What you need to know about the intellectual development of schoolchildren? Intellectual development of primary school children.

What you need to know about the intellectual development of schoolchildren? Intellectual development of primary school children.
What you need to know about the intellectual development of schoolchildren? Intellectual development of primary school children.


Intellectual abilities and thinking of younger

schoolchildren in the process of training activities

At the moment, a significant problem is the development of a student as a person. This is due to the fact that the need for those people who can quickly adapt to the study, and then in the labor collective, showing independence and initiative in work.

After all, the formation of a person takes place in the younger school age. All mental education, which will be formed at this age are basic for the development of the child, and have a significant impact on the further development of a person.

And one of these mental entities is the mental development of students, which greatly affects the success of learning. Therefore, the school currently sets the task not only to give knowledge of students in various subjects, but also to create such conditions in the learning process that would contribute to their mental development.

After all, the mental capabilities of children are different. And those requirements that are presented to students in schools do not always take into account these opportunities, so there are difficulties in the assimilation and execution of training activities to schoolchildren, which in turn imposes an imprint on all parties to the development of the personality of students: emotional, urgent - motivational, volitional, characteristic . The learning of knowledge is primarily carried out with the help of such a mental process as thinking. The level of logical thinking of younger students helps them understand the basic laws and communications in the learning process, assimilate specific facts and systematize the knowledge gained on the subject, as well as to establish the relationship between knowledge gained and practice. All his knowledge in the process of vital activity of the child gets due to thinking. And thus teaching children, first of all, should figure out that the child is given from nature, and what is purchased by them under the influence of the medium.

The development of human deposits, the transformation of them in the ability is one of the tasks of learning and education, which cannot be solved without the knowledge and development of intellectual processes.

Junior school age is characterized by intensive intellectual development. In this period, all mental processes are developed and awareness of the child's own changes that occur during training activities.

Abilities - These are the individual psychological features of the individual who are a condition for the successful implementation of one or another productive activity.

The abilities are closely related to the general orientation of the individual, and with the fact that a person's sustainability for a particular activity.

What does intellectual abilities mean?

Intellectual abilities are the abilities that are necessary to perform not any one, but many activities.

Under intellectual abilities are meant - memory, perception, imagination, thinking, speech, attention. Their development is one of the most important tasks of learning children of younger school age.

Today, the problem of searching for the development of mental abilities related to the creative activities of younger students, both in the collective and individual form of training, is relevant.

The successful development of creative abilities is possible only when creating certain conditions conducive to their formation. And conditions are:

1. Previously, the physical and intellectual development of children.

2. Creating a situation that determines the development of the child.

3. An independent solution to the child tasks requiring maximum voltage.

4. Providing a child freedom in the choice of activities, alternating cases, the duration of classes in one thing, etc.

5. Smart friendly help adults.

6. Comfortable psychological situation, encouraging adults to the child's desire for creativity.

For the development of creative abilities, the following measures can be proposed aimed at the effective development of schoolchildren's creative abilities:

1. Introduction to the school education program of special classes aimed at developing creative abilities.

2. In the lessons to give children a job creative character.

3. Use of problem situations in the lesson.

4. The use of special games, tasks developing creative abilities of children.

5. Studies on various topics.

6. Creating a portfolio of children.

7. Work with parents.

Intellectual development does not occur in itself, but as a result of the multilateral interaction of a child with other people: in communication, in activities and, in particular, in educational activities. Passive perception and the assimilation of the new cannot be supported by durable knowledge. Therefore, the task of the teacher is to develop the mental abilities of students, involve them in active activities.

But not any activity can develop abilities. This kind of activity is the game.

1. Game in the development of cognitive activity.

Gaming technologies are one of the unique forms of learning, which allows you to make interesting and fascinating not only the work of students on the creative-search level, but also the everyday steps to study the Russian language. The enormality of the conditional world of the game makes positively emotionally painted monotonous activities to memorize, repetition, consolidate or assimilate information, and the emotionality of the game action activates all the mental processes and functions of the child. Another positive side of the game is that it contributes to the use of knowledge in the new situation, that is, makes the necessary variety and interest in the educational process.

The game is a source of development of the child's consciousness, the arbitrariness of his behavior, a special form of relations between the child and adults.

The game environment creates a situation when children want and can exercise their independence. The gaming actions of the child, accompanied by a high emotional rise, sustainable cognitive interest, are the most powerful incentive of its activity in knowledge.

Great interest for younger students represent didactic games. These games are forced to think, provide a student with the opportunity to check and develop your abilities. They are one of the means of developing intellectual abilities.

What are the purpose of applying didactic games?

This is primarily:

but) intellectual development of younger students;

b) the creation of suitable conditions for the formation of the development of each child as a person, the development of its creative abilities;

in) an individual approach to each child and the use of individual learning tools;

d) emotional and psychological development of younger students;

e) The deepening of the previously learned knowledge;

e)an increase in the scope of concepts, ideas and information that the student sends.

Didactic games (developing, cognitive) contribute to the development of thinking, memory, attention, creative imagination, ability to analyze and synthesize, the perception of spatial relations, the development of constructive skills and creativity, education of observation students, validity of judgments, self-testing habits, teach children Subjend your actions of the task, bring the work done to the end.

The didactic game is very important for the development of the intellectual abilities of younger students. For several years now, I watched work in the elementary grades that the Russian language classes do not always cause interest among students. Some children consider him a boring subject. And the unwillingness to engage in Russian gives rise to illiteracy. And I thought about how to awaken interest in classes, increase letters literacy. Re-reading a lot of literature, after analyzing their lessons, I came to the conclusion that you can arouse interest in the Russian language, if you systematically accumulate and select the material that can attract the attention of each student.

I will give only some techniques and didactic games that apply on their lessons.

I. "Choose three words"

Purpose: trace the formation of spelling skills, taking into account the stage of work on spelling.

The selection of words depends on studied or covered topics.

Seven words recorded on 7 cards:

1st set: fish, blizzard, oaks, ants, miracles, streams, mushroom.

2nd set: warehouse, forty, hail, shooting, detour, gate, rise.

Two are taken in turns of the card, he wins the one who has the first three words having the same spell.

I fish blizzard wonders

II shooting warehouse forty

II. Game "Postman"

Purpose: consolidate students' knowledge of the selection of verification words, expand the vocabulary, develop a phonmematic hearing.

