiation of heat and light by the Sun.

Competition "Countries and Peoples" Each team will be asked 5 questions. The team answers and scores a point. If the team does not have an answer, then another team or spectators can answer the question. Determine from the description which country in the world we are talking about:

    We have too much geography and too little history. In our country, they speak two languages: English and French. The image of the beaver was not included in the coat of arms of this country, however, it is often found on its poststamps, and in political drawings and cartoons, the beaver personifies a resident of the country, as “laborloving, enterprising and non-aggressive creature. "(Canada). In some northern regions of this country, locals risk their lives and collect eider down on the steep slopes of the mountains, which is highly valued as insulation for clothes and sleeping bags. This country is called the Land of the Midday Sun. Fridtjof Nansen - Arctic, Roald Amundsen - 1911 Antarctica. (Norway) Since 1815, this country has not participated in wars, the main branch of specialization is the automotive industry; invented high-pressure turbines, ball bearings, milk separator. Carl Linnaeus - classification of plants and animals, Anders Celsius - inventor of the temperature scale, Alfred Nobel - founder of the Nobel Prize. (Sweden) The windmills and the Little Mermaid are the symbols of this state; highly developed industrial - agrarian country. Niels Bohr - physicist, G.H. Andersen. (Denmark) Until now, the Lord Chancellor in Parliament sits on a sack full of wool. This custom has survived to this day, because wool was the most important export. The industrial revolution took place in this country earlier than in other countries. It began in the second half of the 18th century with the textile industry (the invention of the mechanical spinning wheel by Jace Hagreaves), then expanded to metallurgical and other industries. In 1784, the invention of the steam engine by James Watt - a unit of power, watt. In 1863, the oldest metro in Europe was opened. (England) All surnames of this country begin with "McDonald's" or "Oh, Hara"; the country of bachelors. The most common male name is Patrick. Fish and potatoes are the main national dish. (Ireland) Watch, zipper, cheese 150 million tons, NESTLE; three state languages ​​- French, German and Italian. (Switzerland) The gaming business brought worldwide fame to this country. The casino chain in the city of Monte Carlo has been operating since 1861. The famous roulette has attracted many wealthy tourists from all over the world to the country. But it was a long time ago. (Monaco) Country of "waltzes and parks"; Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart lived 25 years (out of 35 years of life) in the city of Salzburg, but this city gained fame long before the birth of the great composer. Salzburg from the German "Sol-grad", arose not far from the rock salt deposit. They began to get it in ancient times. (Austria) The inhabitants of this country call themselves "Magyars", and the country - Magyarorsag. The language of this country belongs to the Uralic language family, to the Finno-Ugric group. The closest relatives by language are the Khanty and Mansi, who live in the northern part of Western Siberia. 24 cases. The languages ​​of Europe were enriched with such words as "hussar", "csardash", "goulash". Ikarus buses are popular in Russia. (Hungary) The first historical name is Bohemia before 1918, famous costume jewelry, Bohemian crystal, beer, spiced pork legs. (Czech) To enjoy universal respect all your life and even sit in a separate cell in prison, you need to get a higher education in this country. It is this country that ranks first in the world for the export of agricultural products. This country got its name from the sandalwood, from which the valuable red-violet paint was previously mined. Noting the role of these products in the export structure of a given country, it is often figuratively called "the country of green gold and golden fruits." (Brazil) It was from this country that tulips in the 16th century. ended up in Vienna, and a century later - in Holland and Germany. From it, lilacs got to Europe. It is the only Islamic country that is a NATO member. (Turkey) We love to compare our homeland with two baskets hanging from a beam. "Baskets" are more, north and south, where the deltas of the two rivers Hongha and Mekong are located. "Rocker" is a narrow strip of the central part connecting them, in which the mountains come almost to the very shore. Our traditional occupation is fishing. (Vietnam) This country is the headquarters of the world's largest software development company for PCs and Macintosh computers. (USA)

