Who belongs to Slavic tribes. What Slavic peoples are the most "clean"

Who belongs to Slavic tribes. What Slavic peoples are the most
Who belongs to Slavic tribes. What Slavic peoples are the most "clean"

Slavs are perhaps one of the largest ethnic communities in Europe, the nature of the origin of which numerous myths go.

But what do we actually know about the Slavs?

Who are the Slavs, from where they came, and where their pranodine is, we will try to understand and we.

Origin of Slavs

There are several theories of the origin of the Slavs, according to which one historians refer them to the tribe permanently residing in Europe, others to Skifam and Sarmatam, who came from Central Asia, There are many other theories. Consider them in succession:

The theory of the Aryan origin of Slavs is the most popular.

The authors of this hypothesis are called the theoretics of the Norman History of the Origin of Rus, which was developed and nominated in the XVIII century by a group of German scientists: Byer, Miller and Schöhchser, to justify which was Sictrepan Radzvilovskaya or Königsberg's chronicle.

The essence of this theory was as follows: Slavs are the Indo-European people who moved to Europe during the great resettlement of peoples, and a community part of the ancient "German-Slavic". But as a result of various factors, broken from the civilization of the Germans and being on the border with wild oriental nations, and becomes cut off from the advanced Roman civilization, he is so far behind its development that their development paths have radically diverged.

Archeology confirms the presence of durable intercultural ties between the Germans and Slavs, and in general the theory more than deserves respect, if you remove the Aryan roots of Slavs from it.

The second popular theory is more European, and it is much older than Norman.

According to his theory, the Slavs did not differ from other European tribes: Vandals, Burgundy, ready, sharp, vandets, hepids, betes, Alanov, Avarov, Dakov, Thracians and Illyrians, and were the same Slavic tribe

The theory used in Europe sufficient popularity, and the idea of \u200b\u200bthe origin of the Slavs from the ancient Romans, and Rurik from the emperor Octaviana august really liked historians of that time.

The European origin of the peoples is also confirmed by the theory of the German scientist Harald Harman, who called the Motherland of Europeans Panononia.

But I still like it, a simpler theory, which is based on the selective associations of the most believable facts from other theories of origin not so much Slavic, how much European peoples in general.

The fact that the Slavs are strikingly similar to and with the Germans, and with the ancient Greeks, I think you do not need to tell.

So, the Slavs came, like other European peoples, after the flood, from Iran, and they landed in Illaria, the cradles of European culture, and from here, through Pannonia, they went to master Europe, fighting and assimilated with local peoples from which they and acquired their differences.

Those who remained in the Illaria created the first European civilization, which we now know how the Etruscans, the fate of other nations depended in many respects from the place chosen by them for the settlement.

It is difficult for us to imagine, but in fact all European peoples and their ancestors were nomads. Were such and the Slavs ...

Remember the oldest Slavic symbol that so organically fit into Ukrainian culture: a crane that was identified with the Slavs with their most important task, exploration of the territories, the task of going, to settle and strengthen all new and new territories.

It was how the cranes flew into the uncharted gave, and the Slavs went along the continent, burning the forest, and organizing settlements.

And as the population grows, they were collected by the strongest and healthy young men and girls and poisoned them to the far way as scouts, to master the new lands.

The age of Slavs

It is difficult to say when the Slavs stood out as a single people from the pan-European ethnic mass.

Nestor considers this event to the Babylonian pillar.

Mauro orbini by 1496 BC, which writes: "At the specified time, Goths, and the Slavs were one tribe. And the subordination of his power Sarmatia, the Slavic tribe was divided into several knees and received different names: Veneny, Slavs, Antairs, Charles, Alans, Massacies .... Devandala, Goths, Avara, Roscolan, Polyana, Czechs, Salests .... "

But if you combine the data of archeology, genetics and linguistics, we can say that Slavs belonged to the Indo-European community, which, most likely, came out of the Pridneprovsk archaeological culture, which was in the Dnieper and Don interference, seven thousand years ago during the Stone Age.

And hence the influence of this culture has spread to the territory of the Vistula to the Urals, although it has not been able to localize it until anyone succeeded.

About four thousand years before our era, she again broke into three conditional groups: Celts and Romance in the West, Indo-Iranians in the East, and Germans, Balts and Slavs in Central and Eastern Europe.

And about the first I millennium BC, Slavic appeared.

The archeology nevertheless insists that the Slavs are carriers of the "culture of sublock burials", called the name from the custom to cover the cremated remains of a large vessel.

This culture existed in the V-II centuries to our era between the Vistula and Dnipro.

Pranodina Slavs

The original Slavic land of Orbini sees, referring to a number of authors, Scandinavia: "The descendants of the Jaffeta Son of the Son moved to Europe to the north, penetrating into the country called Scandinavia now. There they have not exceeded it there, as Saint Augustine indicates in His "Grad God", where he writes that the sons and descendants of the Jafeta had two hundred depths and occupied land located north of the Tavr Mountain in Kilicia, along the Northern Ocean, half of Asia, and throughout Europe up to the British Ocean. "

Nestor calls the birthplace of the Slavs of Earth for the lower flow of the Dnieper and Pannonia.

The major Czech historian Pavel Shafarik believed that Praodin Slavs should be sought in Europe next to the Alps, from where Slavs left for the Carpathians under the onslaught of Celtic expansion.

There was even a version of the Praodine of Slavs, located between the lower flow of Neman and Western Dvina, and where the Slavic people himself had formed, in the II century BC, in the Vistula River basin.

Vorol-Dneprovskaya hypothesis about the praodine of Slavs today is most popular.

It is sufficiently confirmed by local toponyms, as well as vocabulary.

Plus, the area already known to us by the culture of subtelling burials fully correspond to these geographical signs!

Origin of the name "Slavs"

The word "Slavs" firmly enters the use of our era in the 6th century, by Byzantine historians. They talked about them as the allies of Byzantium.

Slavs themselves began to call themselves so called the Middle Ages, judging by the annilates.

According to another version, the names are called from the word "word", since "Slavs" in contrast to other peoples were able to write and read.

Mavro Orbini, writes: "During his residence in Sarmatia, they took themselves the name" Slavs ", which means" glorious ".

There is a version and relevant self-inflammation of the Slavs to the territory of origin, and according to it, the name is based on the name of the Slavutych River, the original name of the Dnieper, containing the root with the value of "wash", "clean".

Important, but completely unpleasant for the Slavs version states about the presence of communication between the self-registration of "Slavs" and the average member word "slave" (σκλάβος).

It was especially popular in the Middle Ages.

The idea that Slavs, as the most numerous people of Europe, at that time, were in their mass the largest number of slaves and were in demand in the slave trade, there is a place to be.

Recall that many centuries the number of Slavs-slaves supplied to Constantinople was unprecedented.

And, understanding that executive and hardworking slaves Slavs largely exceeded all other peoples, they were not just a popular product, but also became the reference representation of the "slave".

In fact, with their own labor, the Slavs were crowded out of the use of other names of slaves, as if it did not sound like that, and again, this is only version.

The most faithful version lies in the right and weighted analysis of the names of our people, resorting to which it can be understood that Slavs are a community, united by one common religion: paganism, which gley their gods with the words that could not only pronounce, but also write!

With the words that sacred meaning had, and not bleeding and the laying of barbaric peoples.

Slavs carried the glory to their gods, and the famous of them, glorifying them, they united into a single Slavic civilization, the cultural link of the pan-European culture.

M. 1956: New Acropolis, 2010. M. Book first. The history of the ancient Slavs. Part IV. East Slavs.
Chapter XVII. Eastern Slavs and Ethnic Composition ancient population Of Eastern Europe.

Territory of Eastern Slavs. The first neighbors: Thracians and Iranians.

About how differentiation occurred on Slavic Pranodine, separating Slavs, before in the language of almost uniform, on three large groups - Western, southern and eastern. On the ancient Slavic Pranodine, only Poles were firmly substantiated from the Western Slavs, then the remains of southern Croats and Serbs, and in the east, part of the eastern Slavs, who differed in language relations from other Slavs near the phonetic, grammatical and lexical signs.

The most characteristic among them is the transition of Praslavyansky TJ and DJ into the sound "h" and "F", The emergence of full-state groups wow, Olo, Ere, Ele from Praslavyansky oR, OL, ER, EL. For example, such a group like Tort, which in South Slavic languages \u200b\u200bis presented by TRAT, in the Czech TRAT, in the Polish Trot, in Russian corresponds to the TOROT group; TERT group equally matches TERET, and the change in old vowels b and b (ETS) in she is O. . These three facts we can add many other, less important and less obvious.

Pranodina Eastern Slavs. There was an eastern part protoslavan's cradle: the whole Polysti pool (Polesie) , then the territory on the bottom river Berezine, on the gum and Tether, Kiev and all the current Volyn, where there were the most favorable conditions for existence. Since the beginning of our era, the birthplace of the eastern Slavs was quite extensive, since in the VI and VII centuries we see already a large number of Slavs in the north, on Lake Ilmen, and in the East, on Don, at the Azov Sea, "άμετρα εθνη", - Speaks about them proof (IV.4). Natio Populosa Per Immensa Spatia Consedit, "Jordan (GET., V.34) said at the same time when he writes about the conquests of Germany until 375. The fact that the pranodine of the Russian Slavs was ever in the Carpathians, there can be no speech. It was trying to once prove I. Nadezhdin, and later with another large effort Professor Ivan Filevich, but to no avail2.

