Scenario of the autumn concert for adults. Festive concert Autumn of life-time Golden.doc - the scenario of the festive concert "Autumn of Life-Time Golden"

Scenario of the autumn concert for adults. Festive concert Autumn of life-time Golden.doc - the scenario of the festive concert "Autumn of Life-Time Golden"

And about. Directors
Maudoda "Deshi G. Yalutorovsk"
______________ K.E. Championship
"___" ___________ 201__ year

Scenario of the concert and entertainment program
"Golden autumn"
Screenwriter: Queen Yu.V., Teacher of theoretical disciplines
Date of implementation: 09/14/2014
Time: 12-00 hours
Duration: 90 min.
Venue: Concert Platform (st. Komsomolskaya, 63)
Event form: Concert and entertainment event
Invited: Citizens
Technical rider:
1 tablet for the lead
Mixer remote
Goals and objectives:
Development of creative abilities.
Continue to bring up respect for others (to relatives and close);
improving the skills of culture of behavior.
Relieve feelings of beautiful
Propaganda of musical art
Scenic plan:
Introductory word
Music numbers (according to the list of speakers)
Final word
ensemble "Skovenchka" Parasolki (umbrellas), Polish Nar. The song "Was in Baba Rooster"
the ensemble of the violinists "Elegy" Dunaevsky "Fly, Pigeons", Medvedov "Gamma Jazz", Legrant "Sherburg umbrellas", "Fairy Tale"
the ensemble "Skovronchka" "Was the girl"
Korovina Ulyana "Wizard laughter's hat"
ensemble "Freckles" "Children of the Earth", "Russia"
ensemble of the violinists "Elegy" "Jewish" "Merry Travelers"
the duet of "Toples" "We go to the world" 1 "ore rod
vocal ensemble "Skovronchka" "Russia"
ensemble of the violinists "Elegy" "Ragtime" Ice Cream "" Travelers "Ruh" My Way "" Freilix "" Golden Fish "
ensemble "Freckles" "We draw", "Give me a hand"

Event flow
Good afternoon dear friends! Today, for all of us the day is really kind and light. Music flow through everywhere, solemn songs sound, the majestic poems are declected on the people of smile people. And all this because golden autumn came to our favorite city
I will give me autumn to openness:
Hassle maple leaves,
The colors of an unprecedented palette
And the whole sea of \u200b\u200bfruits.

Before collecting them, admire
So that I do without you!
And I do not forget the binding
Beautiful days of September.

As once, in school years,
It seems to me that again
I enter the same waters,
Into peer's petrose riots.

Where fish in bulk, glasses
Bagro cherry full,
And I did a lot,
Almost half of the country.

I was not prevented by Primorye,
Caucasus and even Moscow,
Returned to his Lukomorier
Where is the angle of bearish as its own.

September lit lights to me
And I, the winner, go,
Hearing in the preliminary hymn
That song I am waiting for.

All - people of different ages, gender, status - are now united, because we are the children of our city, we live 355 years old and together we celebrate the change of seasons, a big and friendly family celebrate all holidays. We are proud of it! Yalutorovsk, congratulations on your wonderful pore - Golden Autumn!
Our city has many attractions. And in one such, we learn and work - the school of arts. Today we want to give you an extraordinary program "City of Art", in which you can enjoy the concert numbers of the DSHI teams of Yalututorsk, and also participate in sports competitions, competitive and game programs prepared by the Central City Library together with the dehs who will be held on the site "Autumn Kaleidoscope" from 10-00 to 14-00 hours.
Hurry! Competition "Autumn Fantasy" will take place from 10-00 to 12-30 hours. Work in three nominations are accepted for participation:

Concert and contests we expect
Friends we invite everyone!
Popovo, having fun
We reserve, cut forward!
I invite you to go to an extraordinary journey - in the amazing world of music.
Once the famous Spanish guitarist Andrei Segovia said: "Music is similar to the ocean, and musical instruments - to the islands scattered in it." We go on all sails on the mysterious, amazing and excellent ocean.
I am sure that you can call a huge number of musical instruments. But not everyone knows how to play them. And there is a unique unique tool that is always with a person is a voice. So we walked back to one island, the name is - vocals. In our school there are departments "solo singing" and "choral singing", where teachers teach children to manage their voice, right and beautifully sing. I am with great pleasure I invite you to the scene the vocal ensemble "Skovarchka" - the winner of the regional competition. S.I. Mamontov, a diploma of the International Competition "Golden Dome" G.Tobolsk. In the repertoire of the ensemble of the song in Polish and Russian.
Sings the vocal ensemble of "Skovronetchka" Head of Philippova Lyudmila Nikolaevna.
"Parasolki" (umbrellas)
Polish Nar. The song "Was in Baba Rooster"
The next island, who met to us on the way, belongs to Her Majesty Violin. I present to your attention the ensemble of the violinists "Elegy": (Rasulova Yana), Bychkova Anastasia, Tokmakov Vasily, Borisenko Angelina and Ogurtsova Alexander, Shamray Anna. These children are students of the Orchestral Department of the Arts School of Artistovsk, and the head - Vera Nikolaevna Shamburskaya. The ensemble of the violinists for 2 years of its existence has already become a laureate and a diploma of urban, regional, regional, All-Russian and international competitions! Elegy - the pride of our city, his musical aspect, landmark!
Dunaevsky "Fly, Pigeons"
Medvedovsky "Gamma Jazz"
We are all - students and teachers - we value our city, love him and their school. Most recently, the school noted the anniversary - 55 years from the date of creation. During this time, a lot has been done - it turned into a large spacious school from a wooden house, and will change, expand and further. Classes 2x tools - bayan and piano - rose in 6 huge departments: piano, orchestral, folk instruments, theoretical, choral singing and solo singing. At school, there are young branches - visual arts and early aesthetic development - "Star". Each child can reveal and develop their individual abilities, acquire knowledge, master the game technique on any musical instrument. And the most important thing is to learn to understand, love art, develop culture, aesthetics of a child, to educate the high level. Not in vain the motto of the school sounds like this: "We teach children to create spiritual values."
School native - the lowest bowl,
You are our good teachers!
You have taught to dream of us and think ...
My city is my school!
The school, both for us - teachers, and for students and their parents, is, above all, autumn. This means that it came again the time of lessons, classes and homework. But, no matter what, autumn is not the time to be sad! Therefore, we continue our holiday!
We remind you, you can participate in sports competitions, competitive and game programs prepared by the Central City Library together with the dehs, who will be held at the "Autumn Kaleidoscope" platform from 10-00 to 14-00 hours.
Hurry! The contest "Autumn Fantasy" takes place from 10-00 to 12-30. To participate your work in three nominations:

"Daras of the Autumn" - your productive surprises with beds and a garden will be shown here.
"Fronts of autumn paints" is a contest of drawings and crafts from natural material.
"Autumn Florist" - this competition demonstrates all the beauty of the flower bouquets you made.

Attention! The results of the contest "Autumn Fantasy" will be summed up at 13-00 hours at the "Autumn Kaleidoscope" site.

In turn, I suggest you feel like real dancers. I invite you to participate in the competition "Best Dancer" (dance Poppuri)!
Well done! And now you have the opportunity to participate in one wonderful competition - "Autumn Stepad". I invite you to the scene of everyone!
We ask you not to forget about the "Autumn Kaleidoscope" platform.
From 10-00 to 14-00 hours, you can participate in sports competitions, competitive and game programs prepared by the Central City Library together with DSHI.

