Questions and subfixes of communities and verbalias. What is the communion and verbalism, their distinctive features and suffixes

Questions and subfixes of communities and verbalias. What is the communion and verbalism, their distinctive features and suffixes
Questions and subfixes of communities and verbalias. What is the communion and verbalism, their distinctive features and suffixes

Communion and adherers are special parts of speech, combining the morphological signs of several parts of speech. They differ from the rest. By the way, many linguistic scientists include the sacrament and verbality to verb forms, and not allocate in a separate part of speech. In this article we will talk about them as independent.

The concept of communion

Communion and Templocoming in Russian combines that both of these parts of the speech enter into some morphological signs of the verb: categories of species, repayment and time.

However, the communion is adjective and expresses a sign of a subject or phenomenon in its action: the reading, listening, system, readable. Replies this part of speech to questions what made? What made?. From the adjective sacrament "inherited" the genus, the number and case - in this way they are consistent with the nouns, to which they include: the written book - written books (many people) - about the written book (proposed case) - written Roman (male genus) .

Also, the communion can be used in full and brief forms. Awarded a diploma - a lot of hand. Unlike adjectives in brief communities, a purely one letter n is written. Misty lowland - Nizina Tumanny (brief adjective); The seeded field - the field is sown (short communion).

Communion, depending on the value, can be valid (denoted by the sign created directly by the action - building) or suffering (signify the sign of the action experienced by the side - the system).

Concept of Tempecism

The verdicticity is in grammatical signs to adverch: the part of the speech took over the immutability of it, but from the verb of Temperysty, there was a view (listening - listening to) and return (washing - washing).

The verbality denotes an additional, additional action, it can be easily replaced by a homogeneous fault.

  • I walked down the street, rejoicing the spring sun. - I walked down the street and rejoiced the spring sun.

The adding action indicates how the main verb acts. He walked, rejoicing, "Rejoicing" to the designer means an additional sign, the emotion with which the basic action was performed.

Communions Valid: Education, suffixes

Communion and adherers are formed from verbs using specific suffixes. As for the actual communities of the present, their base is the verb of the same time. The latter simply marks the end and the characteristic suffix of the communion is attached: - caud - / - Yusch- and - aSTI - / --.

Here it should be remembered that the first suffixes are characteristic of the communcies formed from the verbs of the first auction - aSTI - / -- Use communcies from the verbs of the II of the lining.

  • Sunbathing - sunbathing (verb of the present time, I hide) - sunbathing (real time of present).
  • Glue - glue (verb of the present time, II of the liner) - adhesive (actual communion of the present).

The same communities of the past time are formed from the basis of the verb of the same time with the help of suffixes -The-, -Sh-.

  • Intriprates - carried - suffered, crawling - plenty - crashes.

Also, the unstressed vowel vowel in front of the suffix is \u200b\u200bchecked (the word is put in the past time) to yielded - the breath was deemed.

Communions Paddative: Education, suffixes

Sufficient communities of the present need to form from the basis of the verb I or II of the lining with the help of suffixes - - / - Im- respectively.

  • Decide - decide - solved; Wearing - wear - wearable.

Suffixes - enn-, -nn-, -T- Used to form the suffering communities of the past time. Generating the base - the verb infinitive: to decide - resolved; wash - washed; Read - read. It should be remembered that in the suffix - eNN- Always written only the letter E after hissing. For example, burned, resolved.

In addition, there are always two letters in the same suffix n.. These are very different from the exclusive adjectives. The latter do not have consoles and dependent words - they are written with one letter n. Sauer cabbage (separable adjective) - sauerful cabbage mom (sacrament, there is a dependent word) - dusty cabbage (sacrappiness, there is a prefix)

Tempecistry: Education, suffixes

Communion and teppresence are similar by the fact that those and other derivative is the foundation.

If we talk about the verbalies of the imperfect species, the basis of the verb of the present time is taken and suffix is \u200b\u200bassigned to it - but- or - i-.

  • Watchtop - Storam; shiny - brightness; move - moving; Breathe - breathing.

There are a number of verbs, from which the formation of verdicism is not possible: Plow, stove, sew, dance.

If we talk about the designers of the perfect species, they should be formed from the basis of the infinitive. At the same time, suffixes are involved -On-, -the, -h-. For example, write - writing, writing; Bring - bring.

Thus, the spelling of the suffixes of communion and verbalism depends on the type of verb producing the base, its lining. Sometimes it is necessary to take into account the view (especially it applies to verbalism). Switchy suffixes and verbalities of various meanings should be known by heart, then their correct writing of difficulties will not cause.

Spelling is not with communion and verdicts

It should be said about one orfogram, often increasing difficulties. How to write a particle not, Communion and Templocoming. The rules relating to the latter are fairly simple: with verbality, this particle is written separately, except for words without it not used. For example: without making, without thinking, without grabbing, do not bring, but indigeting, hating.

Communion will be written with not separately in the following cases:

  1. He has dependent words. In other words, if there is no single sacrament, and the involvement of the turnover (flowers, not torn yesterday, bloomed in all their glory).
  2. The offer has opposition built using the Union but (It was not faded, but quite fresh flowers).

Ply not With the parties will be written outside the involuntary revolutions: the incessant shower, the NESSAKA field, unreaded book.

Also written ply with not Communions that without this particle are not used: indigrant, hate.


  • generalization and systematization of students' knowledge on the topics "Communion" and "Tempecility";
  • fastening the practical ability to find in the text of communion and verbalism, involved and verprized turns;
  • consolidation of the ability to make a monologue statement on a linguistic subject;
  • development of logical thinking, skills of independent work with the text;
  • education of the sense of mutual work, the development of interest in reading through analytical work with the text of the story N.V.Gogol "Taras Bulba".

Type of lesson:combined lesson for applying Zun.

Method: Reproductive and creative, visual-shaped.


  1. Table "N.V.Gogol. "Taras Bulba".
  2. Informant card (4 options).
  3. Cards for individual work.
  4. Castle "Distinctive features of communion and verbalism" (filled in the course of the lesson).
  5. Individual counters for calculating earned points.


They [Communions] serve as a reduction in the human word, concluding in themselves the name and verb strength.

M.V. Lomonosov

[Conditional turns] are a basic book speech. The undoubted advantage ... lies in their brevity and dynamicity. They are also inherent great expressiveness

D.E. Ortental

During the classes

I. Announcement of the theme and objectives of the lesson.

Guys! We have completed the study of the "Communion" and "Tempecility". Today in the lesson we generalize and systematize your knowledge by drawing up a table "Distinctive features of communion and verbalism." What is the table for which you need? First, as it was already said to systematize your knowledge, because the knowledge listed in the system remains firmly and for a long time. Secondly, perhaps some of you have to give an oral exam in Russian on the final certification at the end of grade 9. In this case, the table compiled by us will help you quickly remember all the information about the communion and verbalia. Thirdly, which is especially important, you can draw up similar comparative tables on other topics.

At home, you have prepared examples of proposals with involved and consistent turns from the story of N.V.Gogol "Taras Bulba", which will be used when drawing up a table. Each of you also have an informant card, from where you can take examples to illustrate one or another position of the table.

During the lesson, you will independently calculate earned points. The class is divided into two teams. At the end of the lesson, when a winner team is determined, that of you who will bring the most victims of the team to the winning team will receive an additional evaluation.

II. Epigraph.

Epigraphs are chosen to our lesson, but before they appear on the board, determine what they are talking about.

(The teacher reads the epigraphs, the guys add missing words: communion, particle prune.)

III. Drawing up a table.

What grammatical signs are the communion and verbalism? What features will we compare them?

(Students call a grammatic sign, then tell how it is manifested in the communion and welcoming. The teacher at that time fills the table on the board. It is better to prepare cards in advance and attach them to the board with magnets.

For each position of the table, children lead examples from homework or from an information card).

Distinctive signs of communion and verbalism
Grammatical signs Participle Tempecios
1. What question answers? What? What? What?

Thinking, woven, told

What do you do? What made?

Playing, admiring

2. What does it mean? Sign of subject by action: man who thinks - Thinking man Extreme action: watched, admiring
3. What word does the sentence refer to? To the name noun: falling leaves; Sons who studied in Bursa To the verb: went, indifferent looking around
4. How does it change? On cases, numbers and childbirth: looking - looked; Looking - looked; Looking, looked, looked, etc. Does not change
5. What signs of verb has? View, time, refund: looking - glanced; laughing View, Return: looking, looking by looking at
6. How to form (suffixes)? ast - Yasch (looking);

hearing (melting);

vS, S. (built, carrying)

ohm-them (slave, visible, readable);

eNN, NN, T (seen, read, compressed)

and I (looking, hearing)

in, lice, shi (donning, stopping, persecuted)

7. What a member of the sentence is (syntactic role)? Definition: And brought to the shaft twisted by the ropes of the Cossacks. Circumstance: Under their thin roots, the swirls of the partridge, stretching out their necks.
8. How is the punctuation marks stand out on writing? The involvement of turnover is allocated by commas, if it is after the word determined: She tried to the head of the expensive sons of their who were lying nearby. Single verbatility and the particlepoty turnover are always allocated by commas: Skidy, she looked at her eyes.

