Two largest volcanoes in which country. List and whereabouts of the largest operating volcanoes in the world

Two largest volcanoes in which country. List and whereabouts of the largest operating volcanoes in the world
Two largest volcanoes in which country. List and whereabouts of the largest operating volcanoes in the world

Today there are about 600 existing volcanoes and up to 1000 extinctings on the surface of the Earth. In addition, under water, they are hiding approximately 10 thousand. Most of them are located at the joints of the tectonic plates. About 100 volcanoes are concentrated around Indonesia, there are about 10 in the territory of Western American states, the accumulation of volcanoes is also noted in the area of \u200b\u200bJapan, the Kuril Islands and Kamchatka. But all of them are nothing, compared to one megavulkan, whom scientists fear most.

The most dangerous volcanoes

This or that danger represents any of the existing volcanoes, even sleeping. To determine which one is most dangerous, no volcanologist or geomorphologist is not taken, as it is impossible to accurately predict the time and strength of the eruption of any of them. The name "The most dangerous volcano in the world" simultaneously claims Roman Vesuvius and Etna, Mexican Popochettet, Japanese Sakuradyzima, Columbia Galers, located in the Congo Nyraonggo, in Guatemala - Santa Maria, on Hawaii - Manua Loa and others.

If the danger of the volcano is to evaluate the estimated damage that it can apply, it would be reasonable to refer to the history describing what consequences brought the most dangerous eruptions of volcanoes in the world in the past. For example, the well-known Vesuvius took place in 79 n. e. up to 10 thousand lives and erased from the face of the Earth two major cities. Krakatau eruption in 1883, which in force 200 thousand times exceeded the atomic bomb, discharged on Hiroshima, echoed throughout the land and took the life of 36 thousand islanders.

The eruption in 1783 the volcano called Lucky led to the fact that a huge part of cattle and grocery reserves were destroyed, because of which 20% of the population of Iceland died of hunger. Next year because of the varnishes has become a lack of town for the whole of Europe. All this shows how large-scale consequences can turn into for people.

Destructive supervulcans

But did you know that all the greatest dangerous is nothing compared to the so-called supervulcans, eruption of each of which thousands of years ago brought truly catastrophic consequences for the whole land and changed the climate on the planet? The eruptions of such volcanoes could have strength in 8 points, and the ashes of at least 1000 m 3 was thrown into a height of at least 25 km. This led to a long sulfur precipitation, the absence of sunlight for months and coating with huge layers of the ashes of the extensive area of \u200b\u200bthe earth's surface.

Superworms are distinguished by the fact that in the site of the eruptions they do not have a crater, and caldera. This circuit-shaped brand with a relatively smooth bottom is formed as a result of the fact that after a series of strongest explosions with emission, ashes and magma, the upper part of the mountain is collapsed.

The most dangerous supervulkan

Scientists are aware of the existence of approximately 20 supervulkanov. In place of one of these frightening giants, today Lake Taport is today in New Zealand, another supervolkan is hidden under the supervulkanov samples serve Long-Vlyli in California, Wallis in New Mexico and Aira in Japan.

But the most dangerous volcano in the world is the most "ripe" to the eruse of Supervulkan Yellowstone, located in the territory of Western American states. It is he who forces the vulcanologists and geomorphologists of the United States, and and around the world, to live in a state of increasing fear, forcing you forget about all the most dangerous existing volcanoes of the world.

Location and sizes of Yellowstone

Yellowstone caldera is located in the North-West USA, in Wyoming. It was first noticed from the satellite in 1960. Caldera, the dimensions of which are approximately 55 * 72 km, is part of the world famous Yellowstone National Park. A third of almost 900,000 hectares of a park area is located on the territory of the Calder of the Volcano.

Under the Yellowstone crater, a giant magma bubble is a depth of about 8,000 m. The temperature of the magma inside it is nearing 1000 0 C. Due to this, there are many hot springs on the territory of the Yellowstone Park, the clouds of steam and gas mixtures are rising from cracks in the earth.

Also there are many geysers and mud boilers. The reason for this was heated to a temperature of 1600 0 with a vertical stream of solid rock with a width of 660 km. Under the territory of the park at a depth of 8-16 km, there are two branches of this thread.

Yellowstone eruption in the past

The first eruption of Yellowstone, which occurred, according to scientists, more than 2 million years ago, was the largest disaster on Earth in the entire history of its existence. Then, on the assumption of volcanologists, about 2.5 thousand km of 3 rocks were thrown into the atmosphere, and the upper mark, which reached these emissions, was 50 km above the ground.

