Mysterious Olmec civilization. Legendary civilization

Mysterious Olmec civilization.  Legendary civilization
Mysterious Olmec civilization. Legendary civilization


(Olmec), a people who in historical time inhabited an area with a hot and humid climate on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico, his name was extended to the pre-classical civilization that flourished in South Veracruz and the neighboring regions of Tabasco around 1200 BC. O. were skilled stone carvers, their products are extremely diverse - from ten-foot basalt heads (photo 67) to small jadeite figurines, in which the features of a human being (with a child's face) and a jaguar merge (Fig. 110). This creature, apparently, was the predecessor of the long-lipped god Isapa and the god of rain among the Mayans and other peoples of Mexico (Tlaloc). Carving of this style is found almost throughout Mexico and further south - to El Salvador and Costa Rica. Olmec figurines and ceramics have been found at various sites in Central Mexico (Tlatilco). Notable links can be traced to the cultures of Oaxaca that preceded the construction of Monte Alban. O. civilization had a significant formative influence on the entire Mesoamerican culture. On the coast of the Gulf of Mexico, the agricultural population erected ceremonial centers (La Venta), for which tons of serpentine and basalt were imported. The hieroglyphs of O. have not yet been read, but it is assumed that the Mayan hieroglyphs developed on their basis. It is possible that the O. invented a system of long counting for fixing dates, since the stele "C" from Tres Zapotes has on one side the date of 31 BC, recorded in this system, and on the back - a jaguar mask, made in the manner of Olmec art, albeit with a late influence (Isapa). It should be borne in mind that the stele belongs to the later, post-Olmec period. Olmec's golden age dates back to the beginning of the first millennium BC; the end of the Olmec civilization occurs between 600 and 400, when the main centers are destroyed or abandoned.

Photo 67. Stone head (Olmec colossus).

Rice. 110. Olmec stone figurines.

Archaeological Dictionary. - M .: Progress. Warwick Bray, David Trump. Translated from English by G.A. Nikolaev. 1990 .

See what "Olmecs" are in other dictionaries:

    Olmecs- the conventional name of the people who lived on the territory of the modern states of Mexico Veracruz, Tabasco, Guerrero in the XIV III centuries. BC NS. The heyday of the Olmec culture falls on the XII V centuries. BC NS.; from the VII century. BC NS. had a strong influence on ... ... Art encyclopedia

    Olmecs- (Olmecs), ancient. a group of Indian tribes inhabiting the south. the coast of the Mexican Gulf; the first in Mesoamerica, Mexico and sowing. parts Center. America began to erect places of worship, where huge stones were installed. heads carved from ... ... The World History

    Olmecs- This article or section needs revision. Please improve the article in accordance with the rules for writing articles. Olmecs name of the tribe ... Wikipedia

    Olmecs- (Olmec) Olmec, 1) name. pre-Columbian Indians who inhabited the areas of Veracruz and west. Tabasco on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico in 1200-100. BC, who founded perhaps the first ancient civilization in America. Their sculptures are known, ... ... Countries of the world. Dictionary

    olmecs- Stone head from San Lorenzo. Olmec culture. Olmecs (olmecas), Indian people who lived in the modern states of Mexico Veracruz, Tabasco, Guerrero in the XIV III centuries. BC NS. The name is given conditionally, by the name of a small group of tribes, ... ... Encyclopedic reference book "Latin America"

    La Venta (Olmecs)- This term has other meanings, see La Venta. Coordinates: 18 ° 06'19 ″ s. NS. 94 ° 01′54 ″ W d. / 18.105278 ° N NS. 94.031667 ° W d ... Wikipedia

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    Olmec culture- an archaeological culture common in the modern states of Mexico Veracruz, Tabasco, Guerrero. Belonged to an unknown Indian people. The name is given conditionally, by the name of a small group of tribes that lived in this territory later ... Wikipedia

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  • Ancient civilizations, Morris N., Connolly S. In ancient Asia and America originate the most mysterious cultures, which today amaze the imagination with the level of development and exotic customs. About 7000 don. NS. west of the Indus River ...

