Vasilisa is beautiful and led. Vasilisa-Great: "The image of good and beauty"

Vasilisa is beautiful and led. Vasilisa-great:
Vasilisa is beautiful and led. Vasilisa-Great: "The image of good and beauty"

Vasilisa to do and Vasilisa lovely

There were Vasilisa-Wheel and Vasilisa lovely.

They were like each other like sisters twins twinies.

But only externally.

Vasilisa, who wise parents, he wise parents, learned that it was necessary to be very smart and very boring. That the mind and the scholarship is colorful to the girl, not a shaping with cosmetologists. And that the husband should be more smarter and more boring than she. And watch yourself, it is beautiful to dress, train, paint and wear heels do not need! And you need to wear a Babskoy rod on the back of the head, and the glasses that the sun can be burned ...

And Vasilisa-beautiful since childhood, smart parents taught that it was necessary to look beautifully, dress, watch themselves. But most importantly, in no case do not show men your mind and intelligence.

It is better to laugh loudly every joke and tell men!

ABOUT! You're so smart! Where do you know so much? Where did you learn to understand this way? When you tell about your hobbies, I forget about everything in the world ...

Therefore, from Vasilisa, even the snake-Gorynych with Lesus turned away from Vasilisa, they turned away. Well, who needs such a bore! And she lived alone alone. Writing ladies' novels and articles about feminism. And I died to anyone who was not necessary for the old Kalos.

And around Vasilisa wonderful the whole world spinned.

Everything from her roof demolished!

And Ivan Fool.

And Ivan Tsarevich.

And the snake Mountain.

And blazing is immortal.

Ivan-Fool. Chitter is smart. Bold. Opened. With a sharpened burden to justice. For which he was kicked out of the royal guard, where he served as faithfully.

Ivan Tsarevich. Spoiled, cowardly, snob. All, who has no gold bag for people did not think. All women imagined with their fans. In addition to the dad-king and the premise of gold did not have anything. Stupid, swing, coward, weak.

Zmey Gorynych. Three-orolic mutant. Evil, brazen, false. Before beautiful women Herk. But despite the ugliness of a woman loved him. Yes, who will understand these women.

Koschey. In general, not immortal, just lives very long and does not age. Sports, separate food, self-formation, and endless work on themselves. Also a very hurricane to the beauties. And the beauties hang on it with packs, despite age.

All of them were woven to Vasilis beautiful. And led from the envy glasses their old-fashioned grew. (Nobody walked to her!) The brains wonderful to all of them twisted, he promised a little bit, and then decided to arrange a tournament between them and go to the winner.

Two Vanyatska Durak and Tsarevich agreed together to fill the snake-Gorynych. And then the blasphemy of the immortal. And then, among themselves to decide, who will remain beautiful with Vasilisa.

They beat them beat with the snake, they could not overcome, but also a snake with them with both did not cope in any way.

And in the meantime, I rolled the wool and says to Vasilisa and says:

Vasilisa, I am not clown to you, so that on the fun of the entire royal psarn in the arena to kick each other with other clowns. By this, let Vanyatnika with snake have fun. I'm on another part. I You are fascinated. I I will open such horizons of feelings, which in your failed alcohol kingdom no one and did not hear. And she whispered in her ear such words that Vasilisa had rushed after him, having spoiled on the Vanyatwork, on the snake and the dad-king opinion on this occasion.

And healed the shrug and Vasilisa in the castle of Koschery for a long time and happily.

He taught her to blaspheme the right lifestyle, self-sustaining, sent to the best cosmetologists, nutritionists and coaches.

And when after a lot, many years taut, boiled and gorgeous-looking wool and Vasilisa arrived in the kingdom, where her homeland saw two dried toothless old people.

Look, I said to Koschey. - This is the two Ivana Durak da Tsarevich. Here are what steel? Do you imagine if you were wrong in the choice?

And watch it, the worm of three-liter, they vodka pour him in a saucer.

This is Zmey-Gorynych. Another applicant.