What are you all well done! With songs, verses and dancing Golden autumn will meet!
Few people know that in the old days the autumn met three times:
In Semen-Day September 14 (September 1, on the old style), the Day of Memory of Simeon Student Seeds of the White;
At Christmas of the Virgin on September 21 (September 8, the holiday of women and female work) on the old style).
For the Day of Theodore on September 24 (September 11, on the old style).
In the fall, the period also allocate the period that we all know and love - Indian summer, it usually begins on August 28 and lasts until September 21. India Summer is characterized by warm, sunny, vests, which brought pleasant memories of the past summer.
Came to us autumn - so gone
Colored showered fire.
You and beautiful, and hard
In the plan of sunny it!

Fun paints, sea of \u200b\u200blight,
Znorly with the leaves of the neck,
As if the summer returned again,
But the Indian summer is just!

Three colors differ leaves,
And how many combinations of them!
And the obvious openness:
Nature referred to a language!

With a love calera, the ray touched.
Cuteless, and quiet, and smooth.
Such appeared feelings
What is impossible to transfer!
Autumn, like a violin, sings about the intimate, quiet and as if ordinary feelings close to each of us.
On the stage of the ensemble of violinists "Elegy"
Legrant "Sherburg umbrellas"
Dear friends, from 10-00 to 14-00 hours, the site "Autumn Kaleidoscope" works for you. There you are waiting for sports, competitive and game programs prepared by the Central City Library together with DSHI.

· Hurry! From 10-00 to 12-30, in the framework of the competition "Autumn Fantasies", your work is accepted in three nominations:
"Autumn gifts" - crop surprises with your beds and a garden.

"Autumn Florist" - Flower bouquets made by your hands, embodying all your fantasy.

The results of the competition "Autumn fantasy" will be supplied at 13-00 hours all on the site "Autumn Kaleidoscope".

And we will continue our acquaintance in the fall. By the way, she also has other names: "Outnaire" and "mocropod labor".
In general, autumn is divided into treads:
September 1, September 23: They are considered to be the beginning of the fall on September 14, October 14: Golden autumn. October 15 October 22: Deep autumn.23 October 26: Preimage on November 30 November 30: First-Rosimier.
And oddly enough, it is the fall that is, in the meantime of the year, which contributes to the emergence of poems, songs, paintings. People of art at this time are experiencing a creative rise and find inspiration.
The path of creativity does not know the weekend!
The soul burns, in doubt full:
Music and verse are born
In high flour, from night to dark!

And let the rare minutes of the celebration,
But who took a step to the art in life -
That best does not know the magic,
When sings from the joy of the soul!
On the stage of the vocal ensemble "Skovronicchka"
"Walked girl"
"Wizard laughter's hat" - executes the cow of Ulyana
In the people there are many accepts associated with autumn sometimes. Do you know the autumn signs and sayings?
Warm autumn to long winter.
Thunder in September foreshadows warm autumn.
(Sayings about autumn)
In autumn idle weather, seven weather in the yard: sow, itifies, twist, mutitis, rock, pour on top and bottom.
In September, the tit asks autumn to visit.
Batyushka-September does not like to pamper.
In November, dawn with twilights among the day are found.
Spring red, yes hungry; Autumn rainy, yes satisfy.
The day did notice the harvest lost.
Hold on for the Mother Earth, she will not give out.
October neither wheels nor a caution love.
The autumn rain is finely seen, and it stretches for a long time.
Autumn Matter: Kiselle and pancakes, and in the spring, somewhat: Sit and look.
In the fall and in Sparrow Pier.
One of our sacred duties - keep traditions, honor
our ancestors, be proud of the great historical past of our city and
create a peaceful and prosperous future for our children and grandchildren.

And we draw your attention to the site "Autumn Kaleidoscope". There from 10-00 to 14-00 hours you can participate in sports competitions, competitive and game programs prepared by the Central City Library together with DSHI.
Hurry! Competition "Autumn fantasy" takes place from 10-00 to 12-30 hours. Works are accepted in three nominations:
"Daras of autumn" - your crop surprises with a garden and garden.
"Vernissage of autumn paints" - drawings and crafts from natural material.
"Autumn florist" - flower bouquets made by your hands.

The results of the competition "Autumn fantasy" will be supplied at 13-00 hours all on the site "Autumn Kaleidoscope".

And I invite a vocal ensemble "Freckles" on the stage - winner of the regional festival to the scene. S.I. Mamontov, Rainbow, the International Competition "Golden Dome" G.Tobolsk - under the leadership of Kravets Svetlana Evgenievna, who will fulfill
"Children of the Earth"
Rich Talent Yalutorovskaya Earth. Of great importance is given to cultural life, much attention is paid to the field of creativity, because art and culture is the soil on which the healthy shoots of the new generation of Russia can grow. Confirmation of this - Festivals named after Savva Ivanovich Mamontov, continuing the glorious traditions of patronage, "Decembristians", "Theatrical meetings", city competitions of creativity as "Sons of Russia", shares "Night of Museums", etc.
Yalutorovskaya Earth generously gives its strength to everyone, and those who were born on it and those who come to her with peace and good. Let Yalutorovsk live and flourishes, continuing to collect friends for the benefit and in the glory of the entire Siberian region!
And on the stage I invite the laureates of the Savva Festival Ivanovich Mamontov - the ensemble of the violinists of Elegia.
"Merry travelers" look, beautiful how!
You can travel the world of music infinitely, so much diverse, rich and amazing! But not only. Composer Dmitry Kabalevsky said: "The music not only gives us pleasure. She teaches a lot. She, as a book, makes us better, smarter, kinder. "
Students of the Art School have the opportunity to go to the world of excellent music every day. It is about this that tells the following song in Polish -
"We go to the world" - performed by the duet "Toples" (teenagers)
"RDD ores" - performs the duet "Toples" (teenagers)
"Russia" - performed by the vocal ensemble "Skovronachki"
Yalutorovsk can be proud of the school of arts. Our students are successful
show their talents in contests of various levels - regional, All-Russian, international, winning laureate diplomas. Thus, the name of our city. So, the students of the string section and the People's Department, Piano and Choir were very active this year. Most recently, the overall orchestra won on the All-Russian competition "Novoural fanfare" Laureate 1 degree diploma! And we meet the laureate of international contests - the Elegy Ensemble, the head of Vera Nikolaevna Shamburskaya.
"Ragtime" Ice Cream "
From heart to heart we pass
All our thoughts are the best and feelings
And only gathering together, create
Great folk art.
Indeed, folk art is great value. Riddles are also part of a remarkable oral folk creativity. I suggest you to guess them.
But before, asking not to forget about the site "Autumn Kaleidoscope". There from 10-00 to 14-00 hours you can participate in sports competitions, competitive and game programs prepared by the Central City Library together with DSHI.
Hurry! Very soon the results of the competition "Autumn fantasy" will be summed up, which takes place from 10-00 to 12-30 hours. You still have time to provide us with our work in three nominations:
"Daras of the Autumn" - here are your crop surprises with beds and a garden.
"Openice of autumn paints" - your drawings and crafts from natural material.
"Autumn florist" - original floral bouquets that embody your entire autumn fantasy.

