How to be an effective organization leader? Need whether the director is able to do what they do subordinates.

How to be an effective organization leader? Need whether the director is able to do what they do subordinates.
How to be an effective organization leader? Need whether the director is able to do what they do subordinates.

In the most famous book, Peter Druker rises the theme of the effectiveness of mental work workers who acquire the status of the head, if, by virtue of their official position or knowledge, they are responsible for work, which directly affects the ability of this organization to function and achieve results. To become an effective leader, not enough to be smart and work a lot. To be effective, no special skills, talents or inclinations are required.

To work effectively, the manager needs to be performed certain - and fairly simple - the rules described and commented in this book. Today, effective leaders are quickly transformed into the most important resource of the Company, and the effectiveness in the Steering Region becomes an urgent need for any person aimed at success, self-realization and achievements - as one who only begins to work and who has already passed a certain path to the top of the career ladder .

Characteristics of the book

Speech Date: 1967
Name: Effective leader

Volume: 240 pp.
ISBN: 978-5-91657-428-9
Translator: Olga Chernyavskaya
Rightholder: Mann, Ivanov and Ferber

Preface to the book "Effective leader - Peter Drucker"

I am happy that my book is published again. Since the first publication in 1966, it became very popular with a wide range of readers around the world and was transferred more than two dozen languages. This book is strongly recommended to read the staff of many international companies, large and small, as those who have just taken their first leadership post and those who received an increase in position. The need to learn to effective management is always relevant. The effectiveness of the head is not due to the "talent" and certainly not the "brilliant abilities" of a person. Effective leader uses practical techniqueswhich can and need to learn. In our increasingly versatile society, it is effectively working in positions in positions is becoming more complicated, and this applies not only to business, but literally all organizations. Effective work is equally necessary for the self-realization of the individual and the effective work of the organization.

This book is at the same time a brief plan for improving the efficiency of the head of the organization, and the practical guide to management yourself In the name of the achievement of high results, both within the organization and out of them. This is the best introductory course to the theory of management and the theory of organizations for those who are not related to management - students of non-profile universities and faculties and specialists from other areas of activity.

The book was the result of the author's twenty-year-old experience in management consulting, and all began with the development of a program for the heads of the senior administration of the President of Eisenhower. The book has long been on the list of mandatory to read by the staff of many business organizations and all the leaders who have received a new appointment, regardless of their level and experience. It is also strongly recommended to read all administrative workers in a number of the largest universities in the world, for example, heads of departments and decks. The same can be said about the heads of hospitals. The book has proven its huge benefit of more than a million people who have found charity or other non-profit and organizations in the past thirty years of America. Everyone knows that every developed society has become society of organizations, And success (and even survival itself) of any organization, regardless of its functions, depends on the effectiveness of its leaders.

Management books usually talked about managing people. The topic of this book is the management of themselves in order to improve the efficiency of its activities. Whether one person can manage other people, have not yet been proven to anyone yet. But you can always manage yourself. The leaders who do not know how to manage themselves to improve the efficiency of their activities will not be able to effectively manage colleagues and subordinates. Management is largely carried out on a personal example. And managers who do not know how to effectively organize their work and working environment, give a bad example.

To work efficiently, not enough mind, hard work and erudition. Efficiency is a separate category. However, to be effective, special skills, talents, inclinations or preparation are required. To get the result, the manager needs perform Certain - with fairly simple - rules. This small set of rules is described and commented in my book. This is not "congenital" quality, absorbed with mother's milk. After working for forty-five years in a consultant from a huge number of managers in a variety of organizations - large and small enterprises, government agencies, trade unions, hospitals, universities, public services in America, Europe, Latin America and Japan - I did not meet a single "inborn" manager, who would be born with the ability to work effectively. Everyone who receives high results today has persistently studied, and then for a long time practiced in the necessary skills until they were in the habit. But everyone who worked on themselves to become strong, successful leaders, succeeded in this. Efficiency not only can be - she need to learn.

