What city says Kuprin. Four main passions in the life of Alexander Kuprin - a writer who could not live without Russia

What city says Kuprin. Four main passions in the life of Alexander Kuprin - a writer who could not live without Russia
What city says Kuprin. Four main passions in the life of Alexander Kuprin - a writer who could not live without Russia

Kubrin Alexander Ivanovich is one of the most notable figures of domestic literature of the 1st half of the 20th century. He is the author of such well-known works as "Olesya", "pomegranate bracelet", "Moloch", "Fight", "Junker", "Cadets" and others. Alexander Ivanovich an unusual, decent life. Fate sometimes was a Surov to him. Both childhood Alexander Kuprin and mature years are marked by instability in various spheres of life. He had to fight alone for material independence, fame, recognition and right to be called a writer. Through many of the adversities passed the Kuprin. His childhood and youth were especially difficult. We will talk in detail about all this.

The origin of the future writer

Kubrin Alexander Ivanovich was born in 1870. His hometown - will be observed. Today, he is located in the house where Kuprin was born, currently is a museum (its photo is presented below). Parents Kuprick were not wealthy. Ivan Ivanovich, the father of the future writer, belonged to the kind of impoverished nobles. He served as a small official and often drank. When Alexander was only the second year, Ivan Ivanovich Kubrin died from cholera. The childhood of the future writer, thus passed without his father. His only support was a mother about which it is worth telling separately.

Mother Alexander Kupin

Love Alekseevna Kuprina (in Major - Kulunchakova), the mother of the boy was forced to settle in the widow house of the city of Moscow. It is from here that the first memories that Ivan Kuprin shared with us. Childhood is largely connected with the way the mother. She played the role of the highest creature in the life of the boy, was for the future writer the whole world. Alexander Ivanovich recalled that this woman was a volitional, strong, strict, similar to the eastern princess (Kulunchakov belonged to the old genus of Tatar princes). Even in the wise atmosphere of a widow house, she remained such. In the afternoon, Lyubov Alekseevna was strict, but in the evening turned into a mysterious godder and told his son a fairy tale, who reworked on her way. These interesting stories gladly listened to Kuprin. His childhood, very severe, cast fairy tales of distant countries and unknown creatures. Because Ivanovich also collided with sad reality. However, the difficulties did not prevent themselves as a writer such a talented person as Kuprin.

Childhood spent in a widow house

The childhood of Alexander Kupina passed away from the coziness of the noble places, dinner dinners, fatherly libraries, where it was possible to cry at nights, Christmas gifts, which so much to look for a Christmas tree at dawn. But he knew the souls of orphan rooms well, scanty hotels, issued on holidays, the smell of stateless clothing and landfied from educators who did not bother. Of course, the imprint on his personality left the early childhood of his next years was marked by new difficulties. You should briefly tell about them.

Military Mistrous Childhood Cook

For children, his position was not so many options for further fate. One of them is a military career. Love Alekseevna, taking care of his child, decided to make a military son from his son. With Mother Alexander Ivanovich soon had to part. In his life, a dull military Mistrova began, which was continued by the Chief Chief. The biography of this pore was noted that he spent several years in the state institutions of the city of Moscow. At first there was a reasonable orphan pension, after a while - the Moscow Cadet Corps, and then Alexander Military School. Kubrin hated each of these temporary faiths in his own way. Equally strongly the future writer annoyed the stupidity of the authorities, the government atmosphere, spoiled peers, the nearestness of educators and teachers, "Cult of a fist", the same for all the form and public spanking.

This was so difficult to children's Childhood. For children, it is important to have a loved one, and in this sense, Alexander Ivanovich was lucky - his loving mother was supported. She died in 1910.

Kubrin goes to Kiev

Kubrin Alexander, graduating from the school, spent another 4 years in military service. He resigned at the first opportunity (in 1894). Lieutenant Kubrin forever removed the military uniform. He decided to move to Kiev.

A real test for the future writer has become a big city. Kubrin Alexander Ivanovich spent his entire lives in state institutions, therefore was not adapted to independent life. On this occasion, he later ironed that in Kiev there was a "Smolyanka Institution", which at night, started in the wilds of the forests and left without a compass, food and clothes. It was not easy at this time to such a great writer as Alexander Kuprin. Interesting facts about him during their stay in Kiev are connected with the fact that Alexander had to do in order to earn their lives.

How did Kurrun make a living

In order to survive, Alexander fell almost for any business. He tried himself in a short time as a seller Machorka, a pro-construction, a joiner serving in the office, the factory worker, an assistant to the blacksmith, a psaller. At one time Alexander Ivanovich even seriously thought about going to the monastery. The hardest Childhood Kurris, briefly described above, probably left forever the mark in the soul of the future writer, who had to face severe reality from the young age. Therefore, his desire to retire in the monastery is quite explained. However, another fate was prepared by Alexander Ivanovich. Soon he found himself on a literary field.

An important literary and life experience has become the reporter service in Kiev newspapers. Alexander Ivanovich wrote about everything - about politics, murders, socio-public problems. He also had to fill in the entertainment headings, writing cheap melodramatic stories, which, by the way, enjoyed a considerable success at the undiscusing reader.