And now try to guess our riddles! (Puzzles)
Field empty, earth mocking, the rain watering when it happens? (In autumn)

Redhead Essayover on the Ozerko, he himself did not drowned the water did not shut down. (Autumn leaf)

Not snow, not ice, and silver will remove the trees. (Inay)
He goes, and we run, he will catch it all the same! We hurry to cover the house, it will knock on the window to us, and on the roof of the Tuk and Tuk! No, do not let, dear friend! (Rain)

The clouds cattons, howls, blows down the light goes, sings yes fistulate. (Wind)

The leaves are yellow fly, fall, circling, and under the legs just a takak carpet falls! What kind of yellow snowfall is just (leaf fall)

There is no suns, in the sky clouds, the wind is harmful and spiny, blowing so, there is no salvation! What is? Give an answer! (Late autumn)
What are you great! And now meet the ensemble of the violinists "Elegy"
Row "My Way"
"Gold fish"
Give people the joy of creativity is a great profession, heavy and happy at the same time. Great happiness to find yourself, reveal your abilities. Even greater happiness to share his talent with others, feel like a viewer freezing and obediently goes there, where his victorious magic of creativity is leading.
The vocal ensemble "Freckles" will be happy to share with you this joy. Meet! On the stage of the vocal ensemble "Freckles"
"We're drawing"
"Give me a hand"
Sad time! Ocho charming!
Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me -
I love the magnificent nature of fading,
In the bazhret and in gold dressed forests,
And in their saint wind noise and fresh breath,
And the haired wavy covered skies,
And rare sun ray, and the first frosts,
And distant gray winter threats.
This is all the well-known autumn masterpiece of the great Russian poet - A.S. Pushkin. Unusual picture of beauty, he created with the help of a mighty Russian word. Beautiful and slightly sad appearance to us autumn. Summer has already passed. Time quickly flew. Suitable for completion and our musical journey, and a program prepared by students and art school teachers. With great advantage, we can say that the school of arts has become a rightly part of the cultural life of the city; She to be proud of his graduates - she trained and raised many talented people who glorify the Music House that became a relatives throughout Russia. In addition, the school carries something more - it gives the child to feel their uniqueness as a person, reveals and develops the abilities, introduces to the world of art, enriches the spiritual world, brings up morality, which is so relevant in our time.
Dear friends, please do not disperse! Up to 14-00 hours at the Square "Autumn Kaleidoscope" you can participate in sports competitions, competitive and game programs prepared by the Central City Library together with DSHI.
Very soon the results of the competition "Autumn Fantasy" will be summed up, which takes place from 10-00 to 12-30. All your work in three nominations are shown here:
"Daras of autumn" - your crop surprises with a garden and garden.
"Fronts of autumn paints" - drawings and crafts from natural material made by your hands.
"Autumn florist" - original floral bouquets that embody your entire autumn fantasy.
Do not miss! The results of the competition "Autumn fantasy" will be supplied at 13-00 hours all on the site "Autumn Kaleidoscope".

And we do not say goodbye to you! We tell you goodbye! To new meetings!


And about. Directors

Maudoda "Deshi G. Yalutorovsk"

K.E. Championship

"___" ___________ 201__ year

Scenario of the concert and entertainment program

"Golden autumn"

The date of the: 14.09.2014 G.

Time spending: 12-00 hours

Duration:90 min.

Location: Concert platform (st. Komsomolskaya, 63)

Form of the event: concert-entertainment event

Invited: townspeople

Technical rider:

    1 tablet for the lead

    Mixer remote




Goals and objectives:

    Development of creative abilities.

    Continue to bring up respect for others (to relatives and close);

    improving the skills of culture of behavior.

    Relieve feelings of beautiful

    Propaganda of musical art

Scenic plan:

    Introductory word

    Music numbers (according to the list of speakers)

    Final word


    ensemble "Skovenchka" Parasolki (umbrellas), Polish Nar. The song "Was in Baba Rooster"

    the ensemble of the violinists "Elegy" Dunaevsky "Fly, Pigeons", Medvedov "Gamma Jazz", Legrant "Sherburg umbrellas", "Fairy Tale"

    the ensemble "Skovronchka" "Was the girl"

    Korovina Ulyana "Wizard laughter's hat"

    ensemble "Freckles" "Children of the Earth", "Russia"

    ensemble of the violinists "Elegy" "Jewish" "Merry Travelers"

    the duet of "Toples" "We go to the world" 1 "ore rod

    vocal ensemble "Skovronchka" "Russia"

    ensemble of the violinists "Elegy" "Ragtime" Ice Cream "" Travelers "Ruh" My Way "" Freilix "" Golden Fish "

    ensemble "Freckles" "We draw", "Give me a hand"

Event flow

Good afternoon dear friends! Today, for all of us the day is really kind and light. Music flow through everywhere, solemn songs sound, the majestic poems are declected on the people of smile people. And all this because golden autumn came to our favorite city

I will give me autumn to openness:

Hassle maple leaves,

The colors of an unprecedented palette

And the whole sea of \u200b\u200bfruits.

Before collecting them, admire

So that I do without you!

And I do not forget the binding

Beautiful days of September.

As once, in school years,

It seems to me that again

I enter the same waters,

Into peer's petrose riots.

Where fish in bulk, glasses

Bagro cherry full,

And I did a lot,

Almost half of the country.

I was not prevented by Primorye,

Caucasus and even Moscow,

Returned to his Lukomorier

Where is the angle of bearish as its own.

September lit lights to me

And I, the winner, go,

Hearing in the preliminary hymn

That song I am waiting for.

All - people of different ages, gender, status - are now united, because we are the children of our city, we live 355 years old and together we celebrate the change of seasons, a big and friendly family celebrate all holidays. We are proud of it! Yalutorovsk, congratulations on your wonderful pore - Golden Autumn!

Our city has many attractions. And in one such, we learn and work - the school of arts. Today we want to give you an extraordinary program "City of Art", in which you can enjoy the concert numbers of the DSHI teams of Yalututorsk, and also participate in sports competitions, competitive and game programs prepared by the Central City Library together with the dehs who will be held on the site "Autumn Kaleidoscope" from 10-00 to 14-00 hours.

Hurry! Competition "Autumn Fantasy" will take place from 10-00 to 12-30 hours. Work in three nominations are accepted for participation:

Concert and contests we expect

Friends we invite everyone!

Popovo, having fun

We reserve, cut forward!

I invite you to go to an extraordinary journey - in the amazing world of music.

Once the famous Spanish guitarist Andrei Segovia said: "Music is similar to the ocean, and musical instruments - to the islands scattered in it." We go on all sails on the mysterious, amazing and excellent ocean.

I am sure that you can call a huge number of musical instruments. But not everyone knows how to play them. And there is a unique unique tool that is always with a person is a voice. So we walked back to one island, the name is - vocals. In our school there are departments "solo singing" and "choral singing", where teachers teach children to manage their voice, right and beautifully sing. I am with great pleasure I invite the vocal ensemble on the scene "Skankrachka" - Winner of the regional contest. S.I. Mamontov, a diploma of the International Competition "Golden Dome" G.Tobolsk. In the repertoire of the ensemble of the song in Polish and Russian.