Managers receive money precisely for their effectiveness, regardless of whether they work managers who are responsible both for their working responsibilities and for the work of other employees of the organization, or they are independent specialists and are responsible for their contribution to the success of the company. Without efficiency, it is impossible to achieve high performance, how much do not invest knowledge, how much time is not attended, how much effort does not attach. However, so far, very little attention has been paid to the efficiency of managers, and this is generally not surprising. Organizations - whether commercial enterprises, major government agencies, trade unions, major hospitals or universities - appeared relatively recently. Still a hundred years ago, few people dealt with large organizations - unless it came to the local post office to send a letter. And the effectiveness of the work of the head is the effectiveness of a person in the organization.

Until recently, there was no reason to focus on the results of the work of managers and worry due to its low efficiency in many of them. However, now most people, especially with good education, work most of their lives in organizations of a particular type. In all developed countries, the Company has become a society of organizations. Now the effectiveness of the work of the individual increasingly depends on his ability to work effectively in the organization, on the leading post. And the effective functioning of modern society - and even his chances of survival - more and more depend on the effectiveness of the people who manage and occupy senior positions. Effective leaders are quickly transformed into the most important resource of society, and effectiveness in the Steering Post becomes an urgent need for any person aimed at success, self-realization and achievements - both young, just starting work, and the one who has already passed a certain path to the top of the career ladder.

Effective leader - Peter Drucker (download)

(Book Foreign Fragment)

Efficiency, as well as management, requires fulfillment of certain and quite simple things. It consists of a small number of practices. These habits of behavior are not "congenital". IX.

I have not met a single "natural" manager who was born effective. All effective managers must learn to be effective. All of them practiced efficiency until she became their habit. IX.

Efficiency can be mastered and it must be mastered. IX.

Without efficiency, there is no "performance": it does not matter how many intelligence and knowledge is included in the work, it does not matter how many hours it takes. X.

8 principles of effective managers

Effective leader is not obliged to be the leader, in the sense, as is customary to understand. XI

What made all [Effective Managers] are effective - this follows the same principles:

  • They wondered: "What should be done?"
  • They asked themselves: "What is good for the company?"
  • They developed plans.
  • They took responsibility for decisions.
  • They took responsibility for communications.
  • They focused on opportunities, not problems.
  • They conducted productive meetings / meetings.
  • They thought and spoke "we" instead of "I".

The first two practices gave them the necessary knowledge. The following four helped them turn knowledge into effective actions. The last two provided that the whole organization felt responsible and accountability. XI


The first principle is to ask what should be done. Note, the question is not "What do I want to do?". Asking themselves what is needed to do, and seriously considering this question - this is critical for successful management. Without this issue, even the most talented leader will become ineffective. XII.

I have never seen a manager who would remain efficient and worked on two tasks at the same time. ER [Effective leaders] are concentrated only on one task. XII.

After the question "What should be done?", ER establish priorities and adhere to them. For the generated priority, the company's mission could be redefined. XII.

After the initial top task is completed, the ER revises priorities, and does not move to task number 2 from the initial list. XIII.

Every time ER asks himself "what should be done now? ". And every time he sets new priorities. XIII.

ER seeks to focus on the tasks that he can do especially well. It concentrates on it, and the rest delegates. XIII.

The second principle of ER is the same important as the first - asking: "Is it useful for the company?". They do not ask whether it is useful for owners, shareholders, employees or managers. They take into account this, but also understand that the decision, not useful for the company, will not be useful for shareholders. XIII.


Leaders - people of business; They act. For managers, knowledge is useless until they have been fulfilled. XIV

First, the managers determine the desired results, asking: "What contribution to the company should expect from me to the next 2 years? What results do I go down the effort? What are deadlines? " Then he considers all the options: whether they are ethical, legal; Do the mission, values \u200b\u200band politics of the company relate to the company. Affirmative answers do not guarantee efficiency, but [you need to set them]. XIV

The action plan is a statement of intent, not a commitment. This should not be a strait shirt. He must constantly revise, because every success creates new opportunities. Just like every failure. XV

In addition, the action plan should create a system for verifying results, not expectations. XV

The XVI solution is not accepted while people do not know:

  • The name of the person responsible for performing the decision.
  • Deadline.
  • The names of people with regard to the decision and what they need to know to confirm the decision.
  • The names of people who need to be notified about the solution, even if they are not concerned.