The move: the postman distributes the group of children (4-5 people) invitations.

Children determine where they were invited: the garden, park, sea, school, dining room, zoo.

dreams of the root of the book Kee Chle-Tsy Cle-ka

cali-ka Fla-ki Oblos-ki Pyro-ki Martha

redi Du-ki Lo ki

moro Li-Ki Solo-Cy


Explain spellings by selecting test words.

Create proposals using these words.

The value of these games is that on their material it is also possible to work the speed of reading, the syllable composition of the word, develop spelling dorms and much more.

An important role of entertaining didactic games is that they contribute to the removal of tension and fear when writing in children, creates a positive emotional attitude during the lesson.

A child with pleasure performs any tasks and teacher exercises. And the teacher, thus stimulates the proper spectacle speech both oral and written.

Thus, each child has abilities and talents. Children from nature are curious and full of desire to learn. And in order for them to show their donations, a smart guide from adults, by the teacher, is necessary. Teacher's tasks using a variety of learning methods, including game, systematically and purposefully develop mobility and flexibility of thinking in children; Teach children to reason, think, not to sharpen, to draw conclusions themselves to feel the pleasure of learning.

Methods for conducting dictionary and spelling work

The active inclusion of students themselves in the learning process makes significant changes in the methodology for conducting dictionary-orpographic work. They concern the structure and specifics of its implementation, providing a conscious educational and educational activity of a schoolboy in the most important part of the lesson, which is related to the work on familiarizing with the new Word Word.

In accordance with this methodology, the structure of dictionary and spelling work is acquired by special slightness and clarity. It allocates several consistent parts:

1) representing students of the new Word Word;

2) identifying its lexical value;

3) etymological reference (where possible);

4) mastering the word writing;

5) the introduction of a new dictionary word into the active dictionary of children.

The presentation of the new vocabulary word consists in self-definition and formulating schoolchildren the theme of vocabulary-spelling work. This activity is carried out with the help of a new type of complex-logical exercise, the implementation of which is aimed at simultaneously developing the most important intellectual qualities of the child, the intensification of the considered process and a significant increase in its role in the presentation of the new "difficult" word. All exercises are combined into groups, each of which has its own distinctive features.

The first group includes exercises providing for the identification of a desired word through work with the components of it with letters. When they are fulfilled, children develop stability, distribution and scope of attention, short-term arbitrary memory, speech, analytical synthetic thinking. For example, the teacher suggests: "Determine and name the new dictionary word with which we will get to know the lesson. To do this, place the rectangles in the order of increasing the number of points in each of them and connect the letters in them. "

(The word Bear is the word)

Gradually, the number of specific instructions of the teacher, helping students to determine the desired word, decreases. So, the teacher reports: "You can name the new word with which we will get to know the lesson if you find a rectangle with its first letter and independently set the sequence of connecting the remaining letters of the word:

What word did you read and how did you implement it? Possible answer: "We read the word teacher. Started from a rectangle, which is allocated brighter than others. He is the smallest. Then we were looking for rectangles higher and connected the letters that are written in them. " As the ability to perform tasks with a limited number of oral instructions, the teacher introduces the exercises to the learning process, providing for their complete absence. For example, he offers students: "Look carefully at this entry and determine the two words with which we will get to know the lesson:

What words are these? How did you find them? " Possible answer: "Today we will get acquainted with the words breakfast and lunch. To determine them, you need to connect letters that have points at the top. Then connect letters whose points are at the bottom. "

With the help of the second and third techniques, the further improvement of the intellectual qualities of students, the development of which was ensured by using the previous reception. At the same time, the decrease or absence of coordinating materials of the teacher makes children more intensely think to think, mobilize their intuition, will, intelligence, observation, develops a clear, reasonable speech. A similar result is ensured by the need for schoolchildren during an answer to characterize the actions associated with the definition of the word, since the question (or questions) should be answered by a teacher (or questions), children must respond small, logically constructed argument or conclusion.

The second group consists of exercises providing for students with symbols, ciphers, codes. They allow you to form abstract thinking and, along with him, improve a number of other quality of intelligence. There is also a tendency to a gradual decrease in specific instructions of a teacher who help children in determining the Word. An example of a task executed on the basis of the full instructions of the teacher: "Name the two words with which we will get in the lesson. They are encrypted with numbers.

First word: 3, 1, 11, 6, 12, 13, 1.

Second word: 3, 1, 5, 13, 4, 7, 10, 9, 8.

Each number corresponds to a certain letter:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

And gk o r u f l l e p s t

What words are these? " (Soviet words of cabbage and potatoes.) An example of a task with partial instructions of the teacher: "Carefully look at this cipher:

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 and m n o r to in

2 C d i l chq t

and the key to it: 2-3, 1-6, 2-7, 1-6, 1-4,1-3. Radding the key of this cipher, you can call the word with which we will get to know the lesson. " (Soviet word straw.)

The third group includes exercises, one way or another binding the desired word with the linguistic material studied. In this case, their versatility and efficiency of use increase significantly. Depending on the content of the educational material, from the didactic goal, which is put by the teacher in the lesson, there may be a variety of options. An example of a task providing for the consolidation of knowledge on phonetics: "Straighten the letters denoting the deaf consonants in this chain, and you will learn the word with which we will get to know the lesson:

(Birch's Sudtime.)

The wide use of the exercise of this group is found in the "Morphology" section. For example, when studying the topic "Pronouncement", the teacher can offer such a task: "Each given pronoun corresponds to a certain letter, indicated in brackets: I (c), me (e), I (b), me (e), about me ), me (e). You will be able to call a new word from the dictionary with which we will get to know the lesson, if they correctly place the pronouns in the order of their changes by cases and connect the letters written in brackets. " (The desired word conversation.)

In order to improve the spelling dust in the process of studying the various course of the Russian language, the teacher can use such a task: "Read the words written on the board: Ident ... vit, okhr ... tool, b. Glasses, cr ... Pitel, zn ... read, intelligent ... to harm, ab ... outer, cl ... little, l ... kay. Connect the first letters of the words, the root of which is written vowels A, and you will learn the word with which we will get to know the lesson. " (The desired word station.)

