What a nebid or daruma appeared. Who would have thought that the Russian nests are Japanese roots

What a nebid or daruma appeared. Who would have thought that the Russian nests are Japanese roots
What a nebid or daruma appeared. Who would have thought that the Russian nests are Japanese roots

"Our all" among toys. Elegant, picturesque, carrying a mystery and not one. Moreover, the main secret is always lighted in the most tidy matryoshechka, in detriment. This secret of matryoshki does not give anyone: the mystery of its origin.

"Biographers" Matryoshka know exactly when these funny dolls appeared in Russia - at the end of the last century. For example, it is known that in 1900, this beauty - six in one - produced a furor in Europe: got a bronze medal at the World Wparge exhibition. But who came up with them, and whether they have progenitor - it remains a mystery.

In Paris, M. Mammont brought Mammont's wife, Anatoly Ivanovich Mamontov's wife, the brother of the famous patron of Sava Mamontov and the owner of the Toy Factory "Child Education". Tokar on the wood of Vasily Star, who was then worked in this workshop, pulled out from the tree with similar figures, which were also invested in each other. According to his memories, he saw in the magazine "suitable chock" and in its sample pulled out the figure, which had a "laughing appearance, resembled a monastery" and was "deaf" (not revealed). According to the advice of Masters Belova and Konovalov, he pulled it out otherwise. That specifically, he was advised by the masters, and who painted the first wooden doll, there is not a word in his memories.

Experts believe that this was done by the famous artist, theatrical decorator, Illustrator Sergey Malyutin. He was friends with Mammoth and collaborated with A.I. Mammoth in his publishing house. Moreover, the first doll was not at all a matryoshka - Matrona - Matrona - a noble beautiful lady, and a simple peasant girl. With a black rooster under the arm.

Lady with a rooster.

And there were not reduced copies into it, but simply girls and boys, obviously, brothers and sisters, the last doll - a ceiling infant.

All this story is very similar to the truth. Moreover, in Russia there were traditions of manufacturing detachable-eyed wooden souvenirs. It is enough to remember Easter eggs, detachable, hollow and a secret - a surprise inside. And in Russian folklore, this topic was developed with enthusiasm. Death Knasha in needle, needle - in the egg, egg - duck ...

But many believe that the family's family roots must be found further - in Japan. Not a simple "magazine chock" became the prototype of a famous toy, and the Japanese "egg" is a sage furcum.

The end of the 19th century. In Russia, in great fashion east. In Abramtsevo - a country estate of Mammoth - some of the guest guests will bring a fun Japanese wooden toy - a long-headed Fukurum (Fukurokudzu 福禄寿) - God of wealth, happiness, abundance, wisdom and longevity.

Fukurkudzu is among the so-called "seven gods of happiness" the composition was a non-permanent, but the total number and unity of the characters is invariably at least from the XVI century. All these seven gods should hide inside the furious.

Funny Japanese are successful, and our response to the country of the Rising Sun is a lady with a rooster.

But on this story does not end. It is very possible that in Japan, the dolls have another mysterious "relative", another sage - Daruma. He has his own amazing story. Daruma - Japanese name Bodhidharmaso called the Indian sage, founder of Zen Buddhism, who came to Chinaand creating a monastery Shaolin.. This preceded longer meditation. Daruma promoted nine years, looking into the wall. According to the legend, because of the long seating, Bodhidharma had legs. That is why the darum is most often depicted with a gentle. In addition, Daruma was repeatedly subjected to various temptations and once suddenly realized that instead of meditation he was plunged into sleep dreams. Then he cut the eyelids with his eyes and threw them the ground. Now, with constantly open-open eyes, Bodhidharma could be awake, and a wonderful plant appeared from his thrown in the age of the eyelids, a drowning dream - tea grew so. And not an Asian round-eyed round eyes became the second distinguishing sign of Daruma images.

It is these qualities - to become, and Darum's Round Eyes, obviously transferred to the inheritance Matreshka. Although, to be honest, he reminiscent of the Vanka-stand and doll-in-law. Instead of a flat sole-stand, he has a round "bottom" and shifted down the center of gravity, which allows it to always keep a vertical position. In Japan, daruma label figures are used in New Year's ceremonies. Daruma painted figurine without drawn pupils is bought in the temple and is brought home. Before Daruma, a desire is made and one pupil is given. Apparently, Darumum so want to get a second pupil that he will make every effort so that the desire to be implemented. If the desire comes true, Daruma receives a second eye, but no - it belongs to the temple and burned. But this does not mean that a person refuses his desire, but indicates that to achieve his goals, he will choose another path.

If Daruma is considered to be one of the progenitors of the matryoshki, then the search for roots can move not only to China, but also to India. And if you remember that the ancient Egyptians love to bury their pharaohs in several sarcophagas invested in one another, then in Egypt.

But be that as it may all the most popular in this ancient and branched clan, it was the Russian Matryoshka. And the mystery of her birth, let him remain a mystery.

By the way, work on the matree "kit" begins precisely from the main keeper of this mystery, the smallest nephew. As a material uselipa, Spezierhuiliberesis. Trees are usually cut down early in the spring, remove the bark, but not completely, so that during drying the wood did not give cracks. Then the logs are stored and dried within a few years in a well-ventilated place.

It is necessary to start processing the wood when it is not dry, but not raw. Each billet is more than a dozen operations.

Then each doll is covered with oil varnish. After final drying and polishing, they start coloring.

In Russia, there are several "matree" schools. Each has its own branded "grants".

In his painting, Semenian masters go from the traditions of the "grass" ornament of ancient Russia. Masters-Semenovtsy leave more inexpracited wood, paint the mattery aniline paints, then lacine. Initially, the contours of the face, eyes, lips, the blush are planned with a thin brush struts. Then draw a handkerchief on the head at Matryoshka, draw skirt, apron, hands. The basis of the composition in the painting of Semenovsky Matryoshka, the apron is considered, which shows a bouquet of lush colors. In the manner of the execution of this bouquet and viewed by the techniques of painting ancient Russian masters.

Matryoshka from Sergiyev Posada has a number of distinctive features: a squat shape, a top, smoothly turning into the thickening bottom of the figure, painting a gouache and a varnishing coating.

Vyatka Matryushka is the most northern of all Russian matretors. She depicts a nigeon girl with a soft shy smile.

Magnificent roses, dahlias, bells, rosehip flowers, berries are decorated with Phah Maidanovskaya Matryoshka. She is constant than his girlfriends: the form of matryoshek is more elongated, the head is small, flattened.

Wikipedia materials used.

Matryshka is a traditional Russian toy that children love and collect adults. Do you know who and when I dulp the first wooden beauty and what about her with the Japanese deity? On the history of the most famous collapsible figurine and will be spent in this note.

Where are you from, beautiful?

Despite the fact that Matryoshka is a relatively young toy, its origin is not clear. There is a legend that the Creator of the painted beauty was the wandering Russian monk. Traveling in Japan, the preacher saw an unusual composite toy. And returning to his homeland, I decided to make the Russian analogue.

However, it is more likely that the first matretory was made not a mythical monk, but a real crappy. The name of the workshop, in which this significant event occurred, the story carefully saved for descendants. The "Child Education" workshop was called and belonged to Anatoly Ivanovich Mamontov. According to this version, the prototype of the Russian toy became a composite figure of the Japanese Fukuruma Godhead. The figure of the Japanese deity somehow incredibly fell into Russia from the distant island Honshu. It is believed that inside the funny squat figurine an old man was placed his family. However, according to the testimony of other sources, there were related Japanese deities there.

One day a stranger toy was in the hands of Sergey Malyutina. He was an artist in the Mammont Workshop "Child Education". Sergey decided to make the same toy, but only to the Russian way. The workpiece for the first matryoshka pulled out the turn of the stars, and Malyutin became the author of the sketch. According to his idea, the wooden dwarf became a round-rich girl in a bright handkerchief, and even with a rooster in his hands. Inside the beauties hid her sisters and tiny brother. It is unknown who and why a new toy with a sonorous Russian name Matrön. But the name stuck, and all the painted composite toys began to be called matters.

The Japanese fake Russian dolls?

New toys made in Sergiev Posad Mamontov, enjoyed in great demand in Russia. And after success at the 1900-year Paris World Exhibition, they began to be exported. Neither Leipzig nor the Berlin Annual Fairs from now on without matretory. Surprisingly, the popularity of these unpaired figures reached such a scope that in 1911 Matriots began to fake and sell in Germany under the guise of Russian souvenirs. And who would you think? Japanese!

Toy with thousand faces

What only matryoshki did not create pre-revolutionary masters! Literary characters and heroes of fairy tales, shepherds, hussars and historical figures became toys. Some of the most famous matreys of those times are folding "Napoleon" and "Kutuzov", sharpened and painted by the Battle of Borodino, as well as the characters of the Gogol Comedy "Auditor", created to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Nikolai Vasilyevich.

In the Soviet times, Matryushki were, as a rule, similar to each other, factory. Hussars and Custlians stayed in the past, typical Matriot of those times - smiling girl in a colored handkerchief. Although unusual instances met. So, in 1961 a series of matryors called "Space is mastered" appeared. 12 wooden beauties from this set were dressed ... in the safts and kept flowers in the hands. Quite unexpectedly, but the generation, in love with space, liked.

In recent years, the existence of the USSR has emerged special souvenir matresses with the persons party leaders and leaders. Foreign tourists with pleasure bought and carried home as an exotic hotel of toy gorbachev, Brezhnev and Stalin.

Matryushki did not lose their popularity today. On the contrary, interest in them as eco-friendly developing toys increased. Modern mothers gladly buy painted figures with their kids. And the kids, having fun with wooden barrels, get acquainted with the concepts of "more" and "less", learn to consider, to make a one-piece picture of parts and even play fabulous ideas with the heroes of "repka", "Kolobka", "Teremka" and other fairy tales.

It seems that this folk toy with Japanese roots will delight the kids always.

In 1890, from Japan to Russia, the figurines of the wiser Fukurimi brought. Now we call such figures ... Mattresses.

Fukuruma-this holy one of the seven gods of good luck, God of scholarships and wisdom of Fukurokudz. His head has an unusual form: the forehead is excessively high, as it should be a non-real-minded man, he holds a staff and scroll in his hands. According to tradition, the Japanese visits the temples dedicated to the deities of good luck and acquire their small figurines there.

According to the legend, the Japanese island Honsu settled a runaway Russian monk, who connected the eastern philosophy with a children's toy. He cut out the figure of the Buddhist deity of the happiness and longevity of Fukurum-Dza, whose head stretched up from numerous thoughtful. The doll was detachable, and within the enlightened hiding a few more such "enlightenment". Truthful this story or not, however, it is known that the detachable figures of Fukurumum and another Buddhist saint - Daruma - in Japan were very widely distributed.

The most philosophical Russian toy! And it was from there in 1890 in 1890 in the Moscow toy workshop "Children's upbringing" of the patron and benefactor Mamontov brought this very "multi-level" figurine. At that time, in fashion was all Japanese, and the Eastern Overall - Modern reigned in the art, in the salons East Mystecism and philosophy was bugged with Russian culture. Naturally, Fukuruma found his new homeland here and descendants!

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In Russia, the traditional doll matryoshka appeared relatively recently: only in the 90s of the XIX century. Nevertheless, during the World Exhibition in Paris, 1900, Matreshka managed to conquer the gold medal, confirming the status of the national symbol.

In the beginning it was ...

Despite the fact that all over the world, the Matryoshka is considered a unchanging symbol of Russian culture, few people know that in fact Daruma served as this famous folding doll - the Japanese "Matryoshka", which was the personification of Bodhidharma. However, the history of its appearance has much more ancient roots.

The first folding dolls appeared in ancient China during the Sun Empire, about 1000 years. e. Externally, they looked at all like dolls. These were small drawers, beautifully decorated and multifunctional. Much later, in the XVIII century, the principle of their device began to be used to make sets of folding dolls: in each larger doll there is a smaller doll. So the first "matryoshki" appeared.

In the Chinese version inside the smallest doll itself there was only one rice grain - a symbol of divine spiritual food.

And what in Japan?

According to the legends, the Buddhist monk of India was settled in China, and founded the Shaolin Monastery there, where the days and nights were meditated for 9 years. Called the wisdom of Bodhidharma. In the Japanese version, this name is known as Daruma. Like the Holy Anthony, which was subjected to numerous temptations during his stay in the desert, Daruma was supposed to overcome all sorts of trials, then the case dumping on it. Once a sage realized that instead of meditation he stays in a dream. Then Daruma made a desperate act: cutting off his eyelids, he threw them the ground and continued to meditate. Subsequently, due to the long seating, Daruma ceased to control his own hands and legs, so the wooden doll with his image, which appeared in Japan, was taken to portray non-good and bezek.

Hundreds and thousands of Japanese annually perform a special New Year's ritual associated with their faith in the miraculous power of Daruma. The Japanese Matryoshka itself has a rounded shape, in fact, being not so much a "matrychka" in a traditional understanding, how much doll-nevaleashka. She has big round eyes without pupils, which is necessary for the commission of the ritual. The doll is bought in the temple and houses make a desire. Then one eye is painted, i.e., open the daruma of the eyes. In this form, the matryoshka will stand in the house for a whole year and if the desire is performed during this time, then it is painted with a second eye. This gratitude to Darum. Otherwise, the Japanese dolls are referred to in the temple, burned and buy a new one.

Seven human tel.

There is a different version of the appearance of the Japanese nesting. The toy, according to her, was connected to the eastern philosophy of the Russian monk who fled to Japan. The prototype of this nesting was the image of Fukuruma (or Fukurokud).

In the Japanese tradition, seven gods of happiness are distinguished - the so-called cityifukjin, each of which controls only one of the seven human bodies. Among them is the one who is responsible for wisdom, high intellectual abilities and wealth - Fukurum. Japanese matryoshka with his image has its own unique features. This is, first of all, a high elongated forehead, on which deep wrinkles can be seen, and the staff that Fukurum holds in his hands.

But how did the matryoshka itself appear? No one can say for sure. It is believed that once an unknown Japanese master created seven dolls of Catifukjin and placed one to another. The largest and most important among them was Fukurum. In it and hid his whole "Divine" family.

Path to Russia

In continuation of this version of the appearance of Russian nesting, it is worth noting that many seriously believe that this is this Japanese nesting, with the image of Fukuruma, brought to Russia in 1890. And they were not brought somewhere, but in the estate Abramtsev, where the typographer of Anatoly Mamontov lived, the brother of the famous Russian patron Sava Mamontov. He belonged to the workshop "Children's Education", where the artist-modernist Sergey Malyutin and Tokar Vasily Starchochka worked.

When the artist saw a Japanese doll and inspired her an unusual device, he had an interesting intent in his head. He soon outlined the Star, who ordered the manufacture of the first Russian nesting lot in Russia. Painting dolls Malyutin carried out his own. At first it was a modest girl in simple dresses painted by gouache. However, later the painting began to become more complicated - matryoshki appeared with complex flower ornaments and fabulous plots. The number of dolls from one set also increased. But the very first matryoshka is still not lost. It is kept in the toy museum in Sergiev Posad.

Let's go back to Japan

We have already reviewed three versions of the origin of the Matryoshka, but there is a fourth. There is another Japanese Matryoshka - Kokeshi (or Kokii). The place of origin is considered to be tohok, the outskirts of the Japanese island Honshu. As for the date of birth ... Presumably, this is the XVII-XVIII century, but some experts argue that the doll was born over 1000 years ago.

Kokeshi is a beautifully painted girl. It is made of wood, and it consists of two separate parts: a small cylindrical torso and head (see photo of the Japanese nebushka below). It happens that the cokes are made from a solid tree bar, but it is very rare. Note that this Japanese doll also has no hands, no legs.

For the manufacture of cokes, a variety of trees are suitable - from maple and birch to a sophisticated cherry tree. The doll is usually painted in red, black and yellow and decorated with vegetable motifs, so characteristic of Japanese culture.

Interestingly, traditional cokes highlights at least 11 types of form. The most popular - "Naroon Kokeshi". Her head can turn, and the doll itself makes the sound, very similar to quiet crying. Hence her the second name - "crying cokes."

In general, Kokeshi is an extremely popular toy in modern Japan. They symbolize the cheerfulness, the resistance of the structure of the Japanese culture, the continuity of the ancestors. They have a significant cultural value. Perhaps, according to these characteristics, Japanese nestlings are very similar to their Russian "sisters".

These are the assumptions about the origin of the Russian nesting. As it turned out, it is not so traditional for the culture of Russia, as many have accustomed to thinking. One is undoubtedly: the prototype of folding dolls appeared in distant times due to the efforts and imagination of Japanese masters. What came out of it? See yourself.

Modern matryoshki

Today, sets of collapsible dolls are highly popular worldwide. In addition to traditional motives, more and more often the wizard use their extraordinary and sometimes very bold ideas for the muffins of Matryoshek. So there were matryoshki, depicting political leaders, musical idols, animals. In fact, they show everything that is capable of fantasy master. A variety is so great that traditional motifs almost completely went to the background. Perhaps it is in this secret of her popularity? Among the huge selection, everyone can find something like.

For lovers of animals

There are matryoshka, depicting birds, bears, cats and dogs - all this is still reminders of old Russian traditions that have survived from time immemorial. Can these nesting do not go and not charge a positive?

Matryoshki-presidents and dolls for fans

Another original version of Matryoshek - images of presidents and civil servants of various countries, which still lead political activities or have already left a trace in the history of mankind.

Actual for this year, the topic of Matryoshek - FIFA 2018. Having retained the original Russian appearance with blue-eyed beauty, the apron of the Matryoshki was decorated with the symbolism of the main football competition.

From Japan with ... Matrychka.

Ikra, Kiosk, Norm, Perestroika, Cheburashka, Matryoshka ...

A number of words came to Japanese from Russian. This is sometimes romantic, sometimes detective, and sometimes even fantastic stories.

Kadzumi Suzuki (Director of the Matkom Mattheck Store)
It is said that a monk from Russia traveled to Japan 100 years ago and saw a wooden doll Irackoning in the mountains of Hakone, one of the seven gods of wealth and prosperity of the City Pouquet. He took her with him, so Matryoshka appeared

Today, not many Japanese know that the "ancestors" of the matryoshki native from Japan. Even if the matryoshka is painted as a cat "Maeki-Neko", or a sum. There is no ward on her head, but still any of the Japanese will immediately say that this is a matryoshka.

Mariko Taguti (Matryoshek Teacher)
At first, I also did not know that the nestresses from Japan. I used to paint the wood painting. After meeting with the Matrychka, my whole life is devoted to matryoshkam.

But Japanese dolls have their own characteristics: for example, eyes are located at a great distance than the dolls from Russia. In addition, the paints of pastel tones prevail.

Differences between countries and peoples are first rushed into the eyes, some cause admiration, some perplexity or even condemnation. But people, and it is very important, brings together the general and similar. It can hide in the most unexpected places. And the matryoshka is just one of these examples. Need and important to mood see such a common!

The Japanese would not be Japanese if they had not continued to improve and did not synthesize the matryoshka with another Russian invention of the 20th century - Terminvox.

In my youth, I was fascinated by the unique sound of the Terminvox tool and decided to make it a matter of my life. In 93 I was lucky and I was able to go to Russia. Then I realized that it was simply obliged to open the world of Terminvox for the Japanese, a special culture and philosophy of Russian music.

The creator of the new tool decided to do something special! Literally on the verge of pop culture. At some point it dawned on it - to put the term in the middle of the nest! And imagine people noticed a novelty. In addition, the hollow inside the wooden matryoshka enriched the sound of the Terminvox, gave him a unique warmth and depth.

Masami Takeuti (Matcher's Creator)
We decided to call a new tool Matryushka + term: "Matremin". It is much easier to play on it than on the Big Terminvox. In addition, ensemble, orchestral music can be performed on matryons.

All Matrecks for Matresin are made in the city of Semenov in Russia, and the electric part in Japan. Now Matrein gradually spreads the world.

Matryoshka turned out to be an example of re-export, successful cooperation between Russia and Japan - she returned to the historic homeland and even eclipsed his Japanese prototype.
N.and first glance and we, and the Japanese are difficult to find a common in Irakeoning and Matreshka, but they have both in general not only in distant history, but continued today, and you can hope - development tomorrow.