And I do not bite, I will fight brick. The tradition of reconciliation by Mizintsy

And I do not bite, I will fight brick. The tradition of reconciliation by Mizintsy
And I do not bite, I will fight brick. The tradition of reconciliation by Mizintsy

Merit, Morning,
No longer rushing.
If you fight,
I will bite.
And biting - nothing
We will fight brick.
We do not need a brick
Come on with you!

Merit, Morning,
No longer rushing.
If you fight,
I will bite.
And biting - nothing
We will fight brick.
And brick breaks down
Friendship begins!

Merit, Morning,
No longer rushing.
If you fight,
I will bite.
And we can not bite,
Because we are friends.

Do not touch, do not touch
Well, quickly remember!

Finger for finger
Tight take
Before fought,
And now there is nothing.

Merit, Morning,
No longer Deris
And then the grandmother will come,
You will hide your ears.

Let's put up with you
And to share everything.
And who will not put up
With that, we will not be found.

Merit, Morning,
No longer rushing.
If you fight,
I will bite.
Mom will come
We both will fall.

Finger for finger

Middle Finger for Finger
Finger for finger
Tight take
Before fought,
And now there is nothing.

Do not touch, do not touch

Myrilka is not dancing, do not touch
Do not touch, do not touch
Well, quickly remember!

Mary, Maryz

Merilka Mitly, Misit
Merit, Morning,
No longer rushing.
If you fight,
I will bite.
And biting - nothing
We will fight brick.
We do not need a brick
Come on with you!

Mir Mir

Mir Mir
Dumplings with cheese,
Patty with butter,
And we are friends forever!

Hedgehog walks in the forest

Hedgehog walks in the forest -
Barabulka on the nose!
Hedgehog her palm wave,
And she sings and dances!
If you want, we are with you
Tomorrow, too, go to the forest
And such a drum
Be sure to find!

Than swear and tease
Better to put up with you!
We will smile together,
Sing songs and dance
Summer in the lake to swim
And strawberries to collect
Ice skating ride
Bab sculpt, in snowball play,
For two divide candy,
All problems and secrets.
Very boring in a quarrel to live,
Because come to be friends!

After a quarrel

How good is it! -
Do not rush
Do not be silent and not angry -
So just next to mom,
With mom's next to go,
In the sky Solny see
And - to carry him home!

To the sun smiled,
We warmly warm with you
You just need to become kind
And to put up soon!

Enough for us to be angry,
Have fun all around!
Quick, let's put up:
-You are my friend!
- And you are me friend!
We are offended all forget
And be friends as before!

Misuing, Morning, Mis
And no longer rushing.
And if you fight,
Then I will bite.
And we can not bite,
Because we are friends

Let's put together

Let's put together
Share toys.
And who will not put together
With that, we will not be found


Let's not quarrel girlfriends
We are so sad to each other without a boyfriend!


Do not touch, do not touch
Well, quickly remember

Stop angry

Enough for us to be angry,
Quick, let's put up:
- You are my friend!
- And I'm your friend!
We are offended all forget
And be friends, as we will be!

Warm ray

The sun will come out because of the clouds,
We will warm the warm ray.
And we can not swear,
Because we are friends.

Let's be friends

Than swear and tease
Better to put up with you!
Very boring in a quarrel to live,
Because - let's be friends!

Finger for finger

Finger for finger
Tight take
Before fought,
And now there is nothing.

World-world forever

World-world forever
It is impossible to quarrel
And then grandmother will come
And on the pope gives

Merit, Mary, no longer deal

Merit, Morning,
No longer rushing.
If you fight,
I will bite.
And biting - nothing
We will fight brick.
And brick breaks down
Friendship begins!

Than swear and tease

Than swear and tease
Better to put up with you!
We will smile together,
Sing songs and dance
Summer in the lake to swim
And strawberries to collect
Ice skating ride
Bab sculpt, in snowball play,
For two divide candy,
All problems and secrets.
Very boring in a quarrel to live,
Because come to be friends!


and no longer touch "


psychologist teacher

Dosayeva V.M.

g. Engels.