Good managers focus on opportunities, and not on problems. You need to take care of solving problems, you do not need to avoid them. But the solution to the problems, no matter how necessary it, does not produce results. This prevents loss. Research opportunities - brings results. XVIII

Managers are looking for opportunities in such situations: XIX

  • Unexpected luck or failure in their company, competitor or in their market.
  • The gap between what is, and what can be on the market, in the process, service, product.
  • Innovation in the process, product or service within the company, or on the market.
  • Changes in the structure of the industry or market.
  • Demography.
  • Changes in the image of customer thinking, their values, perception, mood.
  • New knowledge or technology.

ER monitor the problem of problems not to overthrow the study of opportunities. Most companies, the first administrative report page contains a list of key problems. XIX.

Every 6 months, the top management must draw up a list of best features, and a list of the best employees. Er put the best opportunities in the position of research, and not a solution to problems. In Japan, this is the main task of the personnel department. XIX.

Put the best people in the right positions - critically important. XVII

Development of efficiency

Efficiency can be studied, but it cannot be trained. Efficiency is not an object, but self-discipline. 166.

The first step to the effectiveness is to conduct a timekeeping. Analysis and removal of time absorbers requires actions: changes to their habits, relationships and a circle circle. 167.

The second step is to concentrate on obtaining the result. Not on performance and hours of work, but on the achievement of the result. 167.

You need to learn to concentrate and put priorities, instead of trying to do everything bit. 171.

Efficiency must be mastered. 174

What does it mean to be an effective leader?

Who is the effective leader? How to succeed in an organization? Effective leaders are born or becoming?

Still, an effective leader can become! Yes, some qualities are laid by nature itself, but the main thing is to work on yourself. So tells any purposeful person. Having achieved a certain success, take off the career staircase to the desired goal, it is important not to forget what effectively leadership is. "Guide is an impact on people whose goal is to perform work qualitatively, in accordance with the standard and above the norm. And they did it willingly" - remind us of many economy textbooks.

You marked the bosses, you were entrusted to lead people, and maybe entire departments. Now your task is to consolidate the trust rendered, and always remember that an effective leader is, first of all, a person understands that it should serve as an example, creating the appropriate microclimate in the team. Such a leader always fascinates an example, his words do not diverge with the case. This person should also be a good psychologist - find a common language with subordinates, explain and justify his ideas and thoughts so that there are no conflicts and disagreements in the team, to keep your own reputation. To task one employee, not offended by another, to see who is more competent in certain matters - all this requires knowledge not only in the field of economics and jurisprudence. Effective management also lies in the ability to clearly organize the work of all subordinates, without pressure is not on them, but on the contrary, encouraging and showing that they are not just employees, but very valuable personnel, without which this organization is unlikely to be able to adequately be in the market. Of course, because it is always more pleasant to realize that the leadership sees in you not only the "technical performer" of orders and orders. A human factor plays an important role here - because if employees relate to respect, it means that they will work out more and more efficiently, they will do everything possible for the prosperity of their company. I remember myself, the secretary of two chiefs at once. As it was pleasant and flattering that they are consulted on very important financial issues, ask the opinion of employees, they propose to participate in the discussion of other important affairs. Perhaps that is why in five years I managed to climb on the service staircase to the deputy one of the bosses! That is, stimulating an employee at the initial stage, an effective leader not only ensures the effective and high-quality work of the department, but also inspires his subordinates for further career feats. In the head, the effective boss always has fresh ideas, but he will listen to his subordinates with interest. And it should always be remembered that an effective leader communicates sincerely and directly with his subordinates, practically equal, avoids strict supervision - that is, not "plays the head", but is indeed an effective leader. It is such communication that is missing in many firms and organizations in our time.

The smart chief will necessarily have many supporters who constantly support his ideas and the style of management. The head will be able to competently distribute the duties, pays to work so that no one will understand what they are guided! In other words, an effective leader today becomes a mentor of his subordinates, their "teacher." He is ready to forgive the mistake if she was committed from the desire to benefit the company. Such a leader tries to be "together" with his subordinates, and not "above them." As Merab Elashvili says, President "GMR. Planet of Hospitality ":" Style style, but the manager should always remain himself, not to turn into a theater actor that is trying on the mask. Let's say if I am a demanding person in life, but just, I will remain so under any circumstances - not only at work, but also at home, everywhere. I will always be as much as possible and call on the activity and discipline of others. If you stay faithful yourself, people believe you. They do not have extra doubts and reflections. They burn their eyes and an additional stimulus appears to do their job well, respect for you. They just want to do the job well. Be open and sincere - and you will have more personnel and business luck than failure. " And this can not disagree.

