World inside out leading Dmitry Komarov personal life. Dmitry Komarov and Andre Tan create a life-saving triangular globe

World inside out leading Dmitry Komarov personal life.  Dmitry Komarov and Andre Tan create a life-saving triangular globe
World inside out leading Dmitry Komarov personal life. Dmitry Komarov and Andre Tan create a life-saving triangular globe

Dmitry Komarov is a popular presenter. He was born on June 17 (twins according to the horoscope) 1983 in Kiev.

Dmitry grew up and was brought up in a very warm and sincere atmosphere. As Dmitry himself said, his father Konstantin, like his son in his youth, traveled and climbed the highest peaks. He took everything from life, trying to taste every day he lived, which he spent only for himself. His mother also enjoyed her youth, and therefore both of them did not marry for a long time, until they met each other.

Two freedom-loving people soon create a happy family. In addition to Dmitry himself, two more children were brought up. In many ways, the future journalist is grateful to his parents, because it was they who put so much positive and wonderful into him. It was they who, despite financial difficulties, were able to give many wonderful moments in his life.

The beginning of the way

He began to be interested in journalism since childhood. At the age of 12, he already wrote articles in many periodicals. After school, he entered the National University of Transport to become an engineer. After graduation, he decides to enter the University of Culture and Arts in order to become a specialist in the public.

But this is not Dmitry's only hobby, except for journalism, he also loves photography. He is a very good photographer, his work has been repeatedly shown at an exhibition in Ukraine and Russia.

In his career, there are many publications in which he worked as an editor, but the most memorable project was a travel show called "The World Inside Out".

Life inside out!

Dmitry thought for a very long time about how to create his own show in order to fully convey to the viewer all the colorfulness of a foreign country. The presenter himself very often traveled the world, taking a video camera with him in order to practice the art of shooting a little, since the thoughts of creating a program never left him.
He simply could not convey the feeling of regret that came to him every time he could not capture one moment or another in all his versatility. Green meadows, snow-capped mountains, amazing sunsets and sunrises - all this he wanted, at least for a second, to stop and provide in all its glory these beautiful landscapes that no one but nature can no longer reproduce.

Thus, his dream will eventually come true. A new travel show called "The World Inside Out" has started on the Ukrainian channel "1 + 1". The audience reacted positively to this program and waited with irresistible intrigue for the next season. The show revealed absolutely all the details of a particular country, they did not hesitate to look into their most secluded places and were happy to tell their viewers something completely new and unknown. They were ready to go into the jungle, mountains and places where you could meet the mysterious Yeti at every step. In a word, they heroically overcame all difficulties, and there were many of them, given that there were only two people in the team.


As for the personal side of the star, nothing is known about this, since Dmitry himself does not find time for novels. His schedule is simply packed with various trips, which are often extended indefinitely. That is why he is still in bachelor status. True, fans do not forget to remind Dmitry that the clock is ticking at an incredible speed, and that it is time for him to get a wife.

Komarov, at that time, replies to many of his fans that the time will come, and he himself will talk about the marriage, but for now it is better not to go in with your advice and reproaches about this.

Recently Ukrainian designer, judge of reality The names of the judges of the second season of the Model XL project have become known and the host of the program The World Inside Out presented a charitable project A Cup of Coffee. Within its framework, a soft toy in the shape of a triangular globe was created, which will be sold in the a.Tan by Andre Tan chain stores for only 99 hryvnia. The funds raised from the sale will be transferred for the treatment of sick children, who are treated with a Cup of coffee.

“We have been creating toys for many years, the money from the sale of which goes to charity. All of them have a triangular shape, and this time we also decided not to deviate from our concept by developing a triangular globe, ”explained André Tan.

This toy can be hung in the car or put on the back seat. Or give it to your child when you go to visit. You will make one child nice and save the other, - said the designer.

