Metropolitan Smolensky and Doroborovsky Isidore. Obedience as a foundation of spiritual increase and acquiring other virtues (humility, meekness, peace, love)

Metropolitan Smolensky and Doroborovsky Isidore. Obedience as a foundation of spiritual increase and acquiring other virtues (humility, meekness, peace, love)

Sergey Novikov: Hello, today's "ODIFITRIY" program is devoted to communicating with Lord Isidore, Bishop Smolensky and Vyazemsky, the ruling bishop of the Smolensk diocese. Vladyka regularly appears in our news programs, but briefly and only in connection with some local church events. And now it's time to get acquainted with Lord Isidore closer. Bless Start, Vladyka!

Bishop Isidore: Bless to start. Good day to all viewers, glad to welcome you and frankly talk on topics that will be asked.

Sergey Novikov: Vladyka, everyone knows that Smolensk and Smolensk met on March 18, it was the first day of the Great Post and the first worship service as a bishop, if you did not see any symbolic meaning in this?

Bishop Isidore: It is quite ready to see the symbolic washed in this, and it is that the Holy Patriarch and the Holy Synod, who blessed me to become a bishop and perform the ministry at the Smolensk Department, allowed me to start doing this ministry from the moment that we call "the beginning of the Great Patcher Great Post. " I can directly say that God is grateful and the church is that this ministry began from the moment when the church performs this great thing - the post. And together with the clearance and the flock of Smolensk diocese from the very beginning to the great day of the Holy Easter committed this procession of the Days of the Great Post. Together they prayed, thought about how to act next, and the bright Christ of the Sunday enlightened us, gave us the necessary joy, thanks to which we all continue to make the mission of the church in Smolensk Earth.

Sergey Novikov: Vladyka Isidore, as you know, before arrival in Smolensk, you were engaged in the affairs of young people in the relevant department of the Patriarchate, how unexpected for you was the appointment in Smolensk and the adoption of the Bishi San in connection with this?

Bishop Isidore: This appointment was performed unexpected. I was a cleric of Moscow and combined the work of the governor of the High-Petrovsky Stavropigial Monastery and the Deputy Chairman of the Synodal Department for Youth Affairs. Naturally, all of my activities were focused on issues of general workers. And there were no thoughts that the Sacredness of the Church bless me to serve in some region. Especially in Smolensk - in the diocese, which served as much holy Patriarch, a quarter of a century, in the diocese, which is exemplary, because His Holiness Patriarch worked. I do not perceive it as an award, perceive it as a sign of trust personally to me His Holiness Patriarch and as a high degree of responsibility, which is posted on me, and which the Sacredness of the Church imposes on me, on the management of the Smolensk Diocese.

Sergey Novikov: How matches such a change in your life to your ideas about how your life will be in church?

Bishop Isidore: It absolutely complies with my ideas, since I have experience in general working work in the management of the activities of the Moscow Patriarchate, I was before the appointment of the governors of the High-Petrovsky Monastery with a responsible secretary of the Moscow Patriarchate. My job duties included the interaction of the Moscow Patriarchate with the dioceses of the Russian Orthodox Church, the provision of administrative aid and all that accompanies the relationship between the Patriarchate with the dioceses. Therefore, what the ruling bishop should do and what the clergy should do in the diocese, I know about the debt of the service. My appointment I took as the blessing of God and began to implement those skills that I received still in Moscow.

Sergey Novikov: The path to God for everyone. And especially interesting, for me, for example, the path to the God of a man who decided to devote himself to clergy. And in the life of such a person, as you, probably, should be any special circumstances, or the prerequisites, or a family environment, or an incident ... What did it all be that your life was so?

Bishop Isidore: We must clearly divide: there are special circumstances that lead a person to Christianity, and there is a situation, there are such circumstances in which this Christian becomes also a clergyman. There must be a special vocation of God so that the person becomes the church servant. No vital circumstances associated with tragedies or other emergencies cannot be the reason to become a clergy. The vocation of God, the willingness and ability of a person to such ministry should be combined here.