The skill of an effective leader requires special efforts and training - for this, special business trainings are being created. All trainings perform one task and set them similar purposes. It is to determine the styles of management, contributing to effective cooperation with employees; learn how to coordinate the activities of employees, improve the effectiveness of interaction between them; learn how to find an approach to each employee and be the leader for him; learn to analyze and reasonably use your own time and time of our employees; Learn to distribute role roles, taking into account the possibilities of each participant. During the trainings, such important topics like leadership, team formation, personnel development, planning, as well as the function and quality of the manager are affected.

The key to solutions of strategic, organizational and managerial problems is always in the hands of the head. It is only necessary to understand when and how to use it.

Effective leader:

1) knows how to competently coordinate employees, improve the effectiveness of interaction between them;

2) is the leader and knows how to find an approach to each employee;

3) can analyze and reasonably use his own time and the time of its employees;
4) Can be able to distribute role roles, taking into account the possibilities of each participant.

The main task facing the head is the competent concentration of the efforts of the entire team at a common goal, which is to be achieved.

If employees do not have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe main goal facing the company, it will inevitably be expressed by a decrease in the efficiency of the workflow. Therefore, for the head, it is very important to convey to each employee a clearly formulated mission of the organization. You can even write it on the poster and hang in a prominent place so that it always be in sight and set up employees to the working way.

In order for subordinate to it easier to see a long-term goal (a maximum program), the head is best to share the way for this purpose for intermediate stages (minimum programs).

The head must understand that the essence of the management of the company is mainly in the organization of the workflow.

This includes both the company's strategy and improving the structure of the organization, and improving the competence of personnel, etc. It is only then it is worthwhile to exercise current affairs and responsibilities. The Russian leaders spend on the organization of the workflow only 5% of working time, while they should have been - all 75%.

Effective leader knows how to organize a workflow So that each of his participants can independently cope with its tasks, and only as a last resort to distract the boss.

The mistake of many leaders is that they are afraid of unfair or poor quality duties seek to do everything themselves. And this leads to the fact that the entire workflow is closed on the leader itself. It is worth him to distract a little, as everything collapses.

Effective supervisor correctly controls the performance of tasks..

Another error of the leaders is that they do not know how to control the workflow. In practice, it looks like this: at first the manager gives a task, then cancels and gives a new one, and just once. A person, without seeing the results of his work, begins to experience discomfort, and its effectiveness decreases sharply. Therefore, managers should allow their subordinate to perform and finish their work.

Effective leader with respect refers to his subordinate.

People are very nice to realize that they are valued not only as technical performers. They love when the boss consults with them, asks the opinion of the staff, proposes to take part in the discussion of other important affairs. That is, stimulating an employee at the most initial stage e.The effective leader not only ensures the effective and high-quality work of the department, but also inspires its subordinates to further career feats.

Effective leader can reasonably use his working time and the time of his subordinates.

Very often, the completion of any action is postponed due to certain reasons for an indefinable time. When such unfinished affairs accumulates, a sufficient number is accumulated, a person begins to experience constant stress, it feels anxiety and nervousness, feels fatigue and loses all the desire to work. He constantly pursues the feeling that he did not have time. His only desire is to throw everything and leave on vacation.

If you encountered an excess of unfinished affairs, then it's time to work with this list of cases: determine which of the cases must be performed primarily, which is desirable, and which today are outdated. Further opposite each item, please feel the desired date of completion - you will have a peculiar plan, which, for sure, will make a certain clarity in your work and life.

Analyze the condition of your subordinates to this subject. It is quite possible someone from them exhausts under the burden of a diverse work that has fallen on him, while others do not know how to take themselves. If you are able to competently organize your working time and the working time of those employees who work under your start, then you will probably notice a positive trend in your company.

