Forms of crosses except Orthodox. What cross is correct

Forms of crosses except Orthodox. What cross is correct
Forms of crosses except Orthodox. What cross is correct
For one book in our publishing house it took to portray the Orthodox Cross. In Yandex, many images of crosses, but the picture quality demanded that the cross was painted initially in a graphic editor. It was climbed to draw - it does not work, the proportions are not those. Began to look for the right proportions - it turned out, there are such. And all the crosses that are manufactured for the needs of the ROC are made only on these proportions. And it's not just about the holiness of the cross, as one of the main symbols of Orthodoxy, but also his symbolism, clearly boned with proportions. But first things first...

The cross is the symbol of God - the Lord of our Jesus Christ. For each believing Orthodox person, the cross is associated with the memories of the deaths of the Lord for the sins of all people from the Fall of Adam and Eve to the end of times. If not even on the cross image of the crucifix, it is invisible there. Consequently, the proportions of the cross are associated with the proportions of man.

Creating living organisms from the simplest to man, the "Creator of all sorts" used a single matter and the universal proportion of the "golden section" to give the form of living beings. "Gold" is present everywhere: and in the form of mollusk sink, and turnips in the garden, and in the proportions of the crown of creation - man. For example, the ratio of human growth to height from the heels to the Pup is the same as the ratio of the size from heels to the nap to height from the pup to the head of the head, and the same as the sequential ratio of the size of the phalange of any finger. This universal attitude is 1: 0,618.

The proportions of the "golden section" are present in all harmonic phenomena of life, before they were present in the creations of a person, for example, in classical music (in the climax "nodes" of works), but there is no longer these proportions in jazz or rock. The same can be said about modern architecture.
God is perfection, therefore, the symbol of God must be built according to the laws of his creation: in the "golden" proportion. In other words, the proportions of the cross - dividing the segment of a straight line in the "gold" ratio. The cross should reflect the history of its origin as a three-point honest and life-giving Cross of the Lord.

Greek (Korsunsky Cross)

Picture 1.

The cross - the tree of life, the keeper of the universe, therefore, it is no coincidence that many decorative elements of the cross are associated with its origin and have the relevant names: "Repia" in the form of leaves located at the three top ends of the cross, "branches" - on the main "trunk" above Tsate, " The sun "and the rays departing from him in the center of the baroque cross. Analyzing the temple crosses, it is chronologically distinguished by several basic types of crosses known to the Russian architects: Greek plane cross, his name is Corsun (picture 1) , by the name of the city, from where Russia directly accepted the Orthodox faith; Russian Orthodox Eight-Spoard Cross (Figure 2) ; baroque cross (Figure 3) .

All of the above types of crosses differ from each other by proportions, quantity and nature of decorative elements. The Greek Cross usually fits into a square or a rectangle in "gold relation", and usually transverse crossbar divides vertical in half, from here the plane cross. The ancient cathedral temples usually had Greek crosses with decorative elements, while the central cross was more elongated vertically. The crosses had from the bottom of the Tsat as a symbol of the blessing of God, which also meant the ministry in this temple of the bishop. The body of the cross had inserts - metal plates with sparkling thread. The theme of the plots was usually "paradise bush": birds and flowers.

Russian eight-pointed cross

Figure 2.

The Russian eight-pointed cross most often fits into a rectangle, whose asses belong to each other in the Golden section. Cross ascetic, has no decorative ornaments. It consists of a vertical pillar and three crossbars: the top means a sign on which the Pilate made an inscription in Greek, Roman and Jewish. Average - the hands of the Lord of our Jesus Christ are spread on it, hugging the whole world; The lower crossbar denotes the place where the legs of the Lord were nailed. The lower crossbar is tilted, if you look at the cross from the West, the left side of the crossbar is raised up, and the right - down. According to the teachings of the Church, on the terrible court, the righteous will stand on the right hand of the Lord, and sinners on the left, the first will go to the sky, to Paradise, and sinners in hell, in hell.

From anthropometrics, we know that if the sizes of the hands of the man's hands are almost equal equal to its growth, then the size of the average crossbar of the Russian cross is equal to the size vertically from the middle crossbar to the bottom. Relying on this is quite simple and clear position, you can find all the other proportions of the eight-pointed cross. If we take the height of the cross equal to 1.0, then its average crossbar must be 0.618, the distance from the middle crossbar to the bottom will also be 0.618. The distance from the upper crossbar to the top of the cross, we will take an equal distance from the lower crossbar to the base of the cross, if you present these numbers, we will get: 1) 1.0 - 0.618 \u003d 0.382;
2) 0.382: 2 \u003d 0.191 (see Fig. 2).

Depending on the height of the structure and its visual perception from the Earth, the vertical elements of the cross pulled out (most often on the bell tower, due to their minor, in relation to the height, the size of the plan).

Baroque cross

Figure 3.

The baroque cross arose and got widespread in Russia in the XVIII century. His appearance is associated with the dominant architectural style dominant at this time. The feature of this style is "pomp" forms and saturation with elements that have curvilinear outlines. Although many provincial temples of this period are modest in forms and the number of decorative elements, but the crosses have "rich": rich elements that have a thin elegant drawing and coating with gravestone.