The biggest and dangerous volcano in the world began a re-eruption of more than 1.2 million years ago. Then the amount of emissions was approximately 10 times less. The third eruption occurred 640 thousand years ago. It was then that the walls of the crater were collapsed and the caldera existing today was formed.

Why today it is worth afraid of the Yellowstone Calder

In the light of the latest changes in the territory of the Yellowstone National Park, scientists are becoming more clear what volcano is the most dangerous in the world. What is happening there? Scientists have alarmed the following changes, which were especially intensified in the 2000s:

  • For 6 years, preceding 2013, the land covering caldera rose by as much as 2 meters, whereas for the previous 20th anniversary, the rise was only 10 cm.
  • From under the ground, new hot geysers scored.
  • Increases the frequency and force of earthquakes in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Yellowstone Calder. Only in 2014, scientists recorded them around 2000.
  • In some places, underground gases are made through the layers of land on the surface.
  • For several degrees, the water temperature in rivers increased.

These awesome news crossed the public, and especially residents of the North American continent. Many scientists agree that the supervulkan eruption will occur in this century.

Consequences of eruptions for America

No wonder, many volcanologists believe that the Yellowstone Caldera is the most dangerous volcano in the world. They suggest that his next eruption will be as powerful as the previous ones. Scientists equate him to the explosion of thousands of atomic bombs. This means that within a radius of 160 km around the epicenter, everything will be completely destroyed. In the "dead zone" will turn the territory covered by ashes, staging by 1600 km around.

Yellowstone eruption may entail eruptions and other volcanoes and the formation of powerful tsunami. Emergency will come for the USA, and martial law will be introduced. Of the various sources, the information is received that America is preparing for a disaster: building shelters, manufactures more than a million plastic coffins, constitutes an evacuation plan, making contracts with countries on other continents. Recently, about the true state of affairs in the Yellowstone Calder of the United States prefers to silence.

Yellowstone caldera and the end of the world

The eruption of the caldera located under the Yellowstone Park will bring trouble not only by America. A picture that can turn around in this case looks sad for the whole world. Scientists were calculated that if the release of 50 km would last for only two days, then the "cloud of death" will take the territory during this time, twice as much as the entire American continent.

After a week, emissions reached India and Australia. The sun rays will be drowned in a thick volcanic smoke and a long one-and-half (at least) winter will come to the ground. The average air temperature on Earth drops to -25 0 s, and in some places it will reach -50 oh. People will die under falling with the sky fragments from the hot lava, from the cold, hunger, thirst and the impossibility of breathing. According to assumptions, only one person from a thousand will remain alive.

Yellowstone Calder eruption is capable of not destroying life on Earth completely, then in the root to change the conditions for the existence of all living things. No one can say for sure whether this eruption will begin with this most dangerous volcano in the world with our lives, but existing fears are really justified.

Today you will learn interesting facts about the largest volcano in search of which we will visit Hawaii Island.

A huge volcano named Mauna Loa, which is literally translated from Hawaiian language means "Long Mountain", takes most of the island and is one of the most active on the planet. Mauna Loa eves 33 times from the very first documentary fixation in 1843.

The most recent eruption of the volcano occurred in 1984, in its result, 30,000 acres of land covered Lava, and the area of \u200b\u200bthe island was increased by 180 hectares, while taking the space by the sea.

What are the size of the largest volcano on Earth? The height of the volcano above sea level is 4169 meters, but this is not its true height. If you measure the height of the Mauna Loa from the bottom, then its height will be about 9,000 meters, and this is higher than Mount Everest.

The famous Hawaiian volcano is not only the largest and most powerful as well as the most massive. If you measure its volume from the base to the top, then an impressive figure will be released - 75,000 kilometers of cubic.

For one eruption of Mauna Loa heats so much lava that its volume is equal to the volume of Vesuvia, the famous volcano in Italy.

There are many legends around this Hawaiian volcano. One of which sounds as follows. The Lady of Volcanoes -Bogging Pele was expelled by her older sister - the goddess of water and the sea. Every time the Pele tried to build a house, her sister sent huge waves to destroy everything.

In the end, the pele settled on the Big Island and made himself a big house of Mauna Loa, so big that no wave could reach her.

There is also a legend that the Pele has a faithful white dog and she sends him on the slopes of the volcano to prevent people about danger. In 1959, during the studies of this powerful volcano on the slopes, a white dog was seen. All attempts to tame or catch this white PSA were in vain. In December of the same year, one of the craters broke out and the dogs disappeared. In 1966, a white dog was seen on Mount again, in the same year Mauna Loa exploded a strong eruption.