Here are characteristic features of an effective leader:

Belongs to the staff fairly and ready to assist;
hardworking and plans well;
requires high performance standards;
sincere in his intentions;
consults with employees regarding their work;
ensures that employees are not overwhelmed;
reports subordinates alone, and not before colleagues;
is responsible for the combat spirit of its organization;
respectfully refers to employees and carefully listens to them;
He has no pets;
In his department, groups of some "special" people are not formed;
His actions relative to employees are exclusively legitimate.

Of course, some qualities are laid by nature itself, but the main thing is to work on yourself. The skill of an effective leader requires effort and training - for this, special business trainings are being created. Still, an effective supervisor can become!

Any manager requires proper task performance - efficiency. People with brilliant mental abilities may be ineffective workers. The mind, imagination and knowledge only in combination with efficiency are embodied into the results.

Until recently, the main problem of organization was the productivity of physical labor workers. For the last hundred years, we learned to measure it and repeatedly increased the productivity of a separate worker. At the heart of the activities of modern organizations is intellectual work.

  1. It cannot be measured with the help of criteria derived for physical labor;
  2. Not amenable to quantitative measurement;
  3. Not measured at costs;
  4. The contribution of managers does not depend on the number of subordinates;
  5. Efficiency is the results, and not the volume of management work.

In books on the development of management personnel, a portrait of the "head of tomorrow" as a "man for all times", in such people the world has always experienced a big draw. Universal genius required:

  1. Able to carry out analysis;
  2. Decisions;
  3. Work with people;
  4. Creatively thinking;
  5. Well understand in mathematics;
  6. Understand the characteristic features of your company and the management structure.

Companies are gaining people, at best, possess one of the desired qualities. Forming the organization so that any person, strong in one or another sphere, could use his skills and abilities in work. Make a bet on the expansion of the horizons of activity of people with the help of the workers affordable to them. Do not count on a sharp jump in the development of personal abilities.

A distinctive feature of effective managers - the ability to achieve a positive result in everything. Five habits that need to develop a manager to work efficiently:

  1. Know what your time is spent. Work on time management, increasing its effectiveness.
  2. Concentrate on achievements that go beyond the organization. Aims not for performance, but to the end result.
  3. Develop the strengths - their own, their chiefs, colleagues subordinate. Do not dwell on weaknesses, do not start with tasks that are not able to solve.
  4. Concentrate on spheres in which high-quality work will lead to outstanding results. Define priorities and do not retreat from them.
  5. Take effective solutions. The correct solutions are a system, a number of correct steps in the correct sequence. The effective solution is based on the incomprehension of opinions, and not on the consensus. Fast solutions - erroneous solutions. Decisions should be a bit, but they must be fundamental. The right strategy is needed, and not inventive techniques.

Distribute your time

The time resource is indispensable! Learn to manage your time - first determine as accurately as possible, to which it is actually spent and reduced its unproductive use as possible. Consolidate the time that can be controlled in the enlarged blocks, do not make 20 blocks, make 5.

The time management process consists of three stages.

Time to register

Consider the amount of time spent on work, analyze your effectiveness.

The first step towards improving the performance of the head is the exact register of the actual spending time. Regularly register your time costs. Resect the most unproductive classes and get rid of them. After each check, make a new working schedule. Ask yourself diagnostic questions:

  1. What happens if this is not done at all? If the answer is "nothing" - give up this case.
  2. What types of activities for which I answer can do another person and do the job not worse, or even better than me?
  3. What are my actions spend time, without bringing the benefit of work?

Time Management

Make a plan for useful and necessary cases. Poor management spends first of all your time.

  1. Reflect the unproductive costs of time due to the lack of a system or short-sample. Repeating from year to year crises in work - a good signal for taking action. The crisis, which happened for the second time, should not arise.
  2. Make sure that the workforce is not too much - it reduces efficiency. In such cases, workers spend more time on "interaction" than to work. If the managers spend more than a tenth of their time on the solution of "human relationship problems" - the team is too large.
  3. An excessive number of meetings is an indicator of a bad organization of work. The task must be holistic, do not break it into several subfolders when the responsibility is divided between many people and the information does not reach those who are really necessary. Meetings should not be a rule, but an exception to the rules.

Consolidation of Time

Group things into large temporary blocks. Working hours will be spent to no avail if it is crushed into blocks for 15-30 minutes. For consolidation of time blocks, there are many ways. You can work one day a week at home; plan meetings, checks, discussing different problems for two days of the week; Make a daylight schedule every morning before leaving for work.