The analysis of the baroque type crosses allows to determine their proportions that are used to be used by masters-baresters when creating a "typical" cross. The ratio of the height of the baroque cross to its altitude to the main crossbar - 1,000: 0.618. The size of the center of the crossbar to the top of the cross is equal to half of the crossbar in the crossbar and is 0.382 from the height. As in the eight-pointed Russian cross, the size of the main crossbar of the cross without decorative "repiques" is equal to height from the crossroads to the lower crossbar - Tsates (0.472 of the height of the cross) (see Fig.3). Crosses with katsami, as mentioned above, were set only on the temples, where he served the bishop. The division of each major element into smaller components is also carried out in the "gold relationship", the harmony of the whole and each individual element is achieved.

In the process of further analysis of the proportions of crosses, the dependence of the main sizes of crosses from the dimensions of Orthodox churches and chapels, and, therefore, from their visual perception from the Earth was revealed. For example, the following dependence was identified: crosses of relatively low chapels closer to a square or a rectangle in the "gold section", and the proportions of the crosses of high-rise bells are striving - they strive to a double square.
The results of research were defended at the Scientific and Methodological Council in the management of culture and served as the basis for the author's practical activity for the recreation of destroyed in Soviet times, completing the Orthodox churches, as well as the design of new cathedrals, churches and chapels. In particular, this is the design of the Cathedral of St. Nicholas Nikolsky Monastery Pereslavl-Zalessky; Temple George Victorious PC "Slavich", Designing chapel at the source of the phenomenon of the icon of the Great Martyr Varvara and the chapel of St. Dmitry Prilutsky in Pereslavsky district; Designing the Wooden Church of St. Tikhon and New Martyrs of the Russian, Stone Temple of John the Forerunner and the Council of the Resurrection of Christ in Dzerzhinsk of the Nizhny Novgorod region.

Thanks to the information about the proportions, we drew the correct footer. Many will say - what is the problem, take and redraw from any sample? However, it is very important in the book to display not the skill of the draftsman (read - designer, designer), but respect for faith, to the tradition in which this faith lives, and to the culture in which the tradition is displayed.

Information from here.

The cross is the most recognizable symbol of Orthodoxy. But any of you saw many types of crosses. What is the right one? You will learn about this from our article!


Varieties of the Cross

"There is a true cross in every form of a form," he taught the Rev. Theodore Studit stillIX.century. And in our time it happens that in the temples refuse to take notes with four-spin "Greek" crosses, forcing them to correct them to eight-pointed "Orthodox". Is there any one, the "right" cross? We asked to understand this, we asked the head of the icon-painted school of Hmm, Associate Professor, Hegumen Luka (Golovkov) and the leading specialist in Starography, Candidate of Art History Svetlana Gnutov.

What was the cross on which Christ crucified?

« Cross - this is the symbol of the sufferings of Christ, and not only a symbol, and an instrument through which the Lord saved us, "says igumen Luka (heads). "Therefore, a cross is the greatest shrine through which God's help is performed."

The history of this Christian symbol began with the fact that the Holy Queen Elena in 326 found a cross on which Christ was crucified. However, how accurately he looked, is now unknown. Only two separate crossbars were found, and near the plate and foot. There were no grooves or holes on the crossbars, so the opportunity to determine how they were attached to each other, no. "There is such an opinion that this cross could be in the form of the letter" T ", that is, the three-end," says leading Specialist in Starography, Candidate of Art History Svetlana Gnutova. - The Romans had a practice at that time to paint on such crosses, but this does not mean that Christ the cross was exactly the same. He could be four-pointed, and eight-pointed. "

The discussion about the "right" cross arose today. The dispute about what Cross is the right, eight-spin or four-ring, the Orthodox and Old Believers, and the latter called the simple four-spin cross "Printing Antichrist". In defense of the Four-Spanned Cross, Saint John Kronstadt, who devoted the PhD dissertation with this topic (he defended it in 1855 in SPBD) "About the Cross of Christ, in the glory of imaginary old goods": "Who does not know and not honor the Holy Cross about four ends from the elder and before the hotel? And this well-known shape of the cross, this oldest shrine of faith, the seal of all the sacraments, like something new, unknown by our ancestors, appeared yesterday, our imaginary old workers suspected, derogged, drove among the White Day, sprinkling Jules to the fact that from the very The beginning of Christianity and accommodate served and serves as a source of sanctification and salvation for everyone. Watching only an eight-spin cross, or a tris-contained, that is, a straight tree and three diameters, located in a well-known way, they call the seal of the antichrist and the abomination of the cross the Cross the so-called fourthone, representing the true and consuming shape of the cross! "

St. John Kronstadt explains: "Byzantine" four-pin cross in fact there is a cross "Russian", since, according to the church legend, the Holy Equal-to-Apostle Prince Vladimir took out of Corsun, where he was baptized, it was such a cross and first installed him on the shore of the Dnieper in Kiev. A similar four-pin cross was preserved in the Kiev Sofia Cathedral, carved on the marble board of the Tomb of Prince Yaroslav Wise, Son of St. Vladimir. " But, protecting the four-spin cross, St. John makes the conclusion that it is necessary to read the same and the other, since the principal difference itself of the cross for believers does not have. Igumen Luka: "In the Orthodox Church, his holiness does not depend in the Orthodox Church, provided that the Orthodox cross is made and consecrated precisely as a Christian symbol, and not initially made as a sign, such as the sun or part of the household ornament or decoration. Chin consecrated crosses for that and became mandatory in the Russian Church, as well as icons. Interestingly, for example, in Greece, the sanctification of icons and crosses is not necessarily, because Christian traditions in society are more stable. "

Why do we not wear a fish sign?