For the further development of the basic properties of attention, the operational memory of the task of this type is gradually complicated due to a smooth increase in the number of reference points when searching for the original word. For example, the teacher reads the phrase: rocky terrain, fire service, sea depth, carriage door, commonable fabric, rowan injury, fossil soil, distant village, expensive decoration, watercolor paint.

Invites children: "Write the phrase. Connect the first letters of adjectives of the female genus, in the root of which the unstressed vowel is written, a, you will learn a new word from the dictionary. " (Freedom's desired word.)

If the target is put on the lesson to repeat or summarize the studied, then it is quite appropriate an exercise with such a task: "You will call a new word from the dictionary with which we will get to know the lesson if you correctly decrypt these schemes and consistently connect the time-received answers.

(1st letter)

(2nd letter)

(3rd letter)

(4th letter)

(5th letter)

(6th letter)

(7th - 8th letters)

To decipher the scheme, the material is based on the past lessons, students compare it parts and argue out loud (with collective work) or to themselves (with individual).

So, according to the first scheme, reasoning can be as follows: "Nouns are male, female or medium kind. The word lake medium. So, the answer will be the letter C. " Accordingly, the case is found out, the end, etc. In the following schemes, the letters and answers are connected in order. In this case, the desired word sparkle.

In the next admission, a wide variety of activities are organically combined: an unconventional phonetic analysis, a partial analysis of the words in composition, work on spelling, etc., in the course of which the spelling skill is improved, a multifaceted analytical and synthetic work is carried out, the volume and focus of attention is developed, operational memory. For example, a teacher reports: "The new word with which we will get to know the lesson, you will call if you correctly fulfill my tasks to define the letters of the search word."

Task 1. The first letter of the desired word is a consonant third syllable in the word straw.

Task 2. The second letter is an uncomparable unstressed vowel in the word sand.

Task 3. Third letter denotes a pair deaf soft consonant in the Word Return.

Task 4. The fourth letter is the last in the root of the North.

Task 5. The fifth letter is the ending in the word apple.

An additional advantage of the techniques of this group is that their use deepens the knowledge and skills of students on the topics of the Russian language and does not require unforeseen time costs, since these exercises are nothing but non-traditional species of dictionary dictations, grammatical parsing, creative works that are simply Torn from one structural stage of the lesson to another.

The fourth group consists of exercises providing for the use of students acquired in the process of establishing a new word knowledge acquired when studying other academic disciplines. Depending on which the subject is communicated with, different options are also possible here. An example of a task to use knowledge in mathematics: "Look at the depicted square and cipher to it.

16 (1st letter), 36 (2nd Letter), 14 (3rd Letter), 21 (4th Letter), 40 (5th Letter), 27 (6th Letter)

If you determine what kind of mathematical action should be carried out with the numbers of the square to identify letters and correctly make the necessary calculations, then you will find out a new word from the dictionary with which we will get to know the lesson. With what action did you recognize the letters of the word? What is this word? " (Singing the word to nod.) In case of difficulty, the teacher can give a prompt about the form of mathematical action: multiplication (the figures from the vertical series are multiplied by the numbers from the horizontal range).

Task for the use of primary geometry knowledge. The teacher gives the installation: "Carefully look at the shapes depicted on the board, and the letters in each of them:

Try to remember the figures and letters in them. " (The time of charge 50-60 s, after which the figures and letters are cleaned). The teacher then shows the same geometric shapes in the sequence in which letters are located in the Word. Pupils must remember which letters were in geometric figures, and make a desired word. Procedure for showing figures: Triangle, Circle, Rhombus, Polygon, Square, Rectangle. (Singing the word burn.)

Task for the use of knowledge on visual art. On the board depicts squares of different colors:

Each square corresponds to a certain letter. The teacher proposes to mentally arrange squares on the colors of the rainbow, combine the corresponding letters to them and call a new word from the dictionary. (The desired word of the combine.) The use of techniques of this type, along with the implementation of interdisciplinary bonds, stimulates the development of the basic properties of attention, speech, analytical synthetic thinking. # Autogen_book_id26

To further increase the educational initiative and increasing the intellectual activity of children, the exercises of the fifth group are used. They provide for the foundation of a new vocabulary word and formulating the theme of vocabulary-spelling based on the establishment of semantic diet in the linguistic material used in the lesson. In the event of the teacher, it is entitled to offer this type of task: "You can call a new word from the dictionary with which we will get to know the lesson if you determine the nature of the semantic link between words in these pairs":

m ... g ... Zin - Prod ... Ets

b ... Linen - doctor ...

t ... ATP - ... CTER

space to ... Rabel -?

What is the meaningful link between the words of each pair? What word do we get to know the lesson? An approximate answer: "In each pair, the first word denotes the place of work, the second is the associated basic profession. In the store - the seller, in the hospital - the doctor, in the theater - actor, on a spacecraft - cosmonaut. So today we will meet with the word cosmonaut. " (See Appendix I.1.)

To enhance the spelling significance of this kind of exercise, students can be asked to task, which establishes the writing of the words used in it. It is usually a search character that contributes to the development of spelling dorms of students. One of the options: "Tell us about writing words with missed letters, having previously grouped them by orthograms." Gradually, the degree of complexity of such tasks increases. For example: "Tell us about writing words with missed letters, having previously grouped them by orphograms. Start the answer from the group to which the smaller number of words belongs. " For the correct response, the student not only must combine words into the groups by spells, but also to count how many words will be in each group.

The sixth group includes exercises in which a new vocabulary word is determined on the basis of the establishment of the principle, in accordance with which the initial words are located. For example, schoolchildren are invited to record:

Planer, helicopter, rocket.

Task teacher: "Read words. Install the principle according to which they are written. Determine the new vocabulary. "

Approximate student's response: "The order written in this row of words reflects an increase in the speed of the velocked aircraft. The word is missing here. Its speed is greater than the speed of the helicopter, but less rocket. So today we will meet with the word plane. " During the exercise of this group, students develop a speech, logical thinking, attention stability, long-term memory, the ability to establish and formulate principles.

The seventh group includes exercises, with which a new vocabulary word is determined by schoolchildren using an unconventional morpheme analysis of several source words and allocations from each specified part. For this, students are offered to the table:

Task teacher: "Consider the table. Word the task for the exercise and execute it. " Language is well suspended

Approximate student's answer: "In the words of each part of the table, you must select the specified parts. Of these, make a new word. From the word you need to highlight the prefix. This is a prefix. From the word parking - the root of the station. From the word despair - two suffixes: - I, - nor. From the word Plant - the end of E. It turned out the word distance. " When performing the exercises of this group, students are developing stability, RAM, analytical and synthetic thinking, oral speech, knowledge of the morfemic is improved.