Slavs in the Carpathians was originally not at all, but in the Slavic Pranodine, in the greatest intimacy to the Carpathian Mountains, there were ancestors of South Slavic Croats, Serbs and Bulgarians . East Slavs came to the Carpathians later after care bulgarian , namely, in the X century . I also exclude the possibility of the arrival of Eastern Slavs to his homeland, on the Dnieper, only in the third century of our era, after care is ready, as I tried to prove A. Chess, or in the V-VI centuries, as I believed on the basis of archaeological data I.L . Pich3. Such a movement, which in history does not have the slightest mention, for that epoch completely excluded.

There was no more convenient places for the cradleeastern Slavs than on the Middle Dnieper . This is perhaps the most convenient place in the whole Russian plain . There are no continental mountains here, but here extend here endless forests and there is a thick network of shipping rivers. This water network binds each other like remote areas extensive Eastern European Plain, and the Sea, Her surrounding: Baltic, Black and Caspian. Even now, after the destruction of many forests and aimed reclamation work, there is enough water everywhere, and one thousand years ago it was much more. Everywhere during the spring flood directly, and at another time wolf. 4 boats took place from one river to another , from one large water basin to another and in this way from one sea to another. Such waterways walking in all directions and lickered linked ancient Russia there were many. But the most famous of them was dniprovsky path, bonding the Black Sea and Tsargrad with the Baltic Sea and Scandinavia, i.e three ancient cultural Mira: East Slavic world, Greek and Scandinavian-German.

Entering the mouth of the Dnieper, Boats with goods or people were heading along this path up to the thresholds between Aleksandrovsky (Zaporizhzhi) and Ekaterinoslav (Dnepropetrovsk). Then the boats swapped through the thresholds or dragged them into account along the shore, after which they opened a free way to Smolensk. Not to reach Smolensk, they folded on a little tributaries to combate and Casple on Dvina and then the wolves dragged on to which already fluently went to Lake Ilmen and further along the Volkhov River, past the Veliky Novgorod, in Ladoga, and then on the Neva to the Finnish Bay.

river pool Pripyat and Pinskoe Polesie

Along with this straight boat, they could sometimes be sent in other ways; so in the west they could roll on the pripaty and in her tributaries to go to the nonsense or on Western Dvina, and on it in the Riga Bay or in the east to go to the gum and the seboard on Don. 5.

From the gums it was possible on the rivers of the Bol, snow, Sirdy, Ugra, Oka to reach the Volga who was the largest cultural artery; At the last went, finally, and other ways that bind the Dnipro in Smolensk with the North (wolf) and volzhsky tributaries by Vazuza, Osm, Help and Okoy 6.

Obvious value east Slavic Motherland on the Middle Dnieper, located on great cultural, commercial and colonial paths, on the most important node of intersecting commercial roads. If there is a strong people in such a place, which could save and use the advantages provided to him by the earth, in front of the Slavic people, there were great prospects in the future both from the point of view of cultural and especially in terms of colonization and political. Eastern Branch of Slavs, inhabited powered on average Dnieper was so strong that could start from ancient times a further expansion without weakening native region What she did.

However, the successful development of the Eastern Slavs was determined not only exclusively favorable location, on which they developed, but also because Next door to them on a very large area there was no people who would have any noticeable resistance to their distribution Or could firmly and for a long time to conquer them. Thus, relative passivity and the weakness of the neighbors was the second condition contributing to the development of Eastern Slavs.

Only in the West were strong and non-danguable neighbors. These were Poles, which not only have resisted, but also successfully, the truth is already later, in the XVI century, Lithuanian and Russian lands were opposed. Russian border in the West nearly did not change And now passes almost where was 1000 years ago, near Western Bug and Sana 7.

In the other places neusal Slavs retreats in front of their onslaught, therefore, we need to get acquainted with them and, in particular, to establish their initial places of settlement. We are talking about Thracians and Iranians.

Slavs-Thracians north from the Danube, in the Karpathian Mountains

Thracians , as well as Iranians supported close relationships still with Praslav what does it testify affiliation languages \u200b\u200bto the group of languages \u200b\u200bSatum, different from the group of kentum languages. Along with this, other data indicate that pranodina Thracians were originally significantly north of their historical habitats and placed north from the Danube, in the hood of the Carpathian mountains , and then in the mountains, where toponymics of the main mountain ranges are clearly not Slavic (Carpathians, Beskids, Tatra, Matra, Fatra, Magura) and where still in Roman times, tribes known under the collective name of Ducks . Probably these thracian Ducks were the original neighbors of Slavs, as evidenced by the presence in their languages \u200b\u200bof a certain number of phonetic and lexical similarities 8. As an example, I will indicate only a common underfix for both Language regions - hundred In the names of the rivers.

Everything indicates that The southern neighbors of Slavic Pranodina were originally Thracians who lived in the Carpathians and on their northern slopes. Only later between the V and III centuries BC. e. From the West some Gallean tribes appeared, and with them skifo-Gothic The tribes, the first to arguing about the movement of the German wave, if only they (Scythian-Gothic tribes) were indeed German tribes. The last Slavic tribes were penetrated into the Carpathians, On the presence of which it indicates, apparently, already a map of Ptolemy (Sulaans, Care, Penns), as well as the name of the Carpathian "οόενεδικά όρη".

Thracians were the neighbors of the Slavs east between the Carpathians and the Dnipro

In addition to the Carpathians, the Thracians were the neighbors of Slavs and in areas that fit further east between the Carpathians and Dnipro. I believe that, related Scythians tribes - Κιμμέριοι) who inhabited in this area before the arrival of Scythians and their part in the Crimea (brands?), and part of the Carpathian Mountains, where Herodota in his time knew the Thracian tribe of Agaphirs (in the current transylvania), are Thracians, as simultaneously with the invasion of the Scythians in the late VIII and early VII century BC. malaya Asia appears people called in Assyrian sources (Himirras), and in Greek as well as another name - Triros — « Τρήρες ", Consequently, the name of the famous Thracian tribal9. It is very likely that himirras in Malaya Asia represented some part pushed scythians In Malny Asia.

Iranians. Other neighbors of the eastern Slavs In the south of the Old Russian Pranodina there were Iranians. That it is the Iranian element that has long been supported by Praslavnov's relations, indicate the mentioned language coincidences. in group of languages \u200b\u200bSatum 10. However historical evidence confirming this, before the VIII century BC. there is none. To this and the period that followed him, we can attend historical sources the appearance of Iranians in South Russian steppes that prevailed here until the arrival of Gunnov. These were Scythians, and after them Sarmati.

The first Iranian wave fluttered on these lands in the VIII-VII centuries BC E. ., And probably even earlier, there were Scythians ; Detailed description of them salads I. scythians in the V century BC e. I left us in the fourth book of my own (lived in 484-425 BC. E.) , which the visited north shore (Black Sea). On the presentation occupied space limited to , in the east -, for which Sarmatians lived further east, and in the north - Line, stretching from sources Dniester (Danastrais; r. Tiras) and Bug through the Dnieper Rights to Tanaisu (Don) (Herod., IV. 100, 101).

Pecheneginew wave Turkic Tatar tribes20 started their movement from the territory between the Volga and Jil where they have previously dwell, already at the beginning of the IX century, but on Slavic Rus, the first raids were committed only in the X century, What is confirmed by the Kiev Chronicles, where under 915 we read: " Prihasezi Benezie is the first to the land of land, and the world with Igor, and Kidosh to Danube. " Pechenegs fully undermined the impact and strength of the Khazar state, and from the second half of the X century we already read about their incessant wars with Russian princes. Links between both peoples were so close as Pechenegi, according to Arab reports, learned to speak in Slavyansky 21. The fight against the Pechenegs ended only after they were pushed out of Russian steppes with new enemies - related Pechenegs Tribes Trecks, or Uzov, and then Polovtsy, or Kumanaman . For the first time Torkov refer to Pliny and Pomponiy chalk, then in the 6th century Yang Efesse, not far from Persia22, however 985 Kiev Prince Vladimir is already taking a hike against Bulgarian in alliance. In this way, torky Already were on the Volga and in Europe came at the beginning of the XI century, crucible Polovtsy and, in turn, ousting Pechenegs. Pechenegi, victims in 1036 in Kiev, a serious defeat, came to the Danube, and soon, in the middle of the XI century, and in Bulgaria, where a huge mass followed them in 1064 torkov . Other part torkov under the name of black hoods stayed together with Polovtsy in the Russian steppes .

Late raids of Polovtsy and Tatars go far beyond our presentation. But already from what is told, it can be seen With how difficulty Slavs moved to the south. Prodivique of Slavs and their advanced colonies were constantly attacked by all new and new waves of Turkic Tatar tribes,of which the latter - Tatara - came the dam, for a long period of stopping the promotion of Slavs. True, in these conditions and even before the X century, Slavs moved forward, however as a destructive pechenezhsky and Polovtsy invasion Slavs in the XI and XII centuries fully they were ousted from the region between the Dnieper and the Danube and are pushed out by the River Court, Russia and in the Carpathian Mountains.


