"Constancy of memory", Salvador Dali: Description of the picture. Memory Constancy Picture Salvador Dali

"Constancy of memory", Salvador Dali: Description of the picture. Memory Constancy Picture Salvador Dali

One of the most famous cloths written in the genre of surrealism is the "constancy of memory." Salvador Dali - the author of this painting, created it in just a few hours. The canvas is now in New York, in the Museum of Contemporary Art. This small picture, the size of only 24 per 33 centimeters, is the most discussed work of the artist.

Explanation of the name

The picture of El Salvador gave the "constancy of memory" was written in 1931 on the canvas-tapestry handmade. The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating this web was associated with the fact that once, waiting for the return of his wife a Galy from the movies, Salvador Dali wrote an absolutely desert landscape of the sea coast. Suddenly he saw a piece of cheese melting on the sun, which they ate in the evening with friends. The cheese melted and became softer and softer. Having threw out and tied a long time spent with a melting piece of cheese, Dali began to fill the canvas spreading hours. Salvador Dali called his work "constancy of memory", explaining the name of the fact that at once I look at the picture, you will never forget it. Another name of the picture is "flowable clock". This name is connected with the content of the canvas itself, which invested Salvador Dali.

"Memory Constancy": picture description

When you consider this cloth, an unusual placement and structure of depicted items is immediately thrown into the eyes. The picture shows the self-sufficiency of each of them and the overall sense of emptiness. There is much like not related objects, but they all create a general impression. What was weathed in the picture "Constancy of Memory" Salvador Dali? A description of all items is quite a lot of space.

Atmosphere Painting "Constancy of Memory"

El Salvador Dali performed a picture in the brown gamma. The overall shadow lies on the left side and the middle of the painting, the sun falls on the back and right side of the canvas. The picture is filled with a quiet horror and fear of such peace, and at the same time a strange atmosphere fills the "constancy of memory". Salvador gave this web forces to think about the meaning of time in the life of every person. Is it time to stop? Or can it adapt to each of us? Probably everyone should give himself answers to these questions.

It is known that the artist has always left a record of his paintings in his diary. However, Salvador Dali did not say anything about the most famous picture of the "constancy of memory". The great artist initially understood that by writing this picture, he would make people think about the fraternity of being in this world.

Effect of canvas per person

The picture of El Salvador gave the "constancy of memory" was considered by American psychologists who came to the conclusion that this canvas possesses the strongest psychological impact on certain types of human personalities. Many people looking at this picture of Salvador Dali, described their feelings. Most of the people plunged into nostalgia, the rest tried to deal with the mixed emotions of the overall horror and thoughtfulness caused by the composition of the painting. The canvas transmits feelings, thoughts, experiences and attitude to the "softness and hardness" of the artist himself.

Of course, this picture is small in size, but it can be considered one of the greatest and strong psychological paintings of El Salvador Dali. The painting "Constancy of Memory" carries the greatness of the classics of surrealistic painting.

In early August 1929, the young Dali met his future wife and Muse Galo. Their union was the key to the incredible success of the artist, having an impact on all his subsequent creativity, including the picture "Constancy of Memory."

(1) Soft watches - a symbol of non-linear, subjective time, arbitrarily current and unevenly filling space. Three hours in the picture is the past, present and future. "You asked me," wrote to physics Ilya Prigogina, "I thought about Einstein when I painted a soft watch (meaning the theory of relativity. - Ed. Ed.). I answer you negatively, the fact is that the connection of space and time has long been absolutely obvious for me, so there was nothing special in this picture for me, she was the same as any other ... To this I can add that I am a lot I thought about Hercules (an ancient Greek philosopher, who believed that time was measured by the strength of thought. - Approx. Ed.). That is why my picture is called the "constancy of memory". Memory about the relationship between space and time. "

(2) Split object with eyelashes. This is a self-portrait of sleeping gave. The world in the picture is his dream, the death of an objective world, the celebration of the unconscious. "The relationship between bedtime, love and death is obvious," the artist wrote in autobiography. - Sleep this is death or at least this is an exception from reality, or, even better, this is the death of the reality itself, which in the same way dies during the love act. " According to Dali, the dream frees the subconscious, so the head of the artist breaks down, like a mollusk, is a testimony of its defenselessness. Only Gala, he will say after the death of his wife, "knowing my defenselessness, stubcounted my grasphens of the oyster flesh in the sink fortress, and the more removed."