Until the IV century, while the persecution of Christians continued, the images of the cross were openly done (including so that the persecutors do not abill on him), so the first Christians came up with ways to encrypt the cross. That is why fish became the most first Christian symbol. In Greek "Fish" - ίχθύς - an acronym of the Greek phrase "iησοvς χριστoς θεov υιoς σωτήρ" - "Jesus Christ of God's Son Savior." The image of two fish on the sides of the vertical anchor with the top in the form of a cross was used as a secret "password" on Christian meetings. "But the fish did not become the same symbol of Christianity as a cross," explains Igumen Luka, "because the fish is an allegory, allegory." The Holy Fathers on the 691-692 Trulyl Universal Council of 691-692 were directly condemned and banned allegory, because it is a kind of detective image, which only leads to Christ, unlike the direct image of Christ himself - our Savior and Cross of Christ - the symbol of his suffering . The allegory was gone from the practice of the Orthodox Church for a long time and only ten centuries began to penetrate the east under the influence of the Catholic West. "

The first encrypted images of the cross himself were found in Roman catacombs II and III centuries. The researchers found that the tomb of Christians affected by faith often painted a palm branch as a symbol of eternity, a brazier - as a symbol of martyrdom (it was such a way of execution to be distributed in the first centuries) and Christogram - an alphabetic reduction of the name of Christ - or a monogram consisting of the first And the last letters of the Greek alphabet α and ω - according to the word of the Lord in the revelation of John the theologian: "Az, Ey Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end" (Rev. 1, 8). Sometimes these symbols have painted together and have failed in such a way that the cross image of the cross was guessed.

When the first "legal" cross appeared

The Holy Equal-Apostles King Konstantin (IV) "In a dream, Christ was, the Son of God, with the sign in the sky, and commanded, making a banner like this seen in the sky, to use him to protect him from attacking enemies," writes church historian Eusevia Pamphil. - This banner happened to see us with their own eyes. It had the following form: on a long, covered with a golden spear was a cross reya, which formed the sign of the cross with a spear, and on it two first letters named Christ, combined together. "

These letters, called subsequently by Monogram Konstantin, the king wore on his helmet. After the wonderful phenomenon of St. Konstantin ordered to make the images of the cross on the shields of his warriors and installed three memorable Orthodox cross in Constantinople with a gold inscription in Greek "ic.xp.nika", which means "Jesus Christ is a winner." The first cross with the inscription "Jesus" he installed on the triumphal gate of the city square, the second with the inscription "Christ" - in the Roman column, and the third with the inscription "Winner" - on a high marble post on the city's bread square. From this it began to universal reverence of the Cross of Christ.

"The holy images were everywhere in order to, more often visible, they encouraged us to love prime," explains Igumen Luka. - After all, everything that surrounds us, one way or another affects us, evil and kind. The Holy Reminder of the Lord helps the soul to rush to the thought and heart to God. "

In from as wrote about these times SVT. John Zlatoust: "The cross is located everywhere in Glava: at home, on the square, in solitude, on the roads, on the mountains, on the hills, on the plains, on the sea, on the ship masts, on the islands, on the beds, on the clothes, on weapons, On the feasts, on the vessels of silver and gold, on precious stones, on wall painting ... so the opposition to everyone admire this amazing gift. "

It is interesting that since in the Christian world the opportunity to legally make the image of the cross, encrypted inscriptions and Christograms did not disappear, and moved, as an addition, the crosses themselves. This tradition came to Russia. Since the XI century, under the lower braid crossbar of the eight-pointed cross-crucifix, which was installed in the temples, the symbolic image of the head of Adam, buried, according to legend, on Calvary. The inscriptions are a brief commentary of the circumstances of the crucifixions of the Lord, the meaning of his godfather death and decipher so: "M.L.R.B." - "The frontal place will crucify", "G.G." - Mount Golgotha, the letters "K" and "T" mean a copy of the warrior and a cane with a sponge depicted along the cross. Above the middle crossbar is placed inscriptions: "IC" "XS", and under it: "Nika" - "Winner"; on the plate or near the inscription: "SN BJ" - "Son of God", "I.N.C.I" - "Jesus Nazi Tsar Judaian"; Over the sign of the inscription: "CZP" - "King of Glory". "G.A." - "Head of Adamov"; And the bones of the hands lying before the head are depicted: right on the left, as when burial or communion.

Catholic or Orthodox crucifixion?