The first serious works

From under the pen Kupper, serious works began to emerge. The story "Inquiry" (another name is "from the distant past") was printed in 1894. Then the collection "Kiev types" appeared, in which Alexander Kuprin placed his essays. The work of this period is marked by many other works. After some time, a meeting of stories called "Miniatures" was published. The story "Moloch", published in 1996, made the name of the novice writer. His glory strengthened the work of "Olesya" and "Cadets.

Moving to Petersburg

In this city began for Alexander Ivanovich, a new, vivid life with many meetings, dating, bushes and creative achievements. Contemporaries remembered that Kubrin loved to walk well. In particular, Andrei Sedoyy, the Russian writer, noted that in his youth he lived a buoyan, often he was drunk and at that time was worn. Alexander Ivanovich could create reckless things and sometimes even cruel. And the hope of Tafffi, the writer, remembers that he was a very complex person, by no means a good and an idea, how at first glance it could seem.

Kuprin explained that the creative activity took a lot of energy and strength. For every good luck, as for failure, I had to pay for health, nerves, our own soul. But evil languages \u200b\u200bsaw only unsightly tinsel, and then rumors were invariably about the fact that Alexander Ivanovich is a walk, a rowdy and a drunkard.

New works

As if Kurrov, he splashed his dust, he always came back to the writing desk after another drunken. Alexander Ivanovich in a brown period of life in St. Petersburg wrote his incidental story "Fight". The same period includes its stories "Boloto", "Sullamify", "Rybnik's headquarters", "River Life", "Gambrinus". After some time, already in Odessa, he completed the "pomegranate bracelet", and also began to create a "Litripeda" cycle.

Personal life Cookin

In the capital, he met his first wife, Davydova Maria Karlovnoy. Daughter Lidia's daughter was born from her. Maria Davydova presented the world a book called "Yellow Youth." After some time, their marriage collapsed. Alexander Kuprin married in 5 years in Gainrich Elizabeth Morithovna. With this woman he lived until his death. Churpin from the second marriage is two daughters. The first - Zinaida, which died early, ill with inflammation of the lungs. The second daughter, Ksenia, became the famous Soviet actress and model.

Moving to Gatchina

Kubrin, tired of the tense metropolitan life, left Petersburg in 1911. He moved to Gatchina (a small town, located 8 km from the capital). Here, in his "green" house, he settled together with his family. In Gatchina, everything has everything to work - the silence of the country town, a shady garden with poplar, a spacious terrace. This city is closely related to the name of Kurp. Here are a library and a street called in his honor, as well as a monument dedicated to him.

Emigration in Paris.

However, the degree of happiness came end in 1919. At first, the Kurrun was mobilized into the army on the side of the White, and a year later, the whole family emigrated to Paris. Alexander Ivanovich Kubrin will return to his homeland in only 18 years, already in old age.

At various times, the reasons for the emigration of the writer were interpreted differently. According to Soviet biographers, he was hardly unable to be exported by the White Guards and all the subsequent many years, until the right to reckon, languished on a foreign land. Incompleteners sought to prick him, putting him by a traitor who was braked to the homeland and talent for foreign goods.

Return to the Motherland and Death of the Writer

If you believe in numerous memories, letters, diaries that have become available to the public a little later, then Kubrin has not objectively accepted the revolution and the steady authorities. He called her the familiar "Sovkom".

When he returned to his homeland already broken an old man, he was taken through the streets to demonstrate the achievements of the USSR. Alexander Ivanovich said that the Bolsheviks are wonderful people. It is only unclear - where they have so much money.

Nevertheless, he did not regret the return on the homeland. For him, Paris was a wonderful city, but a stranger. Kubrin died on August 25, 1938. He died of esophageal cancer. The next day, the crowd has surrounded the house of writers in St. Petersburg. The famous colleagues of Alexander Ivanovich and the faithful fans of his work came. All of them gathered in order to send to the last path of Kupper.

Childhood of the writer A. I. Kurin, in contrast to the young years of many other literature figures of that time, was very difficult. However, in many respects, it was thanks to all these experienced difficulties, he found himself in creativity. Kubrin, childhood and youth of which were in poverty, acquired and material well-being, and fame. Today, with his work, we get acquainted in school years.

Alexander Ivanovich Kubrin

(1870 - 1938)

On August 27, 1870, he was born in a small town that in the Penza province in the family of a small official. The writer did not know his father, because he died a year after the birth of the Son, from cholera. His mother came from the ancient prince's kind of culanchak. After the death of her husband, she moved to a widow in Moscow. Just because of this, the children's years, Kurin took place near the mother, whom he, by the way, literally manshedral. And really was what to admire.

His mother had a solid, even a somewhat despotic character. It was proud prince, possessed excellent taste and fine observation. Unfortunately, material difficulties forced her to give her a young writer to the Moscow Razumovsky Pension (orphans), when he was 6 years old.

After the end of the guesthouse, he entered the second Moscow military gymnasium, which was later renamed the Cadet Corps. At the end of her, Kuprin continued his education in the Third Aleksandrovsky Junker School in Moscow. All this for the 1880-90s. The writer reflected his military youth to the story "on a fracture (cadets)" and in the novel "Junker". From the school, he went out in the rank of a podoror.

Already, being in the school, Kartrin felt craving for literature, his first attempts were poem, which remained unpublished. The first work of Alexander Kurin, who saw the world was the story of the "Last Debut" published in the magazine "Russian Satyric Listka" in 1889. The story was not very successful, and the Kubrin himself was not very serious about writing activities.