Purpose: Develop a feeling of kindness, empathy and tolerance in children. To form the ability to find interaction techniques.

Material and equipment: Sheets of paper, paints, cartoon, multimedia equipment.


Pedagogian psychologist: Welcomes children.

And here we are together again.

Are you glad, a bastard?

Welcome to each other:

And you and you and me.

Pedagogian psychologist: We gathered today to talk about friendship, how to do everything together, to live in harmony, negotiate, love and respect each other. And now we'll see the part of the cartoon, (the cartoon "Bear - Zabi"). After viewing the conversation on the cartoon.

Psychologist teacher: And all people in the world sometimes there are situations when they quarrel with their relatives or friends. At this point, they are very sad, offensive, sometimes they even be angry with others. Do you think whether quarrels need?

Children: Quarrel bad. When you quarrel with someone, it can be unpleasant.

Pedagogian psychologist: What does a person who feels harmed with someone?

Children: He is experiencing, doing nothing wants, sad, maybe even crying.

Pedagogian psychologist: And the one with whom he quarreled?

Children: He is also bad and not fun. Thinks that you need to make it somehow.

Pedagogian psychologist: If both are bad, then it is possible to do so that the quarrel does not occur at all?

Children: You can ask how the other wants, how he likes to do how he likes to do.

Pedagogian psychologist: Why do we do everything differently?

Children: Because we are all different, not similar.

Pedagogian psychologist: That's right, we are different in behavior, by nature, by the mind and other qualities. And how can you reconcile two handsome friends? How can you risen?

Children Remember child comic "Mirinka":

Morning, Morning, Morning and no longer touch,

And if you fight or call yourself ...

I I will bite, and to bite with nothing

I will fight brick,

I don't want to fight

Because I love.

Matches, matches, we are with you sisters,

Mom is a red sister - came up forever.

Pedagogian psychologist: Many myrilok you know.I You will get acquainted with another mirulka, which is called "Drozd". Children are divided into pairs.

You are a throst and I fucking, show on yourself, and

Then on the partner.

I have a nose and your nose you touch your nose, and then

The nose of the partner.

My cheeks are smooth and you have smooth broths stroke their cheeks, and

Then the partner in the game.

I have sweet sponges and you have sweet sponges concern at first

Lips with fingers.

I am a friend and you friend, together we are friends. Show on yourself as well

Then on the partner.

Times, two times, two

We are with you now friends. Hug.

"Affectionate words" game: Guys, and you know gentlewords. Let's now in a circle say affectionate words to each other. Pedagogian psychologist shows a sample.

"Compliment" game - Well done, perfectly coped with the task. And now we will talk to each other compliments, which of you knows what is compliments. We wake a compliment to the compliment to the neighbor, he will thank and says the compliment to his neighbor with the right.

Pedagogian psychologist: Conclusions - You can now call love yourself, create a good mood of yourself and the other - speaking pleasant words, making good deeds. You are strong, reliable, skillful! Friends are those who are always next to you and who are good together. Well, when there are friends nearby!

Pedagogian psychologist: Guys, I want to tell you a story about the friendship of 2-colors.

It was a long time ago. There were two colors in the world - Yellow and blue. Yellow was very proud that he was the same as the sun and like sand on the seashore in clear sunny weather. Not far from yellow lived blue color. He also considered himself very important and did not want to give way to yellow color.

So they lived, arguing with each other, who is more important.

I the most important, because the sun and the same color as I!

No, the most important me! Look and sky blue, and the sea is blue. Do not do without me!

That was how they argued, they argued and once they didn't lie at all. But at that moment the wind blew and stir yellow and blue.

So born green color, and from it - grass, flowers, trees! And in the world it became so good: now the sea, and the sun, and the sky, and the grass - all multicolored! And the yellow and blue realized that they were wrong, that each of them is good in his own way and that if they are friends, a green color will appear, and without him no one can do without him! (During reading the teacher, the psychologist shows the technique of "Monotypia")

Pedagogian psychologist:I I suggest you to try yellow and blue shine and see, and whether they will be bridle.