Yes, the blasphemian, the spectacle is nasty, let's go from here. We will be further young, sports and flexible.

And we went away Vasilisa lovely with a wicked immortal ...

Here and fairy tale the end, and who understood how to live in the world - well done!

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Since I remembered about Vasilis wisely. Really very mysterious fabulous character. Where did this image come from Russian Folkle? With Elena, beautiful seems to be understood. This is a fairly famous character. antique mythology, apparently familiar to the old Russian scribes (about hyperborean origins are too fantastic). But Vasilisa? Translated from Greek means "Queen". But who was her prototype?

The original is taken by W. iOV75 In the Russian fairy tale - the secrets of Vasilisa Wolly

Everyone from childhood is familiar with Vasilisa Wolly. According to another version, beautiful.
I found the material here and wanted to share with you.
He seemed interesting to me.

Speech - about the bride of the main character. Whether he is Ivan-Tsarevich or Ivanushka-fool, he will certainly find Vasilis to recreate or Vasilisa beautiful. The girl is relying first to save, and then marry - all honor on honor. That's just a gigless girl. It can hide in the image of a frog, possess some kind of wizard and abilities, be able to talk with animals, sun, wind and moon ...

In general, she is clearly a difficult girl. At the same time, some kind of "classified". Judge for yourself: finding information about it is much more difficult than any other fabulous character. In the encyclopedias (both in classical, paper and new, networks), extensive articles about Ilya Muromster and Dobryne Nikitich, about the blazes of the Immortal and Baba Yaga, about mermaids, ledgers and water, but there is nothing about Vasilis and not . On the surface lies only a short article in a large soviet encyclopediawhich reads:

"Vasilisa Revinda - Character of Russian People magic fairy tales. In most of them, Vasilisa recreed - the daughter of the sea king, endowed with wisdom and the ability to transform. The same female image Speakers under the name of Mary-Tsarevna, Mary Morreva, Elena beautiful. Maxim Gorky called Vasilis to wise one of the most advanced images created by folk fantasy. Other in nature is the disadvantaged sirot - Vasilisa is beautiful in the unique text of Afanasyev. "

Let's start, perhaps, with Vasilisa-senior, with the one that the bitter identified with Marya-Princess, Marya Morrevoy and Elena beautiful. And there were all the foundations. All these characters are very similar, for example, by the fact that nothing about them in fairy tales is not said. Like, the Red Maiden, which light did not see - and that's it. N. detailed description appearance, no damn character. Just a female function, without which there will be no fairy tale: because the hero must win the princess, and who she is there - the tenth thing. Let Vasilisa be.

The name, by the way, hints at high origin. The name "Vasilisa" can be translated from Greek as "royal." And this royal girl (sometimes in fairy tales it is called - the tsar-maiden) begins to expose hero to the trials. That is, sometimes it does not she, and some fabulous villain like the Koshiya immortal or Snake Gorynych, who kidnapped Tsarevna and keeps captive (in best case) or is going to die (at worst).

Sometimes the Father of the Potential Bride speaks as a villain. In a fairy tale, where Vasilisa appears the daughter of the water king, Lord seawater Records the hero of obstacles to destroy him, but loses, because the enemy suddenly finds himself a heart of his daughter, and no witchcraft can overcome him. But everything is more or less clear: there is some evil power (Dragon, magicians or evil parents of the girl), and the hero must fight the enemy. Actually, this is how he becomes a hero. And the princess, the Kingdom or Tsarevna (no matter) - award for the hero.

However, it also happens that Ivan-Tsarevich or Ivan-Fool or another central fabulous character is forced to undergo tests not because of the dragons or sorcerers - he is tormented by the bride itself. Then the hero needs to be buried to the windows of her Svetlitsy and kiss the beauty in the mouth of sugar, then you know the girl among the twelve girlfriends who look like her, then you need to catch a fuzzy - or demonstrate enviable hemita to hide from proud so that That did not find it. At worst, the hero is invited to solve riddles. But in one or another form of Vasilisa will be checked.