On the card of volcanoes, the most dangerous volcanoes of the Earth are indicated, followed by close observation. The following is their description with the forecast of possible activity and its consequences. Additionally, the red ring marked volcanoes, the eruption of which can have catastrophic consequences for the whole world.

Vesuvius (Italy)

The neighborhood with Naples (15 km) makes this volcano fatally dangerous for more than three million Italians. He starts his sad glory since 79, when the cities of Herculaneum, Staby and Pompei were destroyed during the eruption. The eruptions alternate with quite long periods of the clutch. Throughout the XVII - XX centuries. Vesuvius everacted with a period of 30-60 years. The last eruption was recorded in 1944. Scientists are unanimous in the opinion that the "killer Pompeii" once wakes up, only the deadlines and the strength of the eruption remain unclear. But, it seems that frivolous neapolitans are not bothering at all.

Galers (Colombia)

Located near the city of Pasto. The most active volcano of the region. Its activity began about 5 thousand years ago and does not subside to this day. Dangerous eruptions were celebrated in 2008, 2009, 2010, and every time they had to evacuate thousands of people living nearby.

Galunggung (Indonesia)

Located on the western tip of the island of Java. His eruptions are characterized by high power. In 1822, he saved 4,000 people, and in 1982, forced the country's authorities to evacuate about 35,000 inhabitants. The last time was erupted in 1990 included in the list of the most dangerous volcanoes of the planet.

Yellowstone Volcano (USA)

Located in Wyoming, and to the big fortune today is calm. Several times showed activity for the last 2 million years, and its last eruption was more than half a million years ago. The next eruption is expected no earlier than several tens of thousands of years. This volcano is so huge that, in the case of his awakening, the United States will be almost completely destroyed, and the Earth will permanently cover a impermeable veil of volcanic ash.

Catla (Iceland)

Located in the very south of Iceland. For the last thousand years, he was erupted according to various data from 14 to 16 times and caused a significant melting of glaciers, led to the flooding of nearby settlements. Located near the recently spent and overwhelmed flights in Europe Eyyafyadlayukyudle. Experts believe that the latter eruption is the starting mechanism of waking up the Catla volcano, the destructive potential of which is significantly larger. The findings are confirmed by the fact that recently the level of magma has noticeably rose in the depths of the volcano. In this regard, an eruption is expected, in power a multiple superior eruption of Eyyafyadlayukyudl. If it happens, then the consequences can be catastrophic for the entire planet - in addition to the formation of a huge cloud of volcanic ash, melting glaciers will occur and extensive flooding.

Colima (Mexico)

Located in the state of Khalisco in the west of Mexico. The last major eruption, accompanied by the evacuation of the local population, was registered in 2005. In recent years, the activity of the colimme volcano increases. It is also called "Mexican Vesuviv."

Koryak Sopka (RF)

Located 35 km. North of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky city. Powerful eruptions were BC, as well as in 1895 and 1956. May pose a threat to the Kamchatka population. Refers to the most dangerous volcanoes of the world and is under the close observation of specialists.

Cumbre Wayeha (Canary Islands)

Located on the island of Palma, which is part of the Canary Islands. As a result of numerous eruptions of the volcano, the coast of the island has undergone significant erosion. One of the slopes of Cumbre Wayeh is unstable and can collapse as a result of a powerful eruption or a series of small eruptions. The fall of cliffs weighing 500 billion tons to the ocean will lead to the formation of a tsunami, which will destroy almost the entire east coast of the United States and will cause a distinguished damage to the countries of the Caribbean. Fortunately, the disturbing activity of the volcano does not yet exhibit, and the danger of the occurrence of supermenus is hypothetical.

Mauna Loa (USA)

Located on the island of Hawaii. This is the largest volcano on the planet (80,000 cubic kilometers). Located near the Volcano Kilaue is considered one of the most beautiful volcanoes on Earth.

Merapyy (Indonesia)

The largest operating volcano in Indonesia and one of the youngest on Java. He erupts about twice a year, and once every seven years the eruption is quite strong. Differs great danger to nearby settlements. In 1673, destroyed several cities, in 1930 caused the death of 1300 people, in 1974-75. destroyed three settlements.

Nevado del Ruis (Colombia)

Located in the Departments of Tolima and Caldas. The biggest acting volcano in Andes. Retains the activity of about two million years. In 1985, his eruption was the cause of death of more than 20,000 people. About the approaching eruption was announced in advance, but no one listened to the warning because of several false alarms on the eve.

