What is a spiritual culture definition briefly. Religion and its role in society

What is a spiritual culture definition briefly. Religion and its role in society
What is a spiritual culture definition briefly. Religion and its role in society


1. The concept of spiritual culture. Criteria spirituality

2. Right and science in the system of spiritual culture

3. Religion in the system of spiritual culture




Culture - The field of human spiritual activity, objectified in material actions, signs and symbols; Its essence is detected in opposition with nature (as a set of natural conditions of human existence) and civilization (the level of material development of a society).

Primary sphere of human spiritual activity - mythology , which included knowledge from various areas, manifestations of the artistic development of peace, moral regulators, religious and ideological views.

In the theological tradition, the relationship of culture and cult is updated, religion acts as the basis of culture. Science considers religion as one of the elements of culture, specific spiritual activities aimed at supernatural objects. IN various epochs Religion covered various areas of culture.

Religion performs a cultural role, it will task the spectrum of universal cultural concepts, determines the meaning of life, the highest values \u200b\u200band norms of human existence, draws up the structure of the spiritual community. Religion contributes to the approval of the personality, the formation of personal consciousness; It goes beyond the limit of narrow-seed existence, religion also broadcasts culture, transmitting it from one generation to another.

1 . The concept of spiritual culture. Criteria spirituality

The concept of spiritual culture:

· Contains all the areas of spiritual production (art, philosophy, science, etc.),

· Shows the socio-political processes occurring in society (it is about the power structures of management, legal and moral norms, leadership styles, etc.).

The ancient Greeks have formed a classic triad of the spiritual culture of mankind: the truth is good - beauty. Accordingly, the three most important values \u200b\u200bof human spirituality were allocated:

· Theoretism, with orientation to the truth and the creation of a special essential being opposite to conventional life phenomena;

· This, subordinating the moral content of life, all other human aspirations;

· Estheticism, reaching the maximum fullness of life with a support for emotionally sensual experience.

The above-mentioned parties of spiritual culture found their embodiment in various fields of people's activities: in science, philosophy, politics, art, right, etc. They are largely determined by the level of intellectual, moral, political, aesthetic, legal development of society. Spiritual culture implies activities aimed at human and society spiritual development, and also presents the results of this activity.

Spiritual culture is a totality of intangible elements of culture: norms of behavior, morality, values, rituals, symbols, knowledge, myths, ideas, customs, traditions, language.

Spiritual culture arises from the need to comprehend and figuratively sensual development of reality. In real life, it is implemented in a number of specialized forms: morality, art, religion, philosophy, science.

All these forms human life We are interrelated and affecting each other. The morality is recorded an idea of \u200b\u200bgood and evil, honor, conscience, justice, etc. These ideas, the norms regulate the behavior of people in society.

Art includes aesthetic values (Beautiful, sublime, ugly) and ways to create and consumption.

Religion serves the demands of the Spirit, a person draws his eyes to God. Science demonstrates the successes of the human mind. Philosophy satisfies the needs of the human spirit to unity on a rational (reasonable) basis.

Spiritual culture permeates all spheres social Life. A man assumes her through the tongue, upbringing, communication. Estimates, values, methods of perception of nature, time, ideals are laid into a person's consciousness by tradition and upbringing in the course of life.

The concept of "spiritual culture" has a complex and confusing history. In the early 19th century, spiritual culture was considered as a church-religious concept. At the beginning of the twentieth century, an understanding of spiritual culture becomes much wider, including not only religion, but also morality, politics, art.

IN soviet period The concept of "spiritual culture" was interpreted by the authors of superficially. Material production generates material culture - it is primary, and spiritual production generates spiritual culture (ideas, feeling, theory) - it is secondary. The origins of creativity, ideas were in production, work.

In XXIV "Spiritual culture" is understood in different ways:

· As something sacred (religious);

· How is something positive that does not require explanations;

· As mystically-esoteric.

Currently, still, the concept of "spiritual culture" is quite clearly defined and not developed.

The relevance of the problem of the formation of the human spirituality in a modern situation is due to a number of reasons. Let's call the most significant of them. Today, many diseases of social life: crime, immoralism, prostitution, alcoholism, drug addiction and others - are primarily due to the state of confusion in modern society, a state that causes seriously alarm and progressive from year to year. Search for ways to overcome these social deformities puts forward the problem of spirituality to the center of humanitarian knowledge. Its relevance is also due to the reasons of economic nature: as social, economic, political reforms are implemented in society, the conditions and nature of human labor, its motivation, is rapidly changing; and this Economic situation in our eyes makes new requirements for improving the personality, to its development, to such personal qualitiesAs morality, responsibility, a sense of duty, which ultimately are indicators of human spiritual maturity.

True spirituality is the "Trinity of Truth, Good and Beauty" and the main criteria of such spirituality are:

· Intertionism, that is, "the focus on something or someone, on business or a person, on an idea or personality." A person needs a goal towing him over an individual being; So he overcomes the insavitation and limitedness of its existence, and this ability to set the ideal objectives is the indicator spiritually developed personality;

· Reflection on the main life values \u200b\u200bthat make up the meaning of the human being and protruding guidelines in the situation of existential choice. It is the ability to reflection, from the point of view of Teyar de Sharden, is the main reason Superior man over animals. The human spiritual person acquires the nature of the manifestation of "taste for reflection", to the knowledge of the specifics of individual being. One of the conditions for the formation of the ability to reflection is the recovery, extension, voluntary or forced loneliness. "Exile and imprisonment, always so terrible and fatal for a person are not so scary and fatal for the Spirit. He loves voluntary gate, loneliness of cups and care from the worldly fuss, but as successfully enjoys the forced loneliness of the exile, prisoner ... without choice Himself, turning inside, in his loneliness, the conversation of a man with the Spirit does not begin. " All the greatest representatives of the Spirit - Jesus, Socrates - were the exile. And this expulsion is a Kara, which is comprehended who joined the world of the Spirit, the tragic Kara for the courage to be not so, "like everything";

· Freedom, understood as self-determination, that is, the ability to act in accordance with its goals and values, and not under the oppression of external circumstances, as "acquiring internal force, the resistance of the power of the world and the power of society over the person "," existential unbound, freedom, the extension of it - or its center of existence - from coercion, from pressure, depending on the organic;

· Creativity, understood not only as activity that generates something new, previously not existed, but also as a self-willing - creativity aimed at finding itself to implement its meaning of life;

· Developed conscience, which coordinates "Eternal, universal moral law with a specific situation of a particular individual", for consciousness openly; conscience - what should exist; This is what person is responsible for the implementation of his meaning of life;

· The personality responsibility for the implementation of its meaning of life and the implementation of values, as well as for everything that is happening in the world.

These are the main criteria of the spirituality of the person in the understanding of Russian and foreign philosophers: N.A. Bardyaeva, V.Frankel, E.Fromma, T. De Sharden, M. Scheler and others.

2. Right and science in the system of spiritual culture

Science and right are part of culture, so any scientific picture Reflects the mutual influence of all elements of culture in one or another era. In the system of culture of mankind, consisting of material, social and spiritual culture, science is included in the system of spiritual culture of mankind. Below are the definitions of the cultural system and its elements.

