Master and Margarita confrontation of good evil. Mini-essay on the topic "Good and evil in the novel" Master and Margarita

Master and Margarita confrontation of good evil. Mini-essay on the topic "Good and evil in the novel" Master and Margarita


Humanity throughout its history tried to explain the nature of things and events. In these attempts, people always allocated two opposing forces: good and evil. The ratio of these forces in the soul of a person or in the surrounding world determined the development of events. And the forces themselves are embodied in images close to them. So the global religions appeared, which enclose a great confrontation. In contrasting the light forces of good, various images appeared: Satan, Devil, other dark forces.

The question of good and evil always occupied the minds of the souls, seeking truth, always encouraged the tortured human consciousness to the desire to resolve this difficult-time question in a particular sense. Many were interested in how interesting and now, questions: how did evil in the world appeared, who first marked the beginning of the appearance of evil? Is there evil the necessary and integral part of human existence, and if so, how, how does the blessing force, creating a world and man, could create evil?

The problem of good and evil is the eternal theme of human cognition, and, like any eternal topic, it does not have one unambiguous answers. One of the original sources of this problem can be called the Bible in which "good" and "evil" are identified with the images of God and the devil, acting as absolute carriers of these moral categories of human consciousness. Good and evil, God and the devil are in constant opposition. In essence, this struggle is maintained between the lowest and the highest start in man, between the death person and the immortal personality of a person, between its selfish needs and the desire for a common good.

I leaving your roots in the distant past, the struggle of good with evil for a number of centuries attracted the attention of many philosophers, poets, prosaikov.

The understanding of the problem of the struggle of good with evil was reflected in the work of Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov, who, addressing the eternal issues of being, rethinks them under the influence of historical events occurring in Russia in the first half of the twentieth century.

Roman "Master and Margarita" entered the Gold Fund of Russian and World Culture. It is read, analyzed, they admire. Bulgakov depicts good and evil - devil and Christ - in their entirety, having a goal to expose evil real, generated by the new building, and show the possibility of the existence of good. For this, the writer and uses the complex structure of building a piece.

The theme of good and evil at M. Bulgakov is the problem of choosing people of the principle of life, and the purpose of mystical evil in the novel is to pay everyone in accordance with this choice. The writer's pen has given these concepts of the duality of nature: one side is the real, "earthly" struggle of the devil and God inside any person, and the other, fantastic, helps the reader aware of the author's project, see the subjects and phenomena of its accusatory satire, philosophical and humanistic ideas.

Creativity MA Bulgakov is the subject of close attention of literary criticism, studying his artistic world in different aspects:

B. V. Sokolov A. V. Vulis. "Roman M. Bulgakov" Master and Margarita ", B. S. Soft "Bulgakovskaya Moscow", V. I. Germans "Mikhail Bulgakov: the formation of a novelist", V. V. Novikov "Mikhail Bulgakov - artist", B. M. Gasparov "From observations on the motive structure of the novel M. A. Bulgakov" Master and Margarita ", V. V. Chemich "Strange Realism M. Bulgakov", V. Ya. Lakshin "Roman M. Bulgakov" Master and Margarita ", M. O. Chudakov "The lives of M. Bulgakov."

"Master and Margarita", as the critic G. A. Leskis rightly noted, - double romance. It consists of the Master's novel about Pontius Pilate and the novel about the fate of the master. The main acting person of the first novel is Yeshua, the prototype of which is the biblical Christ - the embodiment of good, and the second - Woland, whose prototype is Satan - the embodiment of evil. Informal-structural division of the work does not close that each of these novels could not exist separately, since they are associated with the general philosophical idea, understandable only when analyzing the entire romantic reality. The heroes given in the initial three chapters in the difficult philosophical dispute, which the author represents the first on the pages of the novel, this idea is then embodied in the most interesting collisions, interlacing of real and fantastic, biblical and modern events that turn out to be completely balanced and causally conditioned.

The originality of the novel is that we are presented two plates of time. One is associated with the life of Moscow of the 20th anniversary of the twentieth century, the other - with the life of Jesus Christ. Bulgakov created a "novel in the novel", and both of these novels are united by one idea - the finding of truth.

Relevanceour research is confirmed by the fact that the problems raised in the work are modern. Good and evil ... the concepts of eternal and inseparable. What is good and what is evil on earth? This question passes the leitmotif through the entire Roman M. A. Bulgakov. And while the man is alive, they will fight with each other. Such a struggle and represents us Bulgakov in the novel.

The purpose of this work- Study of the singularities of understanding the problem of good and evil in the Roman M. Bulgakov "Master Margarita".

The following determines the solution of the following specific tasks:

trace the ratio of eternal values \u200b\u200bin the novel;

create the creative work of M. Bulgakov over the work with the historical epoch;

reveal the artistic embodiment of the problem of good and evil through the images of the heroes of the novel.

The work uses various research methods: Scientific - informative, practical advisory and analysis, interpretation to the extent that they seem relevant to us and necessary to solve the tasks.

Object of study: Roman M. A. Bulgakov "Master and Margarita".

Subject of study:the problem of good and evil in the novel M. A. Bulgakov.

The practical importance of the work is that its material can be used in the development of lessons and additional classes in Russian literature at school.

Chapter 1. The history of the creation of the novel "Master and Margarita"

Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov "Master and Margarita" was not completed and did not publish during the life of the author. For the first time, it was published only in 1966, 26 years after the death of Bulgakov, and then in a reduced journal version. The fact that this is the greatest literary work reached the reader, we owe the wife of the writer Elena Sergeyevna Bulgakova, who in the difficult Stalin's times managed to keep the manuscript of the novel.

This is the last work of the writer, his "share novel", completes the topic that is significant for Bulgakov - the artist and power, this is the romance of difficult and sad thinking about life, where philosophy and fantasy, mystic and penetrated lyrics, soft humor and labeling deep satire joined.

The history of the creation and publications of this most famous novel Mikhail Bulgakov, one of the most prominent works in modern domestic and world literature, complex and dramatic. This final work will be summarized by the writer's ideas about the meaning of life, about man, about his mortality and immortality, the struggle of kind and evil began in history and in the moral world of man. This helps to understand his own assessment of the Bulgakov of his shower. "Dying, he said, recalled his widow, Elena Sergeyevna Bulgakov:" Maybe it is correct. What could I write after the Master? "

Creative history of "Master and Margarita", the design of the novel and the beginning of work on him Bulgakov referred by 1928However, according to other data, it is obvious that the idea of \u200b\u200bwriting a book about the adventures of the devil in Moscow has arisen for several years earlier, in the early mid-1920s. The first chapters were written in the spring of 1929. On May 8 of this year, Bulgakov passed to the publishing house "Nedra" to publish in the almanac of the Fragment of the future Roman in the same name - his separate independent chapter, named "Manya Furibunda", which translated from Latin means "violent insoluction, mania of rage." This chapter, from which the fragments not destroyed by the author came to us, according to the content of approximately the fifth chapter of the printed text "It was in Griboedov". In 1929, the main part of the text of the first edition of the novel (and perhaps, and the phabylo-completed draft of his version about the appearance and trial of the devil in Moscow) were created.

Probably, in the winter of 1928-1929, only certain heads of the novel were written, which had even greater political sharpness than the preserved fragments of the early edition. Perhaps given to the "subsoil" and did not reach us completely "Manya Furibunda" was already a softened version of the original text. In the first edition, the author went over several options for the names of his work: " Black magician "," hoof engineer "," Voland's Guastrol "," Son of Death "," Juggler with hoof ", But he did not stop on one. This first editorial office of the novel was destroyed by the Bulgakov on March 18, 1930, after receiving the news about the ban on the play "Kabala Svyatosh". This writer reported in a letter to the government on March 28, 1930: "And I personally, with my own hands, threw a draft of the novel about the devil to the stove." There are no accurate information about the degree of fixation of the completeness of this edition, but according to the preserved materials, it is obvious that there is still no that final comparison comparison of the two novels in the novel ("antique" and modern), which constitutes the genre feature of the "Master and Margarita". Written by the hero of this book - the master - "Roman about Pontius Pilate", actually, and no; "Simply" "Strange Alien" tells Vladimir Mironovich Berliozu and Antoshe at the Patriarian ponds and Antoshe (Ivanushka) about Yeshua Ga-Nozri, and the whole "New Testament" material is set out in one chapter ("Gospel from Voland") in the form of a living conversation "foreigner" and His listeners. There are no future main characters - masters and margaritas. It is still that - a novel about the devil, and in the interpretation of the image of the devil Bulgakov, initially more traditional than in the final text: His Woland (or Fland) still acts in the classic role of the tempter and provocateur (it, for example, hesitates the Ivanushka to trample the image of Christ), but Already clear "superflaud" of the writer: and Satan, and Christ are needed by the author of the novel as representatives of absolute (albeit "diverse") truth, opposing the moral world of the Russian community of the 20s.

Roman M. Bulgakov "Master and Margarita" is a multidimensional and multi-layer work. It is connected, closely intertwining, mysticism and satire, the most unrestrained fiction and merciless realism, light irony and intense philosophy. One of the main philosophical problems of the novel is the problem of the relationship of good and evil. This topic has always occupied the leading place in Russian philosophy and literature.

In the Bulgakov novel, the differences between the two forces are clearly traced. Good and evil here are personalized: the personification of good is the Yeshua Ga-Nozri, and the incarnation of evil - Woland.

Yeshua is the embodiment of pure ideas. He is a philosopher, a wanderer, a preacher of good, love and mercy. His goal was to make the world cleaner and kinder. Ishua's vital philosophy is: "There are no evil people in the world, there are people unhappy." "A kind person," he turns to the procurator, and his rat beats him for it. But the point is not that he treats people so, but that he really behaves with each ordinary person as if he is the incarnation of good.

The eternal desire of people to good is inellite. Twenty centuries passed, and the personification of good and love - Jesus is alive in the souls of people. Master, the main character of the novel, writes a novel about Christ and Pilate.

The master writes a novel, restoring gospel events, giving them the status of real. Through it, good and truth come to the world again and again remain unrecognized.

Woland, like Mephistofel and Lucifer, is the embodiment of evil. It is believed that the main occupation of Satan is the tireless sowing of temptations and destruction. But, reading carefully in the novel, you can make sure that the wave for this is somehow too humane.

It seems to me that Woland, personifying evil, appeared in this case by the Messenger of Good. In all actions, you can see or acts of fair retaliation (episodes with the steppe Likameev, Nikanor Barem), or the desire to prove to people the existence and connection of good and evil.

Therefore, wave in the artistic world of the novel is not so much the opposite of Yeshua, how much addition to it. Good and evil in life surprisingly cleverly intertwined, especially in human souls. When Woland in the scene in the variety is experiencing a public on cruelty and deprives the head of the entertainer, the hearts are demanding to put their heads in place. And then we see how the same women are fighting for money. It seems that Woland Kallas people evil for their evil for the sake of justice. Evil for Voland is not a goal, but to cope with human vices.

At first glance, the results of the novel are disappointing. And in the Master's novel, and in the novel about the master of good in the fight against evil suffers defeat: Sweet Yeshua, the novel burned. The collision of the creative spirit with the unjust reality ends with suffering and death. But Woland says: "Everything will be right. This built on this. " This means that the reality exists after all the sake of good. The world evil and suffering is something transient, they will end with all the drama being.

But in the life of every person it happens when he must choose between good and evil. Pontius Pilate in a difficult situation shows little, and he punishes eternal torments of conscience. Hence the conclusion: no matter how confused in the world of good and evil, they are still impossible to be confused. Cowardice, betrayal - the greatest human vices.

Roman "Master and Margarita" - a novel about the responsibility of a person for good and evil, which is performed on earth, for its own choice of life paths leading or to truth and freedom, or to slavery and betrayal.

Writing on the work on the topic: good and evil in the novel M. Bulgakov "Master and Margarita"

Roman M. Bulgakov "Master and Margarita" is a multidimensional and multi-layer work. It is connected, closely intertwining, mysticism and satire, the most unrestrained fiction and merciless realism, light irony and intense philosophy. One of the main philosophical problems of the novel is the problem of the relationship of good and evil. This topic has always occupied the leading place in Russian philosophy and literature.

In the Bulgakov novel, the differences between the two forces are clearly traced. Good and evil here are personalized: the personification of good is the Yeshua Ga-Nozri, and the incarnation of evil - Woland.

Yeshua is the embodiment of pure ideas. He is a philosopher, a wanderer, a preacher of good, love and mercy. His goal was to make the world cleaner and kinder. Ishua's vital philosophy is: "There are no evil people in the world, there are people unhappy." "A kind person," he turns to the procurator, and his rat beats him for it. But the point is not that he treats people so, but that he really behaves with each ordinary person as if he is the incarnation of good.

The eternal desire of people to good is inellite. Twenty centuries passed, and the personification of good and love - Jesus is alive in the souls of people. Master, the main character of the novel, writes a novel about Christ and Pilate.

The master writes a novel, restoring gospel events, giving them the status of real. Through it, good and truth come to the world again and again remain unrecognized.

Woland, like Mephistofel and Lucifer, is the embodiment of evil. It is believed that the main occupation of Satan is the tireless sowing of temptations and destruction. But, reading carefully in the novel, you can make sure that the wave for this is somehow too humane.

It seems to me that Woland, personifying evil, appeared in this case by the Messenger of Good. In all actions, you can see or acts of fair retaliation (episodes with the steppe Likameev, Nikanor Barem), or the desire to prove to people the existence and connection of good and evil.

Therefore, wave in the artistic world of the novel is not so much the opposite of Yeshua, how much addition to it. Good and evil in life surprisingly cleverly intertwined, especially in human souls. When Woland in the scene in the variety is experiencing a public on cruelty and deprives the head of the entertainer, the hearts are demanding to put their heads in place. And then we see how the same women are fighting for money. It seems that Woland Kallas people evil for their evil for the sake of justice. Evil for Voland is not a goal, but to cope with human vices.

At first glance, the results of the novel are disappointing. And in the Master's novel, and in the novel about the master of good in the fight against evil suffers defeat: Sweet Yeshua, the novel burned. The collision of the creative spirit with the unjust reality ends with suffering and death. But Woland says: "Everything will be right. This built on this. " This means that the reality exists after all the sake of good. The world evil and suffering is something transient, they will end with all the drama being.

But in the life of every person it happens when he must choose between good and evil. Pontius Pilate in a difficult situation shows little, and he punishes eternal torments of conscience. Hence the conclusion: no matter how confused in the world of good and evil, they are still impossible to be confused. Cowardice, betrayal - the greatest human vices.

Roman "Master and Margarita" - a novel about the responsibility of a person for good and evil, which is performed on earth, for its own choice of life paths leading or to truth and freedom, or to slavery and betrayal.

bulgakov / Master_i_Margarita_37 /

Good and evil ... How often we have to hear these two concepts ... Since childhood, we were taught to distinguish good from evil. Parents read us fairy tales in which the evil always wins. In the real adult life, everything is much more difficult: the world rules money. After all, every person wants to live in comfort, dressing well, eat delicious food. But in order to enjoy these benefits, you need to have a considerable amount in your wallet. And, unfortunately, it is not always possible to earn it honest. As you know, "Money is evil."

The work of Bulgakov "Master and Margarita" is a creation, which shows a lot of human defects. One of the main characters is Woland - a protrusion of fate, punishing people for their misdeed. In this novel, Satan is not a representative of the power opposing God, but, perhaps, his assistant.

Surprisingly, Woland is trying to change the world for the better. Of course, he and his retinue caused a lot of evil Muscovites. But I believe that this is evil - Kara for the immoral deeds of people and society.

Bulgakov very masterfully shows us a fight of good and evil in their novel. The evil of Satan and his assistants exposes the evil man, mercilessly removes the masks, reveals the secret plans of such people as Stepan Lyarkheev. Drunkard, depravant, the desired slacker is a significant person in the cultural circles of Moscow. Poet A. Rühin is an incorrigible hypocrite who composes bad poems and understands it himself: "I do not believe in any of what I am writing!". N. I. Bosoya - Chairman of the Housing Partnership, Chestens and Plut. Woland talks about him: "I didn't like this Nikanor Ivanovich. He burns and plow. " A. F. Juokov - Head of the Buffet in the Variety Theater, which serves nonstable products. All these people, as well as many others, were punished by wave and his retinue. At the black magic session in Varyat Satan, surprising the focus of Muscovites, wanted to find out whether people changed, but he was convinced that they were still sinful - they are important money, they are cruel and year old. In the Woland Theater concludes that people did not change much, they rule the money, and "the apartment question only spoiled them."

Of course, good in the novel appears in the form of Yeshua. He not only does not cause an evil anyone, but does not see evil in other people: "There are no evil people in the world." This thought tried to convey the author to us. Unfortunately, the philosopher did not fight. Humility is a direct consequence of good, that is exactly what Bulgakov conceived. And Ga-Nozri has come, did not fight, he allowed to kill himself.

What role does Margarita play in the novel? A representative of good or evil is this heroine? She deceived her husband, concluded a deal with the devil, became a witch. But Margarita made it for the sake of great love. The feeling that she is experiencing to the master is inextricably linked with her love for people. Even in the rush of the meal of the heroine remains merciful. As soon as she saw a frightened baby in one of the windows, immediately stopped the "wild defeat" in the apartment of Critique of Latunsky. Despite the transformation into a witch, the heroine did not lose its true femininity and sensitivity. In my opinion, the heroine is a carrier of good.

Pontius Pilate is represented by a harsh prosecutor, "fierce monster." He was firmly convinced: the world dominate those who have the power, the rest obey them. It was Pilate who sent Yeshua to the right death, although he was sympathetic to this man. Nevertheless, the Ineméeeemon was set aside with Juda for betrayal and with the High Priest Caifer for the demand of the execution of a philosopher. The procurator repented and tried to save Ga-Nochri, but could not, it was weak in spirit: I did not decide to destroy my life for the sake of saving a wanderer. He Strestil was punished - she was doomed to immortality.

Fighting good and evil will always exist. Good can not exist without evil, they are inextricably linked by the fine thread of being. The man himself decides which way to choose him. Therefore, everyone is obliged to respond for their actions.

MA Bulgakov - Roman "Master and Margarita". In Bulgakov's novel, the concepts of good and evil are difficult to intertwine. Woland - Satan, traditionally should be an absolute embodiment of evil, but he often restores justice on earth, exposing human vices. The very much evil, according to Bulgakov, focused in the world of human society. And so it was at all times. This was written about this master in his novel, revealing the history of the procurator of the Jews with his own conscience. Pontius Pilate sends to the execution of an innocent man, stray philosopher Yeshua, as society is waiting for such a decision. The outcome of this situation becomes endless flour of conscience, whipping a hero. The situation in modern Bulgakov Moscow is still paying: all moral norms are broken there. And wave as if trying to restore their inviolability. For four days of stay in Moscow, Satan determines the "true face" of many characters-figures of culture, art, officials, local inlays. He accurately defines the inner essence of each: Stepa Lyarkheev, a famous cultural figure, - a slacker, Kutil and a drunkard; Nikanor Ivanovich Bosoya - bribemer and fraudster; Proletarian poet Alexander Rühin - a liar and hypocrite. And on a session of black magic in Moscow Varieta Wolda in the literal and figurative sense, civilians expose the citizens who have been given to the gift. It is noteworthy that all Voland's practices are almost imperceptible against the background of Moscow's daily life. Thus, the author hints to us that the real life of the totalitarian state, with its legalized party hierarchy, violence - this is the main devilish action. In this world there is no place for creativity and love. Therefore, the master and Margarita has no place in this society. And here the thought of Bulgakov is pessimistic - for the real artist, happiness on earth is impossible. In a world where everything is determined by the social position of a person, they still exist good and truth, but they have to seek protection at the devil himself. Thus, according to the thought of Bulgakov, the confrontation of good and evil is forever, but these are relatively concerned.

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