Competition "Do you believe that ..." The answer to the question should be given without delay, it is required to give as many correct answers as possible within one minute.
Questions to 1 team... are the chemical elements samarium and turium named after Russian cities? (no) ... is there an energy crisis on our planet? (yes) ... in the oceans the zoomass is many times higher than the phytomass? (yes) ... Windows allows two files with exactly the same name to be on the same disk. (Yes, in different folders) ... the longest state border in the world runs between Russia and China (no, between the US and Canada, if you count the border in the Alaska section) ... the capital of Brazil has an airplane shape in plan (yes, the city of Brasilia.) ... A. Einstein became the first Nobel Prize laureate in physics (no, it was V. Roentgen) ... the first glasses appeared in China (no, in the 13th century in Italy) ... were the Arab numerals invented by the Arabs? (no, in India)
Questions to the 2 team... The "End" key on the PC keyboard terminates the execution of any program. (No) ... does the use of freons in production and everyday life lead to the formation of acid rain? (no) ... elephants, meeting with an unfamiliar relative, put their trunk in his mouth as a greeting? (yes) ... the first traveler to cross both polar circles was James Cook (yes) ... Is the sound card included in the multimedia equipment? (Yes) ... if you sail to the east, then, having described the full circumference of the Earth, the traveler will lose one day (no, this can only be when traveling to the west, in the direction opposite to the rotation of the Earth; the discovery was made as a result of the journey of Magellan's expedition) ... the number zero can be replaced with a capital letter "o" (No) ... the famous physicist A. Einstein has no grave (yes, his ashes were scattered in the wind) ... the efficiency of the laser is about 1% (yes) Questions 3 to the team:... the chemical element indium is named after India? (no) ... is absolute silence beneficial to human health? (no) ... do the Eskimos dry capelin and eat it instead of bread? (yes) ... Can the information stored in a person's own memory be called operational? (Yes) ... the diagnosis of Munchausen syndrome is given to a patient who lies a lot? (no) ... the entire territory of Russia lies in the Eastern Hemisphere (no, part of the Chukotka Peninsula lies in the Western Hemisphere) ... the first matches appeared at the beginning of the 19th century (yes, they were invented by Chapselle. Chapselle matches were very expensive, lit with a biconvex lens or on contact with a droplet of concentrated sulfuric acid) ... does the computer system function without an antivirus program? (Yes) ... proper mixing of different medicinal elements to return the body to normal is the meaning of "temperature" (yes, this is the original medical meaning of temperature)
Captains competition Starting from the highlighted cell, you can read 5 names of Russian cities if you move in a certain direction. The last letter of the previous word is the first letter of the next. If you read the names of the cities correctly, then three regular geometric shapes are formed.

(Penza, Achinsk, Kursk, Kansk, Kazan)
Playing with the audience"The fourth extra" Find the "extra" word Voltmeter, manometer, ammeter, ohmmeter.Newton, Popov, Darwin, Galileo.Port, connector, socket, controller.Liter, second, meter, kilogram.Alpha, igrek, omega, delta.Nano, micro, miles, mega.Pixel, raster, point, register.Meter, elbow, fathom, span.Nitrogen, hydrogen, oxygen, iron.Letter, word, sentence, paragraph.Copper, germanium, silicon, tellurium.Protium, sodium, deuterium, tritium.Operating system, archivers, table processor, antivirus software.
Competition "From the Life of Scientists" Each team gets 3 situations that once happened to famous scientists. Think, and in 3 minutes give an answer, how, in your opinion, this story was continued.
    They say that once, V.Rentgen received a letter with a “request” to send some X-rays ”to find out whether a revolving bullet was really stuck in the chest. What was there to answer? “Unfortunately, I don’t have any X-rays in stock right now. Moreover, it is difficult to transport their business. Let's do it easier ... ”What did the scientist suggest? (Send me a chest) Franz Kafka wrote: "The time will come when a machine will be able to write any ordered work without human help, edit it and ....". Finish Kafka's thought. (Throw it into a wastepaper basket) A construction company asked Kapitsa to fix a problem with a new electric motor, which for unknown reasons refused to work. Kapitsa carefully looked at the engine, switched it on and off several times, then asked to bring a hammer. Thinking, he hit him with a hammer, and - lo and behold! - the electric motor is running. The firm paid Kapitsa 1,000 pounds in advance for this consultation. The representative of the firm, seeing that the case was resolved in a few minutes, asked Kapitsa to report in writing for the amount received. What did Kapitsa write in the report? (Kapitsa wrote that "he estimates a blow with a hammer on the engine at 1 pound, the remaining 999 pounds paid to him for the fact that he knew exactly where to hit")
Playing with the audience Solve puzzles.





Competition "In the Skin of a Scientist" Imagine that you are a father. Morning. You are in a smart suit, busy with your thoughts about the upcoming report to the academic council. Your child speaks to you with a cue. What will you answer him in "learned language"? (Each team is given a separate phrase - a task.) - Dad, dad! Oatmeal for breakfast again. Can I at least have more sugar?- Dad, dad! I don't want to go to school, can I study over the Internet?- Dad, dad! May I go outside without a hat.
Playing with the audience Using the flowchart, guess the proverbs.
(A smart one will not go uphill - a smart one will bypass the mountain!)
(Strike while the iron is hot!)