On the The North and East of the Slavs lived in the Finnish tribes. Where their praodine was, we do not know, but the latest theories that establish a close relationship between and praphin give reason to look for her Near OT european Motherland Indo-European, That is, on the eastern outskirts of Europe, in the Urals and the Urals. It has been established that Finns have been dwelling from a long time on Kame, Oka and Volga, Where about at the beginning of our era Part of the Finnish tribes Separated and went to the Baltic Sea, taking the shore Boat and Riga Bays (Later Jam, Estaurants and Liva) . How far advanced volzhsky Finns in the middle rus And where exactly they first met the Slavs, unknown. This is a question that is still impossible to give an accurate answer, since we do not have preliminary work data, both archaeological (studying Finnish graves) and philological - the collection and study of the ancient Finnish toponymy of Central Russia. Nevertheless, it can be said that Yaroslavl, Kostromskaya, Moscow, Vladimirskaya, Ryazan and Tambov province were originally populated by Finnish tribes and that the Finns lived earlier even in the Voronezh province, but as far as they had advanced to the West, we still do not know. IN Oryol province According to A.A. Spice traces of Finnish culture no longer 23. In Kaluga, Moscow, Tver and Tula provinces, Finns faced Lithuanians. True, chess assumed that in the time of Herodotus, Finns occupied the Polyati River pool, that they even penetrated from there and In the top of the Vistula (Nury) , However, the linguistic evidence given to them disputed As well as the former linguistic and archaeological theories. The latter were never so reasonable to refute thesis about Slavic Pranodine Between Vistula and Dnipro. If we accepted the point of view of Chessatov, then in Eastern Europe, there would be no place for the cradle of the Great Slavic people in Eastern Europe, because where chess places it, between Lower Neman and Dvina She could not be both for reasons for linguistic (toponymy not Slavyanskaya) and according to the archaeological 24.

Therefore, I can't not insist that finns on Volyn and in Polesie was not , and if the point of view of some philologists, which is that there is no connection between the Vine Slavonic and Ancient Finnish languages, then the Finns in the period of Praslavyansky unity were separated from Slavs in the north of Lithuanian tribes (from Baltic through Smolensk to Kaluga) , and in the east or strip of unknown lands, which are already mentioned by Herodotus, or most likely the Wedge of Iranian, possibly Turkic Tatar, tribes. Finnov's links with the Slavs were established only after eastern Slavs already at the beginning of our era have advanced in the north for the headwaters of the Dnieper, and in the east for the gum and Don, When Finns began to advance north, to the Baltic Sea. But in this case, Finns did not affect the entire Russian land, as in Russian as a whole, with the exception of the northern and eastern outskirts of Russia, the influence of the Finnish language does not affect. However, all these are linguistic problems; The judgment about them and their permission we must provide specialists to philologists.

On the appearance of Finns in history can be spent more definitely only from the I century n. e. Although we have a number of references and ethnic items, testifying to the stay of the Finnish tribes in the Tip and Volga region for five or six centuries before that time, but some of them cannot be said with confidence whether they are Finnish. Budins the numerous tribe that lived between the gums and Don is more likely to Slavs. Finns, apparently, and melanchlen, android and Herodota iirki (Herod., Iv.22, 23). The first leads the name Fenni Tacit (Germ., 46), and behind him Ptolemy (III.5, 8, φίννοι). The rest of the Ptolemy map contains the same data that is also at Herodot. Among the peoples listed them are undoubtedly Finnish. This is also evidenced by the name Volga - "RA" ('Ry) (Wed Mordovskoe Rhau - water) 25, - But which of them were Finnish, we cannot say.

In the 4th century n. e. Jordan in the news about the peoples who conquered before his death along with and lithuanians (Aesties) Minds a number of items, mostly distorted and inexplicable, between which, however, there are several explicit items of the later Finnish tribes.26 so, under the name VasinaBroncas. it should be understood all And probably, and permian; Under the names Merens, Mordens - Merry and Mordva. To some extent applies to the name Gothic name - Thiudos. because of it Slavic (Russian) collective name for Finnov - Chud 21.

Major messages About the neighborhood of Finns with Slavs Related to the IX-X centuries are available only in the Kiev chronicle. Slavs by that time advanced to Lake Ilmen, Neva, Ladoga, Vladimir, Suzdal, Ryazan and Nizhny Don And everywhere came into contact with Finnish tribes. The chronicler knows three groups of Finnish tribes: 1) at the Baltic Sea, 2) at the Volga and then 3) in the north, "behind the wipes", in the Rochest Forests (Zavolochenskaya Chud).Separately in the chronicles are called tribes at the Baltic Sea: actually Chud and Liv in the south of the Gulf of Finland (Neighboring water in the Kiev chronicle is not mentioned), then eymer or Yam in the current Finland; Next "Behind the Voloki" White-lake was all Somewhere in Dvina in Biarmia Scandinavian sources - Perm, and even further northeast - Ugra, Ugra, Pechora and Selfie.

In the XIII century carares are mentioned north of Emi. To the Eastern Volzhskaya group belonged cheremis, inhabited previously west than now, mainly in the Kostroma province; mordva - in the Okey River Basin (now further east); In the north of their neighbors were Murom's tribes on the Klyazma River, Merry on the Rostov and Ploggy lakes between the Volga and Klyazma And south of the Morder Meschcher, later ceased to their existence28.

We can establish that where the Slavs would have come to contact with these tribes in their promotion finns always retired And in general were very passive. Fight although he was carried out, but the Finnish element was passively and constantly snapped his land Slavs. Already Tacitus mentions the lack of weapons from the Finns, and the designation of Jordan FINNI MITISSIMI (Get., III.23) is also not unreasonable. Another reason for the weakness of the Finnish tribes was obviously rare settling , complete absence of any strong concentration of the population around certain centers, and it was precisely the superiority of the Slavs who had strong initial positions in the rear in the rear, organized varyago Rusa.

Only one Finnish tribe achieved major successes, subordinate to himself a large number of Slavs, and then probably because before that it was exposed to severe influence turkic Tatar culture. These were magyars - people predictive essays and Vogulums with Obi, who went south approximately in the V-VI centuries. At the beginning of the IX century, they appeared at Don next door to Khazars, in the region called Swan . From there near 860 of the year magyary moved to South Moldova (to the area called Atelkus), and then, after several invasions on the Balkans and in Pannonia, Around 896, settled for a long time on the Hungarian lowland , where to magyary Penetrated through the Eastern or Northern Carpathian Pass. Further story magyar it is already connected exclusively with the Western and South Slavs.


Lithuanians from ancient times lived at the Baltic Sea. This is indicated by these linguistics attitudes. lithuanian language to the languages \u200b\u200bof other Indo-European peoples , then topographic nomenclature, as well as all historical data. Long tight links of Lithuanians with Slavs can be considered a scientifically established fact, and the existence of balto-Slavic unity In the period when the rest of the Indo-European peoples were already divided into separate branches, it is also possible to be indisputable, despite the doubts that A. Meiet29 expressed. But even if there was no absolute unity, then only with the Slavs they had such close relations that led to education two dialect regions unified Balo Slavic Region , And the peoples of both areas well understood each other. When the final separation happened here, it is difficult to say. True, on the basis of the fact that the word switched to Slavic language from Iranian language churn (Kurd), which in Lithuanian is absent, or on the basis of the fact that Finnish name Honey (Fin. Hunaja) passed to Lithuanian language (Wed. Lithuanian Vârias Vargien, Latvian Varč - Möd), while in Slavic language there is a singer "Möd", was concluded that During the arrival of Scythians in South Rus and even earlier, at the beginning of the II millennium BC. e., in the era of bronze, both people -slia and Lithuanians already lived separately30. However, such evidence to determine the date of separation of these peoples is completely unconvincing Currently, except for the fact that at the beginning of our era, this division has already happened here. It is only possible to say that both the Slavic tribes and the Lithuanians represented independent associations at this time.

It is also impossible to give an accurate answer and to the question where the boundary between both peoples originally passed. The current territory of Lithuania and Latvia is separated from the Germans, Russians and Finns of the line stretching from the sea, ranging from the mouth of the mimele through Goldap, Suwalki, Grodno, Druskeniki on Neman, Vilnius, Dvinsk (Daugavpils), Lucin (Ludza) to the Pskov Lake and then through Valka (volcquer) back to the sea to the Riga Gulf31. This territory compared to the territory occupied by the Germans or Slavs, is insignificant next to Lithuania and Latvia. Neillo and the number of population: according to statistical data for 1905 Russia has numbered more than 3 million Lithuanians and Latvians. But initially the Lithuanians were not so small. The territory was engaged in them sometime in the West up to the Vistula (Lithuanian Prussians) , and in the north before the arrival of Finns - to the very Finnish bay; The border separated them from Praslavan and Pupinnov also passed significantly further from the sea than now.

In 1897, Professor Kochabinsky, on the basis of the parsing of the topographic nomenclature of the current Belarus, tried to determine the territory of prehistoric Lithuania 32. There were many drawbacks in his work, and indeed, the knowledge of Kochabinsky in Old Lithuanian language was insufficient to solve such a difficult problem. It should not be noted that the newest linguists were looking for Nemman's pool and Dvina and Celtic nomenclature and that A.A. Chess even such names as Neman, Vilia, who was previously considered by Lithuanian, was considered as Celtic33.