(3) Solid hours - Look on the left dial down - the symbol of objective time.

(4) Ants - Symbol of rotting and decomposition. According to Nina Getashvili, Professor of the Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, "Children's impression of a volatile mouse podrak, sising ants, and also invented by the artist himself, the memory of the bathing baby with ants in the back passage for his whole life was given the artist by the obsessive presence of this insect in his Painting. ("I loved to nostalgically remember this action, which was not really not," the artist will write in the "secret life of Salvador Dali, who told them himself." - Approx. Ed.). On the clock on the left, the only preserved hardness, ants also create a clear cyclic structure, obeying chronometer divisions. However, this does not obscure the meaning that the presence of ants is still a sign of decomposition. " According to Dali, the linear time devours itself.

(5) Fly. According to Nina Getashvili, "the artist called their Faymi Mediterranean. In the "diary of one genius" he wrote: "They carried the inspiration by the Greek philosophers who spent their lives under the sun, rolled with flies."

(6) Olive. For the artist, this is a symbol of ancient wisdom, which, unfortunately, has already sunk in the fly (therefore the tree is shown dry).

(7) Cape Creus. This cape in the Catalan coast of the Mediterranean Sea, not far from the city of Figuec, where Dali was born. The artist often portrayed him in the paintings. "Here, he wrote," in the rocky granite the most important principle of my theory of paranoid metamorphosis is embodied (the flow of one delusional image to another. - Ed.) ... These are frozen, raised by an explosion of the cloud in all their countless and New - It is only a bit of changing the angle of view. "

(8) Sea For Dali symbolized immortality and eternity. The artist considered him the ideal space for travel, where time flows not with objective speed, but in accordance with the internal rhythms of the consciousness of the traveler.

(9) Egg. According to Nina Getashvili, a world egg in creativity symbolizes life. His image artist borrowed from Oficov - ancient Greek mystics. According to ORFICAL mythology, the first two-fallen deity of Fans, who created people, and from two halves of his shell, was formed by the sky and the Earth.

(10) Mirror lying horizontally left. This is a symbol of changeability and impermanence, obediently reflecting both the subjective and objective world.

History of creation

Salvador Dali and Gala in Cadakes. 1930. Photo: Provided by GMI them. A.S. Pushkin

They say that Dali was not a little. Yes, he suffered to paranoid syndrome. But without it, I would not have been given as an artist. He had a light nonsense, which was expressed in the appearance of a dream-shaped formatives, which artist could carry on canvas. Thoughts who visited Dali during the creation of paintings were always fraud (no wonder he was fond of psychoanalysis), and a bright example is the story of the emergence of one of the most famous "constancy of memory" (New York, Museum of Contemporary Art).

The case was in the summer of 1931 in Paris, when Dali was preparing for the personal exhibition. Having guided the civilian wife Gulu with friends in the cinema, "I, - writes Dali in the memories, - Returned to the table (dinner we completed the excellent Camembert) and plunged into meditation about the spreading pulp. Before my mental look, cheese arose. I got up and, as usual, headed into the workshop - take a look at bedtime to the picture he wrote. That was a port-loy scenery in a transparent-sad sunset light. In the foreground - naked olive exes with a broken branch.

I felt that in this picture I managed to create an atmosphere, consonant with some important image - but what? I have not the foggiest idea. I needed a wonderful image, but I did not find it. I went to turn off the light, and when it came out, literally saw the solution: two pairs of soft watches, they are plaintively hanging from the Olina branch. Despite the migraine, I prepared the palette and took up work. Two hours later, to return Gang, the most famous from my paintings was completed. "

Photo: M.Flynn / Alamy / Diomedia, Carl Van Vechten / Library of Congress

The constancy of the memory of El Salvador was given or, as accepted by the people, the soft clock is, perhaps, the most pop painting of Matra. Not heard about it only those who are in an information vacuum in some villages without sewage.

Well, let's start our "story of the same picture", perhaps, with its description, so favorite adherents of hippiems. Who did not understand what I mean, conversations about higgiture - this is a carbon monoxide, especially for those who at least once communicated with art historian. There is on YouTube, Google to help. But back to our Baranas Salvadoram.

That picture "Constancy of memory", another name "Soft Watch". The genre of the picture is surrealism, your captain is always ready for services. Located in the New York Museum of Contemporary Art. Butter. Year of creation 1931. Size - 100 by 330 cm.

