Calm to achieve it. simple way to keep inner calm in any situation

Calm to achieve it. simple way to keep inner calm in any situation
Calm to achieve it. simple way to keep inner calm in any situation

To answer the question of how to find peace of mind, at the beginning you need to understand, because of what we lose it. The simplest thing that comes to mind is our feelings: love, hatred, envy, fear, despair because of unfulfilled hopes, rejection of something, wine, shame. So many things that can bring us out of spiritual equilibrium ... But in addition to the inner hesitation, we have an impact and external stimuli on us: they did not sleep, do not wear the weather, they ate something wrong, slipped along the way to work, received a reprimand from The bosses - and now the world begins to be painted in dark tones, and the real storm rises in the soul, which prevents us rationally think, feel, exist.

Want to be in harmony? Live in the world with your body: Try to get enough sleep, from time to time to indulge yourself with your favorite products, do not wear what he likes or rubs, do not torment themselves and you make a huge step towards finding sincere equilibrium.

Remember what happy we were in childhood? Golden times when the grass was above us, and the clouds seemed to be a sugar wool when the parents did not criticize our lifestyle, but worn on their hands. We loved, sorry, we were the concentration of the universe. Try to return yourself to this blissful time, and you will see how you will be light and calmly. You can feel like a child in the game with other children and in the game with yourself. For example, what prevents you during the disease do not go to work in order to serve before the bosses, and take a pillow to your favorite book, put a pillow under the head and demand from home breakfast, lunch and dinner, and everything is in bed?

The house is not in vain called the fortress. It allows you to hide from external troubles, you can relax from - annoying situations, other people's work problems. Make your home cozy, and every evening it will feed you positive energy.

Problems in the family and at work is one of the most common causes of the loss of mental equilibrium. The troubles on the two fronts are immediately capable of bringing a person to depression. To avoid this, try to solve problems as they appear. Do not accumulate irritation to a state when it to collapse on you with all the severity. Do you think that the authorities do not appreciate you as a specialist? Try to prove your professional value - not only in words, but also in practice. You still do not want to notice? Commemorated, wait for a favorable moment that will allow you to prove your professionality, or look for a new job.

Unfortunately, there are often situations in life, it is immediately impossible to fix it. Therefore, you need to learn: on the one hand, patience, on the other, the ability to radically change your life. Hope for the best, case, fate, God is also a good way to reconcile with the fact that you cannot change or cannot be changed now.

A temporary constant of one or another problem is important for understanding how to work with it. If you do not know how to cook - this is one thing, it can always be learned, but if you do not cook for anyone - then ... you have to take for yourself seriously. Unrequited love, like the death of a loved one, can knock out the soil from under the feet of anyone.

Feelings of other people, like their life, do not obey us. It is necessary to understand this, to reconcile with such a device of the world and not torture yourself. Yes, it's terribly hard when you leave close, but it is unbearable bitter - to know that you do not like it, but ... every person has something more valuable than those surrounding: it is himself.

Love is able to work wonders. Healthy egoism, interest in his own I and the ability to appreciate what you have - here are the foundations where you can form a feeling of mental balance and peace. See how easy it works:

  • Threw a loved one? Not scary - now we can live in your own pleasure.
  • Colleague builds us a goat? Wonderful! Will be what to do at work, in addition to the projects that have stuffed by the Uskomina!
  • A cousin bought a new foreign car? There is a reason to celebrate this case and think about how to make money on ... Two foreign cars!
  • Will not reset overweight? Not a problem! Have a nice man should be a lot!
The more we have themselves, the calmer we live. It has been scientifically proven that people depending on their own opinions are much less frustrated due to trifles than those who look around and waiting for the assessment of others. Peaceful peace is the inner state of happiness that you give yourself to yourself.

Remember the simple thing: as soon as something displays something from balance - start acting. If there is an opportunity to immediately eliminate the stimulus - eliminate, no - postpone the solution to the problem for a while and, perhaps, it dissolves by itself. Faced with something out of a row of outgoing? Give the will of emotions. Do not keep tears, anger, despair. Feel that you do not cope alone? Go to friends, relatives. Just go out into the street, sit in the park on a shop and talk to a completely unfamiliar man. The feeling of novelty, the act that you make for the first time in my life will help you to open yourself from an unexpected side, such in which mutual problems may be completely insignificant.

The mental severity can be tried to remove ... soulful joy. Remember that most of all you like, and do it, as soon as possible. Dizhive shopping, hike in a cinema for the long-awaited premiere, a trip with fishing friends, a game of favorite computer game - any little things can be a starting point for gaining peace of mind.

Everyone happens to moments in life when he is experiencing emotional discomfort. It depends on external factors, such as the situation in which he hit, or the inner state of his soul.

Testing dissatisfaction with their own life, a person literally loses peace, cannot focus on work and personal relationship, faces the loss of appetite and sleep.

If you know this condition, learn its reasons, and ways to gain internal harmony with you and the outside world.

Causes of loss of inner rest

Every person has its own reason to worry and worry, but he boils down to one of the following:

  • Fears and doubts. They overcome us every day, but not everyone knows how to effectively cope with them. The reason for it is anything: fear of losing a loved one, work, property, doubts about their forces, fear of failures.
  • Guilt. It is imposed on the surrounding people who want to manipulate you, or arises due to self-vaccination.
  • Obligations. If you feel that you do not cope, or have taken over the unbearable wear, then you will probably lose peace.
  • Offense. This destructive feeling leads to repression, obsessive thoughts and loss of mental equilibrium.
  • Anger, anger, hatred and envy. These emotions are so strong that they threaten not only the loss of rest, but also sleep, appetite, efficiency. Find out,

All these reasons will certainly lead to the fact that a person loses its mental balance, will experience emotional, and not rarely and physical, discomfort.

The loss of internal equilibrium, negative installations, and destructive thoughts lead to the emergence of real physical diseases. Such patterns studies the science, which we have already told earlier.

How to gain mental equilibrium

Awareness of the problem is the first step towards her decision. To find the internal harmony and peace will help the following recommendations.

  1. Admit your not ideality And the right to make mistakes. Excessive ambition and demanding to themselves, not only remove from mental equilibrium, but also forced a person to be in constant stress. Perceive perfect misses like a life lesson, and the opportunity to get valuable experience.
  2. Live here and now. This will help get rid of fictional fears related to the future. Often a person is worried about what can happen, and forgets that this may not happen. Calm your focus of your attention on the present, and solve problems as they arrive.
  3. Learn no talk. Stop shifting out other people's problems, and your life will become much easier and harmonious.
  4. Build internal borders. The loss of your mental calm may be associated with experiences about another person, or by boaring his duties. Do not let others impose the rules of the game, and let's clearly understand the boundaries permitted in communication with you.
  5. Do not hold all experiences in yourself. Excellent psychological reception to get rid of the loss of tranquility is to speak out loud what you are worried about. Expressing his feelings with words, you will come to the conclusion that everything is not so bad as it seemed to you. Do not stay alone with your experiences and problems. Divide them with a close person who will understand and help.
  6. Regularly let out your emotions. Do not keep everything that has accumulated. Throw out the negative outward, and you will feel much better.
  7. Learn to forgive and forget. It happens, it's not so easy to do, as it seems at first glance. If you are not able to cope with the offense yourself, seek help to a psychologist.
  8. Concentrate on the final result, And temporary difficulties perceive as the steps on the way to the realization of your goal.

If you are well adding self-sufficiency, then practice reading prayers about mental peace and meditate. But remember that it is possible to find harmony and rest only by eliminating the reason for the loss of equilibrium, and changing your stereotypes of thinking.

Prayer - Holidays for the Soul

Beautiful rest for a person, my dear, - to dedicate even a little time in your life. If, after the exhaust day, it will be devoted to a little time and a person will free himself to join the Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit, which is in the church, generous and abundant, then he really will fully rest. After all, rest is not when we sleep for a long time or do different travels. And this is also, of course, rest for the body. But rest for the soul, spiritual rest is much more important and more significant. A man really rests when he learns the livelihood with God.

I say this, because everyone notices how wonderful peace gains the spirit of man during the saints of the church services (as it was on the prayer canon to the Blessed Virgin Mary, which we sang with you). As far as these sacred trails, composed by the saints who had the experience of the knowledge of the Holy Spirit and the presence of God in their heart and expressed this experience in church music, trails, chants, help the spirit of a person to go to God and join the Holy Spirit. His Lord gives him seeking and eager for him. All this gives us a faithful sensation of the presence of God, rest, the right sense, if you can put it, entertainment, entertainment. I am absolutely sure that from one real, from one service, from one sacrament in the temple space, you will relax as it is impossible to relax in the best entertainment centers where people go, - they leave them even more tired than they came, more nervous . Sometimes they are so excited that one kills the other.

And it's strange to hear when someone says: Well, today, when you can spend the night in entertainment centers, people would have to be calm, joyful, smiling every day. Yes, they will only stand out from bed, press the button, turn on the radio, begins the noise and gaps, they come on to singing, and so from the morning, as will awake, already on the platoon! Sometimes neither the light is neither dawn on the car from the monastery and see how they scream in the slightest occasion, they dyate each other, they swear, they are about to fit. And you ask yourself: What happened to them? After all, only the morning ... Well, in the end, there would be an evening ... And then early morning, seven hours, they have not yet extended the eyes, but on the nerves. Where were they? They might have spent the whole night in entertainment facilities, from where they left looking around, so they returned home in an even worst condition than were the day before!

The person enters the angel

In the church, this does not happen. "," Says in the beautiful Word of Saint John Zlatoust, "... Do you want to know that there is a church and what is her miracle?" It is very simple. Look around yourself or go to church - and you will see that the church is such a place where the wolf is included, and the lamb is coming. You enter the church with a wolf, and you leave the lamb. You enter the robber, and you leave the pretended, you enter the furious, and you go out with meek, enter the sinner, carnal, and you go out spiritual, you enter the person, but you go out the angel. " And corrects itself: "What am I saying: an angel?! Is it just an angel? You enter a person, and leave God by grace! " That's what the church is.

And indeed, this is an indisputable fact: a man in church space, in the atmosphere of chants and prayers acquires a serene peace. Because, as you know, there are great services in the Orthodox Church, and, above all, the liturgical, and the whole "therapeutic course", which it affects a person, the soul of people, is a course of treatment with worship. I remember how the holy mountain (and in general I noticed this throughout my monastic life) came to live in the monastery people. What were they wild on sight! On their faces they were reflected in their inner sword - the wild temper, a wild look ... After they spent the day or two on the Holy Mountain, in the monastery, visited the service, then quietly on their faces have been drawn by sweetness and meekness of the grace of God. And despite the fact that they were simply pilgrims, the Spirit of God still affected them, they calmed down and drew a genuine pacification.

And many said: we are going to the holy mountain, to the monastery, and even if we do not get much benefit, you will at least sleep on glory, so beautifully sleep in the monastery, as anywhere else behind his walls, otherwise we can't Find anything else. And not because there is silence in the monastery. In the world, they also had silence. But because there was peace in the monastery, the spiritual peace. This contrast was so sharp that it could be noticed with a naked eye. Sometimes I am played over them (some of them thought that we were all in the Holy Mount we had a gift of inspirement and only let's look at a person, we see him through)! But these could saints - and who are we?! And somehow came, probably 25 people. I tell them: "Want, I'll tell you now, who came of you for the first time, and who already happened here?" They say: "Yes, Father, tell us." I looked at their faces - and the truth, on them it was possible to determine those who were not for the first time on the holy grief, they had other faces in comparison with the rest. And I said, "So you, you, you, you, you were already." And it turned out to be right, everything guess! And so joined the glory of the insurgent! (Laugh.) Although it was like those fakirs that in the reality of charlatans!

God is a reliable support in life

Therefore, learn is the blessing of God! Therefore, you need to learn to pray, my dear, because in your daily life, no matter how cool, you meet many difficulties and disappointments, many are in a dead end. At least, from your short communication with you, I see that you have a lot of hopeless situations, problems, questions, severe alarm. And even the darkness, which sometimes penetrates the youthful soul, and the person does not know then, no one he himself, nor what he does, nor where he wants anything - does not know anything.

This is all cured when a person begins to pray. When a person begins to pray, he gets strength from prayer. There is a light, because God himself is light. And the light of God begins to gradually dissolve the spiritual darkness. And if sometimes darkness persists in the soul of man, this is because good God, like a doctor, wants to heal the soul by humility, teach a person to humble. And we need to learn to get this power to twist the sea of \u200b\u200bour life and overcome difficulties, having a reliable support.

Other supports that exist today: our common sense, our money, our health, our strength, another person, our neighbor, our friend, our girlfriend, our spouse, etc., are supports that are also good, but they Not reliable because they are subject to destruction and change. People change, the world around us is changing due to certain events due to certain circumstances. The only reliable support, unchanged support, is faith in God. God never changes. It is not lost, does not change, does not disappoint a man, never betrays him. God does not leave his deeds unfinished and half-made, but brings them to the end, because God himself is perfect! So often, when you are faced with failures, especially now, when you learn, with failures on exams, in class, you need to learn this power of prayer to be higher than the failure, like a plane that flies above the clouds during a thunderstorm. He swept up, and nothing is scary to him; The thunderstorm rages, but it does not reach the height where he flies, because he has a "power" that allows him to overcome such situations.

Wanted me fail!

And even more so in the church, God gives force not only to overcome our, but also to extract spiritual benefit from these failures. And sometimes failure becomes the best of luck! Because it has such beneficial effects on the soul of man, on his personality as a whole, which often need a person. I can say that it is imperative to learn to experience failures. Failures are very important to humans. We wish us everywhere "good luck", and you need at least sometimes we wanted "good failures" so that we know that we need to prepare for failures, and not get used to the fact that everything should be as we want. And only the slightest obstacle arises, we run to psychologists and psychiatras, our head is scored by the fact that we have "psychological problems." Our head is clogged by "psychological problems", our pocket - pills, and pocket psychologist - money. "45 minutes are 15 lir," he says to you! You know, some psychologists dislike me, because I led them to their customers! (Laugh.) When I heard about it, I myself was surprised - the day before yesterday, one psychologist about the conversation, formerly in his professional circle, was told that some of me lost customers. But this is really a dramatic situation: a person drowning in his problems comes to a doctor, and he looks at the clock. And as soon as 45 minutes leave, says: "Look (and the same, poor fellow, confesses his life), you want to go for the second hour? Calculate, otherwise stay in your abyss and come another time! " Despite all this, we often appeal to psychologists. Is there any need and which one? People pay for talking, they pay for them to be listened. You imagine how we have come. That is, how difficult the situation are people that they go to it! And all because they lost communication with God.

Prayer shows the meaning of life

God asks us, encourages us, begs us, forces us to talk to him! Do you see what he says? Request, look, knock on the door - and you will open. All you ask will give you God. And if we learn to pray, then we make peace in our souls. And this spiritual world is the power that does not give a person to drown. So a person who learns to pray is aware of and very good, in which the meaning of his life. He acquires the meaning of life, and in this sense there is a place for his failures.

Daily people face stress, which occurs at work, in family or public transport. Since the modern world imposes its imprint on society, a person is quickly exhaled, trying to solve all the questions at the same time. If you do not slow down the revolutions on time, the risk of developing a protracted depression will appear. Consider current methods, how to gain peace of mind and mental balance.

Method number 1. Think less

  1. There is a direct connection between how many people think, and what level of happiness it is experiencing. If you are constantly in thoughts, the head literally boils.
  2. It is especially bad for those who have an unpleasant feature - wipe yourself. Permanent negative thoughts and recognition of their own hopelessness kill all attempts to gain peace of mind.
  3. Learn to smile, even if you look stupid. Fun Thank saleswoman in the bus or bus driver. Try gently to communicate with friends by turning off your head.
  4. If you think much because of a large number of free time, correct the situation. Load your day under the urban, ask for additional task at work or study, perform homework.
  5. Find the passion that will take all the time. Sign up for the boxing section, take piano or drawing lessons, purchase a subscription into a gym or dancing. By arrival home you have to fall from the legs.

Method number 2. Develop a sense of humor

  1. Agree, it is much more interesting to communicate with people who are visiting positive in everything. Become a cheerful person, remove the "sour" physiognomy, do not scare the surrounding. Learn to laugh at your own defeats, perceive them as a lesson of the future.
  2. Choose the right environment, it affects you. Communicate with interesting and cheerful people. Exclude persons who are in constant depression. Do not listen to those who complain about life / family / work.
  3. You are a blacks of own happiness. Do not be fooled by provocations, do not listen to talking about what happens. Do not tell people about the grand planners, let them see the result after achieving the desired one.
  4. Look for joy in everything. You must emit light, only then will get to gain harmony with the outside world. Be sure to listen to the heart, go wisely. Before accepting an important decision, weigh all "for" and "against".

Method number 3. Pay attention to the little things

  1. It is known that the global picture is folded from the little things. Pay attention to minor things that you are happy. It may be a chocolate tile from a beloved person, a bouquet of flowers from a colleague or a fragrant bath on herbs.
  2. Many people by their nature meteo-dependent. Some do not like rain, others, on the contrary, are looking for consolation in it. Try to rejoice in the fallen autumn foliage, chirping birds, first snow.
  3. You may see a beautiful sunset or dawn, which will make you smile. Capture a picture in your head, come back to her at the moments of despair or sadness. Of course, the problems are not going anywhere, they still need to decide. However, you should not allow yourself to go frustrated around the clock.
  4. Do not listen to the instructions of the relatives or colleagues "You don't think about problems, all are having fun!". They do not know what is happening in your head. When you eat a delicious cake, focus on the sensations of receptors, and not at the grumble of my wife / brother / friend.
  5. Take the habit of starting the morning from the mugs of freshly brewed coffee, cheerful TV transmission. Listen to funny jokes on the radio when you eat to work. Do not let colleagues or bosses spoil your day, abstract. It is possible to find calm only if you know soulful Zen.

Method number 4. Do not build a victim

  1. The recommendation is relevant for those people who see the conviction, criticism, anger. Spouse stated that the soup is slightly lacking? Do not throw on it with screams, take criticism as proper. Answer calmly, do not get out of myself.
  2. If you are accused of the case, do not try to defend yourself and "translate arrows." Such actions are regarded as aggression, malice, the inability to perceive someone else's opinion. Thank for the advice, then do in your own way. Do not try to prove your position.
  3. Also important importance is the opinion of others, or rather its absence. You must become independent, free from the actions and thoughts of foreign. Speak "No!", If you are so convenient. Do not let anyone teach you life if a person has no experience in this area.

Method number 5. Abstract

  1. Many people grab their heads when all the problems appear at one point. Of course, difficulties come together: at work, in family and financial plan. On such days, you can withcompute any trifle, be it a broken stocking or not sufficiently strong coffee.
  2. Learn to stop the moment and rewind it back. When the neudden happens, sit, abstract, pour tea mug. Imagine that such a situation did not happen to you. Smile, switch to other things (bell a friend, reading a book, watching TV, etc.).
  3. Such psychological trick will help throw away minor problems from the head. As a result, you will clear the mind from "garbage" and understand that the size of the complexity does not exceed the rice grain.
  4. Another excellent option for relaxation is a hot tub and loud music. Such a contrast (tranquility of the bath and the carelessness of the composition) will not focus on urgent problems. Ultimately, you will leave rested with clean thoughts.

Method number 6. Head to forgive

  1. Not in vain say that the ability to forgive is a feature of strong people, weak can be offended for years. However, do not everyone know that the resentment and anger destroy the person from the inside, like the disease.
  2. Even if your offender is distinguished by excessive cruelty, you need to forgive him. Otherwise, you will constantly think about how to make it worse. Of course, the revenge takes place, but after that you will have to let go of the situation.
  3. Learn to forgive. As you know, each person has drawbacks. Do not tap the relative and beloved person for small mistakes, cover your eyes on them. Be kindness, develop this quality every day.
  4. To keep harmony with himself, it is also important to listen to the inner voice. In each situation, he manifests himself, be careful. Do not make what is contrary to your principles.

Method number 7. Perceive failure in any other way

  1. All the problems differ in their essence, the nature of the emergence, consequences, etc. one was fired from prestigious work, the second is experiencing difficulties in his personal life, the third disappointed in himself and relatives.
  2. It is important to remember that problems are not eternal. Soon the black strip will be changed by white, life will begin to improve. Learn to perceive failures for a lesson that will make you stronger and wiser.
  3. Agree when a person does not make mistakes, his personal growth is suspended. Take the problem for the chance that life presented to you. After all, as you know, everything is good when you are not waiting.
  4. Consider the complexity with a positive and negative parties. The first states that it pushed you forward to new victories. The second aspect is needed to verify the power of the will and how far you are willing to go.

Method number 8. Sports

  1. Psychologists have repeatedly proved that there is a positive relationship between exercise and psycho-emotional human background. Use your capabilities, start playing sports.
  2. Sign up for a gym, make up the program and proceed to training. Visit the school of dancing or martial arts, go on swimming, Pilates, yoga.
  3. If there is no such possibility, do at home. Jump on the rope, twist the hoop, swing your legs and press. Before bedtime, go to a watch trip or a fifteen-minute jog.

Experienced psychologists advise to develop inner harmony and suppress anxiety that eats from the inside. Think less, develop a sense of humor, do not build a sacrifice. Abstract from problems, enjoy pleasant trifles, learn to forgive.

Video: How to find peace of mind

Do you need a more efficient way to gain peace of mind?

If not, then you are in the minority, since most people constantly live with stress, and they have already forgotten what it means to feel calm.

Problems of modern man

Yes, this is not a joke. The psychology association believes that 77% of people have physical symptoms associated with chronic stress. And if it happens, it is very far from calm.

We must return to the basics. And we must have priorities. The main thing is to make inner calm. And we need to find out what exactly needs to be done to achieve such a state.

What can we do right now?

It is for this purpose that I offer several ways to help you return the sincere equilibrium. This list has both internal and external actions that can be performed, and which, naturally, will be able to bring peace of mind.

All that is in this list is pretty easily, although many of these ways are based on the results of scientific research. Enjoy!

55 ways to get peace of mind

1. Breathe on the expense of four: Hold your breath, count to 4, exhale, count to 4. Repeat.

2. Take the handle and write down your thoughts until the emotions begin to fade.

3. List three unrealistic expectations, and release one of them.

4. Agree that life is quite complicated.

5. Continue to apply maximum effort to everything you do.

6. Record the best three things that you have in your life.

7. Tell a friend or a loved one, how much he means for you.

8. Sit on the porch, without doing anything. Repeat as needed.

9. Allow nothing to do any time.

10. For a few minutes, look at the clouds.

11. Look at your life from the side and determine your attitude to what seen.

12. Expand your physical vision to see more, and just watch all for a few minutes.

13. Give some amount for charity.

14. Imagine a protective bubble around yourself.

15. Put your hand on the heart and feel it beats. Rejoice in what you are alive.

16. Pass the skin with a brush.

17. Try to treat everything positively, regardless of what happened throughout the day.


18. Be grateful for the fact that you do not always get what you want.

19. Think about what you would do in your life if you knew that they would never become rich.

20. Allow your body to do what it wants for a minute (nothing is illegal, of course).

21. Inhale the smell of fresh colors.

22. Listen to criticism within you, as if you were better friends.

23. Notice when you are tense, and try to relax.

24. Press the brush surface points within a few minutes.

25. Go out to the street and try to touch something at 100% natural. Feel the texture.

26. Look around yourself. Try to understand how simple things are actually.

27. Smile to the surrounding world, presenting how you look.

29. Imagine roots that extend from your feet deep into the planet. You are connected to the center of the Earth.

30. Breathe deeply and slowly (this is the best relaxation).

31. Make yourself massage with both hands and really feel it.

32. Understand that you always have a large inner force.

33. Count from 10 to 1 and imagine your inner power after each number.

34. Feel the land under your feet and understand that it keeps you.

35. Tell me: "I think ...", - and wait for the right thought. Repeat.

36. Stop worrying about other people.

37. Stop pretending that other people think about you.

38. Decide to say no. If you have problems with this word, teach yourself to speak.

39. Decide for yourself that others must earn your trust.

40. Write a list of all the problems that you are worried. Then discard those that you cannot control or for which you do not respond.

41. Drink water (dehydration causes stress).

42. Start live by means.

43. Understand the difference between your desires and needs.

44. Sorry (you know who).

45. Think about the expanses of the Universe and understand how small your troubles are.

46. \u200b\u200bDiscard easy solutions to your problems and try to cope with them at a deeper level.

47. Spend some extra time with the child (in addition to what was planned in advance).

48. Listen to the White Noise (you will see how it relaxes it).

49. Record the best advice that you have ever received and apply it.

50. Take care of your dog (take up, spread, take a walk).

51. Close your eyes and allow the sun to warm your eyelids.

52. Allow yourself to recognize your own mistakes.

53. Look at other people and understand that they are the same as you: with your fears, hopes, dreams.

54. Please accept that someone will always be smarter, richer and better than you.

55. Take the decision to start saving money. And be sure to disaccount him in the future.