However, despite this, it is safe to say that the territory of the current Belarus initially in its large part was settled by Lithuanians, that the ancient Lithuanians penetrated the LOMZA Woodland to the northern part of the Pripyat River basin and before part of the Berezian River basin and that they went to the East to Dvina, that somewhere on the territory of the former Moscow province came across Volzhsky Finns, which is also confirmed by numerous examples. similarities in Lithuanian and the language of the Volga Finns. Even the famous Lyadinsky burial ground of Tambov was declared archaeologists by the monument of Lithuanian culture, which, however, is very doubtful. But, on the other hand, it is no doubt that in the XII century on the River Prove People lived in Moscow province lithuanian origin - Golly, - Apparently, representing the remnants of the initial Lithuanian statements of this area, and even that in the XIII century, Lithuanian settlements were located at the origins of Dvina, Volga, on Vazuz and in the part of the Tver and Moscow Gubernia35. The appearance here Golyady is explained by the fact that a wide wedge of Slavic colonization, moving forward with great efforts, racial area, occupied by Lithuanians, and separated them from the Volga Finns.

In history, the Lithuanians first appear under the name "Ostiev" (ώστιαΐοι) PIPEY 36, if, of course, to believe that the Tacitian "Germany" aircraft are Lithuanians and that later their name has passed on the Finns who came to the Finnish bay. Such an explanation is also accepted, but not at all necessary37.

Ptolemy in his map of Sarmatia (III.5, 9, 10) cites the Baltic Sea coast a large number of tribal names, and some of them are undoubtedly Lithuanian. However, we cannot say which of these items are undoubtedly Lithuanians, with the exception of two - Galindai Γαλίνδαι and sudine - σουδινοί. Galindai identically russian naked and titled Galindia region, which is known later historical sources in Eastern Prussia , in area Mazurov . Cudine - Σουδινοί identically with the name of the region Sudavia Located next to Galindia towards Suwalkam. Finally, I. Borovskoy Βοροΰσκοι mistakenly placed by Ptolem far deep into sarmatias are lithuanian tribe Boruskov (Prussia - Borussia) . But, however, the name Oletia - 'οέέλται not identically as Mullengof believed, the name of Lithuania, and is slavic name orders 38.

After Ptolemy passed a long period of time when there were no news about Lithuania. Only the Russian chronicles, primarily the oldest Kiev, give us a description of Lithuania as it was known rusam in the X and XI centuries . In that period prussians lived off the coast of the Vorazhsky Sea, By occupying the area stretching east of Lower Wist and Dwenz. Next to the east there are actually Lithuanians, north of them and the west of Polotsk winter then on the right bank of the Dvina River latgola. ; south of the Gulf of Riga, by the sea, dwell Tribe Court Finally, somewhere else, in place, exactly not installed, tribe called narova, Norova (Ran) 39. About the tribe, a naked, localized on the River Proven, separated from the rest of Lithuanians, I have already mentioned above.

In the late period there was a further movement of the tribes and the change in their names. Prussians began to disappear from the XIII century, especially after they were finally enslaved in 1283. Prussian language still in the XVI century pledged a pitiful existence, and already in 1684, according to the testimony of Garthcall, there was not a single village, where they would understand in Prusska. Lithuania divided into two parts: Upper Lithuania (in the area of \u200b\u200bNeman and Vilia), called Aukstatta and lower (west from nonsense) Gemiteyia, Polish - Zmmad. About Galindia and Sudavia in Eastern Prussia has already mentioned above.

The last significant tribe In the XIII century were Yatvägi. (Polish Jadzwing). This tribe is known, however, the Kiev chronicles on the campaign of Vladimir on them in 983. , However, where this tribe lived, they say only the later chronicles of the XIII century, placing it for the river Narev and Bobru , in lake areas Prussia where they came shortly before that from their initial settlements, which were further to the East 40. In this way, yatvägi. dwell in Polesie, And current russian and Polish fields (Pollexiani in the Polish Chronicle) - descendants of Yatvyov. Drogichin on the bougie however, was not their county, as it was previously thought. In favor of this there is no historical evidence, and old archaeological finds In the vicinity of Drogic, as far as I know, wearing Slavic.

————————————————- ***

1. See A. Meillet, Le Monde Slave, 1917, III-IV, 403.

2.I. Filevich, History of Ancient Rus, I, p. 33, Warsaw, 1896; N. Nadezhdin, experience of historical geography, 1837.

3. A. Chess, Bulletin de l'ACAD. imp. DES SC. De St. Petersbourg, 1911, 723; I. L. Pic, Staroźitnosti, II, 219, 275.

4. The wolf was called low and narrow endings between two rivers, through which it was easy to drag the boat with goods from one river to another. IN portable meaning The region was also called the area where there were such wolves, in particular the region at the origins of the Dnieper, Dvina and Volga. From here in the ancient Russia of the Earth for this region called the Zavolochye.

5. Don was connected with the Volga famous wolf between Tsaritsyn and Kalach.

6. See about it. Read more N.P. Barsova, essays of Russian historical geography, Warsaw, 2 e ed., 1885.

7. See "Slov. Star. ", III, 231.

8. Based on this kinship and ancient neighborhood and there were known theories about the Slavic origin of Ducks, which, of course, are erroneous, if you count by the Slavs itself.

9. See "Slov. Star. ", I, 217.

10. You should pay attention to at least God, Vatra, Sokh, Kurta, Sera, Topor etc.

11. Ya. Paisker, based on a number of presumptive Turkic Tatar words taken over by the Slavs yet BC, speaks of cruel slavery, from which the Slavs suffered from the Slavs, being under the Turkic Tatar ig. The culprits of this slavery, in his opinion, were starting from the VIII century to n. e. Scythians.

12. See "SLOV. Star. ", I, 512. From Russian historians, you can call, for example, D. Ilovai, V. Florinsky, D. Samokvasov.

14. Lord., Get., 119, 120.

15. Theories about the alleged Slavs of Huns in historiography, in fact, already forgotten. This theory was put forward in 1829 Y. Venines in the composition of the "Ancient and current Bulgarians" (Moscow), and after it a number of Russian and Bulgarian historians, including at the end of the XIX century and V. Florinsky, I. Rabelina and DM. Ilovaiski. The merit of refutation of this theory (simultaneously with the Gunns, the Slavs also considered the actual Bulgarian and Roxolanov) belongs to M. Drinov, V. Miller and especially V. Vasilyevsky (see his work "On the imaginary Slavs of Gunnov, Bulgarian and Rocksolan", ZHMP, 1882-1883 ).

16. Theoph. (ED. Boor), 356, 358; Nicephoros (ED. Boor), 33. In addition to these oldest sources on the history of Bulgaria, from modern works, see primarily Zlatarsky, History on Balgarskat Dzhrzhava, I, Sofia, 1918, 21 151.

17. B. 922, these Bulgarians accepted Islam and maintained close cultural and especially economic relations with Eastern Slavs. State of Volzhsky Bulgaria. it was for Slavic Rus during the times of faithful and hunger. As a result of these ties, a significant mixing of Bulgarians with a Slavic element took place, so Ibn Fadlan and some others mistakenly announced volzhsky Bulgaria. Slavs . Arabic writers unlike Volzhsky Bulgarians denote by Western Bulgaria name Burdżan (Burdżan) .

18. See "Slov. Star. ", II, 201-202.

19. Meanwhile, during the IX century, through the South Rus, there were also uGRS -Personna of Finnish origin, which came out from don about 825 And around 860 were in the Lower Danube, finally taking Hungary at the end of the IX century (896). See further on with. 185. Between 851-868, on the way from Kherson, the Slavic Apostle Constantine met with them to the land of Khazarov.

20. "Tale of Bygone Years", ed. Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1950, t. I, p. 31.

21. Ibrahim Ibn Yakub, Cyt. Op., 58.

23. Notes of the Russian Archaeological Society, T. Xi, New Series, St. Petersburg., 1899, p. 188. According to the archeology, the traces of Finnish culture, we currently can trace up to Tambov, Ryazan, Moscow and the origins of the Volga.

24. See above, p. 30-32, and what I wrote about this in the article "New Theories about the Praodine Slavs" (SSN, 1915, XXI, 1). However, B. recent work Chess and himself recognized the insufficiency of his evidence (Revue des etudes Slaves, I, 1921, 190).

25. See R. Meckelein. FINN. UGR. Elemente im russischen. - Berlin, 1914. - 1.12, 16.

26. In this place, Jordan writes (Get., 116, 117): "Habest Si QuiDem Quos Domuerat Golthescytha, Thiudos, Inaunxis, VasinaBroncas, Merens, Mordens, Imniscaris, Rogas, Tadzans, AThaul, Navego, Bubegenas, Goldas. Among the literature, which focused on the interpretation of this place in Jordan, I will point out the main works: Miilenhoff, Deutsche Altertum Skunde, II, 74; Th. Grienberger (Zeitschrift f. D. Alt., 1895, 154) and I. Mik Kola (FINN. UGR. Forschungen, XV, 56 and SL.)