"The catholic crucifix is \u200b\u200boften written more naturally," says Svetlana Gnutova. "The Savior is depicted in his arms, the image conveys the martyrdom and death of Christ. In the ancient Russian images, Christ is depicted by the risen and reigning. Christ is shown in force - as a winner holding and calling the entire universe in his arms. "

In the XVI century, Moscow Dyack Ivan Mikhailovich, Vicalcan even spoke against crosses, where Christ is depicted on the cross with compressed in a fist, and not open palms. "Christ on the cross spreads his arms to collect us," explains Igumen Luka, "so that we rushed to the sky so that our aspiration was always to the city. Therefore, the cross is the symbol of collecting us together so that we are united with the Lord! "

Another difference between the Catholic Crucifixion - the Christ crucifier crucified three nails, that is, nails are drunk in both hands, and the feet feet are folded together and nailed with one nail. In the Orthodox crucifix, each foot of the Savior is naught separately by its nail. Igumen Luka: "This is a fairly ancient tradition. In the XIII century, Custom Icons for Latinians were written on Sinai, where Christ was already naught by three nails, and in the XV century such cruises become a generally accepted Latin norm. However, it is only a tribute tradition, which we must respect and save, but not to look for any theological burden. In the Sinai Monastery, the icons of the crucified three nails of the Lord are in the temple and reverass on a par with Orthodox crucifixes. "

Orthodox Cross - Love Crucified

"The iconography of the cross develops like any other iconography. The cross can be decorated with ornament or stones, but it cannot be in any way to become a 12-end or 16-end, "says Svetlana Gnutova. "The diversity of the forms of the cross in the Christian tradition is a variety of glorifying the cross, and not a change in its meaning," explains Igumen Luka. - The gymnographers glorified the cross with many prayers, as well as the icon painters in different ways glorify the cross of the Lord. For example, the iconopus appeared an image of the Camation - the royal or princely pendant in the form of a crescent, we usually use the icons of the Virgin and Christ, - soon she appeared on the cross to emphasize his royal meaning.

Of course, we need to use crosses that are written in the Orthodox tradition. After all, the Orthodox cross on the chest is not only assistance to which we resort to prayers, but also testimony of our faith. Although, I think we can take images of crosses of the ancient Christian denominations (for example, Copds or Armenians). Catholic crosses, which, after the revival of the revival, became too naturalistic in forms, do not coincide with the Orthodox understanding of Christ crucified as a winner, but since this is the image of Christ - we should treat them with awe. "

As wrote St. John Kronstadt: "The main thing that should remain in the cross is love:" The cross without love can not think and represent: where the cross, there is love; In the church, you are everywhere and see all the crosses in order for everything to remind you that you are in the Temple of Love, crucified for us. "

The cross is an ancient and significant symbol. And in Orthodoxy it is of great importance. Here it is the sign of faith, and an indication of belonging to Christianity. The history of the cross is quite interesting. To learn more in more detail, consider Orthodox crosses: types and meanings.

Orthodox Cross: a little story

Cross as a symbol is used in many world beliefs. But for Christians, he originally had no good value. So, those who guessed the Jews first, first in three ways, and then added another one, the fourth. But Jesus managed to change this order for the better. Yes, and he was crucified on a post with a crossbar resembling a modern cross.

So the sacral sign firmly entered the life of Christians. And he became a real coated symbol. With a cross on the neck, a person in Rus was trusting, and with those who did not wear a native crosper, they tried not to lead any affairs. And they talked about them: "There is no cross on them," bearing in mind the absence of conscience.

We can see the crosses of a different format on the domes of temples, on icons, on church attributes and as decorations on believers. Modern Orthodox crosses, the species and importance of which can be varied, play an important role in the broadcast of Orthodoxy around the world.

Types of crosses and their meaning: Christianity and Orthodoxy

There are a huge variety of species of Orthodox and Christian crosses. Most of them are the following form:

  • straightforward;
  • with extended beams;
  • square or rhombus in the middle;
  • cringed endings of beams;
  • triangular ends;
  • circles at the ends of the beams;
  • clear design.

The last form symbolizes the tree of life. And framed by plant ornaments, where lilies, grape vines and other plants may be present.

In addition to differences in form, the Orthodox crosses have differences by type. Types of crosses and their meaning:

  • St. George Cross. Approved by Catherine Great as a reward symbol for clergy and officers. This cross with four ends is considered one of those whose form is recognized correct.
  • Vine. This cross with eighth ends is decorated with vine vine images. In the center may have the image of the Savior.

  • Seven-pin cross. It was distributed on the icons of the 15th century. It is found at the domes of old temples. In the biblical times, the shape of such a cross served the foot of the altar of clergy.
  • Ternist crown. An image of a barbed crown on the cross means the flour and the suffering of Christ. This species can be found on the icons of the 12th century.

  • Hanging cross. The popular view found on the walls of the temples, on the clothes of church employees, on modern icons.

  • Maltese cross. Official cross of the Order of St. John Jerusalem in Malta. It has equilateral rays expanding at the ends. This kind of cross is issued for military courage.
  • Refractory cross. Looks like Georgievsky, but he has an inscription in Latin: "Jesus Christ is a winner." Initially, such a cross was on three churches in Tsargrad. According to the Orthodox tradition, the ancient words with the famous shape of the cross are printed on the prosforas, symbolizing the redemption of sins.

  • Drop-shaped four-pin cross. Drops at the ends of the beams are treated like the blood of Jesus. This species was drawn on the first leaflet of the Greek Gospel dated 2nd century. Symbolizes the struggle for faith to the end.

  • Eight-pointed cross. The most common appearance today. The shape of the cross accepted after the crucifixion on it Jesus. Before that, he was usual and equilateral.

The last form of the cross is found more often than others. But why is this cross so popular? It's all about his history.