(children perform practical work)

Pedagogian psychologist: Well done guys, we talked about friendship today and how to be friends, how to put up, even colors made friends.


Well, when with you next to a friend,

I love his smile and warmly his hands.

A friend always plays with me

Understands and forgives.

Without it, I miss so!

Well, when with you next to a friend!

Happily and long live by those who do not know how to swear, but those who know how to put up.

Remember yourself in childhood ...

When the trees were huge when the mother's smell was the most fragrant in the world, when the tears had the ability to evaporate from one mother's kiss, when to put up with friends was so simple ...

It was necessary to just take mistress by each other and be sure to pronounce the well-known spell. This:

Misuing, nesting and no longer touch.

And if you fight , then I will bite .

And not to bite , I will fight brick .

And the brick will break , Friendship begins

And even if in front of this insult just saw you, and tears flowed a stream, this ritual instantly produced a magical effect: the tears were dried, the resentment was evaporated, and the smile of reconciliation appeared on the leaps.

We were devoted to this small ritual to "friends." After that, it was impossible to stream, offended, just like to offend. Real friends do not do this.

Still, the children's concept of decency and honor always admire me. It did not require papers signed by lawyers, here was enough to pronounced the oaths and the fires just misinches.

Yes, childhood golden ... Everything was solved so simple.

So where did this tradition of reconciliation come from, and why does it have such an impact on people?

According to experts, the heart meridian passes through the little finger. Therefore, the oath, which is given in this way, is given from the heart.

Now it becomes clear and tradition to bind a red ribbon the little figures of the marriage. For life, two hearts together.

Astrologers argue that the little finger is under the auspices of Mercury - the planet trading and business.

Therefore, in distant times, this gesture was like printing on a contract between merchants. They gave an oath of execution of the contract between them, exactly this way - clutching the maizins. And it was impossible to break such an oath in any case.

If this promise was broken, then no one wanted to have more with the merchant. They said that such a merchant is not worth the mother of honor.

Time goes, we are older, we are already looking at how our grandchildren make it up with this, tested, method.

And the question arises ... why earlier it was necessary to comply with something just this word, uttered just straight looking into the eyes of each other. And with age, we are trying to protect themselves with a bunch of paper pieces. So, just in case.

Whether the promises became cheap, or something is wrong with us.

And why then with nostalgia remember our serious children's oath:

Finger for finger
Tight take
Before fought,
And now there is nothing.

In life, sometimes it happens that you feel your guilt, but something prevents you from going to a person and ask for forgiveness. Probably our pride we are cultivated over the years of life.

Then you can try to stretch a person a little finger for reconciliation ...

Do not be afraid, the memory of childhood is the strongest and fair. This man probably in childhood, too, mixed up with a little finger.

This does not mean that his resentment will immediately pass, but believe me, this gesture will help this offense to soften, make it not so acute and piercing. And if he goes to your little finger to you - you were lucky, my childhood became your assistant and peacemaker.

I want to say one such wonderful Leopoldovskaya banality: let's live together, guys.

I am always glad to see you on the site pages.

Do parents need to interfere in conflicts between children, and if so, how to do it right? How to teach a child to solve disputes peacefully, but bringing the case to fight?

Children are easily quarreling and put together for many times a day. There is nothing terrible or amazing. With the right attitude of parents, the quarrel can become an excellent lesson for the baby, the deposit of the ability to find a way out of any conflict in the future.

It is now that you can form an action algorithm in such situations. There are different solutions: complaining to adults, cry, move aside, offended, join a fight. Or try to make up. How to teach the baby to choose the right option?

The origin of disputes.

Preschoolers can quarrel literally from scratch. Something did not share, for example, during the game. They are easily angry, but also quickly and laugh. They still do not know how to restrain their emotions, so it is often impulsively. Norms of behavior have not yet been formed, and the baby can crouch and even fight with those who have recently considered the best friend.

A big role is hardly played by the main quality of any child - egocentrism. And this is not the result of poor education, but a natural stage of development. Kroch is not yet able to put himself in place of another person, feel His pain and insult. And this is not egoism, but he still prevents the kids to live together.