27. See Miklosich, ETYMOLOGISCHES WORBUCH, 357. This expression in the lips of Slavs initially meant someone else's man ; Czech cuzi. , Russian Alien , Church Slavonic alien are the same word. Russians still call some finnish tribes chorn .

28. Mescher usually identified with barts Eastern sources. In the topographic nomenclature of the Oka basin, for example, in the vicinity of Ryazan, there are still many traces of their names.

29. Meillet, Les Dialacts Indoeuropeens, Paris, 1908, 48 Si.

30. Hehn, Kulturpflanzen und Haustiere (VI VYD., 324); Krek, Einleitung in Die Slavische Literaturgeschichte, Graz, 1887, 216.

31. F. Tetzner (Globus, 1897, LXXI, 381); J. Rozwadowski. Materiały I Prace Korn. jęz. - 1901.1; A. Bielenstein. ATLAS DER ETHNOL. Geographie des Heute und Prach. Lettenlandes. - Petersburg, 1892; L. Niederle. Slovansky SVGT. - Praha, 1909. - 15.

32. A. Kochaubinsky, territory of prehistoric Lithuania, ZHMNP, 1897, I, 60.

33. See above, p. 30. A. Pododin displays the name "Neman" from Finnish.

34. See E.F. Karsky. Belarusians. I. - Warsaw, 1903. - 45, 63.

35. Nasty Mentioned in the oldest Russian chronicles (Lavrentievskaya, Ipatiev) under 1058 and 1146. See also A.I. Sobolevsky, Izv. imp. Acad., 1911, 1051. Part of the blue, of course, already later under pressure from Slavs moved to the West, in Prussia (Galindia) .

36. Steph. Byz. s. v. Ώστιωνες.

37. At that time, the names of the names have arisen namestee with the German Osty (ALFRED); Ostland - People in the East, the area in the east. 38. See p. 151.

39. PVL, USSR Academy of Sciences, I, 13, 210.

40. N.P. Bars. Essays of Russian historical geography. - Warsaw, 1885.-40, 234.

Slavic peoples occupy space on earth more than in history. Italian historian Mauro orbini in his book "Slavic kingdom", published back in 1601, wrote: " Slavic genus older than the pyramids and so numerous that he had plenty of polim».

A written story about the Slavs BC does not report anything. Footprints of ancient civilizations in the Russian north - a scientific issue, not resolved by historians. The country of utopia, described by the ancient Greek philosopher by a scientist Plato Hyperborea - Presumably arctic pranodine of our civilization.

Hyperborea, she is Daaria or Arctic - the ancient name of the North. Judging by the annals, legends, myths and legends that existed of different nations The world in antiquity, the hyperboret was located in the north of today's Russia. It is possible that she also affected Greenland, Scandinavia, or, as shown on medieval maps, was generally spread on the islands around the North Pole. Inhabited that land people having genetic relationship with us. The real existence of the mainland is evidenced by the map, copied by the greatest cartographer of the XVI century. Memorcator in one of egyptian pyramids In Giza.

Gerhard Mercator's map, published by his son Rudolph in 1535. In the center of the card depicts the legendary Arctic. Cartographic materials of this kind to the flood could only be obtained using aircraft, highly developed technologies and in the presence of a powerful mathematical apparatus necessary to create specific projections.

In the calendars of Egyptians, Assyrians and Maya of the catastrophe, which destroyed the hyperbeda, dates back to 11542 BC. e. Climate change and the global flood of 112 thousand years ago forced our ancestors to leave their praodine Darary and migrate through the only end of the Ice Ocean (Ural Mountains).

"... the whole world turned over, and the stars fell from the sky. This happened because the huge planet fell to the ground ... at that moment "the heart of Leo reached the first minute of cancer's head." The Great Arctic Civilization was destroyed by a unpaved catastrophe.

As a result of the impact of the asteroid 13659 years ago, the land performed a "jump in time". The jump influenced not only on astrological clocks, which began to show a different time, but also on the generallylanet energy watches, asking the life-giving rhythm to the whole living on Earth.

The pranodine of the peoples of the White race sank did not completely.

From the enormous territory of the North of the Eurasian Plateau, who once became land, today only Spitsbergen, the land of Franz Joseph, are visible above the water, New Earth, Northern Earth and Novosibirsk Islands.

Astronomers and astrophysics that study the problems of asteroid security argue that every one hundred years the Earth faces cosmic bodies of less than one hundred meters. More than a hundred meters - every 5000 years. The strikes of asteroids with a diameter in a kilometer are possible every 300 thousand years. Once in a million years, clashes with bodies with a diameter of more than five kilometers are not excluded.

The preserved ancient historical chronicles and the conducted study show that in the last 16,000 years large asteroids, the dimensions of which were superior to tens of kilometers in the diameter, hit the Earth twice: 13659 years ago and 2500 years before that.

If absent scientific textsThe material monuments are hidden under arctic ice or not recognized, the reconstruction of the language comes to the rescue. The tribes, spreading, turned into peoples, and labels remained on their chromosomal sets. Such tags remained on Aryan words, and they can be found in any Western European language. Watches words coincide with chromosome mutations! Daaria or Arctic, named after Hyperboree, is, the pranodina of all Aryan peoples and representatives racial type White people in Europe and Asia.

Two branches of the Aryan peoples are obvious. Approximately 10 thousand years BC. One spread to the east, and the other moved from the territory of the Russian Plain to Europe. DNA genealogy shows that these two branches sprouted from one root from the depths of the Millennium, from ten to twenty thousands of years BC, he is much older than the one about which today's scientists write, suggesting that Arias spread from the south. Indeed, the movement of Ariyev in the south existed, but it was much later. Initially there was a resettlement of people from north to south and to the center of the mainland, where future Europeans appeared, that is, representatives of the White race. Even before relocation to the south, these tribes lived together in the territories adjacent to the Southern Urals.

The predecessors of Arievas lived in the territory of Russia in a deep antiquity, and there were developed civilization, confirms one of the oldest cities found in the Urals in 1987, the city - the Observatory, which existed already at the beginning of the 2nd millennium BC. Eh ... Named by the nearby village of Arkim. Arkim (XVIII-XVI centuries BC) is a contemporary of the Egyptian Middle Kingdom, Criton-Mikan culture and Babylon. Calculations show that Arkim older than Egyptian pyramids, its age at least five thousand years, like Stonehenge.

According to the type of burial in Arcaim, it can be argued that protolaria lived in the city. Our ancestors who lived on Earth of Russia, 18 thousand years ago had an extremely sunny calendar, sunny-star surprising accuracy observatory, ancient towns of temples; They gave humanity perfect tools of labor and laid animal husbandry.

To date, the Aryans can be allocated

  1. in language - Indo-Iranian, Dartern, Nuristan Group
  2. Y-chromosome - carriers of some subclosures R1A in Eurasia
  3. 3) Anthropologically - proto-indoirans (ARYA) were carriers of the Crucianoid ancient Eurasian type, which is not represented in modern population.

The search for modern "Aryans" is encountered on a number of similar difficulties - it is impossible to reduce these 3 points to one value.

In Russia, interest in the search for hyperborei has been published, starting with Catherine II and its envoys to the north. With the help of Lomonosov, she organized two expeditions. On May 4, 1764, the Empress signed a secret decree.

The HCC and the Dzerzhinsky personally also showed interest in the search for hyperborei. Interested in all the secret of absolute weapons, the strength of similar with nuclear. Expedition of the twentieth century

under the leadership of Alexander Barchenko was looking for him. Even the Hitler's expedition was visited in the territories of the Russian North, which consisted of members of the Anecherb organization.

Doctor of Philosophical Sciences Valery Demin, defending the concept of the polar praodine of mankind, leads versatile arguments in favor of the theory, according to which there was a highly developed hyperborean civilization in the northern past: the roots of Slavic culture are leaving.

Slavs, like all modern peoples, arose as a result of complex ethnic processes and are a mixture of preceding heterogeneous ethnic groups. The history of Slavs is inextricably linked with the history of the emergence and settlement of Indo-European tribes. Four thousand years ago, a single Indo-European community begins to decay. The formation of the Slavic tribes occurred in the process of allocating them from among the numerous tribes of a large Indo-European family. In Central and Eastern Europe, the language group is separated, in which the data of genetics showed, the ancestors of the Germans, Balts and Slavs were included. They occupied an extensive territory: from the Vistula to the Dnieper, the individual tribes reached the Volga, the Tester of Finno-Ugroms. In the 2nd millennium BC. The German-Balto-Slavic language group was also experiencing crushing processes: German tribes go to the West, for the Elbe, and the Balts and Slavs remain in Eastern Europe.

From the middle of the II thousand to AD. On large spaces from the Alps to Dnieper, Slavic or understandable Slavs are prevalent. But other tribes continue to be on this territory, and some of them leave these territories, others appear from non-negative areas. Several waves from the south, and then the Celtic invasion prompted the Slavs and the tribes related to them to go north and northeast. Apparently, this was often accompanied by a certain decrease in the level of culture, the development was slowed down. So Baltoslavyans and the distinguished Slavic tribes were turned off from cultural and historical communities, which was formed at that time on the basis of the synthesis of the Mediterranean civilization and crops of the navel barbaric tribes.

