Slavic alphabet. Cyril and Methodius

Slavic alphabet. Cyril and Methodius
Slavic alphabet. Cyril and Methodius

Great Moravia, religious sermons spread in Latin. For the people, this language was incomprehensible. Therefore, the prince of the State Rostislav appealed to Mikhail, the emperor of Byzantium. He asked to send to him to the state of preachers who will spread Christianity in the Slavic language. And the emperor Mikhail sent two Greeks - Konstantin Filosopher, who later received the name Kirill, and Methodius, his older brother.

Cyril and Methodius were born and raised in the city of Solun in Byzantium. The family had seven children, Methodius was the oldest, and Konstantin (Cyril) the youngest. Their father was a warlord. Since childhood, they knew one of the Slavic languages \u200b\u200bsince childhood, since the Slavic population lived in the surrounding area, largely large in numbers. Methodius was in military service, after the service managed by the Byzantine principality, which inhabited Slavs. And soon, after 10 years of government, he went to the monastery and accepted monasticism. Kirill, since he showed great interest in linguistics, he studied sciences at the court of the Byzantine emperor from the best scientists of that time. He knew several languages \u200b\u200b- Arabic, Jewish, Latin, Slavic, Greek, and also taught philosophy - from here and received his nickname philosopher. And the name Kirill was received by Constantine when he took monasticism in 869 after his severe and long-lasting disease.

Already in 860, the brothers went twice with a missionary goal to Khazar, then Emperor Mikhail III sent Kirill and Methodius to Great Moravia. And the Moravian Prince Rostislav called the brothers to help, since he sought to limit the growing influence on the part of the German clergy. He wanted Christianity to preach in Slavic, and not in Latin.

Sacred Scripture had to be translated from Greek to Christianity preaching in Slavic. But there was one snag - there was no alphabet that could transmit Slavic speech. And then the brothers began to create an alphabet. Methodius made a special contribution - he knew the Slavic language perfectly. And thus in 863 a Slavic alphabet appeared. And Methodius soon translated many liturgical books, including the Gospel, Psalm and the Apostle, to Slavic. Slavs had their own alphabet and language, now they could write freely and read. So Kirill and Methodius, the creators of Slavic ABC, made a huge contribution to the culture of the Slavic people, because so far many words from Slavic live in Ukrainian, Russian and Bulgarian languages. Konstantin (Kirill) was created a verbolitis, which reflected the phonetic features of the language. But so far, scientists cannot fall in a single opinion, the verbs or Cyrillic were created by Methodius.

But the Western Slavs - Polyakov and Chekhov - Slavic Azbuch and a gram did not fit, and still they use the Latin alphabet. After the death of Kirill Methodius continued their activities. And when he died, their students were expelled from Moravia in 886 and banned Slavic writing there, but they continued the spread of Slavic diplomas in the countries of the Eastern and South Slavs. Bulgaria and Croatia became their refuge.

These events occurred in the 9th century, and in Russia, writing appeared only in the X century. And there is an opinion that in Bulgaria on the basis of "verbs" was created by students of the Cyrillic Methodius, in honor of Kirill.

In Russian Orthodoxy, Cyril and Methodius are referred to as saints. February 14 - the day of the memory of Cyril, and on April 6 - Methodius. Dates are not chosen by chance, Saint Cyril and Methodius died these days.

Cyril and Methodius - Saints, Equal-Apostles, Slavic Enlighteners, Creators of Slavic Azbuchi, Christianity Preachers, the first translators of liturgical books from Greek to Slavic. Cyril was born around 827, died on February 14, 869. Before the adoption of monasticism at the beginning of 869, Konstantin was called. His elder brother Methodius was born around 820, died on April 6, 885, both brothers were from the city of Fessonaloniki (Solun), their father was a military leader. In 863, Cyril and Methodius were sent to the Byzantine Emperor to Moravia in order to serve Christianity in Slavic and helping the Moravian Prince Rostislav in the fight against the German princes. Before leaving, Kirill created the Slavic Alphabet and with the help of Methodius translated from Greek to Slavic to Slavic Luggage services: Selected readings from the Gospel, Apostolic Messals. Psalter and others. In science there is no consensus on the question of what Azbuka was created by Kirill - verbolitsa or Cyrillic, but the first assumption is more likely. In 866 or 867, Kirill and Methodius on the challenge of the Rome Pope Nikolai I went to Rome, on the way visited the Blatonen Principality in Pannonia, where the Slavic diploma was also distributed and walked in Slavic. After arriving in Rome, Kirill fell ill and died. Methodius was dedicated to the San Archbishop of Moravia and Pannonia and in 870 returned from Rome to Pannonia. In the middle of 884, Methodius returned to Moravia and engaged in the translation of the Bible to Slavic. With its activities, Kirill and Methodius laid the foundation of Slavic writing and literature. This activity was continued in the South Slavic countries by their students, expelled from Moravia in 886 and who ignored in Bulgaria.