It would seem that unusual in trials? Test a man - it is generally in feminine character: Is it good enough to tie his life with him or give birth to him offspring, does he have strength and mind to be a decent spouse and father? From a biological point of view, everything is completely correct. However, there is one small detail. If the unfortunate Ivan does not fulfill the tasks, then death awaits him - and it is repeatedly emphasized in dozens of Russian fairy tales.

Asks why beautiful Tsarevna Demonstrates bloodthirstiness, which is more likely to the face of the snake Gorynych? Because in fact she does not want to marry at all. Moreover, she ends with the hero, believes the famous researcher of Russian folklore Vladimir Prippet in his book " Historical roots Magic fairy tales ":

"The task is asked as the test of the groom ... But these tasks are also interesting to others. They contain a moment of threats:" If you don't do - cut down the head of the head. "This threat gives another motivation. In tasks and threats it is not only a desire to have the best groom to have the best groom. But the secret, hidden hope that there will be no such a groom at all.

The words "perhaps, I agree, only performing three tasks" full of cunning. The bridegroom is sent to death ... In some cases, this hostility is completely pronounced. It manifests itself out when the task has already been completed and when all new and new and more dangerous tasks are set. "

Why is Vasilisa, she is Marya Morrevna, she is Elena beautiful, against marriage? Perhaps in fairy tales, where she constantly chintes the goat to the main hero, this marriage is simply not necessary. She or himself rules the country - and she does not need a husband as a competitor to power, or she is a king's daughter who will overthrow her with a potential spouse to capture the throne. Quite logical version.

As all the same proppage writes, the plot of the goat, which hero rejuvenates the future father-in-law with her daughter or in order to her, could well have real foundations. According to proppap, the struggle for the throne between the hero and the old king there is a phenomenon is quite historical. The fairy tale here reflects the transfer of power from the testing towards the son-in-law through a woman, through daughter. And this once again explains why in fairy tales there is so little about the appearance and character of the bride - this is a character-function: or a prize of a hero, or a means of achieving power. Sad story.

Meanwhile, in the Russian tradition there is a fairy tale that tells about childhood, adolescence and youth Vasilisa. Just about it mentioned bitter, saying that it is not like the usual image of the princes, which tries to conquer the hero. In this fairy tale Vasilisa - orphan girl. Not the fact that it is the same character. Nevertheless, this Vasilisa, unlike other fairy tale sick, is absolutely a full-blooded heroine - with a biography, character and so on.

Dotted sketch scene line. A spouse dies at the merchant, leaving him a little daughter. Father decides to marry again. Stepmother has his daughters and all this new company Begins to Tyrand Vasilis, loading it with unbearable work. In general, it is very similar to a fairy tale about Cinderella. It seems that yes not quite, because the Fairy-godfather helped Cinderella, and Vasilisa was a terrible witch from the forest.

It turned out this is like. Stepmother and her daughters said that there was no more fire in the house, and sent Vasilis to the forest to Baba Yaga, of course, hoping that she would not return. The girl listened. Her road through dark forest It was terrible - and strange: she met three riders, one white, other red, and the third black, and they all went towards Yaga.

When Vasilisa got to her dwelling, she met her a high fence from stakes seated by human skulls. No less terrible was the house of Jagi: for example, instead of servants, the witch had three pairs of hands that appeared nowhere and disappeared anywhere. But the most terrible thing in this house was Baba Yaga.

The witch, however, accepted Vasilis favorably and promised that the fire would give her if Vasilisa would fulfill all her tasks. Performing difficult tasks - the indispensable path of the hero. Unlike fairy tales, a woman passes in this, there is a woman, therefore her tasks for her female, just their too much: the courtyard is cleaned, and the hut is reciprocating, and take the lingerie, and cook dinner, and get the grains, and all - in a day. Of course, if the tasks be performed badly, Baba Yaga promised Vasilis to eat.