Culture is a system of means of human activity, which is programmed, the activity of the individual, groups, humanity and their interactions with nature and among themselves is implemented and stimulated.

Material culture is a system of material and energy facilities of the human and society. This includes such elements such as labor tools, active and passive equipment, physical education, well-being of people.

Detailed decision Paragraph § 10 in social science for grade 10 students, authors L.N. Bogolyubov, Yu.I. Averyanov, A.V. Belyavsky 2015.

Questions for self-test

1. What is spiritual culture? What components does it include?

Spiritual culture is a sphere of production and consumption of spiritual values. The spiritual culture includes norms established in society and morals, which have developed ideas about beautiful, religious views and scientific ideas, in other words, what was created as a result of human spiritual activity.

The spiritual culture includes religion, science, education, art, language, writing, etc. Its make up the rules, standards, models and norms of behavior, laws, values, rituals, symbols, myths, knowledge, ideas, customs, language. Spiritual culture is the result of the activities of people, but the creation of not hands, but the mind.

2. What values \u200b\u200bincludes the spiritual culture of modern society? Expand the concept of the concept of "Social Institute of Culture".

The main spiritual values \u200b\u200binclude: worldview-philosophical, or sense -namental, values \u200b\u200bexpress the basics of human existence, correlating people with the world; Moral values \u200b\u200bregulate relations between people from the standpoint of opposition due and prescribed. They are associated with the statement of sufficiently harsh unwritten laws - principles, regulations, commandments, taboos, prohibitions and norms; Aesthetic values \u200b\u200bare associated with identifying, experiencing, creating harmony; Religious values, religious teachings include certain protected (prohibitions) and authorized main moral values \u200b\u200band requirements.

Social Institutes of Culture - Institutions and Organizations, which are creating, which are stored, distributing artworks, as well as educational populations of cultural values.

3. What features are characterized by various types of culture?

Cultureologists allocate various types of culture: folk, mass, elitar.

So, for culture, folk is characteristic that her works, as a rule, do not have the author, anonymous. Of course, the authors were at any cultural creation. But over time, the authorship is forgotten, and the works of folk culture themselves live, modify, transform. Folk culture includes myths, legends, legends, epos, songs, dancing, applied art.

By the nature of the execution, elements of folk culture can be individual (presentation of legends), group (testing of dance or songs), mass (carnival processions). Folklore is another name for folk creativity, which is created by various layers of the population. Folklore is associated with the traditions of this area and democratic, since everything will be involved in its creation. In the best samples of the folk culture, the most important parties to the life of society in one or another period of its development are captured, significant values \u200b\u200band norms are fixed for society (or part). At the same time, the form of expression of works of folk culture is traditional, sometimes even canonical. So, folk songs or folk suit, traditional in shape, retain the adopted techniques of their creation. With the external ease of form, many works of folk culture include enough complex system Symbols that may be incomprehensible to the fullest. Contemporary manifestations of folk culture include jokes, urban legends.

Elite, or high, culture is created by a privileged part of society or by its order by professional creators. It includes elegant art, classical music and literature. High culture, for example, painting P. Picasso or Music A. Stingke, is difficult to understand the unprepared person. As a rule, it is ahead of decades ahead of the perception of the average humanized person. The circle of its consumers is a highly educated part of society: critics, literary critics, regulars of museums and exhibitions, theater, artists, writers, musicians. When the level of education of the population is growing, the circle of consumers high culture expands. To its varieties you can attribute secular art and salon music. The formula of elite culture is "art for art."

The elite culture include avant-garde directions in music, painting, cinema, complex literature of a philosophical nature. Often, the creators of such a culture are perceived as residents of the "Elephant Tower", extinguished by their art from the real everyday life. As a rule, elite culture is non-commercial, although it can sometimes be financially successful and go into the category of mass culture.

Mass, or publicly available, culture does not express the exquisite tastes of the aristocracy or spiritual searches of the people. The time of her appearance is the middle of the XX century, when the new technique and the media (printing, grampalis, radio, television, tape recorder, video) penetrated most of the countries of the world and became available to representatives of all social layers. Mass culture can be international and national. Popular music is a vivid example of mass culture. It is understandable and accessible to all ages, all the segments of the population, regardless of the level of education.

4. What is subculture? Give a specific example.

Subculture is a system of norms and values \u200b\u200bthat distinguish a separate social group from the majority of society; The dominant culture subsystem characterizing the lifestyle and value of some social groups. We can attribute to subcultures of our time - the youth subculture (emo, goths), the subculture of the elderly, the subculture of national minorities, a professional subculture, a criminal subculture.

5. How do various cultures interact in modern society?

In modern society, on the one hand, the mutual penetration of various cultures, which contributes to interethnic understanding and cooperation, on the other hand - development national cultures accompanied by interethnic conflicts. The latter circumstance requires a weighted, tolerant attitude towards the culture of other communities.


1. Prove or refute the judgment that already in primitive society there was a rich spiritual culture.

In primitive society, there was indeed spiritual culture, but not rich, but more primitive, because In primitive society, traditions, religion, laws, etc. have existed, which are fixed in material sources found during archaeological excavations.

2. Describe a typical picture of the world (to choose from) a resident of ancient Athens, a medieval person, relying on the ideological values \u200b\u200binherent in the society of the relevant era.

The picture of the world is a self-satisfaction of a person based on ideas about space and time. The picture of the world is definitely reflected in the monuments of material culture, but due to the complexity and ambiguity of their decoding, as well as a very incomplete (fragmentary) reflection of the studied period they are not able to recreate the picture of the world ancient man In a full scale. Based on this, the picture of the world of the inheritance of ancient Athens was focused on the worship of the gods. Ancient Athenians had a whole pantheon of the gods, each of which was "responsible" for a certain sphere, the category of natural phenomena or human activity. Among them are gradually allocated by one with outstanding abilities and qualities.

The Greek Temple was considered the housing of God, in him, as a rule, there was a statue of God, in honor of which he was erected. A special place in the history of architecture occupies an ensemble Athenian Acropolis. The largest structure here is the temple of Athens-Virgin, Parfenon.

A little different was the picture of the world of medieval man. The very category of the earthly life was evaluated and opposed the life of heavenly. In this regard, the land as a geographical concept was simultaneously perceived as a place of earthly life and was part of the opposition "Earth-Sky", therefore was a religious and moral character. The same ideas were transferred to geographical concepts In general: some lands were perceived as righteous, others as sinful, and moving in geographical space becomes movement on the vertical scale of religious and moral values, in which the upper step is in the sky, and the lower in hell (for example, this feature determined the composition of the "Divine Comedy" Dante).

An important role was played by opposition "their own" and perceived as an option to oppose the "righteous - sinful", "good - bad".

The Earth appeared flat in the form of a huge disk that supports the heavenly arch and surrounded by the ocean, her edge, which was lost in the darkness, was inhabited by wonderful tribes - single-legged people, wolf people. In this flat, round, surrounded by all sorts of horror world there is a center - Jerusalem.