The eighth group form exercises, providing for various operations with source words related to the exception of these letters for any signs, and drawing up from the remaining parts of the new dictionary word. For example, the teacher suggests: "From words of salt and give exclude letters that do not indicate sounds. The remaining parts are connected with each other. Name a new vocabulary word. Justify your actions. " The approximate answer of the student: "From the words of salt and give it to be eliminated by a letter of a soft sign, as it does not refer to sounds. By connecting parts of the salt and dates, we get the word soldier. So today we will get to know the word of soldiers. " When performing the exercises of this group, focusing of attention is developing, RAM, analytical synthetic thinking, oral speech, the knowledge of phonetics and other sections of the language are improved.

The ninth group includes exercises providing for different operations with initial words related to the addition of letters for them for any signs, and the compilation of a new vocabulary word.

Task teacher: "By the way, denoting an agricultural instrument in the form of a frame with teeth for fine soil looser, add one letter. She is vowel. Can perform the role of the pretext with nouns in the proposed case. Name a new vocabulary word. "

Approximate student's response: "Agricultural instrument in the form of a frame with teeth for small loosening of the soil is a harrow. The vowel letter that can perform the role of the pretext with a noun in the proposed case is the letter O. If they are connected, the word defense will turn out. So today we will meet with the word defense. " After performing the exercises of this group, students develop focus of attention, operational long-term memory, analytical synthetic thinking, oral speech, improve knowledge on various sections of the Russian language. It is noteworthy that when drafting oral answers, students are forced to use different syntactic designs in their speech (involved and particle inclusive turns, complex suggestions, etc.) and respectively, they are in a practical level. With this reception, you can make the following words: East (in, stock), road (up, horns), painting (car, Tina), hammer (mol, o, current), garden (o, city), weather (software, year), yesterday (faith, h), horizon (burn, umbrella), etc.

The tenth group includes exercises providing for the definition of a new word from the word on the basis of identifying the patterns of its compilation. For example, the teacher offers task: "Look carefully at this entry:

Name the word from the dictionary with whom we will get to know the lesson. What is this word? How did you define it? " Possible answer: "This is the word car. To determine it, we learned how the word people are drawn up. To compile it, the latest syllables of the first two words of the upper line were used. So, the desired word should be made up of the last syllables of the words of the bottom line. " When performing this type of tasks, schoolchildren develop logical thinking, analytical synthetic abilities, stability of attention, language intuition, connected argued speech. Schoolchildren are not just called the desired word, but at the same time build the simplest reasoning, conclusion. Exercises of this type are also valuable in the fact that with their help you can increase the spelling disorders of students by passing the spells and the corresponding tasks of such a plan: "Insert the missed letters and grouped words by orthograms."

The second part of the dictionary orphographic work - familiarization with the lexical value of the word studied fundamentally different from its implementation in the generally accepted version of the traditional system. In the method under consideration, the lexical meaning of the word is mastered as a concept. For this, the process of familiarization with the lexical meaning of the word is divided into two stages. Each of them is associated with the level of knowledge of children about a particular subject or phenomenon indicated by the studied word.

At the first stage (level of perceptions), students formulate the meaning of the word, based on their knowledge available at the moment. At the second stage (conceptual level), schoolchildren acquire deeper, systematized knowledge, decorated in the form of definition of the concept. In the first year of training, the formulation of the definition is carried out without the use of logical terms, type, significant signs of objects. The work takes place in the form of a conversation-reasoning of the teacher and students and children with each other, in the process of which is a search for the generic belonging of the subject marked with the studied word. Through a comparison and comparison of species concepts, essential signs of the subject are detected. Summarizing the conversation, studies independently formulate the lexical importance of the new word, making it in the form of definition of the concept. For example, when familiarizing with the word drum, this work may have the following form.

W. Tell me what drum is? (Students alternately express, reporting their idea of \u200b\u200bthis musical instrument.)

Stage II (conceptual level)

W. Choose a more common word or phrase to the word drum.

D. Baraban is a musical instrument.

W. True, but guitar, Balalaika is also musical instruments. What is the difference?

D. Baraban is a shock tool, and guitar and balalaika - string.

W. What is the top and bottom of the drum?

D. Top and bottom drum covered with skin.

W. Tell me completely, what is a drum?

D. Baraban is a shock musical instrument, the top and bottom of which are covered with skin.

The logical chain of reasoning is constructed depending on the content of the concept of children, so when studying the following word can already have a slightly different kind. However, in any case, the sequence of teacher's questions must necessarily lead schoolchildren to the independent formulation of them to determine the concept.

Where the new topic and training material allows, two words are introduced at the same time. In this case, the familiarization with the lexical meaning of words is carried out against the background of comparing two items, which are indicated by these words. The procedure for reasoning can now be like this:

I Stage (Presentation Level)

W. Tell me who are such a cow and a dog?

Stage II (conceptual level)

W. What is the semantic similarity of the word cow and a dog?

D. Cow and Dog - Pets.

W. What is their difference?

D. Cow - herbivore, dog - predatory.

W. The cow has big horns, and there are no dogs.

D. What is the benefits of a cow and a dog?

D. Cova gives milk, the dog will fit, hunt her.

W. Tell me completely, what does the word cow mean?

D. Cow is a pet with big horns, which gives milk.

Uch What does the word dog mean?

D. The dog is a pet from among predators, which will fit with whom they hunt.

In the following years of training, the work on the formulation of the lexical value of the word is translated to a higher theoretical level. Students get acquainted with the conditions necessary for this: a species concept, a generic concept, essential signs of items. Using them in the process of reasoning, students independently formulate the definition of the subject indicated by the new word. So, when familiarizing with the word birch (species concept), reasoning may be as follows.