IN modern science The greatest recognition was the views according to which Slavic ethnicity Originally consisted in the area or between Oder (Odré) and the Vistula (Oder-Vista theory), or between Oder and Middle Dnipro (Oder-Dneprovskaya theory). The ethnogenesis of Slavs developed in stages: Protosliament, Praslavyan and Rannesian ethnolinguistic community, which subsequently broke up into several groups:

  • romanesque - the French, Italians, Spaniards, Romanians, Moldovans will occur from her;
  • german - Germans, British, Swedes, Danes, Norwegians; Iranian - Tajiks, Afghans, Ossetians;
  • baltic - Latvian, Lithuanians;
  • greek - Greeks;
  • slavic - Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians.

The assumption of the existence of the Praodina of Slavs, Balts, Celts, Germans is quite controversial. Craneological materials do not contradict the hypothesis that Praodina Praslavan was in the interfold of the Vistula and the Danube, Western Dvina and Dniester. Nestor considered the Pranodina Slavs Danube lowland. For the study of ethnogenesis, the anthropology could give a lot. Slavs during the I millennium BC and the first Millennium of our era burned the dead, so there are no such material researchers. And genetic and other studies are a matter of the future. Taken separately the various information about the Slavs in the oldest period - and the data of the history, and the archeology data, and the toponymics data, and the data of language contacts cannot provide reliable grounds for determining the pranodine of Slavs.

The hypothetical ethnogenesis of protofods about 1000 BC. e. (Prashlyani highlighted in yellow)

Ethnogenetic processes were accompanied by migrations, differentiation and integration of peoples, assimilative phenomena, in which various, both Slavic and non-Slavic ethnic groups participated. Contact zones have changed and changed. Further resettlement of Slavs, especially intensive in the middle of the 1th millennium AD, took place in three main areas: to the south (on the Balkan Peninsula), west (in the middle Danube and Mezhdra and Elba district) and northeast to the East European plain. Written sources did not help scientists to determine the borders of the spread of Slavs. Archaeologists came to the rescue. But when studying possible archaeological crops it was impossible to allocate precisely Slavic. Cultures were imposed on each other, which spoke about their parallel existence, constant movement, wars and cooperation, mixing.

Indo-European language community has developed in the population, separate groups which was in direct communication among themselves. Such communication was possible only on a relatively limited and compact area. There were quite extensive zones, in the boundaries of which related languages \u200b\u200bwere seen. In many areas, the alpine tribes lived, and such a century could also be maintained. Their languages \u200b\u200bcame closer, but the addition of a relatively single language could be realized only in the state of the state. Migration tribes presented the natural cause of the breakdown of communion. So the nearest "relatives" - the Germans became for the Slavs by the Germans, literally "dumb", "saying in incomprehensible language." The migration wave, threw one or another people, tester, destroying, assimilating other nations. As for the ancestors of the modern Slavs and the ancestors of the modern Baltic peoples (Lithuanians and Latvians), they constituted a single nationality over the age of one and a half years. During this period, the northeast (mainly balt) components that brought and changed the anthropological appearance, and in certain elements of culture, increased in Slavs.

Byzantine writer VI in. Prokokii Caesarian described Slavs as people of very high growth and huge strength, with white skin and hair. Entering the battle, they went to enemies with shields and darts in their hands, the shelns never put on. Slavs used wooden onions and small arrows, moistened with a special poison. Without having a chapter and getting over with each other, they did not recognize the military system, were unable to fight in the correct battle and never shown in open and even places. If it happened that they were drunk to go into battle, then with a cry, all together were slowly moved forward, and if the enemy could not stand their scream and onslaught, they actively occurred; Otherwise, they turned to flight, slowly silently forces with the enemy in a hand-to-hand fight. Using forests as a shelter, they rushed to them, because only among Tsnend was able to fight perfectly. Often captured mining Slavs threw allegedly under the influence of confusion and fled in the forest, and then when the enemies tried to take possession, they unexpectedly hit. Some of them did not wear either shirts or a raincoat, but only pants touched by a wide belt belt, and in such a form they went to fight the enemy. They preferred to fight the enemy in places that swore with a dense forest, in crafts, in cliffs; Suddenly attacked and during the day and night, with the benefit for myself were ambushes, tricks, inventing a lot of interesting ways to unexpectedly hit the enemy. They were easily shipped through the rivers, courageously withstanding staying in the water.

The prisoners of Slavs did not hold in slavery for an unlimited time as other tribes, and after a certain time they offered them a choice: for the redemption to return the ravoisy or stay where they were, in the position of free people and friends.

Indo-European language family - One of the largest. The language of the Slavs retained the archaic forms of the once common Indo-European language and began to develop in the middle of the I millennium. By this time, the group of tribes has already been formed. Actually, Slavic dialects, quite distinguished them from the Balt, was formed that a language education was formed, which was called Praslavyansky. The settlement of the Slavs on the extensive spaces of Europe, their interaction and mohethisation (mixed pedigree) with other ethnic groups violated the overall Slavonic processes and laid the foundations of the formation of individual Slavic languages \u200b\u200band ethnic groups. Slavic languages \u200b\u200bdecompose on a number of dialects.

The words "Slavs" in those ancient times were not. The people were, but in different ways named. One of the names - Venedy, comes from the Celtic Vindos, which means "white. This word and today has been preserved in Estonian. Ptolemy and Jordan believe that Vecedy is the oldest collective name of all Slavs who lived between the Elbe and Don. The earliest The news of the Slavs under the name of the Venenov belongs to the I - III centuries. AD and belong to Roman and Greek writers - Plina Senior, I will be Republic of Cornelia Tacitu and Ptolemia Claudia. According to these authors, Venennye lived along the Baltic coast between the Stektinsky Bay, where it flows Odra, and Danzing Bay, where Vistula falls; on Vistula from her rims in the Carpathian mountains and to the coast of the Baltic Sea. The neighbors of them were German-ingiews, which, perhaps, gave them such a name. Such Latin authors like Pliny Senior and Tacitus Also allocate them as a special ethnic community with the name "Venedy". After half a century, Tacitis, noting the ethnic difference between the Germanic, Slavic and Sarmatian worlds, took the Veden's extensive ter The rhetoria between the Baltic coast and Parcarpathy.

Vecedy inhabited Europe already at 3 millennia BC.

Venteda S.V. The century occupied part of the territory of modern Germany between the Elbe and Oder. INVII The age of Ventena invaded Thuringia and Bavaria, where the franc defeat. Raids to Germany continued beforeX. The century, when Emperor Heinrich I began on Venenov an offensive, putting the adoption of Christianity as one of the conditions for the conclusion of the world. The conquered Vendies often restrained, but every time they suffered defeat, after which the whole of their lands passed to the winners. The campaign against the vendors in 1947 was accompanied by the massive destruction of the Slavic population, and the ventricons will continue to be the German conquerors of any resistance. German settlers came to the once Slavic lands, and based new cities began to play an important role in the economic development of northern Germany. Approximately from the 1500 region of the spread of the Slavic language was reduced almost exclusively to the Ludi margins - the upper and lower, later entering the Saxony and Prussia, and adjacent territories. Here, in the city district, Cottbus and Bautzen, and live modern descendants Venenov, which remained OK. 60 000 (mostly they are Catholics). In Russian literature, they are called Luzhicanov (the name of one of the vendor tribes included in the group of vendments) or Luzhitsa Serbs, although they themselves call themselves Serbja or Serbski Lud, and their modern German name - Sorben (first also Wenden). Since 1991, issues of preservation of the language and culture of this people in Germany, the Fund for the Affairs of Luzhic.

In IVEK, ancient Slavs are finally separated and appear on the historical arena as a separate ethnic. And under the two names. This is "Slovenia" and the second name - "Antairs". In the VI century The historian Jordan written in his writings "On the origin and acts of the Getoves", reports reliable information about the Slavs: "Starting from the birthplace of the Vistula River, on immeasurable spaces there is a numerous tribe of Venetov. Although their names are now changing according to various types and locations, Nevertheless, they are called scalables and Antami. They live from the town of Novietun and Lakes, called Mursian, to Danaster, and north - to the Vices; instead of cities they have swamps and forests. Antines are the strongest of both (tribes) - spread from Danaster to Danapra, where the Pontic Sea is formed to be ravored. "These groupings spoke in the same language. At the beginning of the VII century, the name" Anty "ceases to be used. Apparently, because a certain breeding union broke up during migration movements, which was called So name. In the ancient (Roman and Byzantine) literary monuments The name of Slavs looks like "wellans", in Arabic sources as "Sakaliba", sometimes with the Slavs bring the self-sizing of one of the Scythians "Scoop".

Slavs finally stood out as an independent people no earlier than 4th century AD. When the "great resettlement of peoples", "ripped" the balto-Slavic community. Under its name "Slavs" appeared in the chronicles in the VI century. With vi in. Information about the Slavs appear in many sources, which undoubtedly indicates a significant strength of them by this time, about the exit of the Slavs to the historic arena in Eastern and Southeast Europe, about their clashes and alliances with the Byzantines, Germans and other peoples who inhabited at that time Eastern and Central Europe. By this time, they occupied extensive territories, their language retained the archaic forms of the once common Indo-European language. Linguistic science determined the boundaries of the origin of the Slavs from XVIII VDD AD. before the VI century AD The first news about the Slavic tribal world appear already on the eve of the great resettlement of peoples.