More about Salvadorych and his paintings

The constancy of the memory of Salvador Dali, description of the picture.

The picture shows a lifeless landscape of an unsolicited port-Lygata, where Salvador has spent a significant part of his life. In the foreground in the left corner there is a piece of something solid, where, in fact, a pair of soft hours is located. Some of the soft hours flow off with a hard thing (even a rock, then the hardened land, then the hell knows what), other hours are located on the body of the corpse that has long been imprisoned in the Bose of Oliv. Here this red incomprehensible garbage in the left corner is a solid pocket watch devoured by ants.

In the middle of the composition, an amorphous mass with eyelashes, in which, nevertheless, without difficulty can consider Salvador's self-portrait Dali. A similar image is present at such many pictures of Salvadorych that it is not quite difficult to know it (for example, c) mildly gave wrapped with a soft clock as a blanket and, apparently, sleeps and sees sweet dreams.

In the background, the sea, coastal cliffs settled and again a piece of some solid blue unknown garbage.

Salvador gave constancy of memory, analysis of the picture and the value of images.

My personally, my opinion is that the picture symbolizes exactly what is stated in its name - the constancy of the memory, while the time as a momentant and quickly "melted" and "flows" as a soft watch or devouring, like solid. As it says, sometimes banana is just a banana.

Everything that can be said with a certain degree of reliability is that Salvador wrote a picture while Gala went to have fun in a cinema, and he stayed at home because of the attack of migraine. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe picture came to him after a while after eating soft cheese "Camumbert" and thinking about his "supertility". All this is given from the words and therefore closest to the truth. Although the Master was still the Balabol and the mystifier and his words should be filtered through a small-fine sieve.

Syndrome search for deep meaning

This is all lower - the creation of gloomy geniuses from the Internet and I do not know how to treat it. I did not find documentary evidence and statements of Salvador on this occasion, so do not take for a clean coin. But some assumptions are beautiful and have a place to be.

When creating a picture, El Salvador may have been inspired by the estimated antique saying "everything flows, everything changes", which is attributed to Hercelit. It claims some degree of reliability, as they were given not to be familiar with the philosophy of an ancient thinker. Salvadorych even has a decoration (necklace, if I'm not mistaken), which is called the Heraclit Fountain.

It is believed that three o'clock in the picture is the past, present and future. It is unlikely that it really was so conceived by Salvador, but the idea is beautiful.

Solid clock may be time in physical understanding, and the soft clock is a subjective time perceived by us. More like the truth.

Dead Olive is, allegedly, a symbol of ancient wisdom that has ever been to the fly. This, of course, is interesting, but, given that at the beginning, they just wrote a landscape, and the idea to enter all these surrealistic images came to him much later - seeing very dubious.

The sea in the picture allegedly the symbol of immortality and eternity. Also beautiful, but, I doubt, since, again, the landscape was written earlier and did not contain any deep and surreal ideas.

Among the lovers of finding a deep meaning, there was an assumption that the picture of the constancy of memory was created under the influence of ideas about the theory of relativity of Uncle Albert. In response, Dali responded in his interview, which, in fact, he was inspired not the theory of relativity, but the "surrealistic feeling of Camembert cheese, melting in the sun." So it goes.

By the way, Camembert is a very suitable tank with a gentle texture and a slightly fungal flavor. Although Dorble is much more tastier, as for me.

What means the sleepy himself was given in the middle, wrapped by hours - I have no idea if honestly. I wanted to show my unity over time, with memory? Or a connection between sleep and death? Covered with darkness of history.


Dali as a real surrealist his picture immerses us into the world of dreams. Fussy, indiscriminate, mystical and at the same time seemingly understandable and real.

On the one hand, familiar clock, sea, rocky landscape, dried tree. On the other hand, their appearance and the neighborhood with others, weakly identifiable objects, leaves in bewilderment.

In the picture of the three o'clock: the past, present and future. The artist followed the ideas of Heraclit, who believed that time was measured by the strength of thought. Soft clock is a symbol of non-linear, subjective time, arbitrarily current and unevenly filling space.

Melted watches Dali invented, meditating about the Camembar

Solid clocks, embraced by ants, is a linear time that deviates itself. The image of insects as a symbol of rotting and decomposition persecuted from childhood, when he saw the insects kept on a volatile carcass.

But Muh Dali called the Fakes of the Mediterranean: "They carried the inspiration by the Greek philosophers who spent their lives under the sun, rolled with flies."

