How to get rest in the shower. "Bodyray" posture - the path to mental equilibrium

How to get rest in the shower.
How to get rest in the shower. "Bodyray" posture - the path to mental equilibrium

Do not worry because of trifles or things, ordinary and inevitable.

What is calm

  • Calm is a state of mind, in which there are no internal conflicts and contradictions, and external items are perceived equally balanced.
  • Calm is the ability to maintain the clarity of the mind and the sobriety of the mind under any external circumstances.
  • Calm is an expression of sincere confidence in life and the world around.
  • Calm is the composure and strength of the character of a person, they help survive in a non-standard situation and succeed under normal circumstances.
  • Calm is a skill in any situation to act rationally, taking into account only logical conclusions, and not an emotional explosion.

How to find and keep calm, stop nervous and worry.

Context: Calm! Only calm! It must be kept in any situation. Another question is not all of all. But, thanks to the knowledge of how to keep calm, it is easier to find the right solution, exit from any situation, reduce the number of errors.

Excited state is one of the most important barriers to the rational decision of the affairs. So long lose confidence, forces, develop various fears and complexes. All the famous fact is that people are calm attract others. Especially those who are calm, coolly and rationally solve various problematic situations, causing admiration and respect for others.

Problem: be able to restrain yourself under any circumstances. As they speak in the people: "Keep yourself in your hands ..." try to be in a state of mental balance.

Solution: how to gain a mental balance after the nervous breakdown. Even more difficult to avoid the rapid manifestation of emotions while internally, you are not so calm. In order for a calm condition to become your usual, normal state, you have to train. Emotion calm should be automatically turned on in time. It becomes possible if you pay enough time to work on yourself.

How to achieve soulful equilibrium I. calm

  • Quiet place.To begin with, follow the link to QUIET PLACE.It instantly helps to relax. Now just remember it every time you want to calm down.
  • Vera. The believer man is always confident that everything in life is and bad, and good - it makes sense, and any adversity is a good lesson and the opportunity to learn about their mistakes. Thus, faith gives a deep feeling of calm.
  • Psychological trainings. Trainings of inner calm can help a person to overcome insecurity and get rid of fears; And as a result, to cultivate peace of mind.
  • Self improvement. The basis of calm is self-confidence; By eliminating complexes and pressure, raising self-esteem, a person is approaching the state of calm.
  • Education. For calm it is necessary to understand - to understand the nature of things and their relationship is needed education.

Similar features: restraint, composure
Golden mean: Mensiness, panic, emotional lability, hystericality - the complete absence of inner calm. Indifference, indifference - excess calm based on egoism

Inner harmony, calm and order, general mental equilibrium is the desired states of each person. Our life mainly passes on a swing - from negative emotions into a state of joy, euphoria, and back.

How to find and keep the point of equilibrium so that the world is perceived positively, calmly, nothing annoyed, did not scare, and the present moment brought inspiration and joy? Is it possible to find a long sincere equilibrium? Yes, perhaps! Moreover, the real freedom comes with calmness and simple happiness to live.

These are simple rules, and they work strictly. You just need to stop thinking how to change, and start applying them.

1. Stop asking: "Why did it happen to me?" Ask yourself another question: "What happened wonderful? What good can it turn into for me? " Good have surely, just need to see it. Any problem may result in a real gift. More if you consider it as a chance, and not as a punishment or injustice.

2. Develop gratitude. Every evening let out the results: what can I say "Thank you" to the past day. If peace of mind is lost - remember the good things that you have, and about what you can thank life.

3. Load the body with exercise. Remember that the brain most actively produces "Hormones of happiness" (endorphins and enkephalins) precisely during physical training. Therefore, if you have overcome problems, anxiety, insomnia - go outside and walk for several hours. A quick step or run will be distracted from sad thoughts, they will raise the brain with oxygen and raise the level of positive hormones.

4. Work out the "free posture" and come up with a happy pose. The body knows how to help great when you need to return the mental balance. It "remembers" the feeling of joy if you just straighten your back, make your shoulders, will breathe and smile. Consciously hold yourself some time in such a posture, and you will see that thoughts in the head become calmer, confident and happy.

5. Return yourself to the state "here and now." Easily exercise helps to get rid of alarm: look around, focus on what you see. Start mentally "voice" a picture, inserting as many words "now" and "here." For example: "I'm going on the street now, the sun shines here. Now I see a man, he carries yellow flowers ... ", etc. Life consists only of the moments "Now", do not forget about it.

6. Do not exaggerate your problems. After all, if you even fuck you close to my eyes, it will acquire the size of an elephant! If some experience seems to you insurmountable, think, as if ten years have passed ... how many problems have already been before - you decided them all. Therefore, this trouble will be, do not dive into it with your head!

7. Laugh more. Try to find something funny in the current state of affairs. It does not work - then just find a reason for sincere laughter. Look at the funny movie, remember the funny case. The power of laughter is just amazing! Sincere equilibrium is often refunded after a good dose of humor.

8. Forgive more. Researches are like heavy, bad smelling stones that you everywhere with you. What peaceful calm can be with such a cargo? Therefore, do not hold the evil. People are just people, they cannot be perfect and always carry only good. So forgive the offenders and forgive yourself.

10. Chat more. Any pain hidden inside is multiplied and brings new sad fruits. Therefore, share your experiences, discuss them with loved ones, look for their support. Do not forget that a person is not intended for loneliness. The mental equilibrium can be found only in close relationships - friendly, loved births.

11. Pray and meditate. Do not allow bad evil thoughts to control you, sow panic, pain and irritation. Change them to short prayers - appeal to God or meditation - no-thinking condition. Stay the unmanaged internal conversation stream. This is the basis of a kind and stable mental state.

How to get rid of negative emotions, return sincere equilibrium and health? You will help these useful tips!

Why are more and more people seeking to gain a mental equilibrium?

Nowadays, people live very restlessly, due to various negative realities of a political, economic and social nature. A powerful flow of negative information is added to this, which is collapsed on people from television screens, from news sites of the Internet and newspaper pages.

Modern medicine is often unable to remove stress. It is not able to cope with mental and physical disorders, various diseases that are caused by a violation of sincere equilibrium due to negative emotions, anxiety, anxiety, fear, despair, etc.

Such emotions destructively act on the human body at the cellular level, they deplete its vitality, lead to premature aging.

Insomnia and decay of forces, hypertension and diabetes, heart disease and stomach, oncological diseases - this is not a complete list of those serious ailments, the main reason for which the stressful states of the body arising from such harmful emotions may become.

Plato once said: "The biggest mistake of doctors is that they are trying to treat the body of a person, not trying to cure his soul; However, the soul and body are one of the whole, and they cannot be treated apart! "

Passed century, even the Millennium, but this saying the great philosopher of antiquity remains fair and these days. In modern life conditions, the problem of psychological support of people, the protection of their psyche from negative emotions has become extremely relevant.

1. Healthy sleep!

First of all, it is important to have a healthy, strong sleep, because it has a powerful soothing effect on a person. About a third of their life, a person spends in a dream, i.e. In a state where the body restores its vitality.

Full sleep is extremely important for health. The brain during sleep is diagnosed with all functional systems of the body and launches the mechanisms of their self-healing. As a result, the nervous and immune systems are strengthened, the metabolism, blood pressure, blood sugar, etc. are normalized, etc.

In a dream, the processes of wound healing and burns are accelerated. People having a full dream, less often suffer from chronic diseases.

Sleep gives many other positive effects, and most importantly, the human body is updated in a dream, which means it slows down and even accesses the process of aging.

To sleep is full, the day should be active, but not tedious, and dinner is early and easy. After him, it is advisable to take a walk in the fresh air. The brain needs to give a couple of hours of rest before bedtime. Avoid viewing the TV shows loading the brain and exciting the nervous system.

It is undesirable to also try to solve any serious problems at this time. It is better to go easy reading or a calm conversation.

Before bedtime, check your bedroom, and in the warm season, leave windows open. Try to purchase a good orthopedic mattress for sleep. Nightwear should be lightweight and well fitted.

Your latest thoughts before falling asleep should be associated with gratitude for the past day and hope for a good future.

If you wake up in the morning, you feel the tide of cheerfulness and energy, it means that your dream was strong, healthy, refreshing and rejuvenating.

2. Rest from everything!

We are accustomed to every day to perform hygienic, wellness procedures related to care for the physical health of our body. It is a shower or bath, cleaning teeth, morning gymnastics.

It is just as regularly desirable to perform certain psychological procedures that cause a calm, peaceful state contributing to spiritual health. Here is one of these procedures.

Daily in the midst of a busy day should be postponed for ten - fifteen minutes all things and stay in silence. Sit in a secluded place and think about something that completely distracts you from the daily concerns and insertion into the state of serenity and peace.

It may be, for example, presented in the mind of a beautiful, majestic nature: the contours of mountain peaks, as if drawn against the blue sky, silver moon light, reflected by the sea, green forest glade, surrounded by slender trees, etc.

Another sedative procedure is the immersion of the mind in silence.

Sit or lie in a quiet, secluded place for ten and fifteen minutes and relax the muscles. Then focus your attention on some particular subject in sight. Watch him, look at it. Soon you will want to close your eyes, your eyelids are withdrawn and empty.

Start listening to your breath. Thus, you will be distracted from foreign sounds. Feel the pleasure of immersion in silence and the state of serenity. Calmly watch how your mind is silent, individual thoughts float somewhere.

The ability to disable thoughts does not come immediately, but the benefit from this process is huge, because as a result you achieve the highest degree of peace of mind, and the rested brain significantly increases its performance.

3. Day dream!

In health purposes and to relieve stress it is recommended to include a so-called siest in the day, widely practiced mainly in Hispanic countries. This afternoon day dream, the duration of which usually does not exceed 30 minutes.

Such a dream restores the energy costs of the first half of the day, relieves fatigue, helps a person to become calm and rested and with fresh forces to return to active activities.

Psychologically, Siesta as it may give a man two days in one, and it creates peace of mind.

4. Positive thoughts!

At first, soaps are born, but only then the action. Therefore, it is so important to direct thoughts in the right direction. In the morning, charge positive energy, positively configure yourself for the coming day, pronouncing mentally or loud following the following statements:

"Today I will be calm and businesslike, friendly and friend. I will be able to successfully fulfill everything that I needed, I can fine with all the problems emerging. No one and nothing will bring me out of the state of soul equilibrium. "

5. Calm state of mind!

It is also useful during the day with the purpose of self-sustaining to periodically repeat keywords: "calm", "serenity". They have a soothing effect.

If any disturbing thought will appear in the mind, try to immediately displace it with an optimistic message to myself, setting you that everything will be fine.

Any dark puff of fear, anxiety, anxiety, hanging over your mind, try to break through the bright rays of joy and completely dispel it with the power of positive thinking.

Call for help also your sense of humor. It is important to customize yourself so as not to worry about trifles. Well, what if you did not have a tricky, but really a serious problem?

Usually, a person responds to the threats of the surrounding world, worried about the fate of his family, children and grandchildren, fears various vital adversities, such as war, illness, loss of loved ones, loss of love, collapse in business, failures in work, unemployment, poverty, etc. P.

But if this happens, then it is necessary to show composure, reasonableness, to outstand an anxiety from consciousness, which does not help anything. It does not give answers to questions arising in life, but only leads to the Skyatice in thoughts, useless waste of vitality and undermining health.

The calm condition of the mind allows to objectively analyze emerging life situations, make optimal solutions and, thus, to resist adversities, overcome difficulties.

So in any situations, let your conscious choice will always be calm.

All fears and alarms refer to the future. They injected stressful state. So, to remove stress, it is necessary that these thoughts dissipate, weathered from your consciousness. Try so much to change your globility to live in the present time.

6. Own rhythm of life!

Concentrate your thoughts at the present moment, live "here and now", be grateful to everyone safely lived day. Customize yourself so that it is easy to treat life, as if you have nothing to lose.

When you are busy work, then distract from restless thoughts. But you should develop a natural, and therefore, the pace of work corresponding to your character warehouse.

Yes, and all your life must pass in a natural pace. Try to get rid of the hurry and fuss. Do not strain excessively your strength, do not waste too much vital energy to make all things and solve problems arising. Work should be performed easily, it is easy, and for this it is important to apply rational techniques for its organization.

7. Proper organization of working time!

If, for example, work is office character, then on the table, leave only those papers that are related to the task that is solved at this time. Determine the priority order of tasks facing you and clearly follow this order when they are solved.

Break immediately only for one task and try to figure it out thoroughly. If you have received enough information to develop a solution, then do not hesitate with its adoption. Psychologists found that fatigue contributes to the emergence of anxiety. Therefore, organize your work so that you can start resting before the appearance of fatigue.

With a rational organization of work, you will be wondering how easy it is to cope with your duties, solve the tasks.

It is known that if the work is creative, interesting, fascinating, then the brain is practically not tired, and the body is tired significantly less. Fatigue causes mainly emotional factors - monotony and monotony, hurry, tension, anxiety. Therefore, it is so important that the work makes the interest and sense of satisfaction. Serene and happy those who are absorbed in their favorite business.

8. Confidence in your abilities!

We develop confidence in our own strength, in the ability to successfully cope with all cases, solve problems arising before you. Well, if you don't have time to do something, or some problem is not solved, then you should not worry and get upset.

Consider what you did everything from you, and accept the inevitable. It is known that a person is easy enough to humble with unwanted life situations for him, if he understands that they are inevitable, and then forgets about them.

Memory is the wonderful ability of the human mind. It allows a person to accumulate knowledge so necessary to him in life. But not any information should be memorized. Learn art selectively memorizing mostly good what happened to you in life, and forget bad.

Fix your life luck in mind, remember them more often.

This will help you maintain an optimistic attachment that displaces anxiety. If you intend to develop a mindset, which will bring you peace and happiness, then follow the vital philosophy of joy. Under the law of attraction, joyful thoughts attract joyful events in life.

Review all my heart on any, let the smallest joy. The larger in your life even small joys, the less concern, more health, vitality.

After all, positive emotions are healing. Moreover, they heal not only the soul, but also the body of a person, since it is displaced toxic for the body a negative energy, maintain homeostasis.

Creation to achieve mental equilibrium and harmony in your home, creating a peaceful, friendly atmosphere in it, chat more often with children. Play with them, watch their behavior and learn from them to the immediate perception of life.

At least for a short time, immerse yourself in such an amazing, beautiful, serene world of childhood, where a lot of light, joy and love. Pets can affect the atmosphere.

It helps to maintain mental equilibrium, relax after a strained day is also calm, quiet, melodic music and singing. In general, try your home to become the inadequate of peace, peace and love.

Taking away from their problems, show more interest in others. In your communication, conversations with relatives, friends and acquaintances, let it be as little as possible of the negative nature, but more positive, jokes and laughter.

Try to make good deeds that cause joyful, grateful response in someone's souls. Then you will be calm and good. Making good others, you, thereby helping yourself. So fill your souls kindness and love. Live quietly, in harmony with you and the outside world.

Oleg Goroshin

There is everything for a successful life!

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Notes and thematic articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Homeostasis - self-regulation, the ability of an open system to maintain the constancy of its internal state through coordinated reactions aimed at maintaining dynamic equilibrium (Wikipedia).

FROM poor It helps to achieve internal equilibrium, which is so necessary in everyday life. Sometimes, even minor problems can lead to the fact that the soul will be "not in place." But in order to remain a balanced person, it is necessary, at least occasionally, to bring in soul order and calm down.

If you feel that you have become an inexplicable anxiety, quarrel without reasons with relatives and friends, often raise the voice to others,

you are clearly not fine. So, you need to find free time, at least one day, in order to relax and lead yourself to the norm. Even in the case of serious trouble, you can always find a way to remove yourself for a while. After all, ignoring the state of your inner world, you risk gaining health problems, and will be offended by people who love you, but can not understand this



Postpone all the affairs and care, take the rang

at work

Send a husband (wife) and

to visit to relatives, turn off the phone, forget about all sources of information. Stay alone with yourself and spend this day in

his pleasure

So that nothing bothered the absolute rest around you. Sleep off, then take a bath with some relaxing, aromatic butter or foam. Next, listen to soothing music or, for example, records such as the sounds of nature, the sea, etc. You can pamper yourself with something


These small joy

make you almost new


Able to rejoice in life.

After rest you will have the strength and can spend the evening with your loved ones


Visit some place with which you are connected with pleasant memories. A pleasant society and the situation will help your soul calm down.

If you have the opportunity, go on vacation. For example, to the sea. Water Snimika

And the change in the situation and activity will be allowed to achieve inner harmony. Perhaps on those problems that seemed to be unresolute, you look with other eyes. Understand that sincere equilibrium is necessary for a calm, measured life.

A successful person can be determined not only by its achievements, but also by the internal satisfaction. It often manifests itself in life in the form of raised mood and enthusiasm. When looking at such a person, you can immediately say that it is in its place. That's just to find this place not everyone and not always succeeded on the first attempt.

What does "be in place" mean

On the question of what "his place in life" is, you can give several answer options. For someone to be in its place means to successfully make a career or take place in a professional sense. Another person is enough to find a hobby in the shower, which will fully realize the internal creative potential. Third consider themselves in their place when they are surrounded by people close to the spirit.

Regardless of the individual value of this concept, find its place means to be in the comfort zone. In such an atmosphere, a person feels confident, does not doubt and does not spend time looking for his destination. Being in its place, the personality is satisfied, peace and peace. Even inevitable small troubles, without which it is difficult to do in life, they are not able to withdraw such a person from the state of spiritual equilibrium.

Searches for your place in life

Almost every person, with rare exceptions, builds his life by samples and errors. It is not so often you can meet those who have already realized their destiny, chose your professional path and the scope of application of its natural talents. To make the search for an optimal life path with the most short, it makes sense to engage in self-analysis.

A peculiar inventory of their abilities and interests will help to find your own place in life. To get into your destination and feel yourself in your place, it is important that the case that a person chooses as the main thing was in harmony with internal installations and human preferences. If you choose a niche for yourself to which you do not have interest, you can feel "not in your plate" until the end of your days.

Best of all, if in the process of finding a profession, a person will deepen such a matter for himself, which he causes sincere interest. To achieve professional success, you have to be given to work entirely, without a balance. It will be very difficult to maintain the necessary motivation if the case you do does not cause you enthusiasm. In this sense, find your place means finding the case you will be engaged with hobby.

Those who are still in finding their place in life and in thought, one can recommend a very strong psychological move. It consists in conscious expansion of the usual comfort zone. For this, it is enough to visit the places where you have not had before, to do business, which you consider to be unbearable for yourself, to get acquainted with new people or even completely change your surroundings.

Going beyond the same zone of life comfort, a person expands its capabilities and is often encountered on the most unexpected areas of application of their abilities. At first, the exit beyond the usual can cause uncertainty in their forces and temporary discomfort. But for many people, such a decision becomes an effective way to better know ourselves and fully realize their personal potential.

Rest in soul - what it is? This is a harmonious look at the world, calm and self-confidence, the ability to rejoice and forgive, cope with complex situations. Internal harmony is not so often found in the modern world, where everyone has a tight schedule of affairs and responsibilities, so it simply lacks a minute to stop and admire the sunset. Observe B. soul Peace is possible. Psychologists give several advice on this.


and harmony are impossible without joy and

in the heart. Do not be afraid to give your time and share my


energy, refer to people positively. If you expect from the surrounding good actions, see the best in people and treat them from all over

You can find that there are a lot of wonderful people around you. Treating people positively and friendly, you will notice that they are responsible for you. When


everything is fine

in a relationship

with the rest of people, it is a good base for internal equilibrium.

Treat problems not as trouble, so inappropriately poured on your head, but how to task you need to perform. Many rushes to accusers colleagues, acquaintances and relatives, they are ready to reveal all the secrets of their lives with a fellow traveler, complaining of life all the way, but they do not ask themselves what is the true reason


And she often lies in the very


Try to understand if there is something that bothers you in you? Sometimes to gain harmony, you need and

change Do not blame yourself, but work on yourself.

Goodbye others. All make mistakes. If there are people who you can't forgive, you can not forget what they caused you -


you can't reach at home. Justice is the category of law, and there it is not always achieved, and man judges "by grace", so forgive. Moreover, forgiveness should not only be forgiven, but also yourself! This is very important, because many

can't forgive yourself some kind of laughter, accusing yourself in all failures.


From this there is a life, and not at all of serious and big events. If it is possible to make some small business that will delight your loved ones - do not miss the case to make it. Such things at first glance seem insignificant, but they allow to achieve a permanent good spirit, and from this to


selief is one step.

Planning something, tell yourself not "I have to do it," and "I want to do it." After all, most of the cases you "must"

In fact, are your planned and desired affairs that you really want to do. For example, without experiencing desires right now to go to the store for flour, you still have conceived it to bake something tasty and please your family. That is, in reality you should not go for the purchase, but you want to do it to achieve your goal.

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The relationship between stress and depression

how to find peace of mind - how to become happy how to gain peace of mind

Often you can hear how people complain that they can't find peace of mind. If you determine it as an inner and external human harmony, then this may mean reconciliation with him and the surrounding reality. This is a condition when you do not have internal contradictions and adjusted calm, friendly relations with those who are next to you. The peace of mind is necessary that all the misfortunes and diseases cost you.

In one of the biblical parables it is said that a person suffering that he had no shoes, comforted when he saw a man who had no feet. If you are bad, then send your strength not to suffering, but to help other people. If someone from your loved ones or friends is even harder, suggest your participation, help him. A grateful look will be enough for you to feel peace and happiness from what someone has become easier.

When you understand that your life and your happiness depend only on you, that only you know all of all that you need and cease to make complaints to others, then you will stop annoying and deceive in your expectations. Never copy the resentment, forgive people who have done to hurt you. Communicate with those who are pleasant and yours

peace of mind

will be strengthened every day.

Hell appreciate life and notice how beautiful it is. Enjoy every minute everybody lived during the day. Understand that the external environment depends on your internal state. Depending on the mood, the attitude to the same phenomena changes. So control yourself and do not let malice and envy influence your world weight. Do not condemn other people, let them give themselves assessments.

Do not treat troubles as a punishment and barrier, be grateful to the fate for helping you to have their own character, achieve our goal, overcoming them. In any trouble and failure, look for positive moments and find them. Do not perceive every trifle as a confirmation that everything is in the world against you. Refuse negative and become free.

Live the present, because the past has already passed and suffer from it - a waste of time. The future begins today, so be happy with what you have now. Fill your soul with warmth and light, love and appreciate those who are next to you today, so as not to regret that they did not see and not appreciated it.

Sincere calm allows you to bring your emotional state by order. A man becomes more cheerful and happy. The quality and speed of work increases noticeably, and the relationship with the surrounding people is improved. But how to find peace of mind?

Manage your thoughts. Do not let the negative curb your feelings. If subconsciously look for bad in the surrounding things, they will soon be completely consisting of flaws. Program your consciousness on the positive stream of emotions. Teach him to see good even where nothing good seems to be. Learn to control thoughts. This will concentrate on truly important things.

Live today. The main enemy of the soul rest is the mistakes of the past and constant experience. It is necessary to confess to itself that the unrest will not help change the situation. It is better to take specific actions so that this error is not exactly no longer happening. Find positive parties in this unsuccessful experience, just stop being crowded because of a silly oversight.

Focus on your purpose. When a person knows what she strives, his mental state becomes very stable. Do not doubt that you will achieve the desired one. Just continue to go despite all the obstacles. Constantly imagine that you have already received what you wanted. This will give you an additional influx for the fight against the negative.

Sit in silence. A few minutes of this practice make it possible to remove emotional and physical tension, fatigue and mental concern. At such moments, you can argue about life and make plans for the future. Regular reflections in silence make it possible to quickly find peace of mind.

The fussiness of modern life makes more often think about how to find the inner rest. After all, so I want to achieve equilibrium and arrive in the world with yourself. Make it in a state every person who dares to look at her life from the side and change it.

Love yourself. Learn how to take yourself as you are. With all the shortcomings, weaknesses and other frightening moments. Appreciate yourself, your personality and your body.

Move your favorite thing. Do not lose your life forces on the occupation that you do not like. Choose a profession that will bring pleasure. If you take a position that contradicts your inner world, do not be afraid to leave it and retrain the area that has always attracted you.

Surround yourself with loved ones and loving people. Without them, internal equilibrium is quite difficult to achieve. Of course, self-sufficiency plays an important role, but it is our friends who will come to the rescue when the misfortune happens in life, and they will share all your victories.

Dedicate your care time. This applies not only to the outer shell, but also in the inner world. Stay alone with yourself in order to feel your condition, get rid of the alarms, rejoice at the achievements.

Arrange priorities. Decide for yourself what is more important for you. It may be a family, work, your personal interests or the interests of the group (family, working team). As soon as you understand what exactly takes most of your thoughts, you can focus on this and work more in the right direction. Over time, it will contribute to the acquisition of inner peace and harmony, because you will cease to disturb that you, for example, pay little time to your son.

To reconcile with external circumstances that you cannot influence. The adoption of the conditions and rules of the game is an important aspect of the inner rest. Try to understand that life will not always be like you dreamed. But this does not mean that you need to lower your hands.


If anxiety and irritability have become your companions for a long time, and you cannot get rid of them from them, try to refer to the psychologist. Perhaps your problems lie in relationships with parents who are unresolved from childhood and so on.

There are periods when it seems that the whole world turned against you, everything that happens around is seen gray and dull, and the future is bladder. Looking at yourself from the outside, think about: Are you trying to deal with the reality of life? Net for the absence of harmony and mental equilibrium is completely useless. After all, find both in your power.

Try to realize for yourself:

what is he doing

you are unhappy and prevents from the acquisition of peace of mind? At the moment, the circumstances are formed exactly as it is. Of course, you are forced to reckon with them, but there is always a chance to change everything for the better. Guided by this, you will learn to restore sincere


Remember to establish peace and quiet in the soul, there are always two possibilities: change the situation or your attitude to it.

The necessary and rational stages of human development are crisis. Do not be afraid of them, they are given to people as a chance for personal growth, in order to discard everything too much, take a new form, climb the next step, become themselves. Little child to get a toy, you need to learn how to crawl, get up on your feet and walk. The man is so arranged that all his development, since the birth and to death, is due to the difficulties in achieving the desired one.

Roll off your soul offense to others, get rid of anger, guilt, fear, disappointments and expectations - become free. Someone criticized you? Realize that if the criticizing right, then you have nothing to be offended by him, because he only told the truth. If his statements are unfounded, then all this has nothing to do with you. Understand that your anger does not change anything, but only aggravates the situation. There is nothing that you should be afraid, because in your power to change the complex situation at any time. Suffer from remorse of conscience, experiencing a sense of guilt - stupid. Much more wisely - learn from your mistakes. Getting rid of expectations, you stop


And also offended and angry.

Learn to perceive yourself, others and life itself are definitely - such as everything is really. Frequently from the usual stereotypes, old samples of behavior, representations, masks, roles. Try to live in reality, fully in present. Through this liberation will come by impuditability associated with the acquisition of harmony and mental health.

observer gain

It is impossible to feel a completely happy person if constantly accompanies spiritual discomfort. In such a state, it is not possible to enjoy life fully. Nothing pleases - neither the ascending warm sun, nor the successes of relatives and loved ones or their own achievements. But if true harmony and spiritual equilibrium reigns, then every morning, even if Monday is long-awaited and joyful. A happy personality with great anticipation refers to any events, new meetings, season seasons. Why is this happening? What is the secret of truly happy people, why is it easy to find harmony and equilibrium, and there is no other?

Happiness in our hands

Another great petrel - Maxim Gorky argued that each of us was born for a happy life as well as any bird for flights. Agree, with such a statement can not disagree. But most mistakenly believe that happiness is something that does not depend on us. This feeling or is given by the Lord God, or not. In fact, we hurry nice to disappoint a banal phrase - happiness in your hands. Feel the mental harmony, you can also with your own efforts. Moreover, psychologists are confident that happiness is easy to upbringing. Want to know a simple recipe - carefully study the valuable recommendations and strictly follow the rules below.

Do not narrow the range of goals

First of all, it is not necessary for finding happiness to become the sole purpose. She comes unexpectedly to those who do not expect it. If all the time think about this main component of harmonious existence, then you can, as they say "ignite." And the waiting time will turn into a terrible nightmare, torture. Do different things - while joy is on the way, do not stop enjoying life, catch successful moments and enjoy. Perhaps there will be situations of failures, trouble - do not be discouraged. Fate sometimes presents lessons, learning us to be more patient and wise.

There is no such thing that there is a solid black strip, the laws of life are not so arranged. It will definitely flagend gray, then white and everything, as they say, get out. So, we study gold and universal rules, thanks to which the Lighthouse of Hope, joy and prosperous existence on our beautiful land will definitely flashed in the life of each reader.

Rules of happy life

There are some things that cannot be purchased for any wealth on the planet. These include our health that should be taken care of young nails. Many begin to think about their body too late, the code is observed serious diseases. But to preserve health in good condition is not completely difficult if it is not about congenital pathologies. What is needed for this:

Good health

  1. Get up with sunrise. No in vain, people from ancient times wake up early in the morning. After all, the biological clock, the daytime day of the day, a certain time of sleep - all this is not so invented so. And notice - those who get up with roosters, start working on time - always in winning. Such everything is laid, they have stable and good earnings, in the house there is always clean, cozy, warm and satisfying. Ringing early enough time for everything - to work, rest, entertainment, chat with family. And they do not need to constantly hurry, there is enough time stock.
  2. Daily make medicinal gymnastics. Let it be aerobics, ordinary movements, yoga, qigong - does not matter. Due to activity, the person has improved blood flow, congestive, inflammatory processes, excellent coordination, a sharp mind, a good mood excluded. Also, exercise is not allowed to accumulate excess fat, toxins and increase the level of harmful cholesterol. Consequently, vessels, gastrointestinal organs, heart, lungs, bone and nervous systems are preserved in good condition.
  3. After classes, be sure to accept the contrasting souls, bring the hard towel - activate all the points, let the skin be silent with freshness, the microcirculation of blood improves. Thanks to this procedure, skin cover will always be pulled out, the sections of the brain are activated, which is responsible for calm, self-control, vision, hearing, appetite. Immediately after the shower, it fits ease, sticks a colossal stream of energy, cheerfulness.
  4. Fit correctly. Yes, each of us is sining for smoked, oily, sweet food. It is not necessary to completely eliminate the harmful products, just consume them in a minimal amount and occasionally. Run on vegetables, fruits, seafood, fish, white meat, nuts.
  5. Drink as much water as possible. Normally, you need to consume at least 2 liters per day, can be added to the diet of green tea, herbal decoction, compotes, juices.
  6. Work in moderation. You do not need to break down and try to do everything in one day. Labor should be light and relaxed. Only so you can enjoy your type of activity and at the same time preserve health. The same applies to and study. Treat your path as a subscription for a promising future. Learn for pleasure, but not be lazy.
  7. The road home should not be accompanied by alcohol consumption. Better take a glass of light drink - tea, smoothie, medical cocktail.
  8. During breakfast, dinner and dinner. No need to overeat, light snacks from nuts, pears, etc. are also useful.
  9. Any meal should be held behind a family table in the presence of all households. It is not enough that the table must be freshly prepared dishes, and a positive attitude is important. Eating between laughter, jokes, in the atmosphere of benevolence and mutual respect is an important aspect for excellent health.
  10. On time go to bed. No need to look at the TV in which the mass of negative. Better turn on the old comedy or light music, and at the o'clock 21-00 go on peace. The body needs to rest and dreams to plunge into the Heap of pure bed linen to see sweet and rainbow dreams.

Additionally, it must be said that if any mental problems arise, - contact a specialist. A visit to a psychologist is not a shame, but a banal way to solve trouble with the participation of a professional in relations.

Spiritual health

Most often, spiritual discomfort arises due to psychological problems. There is a confusion of investigation and causes. For example, ladies who did not work out to feel happy with some kind of man, most often negatively relate to all representatives of the strong half. One word - goats! Is everything so unequivocal? Maybe it makes sense to pay attention to your own behavior. It is important to analyze all the steps that preceded the separation. Believe me, self-criticism did not interfere with anyone. If an unpleasant situation arose, be kindes, treat your person with humor and do not consider you that only bad personalities surround you.

Optimism, openness and kindness will become an excellent key to a benevolent relationship from the side, especially the men attracts.

Learn to say "Thank you"

Our generation is perhaps the most ungrateful. Psychologists claim that ungrateful people, in the end, remain in complete loneliness and they do not like others. Here we are talking not only about specific thanks for something. We do not know how to be grateful for giving us life. Strange, but even in the presence of a good house, excellent work, healthy and cute children, a successful marriage man manages to resent and ramp. Even worse when we do not notice kindness aimed at our side from others. We accept everything as proper and forget to note that this is a gift of fate.

The cause of everything is a selfish nature for which only little and all bad. Need more and more. Does it remind you of anything from Russian literature? Remember ... The old grandmother from a fairy tale about the Golden Fish also Roptala, and it was all a little. And with which it remains - with a broken trick. Instructive, you know, the story that is not superfluous to re-read again.

It is impossible to feel the happiness fully, if not being grateful. Learn to say thanks to parents, children, spouses, friends and life for everything you have and what else is not. At the moment the harmony and peace will be reigned.

You are already happy

You always need to be sure that happiness in your life is already there. Even if the stress situation arose - be optimistic. Be sure to convince yourself that it is not for long. Switch your attention to something positive. Selfhood, selflessness will not lead to anything good, but will aggravate the depressive state. What happiness in such cases can be said.

Pay attention to the kids. They will never "soar" about what they were told. On the negative of the baby short memory. And adults are just doing that as if the beads hang on the thread all the experiences, fragments of colleagues, rudeness of teenagers, loss of a wallet, a shortage of time. In effect, a spoiled mood and increasing, like a snowball, depression, sad thoughts, etc.

Do not customize trouble

Someone wise said that thoughts have a property to materialize. Permanent fears, fears that something will happen, an accident will be granted, a terrible disease is born, children will grow bad people, will lead to the fact that all this will come true. If the spouse will constantly hear in his address that he is a womanizer, at a certain point his eyes will be addressed towards other women. Stop, stop senseless hysteries, eliminate pessimism, look at the future only with widely open eyes, full of good hope for happiness.

Program down fate

In order to program your life only for good luck, success and well-being, deal with your own feelings. If negative is constantly arising, you are in the depressed state, and there is no reason for this - it's bad. Well, this person cannot have a chance to have a harmonious existence. Imagine that your thoughts are a sheet with a negative, and immediately break this leaflet in the mind, from which only problems. Think about what brings pleasure, it raises a smile - about the noise of waves, a light night breeze, remember the smile of your baby, the moment when we gave flowers, or pleased with the pleasant news.

Manage your setting

Probably most familiar to the condition when, with a completely cloudless state of affairs, sadness arises, sadness, insult. In short, the cat scraper on the soul. It may also be possible so that with serious troubles, the opposite is rising sharply.

  • first, you need to consult a doctor and check health;
  • secondly, in no case do not take on important things in this state. Especially if the mood is bad.

The situation will recover very quickly, in any case, the soul will be relieved, joy will arise, and then you can dip with your head in serious negotiations, to take on important projects.

Start with yourself

Do not attempt to change people, believe me - this is an ungrateful lesson. Whatever the self-criticalness of the person, with whom you communicate, but the words of criticism from you will be perceived with the negative. It is also worth understanding that learning out others is easier than changing yourself. We are always confident that smarter, more serious and wiser others. This is not the case, in any case, it believes almost everyone. The process of changes in its own attitude to the surrounding will take much less time and will pass without consequences. Moreover, having changed themselves, you will gain more friends, feel respect, which will definitely contribute to a certain harmony and equilibrium.

Think only good and live purposefully

You want to buy something to pain, buy or build a house, a car, meet the second half. Think so as if your desire was fulfilled. Imagine yourself inside beautifully furnished housing, flying at high speed expensive car. Thinking about positive enjoy, attract, go to my happiness.

Small in thoughts, your dreams should be decorated in a kind of shell. That is, put specific goals and gradually move to them. Remember Ticking from Chipollino. He dreamed of the house, but in the course he mined one brick. Specific wording gives the signal to our subconscious and all cases, plans focus precisely on achieving desired desires.

Leave workers questions at work

If conflicts arise with colleagues, the authorities were screened, the subordinates were harmed - do not think about it. Remember: working moments must remain within the borders of the office. Home You need to go light and completely cut off the negative memories associated with the current situation. Incessant self-defense, spiritual torments, fears about the loss of the workplace can lead to a nervous breakdown. Be easier, make yourself respect and let everyone understand - you are not a penalties and peace of mind and calm for you more important than the vacancy. Work can always be found, but it is difficult to restore the nerves.

Learn to forgive

Resentment, deception, rudely said word, scandal - these and other unpleasant moments are able to lead to a serious disorder. People who are not able to forgive make worse only. Unfortunately, they do not know what a wave of positive, pleasure is covered when you forgive the resentment and make up with a bite. Let then not be close relationships, but there will be no barrier that torments every minute.

This also includes unwillingness to put up with some particular feature of the character of a person. If this is not a criminal moment, not a lies - you need to forgive and accept. Remember - the older man, the worse it becomes. There were no cases that people to the old age change in a positive side. Since the character trait does not allow to continue to be in a relationship, leaving and think about a new life.

  1. . Let the main motto of your life be - "I will love and respect me only if I treat myself with love." Due to this, you will not only feel the spiritual harmony, but also become a source of good and joy.
  2. Everyone has its drawbacks. Do not dwell on your problems, physical pathologies. There are practically no perfect people in the world. Do not allow yourself to insult and humiliate, let's fight, and even better - do not communicate with Hamami.
  3. You never need to compare yourself and others. Remember once and forever - you are perfection itself, your individuality is unique, such as you - no more.
  4. Please accept your weaknesses and disadvantages. If it is not possible to correct weaknesses, transfer them to the rank of exclusivity, advantages.
  5. Work on yourself. You can improve throughout life. Improve your temper, just so you prove your love yourself.
  6. Stop looking back. Enough to worry about what others will think about you. Of course we are not talking about frank causing behavior. But live as you want. Let yourself allow yourself small joy, dip in the relationship as in the outer with your head.
  7. Encourage yourself. Any successful deal must be rewarded, so praise yourself, make yourself gifts.
  8. For whatever you fell, everything should go from the heart, at your own accord. Then it will never be a doubt that someone forced you something.
  9. Take decisions yourself. Whatever it was, everyone learns on their mistakes. Over time, your intuition and knowledge will stop letting out.
  10. Do not wear masks, be yourself. Do not play, do not pretend, do what you think right.

Communicate with people, do some hobby, let it be swimming, drawing, macrame, game on piano, etc. Select more often, breathe fresh and clean air, admire the paints of nature, listen to the rust of foliage, the noise of rain. City bustle, the noise of cars, the rapid rhythm of life is tired and bring to the soul. Privacy with friends or close by the river or the sea, hike in the forest is useful not only for mental balance and harmony, but also to strengthen health.

So far.
Sincerely, Vyacheslav.


If you feel that they began to experience an inexplicable anxiety, quarrel without reasons with relatives and friends, often raise the voice to others, then you are clearly not in order. So, you need to find free time, at least one day, in order to relax and lead yourself to the norm. Even in the case of serious trouble, you can always find a way to remove yourself for a while. After all, I ignoring the state of your inner world, you risk gaining health problems, and will also be offended by people who love you, but cannot understand such a state.

Postpone all the affairs and care, take the ran down, send a husband (wife) and to visit to relatives, turn off the phone, forget about all sources of information. Stay alone with yourself and spend this day in so that nothing bothered the absolute rest around you. Sleep off, then take a bath with some relaxing, aromatic butter or foam. Next, listen to soothing music or, for example, records such as the sounds of nature, the sea, etc. You can pamper yourself with something. These small joys will make you almost a new, able to rejoice in life again.

After rest you will have the strength and you can spend the evening with your loved ones. Visit some place with which you are connected with pleasant memories. A pleasant society and the situation will help your soul calm down.

If you have the opportunity, go on vacation. For example, to the sea. Water will remove, and the change in the situation and activities will be able to achieve inner harmony. Perhaps on those problems that seemed to be unresolute, you look with other eyes. Understand that sincere equilibrium is necessary for a calm, measured life.

Video on the topic

A successful person can be determined not only by its achievements, but also by the internal satisfaction. It often manifests itself in life in the form of raised mood and enthusiasm. When looking at such a person, you can immediately say that it is in its place. That's just to find this place not everyone and not always succeeded on the first attempt.

What does "be in place" mean

On the question of, "his place in life," you can give several answers. For someone to be in place to successfully make a career or take place in a professional sense. Another person is enough to find a hobby in the shower, which will fully realize the internal creative potential. Third consider themselves in their place when they are surrounded by people close to the spirit.

Regardless of the individual value of this concept, find its place means to be in the comfort zone. In such an atmosphere, a person feels confident, does not doubt and does not spend time looking for his destination. Being in its place, the personality is satisfied, peace and peace. Even inevitable small troubles, without which it is difficult to do in life, they are not able to withdraw such a person from the state of spiritual equilibrium.

Searches for your place in life

Almost every person, with rare exceptions, builds his life by samples and errors. It is not so often you can meet those who have already realized their destiny, chose your professional path and the scope of application of its natural talents. To make the search for an optimal life path with the most short, it makes sense to engage in self-analysis.

A peculiar inventory of their abilities and interests will help to find your own place in life. To get into your destination and feel yourself in your place, it is important that the case that a person chooses as the main thing was in harmony with internal installations and human preferences. If you choose a niche for yourself to which you do not have interest, you can feel "not in your plate" until the end of your days.

It is best if in the process of finding the profession a person will find out for himself a matter that he causes sincere interest. To achieve professional success, you have to be given to work entirely, without a balance. It will be very difficult to maintain the necessary motivation if the case you do does not cause you. In this sense, find your place means finding the case you will be engaged with hobby.

Those who are still in finding their place in life and in thought, one can recommend a very strong psychological move. It consists in conscious expansion of the usual comfort zone. For this, it is enough to visit the places where you have not had before, to do business, which you consider to be unbearable for yourself, to get acquainted with new people or even completely change your surroundings.

Going beyond the same zone of life comfort, a person expands its capabilities and is often encountered on the most unexpected areas of application of their abilities. At first, the exit beyond the usual can cause uncertainty in their forces and temporary discomfort. But for many people, such a decision becomes an effective way to better know ourselves and fully realize their personal potential.

Rest in soul - what it is? This is a harmonious look at the world, calm and self-confidence, the ability to rejoice and forgive, cope with complex situations. Internal harmony is not so often found in the modern world, where everyone has a tight schedule of affairs and responsibilities, so it simply lacks a minute to stop and admire the sunset. Observe B. soul Peace is possible. Psychologists give several advice on this.


Rest And harmony is impossible without joy and in the heart. Do not be afraid to give your time and share my soulenergy, refer to people positively. If you wait from the surrounding good actions, see the best in people and treat them with all, you can find that there are a lot of beautiful people around you. Treating people positively and friendly, you will notice that they are responsible for you. When everything is in order with the rest of people, it is a good base for internal equilibrium.

Treat problems not as trouble, so inappropriately poured on your head, but how to task you need to perform. Many rushes to accusers colleagues, acquaintances and relatives, they are ready to reveal all the secrets of their life with a fellow traveler, complaining of life all the way, but they do not ask themselves what is the true reason. And she very often lies in the very! Try to understand if there is something that bothers you in you? Sometimes to gain harmony, you need to change. Do not blame yourself, but work on yourself.

Goodbye others. All make mistakes. If there are people who you can't forgive, you can not forget what they caused you - soulyou can't reach at home. Justice is the category of law, and there it is not always achieved, and man judges "by grace", so forgive. Moreover, forgiveness should not only be forgiven, but also yourself! It is very important, because many can not forgive themselves any laughter, accusing themselves in all failures.

Rejoice. From this there is a life, and not at all of serious and big events. If it is possible to make some small business that will delight your loved ones - do not miss the case to make it. Such things at first glance seem insignificant, but they allow to achieve a permanent good spirit, and from this to soulselief is one step.

Planning something, tell yourself not "I have to do it," and "I want to do it." After all, most of the cases you "must" are actually your planned and desired affairs that you really want to do. For example, without experiencing desires right now to go to the store for flour, you still have conceived it to bake something tasty and please your family. That is, in reality you should not go for the purchase, but you want to do it to achieve your goal.

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  • how to find peace of mind - how to become happy
  • how to gain peace of mind

Often you can hear how people complain that they can't find peace of mind. If you determine it as an inner and external human harmony, then this may mean reconciliation with him and the surrounding reality. This is a condition when you do not have internal contradictions and adjusted calm, friendly relations with those who are next to you. The peace of mind is necessary that all the misfortunes and diseases cost you.


In one of the biblical parables it is said that a person suffering that he had no shoes, comforted when he saw a man who had no feet. If you are bad, then send your strength not to suffering, but to help other people. If someone from your loved ones or friends is even harder, suggest your participation, help him. A grateful look will be enough for you to feel peace and happiness from what someone has become easier.

When you understand that your life and your happiness depend only on you, that only you know all of all that you need and cease to make complaints to others, then you will stop annoying and deceive in your expectations. Never copy the resentment, forgive people who have done to hurt you. Communicate with those who are pleasant and yours will be strengthened every day.

Hell appreciate life and notice how beautiful it is. Enjoy every minute everybody lived during the day. Understand that the external environment depends on your internal state. Depending on the mood, the attitude to the same phenomena changes. So control yourself and do not let malice and envy influence your world weight. Do not condemn other people, let them give themselves assessments.

Do not treat troubles as a punishment and barrier, be grateful to the fate for helping you to have their own character, achieve our goal, overcoming them. In any trouble and failure, look for positive moments and find them. Do not perceive every trifle as a confirmation that everything is in the world against you. Refuse negative and become free.

Live the present, because the past has already passed and suffer from it - a waste of time. The future begins today, so be happy with what you have now. Fill your soul with warmth and light, love and appreciate those who are next to you today, so as not to regret that they did not see and not appreciated it.

Sincere calm allows you to bring your emotional state by order. A man becomes more cheerful and happy. The quality and speed of work increases noticeably, and the relationship with the surrounding people is improved. But how to find peace of mind?

Manage your thoughts. Do not let the negative curb your feelings. If subconsciously look for bad in the surrounding things, they will soon be completely consisting of flaws. Program your consciousness on the positive stream of emotions. Teach him to see good even where nothing good seems to be. Learn to control thoughts. This will concentrate on truly important things.

Live today. The main enemy of the soul rest is the mistakes of the past and constant experience. It is necessary to confess to itself that the unrest will not help change the situation. It is better to take specific actions so that this error is not exactly no longer happening. Find positive parties in this unsuccessful experience, just stop being crowded because of a silly oversight.

Focus on your purpose. When a person knows what she strives for, his mental state becomes very. Do not doubt that you will achieve the desired one. Just continue to go despite all the obstacles. Constantly imagine that you have already received what you wanted. This will give you an additional influx for the fight against the negative.

Sit in silence. A few minutes of this practice make it possible to remove emotional and physical tension, fatigue and mental concern. At such moments, you can argue about life and make plans for the future. Regular reflections in silence make it possible to quickly find peace of mind.

The fussiness of modern life makes more often think about how to find the inner rest. After all, so I want to achieve equilibrium and arrive in the world with yourself. Make it in a state every person who dares to look at her life from the side and change it.


Love yourself. Learn how to take yourself as you are. With all the shortcomings, weaknesses and other frightening moments. Appreciate yourself, your personality and your body.

Move your favorite thing. Do not lose your life forces on the occupation that you do not like. Choose a profession that will bring pleasure. If you take a position that contradicts your inner world, do not be afraid to leave it and retrain the area that has always attracted you.

Do you often feel ourselves "not in your plate"? Are you tormented by uncertainty, irritability, sharp change of moods? It's time to start driving emotions, rebuilding character with your own hands. You will succeed much more than you can imagine if you just try to act purposefully, attach certain efforts. Work on yourself to change for the better and start living in harmony with you. How to gain peace of mind? Pay attention to several recommendations, remember important moments. Note the plan of self-development and work on it. The person is capable of much, and you will certainly be able to overcome spiritual discomfort, you will build a life otherwise.

Overcome spiritual discomfort
Start with yourself. To gain peace of mind, you need to do self-development.
  1. Think about yourself. Sit in a relaxed atmosphere, perfectly, if there is no one in the room. Concentrate and objectively appreciate yourself. Look for positive parties. You can start with a simple: you love your loved ones, do something, learn or work. Of course, you have enough advantages so as not to think only about the negative. Focus your attention on the positive features of your character.
  2. Analyze and write down. Take a sheet, better - notepad or notebook. Write your positive qualities there. Determine what they help you, which you can achieve thanks to these features. Rate your potential.
  3. Good around. Now think about the good thing that surrounds you. Surely you don't notice much much too, perceive as granted. You have friends familiar to which it is easy to apply for advice or support, relatives. You live in the house, have the appropriate conditions. Take a look at everything under a different angle: Imagine that you have not have everything, it can be lost. Aware of the value of people around you, items and phenomena. Learn to enjoy life.
  4. Drive your diary. Try to reflect positive and negative emotions in your diary, their reasons and, of course, your systematic work on yourself. Do not forget to praise yourself for the slightest achievement.
  5. Battery positive. Any positive emotion must be developed, focus on good. Accumulate positive impressions, energy.
  6. What you need to fix. Think about those traits in yourself that you need to fix or overcome. Just immediately determine the specific plan. For example, if you are easily annoyed, prone to conflict, you need to fight with this quality. Learn to find compromises, avoid disputes, do not join the discussion. Go aside if others swear, do not let you in conflict. Write all your qualities that you decide to change, make specific action plans. Check with recordings at least once a week. Control your development yourself.
  7. Do not scold yourself. Forever get rid of the habit of scolding yourself. You are working on yourself, identify the shortcomings and correct them, and do not become the enemy yourself. Take yourself and love. Learn to evaluate yourself objectively, put real goals and move towards them. The main thing is to see the development, movement forward. Since you after a month of work on yourself, they became a little bit better, managed to gain peace of mind at least for a period of time, this is already achieving. You have something to strive next.
  8. Forget about unattainable. Rejoice unexpected victories. Try to navigate only for fulfilled tasks. Of course, it's not worth simplifying my life too much. But do not attempt to conquer an inaccessible vertex. Evaluate your strengths Head. There were doubts, it is difficult for you to say for sure whether you will be able to achieve the desired goal? Do you want to try? Of course, you do not need to limit yourself - dare. Just immediately tell me that if you can solve such a difficult task for yourself - you will exceed yourself. Then you will join. And, of course, it is impossible to be upset if you fail - after all, you immediately understood that they are not playing the winnings, you can not cope. So no reasons for experiences.
  9. Work on yourself and do not miss anything. The little things here does not happen. It is likely that your inquesture in itself, spiritual discomfort is associated with real shortcomings that prevent you from living. Remember: In the work on yourself it is important to do everything thoroughly, to understand every nuance thoroughly. For example, normal diffraction can lead to a variety of conflicts, problems, permanent experiences and anxieties. Determine such flaws as interference that prevent you from going on. Just remove them from the road, just do it seriously - forever. Take life into your hands.
  10. Do not compare yourself with others. Never begin to engage in self-defense, comparing yourself with other people. We all have different potential, opportunities and characters. Each person is a person. Evaluate the possibilities, proceeding only from their personal traits character, as well as those qualities that you are going to work out.
Work on yourself, but do not criticize yourself. Take yourself with all the shortcomings, while do not forget to constantly improve. Let you not confuse the planning of actions. Drive the diary, set up psychologically. You can also do and meditation, self-sufficiency. If necessary, consult a psychologist - there is nothing strange in this, the specialists are just learning, practiced to help people.

You and the world around. Give peace of mind: do good and get rid of negative
Concentrate on positive emotions. To find peace of mind and harmony will help you not only common sense, the ability to work on yourself, but also sincere positive attitude towards peace and others. Remember how in my childhood everything seemed friendly and mysterious. Have you learned a lot bad? It does not matter! Now you need to start opening the world anew, using experience, knowledge. Learn to your mistakes and enjoy the moment.

  1. Leave envy. Never envy others. You can't know that a person in the soul, which is waiting for him ahead, how his life will make even after a couple of hours. Think about yourself and do not compare yourself with others.
  2. Learn to forgive and forget bad. Try to learn to forgive. It will relieve you from many unrest, irritability. Forgive it is impossible? Then forget the bad together with the man who brought him. Examine forever from life, as if nothing was. And do not remember.
  3. Do not carry the negative. Do not take part in intrigues, do not takect, do not carry the negative with you - it will certainly be back to you, it will be disturbed, to sharpen from the inside.
  4. Treat more carefully to people. Make yourself more often about your loved ones, offer them help. Be careful and delicate.
  5. Do good. Do not skimp on kind words and deeds. You will be much easier to find peace of mind when you yourself will see the positive results of your actions. And people will not forget your attitude either.
Enjoy communication with relatives and friends, admire the beauty of nature, look at the world with a smile. Try to get better, but do not scold yourself. You are capable of changing a lot and gain peaceful harmony.