Slavs - the largest ethnic community of Europe, but what do we actually know about them? Historians are still arguing about from whom they have occurred, and about where their homeland was located, and from where the self-sizing "Slavs" came from.

Origin of Slavs

There are many hypotheses about the origin of the Slavs. Someone relates them to Scythians and Sarmatam, who came from Central Asia, someone to the arias, the Germans, others and are identified at all with the Celts. All hypothesis of the origin of Slavs can be divided into two main categories, directly opposing each other. One of them is a well-known "Normannskaya", was nominated in the 18th century by German scientists by Baier, Miller and Schöhchser, although for the first time such ideas appeared even during the reign of Ivan Grozny.

The essence was as follows: Slavs - the Indo-European people who were once in the "German-Slavic" community, but broken from Germans during the great resettlement of peoples. They found themselves on the periphery of Europe and cut off from the continuity of Roman civilization, they are very behind the development, so much that they could not create their own state and invited Varyagov, that is, Vikings, rule them.

This theory is based on the historiographic tradition of the "Tale of Bygone Years" and the famous phrase: "Our Great Earth is rich, but alongside it does not. Come pronomize and possess us. " Such a categorical interpretation, the basis of which the obvious ideological background was invested, could not not cause critics. Today, archeology confirms the presence of strong intercultural ties between the scandinals and the Slavs, but hardly suggests that the first played a decisive role in the formation of ancient Russian state. But disputes about the "Norman" origin of Slavs and Kievan Rus Do not subside, and to this day.

The second theory of ethnogenesis of Slavs, on the contrary, is patriotic. And, by the way, it is much older than Norman - one of her founder was the Croatian historian Mavro Orbini, who wrote in the late XVI-early XVII century work entitled "Slavic Kingdom". He had a very extraordinary point of view: he was attributed to the Slavs vandalov, burgundy, ready, sharpening, brass, hepids, betov, alans, versions, Avarov, Dakov, Swedes, Normanov, Finnov, Ukrov, Markomanov, quads, Thracians and Illyrians and Many others: "All of them were the same Slavic tribe, as it will be visible in the future."

Their outcome of the historic Motherland of Orbini dates from 1460 to our era. Wherever they did not have time to visit: "Slavs fought with almost all the tribes of the world, attacked Persia, ruled Asia and Africa, fought with the Egyptians and Alexander Great, conquered Greece Macedonia and Iliria, took Moravia, Czech Republic, Poland and the Baltic Sea coast "

He was energized by many court scribes who created the theory of the origin of the Slavs from the ancient Romans, and Rurik from Emperor Octavian Augustus. In the XVIII century, Russian historian Tatishchev published the so-called "Ioamakh chronicle", which, in opposition, "Tale of Bygone Years", identified Slavs with the ancient Greeks.

Both of these theories (at least in each of them there are echoes of the truth), are two extremes that are peculiar to a free interpretation of historical facts and information of archeology. They were criticized by such "giants" of domestic history, like B. Greek, B. Rybakov, V. Yanin, A. Arzikhovsky, arguing that the historian should be restarted in his studies not to their preferences, but on facts. However, the historical texture of "Ethnogenesis of Slavs", and to this day, so incomplete that leaves many options for speculation, without the possibility of finally responding to main question: "Who are these Slavs?"

Age of people

The next sophisticated problem of historians is the age of the Slavic ethnos. When are the Slavs after all, they were allocated as a single people from the pan-European ethnic "catatavia"? The first attempt to answer this question belongs to the author of the Tale of Bygone Years - the monk Northor. Taking the basis of the biblical legend, he began the story of Slavs from the Babylonian pillar, dividing humanity to 72 people: "From the same 70 and 2, the language of Sloveske ...". The Mauro Orbinine mentioned above generously gave the Slavic tribes of a couple of unnecessary thousands of years of history, dating out their outcome from the historical homeland 1496: "At the specified time, Goths came out of Scandinavia, and Slavs ... Since Slavs and Goths were one tribe. So, subdued by his power Sarmatia, the Slavic tribe was divided into several knees and received different names: Veneny, Slavs, Antairs, Charles, Alans, Massacies .... Devandala, Goths, Avara, Roskolan, Russians or Muscovites, Pole, Czechs, Salets, Bulgarian ... in short, Slavic language is heard from the Caspian Sea to Saxony, from Adriatic Sea Before German, and in all other limits there is a Slavic tribe. "

Of course, such "information" historians were not enough. For the study of the "age" of Slavs, archeology, genetics and linguistics were attracted. As a result, it was possible to achieve modest, but still results. According to the adopted version, Slavs belonged to the Indo-European community, which, most likely, came out of the Dnieper-Donetsk archaeological culture, in the Dnipro and Don interference, seven thousand years ago during the Stone Age. Subsequently, the influence of this culture has spread to the territory of the Vistula to the Urals, although it has not been able to localize it until anyone succeeded. In general, speaking of Indo-European community, there is no single ethnic group or civilization, but the influence of cultures and linguistic similarity. About four thousand years before our era, she broke up on the conditioned three groups: the Celts and Romance in the West, Indo-Iranians in the East, and somewhere in the middle, in Central and Eastern Europe, there was another language group from which the Germans came out later, Balts and Slavs. Of these, about the first I millennium BC, the Slavic language begins to stand out.

But the information of one linguistics is not enough - to determine the unity of the ethnos, there must be a continuous continuity of archaeological crops. The lower link in the archaeological chain of the Slavs is considered to be the so-called "culture of sublock burials", called from the custom to cover the cremated remains of a large vessel, in Polish "Clash", that is, "top bottom". It existed in the V-II centuries to our era between the Vistula and Dnipro. In a sense, it can be said that her carriers were the earliest Slavs. It is from her that it is possible to identify the continuity of cultural elements up to the Slavic antiquities of the early Middle Ages.

Praslavyanskaya Rodina

Where did the Slavic ethnos appeared on the light, and what territory can be called "invoking Slavic"? The testimony of historians vary. Orbini, referring to a number of authors, argues that Slavs left Scandinavia: "Almost all the authors, the blissful feather of which conveyed to the descendants the story of the Slavic tribe, argue and conclude that Slavs came out of Scandinavia ... The descendants of the Son of the Son of the Son (by which the author refers Slavs ) Moved to Europe north, penetrating into the country called Scandinavia now. There they have not exceeded it there as Saint Augustine in His "Grada God", where he writes that the sons and descendants of Japeta had two hundred depths and occupied land located north of the Mountain of Tavr in Kilicia, along the Northern Ocean, half of Asia, and throughout Europe Up to the British Ocean. "

Nestor called ancient territory Slavs - Earth for the lower flow of the Dnieper and Pannonia. The reason for the settlement of Slavs with the Danube was an attack on them Volokhov. "According to the same time, the essence of Slovenia in Dunayevi sat down, where there is now UGORSK Earth and Bulgarian." Hence the Danube-Balkan hypothesis of the origin of the Slavs.

There were supporters and the European Motherland of Slavs. Thus, a large Czech historian Pavel Schafirik believed that Praodin Slavs should be sought in Europe next to the celts, Germans, Balts and Thracians' tribes, gentlemen. He believed that in ancient times Slavs occupied the extensive territories of Central and Eastern Europe, from where they were forced to go for the Carpathians under the onslaught of Celtic expansion.

There was even a version of two pranodines of Slavs, according to which the first Praodina was the place where Praslavyansky had formed (between the lower flow of Nemman and Western Dvina) and where the Slavic people himself was formed (according to the authors of the hypothesis, it was starting with II century to our Era) - Vistula River pool. From there, Western and Eastern Slavs have already come out. The first areas of the Elbe River, then the Balkans and the Danube, and the second - the shores of Dnieper and the Dniester.

Vorol-Dneprovskaya hypothesis about the praodine of Slavs, although it remains a hypothesis, the most popular among historians. It is conventionally confirmed by local toponyms, as well as vocabulary. If you believe "words", that is, lexical material, Praodina Slavs was located away from the sea, in the forest plain zone with swamps and lakes, as well as within the rivers flowing into the Baltic Sea, judging by the overall Slavonic names of fish - salmon and eels. By the way, the areas already known to us by the culture of sublocking burials fully correspond to these geographical signs.


The word "Slavs" itself is a mystery. It is firmly included in everyday life in the 6th century of our era, at least, the Byzantine historians of this time, the mention of the Slavs is not always the friendly neighbors of Byzantium. In the Slavs themselves, this term is already used as self-calf in the Middle Ages, at least, if you judge the annals, including on the "Tale of Bygone Years".

Nevertheless, its origin is still unknown. The most popular is the version that it happens from the words "word" or "glory", ascending to one Indo-European root ḱleu̯- "hear". This, by the way, wrote and Mauro orbini, though in the "arrangement characteristic of him:" During his residence in Sarmatia, they were taken (Slavs) the name "Slavs", which means "glorious."

Among the linguists there is a version that the Slavs are obliged to the names of the landscape. Presumably, the basis was the toponym "Slutich" - another name of the Dnieper, containing the root with the value of "wash", "clean".