“The Olmecs are rightfully considered the most ancient and little-studied Indian people of Central America. According to the majority of scientists, they are the founders of the following peoples of Mesoamerica. A few finds confirm that the Olmec's first habitat was most likely the Gulf Coast. As a single people, they formed 4-3 thousand years ago. The finds discovered by archaeologists confirm the reality of the existence of this ancient Indian people, but they cannot tell about the origin of the Olmecs and about the sudden disappearance from the map of Central America. "

Until now, the exact cause of the sudden death of the great ancient civilization is unknown. The most realistic version is considered to be the invasion of new tribes from the west and further mixing with the conquerors. Another version is a sharp jump in population growth and the outbreak of famine, which led to the death of the population. The Olmecs left behind a rich cultural heritage, which was adopted by the following civilizations of Mesoamerica. In their written sources, the Aztecs and Maya have repeatedly mentioned their ancestor. Translated from the Mayan language, Olmec means "the inhabitant of the rubber country." From the Aztec language it is translated as "rubber man".

On the social order, life and occupations of this ancient Indian people Central America there is rather scant information. Most scientists agree that olmecs settling on the south coast Gulf of Mexico, in a short time made a sharp leap in development and by 1500 BC. created on the territory of 3 states of modern Mexico (Veracruz, Tabasco and Guerrero) a state with the capital in La Venta... Other major cities were Tres Zapotes (now a village) and San Lorenzo. All future archaeological finds from the era Olmecs were found on the territory of these 3 cities. At 800 BC. their peak culture... The end of the great civilizations came in 400 BC.

Favorable location Olmec power on important trade routes contributed to its even greater prosperity. There was a clear class ladder, starting with the supreme leader and ending with the slave. Each member of this stepped hierarchy accepted his own destiny. Therefore, the contradictions and collisions between Olmecs did not happen. The main occupations of the population were agriculture and fishing, they grew corn, manioc pumpkin beans, sweet potatoes and peppers. However, the most consumed food product was maize... Beekeeping and breeding of livestock and birds were also developed. The house was guarded by dogs. Already, olmecs made from cocoa beans the favorite drink of today's children. However, instead of sugar, ground pepper and other spices were added. The drink was especially valuable for its foam. It is believed that the very word "cocoa" (" kakava») Is of Olmec origin. As well as subsequent civilizations, Olmec the potter's wheel, wheel and plow farming were not familiar. However, even without these inventions of mankind, they made magnificent products from ceramics and clay, were excellent stone carvers. Excellent architects and sculptors stood out from among them. The latter is confirmed by the discovery in 1862 by H. Melgar near the village Tres Zapotes(state of Veracruz) sculpture of a large stone head... This accidental find gave rise to further study of the great civilizations Central America. Beginning in 1930, an archaeological team led by American explorer Matthew Stirling began to excavation in the Mexican states of Veracruz, Tabasco and Guerrero. Local Indians joined them as workers. Excavations continued until the early 1960s. Today there are 16 more copies of these wonders of Olmec art: 10 of them in San Lorenzo, 4 in La Venta, 2 in Tres Zapotes and one from Rancho Kobata. All stone heads are engraved from large pieces of basalt. The faces and headgear of each specimen are different from each other. Eyes to the head out Ranch Kobata closed, the rest are open. The smallest find is 1.5 m high, and the largest is more than 3 meters. The weight, depending on the size of the sculptures, varies from 10 to 35 tons. The faces of all stone heads have African features, which led some scientists to put forward a hypothesis about those who moved to New World blacks. However, this assumption had no evidence and quickly disappeared. The exact age of the finds is also not determined, but it is known for sure that each head was engraved and delivered to the place of public viewing in a separate period of time. Riddle there remains a way by which olmecs transported multi-ton sculptures. After all, these Indian people were not familiar with the wheel. Some scientists believe that huge chunks of basalt were mined in the mountain range. Las Tuxtlas, laid on carts, delivered to the river, and from there on large rafts went to their destination. The rest of the work was done by stone carvers. Discovered in 1967 in San Lorenzo, underground basalt pipes of a U-shape, from which water still flowed, allowed Matthew Stirling's expedition to make a unique opening... Even then, 3 thousand years ago Olmec craftsmen the first plumbing system was created.

Another miracle Olmec art are steles - vertically installed basalt slabs depicting a certain scene and characters. Most of them were found in La Venta and Tres Zapotes... The personalities depicted on the slabs are richly dressed. Most likely, these were representatives of the upper stratum of the Olmecs. Some steles are located at a great distance, others in groups at the foot pyramids... Pyramids have been found in every city, but of greatest interest is the large pyramid in the center of La Venta. This structure, about 33 meters high, was built of clay and covered with a lime mortar on top. From a distance it resembles a small volcano. There was a platform at the top, where, most likely, there was also a sacrificial temple. For the nobility, a mosaic courtyard was made with the image of a sacred animal - jaguar... Among the smaller finds are various statuettes, masks, beads and necklaces made mostly of jadeite. A symbol of nobility in Olmecs, and then other civilizations of Central America had jade. Jewelry made from this mineral was placed in the tombs of the leaders and his relatives.

About religious beliefs Olmecs very little information is available. It is only known for certain that they were the first Indian people to worship the jaguar. Almost all deities were depicted with the head of this predator. The image of this representative of the feline is found on some steles. Olmecs considered themselves the fruit of the love of a mortal woman and jaguar... This predator was for them a symbol of masculinity, strength. The jaguar was revered as the patron saint of agriculture and the protector of the entire territory of their power. The sacrificial rites were carried out by shamans who also possessed healing powers. According to the population, the true priests could transform into a jaguar.

About language and writing, as well as about ethnic origin Olmecs even less is known. Found in the 40s. 20th century plates with signs reminiscent of the hieroglyphs of the ancient Egyptians, proves the presence of writing in this Indian people. It is believed that Mayan could use some elements to create their own writing. Some signs resemble insects and plants in their shape. As a material for application hieroglyphs wood and stone were most commonly used, with the latter being used mainly during ceremonial events. Deciphering of writing continues today. Important dates were marked with dashes and dots. Unfortunately, no language information has been preserved Olmecs... It is only known that it was significantly different from the communication styles of other Indian peoples of both American continents. American linguist Terrence Kaufman, who studies Mesoamerican Native American dialects, suggested in 1993 that olmecs spoke in a language close to the Mikhe-sok group. However, this hypothesis did not meet with supporters and the question of the origin of their language remains open.

Indian shamans had a wide knowledge of mathematics and astronomy. Through numerous calculations, Olmec priests invented another masterpiece - the famous lunar calendar, which served as the basis for the Mayan calendar. It was built on the basis of data from shamans about the cyclical nature of the universe. Each era lasted 5,000 years, and then a new era began. Particular attention was paid to the study of the moon and the location stars.

Thus found in Tres Zapotes, La Venta, San Lorenzo archaeological finds confirm the greatness Olmec civilization as the most ancient people of Central America. Their rich heritage (calendar, writing, rituals and customs) was used by their successors in the person of the Maya and Aztecs... Despite the discovered artifacts, the Olmecs continue to be a mystery civilization and some sections still require careful study by scientists. The main problem is deciphering the writing, which can provide answers to many questions, primarily about their ethnic origin and secrets their sudden disappearance.

The decline of the Olmecs

The exact reason for the decline of the Olmec civilization is not clear. Perhaps this was due to military defeat, cultural exhaustion, or maybe because of an environmental catastrophe. However, the evidence is more of a violent end. It is known that the Olmec culture and their technologies were borrowed by peoples in Mesoamerica and South America. The most famous Olmec technology, which others adopted, was the construction of buildings and structures, especially the pyramids. The pyramids were built by all later major American civilizations of American Indians (southern USA). Ceramics and metallurgy are also an important contribution of the Olmecs to the development of the peoples of America.

- the Olmecs.

Olmec architecture.

The buildings of the Olmecs did not differ in complex forms, like those of later tribes, but they were massive and original. There are several features of the architecture of the first American tribe. The ancient temples were based on either a square or a rectangle. By themselves, these structures were a pyramid. It is assumed that structures of this shape are easier to construct than, for example, cubic ones, they turn out to be taller and more stable. Unlike the Egyptian pyramids, the Mesoamerican (and the Olmec architectural style was adopted by all the tribes of Central America without exception) were erected with stairs leading from the foot to the temple located at the top (usually with two rooms). If the structure was large, not two, but four staircases climbed up - on all sides of the pyramid. The second type of buildings is the so-called palaces, which were more likely the dwelling houses of the nobility. These buildings were also located on small elevations, but inside they were divided into several narrow and elongated rooms. The main totem animal of the Olmecs is the jaguar (according to legend, this tribe came from the union of the divine jaguar and a mortal woman), which is confirmed by numerous archaeological finds, both sculptural and architectural.