Vi. A connected story on a linguistic subject.

For one representative from each team pulls the ticket and answer the questions: "What do I know about the communion?" Or "What do I know about the verprica?"

During the response, the class listens carefully and reviews the answer.

V. Individual work on cards or graphic dictation.

(at the discretion of the teacher)

Summing up the lesson.

The result is supplied by individual counters:

26-28 points - "5";

22-25 points - "4";

17-21 score - "3".

The student from the winning team, who scored the most points, receives an additional estimate "5".

Communion and greeting fees are as mentioned above, to unqualified verb forms.

Participleit is the form of a verb and adjective and denotes a sign of the subject by action. Like the verb, the communion has a deposit (valid and suffering), changes in time, may have dependent words with him (the involvement of the turnover).

Valid communities indicate a temporary feature as an action that is produced or produced by the subject: writing, thinking speaking.

In the actual communities of the present time formed from the verbs of the lifting, the suffixes are written -the- (cutting, part)and suffixes -, -, -in the communions formed from verbs (talking, screaming). From verb torturefood is formed frozing.

Paddative communities denote a temporary feature as an action that is subjected to or subject to another figure: encouraged, engraved, obtained, obtained.

Sufifixes are written in the suffering communities of the present -eat-, ---, If they are formed from the verbs of 1 Hinding (readable), and suffix -them-if they are formed from verbs (audible). Participle movableeducated from the old verb drive

In the suffering germinals of the past time formed from verbs on "Tay," sayThe verbal infinitive suffix is \u200b\u200bpreserved in front of the formation suffix -and I-(Specifies - specified, start - designed). If the verb in infinitive ends on -The, ",",, ", then the sacrament is formed by suffix -One- (-en-): To see - seen, take out - exported, save - saved.

On spelling in communion n.or nN. It was said above.

Temploying -unqualified verb form that combines the grammatical properties of the verb and adverb. The above form denotes additional actions associated with the action of the verb-fag.

Teperysty have two forms: imperfect and perfect species. The verbalia of the imperfect species is formed on the basis of the verb present, with the help of suffixes -and I (breathe - breathing, play - playing). Verbs that are based on infinitive suffix -Youin the form of verbalism, they retain it, although in the form of the present time this suffix may not be: strust - undress - undressing, get up - get up - getting up.There are a number of verbs of an imperfect species, from which verbalias are not formed: mine, able, lie, oven, writeand etc.

The performances of the perfect species are formed from the basis of the infinitive of the verbs of the perfect species with the help of suffixes -It, he hadif the base ends onto the vowel, and with the help of suffix -Shiif founded for consonants: open - opening, reveal - expanded, bring - bring. From some verbs of the perfect species, the perfect species are formed using suffixes -and I:to go through - after passing, to lead - leading, voyage.

Task 85.Spin the phrase, inserting the missed letters.

1. Kisleni ... from the wind banners, depend on the circumstances from us, the pysh ... healthy face, leaf ... the doctor, boron ... Peoples, cotton, cotton ... School in the kitchen Mistress, Strip ... scent, count ... , hating ... The enemy is ready ... A student is ready for the exams, it dreked ... "I am hearing ... a signal, a steel ... The fog, La ... a dog, re ... Banners, knowing ...

2. SERVISION ... BOOLS, NOUT ... Aya door, shot ... oh weapons, shooting ... th traitors, Suspend ... OE Dough, Suspend ... Cleaning the crime, firmly ... Byhi tea, full ... Awards man, cure ... OE window, Hurry up ... after checkboxes, sustained ... screens, dry mushrooms.

Task 86.Insert the missed orfograms and shows. Find the communion and explain their spelling.

1. It is good that they live on the light ... People of any ... Lights (Svetlov). 2. I think ... h (not) can be the end of a little shit ... "BUT (C) Dali, but I am happy that I was a celebration (N, NN) Earth Day! (Buses). 3. Rusty large leaves of the dead (H, NN) o w ... Lestels hesitated ... Mohy the wind but (not) fall out (Sholokhov). 4. My eyes suddenly ... There was a low sludge near the field of the edge of ... by pea (Turgenev). 5. Lukyanych Answer ... Rail a narrow door of Clee ... Jooy (Turgenev). 7. It was good to look at a time ... the Beach's shore ... about the clock ... Lastly listen to the difference ... Losy noise of water (Sholokhov). 8. Pechorin Man Decisive Alc ... "Alarms and Storms (Belinsky). 9. For thoughts, breathing strengths like a beads forth? Smiling words (Lermontov). 10. Detention brief ... time ... Aya Mera PR ... Needing ... May to the person of the suspect ... Moma in perfect ... PR ... steps. 11. The circumstances of the definition of the right ... The dimension of the detention of the priest ... The stench can be pouring on the relevant ... smiling to the fact of the prior ... mortar and the implementation of the pro (C, SS) and detention itself. 12. And only the writers of the region ... the gift of improvisation can write without a twist plan (paustovsky). 13. Quickly there is a ... Silent PR ... leads to himself and most time ... Yar ... s (Makarenko). 14. Obviously solves ... a second role in this purchase ... With ... County History of the Golden Rosa of the story ... Aya Jeweler Liker (Powesta). 15. And my feelings began to play together with the ... After I can hear ... I would like (С) at home (Green). 16. (c) Friend, with Zac ... with a felt heart, I hear ... L live ... trembing ... Bang of violins (Green). 17. MUCH ... MY (NOT) Patience Beezh ... NCCs turned their belongings into nodes (field). 18. But the steamer went to an alien country in England where the laws (not) is ... We and cruel to simple, poor people (falcons Mikitov).

Task 87.Insert the missed letters into the shapes below. By comparing communion with the appropriate infinitive forms, explain the spelling.

The worsen ... ny, tweeted, headed ... No, creap ... ny, tinker, ... ny, still ... ny, shot ... ny, comfortable, turn off ... ny, fitted ... ny, straightened ... No, destroyed ..., the convention ... ny, millet ... ny, decorate ... ny, hear ... ny.

Task 88.Dream verification from the data below the verbs. Mark verbs that have no forms of verbalia.

To be, beat, return, go out, moving, ride, go, wait, sing, sorry, light, go, frozen, lock, go, disappear, scat, drag, suffer, draw, wear, wear, respond, bring, bring, To be confused, tear, say, to face, move, sink, go blind, see, be able to hear, want.

Task 89.Spariate the text by inserting the punctuation marks. Highlight the verbalism and considerable speed.

Out of the bushes with Leaw, sheepdog rolled out. Kozlov gave a short queue. The dog knocked through his head hit the stump and calmed down. Also a short queue saving the cartridges he met the second. Only this turnover in the air jumped jumped fell again jumped up the screaming on the whole forest shouting almost humanly. Then he began to ride on the ground Sometimes climbing the back paws and the front wrapped his head as if trying to shake out to scratch the laying bullet there. After making sure that the dog was wounded deadly Kozlov turned to his partner who stood in a militant posture holding a machine with both hands for the trunk. Without taking off, he looked at the dog inflating the dog with horror in the agony, licking his lips. Then they no longer stopping and not talking to the flights of the raw with ravines (Borodin).

Task 90.Control. Insert the missed orfograms and shows. Highlight in the text of the verbs, communion and verbalism, disassemble them in the composition.

1. Verks on small horses ... We go to the empty ... oh Mount Karadag l ... Visit the hunting ... Their Orlov of Berkuts. I have to the saddle of the priest ... Eli ... And the eagle ... Aya Network from the satellite of my khali in the hand of the manka. In D ... Lin ... Mountain Karadag We put Eagles ... I will have a network so that a chamber of the Eagle could freely ... Throw in her hole and remain? Sia in the network BE (C, SS) IT RA ... Pushing the wing …I. (C) Nutre of this network ... Wow Shattra We are left ... Mr ... Welcome heart and hitch yourself ... msya in the near ... y p ... Shcher ....