Sings the vocal ensemble "Skankrachka"head of Philippova Lyudmila Nikolaevna.

    "Parasolki" (umbrellas)

    Polish Nar. The song "Was in Baba Rooster"

The next island, who met to us on the way, belongs to Her Majesty Violin. I present to your attention the ensemble of the violinists "Elegy": (Rasulova Yana), Bychkova Anastasia, Tokmakov Vasily, Borisenko Angelina and Ogurtsova Alexander, Shamray Anna. These children are students of the Orchestral Department of the Arts School of Artistovsk, and the head - Vera Nikolaevna Shamburskaya. The ensemble of the violinists for 2 years of its existence has already become a laureate and a diploma of urban, regional, regional, All-Russian and international competitions! "Elegy" - Pride of our city, his musical aspect, landmark!

    Dunaevsky "Fly, Pigeons"

    Medvedovsky "Gamma Jazz"

We are all - students and teachers - we value our city, love him and their school. Most recently, the school noted the anniversary - 55 years from the date of creation. During this time, a lot has been done - it turned into a large spacious school from a wooden house, and will change, expand and further. Classes 2x tools - bayan and piano - rose in 6 huge departments: piano, orchestral, folk instruments, theoretical, choral singing and solo singing. At school, there are young branches - visual arts and early aesthetic development - "Star". Each child can reveal and develop their individual abilities, acquire knowledge, master the game technique on any musical instrument. And the most important thing is to learn to understand, love art, develop culture, aesthetics of a child, to educate the high level. Not in vain the motto of the school sounds like this: "We teach children to create spiritual values."

School native - the lowest bowl,

You are our good teachers!

You have taught to dream of us and think ...

My city is my school!

The school, both for us - teachers, and for students and their parents, is, above all, autumn. This means that it came again the time of lessons, classes and homework. But, no matter what, autumn is not the time to be sad! Therefore, we continue our holiday!

We remind you, you can participate in sports competitions, competitive and game programs prepared by the Central City Library together with the dehs, who will be held at the "Autumn Kaleidoscope" platform from 10-00 to 14-00 hours.

Hurry! The contest "Autumn Fantasy" takes place from 10-00 to 12-30. To participate your work in three nominations:

    "Daras of the Autumn" - your productive surprises with beds and a garden will be shown here.

    "Fronts of autumn paints" is a contest of drawings and crafts from natural material.

    "Autumn Florist" - this competition demonstrates all the beauty of the flower bouquets you made.

Attention! The results of the contest "Autumn Fantasy" will be summed up at 13-00 hours at the "Autumn Kaleidoscope" site.

In turn, I suggest you feel like real dancers. I invite you to participate in competition "Best Dancer" (Dance Poppuri)!

Well done! And now you have the opportunity to participate in one wonderful competition - "Autumn Steam". I invite you to the scene of everyone!

We ask you not to forget about the "Autumn Kaleidoscope" platform.

From 10-00 to 14-00 hours, you can participate in sports competitions, competitive and game programs prepared by the Central City Library together with DSHI.

What are you all well done! With songs, verses and dancing Golden autumn will meet!

Few people know that in the old days the autumn met three times:

    In Semen-day September 14 (September 1, old style) - the day of memory of Simeon Stalnnik - the seeds of the pililingation;

    For the christmas of the Virgin September 21 (September 8 at the old style) - the holiday of women and women's work.

In the fall, the period also allocate the period that we all know and love - Indian summer, it usually begins on August 28 and lasts until September 21. India Summer is characterized by warm, sunny, vests, which brought pleasant memories of the past summer.

Came to us autumn - so gone

Colored showered fire.

You and beautiful, and hard

In the plan of sunny it!

Fun paints, sea of \u200b\u200blight,

Znorly with the leaves of the neck,

As if the summer returned again,

But the Indian summer is just!

Three colors differ leaves,

And how many combinations of them!

And the obvious openness:

Nature referred to a language!

With a love calera, the ray touched.

Cuteless, and quiet, and smooth.

Such appeared feelings

What is impossible to transfer!

Autumn, like a violin, sings about the intimate, quiet and as if ordinary feelings close to each of us.

On stage the ensemble of violinists "Elegy"

    Legrant "Sherburg umbrellas"


Dear friends, from 10-00 to 14-00 hours, the site "Autumn Kaleidoscope" works for you. There you are waiting for sports, competitive and game programs prepared by the Central City Library together with DSHI.

Hurry! From 10-00 to 12-30, in the framework of the competition "Autumn Fantasies", your work is accepted in three nominations:

    "Autumn gifts" - crop surprises with your beds and a garden.

    "Autumn Florist" - Flower bouquets made by your hands, embodying all your fantasy.

The results of the competition "Autumn fantasy" will be supplied at 13-00 hours all on the site "Autumn Kaleidoscope".

And we will continue our acquaintance in the fall. By the way, she also has other names: "Outnaire" and "mocropod labor".

In general, autumn is divided into treads:

September 1 - September 23: They consider the beginning of autumn.
September 24 - October 14: Golden autumn.
October 15 - October 22: Deep autumn.
October 23 - November 26: Preimary.
November 27 - November 30: Firstness.

And oddly enough, it is the fall that is, in the meantime of the year, which contributes to the emergence of poems, songs, paintings. People of art at this time are experiencing a creative rise and find inspiration.

The path of creativity does not know the weekend!

The soul burns, in doubt full:

Music and verse are born

In high flour, from night to dark!

And let the rare minutes of the celebration,

But who took a step to the art in life -

That best does not know the magic,

When sings from the joy of the soul!

On stage vocal ensemble "Skankrachka"

    "Walked girl"

    "Wizard laughter's hat" - executes the cow of Ulyana

In the people there are many accepts associated with autumn sometimes.Do you know the autumn signs and sayings?


    Warm autumn - to a long winter.

    Thunder in September foreshadows warm autumn.

(Sayings about autumn)

    In autumn bad weather, seven weather in the yard: sow, itifies, twists, mutitis, tear, pour on top and bottom.

    In September, the tit asks autumn to visit.

    Batyushka-September does not like to pamper.

    In November, dawn with twilights among the day are found.

    Spring red, yes hungry; Autumn rainy, yes satisfy.

    The day was pecked - the crop lost.

    Hold on for the land of Mother - she will not give out one.

    October neither wheels nor a caution love.

    The autumn rain is finely seen, and it stretches for a long time.

    Autumn Matter: Kiselle and pancakes, and in the spring, somewhat: Sit and look.

    In the fall and in Sparrow Pier.

One of our sacred duties - keep traditions, honor

our ancestors, be proud of the great historical past of our city and

create a peaceful and prosperous future for our children and grandchildren.

And we draw your attention to the site "Autumn Kaleidoscope". There from 10-00 to 14-00 hours you can participate in sports competitions, competitive and game programs prepared by the Central City Library together with DSHI.

Hurry! Competition "Autumn fantasy" takes place from 10-00 to 12-30 hours. Works are accepted in three nominations:

    "Daras of autumn" - your crop surprises with a garden and garden.

    "Vernissage of autumn paints" - drawings and crafts from natural material.

    "Autumn florist" - flower bouquets made by your hands.

The results of the competition "Autumn fantasy" will be supplied at 13-00 hours all on the site "Autumn Kaleidoscope".