Niragongo (Democratic Republic of the Congo)

Located in the Virung Mountains on the border of the Democratic Republic of Congo and Rwanda. The most active and dangerous volcano of Africa. Despite the fact that at present Niragongo is relatively calm, his awakening can turn into a catastrophe. Its potential is huge, and in the case of an eruption under shadow of volcanic ash, not only Africa can be, but also Europe and partly Asia.

PinatouBo (Philippines)

Located on Luzon Island almost 100 km. From Manila. Until 1991 was considered extinct. His awakening was unexpected and rapid - during the eruption in 1991, the military base of the United States Air Force was destroyed and about 1000 people died. The main danger of this volcano in a large-scale ejection of volcanic ash. In the last days of the eruption of 1991, about 10 cubic kilometers of rocks fell into the atmosphere. Then, for several months, the stratosphere of the Earth filled the sulfate aerosol, which led to the formation over the Antarctic ozone hole of giant sizes and a drop in temperature by 0.5 degrees Celsius.

Popochetetet (Mexico)

Located near the city of Mexico City. For all the time of the presence of Europeans in America, he demonstrated rather weak activity, but in recent years has intensified. Represents a huge potential danger in connection with the proximity of the twenty million megalopolis.

Reinir (USA)

It is 85 kilometers from the southeast of Seattle. The last eruption was a half century ago, but recently the volcano has activated. In the case of an eruption, the threat will be life of about 200,000 people.

Sakuradyzima (Japan)

Located in Kagoshima Prefecture on the island (initially) Sakuradzima. As a result of the eruption of 1914, the Strait was filled with Looy, and Sakuradzim became the peninsula. Location near the city of Kagoshima with an almost Million population makes this volcano one of the most dangerous on the planet. Probably, for the same reason, it is called "Eastern Vesuviv". Observation of it and predicting its activity is one of the main tasks of Japanese geologists.

Santa Maria (Guatemala)

Located near the city of Kesaltenango. A young and big volcano, whose activity has been growing lately. A strong eruption happened in 1902, and was the cause of the death of 6,000 people. The roar of the explosion was heard at a distance of 800 km.

Tamborative (Indonesia)

Located on the island of Sumbawa. It is known for the fact that his eruption in the spring of 1815 was the largest over the past few thousand years in both the number of victims of the rocks and the number of victims. As a result of the eruption, 140 billion tons of solids was thrown into the atmosphere, and 10,000 people died. The total number of those who died over time reached a mark of 100,000. In fact, the developed and ancient culture of the Tambor was destroyed by this volcano, which existed on the island. The asked ash for three days immersed in full dark by the territory of more than 500 km. From the place of eruption. But the consequences spread much further. In Europe and America, in 1816, an extremely low temperature was established, and the snow went only in the summer, because of which the year was called "Year without summer". Naturally, this led to a latter and numerous deaths from hunger around the world.

Wywoon (Papua New Guinea)

Located in the eastern part of the island of New Britain. It is among the most active volcanoes of Papua - New Guinea, belongs to the number most often spewing than, actually and notable. Known as a valid volcano from 1700 in 1937, in 1937, in the erasence, the capital of the country at a distance of more than 100 km was practically flooded with ashes.

Undwan (Japan)

Located on the Simabara Peninsula in the southwestern part of Kyushu. Currently, weakly active and belongs to the most dangerous rather because of its history. His eruption in 1792 is one of the most destructive eruptions in the world. The tsunami generated by him with a height of 23 m. She took the lives of about 15,000 people.

Etna (Italy)

Located on the eastern tip of Sicily Island. The most active and highest volcano in Europe. He erupts a small amount of Lava for about four times a year and on average completely destroys one or several nearby settlements once a half century. Danger represents the inclination of local residents to settle close to Etna due to the extreme soil fertility formed as a result of constant eruptions. Numerous fans of high yields risk once suddenly die.

Destroyed cities and even whole states. Today, the Earth volcanoes have not become calmer. Nevertheless, in the distant past, and today they entail thousands of researchers, scientists from around the world. The desire to learn and understand what is happening with the fire-haired mountain during an eruption, as this process takes place, which is preceded by the scientists to climb on dangerous slopes, approaching the crater, where the element is raging.

Today, scientists-volcanologists united in an international organization (IAVCEI). It carefully tracks the likely eruptions that can pose a threat to human life. To date, there is a list where there is a name of volcanoes, their location and probability of the nearest eruption. It helps prevent human sacrifices, if necessary, evacuate people from the danger zone and take extraordinary measures.

Etna (Italy)

We decided to start our review from this mountain, it's not by chance. The ethna volcano, whose photo you see below in the article - active, acting, one of the largest and most dangerous on Earth. It is located in the east of Sicily, not far from Catania and Messina.