In relation to myself, I can say that the years of studying in Moscow spiritual schools - first in the seminary, then at the Academy at the Trinity-Sergiye Lavra - contributed to the fact that I chose the path of clergy. This is a special case when the spiritual school is inside the monastery, which creates a certain mood, spirit of teachers, students. This does not mean that all students of the seminary must take monasticism, becoming clergy. But a certain prayer mood is created, there is awareness of what a student should do, a graduate of spiritual schools. Therefore, my long stay in the spiritual schools as a student, then as a teacher, formed a desire to serve God in spiritual san. And thank God that there were prerequisites for me to become a clergyman, the necessary requirements for anyone who wants to become on this path was fulfilled.

I am grateful to God for making my life choice towards serving the church. As a young man in those still not far, I was disturbed by the question: what should happen in my life so that I make the right choice of life? It bothered me much. And I am grateful for telling me the right way to self-realization. Before I became a bishop and even before I became a clergy, I accepted the monastic stop. He was made by the rector of the Moscow Spiritual Academy and Seminary Archbishop Veresky Evgeny. It so happened that my receipt in the seminary in 1995 coincided with his appointment to the post of rector. We walked with him together: he is like a rector, I like a student, then his employee. Archbishop Evgeny made me a monastic stop in the Trinity Cathedral of the Lavra, then deaconian, priestly chirotonia.

Sergey Novikov: In the monastic, he was addressed by Isidore - the name is quite rarely found. It is interesting to know about your holy patron.

Bishop Isidore: This is a martyr of the IV century, which was a warrior and boldly confessed before the secular authorities, in front of the emperor his Christian vocation. As many of the Christians of the first centuries, he martyrs finished his life. In those days, when Christianity was not established in the Roman Empire, they believed, as a rule, on the martyrdom of life. Martyr Isisor was one of those who suffered for faith in Christ.

Sergey Novikov: When do you have a name?

Bishop Isidore: Name Day coincide with my birthday. So ordered the man who performed me to stop me. Archbishop Evgeny looked calendar and considered that the will of God was to take the same time with the name of the saint, the day of the celebration of which is made on May 27. Therefore, the birthday coincides with the Angel Day.

I am not a supporter in order to be the focus on the events of this kind. I consider it a debt to benefit people and as far as possible to be the focus of attention, although my Episcopal ministry also implies such a necessity, but on a different occasion.

I consider the benefit of the whole of my life to benefit the Smolyan, our dear Smolensk and every person coming to the church for help.

Sergey Novikov: Have you had to be in Smolensk before?

Bishop Isidore: No, just pass. For many years I was an assistant to Metropolitan Minsk and Slutsk Philaret, who was the chairman of the Synodal theological Commission of the Russian Orthodox Church, and I was driving from Moscow to Minsk and back with Lord, with documents. Therefore, Smolensk was drove, saw the night train station, but never thought that by the will of God, the blessing of the His Holiness Patriarch, will perform the ministry here.

Sergey Novikov: What is the first impression of the city, from meeting with our shrines?

Bishop Isidore: They completely coincide with those brief words that the Holiness told me on the day of the bishop charotonia on the holiday of St. Daniel Moscow in front of my arrival in Smolensk. Patriarch said that when he comes to the city, sees a cute and native Smolensk. When I travel around the area or beyond its limits and return to the city, I remember the words of Holy, and they coincide with my mood, because it is a cute wonderful city.

Sergey Novikov: From the first days of staying in Smolensk, you have become actively attending even the most distant parishes. What impression is created from these trips?

Bishop Isidore: My impression of these trips is unambiguous. It is that in the Smolensk province there are a lot of believers - simple, sincere, benevolent. Not every province boasts so much Orthodox Christians, such a stuff, openness, sacrificment. Wherever I come, in any corner of our area, I invariably meet the guilty, openness, desire to work. Therefore, when I have certain local authorities that the population outflow occurs that the region is gradually dying, I try to convince them in another, because I see the burning eyes, the desire of people to work. I urged that if we were able to make efforts, to unite in solving many social tasks, they could return people to strengthen our region. This fortification should occur based on our moral choice.

Sergey Novikov: You probably had an idea of \u200b\u200bhow further steps should be taken in which direction. What do you think should be made first in church life?

