Who is the egoist characteristic. Egoist: Definition, Feature Egoism, Positive and Negative Parties

Who is the egoist characteristic. Egoist: Definition, Feature Egoism, Positive and Negative Parties
Who is the egoist characteristic. Egoist: Definition, Feature Egoism, Positive and Negative Parties

The problem of egoism at all times has faced attention. Such people never loved, at best, they were subjected to universal condemnation. This problem is relevant today. Few people guess that this is a big difficulty, from which personality itself always suffers, and not only around people.

The line of behavior in which all needs should be immediately satisfied, necessarily requires correction. This is a very difficult, but the necessary step, otherwise the person will constantly save the resentment and create closest troubles. This article discloses the manifestation of egoism and considers issues related to this problem.

Definition of concept

If you look into a sensible dictionary, you can find that under egoism it is most often understood by behavior when a person thinks only about himself and completely does not care about the opinion of loved ones. However, this look is too narrow and does not allow to completely see all the details preceding the formation of this quality of character. Egoistic is not growing out of sporation, as many people mistakenly believe, its roots are hidden deep in the past. The concept of "egoism" firmly entered our consciousness precisely because society does not like such people, considers them arrogant and arrogant.

Causes of occurrence

Many difficulties in communication delivers egoism. What it is and how to get rid of it will be talked below. It is important is the question of where to look for the guilty, that is, where he is coming from. Of course, the origins of difficulties should be sought in childhood. After all, none of us is born with a small demon, does not want to force their parents. Experts still study in detail than selfishness and what danger he is in itself to defeat the personality. Let's start with the fact that a child who considers himself the center of the Earth cannot be formed adequate self-esteem. She is either too overestimated or understated. And in that and in another case, he will demonstrate its significance to the world, arrange some situations proving its superiority over others.

The difficulties of interaction with the surrounding world are much easier to correct from a small child, because he has no other reaction to solve the problem in adulthood, it is necessary to visit the psychologist's office for quite a long time. Working with a specialist will help to understand yourself, to understand what egoism is actually terrible, to choose adequate correction methods.

Destructive action

A person who is twenty-four hours a day is focused on himself, cannot truly evaluate the actions of others. It often seems to him that in his life he is surrounded by some enemies and absolutely no one to rely on. Of course, so can not. Simply these people forget to take care of their loved ones, leave relatives, do not remember friends, parted with loved ones from pride. Loneliness is the unchanging and only satellite of such people. This is what is egoism. What it is, you can feel, only having a close relative with a similar problem.

Just imagine for a minute: a selfish person is constantly demanding attention. It focuses only on his well-being and, as a rule, the pleasures derived from the outside world. As a child, such children willrtize their parents with their whims, they require the purchase of expensive toys, fulfilling their desires. They also are terrible jealies and owners. Unfortunately, parents also do not always correctly assess the situation, especially if the child is the only one. So the personality comes into life, not able to solve the elementary tasks, which is not able to take care of someone, besides himself, constantly dissatisfied and demanding something.


Unwillingness to share is an essential satellite of selfish consciousness. People of this warehouse character seems to be that if they give someone part of their property (as a rule, there are material values \u200b\u200bhere), then they will not have anything. Note when the soul is poor, she always wants to fill his emptiness something. Very often it turns out into the littleness, in the intention to buy all the most expensive, not even knowing why it is necessary. However, it is not rich in anyone who has a lot, and the one who knows how to be satisfied with small.

How to teach a greedy child to share your toys? First of all, immediately give up the thought quickly to re-educate it. If you are zealous to insist that he gives his favorite machine to a neighbor, then do not wait for a good result. Do not exercise stick. Just in some situations, tell the child as you can do. For example, delicately advise the child to give crying on the street to the baby to play with his ball. If he refuses, do not insist. Respect his right. As a rule, selfish children are so focused on themselves that it is difficult for them to make friends with someone, they have almost no friends.


It may seem incredible, but a selfish person is because it looks like a barbed hedgehog that in the soul is extremely unhappy. Perhaps even he suspects his problem and is aware of its importance. That's just when the character has already happened, it is almost impossible to solve a difficult task alone. It will take time, patience and help of a specialist.

The concept of egoism often includes permissiveness, behavior that goes beyond society. This can not be allowed. If you, as a parent, see that the child is very difficult to cope with you, try not to indulge in his whims. It is necessary to educate with the mind.

Feeling worthless and false pride

Something strange, but excessive arrogance is adjacent to an irreconcilable sense of themselves as a complete insignificance. In an instant, a person feels God, in another moment he is completely depressed and devastated by his own thoughts. It seems to him that he is not worthy in the life of the most necessary, and he should be refused from everything.

"Egoism - what is it?" - Parents are perplexed and in no hurry to limit their Chado in all sorts of benefits. Moreover, such a sacrificial behavior occurs even when the house is not so many cash that can be distinguished on the whim of the child, and he will continue to demand.

Eternal insult

A selfish person often makes the impression of a constantly offended, gloomy creation. Everything is wrong with him: and the pies are not tasty enough, and friends-friends have forgotten into the most difficult moment, and the model of the cell phone is outdated. It seems that it should be all the circle. However, other people are not at all obliged to fulfill the requirements of some which for twenty years never matured. So there is a person with a problem in life, accusing everyone and everything. Sometimes he does not even notice that he suffers. These are the consequences of the syndrome called "egoism". Antonym of this word is altruism, concern for other people, but before this state, you still need to grow.

How to learn generosity

If a person who suffers from selfish consciousness, came the idea that he needed to change, then he was ripe for change. You just need to start with the fact that you get the skill of positive interaction with people, while not demanding anything from them, but disinterestedly giving. This approach will allow developing a feeling of compassion, focusing on the needs of loved ones. It is useful even to move away from their own needs to defeat egoism. The antonym of this concept is altruism and endless service to people - should from now to become an inspiring factor for self-improvement.

Thus, unconstructive behavior can always be defeated if there is a huge desire. Of course, the changes will not be visible immediately, but gradually you will be able to overcome egoism in yourself. What it is and what harm brings the development of the personality, we have already considered. Be happy, take care of your loved ones, do not forget to take care of them! Remember: Support in difficult situations is as important as the Word said on time, joy to successes. Learn to share moments of happiness with people - and they will be grateful to you!

Egoism - quality, relied in society: This word comes from the Latin Ego - "I". And means the desire of a person to personal benefit. But is it not natural? It is worth dealing with who is an egoist, and is it really bad to be.

Common opinion

I blame someone in egoism, usually mean that a person is only thinking about himself. And he pursues his interests to the detriment of the stranger, swells all the elbows on the way to their goals and "goes on the corpses." Here, who is the egoist, according to the majority. who is no one, besides himself, is not able to love. Therefore, he takes and selects much more than gives, and never helps others. The meaning of his life is to create the best conditions for yourself.


What a hurt word is an egoist! Antonym to it - altruist - it seems a more positive characteristic that sounds not so often. Altruist takes care of the surrounding (selflessly and selfless) that is, it comes to your interests and sacrificing goals. They drive the best motivations: compassion, humanism, mercy, and so on.

Fighting and unity of opposites

Altruist will remove the last shirt, just to help the neighbor. For example, a woman who simultaneously works fully organizes a household and engaged in children, that is, the family is entirely. Her egoist husband considers this situation quite natural and sincerely wondering why his second half sometimes does not happen in the spirit: she cares about him, loved. They complement each other perfectly, is it not true?


It is not known whether the extreme egoists suffer from the loneliness promised them or the disapproval of others, but from an excess of everything that they "Nahapali" - yes. That is who an egoist is not at all as much as he wanted to be at all costs. Altruist, however, is not happier: maybe confidence in their own high moral qualities and allows him to assert themselves, but in his desire to give it to the other way he will distribute himself - alas, not infinite. By the way, instead of gratitude, he will probably receive only the title of chopping rags. And even if his last shirt gets not a hedgehog-egoist, but the same altruist, who came to the extreme to the extreme to poverty, it won't go to society as a whole: the number of people without a shirt would remain the same.

Who is the egoist reasonable?

Every person has its own desires and needs, and in a healthy developing society, they must all be taken into account and agreed among themselves. Reasonable egoism, which is also called public individualism, assumes exactly this: a person should perform his own desires and achieve its goals, take care of his well-being, but so as not to infringe the interests of other people. Such a peaceful life will certainly bring him more desirable joy than the constant struggle with everyone and everyone for the best place under the sun. Altruistist is also better to be reasonable and take care of the neighbor, I do not miss your own advantage: he can give something to them, only when he is healthy, rich and happy.

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Egoism is the quality of character and the desire of a person to explicitly or veiled superiority over other and personal power, exclusively for the realization of their mercenary desires or personal benefits. Unwillingness to give a part of himself or its own. This is the lack of love for another.

Manifestations and properties of egoism

Egoism, as personality quality manifests itself in feelings, consciousness, subconscious, actions and actions of a person. The most bright egoism is manifested through, rivalry, thirst for power ,.

Egoism is a complete lack of love for another person. The exception is their own children. Egoism is a feeling of self. This feeling works purely in two directions: or live for someone or just for yourself.

Very often, selfishness goes into deep disappointment with life, and loneliness.

Unlike the inner world of a person's consciousness, in the material world, a person has to adapt to the conditions when most people live for themselves and material benefits.
The adaptation tool is a false ego, soaking the consciousness and senses of man. The false ego captures all the properties of the character of a person, subordinating the thoughts, deed sensual pleasures only for themselves. There are two extremes and two different poles of egoism, which are called - egoism and altruism.

True ego - altruism

Altruist - a person who disinterestedly helps others based on the action of the so-called - the true ego.

To be consistent, the altruist manifests healthy forms of egoism, living for others. There are devices here, to which the stop in their own way of development and improvement as a personality. Altruism, one cannot attribute to the ideal and say that it is very good. A person on his life path is always at a certain point on a scale of egoism - altruism and it is more correct.

In the case of altruism, the consciousness and soul of a person, even theoretically cannot imagine how you can find happiness, living only for the sake of satisfaction of your desires.

A person with such installations as an altruism, always presents that real happiness is achieved when he brought joy to other people, made them something pleasant and useful. What joy, if you are glad only one?
The main, daily, principle of life of such a person begins with the question of itself - "What did you make a useful for other people today?"

Volunteer - as a very vivid example of altruism and behavior of such people. The real volunteer is a person who voluntarily engaged in gratuitous socially useful activities.

False Ego - Egoism

Egoist - as it is called in society, it is a person who lives for himself inner and its mercenary interests of material. This is the so-called false ego. This is the way to achieve material false happiness.

False ego declares: "This is my hand, my mind, my feelings, my mind, my husband, my car, my house, my country and finally my land." False ego covers all sides of man's material life. This is just the style of life and a way of behavior in a society that is called selfishness material.

However, if a person lives only under the influence of a false ego, he is not able to achieve true happiness, as it should be sought in the field of interaction of two ego.

People looking for happiness in disinterested love, help people, you can meet everywhere, you should only look closely to the world around the world, going beyond the egoistic Mirka of their friends.

Short concept - goodness

The struggle of the true and false ego is called passion and where the true ego takes weight over false ego, goodness arises.

Other descriptions and manifestations of egoism

Egoism - the desire to live at the expense of others and receive anything in this life is not deserved, that is, to receive a gift or applying methods for this - deception, manipulation, violence and others ..
More severe forms of egoism are hypertrophored or terry egoism - dependency and tune.

Egoism - justified the need and desire to use others and the whole world, its resources, to implement their selfish desires and in any mercenary interests. Egoism - justified readiness and the habit of spitting on others and their opinion.

Egoist has every thoughts, only about themselves, or about their not realized desires. And it always makes Egoist deeply unhappy.
Egoism - when a person is ready to do only what I personally like him when it is most important for him.

And if you do not like others, it is not interested in it, or interests it in the tenth.

Effect of selfishness on happiness

Finally, through the understanding of egoism and its forms, I gradually led you to the concept of happiness.
Happiness is a disinterested way to some kind of high purpose for other people.

For example, real love can only be disinterested. Mother loves her newborn child disinterested without any thoughts and not expecting gratitude from the child.

When one of the spouses understands that he is used, he is very offended on the korestolubia of his halves. The person in love cannot be capable of genuine love. Egoism is a terrible vice, fully poisoning love and family relationships.

The nature of man is so arranged that he has a constant need to get happiness, giving his love to other people. If a person lives in ignorance, indulging his desires and passions, he, thereby destroying himself as a person.

The manifestation of egoism is the denial of the truthful to its address. The person is so overwhelmed by selfishness that he hurts him to listen to the words of another. He rushes into a dispute, interrupts, proves, is indignant and justifies.

Egoism causes natural antagonism and resistance. If a person goes to the outside world with the only desire to snatch without letting nothing in return with the slogan - "This is all for me!" The world, for obvious reasons, resists.

At first, in family relations, the parties endure the manifestations of egoism, then begin to argue, reflubs and conflict in various forms. In other words, any form of pearly causes antagonism, resistance and collision of false ego.

Destructive activity of egoism, deprives a person the ability to achieve happiness

Egoism and love for yourself should not be confused

Egoism is a false love for yourself. This love is not for his divine soul, but to his pride and vanity, love for their self-cultivation and false greatness.

Egoism is the delicacy of its low-lying wishes and vices, justifying their sins and mistakes, indulging in that evil that lives in the man itself and destroys it. This excuse and feeding of their laziness, stupidity, uneducation, their offense, evil and hate emotions, envy and jealousy, their bad habits and vices, etc.

True love

Of course, you need to love yourself, only this love should not subside the dignity and interests of other people, and should not depreciate both other people and the whole world around you.

True love and good attitude towards yourself - always gives you the same good attitude towards other people, strengthening their value in your life. Such love gives rise to a bright desire to do good for other people disinterestedly, without a frantic thirst, be sure to get personal benefits from any relationship. When real love for himself is revealed in the shower and to other people - egoism quickly melts, loses its strength, decreases.

The lack of egoism in humans does not assume that a person should not think about himself and his life, or that he should always do everything to the detriment of himself and in favor of others. Altruism - does not mean poverty material.

If a person is honest hard, earned a beautiful and rich life - he must take it with dignity and be proud of himself. Wealth, luxury, decent personal life does not make a man by Egoist.

Egoist man becomes if with all this luxury he begins to spit on the rest of people, completely ignoring their interests and feelings, and nothing useful and good does not do for society and this world. If the principle of this person is all good only for himself is an egoist.

The consequences of egoism

That is why the egoists in the depths of the soul are the most unfortunate people. Egoism, if you give him power over yourself, always leads you to the infinite suffering and mental flour of loneliness, even if you suffer in your own palace, sitting on the Golden Toiletz.
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Good day Dear readers!

In our life, the concept of "egoist" often sounds. Sometimes it is called us, sometimes we call someone. Most often, the accusation of selfishness can be heard if you do not meet anyone's expectations and follow your desires.

By the way, we can tell others the same if they don't do what you want. But in general, you agree, confusion arises. It is no longer clear, the egoist is who and what to do if he is somewhere next to us.

  • Who is an egoist: definition
  • Pros and cons of selfishness

Who is an egoist: definition

First of all, it is worth dealing with the same egoism. Egoism is a certain behavior of a person, which is characterized by the fact that a person puts his own interests higher than the interests of others. It would seem that in this bad?

However, if someone always thinks about her benefit (the keyword here is always), then you will agree that it is not very pleasant to communicate with such a person.

And so, the egoist is a man who cares and thinks only about himself. But, if you think about, we are all the egoists. Just someone more, and someone less.

Normally, a person can come from his principles for the benefit of another person, if it is not harmful to him. But the difference between the "very large" egoist is that he does not want to give anything.

If short, his life credo sounds like this: "Give me everything, and I will not give you anything in return."

Interesting is the origin of the word. What does the word "Egoist" mean? Comes from Latin "EGO", which means "I". So it turns out that for the Egoist his "I" is the most important thing. He does not know how to give and do something for others.

What is the difference between the egoist and the egoatrist?

By the way, in the literature (especially psychological), the concept of "Ego Centerrist" is often found. And you see that these two words sound very similar.

Differences are and essential! If the Egoist notices the needs of others and neglects them, since it is not beneficial to notice them, the ego centerrist is so immersed in itself and his thoughts that little pays attention to the world.

If it was necessary to explain the difference between egoism and egocentrism in a word, the Egoist considers himself the only one whose needs matter.

And the ego centerrist thinks that he is the center of the Universe and everything is still spinning around him, it is for this reason that the ego centerrist may not even notice the desires of his people around him.

Why do people become egoists? Most often, the roots of the problem go into childhood. If parents immediately performed every whim, the child is used to that he is always in the first place. From here and excessive selfishness in adulthood.

Pros and cons of selfishness

And now let's talk about, good or bad to live for yourself without paying attention to the needs and opinions around.

On the one hand, it is difficult to take care only about yourself. First, around us there are our relatives and close people who spend their time and strength on us. And it is quite natural to give them a part of their time and effort. If it takes care only about yourself, sooner or later, all close people are distinguished and emptiness is formed around, vacuum.

On the other hand, all the time to give and do for others, is fraught with the fact that your merits (and sometimes victims) are depreciated, and the surrounding it seems that everything should be.

Often it contributes to the development in the near the most egoistic qualities and disrespectful attitude towards you. So it turns out that constantly performing the desires of others, you raise another egoist. Don't you think so?

If now someone, after reading the previous paragraph, decided that he gives too much to others and wondered: how to become an egoist, he was in a hurry to warn you that from narcissistic egoists, from those who do not see anyone other than themselves all turn away.

Therefore, if you want not only to give, but also to receive, then you need to not develop selfishness, but learn to search for a compromise. If people are around you in love with people who are unable to search for a compromise, then it is better to slowly begin to change their surroundings.

I was called an egoist: what to do

Before thinking about how not to be an egoist, I suggest you think about something else: whether you really are selfish or you just did not make what you expected from you. If you have a second option, then accept my congratulations - you are not selfish. Just in this way trying to push your feeling of guilt or pity.

If the first option is more suitable, it is more complicated. But since you still read this article, then you have decided to change something in our relationship with people.

And so, as not to be selfish in relations with others:

  • Do a daily at least one kind and (most importantly!) Disinterested business. For example, you can transfer my grandmother across the road or feed the stray cat;

  • In communicating with people, use the technique of active hearing. To do this, you need to ask questions as a story, I wonder what the narrator feels what gestures he uses. In general, to plunge into the story of another person;
  • What if you are selfish? Become part of the team. The ideal option, if the result of teamwork should be part in some competition. In this case, the sense of collectivism and the unwillingness will lose to curb your "I";
  • Try to talk less about yourself. If at the first time to recognize the laudatory speeches to yourself the beloved immediately fails, then on the arrival in the company you can just climb. And then you already get into the conversation.

Good answers to everyday questions on the topic of egoism gives Archpriest Evgeny Afanasyev, the abbot of the church of the Holy Righteous Warrior Fedor Ushakov. Often you do not notice egoistic inclinations, but they are.

Get rid of selfishness possible. However, do not overdo it. Norm in a dose. After all, there must be some things that we can not come true!

How to behave with the egoist: communication rules

In order to communicate with the egoist, you need to know several basic rules:

  • Be honest for yourself and remember that a selfish person will never think about your problems in the first place. Therefore, if you are ready to take it, then communicate with him, accordingly, not expecting anything impossible;
  • Do not delay yourself. Yes, yes, it is. A selfish person wants all your time to belong to him. Therefore, when communicating with such a person, it is worth constantly remembering himself and about your needs;
  • Do not let yourself feel guilty. Yes, of course, such people know how to make us think that we guessed something. However, before you drown in self-vacation, think if you really had (and could) do something to something;
  • Do not invent, how to teach such an individual. Just, if necessary, firmly tell him that the world does not rotate around him. But trying to revenge for such behavior, you will only contribute to the development of guilt;
  • Reduce the amount of attention. For example, instead of showing sympathy and pity in the most ordinary situation, you can say: "Life is such that to do!"

Attention! You can do this only if the situation is not serious and there is a desire to get attention, and not help.

  • Stop always to make them concessions and provide services. If you continue to do this, then the attitude towards you will remain consumer.

And one more thing: if you feel that it is impossible to establish relationships with a selfish person, and you feel uncomfortable at the same time, then it is better to think about to complete the relationship.

In this situation, or you adapt, or the attitude of a person changes to you. Therefore, if there are no changes in relationships and you can no longer withstand it, it may be enough to mock your nervous system?

So, today we have talked about what the word "egoist" means and what to do if you need to communicate with such a person.

In the following materials, we will also develop this topic and understand how to live with an egoist partner and how to raise a child so that it does not grow up with an egoist.

And today I have everything. If the material was useful for you - do not forget to share them with friends on social networks, help each other in life situations.

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All you are good!

See you!

With you was a practitioner psychologist Maria Dubynin

Egoism is the position and behavior of a person who is fully oriented on his "I", to receive pleasure, success and benefits. The highest benefit for any egoista is to satisfy your own interests.

Perhaps the Egoist will objected - what is so bad here? After all, everyone wants to be nice, well and comfortable. Lgut those who say the opposite.

What is egoism?

In principle, there is nothing bad in myself, because it is a natural sense of self-preservation and inherent to everyone. However, the difference between selflessly and egoism is that the Egoists meet their needs for the detriment of the personal interests of other people. And with myself, care for your own good, it does not contradict the good of other people or even combines with him and benefits everyone.

Egoism is based on hypertrophied self-conceit and indifference to other people.For Egoist, the main thing to meet your needs and achieve its goals.

What does egoism manifest?

Egoism can manifest in different forms.

  • It may be the conviction that everything should obey the interests of the Egoist.
  • It happens that a person considers it right to seek personal goals by any ways, as he is pleased.
  • For many egoists there is a law - "The goal justifies any means",but this law is valid only for them.
  • Or a person believes that all people must comply with moral principles. All besides him, if he is not profitable at the moment.

What makes egoism? Egoism in the family

Usually, selfishness is a consequence of improper education in the family. When the child is vaccinated from childhood awareness of his own exclusivity, develop its overestimated self-esteem, as well as egocentrism, the child may begin to form a persistent orientation of the values \u200b\u200bin which it will take into account only its own needs, interests and experiences.

Becoming an adult, the concentration of a child on himself and his desires, indifference to others can lead to loneliness and a sense of hostility of the world. The same feelings may occur in children who collided with indifference parents and other people. A person begins to think that besides him, no one will take care of him and his needs and begins to put his desires at the head of the corner.

The parents themselves suffer from egoism, indirectly given the same egoism. Parents eventually begin to be surprised that the child has no other interests in addition to their own, indifference and indifference to parents appear.

In families, where one of the spouses, the egoist is also not easy. It is quite difficult to live with a person who puts his "I" in first place and thinks that everything around should satisfy only his needs. He believes that the world should spin around it, and if this does not occur, there are quarrels, scandals, reproaches. And during the SSOR, the egoist reproaches the rest in selfishness.

How to talk to an egoist?

Talking with such a type of people is quite difficult, because they do not hear you.Usually, the egoist is absorbed by itself. Egoist need a listener, preferably delighted and agreed with everything. Very often, the egoists are leaders, strong nature, which are fascinated by a weaker character. In communicating with them there is some danger, as they can issue their own desires under your mask, and manipulate you.

Egoists - vulnerable people, painfully proud. They are too concentrated on themselves and may not even notice the irony and hostility around. If you are forced to communicate with such a person, for example, at work, then there are two ways to develop relations. The first will help you get rid of the egocentric interlocutor for a long time. For this, just need to start discussing his shortcomings and miscalculations with him. As soon as the colleague starts boasting their achievements, remind him of his misses and the consequences of his mistakes. After such an egoist, it will definitely want to interrupt the conversation and may not want to talk more with you.

If you do not want to spoil the relationship, and just tired of conversation, start praise his talents and achievements, Do not spare for this words and strength. Compliments and flattery - balm on his soul. And then just stop the conversation, referring to urgent things, in this case he will remember you with a pleasant and interesting person.

And if you fell in love with the egoist?

It is best to immediately run away from such a person, otherwise you will lose yourself as a person. Egoist does not tolerate people with his own opinion, views and interests. Immediately ask yourself a question - will you have enough strength to spin around it?

Is it possible to re-educate an egoist?

Revilization is possible only in case of severe shock,during which he will understand that there are living people around him who have their own interests, problems and feelings. It is very difficult to remake an adult, it is possible only if he wants to correct and attract efforts to this. If your partner Egoist loves you and wants to be corrected, it is worth trying, but you need to stock up with considerable patience.