Its activity is explained by the location at the junction of Eurasian and African on this break there are other active mountains of the country - Vesuvius, Stromboli, Vulcano. Scientists argue that in antiquity (15-35 thousand years ago) Etna volcano, whose photos often print special editions, was distinguished by explosive eruptions, which left extensive layers of lava. In the XXI century, ethna eruption occurred more than 10 times, fortunately, without human victims.

The height of this mountain is difficult to specify accurately, since its upper point changes due to frequent eruptions. They happen, as a rule, in a few months. Etna takes a huge area (1250 square meters. Km). After lateral eruptions, Etna appeared 400 craters. On average, every three or four months volcano throws Lava. It is potentially dangerous in the case of a powerful eruption. Thanks to the latest scientific developments, scientists hope to determine the increased activity of the mountain on time.

Sakuradyzima (Japan)

Experts consider land volcanoes operating if they show activity in the last 3000 years. This Japanese volcano is active constantly since 1955. It is referred to the first category. In other words, the eruption can begin at any time. Not very strong Lava's emission was celebrated in February 2009. Residents of the city of Kagosima almost constantly accompanies the alarm. The exercises, equipped asylums firmly entered their everyday life.

Researchers have established a webcam above the crater, so Sakuradzima is under constant supervision. It must be said that the volcanoes on the islands are able to change the terrain. It happened in Japan, when in 1924 there was a strongest eruption of Sakuradzima. Powerful underground jackets warned the city about the danger, most residents managed to leave dwellings and evacuate.

After that, the volcano, the name of Sakuradyzima (which means "Sakura Island"), can already be called an island. A huge number of lava formed the experiencing, which connected the mountain with the island of Kyushu. And a year after the eruption of Lava slowly flowed out of the crater. The bottom of the bay rose in the center of Calder AIR, located in eight kilometers from Sakuradyzima.

ASO (Japan)

This popular tourist facility for extremals is actually a dangerous volcano, which in 2011 threw a large number of lava and ash, covered with a territory of 100 kilometers. From this point on, more than 2500 powerful underground jolts are registered. This suggests that at any moment he can destroy the village nearby.

Vesuvius (Italy)

Wherever the volcanoes are - on the mainland or on the islands, they are equally dangerous. Vesuvius is very powerful, and therefore it is very dangerous. It enters the top three active scientists have information about 80 major eruptions of this mountain. The worst thing happened in 79. Then the city of Pompei, Staby, Herculaneum were completely destroyed.

One of the latest powerful eruptions was marked in 1944. The height of this mountain is 1281 m, the crateric diameter is 750 m.

Colima (Mexico)

The name of the volcanoes (in any case, some of them) many of us remember another school program, we learn about others from newspapers, only experts are aware of the third. Colima is perhaps the most dangerous and powerful in the world. The last time he everaged in June 2005. Then the asset pillar, thrown out of the crater, rose to a huge height (more than 5 km). The local authorities had to evacuate the inhabitants of nearby villages.

This firewood mountain consists of 2 peaks of the conical shape. Nevado de Colima is the highest of them. Its height is 4,625 m. It is considered to be extinct, and the other peak is a valid volcano. It is called Volkan de Fuego de Colima - "Fiery Volcano". Its height - 3,846 m. \u200b\u200bLocal residents nicknamed His Mexican Vesuvi.

From 1576 he everacted more than 40 times. And today it is extremely dangerous not only for residents of nearby cities, but also for all Mexico.

Galers (Colombia)

Often the name of the volcanoes is directly related to the terrain on which the mountain is located. But the name Galeras has nothing to do with the town of Pasto, located nearby.

This is a huge and powerful volcano. Its height reaches 4276 meters. The diameter of the base is more than 20 kilometers, and the crater is 320 meters. It is located in Colombia (South America).

At the foot of this gigantic mountain is a small town of Pasto. In August 2010, its inhabitants had to urgently evacuate due to the strongest eruption. The region declared the highest degree. More than 400 policemen sent to the area of \u200b\u200bpower so that they assist citizens.

Scientists argue that over the past 7 thousand years, the volcano woke up at least 6 times. Moreover, all the eruptions were very powerful. When conducting research in 1993, six geologists killed in the crater. At this time, another eruption began. In 2006, residents of the surrounding settlements were evacuated due to the threat of strong lava emissions.

Volcano Elbrus.

At the border of Karachay-Cherkessia and Kabardino-Balkaria is the highest point of Europe and, of course, Russia - Elbrus. With the northern part of the Big Caucasus, he binds the side ridge. Elbrus volcano consists of two peaks that have about the same height. Its eastern part reaches 5621 m, and Western - 5642 m.