Bishop Isidore: In church life, I, as a ruling bishop, must, first of all, to preserve the traditions that the Holy Patriarch laid here. For this, many works are needed, because this high plank of church ministry requires considerable effort. As the ruling bishop, I have to keep all those good traditions. In addition, I must try to fulfill the instructions of the priesthood, which apply to the regions. It is nice to realize that those committed in Moscow, those decisions that accept the Bishop Cathedral, World Russian People's Cathedral and other church, church-community institutions are completely coincided with the aspiration of the church people in the field. Therefore, all the orders we receive from the Moscow Patriarchate are quite feasible and fulfilled.

Indeed, the bishop and the priest should be closer to each person. We must ensure that every spiritual support needs help. We must develop. My task as the ruling bishine is to motivate the clergy of the diocese to an active missionary, educational, youth work in order for all of us to learn the great spiritual benefit from our communication with God in the Church, from our mutual communication between people.

Sergey Novikov: These days, Smolenshchina lives the expectation of the celebration of the 1150-year anniversary of the mention of the city in the chronicle. Of course, the church cannot stay aside. Are there any joint points of application of the efforts of the Church and the authorities. What are they?

Bishop Isidore: I would like to take advantage of the opportunity to once again congratulate all TV viewers with the 1025th anniversary of the Baptism of Russia, which we solemnly celebrate. These celebrations do not stop. We can only be proud that the story of our city is older even the dates of the Baptism of Russia. Because we are becoming 1150 years old. This is a significant date, not every city in Russia boasts such a longevity. Preparing the diocese for the celebration of this event is also significant. Together with the regional administration, the city we conducted concert events. On the days of the celebration, we also plan to carry out joint educational, concert events.

The most important event, which will decorate the celebrations dedicated to the Day of the City, will come to Smolensk His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill. He did not change, His Holiness is the same open, friendly and polish person who bothers the life of our city. Patriarch is always interested in what is happening in the city of Smolensk, what problems exist. I am pleased to realize that I, by serving at the Smolensk Department, is his assistant to manage the city of Smolensk. Patriarch Kirill always gives wise advice that help me as a young bishop correctly build relationships with power, society, tells me how to manage the diocese.

Sergey Novikov:How big is the willingness of our authorities to cooperate with the church, move in one direction?

Bishop Isidore: I believe that on the part of the administration of the region and the city, all possible steps are being taken towards the initiatives that the diocese offers. Initiatives sound very simple - these are the works aimed at the overall benefit, to fulfill programs that help us conscious of their historical past: these are cultural events, scientific projects, issues in the field of education that we negotiate with the administration, and we are in many ways towards meet. All those specific events that we offer areas, the city are successfully implemented. We are pleased to realize that from the side of secular power there are all sorts of support for the good endeavors who carry out the Smolensk diocese.

Sergey Novikov: Vladyka Isidore, how do you assess the state of missionary today, in particular, in Smolensk Earth?

Bishop Isidore: Missionaryness is one of the important aspects of the ministry of the Church. The mission of the church is to convey the evangelical word to every person who can perceive him. Therefore, not only slatepers, but also the laity, who need to be aware of the same active part of the church, should understand their missionary vocation.

The main missionary move in the modern world I consider not so much the word as a preaching of my life. If we, Christians, learn their lives to prove the authenticity of the path chosen by us, then this is the best missionary stroke. Because, as a rule, people surrounding, far from the church, are judged not so much according to the words, but in the actions, by our personal life, the life choice, the attitude towards people is not only friends, but also enemies. If each of us learn to live according to the Gospel, then this is the best missionary sermon.

Sergey Novikov: Dear Vladyka, in your opinion, how active the church today should answer the challenges that come from different sides?

Bishop Isidore: The task of the church is the matter of salvation of man in Christ. Therefore, if society shake some questions that are not addressed to the Church, this does not mean that the church is not obliged to answer them. She is ready to respond, but it's not possible to wait for the church of the instant reaction, as from one of the leading media, as from a well-known publisher, there is no possibility, since the church is engaged in the spiritual salvation of people and to instantly respond to one or another call should not. She should pray, think, ask the God of wisdom to give the right answer.