It can be seen that you can express yourself in “learned language”. You have convincingly proved this. Now show your knowledge of physical laws if this law is read backwards. Do you recognize him. So, the next competition.
Competition "Informatics and Technology"

    Dissemination of information from one object to another. Slang name for the speed level of a car. (Transfer) Button on the desktop. The process of starting a car engine. (Start) The condition by which the selection of records in the database takes place. A device in a car for cleaning fuel, oils, etc. (Filter) A group of electrical connection lines that transfer data and control signals between computer components. Rubber car part. (Bus) Abbreviated name for the repetition operator. A set of periodically repeating strokes of an internal combustion engine. (Cycle)
Summing up, presentation of diplomas. In the course of the game, the members of the jury fill out the standings, according to which the results are summed up.


The development of any person is stalled when his mind stops developing. But just learning is too boring for most. For memory, logic can fit games invented at various stages of human existence.

First games

The smartest game that has existed since the earliest times is chess. But even she gradually changed. Having gone through several steps of transformation, chess undoubtedly occupies first place in the top 10 "Most Games". The field of the game, divided into 64 cells, troops, each of which has figures with their own properties. All this makes it possible to play new games over and over again with completely unpredictable moves.

Another ancient game is go. On the playing field (goban), which is lined with 19 x 19 lines, players take turns placing stones of their color. The goal of the game is to capture as much of the field as possible. The peculiarity is that other people's stones can be captured, therefore, despite the simple rules, the game turns into a duel of minds and strategies.

Live games

This genre has emerged quite recently. Its pioneer was the game "Night Watch". People, uniting in teams, drive around the city at night, looking for clues and solving the presenter's riddles. Not to say that it is very difficult, but a person will need some efforts of the mind to unravel the codes.

The next game was "Mafia". Probably everyone has heard about her. Several people (the more the better) draw lots. According to its results, everyone is divided into two camps - civilians and the mafia. Moreover, residents do not know anything, and the mafia is familiar with each other. The task of peaceful players is to figure out all the mafiosi before they "killed" everyone. Moreover, there are two options for the game. Online and offline.

  • Offline "Mafia" is interesting because people communicate live. You can see the emotions of your opponents. However, only with a competent leader, such a game will not turn into a dump, in which, instead of wiggling brains, there will be scream and din, and the choice of the mafia will happen at random.
  • Online "Mafia" is also divided into two subtypes. The first is similar to the real one. This is an express game in which who shouts louder is right. No work of mind and logic.
  • The last option is much more convincing than the previous ones. The so-called forum "Mafia". In them, a game "day" can last as long as a real one. Players can discuss everything, they are not pressed for time. Possible layouts and options are shown. For exotic lovers, there are entourage games and matches with the most bizarre rules. It's worth playing with.

But, perhaps, the smartest game among the "living" is the live quests. They are now being held in many cities. You can play them with friends or sign up for a party alone. The bottom line is that the presenter distributes roles to the players, certain objects, a plot / scenario and tasks that are individual for each. Each player has different goals. Through manipulation, conversations, dialogues, communication with other people, you must complete the task assigned to you. Each game is characterized by an unpredictable plot and exciting twists. This is probably the most intelligent game in the entertainment industry. Be sure to try playing with your friends.


If we talk about intelligence as a baggage of knowledge and an explanatory dictionary that a person has accumulated, then the criteria for what is the smartest game are slightly different. A person is given a choice from both real games and those adapted for a computer.

  • "Hangman", "Field of Miracles" - that is, games in which you have to spell the words.
  • A more complicated version is "Oh, lucky!" Here it is already more difficult, if you want to test your erudition, you can play this entertainment as well.
  • Be sure to try to solve a couple of crosswords, maybe this is your criterion for a "smart" game.
  • Various puzzles and puzzles are already closer to the concept of smart games.
  • Some people might say that the smartest games are card games, in particular poker. Doubtful, considering that here you need luck (to a greater extent) and the ability to bluff.


But the development of information technology does not stand still, and in the digital age, when a person says the word "game", in most cases he means a computer toy. I must say, despite the opinions of parents that computer games dull children, everything is far from so simple. There are many games that will help develop imagination, logic and simply expand the worldview of your children. So what's the smartest PC game?

