Time management: how to properly distribute your time so that everything is good. How to do everything and live full life: practical advice

Time management: how to properly distribute your time so that everything is good. How to do everything and live full life: practical advice
Time management: how to properly distribute your time so that everything is good. How to do everything and live full life: practical advice

In our age of modern technologies, time is not only a valuable resource, but also the luxury that you need to learn to appreciate. With the advent of new technical devices, we ourselves ceased to notice how much time wasted. Aimedening wandering on social networks, talking about Skype and mobile phone, regular viewing of e-mail without a special need ... Important cases put it down for later and as a result do not have time. Hence the eternal dissatisfaction with itself, and the lack of career growth, and intense relations with colleagues and bosses. How do you distribute time correctly that the listed problems are known only to the first? Let's try to figure it out.


If you are clearly aware that we work for an early achievement of a particular purpose, even boring and uninteresting work will begin to move faster. Visualize your plans. Imagine yourself behind the wheel of a gorgeous car or with keys in your hands from your own apartment. Do not strive to have time and immediately, move to your goal in small but confident steps. Arrange priorities and do business as they are important. First, determine your global plans, then intermediate, which can be performed within a week or month, and only then intermediate, the execution of which should not occupy more than 1 day.

Notepad and handle

You cannot constantly keep the list of current affairs in your head, and it is not necessary. Control the percentage of the scheduled tasks during the day can be using a diary, organizer or notepad. In the evening, in a relaxed atmosphere, write down in order of importance to the list of cases of the next day. Approximately define the execution time of each task, taking into account your forces and capabilities. Browse your records at the end of the day and make certain conclusions.

The most unpleasant things - in the morning

Never postpone the most difficult and boring tasks for later. They came to the office - and immediately begin to prepare reporting or go to a difficult conversation with the manual. Do not think for a long time, configuring yourself in advance for a failure. "Slipping" case will take you throughout the day. Time is money, and the fulfillment of secondary tasks can be evenly distributed as it is employed.


Under the condition of full chaos on the desktop you will be very difficult to concentrate on the fulfillment of the goal. Take a rule to allocate documents on individual folders, remove unnecessary and distracting items from the access area. At the end of the day, there should be perfect order at your workplace. Provide comfortable conditions for work, this will allow you to use your working time more rationally.

Revise your list

Periodically delete from a notebook of cases that have lost their importance. It will be right if you learn to delegate part of your authority to employees. You are not an iron man and can not work around the clock. It is better to perform 70-80% of the plan, but qualitatively.
Use modern technologies as helpers. This will allow you to distribute time correctly and use it more rationally.

Leisure and rest

It works well the one who knows how to relax and relax. The correct day of the day will help you feel cheerful and active, keep the clarity of the mind and act rationally. It is not necessary to attend entertainment establishments every day, it is enough 2-3 times a week to allocate time for evening walks in the outdoor, meetings with friends or sports.

  • Make small pauses between affairs and switch your attention. Just look at the window for a few minutes, make a call or arrange a useful snack;
  • do not register yourself for unfulfilled affairs. Review your plans and work as your strength and opportunities;
  • encourage yourself for the successful performance of complex and unpleasant things.

Time is invaluable and the last day does not know the return.

Take the habit to never stop there. Plan even the smallest things and do not forget about self-control. Rest and exercise. Only in this case every next day will be more productive than the previous one.

Procrastination ( from English. Procrastination - "Pulling", "Delegation") They call the "Chumay of the XXI century". I wonder why? After all, the phenomenon itself is not new. Lovers to postpone affairs for tomorrow mentioned in the ancient Indian manuscript "Bhagavadgit" (500 years BC)! And how not to remember our original saying that "work is not wolf"?

What to do to do nothing

And nevertheless, never before the topic of procrastination was not so popular. And today it is a fashionable word on the lips of all. What? "To suffer procrastination" - it sounds much better than "lean from work." However, there is a big difference between the classic lazy and procrastinator. To make the Lodio's work can not anything. And to encourage the active actions of the procrastinator easily capable of Dedilan (deadline): as soon as the time before the work left a little bit, the person begins to go on four, forgetting about sleep, rest and breaks for lunch. At the same time, the horsepower doses of caffeine, nicotine, power engineers are often running. Such work on wear, naturally, health does not add, but learn to effectively distribute your time the procrastinator is not capable of. And before the next Dedlayina, he will again be all ways to delay the execution of current tasks. By the way, in contrast to the lazy, the proclastinators also do not know how to fully relax. They are ready to make a lot of different deeds (to boost on the desktop, reinstall the computer program, help your colleague in choosing a laptop), just not to start the main case. However, if earlier they had to break their heads over the way to occupy, today this task is facilitated to the limit - "Thank you" to social networks and the Internet. These traps are tightened to anyone and in addition to the will ...