Cyril and Methodius - enlighteners of Slavic peoples

In 863, Ambassadors from Great Moravia arrived in Byzantium to Emperor Moravia from Prince Rostislav with a request to send a bishop and man to them, who could clarify the Christian faith in Slavic. Moravian Prince Rostislav sought the independence of the Slavic Church and with a similar request already appealed to Rome, but he received a refusal. Mikhail III and the Fothy, as well as in Rome, reacted to the request of the Rostislav formally and, sending missionaries to Mravia, did not have one of them in the bishops. Thus, Konstantin, Methodius and their approximations could only conduct educational activities, but they did not have the right to handraffer their students to the priests and Dyakonian Sana. This mission could not be crowned with success and to have a lot if Konstantin did not bring to Moravans perfectly developed and convenient for the transfer of Slavic speech to the alphabet, as well as the translation into the Slavic language of the main life-friendly books. Of course, the language of the transfers brought by the brothers phonetically and morphologically differed from a live spoken language, which was spoken by Moravan, but the language of liturgical books was initially perceived as a written, book, sacred, sample language. He was much clearer Latin, and some unlike the language used in everyday life, gave him greatness.

Konstantin and Methodius at the divine services read the gospel of Slavyansky, and the people reached for brothers and Christianity. Konstantin and Methodius were diligently trained the students of Slavic ABC, worship, continued translation activities. Churches, where the service was carried out in Latin, empty, the Roman Catholic priesthood lost influence and income in Moravia. Since Konstantin was a simple priest, and Methodius - a monk, they did not have the right to set their disciples for church positions themselves. To solve the problem, the brothers had to go to Byzantium or Rome.

In Rome Konstantin handed the power of St. Clement just ordained Pope Adrian II, so he accepted Konstantin and Methodius very solemnly, with honor, took the service for his custody in Slavic, ordered to put Slavic books in one of the Roman temples and make a divinence over them. Dad had a hand-made Methodius to the priests, and his students - in the presbyters and deacons, and in the message to the princes Rostislav and a goal, the Slavic translation of the Holy Scriptures and the Departure of Worship Services in Slavic.

Almost two years spent the brothers in Rome. One of the reasons for this is all the worsening health of Constantine. In early 869, he accepted Schima and the new monastic name Kirill, and on February 14 died. By order of Pope Adrian II, Kirill was buried in Rome, in the temple of St. Clement.

After the death of Cyril Papa, Adrian had a handicraft Methodius in San Archbishop Moravia and Pannonia. Returning to Pannonia, Methodius launched a boiler room for the spread of Slavic worship and writing. However, after the displacement of Rostislav, Methodius has no strong political support. In 871, the German authorities arrested Methodius and arranged the court over him, blaming the archbishop that he invaded the ownership of the Bavarian clergy. Methodius was concluded in the monastery in Schwabia (Germany), where he spent two and a half years. Only due to the direct intervention of Pope John VIII, who replaced the died Adrian II, in 873, Methodius was released and restored in all rights, but Slavic worship was not the main thing, but only additional: the service was carried out in Latin, and the sermons could be pronounced in Slavyansky.

After the death of Methodius, the opponents of Slavic worship in Moravia were intensified, and the worship itself, held on the authority of Methodius, first oppresses, and then completely fades. Part of the students ran south, part was sold in Venice to slavery, part of killed. The nearest students of Methodius Horazda, Clement, Nauma, Angellaria and Lawrence, sharpening in the iron, kept in the dungeon, and then expelled from the country. Compounds and translations of Constantine and Methodius were destroyed. This is exactly what their works have not been preserved to this day, although there are quite a lot of information about their work. In 890, Papa Stephen VI betrayed Slavic books and Slavic worship Anathema, finally banned him.