Purpose: popularization of children's literature.

broaden the horizons of children;

foster interest in literary creativity;

in a playful way, repeat and consolidate students' knowledge about the content of literary works.

Host: I greet the spectators and members of the "Smartest" club. Yes, yes, do not be surprised - today everyone will become participants in the intellectual literary game "The Cleverest". All the guys will go to the game podium, but as the game progresses, only a few participants will remain in it, who will compete for the honorary title of "The smartest".

First, a few words about the rules of our game.

The game consists of 5 rounds. All guys participate in the qualifying round. Only those who correctly answer a few of my questions will go to the first round. Thus, passing from round to round, there will be only one participant - "The smartest". A strict jury will monitor the progress of the game.

I want to remind you that all the questions that you will hear today are from the field of literature. So we begin.


With the help of this object, the main character of the fairy tale found his happiness - a wise wife who was bewitched. (Arrow).

This heroine came to us from the tale of G.-H. Andersen. Her name means a measure of length equal to only 2.5 cm. What is her name? (Thumbelina).

In what fairy tale do revived fruits and vegetables act? (“The Adventures of Cipollino”).

The toy is the protagonist of the book and cartoon, which was given a very funny name because it fell off the table. (Cheburashka).

Using this object, you can make the most wonderful things, or you can even kill the terrible hero of Russian fairy tales. (Needle).

What is Baba Yaga's personal transport? - Stupa / Pomelo.

What was the name of the father of the wooden boy, the hero of a famous fairy tale? - Papa Carlo.

A magic tablecloth on which food itself appears? - Self-assembly.

In what fairy tale does a girl go for flowers in winter? ("Twelve months").

This hero has a green crest on his head, tugging at which you can cry a lot. (Cipollino.)

What was the name of the doll girl whose hair was of an unusual blue color? (Malvina)

The heroine of this English book ran after the white rabbit, and found herself in an unusual country (Alice).

This heroine did not leave the house without a hat (Little Red Riding Hood)

Host: Now the jury will name 6 participants in today's game. I invite them to the center of our hall.


(6 members)

Host: The children will have to imagine themselves as heroes of famous fairy tales. Well, have you imagined that you are in a fairyland? I ask a question in turn to each participant in the game, if he does not answer, the move goes to the next player. Only 5 participants will remain in the game.

So, what words should be pronounced in order to:

Open the door to the treasure cave with Ali Baba? (Sim, Sim, open up!)

Cook porridge in a magic pot? ((One, two, three, pot, boil!)

To obey the command of the magic pike? (According to the pike's command, according to my desire.)

Call Sivka-burka? (Sivka-burka, prophetic kaurka, stand in front of me like a leaf in front of the grass.)

What words did Mashenka say from the Russian folk tale “Masha and the Bear”, referring to the bear? (Don't sit on a tree stump, don't eat a pie, bring it to your grandmother, bring it to your grandfather.)

Thanks to these words, the kids opened the door to their mother-goat (Little kids, children, open, open. Your mother came, brought milk.)


(5 members)

Host: So, there are 5 participants left. I will call each participant a question. He must answer it - guess the fairy animal, that is, the animal hero from the fairy tale (3 questions each)

Poodle Malvina (Artemon)

Doctor Aibolit's dog (Avva)

Uncle Fedor's dog (Sharik)

The turtle that gave Buratino the golden key (Tortilla)

The chicken that laid the testicle (Ryaba)

Cheburashka's friend (crocodile Gena)

Cat from the village of Prostokvashino (Matroskin)

Donkey from the fairy tale about Winnie the Pooh (Eeyore)

The Little Humpbacked Horse)

Blind cat from the fairy tale "The Adventures of Pinocchio" (Basilio)

The cat who helped the grandmother to pull the turnip (Murka)

Old woman's rat Shapoklyak (Lariska)

The cat's friend Basilio (fox Alice)

Who got Ivan's arrow? (to the frog)

Who has the ugly duckling become? (swan)

Whom did Little Red Riding Hood meet in the forest? (wolf)

Who did brother Ivanushka become after drinking water from a hoof? (into a kid)

Whom did Kolobok not manage to get away from? (from the fox)

Host: Well done, guys! And now the jury will announce 4 participants who will continue to fight for the title of "The smartest".


(4 participants)

Moderator: I invite all participants to pay attention to the screen. In this round, each player needs to choose from the proposed options the correct answers to my questions. To do this, each participant receives 4 cards with the letters a, b, c, d.

Slide 2 - 3

What is the character of K.I. Chukovsky was “the head of the washbasins”?

a) Bibigon;

b) Aibolit;

c) Barmaley;

d) Moidodyr.