I Stage (Presentation Level)

W. Tell me what birch is?

Stage II (conceptual level)

W. Choose a generic concept to the word birch.

D. Bereza is a tree.

W. Right, but spruce, pine, too, trees. What is the difference?

D. Bereza is a deciduous tree, and spruce and pine - coniferous.

W. Now formulate a refined generic concept for the word birch?

D. Bereza is a deciduous tree.

W. Name its essential signs.

D. U Birza White bark and leaves in the form of a heart.

W. What does the words of birch mean?

D. Bereza is a deciduous tree with white bark and the leaves in the form of a heart.

In the process of such arguments, students are formed by the conceptual apparatus. They master the most complex thinking operations of analysis, synthesis, comparisons, classification, generalization; The types and types of relationships between the concepts are assimilated, the abstraction level is quite high for their age. They have a clear, evidence, correctly built oral speech. But to achieve such a result in the process of dictionary and spelling work, a number of conditions must be observed:

1. Compiled by the teacher, the definition of concept should have a relatively scientific character and correspond to the age of children.

2. Initiative in the formulation of determining the concept in the process of conversation-reasoning should belong to students. The teacher adjusts the wording proposed by them, bringing it to the scientific level.

3. The introduction of terms (concept, type, rod, significant signs of objects) into dictionary-spelling work is supported by parallel (or preliminary) by their use in complex-logical exercises on other structural components of the lesson: when fixing, repetition, the generalization of the studied.

Certain changes in our case undergoes the methodology for familiarizing students with writing a new "difficult" word, which among other things implies systematic use of the school spelling in the lessons of the school spelling dictionary. Children independently find the word in the spelling dictionary (for this it is convenient for spelling dictionary P.A. Grushnikova. M., 1987), write it in the notebook, put an emphasis, determine and emphasize uncomparable vowels and other studied spells. This structural element of vocabulary-spelling work as close as possible to life, teaches children to self-intellectual activity.

For the introduction of a new word to the active dictionary of children, new methods are used, each of which, together with the fact, is intended to develop the child's read-honored activities. In essence, they are a certain kind of linguistic tasks, since in each case the student requires reasoning, evidence and a specific decision. In the first year of study, the use of methods involving comparisons, comparison operations, establishing associative connections, i.e., aimed at improving any parties to thinking and speech schoolchildren. Depending on the nature of the operations carried out with the words from the dictionary, eight exercise groups can be distinguished.

The first group is a comparison of two words studied not directly among themselves in meaning, with a view to finding possible more of their common significant and irrelevant signs. This method teaches to compare items, establish associative connections between concepts, improves the process of understanding, understanding and memorizing new words, produces the ability to properly express their thoughts. For example, when familiarizing with the word drum, this task may be proposed: "Find general signs of the word drum and clothing." Possible answers of children:

Drum and clothing can be made of leather.

Drum and clothing are manufactured in the factory.

The drum and clothes are made by the hands of a person.

The second group is the search for objects, high-quality signs whose properties can be opposed to each other. This method is effective in terms of the development of children's imagination, observation, in the assimilation of primary analysis skills, improving students' speech. For example, when studying the word, the bear is possible such a task: "Name items (creatures) that have properties that differ significantly from those that the bear is endowed."

Possible answers of children:

Bear and bird differ in the way of movement: the bear walks, and the bird flies.

The bear and snake are distinguished by the peculiarities of bodily cover: the bear is shaggy wool, and the snake has smooth skin.

The third group is the favor of the third word, which would connect between two previously studied, not having a sense communication of words. In such a situation, students look for a variety of different, sometimes predictable associative connections; They learn to see the world around the unusual angle of view, they develop non-standard thinking. For example, when familiarizing with the word, the dog is possible such a task: "pick up a word that would connect the words dog and a notebook so that the proposal is. Approximate answers of children:

The dog sniffs a notebook.

The dog ruined the notebook.

A dog is drawn in the notebook.

The dog does not need a notebook.

The fourth group is the exclusion of an extra word of three possible signs, contributes to the development of tendency to analyze, synthesis and classifications. An example of a task when studying the words of a cow, a dog: "Make a proposal with the words of a cow, a dog, a fox, highlighting a general feature in two of them and the reason for the exception of the third word from this chain. Possible student responses:

Cow and Dog - Pets, and Fox - Wild.

Fox and dog - predatory animals, and cow - herbivore.

The dog and the fox do not have horns, and the cow has.

Fifth group - search for intermediate links, consisting of two words familiar words and providing a semantic logical connection between another couple of words studied at this lesson. The significant difference of this type of exercise from the third is that four main words should be nouns. An example of a task in getting acquainted with the words city and village: "Make a proposal in which the words of the city and the village would connect two other words from the word." Response options:

In the village of Cow give milk, which will be taken to the city.

A man lives in the village and wears clothes made in the city.

The sixth group - drawing up a proposal with the simultaneous inclusion of two or three vocabulary in it.

The seventh group is to find options for real and fantastic use of the subject, which develops speech, creative thinking. An example of a task when studying the word coat: "Make proposals by specifying in them, how can I use a coat in real life, and then come up with examples of a fantastic nature." Options for replies of real character:

Coat worn in the cold and cool time of the year.

Coat can be covered instead of a blanket.

Coat can be used in the rain as an umbrella. Etc.

Options for responses of fantastic character:

Coat can be used as a carpet.

On the coat, like a raft, can be saved along the river. Etc.

The eighth group is a comparison of various angles of vision of phraseological revolutions, proverbs, sayings, which contains studied dictionary words. Exercises of this group, in addition to the positive impact on the improvement of the hard processes, contribute to the expansion of schoolchildren's erudition, familiarize them with elements of folklore. An example of a task when familiarizing with the word Language: "To the phraseological turnover of the left column, pick up the words or phrases from the right column."

evil tongue

long tongue

hold language

spill the beans

bite a language

pull in language

language to swallow

fucked with a language

sleep suddenly silence

to gossip

knows how to talk

engage in empty chatter

not thinking

chatty man


Development of intellectual abilities of younger students

The whole life of a person constantly puts sharp and urgent tasks and problems. The emergence of such problems, difficulties, surprises means that there are still many unknown, hidden reality. Therefore, you need more and deeper knowledge of the world, the discovery of all new and new processes, properties and relationships of people and things in it. Therefore, whatever new trends in the requirements of time have penetrated to school, no matter how the programs and textbooks change, the formation of the culture of intellectual activity of students has always been and remains one of the main general educational and educational tasks.

Intellect is the ability of thinking. Intellect is not given from nature, it must be developed throughout life.

Intellectual development is the most important side of the preparation of the younger generations.