Thank God, the authority of the church is still significant in society. The church can not write out, without thinking, give any answer. The church in many matters is almost an arbitrary judge. It's nice that the society in many ways supports the church, because the church is derived by Christ himself. No errors, including in the comments of a particular extraordinary case, which happened in society, cannot do the church. It must correctly respond, understand what is happening, what kind of question, and give this or another conclusion. I believe that prudency, caution and responsibility for their words and actions should bear society and the church. Therefore, sometimes, maybe it seems that the church does not immediately react. She immediately perceives the problem and is ready to react. Look, those problems that arose in connection with flooding in the Krasnodar Territory. Or the latest events occurring in Syria. As the church responded. Collected more than a million dollars only by the church. All these data are published on the official websites of the Russian Orthodox Church. It is impossible to say that the church does not respond to some misfortunes of people. She immediately reacts. But the church often does not respond to nonsense, which, unfortunately, occur in society and rejected the same society.

Sergey Novikov:Your Eminence, thank you for a conversation.

Bishop Isidore: And I thank all the TV viewers for finding it possible to listen to me.

(Tupikin Roman Vladimirovich)

Born on May 27, 1974 in 1992-95. He studied at the Krasnoyarsk State Technical University.

In 1995-1999 He studied in the Moscow spiritual seminary. In 1999-2003 He studied at the Moscow Spiritual Academy. Over the years of study in Moscow spiritual schools, obedience of the editor of the Moscow Spiritual Academy, Deputy Editor of the Training Committee site under the Sacred Synod.

In 1999-2007 I carried the obedience of the referentine of the Synodal Theological Commission of the Russian Orthodox Church.

In June-October 2003 - Assistant Protector for the educational work of the Moscow Theological Academy. From October 2003 to August 2007 - Assistant Vice-Rector for the Scientific and Theological Work of the Moscow Theological Academy.

On March 31, 2006, in the Trinity Cathedral of Holy Trinity Sergiye Lavra, a monk with the name Isidore in honor of Holy Martyr Isidor Chiossky was tonsured.

On April 16, 2006, in the Pokrovsky Academic Church by the Rector of Moscow Spiritual Academy and Seminary by Archbishop, Veresky Evgeny ordained in Ierodicone, December 19 of the same year - in Hieromona.

On August 21, 2007, the definition of the Sacred Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church was appointed by the rector of the Yaroslavl spiritual seminary.

On July 27, 2009, the definition of the Sacred Synod was exempt from the position of the rector of the Yaroslavl spiritual seminary and was aimed at the disposal of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia.

On August 1, 2009, he was appointed a specialist management of the Moscow Patriarchate for working with dioceses and monasteries.

April 10, 2011 awarded the right to carry the closets. April 6, 2012. His the right to carry the cross with decorations.

Superior of the Moscow Temple of SVV. APP. Peter and Paul in Lefortovo.

In 2010-2012 - Responsible secretary of the management of the Moscow Patriarchate.

By the decision of the Sacred Synod of July 26, 2012 (Magazine No. 77) appointed to the position of governor of the high-Petrovsky Stavropigial Monastery of Moscow.

The decision of the Sacred Synod of December 26, 2012 (Magazine No. 135) was appointed Deputy Chairman of the Synodinal Department for Youth Affairs.

The decision of the Sacred Synod of March 12, 2013 (Magazine No. 23) was exempted from the posts of the governor of the high-Petrovsky Stavropigial Male Monastery of the city of Moscow and the Deputy Chairman of the Synodal Division on Youth Affairs and elected by the Bishop Smolensky and Vyazemsky.

On March 17, 2013, the Holy Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, Kirillom in the Danilov Stavropigial Monastery of Moscow, Cahotonisan in the bishop.

On May 5, 2015, by the decision of the Sacred Synod in connection with the formation of Smolensk Metropolis, the Bishop Isidore was appointed head of Smolensk Metropolis with the title "Smolensky and Roslavlsky" (Magazine No. 8).

May 21, 2015, on the Holiday of the Ascension of the Lord, in Divine Liturgy in the Savior-Voznesensky Cathedral of the city of Ulyanovsk in connection with the formation of Smolensk Metropolis, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill was erected by the Bishop of Smolensk and Roslavl Isidor in San Metropolitan.

On May 4, 2017, by the decision of the Sacred Synod from the Smolensk Diocese in the administrative boundaries of the Glinkovsky, Yelninsky, Ershich, Monasthershchinsky, Pokhankovsky, Roslavl, Hislavich, Sumyachi district and the city of the desolensk region, Roslavl Diocese was allocated. The ruling bike of the newly agency diocese included in the Smolensk Metropolis, it is necessary to have the title "Roslavl and the Desnogorsky". The ruling bishine of the Smolensk diocese have the title "Smolensky and Dorogoguzhny".

Report of the Metropolitan of Smolensky and Dorogoguzhsky Isidore,rector of the Smolensk Orthodox Spiritual Seminary, onround table "Virtue obedience in modern monasteries: practical aspects" (Resurrection Novodevichy Women's Monastery of St. Petersburg, July 2-3, 2018)

Dear archpastics, all-willed fathers, expensive mother-in-law, dear brothers and sisters!

The subject of my speech may seem quite famous and simple, about which fathers and teachers of the church said so much, with which almost everyone who studied the ascetic teachings of the Church.

However, any spiritual truths who teach us the church legend should be for us not so much theoretical knowledge, the heritage of the past, how much the necessary spiritual experience we must live and which should be studied, including in the realities of modernity. And in this regard, the virtues of obedience, which we will talk about is an immutable fundamental basis for spiritual life and in the monastery, and in the life of every Christian.

History of Falls: Must

As is known from the first pages of the Holy Scriptures, the reasons for the disappearance of a person from God were pride and overwhelming as a manifestation of a time humanity.

In obedience, God was the basis, the source and purpose of life, the essence of the life of the world and man. Selfarily, putting out of God and without God, is a mistake that led to the catastrophe of the whole world. For we know that the whole creature is cumulatively worsens and suffer from Donyn; and not onlyshe is , but we ourselves ... waiting for adoptions, the redemption of our body (Rome. 8: 22-23).

Experfection was a refusal of God, from his love, from the law of the life of the world and man, organized by his fishery. The man endowed with the Creator of Freedom, became unsubstantiated, became a slave of passions and sins: obedience to God made him free and from external items, and from his own desires. The man put his creature will to the life of the Divine Will, approve in himself the law of life in her fallen state of self-wiring and self.

Rev. Makariya Egyptian so characterizes the state of a person after the fall: "The soul is immersed in the sea of \u200b\u200boblivion, in the depths of delusion, and began to dwell in the gates of hell."

So, pride, non-vital, non-smoke, the diminution of love for God, the appeal to himself was the terrible consequences of murmur.

The consequence of the abundance of the progenitors was the fact that Old Testament mankind was unable to bring themselves to salvation on their own and only their will.

Christ - the second Adam

In the ontological sense, obedience is the restoration of the lost image of God in man. This task was performed only by Bogochlekom - Jesus Christ, which was obedient even to death, and the death of the godfather (FLP. 2: 8). According to the Apostle Paul: For, as a disobedience of one person, many sinful and obedience of one will make righteous many(Rome. 5:19).

An example of true and perfect obedience to God gives us the Lord himself, who says: I descended from heaven not to do my will, but the will of his father sent me (John 6:38). And even in moments of severe Gefseiman Borie, the Lord prays his father: My father! if the bowl of this is not able to pass me so that I don't drink it, you will be your will (Matt. 26:42).

According to the Word of St. Ignatia Bryanchaninova, "Great Virtue, the beginning of all virtues, lost by Adam in the sky, the virtues of obedience to God brought the Godhead from the sky to the Earth to the people who languished in the death caused by the overweight of God."

The Lord regained and sanctified his blood will of the will of man and his ability to go to him, showed the way to fulfill the Divine Commandments and the Law of Being. Now salvation becomes again possible. Salvation of a person is the synergy of the activities of God and man, the synergy of the will of God and the will of the person: "God makes everything in us ... we also own the good location of the will" (Reverend Maxim Confessor).

Essence of obedience

Observation in the context of the Holy Scripture reveals our true meaning: It is our free answer with love, confidence, loyalty to God's love: Lite of the Lord God of Your And to himone Serve (Wed. Dev. 6:13; Lux. 4: 8). The Lord does not force, but invites a person: If you want to be perfect ... (Matt. 19:21).

According to the patristic tradition, the true obedience, as the answer to God on his love, is to cut off his will and in the desire to follow the will of God: Maybe the will of yours (Matt. 6:10). According to the thoughts of Rev. Pimen, the great "his will have a copper wall between God and man." In the practice of spiritual effort, obedience to the will of God was carried out through the spiritual father, who passed his chading the saving experience of the church and the experience of his way.