Vasilisa wrapped the clothes of Yagi, removes her house, prepared her food, then learned to separate healthy grains from infected, and Mac - from dirt. After Yaga allowed Vasilis to ask her a few questions. Vasilisa asked about three mysterious riders - white, red and black. The witch replied that this is a clear day, the Red Sun and the Black Night, and all of them - her faithful servants. That is, Baba Yaga in this fairy tale is an extremely powerful sorceress.

After she asked Vasilisa, that she does not ask further, about dead hands, for example, and Vasilisa replies that, they say, if you know a lot - soon you will build up. Yaga looked at her and, squinting, said that the answer was faithful: she did not like too curious and eats. And after asked how this Vasilisa manages to answer her questions without mistakes and how she managed to fully fulfill all the work.

Vasilisa replied that her mother blessing helped her, and then the witch pushed her for the threshold: "I don't need a blessed here." But in addition gave the girl of the fire - she took off the skull from the fence, whose socies were fluent in the flame. And when Vasilisa returned home, the skull burned her tormentors.

Creepy fairy tale. And her essence is that Vasilisa is beautiful, performing the tasks of Baba Yaga, she learned a lot. For example, the erasing of the clothes of Yagi, Vasilisa literally saw, from which the old woman was stitched, writes in his book "Running with Wolves" a well-known researcher in the fairy tales of Clarissa Estes:

"In the symbols of archetype, clothing corresponds to the person, the first impression we produce on others. Person is something like camouflage, which allows other things that we ourselves, and no more. But ... person is not only a mask for which You can hide, but the presence of the eclipse of the usual person.

In this sense, a person or mask is a sign of rank, dignity, character and power. This is an external pointer, an external manifestation of skill. Erasing the clothes of the jagi, dedicated to the sideline, see how the person's seams look like a dress crouched. "

And so - in everything. Vasilisa sees how and that Yaga eats, how forces the world to spin around him, and the day, the sun and night - to walk in my service cereals. And a terrible skull, having a fire, who witch hands a girl, in this case - a symbol of a special witchcraft knowledge that she received, being at Jagi in novice.

The sorceress, by the way, maybe he would continue their training, will not be Vasilisa Blessed daughter. But it did not work out. And Vasilisa, armed with force and secret knowledge, went back to the world. In this case, it is clear from where Vasilisa magic skills, which are often mentioned in other fairy tales. It is also clear why it can be both kind, and evil.

She is still a blessed child, but the Yaga's Baba School is also not going anywhere. Because Vasilisa ceased to be a meek lipstick: her enemies died, and she herself married Tsarevich and sat down on the throne ...

The main heroine of most Russian folk fairy tales is Vasilisa to do. She is an embodiment female idealwhich combines mind and beauty. Vasilisa Revinda is the main female Character Russian folk fairy tale "Tsarevna-Frog". And this tale teaches that the main thing in man is his inner world, not appearance. Therefore, Vasilisa looks beautiful to the image of a frog, but only then - princesses.

To make a description of Vasilisa Wrap, you need to know what it is said in a fairy tale. Ivan-Tsarevich, along with the brothers at the order of his father, the king decided to find a bride. To do this, they allowed an arrow, and what yard she will fall, there are their bride there.

It turned out that the Arrow of Ivan was in the swamp, and his frog was narrowed. But she was unusual, she could talk, so Tsarevich reassured, saying that everything is formed.

The king decided to check how much his future daughter-in-law was economic and know how to behave in society. Tsarevna-Frog coped with everything because she was enchanted by Vasilisa Promudra. Ivan-Tsarevich found out about it and during the feather burned the skin with a frog. Because of his impatience, Vasilisa left him.

To return his narrowed back, Ivan had to defeat the idle of the immortal. And Vasilisa did the wife of Ivan Tsarevich.

Why the heroine turned into a frog

In the description of Vasilisa, Promutrau is worth allocating that it is already an emphasis on the inner world of heroine. And the image of the frog helps convey to the reader the idea that the main thing in man is not an appearance. And in the Russian woman most appreciated precisely her ability to keep the economy and create a comfort in the family. Her internal qualities were important.