Slide 4 - 5

Which of the specified heroes of the tale “The Adventures of Buratino” is a puppet from the Karabas-Barabas theater?

a) Pope Carlo;

b) Tortilla;

d) Duremar.

Slide 6 - 7

For what flowers did the stepmother send her stepdaughter to the forest in the fairy tale "Twelve Months"?

a) lilies of the valley;

b) tulips;

c) snowdrops;

d) roses.

Slide 8 - 9

How many wishes of the old man did the goldfish fulfill?

d) four.

Additional tasks

Slide 10 - 11

Why was Cipollino imprisoned?

a) crossed the street at a red light;

b) pulled Cherry by the pigtail;

c) stepped on Prince Lemon's corn;

d) told a bad anecdote.

Slide 12 - 13

Whom did the little robber give to help the girl Gerda in the fairy tale "The Snow Queen"?

a) Firebird;

b) reindeer;

c) Sivka Burka;

d) The Humpbacked Horse.

Slide 14 - 15

Whom did the fox deceive in Krylov's fable?

a) a crow;

b) a dragonfly;

d) a monkey.

Slide 16 - 17

Which of the characters in the poem by A.L. Barto sighed all the time?

c) horse;


(3 participants)

(the musical intro of the composer V. Dashkevich to the television movie “The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes ....)

Host: Have you ever heard this music? She sounds in the detective film "Adventures ....". Do you know what a detective is? This is a genre of literature that describes various crimes and how detectives solve them using the smallest details, fingerprints, etc. And now I invite our participants to play the role of detectives. I announce the next round - detective.

You have to define a literary hero according to the description. After all, every respectable detective has a card index, in which he enters the signs of the people he is interested in. We also have such signs. Now each participant in turn will be offered signs by which he will have to determine the hero and name the work. If the participant guesses the hero from the first clue, he gets 5 points, if with the 2nd - 4 points, if with the 3rd - 3 points, with the 4th - 2 points, with the 5th - 1 point. If one of the guys still does not identify the literary hero, then the other participants in the game can give the answer.

Slide 18 - 19


The main character of this work suddenly became rich.

She made many friends, for whom receptions began to be arranged.

They tried to kidnap her, but suddenly a young daredevil appeared and saved her.

It ended in a wedding.

The most valuable asset of the main character was a samovar.

Answer: Fly-Tsokotukha. K.I. Chukovsky.

Slide 20 - 21


This hero loves to feast on fish.

This hero was inherited by one poor young man, a younger brother, whose brothers received a mill and a donkey after the death of their father.

Our hero managed to deceive the king, a giant man-eating giant.

Our hero called everyone his poor master as the Marquis de Carabas.

The first thing he asked the poor youth for was a bag and boots.

Answer: Puss in boots. C. Perrault.

Slide 22 - 23


His head is stuffed with sawdust.

He loves to go to his friends' birthdays, to visit, and especially in the morning.

His hobby is to compose screams, puffs and nozzles.

His favorite dishes are jam and honey.

His greatest friend is Piglet.

Answer: Winnie the Pooh. “Winnie the Pooh and everything, everything, everything” A. Milne.


(2 participants)

Host: The most resourceful and knowledgeable participants remained. They showed the best results. And now the most difficult round is the final game.

I will read to each participant an excerpt from a literary work, you must name the work and its author.

1. “- Grandma, why do you have such big hands?

This is to hug you tighter, my child.

Grandma, why do you have such big ears?

To hear better, my child. " (“Little Red Riding Hood.” Charles Perrault)

2. “The cradle was made from a shiny varnished walnut shell. Instead of a feather bed, they put several violets there, and instead of a blanket - a rose petal. The girl was put in this cradle at night, and during the day she played on the table. " (“Thumbelina”. G.-H. Andersen.)


3. “He wore a bright blue hat, yellow, canary, trousers and an orange shirt with a green tie. In general, he loved bright colors. Dressed up as such a parrot, he wandered around the city all day long, composed various fables and told them to everyone. " (N.Nosov. "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends")

Winner awarding

Host: In conclusion of our game, I want to remind our children of the proverbs. Remember how the people say:

It's never too late to learn.

Live and learn.

Learning is light and ignorance is darkness.

Host: And my favorite proverb is this:

I read the book - I became smarter.

Indeed, the honorary title "The smartest" in our intellectual game was given to the one who reads a lot! Reading is the best teaching. I wish all the other guys not to get upset, but to read more interesting books!