And I invite a vocal ensemble "Freckles" on the stage - winner of the regional festival to the scene. S.I. Mamontov, Rainbow, the International Competition "Golden Dome" G.Tobolsk - under the leadership of Kravets Svetlana Evgenievna, who will fulfill

    "Children of the Earth"


Rich Talent Yalutorovskaya Earth. Of great importance is given to cultural life, much attention is paid to the field of creativity, because art and culture is the soil on which the healthy shoots of the new generation of Russia can grow. Confirmation of this - Festivals named after Savva Ivanovich Mamontov, continuing the glorious traditions of patronage, "Decembristians", "Theatrical meetings", city competitions of creativity as "Sons of Russia", shares "Night of Museums", etc.

Yalutorovskaya Earth generously gives its strength to everyone, and those who were born on it and those who come to her with peace and good. Let Yalutorovsk live and flourishes, continuing to collect friends for the benefit and in the glory of the entire Siberian region!

And on the scene I invite the laureates of the Savva Festival Ivanovich Mamontov - the ensemble of the violinists "Elegy".


    "Merry travelers" look, beautiful how!

You can travel the world of music infinitely, so much diverse, rich and amazing! But not only. Composer Dmitry Kabalevsky said: "The music not only gives us pleasure. She teaches a lot. She, as a book, makes us better, smarter, kinder. "

Students of the Art School have the opportunity to go to the world of excellent music every day. It is about this that tells the following song in Polish -

    "We go to the world" - performed by the duet "Toples" (teenagers)

    "RDD ores" - performs the duet "Toples" (teenagers)

    "Russia" - performed by the vocal ensemble "Skovronachki"

Yalutorovsk can be proud of the school of arts. Our students are successful

show their talents in contests of various levels - regional, All-Russian, international, winning laureate diplomas. Thus, the name of our city. So, the students of the string section and the People's Department, Piano and Choir were very active this year. Most recently, the overall orchestra won on the All-Russian competition "Novoural fanfare" Laureate 1 degree diploma! And we meet the laureate of international contests - ensemble "Elegy", Head of Vera Nikolaevna Shamburskaya.

    "Ragtime" Ice Cream "


From heart to heart we pass

All our thoughts are the best and feelings

And only gathering together, create

Great folk art.

Indeed, folk art is great value. Riddles are also part of a remarkable oral folk creativity. I suggest you to guess them.

But before, asking not to forget about the site "Autumn Kaleidoscope". There from 10-00 to 14-00 hours you can participate in sports competitions, competitive and game programs prepared by the Central City Library together with DSHI.

Hurry! Very soon the results of the competition "Autumn fantasy" will be summed up, which takes place from 10-00 to 12-30 hours. You still have time to provide us with our work in three nominations:

    "Daras of the Autumn" - here are your crop surprises with beds and a garden.

    "Openice of autumn paints" - your drawings and crafts from natural material.

    "Autumn florist" - original floral bouquets that embody your entire autumn fantasy.

And now try to guess our riddles! (Puzzles)

Field empty, Mock Earth,
Rain watered when it happens?

Red York
Fell on the Ozerko,
He himself was not drowned
And the water did not shuffle.
(Autumn leaf)

Not snow, not ice,
And the trees will remove silver.

He goes and we run
He will catch up anyway!
We hurry in the house
Will knock us down to the window
And on the roof of Tuk and Tuk!
No, do not let, dear friend!

Clouds cattons,
Warter, blows.
In the light chops,
Sings yes fistulate.

Yellow leaves fly,
Fall, circling,
And under the legs just like that
How the carpet falls!
What kind of yellow snowfall?
It's simple …
(Leaf fall)

There is no sun, in the sky clouds,
The wind is harmful and spiny,
Blowing so, no salvation!
What? Give an answer!
(Late fall)

What are you great! And now meet the ensemble of violinists "Elegy"

    Row "My Way"


    "Gold fish"

Give people the joy of creativity is a great profession, heavy and happy at the same time. Great happiness to find yourself, reveal your abilities. Even greater happiness to share his talent with others, feel like a viewer freezing and obediently goes there, where his victorious magic of creativity is leading.

Vocal ensemble "Freckles" I will be happy to share with you this joy. Meet! On stage vocal ensemble "Freckles"

    "We're drawing"

    "Give me a hand"

Sad time! Ocho charming!

Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me -

I love the magnificent nature of fading,

In the bazhret and in gold dressed forests,

And in their saint wind noise and fresh breath,

And the haired wavy covered skies,

And rare sun ray, and the first frosts,

And distant gray winter threats.

This is all the well-known autumn masterpiece of the great Russian poet - A.S. Pushkin. Unusual picture of beauty, he created with the help of a mighty Russian word. Beautiful and slightly sad appearance to us autumn. Summer has already passed. Time quickly flew. Suitable for completion and our musical journey, and a program prepared by students and art school teachers. With great advantage, we can say that the school of arts has become a rightly part of the cultural life of the city; She to be proud of his graduates - she trained and raised many talented people who glorify the Music House that became a relatives throughout Russia. In addition, the school carries something more - it gives the child to feel their uniqueness as a person, reveals and develops the abilities, introduces to the world of art, enriches the spiritual world, brings up morality, which is so relevant in our time.

Dear friends, please do not disperse! Up to 14-00 hours at the Square "Autumn Kaleidoscope" you can participate in sports competitions, competitive and game programs prepared by the Central City Library together with DSHI.

Very soon the results of the competition "Autumn Fantasy" will be summed up, which takes place from 10-00 to 12-30. All your work in three nominations are shown here:

    "Daras of autumn" - your crop surprises with a garden and garden.

    "Fronts of autumn paints" - drawings and crafts from natural material made by your hands.

    "Autumn florist" - original floral bouquets that embody your entire autumn fantasy.

Do not miss! The results of the competition "Autumn fantasy" will be supplied at 13-00 hours all on the site "Autumn Kaleidoscope".

And we do not say goodbye to you! We tell you goodbye! To new meetings!

Sounds Waltz "Autumn Sleep"

Good afternoon dear friends!
But today is the day and the truth as on request! And how he does not be kind, if there are so many joyful, smiling faces and today we meet the golden autumn!
Dear readers, your attention offers its services presenter in Tula. Come and order.
Golden autumn is a holiday of friends, and friends try to give each other joy. For example, give a gift or just attention. Artists give their art, composers - music, nature - their beauty, and the artists of the orchestra give you a musical concert today - surprise. We often say that the musical tastes of different generations are absolutely not coincided. How often the phrase is heard: "no such songs are already writing" or "so don't dance" ... ... and the tradition to meet in the pop park with an orchestra went into the past ... we are so different ... But it's not so much! We grew at different times and for different songs, but we are equally love to live, smile and sing from joy! Today, in the holiday of the Golden Autumn, in our hall, for the sounds of the Orchestra, the former employees of GUFSIN and those who are serving currently met.
We have prepared for you not quite a regular concert: it will consist of different songs: old and new, but each of them will be about the most important thing - about our life, feelings, desires and, of course, about love ... And today's concert program we want you Show that good music is always in fashion, because it goes from a pure heart!
Waltz "Autumn Son" - Dance Team
There are dances who are prepared eternal youth, and such dances can be attributed to the ever-young, eternally not an aging dance ... (pause) is quite right - "Waltz Dance" when they talk about the Waltz, many of us, and especially youth arises The feeling of something ancient, archaic, but Walsu is a little more than 200 years. At the end of the 18th century, it was purified, called "obscene", in every way tried to eradicate! For all norms of morality of aristocratic salons, this dance was the embodiment of immorality. But a miracle! The beginning of the 19th century - and the whole of Europe on the knees before the waltz. First Ball Natasha Rostova, First Dance - Waltz! "Waltz outdated ..." Do you say? Mistake !!! Each of us had the first school and farewell graduation, Waltz Memolence and Waltz - Happiness ... The Russian Waltz absorbed national communities and melodiousness, restraint and nobility of feelings ... The years of the life of the creators of these beautiful waltors shares the whole century, but still waltz is truly The king of all dances and live him forever!
"Russian Waltz" - from the repertoire of Julian