“Every day we receive dozens of letters asking for help and it’s very hard to realize that, unfortunately, we cannot help everyone. During the entire existence of the Cup of Coffee project, we managed to collect about 25 million UAH and save more than one life. I am happy that there are many caring people in our country who realize that it is enough just to give up something insignificant and save, even one thing, but life, ”said Komarov.

Vedchiy also spoke about his charitable plans:

“I have a birthday on June 17 - Sunday. And on Monday I want to ask my subscribers to make me a present - to transfer funds for the operation to a girl whose birthday is on June 18th, ”Komarov said.

He is a very charming and pleasant young man who is passionate about his profession and loves to travel. The host of the program about extreme travel "The World Inside Out" spends most of the time away from home, but even in distant countries he has not yet found the one that could become part of Dmitry Komarov's personal life.

But he does not seek to find a bride in some exotic country, believing that the most beautiful girls are his compatriots. Moreover, he believes that if the wife is a foreigner, then a language barrier arises in the family, preventing the spouses from understanding each other, which can result in a real disaster.

In the photo - Dmitry Komarov

The presenter admits that he met unrealistically beautiful girls while traveling the world, but after the first moments of communication he realized that they were too “different” to create a strong union in which love and mutual understanding would reign.

In addition to the mutual attraction between a man and a woman, there must be something more that will fuel future relationships, says Dmitry Komarov.

Dmitry Komarov's family

He grew up in a big friendly family surrounded by loving people. Komarov has a younger brother and sister - twins Angelina and Nikolai, whom he sometimes takes with him on short trips in their free time from work, and most often they gather with the whole family at a country dacha.

Dmitry with brother and sister

Dmitry's sister is a stylist in one of the Kiev beauty salons, and his brother has his own computer company. Komarov says that only Angelina, who is considered a first-class hairdresser, gets her hair cut, and people sign up in advance to get to her.

Dima is six years older than the twins and treats them like a father - when they were little, his parents often left him in charge, and he looked after them while dad and mom were at work.

Dmitry Komarov treats his parents with special affection - they have always been and remain an example of how to build your biography.

In the photo - the parents of Dmitry Komarov

They got married late by the standards of that time - their father was thirty-three years old, mother was twenty-seven, but this did not prevent them from becoming absolutely happy:

“Dad didn’t pay attention to who was saying what, and lived in such a way as to pass on the correct genes to me: he climbed the mountains, to the peaks of the Caucasus and the Tien Shan, went downhill skiing in the Elbrus region, traveled a lot across the Union republics. Mom in this photo is 27. It's too late for the USSR. Neighbors and grandmothers on the benches were gossiping: "Why not married?" And my mother just blissed out from life and did not pay attention to anyone. And the parents were able to create an absolutely happy family, ”says Dmitry Komarov.

They are the most beloved and close people to him, who taught his son the right attitude to life.

Personal life of Dmitry Komarov

Several times the personal life of Dmitry Komarov could have changed dramatically, but the thirty-four-year-old presenter believes that it is too early for him to tie the knot.

So far, for him, work is in the main place, because of which, in many respects, difficulties arise in order to create a family.

The host of the "World Inside Out" project rightly believes that few of the girls will agree to wait for him from long numerous expeditions.

“I have repeatedly had moments when I was already preparing my finger and picking up the ring. But then I left, and the girl understood that she would wait like this all her life and thought: why do I need you. "

So far, not a single potential wife of Dmitry Komarov has passed the test of his work, but he does not blame them for this, because every girl needs to feel a strong male shoulder nearby and feel the support of a loved one.

So far, he cannot offer this, since he is absent from home for several months a year.

With the advent of popularity, Komarov had another problem - he now has to find delicate words in order to refuse girls who, by any means, seek to establish a close relationship with him and even become his wife.

In the photo - Dmitry on another trip

He receives mountains of letters and thousands of messages on social networks not only with words of gratitude for the interesting program, but also with declarations of love and offers to meet, and he even has to hide from the most annoying fans.