Procrastination is always a big stress for the body, because in addition to physical overvoltage, it brings remorse of conscience, guilt, anxiety and anxiety. Because of this, people lose faith in themselves, they have nervous breakdowns and depression.

Baklushi to side!

If in the usual life you are a disciplined, decisive and responsible person, and the procrastination overtakes you only in the workplace, then it is worth thinking if you do your work and is it better to change the service or office? If you go to work with pleasure, but from the need to perform this or that task is trying to try to see, then perhaps you should simply hand over this duty to someone else. Or at least split it with someone - you are more fun. Well, if you don't want to perform cases, but I still need it, try the following.

1. Correct yourself correctly. If you understand that everything you do is done for achieving an important goal, work will go rather. Plan from big to small. First, determine the main life goal, then intermediate, and then the smallest, auxiliary. Consistently write down the list of what needs to be done. The list should not be abstract, but very specific. First make a plan for five years, then for a year, month and finally, for every day.

2. Get a diary. It is difficult to keep everything in my head, moreover, the fear forget and not do something important is always nervous. Therefore, from the evening, write down everything you need to do the next day. List start with important and complex cases, end it easier. Do not try to do everything in turn. You can start with the lightest and enjoyable - it is more useful than to beat the bumps.

3. Do one of the most unpleasant matter right in the morning. Here we got up - and immediately called the nasty client or the boss, who wanted to talk to you on the eve of something not very joyful. Do not think before it, strive with run right into cold water. Everything else will be easier.

4. Throw the habit of not starting one thing without finishing the previous one. Forget that the teachers and parents scold you in childhood for such a scattering. Do something one, and then switch to another. The work started is usually easier to finish, than to proceed with where it also did not roll.

5. Learn to distribute your strength to correctly. The plan for the future day should be done without a memorandum. It is better to schedule less than you really can do than to overestimate your strength and be disappointed in yourself.

6. Enter the system of rewards and punishments. If you fulfilled everything scheduled - be sure to revive yourself. A small cake is quite good for this. If you again failed all the plans for the seat on the Internet - punish yourself a moratorium on social networks. At least one day.

7. Learn to consider victory, not defeat, but do not dwell on the evaluation of the achieved. Have fun of the activity itself, and not from the results. Instead of "I have to" more often, say "I want", "I need it, you need or interesting."

Zhanna Migunov

The rate of life of mankind is accelerated by the century from the century. Nowadays, distribute your free time correctly is a whole science. House, work, family, friends - where to find time for all this and not earn chronic fatigue syndrome? And yet you need to remember that it will not be possible to "arouse the immense", everything is impossible. It is worth doing everything as your own strength. However, for those who do not tolerate compromises and fights in every possible way with a shortage of time, there are several tips.

Start by planning your day. Mentally make a schedule, and better lock it in a special diary.

Do not think that the diary is the thing that is necessary only to businessmen and people working in the office. The diary is your faithful assistant in the struggle for free minutes. It will help not forget about important matters and "filter" less significant. Opposite each item in the list of necessary cases, write a number, month or hour to which you plan to finish with it. Such self-limitation in time will discipline, call on to fulfill its obligations on time.

Start your day on time. Extra 5-10 minutes spent in bed will not help you sleep. But the time for the fees will increase significantly. After all, in the morning hurry, you often forget the mobile phone or a diary at home, which greatly complicates the work for the whole day. And even better to get ready to work ahead. From the evening, put things in the handbag in the handbag, prepare a suit or shoes.

In order for the routine work to be offset every desire to fulfill her, add a little "drive" into it. If you can enable cheerful, energetic music, ventilate the room, shake and proceed to your work! Of course, in the case of office work, the music may not be quite appropriate. But if your boss is not against - enjoy charging music through headphones. However, try not to get carried away, remembering your main work.

Location of items.

Correctly refer to the location of the items in the apartment. Try to keep documents, working files that accidentally turned out to be at home, in a separate place, so as not to look for a convict on the payment of electricity half a day. The same applies to your workplace in the office. Maintain order on your desk, do not dump the papers into one bunch, and the folders can be found in order to navigate them easier.


Daily homework should not become the prerogative of one person. Connect to home "Saturdays" of their households.