And therefore, the description of Vasilisa will be started to begin with the fact that it appears before readers precisely in an unavailable appearance of the frog. And how Ivan-Tsarevich led himself is a characteristic response of a person to ugly appearance. But it is worth noting that gradually Tsarevich attached to his unusual narrowed due to her internal qualities. That is, the main character no longer conquered the appearance, but the character of the heroine.

The appearance of the main heroine

In the description of Vasilisa, Wolly, in the "Tsarevne Frog" you need to say that in a fairy tale, you try to concentrate the attention of the reader in the inner world of the heroine in the fairy tale. Therefore, it says in detail about the tasks that the king gives the girls. But the specific description of the appearance of the heroine is not.

If you analyze the appearance of other heroines, you can assume how princess could look like. Description Vasilisa Promudra could be like this: a state girl with a smooth gait, a long beautiful oblique and clear blue eyes. It should be especially noted by the fact that long hair Always considered the main sign of femininity, so all the heroines of Russian fairy tales had a long braid.

Inner world of heroine

The main focus in the description of Vasilisa will be done from the fairy tale in its inner world. Her character most fully revealed exactly when she performed the tasks of the king. In the description of Vasilisa Wrap from the fairy tale " Princess Frog"It should be noted that it was very economic. She knew how to cook and embroider, which was very valued in a woman.

But it is worth highlighting the fact that despite her patience, kindness and care of Ivan Tsarevich, she loved to stand out among others. Because during the feather, she demonstrated her abilities: from food and drinks took the sea and swans. By this, she stressed their peculiarity, exceptional and thereby, she received an additional advantage over brides of the brothers. However, the girl was familiar with the rules of etiquette and knew how to behave in society than Ivan-Tsarevich and King delighted.

In the description of Vasilisa, Will should be noted that it was an embodiment of the ideal of a Russian woman. She was not only beautiful, but also smartly and knew how to lead the economy. In the fairy tale "Tsarevna-frog" shown as Ivan-Tsarevich learned to appreciate the person primarily for his character, the inner world, and not for beauty.

The whole fairy tale was built on the opposition of the main character, Vasilisa Promotra and the image of the frog - princes, who knew how to do everything in the household, and inept brides of other prince. Due to this, the image of Vasilisa turned out to be expressive and became a reflection of the presentation of the Russian people about a real woman.

As you remember from childhood, Vasilisa is disgraced - one of the characters of Russian fairy tales, a girl endowed with wisdom and prudence. This is one of the most attractive heroines, especially since, besides these constant traits of her character, it is inherent in the purity of the soul, kindness and modesty. We will give a more detailed description of Vasilisa Vasilisa in this article.

What is the story of Vasilisa Promudra?

Samoa famous fairy tale About Vasilis Wolly, perhaps, is a "princess frog". There, the heroine appears the wizard, which the owl's own father is immortal, since the daughter surpassed him in the skill of magic (according to other versions, Vasilisa refused to marry him, and for it I was enchanted). The will of the case she becomes the bride of Ivan-Tsarevich, and after the tests passed - and his wife. As we remember, she uses his gift, performing the orders of the king, - to cut the carpet, bake bread. When the king suits the feast, she dumps the skin on a frog, and appears before the guests in its true form - with beauty.

Ivan, seeing what his wife actually, of course, wishes her to remain in this form forever and burns her skirt. But it turns out that he should not have done this in any case, because Vasilisa is forced to return to blast. After numerous difficulties, with which Ivan Tsarevich had to face in search of his wife, he finally finds her and fighting the misfortune, won over him, saving to Vasilis from the evil spell.

Couple words about name

The name of Vasilisa, by the way, may be an indication of its high origin, since one of the translations of this word from Greek sounds like "reign." So, the image of Vasilisa is decorated with additional meanings.