The success of the schoolboy's intellectual development is achieved mainly in the lesson when the teacher remains one on one with his pupils. And from his ability to organize a systematic, cognitive activity, depends on the degree of interest of students to study, the level of knowledge, readiness for constant self-education, i.e. their intellectual development.

Intellectual development acts as the most important component of any human activity. In order to satisfy your needs for communicating, studying, work person must perceive the world, pay attention to the various components of activity, to represent what he needs to be done, to think about. Therefore, the intellectual abilities of a person are developing in activities and themselves are special activities.

Getting Started to pedagogical work with children, first of all, it is necessary to figure out that the child is given from nature and what is purchased under the influence of the medium.

The development of human deposits, the transformation of them in the ability - one of the tasks of learning and education, to decide which is impossible without knowledge and development of intellectual processes.

The process of development of intelligence is possible with the right organization of educational and cognitive activity and is particularly effective in the younger school age when personal needs for knowledge are quite strong. The development of intellectual abilities, the development of independent, creative, search, research thinking is one of the main tasks of school training in general and in primary grades in particular. Primary education should lay the basic foundations of the intellectual development of children who would create the conditions for the education of a creative, independently thoughtful, critical evaluating their actions of a person who could compare, compare, to put forward several ways to solve the problem, allocate the main thing and make generalized conclusions; Apply knowledge in non-standard conditions.

This becomes possible under the only condition: painstaking work on the intellectual development of the student.

- What does intellectual abilities mean?

Intellectual abilities are the abilities that are necessary to perform not any one, but many activities.

Under intellectual abilities are meant - memory, perception, imagination, thinking, speech, attention. Their development is one of the most important tasks of learning children of younger school age.

The development of the intellectual abilities of the schoolchildren cannot occur without setting and solving a wide variety of tasks. The task is the beginning, the initial link of the cognitive, search and creative process, it is in it the first awakening of thought is expressed. From school practice, it is known that questions requiring consideration of anything from an unusual side often put children in a dead end. And this is understandable: because they were not taught it. Meanwhile, more benefits brings consideration of the same subject with ten different parties than the study of ten different objects on the one hand.

Where and how can we develop intellectual abilities?

The main forms of work that are used in their work teacher of primary classes is

Ø Subject Circle

Ø Intelligent games

Ø Olympiad

The success of the schoolboy's intellectual development is achieved mainly in the lesson when the teacher remains one on one with his pupils. And from the skill of the teacher "and fill the vessel, and light the torch," the degree of interest of students to study, the level of knowledge, readiness for continuous self-education depends on the ability to organize a systematic cognitive activity.

Each child has abilities and talents. Children from nature are curious and full of desire to learn. In order for them to show their dating, you need a smart guide from adults. Teacher's tasks: Using a variety of learning methods, including game, systematically, purposefully develop mobility and flexibility of thinking in children. Stimulate the processes of restructuring, switching, search engine activity, learning children to reason, flexibly approach problems, not tool, and think. Himself draw conclusions, finding new, original approaches, get elegant results, beautiful solutions to feel the pleasure of learning.

Most scientists recognize that the development of intellectual skills is impossible without distressed learning.

The methods of problem learning positively affect the development of intellectual abilities of primary school students.

Not all the material is problematic. However, it must be represented by children in the form of tasks performing a functional goal. If the necessary cognitive actions are not formed in younger schoolchildren, the tasks are offered in a game form, as a didactic mini-game. Consequently, the teacher needs to specifically plan in the lesson of the task for students in which they would perform similar intellectual actions on a new information basis. The task is constantly expanding the information base for new knowledge. Thus, knowledge and methods of intellectual actions are purchased in the process of performing a variety of diverse tasks. The principal didactic requirement of developing learning technology is the formulation of the purpose of the lesson in the form of developing tasks in which intellectual actions are defined leading to an understanding of the educational material. The success of the implementation of developing tasks causes strong emotional phenomena, including the so-called feeling of "mental joy."

The following didactic requirement of developing learning technology is formulated as preparing the success of developing tasks in the educational process. The technology of educational training makes it necessary for tasks used at various stages of the educational process, another important requirement - tasks should not only lead to students to understanding the studied, but also perform a corrective function. Due to this, the proposed learning technology can be used when working with children having high intellectual potential, as well as with children with an average level of intelligence. Tasks on the development of logical and creative thinking, recreation and creative imagination, analytical and synthetic perception and logical memory from the lesson in the lesson, changing its content in accordance with the lesson, repeated methods of performing actions, only gradually increasing the level of their complexity.

In the younger school age, leading activities are training. Therefore, it is necessary for the successful adaptation of the child to school life to carry out a smooth transition from one type of activity to another. For this purpose, the teacher applies various kinds of gaming techniques. It can classify them both in the urgent activity and in extracurricular. Games should have a developing or cognitive character. Their goal is to expand the horizons, the formation of its own worldview, interest in the knowledge of the younger student. And here the games that are intellectual in nature come to first place.

In the lessons you can offer children a task type: "Guess", "think", "what has changed", "establish a pattern", "deciphe", "comprehend the figure", "solve rebus" - which contribute to the development of the mental activity of students.

Mind games.

An even greater activity among students can be observed when using special intellectual games, which according to their mechanism require students of active cognitive activity. This category includes so-called intelligence tasks - charaks, puzzles that are of great interest. These include well-known riddles. Guessing the mysteries younger schoolchildren can be viewed as a creative process, and the mystery itself is like a creative task.

Story mystery - In this case, about nature, the answer to which

it can be obtained if the children understood certain relations and patterns of nature.


Observation, as one of the fundamental learning methods, is known for a very long time, but in the modern teaching methodology did not lose its relevance, but on the contrary, acquired all new features and is mandatory for natural disciplines.

In the process of observing students, the ability to see, noticate, explain the phenomena of nature. In primary classes, direct observations of children in nature should be scientific, affordable and fascinating. Nature enriches the horizon, the general awareness of schoolchildren, develops observation, attention, thinking, aesthetic feelings.

Multimedia presentations

One of the active forms of learning used in the work is multimedia presentations. They help convey information in a visual, easily perceived form. The change of bright impressions from what seen on the screen allows you to hold attention throughout the lesson. The use of multimedia presentations allows you to make lessons more interesting, includes vision, hearing, emotions, imagination in the process of perception, helps children to immerse themselves in the material studied, make the learning process less tedious. Presentations significantly save time, increase the culture of the lesson, allow differentiation approach to students, contribute to the formation of interest in the subject and, therefore, have a positive effect on the quality of education of younger students.