After graduating from the school in 1890, the writer was enrolled in the infantry regiment. Served for four years. Military career gave a lot of material for the writer's activities. After the resignation in 1994 moved to live in Kiev. The writer did not have an ordinary profession and was still very young. He traveled a lot in the country, held various positions and tried many professions. This affected his work.

In the 1890th, I published an essay "Yuzovsky Plant" and the story "Moloch", the stories "Forest Wilderness", "Werewolf", the story "Olesya" and "Kat" ("Evalor Army").

During these years, Kuprin met Bunin, Chekhov and Gorky. In 1901 he moved to St. Petersburg, began working as secretary of the "magazine for all", married M. Davydova, the daughter of Lydia was born. In St. Petersburg journals, Kurrification stories appeared: "Boloto" (1902); "Konokrad" (1903); "White Poodle" (1904). In 1905, his most significant work was published - the story "Fight", which had a great success. The speeches of the writer with reading individual chapters "fight" became the event of the cultural life of the capital. His works of this time were very fragrant: an essay "Events in Sevastopol" (1905), stories "Staff-captain of Rybnikov" (1906), "River of Life", "Gambrinus" (1907). In 1907 he married the second marriage on the sister of Mercy E. Gainrich, the daughter of Ksenia was born.

Creativity Kuprin in the years between the two revolutions opposed the decadency sentiment of those years: the cycle of essays "Litriped" (1907 - 11), the stories about animals, the stories "Sullaify", "pomegranate bracelet" (1911). His prose has become a noticeable phenomenon of Russian literature on the beginning of the century.

The Revolution did not accept the Revolution, hung his relationship with M. Gorky. The work of the writer was constantly prevented by financial troubles, and family troubles. In 1907, Kubrin again engaged in journalism to pay debts and maintain a family.

In the fall of 1919, being in Gatchina, sliced \u200b\u200bfrom Petrograd, Yudenich's troops, emigrated abroad. Seventeen years, who spent the writer in Paris, did not bring large literary fruits. A constant material need, longing in his homeland led him to the decision to return to Russia. In the spring of 1937, severely ill-friendly Kuprin returned to his homeland, the warmth of his admirers. Published an essay "Moscow native". However, new creative plans were not destined to come true. He died on the night of August 25, 1938 after severe illness (language cancer).

In addition to the biography of Kupper, also pay attention to other essays.

Kubrin Alexander Ivanovich (1870-1938), Proseca.

Born on August 26 (September 7, N.S.) in the city will be told by the Penza province in the family of a small official who died a year after the birth of the Son. Mother (from the ancient kind of Tatar princes of Kulanchakov) after the death of her husband moved to Moscow, where the childhood and youth of the future writer passed. Six years, the boy was given to the Moscow Razumovsky Pension (orphans), from where it was released in 1880. On the same year he entered the Moscow Military Academy, which was transformed into the Cadet Corps.

After the end of the exercise, Military Education continued in the Aleksandrovsky Junker School (1888 - 90). Subsequently will describe its "military youth" on the ones "on the fracture (cadets)" and in the novel "Junker". Already then dreamed of becoming a "poet or novelist."

The first literary experience of Kurrov was the poems remaining unpublished. The first work that saw the light is the story "Last Debut" (1889).

In 1890, graduating from a military school, the Kuprin in the rank of a podoruk was enrolled in the infantry regiment, which was in the Podolsk province. The officer life, which he led for four years, gave a rich material for his future works. In 1893 - 1894 in the St. Petersburg magazine "Russian wealth" there was his story "Fogging" and the stories "Lunar Night" and "Inquiry". A series of stories is devoted to the life of the Russian army: "Overnight" (1897), "Night shift" (1899), "Hike". In 1894, Kuprin retired and moved to Kiev, having no civil profession and having a small life experience. In the following years I wandered a lot in Russia, trifting many professions, greedily absorbing the life impressions that became the basis of his future works.

During these years, Kuprin met Bunin, Chekhov and Gorky. In 1901, he moved to Petersburg, began working as secretary of the "magazine for all", married M. Davydova, Daughter Lidiya was born. In St. Petersburg magazines appeared Kurrician stories: "swamp" (1902); "Konokrad" (1903); "White Poodle" (1904). In 1905, his most significant work was published - the story "match", which had a great success. The speeches of the writer with reading individual chapters "fight" became the event of the cultural life of the capital. His works of this time were very fragrant: Essay "Events in Sevastopol" (1905), Stories "Staff-Captain Rybnikov" (1906), "River Life", "Gambrinus" (1907). In 1907 he married the second marriage on the sister of Mercy E. Gainrich, the daughter of Ksenia was born.

Creativity Kuprin in the years between the two revolutions opposed the decadent sentiments of those years: the cycle of essays "Litriped" (1907 - 11), stories about animals, Sulamif's stories, "Pomegranate bracelet" (1911). His prose has become a noticeable phenomenon of Russian literature on the beginning of the century.

After the October Revolution, the writer did not accept the politics of military communism, "Red Terror", he experienced fear for the fate of Russian culture. In 1918, he came to Lenin with a proposal to publish a newspaper for the village - "Earth". At one time he worked in the publishing house "World Literature" based on bitter.