Another fairy tale with Vasilisa Wolly

In another fairy tale, where the main heroine is Vasilisa Revinda (in other versions - Vasilisa is beautiful, but this epithet is much less common, in essence, it is not directly related to the meaning of this fairy tale), she is a young girl who evil stepmother And no less evil sisters send to the forest to the Baba Yaga service. Contrary to their expectations, the sorceress does not eat Vasilis instantly, but leaves her.

When the girl is correctly and in time performs all the instructions of Baba Yaga (in fact, the heroine helps the magic doll, which took her inheritance from the mother), she wondered that the girl everything would be so successful, he learns that the maternal blessing helps and let her She is for goodbye the pole with a skull at the end. His eyes glow - so as not to get lost on the way home. When Vasilisa returns home, the eyes of the skull begin to shine even stronger and incay the stepmother and sisters. The subtext of this fairy tale describes in detail in the "Running with Wolves" Clarissa Pinkol Estes, a well-known researcher of magical fairy tales. So to read more detailed feature Vasilisa Wolly, it is worth contacting this work.

Vasilisa Vasilisa appearance

In order to give short description Vasilisa Wolly, it is worth mentioning her appearance. However, as in most fairy tales, appearance The heroine is not said almost a word - only at the royal Peter, Vasilisa looks like a beauty written, but this is a rather blurred definition. It becomes clear from this that the main thing is not the appearance of the character, but the features of his character are the inner meaning he carries in himself.

In the "Tsarevne Frog", where Vasilisa first wears the skin of the frog, this is expressed as it is impossible to more accurately, as well as the epithet, standing after the name of the heroine, indicates the first place not to beauty, but on her wisdom. But, in essence, appearance is not important and for another reason - Vasilisa is not so much a person as a function - a prize that Ivan-Tsarevich will receive after the necessary tests. Therefore, here Vasilisa is rather collective female way.

In the other fairy tale, the appearance in principle does not have a special meaning, since attention is indeed concentrated on the lifetime of the heroine (which researchers believe, is the way female initiation, turning a girl in a woman by getting wisdom from older in age and experience).

Characteristics of Vasilisa Wrap: her personality

In the "Tsarevne-frog", its mind, majesty and at the same time simplicity. In "Vasilisa Will", the girl appears to be a bold, resistant, also obedient senior and restrained. Finally, in both fairy tales, the heroine has the ability to make decisions and maintain peace of mind in any circumstances.

In fact, many heroines of magical Russian fairy tales have similar features, including the ability to reincarnate and other magic properties, which allows them to identify them - and Marry Morazn, and Vasilis, and Mari-Tsarevna, and Elena beautiful. However, we can give the characteristic of Vasilis and other similar heroines we can, proceed only from words and actions belonging to them.

Name:Vasilisa Premudraya (Vasilisa PREMUDRAYA)

Country: Kievan Rus

Creator: slavic folklore

Activity: Tsarevna

Family status: married

Vasilisa Revinda: Character Character

The culture of Russian traditional fairy tales, in which the people tried to express their national immigration, diverse. The storytellers who transmit stories from the mouth of the mouth, invented the colorful characters that were shrouded in a halo of mystery.

So, in national books there are flying on the broom, the owner underground kingdom And Vasilisa is removed, which personifies good, caringness and determination. Basically, this girl acts as the bride of the main character, whether or, but initially heroine will be saved, and then marry.

Image and characteristic

) appears in Russian folk fairy tales beautiful girlhaving an analytical warehouse of the mind. For example, she managed to fulfill the task given Sea king: The heroine in one night built a church from pure wax. Vasilisa is endowed magical abilitiesWhat is evidence of these lines from "Tsarevna Frog":
"I went to Vasilisa to dance to Ivan Tsarevich. I waved the left sleeve - the lake was, waved the right - they floated the White Swans on the lake. "

True, the story stors do not give a scrupulous description of the appearance and suit of this girl, drawing the attention of the listeners for character traits. In addition, in every fairy tale, Vasilisa plays a different role. In most stories, the heroine accounts for a daughter of the king - the lord of the sea waters and underwater inhabitants with immetic wealth.