The case started by Konstantin and Methodius was still continued by his students. Clement, Naum and Angellaria settled in Bulgaria and were the founders of Bulgarian literature. Orthodox Prince Boris-Mikhail, a friend of Methodius, supported his students. The new center of Slavic writing arises in Ohrid (the territory of modern Macedonia). However, Bulgaria is under the strong cultural influence of Byzantium, and one of Pupils of Constantine (most likely, the Clement) creates writing, similar to the Greek letter. It happens at the end of the IX - early X century, during the reign of King Simeon. It is this system that receives the name of Cyrillic in memory of a person who first made an attempt to create an alphabet suitable for recording Slavic speech.

The question of the independence of the Slavic ABC

The question of the independence of the Slavic ABC is caused by the character of the outlines of the letters of Cyrillic and verbs, their sources. What was the Slavic alphabets - a new written system or only a kind of Greek-Byzantine letters? In solving this issue, the following factors must be taken into account:

In the history of the letter there was not a single alphanumeric system, which would have arisen completely independently, without the influence of the preceding writing systems. So, the Phoenician letter originated on the basis of the Ancient Egyptian (though, the principle of writing was changed), ancient Greek - on the basis of Phoenician, Latin, Slavic - on the basis of Greek, French, German - on the basis of Latin, etc.

Therefore, we can only talk about the degree of independence of the letter system. At the same time, it is much more important as accurately modified and adapted initial writing corresponds to the sound system of the tongue that it intends to serve. It was in this regard that the creators of Slavic writing showed a huge philological flair, a deep understanding of the phonetics of the Old Slavonic language, as well as a big graphic taste.

Single state-church holiday

Presidium of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR


About the bottom of Slavic writing and culture

Giving important importance to the cultural and historical revival of the peoples of Russia and taking into account the international practice of the celebration of the Day of Slavic Enlighteners Cyril and Methodius, the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR decides:


Supreme Council of the RSFSR

In 863, 1150 years ago, equal to the Cyril and Methodius brothers began their Moravian mission to create our writing. It is referred to in the main Russian chronicle of the "Tale of Bygone Years": "And the Rada was the Slavs that heard about the greatness of God in their own language."

And the second anniversary. In 1863, 150 years ago, the Russian Holy Synod determined: in connection with the celebration of the Moralen Moravian Mission of Saints Equal-Apostles Brothers, establish an annual celebration in honor of the Rev. Methodius and Cyril on May 11 (24 N.St.).

In 1986, at the initiative of writers, especially the deceased Vitaly Maslov, first in Murmansk, was the first holiday of writing in Murmansk, and the next year it was widely noted in Vologda. Finally, on January 30, 1991, the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR adopted a decree on annual days of Slavic culture and writing. The readers do not need to remind that on May 24, the day of the asoimenitis of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill.

It is logical that the only state-church feast of Russia has every reason to acquire not only the nationwide sound, as in Bulgaria, but also the general Slavonic value.

May 24 - the day of Slavic writing and culture. He is the day of honoring the holy enlighteners of Cyril and Methodius that gave the Slavs that writing, the alphabet we use so far.

Solong Brothers

Lion and Mary, who lived in the Greek city of the Dayssaloniki (now it is called thessaloniki), there were seven children. Senior of them - Mikhail, Jr. - Konstantin. It is they who subsequently will be known as the enlighteners of Methodius and Kirill, the inventors of Slavic ABC. Thessaloniki, or as his Slavun Slavs called him, was a port city, and therefore brothers grew surrounded by many languages. Moreover, some researchers believe that Mikhail and Konstantin were bilinguals, because their father, the local military leader, was in terms of origin to the Slavman, and the mother is Grekanka.

Mikhail Solunsky

And Methodius, and Kirill became enlighteners not immediately. The eldest of the Solun brothers went in the footsteps of his father and chose his military career. At the age of twenty, he was appointed by the Glavania managers, one of the Slavic-Bulgarian regions, which were subordinate to Byzantium. But in ten years he decided to radically change his life. Mikhail left the military administrative career, and the light in order to go to Olympus and knead the monks there. When he was tested, he took the name of Methodius.