It is very important for the development of intellectual abilities of younger students. didactic game.

The value of the game is that it can be used not only in the lessons, but also in extracurricular activities ("Hour of mathematical leisure", KVN, "Battle of experts", "Mokhpers and Umnikni"), as well as during a circle.

Didactic games (developing, cognitive) should contribute to the development of thinking, memory, attention, creative imagination, ability to analyze and synthesize, the perception of spatial relations, the development of constructive skills and creativity, education of observation students, validity of judgments, self-testing habits, learning Children subordinate their actions to the task, bring the work done to the end.

Another Yang Amos Komensesky urged to make any student work as a source of mental satisfaction and mental joy. The whole learning process teacher needs to build so that the child felt: doctrine is joy, and not just a debt, teaching can be engaged in hobbies. Therefore, lessons and extracurricular activities must be at a high level of interest and cognitive activity, to pass in a friendly atmosphere and in a success situation.

Teachers need to be systematically used in the educational process of interesting tasks, puzzles, rebuses, angrms, gaming psychotraenings. It is necessary to include more tasks for the development of memory, attention, logical thinking. The basis of the development of the intellectual abilities of younger students is a high level of mental operations. They are known to be a condition for successful, lung, rapidly mastering educational activities.

Intellectually developed, smart personalities have always been at a great price. A person characterized by a good knowledge luggage in a variety of spheres has an advantage over other people, which leads to success in professional activities. A developed intelligence and readiness should be distinguished. After all, you can know a lot of fascinating information, but do not be able to analyze them, compare, logically thinking. Today there have been many ways to develop intelligence, which can be used from early age.

Intellect baby

Knowing that the human psyche is the ability to perceive the world around in a certain way and respond to it, it is easy and understand what intelligence is. - Quality of the psyche, covering all parties to human activity: both mental, and emotional, and physical. This ability to adapt to a variety of situations based on its level of development. In other words, well-developed intelligence is a synonym for a harmoniously developed personality, combinations of the wealth of the inner world with physical development.

"Do you know that the development of intellectual abilities of a child is an integral part of harmonious development, which includes spiritual and physical education?"

Many parents will create a question: why develop intelligence at the child? The answer is obvious: so that the child becomes able to quickly, easily and efficiently study, successfully use acquired knowledge, make discoveries in the future or learn how to do anything else. Consequently, the development of intelligence needs to be paid from early childhood.

Stages of development of intellect

First of all, the level of intelligence (mental coefficient, IQ) is manifested in the mental ability of the child. Thinking is directly related to physical activity. Moving, crawling, running, tough on puddles or playing with sand, baby learns the surrounding reality, developing the brain. It is in this connection that it should not limit the motor activity of the crumbs, allowing him to independently know the world. Bans and restrictions inhibit the brain activity of the kid.

When the baby is growing, it is better to deal with games for the development of logical thinking, account, and generalizations as you can actively deal with him. You can already start teaching crumbling: so the development of thinking will be activated, to form and increase vocabulary.

Younger schoolchildren will intelligently develop, playing desktop or computer logic games. The game is a great way to organize learning anything. Agree, it is much better when the development of intellectual abilities takes place in an unobtrusive atmosphere.

Even more interesting, how to intelligently develop adolescents. The school program complicates the year after year, and therefore the first exams can be a real test for schoolchildren who have intellectual difficulties. Youth age is characterized by changes in the physical and mental spheres, as well as some decline in cognitive interest. Here, parents need to think carefully how to stimulate the intellectual development of adolescents, not only forcing them to read more.

Intellectual Development Factors

"Do you know that baby breastfeeding activates his mental development?"

The mental development of the child depends on certain factors:

1. Genetic factors. It is meant that that the child gets from parents at birth. The level, quality and direction of the intellectual development of the child depends on these factors.

2. Factors that occur during pregnancy Mother. What kind of lifestyle was pregnant, it is reflected in the mental development of the child. For example, the delay of the mental development of the future child can affect:

  • infectious nutrition
  • lack of iodine in the body of the mother
  • diseases during pregnancy
  • reception of medicines
  • drinking alcohol, narcotic substances, tobacocco.

3. Factors of the external environment.Violations in mental activity of kids may arise as a result:

  • poor food children
  • lack of communication
  • restrictions of motor and cognitive activity
  • incomplete family.

4. Factor of a large family.Studies have shown that the firstborn is more mentally developed in contrast to other children in the family. However, in large families, children are better developing in social terms: they easily acquire communication skills and are adapting faster in society.
5. Factor's social status factor. Children from very poor families do not always please their school performance of parents.
6. Factor influence school. In most general education schools, teachers still consider it a good one student who is calm, answers questions as it is required of it, nothing does without demand. These characteristics do not correspond to children with high creative potential: those that show a non-standard approach to solving tasks. Only individual and personal-oriented approaches to education will stimulate the mental development of children at school today.
7. The factor of the personal qualities of the child. The development of mental abilities affects what character and temperament has a child. Thoughtful children are attentive to the fulfillment of complex tasks, but they are not sure and fear failures. The freeware children are somewhat superficial, but they can spontaneously show creative impulses.
8. Factor of personal qualities of parents. Well, when parents are intellectually developed, successful, confident in themselves, love their work: in such conditions, children are developing faster. However, this is not the main condition in order to raise a smart child. The main thing in the upbringing is the concern of parents and faith in the strength of children.

Intellect of preschool children

"It is interesting. The brain of the child is formed up to three years by 80%. Try not to miss this moment to form a baby's intelligence. "

The main type of vital activity of the child of preschool age. Thanks to the game of the child and knows the world around him: teaches colors and forms, learns about plants and animals, learns to communicate. The game also acts as the main method of developing intelligence.

Seeing the toy for the first time, the baby carefully examines it: it looks, turns, shakes, tries to taste, listens to it. Knowing about this "research" nature of young children, you need to offer them toys that stimulate their mental ability:

  • block designers
  • toys that can be disassembled
  • simple household items with which you can play.

How else can the baby study the world, developing the brain?