Sappen asters in the gardens,
Old Maple under the window turns yellow
And cold fog in the fields
All day motionless white.
The near forest calms down and in it
Appeared everywhere enlightenment
And he is beautiful in his own
Gold foliage dressed!

Golden Golden Russian Autumn. The air is clean and transparent, the prominent became the expanse of charming landscapes. Autumn woves gold in Kudri Bereza, spreads white clouds of fogs in the glades, drives silver cobweb threads. It was this time of year that makes us think about what has already been completed, there is every one of us to contemplation and peace, and the soul suggests the most favorite lines: "The grove of Golden", "Morning Morning", "Gori-Gori, My Star" ... .
"White Acacia bunch of fragrant" from k / f "Turbine days"
The charming world of romance ... incomprehensible, beautiful and inspiring, captivating and passionate, charming and exciting, healing and fragile ... Romance survived the century and not outdated, he will go with us to the future. Amazing this phenomenon is a romance. You will hear, and everything will turn into you, covers with an inexpressible tenderness, sadness, love. He is full of charm and bright bears. And all the lyrical songs take their beginning from the city romance - the hymn of the most beautiful feeling - love ...

"Coast" - from the repertoire of A. Malinin
Is it possible to call the old and unwise songs about the most beautiful feeling? Is it possible not to love melodies familiar since childhood and youth, causing the most pleasant and warm memories? Sometimes, we do not even notice how a smile blooms on our faces, only a familiar motive will be heard ....
"Taka-Ta" from the repertoire of c. "Republic"
There are two autumn. One is a joyful, lush decoration, rich in harvest, shining with a radiant smile. The other is unclear, in the flaws of fallen foliage, with a gray cloudy sky through the bare branches of Berez. Her name is late in the fall.

Every autumn we love in our own way. Golden autumn! The one we love for clear days, for the Azure Blue Sky. That we celebrate today with you, highlighting this room with smiles and warming souls with good songs.
"Be with me" from the repertoire A.VEDSCHEY
In the life of each of you there is as in nature 4 years of year: Winter is a snow-white childhood, spring - a spelling youth, summer - a brown flourishing of forces and golden autumn - rich and wise. So let your life Golden Autumn give us all the wisdom of the soul, the richness of life experience and the unfading warmth of your hearts. We are genuinely happy if each of the songs performed by us found our viewer and brought you at least a piece of joy. We sincerely wish you a peaceful sky, a bright sun and a good mood !!!
Final: "Good mood" from the repertoire of L. Gurchenko
(employees give the veterans of flowers)

Thanks for the script to the reader.


Master of the house
Mistress at home
Parashen Friday

Holiday traffic.

The owner and hostess meet guests:

Host: Hello, guests are called and welcome!

Mistress: Good afternoon!

Host: Guest on the guest - the owner of joy.

Hostess: We ask in the hut: the Red Guest is a red place.

Host: Be at home, sit down to the table.

Mistress: Seagull to bite yes, we listen to us, please melt on our gatherings.

Host Mistyka: We invite everyone! We meet!

Going, leading

The presenter and the presenter speak turns:

Leading: these days are increasingly remembering Pushkin rows:

Host: October, it came to the face of the face

Latest sheets with naked branches

Leading: I doubled the autumn treasure - the road freezes.

Zhurcha still runs for the mill of the stream ...

Host: Today, our gatherings are devoted to the autumn, folk holidays and the signs of October.

Leading: The tenth month of the year - October in Starin was called a herd, leafoboam, dirty, wedding.

Moderator: many proverbs and sayings are dedicated to October. I suggest a small contest.

Leading: We will call the first half of the proverb, your task is to continue (proverbs take turns)

September smells apples, October ...


In October - neither on wheels, nor on ...

In October before lunch, autumn, and after lunch ...

Quickly melts Oktyabrs Day - do not give ...

(for the woven)

October month of bad weather - the beginning of the family ...


In October, one hour and rain and ...

In October, only berries that ...

In October with the Sun, say goodbye, closer to Tuchka ...


Crying October cold ...


October - a month is close ...

- Well done boys!

3. Autumn comes:

- Autumn - amazing season. Many poets devoted their poems this way. For you - literary quiz. I will read the lines from the popular verses about autumn, and you will guess whose poems are.

Sad time! Ocho charming!

It's nice to me your farewell beauty ... (Pushkin)

There is an initial autumn

Short but wonderful time -

All day costs as crystal

And radiant evenings ... (Tyutchev)

Crooks Lone Golden

Wet land in the forest ...

Boldly Topchka I foot

Outer forests Krasu ... (Mikes)

Sorry Grove Golden

Berezov, cheerful language ... (Yesenin)

Boring picture!

Clouds without end,

Rain and pour

Puddles at the porch ... (Plescheev)

Fall! Outpats our poor garden,

Leaves wicked in the wind flying

Only in the distance they bang there, at the bottom of the valley,

Brushes bright red dried rippers. (Tolstoy)

4. - Guard, and now guess the riddles about me!

Came without paints, without brushes

And repainted all the leaves. (Fall)

Sorry to be a poor female -

All winds and tops

He is the last shirt

Crushed on the flasks. (Forest)

Flies without wings and sings

Passersby dies

One pass does not give,

Others he customizes. (Wind)

Combined, quashen, Valyano, put on the table. (Bread)
It is a hollow out of a brick,

It is cold, then hot. (Bake)


Through the land passed,

Found a red hat. (Mushroom)

All gloomy face of nature

Handled gardens,

Bear in a hibernation fell.

What a month came to us? (October)

- Well done boys!

5. Autumn leaves, October appears:

- October is not only not only proverbs, sayings, verses, but also various folk signs, allowing to foresee what kind of winters is expected and that we are waiting for spring. Folk signs are on these leaves. Your task is to connect both parts, i.e. Pick up. I need volunteers. Who wishes?

If the sheet from oak and birch fell purely to the light year,

and unclean - strict, harsh winter.

Oktyabrsky Thunder -

winterless winter.

Autumn Octa -

to dry and sunny weather.

In October, the moon in a circle -

summer dry will be.

If the sheet falls to the ground with an invalo -

to crop.

If there are many nuts, but there are no mushrooms -

winter will be snowy and harsh.

6. Leading:

Leading: By October accounted for many customs and rites.

Host: So, for example, on October 8, in some places there were cabbagers - chuckled cabbage to Zakvask, sat down at the cappression treats.

