Material culture and its structure. Spiritual and material culture

Material culture and its structure. Spiritual and material culture

Material culture is based on a rational, reproductive type of activity, expressed in objective and subject, satisfies the primary need of a person.

Composition of material culture:

Labor culture (machinery and equipment and tools, energy sources, production facilities, communications systems and energy infrastructure);

Culture of everyday life - the material side of human life (clothing, furniture, utensils, household appliances, utilities, food);

Culture of the topos or place of settlement (type of housing, structure and features of settlements).

Under material culture, artificially created items are usually understood, which allow people the optimal way to adapt to natural and social conditions of life.

The objects of material culture are created to meet the diverse needs of a person and are therefore being considered as values. Speaking about the material culture of a native people, traditionally mean such specific objects, like clothing, weapons, utensils, food, decoration, dwelling device, architectural facilities. Modern scienceExploring such artifacts capable of reconstructing the lifestyle even long disappeared peoples that are not mentioned in writing sources.

With a broader sense of material culture, there are three main elements in it.

Actually subject world created by man, buildings, roads, communications, devices, art and life objects. The development of culture is manifested in the constant expansion and complication of the world of artifacts, the "domestication" of the human habitat. A life modern man It is difficult to imagine without the most complex artificial devices - a computer, television, mobile phones etc., which lie at the base of modern information culture.

Technologies - means and technical algorithms for creating and using objects item world. Technologies are material, since embodied in specific practical ways of activity.

Technical culture are specific skills, skills, human abilities. Culture retains these skills and skills along with knowledge, broadcasting from generation to generation both theoretical and practical experience. However, in contrast to knowledge, skills and skills are formed in practical activities, usually in cash. At each stage of the development of culture, along with the complication of technologies, skills are complicated.

Culture and machinery

Technique and technology as terms and concepts. Technique and sociocultural values: categorical culture imperative in technical civilization. Essence and values \u200b\u200bof technology and technology. The nature of communication with nature, society, culture. Models further development Technique. Estimates of technology as part of culture: optimism and pessimism. Model of a new type of man and technical culture.

In the word of the technique (from ancient Greek - skill, art) designate or determine the combination of funds created by people to optimize their activities.

According to the philosopher of F. Rappe, two types of definitions of the concept of "technique" can be distinguished. The technique in the narrow sense of the word has engineering activities, in a broad - any effective methodological activity of man. It should be borne in mind that western tradition The concept of technology is closer to the concept of technology or, according to F. Rappe, technique in wide sense the words. In the east, the word "technique" see the meaning of the car. For example, educational technology There is a typical concept western cultureAnd in the East there may be a cultural protest about this: the formation of a person is likened to the machine conveyor?!

Why in the place of technology in the sense greek culture Does the technique and technology of Western culture come? Technique and technology exist as much as humanity remembers. In the diversity of ancient civilizations there is one type of technical toolkit; Technique here is something from the periphery of culture. Only in recent centuries, within the framework of the EuroCristian culture of the West, the technique and technology acquire special meaning. Technique becomes a universal phenomenon modern Mira, significantly affecting changes in all cultures of humanity. Proponents of technical civilization claim that the origins of modern global problems Not so much consequences recent decades The natural development of technology, how much is the infinite faith of Christianity in the human genius, the Christian idea of \u200b\u200ba manobogogo, the creator of the God-man. Hence the optimistic opinion on the principal solvability of the global problems of modernity.

A modern understanding of techniques has been several characteristic moments. The technique has artificial origin, that is, it is created by people in the process of extracting ideal models. Technique is rational, that is, quickly reproducing in this community. She has a utilitarian character, that is, the technique is associated with the practical needs of people and serves to meet these needs.

Technique is a cultural phenomenon that exists on the verge of nature and culture. Technique There is a part of nature, converted by man to affect nature. Social character technique attaches its dependence on the level of development of the culture of society. Technical progress, expanding human capabilities in exposure to natural processes, Will with sociocultural changes. Cultural mastering new achievements of the technique concrete community occurs quite difficult and for a long time; The development process is due to cultural traditions, including a sociocultural installation on the perception of innovation.