Konstantin Solunsky

The youngest of the Solong brothers, Konstantin, was twelve younger than Michael. When the eldest served in Slavinia for a long time, Konstantin, as a capable young man, was admitted to the elite school at the court of the Byzantine Emperor Mikhail Third. There, the future enlightener studied philosophy, grammar, rhetoric, all "Ellinian arts", as well as Slavic, Jewish, Khazar, Arabic, Samaritan, Syrian (Surisky) languages.

Library instead of his wife

Obviously, Konstantin was one of the best disciples in court school, and a brilliant career was provided to him. In any case, one of the highest officials in the state adhered to such an opinion and the actual ruler, the fooktist logo. Therefore, he suggested that young Konstantin, just graduating from learning, marry him, Feoktist, Kissor. But Konstantin refused, and first settled to work in the library, then retired to the monastery and, in the end, became a teacher of philosophy in Constantinople. For it, he was called by Konstantin philosopher.

Miracle gaining power

In the 860th year, Konstantin and Methodius were sent with an educational mission to Khazar Kaganat. On the way, they stopped in Chersonese, where the knowledge of the Jewish language was replenished (Konstantin studied a Samaritan letter), met with the mysterious "ruus" letters, who researchers consider Surisky, that is, Syrian. Here Konstantin made a miracle. Having learned that already half a century, parishioners could not worship the relics of the Holy Clement (the patron saint of Rome, the Roman bishop, exiled to the Inkerman Quarries and the recessed in the Black Sea), Konstantin offered a local priest to hold a worship for the acquisition of non-relics. The service was committed, and Konstantin, bringing hersonets to the shore, pointed the place on the shallow water, where, indeed, there were left-hand chain on the neck. Since the climate was drowned by attaching an anchor to his neck, no one had doubts about the authenticity of the remains found. Subsequently, the relics of the Holy Clement served the brothers a good service.

Gospel for Slavs.

Apparently, the invention of the alphabet was not for the enforcement fair task. For some reason (maybe, because they themselves were half, but by some versions, solely by the Slavs) Konstantin and Methodius sought to spread Slavic as a language of worship. Therefore, by the 863th year, when Constantinople Patriarch Fotiy sent the Solun brothers with a mission to Moravia, they not only managed to come up with something that later became known as Cyrillic, but also to translate the Slavic series of biblical texts, in particular, the gospel. In the velegraph, the capital of Moravia, the service in Slavic was very quickly popular. It is noteworthy that the brothers were transferred to the Bible to a dialect, common in thesaloniki, that is, in the language, which was perfectly familiar to them. But the Moravians understood the southern dialect with difficulty and therefore began to relate to him as a book, sacral. Soon there was a group of opponents of Constantine and Methodius, the so-called Tempenties. These people believed that biblical texts should be read solely on canonical languages, Jewish, Greek and Latin. For support, the inventors of Slavic writing went to Rome.

Bishop Moravian Methodius

In Rome, the enlighteners were taken warmly, perhaps, largely due to the relics of the Holy Clement, part of which they took with them, leaving Chersonesos, and now brought to the Eternal City. The youngest of the brothers died here after a long disease, before his death, tighten into the monks under the name of Kirill. And the elder was ordained to the priests, then appointed Bishop and Moravia and Pannonia. Returning to the Slavic lands, he continued to popularize the Slavic language, but great success, despite the efforts spent, could not achieve: the political situation has changed in the principles, who supported the brother Roslav brought, and the new authorities looked at Slavic-speaking services without enthusiasm. Holding the bishop for two years in prison, they, in the end, allowed him to preach in Slavic.

Origin of Solongski x brothers.

Creators of Slavyanskoh alphabet Brothers Kirill (before the adoption of monasses Konstantin) (827-869) and Methodius (815-885) came from the Byzantine city of Soluni, in which the numerous Slavic population lived. Now this is the city of Thessaloniki in Macedonia. The father of the brothers wasrich and "good kind," held in SOLUNI significant beforeloyanie - assistant commander. By nationalthe father of Konstantin and Methodius was Bulgarian, and the mother - Greek, therefore, since childhood, Greek and Slavic were native languages \u200b\u200bfor the brothers.

Konstantin and Methodius before the adoption of monastics.

Konstantin began to attend school in eight yearsage. He was distinguished by abilities, modesty, patience. Diligently studied, mastered the Greek, account, was mastered by horse riding and military techniques. Buthis beloved activity was reading books. We can say that knowledge, books have become the meaning of all life.

To continue the formation, Konstantin went to Constantinople, the capital of the Byzantine Empire. He was taken to comrades to teaching the son of Emperor Mikhail III. Under the leadership of the best mentors - including Fothia, the future of the famous Constantinople Patriarch - Konstantin studied antique literature, rhetoric, grammar, dialectics, arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, music. He knew Hebrew well, Slavic, Greek, Latin and Arabic. Interest in sciences, perseverance in teaching, hardworking - all this made it one of the most educated people of Byzantium. It was not by chance that he was called a philosopher for the greatness.

At the end of the teaching, refusing a profitable marriage, as well as from the administrative career proposed by the emperor, Konstantin became the Patriarch librarian in the Cathedral of Saint Sophia. But, neglected the benefits of his position, soon he retired to one of the monasteries on the Black Sea coast. Some time lived in solitude, and on his return began to teach philosophy at the university.

The wisdom and the power of faith still of young Constantine were so great that he managed to defeat the debate of the leader of the heretic iconoboretsev Ania. After this victory, Konstantin was sent by the emperor to the dispat for the debate about the Holy Trinity with Muslims and also won.

Around 850, Emperor Mikhail III and Patriarch Foty send Constantine to Bulgaria, where he draws many Bulgarians to Christianity on the Bulgarian River.

After that, Konstantin retired to his Methodius to his Methodius on Olympus, while spending time in an unceasing prayer and reading the creations of the Holy Fathers.

Methodius was older brother for 12 years. He went to military service early. Within 10 years, he was a ruler of one of the areas of the Slavs. About 852 adopted monastic

half, later became an igumen in a small polychron monastery, in Asianthe shore of the Marmara Sea.

It was in this monastery around Konstantin and Methodius a group of like-minded people developed and the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating Slavic ABC was originated.

Khazar mission.

In 860, the emperor called Constantine and Methodius from the monastery and sent them to Khazaras for the gospel sermon.

According to life, the embassy was sent in response to the request of the Kagan, which promised if he was defeated, to adopt Christianity. During his stay in Corsuni Konstantin, preparing for the controversy, studied Jewish and Samaritan letter.

D. constantine with Muslim Imam and Jewish rabbis, held in the presence of kagan, according to "Liutia" ended the victory of Constantine. Kagan faith did not change, but at the request of Constantine let go on the will of all Greek prisoners - more than 200 people.

The brothers returned to Byzantium. Konstantin remained in the capital, and Methodius went to the monastery, where he served before.

Bulgarian mission.

Soon Konstantin, who knew not only Greek, Arabic and Latin, but also the language of Slavs, was sent to Bulgaria with an educational mission. But the enlightenment of Slavs turned out to be impossible without books in their native language. Therefore, Konstantin began the creation of Slavic alphabet. Methodius began to help him. May 24 863. the year they announced the invention of the Slavic alphabet.

The time of the invention of the Slavic alphabet is evidenced by the ledge of the Bulgarian monk of the Cherniorizman of the Herbrament "On Writers".

Having invented the alphabet, the brothers began to translate the basic worship books (the Gospel, the Apostle, the Psalter, etc.) from Greek to Slavic.

By his educational activities, Konstantin and Methodius contributed to the approval of the Christian faith in Bulgaria. And from Bulgaria, the Christian faith and writing promptly in the neighboring Serbia.

Moravian mission.

In the same 863, the Moravian Prince Rostislav, oppressed by German bishops, appealed to the Byzantine Emperor Mikhail III with a request to help him introduce church service in Moravia in Slavic. Rostislav was necessary because Western Slavs were under the oppression of the Roman Catholic Church, and they were allowed to conduct service only in Latin, and in state affairs to use exclusively German. These restrictions were certainly an obstacle to the national self-identification of Western Slavs.

Rostislav asked to send priests to Moravia, which could preach in their native to Slavs. "The Earth is baptized, but we don't have a teacher who would instruct and teach us, and interpreted the holy books ... Send us teachers who could tell about book words and about the meaning of them."

The emperor called on Constantine and told him: "You need to go there, for no one will fulfill you." Konstantin with post and prayer began a new feat. Methodius at the request of Brother went with him.

In the same 863, the brothers arrived in Moravia with the created alphabet.

They were adopted with the Great Honor, and until the spring of 867 trained the Moravian residents to reading, writing and serving worship in Slavic. The activities of Konstantin and Methodius caused the malicue of German bishops who committed worship in the Moravian churches in Latin, and they rebelled against the saints of the brothers, arguing that the church service can be carried out only in one of three languages: Jewish, Greek or Latin. German bishops perceived Cyril and Methodius as heretics and filed a complaint to Rome. The Solun brothers had to go to the Roman dad. They hoped to find support in the fight against the German clergy that prevented the spread of Slavic writing.

Travel to Rome.

On the way to Rome Konstantin and Methodius visited another Slavic country - Pannonia, where Blatensky was located

principality. Here, in Blatnograd, on behalf of the prince of Kotzel, the brothers taught the Slavs of a book business and worst in Slavic.

After Konstantin handed the Pope Adrian II, the power of the Holy Clement acquired in his Chersonessian journey, he approved worship in Slavic and ordered to put translated books in Roman churches. Uponate Pope, Formism (Bishop Porto) and Gauderic (Bishop Wellletri) were dedicated to the priests of three brothers who traveled to Konstantin and Methodius, and Methodius was ordained in the Episcopian San.

As you can see, the Solun brothers were able to achieve permission to serve in Slavica at the Pope of Roman.

Stress struggle, years of wanderings, excessive labor undermined the vitality of Constantine.

In Rome, he Zaenemor, and in a wonderful vision notified by the Lord about the approach of the death, he accepted Schima named Cyril. 50 days after the adoption of Schima, February 14, 869, equivalent to Cyril died at the age of 42 and was buried in Rome in the Church of St. Clement.

Departing to God, Saint Cyril commanded his brother to his Methodius to continue their common cause - the enlightenment of the Slavic peoples with the light of true faith. Before death, he told Methodius: "We are with you, like two oxen; From a heavy one, one fell, the other must continue the way. "

Holy Methodius begged Pope to resolve the body of a brother for burial in his native land, but Dad ordered to put the relics of St. Cyril in the Church of the Holy Clement, where miracles began to be made from them.

Educational activities of Methodius after the death of Kirill.

After the death of Cyril Roman dad, following the request of the Slavic Prince, sent Methodius to Pannonia, handing him in San Archbishop Moravia and Pannonia. In Pannonia, St. Methodius, together with his students, continued to distribute worship, writing and books in Slavic.

Methodius Strastko transferred the attacks of the Latin Church: according to the Russian Latin bishop, for two and a half years they were sharpened in jail, in Lutzi frost, they were engaged in the snow in the snow. But the enlightener did not renounce the ministry to Slavs, and in 874 he was released by John VIII and restored in the rights of bishop. Pope John VIII forbade Meturgy in Slavic, but Methodius, visiting Rome in 880, achieved the abolition of the ban and continued his ministry.

In 882-884, Methodius lived in Byzantium. In mid-884, he returned to Moravia and engaged in the translation of the Bible to Slavic.

In the last years of his life, St. Methodius, with the help of two priest students, translated into Slavic to the Slavic language, which came still to translate Cyril: All the Old Testament, as well as Nomocanon and St. Books (Candet).

The presentation of the approach of the death, St. Methodius pointed to one of his students - Muhazda as a decent successor. The saint predicted his death day and died 6 (19) April 885 at the age of about 70 years. He was buried in the Cathedral Church of the Belt.

All his life, the Solun brothers devoted to the teachings, knowledge, serving Slavs. They did not give much importance or wealth or honors, nor glory, no career.

Cyril and Methodius

The creators of Slavyansky aBC, Preachers of Christianity, the first translators of liturgical books from Greek to Slavic.