This will help you get rid of the eternal parent set: I spend a little time with the child. Of course, their help will not be so much weighty as useful for themselves. Your kids must accomplish your mom. In addition, during washing dishes and cleaning potatoes, you can chat with the child, find out what is worried about how things are at school.

Time absorbers.

The biggest time absorbers are TV and the Internet. If you really want to correctly build consumption of your time, then from the daily viewing of the TV shows, talk shows and so on. We'll have to refuse. You can leave yourself the right to watch television series on weekends, but, not getting involved in the hour and a half per day. But from the in order to use for personal purposes the worldwide network at work need to refuse as soon as possible. First, then you will have time to cope with your job responsibilities. And secondly, it is worth remembering that not every chief will react positively to such use of the corporate network.

And if you set yourself any complicated task (learn a foreign language, learn to play a guitar or embroider with a cross), break this big task for several days. Highlight the time that you could regularly allotes to this new occupation for you.

Method Julia Caesar

The next board is slightly more complicated. It can be called by Julia Caesar. Try to maximize the process of performing those functions that become daily for you. So, for example, do not dwell on the cleaning of the room, washing the dishes or, say, photocopying papers. During these operations, think about the following "steps" that require more attention from you and concentration. But with such a parallel mode, I accidentally do not put sugar instead of salt into a saucepan, and still look at one eye: what document is now printed.

Rest is important.

And most importantly - let your organism at least a little rest. Sometimes I want it so that in the days there was not 24 hours, but more. But remember that your human forces are not limitless. Rest is an important component of any working day. Thank you for the fruitful time for the work week. Once a month, let yourself visit the theater or ballet. Despite the fact that it will require considerable time spent, after such an event you feel you who rested and charged energy. Such is the beneficial and magical effect of culture! At the weekend, plan yourself to relax actively: go to the forest with your family, go to the swimming pool with a friend. Such a rest will give you more fun and benefits than just "departing" on the sofa. Resting, you lay the foundation for new accomplishments and victories.

Use a reliable tool for business management - Personal organizer Leadertask!

Lack of time? Do not have time? Here are some tips, how to spend your day with benefit and that things have not been postponed in a long box, and you received the required result.

Discipline and only discipline will help you. In the army, everything is based on discipline and there, planning the time it turns out the best. Why? Yes, because it is in the army that everything comes on the developed schedule. So you leave the exact schedule for performing work and perform strictly on it.

One of the paramount tasks so that everything is time to wake up. It gives an advantage, you win time for the coming day. After all, if you wake up at lunchtime, you are trite, you can not have time to do all your planned business. Not in vain, in the whole well-known saying, saying "Whoever gets up with God gives God."

To begin withdrawing a list of cases holding the palm of the championship in priority. Install the procedure for doing business for a day, and better for all week. Perform the first most important and necessary things. Try to combine, performing several at the same time. Some can be stretched for several days if these works are time consuming and require a lot of time. At least you will begin them, and you can always finish them with the right approach. But you should not leave them at the last moment. Refuse the cases that are useless or can wait. Learn to say "no !!!" Such cases.

Forget about the "thieves of time." Computer and TV spend just a lot of time that you can spend on doing your affairs. As a last resort, highlight some small period of time on Forums, Games and Social Networks. Sitting at the computer or watching TV. Domestic affairs will not be done by themselves.

For the stimulus of the implementation of the plan more often encourage yourself with rest. Of course, where without him. At least one day a week allocate on vacation. For example, Sunday. Otherwise, you will begin to think that life goes in vain. Walk in the park, departure to "kebabs", computer and sports games, all this will help you disperse and not feel necessary. A trip to the cinema, theater, restaurant or cafe a good reason to get close to family and close friends.

If you do not use the clock, you can buy fashionable women's clock from Best Time to wear them with greater joy and always remember time.

Try to follow the plan for two three weeks and you will see that it will become a habit. Time will be on all. You will have a lot of free time, and you can spend it on the hobby and hobbies. You will feel like a lord of life, the necessary people. But happiness is precisely this.

I often fall into us so much affairs, and it begins to seem to deal with this chaos only if you add a couple of hours a day. However, no magic is needed, it is better to simply master the rules of time management. This will help you learn how to do more and have time to do. Competent time planning is an opportunity to do as much as possible, engaged, by education, work, children without prejudice to anyone. In order to master the time management and learn how to properly distribute their time, you should take note of simple, but very effective rules.