In the fall of 1919, being in Gatchina, sliced \u200b\u200bfrom Petrograd, Yudenich's troops, emigrated abroad. Seventeen years who spent the writer in Paris were a low-way period. A constant material need, longing in his homeland led him to the decision to return to Russia. In the spring of 1937, severely ill-friendly Kuprin returned to his homeland, the warmth of his admirers. Published an essay "Moscow native". However, new creative plans were not destined to come true. In August 1938, Kuprin died in Leningrad from cancer.

Articles about the biography of A. I. Kurin. Full collected works by A. I. Kurin biography:

Berekov P. N. "A. I. Kuprin", 1956 (1,06MB)
Krutikova L.V. "A. I. Kubrin", 1971 (625KB)
Afanasyev V.N. "A. I. Kuprin", 1972 (980kb)
N. Luker "Alexander Kuprin", 1978 (excellent brief biography, in English, 540kb)
Kuleshov F. I. "Creative Path A. I. Kupina 1883 - 1907", 1983 (2.6MB)
Kuleshov F. I. "Creative Path A. I. Kupina 1907 - 1938", 1986 (1.9MB)

Memories, etc.:

Kompani K. A. "Kubrin - My Father", 1979 (1.7MB)
Phoniakova N. N. "Kubrin in St. Petersburg - Leningrad", 1986 (1,2MB)
Mikhailov O. M. "Kubrin", ZhZL, 1981 (1.7MB)
East. Russian lit., ed. "Science" 1983: A.I. Kubrin
Lit. History of the Academy of Sciences 1954: A.I. Kubrin
Brief introduction to creativity
Literary Code Cookin
O. Figurov about Cookina in emigration
Lev Nikulin "Kuprin (literary portrait)"
Ivan Bunin "Kuprin"
V. Etom "Heat to the whole Living (Kupper lessons)"
S. Chuprinin "Re-reading Kuprin" (1991)
Colobayeva L. A. - "Transformation of the idea of \u200b\u200ba" little man "in the work of Kuprin"
Powers about Kuprina
Roshchin about Cookina 1938

Army prose:

I.I. Gapanovich "Military stories and tale of Kuprik" (Melbourne Slavistic Studies 5/6)
On the fracture (cadets)
Fight (1.3 MB)
Earrigner army
Night shift
Rybnik's headquarters
In barracks
Bush of lilac
Last knights
In a bear corner
One-handed commandant

Circus stories:

In Zveznza
In circus
Daughter of the Great Barnuma
Olga Sur
Bad calambour
In a cage of beast
Marya Ivanovna
Clown (Piece in 1 Action)

About Polesie and Hunting:

Silver wolf
Enchanted deaf
On degree
Night in the forest

About horses and jumps:

Redhead, beggars, gray, crow ...

Last debut
Lunar at night
Slavic soul
About how Professor Leopard put me a voice
Sewage audit
To glory
Forgotten kiss
On the drive
Scary minute
Without title
Holy love

A life
Kiev types - all 16 essays
Strange case
Natalia Davydovna
Dog Happiness
Yuzovsky Factory
On the river
Alien bread
Stronger death
Barbos and Zhulka.
First oncoming

Wonderful doctor
In the bowels of the Earth
Happy card
Spirit of the century
The deceased power
Travel Pictures
Sentimental Roman
Outside flowers
By request
Tsaritsynsky fire
Ballroom pianist

At rest
White Poodle
Evening guest
Peaceful Life
Empty dachas
White Nights
From the street
black mist
Good society
Events in Sevastopol
How I was an actor
Demir Kaya.

River Life
Mechanical justice
Small fry

Lot of Finland
My passport
The last word
About Poodle
In Crimea
Above the ground
Poor Prince
In tram
Martyr fashion
In family
Tale of flooded flower
My flight
Garnet bracelet
Royal Park
Easter eggs
Big Fountain
Head of traction
Sad story
Someone else's rooster
White acacia

Black Lightning
The Bears
Elephant walk
Liquid sun
Cote d'Azur
Light Kone
Wine barrel
Holy Lie
Garden of the Million Virgin
Two saint
Sealed babies
Gogue Veselov
Brave fugitives
Pit (1.7 MB)
Star Solomon

Goat life
Poultry people
Thoughts of Sapsan about people, animals, subjects and events
Sasha and Yashka
Tsarski cishar
Magic carpet
Lemon crust
Pest black nose
Golden cock
Blue Star
Punchy blood
South blessed
Pelpelian Language
Fast lesson
The last of the bourgeois
Paris home
Shadow Napoleon
Stories in drops
Violin Paganini
Hero, Leandr and Shepherd
Four beggars
Cape Huron
Red porch
A meeting
Pink pearl
Vintage music
Official singing
Easter bells

Paris and Moscow
Sparrow king
Prayer of the Lord
Wheel of Time
Typographic paint
Sergy's Trinity
Paris intimate
Sveta kingdom
Poultry people
Tribe Ust.
Lost Heart
Story about the fish "Raskass"
"N.-J" - intimate gift of the emperor
Night Filieca
Tsarev Guest from the observation
Moscow native
Voice from there
Merry days
Two celebrities
The story of Pegogo Man