To RA (C, SS) veta in the dark p ... Shcher ... The famous hunter on the Berkuts khali me (with, ss) Kaz ... Va ... t about eagles as they are on hunt ... fishing ... t hail l ... mute them back and if with Mal ... the shoots of the priest ... to have even a wolf east ... naval ... bold. We are sh (with, ss) veta ... then there is a conversation ... m about eagles and when start ... on ... t stiff and h ... a row mountain (for) to the ride ... t ... t ... m as one eagle business ... t Circle over our d ... Lina. Flying his such joint venture ... Coyne, - each ... tsy, these boys snakes launched and where (TO) Hold ... t (no) appearance ... My thread. He made a circle over our d ... Lina and disappeared on the vertices ... Mountains: Of course, it's noticeable ... l production but immediately take (not) R ... seated. True, he will advise there ... Bar with his own or other ... Ver ... l The farm thought a hundred ... T whether the risk ... Watch (Svtain).

P. In the forest I am pr ... I went to RA (C, SS) Waste a latch ... the tree tackle ... she sewed the mank lies ... lived on the edge ... Forests and waited when the day comes. Quiet. Everything is frozen in a strong ax ... Through the sir ... Wattoo MGLU is visible under the mountain wide ... meadows; They are RA ... Reza ... Volga swung over her and Ra ... Rasta fused ... Lee in the fog. Far behind the forests of the meadow ... howling in the ... Turn ... T (not) Hurrying in the area ... Awesome Sun on h ... rich forests of forests Woven ... We have lights and start ... on ... T? Xia Country ... OE TRACK ... ALL faster gets fog with meadows and silver? Xia in sunshine? number beam And behind him, it's folly ... Mut? Xia from Earth bushes of trees ... I'm a stack of a meadow of meadow? But that ... t under the sun and t ... Kut in all sides (reddish) Golden . Here is the sun to ... Did quiet water at the shore, - each ... t? Xia that the whole river was served where the sun plunged. Looking at the above it is Rados ... NEO BL ... Gosl ... Vlya ... T Greek ... t Ogola ... I drove the earth and the earth and the land of the Sla ... kimi smells of autumn. PR ... zrach? I'll poke ... called ... t Earth a huge be ... finished? But Ra ... widespread her. All floats (c) Dal and Man ... t to reach the blue edges of the earth. I am a view ... L Sunrise in this place dozens of times and always in front of me p ... A new world was waiting for a new beautiful (bitter).

Specifying Nasrachchi

TO naschaim There are unchangeable words that indicate a sign of action, state, quality or other feature: he spoke excitedly, perfectly made, very beautiful, extremely far away. Morphologically adverbs do not change, so they do not have such a formotional morpheme as the end. High-quality adverbs formed from high-quality adjectives with suffixes -O, -e,may be compared to: quickly - faster, boldly - bolder.

In adverbs formed from the names of adjectives, after the hissing is written the final suffix -about,and in an unstressed position - suffix -:hot, above, singered, good.Exception is a word yet.

Adcharations with consoles v-, for-,educated from brief adjectives, have a finite suffix -about(re-maintained, tightly, left, completely, alive).Adcharations of the same origin with consoles due to-, End of suffix -but (Self, has long been, again, occasionally, you have something, dryness).

There is a mp3ge and defisid writing of adverbs with consoles. From the shortcomings should be distinguished by phraseological units, which are along with the word nominative linguistic unit. Frameological units consist of components, outwardly reminiscent words: without silence, on the go, under proud, under the chef (suphe, under-chief), for memory and others. Component-pretext in the composition of phraseological circulation is written separately. It should not be told about the separate writing of the adventure, as it is to contradict the situation on the morphem organization of the word: the word consists of the smallest significant parts (prefix, root, suffix, ending, postfix), which in general form its lexical meaning. Morphemes, being structural components of the word, can be written either ply, or through a hyphen. Therefore, such units without tired, before you fall, in retaliation, in exchange, under the skeins, at hand, under the side, behind the castle They are not adverbs, since they are a separate-appliance nominative unit - phraseological units.

Pryingly with the prefix are written in the following cases: a) if formed by connecting complete forms of adjectives or pronouncements with pretexts: often, thoroughly, close, blindly, at all, in a draw;but: openly ; b) if the conjunction of predictions with brief adhesives is formed: you have a good, dying, bravely;c) if formed by connecting prepositions in and on the with collective numerical: twice, sun; but: two ; d) if adverias have in their composition such nominal shapes, which in modern Russian are outdated: widow, locked, revealed, splashing, surprise, the ground, sick;but: fully arms, in all ; e) if there are nashias have root morphemes top, bottom, deep, century, wide, in front, ass, coming, distance, beginning, endwith spatial and temporary meaning: on top, book, distance, wrench, back, first;e) if adverb is formed by connecting another adverb with a pretext: as long as forever, the day after tomorrow.

There should be an adverium from the homonymous forms that are written with the prettage-prefix separately. For example: put on a capand turn on the right side, the next morning made a campaignand appointed a meeting at morning, did not see the fatherand twenty years old.

Through the hyphen (half-spot writing), adveria are written: a) with the prefix by-formed from full adjectives and pronouns and having suffixes - Oh, ... (SK, C, B) -Ah:in Turkish, in its own, still, fastened, in my opinion;b) formed from ordinal numerals with the prefix v- (in-):secondly, fifth;c) formed by the repetition of the same word or the same basis: barely barely lit, exactly in-point, after all, firmly firmly;as well as a combination of two synonymous words: an unexpectedly negudno, to a short-lived;d) having suffixes -To, or, and console cDsomehow, in some way, somewhere, sometime.

Task 91.Insert the missed suffixes in adverbs. Make up with these adverbs of phrases.

Dreams ..., DOCING ..., HOOD ..., HERE ..., ELEMENT ..., CER ..., BURNING ..., brazen ..., raided ..., light up ..., Equate ..., Dove ..., Dark ..., Duck ..., daughter ..., Dothemn ...

Task 92.Data from the words below the words of adverbs, use them in a phrase or offer.

Distance, hand-to-hand, good luck, head, fame, century, time, peace, face, trip, row, power, autumn, evening, summer, relatives, truth, right, left, hot, singeling, Russian, friendly, red, long-time, Courage, legitimate, bear, former, English, excited, serious, creamy.

Task 93.From these phrases, write only phrases with adverbs. Justify your choice.

Go (c) deep forest; Something seen (c) gave; (c) the time is sewn; leaving (c) deep; (s) time to come; (c) testing time; (for) evil does not need to answer evil; (c) dense mass of air; do (c) quiet; go track (c) trail; (s) seminar time; lower the head (k) bottom; make (for) evil; (c) stretching to talk; approach (c) dense; (for) the morning fell snow; (on) how much can be judged; (on) the eve of doing; (c) the secret lies the answer; fight (c) hand-to-hand, send shoes (c) stretching; (c) secrets to prepare a surprise; wear coat (c) cape; to burn (before) (by) the top of the fence; dressed (c) cape from silk; (k) the bottom of the cabinet substitute; climb (c) back; leave (c) the end of the aller; Take off (c) from heavenly; (by) Good advice; (by) to make my example; partition (by) kind; make (by) to mine; long (long) known; Enlarge (c) two.

Task 94. Pick the synonyms for adverbs.

1. The work had to start sysons .... 2. He looked (c) high. 3. I (s), I did not understand what they were told. 4. Friend offended (C) hot. 5. Made (IP) sending. 6. Watch (IP) beats. 7. This is known (from) long.

Task 95.Insert the missing letters. Explain the writing of the adverbs, disassemble them in the composition.

1. We walked expensive, solosh ... covered by last year's leaf ... yami (Kuprin). 2. The axes ... they the day was a tusk and zuda, and the air (not) is moving the gagh ... (Bryusov). 3. Friendly (c) beings, since they took (for) a husband? Two sisters (Tvardovsky). 4. He (by) French is perhaps ... Overall from ... Clear? Xia and wrote (Pushkin). 5. The beast went, and I decided to shoot (for) good luck (Arsenyev). 6. Doors and windows in this house were a cross (for) Cross Zak ... LODER ... S TESE (POUST). 7. Almost every tree was accrued (c) the top (to) bottom of the wild grapes, (c) the bottom densely grew a dark thundernant (L. Tolstoy). 8. The book was an offset ... and (for) praise (Aksakov). 9. The path is running through the meadow, dives (c) lion ..., (c) rights .... Where (not, nor) look, flowers (s) circle and knee the grass (Surikov). 10. Draw? Smiling with the language (Code) How does it mean and think (Code) as: (no) accurate ..., pr ... lyyceann ..., (no) Verne ... (A.N. Tolstoy). 11. Where (TO), when (TO) for a long time (long ago), I read one poem (Turgenev). 12. Pulled wilderness (for) meeting the sun and warmth, and, (for) Strazh? Opening windows, spring pass ... t in Selu (Isakovsky). 13. We sniff ... ruined the caravan of seven camels and at the end of August went (c) four (c) deposit of Mongolia (hoophev). 14. Good (not) breaking ... Council ... o with beauty (Sukhomlinsky). 15. Where (not, nor) when everything was empty ..., goal ..., now mlading grove spawned (Pushkin). 16. (for) Morning all bl ... Stit and tremble ... t fresh greens (KUPER). 17. One to you (under) to become your affairs, (s) of the eyelid (s, ss) Mentein is the feat of your and ... Conference (Tvardovsky). 18. Cases ... Oh (for) Spif - Cut ... Oh (for) Laughter. (Proverb). 19. Words there (here), and the case (not, nor) where. (Proverb). 20. (for) Siln ... MIL (not) Bud ... s. (Proverb). 21. (software) Furthers ... Well ... s - (by) near ... WHO? Mat. (Proverb). 22. Any bird (by) to its burdock ... t. (Proverb).