Discretionary time goes to the fulfillment of cases bringing the highest return. Rate what amount it is at your disposal. Select one-piece time blocks to carry out specific events. Constantly revise your schedule and get rid of the least productive activities.

Do not leave a plan on paper - work with him constantly.

Heads often have to do ineffective, but necessary affairs: conversations with the best customers, participation in subordinate meetings, the provision of references ... Try to entrust such affairs to the responsible subordinate. To achieve real results, a mental worker should focus on the achievements and goals of the whole organization.

What contribution can I enter into the success of my organization?

Remember your responsibility to the company. A person who focuses all his attention on current efforts and constantly emphasizes its powers and power, is just a subordinate, no matter how high the status of its status in the organization.

Personal duties of the head

Each organization must be succeeded in three main areas:

  1. Direct results;
  2. Development of values \u200b\u200band their confirmation;
  3. Preparation of employees to work in the future. If the organization gives a failure at one of these areas, first it will be in a state of stagnation, and then stops its existence. It is in these areas that the head must contribute.

The inability or reluctance to change in accordance with the requirements of the new position is the common cause of the head of the head. Not only the results are changed to which its activities are directed, the overall importance of the three main parameters of successful labor changes.

How to improve the efficiency of a specialist

You need to give a specialist to work effectively in your niche. He must clearly understand who will use the results of his work and what you need to know and understand the user to make your work productively. It is necessary to take care of the practical applicability of its product. The main thing is not to produce universal, "masters for all hands."

Right interpersonal relations

The right interpersonal relationships occur when the leader focuses on his contribution to the common cause. Requirements for effective interpersonal relationships:

  1. Communication;
  2. Teamwork;
  3. Self-development;
  4. The development of other people.

Effective meeting

The main rule is initially orient assembly on a specific result.

Effective leader should clearly know what he wants to achieve thanks to the meeting, report or presentation. The content of such activities should be carefully thought out and communicate in advance to the participants.

How to strengthen the strengths

To achieve results, use all possible strengths of subordinates, partners, bosses and their own. Make the strengths as productive as possible.

Selection of employees on the basis of their strengths

Personnel selection rules:

1. The position at which two or three people has already changed, perfectly coped with their duties in previous places of work, should be considered impracticable. Change it.

2. Make each post scale and meaningful. The working task should be so wide so that all the strong qualities of the employee manifest themselves in full force - this will reveal its strengths in the candidate.

3. Start working with people, revealing and correctly using their potential, and not charging them standard duties. Do not attempt to appreciate the potential of the employee, the potential is only a promise. Successful executives are developing their own forms of assessment, which consist of transferring employee achievements on their previous positions and four questions:

  • What does he do well?
  • What else can he do well, based on his abilities?
  • What does he need to learn to fully use his strengths?
  • If I had children, I would like to work in this person in the future? Why?

4. To use the strengths, you need to be able to put up with the weaknesses.

5. Avoid a dangerous trap - creating positions for a particular person.

How to manage your boss

The focus on the strengths of his leader, that is, the creation of conditions for the actions to which it is capable of doing the effective work of both its own and subordinate.

If the strong side of the boss is the ability in the field of policies in the post, where politics is determining, first of all, familiarize it with a political aspect of the situation. He will understand what is spent talking about, and effectively uses his strong party, taking into account the new policy of politics.

Improving its own efficiency

Do what you know how to do the best, constantly look for what else can be done.

Effective leader always monitors his own results, its results and tries to track common trends: how to work with the audience or what time of the day it is better to write presentations, make quick records or carefully work out each sentence.

To be effective, it is necessary to expand favorable opportunities and limit problems. The standards for the activities of the group of people are established on the example of the leader - your activity should be based only on your strengths.

Everything has its time

The main secret of efficiency is a concentration. First of all, it is necessary to fulfill the most important things and never make some important affairs at the same time. Hard self-discipline is needed, the Will's Iron Power and the ability to say "no". This will help you when solving a huge number of tasks.

Do one thing for one time cut - it means to do it quickly. People who can redo the mass of things, different in nature, are engaged in turns.