Works of different years, articles, reviews, notes

Dome of St. Isaacia Dalmatsky
Izvir Peter (unpublished, with annotation P.P. Shirkova)
Memory Chekhov (1904)
Anton Chekhov. Teaching, memory Chekhov (1905), about Chekhov (1920, 1929)
Memory A. I. Bogdanovich
Memory N. G. Mikhailovsky (Garina)
About how I saw Tolstoy on a steamer "St. Nicholas"
About Anatoly Durore
A. I. Budishchev
Excerpt memories
Mysterious laugh
The sun of Russian poetry
Beaded ring
Ivan Bunin -istist Pad. G.A. Galina - poem
R. Kipling - bold navigators, Rediard Kipling
N. N. Brescchko-Breschkovsky - Life whisper, Tweet secrets
A. A. Izmailov (Smolensky) - in Bursa, Flying Word
Alexey Remizov - Watches
About Knuta Gamsuna
About Gogol, died laugh
Our excuse will take his groove of his
Note on Jack London, Jack London
Pharaohno tribe
About Camille Lemonier, Henri Rochefort
About Sasha Black, S.Ch.: Children's Island, S.Ch.: Non-sighted stories, Sasha Black
Volga Academy
Reading thoughts, Anatoly II
Nansen Roosters, Fragrance Premiere, Folklore and Literature
Tolstoy, Ilya Repin
Peter and Pushkin
Fourth Musketeer
From an interview
Kuprin about Gumilev
Yangirov about "Voice from there"
Answer O. Figurnova

In the literature with the name of Alexander Ivanovich, Kurrova is connected by an important transitional stage at the turn of two centuries. Not the last role in this played historical dorms in the political and public life of Russia. This factor undoubtedly influenced the work of the writer. A. I. Kookin - a man of unusual fate and strong in the lava. Almost all of its works are based on real events. An ardent fighter for justice is acutely, bold and at the same time lyricly created his masterpieces included in the Golden Fund of Russian Literature.

Dubrin was born in 1870 in the town of the Penza province. His father, a small landowner, died suddenly when the future writer was just a year. Left with the mother and two sisters, he grew up, undergoing hunger and all sorts of deprivation. Having experienced serious financial difficulties associated with the death of a husband, the mother attached daughters to the government board, and together with little Sasha moved to Moscow.

Mom Kurrin, Lyubov Alekseevna, was a proud woman, as he was a descendant of a noble Tatar race, as well as a native Muscovite. But she had to take a difficult decision - to give the Son to raising the Orphan School.

Children's years, the junk conducted in the walls of the boarding house were bladder, and the inner state always seemed depressed. He felt not in his place, felt bitterness from the permanent oppression of his personality. After all, given the origin of the mother, whom the boy has always been very proud of, the future writer as we grow up and the formation showed itself as an emotional, active and charismatic person.

Youth and education

After the end of the orphan column school, Kubrin entered the military gymnasium, subsequently transformed into the Cadet Corps.

This event largely influenced the further fate of Alexander Ivanovich and, first of all, on his work. After all, it was from the beginning of study in the gymnasium for the first time he revealed interest in writing, and the image of Romashov's follower from the famous story "Fight" is the prototype of the author himself.

The service in the infantry regiment allowed Kupruina to visit many remote cities and provinces of Russia, to explore the military affair, the foundations of army discipline and carriage. The theme of the officer's everyday life took strong positions in many artworks of the author, who subsequently caused ambiguous disputes in society.

It would seem that Military career is the fate of Alexander Ivanovich. But his rebellious temper did not allow it to come true. By the way, the service was completely alien to him. There is a version that Kubrin is under the influence of alcohol, dropped from the bridge to the water of the police officer. In connection with this incident, he soon resigned and left a military business forever.

History of success

Leaving the service, Kubrin experienced an acute need to receive comprehensive knowledge. Therefore, he began to actively travel in Russia, get acquainted with people, draw a lot of new and usefulness from communicating with them. At the same time, Alexander Ivanovich sought to try his hand in different professions. He acquired an experience in the field of surveyors, circus artists, fishermen, even pilots. However, one of the flights almost ended in the tragedy: due to the crash of the plane, the Kuprin almost died.

He also worked as a journalist in various print editions, wrote the essay, articles. The resident of an adventurer allowed him to successfully develop everything started. It was opened to the whole new and absorbed what is happening around like a sponge. Kubrin was a researcher by nature: he greedily studied human nature, wanted to feel all the verge of interpersonal communication on himself. Therefore, during the military service, faced with the explicit officer's promiscuity, the grandfather and humiliation of human dignity, the Creator in an ending manner formed the basis for writing the most famous works, such as "fight", "Juncker", "on a fracture (cadets)".

The plots of all their works the writer built, based on personal experience and memories obtained by him during the service and travel in Russia. Openness, simplicity, mentality of the presentation of thoughts, as well as the accuracy of the description of the characters' images was the key to the success of the author in a literary path.


The Kubrin of the whole soul rushed to his people, and his explosive and honest character, due to the Tatar origin of the mother, would not allow to distort the facts of the facts about the life of people whose witness he became personally.

However, not all his characters Alexander Ivanovich condemned, even putting on the surface of their dark sides. Being a humanist and a desperate fighter for justice, Kubrin figuratively demonstrated this feature in the work of the "pit." It tells about the life of the inhabitants of public houses. But the writer does not sharpen attention to the heroes as fallen women, on the contrary, he offers readers to understand the premises of their fall, in the torment of their hearts and souls, offers to see in every liberty, first of all, a person.