This is a stratovan cone shape. Its layers are formed by flows of tuff, lava, ash. The last eruption of Elbrus recorded 2500 years ago. Over time, he accepted the current form. Few Earth volcanoes can boast such a beautiful, "classic" cone-shaped form. As a rule, craters are quickly destroyed under the influence of erosion. The beauty of Elbrus escapes his mantle from ice and snow. She even does not come off in the summer, for which the volcano nicknamed Malaya Antarctica.

Despite the fact that he reminded himself for quite a long time, specialists who observe his current state and degree of activity, do not consider it extinct. They call the mountain "Sleeping". The volcano behaves actively (fortunately, not yet destructive). His subsoils still stored hot masses. They "heated" famous sources. Their temperature reaches +52 ° C and +60 ºС. Through the cracks on the surface seep

Today Elbrus is a unique natural zone, the most valuable scientific base. In Soviet times, scientific research was carried out here, and now there is a geophysical laboratory, the highest in Europe.

Popochetetet (Mexico)

These are the country located 50 kilometers from the capital - Mexico City. Twenty million city is always prepared for emergency evacuation. In addition, there are also two more large cities - Tlaskala de Hicotenkatl and Puebla. Their residents, this troubled volcano, too, makes nervous. Emissions of sulfur, gas, stones and dust occur almost every month. Over the past decade, the volcano everacted three times.

Mauna Loa Volcano (USA, Hawaii)

This is the largest "Fire Mountain" of the Earth. Together with the underwater part, it is 80,000 cu. KM! The south-oriental slope and the peak are part of the Hawaiian Volcano National Park.

At Mauna Loa is a volcanic station. Research and permanent observations are held since 1912. Here are the solar and atmospheric observatory.

The last eruption was noted in 1984. Mountain height over sea level - 4,169 meters.

Niiragongo (Congo)

As already noted, the name of the volcanoes can not always be known to ordinary citizens living on another continent. From this mountain does not become less dangerous. Experts are followed by its activities and report an increase in activity in a timely manner.

The next on our list is the active volcano of Niiragongo, the height of which is 3469 meters. It is located in the central part of the African continent, in the Virung Mountains. The volcano is considered the most dangerous in Africa. Partially it connects with the more ancient mountains with Sharara and Barat. It is surrounded by hundreds of smoldering small volcanic cones. 40% of all observed eruptions on the continent occur here.

Volcano Rainier (USA)

Our review list completes stratov toll, located in the Pierce County (Washington), 87 km south of Seattle.

Reinir is part of a volcanic arc. Its height is 4,392 meters. Its vertex is two volcanic crater.

We introduced you the most famous volcanoes. The list of them, of course, is incomplete, because, according to scientists, only the active mountains are more than 600. In addition, 1-2 new volcanoes appear on Earth.

The current and extinct volcanoes have always attracted a person. People settled on volcanic slopes to engage in agriculture, because volcanic soil is very fertile.

Today, majestic geological formations attract crowds of tourists who want to admire their beauty.

Thirsty extremes do not stop even the most dangerous natural objects - the current volcanoes.

In contact with

List of existing volcanoes in the world

Today we will look at where there are existing volcanoes in the world. Most of them passed along the coast. This zone is called the Pacific Fire Ring. The second on volcanic activity of the zone is a Mediterranean belt.

A total of about 900 active volcanoes appear on land

About 60 geological formations of the Earth are exploded annually. Consider the most dangerous of the acting, as well as several impressive, but sleeping.

Merapy, Indonesia.

Merapy is the most impressive, which received the nickname "mountain of fire". He is located on about. Java, height reaches 2914 m. Every 7 years, large-scale emissions are carried out, twice a year - small. From his crater constantly comes out smoke. One of the most significant tragedies related to activity was played in 1006. Then the beneficial element destroyed the Yavansko-Indian state Matami.

In 1673, another powerful eruption broke out, as a result of which the towns and villages located at the foot were destroyed. In 1930, volcanic emissions led to the death of 1300 people.

The latest emission of the Merapy occurred in 2010, when there was a evacuation of 350 thousand people. Some of them decided to return and died in the Lava Stream. The then suffered 353 people.

In that laid catastrophe, the fire mountain threw a mixture of ashes and gas at a speed of 100 km / h, the temperature reached 1000 ° C.

Sakuradzima, Japan.

Located Sakuradzim on about. Kyushu. Once the mountain was standing separately, but in one of the eruptions with the help of Lava joined the Peninsula of Osumi. It takes a height at 1117 m. It consists of three vertices, the highest of which is North.

Sakuradzimi's activity increases every year, and until 1946, only 6 emissions occurred. Since 1955, he erupts constantly.

Note: One of the largest catastrophes occurred in 1914, when the element challenged 35 people. In 2013, 1097 minor emissions were recorded, and in 2014 - 471.

ASO, Japan

ASO is another volcanic giant about. Kyushu. Its height is 1592 m. It is a caldera, in the middle of which there are 17 cones. The most active of them is Makandak.

The last time ASO spewed Lava in 2011. Since then, there have been about 2500 shoes here. In 2016, the emission process was accompanied by an earthquake.

It is worth noting: Despite the danger associated with ASO's extreme activity, about 50 thousand people live in caldera, and the crater itself became a popular object of active tourism. In winter on the slopes of ASO skiing.

Nyraongo, Republic of Congo

Niiragongo refers to the Mountain Virung system is the most active in Africa. The height is 3470 m. In its crater, there is a huge booming lava lake, the largest in the world. With the eruption of the lava flows out almost completely, in a matter of hours, destroying everything around. After that, she fills the crater again. Because of the military situation in the Republic of Congo, the crater is still not investigated enough.

Only from the end of the XIX century, 34 eruptions of the Terrible Nyragongo were noted. Its lava is very liquid, because it contains not enough silicates. For this reason, it quickly spreads, reaching a speed of 100 km / h. This feature makes Niiragongo one of the most dangerous on the planet. In 1977, a huge mass of Lava fell into a nearby town. The reason was the rupture of the wall of the crater. The catastrophe claimed the lives of several hundred people.

In 2002, another large-scale eruption occurred, then 400 thousand people were evacuated, 147 of which died. Despite the fact that this nyraongo is considered the most dangerous in the world, about half a million people live in nearby settlements.

Galeras, Colombia.

Roses over the Colombian town of Pasto, with regard to about 500 thousand inhabitants. In the height, Galeras reaches 4276 m. In recent years, Galeras is constantly active, throwing out volcanic ashes.

One of the largest eruptions was registered in 1993. The elements led to the death of 6 volcanologists and 3 tourists in the crater. The catastrophe came unexpectedly, after a long lull.

One of the recent eruptions occurred in August 2010. The Colombian authorities periodically evacuate local residents, since Galeras shows activity.

Colima, Mexico

Colima spread over the coast of the Pacific Ocean. Consists of 2 peaks, one of which is extinct. In 2016, Colima became activated by releasing the ash column.

The last time he reminded himself on January 19, 2017. At the time of the catastrophe cloud of ash and smoke rose by 2 km.

Vesuvius, Italy

Vesuvius is the most famous volcanic giant of continental Europe. It is located in Italy, 15 km from.

Vesuvia has 3 cones. Strong eruptions alternate with periods of low-power activity. Thries a huge amount of ashes and gases. In 79, Vesuvius shakes all Italy, destroying the city of Pompeiu and Staby. They were thrown by a thick layer of ash, reaching 8 m. The city of Herculaneum was flooded with mud streams, since mud rains were accompanied by the monster.

In 1631, an eruption was noted, the life of 4,000 people. It turned out to be weaker than in 79, but the slopes of Vesuvia since then inhabited a greater number of people, which led to such victims. The volcano after this event became lower at 168 m. The eruption of 1805 destroyed almost all Naples and took the lives of 26 thousand people.

The last time Vesuviwi drove the Lava flows in 1944, comparable to the ground at the same time the city of San Sebastian and the mass. The number of victims was 27 people. After that, the volcano bitch. To track its activities, a volcanological observatory was built here.

Etna, Italy

Etna - the highest volcano in Europe. It is located in the northern hemisphere in the east of Sicily. Its height changes after each eruption, now it is equal to 3429 m above sea level.

Etna has in different counts of 200-400 lateral crater. Every 3 months from some of them there is an eruption. Quite often, this leads to the destruction of villages, spreading nearby.

Despite the dangers, Sicilians densely inhabit the slopes of Etna. Here even created the National Park.

Popochetetet, Mexico

The second top of the vertex of Mexico, its name in translating means a "smoking hill". It is located 70 km from Mexico City. Mountain height - 5,500 meters.

For 500 years, Popochettet drove Lava over 15 times, for the last time it happened in 2015.

Klyuchevskaya Sopka, Russia

This is the highest peak of Kamchatka. Its height ranges within 4750-4850 m above sea level. The slopes are covered with side craters, which are more than 80.

Klyuchevskaya Sopka is reminded of himself every 3 years, each of its activity lasts for several months and is sometimes accompanied by peplopads. The most active year was 2016 when the volcano exploded 55 times.

The most destructive was the catastrophe of 1938, when the activity of the Klyuchevskaya Sopa lasted 13 months.

Mauna Loa, Hawaii, USA

Mauna Loa can be found in the central part of Hawaii. It rises at 4169 m above sea level. Mauna Loa refers to the type of Hawaiian.

Its characteristic feature is the outpouring of the lava, passing without explosions and emissions of the ash. Lava is erupted through the central zhero, cracks and dorms.

Kotopakh, Ecuador

Kotopakh refers to the Hardwood Andes. This is the second top of the vertex, towering at 5911 m.

The first eruption was registered in 1534. The most destructive consequences of the eruption provided in 1768. Then the emission of lava and sulfur was accompanied by an earthquake. The catastrophe destroyed the city of Latakung with surroundings. The eruption was so strong that his traces found in the Amazon basin.


There are about three dozen volcanoes on the territory of Iceland. Among them there are already extinct, but there are also active acting.

This island is the only one in the world where so many geological formations are located. Icelandic territory is a real volcanic plateau.

Extinct and sleeping volcanoes

Volcanoes, lost activity, are extinct and sleeping. Attending them safely, so these objects are more popular among travelers. On the map, such geological formations are denoted by black asterisks, unlike valid marked with red stars.

What is the difference between the extinct and sleeping volcano? Extricates do not show active activities at least 1 million years. Presumably, their magma has already cooled and cannot explode. True, volcanologists do not exclude that a new volcano may form in their place.

Aconcagua, Argentina

Akonkagua is the highest peak in Andes. It rises at 6960.8 m. Mountain was formed at the junction of Naska lithospheric plates and South American. Today, mountain slopes are covered with glaciers.

Akonkagua is of interest to climbers as the highest peak of South America, as well as the highest extinct volcano.

Kilimanjaro, Africa

If someone is asked to call the highest mountain of Africa, he will call - the most famous mountain on African mainland. Consists of 3 vertices, the highest of them Kybo (5,891.8 m).

Kilimanjaro is considered sleeping, now only gases and sulfur come from his crater. It is expected that it will show activity when the mountain is collapsed, which will lead to a large-scale eruption. The most Grozny scientists consider the top of Cybo.

Yellowstone, USA

Yellowstone is located on the territory of the National Park of the same name. The vertex refers to the supervulkans, which on the ground there are 20. Yellowstone is extremely dangerous, because he is erupting with an incredible force, and may affect the climate of the planet.

Yellowstone erupted three times. The last eruption took place 640 thousand years ago, at the same time Vpadina caldera was formed.

This lava volcano accumulates in a special reservoir, where the surrounding rocks smelves, becoming more dense. This reservoir is very close to the surface, which is disturbing volcanologists.

The eruption stop water flows, cooling the magmatic bubble, and breaking outwards in the form of geysers. Since there is still a lot of energy inside the bubble, it is expected that in the near future it will break out.

US authorities are taking all measures to prevent Yellowstone eruption, because he can carry a life of 87 thousand people. One of the projects is the installation of a geothermal station, but this will require drilling wells that can provoke a catastrophe not only in the country, but also on the entire planet.

Elbrus, Russia

Caucasian Top today is attractive for climbers. Its height is 5621 m. It is a sleeping education in which volcanic processes occur. The last eruption was presumably 1.7 thousand years ago, 500 years ago, he released the ash column.

The activity of Elbrus is evidenced by geothermal sources located nearby. Scientists disagree in opinion when to expect the nearest eruption, but it is just known that it will lead to the consecration of the selete flow.

Big and Small Ararat, Turkey

Big Ararat (5165 m) is located on Armenian Highlands, 11 km from it there is a small Ararat (3927 m).

The eruption of Big Ararat has always been accompanied by destruction. The last tragedy broke out in 1840 and was accompanied by a strong earthquake. Then 10,000 people died.

Kazbek, Georgia

Kazbek is located in Georgia. Locals call him Mkinwardzwery, which is translated as "Ice Mountain". The height of the giant is 5033.8 m.

Kazbek today does not show activity, but refers to potentially dangerous. The last time he was erupted in 650 BC.

Mountain has very steep slopes, it is possible to converge the seleam landslides.


Volcanoes belong to the most attractive tourist objects. Today they are no longer so dangerous as their activity can predict scientists of volcanologists. Studies are underway to use the energy of geological formations for the benefit of humanity.

In an effort to go to the top of the volcano, especially the current, it is necessary to collect information about its condition, listen to the forecasts of seismologists, since tragic cases among tourists occur often.

We bring to your attention an interesting video about the current volcanoes of the world: