What does it mean emelya to wait for his week. Rides Emely - Wait for His week

What does it mean emelya to wait for his week. Rides Emely - Wait for His week

"By whipping a blessing."

In one village there was an old man. He had three sons: two smart, the third is a fool of Emelya.

The older brothers work, and Emelya all day on the stove lies and does nothing.

Who is Emely, why the fool and why it is on the stove, and not on a shop, for example. And so almost all the fairy tale ... And why does nothing? Here is the first question that arose. And what's the brothers for work do?

I once left the brothers at the bazaar, and women, daughter-in-law, let's send it:
- "Go, Emel, for water." And he from the stoves: - "reluctance" ...
- "Go, Emelya, and then the brothers from the bazaar arrive, the hotels will not be brought to you."
- "Okay".

What is this daughter-in-law? Why do they scare the emely by the deprivation of hotels? And what is it for the brothers? Why are Emale reluctance to go for water? Is it a regular laziness or something else?

Tears of Emel from the stove, shoved, dressed, took the buckets and the ax and went to the river.
I burned the ice, burned the buckets and put them, and he himself looks into the hole. And he saw Emelya in the corruption pike. I was illuminated and grabbed the pike in my hand: - "Here the ear will be sweet"!

Why exactly in winter there is an action? Why not in the forest of Emel went, and did not speak with the leisher or tree? Why exactly with fish dealt? Where did the pussy from the winter in the hole, are known that pikes, like every fish for the winter in the pit on the bottom hiding? Why did Yemele looked into the hole, after he scored water? It was possible to go home, most likely to the oven ... Further: as it is so - obvious, like, a fool - a duplicate - Liegehogok, Emelya not only saw a pike, but also turned out to be so agile and cleft, which managed to grab the pike from the water that in real The world is probably possible for read masters? What kind of pike is such that you can snatch out of the hole, and what is it for a hole where such pikes are found? Maybe these are symbols of something? What? Why does the pike tell a human voice? Is it possible? In the fairy tale, each ridiculous, or somehow different from the generally accepted, smooth, simple sense, serves as an indication of the entrance to the deeper layers of the essence. There are fairy tales consisting of almost some of the misfortunes and, nevertheless, living in the eyelids, for example, the same "Ryaba chicken". And what does the desire of the sweet ears of Emete? After all, it is clear that the hole and pike symbolize something. Maybe the ear is also a symbol?

Emelya - Fool - In order for the mind to prevent him from seeing peace and learn. Smart thinks that he already knows what he needs and, therefore, he does not study and does not see the world, and for ease he drives him under his ideas and sees what he wants to see or what he decided to see.

The brothers it is such - smart - and they work in society and for society so that it is appreciated and approved; And these "benefits" of the daughter-in-law are seduced by Emel. He learns himself, lying on the stove.

Winter - free time from harvesting suffering, the right time for teaching, and it, teaching, begins when there is a soul desire for him. Emelya was attentive to the world, he listened and felt the world, and therefore saw a pike in the hole - here the pike, among other things, is marked, a rather rare, but real, chance to realize himself or spirit, soul in herself. And a vigilant Emel took advantage of them - grasped attention (here with hand) something in his consciousness and in its inner world.

Suddenly, Pike tells him a human voice: - "Emelya, let me go to the water, I get to you." And Emelya laughs: - "What can I use me? No, I will carry you home, I drove into the daughter-in-mind of the ear to cook. There will be a sweet ear. " Pike prayed again:
"Emelya, Emelya, let me go to the water, I will do you all that you wish."

Why didn't Emelya surprised that Pike says? Again, the question is - what is this pike such that performs wishes? And what kind of intention and state shows Emely, when concludes an agreement and checks its observance?

He was ready, because he was not surprised. He knew or felt the spirit of the Spirit, the language of intention, and therefore impassively checked what it is for the power, threatening to cook pike. And the power showed itself.

"Okay, just show first that you don't cheat me, then I will let go." Pike asks him: - "Emelya, Emelya, tell me - what do you want now?

It is - not that "you need" and then "what you want now," the pike asks and it can be seen that it is connected with the desires of the soul, with wants, with hunting and not with duties, that is, the strength of the buyer belongs to the inner world of man To his mental states and gust. Simply put, the pike fish reflects the soul of a person - Emelie in this case, floating in the global soul, and alert - attentive Emel acts as a symbol of a student of the student of themselves in this world. And he learns to listen to and aware, see their desires, their strength, is the simplest, saints, natural desires. And not the image that is needed in order to become strong or smart. Those simple wishes and feelings that we, in the modern world, on the contrary, hide deeper, trying to be someone as the best, but not. Pike-soul taught Emel to be just herself.

And why, after all, he let go of a pike, although he could cook it? And the answer was found on this question: it turned out that the manufacture of the ears would mean a stop in knowledge at the level of mastering by some craft, allowing to be fed, live. Emelya was not a fool, and went further, overcoming the call of primary needs. And learning to take them and satisfy them.

- "I want the buckets to go home, and the water would not have spacing" ...
Shchuk himself says: - "Memories of my words: When you want - tell me only:" By whining the vein, in my opinion. " Emelya and says: - "By whining the vein, in my opinion, go to the buckets, the buckets themselves" ... just said - the buckets themselves and went uphill. Emelya put the pike into the hole, and he himself went beams. Walk buckets on the village, people divided, and Emel goes from behind, laughing ...

What does the desire mean - so that the shoulder go to go home, and what does it mean, "at a prominent class in my desire"? What does the pike symbolize here and what is my want? Why people are divided into what is happening, it seems to be clear - a miracle, but then there is a sense - people are surprised by the simple and easy to satisfy the internal desires, Lada in themselves, apparently, not everyone has it. Emelya released a pike into a hole, that is, he complies with the agreement, he is honest and the topics shows an animation world that you can cooperate with him. The next layer of meaning - he, faced with the power of the soul, realized her essence and realized that it was impossible to own it, it is impossible to keep it in the ultrasound, but you can only touch and skip, spend through yourself, and therefore has become a contempor, he understood that there is always He always has a river and can always go to the corruption ...

"By whining omen, in my desire" means the unity of the soul and spirit, that is, the soul tells to want, and the Spirit spends this will. Do not want to be completely impossible and it's better to want to be right, in harmony with a pure - mental rally, which also displays the world soul, its essence, desire and device. And the awareness of his soul makers was also awareness of the animation of the world.

Buckets have entered the hut and themselves became a shop, and Emelya climb on the oven.
Was a lot of time, it's not time - the daughter-in-law say to him: - "Emelya, what are you lying? Would go to the firewood. " "Lack of reluctance" ... "" Do not disturb firewood, brothers from the bazaar arrive, they will not bring the hotels. "

And yet - who are these bubbles? Why did everything happen without a father, who would be remembered why then at the beginning? What hotel brothers should bring? What do firewood mean?

Baba daughter-in-law turned out to be natural natural body needs for life without the satisfaction of which, hunting is to do or reluctance - no matter, no one can live normally, even the great Ascetic Buddha one fine day has become food and confessing moderation in everything. Father, of course, means Creator and therefore is clearly not present, but it is at the beginning of a fairy tale marked. The brothers are both other people who are busy in society (they have no time to study themselves) and, at the same time, the society itself, which represents the unwillingness to agree with him, the danger. But if Emel cooperates, that is, walks behind water, firewood, etc., he cares about himself, then he albeit "fool", but not crazy, and you can not touch him, let him live. Gifts are promised, it is here for the approval of other people.

Ever reluctance to sink from the furnace. He remembered about Pike and Slowly says:
- "By whining vein, in my opinion - I look, the ax, the shaking of firewood, and the firewood - go in the hut and put in the oven ...

Emelya on the furnace and forgot about the pike and about its possibilities, and was obviously not tied to the possession of the force that this place the fairy tale is underlined for the second time. Lyzhka on the stove, he was busy. Namely, the consciousness of himself, a wanderland in the world of their consciousness ...

The oven here means the self, God's spark, the inner fire, the light and the space of their consciousness, in which Emelya sought to be all the time and went out from there with the visible reluctance, especially at first, and only to commit the most necessary actions. That is, he was busy with almost constant self-pressing.

The ax jumped out from under the shop - and on the courtyard, and let's do the firewood, and the firewood themselves go to the hut and climb the oven. Many, whether the time has passed - the daughter-in-law says again: - "Emel, we no longer have firewood. Come to the forest, violaby. And he from the stoves:
- "Yes, then what?" - "How are we on what? .. Is our business in the forest for firewood ride?" - "I'm reluctant" ... - "Well, there will be no gifts."

But, nevertheless, the world regularly reminds of itself, and the case is no longer water - here the symbol of the spiritual depth and strength of the soul and the spirit as a valid unit. It concerns firewood, which here also mean the experiences of the world's events to maintain the inner divine fire - a living interest in the world, and knowledge about the external world, which also have to minimize, like firewood, peculiar attention. But now it is much easier, since a new way of reflection and accomplishment has been mastered - not chaotic and instinctive as before, but the unity of conscious desire and intention. Here daughter-in-law needs just taught him how to satisfy them. Emelya, it was, I tried this thing to blame on them, but it was not there, the laws of nature could not disrupt anyone, and it is not necessary, naturally naturally. Here the fairy tale teaches and this is obvious - no need to fight with your nature, it is better to follow it.

Nothing to do. Tears of Emel from the furnace, shoved, dressed. I took the rope and ax, went to the courtyard and sat down in Sani: - "Baba, revole the gate!" The daughter-in-law says to him: - "What are you, foolish, sat down in Sani, and the horse is not ground?" - "I do not need a horse."
The daughters opened the gate, and Emelya speaks slowly: - "By whining the vein, in my opinion - go, Sani, in the woods themselves" ...

The ride behind the gate means the beginning of the necessary, though forced work on the awareness of the outside world. By this point, Emel has already learned to manage himself - the gate was discovered by the daughter-in-law, the horse, that is, the usual attention is not needed, it means that some internal forces have already been obedient to his will. Sunny journey here means the journey of consciousness at the same time and in the external and in the inner world, which displays external.

Sani themselves and went to the gate, yes so quickly - do not catch up with the horse.
And in the forest it was necessary to go through the city, and then he remembered a lot of people, suppressed. The people scream: "Keep it! Catch it!", And he knows Sani drives. He arrived in the forest: - "At a prominent velinist, in my opinion - an ax, the violas of the firewood, and you, the firewood, ride themselves in Sanya "... The ax began to chop, prick dry wood, and the firewoods themselves are lying in Sani and ropes. Then Emelya ordered the topor to cut the baton to himself - such a raise to raise. Sen on WHO: -" For a whiteway Sani, home "...

Why go to the forest through the city? Why do people put people in it? What is this city, what kind of people? The city is the world of ordinary people, which Emelya, being a man himself, can not be able to bear consciousness in his journey. People in the city are the guys of human, the larvae created for the deception, which essentially put it is not a pity, even though they are worried and threaten with disgrupters. A baton is the strength and means of the transformation of a larva, which is only power, effort is done.

Sanya rushed home. Again, he drives Emelya for the city, where the divecha remembered, suppressed a lot of people, and there they are waiting for him. Calculated Emel and drags with WHO, scold and beat. He sees that it is bad, and slowly: - "By whining the vein, in my opinion - well, a club, a broken boc". Dubinka jumped up - let's bang. The people rushed away, and Emel came home and climbed into the oven.

Why exactly the sides are broken and not to drive, for example? And simply the sides - the edges - the most obvious symbol of the form, and you should not kill very larva, they for some reason are needed. And not a simple thing is a thing, working with licensions and images, it is necessary to repeat it, break through the effort, with a fight - so great the binding strength of images.

How long, briefly - he heard the king about the emesteen tries and sends an officer after him: to find it and bring him to the palace.

The king is the owner, the real lord. Something he was interested in Emelin Trading. For some reason, he does not make it sharpened by Emel in Ostrog, for example, but send an officer to bring Emel to him. Here, the officer is a symbol of the simple strength of the hierarchical social management and management and, at the same time, his appearance is the first test, since the king does not intend to destroy Emel, and the king's Emelya is needed for some reason. What for? The king is needed a decent successor.

An officer arrives in that village, enters that hut, where Emel lives, and asks: - "Are you a fool of Emel?" And he from the stove: - "What do you want for?" - "Dress Rather Rather, I'll take you to the king." "" And I reluctance "... an officer got angry and hit him on his cheek." And Emelya speaks slowly: - "By whining the vein, in my Wannu - a double, breaking his sides," ... Dubinka jumped up - and let's bother the officer, he was abandoned.

"The fool" is already here something like a title or status, and by the way, the Emel did not call here - "I am a fool", he immediately began to look at the root. Dubinka as a strength of transformation of the Lichin, which, in turn, are created for public - hierarchical use, and here it also helped overcome the pressure of the society in the person of the officer. That is, Emelya has proven its independence and independence from the opinion of society, independence from public thinking. He showed the king his self, is that it is worth learning on.

The king was surprised that his officer could not cope with the Emes, and sends the most scorious one: - "Bring to me to the Palace of Fool Emel, and then I will rent my head with my shoulders." Bucked up the wideline Izyumu, prune, gingerbread, came to that village, entered the hut and began to ask the daughter of the daughter, which loves Emel.
"Our Emelya loves when he is affectionately asked yes red caftan ascend," then he will do everything that will not ask. "

The king, as the ruler, immediately felt the successor (so immediately reported the figures - performers of roles), but the order there is order - from simple to complex and from small to the big one, because the officer was first, - we note that without troops, that is, a peculiar symbol Dedications.

Diffeline noble means the strength of a completely different order. This mind is a manager who plans and ponders actions, organizes events, comprehensiles and understands the causes and investigations and is able to deal with them. For him, the result is important, not a way, and there is a wide variety of ways to achieve a goal.

Diffory Weljab gave Emeyle Iisha, prune, gingerbread and says: - "Emelya, Emelya, what are you lying on the furnaces? We will go to the king. " - "I am warm here" ... - "Emelya, Emelya, the king will be good to feed you," Please will go. " - "And I am reluctant" ... - "Emelya, Emelya, the king you will give you a red caftan, a hat and boots." Emelya thought, thought: - "Well, okay, you go ahead, and I will fall for you."

The scoring noble understands that I will not take a force, and promises food, caftan cap and boots, that is, bodily and sensual satisfaction and satisfaction of vanity. This attracted Emel on the natural tendency of people to pleasure and because of his novelty and unknown, and was another test test. In addition, Emelya understood well what the matter goes.

I left the noble, and Emel also flew and says: - "By whining the veliny, in my opinion - well, the furnace, go to the king" ... Here the corners were shrinking, the roof was shried, the wall flew out, and the furnace sama went on Street, on the road, straight to the king.

Why on the furnace, not on the sleigh, for example, and not with an avoiding together? Here, complex mixing of the meaning turned out. The oven here acts as a symbol of the internal force of the dust - the inner space, which is mastered, is conscious to which the owner is. And why not the whole hitch? But because you can get to meet with the king with what the king himself. Izba, in this case, there is not only an internal space that is subject to check, but the whole world of Emelie, and at that time he was not yet the owner. So I decided to go not to the stove and show the power, because I already understood and anticipate that he was waiting for him. And it is waiting for his dedication to the king.

The king looks out the window, is divided: - "What is the miracle?" The scaldable one is responsible for him: - "And this is an emelya to the furnace goes to you."

The king, though the king, and also not ready for such a manifestation of Emeli's self, he needs to comprehend what he was doing that he did through the mind - scorched Velmazby.

The king came out on the porch: - "Something, Emelya, for you a lot of complaints! You suppressed a lot of people. " - "Why did they climb under Sani?"

Very indicative dialogue: it is said that a lot of people are depressed somehow, as if not about people. The actual violator would have been punished and without the king. And then the king personally checks the strength and ability of Emeli to realize, destroy and create images, including social. Emelya clearly shows strength, but not quite a skill: why did they climb under Sani? Which allegorically means - I have power, and I can direct it to achieve my goal, albeit straight and hard, inesently, but I can. The king is here and in general in a fairy tale - a teacher, a mentor who owns knowledge, a spiritual father. And not the head of the state as a community. Although of course there were different emes ...

It is also traced here, firstly, the recognition of the current king, and secondly, the lesson for managing force.

At this time, the royal daughter was glared on him the window - Marya-Tsarevna. Emelya saw her in the window and says slowly: - "By whining the vein, in my opinion - let the royal daughter love me" ... And I said again: - "Stay, oven, home" ... The oven turned and went home, went home In the hut and became for the previous place. Emelya again lying-lie down.

To fall in love with Mariu-Tsarevna Emely could not if she did not love him. Here in the royal court, in dedication, and the Emeley took a date with his inner female part - Anima. Only above it is really dominated, to give it to manifest. And he understood it. It was time to gain not only strength, but also internal integrity. He realized that it was not necessary for love for love, it was necessary. In this: "Let the royal daughter love me" and there is permission to love himself - the word "let". And here there is another layer of meaning - the beginning of aware of himself to the king.

Note that the king completely without objections released the Emel and did not oppose his departure on the stove, as it was performed that it was done - Emel was checking and communicated with the king not at the social level, but in the language of forces, because so unceremoniously and short.

And the king in the palace cry and tears. Marya-Tsarevna is bored by Ever, can't live without him, asks her father, so that he gave her for the Emel to marry. Then the king worn, shouting and says again as many nobles. - "Stay, bring me a living or dead Emel, and then I will take off my shoulders."

It turned out to be encrypted here: comes such a time when the teacher also needs to learn. Living or dead means emel in feelings, or under the contract. Because the ability at the king himself lacks here, and he does not know about it. And the king, teaching the student, the exam for ownership of art himself.

Bucked scalid wedlan's wines of sweet and different snacks, went to that village, entered that hut and began to sweat emeel. Emelya got drunk, ate, Zahmel, and went to bed. And the nobleman put it in the wagon and brought to the king. The king immediately ordered to order a big barrel with iron hoops. It was planted by Emel and Mariu-Tsarevna, scratched and the barrel was thrown into the sea.

Why did the king go, in fact, to kill her daughter, and Emeley, although before it did not attempt on it? Why in a barrel in the sea, not in the fire, for example, or cave or river? The king across the random item arranged Emely another check - on the temptations of the body and feelings. Worked troublelessly. Here is the condition of man from the body and its needs. As well as show periods in the development of consciousness and self-awareness and rebirth after traveling in a state of integrity - in the sea of \u200b\u200bfeelings. The sea here is a collective unconscious or the world of Previews, Emelya - the Spirit forgot himself. And the teacher simultaneously gives Emele a lesson to remember himself. Marya Tsarevna is a soul that felt and remembering himself and knowing life. She can't live without the Spirit. The king - the teacher, knew that would be the result of a trip. It also shows a slice of real life - as real kings for the sake of power or whims do not spare at times and their children. The tale teaches to see life and several meanings immediately and, taking everything as it is, not to confuse one with another.

How long is it briefly - Yemel woke up; Sees - dark, closely. - "Where is me?"
And he is responsible: - "boring and nausea, Emeyelushka! We scrambled us in the barrel, threw in the blue sea. " - "And who are you?" - "I am Marya-Tsarevna." Emelya says: - "By whining vein, in my opinion - the winds of the violent, roll off the barrel on the dry coast, on the yellow sand" ...
Warm winds poured. The sea was excited, barrel thrown into a dry shore, on yellow sand. Emelya and Marya-Tsarevna came out of it.

The soul helped the spirit to remember himself in the side of the sobrase and gave the power to wake up, wish and reborn, gain independence.

- "Emeyelushka, where will we live? Build some kind of hut. "
- "And I am reluctant" ... here she began to ask him to ask him, he says, he says: "By whining the velinist, in my opinion," the stone palace with a golden roof "... He said - a stone palace with gold appeared. roof. Circle - Green Garden: Flowers flower and birds sing.

Which is a hut, not a palace, - for some reason asks Tsarevna, it seems to be accustomed to the palaces. It doesn't need a lot in a holistic heart with the heart to start. She is so good. But it was here a kind of checking on a misery, suddenly, the Emel will not be afraid not to remember what force and the ability to own and build no matter what the hut is not a palace. Emel passed and this exam.

How can you build so and where? No other way as thought in his mind.

Marya-Tsarevna from Emers entered the palace, got from the window. - "Emelyushka, and you can not become a handsome to you?" Here Emel thought it for a short time: - "By whining the vein, in my opinion, it's a kind of good young, writing with a handsome man" ... and became Emely, that in a fairy tale, not to describe in a fairy tale.

When it comes to a self and inner transformation, Emely immediately agreed, that is, he saw, recognized and accepted the divine beauty of the world and himself, which he recalled the soul, saw God in himself. He transformed internally. Obviously, this is a special action, maybe even its goal, and it completes the entire chain of transfigations of Emetel.

And at that time the king went to hunt and sees - it is worth the palace, where there was nothing before.
- "What is this unfortunate without my permitting on my land built the palace?"
And sent to learn-ask: "Who are these?"

Why did the king rode on the hunt, and not for fishing or the embassy somewhere? The usual life of the Earth Kings is also displayed here, but also shows the space of O-hot, in which other kings live - the kings of themselves. They live in O-hot, that is, they do what they want. And so, in this world of hunting one king, Unnamed (apparently, because this is a symbol of the teacher) I saw another hunt - now I am also transformed internally, a full king, who has passed all the tests of Emelie, and decided to check if he was not unwell. That is, it is fully knowledgeable by Emelie. Nevezhi is something different: not knowing some rules. That is, here is the final exam and the final recognition of the right of Emeli to the kingdom. This right must be witnessed to another king.

The ambassadors ran, steel under the window, asked. Emelya answers them:
"Sistay the king to visit me, I will tell him." The king came to visit him. Emelya meets him, leads to the palace, planting at the table. Start they to appear. The king eats, drinks and not put pressure: - "Who are you, kind well done?" - "And remember the fool of Emel - as I came to your ovens, and you told him with my daughter in a barrel to scramble, throw in the sea? I am the same Emel. I want - all your kingdom of fire and ruin. "

Emelya invites teachers personally to his world so that he looked and appreciated everything as it is. He comes and evaluates. Both first pretend that they do not recognize a friend, and maybe they really do not recognize the king by Emel. This shows the completeness of the changes that occurred from the rates and their depth.

And here the last time Emel passes the exam and shows his strength and that now he can cope with all the kingdom. Previously, I could not, and there was no speech about it.

The king was very frightened, it became forgivers to ask: - "Marry my daughter, Emeyelyushka, take my kingdom, just do not goubi me!" They arranged a feast to the whole world. Emelya married Marya-Tsarevne and began to manage the kingdom.

Forgiveness to ask - also sacral inner act - the old king, who raised a full-fledged successor - a student, understands that he can leave, and he cleans the soul by permission and repentance, transfers the kingdom to the young Emeyale and goes on a fiery journey, the famous and mysterious fiery transition to him will help make a student. Therefore, Emelya says that the fire is smeared, shows that he owns fire, and not water threatens, for example.

It was just "to destroy the king" (the image of the king of the owner - the Creator as a stage of personal evolution) could be the non-acceptance of the kingdoms of the kingdom, and the life with its laws of transition and continuity is clearly shown here, to grow and develop, multiply knowledge and skills. Be the king on earth and owner.

Here and the fairy tale is the end.

So inener, simple seemingly a fairy tale, turned out to be an exact guidebook and pointer on the path of man to myself, to God, to the meaning of life.

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Hello, blog readers "Russian Word"!

In my distant childhood I loved fairy Tale "By whining kettling".

Despite the fact that I knew her by heart, the book reread the book often with great pleasure! And then I had a plate with a musical version of this fairy tale. And I did not get tired of listening to several times!

Now it is not clear to me why I liked this tale so much!?

After all the main character of the fairy tale Fool Emel - Lazy still that! Lies on his ovens, does nothing. And yet he has been fine in his life: both wealth, and house-palace, and beautiful wife!

Similarly, foreign students thought, listening fairy Tale "By whining kettling". This was told by Dr. Philological Sciences, Researcher of the Department of Russian Philology of the Faculty of MSU Dmitry Gudkov :

"Once in the classroom, I read the fairy tale" By whining kettle "first, Japanese students, and then American. Their perception of the fairy tale was different as the sky and the Earth, but in the assessment of Emeli their opinions coincided. Both those and others found the fairy tale of immoral: the pathological slacker receives any deserved award. And the Japanese who learned that this fairy tale is very popular in Russia, in general there were doubts about the fullness of the Russian national nature. The Americans said that children brought up on such fairy tales would grow lazy people ... "

Is it really all so hard to love this fairy tale in their childhood, grew by immoral lazy hairs and terrible idlers? And was it a fool?

Let's try to answer this question. But first I reread a fairy tale.

Fairy tale "By whining kettling" in Resection A.N. Tolstoy.

(This is the most famous fairy tale option! Illustration of the artist Hermann Ogorodnikov.)

He lived was an old man. He had three sons: two smart, the third is a fool of Emelya. Those brothers work, and Emel lies all day on the stove, does not want to know anything.

Once the brothers left for the bazaar, and women, daughter-in-law, let's send it:

Go, Emelya, water.

And he from the stoves:


Go, Emelya, and then the brothers from the bazaar arrive, the hotels will not be brought to you.

Okay. Tears of Emel from the stove, shoved, dressed, took the buckets and the ax and went to the river. Drove the ice, burned the bucket and put them, and himself looks into the hole. And he saw Emelya in the corruption pike. I was illuminated and grabbed the pike in my hand:

Here the ear will be sweet!

Suddenly, Pike tells him a human voice:

Emelya, let me go to the water, I come to you.

And Emelya laughs:

What are you useful for me?

No, I will carry you home, I drove into the daughter-in-mind of the ear to cook. There will be a sweet ear.

Pike prayed again:

Emelya, Emelya, let me go to the water, I will do you all that you wish.

Okay, only show first that you do not cheat me, then I will let go.

Pike asks him: -

Emelya, Emely, tell me - what do you want now?

I want the buckets to go home and water would not have splash ...

Pike him says:

I remember my words: when you want - tell me only: " By whining the vein, in my opinion

Emelya and says:

By whining cuisine,

In my opinion -

coming, buckets, home ...

Just said - the buckets themselves and went uphill. Emelya put the pike into the hole, and he went beams himself. Give buckets in the village, the people are divided, and Emelya goes from behind, laughs ... Bucked buckets in the hut and became a shop themselves, and Emelya got to the oven.

Was a lot of whether the time - the daughter-in-law tell him:

Emelya, what are you lying? Would go to the firewood.


Do not disturb firewood, brothers from the bazaar arrive, the hotels will not be brought to you.

Ever reluctance to sink from the furnace. He remembered about Pike and Slowly says:

By whining cuisine,

In my opinion

I look, the ax, the shaking of firewood, and the firewood - go to the hut and put in the oven ...

The ax jumped out from under the shop - and on the courtyard, and let's do the firewood, and the firewood themselves go to the hut and climb the oven.

Many, if there was no time - daughter-in-law say again:

Emely, we no longer have firewood. Congress in the forest, violaby.

And he from the stoves:

Yes, what?

How are we on what? ..

Is our business in the forest for firewood ride?

I'm reluctant ...

Well, there will be no gifts.

Nothing to do. Tears of Emel from the furnace, shoved, dressed. I took the rope and ax, went to the yard and sat down in Sani:

Baba, revole the gate!

The daughter-in-law says:

What are you, foolish, sat down in Sani, and the horse is not ground?

I do not need a horse.

The daughters took the gate, and Emel speaks slowly:

By whining cuisine,

In my opinion -

Go, Sani, in the forest ...

Sani went to the gate themselves, and so quickly - do not catch up with the horse. And in the forest it was necessary to go through the city, and then he remembered a lot of people, suppressed. The people scream "Hold him! Catch it! " And he knows Sani chasing. Arrived in the forest:

By whining cuisine,

In my opinion -

The ax, the violas of firewood, and you, the firewood, ride yourself in Sani, fade apart ...

The ax began to chop, prick a dry tree, and the firewoods themselves are lying in the sleigh and knit rope. Then Emelya ordered the topor to cut off his battlefield - such a raise to raise. Feed on WHO:

By whining cuisine,

In my opinion -

go, Sani, home ...

Sanya rushed home. Again, he drives Emelya for the city, where the divecha remembered, suppressed a lot of people, and there they are waiting for him. Calculated Emel and drags with WHO, scold and beat. He sees that a bad thing, and slowly:

By whining cuisine,

In my opinion -

well, a double, broke the sides ...

Dubinka jumped up - and let's bother. The people rushed away, and Emel came home and climbed into the oven.

How long, briefly - he heard the king about the emesteen tries and sends an officer after him: to find it and bring him to the palace. The officer arrives in that village, he enters that hut, where the Emel lives, and asks:

Are you a fool of Emel?

And he from the stove:

What are you talking about?

Dress Rather, I'll take you to the king.

And I reluctance ...

An officer became angry and hit him on his cheek. And Emelya speaks slowly:

By whining cuisine,

In my opinion -

dubinka, Broke the Boc ...

Dubinka jumped up - and let's bother the officer, he feet abandoned. The king was surprised that his officer could not cope with the Emers, and sends his most random items:

Bring to me to the Palace of Fool Emel, and then I will take my head off my shoulders.

Bucked up the wideline Izyumu, prune, gingerbread, came to that village, entered the hut and began to ask the daughter of the daughter, which loves Emel.

Our Emelya loves when he is affectionately asked yes red caftan ascend, "then he will do everything that will not ask.

Missed Welheck gave Emeyle Iisma, prune, gingerbread and says:

Emelya, Emelya, what are you lying on the furnace? Let's go to the king.

I am warm here ...

Emelya, Emelya, the king will be well feed-to drink, please go.

And I reluctance ...

Emelya, Emelya, the king you red caftan will give, a hat and boots.

Emelya thought-thought:

Well, okay, go ahead, and I will be behind you. I left the venel, and Emel was still saying:

By whining cuisine,

In my opinion -

well, the oven, go to the king ...

Here in the hives, the corners were glanced, the roof was stupid, the wall flew out, and the oven itself went down the street, on the road, straight to the king. The king looks out the window, is divided:

What is this miracle?

Differ Welcome to him:

And this is the Emel on the furnace goes to you.

The king came out on the porch:

Something, Emel, for you a lot of complaints! You suppressed a lot of people.

Why did they climb under Sani?

At this time, the royal daughter was glared on him the window - Marya-Tsarevna. Emelya saw her in the window and speaks slowly:

By whining cuisine,

In my opinion -

let the royal daughter love me ...

And said again:

Stay, oven, home ...

The oven turned and went home, went to the hut and became for the previous place. Emelya again lying-lie down. And the king in the palace cry and tears. Marya-Tsarevna is bored by Ever, can't live without him, asks her father, so that he gave her for the Emel to marry. Then the king worn, shouting and says again as many nobles:

Stay to bring me a living or dead emeel, and I will take off my head with my shoulders.

Bucked scalid wedlan's wines of sweet and different snacks, went to that village, entered that hut and began to sweat emeel. Emelya got drunk, ate, Zahmel, and went to bed. And the nobleman put it in the wagon and brought to the king. The king immediately ordered to order a big barrel with iron hoops. It was planted by Emel and Mariu-Tsarevna, scratched and the barrel was thrown into the sea. How long is it briefly - Yemel woke up; sees - dark, closely:

Where is me?

And he is answered:

Bored and nausea, Ememyushka! We were scrambled in a barrel, threw in the blue sea.

And who are you?

I am Marya-Tsarevna.

Emel says:

By whining cuisine,

In my opinion -

Wasy winds, roll off the barrel on the dry coast, on the yellow sand ...

Warm winds poured. The sea was excited, barrel thrown into a dry shore, on yellow sand. Emelya and Marya-Tsarevna came out of it.

Emeyelushka, where will we live? Build some kind of hut.

And I reluctance ...

Here she began to ask him to ask him, he says:

By whining cuisine,

In my opinion -

Stone Stone Palace with Golden Roof ...

Only he said - a stone palace appeared with a golden roof. Circle - Green Garden: Flowers flower and birds sing. Marya-Tsarevna from Emers entered the palace, got from the window.

Emeyelyushka, and you can not become a handsome to you?

Here Emel thought for a short time:

By whining cuisine,

In my opinion -

become a good one to me, writing a handsome ...

And Emely became such that in a fairy tale, nor the pen describe. And at that time the king went to hunt and sees - it is worth the palace, where there was nothing before.

Is it for the unfortunate without my permission on my land put the palace?

And sent to learn-ask: "Who are these?" The ambassadors ran, steel under the window, asked. Emelya answers them:

Ask the king to visit me, I'll tell him himself. The king came to visit him. Emelya meets him, leads to the palace, planting at the table. Start they to appear. The king eats, drinks and not put pressure:

Who are you, kind well done?

And remember the fool by Emel - how came to you on the stove, and you told him with her daughter in a barrel to scramble, throw in the sea? I am the same Emel. I want - all your kingdom of fire and ruin.

The king was very frightened, it became forgivers to ask:

Marry my daughter, Emeyelushka, take my kingdom, just do not goubi me!

There was a feast for the whole world. Emelya married Marya-Tsarevne and began to rule the kingdom.

Here and the fairy tale is the end, and who listened - well done.

Watch wonderful illustrations to fairy Tale "By Schuchye Telle" Artist Hermann Gorodnikova.

The fairy tale "By whining kettle" can be heard.

This is a musical version of the fairy tales. Extremely like on a record from my childhood !!!

Let's reflect ...

Two brothers went to the bazaar. Why didn't you take with me? So he is fool!..

But why is it right - fool?! Maybe just because he was not taken with him to the bazaar that he was still inexperienced. So let him do not prevent in a serious case, let it be better at home ...

The case in the fairy tale is happening in winter. When the older left, the daunures are fussy, hurt, bread bake, and what to do in the peasant hut?! Lying on a warm stove yes dream!

The daughter-in-law gives Emela ordinary orders: bring water, throwing firewood, go to the forest along the firewood.


Emele laziness to perform an ordinary boring job. And when he still went to the river, he burned the water, he did not go home right away. What makes fool-emel? He looks into the hole. He is interested, and what is there, in the hole!? Smart, maybe I would not look into the hole, he knew everything for a long time ...

Lucky Emele Alpassed, "fools are lucky"! He came across a magic pike, performing any desires. Guess what you want. All will be!

How did Yemel behaved, what did she ask for a pike?!

To make the shoulder for themselves to go home, so that the ax will cut the ax that Sani themselves ride, without horses!

In a fool! Pike, she can fulfill any desire !!! But no! Not such an Emel. He does not need mountains of gold and terme-choirs. He asks what, he was most likely to think about the furnaces for a long time.

Emelya wants the water to go to the house (and maybe this is a prototype of a water supply?) So that the axifore himself cut (chainsaw?). And the silent cart, and then the oven that goes herself - this ... car?!

If you have a pretty thoughts, so all the human inventions were born out of such "Emeline"Lene!

Emeley didn't just have a midwives mind, he has an inventor head! What is he fool? !!

But how do not remember the qualities of Emeli, as resourcefulness, seducker, wit, kindness, kindness!?

As you wish, I always liked Emely!

There is another famous version of the fairy tale "by whining kettle",

recorded in the collection of A.N. Afanasyeva "People's Russian Fairy Tales". We argue that you do not remember this fairy tale?! You can read it here:

Tale about Emel in processing A. Afanasyev

There was a poor peasant; How much he worked, how much he worked - everything is nothing!

"Eh," he thinks with himself, "my grandfather's share! All the days are killing for the farm, and then look - you will have to die with the hunger; But my neighbor is my whole life on my side lies, and what? The farm is large, the ladies themselves swim in the pocket. I can see, I did not please God; From morning to evening I will pray, maybe the Lord and goes away. "

Click to open the full text of the fairy tales

He began to pray to God; For all day, starving, and everything prays. A bright holiday has come, hit the Sautren.

Poor thinks: "All people will become stripped, and I have no pieces! I will go at least to the water I will bring - so instead of hike. "

He took a bucket, went to the well and just threw into the water - suddenly he fell into a crucial pike in a bucket. A man was delighted: "So I am with a holiday! I will give my oaks and lunch. " He tells him a pussy with a human voice: "Let me go, a kind man, to the will; I will do you happy: what your soul will wish, everything will be! Just say: on a whimstanding handle, according to God's blessing, there is something and that now - now it will appear! "

The poor threw a pike to the well, came to the hut, sat down at the table and says: "By whining the vein, in God's blessing, be the table covers and lunch is ready!" Suddenly, from where what came - all sorts of eats and drinks appeared on the table; Although the king is treating, so it will not be ashamed! The poor crossed: "Glory to you Lord! There is something to warn. " I went to the church, defended and lunch, grown and began to stripping; Doodle drank, went out for the gate and sat on a shop.

At that time, the princess acted on the streets along the streets, goes with his nanacles and mothers and for the sake of the festive Christ, he distributes to the poor alms; He filed everyone, but about this peasant and forgot. So he says to himself: "According to the blessing of God, for God's blessing, let the princess be a fruit and give birth to a son!"

For the word of the princess in the one minute a minute of the inheritant and nine months gave birth to a son. He began to interrogate her king. "Convent," says, "who sinned?" And Tsarevna cries and swear in every way that he did not sin with anyone: "And herself does not know, for which the Lord punished me!" How many king was prevented, did not recognize anything. Meanwhile, the boy is not by day, but the clock is growing; A week later I began to talk. The king convened from all over the kingdom of boyars and spiritual people, shows their boys: does he not recognize anyone for his father? No, the boy is silent, no one calls for a father. Ordered the king of nanacians and moms to carry it in all the courtyards, on all the streets and show all the ranks of people and married and idle. Nanniki and mothers suffered a child for all the yards, on all the streets; Walked, went, he is silent. Finally came to the hut of a poor man; As soon as he saw the boy's boy, he now reached into his handms and shouted: "Tamper, toy!"

Reported about the sovereign, led to the palace of the wretched; The king began to interrogate it: "Consite the clean conscience - is your child?" - "No, God!" The king was angry, married the wretched on the princess, and after the crown ordered them to put them together with the child in a large barrel, glorifying my bed and put into the open sea.

A barrel floated over the sea, they suffered her buoy winds and knocked back to the distant coast. Hears the poor, that the water under them does not pegs, and says that the word: "By whining the velinist, on God's blessing, breakdown, barrel, on a dry place!" The barrel was splashing; They got out to dry place and went where the eyes look. They went, went, went, went, there is nothing to drink, the princess completely extinguished, barely stops. "What," asks poor, "you know now, what is thirst and hunger?" - "I know!" - answers Tsarevna. "That's the poor suffer; And you didn't want to file the day and alms on Christ! "

Then he says the poor: "By whining the vein, in God's blessing, it becomes a rich palace here - so it was better in the whole world, and with gardens, and with ponds, and with all sorts of extensions!" Only stepped up - a rich palace appeared; Reliered from the palace of servants faithful, take them under his arms, lead in the chambers of white and plant over the tables of oak, the tablecloths are married. Wonderful whalers are removed, it is On the tables everything is prepared: both wines, and sloant, and a kushan. The poor and princess got drunk, a mellow, rested and went to the garden to walk. "Everyone here is good," says Tsarevna, "only a pity that there is no bird on our ponds." - "Wait, there will be a bird!" - answered the poor and immediately walked: "By whining the vein, according to God's blessing, let the twelve ducks swim on this pond, the thirteenth spleen - all of them would have one feather was golden, the other silver; Yes, there would be a decement of a chub on a diamond head! " Looks - twelve ducks and spleen floating water - one feather golden, the other silver; On the head at the spleen of Chub diamond.

So the princess lives with her husband without grief, without sadness, and her son grows yes grows; Rose big, I worked in myself the great strength and became at the father, the mother can ask for a white light yes to look for a bride. They let him go: "Stay, son, with God!"

He saddled the Bogatyr horse, sat down and drove into the road. It comes across towards the old old woman: "Hello, Russian Tsarevich! Where to drive? " - "Food, grandmother, a bride to look for, and where to look for - and I do not know." - "Wait, I will tell you, Dietyatko! Go for the sea in the thirtie kingdom; There is a queen - such a beauty that all the world will be, and it is better not to get it anywhere! "

Good well done thanked the old woman, came to the pier, hired the ship and swam in the thirtieth kingdom. How long is it in short on the sea, soon the fairy tale affects, it does not soon be done - comes to the kingdom, came to the local king and began to wove in his daughter. Tells him the king: "You're not one for my daughter; We still have the bridegroom - the strong boys; If he refuse him, he will defuse everything my state. " - "I will refuse me - I will break!" - "What are you! It is better to fumble with him: which of you will win, for the daughter I will give. " - "Okay! Conscribe all the kings and Tsarevichi, Kings and Korolevichy on an honest battle to look at the wedding. "

Immediately sent the messengers in different directions, and the year did not pass, as the kings and Tsarevichi, Kings and Kingii gathered from all the surrounding lands; He arrived and the king that his native daughter was scratching his native daughter yes in the sea sheed. On the appointed day, warriors came to the death fight; Beggat, beat, from their blows the earth moaning, the forests were abandoned, the rivers were worried; The son of Tsarevna caught his opponent - she was driving his violent head. Royal boyars ran here, they took good well done under the arms and led to the palace; The next day he was married with the Korolevoy, and how they wrote off the wedding, began to call all the kings and Tsarevichi, kings and kingdom to visit her father, to the mother.

We rose all at once, ships shit and floated through the sea. Tsarevna and his husband met guests with detection, and began again peirs and fun. Tsari and Tsarevichi, Kings and Koroleichi look at the palace, in the gardens and are distinguished: this wealth is not seen anywhere, and most of all the ducks and spleen seemed to them - in one duck it is possible to give POLUTION!

Unlocked guests and attended home to go; They did not have time to get to the pier, how soon messengers run behind them: "Our de master asks you back to breys, he wants to hold the secret advice with you." Tsari and Tsarevichi, Kings and Koroleichi returned back; The owner spoke to them and began to say: "Does the so good people do? After all, my duck disappeared! Oaking you no one to take! " - "What do you share in vain? - Tsari and Tsarevichi, Kings and Korolei answers him. - This is a matter of naughty! Now the usual are all! If you find some kind of duck, do with him that you yourself know; And if you do not find, your head is one! " - "Ok, I agree!" - the owner said, went on a number and began to search them; How soon did the line reached the Tsarevnina Father, he slowly and walked: "By whining the vein, according to God's blessing, let the king be tied under the hollow caftana!" He took, lifted him caftan, and under the hollow as there is a duck is tied - one feather is golden, the other silver.

Here all the other kings and Tsarevichi, Kings and Korolei laughed loudly: "Ha ha ha! That's what! I began to steal the kings! " Tsarevnin Father all the holy swarms are to steal - he also did not have on thoughts; And as a duck hit him - he does not know himself. "Tell me! You found, it became, you are alone and guilty. "

The princess came out, rushed to his father and admitted that she was the one of his daughter, which he gave out for the wretched marriage and planted into the resin barrel: "Patty! You didn't believe with my words then, but now I have read what you can be guilty without guilt. " Told him how and what happened, and after that they began to live together, waiting for good, to find out, but to hang out.

As you can see, a completely different fairy tale!

There is no father nor brothers nor daughter-in-law. And the name of the hero is not. Called it "Safety"... Wu-Bogue .. God.?! Loves of God?! Under the protection of God?!

And the magic words are also different: not "at a prominent class, in my desire", but "by whining belane, God's blessing»…

This fairy tale is closest to folk version. And the people believed that God would definitely help weak and poorly ...

So in this fairy tale, the hero is far not an idiot! And the smart, honest, hardworking, fair, prudent man who is with God's help (well, and from whose else!) It became a wonderful ruler, such as ordinary Russian people always dreamed.

In conclusion, I want to say that "By whining kettles" - wonderful, cheerful, kind tale. And she also did not harm anyone.

And Emelya is not a fool at all.

In contact with

Emelya rides - wait for his week.
Cm. It's time - measure - spheres

  • - Comp. Jarg. Email...

    Universal Additional Practical Dictionary I. Mostitsky

  • - Emelya "Pleaspel", Novgor., "Hits, pretending to the fool." The derivative from Emelyan is the name of his own., From cf.-Greek. Ἰἰμιλιανός from LAT. Aemiliānus ...

    Etymological Dictionary of Fasmere

  • - On the sleigh or a week you will not reach the Annunciation, either a week will move ...
  • - See job -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian nation

  • - Emel, Emelie, husband. . Nickname applied to a chatter, empty-meter, simple. "Meli, Emelya, Your Week." Emelya-fool ...

    Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov

  • - Emel m. R. Male ...

    Explanatory dictionary Efremova

  • - Eat"...

    Russian spelling dictionary

  • - Cm....

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian nation

  • - See Mottery ...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian nation

  • - It's going on, and it goes - does not go ...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian nation

  • - See Volya -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian nation

  • - 1 Meli, Emel, your week. Simple. Iron. or contemporary. About complete distrust of whose Words, whose story. Bms 1998, 180; SGP 2001, 39; Bug. 1991, 169; DP, 203; Mokienko 1989, 166; Glukhov 1988, 84. 2 on Emel ...
  • - People. Disappropriate About whose Slow, indecisive actions. DP, 473 ...

    Large dictionary of Russian sayings

  • - Emelya, and, m. Or w. Email, letter sent by email. Jelly Contamination of e-mail and owns. Rus. "Emelya" ...

    Dictionary of Russian Argo

  • - Cm....

    Synonym dictionary

  • - Cm....

    Synonym dictionary

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