Technology - a set of processing methods, production of items and things. Technology - systemic education, it is associated with the technique and culture of this community. Among the signs of technology, they allocate: rational methods of activity; promoting the development of society; Submission to the dominant values \u200b\u200bof this culture.

So, the technique is an instrument of human activity, and technology is a system of effective methods of its expedient activities developed by man.

Technique and sociocultural values. In the context of modern technical civilization, the evolution of technology, primarily the introduction of new technologies depend on the sociocultural factors of this community. Thus, the traditional form of social competition of peoples ("you want to live peacefully - get ready for war") approves the priority of the development of the military-industrial complex. There is a sufficient basis for approval: the essential characteristics of the equipment are most often reflected by the community value system. The variability of the use of the technique puts the leading moral problem of technical civilization - the responsibility of scientists for the possible application of their discoveries in the art. Hence the categorical imperative of culture in technical civilization: the principles of humanism and ecology are higher than economic efficiency, technical feasibility and political benefits. It should be noted that in famous modern science traditional societies The technique is always subordinated to the values \u200b\u200bof life. It is possible that the facts of violation of this principle became one of the reasons (or causes) disorders of environmental equilibrium in the local region and the disappearance of civilizations, cultures.

The rapid development of technology, turning it into a powerful component of modern planetary civilization, caused a different interpretation of the essence and value of technology and technology. The problem of the effects of computerization of society and creating artificial intelligence is one of the most popular in discussions. The controversy of supporters and opponents led to the realization of the need for new studies of the nature of the mind, the consciousness (spirit) of a person. Special place in modern philosophical literature occupy the work on the evaluation of technology; Before designing and finance innovative projects, it is necessary to know a set of consequences of implementing a particular innovation. The comprehension of the problems of the axiology of technology in the philosophical level acquired the generality. In particular, it was noted that the perfect planning of technical progress is impossible even in a technocratic society, as it is known that turns the person to the element of the machine. Recognizing the position claiming that the criteria for the rationality of technical innovation planning should be produced outside technical, economic or political factors. The fact is that the sociocultural problem of technology-and-technology is to use it, but technology is used, as a rule, in the interests of a group of people.

Among the leading philosophical problems Techniques and technologies call the origin of the technique and the nature of its connection with nature, society, culture. So, there are concepts about the fusion of modern science and technology, in which the property of primaryness is attached to natural sciences or technique, respectively, the consequence of the technique or natural science. This discussion has a fundamental basis: scientific and technical progress begins with a large-scale theoretical understanding or random finds, which are then attached to the visibility of a solid justification. If the second is, it is possible that after testing the next technical innovation created by the inquisitive fans of the technique by the "Tyka" method, there will be no one to justify it. So, the action of a dangerous thing for the life of the child, for which the whole world is a toy, can lead to a fatal result for many. The paradigm of technical progress, as a limitless conveyor in the possibilities of improving the life of a person, developed by European thinking a couple of centuries ago, relied on the ideas of unlimitedness natural resources and perfection of a person existing autonomously from nature. These ideas are refuted by life. Is there a future technical person? Is there a future in culture, society, civilization with technique or without technology? These and similar philosophical and ideological questions give different answers.

For the existence of culture, the formulation of fundamental issues on the problem indicating that humanity grows from technical childhood is important. In this sense, the need to develop ideals (models) of further development is essential. This problem is regulatory and displays the philosophy of technology to the level of socio-cultural forecast. The traditional model (model of the scientific and technical revolution) is based on the principles of technological determinism, popular in the West. It is characterized by faith in the limitless possibilities of the human mind, which solved and solve any development problems. The general model dominating in the West is based on the restriction of technical projects for considerations of their possible harm. Technical progress is inevitable, since it is vital, but technical, economic and political staff should be educated and controlled by external institutions. This model focuses on the development of sociocultural techniques for appliances. The limit model is based on the need to limit human needs and the scope of technical innovation. The limit criterion is proposed by the threshold, followed by the satisfaction of the needs or the use of technology, is harmful than the benefit. Radical (few people in the medium of sensible people) Options for this model offer to return to the way of life of the ancestors to all mankind or the population of so-called developing countries, where the technique has not yet become the need for everyday culture.

Technique as part of cultural examines in the range of optimistic and pessimistic opinions. The concept of technical (technological) determinism includes opposite interpretations. Technocratic (power technology) Interpretations are usually associated with optimistic views on the role of equipment in culture. Negative sociocultural consequences of the implementation of achievements of scientific and technological progress Technocratic thinking prefers to be explained by braking technological development From the side of culturally backward people or groups. Catastrophic changes in the life, culture of the peoples of the whole continents, which brought by scientific and technical progress, are chosen or interpreted otherwise. The obligatory component of the optimistic interpretation of the role of equipment in society and culture is technocracy - the theory of power based on scientific and technical knowledge and the foreseement, scientific and technical competence of the political elite. The founder of the Theory of Industrial Society R. Aron believes that the reality of the modern world is not a totality of various social Systems, and a single industrial society with a variety of ideologies. As the industrial component develops, ideological differences will be moved to the periphery of culture. The contradictions of scientific and technological progress, the cultureologist, not essential, and the temporal characteristic inherent in the initial stage of development. At the next stage of development, in the so-called information society, the negative moments of the technical environment will be overcome. Pessimistic views represented mainly by philosophers, writers, artists and leaders religious organizations, consider the technique as a threat to humanity. Critics of technical civilization emphasize its mechanism, unnaturalness, the suppression of the personality technique, nature, life. Pessimists, - supporters of views on the negative impact of technology on sociocultural processes, - censes call back to traditional species Human economic activity with the rigid control of the vital activity of the community. In the past century, an option for active counteraction of technical culture appeared. Opponents of technical civilization called on to organize a counterculture to fight against the repressive mind of "Power-Knowledge", alienation of a person.

Representatives of technocracy - scientists, economic and political leaders - Joined the criticism of the negative sides of the technical civilization. They drew attention to ecological problems, on the transformation of a person in the servant and hostage of the natural development of the technical environment. According to scientists, the source of the problem in the inability of a person use the technique for the benefit of mankind and nature. It is necessary to form a different interaction of a person with appliances, another type of person who can integrate with people, exist in unity with equipment and nature.

One of them component parts Models of a new human type are technical culture. The technical background of the existence of a modern person is one for all mankind. It involves two regulatory parameters of human behavior: applying equipment according to the instruction manual and a certain tradition of using technical means. Abilities and attitudes towards labor, technological discipline and discipline of labor, form of hard work and labor skills are derived from cultural traditions societies. The conscious inclusion of technical culture into the sociocultural characteristics of a particular community and personality makes it possible to understand and adopt the technique as a organic part of the interaction of a person with humanity and nature.

Spiritual I. material culture - These are two parts of one whole. The study of one area is almost impossible without a study. The material culture implies any real achievements of humanity. For example, technical inventions, architecture, household items. The objects of material culture are very helpful in the work of archaeologists. According to real finds, they can reconstruct the life of our ancestors, their life. Material culture is the most important part of life that changes and improving every year, in accordance with the development of humanity.

Spiritual culture is also the main indicator of the civilization of people. What is included in this concept? First of all, any ideas, discoveries, concepts. For example, psychology, various works of art belong to spiritual culture. This definition includes everything that has been achieved by the force of human thought and talent.

Material culture is inextricably linked with a spiritual aspect. Before building any building or create another physical object, the intellectual forces of people were spent, their fantasy. At the same time, objects relating to spiritual culture are also expressed through material items. For example, a person created a philosophical work and introduced his readers with him through the book.

The spiritual aspect as a material culture also helps to understand, first of all, is the merit of archaeologists who study the ancient works of art and achieve thought. However, spiritual culture is investigated not only by historians. For example, the ancient beliefs, fairy tales, legends thoroughly analyzed the father of Psychoanalyz Sigmund Freud, as well as his followers. Spiritual culture makes it possible to understand what the world saw our progenitors, what was their psychology, which is very valuable for the deep and thoughtful knowledge of history.

What else can still say about these two concepts? The material and spiritual culture existed, of course, in different development versions, almost at all times. More ancient people cut on the walls of caves drawings, symbolizing animals, any everyday actions, for example, hunting.

Material culture, like spiritual, in the entire history of mankind many times experienced both ups and downs. Also changed priorities. That is, one culture became more important than the other. It is curious to consider the interest of people to the spiritual and material aspect on the example of everyone known this famous concept helps to analyze why one side of the culture becomes more important than the other. Man deprived of the main material benefits, that is, the beds, food and means to help protect themselves, is unlikely to be interested in the spiritual side of life. Personality that satisfied all its basic needs, already stretches to such areas as art, philosophy, religion.

Culture material clearly shows how far the person was able to adapt to natural conditions. Without this aspect, the existence of the state, and even a person, almost impossible. However, spiritual culture is very important for the whole society. Without it, a person would have remained a barbarian. Spiritual culture Specifies certain standards of behavior, forms ideals, develops a sense of excellent. Without it, not a single civilization is unimaginable. However, spiritual culture is not entertainment for chosen, because it includes education, and cinema, and a variety of books. The harmony of material objects and achievements of human intelligence helps to achieve a high level of existence, both a whole state and a separate person.

The embodiment of materialized human. needs. Includes all material artifacts and technologies created by human. Memo. In KM The desire of humanity is being implemented to adapt to biol. and social living conditions. A variety of human. Needs are reflected in the complex structure K.M. from land. The tools of labor and means of existence, instruments for warfare and protection against aggression to works of art, music. Tools, Relig items. cult, housing, clothes, etc. Each object as part of K.M. Represents the implementation of ideas or system of ideas.

Lit.: Harris M. Cultural Materialism: The Struggle for a Science of Culture. N.Y., 1979.

Excellent definition

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Material culture

material products, results and processes of human activity; What spiritual culture is emitted. More democritus, calling the world of the results of human creativity "the second nature ^, prompted us an understanding of K. m. How the same predefined and objective for each individual, as well as nature. At the same time, K. m. There is a result of the human release beyond the boundaries of nature, instinct, the result of the creation of what is not created by nature itself. K. m. There is in the form of artifacts - objects, phenomena and processes of artificial origin. To the circle of artifacts belong: material things created or processed by people (household goods, clothing, dwellings, tools, weapons, means of transport and communications, etc.); artificially transformed territories (cities, alignment land); material carriers of ideas and images (graphic, visual, sound, electronic records); Domesticated animals and selector plants. The practical actions of people who carry the imprint of spiritual culture, that is, reproducing sustainable samples of behavior, traditions and meanings of this culture: production activities, technologies, organizational and regulatory activities, etc. In a broad sense K. M. - This is the material side of any cultural process or activity. In the narrow sense K. m. - This is a culture of labor and material production, the culture of life, culture of attitudes towards his own body and physical education. L. A. Stampel

- its production, distribution and preservation. In this sense, under the culture often understand artistic creativity musicians, writers, actors, painters; Organization of exhibitions and director performances; Museum and library activities, etc. There are even narrower values \u200b\u200bof culture: the degree of development of anything (labor or food culture), the characteristic of a certain era or the people (Scythian or old Russian culture), the level of pupils (culture of behavior or speech), etc.

In all these interpretations of culture we are talking As about material objects (paintings, movies, buildings, books, cars), gas and intangible products (ideas, values, images, theories, traditions). Material and spiritual values \u200b\u200bcreated by man are called a material and spiritual culture, respectively.

Material culture

Under material culture Usually artificially created objects that allow people with the optimal way to adapt to natural and social conditions of life are usually understood.

Material objects are created to satisfy various and therefore are considered as values. Speaking about the material culture of a native people, traditionally mean such specific subjects, like clothing, weapons, utensils, food, decoration, dwelling device, architectural structures. Modern science, exploring such artifacts, is able to reconstruct the lifestyle even long disappeared peoples that are not mentioned in writing sources.

With a broader sense of material culture, there are three main elements in it.

  • Actually subject world Created by man, - buildings, roads, communications, devices, art and life objects. The development of culture is manifested in constant expansion and complication of the world, "domestication". The life of a modern person is difficult to imagine without the most complicated artificial devices - a computer, television, mobile phones, etc., which lie at the base of modern information culture.
  • Technologies - Funds and technical algorithms for the creation and use of objects of the objective world. Technologies are material, since embodied in specific practical ways of activity.
  • Technical culture - These are concrete skills, skills ,. Culture retains these skills and skills along with knowledge, broadcasting from generation to generation both theoretical and practical experience. However, in contrast to knowledge, skills and skills are formed in practical activities, usually in cash. At each stage of the development of culture, along with the complication of technologies, skills are complicated.

Spiritual culture

Spiritual culture Unlike material is not embodied in objects. The scope of its being is not things, but the ideal activity associated with intelligence, emotions ,.

  • Ideal forms The existence of culture does not depend on individual human opinions. This is scientific knowledge, language, established rules of morality and, etc. Sometimes this category includes the activities of education and mass media.
  • Integrating spiritual form Cultures combine the scattered elements of public and personal consciousness in solid. At the first stages of human development, the myths performed by such regulatory and unifying form. In modern times, its place was taken, and to some extent -.
  • Subjective spirituality It is the refraction of objective forms in the individual consciousness of each particular person. In this regard, we can talk about the culture of a separate person (his luggage of knowledge, the ability to morally choose, religious feelings, culture of behavior, etc.).

Connection of spiritual and material forms general space of culture As a complex interconnected system of elements that constantly turn into each other. So, spiritual culture - ideas, the artist's ideas - can be embodied in material things - books or sculptures, and reading books or observation of art objects is accompanied by a reverse transition - from material things to knowledge, emotions, feelings.

The quality of each of these elements, as well as close relationships between them determine level moral, aesthetic, intellectual, and in the end - cultural development of any society.

The relationship of material and spiritual culture

Material culture- This is the whole area of \u200b\u200bhuman logistics and its results - the person surrounding the person.

Things - the result of human material and creative activities - are the most important form Her existence. Like I. human bodyThe thing simultaneously belongs to two worlds - natural and cultural. As a rule, things are produced from natural materials, and part of the culture becomes after handling by man. That is how our distant ancestors acted, turning the stone in Rubil, a stick in a spear, the skin of the murdered beast in clothes. At the same time, the thing acquires very important quality - The ability to satisfy certain human needs, to be a useful person. It can be said that a useful thing is the initial form of being a thing in culture.

But from the very beginning there were also carriers of socially significant information, signs and symbols that tied human world With the world of perfume, texts that are storing the information needed to survive the collective. It was especially characteristic of primitive culture With its syncretism - integrity, the absence of all elements. Therefore, along with practical utility, there was a symbolic utility that allowed the use of pasta in magic rites and rituals, as well as give them additional aesthetic properties. Another form of things appeared in ancient times - a toy intended for children, with the help of which those mastered the necessary experience of culture, prepared for adult life. Most often, these were miniature models of real things, sometimes had an additional aesthetic value.

Gradually, during the millennium, the utilitarian and value properties of things began to be separated, which led to the formation of two classes of things - prosaic, purely material, and meanings used in ritual purposes, for example flags and coat of arms of states, orders, etc. Between these classes has never been an irresistible barrier. Thus, a special font is used in the church for the ceremony of baptism, but if necessary, it can be replaced with any suitable pelvis. Thus, any thing retains its own iconic function, being cultural text. Aesthetic values \u200b\u200bof things have become increasingly important, so beauty has long been considered one of their most important characteristics. BUT B. industrial society Beauty and use began to separate. Therefore, many useful, but ugly things and at the same time beautiful expensive baubles, emphasizing the wealth of their owner.

It can be said that the material thing becomes a carrier spiritual meaning, since it consolidates the image of a person of a particular era, culture, social status etc. So, the Knight's sword can also be a symbol of medieval feudal, and in modern complex household appliances it is easy to see the man of the beginning of the XXI century. Portraits of the era are toys. For example, modern technically complex toys, including many models of weapons, quite accurately reflect the face of our time.

Social organizations Also are the fruit of human activity, but one form of material objectivity, material culture. Formation human society It took place in close connection with the development of social structures, without which the existence of culture is impossible. In primitive society, only one social structure, a generic organization, providing all the genesis, its material and spiritual needs, as well as the transfer of information to the next generations, existed in primitive society. With the development of society, various social structures that were responsible for everyday practical life People (work, public administration, war) and for the satisfaction of his spiritual needs, primarily religious. Already in the ancient East, the state and the cult are distinguished clearly, at the same time schools appeared as part of pedagogical organizations.

The development of civilization associated with the improvement of technology and technology, the construction of cities, the formation of classes, required more effective organization public Life. As a result, appeared social organizationsin which economic, political, legal, moral relations, technical, scientific, artistic, sports activities have been determined. In the economic sphere of the first social Structure The medieval workshop became, in the new time, replaced by a manufactory developed today to industrial and trading firms, corporations and banks. In the political sphere, in addition to the state, political parties appeared and public associations. The legal sphere created the court, the prosecutor's office, the legislative bodies. Religion has formed an extensive church organization. Later, the organizations of scientists, artists, philosophers appeared. All existing cultural spheres today have a network of social organizations and structures created by them. The role of these structures is raised by the holding of time, as the importance of the organizational factor in the life of humanity increases. Through these structures a person carries out management and self-government, creating a basis for life together People, to preserve and transfer the accumulated experience to follow the m.

Things and social organizations in aggregate create a complex structure of material culture, in which several most important areas are distinguished: agriculture, buildings, tools, transport, communications, technology, etc.

Agriculture Includes derived from the selection of plants and rocks of animals as a result of selection, as well as cultured soils. The survival of a person is directly connected with this area of \u200b\u200bmaterial culture, as it gives food and raw materials for industrial production. Therefore, a person constantly cares about the removal of new, more productive plant and animal species. But the proper processing of soil, supporting her fertility on high level- Mechanical processing, fertilizer with organic and chemical fertilizers, amelioration and crop rotation - a sequence of cultivation of different plants on one plot of land.

Building - habitats of people with all the variety of their classes and being (housing, premises for management activities, entertainment, educational activities), and Construction - the results of construction, changing the conditions of farm and life (premises for production, bridges, dams, and so-called). Both buildings and structures are the result of construction. A person must constantly take care of maintaining them in order that they can successfully fulfill their functions.

Tools, adaptation and equipment Designed to provide all types of human physical and mental labor. Thus, the tools directly affect the material being processed, the devices serve as adding to the tools, the equipment is a complex of tools and devices located in one place and used for one target. They vary depending on what kind of activity they serve - agriculture, industry, communication, transport, etc. The history of mankind testifies to the constant improvement of this area of \u200b\u200bmaterial culture - from the stone chopper and the sticking sticks to modern most complex machines and mechanisms that ensure the production of everything necessary for a person.

Transport and Message paths ensure the exchange of people and cargo between different areas and settlements, contributing to their development. This area of \u200b\u200bmaterial culture includes: Specially equipped messages (roads, bridges, embankments, taketon strips airports), buildings and structures necessary for normal operation of transport (railway stations, airports, ports, harbor, gas station, etc.), all types of transport (manpowdes, automotive, rail, air, water, pipeline).

Communication Tightly related to transport and includes mail, telegraph, telephone, radio and computer networks. She, like transport, connects people, allowing them to exchange information.

Technologies - Knowledge and skills in all listed areas of activity. The most important task is not only further to improve technologies, but also the transfer of the following generations, which is possible only through the developed education system, and this indicates a close connection of material culture and spiritual.

Knowledge, values \u200b\u200band projects as a form of spiritual culture. Knowledgerepresent a product cognitive activity A person who records the person gained information about the world and human itself, his views on life and behavior. It can be said that the level of culture of both a separate person and society as a whole is determined by the volume and depth of knowledge. Today, knowledge is acquired by a person in all spheres of culture. But receiving knowledge in religion, art, everyday life, etc. It is not a primary task. Here knowledge is always associated with a certain system of values, which they justify and protect: In addition, they are figurative. Only science as a special sphere of spiritual production is aimed at obtaining objective knowledge of the world around. It originated in antiquity when there was a need for generalized knowledge about the world around.

Values \u200b\u200b- Ideals, to achieving a person and society, as well as objects and properties that satisfy certain human needs. They are associated with a constant assessment of all items and phenomena surrounding the person, which it produces on the principle is good-bad, good-evil, and arose as part of primitive culture. In the preservation and transfer of values \u200b\u200bto the following generations special role The myths played, thanks to which the values \u200b\u200bbecame an integral part of rites and rituals, and through them a person became part of society. Due to the collapse of the myth with the development of civilization, value orientations began to be fixed in religion, philosophy, art, morality and the right.

Projects - Plans for future human actions. Their creation is associated with the essence of a person, its ability to produce conscious targeted actions to transform the surrounding world, which is impossible without a pre-drawn plan. This is implemented creative ability Human, his possibility of free conversion of reality: first - in his own consciousness, then in practice. This person differs from animals that can act only with those objects and phenomena that exist to the present and are important for them to this time. Only a person has freedom, there is nothing inaccessible and impossible for him (at least in fantasy).

In primitive times, this ability was fixed at the level of the myth. Today, projective activities exist as specialized and shared in accordance with the projects of which objects should be created - natural, social or human. In this regard, the design is distinguished:

  • technical (engineering), inextricably linked with scientific and technical progress, which occupies an increasingly important place in culture. Its result is the world of material things that create the body of modern civilization;
  • social software creation public phenomena - New forms state Device, political and legal systems, methods for managing production, school education, etc.;
  • pedagogical to create human models, ideal images Children and students who are formed by parents and teachers.
  • Knowledge, values \u200b\u200band projects make up the foundation of spiritual culture, which includes in addition to the mentioned results of spiritual activities and the very spiritual activity for the production of spiritual products. They, as well as material culture products, satisfy certain human needs and above all the need to ensure the lives of people in society. For this, man acquires necessary knowledge About the world, society and itself, for the same purpose, valuables are created, allowing a person to realize, choose or create approved by the society of behavior. This is how the current varieties of spiritual culture have been formed - morality, politics, law, art, religion, science, philosophy. Consequently, spiritual culture is a multi-layer formation.

At the same time, spiritual culture is inextricably linked with material. Any items or phenomena of material culture are based on the project, embody certain knowledge and become values, satisfying human needs. In other words, material culture is always an embodiment of a certain part of the spiritual culture. But spiritual culture can exist, only being an extractable, defined, who received this or that material embodiment. Any book, painting, music compositionlike other works of art that are part of spiritual culture need material carrier - paper, canvas, paints, musical instruments etc.

Moreover, it is often difficult to understand what kind of culture is material or spiritual - one or another subject or phenomenon belongs. So, we will most likely take the material of the furniture to material culture. But if we are talking about the 300-year-old chest, exposed to the museum, you should talk about it as an object of spiritual culture. The book is an indisputable subject of spiritual culture - can be used for the furnace tolerance. But if cultural items can change their purpose, the criteria should be introduced to distinguish between the items of material and spiritual culture. In this capacity, an assessment of the meaning and purpose of the subject can be used: the subject or phenomenon that satisfies the primary (biological) human needs relate to material culture if they satisfy the secondary needs associated with the development of human abilities, it is considered the subject of spiritual culture.

Between material and spiritual culture exist transitional forms - Signs that represent something excellent because they themselves are, although this content does not relate to spiritual culture. The most famous shape of the sign is money, as well as a variety of coupons, tokens, receipts, and so on. Applied by people to designate all sorts of services. So, money is a universal market equivalent - you can spend money on the purchase of food or clothing (material culture) or purchase a ticket to the theater or a museum (spiritual culture). In other words, the money acts as a universal mediator between the objects of material and spiritual culture in modern society. But this is a serious danger, since the money is equalized by these objects, insulating the objects of spiritual culture. At the same time, many people are born the illusion that everything has its price, that everything can be bought. In this case, the money disaggregate people, detain the spiritual side of life.