Many noise at one time caused a version of the presence of the connection between the self-registration of Slavs and the average member word "slave" (σκλάβος). It was very popular among the Western scientists of the XVIII-XIX centuries. At the heart of its idea that Slavs, as one of the most numerous peoples of Europe, constituted a significant percentage of prisoners and often became the object of slave trade. Today, this hypothesis is confirmed by erroneous, since it is most likely a Greek verb stood at the basis of "σκλάβος" with the value of "producing military trophies" - "σκυλάο".

One of the largest cultural, linguistic and national communities of almost all nations of Europe is Slavs. If we consider the origin of the name, then it is necessary to clarify that scientists share its origin into several options. In the first word "Slavs" comes from "Word", that is, from the nationality, speaking on one understandable language accessible to him and others for them were dumb, inaccessible, incomprehensible, strangers.

Another existing version of the origin of the name speaks of "purification or ablution", which provides for the origin of the nationality living near the river.

No less popular theory says that the "Slavs" originated from the name of the first community of the people, which gave the dissemination of this word in other territories in the process of emigration, especially with a great resettlement.

Today there are about 350 million Slavs in all territories of various states in the Western, South and Eastern regions of Europe, which gave them a division into varieties. Also, the Slavic communities are partially located on the territory of modern Central Europe, some parts of America and in small territories of all.

The greatest number of Slavs make up the Russian and the significance of this figure about 146 million people, the second place in numbers occupy Poles, which today specialists have about 57 and a half million people, and the third place was taken by Ukrainians with a digital about 57 million people.

To date, Slavs are characterized only as a single language sevenwhich partially unites religion, some cultural values \u200b\u200band past unity of the entire Slavic people. Unfortunately, obvious antiquities, mentions and relics are not preserved. You can only feel all unity in folklore, chronicles and epics, which for many peoples are relevant today.

East Slavs


Russians - as an independent people of the entire Slavic community, they appeared in the 14-18 century. The main center of education of the entire Russian people is the Moscow State, which since the creation has united the territory of the land of Don, Oka, and the Dnieper. After, expanding the borders and conquering new territories, it expanded and settled to the coast of the White Sea.

Delighted in the history of life. It is important to note the location of Russian settlements. Most often it affected the standard of living and their life. Mostly people were engaged in cattle breeding, agriculture, collecting gifts of nature, especially therapeutic herbs, and fishing. Early peoples were treated with metal and wood, which helped in construction and everyday life. Also they engaged in trade, expanding the way.


Ukrainians - the first mention of the words "Ukrainians" appeared approximately at the end of the 12th century. Up to 17th century, nation was located mainly on the steppe territory of the outskirts of Russia, in Zaporizhia SewBut because of the enhanced Natius Catholic Poland, Ukrainians had to run into the territory of Slobodskaya Ukraine. Approximately in 1655-1656, the left-bank Ukraine united with Russian territories and only in the 18th century did the right-bank Ukraine, which determined the elimination of the Zaporizhia Snash and the resettlement of Ukrainians until the mouth of the Danube.

The traditional life of Ukrainians was often determined by clay stucco houses, the diversity of life decorations. And the rich spiritual culture is determined and supported to the present day in national clothing, songs and decorations;


Belarusians - the nationality was formed at the Polotsk-Minsk and Smolensk lands. During the main formation of the people on the life of culture, Lithuanians, Poles and Russian nationalities were particularly influenced by making a language, history and culture with close many in spirit.

According to some gifts, the nationality received its name from the color of the indigenous hair - "White Rus" and only in 1850 officially began to use "Belarus".
The life and main occupations of the population did not differ from the Russian peoples, so farming was mainly. Today, Belarusians have a rich cultural heritage expressed in festive songs, famous national cuisine and decorations for traditional outfits of men and women.

Western Slavs


Poles - indigenous population modern Poland.related to the group of Western Slavs. The czechs and Slovaks are considered to be the most close to the Poles on the history of development and development.

Until the 19th century Polish unified Nation It did not exist, there were only nations that were divided into ethnic features, varieties of dialect and territorial features of residence. So the people were subdivided into a great-grandfather, Krakowan, Mazurov, Pokorun and others.

The main occupation of the Poles was hunting to ensure herself with food and good trading raw materials. Sokolina hunting was especially valued. In addition to hunting in everyday life, a pottery was used, weaving from bark and chariots.
The annals with the description of richly decorated houses, finds in the form of clay painted dishes, are preserved to this day, and of course bright outfits made of natural fabrics with painted ornaments, which are actively used to celebrate national holidays;


Czechs - the territory of the modern Czech Republic was still in the 4th century, the Slavic, small tribes took up to the 10th century. After joining these lands to then the strong and powerful Roman Empire, Czech peoples reunited in a single whole on fertile lands and began their intensive development, which consists in agriculture and pottery. To this day, a wide culture of Chekhov has been preserved, expressed in the legends, famous folklore and applied art;


Slovaks - Another 4th century on the territory of modern Slovakia appeared broken tribes of Slavs, beginning the gradual development of these lands. Already in the 5th century, the tribes united and created the Nitran Principality, which saved them from ruin from constant attacks of Arabs. This association and gave rise to the future Czechoslovak republic, in the division of which Slovenia appeared on independent states.

The life and occupations of the population were completely diverse, as they were divided depending on the location of the people. They included the usual farming and construction, whose confirmation of existence still find archaeologists throughout the country. Also popular was small cattle breeding;


Luzhican - the remaining Poland-Baltic Slavs, who received their name from the location of their territories of residence, namely from the shores of the Baltic Sea and the River Elba to the Purent Mountains. On the territory of these lands, some number of Slavs emigrated in the amount of only 8 thousand people.

In the new territory, Luzhic was quickly and effectively developed by handicrafts, fishing, agriculture and the development of trade in many spheres. This good development was facilitated by territorial location. Trading routes took place east and in Scandinavia through these fertile lands, which helped support trade relations and a decent standard of living of the population.

South Slavs


Bulgarians - the first Slavic tribes on the territory of modern Bulgaria appeared in the 5-6 century. The association and expansion began only from the 7th century thanks to the Bulgaram came from Central Asia. The association then by the Rule Khan of the two nations allowed us in the future to create a strong state with a rich and rich history.
Bulgarian, Greek and Ottoman cultures, who left the visible trace in the history of the country each in their era, influenced the life and cultural heritage heritage. Today you can see the architectural monuments of different time frames, enjoy the folklore, where several varieties of cultures are mixed, which makes it unique and different from others;


Serbs - the indigenous people of the South Slavs. It is the Serbs that are closest to Croatams by origin, development, cultural values, since for a long time they were considered one common Serbohorevat tribe. The separation of history began in the choice of faith - Serbs adopted Orthodoxy, and Croatians Catholic faith.
The legacy of culture and the development of Serbia is generally rich and multifaceted. In addition to folk, world-famous dances, impressive outfits, distinguished by bright colors and embroidery, in Serbia and today, do some pagan rites, which took the foundation during the development of the people before the coming of the main faith - Orthodoxy;


Croats - a mass relocation in the 6-8 century on the coast of the Adriatic Sea gave the opportunity to Slavic peoples not only to expand the number of the first settlers who settled the territory of the future Croatia, but also to strengthen their position, uniting with local communities. The ancient Croatian tribes who came from Wisla wanted the coast, bringing their tongue, another faith and radically changing the local life. The Adriatic Sea was considered a good opportunity for trading in the expansion of ties between nations, so the terrain on the coast has always attracted various immigrants.

In Croatia, the ancient traditions and modern rhythm of life are still miraculously combined. Rich culture contributes to modern life, decorations, traditional holidays and festivities;


Slovenians - 6th century, as an active resettlement time, became the basis for the peoples of Slovenia. Putting on the territory of Slavs founded almost the first Slavic state - quarantion. Later, the state had to give the reign of the reign of the reign of their francs, but despite this, they kept their history and independence, which was undoubtedly affected by further development and religion. Also an important step in the development of Slovenia was the writing of the first chronicle about 1000 in the Slovenian language.
Despite the periodic wars and periodic economic losses, the country was able to renew its familiar life and way of life due to widely developed agriculture and applied artWhat made it possible to establish trade with neighboring communities and states.

Today, Slovenia is a country with a complex, but rich history, maximum safety and widely welcome for every visit, who wants to familiarize themselves with the beautiful species in the spirit of ancient Europe;


Bosnians - despite the fact that the territory of the future country of Bosnia settled the Slavs as in the 6-7 century, it mostly formed a holistic and unified state, the Board and adopted Christianity as almost a single religion. Historians argue that isolation from neighboring countries - Byzantium, Italy, Germany, was no interference. But despite this, the country flourished due to the widest agriculture, which contributed to the location of its central part on the Bosna River.

Despite the rather serious history, the country is distinguished by a bright cultural heritage and maintaining it for his descendants. Having visited the country anyone can familiarize himself with it and immerse itself in an interesting story.

Disputes about the Slavic peoples and the unity of Slavs.

Being the largest nationality All of Europe, all the same scientists are still arguing about the true origin of the Slavic people. Someone implies their origin began from Aryans and Germans, some scientists suggest even the ancient Celtic origin of the Slavs. Anyway, the Slavs are today the Indo-European people, who, because of the resettlement, has spread to a huge territory and unites many countries and peoples with their cultural heritage, despite their difference in mentality, nationality and multifaceted history development.

Customs and traditions helped to form entire states to unite and enhance the last centuries, which presented us in the modern world cultural diversity.