Amazing archaeological finds.

One of the centers of Olmec culture is the city of San Andres, located about 5 km northeast of La Venta (now part of the city of Villahermosa). During the excavations, an amazing find was found that pushed the date of the first writing in Mesoamerica by at least 300 years - it is a fist-sized ceramic cylinder with hieroglyphs depicted on the sides. It was used as a writing instrument. The stone heads of the Olmecs, unfortunately, are not as famous as the statues of Easter Island, however, they are also striking, primarily for their monumentality (their weight is about 30 tons, in a circle - 7 m, height - 2.5 m) and realism ... Several more of the most notable and large Olmec cities can be distinguished: these are San Lorenzo, Las Limas, Lagunade Los Cerros and Llano de Jikaro (the ruins of a basalt processing workshop were found there). Among other finds are sensational toys for children. The fact is that many of them depict various animals on wheels, and for a long time it was believed that the population of pre-Columbian America was not familiar with wheels!

San Lorenzo is one of the first cities in America.

The most famous and first main city of the Olmecs is San Lorenzo (San Lorenzo), which existed for 500 years. Historians have come to the conclusion that 5 thousand inhabitants lived here. Unfortunately, it is quite difficult to see one of the first Mesoamerican cities. From the once largest settlement of America, almost nothing remained due to terrible weather conditions, gluttonous time and inaction of the authorities, and tourists are much more interested in the Maya and Aztecs. Nevertheless, in the territory of San Lorenzo (now the town of Tenochtitlan) is the oldest pyramid in America, whose steps are decorated with a carved image of a bogayaguar. They also found drainage systems, stone heads and an area for the iconic ball game. The last structure consisted of two parallel inclined stone walls. The game itself took place below, and the audience sat on the walls.

La Venta is an open-air museum.

The best-preserved and wealthiest city of the Olmecs is La Venta. San Lorenzo gradually fell into decay and by 900 BC. NS. the center of the Olmec culture moves to the south. This is due to the aggressive raids (relations between the Olmec tribes were by no means peaceful) and the change in the river bed, which played one of the decisive roles in those days. Goods were delivered along the river, water was diverted from it to ensure the life of people and in it, among other things, they caught fish, which, along with agriculture, was the main occupation of the Olmecs. In La Venta, there is also a large accumulation of the famous Olmec sculptures made of stone - huge heads of externally Negroid origin, which prompts certain thoughts about the origin of this ancient people. The abundance of such finds is striking, because there was not a single quarry nearby.

By the time of the heyday of La Venta (starting from the 9th century BC), complex mosaics began to be created in the city, new monumental sculptures were being erected - steles and rich burials created with the help of basalt columns placed close to each other. In these chambers were found sarcophagi, many figurines and ornaments. Most of the finds were transported to the museum of the city of Villahermosa (the capital of the Mexican state of Tabasco), to La Venta Park - to the territory occupied by the ancient city.


For a long time it was believed that the Olmecs - the first civilization of Mesoamerica - suddenly left their cities and disappeared into in an unknown direction, "as if the Baltic water disappeared through the earth." In fact, unlike the same Vodi, which literally went underground, the Olmecs simply left their inhabited area for centuries and began to move northward, inland. The reasons for this could be droughts, volcanic eruptions or other natural disasters, which led to the fact that the territory occupied by the Olmecs became uninhabitable. The reason for this, in turn, could be a change in the direction of river beds or their complete disappearance, because water at that time played a decisive role in the life of the population, especially in such a climatically complex territory as Central America (however, for the Maya the lack of water was not an obstacle, but this will be discussed later). The Olmecs did not have much difficulty in finding new territories suitable for existence, since during their trade campaigns they had already repeatedly visited the settlements of neighboring tribes. The movement of the Olmecs to the north led to the gradual assimilation of this distinctive civilization with other Indian tribes. It should be noted that the history of the Maya lasts almost parallel with the existence of the Olmecs (the first of the famous cities of the tribe - Cuayo (Belize) - dates back to 2000 BC), however, the flourishing of the Maya begins precisely from the moment of the "disappearance" of the Olmecs. From this we can conclude that the latter, assimilating with other Indians, as if in exchange for the right to live in a foreign territory, taught their former neighbors and trading partners the social, political system and enriched their culture with their skills. The principles of building society, writing, astronomy, mathematics - this is only a small part of the knowledge, the appearance of which the Maya and later other Indian tribes of America owe the Olmecs.

The first great culture of Central America originated in the swampy jungle in the south. For 1250 BC. NS. people began to erect majestic cult centers where there were only miserable villages. Even more surprising are the preserved stone sculptures that adorned these centers.

Olmecs- This is the name of the tribe, mentioned in the Aztec historical chronicles.

It is about the Olmecs that we will tell you now.

San Lorenzo, the first ceremonial center, was built on a huge mound 45 m high (like a 15-storey building). At this level, builders created additional earth embankments grouped around rectangular courtyards.

Huge heads carved out of stone were installed in the courtyards; the largest is 3.4 m in height and 20 tons in weight.

Since the Olmecs did not know wheeled transport, the boulders from which the sculptures were made were delivered by rafts from the mountains located 80 km away. Then they were processed with stone tools, since the Olmecs also did not use metals yet.

Scientists believe that these sculptures may have been depictions of deceased rulers. Some heads have helmets very similar to those used by American football players.

This parallel may not be accidental - it is known that the Olmecs invented a ritual ball game; subsequently it was adopted by all the civilizations of Central America.

Players were forbidden to touch the ball with their hands and feet, and they acted with their elbows, shins and hips. Judging by the fact that figurines, jewelry and other products were found both in the north of Mexico and in El Salvador and Costa Rica, the Olmecs traded extensively throughout Central America.

Originating in rainforests permeated with marsh vapor near the Gulf of Mexico, the Olmec culture has spread over several centuries to almost the entire territory of modern Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador.

In addition to artisans and merchants in their society, apparently, there was a wealthy ruling class and peasant farmers, from among whom the labor force was supplied for the construction of religious centers.

The peasants may have rebelled against over-exploitation. San Lorenzo was deliberately destroyed around 900 BC. e., the faces of the sculptures were disfigured, after which they were buried in the ground.

A small female bust, carved from rare blue jade, illustrates well the high skill of the Olmec stone cutters.

Their sculptors made figures using only stone tools.

On the left you can see a photo of a female bust found in the area where the ancient Olmecs lived.

Subsequently, other centers arose, first La Venta, on an island in the middle of the river. Tonala, and then Tres-Zapotes, which also fell into disrepair around 200 BC. NS.

This time is considered the end of the Olmec civilization.

However, the influence of the Olmecs persisted in subsequent cultures. The peoples, the Toltecs and the Aztecs, borrowed from the Olmecs not only the ball game, but also astronomical calendars, architecture with large stone elements and pictographic writing.

Colossal stone head of 17 found in the iconic center of La Venta. All such sculptures were carved from basalt boulders between 1200 and 900. BC NS. The sizes of the heads are from 1.5 to 3.4 m in height, and the weight is up to 20 tons. The sculpture shown in the photograph is wearing a headdress, which is believed to be associated with the Olmec ritual ball game.

Jaguar cult

Olmec sculptures and reliefs often depict people whose faces have been given a resemblance to the muzzles of jaguars - with narrow eyes and a large, slightly open, as if in a growl, mouth.

There are also images of children with a print of a cat's paw printed on their foreheads. Scientists called these figures "jaguar people" (meaning werewolves).

The presence of such images speaks of the existence of the cult of jaguars, the most powerful and dangerous predators of the Central American jungle.

It is possible that the Olmec aristocracy traced its family back to the mystical ancestor, half-man-half-juguar, and therefore ascribed to itself such inherent qualities of this predator as ferocity and cunning.

In one of the rich burials, the skeletons of a child and two jaguars were found, which supports the hypothesis that the Olmecs saw a direct connection between a child from a noble family and these animals.

Olmecs in brief

The most important dates in the history of the ancient civilization of the Olmecs. All dates are indicated with relative accuracy.

Years BC


6500 In southern Mexico, red pepper (chili), cotton and pumpkin plants are being cultivated.
4000 Corn is grown in Central America.
3500 Beans are cultivated in Central America. Hunter-gatherer cave hideouts are being replaced by dugout villages.
2300 Ceramic production begins in southern Mexico.
2000 The nomadic hunter-gatherer lifestyle that prevailed in the region is being replaced by a sedentary agricultural one.
1400 The first earthen mound found in the Olmec region was built on the Pacific coast of Guatemala.
1250 The first Olmec cult center was built in San Lorenzo (south of modern Mexico).
1200 The earliest stone sculptures are erected in San Lorenzo.
900 San Lorenzo destroyed; the faces of the statues are broken.
800 La Venta (on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico) becomes the main center of Olmec culture.
400 La Venta is destroyed, its sculptures are buried in the ground.
200 The cult center in Tres Zapotes is in complete decline, thus signaling the end of the Olmec civilization.

Now you know who the Olmecs are and what is remarkable about their ancient civilization. If you liked this article, please share it on social networks.

Mysterious disappearances. Mysticism, secrets, solutions Dmitrieva Natalia Yurievna


The Olmec civilization has undoubted evidence of its existence in the form of archaeological finds. However, the secrets of its origin and death have not yet been solved by scientists. The very name "Olmecs" is conventionally taken from the historical chronicles of the Aztecs, where one of the tribes of this civilization is mentioned with this name. The word "Olmec" in translation from the Mayan language means "inhabitant of the country of rubber".

The Olmecs lived in what is now southern and central Mexico. The oldest traces of civilization date back to 1400 BC. NS. In the city of San Lorenzo, the remains of a large (probably main) Olmec settlement have been discovered. But there were other settlements, the largest of which were in the places of La Venta and Tres Zapotes.

Many researchers consider the Olmecs to be the progenitors of other Meso-American civilizations, which is confirmed by the legends of the Indians. It is only known for certain that the Olmecs are one of the earliest cultures of Central America.

From the artifacts found, it can be judged that the Olmecs had developed construction, art and trade. We have survived their pyramids, courtyards (probably intended for some kind of ceremony), tombs, temples, barrows, plumbing and huge monuments in the form of stone heads. The first such head was discovered in 1862 near the settlement of Tres Zapotes, after which a research "boom" began about the Indian culture discovered in the forests of Mexico (although immediately after the discovery it was believed that it was an "African head", or, as it is called by this day, "head of the Ethiopian"). This famous head was completely excavated only in 1939-1940. It turned out that the height of the stone head is 1.8 m, and the circumference is 5.4 m, and this huge monument was carved from a single piece of basalt. Until now, the question remains how such a large piece of rock was delivered to the place in which the statue is now located, if the nearest basalt deposit is located tens of kilometers from this place (the Olmecs, according to archaeologists, did not know the wheel and did not have draft animals ). Subsequently, 16 more such heads were found, up to 3 m high and weighing up to 20 tons each. Most scholars are inclined to believe that these heads depicted the leaders of the Olmec tribes. But some modern researchers believe that the giant heads could have been made not by the Olmecs, but by representatives of earlier civilizations: for example, the legendary Atlanteans, while the Olmecs themselves were only descendants of these civilizations and the "keepers" of huge statues.

In the first half of the 20th century, Mexican archaeologists discovered the city of Sin Cabezas, which means "Headless". This name was given to the found city by the scientists themselves because of the numerous decapitated statues located in this ancient settlement. However, some stone giants have survived to this day completely intact. In addition to heads and statues, Olmec sculpture is represented in stone altars and carved steles, as well as in small jade and clay (less often granite) figurines depicting people and animals.

Various expeditions that were equipped to search and study artifacts in the first half of the 20th century led to many new discoveries, however, some evidence of the existence of the Olmec culture was initially mistakenly attributed to the Mayan culture due to the similarity of faces.

Archaeologists had to get to the remains of ancient settlements and stone sculptures through impenetrable jungles, tropical rivers and swamps, climb mountains: by that time the traces of an ancient civilization were already quite cut off from modern settlements and roads. This complicated the research, but gradually, on the basis of new information, an increasingly clear picture of the existence of the Olmec civilization was revealed to scientists. The stylized masks and human figures carved on steles and stone boxes, according to researchers, are images of the gods worshiped by the Olmecs. And in the luxurious tomb found in La Venta, the ruler of the Olmecs is supposedly buried, who lived 9-10 centuries before the appearance of the Aztecs in these places. In sarcophagi and tombs, archaeologists found jewelry and figurines, unusual tools.

Olmec pyramids probably served as temple complexes. They were arranged not according to the "usual" pyramidal shape, but with a round base, from which several rounded "petals" "departed". Scientists explain this form by the similarity with volcanic hills preserved after eruptions: the Olmecs believed that the gods of fire lived in volcanoes, and temple complexes in honor of the same gods were built in the likeness of extinct volcanoes. The pyramids themselves were made of clay and faced with lime mortar.

The appearance of the Olmecs can presumably be restored from the numerous sculptures found: Mongoloid-type eyes, a flattened nose, plump, flattened lips. The sculptures have purposefully deformed heads. More accurate information could have been obtained from the remains of the Olmecs found in the tombs, but not a single intact skeleton has survived.

According to the legends of the Aztecs, the Olmecs arrived in their habitats by boat, from the northern coast. In the place where the city of Panutla is now located, they left their boats and went at the direction of the gods to the Tamoanchan area (translated from the Mayan language - "the land of rain and fog"), where they founded their civilization. In other Native American legends, there is no explanation for the emergence of the Olmec civilization: it is only said that the Olmecs have lived in those places since ancient times.

According to the Norwegian explorer Thor Heyerdahl, the Olmec civilization could have been brought to Central America from the Mediterranean and Ancient Egypt. This is indicated not only by Native American legends, but also by the similarity of Olmec structures, writing, and the art of mummification with similar evidence from the cultures of the Old World. Such an assumption would explain the fact that archaeological research did not find signs of the evolution of the Olmec civilization: it seemed to have arisen in an already flourishing form and just as suddenly ended its existence. However, this is also just an assumption. Many scientists are still convinced that civilizations in different parts of the Earth could develop in a similar way, being in absolute isolation from each other.

The emergence of the Olmec culture dates back to about the second millennium BC. NS. According to later archaeological research, it could have developed from the early agricultural cultures of Central America, which gradually evolved from nomadic cultures as a result of changes in natural conditions. The most ancient nomadic tribes of South and Central America, according to scientists, came from Asia at a time when there was still a land connection between these continents. According to paleoanthropologists, representatives of the Negroid race could have entered the territory of Central America during the last ice age. This in some way explains the facial features reflected in the giant Olmec heads. Other researchers believe that ancient Australians and Europeans could have entered the Meso-American territory by water. Perhaps the Olmec civilization appeared altogether as a result of a mixture of immigrants from different continents.

In 1200-900. BC NS. the main Olmec settlement (at San Lorenzo) was abandoned, probably as a result of an internal rebellion. The "capital" of the Olmec kingdom moved to La Venta, 55 miles east, among the marshes of the Tonala River. The Olmec settlement in La Venta existed in 1000-600. BC NS. or in 800-400 years. BC NS. (according to various research data).

The Olmecs left the eastern parts of their lands around 400 BC. NS. Possible reasons include climate change, volcanic eruptions and the capture of some of the Olmecs by representatives of other civilizations. By the last centuries BC, archaeologists attribute the dates carved by the Olmecs on stone steles and figurines. These are the oldest written dates found in Central America, older than the writing of the Mayan civilization. When Olmec artifacts with dates were discovered, the researchers, after much debate, came to the conclusion that the Maya borrowed their writing and their calendar from the Olmecs.

Interestingly, many stone statues and giant heads belonging to the Olmec culture were deliberately damaged in antiquity: perhaps by the Olmecs themselves. In addition, some of the statues at the same ancient time were clearly moved from their original places or were also purposefully covered with earth, after which the "grave" was faced with tiles or multi-colored clay.

Some studies suggest that the heyday of the Olmec civilization falls on the 1st century BC. NS. - 1st century A.D. NS. All samples of Olmec writing, as well as the most perfect objects of art, are dated to this period. Thus, the Olmecs and Maya coexisted for some time next to each other.

Researcher Michael Ko believes that the ancestors of the Maya once lived in the territory of the Olmecs: when the culture of San Lorenzo and La Venta declined, the bulk of the Olmecs moved to the east and gradually turned into the Mayan civilization. According to other researchers, the Maya and the Olmecs developed simultaneously and, despite the existing family ties between these two civilizations, the Maya cannot be descendants of the Olmecs. The latter assumption is supported by data from the most recent archaeological research. But in that case - where and for what reason did the Olmecs disappear? Scientists have yet to answer this question.