The theme of love is impregnated not one product of the junk. The most striking of them is the story "" In it, as in the "pit," there is a picture of a narrator, an explicit or implicit member of the described events. But the narrator in Oles is one of the two main characters. This is a story about noble love, heroine who is not taken for the witch considers partly. However, nothing to do with it does not have anything. On the contrary, its image embodies all possible women's virtues. The finale should not be called happy, because the heroes are not reunited in their sincere impulse, and forced to lose each other. But happiness lies for them in what happened in life to experience the force of all-consuming mutual love.

Of course, the story "Fight" is deserved separate attention as a reflection of all the horrors of army morals that reigned then in Tsarist Russia. This is a bright confirmation of the feature of the realism in the work of Kpen. Perhaps that is why the story caused a flurry of negative reviews of critics and the public. Hero Romashova in the same rank of the podernik, as the Kuprin himself, who left once in resignation, is similar to the author, appears before readers in the light of an extraordinary person, whose psychological growth we have the opportunity to watch the page to the page. This book brought broad fame to his creator and rightly takes one of the central places in his bibliography.

The revolution in Russia did not support Kurrov, at least first and met quite often with Lenin. Ultimately, the writer emigrated to France, where he continued his literary work. In particular, Alexander Ivanovich loved to write for children. Some of his stories ("White Poodle", "", "Skvorts") undoubtedly deserve the attention of the target audience.

Personal life

Alexander Ivanovich Kubrin was married twice. The first wife of the writer became Maria Davydov, the daughter of the famous Musician-cellist. Lidiya daughter was born in marriage, who died in the future during his birth. The only grandson of Cupper died from RAS, obtained during World War II.

The second time the writer married Elizabeth Gainrich, with whom he lived until his days. In marriage, two daughters, Zinaida and Ksenia were born. But the first died in early childhood from the inflammation of the lungs, and the second became a famous actress. However, the continuation of the kind of chip did not follow, and today he has no direct descendants.

The second spouse Kurin survived it for only four years and, without having admitting a heavy test of hunger during the blockade of Leningrad, committed suicide.

  1. Kubrin was proud of his Tatar origin, so the national caftan and a tubeette was often put on, leaving in such a clue to people, went to visit.
  2. In part, thanks to the acquaintance with I. A. Bunin, Kubrin became a writer. Bunin once appealed to him with a request to write a note on his posterior the note, which marked the beginning of the literary activity of Alexander Ivanovich.
  3. The author was famous for his sense of smell. Once visiting Fedor Chaliapina, he flew all those present in shock, eclipping the invited perfume with its unique light, unmistakably recognizing all the components of the new fragrance. Sometimes, when meeting new people, Alexander Ivanovich sniffed them, thereby putting everyone in an awkward position. They said that it helped him better understand the essence of the man who in front of him.
  4. In all his life, Kubrin changed about twenty professions.
  5. After acquaintance in Odessa with A. P Chekhov, the writer went to his invitation to St. Petersburg to work in a famous magazine. Since then, the author has acquired a reputation as a deboschir and drunkard, as it often took part in the entertainment activities in a new environment for himself.
  6. The first wife, Maria Davydov tried to eradicate some inorganization inherent in Alexander Ivanovich. If he fell asleep during work, she deprived him of breakfast, or forbidden to enter the house, if the new heads of the work were ready, over which he worked at that time.
  7. The first monument to A. I. Kuprina was established only in 2009 in Balaclava in the Crimea. This is due to the fact that in 1905 during the Ochakovo-uprising sailors, the writer helped them hide, thereby retaining their lives.
  8. About drunkenness of the writer went legends. In particular, the stakes repeated the famous saying: "If the truth is in wine, how many truths in Cookina?".


The writer returned from emigration to the USSR in 1937, but already with undermined health. He fell hope for the fact that the second breathing will open in his homeland, he will recover the state and will be able to write again. At that time, the vision of Kukrin was worsened.

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russian writer, translator

Alexander Kuprin

short biography

On September 7, 1870, he was born in the county town of Varovka (now Penza region) in the family of an official, the offacarious nobleman Ivan Ivanovich Kurin (1834-1871), who died a year after the birth of the Son. Mother - Lyubov Alekseevna (1838-1910), nee Kulunchakova, took place from the genus of Tatar princes (noblewoman, did not have the princely title). After the death of her husband, she moved to Moscow, where the early years and adolescence of the future writer passed. At six years, the boy was given to the Moscow Razumovskaya school, from where it was released in 1880. In the same year he entered the second Moscow military gymnasium.

In 1887 he was enrolled in the Alexander Military School. Subsequently describes his military youth in the ones "on a fracture (cadets)" and in the novel "Junker".

The first literary experience of Kurrov was the poems remaining unpublished. The first printed work is the story "Last Debut" (1889).

In 1890, the Kubrin in the rank of the poderoruk was released in the 46th Dneprovsky Infantry Regiment, which was in the Podolsk province, in Proskurov. Four years served as an officer, the military service gave him a rich material for future works.

In 1893-1894 in the St. Petersburg magazine "Russian wealth" there was his story "Fogging", the stories "Lunar Night" and "Inquiry". There are several stories for the army theme: "Overnight" (1897), "Night shift" (1899), "campaign".

In 1894, Lieutenant Kubrin resigned and moved to Kiev, having no civil profession. In the following years I wandered a lot in Russia, trifting many professions, greedily absorbing the life impressions that became the basis of his future works.

During these years, Kuprin met I. A. Bunin, A. P. Chekhov and M. Gorky. In 1901, he moved to St. Petersburg, began to work the secretary of the "magazine for all". In St. Petersburg magazines appeared stories Kurin: "Baloto" (1902), "Konokrad" (1903), "White Poodle" (1903).

In 1905, his most significant work was published - the story "fight", which had a great success. The speeches of the writer with reading individual chapters "fight" became the event of the cultural life of the capital. Other works of this time: Stories "Staff-captain of Rybnikov" (1906), "River of Life", "Gambrinus" (1907), Essay "Events in Sevastopol" (1905). In 1906 he was a candidate for deputies of the State Duma of the first convocation from St. Petersburg province.

In the years between the two revolutions, the Kärper published a cycle of Essays "Litripeda" (1907-1911), Sulamif's stories (1908), "Pomegranate bracelet" (1911) and others, the story "Liquid Sun" (1912). His prose has become a noticeable phenomenon of Russian literature. In 1911, the family settled in Gatchina.

After the beginning of the First World War, he opened a military hospital in his house and agitated in citizens' newspapers to take military loans. In November 1914, was mobilized and sent to the militia to Finland commander of the infantry company. Demobilized in July 1915 for health.

In 1915, Kuprin completes the work on the story of the "Yama", which tells about the life of prostitutes in public houses. The story was condemned for excess naturalism. Nuravykin's publishing house, which issued in the German publication "Yamu" was attracted by the prosecutor's office for responsibility "for the distribution of pornographic publications."

The renunciation of Nicholas II Kubrin met in Helsingfors, where he was treated, and he took him enthusiastically. After returning to Gatchina, he worked as the editor of the newspapers "Free Russia", "Velost", "Petrogradsky Listka", sympathized with Esramen.

In 1917, she completed work on the story of the "Star of Solomon", in which, creatively reworing the classic plot about Faust and Mephistopel, raised questions about the freedom of will and the role of the case in human destiny.

After the October coup, the writer did not accept the policies of military communism and the terror conjugate with her, Kubrin emigrates to France. He worked in the publishing house "World Literature", founded by M. Gorky. At the same time, Drama F. Schiller "Don Carlos" was translated. In July 1918, after the murder of Volodarsky, he was arrested, she spent three days in prison, was released and listed on the hostage.

In December 1918 he had a personal meeting with V. I. Lenin on the organization of a new newspaper for the peasants "Earth", which approved the idea, but the project was "churtulus" by the chairman of the Mossoveta L. B. Kamenev.

October 16, 1919, with the advent of Gatchina Whites, he entered the rank of Lieutenant to the North-Western army, received the appointment with the editor of the Army newspaper "Private Krai", which General P. N. Krasnov was headed.

After the defeat of the North-West Army, it is in Repel, from December 1919 - in Helsingfors, from July 1920 - in Paris.

In 1937, at the invitation of the Government of the USSR, Kurin returned to his homeland. The return of Kupper to the Soviet Union was preceded by the appeal of the USSR Pol Air District in France. N. I. Yezhov. Ezhov sent a note of Potemkin to the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CSP (b), which on October 23, 1936 decided: "Allow entry into the USSR to the Writer A. I. Kuprina" ("For" I. V. Stalin voted, V. M. Molotov . Ya. Chubar and A. A. Andreev; abstained by K. E. Voroshilov).

Soviet propaganda tried to create an image of a repentable writer who returned to sing a happy life in the USSR. According to L. Story, in all the service notes of Soviet officials, it was recorded that the pit is weak, sick, is inoperable and not able to write anything. Presumably, published in June 1937 in the newspaper Izvestia, signed by Kompani, the article "Moscow Native" was actually written by the journalist N. K. Verzhbitsky attached to Kupruina. The interview with the wife of Kupper Elizabeth Morithic, who said that the writer was admired to all seen and heard in Socialist Moscow.

Kuprin died on the night of August 25, 1938 from esophageal cancer. He was buried in Leningrad on the literary walkways of the Volkovsky cemetery next to the Mogula I. S. Turgenev.


Works of Alexander Kurin


  • A. I. Kookin. Complete essays in eight volumes. - SPb.: Edition A. F. Marx, 1912.
  • A. I. Kookin. Complete essays in nine volumes. - SPb.: Edition A. F. Marx, 1912-1915.
  • A. I. Kubrin. Favorites. T. 1-2. - M.: Goslitizdat, 1937.
  • A. I. Kookin. Stories. - L. Lenzdat, 1951.
  • A. I. Kookin. Works in 3 tons. - M.: Goslitisdat, 1953, 1954.
  • A. I. Kookin. Collected Works in 6 TT. - M.: Fiction, 1957-1958.
  • A. I. Kookin. Collected Works in 9 tt. - M.: True, 1964.
  • A. I. Kubrin. Collected Works in 9 tt. - M.: Fiction, 1970-1973.
  • A. I. Kookin. Collected Works in 5 tt. - M.: True, 1982.
  • A. I. Kookin. Collected Works in 6 TT. - M.: Fiction, 1991-1996.
  • A. I. Kookin. Collected Works at 11 TT. - M.: Terra, 1998. - ISBN 5-300-01806-6.
  • A. I. Kookin. Paris intimate. - M., 2006. - ISBN 5-699-17615-2.
  • A. I. Kookin. Complete writings of 10 tt. - M.: Sunday, 2006-2007. - ISBN 5-88528-502-0.
  • A. I. Kookin. Collected Works in 9 tt. - M.: Bookeks (Literary Application "Ogonosk"), 2010. - ISBN 978-5-904656-05-8.
  • A. I. Kookin. Garnet bracelet. Tale. / Sost I. S. Messelova. Hitch Art. A. V. Carasev. - Kharkov; Belgorod: Family Leisure Club, 2013. - 416 p.: Il. - (Series "Great masterpieces of world classics"). - ISBN 978-5-9910-2265-1
  • A. I. Kookin. Voice from there // "Roman-Gazeta", 2014. - № 4.


  • Pomegranate bracelet (1964) - Gregory Guy
  • Airpact (1975) - Armen Dzhigarkhanyan
  • White snow of Russia (1980) - Vladimir Samoilov
  • Kubrin (2014) - Mikhail Porechenkov


  • In Russia, 7 settlements and 35 streets and alleys in the cities and villages of Russia, 4 of them are named after Kupper in Russia - in the Penza region (in Penza, Verovka, Nizhny Lomov and Kamenka).
  • The village of Penza region, in the homeland of Kurpra, on September 8, 1981, opened the only house-museum of Kupper and the first monument to the writer (marble bust of the sculptor V. G. Kurdova) was opened. In the opening of the museum and the monument took part daughter of the writer - Ksenia Aleksandrovna Kurin (1908-1981).
  • In the Vologda region, the village of Danilovsky Ustyuzhensky district there is a Museum-Manor of Batyushkov and Kurpra, where there are several genuine things of the writer.
  • In Gatchina, the name Kuprin is worn by the Central City Library (since 1959) and one of the streets of the Marienburg (since 1960). Also in 1989, a bust-monument was installed in the city of the junction of the sculptor V. V. Shevchenko.
  • In Ukraine, a large streets in the cities of Donetsk, Mariupol, Krivoy Rog, as well as streets in the cities of Odessa, Makeyevka, Khmelnitsky, Sumy and some others are named after A. I. Kurin.
  • In Kiev, at home number 4 on ul. Sagaidal (Hem, former Alexandrovskaya), where in 1894-1896 the writer lived, in 1958 a memorial plaque was opened. The name of Kuprin is called Street in Kiev.
  • In St. Petersburg, at the site of the Vienna restaurant, in which A. I. Kubrin was often located, there is a mini-hotel "Old Vienna", one of whose rooms is fully dedicated to the writer. There are also rare pre-revolutionary editions of his books and many archival photos.
  • In 1990, a memorial designation was established in Balaclava in the Dachi Remizov region, on which Kurin lived twice. In 1994, the name of the writer received the Balaklava Library No. 21 on the embankment. In May 2009, a monument was opened by Cupper Sculptor S. A. Chizhi.
  • In Kolomna, the writer has a memorial plaque.
  • In 2014, the TV series "Kubrin" (director Vlad Furman, Andrei Eshpai, Andrei Malyukov, Sergey Kechishev) were shot.
  • The name of Alexander Kurin is called one of the alleys of the city of ore (Kustanay region, Kazakhstan).

Objects associated with the name A. I. Kapurin in Varov

A family

  • Davydova (Jordanskaya) Maria Karlovna (March 25, 1881-1966) - the first wife, the reception of the daughter of the cellist Karl Yuelevich Davydov and the publisher of the Mir of God, Alexandra Arkadyevna Gorozhansky (wedding took place on February 3, 1902, divorce in March 1907, but officially divorce documents were received only in 1909). Subsequently - the wife of the State Worker of Nikolai Ivanovich Jordansky (Negorev). He left the memories of "Yellow years" (including about the time of living together with A. I. Kuprin) (M.: "Fiction", 1966).
    • Kuprin, Lydia Aleksandrovna (January 3, 1903-23 \u200b\u200bNovember 1924) - Daughter from the first marriage. He graduated from the gymnasium. At sixteen years he married some Leontheva, but in a year divorced. In 1923 he married Boris Egorova. In early 1924, the son of Alexey (1924-1946) bore (1924-1946) and soon sorted up with her husband. When the son was ten months, died. Alexey brought up his father, in the future he participated in the Great Patriotic War in the rank of sergeant, died of heart disease, which was the consequence of the contusion received at the front.
  • Gainrich Elizabeth Morithovna (1882-1942) - the second wife (since 1907, married on August 16, 1909). The daughter of the Perm photographer Moritsa Gainrich, the younger sister of the actress Mary Abramova (Gainrich). Worked the sister of mercy. She committed suicide during the blockade of Leningrad.
    • Kosny Ksenia Aleksandrovna (April 21, 1908-18 November 19, 1981) - Daughter from the second marriage. Model and actress. Worked in the house of Field Field Poire. In 1958 she moved from France to the USSR. Played in the theater A. S. Pushkin