Some hold parallel between Vasilisa and, since these characters have common features. Heroine was waiting for heavy everyday work, insidious stepmother and evil summary sisters, who sent the girl to the enchanted forest to service to Baba Yaga. But, contrary to the expectations of ill-wishers, the old witch, living in the hut on the courier legs, did not eat Vasilis, but left her.

Girl in time performed instructions of the old woman with a hooked nose. The fact is that the beauty helped the Wubble Doll, presented by the late mother. Here again, you can bring an analogy with a girl who lost crystal shillFor she also had a magic assistant - the godfather, the owner of the magic wand. Ultimately, Baba Yaga released Vasilis to freedom and so that she did not get lost in understand the forest, gave her a luminous skull, hit on the pole. This illustration can be seen in the artist.

Zarevna Frog is perhaps the most popular fairy tale of Vasilis Promudra, however, a similar plot using antithesis is also found in other countries, for example, Italy and Greece. The work tells about the king, who had three sons. When it came time to look for a lady of the heart, the brothers were let down on the arrow, in order to choose their bride. Ivan Tsarevich was lucky less than everyone, because his arrow was a frog. But I would know the young man that Vasilisa, the victim of the Witchcraft Vasilisa, the victim of the Witchcraft Char, the witch of the immortal!

Despite such a deplorable position, the girl managed to cope (with the help of witchcraft or "Mamok-Nyanka") with all the tasks of the king to show themselves with best side: Washed the carpet, baked delicious bread. When the time of Pera is fits, Vasilisa dumps the skin with a frog and appears with a beautiful beauty from which it is impossible to tear the eye.

Ivan-Tsarevich wished his spouse to remain in such a guise forever, so in secretly a girl's "clothes". But the royal son made a mistake, because of which he was obliged to return to Koscheevo Kingdom. therefore the main character, Armed with onions, goes to search for an evil sorcerer, in order to free their bride.

Among other things, Vasilisa can talk to animals, the sun and the moon. And in the fairy tale "Sea Tsar" main character I reincarnated in a duck, and my companion turned into a spray to escape from the frantic owner of the throne, the inhabitant of the seabed.


Fairy tales about Vasilis Promutrau more than once turned into cartoons and movies, and the role of the heroine was performed by famous actresses. Consider several popular films.

"Merry Magic" (1969)

In 1969, the director Boris Khvitrev was put in a focus based on the play of Nina Hernet and Grigory Yagdfeld "Katia and Miracles". The plot of the paintings revolves around Kati: the girl randomly found the magical "Koscheyev Grass", which can align Vasilisa beautiful.

When the cleaner of Akulina Ivanovna, who in the past was Baba-Yaga, told the schoolgirl story about Koshee, they went towards the adventures to defeat the evil wizard and save the enchanted girl. The role of Vasilisa got actress Svetlana Svylana, and other characters were performed by Marina Kozodoyeva, Andrei Wienovsky, Elizabeth Uvarova, and other actors.

"There, on unknown tracks ..." (1982)

Director Mikhail Yuzovsky pleased the avid kinomans by the crossover based on the book "down the magic river". The picture tells about how the boy Mita Sidorov dips in fabulous adventures And meets with cult Russian characters, for example, with a Baba Yaga, which appears in the guise of good sorcerer.

Vasilis Afanasyevna who worked played, who worked on one set with the novel of the monastic, and.

"Wonders in Rakevoe" (2004)

The director showed the original concept of cinema, placing fabulous heroes in modern world. Characters are forced to wander in the light. They can not stay in one place for a long time, for the powerful Vasilisa and speaking - This is at least strange. When the heroes are moving in provincial town Rakes, wonders are starting there: then magic Voddy. Appears in the well, the brush of Jadvig flies at night on a washing machine.

In Vasilis, the actress Maria Glakov was reincarnated, and in the role of her colleagues on the set performed