Myths about the occurrence of man. The origin of peace and man in the myths of ancient Greece

Myths about the occurrence of man. The origin of peace and man in the myths of ancient Greece
Myths about the occurrence of man. The origin of peace and man in the myths of ancient Greece

Disputes between supporters of the theory of creatureism and evolutionary theory do not subside to this day. However, in contrast to the theory of evolution, creationism includes not one, and hundreds of different theories (if not more). In this article we will tell about the ten most unusual myths of antiquity

Disputes between supporters of the theory of creatureism and evolutionary theory do not subside to this day. However, in contrast to the theory of evolution, creationism includes not one, and hundreds of different theories (if not more). In this article we will tell about the ten most unusual myths of antiquity.

Myth about Pan-Gu

The Chinese have their own considerations about how the world arose. The most popular myth can be called the myth about Pan-Gu, a man-giant. The plot is as follows: at the dawn, the sky and the earth were close to each other so much that they merged into a single black mass.

According to the legend, this mass was an egg, and Pan-GU lived inside it, and lived for a long time - many millions of years. But one day, such a life was tired of him, and, having faded with a hunched ax, Pan-State got out of his egg, the splits of him into two parts. These parts, later become sky and earth. He was an unimaginable - such as fifty kilometers long, which, according to the standards of the ancient Chinese, was the distance between the sky and the earth.

Unfortunately for Pan-Gu and fortunately for us, Colossus was mortal and, like all mortals, died. And then Pan-State departed. But not the way we do - Pan-GU lay out truly cool: his voice turned into a thunder, his skin and bones became a solid terrestrial, and his head became space. So, his death gave life to our world.

Chernobogo and Belobog

This is one of the most significant myths of Slavs. He tells about the confrontation of good and evil - white and black gods. It all started like this: when there was only one solid sea around, Belobogi decided to create a land, sent his shadow - black - to perform all dirty work. Chernobogo did everything, as it should be, however, having kind of selfish and proudly, did not want to share power over the firm with Belobogo, deciding the latter to drown.

Beloboga from this situation was released, he did not allow himself to kill himself and even blessed the land, erected by blacks. However, with the appearance of sushi, one small problem arose: its area grew exponentially, threatening to absorb everything around.

Then Beloboga sent his delegation to Earth with the aim of to withdraw from the Chernobogo, how to stop this matter. Well, Chernoboga sat down on the goat and went to the negotiations. The delegates, seeing the hell of the Chernobogogo groaning to them, were imbued with a community of the spectacle and broke out by wild laughter. Chernobogu did not understand, he was very offended and flatly refused to talk to them.

In the meantime, Belobog, still wanting to save the Earth from dehydration, decided to arrange a surveillance for the black, make it easier for this purpose. The insect with the task has coped successfully and put the secret, which was as follows: To stop the growing sushi, it is necessary to draw a cross on it and say the cherished word - "pretty". What Belobogo did.

To say that Chernobog was not happy - not to say anything. Wanting to revenge, he cursed the Beloboga, and I cursed him very original - for my meanness, Belobogu was now supposed to eat the bee fender. However, Beloboga was not confused, and made beefolding sweets as sugar - so the honey appeared. About how people appeared, Slavs for some reason did not think ... The main thing is that there is honey.

Armenian duality

Armenian myths resemble Slavic, and also tell us about the existence of two opposite beginners - this time male and female. Unfortunately, the myth does not answer the question of how our world was created, only explains how everything is arranged. But this is less interesting, it does not become.

So, here's a brief point: the sky and the earth are a husband and a wife who divided the ocean; The sky is a city, and the land - a piece of the rock, which he keeps on his huge horns no less huge bull - when he shakes the horns, the earth is bursting on the seams from earthquakes. Here, in fact, all - so Armenians represented themselves.

There is an alternative myth, where the land is in the middle of the sea, and Leviafan swims around it, trying to grasp it for his own tail, and the constant earthquakes also explained his bultias. When Leviafan finally hesitates his tail, the life on Earth will stop and come apocalypse. Have a nice day.

Scandinavian myth about Ice Giant

It would seem that there is nothing in common between the Chinese and the scandinals - no, Vikings also had his own giant - he was initially all, only his name was IMI, and he was ice and with a club. Before his appearance, the world was divided into Sullheim and Niflheim - the kingdom of fire and ice, respectively. And between them, Ginnunghap extended, symbolizing absolute chaos, and there, from the merger of two opposing elements, Iir was born.

And now closer to us, to people. When Imir swept up, together with then, a man and a woman came out of his right armpit. Strange, yes, we understand it - well, here they are, harsh Vikings, nothing can be done. But back to the point. The man was called a storm, he had a son of Bour, and Boera had three sons - one, Vili and Ve. Three brothers were gods and ruled Asgard. It seemed to them a little, and they decided to kill the great-grandfather imir, making the world from him.

Iirm was not happy, but no one asked him. In the process, he shed a lot of blood - enough to fill the sea and oceans; From the skull of the unfortunate brothers created the heavenly arch, the bones broke out, making the mountains and cobblestones from them, and the clouds made from the plundered brains of the poor imir.

This new world and the company immediately decided to settle: so they found two beautiful woods on the seashore - ash and alder, making a man from an ash, and from Alder - a woman, thereby giving the beginning of a human race.

Greek myth about balls

Like many other peoples, the ancient Greeks believed that before our world appeared, there was only a solid chaos around. There was no Sun, nor the moon - everything was seted into one big bunch, where things were inseparable from each other.

But a certain God came, looked at the confusion around the mess, thought and decided that all this was not good, and took up the work: he separated the cold from heat, a foggy morning from a clear day and everything in such a kind.

Then he began for the land, having rolling it into the ball and dividing this ball into five parts: it was very hot on the equator, on the poles - it is extremely cold, but between the poles and the equator - just right, you can't think more comfortable. Further, from the seed of an unknown God, most likely Zeus, in the Romans known as Jupiter, the first person was created - double and also in the shape of a ball.

And then he was broken upon him, making a man and a woman from him - future us with you.

Egyptian God who loved his shadow very much

At the beginning was the Great Ocean, the name of which was "Nu", and was this ocean chaos, and there was nothing besides him. There was no, while Atum, the effort of will and thoughts, did not create herself from this chaos. Yes, there were an egg man. But further - more and more interesting. So he created himself, now it was necessary to create land in the ocean. What he did. After catching on the ground and realizing our total loneliness, the Atumu became unbearably boring, and decided to preside the gods. How? And so, with an ardent, passionate feeling for his own shadow.

Thus, fertilizing, Atuum gave birth to Shu and Tefnut, spuning them from the mouth. But, apparently, he stopped, and the newborn gods were lost in the ocean of chaos. Atuum burned, but soon, to his relief, after all, I found and re-found my children. He was so glad to reunion, which was for a long time crying, and his tears, touching the earth, fertilized her - and people have grown out of the ground, many people! Then, while people fertilize each other, Koitus occurred at Shu and Tefunut, and they gave life to other gods - more gods God gods! - Gebu and chickpeas that became the personification of the Earth and the sky.

There is another myth in which Atuma replaces RA, but this does not change the main essentially - there, too, all each other is massively fertilized.

Myth of the people of Yoruba - about the sands of life and chicken

There is such an African people - Yoruba. So, they also have their own myth about the origin of all things.

In general, it was like this: there was one God, the name was His Olorun, and one day she came to his mind - that it would be necessary to equip the land somehow (then the Earth was one solid waste from himself).

Oloraun himself did not really want to do this, so he sent his son to Earth - she won. However, at that time, the wut was more affected by the width (in fact, a gorgeous party was planned in heaven, and she just won it could not miss her).

While I was having fun, all responsibility was pulled by Odudava. Without having nothing at hand, except chicken and sand, Odudava still began to work. The principle of him was the following: he took the sand from the cup, looked him on the ground, and then gave a chicken in the sand and thoroughly drown it.

After conducting several such disadvantaged manipulations, Odudava created the land of Lef or Lly-Lef. On this, the story of the Odadava ends, and on stage again appeared, this time a drunk board - a party succeeded in glory.

And here, being in a state of divine alcohol intoxication, the son of Olorun began to create us, people. He came out of his hands out badly, and he made people with disabilities, dwarfs and freaks. Outstanding, she watched horrified and quickly fixed everything, creating people normal.

According to another version, she did not turn around and did not break, and people also made Odudaw, just having lowered us from the sky and at the same time giving themselves the status of the Lord of mankind.

Aztec "War of the Gods"

According to the myth of Aztec, no initial chaos existed. But there was a primary order - an absolute vacuum, impexually black and endless, in which the Supreme God lived in a strange way - oteetotle. He had a dual nature, possessing both female and male start, was kind, and at the same time evil, there was warm, and cold, truth and lies, white and black.

He gave rise to the rest of the gods: Witzilopochtille, Ketzalcoatlia, Teskatlipok and Ship-Toteka, which, in turn, created giants, water, fish and other gods.

Testlipota ascended to heaven, sacrificing and becoming the sun. However, there he collided with Ketzalkoatlem, joined the battle and lost him. Ketzalcoatl dropped Teskatlipota from the sky and himself became the sun. Then, Ketzalcoatl spawned people and gave them nuts.

Teskatlipoca, still taja overlooking Ketzalcoatlia, decided to recoup on his creations, turning people into monkeys. Seeing that it became with his first people, Ketzalcoatl fell into rage and caused the powerful strength of the hurricane, scattered with nasty monkeys around the world.

While Ketzalcoatl and Teskatlipok were hostile to each other, Tialyok and Chalchoutlikue also turned into the Sun, in order to continue the cycle of the day and night. However, the fierce battle of Ketzalcoatil and Teskatlipota touched them - then they were also dropped from heaven.

In the end, Ketzalcoatl and Teskatlipok ceased hostility, forgetting the past insults and creating new people from the dead bones and blood of the Ketzalcoatl - Aztecs.

Japanese "World Cup"

Japan. Again chaos, again in the form of the ocean, this time is dirty like a swamp. In this oceano-swamp, the magic reed (or reed) rose, and from this cane (or reed), as we have from the cabbage - the children were bored, their great many. Together, they were called by kotoamatswork - and this is all that they know about them, for, just born, they immediately hurried to hide in the reeds. Or in reeds.

While those hid, new gods appeared, including Idzinov and Idzinagi. They began to stir the ocean until he thickened, and the Earth was formed from it - Japan. Idzinov and Idzinagi had a son - Ebisu, who became God of all fishermen, daughter - Amateras, which became the sun, and another daughter - Tsukyui, which turned Moon. They also had another son, the last - Susanoo, for her violent spin, received the status of the god of the wind and storms.

Lotus and Om-M flower

As in many other religions, in Hinduism also appears the concept of the occurrence of the world of emptiness. Well, as from the emptiness - there was an endless ocean, in which the giant cobra swam, and was Vishnu, who slept at the Cobra on the tail. And nothing more.

Time went, the days replaced each other one by one, and it seemed that it would always be so. But one day everything around the sound announced, never before was heard - the sound of "Om-M", and earlier the empty world was overwhelmed with energy. Vishnu was awakened by sleep, and Brahma appeared from the lotus flower on his navel. Vishnu ordered Brahma to create the world, and, meanwhile, disappeared, taking a snake with him.

Brahma, sitting in a lotus pose on a lotus flower, began to work: He shared a flower into three parts, using one to create paradise and hell, another to create land, and third to create the sky. Then Brahma created animals, birds, people and trees, so all living things.

What is myths? In an ordinary understanding, it is primarily ancient, biblical and other old "fairy tales" about the creation of peace and man, stories about the acts of the ancient gods and heroes - Zeus, Apolone, Dionesis, Herakla, Argonauts, who were looking for "Golden Fleece", the Trojan war and misadventures Odyssey.

The word "myth" itself has ancient Greek origin and means "Tradition", "Tale". European peoples up to the XVI-XVII centuries. Only famous and well-known Greek and Roman myths were known, later they became aware of the Arab, Indian, Germanic, Slavic, Indian legends and their heroes. Over time, first scientists, and then the myths of the peoples of Australia, Oceania, Africa turned out to be accessible to the public. It turned out that the basis of the sacred books of Christians, Muslims, Buddhists also lie various mythological traditions recycling.

What is surprising: it was found that at a certain stage of historical development, more or less developed mythology existed almost all the well-known science of the peoples that some plots and stories are in one way or another in the mythological cycles of different peoples.

So the question arose about the origin of the myth. Today, most scientists led to the opinion that the secret of the origin of the myth should be sought in the fact that mythological consciousness was an ancient form of understanding and understanding the world, understanding nature, society and a person. The myth arose from the needs of ancient people in the awareness of the environmental and social elements, the essence of man.

The peculiarities of this method of understanding the world will be told below, after we consider the question of the content of mythical legends.

Among the whole many mythical legends and stories, it is customary to allocate several major cycles. Let's call them:

  • - cosmogonic myths - myths about the origin of the world and the universe;
  • - anthropogonic myths - myths about the origin of man and human society;
  • - myths about cultural heroes - myths about the origin and introduction of certain cultural goods;
  • - ESChatological myths - myths about the "end of the world", the end of times.

Let us dwell on the characteristics of these mythical cycles.

Cosmogonic myths are usually divided into two groups:

Development myths

Myths of Creation

In the myths of the development of the origin of the world and the Universe, the evolution is explained by the transformation of a certain shapeless initial state,

preceding world and universe.

These may be chaos (ancient Greek mythology), non-existence (ancient Egyptian, Scandinavian and others. Mythology). "... everything was in a state of unknown, everything is cold, everything is in silence: all the imaginary, quiet, and the sky of the sky was empty from

myths of Central America.

In the myths of creation, the focus is on approval that the world is created

from some initial elements (fire, water, air, earth) Supernatural Being - God, sorcerer, Creator (Creator may have the appearance of a person or animal Gagara, Crows, Coyota). The famous example of the myths of creation is a biblical story about seven days Creation: "And God said: Yes, there will be a light ... And God separated the light from darkness. And called God the light day, and darkness at night.

Very often, these motifs are combined in one myth: a detailed description of the initial state is completed by a detailed story about the circumstances of the creation of the Universe.

Anthropogonic myths are an integral part of the myths of cosmogonic. According to many myths, a person creates a wide variety of materials: nuts, wood, dust, clay. Most often, the Creator creates a man first, then a woman. The first person is usually endowed with the gift of immortality, but he loses it and becomes the origins of mortal humanity (this is the biblical adam, having born fruits from the tree of knowledge of good and evil). In some nations, the statement about the origin of a person from the ancestors of the animal (monkey, bear, crow, swan) was told.

The myths about cultural heroes say about how humanity has mastered the secrets of crafts, agriculture, saddown life, the use of fire - in other words, how those or other cultural benefits were introduced into his life. The most famous myth of this kind is an ancient Greek legend of Promethea, a cousin of Zeus. Prometheus (in a literal translation - "Thought before", "foreseen") endowed the mind of miserable people, taught them to build at home, ships, to engage in crafts, wearing clothes, count, write and read, distinguish between the seasons, bring victims to gods, guess, introduced State starts and rules of living life. Prometheus gave a man a fire, for which he was laid by Zeus: chained to the mountains of the Caucasus, he tolerates terrible torments - the eagle spreads him the liver, which grows daily again.

The eschatological myths tell about the fate of mankind, about the coming of the "end of the world" and the onset of the "end of times". The most important in the cultural and historical process was played by eschatological representations, formulated in the famous biblical "apocalypse": the second coming of Christ is coming - he will come not as a victim, but as a terrible judgment, subject to the court of living and the dead. "End of time" will come, and the righteous will be predetermined to the life of the eternal, sinners to the eternal torment.

World Egg and Birth of the World.

The ancient Slavs existed several legends about where the world and its inhabitants came from. Many nations (the ancient Greeks, Iranians, the Chinese) have existed myths that the world arose from the egg. Similar legends and fairy tales can also be found at the Slavs. In a fairy tale about the three kingdoms, the hero goes to search for three princes in the underground world. At first he gets into the copper kingdom, then - in silver and gold. Each princess gives a hero on the egg, in which he turns into turns, concludes every kingdom. Selecting on the white light, he throws eggs to the ground and unfolds all three kingdoms.

One of the old legends reads: "At first, when there was nothing in the world, except the bustling sea, a duck, flying over him, dropped an egg to the aqueous punch. The egg split, and the mother's mother came out of its lower part, and the high arch of heavenly stood up from the top.

Another legend binds the appearance of the world with a hero duel with a snake that the golden egg rang. Killed the hero of the snake, the egg split the egg - the three kingdoms came out of it: heavenly, earthly and underground.

But how did the Carpathian Slavs told about the birth of the world:

When it was the beginning of the world, then there was no sky, nor the earth, only the blue sea, and among the sea - the oak tall, sat down on the oak two wondrous pigeons, began to think how to light the light? We will go down on the bottom of the sea, we bring fine sand, fine sand, gold stone. Shallow sand we will fall, we'll take a golden stone. With fine sand - Black Earth, Voddy's student, Green grass. From the Golden Stone - Blue Sky, Blue Sky, Light Sun, Clear Month and All Stars.

God creates the sky and the sea (the tale of the Russian peasants).

The pagan ideas about the beginning of the world after the adoption of Christianity experienced a strong influence of a new religion. Christianity gave a more slender picture of creation. The people's interpretation of the Christian myth meet in many legends. Here is one of them.

Before the creation of the world, a bright God was sitting on the air, and there was light on behalf of him at seventy times the bright day, and his clothes are white, the light of the sun. There was no sky, no land, no sea, there were no clouds, no stars, no days or nights. And God said: Let the sky crystal, and the dawn, and the stars. And the wind blew from the depths of his own, and was skewed in the east in the beauty of His glory, and the Thunder approved in the iron chariot. Then God looked at the end to the ground and saw that at the bottom was unformed and empty. He thought about how best to arrange the land, and from those Duma the darkness rose dark, and from the thoughts of God got clouds and fogs. From the clouds discouraged the rain clouds and the rain went. He lied until the blue sea differed at the bottom.

God and Satan create land. But not only biblical stories affected folk ideas, but also forbidden by the Church of heretical books, in which the world created not only God, but also Satan. The idea that the world is a constant struggle of good and evil (God and Satan), it was close and understandable to the people's worldview. This is how they told about the creation of land in the Russian north.

God descended to the sea through the air and sailed in it with white Gogol, until he met Satan, flewing black Gahol. They decided to raise the ground from the bottom of the sea. God ordered Satan:

"Duck to the bottom of the sea and pull out a few grains of the earth with the words" in the name of the Lord, Go, the Earth, for me, "and carry me up.

But the crap schitril and wanted to do land only for one herself, and did not mention the name of God. He dived into the Pochin, and when he snapped, it turned out that he had no grain in his hands. Dived another time - and again failure.

Then he prayed to God for help, and God helped him. Got Satan from the bottom handy of the earth. From that hand, God created even places and fields, and the damn endowed the impassableness, gorges and high mountains. This is how it happened:

When Satan took the land on the command of God from the bottom of the sea, he gave it to God not all, he strained a little behind his cheek. When God commanded the land abandoned by him on the surface of the sea, grow, the earth began to grow and behind Satan's cheek. He began to spit it out, and the mountains, swamps and other fruitless places came from the spruits of Satan.

What the earth keeps. Having created the Earth, God strengthened her at the fish, which swims in the sea. Every seven years, the fish is descended, it rises, why are it rainy, and others dry. When the fish turns over to another side, there is an earthquake.

And they say that the earth rests on the "water high", water - on the stone, the stone is on four gold whales floating in the fiery river. And all together holds on the iron oak, which stands on the power of God.

This is how Serbian legend says about it:

What keeps the earth? - Water high. What keeps water? - Stone flat. What does the stone hold? - Four golden whales. What keeps whales? - Fire river. What keeps fire? - Oak Iron, he was first planted, his root on the strength of God is worth.

World wood. The whole world of Slavs represented itself in the form of a huge oak - the world tree, which was located all living things. The branches of the tree went to the sky, the roots - under the ground. At the top stood the sun, the moon and the stars. Birds lived in the branches. Under the roots of the tree, snakes and other residents of the underground kingdom were inhabited. A tree dropping leaves and coming forward again, personified the eternal cycle of life and death.

Creation of man.

Almost all the legends of the Slavs about the origin of a person go back to the biblical legend about how God created a man from clay, from the ground, from the dust. True, and here the biblical story is complemented by the plot about the participation of Satan in this matter. Most often it was said that the body of a man created a cracked, and God invested the soul in him.

Ancient Russian chronicle tells about how they talked about the creation of people of Magheva-pagans:

God washed in the bath and sweated, sank with a rag (cloth) and threw it from heaven to the ground. And Satan hung up with God, who will create a man from her. And created the devil of man, and God invested in him. Because he will die, his body goes to the ground, and the soul to God.

It is found at the Slavs and ancient legend about the creation of people from the egg. God, cutting the eggs on the halves, threw them on the ground. Here, from one half a man was obtained, and from another - a woman. Men and women formed from the halves of one eggs find each other and marry. Some halves hit the swamp and died there. Therefore, their second halves cannot find themselves a couple and spend their lives alone.

Creation of animals.

According to Russian national legends in the creation of most animals, like a person, God and Satan took part. This is how, for example, the dog's creation is stated.

The dog created God from the remains of that clay, which remained from the creation of a person. At first, the dog was without wool, so when God left her watching her just the elusive first people, she froze, curled up and fell asleep. Trucks to the people of Satan and rubbed them. When God, seeing gloomy people, began to roam the dog, she said: "So I froze. Give me wool, then I will be a faithful watchman. " And God gave a dog's wool. On another legend, this Satan gave a dog wool in exchange for the opportunity to approach first people.

Unclean animals created by the devil were considered the Slavs mouse, hares, crows, cores, as well as night birds - owls, owls, Filin. "God's birds" were called the pigeon, swallow, nightingale, larks, stork.

But the Bear of the Eastern Slavs was considered an animal pure, originating from God, a peculiar twin of a person. It is possible that such a representation has been preserved from those times when the bear was one of the incarnations of pagan veles.

"Darkness initial" - all the same chaos, was present in the ideas of the ancient Slavs as Western and eastern.

"And there was a darkness of the original, and lived in that darkness the mother of time, the great mother of Molly and Eternity - Sva. And the heart of her, she wanted to know the laughter of the children's laugh, tender handle, and she took her warmth of his soul, and, holding in her hands, rolled into the spiral, rolled the embryo fiery. And from that fiery embryo made his son. And the son of the fiery embryo was born, and serpently born from the umbilical cord, the name of him - Firth.

And he became a snakes wise friend Son Sva - Svawy. Playing, they grew together. And it became boringly welded with his mother, for he became a young man. And he also had children of small. And he asked his mother to help him. Mother of time agreed. She took his heart and gave swallowing this snake wise. Much time passed. And once woke up Svarog. He took the Bogatyrsky staff and touched the tail of the snake-firth. And fell out of the snake egg.

His mother time picked up and, breaking, the star did. Once again, I pressed the weld with a staff on the tail of the snake of the fiery, and a child (son or daughter) was born with Goddem. So they were born all the children of his time - sva.

How does all the lives appear in the world?

Skulling Svarog, lay down on a snake-friend and curled snakes, becoming a lie for the twinth of his own. Mother of time, the goddess of eternity, wanted to surprise his son. I took the stars clear in the palm, I sorted with a snake the skin of the old, smalla all this in the dust of silver. Swan swan's hands, and dust scattered in the sky. And from that dust all the lively nodded. And there is no day, not two and not a thousand years.

The man was also made, only in the body of his great mother of just a soul invested. The soul of the one is the breath of the sleeping son of the Svarog. Maybe that is why the soul is sleeping in our body and wakes up only in a godine difficult. Maybe it's right, for, if I thought a person only about the sublime, not worrying about the bread of urgent, people would have died out. Know, born man and God, and snake. From being enclosed in it and good, and bad. Left half of the snoverene, and the right - star. It is only important to follow him, so that the bad and good, evil and good, were in balance, he will only win. If the evil will be more - the soul is burning in the flame fiery, in the flame of anger and envy. And there will be no benefit from life, no joy. Kohl welcome, it will be boring for people a person who is strongly righteous than coming. He is taken without a measure. Insertions of it not from the heart often go. Wood is such a person and ridiculous.

But the Father with Mother loves all their children. Everyone of them baby mil in his own way. Loves the Svarog and Friend's Friend Forter. Once a year, the weld is walking with the staff in the sky and from those steps of the star and the space is born, the form, time.

But not forever, like people, stars in the sky. It is not eternal and welw himself. Everything has death and birth. It will come for an hour, and destroy the Svaroga friend, friend's friend, snake fiery. He swells from graze the fire is fatigious, like a thousand hot suns. And the stars in the flame will die. And all living things will die in the light of white. But, dilding, will be revived. There will be an update. So it was already so it will be. And at the death of gods and snake of the fiery, the souls of them and the soul of people in a single whole, in one common spiral, and makes it a whole mother of time. And add to it a particle of his soul. And it will appear from this with time the embryo fiery, and fire, earth and water will appear, and first everything will happen, and it will return to the circles. So it was, there will be ... "

Legends and myths of ancient Greece (Il.) Kun Nikolai Albertovich

The origin of peace and gods

The origin of peace and gods

Myths about the gods and their struggle with the giants and titans are presented mainly on the poem of the Gesiod "Theogony" ("The Origin of the Gods"). Some legends are also borrowed from the poems of Homer "Iliad" and "Odyssey" and the poems of the Roman poet of Ovid "Metamorphosis" ("Transformations").

At the beginning there was only an eternal, limitless, dark chaos. It consisted of the life of the world. Everything arose from an infinite chaos - the whole world and immortal gods. The goddess Earth occurred from chaos - Gay. She spread out, the mighty, giving life to everything that lives and grows on it. Far underground, as far as far from us is an immense, bright sky, a gloomy tartar was born in an immeasurable depth - a terrible abyss, full of eternal darkness. From chaos, a source of life, born and mighty force, all reviving love - Eros. The world began to be created. Unlimited chaos gave rise to eternal darkness - ereb and dark night - Nyukta. And from nights and darkness there were eternal light - ether and a joyful bright day - hemer. The light spilled around the world, and began to replace each other night and day.

Mighty, the gracious Earth gave rise to the boundless blue sky - uranium, and spread the sky above the ground. Gondo the high mountains born to him, born, and widespread the ever-noisy sea. Mother-Earth was born sky, mountains and sea, and they have no father.

Uranus - Sky - reigned in the world. He took his fellow earth in his wife. Six sons and six daughters - mighty, terrible titans - was uranium and gay. Their son, Titanium Ocean, flowing, like a steady river, the whole land, and the goddess Fetis gave rise to all rivers that rub their waves to the sea, and the sea goddesses - Oceanid. Titanium Gipperion and Tayya gave the world of children: the Sun - Helios, the Luna - Selena and the ruddy dawn - Retail EOS (Aurora). From astraya and the EOS, all the stars were burning on the dark night sky, and all the winds: a stormy northern wind Borea, East Evr, wet South Music and Western gentle wind Marshmallow, carrying heavy clouds rain.

In addition to titans, the mighty land of three giants - cyclops with one eye in the forehead - and three tremendous, like mountains, fifty-headed giants - storuchny (hacatonheirov), named because of each of them. Against their terrible strength, nothing can resist, their natural power does not know the limit.

God crown is the father of God Zeus. (Bust III century BC)

The Uranian of his children-giants was hated, in the bowels of the Goddess of the Earth he concluded them in a deep darkness and did not allow them to go into the world. The mother suffered their land. It gave her a terrible burden, concluded in her depths. She caused their children, titans, and convinced them to rebel against the father of uranium, but they were afraid to raise her hand on his father. Only the youngest of them, a cunning crown, the cunning minor his father and took power from him.

The goddess of the night gave birth to the punishment of the crown of a whole premium of terrible deities: Tanat - Death, Eridu - Oddor, Apathu - Deception, Ker - Destruction, Hynosa - Sleeping with the ROOM of Gloomy, Heavy Venions, who does not know the mercy of Nemoxide - messages for crimes, and many others. Horror, discord, deception, struggle and misfortunes made these gods to the world where the crown came across the throne.

From the book History, myths and gods of the ancient Slavs Author Pigulevskaya Irina Stanislavovna

The pantheon of the gods from the Slavic tribes was a lot of gods, which should be brought to certain sacrifices, regularly hold rites, so that the gods do not forget about people and helped them. Many rites were carried out directly at home or in OVIN in front of small "images" of gods and

From the book History of Russia in the life writings of its main figures. Second department Author

by Elford Alan.

From the books of the gods of the new millennium [with illustrations] by Elford Alan.

From the books of the gods of the new millennium [with illustrations] by Elford Alan.

From the book dictatorship bastards author Solonevich Ivan.

The feast of the gods in Russian poetry there are lines in which it was concentrated that this revolutionary and heroic mood: Blessed, who visited this Mirb, his moments of the sounder called upon all the trade, as the interlocutor on the PI. And of this kind in Russian poetry are an exception:

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2. The origin of the world and people in the "Book of Genesis", the first of the oldest sacred books of the Jewish people, is talking about how people appeared on earth, as the people were made up and how the people of Jewish were distinguished from them. Bog created the sky, the earth and all what is on them in

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5. The origin of Ermak and the origin of Cortes in the previous chapter, we have already reported that, according to Romanov historians, information about the past Ermak is extremely scarce. According to legend, Grandfather Ermak was a suburban man of Suzdal. The famous grandson was born somewhere in

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The world of the gods of Babylonians worshiped a whole host of various gods, whose origin can be traced from Sumerian times. By borrowing the gods of the Sumerian Pantheon, they mostly changed their names, while the functions and the appointment of God remained unchanged. Already

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Earth gods? Modern Japan does not look a suitable place for one of the most developed industrial cultures in the world - the four fifth territories occupy the mountains, the land is poor minerals and sources of energy, the islands periodically suffer from typhoons, earthquakes and

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The wrath of the gods is not for nothing they say: whom the gods want to punish, deprive the mind, - this is exactly what happened to the Pontic king. Because, instead of continuing the victorious offensive and start freeing the cities of Malaya Asia, where he was looking forward to him as well

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The names of the gods should begin with the name of the Supreme God of Greek Pantheon - Zeus. The name Zeus - Zeus is very characteristic of Latin's ending "US". This is the end of the noun male genus in the nominative case. In the Etruscan, the end of "US" was also used, although

Author Gofman Oksana Robertovna

The battles of the gods each invests his dream and hope, its truth in the beauty of this legend is the most beautiful of all historical Russian traditions. I. Glazunov. Russia is crucified and here we appear a new mirror reflection - the face of the silent

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Is the insidual of the gods exist if the magic of arcama? That's the question. Almost the same as, was the kite? Of course, the television was, and Arcaim's magic remains magic to this day. Let's start with the fact that the magic is laid in the arcama itself. Tired of civilization a man here

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III. From the Altrastadt world to the Prothesk World of Russia with Turkey, the People's uprising was disturbed by Peter in the east of the state, and the invasion of the Swedes was preparing from the West. After reconciling August with Karl and the Failure of the Polish king from the crown, Poland remained indefinite

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Chapter Fifth. The origin of the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks and the story of them to the impostor. - Description of their country and tomine. - Healthwoman on Don. - The origin of the Don Cossacks and their relations to the Moscow State. - The impostor comes into service for the prince of Vishnesetsky. - Gen.