Host with Kochan in Hands

Hostess: You're, Kumushka, my girlfriends!

You come to work for me

Tell me the cabbage pledge,

Goable to her to me, settling.

The owner: I got into fame

Head Bela, Kudryava.

Who loves soup

I look for me!

Mistress: Look at the cabbage kochan. What does it look like? That's right. Latin "Head" is called cabbage. Hence the name of the cabbage. For a long time, the cabbage is a folk favorite. In the old days, the Russian village was devoted to the cabbage for almost all year round, which can be sprinkled, breaking, stocking of the future. Hence the sayings: "soup yes porridge - our food."

Host: "Where soup, there are us and look for." But the homeland cabbage is the coast of the Mediterranean. Why did the foreigner fit in someone else's land? In the south, where it is hot and dry, the cabbage is not to be crumbling, but it is abolished in the Russian plain, where in the fall and summer frequent rains, because during the day the cabbage is evaporated by half a water. There are more than a hundred cabbage species.

Host: Cabbage boils,

And what are the delicious

Patty cabbage!

And the guys Shalunushka

Love bass.

Host: I propose to hold a kapusta mysteries contest. Who will call more, he will receive a prize. And if you do not know, listen to us:

Sits in bed,

Dressed in noisy silk

We prepare it for her

And large salt half

Was a kid - did not know the pellery,

Became an old man - one hundred diapers on it.

Here is a new riddle in bed -

One hundred sheets, and not a notebook at all.

It's worth Ermoshka,

On one leg,

On it a hundred clothes,

Not spit, not lugs,

All in the scars.

(head of cabbage)

7. Host: - Our sweet prize, fragrant,

Amazingly pleasant!

Come, get,

Only consider counting.

Leading: - Which of you knows more readers?

Rolling apple

Past of Garden


Who will raise

That will come out

Month - hare

Pulled out herbs

Put on the bench,

Who will take -

Won will go.

Tryntsy, Brynts, Bubaretsy

Unlocked Udaltsy

Digi, Digov, Digov, Don,

Come out more

Behind the seas, around the corner,

Behind the iron poles

On the hill teremok,

On the doors hanging the castle.

You go for the key

And the castle of otombni.

Under the mountain of the river

Live gnomes - old men

They have a bell weighs

Gold plated calls.

Digov League, Digi-Don -

Get out soon.

8. Outputs:

- Hello, good people! For a long time, the cover-day is celebrated in Russia on October 14. It is believed that the cover brings on the ground white snowy bedspread. There is such a legend associated with the origin of the post-day.

In 910, the enemies were besieged by Constantinople, and he threatened the ruin. And on the night of October 14, in the Varhranian temple, where the Riza of the Virgin, Andrei and Epiphany, famous for his holiness, was God's Mother. The shining light of the Mostly Virgin Virgin Mary was in the air and prayed for the salvation of the city.

Then shifted its cover over the gathered in the temple, as if protecting and helping the suffering. The vision soon disappeared, and the enemy really removed the siege and retreated.

Host: - The Day of Pokrov Icestaries coincided with the most secured period of the peasant life. By this time, the last sheaves were taken away from the fields, plowing zyabi ended, all the vegetables from the gardens were cleaned. In the villages in the villages began to drown the oven, caught the walls, revenge the roofs. Autumn bazaars and bidding revived. In the villages began the wedding period.

Leading: - Pokrov was famous for the beginning of the gatherings. Collected grain, flour, baked pancakes, treated guests, sang songs, played, mother supplied the girls with needlework. Fun was unthinkable without chastulae under the harmony, balalaika or any other tool.

Mistress: - Dental, brought

Thirty-three pie!

I have a swallow

Take pies!

And my ox is not lucky,

He will not get off the place ...

Harness and mosquito -

Lovka, strongman!

He took the whole WHO -

Thirty-three pie!

Mistress: Want to eat pies,

Hurry up for me go!

Host: And here the tea has complained,

Hot, invigorating.

Peah with jam

For a good mood!

Mistress: Tea did not drink -

Where is the power?

Tea got -

Completely disappeared.

Owner: our tea is strong, Russian, sweet,

He gives health, tea,

If it is cold, it will warm.

It's hot - thirst quenched.

Get sick or tired -

We need a strong tea to drink!

Host: - On the table we have tea, and pancakes, and pies. We remind you of ancient school, famous pies ...

Leading: - Will we ask: "Pies are good?", And you answer together: "Pies are good!"

Seven old men went

They spoke old man about pies.

1st says: "Pies are good?"

2nd says: "Pies are good?"

3rd says: "Pies are good?"

4th says: "Pies are good?"

5th says: "Pies are good?"

6th says: "Pies are good?"

7th says: "Pies are good?"

- This tip glorifies the owners who can oven delicious pies. Not in vain said: "Do not rub in the corners, but red cakes." And on the old tradition, no holiday without pies has done and does not do now.

Host: - We remembered the school of pies, and now let's remember the comic poem of the mid-19th century about tea:

Once brought me a barin tea

And told him to cook

And I do not know the father

How Damned Tea Cook

Took then poured water

Throw all, then, in a pot

And pretended to peppers onions

Yes parsley root.

Spilled brew on a blossom

Guests with Barine spoiled,

He himself is Judge,

And sending to the stable

I told me.

I thought for a long time, I was surprised

What could not please?

And then it guessed

That I forgot to salute.

Keen him a little bit

Pretty stuck

On the Lord's table filed.

Leading: On the table we have cakes,

Pyshki and cheesecakes ...

So we sing under the chap

Tea chastushki!

9. Executed "Tea Chastushki"

Songs are well gone,

Cute girlfriends

Just for gatherings

Without a chastushka?

On the autumn on the meadow

Bitten Komar Bloch

Sits hare on birch,

Permeys with laughter!

In the dance, do not regret the boot,

Dog tea to friends,

If there are Caulks in a cup,

So letters write to us.

I saw tea


Interrupted all the dishes -


We dare to you,

And now hurry us

Goodbye, we are with a cup

We will arrive again.

10. Paraskeva appears Friday:

October 27 is celebrated Paraskeva Friday. Predated by the patronage of the Fair and Trade was considered Paraskeva.

One of the girls born in the 3rd century in the city of Icon, they ordered Parashen. In her lively it is said that parents especially read the day of the sufferings of the Lord - Friday, therefore, they called the daughter born on this day, parasoning that in translation from Greek means "Friday".

Having matured, she gave a vow of celibacy, and dedicated himself to serving Christ Faith. In Russia, Paraskeva was very, mainly a female part of the population. She was considered a harsh, solid, volitional woman.

There was a belief that Friday walks on the ground in the form of a young beautiful peasant or a nun and notes who lives, how to comply with Christian rules and customs, Godotrizers punishes, and pious awards.

Russian icon paints depicted paraskeva Friday high, strict, in white robe, with a radiant wreath on his head.

In the people, she was considered a patroness of the household, in female concerns. On this day did not work. It was impossible not to wash the head, nor bathe children. It is impossible to spin, and it is possible to sew. The saying warned: "Who on Friday laughs a lot, he will cry a lot in old age."

For violation of prohibitions related to Friday and Yarn, Paraskeva Friday is severely punishable.