The objective world was divided into three areas. In one of them, Islam reigned - the kingdom of evil. Another area - Byzantium, in it was dominated by sex, this Christian world caused distrust and was someone else. The third region is the West, Latin, Christian world, who dreamed of the golden age and the Empire.

The universe was a system of concentric spheres. So, for example, according to the "lamp", Honoria Augustodunsky Sky was divided into three parts: the bodily sky that we see; The spiritual sky, where spiritual angels live, and the intellectual sky, where the blissful contemplate the face of the Holy Trinity.

The medieval person himself perceived as a "small world" - a microcosm, which was correlated with the macrocosm, feeling his inner relationship with him.

Medieval time, first of all, was religious and church time. Religious, since the year was presented as a year liturgical, which was perceived as a sequence of events from the history of Christ. He unfolded from Christmas to Trinity and was filled with events from the life of the saints. It was the church and because only the clergy could measure him with a bell ringing, and was his "master."

The picture of the world of medieval man was rich in different kind of symbols. Everyone real subject It was considered as an image of something corresponding in the sphere higher and, accordingly, became its symbol. For the expression hidden from the eye of reality, served and language. The symbolism was universal, think - meant to open hidden meanings that promised salvation. It was symbolic everything.

3. Cultural studies formulate several patterns of cultural development. Among them are the law of continuity in the development of culture. How would you identify the essence of this pattern? Give examples of manifestation of this pattern.

The law of continuity in the development of culture is the most important in the content of the emerging science of cultural studies. Where there is no continuity in the development of culture, there is no culture itself, because in this case every new generation would have to start to invent stone tools and language every time; wheel and dwelling; Art and science, etc.

Continuity is the basis for the development of culture, and therefore also constitutes its essential objective pattern.

Each new step in the development of humanity with the need to inherit the cultural achievements of previous epochs, including them in a new system of social relations.

The law of continuity of culture can be considered on this example as a celebration of a new year or Christmas. For many years, these holidays have great attention to these holidays.

4. Using the "cultural function" scheme, prepare an expanded response that reveals the functions of spiritual culture.

Functions of culture

Cognitive: holistic idea of \u200b\u200bthe people, country, epoch

Evaluation: Selection of values, enrichment of traditions

Regulatory (regulatory): system of norms and requirements of society to all its members in all areas of life and activity

Informative: Exchange of knowledge, values \u200b\u200band experience of previous generations

Communicative: ability to maintain, transmit and replicate cultural values

Socialization: the assimilation of the Individual of the knowledge system, norms, values, the teaching social Roly, regulatory behavior, striving for self-improvement

Among the social institutions that exist to meet the vital needs of society as the mining of new knowledge and the transfer of them to the next generations, the solution of spiritual issues, one can allocate a subgroup of cultural institutions.

For example, when they say that the press, radio and television are the "fourth power", in essence, they understand not only as a component of the political sphere, but also as a cultural institution, since they are formed by certain moral and aesthetic norms associated with political activities. Communication institutions are those bodies through which society through social structures produces and distributes information expressed in characters. They are the main source of knowledge about the accumulated experience.

The subspecies of communication institutions are libraries, museums, schools and universities, television, newspapers, typography, radio, movies. The combination of all technical devices, including buildings and funds of libraries, museums and schools, is the infrastructure of the institutional culture system.

Institutes simultaneously act and tools social controlSince thanks to its regulatory nature, people make people obey the adopted standards and comply with the relevant discipline. Therefore, the Institute is understood as a totality of norms and samples of behavior. No less important is the function of socialization of people carried out by almost all social institutions (assimilation cultural norms and mastering social roles).

spiritual culture atheistic religious

Spiritual culture is a totality of intangible elements of culture: norms of behavior, morality, values, rituals, symbols, knowledge, myths, ideas, customs, traditions, language.

Spiritual culture arises from the need to comprehend and figuratively sensual development of reality. In real life, it is implemented in a number of specialized forms: morality, art, religion, philosophy, science.

All these forms of human life are interconnected and affect each other.

The morality is recorded an idea of \u200b\u200bgood and evil, honor, conscience, justice, etc. These ideas, the norms regulate the behavior of people in society.

Art includes aesthetic values \u200b\u200b(beautiful, elevated, ugly) and ways to create and consumption.

Religion serves the demands of the Spirit, a person draws his eyes to God. Science demonstrates the successes of the human mind.

Philosophy satisfies the needs of the human spirit to unity on a rational (reasonable) basis.

Spiritual culture permeates all spheres of social life. A man assumes her through the tongue, upbringing, communication. Estimates, values, methods of perception of nature, time, ideals are laid into a person's consciousness by tradition and upbringing in the course of life.

The concept of "spiritual culture" has a complex and confusing history. In the early 19th century, spiritual culture was considered as a church-religious concept. At the beginning of the twentieth century, an understanding of spiritual culture becomes much wider, including not only religion, but also morality, politics, art.

In the Soviet period, the concept of "spiritual culture" was interpreted by the authors of superficially. Material production generates material culture - it is primary, and spiritual production generates spiritual culture (ideas, feeling, theory) - it is secondary. The origins of creativity, ideas were in production, work.

In the 90s. Xx in. "Spiritual culture" is understood in different ways:

  • - as something sacred (religious);
  • - as something positive, which does not require explanations;
  • - as a mystical-esoteric.

Currently, still, the concept of "spiritual culture" is quite clearly defined and not developed.

The concept of spiritual culture contains in itself all areas of spiritual production (art, philosophy, science, etc.),

Shows the socio-political processes occurring in society (this is the power structures of management, legal and moral norms, leadership styles, etc.).

The ancient Greeks have formed a classical triad of the spiritual culture of mankind: the truth is -dobro-art. Accordingly, the three most important values \u200b\u200bof human spirituality were allocated:

  • -Toretisism, with the orientation to the truth and the creation of a special essential being opposite to conventional life phenomena;
  • -Itim, subordinating the moral content of life all other human aspirations;
  • -Esthetism, reaching the maximum completeness of life with a support for emotionally sensual experience.

The above-mentioned parties of spiritual culture found their embodiment in various fields of people's activities: in science, philosophy, politics, art, right, etc. They are largely determined by the level of intellectual, moral, political, aesthetic, legal development of society. Spiritual culture implies activities aimed at human and society spiritual development, and also presents the results of this activity.

Thus, all human activity becomes content of culture. Human society and stood out of nature due to such a specific form of interaction with the world around as human activity.

Activities are a form of socio-cultural activity aimed at converting reality.

There are two types of activities:

  • -practic (i.e., the material and converter, aimed at changing the nature and being of a person, and a socially converter, changing social reality, including the person himself);
  • - Humane (the content of which is the change in the consciousness of people).

Depending on the direction of human activity, sociocultural activities can be:

  • -Sidative (i.e., aimed at the formation of the "second nature": human habitat, labor instruments, machinery and mechanisms, etc.);
  • - Developed (associated with various wars, revolutions, ethnic conflicts, destroy nature, etc.).

In human activity there are certain benchmarks. They are called values.

Value is something that is significantly for a person, that he is expensive and important to which he is focused in its activities.

Society builds a certain system cultural valueswhich grows out of the ideals and needs of its members. It may include:

  • -Fine life values \u200b\u200b(ideas about the purpose and sense of life, happiness);
  • -The totality of interpersonal communication (honesty, goodwill);
  • -Temocratic values \u200b\u200b(human rights, freedom of speech, conscience, parties);
  • -Prigmatic values \u200b\u200b(personal success, enterprise, desire for material wealth);
  • -Mirovsky, moral, aesthetic, etc. Values.

Among the most important values \u200b\u200bfor a person, largely determining is the problem of the meaning of his life. A person's glance on the problem of the meaning of life is formed through the awareness of the limb of their being. Man is the only living creature that understands the inevitability of his death.

Regarding the problem of the meaning of human life, two unresponsive views of each other.

First-suitical. It has a long tradition and dates back, in particular, to epicurery. Its essence is that if the person is a mortal creature, then the meaning of life is in his life itself. Epicuri denied the significance of the phenomenon of death for a person, arguing that it simply does not exist, since the person is still living, and when he dies, he is not able to more realize the very fact of his death.

Assigning life to life as the meaning of life, the epicureans taught that the ideal of human existence is atraxia, or evasion from suffering, a calm and measured life, consisting of spiritual and physical pleasures, data in moderation. The end of this process and means the termination of the human being.

Materialistic philosophy that continues the ancient tradition of epicureism, in all its manifestations proceeds from denial afterlife And manifests a person for the most complete realization of itself in the existing reality. However, this does not exhaust the entire content of this concept.

Another point of view on the problem of the meaning of life -religious. Religion solves this problem quite simply, claiming the fact of the afterlife of man. In their various modifications, religion teaches the fact that earthly, human being is only preparations for death and acquiring eternal life. This is the necessary stage for cleansing and rescue the soul.

The highest form of human activity is creativity.

Creativity is human activity that creates qualitatively new, never previously existed, material and spiritual values.

Almost all types of human activity include elements of creativity. However, they are most brightly manifested in science, art and technology. There is also a special science -Evorism (gr. Heurisko -Not), with which you can not only learn creative activity, but also create various models of the creative process.

There are four main phases of creativity:

  • - Individual (this is the primary organization of the material, identifying the central idea, nuclei, problems, the stages of future work);
  • - Cutting ideas (the process of designing the "ideal subject" in the imagination of the Creator),
  • -preation (the decision is detected where it was not trying to search);
  • -Check (experimental or logical evaluation of the novelty of the found solution).

The process of creating a new brings the Creator a sense of satisfaction, stimulates his inspiration and relieves it to a new creation.

Art as aesthetic consciousness of society

Aesthetic consciousness in the system of forms of public consciousness occupies a special place. Having mediated into a special branch of spiritual culture, it at the same time performs synthesizing functions, since the structure of aesthetic consciousness includes such elements as aesthetic views, ideals, assessments, tastes, aesthetic feelings, needs, aesthetic theory. Aesthetic consciousness is the one spiritual foundationwhich provides harmonious unity and the internal relationship of various manifestations of human spiritual life and society as a whole.

The synthetic role of aesthetic consciousness and aesthetic activity was already manifested in the "syncreticity" (absention) of an ancient culture, in which works of art, and scientific, and religious, and philosophical works were sometimes created as artistic texts. Aesthetic consciousness is formed in the process of aesthetic activity and is defined as a holistic, emotionally rich reflection of reality. The objective basis of aesthetic consciousness is natural and social reality and social and historical practice. Aesthetic consciousness is one of the faces of spiritual and practical development of the world. Creativity "according to the laws of beauty" arises on the basis of labor activity and is its addition. In the process of work, the spiritual abilities of a person are formed, to the number of which include aesthetic consciousness. In the process of labor and aesthetic activity, human senses are formed, aesthetic needs arise that have a holistic impact on the identity.

With the division of labor, the separation of art from other species public activities A person occurs the final formation of aesthetic consciousness. Aesthetic consciousness reflects the world around, all the diverse activities of people and its results in emotionally estimated images. The reflection of the surrounding world in it is accompanied by the appearance of special challenging experiences associated with the feelings of an elevated, beautiful, tragic and comic. But the peculiarity of aesthetic consciousness lies in the fact that it contains the complexity and expressiveness of emotional impressions and at the same time penetrates deep significant relations and relationships.

A feature of aesthetic consciousness is that the interaction of a person with a real world is perceived, evaluated and experienced individually based on existing ideals, tastes, needs.

Aesthetic consciousness has a complex structure that includes needs, ideals, views, evaluations, feelings, theories that are very closely connected with each other and interdependent. The aesthetic attitude is equally estimated and experienced and positive sides The surrounding world and negative.

Aesthetic consciousness is one of the ways of reflection, awareness of peace and impact on it. It arises on the basis of man's logistical activity, and with the development of this activity, a person's feelings are formed, freeing from the instinctive form, there are specific human needs, which, in turn, have an opposite effect on all parties to human life. In the structure of aesthetic consciousness, an important element is aesthetic needs, they are the beginning of aesthetic attitude to the world.

Aesthetic need can be considered as an objectively existing relationship of a person with a medium, as a result of which there is a need for the production, preservation, assimilation and distribution of aesthetic emotions, individual and social feelings, views, knowledge, values \u200b\u200band ideals and their objectification in human activity.

In the structure of aesthetic need, three interrelated elements can be distinguished: emotional, rational and active. This should be considered when determining the paths and means of its formation. Of course, you need a comprehensive impact on the emotional, and the rational scope of consciousness to develop the necessary beliefs and installations and for further consolidation of them in activities.

The concept of "aesthetic need" covers both the need for the perception of the aesthetic phenomena of the world and the need for art and aesthetic creativity. The aesthetic need acts as the driving force of the development of consciousness and practical activity of the person, as one of the main elements of aesthetic consciousness and is manifested in the desire to transform the world. A feature of aesthetic need is that it can be implemented in all spheres of human activity: in labor, in relation to nature, in attachment to art, in moral relations, in scientific knowledge. In terms of its content, the aesthetic need is universal, for its object is in all spheres of life.

The aesthetic need is manifested as the need for a high degree of orderliness, the harmonization of all types of human activity and the need for organizing all the products of it, aspiring to obtain spiritual joys. The aesthetic need is closely interconnected with moral, for the desire for excellent and kindly performs in unity. It is also connected with other spiritual needs, including with the need for labor and in the admission to knowledge.

The structure of aesthetic consciousness includes aesthetic feelings. Psychologists refer them to the category of higher feelings and indicate their connection with intelligence. Aesthetic feelings are based on the experience of mind and cause reflections themselves. That is why aesthetic feelings are called ideological. Aesthetic feelings are peculiar experiences of a person arising from the perception of specific lenses: the beauty of nature, labor items, works of art. These feelings stimulate the social activity of a person, have a regulatory impact on his behavior and on the formation of aesthetic and moral ideals. They help to perceive peace and art as close to us and stimulate creative activity. Their feature is the complex interaction in them aesthetic and ethical moments of mental life.

Elements of aesthetic consciousness are aesthetic taste and ideal, protruding by the human assessment regulators of objects of aesthetic perception and their own activities. Aesthetic taste is the ability to understand and evaluate the beautiful and ugly, elevated and lowland, tragic and comic in life and in art. Hegel wrote that the objective basis of taste is the perfect and that the taste is raised. Aesthetic taste is socially determined and has its own individual manifestation. It is determined by the worldview of the personality, so it is so important to form aesthetic taste based on scientific worldview and on ethical principles.

Aesthetic taste acts as the ability of the personality to assess the dignity (or disadvantages) of aesthetically significant phenomena based on its ideas about the perfect and elevated, about the ideal and to objectify these ideas in specific activities, for example, when organizing a subject-spatial environment, during leisure, in style Communication, aesthetic expressiveness appearance. Aesthetic taste is manifested in any creative activity, in the behavior of people, in everyday life. The feature of aesthetic taste is that it is manifested directly as an emotional response of a person on what it interacts with. According to I. Kant, the taste is "the ability to judge the beauty."

In unity with aesthetic taste, as an important element of aesthetic consciousness, an aesthetic ideal is also performing regulatory functions, but at a higher level. It contains an understanding of the essence of the beautiful, reflects the best features of the person, is a model on which people are oriented, he not only reflects the past and present, but also facing the future.

Aesthetic ideal is based on objective trends social Development and plays a binding role between the past, present and future. In the context of the modern development of the Company at this point, special attention should be paid, because it is impossible to violate the relationship between the past and modern, crossing the past of its country or to be trendy idealize it, blindly copying the experience of other countries, without taking into account the pattern of development of society. The aesthetic ideal is a leading reflection of the world, it stimulates practical activities and thinking of people aimed at improving the surrounding reality, performs a prognostic function, being an important ideological component that determines the personality thinking.

In aesthetic ideal, not only aesthetic problems are reflected, but also moral, legal, political, philosophical, for it is based on an understanding of the direction historical Development societies. The aesthetic ideal in a concrete and holistic form is a harmonious personality in its relations with society and nature.

In the aesthetic ideal, the complexity of social relations is reflected, and it can not be shown in open formTherefore, sometimes there is an illusion that this ideal is specific and is isolated, for example, from politics and law. It should be noted that the process of forming a progressive aesthetic ideal is a very long and complex process in which the personal and social experience is organically merged when a significant impact has all the peace, art, measures of educational impact. And the formed aesthetic ideal is the most difficult level of aesthetic consciousness, a high degree of generalization and preserving at the same time visual and specific sense. The emerging aesthetic ideal is the criterion of aesthetic assessment for further perception of life, and any phenomenon, an act or about the execution of art are compared with the existing aesthetic ideal. It becomes a regulator of aesthetic consciousness of a person or society. But it should be noted that the ideal itself changes under the influence of a changing life.

The process of forming aesthetic ideal, as well as aesthetic consciousness as a whole, very contradictory, because life itself is complex and contradictory. In the formation of aesthetic consciousness, art is intended to play a large role, it opens up wide opportunities for admiration for spiritual values, forms views on moral and aesthetic values, helps to turn knowledge into conviction, develops aesthetic taste of feelings, develops creative skills Personality affects practical activities.

Art is a specific phenomenon: a special kind of spiritual, practical development of the objective world. Each form of public consciousness fixes the world around the world inherent in specific means (in science - with the help of concepts, categories, in the right - in the form of laws, in religion - dogma, in morality - norms, etc.). Art is a means of reflection and expressing life in the form of artistic images. The source of artistic images is real reality.

The art is influenced by political consciousness. But the feature of the art is that it has ideological impact due to its aesthetic advantages. Any form of public consciousness is associated with reality through its functions. The force of art in direct impact on personality and society.

Art always played a big role in the life of society, performing an informative and educational function, so in history there was always an acute struggle around the question of how the direction of the work of art will bring up people how they will affect the human psychology, on his views and tastes, His needs. Works of art have an impact on all forms of public consciousness, especially for political and moral consciousness, on the formation of an atheistic or religious world of view. Through public consciousness, art affects practical activities, on the creation of material and spiritual values. At the same time, art itself feels the influence of social conditions and needs.

In art, as in the specific form of public consciousness, a system of social relations, developing in the process of material and spiritual production, refracted in ideals, needs, tastes.

The role of art and as a regulator is essential social activities People and their personal behavior. Efficiency of art consumption, i.e. The degree of its impact on the feelings and views of the personality, on its creative development, depends directly from the artistic development of the person.

The most important feature of art is educational. Reflecting the world in his aesthetic peculiarity, showing the beautiful or ugly, tragic or comic, elevated or low-lying, art enlisters the emotional world of man, brings up feelings, forms intelligence, awakens the best sides of the soul of the Peace Century, causes a feeling of aesthetic joy. Enrichment spiritual world The person largely depends on how fully the various types of art are affected.

The most important feature of art is hedonistic. Works of art deliver aesthetic joy to man, activate his spiritual and physical forces, satisfy the need for emotional and intellectual pleasure. Aesthetically acting on a person, spiritually enriching it and delivering aesthetic pleasure, art satisfies, therefore, various spiritual needs.

A great influence on the formation of social qualities of personality, the satisfaction of its aesthetic needs has a communicative function of art, spiritual communication with other people as a means of communication between people, generations, nations. Art serves as a means of admiration for a person to public, aesthetic and moral ideals. Communication with art, active empathy of viewers, readers, listeners enriches personal experience Art perception of the world.

A high role in the life of people is played by compensatory and entertainment feature of art, satisfaction of those emotional needs that cannot be implemented in other spheres of vital activity. With the current level of the development of technical media, filling out a person's free time with art with art is a very valuable way to leisure.

Art has always played a big role in society. Therefore, in history there was always an acute struggle around the question of how the direction of art will affect the person. Art, affecting practical activities, on the creation of material and spiritual values, at the same time itself is experiencing the influence of social conditions.

So, the aesthetic consciousness and its highest product - arts are a necessary element of public consciousness, providing its integrity and focus to the future. In the present, some decrease in the level of artistic assessment and requirements imposed on both the organization of industrial and household media and the works of individual Art types, such as applied, design. Sometimes the reality is filled with kich instead of truly artistic samples, which is not affordable, unfortunately, and architectural buildings, small architecture, decorative-investigative and even visual arts.

It seems that it is not true that such a change in the level of aesthetic taste is the result of its degradation, a sharp deterioration due to external circumstances. Radio and Television, Book Publishing, Theaters, concert halls And museums provide today for each large enough opportunity to form artistic taste and the choice of aesthetic landmarks. The case, apparently, is that the freedom of personal manifestations and self exploration that currently increased, revealed and showed a real level of artistic and aesthetic consciousness and aesthetic education of the population of Russia. The reason for this is in a fundamentally wrong approach to the aesthetic education of the younger generation, students and students, and in particular to raising the means of art.

It is time for us to abandon the propaganda "popular" and "artistic and amateur" approach to aesthetic education and look at it as a complex psychological and pedagogical task, requiring a serious creation of a didactic system, implemented throughout the educational process and able to ensure the implementation of systematic aesthetic-artistic Education and upbringing.

Perennial admission to serious classic art The wide masses and the upbringing of love for him most convincingly justify the point of view on art as an elite phenomenon. However, this does not mean that art is in principle not available to everyone for perception. The perception of art inevitably requires deep special systematic preparation for it.

Deciding art as a special way and the form of reality reproduction in artistic images, we also assume that the perception of the work of art is to understand the artistic image as an abstract idea in a specific sensory form (by Hegel) and materials, methods of its creation, i.e., artistic expressiveness, language of art. Already from this it can be seen that the main condition of understanding the art is a special development of a very specific artistic perception.

The condition for the formation of true artistic perception and taste, an understanding of the artistic image - this is the creation of a system of learning and the development of the ability to perceive artistic content works (including comprehended the essence of the phenomenon, the main idea), art and organizational means: shape as material structure Both the composition, rhythmic organization, the logic of links between the inner and the outside, finally, the perception of artistic and expressive means and their role in creating the image and mood as a whole - the content of the work.

For example, in order for the viewer to fully perceive, evaluate and enjoy the product of fine art, it must be learned to silence and, it is especially important, to determine the meaning of each element of the entire system of the forms and styrene-forming agents: the nature of the line and drawing, color, light, such as color, Compositions (spatial or on plane), textures, as well as see and understand the purpose of using one or another material, execution techniques. To prepare for the perception of architecture works, it is important to form a skill to evaluate the work in the trinity: a function - a design - form, analyze ways to organize space and mass, composition and in general creation of architectural, image.

It seems that this system of training and the organization of the development of artistic perception and aesthetic education will be able to lead to an adequate aesthetic assessment of the reality, aesthetic interests and needs of each person, to the correct reading of any work of art and aesthetic pleasure in the perception of truly artistic. This path leads to the creation of the foundation of the spiritual culture of the person, since it is able to expand the horizons of the worldview, to change the system of thoughts and images, see the world in other dimensions, to highlight the perfect-shaped and spiritual.

Distribution and oppose each other "spiritual" and "material" culture as two special areas of culture is impossible. On the one hand, the whole culture is generally spiritual, because it is the world of meaning, that is, spiritual entities. And on the other hand, it is all entirely material, because it is presented, "materialized" in sensually perceived codes, in signs, "texts". Therefore, under material culture, it makes sense to understand the not any special area of \u200b\u200bculture, different from the spiritual, and the "iconic shell" of any culture, that is, the objective, material forms of the expression of cultural meanings.

The spiritual culture should be separated not from "material", but from cultural forms in which the practical regulation of the behavior of people occurs, i.e. from social and technological culture. The region of spiritual culture includes such forms that are focused on the production of knowledge, values \u200b\u200band ideals and less than other are aimed at servicing the practical needs of humanity. Such basic forms of spiritual culture are: mythology, religion, art, philosophy.

Spiritual culture has some important distinctive features.

1. Unlike technical and social culture, spiritual culture of the frontal. Spiritual culture essentially disinterested. It is needed by people by itself, and not for the sake of solving any external utter tasks towards it (which, of course, does not exclude the possibility of using its achievements for practical purposes).

2. In spiritual culture, a person gets the greatest freedom creativity. Here a person's mind, not related to utilitarian considerations and practical necessity, is able to break away from reality and carry on the wings of fantasy. Freedom of creativity is already manifested in ancient myths, in any religion, in art and philosophy. Creative activity in spiritual culture becomes a special spiritual world that is incomparably richer real Mira. For there are images of unprecedented phenomena in it next to real images. And although this world is filled with fiction, it exists in its own laws and has an impact on our lives.

3. The products of spiritual culture are valuable by themselves, even if they exist only in the imagination of people and are not embodied in real reality. Her highest values \u200b\u200bform the wealth of the mind and the heart of the person.

4. Spiritual culture is the most sensitive, the most sensitive cultural field is most sensitive. It is the most vulnerable area of \u200b\u200bculture. Because of her neatarity people in difficult life circumstances Start to see in it the most worthless part of the culture. That is why spiritual culture suffers most of all in social cataclysms. They apply to it the greatest damage. Spiritual culture needs the care and support of society. If people cease to be interested in, it loses the inner tension and movement and turns into a forgotten, dead culture.

So, spiritual culture acts as an activity aimed at the spiritual development of man and society, to create ideas, knowledge, spiritual values \u200b\u200bas its main products. This activity includes: projective, creative, creative activity; Methods of cognitive activity; Validly oriented activities and spiritual communication. All these types of spiritual activities are implemented in its main forms: mythology, religion, art, philosophy, morality.

Myth as a form of culture

1. Mystical robust as the main attitude of myths

Myth is not a story, this is not a narrative, this is a form of culture, this is a way of human being. Myth is eternal, because Mythological representation is present in all cultures, including modern. The study of the myth as a form of culture was engaged in Hegel, Freud, Jung, A.F. Elsev.

Way of survival primitive man It became a feeling of his breeding with the formidable natural elements, he felt their relatives, animated beings, which can be lost, speak, and sometimes even scare. In myth, all the properties of nature are perceived as semantic, and relations between phenomena as causal or causal.

Myth is a way of human being and maidos, which is entirely based on the semantic breeding of a person with the world; A person is experiencing in the myth of the phenomenon of nature as an animated creatures and perceives meanings as the original properties of substances, therefore, the myth is a person's projection into the world around us, where a person is just his part, so in order to survive a person in this world he needs to find himself mighty Patrons (gods), whom he is at the same time afraid and hopes for them. And the role of such gods turns out to be the most essential for the specific tribe of the strength and phenomenon of nature.

The magical management of nature replaced the real, practical mastering of its forces, but at the same time magic provided a tendency to optimize the human team, inspired faith in victory. There is a conceptual proximity of magic and science: both proceed from the solid faith in order and uniformity of natural phenomena; Both have one goal: to establish a repeating sequence of events that obeys the action of certain natural laws.

1. Myth as denial of individuality and freedom.

The myth did not bring a person of freedom, for myth and magic expressed not a desire for freedom, but the desire for survival through the suppression of any manifestations of freedom. Magical rites and rituals ordered the life of a primitive man, the myth was a form of a ban, which was consecrated by the name of God, any step beyond the limits prescribed by the sacred customary, was considered a violation of the sacred harmony, undermining the Union of Man and God, therefore, from those who did not fit into the totalitarian structure , myth, hands of leaders and elders, got rid of (through initiation, that is, the rite of initiation into full members of society).

2. Features of primitive culture.

3. Syncretism (mucia) - absolute mucia and organic unity of real and fantastic elements; The fusion of all forms of culture (eg magic and totemism).

4. Homogeneity (homogeneity) - and uniformity, both cultural (lack of cultural pluralism) and homogeneity of social (lack of social groups with various interests). The lack of pluralism blocks the formation of new interests.

5. Primitive culture is the culture of taboos (prohibitions). The ban opposed the most important mechanism for monitoring and regulating social relations.

6. Characteristics of primitive art.

The most ancient artwork known to us belongs to the epoch of the late or Upper Paleolithic (20-30 thousand years BC). They were opened in 1879 (these were paintings in the Spanish cave of Altamira) by the Spanish nobleman Minestino de Southwall. Do not stop at the analysis of various hypotheses about the occurrence of art, it should be noted that art appeared with a person and existed at all stages of primitive culture, since a person is characterized by the need to decorate and color themselves, to attract an attractive form of objects, that is, art has biopsychic roots, It is the organic need of human psyche.

Features of primitive art:

1. Sinnoticity.

2. Collectivist and multifunctional character.

3. Symbolism, that is, the conditional character of the image.

The symbolic nature of primitive art leads to the emergence of two types of coding - esoteric (elitar), affordable only by a narrow circle of elected and exoteric, accessible to everyone.

11 Science as a culture form

2. Science as part of culture

Culture (from Latin Cultura - cultivation, upbringing, education, development, reverence), a historically certain level of development of society, the creative forces and human abilities, expressed in the types and forms of living and activity. Any human activity represented by artifacts, i.e. (Material culture) or beliefs (spiritual culture), which is transmitted from a person to a person in one way or another study, but not through genetic heredity.

In the culture embodies the overall difference between human livelihoods from biological forms of life. The behavior of a person is determined not so much by nature as raising, culture.

Material culture (values) - development of technology, guns, experience, production, construction, clothing, utensils, etc., i.e. All that serves to continue life. Spiritual culture (values) - ideological views of views, ideas, morality, education, science, art, religion, etc., i.e. All that reflects the world around consciousness, in the understanding of good and evil, beauty, knowledge of the value of the whole manifold of the world. Thus, science is an essential component of culture. Science is part of the culture.

Science is a historically established form of human activity aimed at knowing the knowledge and transformation of objective reality, such spiritual production, which has its result targeted selected and systematized facts, logically verified hypotheses, generalizing theories, fundamental private laws, as well as research methods.

Science represents the unity of the three components:

1st compulsory of a certain kind of knowledge;

2-defined way of obtaining knowledge;

3-Social Institute.

The order in which these groups of functions lists, in essence reflects the historical process for the formation and expansion of social functions of science, i.e. The emergence and hardening of all new channels of its interaction with society. Now science receives a new powerful impetus for its development, since it expands and deepens its use for practice. The growing role of N. in public Life Spent its special status in modern culture and new features of its interaction with various layers of public consciousness. Therefore, the problem of the peculiarities of N. Knowledge and its relationship with other forms of cognitive activity (art, shapes) is sharply raised.

Functions of science. Through the components of the science noted above, its most important functions are implemented:






production and practical)

Religion as a culture form

The causes of the occurrence and features of the functioning of religion in

society. The role of religion B. modern world. Religion and morality. Religion and science. Mature religions. World religions.

Religion (Latin. Religae - to associate) is a system of teachings, beliefs and religious actions related to the unity of a person with a supernatural and sacred being, called God or Absolute, the Creator of all existing on earth and managers and actions of people.

The essence of religion is faith in God. And as stated in the Gospel: "Vera is exercising expected and confidence in the invisible." She realizes himself:

In the cult (reverence of the deity by the system of attached rituals and rituals);

In the associations of believers (church, religious community);

In the worldview, worldview of believers.

The origin of religion is associated with the dependence of a person from the environment surrounding its natural forces, with the impossibility of an ancient person to rationally subjugate and take control of the conditions of his being. From the moment of creation human society Religion was a kind of means of protecting people from the natural elements, in many respects contributing to the processes of knowledge and awareness of society.

The role of religion in society is characterized by the presence of the functions performed by it, among which are allocated:

The ideological, creating a religious picture of the world and explaining in the point of view of religious understanding nature, society and man. Religious worldview forms the goals and meaning of their existence from believers;

A compensatory, relieving social and spiritual stress, helping the person to overcome the condition of powerlessness, weakness, suffering, illness. So the disunity of people is replaced by Brotherhood in Christ in the community, and the actual powerlessness of a person is compensated by the omnipotentia of God;

Educational, preaching high moral values \u200b\u200band norms and an encouraging person to decent behavior. As a regulatory system, religion certainly streams the thoughts and actions of people and thereby regulates their behavior in society;

Communicative, promoting rapprochement and communication of believers as among themselves, so with God and with the ministers of the cult.

Religious culture is an integral part of a common culture, formed from the religious requests of people and designed to satisfy them. The religious culture includes:

Religious moral;

Religious philosophy;

Religious art;

Religious training and educational institutions (seminars, Sunday schools, libraries, etc.).

At the end of the XX century, the position of religion and the church in the world has strengthened significantly. This is due to the social shocks (revolutions, world and regional wars, acts of cruel terrorism, the consequences of HTRs, ill-conceived reforms, etc.), which moved humanity, finding all the fragility of its existence. People who are tired of social catastrophes are looking for soul equilibrium In God, in the Church, in religious faith. And religion helps a person to find:

Peace of mind and independence from external circumstances;

Internal completeness of his own life.

However, in modern religious activities, the proportion of fanaticism and extremism, the rejection of distems and investigatives is significant. All this does not contribute to the consolidation of people, but, on the contrary, stimulates their aggressiveness, pushing it out for separation and confrontation (for example, the activities of Islamic fundamentalists).

Religion is inextricably linked with morality, embodied in values \u200b\u200band norms regulating human life. Faith inspires good to serve the good job outside the practical calculation and direct expediency, gives a force to this service for this ministry. It was in religious thought that the thesis of the moral significance of every human personality is persistently repeated, about the universal nature of moral and ethical values. In addition, and in religion, and in morality there is a significant place occupied by an emotional and sensual area of \u200b\u200bpeople.

Historically, the relationship between religion and science was very contradictory. If the science in his comprehension of the world focuses on mind and rational knowledge, the religion is trying to explain the world, relying on intuition, sensual knowledge and faith. At the same time, faith and mind are not mutually exclusive path of knowledge. On the contrary, connecting in man, they become the basis of his spiritual life and contribute, in the full sense of this word - the cultural development of mankind.

Religion exists in diverse forms. The most famous initial forms of religion were:

Totemism (English, Totem from the language of the Indians meaning "his genus") - the felt of the kind, tribe - an animal, a plant, subject or the phenomenon of nature, which is considered its ancestor;

Animism (Latin. Anima - Soul) - Vera in the existence of spirits, in the presence of an independent soul in people, animals, plants;

Fetishism (Fetric. Fetiche - amulet) - faith in supernatural properties of special items;

Magic (Greek Mageia - Magic) - Vera in the effectiveness of special rituals for the surrounding reality in order to change it (it is a love, malicious, agricultural, etc.).

In addition to the preservation of early religious forms today, national religions are confirmed:

Judaism (religion common among the Jews; originated at the end of the II thousand to n. E.);

Hinduism (religion, the most significant in modern India; originated in the V century. N. E.);

Confucianism (one of the religions of China, developed in V c. BC););

Sinto (medieval religion of the Japanese; from 1868 - to 1945 - the state religion of Japan), etc.

National religions are largely related to a certain people, an ethnicity, nation. The reasons for this kind of national closetness can be geopolitical conditions, a pronounced ethnic peculiarity of culture.

Among the variety of religions, they allocate the fundamental, called the world. There are three world religions in the world: Buddhism, Christianity, Islam.

Buddhism is the earliest world religion in time (includes two main directions: Cryana and Mahayana). Buddhism arose in the VI century. BC e. In India and named by the name of its legendary founder - Prince Sidhartha Gautama (623-544 BC), who received the name of the Buddha (enlightened) subsequently. According to Buddhism, everything is inconstant in the world, transient, and therefore full of grief and dissatisfaction. The central idea of \u200b\u200bthis religion is the doctrine of the four good native truths:

The truth of suffering existing throughout life;

Truth about the causes of suffering that occur due to human egoistic desires;

Truth about exemption from suffering, consisting of liberation from the desires, his own "I" and myself;

True single way Termination of suffering is a noble octal path consisting of eight steps.

Having passed this path, a person reaches Nirvana (SanskR. - Failure, cooling) - i.e., complete absence from the outside world, the lack of any desires. One of the most important commandments of Buddhism is the principle of non-violence, love and mercy to all living beings: people and animals. The chief buddhist ritual is meditation replacing a prayer. Meditating, a person is removed from the outside world, focuses and immersed in his me and connects with the spiritual world.

Christianity arose in I. In Palestine. The founder of Christianity is considered Jesus Christ, who adopted a martyrdom for the sake of mankind's happiness. Basics christian faith Sent out in the Bible. The main ones are:

The concept of sinfulness of a person as a reason for all his misfortunes;

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe redemption of sins through courage, strict life (ascetic), an example here is Jesus Christ, by his death on the cross at the opposing the ancient "original" sin of mankind;

The doctrine of the relief of a person from sins by prayer and repentance;

Faith in the diploma human soul (the righteous will fall into paradise, sinful - to hell);

The idea of \u200b\u200bhuman life as patient, humble, unforgettable, etc.

In the XI century, Christianity split into two independent directions: Orthodoxy and Catholicism. In the XVI century, a wide anti-tolic movement in Europe is the Reformation - contributes to the emergence of the third main direction of Christianity - Protestantia. In turn, each denomination has various directions, currents, sects.

Islam, Muslim (Arab. - Submortion) - Third World Religion, (has two main directions: Sunnism and shism), arose in the VII century in Arabia. The founder of Islam is considered to be Mohammed, who, according to Allah (God), elected his prophet. The creed of Islam is stated in the Quran. Five main dogmas are formed here:

Monotheism (there is no God, except for Allah, and Muhammed is his prophet);

Pray (Make Namaz) five times a day;

Observe the post (Uraz);

Make a hajj (pilgrimage) in Mecca, at least once in life;

Giving alms (shake).

Islam transfers the search for human happiness to heaven and enshrines the indecomposition of the spiritual and secular power, politicians and the state.

The emergence of world religions is the result of a long development of economic, political and cultural ties between various countries and peoples. Despite the difference in the explanation systems of the world, all world religions offer believers almost common to all the code of behavior, which, mainly, can be reduced to ten Moses commandments.

In world religions, there was a lot in common, which allowed them to overstep the national borders and quite widely spread throughout the globe.

Under the word "culture" understand the upbringing, development and education of people. It is considered the result of the life of society. Culture is a holistic system object consisting of separate important parts. It is divided into spiritual and material.

Spiritual culture of personality

Part of general cultural systemwhich takes into account spiritual activities and its results are called spiritual culture. It implies a combination of literary, scientific, moral and other destinations. Human spiritual culture is the content inner world. According to its development, it is possible to understand about the worldview, views and values \u200b\u200bof the individual and society.

Spiritual culture includes a huge number of elements that form basic concepts.

  1. Common moral foundations, scientific justification, wealth of the tongue and other elements. It is impossible to influence it.
  2. Forms due to the education of parents and knowledge obtained by self-education and training in different educational institutions. With it, the personality of a person who has its own views on different aspects Life.

Signs of spiritual culture

To better understand what spiritual culture differs from other areas, some features should be taken into account.

  1. Compared to the technical and social sphere, spiritual is disinterested and continuous. Her task to develop a person and give him happiness, and not get the benefits.
  2. Spiritual culture is an opportunity to freely show your own.
  3. The spirituality is associated with intangible spheres and exists according to individual laws, therefore it is impossible to deny its influence on reality.
  4. The spiritual culture of a person is sensitive to any internal and external changes in personality and society. For example, during reforms or other global changes about cultural development, everyone is forgotten.

Types of spiritual culture

The first types of human spiritual development are religious beliefs, traditions and customs, the norms of behavior formed for many years. The spiritual cult involves the results of intellectual or spiritual activity of a person. If you can focus on the social component, it is possible to allocate a massive and elite culture. There is a classification based on the fact that culture is perceived as a form of public consciousness, so exists:

  • political;
  • moral;
  • aesthetic;
  • religious;
  • philosophical and other cultures.

Spheres of spiritual culture

There are a large number of forms through which spiritual culture is expressed and the main options can be attributed.

  1. Myth - Historically the very first form of culture. Man used myths to join people, nature and society.
  2. Religion As a form of spiritual culture implies a separation of people from nature and purification from passions and natural strength.
  3. Moral - self-esteem and self-regulation of a person in the field of freedom. Here you can take shame, honor and conscience.
  4. Art - expresses creative reproduction of reality in artistic images. It creates a certain "second reality", through which a person expresses life experiences.
  5. Philosophy - Special type of worldview. Finding out what includes the sphere of spiritual culture, the philosophy expresses the relationship with the world and its value is impossible to miss attention.
  6. The science - Used to reproduce the world using existing patterns. Causes closely with philosophy.

The relationship of material and spiritual culture

As for the material culture, this is a subject matter of the world, which is created by a person with the use of its own labor, mind and technology. Many may seem that material and spiritual culture are two concepts between which the abyss, but it is not.

  1. Any material subject was created after a person came up with him and thought out, and the idea is a product of spiritual work.
  2. On the other hand, that the product of spiritual creativity becomes significant and has the opportunity to influence the activities and life of people, he must materialize, for example, become actions or described in the book.
  3. Material and spiritual culture are two interrelated and complementary concepts that are indivisible.

Methods for the development of spiritual culture

To understand how a person can spiritually develop, it is worth paying attention to the spheres of influence of this system. Spiritual culture and spiritual life is based on public and personal development in the moral, economic, political, religious and other directions. Getting new knowledge in the sphere of science, art and education, gives a person a chance to develop, reaching new cultural heights.

  1. The desire to improve, constantly working on themselves. Eradication of the shortcomings and the development of positive parties.
  2. It is necessary to expand its horizons and develop.
  3. Obtaining information, for example, when watching a movie or reading a book, to think about, analyzing and conclusions.