Orthodox eight-spin cross: history and symbolism

This cross is directly associated with the moment of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. When Jesus carried on the mountain of the cross, on which he had to crucify, his form was usual. But after the act of crucifixion, a footboard appeared on the cross. She was made by warriors when they understood where Jesus's legs would get, after execution.

The upper bar was made by order of Pontius Pilate and was a sign with the inscription. So the Orthodox eight-pointed cross was born, which is carried on the neck, installed on the tombstones, decorate the church.

Crosses with eight ends were previously used as the basics for premium crosses. For example, during the reign of Paul's first and Elizabeth, Petrovna on such a basis were made by inadequate crosses for clergy. And the form of the eight-pointed cross was even fixed by law.

The history of the eight-pointed cross is closest to Christianity. After all, on the plate above the head of Jesus, there was an inscription: "This is Jesus. Tsar Judaisky. " Already then, in moments of death, Jesus Christ received recognition from his tormentors and from his followers. Therefore, the eight-pointed form is so significant and distributed among Christians around the world.

In Orthodoxy, the one who is worn under clothing, closer to the body, consider in Orthodoxy. The native cross is not displayed at the bottom, does not dress over clothes and, as a rule, has an eight-pointed form. Today there are crosses and no crossbars on top and bottom. They are also allowed to wear, but have four end, and not eight.

And yet canonical crosses are eight-pointed products with the figure of the Savior in the center or without. For a long time, disputes are being conducted about whether to buy crucifixes with Jesus Christ depicted on them. Some representatives of the clergy believe that the cross should be a symbol of the resurrection of the Lord, and the figure of Jesus in the center is unacceptable. Others think that the cross can be considered a sign of suffering for faith, and the image of a crucified Christ is quite appropriate.

Signs and superstitions associated with a curler

Cross a person is awarded during baptism. After this sacrament, church decoration should be worn, almost without removing. Some believers even wash in their native crosses, afraid to lose them. But what does the situation mean when the cross is still lost?

Many Orthodox people believe that the loss of the cross is the sign of the approaching trouble. To take it away from ourselves, Orthodox pray, they are confirmed and communioned, and then acquire a new consecrated cross in the church.

Another sign is related to the fact that it is impossible to wear someone else's cross. God gives each person to his burden (cross, trials), and, putting on someone else's confusion of faith, a person takes on other people's difficulties and fate.

Today, family members also try not to wear crosses of each other. Although the cross, decorated with precious stones, was transmitted from generation to generation and could become a real family relic.

Found on the road Cross do not raise. But if you raised, they try to attribute to church. There it is sanctified and cleaned again, give in need.

All of the above many priests are called superstitions. In their opinion, the cross can be worn anyone, but it is necessary to ensure that he is consecrated in the church.

How to choose a native cross for yourself?

The native cross can be chosen based on its own preferences. When it is selected, there are two main rules:

  • Mandatory consecration of the cross in the church.
  • Orthodox view of the chosen cross.

All that is sold in the church shop undoubtedly refers to the Orthodox attribute. But the Catholic crosses to Orthodox Christians are not recommended. After all, they have a very different meaning other than the rest.

If you are a believer, the wearing of the cross becomes an act of compounds with the Divine grace. But the protection of God and grace is not given to everyone, but only to those who Eastovo believes and sincerely prays for themselves and neighbors. And also leads the righteous lifestyle.

Many Orthodox crosses, the species and importance of which are disassembled above, are deprived of jewelry del. After all, they are not decoration in the full sense of the word. First of all, the cross is a sign of belonging to Christianity and its standards. And only then - a household attribute that can decorate any outfit. Of course, sometimes native crosses and crosses on the rings of priests are made of precious metals. But here the main thing is not the cost of such a product, but its sacral meaning. And this meaning is much deeper than it may seem initially.

The believer by the rules wears the cross. But how to choose the right and not get confused in their manifold? You will learn about the symbolism and the meaning of the crosses from our article.

The types of crosses are a lot and many people already know what you can not do with a nice cross and how to wear it right. Therefore, first of all, the question arises about which of them are related to the Orthodox faith, and which - to Catholic. In both types of Christian religion, there are several types of crosses in which it is necessary to understand not to be confused.

The main differences of the Orthodox Cross

  • it has three transverse lines: the upper and lower - short, between them - long;
  • at the ends of the cross can be decorated three semicircles resembling a shader;
  • on some Orthodox crosses at the bottom instead of the oblique cross line, it may be a month - this sign got from Byzantium, from which Orthodoxy was adopted;
  • Jesus Christ crucified in the legs necessarily two nails, while on a Catholic crucifixion - one nail;
  • on a Catholic crucifixion there is some naturalism, which displays the flour of Jesus Christ, which he survived for people: the body looks literally heavy and hangs on his hands. The Orthodox crucifix shows the celebration of God and the joy of resurrection, overcoming death, so the body is imposed on top, and not hanging on the cross.

Catholic crosses

First of all, they relate to the so-called latin Cross. Like everything, it is a vertical and horizontal line, while the vertical is noticeably longer. His symbolism is as follows: this is exactly what the cross looked, which Christ carried in Calvary. Previously, it was used in paganism. With the adoption of Christianity, the Latin Cross became a symbol of faith and is sometimes associated with opposite things: with death and resurrection.

One more similar cross, but with three transverse lines, called padic. It relates only to Pope and is used on ceremonies.

There are also many types of crosses that used all sorts of knightly orders, such as Teutonic or Maltese. Since they were subordinated to Pope Roman, then these crosses can also be considered catholic. They look slightly perfectly from each other, but the general in them is that their lines are noticeable to the center.

Larring Cross It is very similar to the previous one, but has two crossbars, while one of them can be shorter than the other. The name indicates the terrain in which this character appeared. The Larring Cross appears on the coat of arms of Cardinals and Archbishops. Also, this cross is a symbol of the Greek Orthodox Church, so it cannot be fully named Catholic.

Orthodox crosses

The faith, of course, implies that the cross must be worn constantly and not to remove, with the exception of the rarest situations. Therefore, it is necessary to choose it with understanding. The most widely used in Orthodoxy Cross is eight-spinning. It is depicted as follows: one vertical line, a big horizontal line is slightly above the center and two more shorter crossbars: above and under it. At the same time, the bottom is always tilted and its right part is at the level below the left.

The symbolism of this cross is as follows: he shows already the cross, on which Jesus Christ was crucified. The upper transverse line corresponds to a nail crossbar with the inscription "Jesus Nazarenin, Tsar Judaian." According to biblical legend, the Romans joked over him after they were already crucified on the cross and waited for his death. The transverse crossbar symbolizes the one to which the hands of Christ were nailed, and the lower - where his legs were chained.

The inclination of the lower crossbar is explained as follows: together with Jesus Christ, two robber were crucified. According to legend, one of them repented before the Son of God and then received forgiveness. The second began to mock and only aggravated his position.

Nevertheless, the first cross, which was the first to be brought from Byzantium to Russia, was the so-called Greek Cross. He, like Roman, is four-spin. The difference is that it consists of identical rectangular crossbars and is completely equally equal. He served as the basis for very many other types of crosses, including crosses of Catholic orders.

Other types of crosses

Andreevsky Cross is very similar to the letter x or on an inverted Greek cross. It is believed that it was on such a crucifier of the apostle Andrey was the first called. Used in Russia on the flag of the Navy. He is also depicted on the flag of Scotland.

Celtic cross is also similar to Greek. He is necessarily taken into the circle. This symbol was used for a long time in Ireland, Scotland and Wales, as well as part of Britain. During that Catholicism was not common, Celtic Christianity prevailed in this area, which was used by this symbol.

Sometimes the cross can be in a dream. It can be both good and very bad sign, according to the dream book. All the best, and do not forget to click on the buttons and

26.07.2016 07:08

Our dreams are a reflection of our consciousness. They can tell us a lot about our future, past ...

CROSS. Crucifixion The meaning of the death of Christ. The difference between the Orthodox Cross from the Catholic.

Among all Christians, only Orthodox and Catholics, reveal crosses and icons. Crosses decorate the dome of churches, their homes, wear on the neck. As for Protestants, they do not recognize such a symbol as a cross and do not wear it. The cross for Protestants is a symbol of a shameful execution, an instrument by which the Savior not only caused great pain, but also killed him.

The reason why man wears, everyone has its own. Someone thus gives tribute to fashion, for someone, a cross is a beautiful jewelry, someone he brings good luck and is used as a talisman. But there are those for whom dressed when baptized, a native cross is indeed a symbol of their infinite faith.

The meaning of the death of the Savior

As known, The emergence of the Christian Cross is associated with the martyrdom of Jesus Christ, which he took on the crossaccording to the forced sentence of Pontius Pilate. The crucifixion on the cross was a common way to execute in an ancient Rome borrowed from Carthaginian - descendants of the Phoenician colonists (it is believed that the crucifixion was used for the first time in Phenicia). Usually, the robbers sentenced to death on the cross; Many early Christians who were persecuted, starting with the times of Nero, were also executed in this way.

Before the sufferings of Christ, the cross was a shame and terrible punishment. After his sufferings, he became a symbol of the victory of good over evil, life over death, a reminder of the infinite God's love, the subject of joy. The embodied son of God, his blood consecrated the cross and made him the guide of his grace, the source of consecration of believers.

From the Orthodox dogma of the cross (or redemption) undoubtedly follows the thought that the death of the Lord is the redemption of all , vocation of all nations. Only a cross, unlike other executions, gave the opportunity to Jesus Christ to die with open hands, calling for "all ends of the earth" (Is. 45:22).

Reading the gospel, we are convinced that the god feat of the Bozhoralovek is a central event in his earthly life. He washed off our sins with his own suffering, covered our debt before God or, in the language of Scripture, we were "redeemed" (bought). In Calvary hidden, incomprehensible the mystery of the endless truth and love of God.

The Son of God voluntarily took the guilt of all people and suffered for her shameful and painful death on the cross; Then the third day was resurrected as a winner of hell and death.

Why did such a terrible victim need to cleanse the sins of mankind and did you exist to save people to others less painful?

Christian doctrine about the godfather of the Godhead is often the "stumbling block" For people with already extinguished religious philosophical concepts. Both many Jews and the people of Greek culture of apostolic times seemed contradictory statement that almighty and eternal God came up to the land in the form of a mortal man, voluntarily underwent a beat, debris and shameful deaththat this feat could bring the spiritual benefit to humanity. "It's impossible!"- objected one; "It's not needed!" - Approved others.

St. Apostle Paul in his message to Corinthians says: "Christ sent me not to baptize me, but to gnaw, not in the wisdom of the word, so as not to abolish the Cross of Christ. For the word about the cross for dying people are, and for us, saved, is the power of God. For it is written: I will guide the wisdom of the wise men, and reasonable wisdom rejected. Where is the sage? Where is the scribe? Where is the Wisdom of this world? For the wisdom of this world in madness? For when the world was not wisdom to know God in the wisdom of God, it was well-known to God for the preaching to save believers. for and Jews demand wonders and ELLINA are looking for wisdom; and we preach the crucified Christ, for the Jews temptation, and for ELLINIONS, the madness, for themselves called, Jews and Eller, Christ, God and God's wisdom " (1 Cor. 1: 17-24).

In other words, the apostle explained that that in christianity some perceived as Temptation I. madness, in fact, is the case of the greatest divine wisdom and omnipotence. The truth of the redemptive death and the resurrection of the Savior is the foundation for many other Christian truths, for example, to consecrate the believers, about the sacraments, about the meaning of suffering, about the virtues, about the feat, about the purpose of life, about the upcoming court and resurrection of the dead and others.

Wherein, the redeeming death of Christ, being an event inexplicable in the concepts of earthly logic and even "seductive for dying," he has a reviving force that the believer hearts feels and to whom. The updated and warmed by this spiritual force, with trepidation bowed to Calval as the last slaves and the most powerful kings; Like dark ignoramuses and the greatest scientists. After the descent of St. The Spirit of the Apostles with personal experiences were convinced of what great spiritual benefits would bring them the redeeming death and resurrection of the Savior, and they were shared by this experience with their disciples.

(The secret of the redeeming of humanity is closely related to a number of important religious and psychological factors. Therefore, to clarify the secrecy of redemption.

a) understand what the sinful damage of the person actually consists and the weakening of his will to resist evil;

b) It is necessary to understand how the devilish will, thanks to sin, was able to influence and even captive the human will;

c) It is necessary to understand the mysterious power of love, its ability to positively influence the person and ennoble him. At the same time, if love is most revealing himself in the sacrificial ministry, then, it is undoubted that the return of his life is the highest manifestation of love;

d) from understanding the power of human love should be elevated before understanding the power of the Divine Love and how she penetrates the soul of the believer and transforms his inner world;

e) In addition, in the redemptive death of the Savior there is a party outside the human world, namely: the battle between God and Gordy Dennica occurred on the cross, in which God, hiding under the guise of a weak flesh, came out the winner. The details of this spiritual battle and the Divine Victory remain a secret for us. Even angels, according to the AP. Peter, do not fully understand the secret of redemption (1 Peter. 1:12). She is a sealed book that only the Lamb of God could reveal (from. 5: 1-7)).

In Orthodox ascetic, there is such a thing as the carry of his cross, that is, the patient performance of Christian commandments throughout the life of a Christian. All difficulties, both external and internal, are referred to as "Cross." Everyone carries their life cross. About the need for a personal feat of the Lord said so: "Who does not take his cross (evades the feat) and follows me (calls himself a Christian), that inadequate me" (Matt. 10:38).

"Cross keeper of the whole universe. The cross is the beauty of the church, the cross of the kings of the Power, the cross is faithful to the statement, the cross the angel of Glory, the cross of the demons of an ulcer ", - Approves the absolute truth of the holiday of the exaltation of the life-giving cross.

The motives of the outrageous desecration and saint of the holy cross conscious crusading and crosses are quite explained. But when we see Christians drawn into this vigilant case, it is impossible to be silent, because - according to the word of St. Vasily the Great - "God aroused silence"!

Form of the Cross

Four-pointed cross

Today, stores and church benches offer a wide variety of crosses of various shapes. However, very often not only parents gathered to baptize the child, but also sellers consultants cannot clarify where the Orthodox cross, and where the Catholic, although to distinguish them, in fact, is very simple.In the Catholic tradition - a quadrangular cross, with three nails. In Orthodoxy there are four-end crosses, six and eight-pointed, with four nails for hands and legs.

So, in the West, the most common is four-pointed cross . Starting from the III century, when, for the first time, such crosses appeared in Roman catacombs, the entire Orthodox East and today uses this shape of the cross as even to everyone else.

For Orthodoxy, the shape of the cross does not have much importance, much more attention is paid to the fact that it depictsHowever, the greatest popularity was received by eight-pointed and six-pointed crosses.

Eight-pointed Orthodox Cross the most corresponds to the historically reliable form of the cross, on which Christ was already crucified.The Orthodox Cross, which is most often used by the Russian and Serbian Orthodox churches, contains, except for a large horizontal crossbar, two more. Top symbolizes a sign on the Cross of Christ with the inscription "Jesus Nazarenin, Tsar Jews" (INCI, or INRI in Latin). The lower slanting of the crossbar - the backup for the feet of Jesus Christ symbolizes "Merilo righteous", weighing sins and the virtues of all people. It is believed that it is tilted on the left side, symbolizing the fact that the repentable robber, crucified by the right of Christ, (first) hit the paradise, and the robber, crucified on the left side, his own degree of Christ, even more aggravated his posthumous fate and got in hell. The letters of IC HC are a Christogram symbolizing the name of Jesus Christ.

Saint Dimitri Rostovsky writes that "When Christ, the Lord on his shoulders wearing a cross then the cross was still four-spin; Because there was no Title on it, nor foot. There was no foot, because Christ is not raised on the cross and warriors, not knowing what place to get the legs of Christ, did not attach the foot, finished it already on Calvary ". There was also no Title on the cross before the crucifixion of Christ, because, as the Gospel reports, first "crucified it" (John 19:18), and then only "Pilate wrote an inscription and put on the cross" (John 19:19 ). It was first that the lots were shared by the "clothes" of the warriors "attending it" (Matt. 27:35), and only then "His inscription put on his head, meaning the guilt of it: this is Jesus, the king of the Jews" (Matt. 27:37).

The eight-pointed cross for a long time is considered the most powerful protective agent from various kinds of non-fat, as well as visible and invisible evil.

Six-pin cross

Widespread among Orthodox believers, especially in the days of ancient Russia, also had six-pin cross . It also has inclined crossbind: the lower end symbolizes an unrecorded sin, and the upper is released by repentance.

but not in the form of the cross or the number of ends is all its strength. The cross is famous for the power of the crucified Christ on it, and all the symbolism and the miraculousness of it in this.

The manifold of the forms of the cross has always been recognized by the Church is quite natural. According to the expression of the Rev. Feodor Studit - "The cross of every form is the true cross" andit has unearthly beauty and life-giving power.

"There is a significant difference between Latin, Catholic, Byzantine, and Orthodox crosses, as between any other crosses used by Christians. In essence, all crosses are the same, differences only in the form "- says Serbian Patriarch Irina.


In the Catholic and Orthodox churches, there is no particular importance to the shape of the cross, but the image of Jesus Christ on it.

Until the IX century, the Christ was inclusive on the cross not only alive, resurrected, but also triumphant, and only in the century images of the Dead Christ appeared.

Yes, we know that Christ died on the cross. But we know that then he was resurrected, and that he suffered voluntarily from love for people: to teach us to take care of the immortal soul; So that we can also resurrect and live forever. In the Orthodox crucifixion, this Easter joy is always present. therefore in the Orthodox Cross, Christ does not die, but freely extends his hands, the palms of Jesus are open, as if he wants to hug all mankind, giving them his love and opening the way to eternal life. He is not a dead body, but God, and his whole image speaks about it.

The Orthodox Cross over the main horizontal crossbar there is another, smaller, which symbolizes the sign on the Cross of Christ with an objection. Because Pondi Pilate did not find how to describe the guilt of Christ, the words appeared on the plate "Jesus Nazoria Tsar Judaisky" In three languages: Greek, Latin and Aramaus. On Latin in Catholicism This inscription has the view Inri , and in Orthodoxy - Ihtsi. (either Іnhі, "іisus Nazaryanin, king of the іudia"). Lower oblique crossbar symbolizes backup for legs. She also symbolizes two robbers crucified to the left and right of Christ. One of them was redeemed in his sins before his death, for which he was awarded the kingdom of heaven. The other is the same before the death of Hoolil and poured his executioners and Christ.

Absorption is placed above the middle crossbar: "IS" "Xs" - the name of Jesus Christ; And under it: "NIKA"Winner.

On the cross of the Savior Savior, the Greek letters have written UN Meaning - "True-purpose" , because "God told Moses: I am visiting" (Ex. 3:14), discovering its own name, expressing selfishness, eternity and immutability of the beings of God.

In addition, nails were kept in Orthodox Byzantium, which the Lord was nailed to the cross. And it was exactly known that their four, and not three. therefore on the Orthodox crosses of the legs of Christ are nailed with two nails, each separately. The image of Christ with crossed feet, naught one nail, first appeared, as an innovation, in the West in the second half of the XIII century.

In a catholic crucifixion the image of Christ has naturalistic features. Catholics depict Christ dead, sometimes with blood streams on his face, from wounds on hands, legs and rhers ( stigmata). It manifests all human suffering, flour, which had to experience Jesus. His hands are kept under the severity of the body. The image of Christ on the Catholic Cross is believable, but this is an image of a dead person, while there is no hint of the triumph of victory over death. Crucifixion in Orthodoxy just symbolizes this celebration. In addition, the legs of the Savior are nailed with one nail.

Differences of the Catholic and Orthodox Cross

Thus, there are the following differences in the Catholic Cross from the Orthodox:

  1. most often has an eight-pointed or six-pointed form. - four-sided.
  2. Words on a tablet on crosses are the same, only written in different languages: Latin Inri (in the case of the Catholic Cross) and Slavic-Russian Ihtsi. (on the Orthodox Cross).
  3. Another principal position is position of the legs on crucifixes and the number of nails . The legs of Jesus Christ are located together on a Catholic crucifixion, and each is nailed separately on the Orthodox Cross.
  4. Various is image of the Savior on the Cross . At the Orthodox Cross, God, who discovered the path to eternal life, was depicted, and on a Catholic man, who experienced flour.

Material prepared Sergey Shalyak

for the Temple of the Liberal Trinity on the Sparrow Mountains