Learn to clearly formulate your goals

Every business should have a clear name. Look even the smallest things in the diary. And to strengthen the effect, these cases should sound clearly and specifically. For example, "go to the cosmetologist" or "to reduce the cat for vaccinations." Thus, you seem to leave yourself and have to do what they wrote about. This rule will help correctly distribute time at work.

Nowhere without a diary

To answer the question of how to learn how to distribute your time correctly, you need to start planning your day from the morning and before sleep. It is spent no more than 15-20 minutes, but the benefit is incredible. After all the tasks on the day are fixed, you will know exactly how much time you have on certain things to catch everything.

It can just look like a list of cases, and maybe a schedule in school, that is, every business will take a particularly prescribed hour. Even if it is 5 minutes to bring garbage, write down. Do not hope for your own memory when everything is clearly painted before your eyes, you will know exactly how much time is in stock and when you need to start the next task for the day.

Spend money on notepad is completely optional, even though many believe that it is much more convenient. Each phone has such an application as a calendar or notes, you can also make all the necessary information. Think how to properly distribute time to keep up everything? Here without a diary or a glider anywhere.

Share great tasks for smaller

Do you have one big goal? If you make it in the list by one point, then, most likely, on the subconscious level, you will delay the execution of this case, because it will seem so much and inappropriate. There is a way out - to break one big task for several small, which will eventually lead to the achievement of the main goal. For example, in the evening, you gathered to cook Lazagne, if you enter this item separately into the diary, we do not think that you need to spend time at least for a trip to the store, and this can already be the cause of deviation from the schedule. We write out every little thing in your day plan, so as not to waste the time, which is not enough, on small troubles. So, you do not have to remember that you have to do and get right to distribute your time.

Mouse over to things

We all know that the order in the head is impossible without about the house. If you come home, and there is a mess everywhere, then you will at least spend a bunch of time to find something necessary, and in addition you will still be upset. This time can be held with greater benefit for yourself, and a bad mood and can spoil the rest of the day at all. So watch the cleanliness in the house! To learn how to properly distribute your time, learn to start keeping our workplace in order.

Do what you like

Try to distribute your time so that it was possible to spend it on those cases that deliver pleasure. For example, you are a big music lover - pay at least 10 minutes a day by listening. Such small classes of loved ones will help to feel harmony with themselves throughout the day.

Make several things at the same time

It does not sound very convincing, but it is really possible and even useful. But it concerns only tasks that do not require maximum concentration. For example, you have a long way along the unique track by car - turn on the audiobook or tutorial some language together books. You will reach the place - learn at least a dozen new words. Just keep in mind regarding the rule of implementation of several cases at the same time only when the task is it allows. If you need to write a report or exchange rate, and in parallel you will begin to engage English, then nothing good will not come out of it.

Sport - Your daily duty

Plan your schedule so that exercise has become a daily ritual. Start the day with charging, we all know that this is the charge of cheerfulness for the whole day. But this is not all, in addition to the basic morning exercises, try to allocate at least 30-40 minutes to another physical exertion. It may be a hike in a fitness room and even the most common evening jog. We all know that in a healthy body is a healthy mind.

Praise yourself

Work is, of course, it is very important and it takes most of our time, but only the rest is no less important. Take yourself as a rule, each successfully completed from the list of tasks "celebrate" a cup of fragrant tea, a pair of pages of your favorite book and so on. Thus, you can clear the consciousness again and be as open to the next paragraph of the plan.

In order to maximize it efficiently use your time, you can include the following habits in your life:

  • Analyze how the day went before bedtime, it would help to understand what time you need to spend more, and what is better to forget at all.
  • How to distribute working time? Plan, plan and plan once again, but only with prioritization, distribute things to the degree of importance, the hardest leaving in the morning. Just keep in mind that you need to correctly evaluate your strength if you plan more than you can do physically, it will be very upset.
  • Follow the order in the workplace, distribute files on your computer to folders to not waste time search. The same applies to the paper documentation.
  • Break big plans and goals into smaller tasks, oddly enough, you will quickly come to their implementation.
  • Learn to say "no" if you understand that it hurts your plans for a day and will not bring any benefit. Save strength and time.
  • Use any free minute with benefit. Cork - the best time to tighten English.
  • Drive a diary and do not keep everything in your head.
  • Observe the day mode. Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time, the body will get used and get up in the morning will be much easier.
  • Well, and, of course, nowhere without rest. Highlight your free time for your favorite matters, do not forget to arrange at least one day off a week.
  • Feel free to delegate. Do not attempt to constantly understand something new, trust the professional and the quality of tasks will increase and the time will save.

Remember that your time is only in your hands and its competent organization depends exclusively from you.