Get rid of shipping yesterday

Systematic getting rid of the old - the only way to effectively start a new one. Get rid of past failures; yesterday's success, ceased to be productive; Activities that did not bring the desired results.

The problem of famous organizations is not in the absence of creativity. Often, all their employees are too busy with the solution of the tasks of yesterday. Stimulating creativity is successful even in the most limited impregnated bureaucracy structures if they regularly check programs and activities on their relevance and any unproductive activities immediately terminated.

Priority and other questions

Definition of priorities - the task is simple. It is more difficult to determine the non-priority tasks that should be postponed and strictly adhere to their solution. Courage, and not an analysis dictates really important rules for determining priorities:

  1. Choose the future, and not the past;
  2. Focus on favorable opportunities, not on the problem;
  3. Choose your own direction, and do not enjoy the flow, following the winners;
  4. Put the goals that will give a visible result, and not those achieved safely and simply. Attach your own priority of tasks, despite the restrictions on time and circumstances. This is the only hope of the head to become the master of his time and circumstances, and not their slave.

The decision-making process

Effective leaders think strategic and large-scale categories. Do not put yourself the goal to solve current problems, do not take too much solutions. Concentrate only on the most important. Do not seek to rapid decision-making.

It is necessary to know when the solution should be founded on principle, and when to proceed from the needs of the moment and pragmaticity. The most time in this process is not to make decisions, but to implement them into life. Implementation of an effective solution should be simple and as close as possible to the possibilities of the average employee.

The process of making effective solutions:

  1. Ask yourself: "Is this situation characteristic, or is it an exception to the rules?". Solve the general characteristic problem through the establishment of the principle. With exceptions, you need to understand, considering the specific situation.
  2. Clearly determine what exactly should be achieved thanks to a specific solution. What goals does it pursue? What minimal tasks are set in front of it? What conditions should it be satisfied? The effective solution must meet the objectives, otherwise it is ineffective and inappropriate.
  3. Start with what is right, and not with what is acceptable. At the final stage, you still have to compromise. If a person does not know how to meet the boundary conditions, it cannot make a choice between the correct and incorrect compromise, and this often leads to errors.
  4. The introduction of the decision takes the most time. No solution will be effective if the mechanisms of its implementation will not be developed from the very beginning. No solution cannot be considered accepted while someone will not be responsible for its implementation. The implementation of the solution into real actions requires answers to a few questions: "Who should be aware of this decision?", "What actions should be taken?", "Who will have to do them?", "What should be the action for people who are entrusted to them. , managed to execute it? ". Actions must comply with the abilities of people who will be entrusted with their implementation.
  5. Provide a feedback system for constant verification of the implementation of solutions and reconciliation with a plan of implementation. For effective feedback, you need organized information, numbers and data. The head must personally verify how its decisions are fulfilled, otherwise its activities will be ineffective. \u003d\u003d Effective solutions \u003d\u003d

Any solution is a choice between options.To make an effective decision, collect the maximum number of opinions confirmed by the facts. We produce both in yourself and in our colleagues a habit of determining what to pay attention to what to learn and what to check. This is the basis of any effective solution.

Effective solution is not the result of consensus in the assessment of the existing facts, this is the result of conflicts of different opinions, as well as a serious analysis of various options.

The development of a suitable evaluation mechanism is associated with a certain risk. To make a judgment, you need to have options for selecting. Only in the presence of options can be hoped for a reasonable choice.

The first rule of decision-making is not to make decisions until you hear the opinions contrary to yours. Why make a decision, you should insist on counter-arguments:

  1. This is the only opportunity to prevent the situation when a decision maker becomes a prisoner of the organization. The way to break out of captivity of prejudices is to ensure the flow of documented and carefully thoughtful objections.
  2. Only disagreements provide alternatives to the proposed option. The decision without an alternative is just a move of a desperate gambling player as carefully he was not thought out. Look at the opposition as a means to think about the solution options.

Each solution is interference in the wellland system. A good leader will not risk and accept extra solutions. The decision should be taken if without it the situation is likely to deteriorate. Favorable opportunities most often lead to improvement than to radical changes.

You are ready to make a decision if: Requirements are thought out, options are studied, risks and advantages weighed, but this is not enough. In this situation, a successful leader must not succumb to the temptation and conduct a study of this issue again.