Spelling predos

Prepositionsthey are service linguistic units that are a means of syntactic subordination of names with the subject value to other nominative units in the proposal and phrase.

According to the structure, the prepositions are divided into simple (through, about, before), and complex (because of, from under).

According to the form of education, the prepositions are divided into non-derivatives (primitive): in, on, without, when, k, y - and derivatives formed from significant speech parts: towards, by means, despite, thanks to.

Outable words and service phrases are the prepositions.

Prepositions are written with nominative units having a substantive value, separately : (For fun, across the road).

Complex prepositions due to, from under, around above, in favor They are written through a hyphen.

Delivered prepositions picked in view, instead, inside, it seems, following, due to meeting, in the way, like, on the contrary, about, in the middle, over, throughand others. Some of them are sympathized with the proposed-case combinations. For example: due to the diseaseand join in consequence; like leverand in the famous princely race.

Separately writhe phraseological prepositions in the form, in connection with, in continuation, during, in conclusion, to the measure, in the area, in contrast to, in continuation, by virtue, with help, with the help of, in order to, with the aim of, except for account, as it takes, due to the deduction, taking into accountet al. They can also have homonymic compliance among other nominative units. So, be in conclusion and in the conclusion of the article; During the riverand for a time.

Derived from derivatives due to, like, like, in contrast to continued, in conclusionand some others on the end are speaking a vowel letter -

Task 96.Determine which part of the speech are the selected words.

1.Where (then) far (c) Friend Orchestra stuck ... (paustovsky). 2. ... the flow of people rolled (for) Meeting He from the east (paustovsky). 3. . (Software) The streets were built ... s (not) High Ba (P, PR) of Ikadi (Powesty). four. (C) continue ... Day (not) How many times Anna Nach ... Salted talk about sincere affairs (L. Tolstoy). 5. Bombs rushed (c) close Cities (Azarov). 6. (In spite of The bright color of his hair, his mustache and eyebrows were ... Ryny (Lermontov). 7. Now I told about it as I learned (c) consequences ... (Aksakov). eight. (C) conclude ... The old people asked Mironich (not) touched (Aksakov). 9. I give you the word that (c) continue ... This year, everything will be done (N, NN) O (Aksakov). 10. (C) consequence ... Of such frequent rains (not) in touch ... There is a lot of ... mushrooms (Aksakov). 11. The predictions of the reverse (H, NN) were justified (c) consequences ... With literal accuracy (Aksakov). 12. Nadezhda Alekseevna looked at her (c) trail (Turgenev). 13. Gagin. (during… The conversation hinted to me on what (TO) difficulties (Turgenev). 14. ... I filed a hand to the princess, and she (not) left her ( c) continue ... Whole walk (Lermontov). 15. Old duck, (in) The approximated separation, reluctant to her daughter-cripples with a dweller ... oh tenderness (Mamin-Sibiryak). sixteen. (C) communications (c)bad weather airport was closed. 17. (C) correspondence ... With the instructions of specialists, we started working (by) new. 18. We enrolled (by) their own (regardless ofcompetitions of friends. nineteen. (Not) looking Neither the tractor drive came out of the garage. 20. I was scared to see ... h what (s) (for) Like ... boats.

Task 97.Make proposals with pretexts according to, due to the emergence, despite, less, with the exception, in contrast to, in accordance with, in connection with.

Task 98.Prepositions that consist of two components, emphasize with one feature; three-component pretexts - two features; Wavy line to highlight the prepositions with a dephysic writing.

1. (c) the lifestyle ... year construction was finished ... about. 2. (c) connection with the delay in the way we have ... were an hour later. Z. (c) the difference ... From my friend I loved this city. 4. (by) relations to cases, he often showed carelessness. 5. (c) continued ... in the morning it was immersed in arithmetic calculations. 6. My parents (c) difference ... from many of their subservit ... Nikov could not get a higher education. 7. (FROM) Under the milled cedar, he ... dit hut. 8. (From) the mountains still ... did not rise the sun. 9. Tickets will be sold? Sia (by) arrive ... Trains. 10. (No) looking at fatigue, we were diligently practiced. 11. (c) conclude ... We asked everyone to leave (by) the same. 12. (c) Communication with the evacuation of the plant The work was ... stopped ... a. 13. (c) Different ... from other athletes pl ... the EAS trained much ... more. 14. (from) why the dispute broke out? 15. Running the stream (from) under the roots of the old tree. 16. (c) Consequence .. I did not regret the decision.

Spelling of unions

Unions There are service units of the language used as a means of communication between members of the sentence, parts of a complex proposal. The importance and grammatical functions of the Unions are divided into writing (and, but, however, but yes, and)and subordinates (To, when, what).

Vary lexical (also, and, or)and phraseological (in order to, with the difference that)unions.

According to the method of education, non-produced (or, yes)and derivatives (but, with the help of the fact that)unions.

Attention in writing requires derivatives of alliances.

1. Soyuz but It is a junk written word. By meaning it is close to the Union but:Motherland did not wait for them, but they could not live without their homeland (Pikul). This union must be distinguished from the preposition. per and index pronouns then:Hide the tree.

2. Unions too, alsothey are written into one word and are synonyms. They need to be distinguished from adverb so,proponion that and particles same Compare: Orphographic errors in this note were not, there were also punctuation marks; We are the same as you are ready for the exam.In the first example of the Union also connects parts of a complex sentence, it is synonymized by the Union and.In the second example, before us, the combination of adverbs so and particles samewhich can be omitted because it does not have an independent value, but it serves only to enhance the feature.

3. Subordinate Soyuz to It is also written into one word and refers to the category of verification: To eat fish, you need to climb into the water. (Proverb). It should be distinguished from pronouns what and particles would:What would seem to be needed a plush such death of such products(Gogol). If a would be It is a particle, it can be transferred to another part of the proposal or a combination: whatever he did - that he would do. Pronoun what In this case, it will indicate a speech, without calling it.

4. picked with would be Also outdated unions in order, kaba, allegedly.They are stylistically painted and are the belonging of spoken speech: Kaby everything was in order, it is not necessary to worry.

5. Union writes into one word moreover,and the preposition for and pronouns tom and than - apart. Compare: He returned in two hours and received the same answer, and Lacia looked at him somehow (Turgenev); What have our relationship?

6. Separately writes phraseological unions not that is not that, that is, in order to, because, so, while, while, with the condition that and etc.

Task 99.Stress the unions. Explain their writing.

1. And that (if it) she (nor) did, for which (if it) (not, nor) was accepted, everything went out beautifully and how (TO) touchingly (Turgenev). 2. I stopped that (if) the last time to look at the lake (Arsenyev). 3. Plants stood silent, then (also) empty. 4. Singing I did not get carried away, (from) the fact that the words were (not) are understandable. 5. Sheet our quiet, for (TO) calm (Lermontov). 6. The catch (not) is rich, for (TO) are all satisfied (Melnikov-Pechersky). 7. Grandma told me fairy tales and his life, then (s) like a fairy tale (bitter). 8. The quality of products has increased, with (volume) the cost of it remained the same. 9. Dersu said goodbye to everyone, (for) the one nodded my head and went (Arsenyev). 10. Onegin "Branil Homer, Foocrit; For (TO), he read Adam Smith and was a deep economy, (that) I could know how to judge how the state is rich "(Pushkin). 11. In all movements, there was no negligence, (not) then fatigue (Turgenev). 12. I am surprised, (from) what these poems you like (Turgenev). 13. It has taken a special expression, (not) that suspicious, (not) then daring (Turgenev).

Task 100.Write the selected words correctly. Determine which of them are alliances, and which formations are ionic.

1. The degree stopped same)suddenly, asand started (yang). 2. She completely grazed (for) thentime that we have not seen (paustovsky). 3. And all same)our earth was beautiful in the colon silver brilliance (Turgenev). 4. (not) for (TO)wolf beat that gray, and for (TO)that the sheep ate. (Proverb). 5. All night Vasilis Egorovna could not fall asleep and could not guess, what ()it was in her husband's head, what ()she could not know (Pushkin). 6. What ()with me, it would be believed that my last thought would be about you (Pushkin). 7. (From whatdo you ever get out of your croutons and you will not transfer the news on your mighty wings about the dying brother? (Provine) 8. They say that in the family is not without a freak, also)it turned out to be a family at the soup (Privine). 9. He slept for almost two and a half hours and woke up (from)What has become light (Simonov). 10. Explained him (what fori need it (Svienne). eleven. (For) those Gardens and gardens began with palicol. 12. (When)persistence, which manifested the master, the work was quickly finished. 13. (From)Who is not sweet, and the gift has been picked up. (Proverb). fourteen. (What forgo, you will find. (Proverb). 15. He decently writes, draws also)thumbs up.

Task 101.Connect simple proposals to complex with the help of phraseological and lexical subordinate unions.

1. In the garden already felt autumn. The leaves of our birch remained green. 2. The door opened. He saw a high figure of the ship commander. 3. There were no lights anywhere. Mattled. 4. Since cottages had to return to the city. Straighted rains began. 5. Fear, as you know, a bad adviser. For fear there is cruelty and revenge. 6. He knew his whole life to rejoice. His childhood did not give him any reason for this. 7. I opened my eyes. Morning light filled the room. 8. Stars faded. The forest plunged into dense darkness. 9. The house of creativity writers will be opened in a month. He is completed. 10. Winter is mortal in the coniferous forest. The sky is closed with clouds.

Task 102.Insert the lexical and phraseological writing unions suitable.

1. We sat and listened to how the waves were noisy, running ashore ... Sloping the stones. 2. From the heat ... dust wanted to drink. 3. The door was closed ... not locked. 4. Bridge ... was not, ... flooded. 5. Lights ... light up, ... go out. 6. No wind and sun, and no ... light, ... shadows, ... movement, ... noise. 7. Occasionally ... here, ... the enemy shell broke out there. 8. She did not go, ... sailed, as it seemed to us. 9. ... on the tops of the mountains, ... on the slopes the snow did not hold.

Task 103.Make proposals with structures a) same; I also know; also a word; same; also good; also needed;b) also good; Also far; as well as; also did not know; also came; Also I would have arrived.

Task 104.Write out of the works of scientific, educational, journalistic and fiction, sentences with alliances as if; Not that - not that; With that condition that; with the calculation that; with (that) goal to; in order to; because; while; How, because.

Using uppercase letters

From the capital letters are written their own names of the animals; Names of historical events and epochs (Petrovskaya Epoch, Renaissance, Ancient Rome); Names of congresses, conferences, congresses (Geneva conference);names of significant dat. (The first of May);geographical names (Kara Sea);names of top posts and higher honorary titles (President of Russia); Names of documents, monuments of antiquity, works of arts, literary works (New Testament, King Bell);astronomical names (Venus, Earth)etc.

The title of historical events, epochs and geological periods that are not named are written from the lowercase letters. (antique world, feudalism, glacial);names of unofficial character (month security month;first word in the name of various posts and titles (Marshal Aviation, Prime Minister of India).

Task 105.Rewrite, replacing where it is necessary, the lowercase letter is upper.

Civil War, Berlin Conference, Borodino Battle, Tripolskaya Culture, Patriotic War of 1812, Bulavinsky Uprising, Middle Ages, Poltava Battle, First World War, Ancient Rus, Ancient Egypt, Cross Camping, Bronze Age, Romanticism, Kursk Battle, International Women's Day , New Year, Victory Day, Day of Scientific Creativity, Scientific and Methodological Conference, Meeting Day Graduates, Russian Federation, Chelyabinsk Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Bible, Gospel, Goose Crystal City, Village Vishera, South Urals, Middle Urals, North Caucasus, Misty Albion (England), Country of Morning Freshness (Korea), Country Sheet (Canada), Criminal Code of Russia, Labor Code.

Task 106.Correctly write the names of literary works and works of art.

Roman Fathers and Children, Message to Chaadaev, ballet Sleeping Beauty, ballet Nutcracker, Opera Aida, textbook Russian language and speech culture, Methodical manual Culture Speech lawyer, Poem Dead souls, newspaper Evening Chelyabinsk, Magazine Spark, Film Love and Pigeons, film screenplay Crime and punishment, D.E. Tental questions of Russian spelling, comments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, a study guide Criminal executive right.

Task 107.Give examples of use in the written speech of uppercase letters. Use literary texts of different styles: official-business, scientific, journalistic, artistic.

Control dictates

Ancient Kiev

Iron ... Seed a thought ... oh in Kiev started ... hp century. The city was surrounded (little) speed ... Dead forests and pins ... thick high herbs steppe. The power is about ... The Ronimal shaft is a snatch ... Schona St ... linen degrees from the Polovtsy and other worm of the nomads. Did you have to get to the city trait? Passing the gate (s, s) of olted (l, l) bvov and (l, l) nuclear. These gates in X1 and the HP of the eyelids were accounted for ... Dili fierce ... scrapping with enemies b ... Gatyr software ... Dinky (on) like the whole city.

Pri ... Kraschen was (D, D) Jersa Kiev with his intimidated ... by the Teremes and (Zlato) with the top temples of Kame ... and the trees ... by the palaces (no) ... Fast towers with rounded priest ... Lgovaty bugs with (many) tongues? Ti ... RGAMI on which Ra ... Hardened grandchildren and pr ... grandchildren were ... b ... Gature.

Tatar invasion Kiev was one of the largest and most beautiful ... of the cities of the world. (According to E.I. Siemetrov).

Pushkin Reserve

Who in our country (no) knows ... t (p, p) of the Ushkkinsky corner on (p, p) of the Skovsk region ... (m, m) of Ihalovsky (T, T) Rigorsky (D, D) of the Reven (s, s) in ... Togorsky monastery?

(No) discontinuous bonds ... s These places from life? Yu and Creative ... with the greatness of the poet (r, r) of ossia. Throughout the life? Neither the poet Posh ... Shelved inheritance ... JU (P, P) Skovskaya village of his mother. This is here ... He rode in 1817 and 1819 with young complete rainbow hopes and benefits ... native p ... mlni. Here in the heyday glory spent expelled ... Ikom two long years. Here (not) (for) debt ... to death ... ran away from ... The nexts of the gendarmes Page ... Few and to go ... to have a soul and work. Here the head ... He had picked up ... Ronat his dust.

Pushkin called (m, m) Ihailovskoe ... Utah ... Consecration of Labors and Inhales ... veins ... I. The poet is hot ... I loved this corner of my native land and (not, nor) once ... Tree in his verses ... Storms of meadows and live ... Watching hills Those ... Write Parks and Slim Groves Blue Sofa and "Azure" R ... Miscellaneous Lakes Pr ... Lower the local ... childbirth.

All this is now ... Pts ... Rhodav ... t each other who is ... ns (m, m) Ihailovskoe and (T, T) Rigorskoe (A.Gordin).


When (that) there was a soume-sum ... speech? Naya Taiga. Away ... Her with difficulty samples ... washed without ... me ... Aya speech? Ka.

One day ... they walked on her shores ... they lived the bonfire flame l ... Dry Vereshan lounge ... to the scene ... Valo on h ... rivals from the time of sticky from the shearding trunks of the trunks of the tree ... Ev Spr ... stood in the depths ... SP ... coat waters.

On the other day, start ... Lee in ... pouring the trees ... I build housing. (According to) to others ... they were these (not) about ... the places are difficult ... say. That (Lee) I liked the m ... Gourishing towering over the taiga (not) (by) far on the protian ... The writer side of the Kame River ... bing then (Lee) the river itself. And ... t decided to settle? Sia here (by) (what) (not) was here (roads) (not) reached (n ...) Whose glasses ... (not) (before) Standing (N ...) Whose Hand .

So or etc. ... is so possible ... potassium in the eyelid ... Very Siberian deaf ... man ... all sorts of settlements. And now it was already standing in the winter on the shore (not) how much hurried ... and the beds ... Fragment of the ... scorched ... smoking in the morning ... LTD smoking from pine and cedarous luck ... Eva Domish ... to.

The whole winter people are ... lying on to throw trees and carry them to the shore on the ropes on the gland ... Need to the rolls. And to the trail? Sovieva ... Ko (L, LL) ICh ... The morning of the morning ... elk.

The village ... Even ... And the names (not) was and the river was named Svetha - probably for clean and pr ... zrap? Like a pine resor of water for a quiet temper for the PR ... winds of the shore.

Lesson 10 Spelling of Suffix Comsters, Temperation, Advoca

Wise - spelling work spelling roots with alternation

It is finally outlined by the reason why you've evade the execution of the proposed task. You have not even touched him. Maybe you upset the burnt pie, the creation of your smaller sister? Or maybe you did not turn out to the waters when you leaned over the notebook, did the feather in the ink and became inadvertently put in a klyaksu? But I assume that the case is not at all in the troke or in the absence of clogged paper! Just addition, like the whole mathematics, is not your horse! It is easier for you to write the presentation or firing algae in the aquarium. And in the agricultural industry, you are at the level (Mom praises work in the country), and swimmer you are excellent.

2.. We repeat the rules suffixes of communion

1. In the actual communion of the present, suffixes are written:

· - (-the-)If the communities are formed from the verbs of the Hinding: boring (fight), bubble (bubble), pegs (pegs), chapel (melting), flying (flying), steeking (steam), melting (melting).

· - (-Shis-) breathable (breathe), staggering (sting), dependent (depend), adhesive (glued), praying (pray), praising (praise).

Exceptions: Verbs torture and sizzle Have a communion barzjug and sensible. From verbs torture and measure Two forms are formed: merchant (neutr.) and merchanting (talk.).

Note! In a word future (by origin - communion) suffix - added to the base bud-, so before the suffix should not write extra vowels yu (!).

2. In the suffering communion of the present time (they are formed only from transient verbs of an imperfect type) suffixes are written:

· -eat- (less often -) if the communities are formed from the verbs of the Hinding: organized (organize), oscillated (oscillating), checkm. hi (check) oh.hi (lead) oh.ha (enthev) oh.ha (carry);

· -them-If the communities are formed from the verbs of the II of the Holyness: view themhay (see) hung themha (depend), glue themhay (glue) themany (hear).

Note. Participle movable Educated from outdated verb moving.

3. B. actual communion of past time Before suffix - written the same vowel, which stands in front of the suffix -L- last time (or in front of the suffix -t. indefinitely): cleand cunningand l, Cleand t), Lelei oh (Lellei l, Lele.i h), Nadi oven (Nad.i ly, Nad.i eat).

Communions from type verbs execute - dismiss They differ in vowels in, and in front of the suffix - vS. -, Compare: obysine. chief(lost strength) and obysinand chief (deprived of someone's strength).

IN tempecias in front of suffixes -On-, -Th. - also keeps the same vowel , which stands last time before - (or in uncertain form before : recoverye. in (recoverye. l, recoverye. ), hearbut in (hearbut l, hearbut h), pumpedand stitching (Popperand lyya, Podiedand eat).

6. In suffering communion suffixes after hissing under stress instead about Written her): army e.- Army e.n, Lish. e.- Lish. e.n, commit e.nna (made) - e.n, Oerhich e.- Oerhich. e.n, cut e.small - Redz e.n..

From verb burn and its derivatives are formed by communion using suffix - : lJ yonnjournalyonn y, tightyonn ohzhzhyonn jighfayonn wajayonn bustyyonn say, Izozhyonn born, burneryonn oh (but: sALE eNNoh).

The spelling of the despyrocheans. Sufifixes of Temperics

1. The verbality of the imperfect species is formed From the verbs of the current imperfect type with the help of suffixes or -but (After hissing): advise - advise - to the Councili , stand - stand - one hundredi , knock - knock - puffbut , Fight - Borfish - Bori smiling

The verbs with the suffix -v-, which falls in the present time, form verbality from an indefinite form: recognize - acknowledgmenti , give away - givingi .

Remember. 1) Many verbs of the imperfect species do not have a form of verbalism, such as the verbs to be - hang, berecher), verbs with suffixes -nu- ( wither, chash) and some others ( write etc.).

2) Some verbalia, having lost a sign of time (species), moved to adverbs: silent, lying, sitting, standing.

2. Perfect species of perfect species are formed From the verbs of the past time perfect with the help of suffixes, he (after vowel) and -Sho (After consonant): take - Took -in - Takewrench ; Mustibrate - Ugly - Uglyshi ; merge - merged - ifwrench smiling

Note. Before suffixes, the same vowel is written as the suffix l last time: obide. l - Obid.e. in, throwand l - Kindand in, rastyi l - Rastai in, Narshkbut lya - Narshkbut stick.

Some verbs of the perfect species form verbalia through suffixes -but or -I From the verbs of the future time: find - Find - Findi , exit - I will come out -i , hear - I will hear - hearbut .

4. Practical part

Exercise 1.

Insert the missing letters. Explain the spelling of suffixes: a) valid communcies of the present time; b) the suffering communities of the present.

a) heavily breathing ... "Bor ... Born with a laziness, I hear ... The sound from afar, the steel of the fog, the circumstances are dependent on it, the chalk ... the aggregate mel Built-in building, glue ... Box Bog, Re ... Banners, Forban ... Sick Directive, Badge ... Warriors, Cotton ... Having Hydra The doctor, expensive ... which are ready ... A student is ready for classes, the number of books in the funds, the number of books is logical ...

b) Looking ... My rarity, hard-moving ... My teenager, prove ... My charge, constituted ... My document, occupy ... May post, independent ... May Commission, accusing ... mim in The hijacking of the car, I hear ... My neighbor, the look ... My eclipse, all respect ... My man, I recommend ... May Literature, send ... My letters, not subject ... My tax tax.

Exercise 2.

1) Listen to the far Rocky ... (L. Tolstoy) 2) Something in the hollows is still visible the remains of the ... Snow. (L. Tolstoy) 3) You look at the striped louds of ships, close and far away located on the bay, and on black small points of the boats, moving ... shiny lazuries, and on beautiful buildings of the city, painted by the pink rays of the morning sun, ... on the other side, and for a distant enemy fleet, the lighthouse on the crystal horizon of the sea, and on the foam jets, in which the salt bubbles jump, lifted ... mim oars. (L. Tolstoy) 4) Suddenly strange, barely hearing ... My sound has attracted our attention. (L. Tolstoy) 5) I noticed a special type of juniper, stele ... Long weaves on the ground. (V. Arsenyev)

Exercise 3.Rewrite, paste the missed letters.

1) The dough is well notice ... but. The neighbor was notice ... H in an unpleasant story. 2) the trenches were shelling ... enemy. Running ... scratching ducks still hid in reeds. 3) The walls of the room were the prosle ... are funny wallpaper. 4) Lots ... Aya Book was accidentally found. 5) Note ... After the flaws on time, it was easy to correct. 6) The first sediments appeared on the edge of the early spring fields. 7) The work was over ... on timely.

Exercise 4. Instead of points, place the desired letters in the swinging suffixes.

Clee ... Toy Children, Publishing ... Naya Book, Gon ... Babun Horses Shepherd, Steel ... Baby, Bor ... Born With Element Man, Unloading ... Naya Barge, Shoot .. A rifle, there is no ... Naya oven, planting ... naew, jealous ... Naya Fish, Brozaz ... Breaky Dawn, Waving ... Night Networks, Wax ... Naya Carpets Apartment, Tell .. The wind of the tremba, notice ... nim the dough, build up ... houses of the outskirts, sustained ... noma, namasl ... nyulya pancakes, chalk ... Sing coffee machine, leaf ... integral doctor, pich ... a man's health, a full ... awards Frontovik, dried ... naewwing, dir ... item, I received ... My decision.

Exercise 5. Rewrite by inserting the missed letters in the swinging suffixes.

1. Pechorin is a decisive man, allching alarms and battles (white). 2. Someone visible the remains of the ... Snow. 3. Troshekurov took little about winning the joke ... they are affected (P.). 4. Kalinych spent us in the hut, leaning ... bunches of dry fragrant herbs (Turg.). 5. Falling a large girlfriend ... I am overwhelmed me. 6. We walked in the pavement ... with gray stones of the pavement, mustache ... Yellow foliage. 7. Grandfather Schukar, rapidly inspisible ... My phrase did not have time to cum (Shol.). 8. Under the color ... She was a wide bench with cherry. 9. The key beat from the coast of Russeks, turning ... smiling in a small ravine. 10. Pictures, writing ... with oil paints, were especially attractive. 11. Few pionic lights of the stars reflected in the Souls ... Noah Strojits Lake. 12. Building at home had improving ... one plan. 13. The circumstances are dependent on us changed plans. 14. Students worked on the fields, the floor ... 15. We saw a rare phenomenon - Masha ... the wings of the mill. 16. Gently painted paint ... pink rays of the morning sun. Cherry trees.

Exercise 6. Data from these verbs, form valid and, where possible, the suffering communities of the present time, explain the spelling of the suffixes-(-the-),-(-the-) and -e- (-m-), -th.

Sprinkle, fight, deeper, torture, drive, drive, think, sorry, wish, search, bubble, glue, mock, not in danger, hate, dance, privatize, ride, lead, sow, saline, praise.

Exercise 7. Spish, forming the verbs of the present time from the verbs in brackets.

1. After some time, it could be seen (approach) to the fortress of Anthony, located in the north and in close proximity to the Great Temple (Bulg.). 2. Pale and (bored) A citizen in white socks and white beretics with a tail was sitting at the Viennese chair at the entrance to the veranda from the corner ... (Bulg.). 3. Nikita silently got out of the sleigh and, holding his bathrobe, then (sticking) to him in the wind, then (turn away) and (sick) from him, went to climb in the snow; I went one way, went to another (L. T.) 4. The plays of Gogol is poetry in action, and under the poetry I understand the secrets of irrational, (to know) with the help of rational speech (nab.). 5. Early in the morning, when there was still a man with a (gray) whiskey, with deep, but (shine) as the child, with deep, but (shine), like a child, eyes (Bian.). 6. Cozy in the room, (drove) with carpets and (furnish) with books.

Exercise 8.From these verbs, form the occasionally of the past time with suffixes -VSh- (-Sh-), -y-, -New, -T-. Explain the spelling of these suffixes.

Pour, recover, to use, keep, delay, knead, knead, shoot, piss, marry, crawl, exhaust, disseminate, swallow, glue, shoot, moisten, accelerate, lose.

Exercise 9. Rewrite offers by inserting missed letters. Specify the verb in brackets from which the sacrament is formed. Recognize communion suffixes and explain their spelling.

1. Ripple ... a border of the unclear fog scraps of past years stand in front of me (P. Germ.). 2. When the adoptive famous psychiatric clinic, recently recently ... nnu near Moscow on the banks of the river, came out with a sharp beard and clouds ... Night in a white robe, was half the second night ... there was an extremely agitated poet Ryukhin (Bulg.). 3. Other, loaded fresh beats, rope with crossbars, rope, shovels and axes (Bulg) moved behind the wagon of convicts. 4. Margarita flew is still slowly in the desert and unknown terrain, over the hills, mustache ... other rare boulders, lying between individual huge pines (Bulg.). 5. In the gray vest, the runa ... Shee to the east, the blue windows appeared (Bulg.). 6. And finally, it also sounded and dried ... a birth to the fountain. 7. At the crowded ... the vibrations of the wallpaper remained bright squares from the made engravings and photographs (Nag.). 8. Hung from the edge of a pile of a snowdrift, a rareling of Nikita's fall, poured on him and fell asleep him in the snow for a column ... (L. T.).

Exercise 10. Insert the letters and indicate which verbs are formed the following communion.

Drying steppe, ZiL ... climbing the surface of the sea, Steel ... Breathing, Clan ... These Toys Children, Dremened ... Baby, Bor ... Born With Element Fisherman, Rhine ... hesitated .-.

justified, justifying ... the fighters, unloaded, unloading ... ny, Lele ... Entertainment, shot ... numey rifle, shot ... ny predator, you pip ... ny, drinking ... ha, broch. .. and OSME ...

jealous ... naya fish, offense ... brother, buying ... Naya book, plan ... Naya Birch, Netova ... Naya oven, osmole ... naya boat, dilute ... ny infusion Herbs, an infusion ... tea smorodine.

Exercise 11.Considering that only transient verbs have suffering communities, and the verbs of the perfect species do not have the communities of the present time, determine how many involved forms have the following verbs.

Sample: read - transition verb, therefore, has valid and suffering communities; imperfect species, therefore, has the communion of the present and past time; Total - four forms of communion: reading, readable, read, readable.

Conduct, command, grieve, sweep, put it, delay, imagine, insist, summarize, explore, fail, learn, respond, capture.

Exercise 12. Extract the suffixes of the lead apartments.

1. Scribe ... mighty hands, head empty ... on the chest, goes and go to the steering wheel and quickly starts on the road (L.). 2. Feelings ... close end of the wanders, Alexey Pass, without filler ... forces, not rest ... (B. Pol.). 3. Timokhin is frightened and bewildered ... looked at his commander (L.T.). 4. And the old bouffer was little hot enough, it was hot, finally got angry at all, got up because of the table and, pepper ..., stunned by the nurse (G.). 5. The old man and the girl passed a few streets, not astrun ... neither soul (B. Pol.). 6. Floors gone along the road. Fighters, Sogre ..., were shimmering around them (O.Lonch.). 7. Beautiful black ... In the gentle greens there are still low tark breads, gri (Turg.). 8. Rain drumped on the roof, accurately heart ... and striking ... 9. Having ... Head, no hair is crying (last).

Exercise 13.From these verbs, form the verbalia of the imperfect look and make up proposals with them. Specify the verbs that cannot be formed by such verbatches.

Touch, shout, run, develop, envy, meet, slow down, take care, look, beat, be recognized, squeal, write, stay, dig, shy, m? Crush, worry.

4. Specifying nareny suffixes:

1) at the end of the nascharch Formed from full adjectives, written:

· Suffix. -about - After hard consonants, for example: long - debt about;

· Suffix. -E. - after soft consonants; eg: outdoor - external e..

2) at the end, the adverbs after the hipging emphasis is written - well: common about? ; without emphasis - -e : singe-C. e..

An exception: yet.

3) at the end of the adverbs formed from brief adjectives with the help of prefixes from (И-), pre-, C- (CO-), is written; eg : occasionally but, deck but, ref but ; with the help of the prefixes, it is written - ; eg: right aboutdirectly aboutRequest about.

4) adcharations with the prefix at the end have -y; eg: for a long time, since inside.

5) at the end of the adverbs (and particles), after hissing it is written. For example: strike, you mean, hear, hiss, typing.

Exceptions: Already married, unbearable.

Practical part

Exercise 1. Insert the letters and explain their spelling.

Step up a lie ..., Reckan ... overtakes a truck, leaving it ..., Long ... Before the order, it will be repaired ..., wipe the chouse ..., occasionally ... wonder To put up late ..., lick the pioneer ..., Nastro ... have a snack, half ... remember.

Exercise 2. Spinit, inserting missed letters. Explain the spelling of suffix -o, -a in adverbs.

1. The windows of the wagon were often brazen ... closed with snow (guide). 2. At the exit from the village, opened to the direction ... and the left ... Wonderful species (Sol.). 3. The mother immediately took a hek from them, because it was frightened, no matter how sorry ... it was not shouted about a wooden ceiling (Hyde). 4. And Reck ..., and the slaves ... the nizin is flowing fog (Nag.). 5. He used such a privilege from a long time ... probably as hospitalized older (Ch.). 6. Kati had a distance to meditation ... (A. T.). 7. The bear roared and exceeds ... fell (wing). 8. I am a dream ... I rewrote the story (paust.). 9. Occasionally ... From the desert station, the beeps of the sole maneuver locomotive (paust.). 10. Shacksky first ... I had seen, then I got used to and started talking (paust.). 11. I indulged in a hunt and almost always returned early or at least laving ... (P.). 12. He washed and beat everyone to apply to the right ... and left ... (paust.). 13. The horse has grown up all ... and therefore Vasily Andreevich turned her left all the time ... (L. T.). 14. I quietly walked, the descendant Zhulka run in front of him is a reference ... to the left ... and the back ..., the scenes ... to the direction ... (arrived.). 15. After two hours, the offensive resumed sysons ... (Sh.).

Exercise 3.Extract adverch.

Request ..., succumb ..., it is ..., I raided ..., darker ..., ike ..., stroke ..., for ahead ..., dothemn ..., so occasionally ..., military ..., Syesons ..., Rotod ..., Dove ..., Sdur ..., Drying ..., to the direction ..., the slaves ... The steppe waiting ... was silent . There was fresh in the parisader ... and Pahochuch .... hot ... Heart beat. The speaker spoke too commonly .... threatening ... a huge shaggy cloud was coming. Blinding ... The sun shone. Learn shiny .... the troops becomes slurry .... the doors are open .... he left .... fell asleep far over full ....

Monologue of angry mathematics

Monologue of angry mathematics

I was lying ... zh, finally, the reason why you were aware of ... root from the execution of an estimation of the task. You're not even a priest ... Sloved to him. Maybe you upset you ... roar pie, tv ... rhenium of your subgroup ... older sisters? Or maybe you did not turn out to be a prom ... Caski, when you sch ... root over a notebook, Obm ... killed a pen into the ink and was inadvertently put a klyaksu? But I supprons ... I gai, that the case is not at all in the ... Rail of the Pie or in the absence of industrial paper! Just climate, like all mathematics, is not your horse! It is easier for you to write a breakfast or subgrist ... Ensure an aqueous ... if in aquarium. And in Otr ... If the agriculture is at the UR ... outside (mom praises work at the cottage), and pl ... Esset you are excellent.

Monologue of angry mathematics

I was lying ... zh, finally, the reason why you were aware of ... root from the execution of an estimation of the task. You're not even a priest ... Sloved to him. Maybe you upset you ... roar pie, tv ... rhenium of your subgroup ... older sisters? Or maybe you did not turn out to be a prom ... Caski, when you sch ... root over a notebook, Obm ... killed a pen into the ink and was inadvertently put a klyaksu? But I supprons ... I gai, that the case is not at all in the ... Rail of the Pie or in the absence of industrial paper! Just climate, like all mathematics, is not your horse! It is easier for you to write a breakfast or subgrist ... Ensure an aqueous ... if in aquarium. And in Otr ... If the agriculture is at the UR ... outside (mom praises work at the cottage), and pl ... Esset you are excellent.

Monologue of angry mathematics

I was lying ... zh, finally, the reason why you were aware of ... root from the execution of an estimation of the task. You're not even a priest ... Sloved to him. Maybe you upset you ... roar pie, tv ... rhenium of your subgroup ... older sisters? Or maybe you did not turn out to be a prom ... Caski, when you sch ... root over a notebook, Obm ... killed a pen into the ink and was inadvertently put a klyaksu? But I supprons ... I gai, that the case is not at all in the ... Rail of the Pie or in the absence of industrial paper! Just climate, like all mathematics, is not your horse! It is easier for you to write a breakfast or subgrist ... Ensure an aqueous ... if in aquarium. And in Otr ... If the agriculture is at the UR ... outside (mom praises work at the cottage), and pl ... Esset you are excellent.

Monologue of angry mathematics

I was lying ... zh, finally, the reason why you were aware of ... root from the execution of an estimation of the task. You're not even a priest ... Sloved to him. Maybe you upset you ... roar pie, tv ... rhenium of your subgroup ... older sisters? Or maybe you did not turn out to be a prom ... Caski, when you sch ... root over a notebook, Obm ... killed a pen into the ink and was inadvertently put a klyaksu? But I supprons ... I gai, that the case is not at all in the ... Rail of the Pie or in the absence of industrial paper! Just climate, like all mathematics, is not your horse! It is easier for you to write a breakfast or subgrist ... Ensure an aqueous ... if in aquarium. And in Otr ... If the agriculture is at the UR ... outside (mom praises work at the cottage), and pl ... Esset you are excellent.

In Russian, there are special parts of speech adjacent to a noun or verb. Some lingules consider them by special verb forms and explain this presence of similar signs.

In contact with

Morphological features

Consider in detail what is the Communion and Temploy. More ancient grammar noted their duality, so they gave them a name that means "involvement" to the name of a noun, or verb.


It is inclined, that is, it changes in childbirth, numbers, cases, has a brief and complete form. At the same time, it is inherent in the verb properties. For example, the presence of the form:

  • checking notebook (imperpose) is the one who checks (what does?);
  • checked (perfect view) - the one who checked (what did you do?).

Moreover The value of time.This is a permanent sign of data having a form or of this Time (creating), or past (Built). There is also a return form (recognized sia).

It is characterized by the presence of two pledges - the suffering and valid. Padding communities Indicate a sign of an object experiencing an action (received parcel - received a parcel). The actual reflects the symptom of the subject, independently producing the action (the running person is the one who runs himself).

From all of the above, it follows the conclusion: this part of the speech denotes a sign of the subject by the action manifested in time.


The term appeared in the 18th century, is " relationships to action", What does the first part of the word" delay "indicate (leader, act). In modern grammar, such a name has a part of speech denoting available action In relation to the main, pronounced verb. Therefore, this form is inherent verb signs:

  • view perfect (opening) imperfect (closing);
  • return (Pretending sch).

Perhaps this is limited to the similarity of the parts of the speech in question, but there are numerous differences.

What is the difference

First of all, it should be noted that it does not change, that is, not inclined and does not hide. Therefore in his morphem composition No flexy. On the contrary, the endings of the communities are their distinctive feature.

Discern these verb forms will help the questions they answer:

  1. Full sacrament (what (one; -th, -th)?); Brief (what (s; -o, -s)?).
  2. Tempecios (What making? What made? How? How?).

Another difference is a different syntactic role. Tempecility performs the function of circumstances (bent, loop, in the distance of the river.). Brief communionit is only a bit (opened doors to the world of beautiful dreams.). Full can be:

  • definition (foaming waves were broken about high, impregnable rocks.);
  • part of the composite nominal fag (bread was moldy).


The formation of communion and verbalism occurs under the suffix.

Tempecism is formed from the verbs of the corresponding species. Table 1.

View Suffixes Examples
Perfect -It, -t, -h Throwing, bent, savings
Imperfect -and I); - Wechi (outdated forms) Counting, stealing

It is the suffixes of communion and verdicts indicate the belonging of words to a particular part of speech.

Important! When forming the forms of the perfect species, suffixes are not used -, ", incorrectly use: Looking for correct: Looking.

Tempecistry are not formed from the following verbs of an imperfect look:

  • ending on to-(take care, burn oven and others);
  • having suffix -nu- (pull, go out, shout and others);
  • run, prick, climb, plow, want, beat, vite, drink, eat, pour, angry, sew, tear, wait, bending, sleep, lie.

The condition of the correct choice of vowels in the suffixes of the communities of the present - knowledge of the rigging of verbs. Table 2.

note! Paddative communities are formed only from transient verbs. There are no forms of the present time at the verbs: protect, shave, wake, call, write, drink.

Table 3.

Table 4.

The choice of vowel before -H (H) is determined by infinitive suffix:

Spelling with ne.

Both parts of the speech are written with NOT Dlya, if not used without it, for example: non-love, hate.

In other cases, leadingness with not written is always separately separate, except for words with the prefix that has a meaning "less than is supposed", "poor-quality", for example - in not sawing after the child. Compare: without watching a movie, that is, without finishing the movie.

"Not" particle It should be written separately with a brief form of communities (not embroidered), as well as with complete in the presence of explanatory words (not published in time Roman), denial (far, at all, never, at all, whit and others) or opposition (not started, and finished) .

Use of one and two letters "H"

Doubted letter In the suffixes of complete communities are written if available:

  • prefix: beveled, cooked (but: uninvited guest);
  • dependent words: steamed in the oven;
  • sufifixes -OV-, -Ev-, -Yova-: Canned, delighted;
  • the word is formed from the verb of the perfect species without a console (exception: wounded): deprived.

At the end of the brief forms, it is always written alone -: based, unpacked.

Sealing syntactically designs

Often it is observed punctuation error - incorrectly arranged punctuation marks in suggestions containing particle prudes and involvement. The reason lies in the inability to distinguish them from each other, to determine the boundaries of these structures, find the word to which they relate.

Find out under what conditions it is allocated partly accompany and involvement. We give existing rules in the language with examples.


Explains the noun or pronoun, is the definition, is isolated if:

  • refers to the personal: Lauginated by the gentle words of the mother, he slept tightly. I, who knows each path in the surrounding area, was appointed senior interlocks.
  • it stands after the noun: soldiers, stunned by a projectile, fell on the battlefield.
  • it has the circumstantial value of the cause or concession: tired after a long road, tourists continued the way. Tourists continued the way (despite what?), Although they tired after a long road. Granted by themselves, the children were in a difficult position.

Children were in a difficult position (why?), Since they are provided to themselves.

Participial turnover

Indicates the additional effect of the verb-fag, is a circumstance, it is always separate: the shimmer waves, the sea raged. The old man walked, laughing on one leg.

Important! The exceptions are the turnovers that have passed into the category of stable expressions, somehow: Having burned the breath, having broken his head, having dried the tongue, after the sleeves.

Compare two suggestions:

  1. Tonging the language, the dog breathed heavily (the dog snapped the tongue).
  2. The boy rushed to hang out tongue (ran quickly).

In the first case, in the sentence there is a perpetrator. In the second, the expression "hanging out the language" is figuratively. It is easily replaced by one word, adorption "quickly", therefore, is not separated.

Common grammatical errors

The most common mistake is the wrong agreement between the sacrificment with the explanable word, caused by the inability to determine it correctly. This can be observed in the following example:

Tikhon was a haired man, fully submitted to his mother - Kabanchi.

The writing asked the question from the word Tikhon, although the Communion "obeying" explains another word - "man." The correct option sounds like this:

Tikhon was a hazard man (what?), Fully submitted to his mother - Kabani.

Often confused by the suffering and valid communion:









