To whom the temple of Parfenon in the Athenian Acropolis. The most famous temple of Greece - Parthenon, dedicated to the goddess of Athenian Virgin

To whom the temple of Parfenon in the Athenian Acropolis. The most famous temple of Greece - Parthenon, dedicated to the goddess of Athenian Virgin
To whom the temple of Parfenon in the Athenian Acropolis. The most famous temple of Greece - Parthenon, dedicated to the goddess of Athenian Virgin

The Temple of Parfenon is one of the symbols of Greece, a monument of ancient architecture, located in the central part of the Athenian Acropolis.

Parthenon is an antique temple, the main symbol of the capital of Greece Athens and the whole country. Together with other buildings of the Athenian Acropolis, Parthenon is an object of the UNESCO World Heritage List. The temple is dedicated to the patroness of the city of Athena-virgin, which is also considered a patronage of all attics - the area around the city.

Translated from the ancient Greek Parthenon means "the prechile", "Virgo". This epithet of Athena was awarded for his virginity, which was one of the fundamental qualities of the goddess. Scientists believed that the Christian cult of the Virgin grew out of the cult of Virgo Warper, the Christian cult of the Virgin.

The temple is located in the center of Athenian Acropolis - the Upper City of Athens. Athenian Acropolis is a hill in the city center, which is a rock height of 150 m above sea level with a canopy vertex. On the top area of \u200b\u200bthe acropolis with dimensions of 300 m at 170 m, various temples, palaces and sculptures were located on the top of the archaic times.

Architecture of Parfenon

Thanks to the developed culture of the Athenian policy, the story of the people who built the temple were informed to this day. About who built Parfenon, marble plates, on which the authorities of the city recorded their decrees. The author of the project is the architect of Iktin, the architect callickrat led the construction of the temple, the great sculptor fidium produced an exterior decoration of the building and was the author of sculptures that adorned the frontons and the inner place of the temple. General management carried out a great statesman and the founder of the Athenian democracy pericles.

Parthenon is a classic ancient Greek temple, rectangular at its base, surrounded by the colonnade of the Doric Orders from all sides. The central facades have 8 columns, side - on 17, the final number of columns in Parfenone is 50.

Parthenon is interesting primarily for its unique architectural solution used in the construction of the temple. In order to avoid optical distortion, the authors of the project resorted to innovative architectural techniques: the columns were thickened in the central part, and the corners were also inclined to the center of the temple and had a slightly larger volume. During the construction of the temple, the principle of the golden section was used. Thanks to the applications used by the receptions, absolutely direct lines of the temple and its perfect appearance are created.

The temple is almost completely built from expensive Pentelian marble, and gold has been widely used in the original decoration. The temple stands on three steps of a half-meter high, from the central western facade of the building, the steps used to enter the building are cut down. The total length of the building is 70 m, width - 31 m, height - 14 m.

Not all the treasures of Parfenon reached this day: such a masterpiece of the temple is lost forever for humanity, like a 13-meter statue of Athena Parfenos, the work of the Great Sculpty Fididia, who once stood in the center of Parfenon. Of the many sculptural groups represented by the scenes from the life of the ancient gods and decorated the frontons of the building, only 11 have reached our days, another 19 sculptures in the XIX century were barbaric and exported to the UK, where they are now stored in the British Museum.

History of Athens Parfenon

Marble plates, on which the authorities of the city recorded their decrees and orders, retained the exact date for us when Parfenon was built. Construction time - 447 BC. e. The construction of the temple took 10 years, after which in 438 BC. e. It was opened. The construction of the temple dedicated to the goddess of Athena cost the urban treasury in 700 talents - more than 18 tons of silver.

In the third century BC e. Athens survived the invasion of Georulov, during which Parfenon was looted and a fire occurred in it. The roof, overlapping and doors of the temple were injured. During the restoration, the ancient builders did not seek to restore Parthenon in the original form, so architectural distortion was made to it.

About a thousand years old Parthenon was a pagan templeHowever, after the collapse of the Roman Empire and the formation of Byzantium, it was transformed into the Christian Church allegedly in the VI century. e. During the turbulent medieval history, the Balkan and Athens in particular, Parthenon became a Catholic temple, he returned to the Orthodox Constantinople Patriarchate.

In the XV century, Athens and all Greece were conquered by Omman Turks, after which Parfenon was turned into a mosque, and a military garrison was installed on the territory of the Athenian Acropolis, Palace and even Harem. A great Turkish war between the Christian states of Europe and the Ottoman Empire became a heavy blow to Parfenon. During the assault on Athens, the Venetsians in 1687, Parthenon was destroyed. The territory of the Acropolis was shelled from guns, after which the temple in which the powder warehouse was located was exploded.

The seizable city of Venetians stated the enormous damage caused to Parthenon's own artillery. Three dozen columns were destroyed, the roof collapsed, part of the sculptures were destroyed, the central section of the building collapsed. From now on, Parfenon has been turned into ruins and never used as a temple.

During the XVIII century, Parfenon was slowly destroyed: Locals used building wreckage as a building material, and numerous European antique valuables hunters exported to their countries the elements of sculptures and building decorations. Finished the picture of the destruction of Parfenon British ambassador to Turkey Thomas Bruce, at the beginning of the XIX century, which brought out more than 200 boxes with sculptures, columns, and other artifacts of Parfenon in the UK.

As a result, it is impossible to give an unequivocal answer to the question "Who destroyed Parfenon?". The destruction of the Great Temple is the work of the hands of many people: from the Ottoman rulers of Greece and residents of Athens to the connoisseurs of ancient art from Europe.

After gaining independence in the first half of the 19th century, the territory of the Acropolis was purified from later buildings, such as minaret, a medieval palace and even sculpture of the Roman period. The restoration of the temple began in the XIX century, but he prevented the earthquake of 1894, even more destroyed the building. The reconstruction of Parfenon Greek architects continued from the beginning of the 20th century until the middle of the century, after which the temple acquired a modern look. However, restoration and archaeological work after that did not stop and continue to this day.

What now

In our time, Parfenon is the main attraction of Athens, one of the national shrines of Greece and the wealth of all mankind. The ideal look of the temple, even if not completely preserved to the present day, not only gives an idea of \u200b\u200bthe cultural and technical achievements of antique Greece, but also is a symbol of the possibilities of human genius. Parthenon annually attracts millions of tourists to Athens every year, and since 1987, together with the entire territory of the Athenian Acropolis, the UNESCO World Heritage List is entered.

Where is Parfenon

Parthenon is located on the territory of the Athenian Acropolis in the heart of the Greek capital. In order to get to the hill of the Upper City, you need to get to the center of Athens. When traveling by the ground metro Athens, it is necessary to go out at the Station of the Acropolis of the Red Branch of the Athenian Metro. Also to the hill with a large pedestrian street Dionysia Aopagitis leads to the hill.

Excursions to Acropolis

You can visit the territory of the Acropolis yourself, for this it is necessary to purchase a ticket at the box office at the entrance to the territory of the archaeological monument.

Schedule of the Athenian Acropolis: 8:00 - 20:00, without days a week.

Ticket price: 12 EUR, the ticket is valid for 4 days from the date of purchase.

When visiting the Acropolis, it is strictly forbidden to touch the ancient buildings, including the columns.

Ordering an individual excursion in Acropolis and inspection of the main attractions with a Russian-speaking guide will cost 320 EUR. Also, the program of this excursion includes an overview trip to Athens. Duration of excursion: from 2 to 5 hours.

The Great Temple Parthenon was built in Athens during the heyday of Greece in the V century BC. As a gift, the goddess is a patroness of the city. Until now, this amazing temple, even being severely destroyed, does not cease to strike with its harmony and beauty. Not less fascinating and fate of Parfenon - a lot had to see him.

After the victory of the Greeks over the Persians, the Golden Age of Attica came. The actual ruler of the ancient Ellal at that time was perico, which is very popular in the people. Being a very educated person, possessing a living mind and oratory talent, a huge excerpt and hard work, he had a great influence on the impressionable citizens and successfully implemented his plans.

In Athens, the pericles deployed large-scale construction work, and it was with him that the magnificent temple ensemble rose on the Acropolis, whose crown was Parthenon. An architectural genius of iktion and callicrat and one of the best sculptors of fidi were involved in the embodiment of the grand plans.

Grand construction demanded both tremendous costs, but the pericles did not bother, for which he was more accused of wastefulness. Pericles was adamant. Speaking to residents, he explained: "The city is sufficiently supplied with necessary for the war, so surplus in cash should be used to buildings, which, after their end, will deliver to citizens of immortal glory". And citizens supported their ruler. The amount is sufficient to create a fleet of 450 triier warships for all construction.

In turn, from the architect the pericles demanded the creation of a real masterpiece, and the brilliant masters did not let him down. After 15 years, a unique construction was built - the majestic and at the same time light and air temple, whose architecture was not like any other.

Spacious placement of the temple (about 70x30 meters) from all sides around the perimeter surrounded the columns, such a type of buildings is called the periputor.

White marble was used as the main building material, which was brought for 20 km. This marble, which immediately after the extraction is purely white, under the influence of sun rays began to yellow, and as a result, Parfenon was painted unevenly - the north side was gray-ash color, and South-Golden yellow. But it did not spoil the temple at all, but, on the contrary, did more interesting.

During construction used dry masonry, without a building solution. Polished marble blocks were combined with iron pins (vertically) and scrapers (horizontally). Currently, the construction technologies used in its construction are actively interested in Japanese seismologists.

This temple has another unique feature. From the side of its silhouette, it seems absolutely even and impeccable, and in fact there is no direct part in its circuits. In order to level the results of the prospects, tilts, curvature or thickening of parts - columns, roofing, cornices were used. Brilliant architects have developed a unique adjustment system due to optical tricks.

Many believe that all the ancient temples had a natural color, but it was not always the case. In the ancient period, many buildings and structures tried to do colorful. It did not exception and Parthenon. The main colors dominant in his palette were blue, red and golden.
The interior decorated many different sculptures, but the main among them was the legendary 12-meter statue of Athena in the image of the Goddess of War, Athena Parfenos, - the best creation of Fidia. All clothes and weapons were made of gold plates, and elephant bone used for open parts of the body. Gold only on this statue took more tons.

Black days of Parfenon

The story of Parfenon is quite sad. The blooming of the temple fell on the flourishing of Greece, but gradually the temple lost its meaning. With the distribution of Christianity in the Roman Empire in the V century, the temple was reassembled and turned into the Byzantine Church of the Most Holy Virgin Mary.

In the XV century, after the capture of Athens, the Turks began to use the temple like a mosque. During the next siege of Athens in 1687, the Turks turned the Acropolis to the Citadel, and Parfenon is in the powder warehouse, hoping for its thick walls. But as a result of the fall of the cannonball from the most powerful explosion, the temple collapsed and its middle part remains almost nothing. In this form, the temple has become not necessary for anyone, and its looting began.

At the beginning of the XIX century with the permission of the authorities, the English diplomat took to England a huge collection of magnificent ancient Greek statues, sculptural compositions, fragments of walls with carvings.

The fate of the building was interested only when Greece gained independence. Since the 20s of the 20th century, the work on the restoration of the temple, which is being conducted to this day, are going to the grains. In addition, the Greek government is working and on returning exported fragments to the country.

As for the most important value of Parfenon - the statues of the goddess Athens ingenious fidia, it is lost irretrievably during one of the fires. Only its numerous copies stored in different museums remained. The most accurate and reliable from the preserved is the Roman marble copy of Athena Varvakion.

Of course, the hopes for the fact that once the temple will appear in an original form, there is no, but even in the current state it is a real masterpiece of architecture.

The rocky rock of the Acropolis, which dominates the center of Athens, is the largest and most majestic ancient Greek shrine dedicated, mainly the patroness of the city, Athena.

The most important events of ancient Ellinov are associated with this sacred place: the myths of ancient Athens, the biggest religious holidays, the main religious events.
The temples of the Athenian Acropolis are harmoniously combined with the natural environment and are unique masterpieces of ancient Greek architecture, expressing innovative styles and directions of correlation of classical art, they had an indelible effect on the intellectual and artistic creativity of people for many centuries.

The Acropolis of the V-th century BC, is the most accurate reflection of the magnificence, power and wealth of Athens in its highest peak - the "golden age". In the form in which the Acropolis now appears before us, he was erected after the destruction of his Persians in 480 BC. e. Then the Persians were finally crushed and the Athenians swore to restore their shrines. The reconstruction of the acropolis in 448 BC, after the battle, on the initiative of the pericla, begins.

- Temple Erehechteyon

The myth of Erechtea: Erehette was a favorite and revered Athenian king. Athens was hostured with the city of Eleusin, during the battle of Erehethei killed Eumoll, the leader of the Elexian troops, and also the son of the god of the Sea of \u200b\u200bPoseidon. For this, Rudverzz Zeus killed him with his zipper. The Athenians buried her beloved king and called him the name of the constellation - the ardition. In the same place, the architect was erected by the temple called by Erichtei.

This temple was built between 421 and 407 BC, the Golden Lamp of Callimach (Kallimachou) was kept in it. The construction of Erehechteion did not stop even during the long-lasting peloponnes.

Erehechteion was the most sacred place of worship in Athens. The ancient inhabitants of Athens in this temple worshiped Athena, Hephaest, Poseidon, Kecropos (the first Athenian king).

The whole history of the city was concentrated at this point and therefore the construction of the Erechteon temple began in this place:

♦ In this place, the dispute broke out between Athenium and Poseidon for the city's property

♦ In the northern porch of the Temple, Ereheheton is a hole where he lived by the sacred snakes of Erehton

♦ There was a grave of Kecrops

The eastern porch has six ionic columns, to the north there is a monumental entrance to the decorated gate, from the southern side of the porch with six girls, known as the Caryatids who support the arch of Erehechthion, are at the moment they are replaced with gypsum copies. Five of the Caryatid are in the new Acropolis Museum, one is in the British Museum.

Parthenon is one of the most famous monuments of ancient architecture. This 2500-year-old magnificent temple on the Acropolis in Athens survived earthquakes, fires, explosions and repeated attempts to plunder. And although Parfenon was not at some engineering breakthrough in construction, his style became a paradigm of classical architecture.

1. Acropolis in Athens

Sacred cliff.

Acropolis in Athens, where Parfenon is located, is also called the "sacred rock" and was used for defensive purposes.

2. Cultural layers

Ancient story of Parfenon.

The cultural layers found on the slopes of the Acropolis indicate that there were settlements on the hill from 2800 BC, that is, long to the Minoan and Mycenaean cultures.

3. Acropolis was a sacred place

Acropolis is a sacred place.

Long before the construction of Parfenon Acropolis was a sacred place and there were other temples on it. Parfenon replaced the Old Temple of Athens, which was destroyed during the Persian invasion in 480 to our era.

4. House Parfenos.

House Parfenos.

The name "Parfenion" is formed from one of the many epithets of Athens (Athena Parfenos), and means "" House Parfenos "." This name was given to the temple in the 5th century BC, since the cult statue of Athena was installed inside it.

5. Construction of Parfenon

Construction of parfenon.

The construction of Parfenon began in 447 BC. and was completed in 438 BC, but the final decoration of the temple lasted until 432 BC.

6. Iktin, Callicrat and Fidi

Iktin, Kallikrat and Fidi - Parfenon architects.

Parthenon, which was built by architects Ikomet and Callicrath under the supervision of the sculption of Fidiya, according to most modern architects and historians, is the highest expression of ancient Greek architectural genius. The temple is also considered the culmination of the development of a doric order - the simplest of three classic Greek architectural styles.

7. 192 Greek warrior

192 Greek hero warrior.

Several modern historians (including the historian of art John Bordman) believe that the frieze over Doric Columns of Parthenon depicts 192 of the Greek warriors who fell in the battle of the Marathon against Persians in 490 BC.

8. Pentelikon stones

Stones from Pentelikon.

Some of the financial reports of the construction of Parfenon are preserved, which show that the largest expenses were transporting stones from Pentelikon, which was in sixteen kilometers from the Athenian Acropolis.

9. The Greek and EU government restore Parthenon for 42 years

Restoration of Parfenon.

The project of the Restoration of Parfenon (which is funded by the Greek Government and the European Union) has been continuing for 42 years. Ancient Athenians took only 10 years to build Parfenon.

10. 12-meter statue of the goddess Athens

Statue of the goddess Athena.

A rectangular building of 31 meters wide and 70 meters high was built from white marble. Surrounded by forty-six columns stood a 12-meter statue of the goddess Athena, made of wood, gold and ivory.

11. Tyran Lahar.

Tyran Lahar.

Although most of the structure remained unchanged, Parthenon caused significant damage over the centuries. It all started in 296 BC, when Athens Tiran Lahar removed the golden coating from the statue of Athens in order to pay the debt of his army.

12. In the fifth century, Parfenon was turned into a Christian church

Was Parfenon became a church.

In the fifth century, Era Parthenon was turned into a Christian church, and in 1460 a Turkish mosque was located in Parfenon. In 1687, the Omman Turks were located in the temple of the Powder warehouse, which exploded during the shelling of the temple of the Venetian army. In this case, part of the temple turned into ruins.

13. 46 external columns and 23 internal

Parfenon columns.

There were 46 external columns in Parfenon and 23 internal columns, but not everyone was preserved today. In addition, earlier in Parfenone was a roof (currently no).

14. Parthenon design is seismic resistant

Seismic resistant design.

The design of Parfenon is seismic resistant, despite the fact that the temple columns are quite thin.

15. Parthenon was used as an urban treasury

Parthenon as an urban treasury.

Parthenon was also used as an urban treasury, like many other Greek temples of that era.

16. The construction of Parfenon was not funded by the Athenians.

Parthenon as a national project.

Despite the fact that Parfenon is the most popular Athenian building of all time, its construction was not funded by the Athenians. After graduating from Persian wars, Athens steel in 447 BC, dominant force in modern Greece. The means to build the temple were taken from Dani, which other cities of the Delia League were paid to Athens.

17. The cash deposits of the Delian League were kept in opi

Optiode is the place of storage of monetary deposits.

The monetary deposits of the Delia League, which was ruled by Athens, was kept in the opi-source - the rear part of the temple.

18. Parfenon, Erehechteyon and the temple of Niki was built above the ruins of the Acropolis.

Ancient new buildings.

During the "classic period" over the ruins of the Acropolis, not only Parthenon, but also Erehechyon and the temple of Nicky.

19. First Theater in History

Dionisa Theater - First Theater in History

In addition to these structures, another important monument at the foot of the Acropolis is "Theater of Dionysus", "which is considered the first theater in history.

20. Parfenon had a multicolored facade

Facade of Parfenon.

While modern media depicts the Greek temples and facilities with a white facade, Parfenon, most likely, was a multi-colored facade. Paint erased over the centuries.

21. Parthenon appeared thanks to the pericla

Pericles - the initiator of the construction of Parfenon.

The pericles probably was the most outstanding Athenian statesman in history. Thanks to him, the city appeared by Parfenon.

22. The temple sculptures were sold to the British Museum

Parfenon sculptures are located in the British Museum.

From 1801 to 1803, part of the remaining sculptures of the temple was exported by the Turks (which controlled Greece at the time). These sculptures were subsequently sold by the British Museum.

23. A full-scale copy of Parfenon is located in Nashville, Tennessee

Copy of Parfenon.

Parthenon is the most populated building in the world. There are many buildings around the world that were created in the same style. There is also a full-sized copy of Parfenon, which is located in Nashville, Tennessee.

24. The opening of the Acropolis Museum took place in 2009

Acropolis Museum.

More than half a million people visited the new Acropolis Museum during the first two months after its discovery in 2009.

25. Golden Parfenon Rectangle

Golden Parfenon Rectangle.

The ratio of length to the width of the rectangle in 1,618 was considered the most pleasant for the eyes. This ratio was called Golden Proportion. In the world of mathematics, this number is called "FI" and it was named by the name of the Greek sculption of Fidia, who used a golden cross section in his sculptures. Outside, Parfenon is the perfect "golden rectangle".

Parfenon is located on the Acropolis, in the heart of Athens. Built in a strategic place, it stands out against the background of other structures of the Greek capital and visible literally from anywhere in the city. Therefore, pass by or get lost definitely will not work. You can get to it in several ways:

  • On the subway - to the station, which is called Akropolis;
  • By bus - numerous routes go to Acropolis: 106, 24, 57, 137, 230, A3, E22;
  • On trolleybus №15, 5, 1;
  • Walking - on Dionisia Areopagita Street. It leads to the mountain and leads directly to Parfenon.

History of Parfenon

For those who are a little familiar with Greece and its history, Parthenon is associated with the goddess of Athena. The temple arose as a dedication to the patroness of the city. But few people know that he stood hecatompedon in the same place in the same place - ancient temple, also dedicated to Athena.

As a replacement for the old temple, destroyed by Persians, Parfenon was built on the initiative of the pericla - the famous Athenian policy, glorified commander and reformer. To participate in construction, he attracted the sculption of Fidiya, the architects were chosen by Iki and Callicrat. The latter built a few more temples on the Acropolis, but it was Parfenon that became his main brainchild. Although it was not long for a long time, which was conceived. The construction of the future symbol of Athens occupied more than 9 years. And for each coin spent on the project, the government reported to the residents of Athens. Some of the financial references have retained a lot of interesting facts. For example, the most expensive and largest stone brought from Mountain Pendhadon located 16 km from Athens. For construction, high-quality marble also used.

Parfenon was solemnly presented to the public during the holiday of Panafiney - the largest political and religious festivities of antiquity. But a few years decorative work continued. They led the FIDI, who created the statue of Athens - she became the main decoration of Parfenon. The way she looked, worries historians for several centuries. It is said that the statue was the best work of the Fidiya. Wooden sculpture was covered with ton gold and decorated with ivory. The 13-meter statue kept a spear in one hand, the figure of Nicky - in the other.

For almost 1000 years, Parfenon served as the main temple of Greek religion. He was still integer in the IV century. AD, but by that time Athens was no more than just the provincial city of the Roman Empire with the glorious past. In V c. The statue of Athens was abducted and transported to Constantinople. Here it collapsed by several centuries later.

Then Parthenon was transformed into the Christian Church of the Virgin Mary. It inevitably led to the restructuring of the temple - pagan sculptures and some columns were removed. Most likely, even destroyed. In the XV century Parthenon was waiting for new changes. This time, Ottomans who captured the city rebuilt the once pagan temple of Athens in a mosque. However, serious destruction did not bring.

In the XVII century, during the attack of Venetians, Parthenon was literally destroyed as a result of an explosion of a powder warehouse. And only in the 1840s. His restoration began, but first of all, new and medieval buildings were removed, as well as Muslim minaret.

What Parfenon looked: the past and modernity

In ancient times, Parfenon looked majestically - as was the church of the goddess especially revered by the Greeks. He had a rectangular shape with a colonnade on all 4 sides. It is believed that the number of Dorian columns was equal to 48. Inside Parfenon, a central playground was located, also fenced with columns. And in her center there was now the lost statue of Athens.

On one of the surviving friezes of Parfenon, a scene of a festive procession, which usually accompanied Panafinei was depicted. On several sides of the temple, the pages of historical events and legends were emerged: the Trojan war, the battle of Amazons and the Greeks. As for the fronton, several statues have been preserved, and they are in a deplorable state. The originals are stored in the Athens Museum and the Acropoli Museum, and in their place they installed copies. However, half of the remaining parts of friezes and sculptures are exported to London and have not yet been returned to Greece.

By the way, the construction is unique in terms of geometry. If one end of the part of the Parthenon to put the object with a height of 15 cm, then it will be invisible from the opposite side. This means that flat designs actually have a curvature. Another secret of Parfenon "encrypted" in his columns - they are a little tilted inside. It is believed that such features allowed the temple to withstand the seismic loads, which once again confirms the skill of architects.

Modern Parfenon, as far as possible, archaeologists closer to origin. Lost brilliance and greatness to him not return, but progress is obvious. Destruction and unfinished reconstruction did not prevent Parthenon to enter the number of major monuments of the world.

Visit Parthenon

Visit the main monument to Athens can from 8:30 to 18:00.

Ticket price - 12 euros, up to 18 years visiting free.

As a lot of tourists in the tourist season, and the summer heat brings inconvenience, it is better to come here to opening or in the evening. For the convenience of tourists near Parfenon, there is a kiosk where you can buy drinks, there is a toilet and storage room - not allowed with large bags inside.

For Greece, Parthenon is not just a monument of history. This is pride and national symbol. Repeat the work of architects and create your version of Parfenon at different times tried in several cities in the world. But it was not possible to surpass a sample of the classical antique architecture.