Nevertheless, Dmitry is already thinking about creating a family and is not opposed to having children, but in this matter he relies on fate, and if it so happened that Dmitry Komarov's wife finally appeared and gave him a son or daughter, he would only be glad.

Dmitry's mom also can't wait for her son to start a family as soon as possible and to please them with his father with grandchildren, but so far he cannot fulfill his parents' dream in any way - Dmitry Komarov does not have enough time for his personal life, most of which he spends traveling.

The presenter says that, despite being sociable, he sometimes needs to be alone in order to concentrate on his thoughts and be in silence. He finds the opportunity for such solitude in the country, where he feels cozy and comfortable.

Sometimes he goes on trips alone in order to better understand the country in which he is and feel its life.

The first love

In the biography of Dima was the first love, which he still remembers. The first time he fell seriously in love was when he was in school. Dima made friends with a girl from the parallel class, with whom he was ready to spend all his time. He met her at the bus stop, walked her to school, and after school they prepared their homework together. This was the first true love in the personal life of Dmitry Komarov, about which he had the brightest memories.

Thoughts about the future

The project "The World Inside Out" Dmitry came up with himself at the moment when he was making his way along a dirty ford in Thailand. He suggested that viewers would be interested in watching programs about extreme travel, and he was not mistaken.

The project has become a part of Komarov's life, on which he spends a lot of time and effort, and sometimes realizes that he is very tired. Then Dmitry has thoughts that it is time to finish the project or at least take a long break, but he remembers the viewers who are waiting for new issues to be released and continues to work.

Dmitry does not exclude that in the future he will have his own business, which will certainly be associated with travel and television.

Dima started his career in journalism at school - he got a job in the popular weekly "Telenedelya", in which he ruled exclusive materials. Later he began to write articles himself, sending them to the editorial offices of such publications as Komsomolskaya Pravda and Izvestia in Ukraine.

As for his personal life, the host of "The World Inside Out" tries not to advertise its details, believing that it cannot be put on public display.

He will decide to tell about the girl who will be his wife only after he is sure that she is absolutely his person, with whom he will have the same interests and outlook on life.

He has already prepared gold, from which he is going to make wedding rings, which he personally mined in Indonesia, but so far it has not come in handy.

In the photo - Dmitry with a boy with cancer, whom he is trying to help with treatment

Dmitry Komarov also plans to create his own charitable foundation, different from many existing now, in which funds go not only to help those in need, but also to cover their own needs and expenses. One of the funds, created by Dmitry, already exists and is called "A Cup of Coffee". The idea of ​​this project is to transfer money that people spend every day on small, non-essential expenses, for example, a cup of coffee before work, they sent for treatment to children in need of expensive operations.

He has already done a lot in this direction, and there are many children whom he helps or has already helped. One of these children was the girl Katya Rychkova, who needed a difficult operation abroad, because at home she simply would not have survived. Dmitry helped raise the required amount and even sold his own expensive camera, putting it up for auction. As a result, Katya was taken to Italy, where she underwent surgery.

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Komarov Tan

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Helping is easy! Helping is important! To help is to see that in addition to your personal world there is a world outside, in which everything is not always cloudless and sometimes, just one undrinked cup of coffee can save someone's life!

On June 13, at one of the most beautiful restaurants in the capital, atmosfera restaurant, Ukrainian designer André Tan and the famous presenter and journalist Dmitry Komarov, over a cup of aromatic coffee, presented a charitable project “Cup of Coffee”. Within the framework of which there was a jointly developed soft toy in the form of a triangular globe. The toy will be sold through the Andre Tan a.Tan by Andre Tan chain of stores for only 99 hryvnia, and all the money from the sales will be transferred to the treatment of babies who are helped by the "Cup of Coffee" project

“We have been creating toys for many years, the money from the sales of which goes to charity. All of them have a triangular shape and this time we also decided not to deviate from our concept by developing a triangular globe. A toy that projects the world inside out, a break in patterns, a non-standard approach to everything that surrounds us and raises to the surface that which is so inconvenient to discuss and advertise, "commented Andre Tan on the jointly developed toy.

Andre and Dmitry said that, despite the fact that they do not always advertise, for many years they have been doing charity work and trying to help those who really need it. It was based on this experience that Dmitry Komarov's project "A Cup of Coffee" was created.


By today's standards, Dmitry grew up in a large family. He has a brother Nikolai and a sister Angelina, while he is the eldest. Dmitry Komarov's biography began in Kiev (1983). Despite the crisis of the nineties, the family was friendly, and childhood was happy, and this is completely the merit of the parents, Dmitry is sure. His parents got married late by Soviet standards. The groom was well over thirty, and the bride was 27. Moreover, they were actively “looking for themselves”, tried many professions.

In his youth, my father was fond of photography. Perhaps this influenced Dmitry's hobby, at twelve he was already taking high-quality pictures, which eventually led him to journalism. Love for travel also arose thanks to his father, or rather, his stories about his travels and hiking in the mountains. Dmitry is sure that thanks to his rich youth, his parents were able to create a happy family, having come to this already consciously in adulthood.

In one of the interviews, the journalist said that in his free time he travels around the country with the "youngest". He also likes family gatherings around the campfire in the country. My sister works as a stylist in a prestigious beauty salon, my brother is engaged in the creation of computer games. Dmitry jokes that he became a "dad" at the age of six, when twins were born, which made him more responsible and more mature than his peers. At first it was difficult, since the parents worked, and there were no grandmothers, the upbringing fell on his shoulders. But when the twins grew up, the whole trio became best friends.

Career development

Many are interested not only in the latest news about Dmitry Komarov, but also in his past. Komarov showed a craving for journalism early, he collaborated with the press at twelve, and at seventeen he was already employed at Telenedela. However, post-secondary education had nothing to do with journalism (National Transport University). He combined his studies with work, collaborating with several publications, among which was gloss (EGO, Playboy).

Then there was the experience of a special correspondent in "Komsomolskaya Pravda" and "Izvestia in Ukraine". By the third year of study, he decided that he was still not ready to say goodbye to journalism, so he entered the University of Culture and Arts.

As a journalist and photographer, he collaborated with dozens of print media, and at the same time managed to travel. He was always interested in unconventional unpopular unexplored places where there are no crowds of tourists, but there is the originality of local residents and local flavor. He traveled alone, which, according to him, made it possible to better understand an unfamiliar country, completely immerse oneself in new impressions. On trips, he photographed a lot, which later resulted in several photo exhibitions.

Once he realized that publications and photo reports could not convey the volume of what he saw, which prompted him to take an amateur photo. Later, the idea of ​​broadcasting an entertainment and educational format came up, where there would be not already boring "traditional" tourist places, but an exclusive "uncut", not a glossy presentation of hard-to-reach places, people living there, animals, curious customs and peculiarities. By the time the program "The World Inside Out" appeared, Dmitry had visited twenty countries. According to the presenter, since the beginning of his author's project, he has never been on vacation. At the end of 2010, the first episode was released on one of the Ukrainian channels. The debut season became popular, the bet on non-standard proved to be successful. This made Dmitry Komarov rapid on the career ladder. For five years, more than a hundred issues were released, which became a local record.

The world inside out

Previously, Komarov traveled with a camera and a voice recorder. And this was enough for reportages and photo exhibitions, but the desire to convey the three-dimensionality of what he saw, and not just stop the moment, he began to shoot amateur videos, which he also published periodically. Then he clearly decided for himself that he wanted to create a program. He developed a detailed plan concerning its various aspects, theoretical training was carried out until the moment of the sponsors' interest.

After that, funds were found for the first trip, intended specifically for "The World Inside Out", and a pilot release was made, which the audience saw. This was the first television experience. The cost of travel can be called modest, since the group does not live in expensive hotels. Most of the costs are related to flights, transport, guides, various "thanks" for filming (especially in Africa).

A few people are involved in the work on the project. In addition to Dmitry and the cameraman, there are two editing directors, one editor, one or several local guides are connected at the destination. The harmonious combination of music and plots rests on the shoulders of the chief editing director, sometimes after joint critical viewing, something changes. Most of the music used is licensed, the rest is pure exclusive, brought from expeditions. Its authors do not collect large venues, but their kind of music is talented and valuable for this.

The small team has disadvantages, but there are more advantages, says Dmitry. This is an opportunity to show life “as it is” imperceptibly, which is impossible if it is done by a film crew, to which others pay attention in one way or another, which changes their behavior towards less naturalness. This is mobility, when you can get into real jungle or dangerous areas. Two guys with cameras and a guide are perceived very differently.

The distribution of roles is such that the main responsibility for filming lies on the shoulders of the operator (Sasha Dmitriev), and Dmitry decides organizational and administrative issues. You have to take the necessary things with you, the number of which cannot be called a minimum. This is dictated by the task of going through the country from beginning to end; special equipment is often required.

The decision to shoot with cameras is deliberate, and although it gives its own difficulties, especially with regard to dynamics, there are other advantages that do not apply to shooting. For example, for legality in some countries you will have to pay a lot of money (sometimes it is two hundred dollars per day, and it takes two months for filming). Another disadvantage of legal filming is the compulsory accompaniment of a representative of official structures, who controls that something that cannot be shown is not filmed. Each trip gives a lot of photos, they can be seen in reports, at photo exhibitions that will be held in the future.

Before any trip, Dmitry studies all kinds of sources of information about the places he is going to. This creates two lists, one of which is where you must go, and in the other - on the contrary, and sketches of what you need to talk about. If these are tourist places, then they are shown from an unusual angle for the viewer, while much appears impromptu. At least half of the unplanned plots are already directly in the country.

Communication with guides, of whom there may be dozens, allows you to correct the initial route on the spot and find topics about which there is no information in the public domain. About three hundred hours of video material is brought from one trip. The shooting duration per day can reach two dozen hours a day. In hot countries you have to get up early, at about five in the morning, and from ten it is already hard to be outside, there is a forced break until four in the evening, and from that time the shooting gives a brighter picture.

Before the appearance of the project on television, Dmitry had a lot of experience, and already knew exactly which country to return to. Today's programs are often filmed based on past insights and findings. He is interested in "following his own footsteps", and even again to look at the heroes of past stories. Half of the topics on India and Africa were studied even during the work of the special correspondent. The author and host of the program are interested in its ratings. He periodically orders detailing to know what the viewer liked more and what prompted him to stop watching.

Of all that was on the programs, the audience was especially impressed by the tribes. According to Dmitry, it was so dangerous to stay in some of them that even local guides refused, leaving travelers alone with an unfamiliar hostile reality. But since a lot depends on the person himself, on his perception of people, the ability to find a common language with anyone, the team always "got out of the water."

Komarov believes that constant travel trains intuition, unmistakably prompting where you can work, and where it is better not to meddle. Vietnamese ethnic settlements, unlike African countries, are much more modern, they know how to make money on tourists, but the team still found the most unspoiled place by civilization, where they almost got married, putting forward, moreover, a number of conditions.

Personal life

The journalist is still not married, children, respectively, are only in the plans. And although there were novels in his life, rarely anyone is ready to put up with the excessive employment of Dmitry. And he is not ready to give up his passion for exploring the other side of exotic countries, constant long trips. According to him, he is amorous, but he takes relationships seriously, and short affairs are not for him.

He met a lot of foreign beauties, but he is skeptical about marriage with them, because when love subsides, the relationship is based on common interests, mutual understanding, and this is facilitated by a common mentality, similar values ​​absorbed from childhood. Even a high level of knowledge of a foreign language, communication with a foreign woman will not be as deep as with a girl from her native country. Dmitry's wife should be sympathetic to his lifestyle, the specifics of his work, and be able to wait a long time from expeditions.