Paraskeva - Mudnych, Linnich, Poroshiha.
There is no dryness on dirty
On the dirty big dirt - four weeks until winter.
If the dirt is high, the horsepower is poured with water, then the falling snow immediately sets the winter path.
In Paraskovia - Linnitsa began to mive and flutter Len.

In Moscow and other major cities on Paraskeva, Fridays arranged fairs.

Leading: - Isn't it time for expensive guests and kind masters pour tea and taste pies? Flow tea - Draw a loaf!

Host: - Our meeting came to an end. Something we managed today, something is not. But everyone tried to make the holiday merry. Let's thank each other for it.

Scenario concert for the Day of the Elderly Man

"The autumn of the life of Golden!

Location: P. Zhirnov, nursing home.

Concert Participants: Students 2, 3, 6, 7 classes.

Before the start of the concert, calm music sounds

Fanfare sounds, the leading concert program "Autumn of Life Golden, Tsybin Anna and Ushakov Angelina.

Veda 1:Warm day autumn

The sun is gilded,

Joyful work

The wind is concerned.

Veda 2:Running leaffall

Autumn in Usree

Sedina caresses

Wise all a reward.

Veda 1:On this day Oktyabrsky

At the vein century

Nature honors

Elderly man!

Veda 2: Holiday grandmothers today

Holiday grandfathers with us.

We wish you health

Close louder for us.

Veda 1: There will be joy and fun,

there will be jokes will be laugh

Let me remember the holiday

Our many years.

Music composition

Chernova Olga - Song "Ignor Stars"

Veda 2:Hello, dear guests! On October 1, the International Day of Elderly is celebrated. The decision to this was adopted by the UN General Assembly in 1990. At first, the day of the elderly began to celebrate in the Scandinavian countries of Europe, then in America, and from the late 80s - all over the world. Finally, the International Elderly Day was proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in 1990, and in the Russian Federation - in 1992. And now annually, in the golden autumn time, we honor those who devoted all their strength and knowledge to their people who gave health and youth to the young generation.

Veda 2:In the life of each person there were always, there will be a grandmother and grandfather. And, probably, from love and appreciation to grandparents, some kind of wise man announced on October 1, an international day of an elderly person.

Ved.1.You know, I somehow do not turn to call you elderly. You are young to the soul, you have such spiritualized, beautiful faces, you have a lot of life experience over your shoulders. Can I call you young wisers? Let's then celebrate the day of a young wise man. Agree? (Pensioners agree with joy.).

Ved.2. Then we are pleased to open our concert program "Autumn Life Golden!". For all, you, dear our grandparents and grandmothers sounds a song performed by Ilenko Elizabeth.

Ilenko Elizabeth - Song "Romashkaya Cat"

Veda 1:How nice to see your faces

And smiles that fly from the lips!

You only dream only at night,

We work without dying hands!

Veda 2: "Elderly" - you do not apply to you,

The word is only for passports,

You are in the soul as before young,

Let your love burn in the hearts!

Veda 1:Let your grandchildren grow on the joy

You are not inferior to them in anything

Have fun, so that no one is bored

So that all of you in life is not so much!

Entra view number

Kozyutin Amina and Starchenko Alena - Song "Sunwear's Sunshine"

Ved.2. The age of mature, wise people are often called the autumn of life. As every time of year, the age "seasons" of our lives is fine in its own way, the age "seasons" is also unique. Whatever trouble is neither darling it, everything is bad forget.

Ved.1:And we rejoice again, we dream of happiness, love. After all, life is beautiful. Very long and much can be told about each of you. All you are worthy so that you are appreciated, loved and respected. You are worthy of appreciation and respect. You can congratulate you on the holiday 3 class, Kravtsov Dmitry, he gives you his poem "Dumplings".

Entra view number

Kravtsov Dmitry - Poem "Dumplings"

Veda 2: At school our friendly

Guys are just a class.

They will show you now

The dance of the incendiary, very exciting.

Meet our dancers with stormy applause!

Dance composition "Bugi-WGOG"

Pareshneva Ilona and Mikhailovsky Vitaly

Veda 1:Young people, golden heart,

How many ways did you sit, roads.

Hotly loved, and the children were growing,

And I lived hope: less trouble!

Veda 2: Young people, Mother Russia

You did not indulge the easiest fate.

Give you god of rest to the river

The sun illuminated the dome of blue.

Veda 1: Young people, you are in all:

Give soul, experience and love

Dear house, the world to young

And everything that the heart remembers again.

Veda 2:Young people, let the years

They will support you, children - everyone will understand.

And bow you low from relatives and loved ones

And from all the debris for invaluable work!

Entra view number

Chernov Edward - Sign "Coto Sea -"

Veda 1. Each time has his own joys, their paints. Spring - pleases the first greens, freshness, and winter-white fluffy snow and invigorating frost. Autumn pleases us with its generosity, summer abundance of paint colors. This is probably in human life. Youth is always full of hopes and love. Mature years - it's time for the flourishing of creative forces, the time of accomplishments, worries about children and grandchildren.

Veda 2:Of course, the joy today will

Eyes be shining like forget-me-not

Or as if emeralds

So that such people were surprised.

Today, on the day of the festive, we wish

To live, long, not diligent,

After all, happiness is always there,

And, like a star, shines outside the window.

Veda 1:Please accept a song from Sargsyan Valeria and Ilenko Elizabeth.

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Sargsyan Valeria and Ilenko Elizabeth - Song "Arquino"

Veda 2:Well, that it became a good tradition to celebrate the day of young wise people. This day is Thanksgiving Day for the warmth of your hearts, for the work of the Force, for the experience that you share the resignation generation, with your children and grandchildren - that is with us.

Veda 1: Years like birds flying over you

You learned the happiness of life in the works.

Children's years, the beginning of the way

Time is happier difficult to find.

Veda 2: Youth opened the ways of the Mirozdanya,

The time of the beautiful in the life of Poznanya.

Years of study, struggle and labor,

Many trouble ordered the war.

Veda 1: Survived in battles, children borrowed,

New songs with delight.

Believed in a miracle for all times

Happiness love presented then.

Veda 2: Kids adults, pushing and you

The best people of the Great Country.

Circled hazards, raised wheat,

Veda 1: Cosmos opened the border before you.

In general, this world visited this world,

The world on the planet was slightly changed.

The children have already gave you grandchildren

There is a continuation of the Great Russia!

Holiday today at all times

Native country congratulates you!

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Kozyutin Amina and Starchenko Alena - Song "Two Halfs"

Veda 2: Our concert program comes to an end, and on the fare We want to wish you such words:

Veda 1:Colored Astra, Vitytsev Heat

In the wreath binds autumn.

Heat Hearts, Romance Beauty

We are presented today.

Veda 2:Let your days flashes like a sunset,

Let the sky climb the sky with blue

And let the look sparkle with youth,

And the autumn of life will be nightingale!

Veda 1:After all, behind the backs of the vertices,

That silver is sparkling through the year.

We wish you wisdom depths,

Health, joy and happiness forever!

Veda 2:Thank you all for your attention

Zador, cheerful laughter

For a smile, understanding

This is our great success.

Veda 1: That is the moment of the password

Will be brief our speech

We say "Goodbye!

Before happy, new meetings "!

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Chernova Olga - Song "The Angels of Good"

At the end of the concert program, students give grandparents and grandmothers postcards made by students of the 4th grade.