  1. Try to buy not all toys. Toys can be made with your own hands, transform household items in toys: it will be more interesting to study them.
  2. Attract a child to joint creativity. Make a toy with a child and play with him.
  3. Let the child use different items that interest him as a toy. Naturally, in a reasonable framework: they should be safe.
  1. Many toys dispel attention. Therefore, the extra toys is better to clean.
  2. Children love multifunction toys.
  3. Toys from the store usually rapidly bored by the baby.
  4. The child is more interested in complex toys that can be explored infinitely.

Along with playing games, engage with the child didactic (educational) games, play on the street in sports games, read and train the baby reading, start comprehending with a crumb of foreign language aza, do drawn and model, musically develop a child. No need to overload the child. Ideally, when classes are held in a game form, fascinating and pleasure. Only then the intellect of the preschooler will develop naturally and harmoniously.

Watch the video about how to develop mental abilities of kids

Features of the intellectual development of schoolchildren

The leading activity of the younger schoolchildren becomes studying. Based on this type of activity, children are actively developing, concomitant features (analysis, planning and other), the need for training and motivation to it. From how interesting training activities are being carried out, as far as it is successful, the development of the student's personality depends. In the process of training activities, children master the ability to learn and use theoretical knowledge. refers to the intensification period of intellectual development. Mental development stimulates other student qualities. Due to this, the awareness of the need for training activities is coming, the emergency and intentional memorization is carried out, attention is developing and the ability to focus, etc. The success of intellectual development at this age depends on the identity and activities of the teacher, his ability to creatively approach children's learning, to use modern learning methods, aimed at stimulating all cognitive processes, consider the individual characteristics of students.

Interestingly, the school children are formed in school age. In one warehouse of the mind analytical, in other students - visual-shaped, and the third is characterized by the presence of both figurative and abstract elements. In order to harmonically develop the minds of schoolchildren, the teacher needs to work both on the logical and on the figurative component of the mind, the presentation of the training material volume.

Successful study contributes to the presence of such components of schoolchildren's thinking:

  • be able to think: analyze, synthesize, summarize, classify information, formulate judgments and conclusions;
  • to be able to think critically, having several solutions to the problem;
  • be able to allocate the main thing, to see the goal.

To successfully develop thinking at school age, it is best to use educational ideas. This pedagogical technology assumes that the tasks are of a problematic nature, which stimulates the active development of the student's intelligence.

Diagnostics of intelligence

Knowing the level of development of the mental development of the child, you can correctly select training methods for it. To determine the level of IQ, use special. For kids - bright pictures, considering which and answering questions, a child demonstrates a certain level of its intelligence. Preschoolers can undergo diagnosis using special tasks and questionnaires.

For testing IQ schoolchildren use psychological tests. They are built in the form of blocks aimed at the study of intelligence in different fields. Focusing on the results, you can find out how it perceives the information best.

Methods of development of intelligence

What can improve the mental quality of the child?

  1. Games, developing brain. These can be chess or checkers, puzzles, logical, psychological and board games.
  2. Mathematics and accurate sciences. Mathematics teaches structuring concepts to treat everything with the order.
  3. Reading. A good feature book will always give the ground to think. Read the child, learn to read yourself, discuss read.
  4. Training.The learning process is valuable in itself, as it activates the development of all human abilities.
  5. Studying of foreign language.
  6. Cognition new. Read the encyclopedia and directories, see educational films and programs, come on. Create conditions in which the child will be interested in opening something new every day. So the horizons and erudition will be expanding. Let the child be curious.

How to stimulate intelligence?

  • constantly ask the child questions
  • use the words "think", "be careful", "remember"
  • walking, resting, let's go a child (watch, count, solve a riddle)
  • teach the child to bring the work started to the end
  • discuss together with the child the results of its activities, detect the shortcomings, think about how to do better.


Develop a child harmoniously. Some books are not enough to make a child smart. Create houses a whole kid's intellectual development system. Do together, paying attention to the comprehensive development of mental abilities. Let classes be mischievous and benefit.

Simply put, with an individual approach during schoolchildren's training, thinking becomes more productive. But on the other hand, the child should have a corresponding mental development to increase the level of trained. By the way, it is worth it to immediately note that many teachers believe that the learningability depends on the level of intelligence of the child. That is, simply speaking, if the level is low, then how many child do not teach, he still will not learn anything. This statement is absolutely wrong. The level of intelligence primarily depends on how training methods, as well as, which is important, from the personal qualities of the teacher. In order to teach schoolchildren and increase their level of thinking, it is necessary that the teacher knows how to always find a special approach to each child. It's no secret that every person has certain thinking, because no wonder people are conditionally divided into humanitarians and technicians. Therefore, in order to teach it better to think, you need to choose the sphere that gives the child easier, and through it to find ways to train complex subjects.

Development techniques

It is worth noting that teaching schoolchildren is easier and easier in the younger school age. There is nothing surprising in this, because young students are often very wanted to know the new and sincerely upset if they do not succeed. But the students of the middle and older school have several other priorities. Training and knowledge cease to be the main goal for them. Their mental development is much more difficult to improve and motivate children to learn something new, especially if it is difficult for them.

If we talk about specific methods to improve thinking and improving intelligence, then, of course, it is immediately worth focusing on the development of memory. The more information a person can remember, the higher its intelligence becomes. But provided that it may not only accumulate received information, but also to process. Otherwise, the rapid memorization of large amounts of information, without subsequent processing, may be a sign of low intelligence, but on the contrary, various mental and mental diseases.

In order to improve mental development and memory, teachers need to be remembered that work with young students should be carried out in a game form. The child can not just force to learn verse. It must be interested in this poem. Therefore, modern teaching methods are proposed for forming lessons in the form of a game.


In order to properly determine the methods of learning a particular schoolboy, you need to know exactly the level of its intelligence and thinking. It is for this that there are special psychological tests. They are divided into different blocks, each of which is directed to a specific area. After passing through the child tests, the teacher can determine how much the child is developed, what kind of learning methods it is better to use and what type of information a schoolboy will perceive easier and faster.

In order for the remedies to be sufficiently developed and had a great stock of knowledge and skills, they need to be engaged in early childhood, improving their memory and constantly offering new information. But even in the case when the child did not get enough before entering school, this gap can always be filled in junior grades. Just need the right approach, patience and the desire of the teacher.