And here, obedience became not imposed on someone else's will, and the dedification of Christ the newcomer, who was given the wisdom of the spiritual father, was given spiritual food from small to more.

Spiritual increase

So, the basis of a human spiritual life in ontological and ascetic measurements, the foundation of increasing in virtues, according to the fathers of the church, is obedience. The imitation of Christ in obedience makes a man's "his juice" (St. Gregory Nissky) and "great before God" (Rev. Siluan Athos).

Having learned the obedience to Christ, the leading spiritual life acquires other virtues. This is written by Rev. Makariya Great: "All the virtues are related to each other and, like the units of the spiritual chain, alone depend on the other: prayer from love, love from joy, joy from meekness, meekness from humility, humility from ministry, service from hope, hope From faith, faith from obedience, obedience from simplicity. "

Genuine obedience to God gives a person and genuine freedom, which is achieved through the knowledge of the truth: and learn the truth and truth will make you free (John 8:32). "The novice selling himself in voluntary slavery, that is, in obedience, in return receives true freedom," writes Rev. John the Distrownger. The reverend Siluan Athos: "To become free, you need to associate yourself. The more you will bind yourself, the greater freedom will have your spirit. "

Obedience as a cutting off of a time humanity and self, recognition of insufficiency and, often, the fallacy of the choice of my "I" is internally expressed as humility: "Once there is a coffin of his own will and the resurrection of humility" - this writes about this Rev. John the Distrownger. At the same time, obedience brings a person and decent fruits of humility: the world with God, the world with the neighbor and the world with himself. "The Lord loves obedient soul and gives her his own world, and then everything is fine, and she feels love," the Rev. Siluan Athossky instructs. The links of obedience and increase in love mentions and Rev. Efrem Sirin mentions: "There is obedience in whom, the one with everyone is connected."

The spiritual work of obedience gives a person, according to the fathers of the church, the skill of sincere prayer. "Observation, selflessness and humility there are those virtues on which prosperity in prayer is based"; "Nothing contributes to prayer as obedience, sicking us for the world and for themselves," writes the saint of Ignatius Bryanchanin. "The soul of obedient," says the Rev. Siluan Athossky, "loves the Holy Spirit, and therefore he will soon know the Lord and receive the gift of heart prayer."

In the creation of virtues of obedience, the guideline is heart joy. At the same time, this subtle concept should be caught with a completely honest impartial reflection: what is the joy? Not from pride lee and narrowing?

A clear answer to this question can be obtained by trying to understand the causes of this joy. When the joy of obedience depends on the external circumstances: the approval of brethren, Hegumen, the success of the perfect case, then the reason for this joy is at least vanity.

In this regard, it is important and the desire to fulfill the assignments, requests (not only bombing, but also) with heart joy, internal acceptance of obedience as desire to fulfill the will of God, and not on the basis of a logical understanding of the need for an inevitable and approved environment of the rules of life ( in the monastery).

Modern Catema

About obedience to the bishop. "... that the sin is to hide, it happens that Lord blesses, it seems that something impossible ... Try to obey - and many experiments will lead you to humility, and even some unexpected things for themselves. I remember how once Lord suggested to find a bulldozer for an hour and deliver it to a neighboring village. The last bulldozer in our monastery was disassembled for spare parts for ten years before that, then, already scientific experience, I did not contradict, do not lead any justification that it is impossible to do it, said: "Bless". And a miracle was accomplished - the bulldozer was found, and he reached this village. Then many, many times I paid attention to what to say "bless ..." - and the business of God, which is above your understanding begins.

From the report of the Bishop of Casimovsky and Sasovsky Dionysius "The Gracious Dar of Observation" at the International Scientific Conference "Rus - Holy Mount Athos: a thousand years of spiritual and cultural unity" in the framework of the anniversary celebrations dedicated to the celebration of the 1000th anniversary of the presence of Russian monks on the Holy Mountain Athos. Moscow, September 21-24, 2016.

It is posted on the website of Smolensk Metropolis.

"All-way fathers, mother-in-law, monastic, dear brothers and sisters!

In the days of the Assumption post - the time of the prayer, the storage of peace and chastity in our hearts, abstaining from contention and condemnation - we are forced to be involved in the controversy around the film Alexey Teacher Matilda.

Discussions about the film, access to the screens of which is scheduled for October, began in the spring of this year, and these days flared up with a new force.

On August 10, the film "Matilda" received a rolling certificate. And for some reason, this event, according to journalists, is so important for Russians, which was reported to a wide variety of media, including federal news channels. Every year in Russia there are dozens of paintings, but do many of whether they know the dates of issuing rolling IDs?

Obviously, the situation that has arisen is part of one, very disturbing phenomenon of our life, when we are purposefully convinced of the existence of alleged parties, allegedly hard disagreements, allegedly irreconcilable positions between certain social groups, part of the public, creative intelligentsia and the Russian Orthodox Church. For example, let us remember the controversy around the transfer of St. Isaac's Cathedral, around the construction of new temples and other initiatives of the Russian Orthodox Church, which cause irritation in a certain part of society. We must understand that no traditional religious denomination will remain aside when her shrines are trained when the history of the Fatherland is falsified when the artists designed to grow souls are forgotten about moral responsibility, referring to the right of "artistic fiction." Why, in these situations, any commentary of the Sacred Culture of the Russian Orthodox Church is considered literally under the magnifying glass, individual words break out of the context and in the end we hear the accusation of democratic freedoms and civil rights to the church?

Let's think about the fact that these events occur in difficult for all the year of the century of Russian revolutions, a year, when we need to reiterate the work of the tragic events again and again, should be together, in unity to maintain consent and the world that defended The price of your life is our ancestors.

Returning to the controversy around Alexei Teacher's film, we agreed on how we should treat this film, which did not even see.

Yes, have not seen, but whether we must study on our own experience? The Lord in his teachings through the Holy Gospel calls on faithful to avoid sin. Holy Fathers recommend us in the days of adoption of important decisions, at the moments of difficulties and doubt to rely on the opinion of experienced spiritual mentors, to trust this opinion, to be sure that their opinion is concern for us, conservation and increasing our souls, on the prevention of temptations, doubts, thoughts and feelings that poison soul.

And in this difficult issue, we must rely, first of all, to the opinion of the sacred pile of the church. This is the opinion of those whom we trust, who, expressing their attitude, cares, first of all, about the conservation of Christian relations to what is happening, about the preservation of chastity and the purity of our hearts. I draw your attention to an interview with the head of the Patriarchal Council on the culture of the bishop of Egoryevsky Tikhon and the Chairman of the Department of External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate Metropolitan of Volokolamsky Hilarion. Their judgments can easily be found on the Internet.

Forming your attitude to the film, we will remember the following.

The Lord bears his word and grace through his holy church, the holy worshi of God, who pray about us. In the premium of such rates of God, the Russian Orthodox Church elevated the royal family, which should be perceived by us no longer through a biography, but through life: through confessation, suffering and death.

Holy Royal Passion Traffics, headed by the Anointer of God King, Nikolai II, made his Christian feat, like Martyrs Boris and Gleb, like the princes of the Russians, who go out of his fatherland in the Horde, to save their homeland through death. With humility, they accepted the thorns of the crown, entrusted to them by godless authorities, and were agreed to become a victim of this power.

And always celebrating the memory of the Holy Royal Straights, we raise prayers about their petition for us before the Lord by our Jesus Christ.

Honestly will answer yourself, do we have the right to look at fantasies, implausible images, experiences relating to the personal lives of saints of royal passion recorders? Can we dare to join the reasoning about the life of saints, based on their feat, and not even on historical, documented biography facts, but on such fiction? Whether we will be decent to our holy predecessors who have made us keep the holy Russia with its centuries-old religious and cultural traditions, can they call themselves the successors of the glorious history of our great country? Do we do our own duty, if we assume that these fictions become accessible to our younger generation?

That's what we have to remember when we do your personal free choice: watch or not this film.

Looking at a noisy, deliberately inflamed discussion around the film "Matilda", urge you to remember that the main answer of Christians to emerging threats is the imitation of Christ in love, generosity and patience to anything creating a lie. This is exactly the first Christians, and the new martyrs of the Church of the Russian won before the persecutors of Christianity.

Let the Lord our Jesus Christ prayers are prayers for the saints of God, the saints of royal passion projects give the world, the unity of our people and will not allow the discord between us. The blessing of the Lord and divers with all of you!

Isidore, Metropolitan Smolensky and Dorogoborovsky. "