The artist depicted himself sleeping in the form of a vague object with eyelashes. "Sleep this is death or at least this is an exception to reality, or, even better, this is the death of the reality itself, which in the same way dies during the love act."

Salvador Dali

The tree is shown dry, because, as they thought, antique wisdom was given (whose symbol is a tree and is) rushed into the fly.

The deserted shore is a cry of the soul of the artist, who speaks about its devastation, loneliness and longing. "Here (at Cape Creus in Catalonia - ed.)," He wrote, "in the rocky granite the most important principle of my theory of paranoid metamorphosis is embodied ... these are frozen, raised by an explosion of the cloud in all its countless and new and new - worth only slightly change the angle of view. "

At the same time, the sea is a symbol of immortality and eternity. According to thought, the sea is ideal for travel, there time is flowing in accordance with the internal rhythms of consciousness.

The image of an egg as a symbol of life Dali took from ancient mystics. The latter believed that the first two-mounted deity of the Fans, which created people, and from two halves of his shell, were born, and the sky and the Earth were formed from two halves.

Left horizontally lies the mirror. It reflects everything you wish: And the world is real and dreams. For gave a mirror - a symbol of impermanence.


According to the legend, invented by Himself, Dali, he created the image of fluids literally in two hours: "We had to go with friends to the movies, but at the last moment I decided to stay at home. Gala will go with them, and I am a fire early. We filed a very tasty cheese, then I stayed alone, sitting, leaning on the table, and reflecting on how the "supemagok" was melted cheese. I got up and went to the workshop to, as usual, to look at my job. The picture I was going to write, represented the scenery of the neighborhood of Port Lygata, the rocks, as if illuminated by a non-road evening light. In the foreground, I sketched a chopped barrel of alertless olive. This landscape is the basis for the canvas with some idea, but what? I needed a wonderful image, but I did not find it. I went to turn off the light, and when it came out, literally "saw" the decision: two pairs of soft watches, some are capable of hanging from the oiler branch. Despite the migraine, I prepared the palette and took up work. Two hours later, when Gala returned from the movies, the picture, which was supposed to become one of the most famous, was completed. "

Gala: No one can forget these soft clocks, seeing them at least once

After 20 years, the picture was built into a new concept - "Disintegration of the constancy of memory". The cult image is surrounded by nuclear mysticism. Soft dials are quietly disintegrated, the world is dismembered on clear blocks, the space is under water. The 1950s with post-war reflection and technical progress, obviously, they were perepashal.

"Disintegration of the constancy of memory"

Dali was buried in such a way that anyone can walk by his grave

Creating all this variety, gave up and came up with itself - from the mustache to hysterical behavior. He saw a lot of talented people who did not notice. Therefore, the artist reminded itself regularly in the most eccentric from possible manner.

Dali on the roof of their house in Spain

Even death was given to Perfomance: on the will, he should have been buried so that people could walk on the grave. What was fulfilled after his death in 1989. Today the body was given to the floor in one of the rooms of his house in Figueres.

Inspired by Einstein's relativity theory, Salvador Dali portrayed these melting hours famous for the whole world. They remind the frequency of our being and sometimes give a reason for deep reflection. No wonder the picture "Constancy of Memory" to this day is actively discussed in creative circles.

Modern designers embodied this idea of \u200b\u200blife and we are glad to present the original element for the interior - melting Salvador Dali. Based on this idea, the melting bottle in the form of hours is also created. With us you can choose any model (the option is available in the field above the price).

Salvador's clock was made in an unusual form. It seems that they are blurred over the surface. In addition, the form of the watch allows you to place them in the most unexpected place - on the edge of the surface. It gives them even greater realism.

Such a decision for the decor must necessarily be all fans of art and connoisseurs of work Dali. Also, the melting hours will become an excellent birthday gift or another memorable event.

The original design is organically combined with modern technologies. The quartz mechanism of the clock is the key to them and durability. With these clocks, you will never be late for an important meeting.

Magnifying hours can be an addition to your bedroom or take an honorable place in the office. Wherever you placed them, they will certainly attract attention to themselves and cause delight among others.


  • Perfectly balanced and held on the corner of any furniture subject;
  • Quartz mechanism;
  • Created based on the work of Salvador Dali.


  • Meals: 1 AAA type battery (not included);
  • Hours dimensions: 18 x 13 cm;
  • Material: PVC.