Brothers Kirill (before the adoption of monastics - Konstantin, about 827-869) and Methodius (worldly name is unknown, about 815-885) were born in the city of Thessaloniki (Macedonia) in the commander's family. Since childhood, Slavic (ancient Bolgarian) language knew well. Cyril was educated at yard The Byzantine Emperor, knew many foreign languages, was the Patriarch librarian, he taught philosophy, was sent by Byzantia with diplomatic and missionary goals in different lands. Methodius was first in military service, managed one of the areas of Byzantium, inhabited by Slavs. Then retired at.
In 863, Kirill and Methodius were sent to the Byzantine Emperor Mikhail III in Moravia (the territory of modern Hungary) for the preaching of Christianity in Slavic. Before leaving, Kirill created the Slavic Azbuka and with the help of Methodius translated from Greek to Slavic several liturgical books. In science there is no consensus about what kind of alphabet created Kirill - glagolitsa or cyrillica (Most scientists believe that the verbs).
The preaching and educational activities of the brothers in Moravia caused dissatisfaction with the local German catholic clergy. Kirill and Methodius were caused to Rome Pope Roman. On the way, they continued to preach in Slavic and distribute diploma Among the Slavic peoples of Pannonia (part of the territory of modern Hungary, Yugoslavia and Austria). Pope approved the activities of the brothers. After arriving in Rome, Kirill got sick and soon died (869), before his death by taking a monasticism. Methodius was dedicated to the San Archbishop. He continued his educational and preaching activities in Pannonia and Moravia, engaged in the translation of the Bible to Slavic. Died in 885
With its activities, Kirill and Methodius laid the foundation of Slavic writing.
Cyril and Methodius canonized (declared holy) not only Orthodox ( cm. ), but also Catholic church. Considered patrons of Europe. The memory of Saints Cyril and Methodius Orthodox Church celebrates on May 24. In Bulgaria, Russia, this day was the holiday - Happy Slavic writing.
Monument to Cyril and Methodius in Moscow at Slavic Square. Sculptor V.M. Fangs. 1992:

Icon. "Cyril and Methodius". XIX W.:

Russia. Big Linguerous Dictionary. - M.: State Institute of Russian Language. A.S. Pushkin. AST-PRESS. So-called Chernyavskaya, K.S. Miloslavskaya, E.G. Rostov, O.E. Frolova, V.I. Borisenko, Yu.A. VINUN, V.P. Choon. 2007 .

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    Cyril and Methodius - (Kirill, 827 869; Methodius, † in 885) St. Equalizable enlighteners of Slavs; Born in the city of Soluni in Macedonia, where the father lived, Lev, who held a high military office. Were they relative to the Slavs, as M. P. Pogodin, Irachek, and others, ... ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

    Cyril and Methodius - Brothers from Soluni (Thessaloniki), Slavic enlighteners, creators of Slavic ABC, Christianity preachers. Cyril (approx. 827 869; before adopting in 869 monasses Konstantin, Konstantin Philosopher) and Methodius (approx. 815 885) in 863 were invited from ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Cyril and Methodius - (Brothers Solun) Slavic enlighteners, Orthodox preachers, creators of the Slavic alphabet. Kirill (approx. 827 869; before adopting in 869 monastics Konstantin Philosopher) and Methodius (approx. 815 885) in 863 were invited from Byzantia by Prince ... ... Political science. Vocabulary.

    Cyril and Methodius - This term also has other meanings, see Cyril and Methodius (Values). Kirill and Methodius Kirill (in the world Konstantin on nickname ... Wikipedia

    Cyril and Methodius - Slavic enlighteners, preachers of Christianity, the first translators of liturgical books to Slav. language. Kirill (before the adoption of monastics in the beginning. 869 Konstantin) (OK 827 14.II.869) and his elder brother Methodius (820 19.IV. 885) were born in ... ... Soviet historical encyclopedia

    Cyril and Methodius - Equal apostles, Slovenian teachers. Native Brothers Kirill and Methodius took place from the pious family living in the Greek city of Soluni (in Macedonia). They were children of governor, ethnic Bulgarian. St. Methodius was the eldest of the seven brothers, ... ... Orthodoxy. Dictionary dictionary

    Cyril and Methodius - Kiri / Lla and Mefo / Diya, m. Slavic enlighteners, creators of Slavic ABC, preachers of Christianity, the first translators of liturgical books from Greek to Slavic language. Encyclopedic comment: Kirill, before the adoption of monastics ... ... Popular Dictionary of the Russian Language

    Cyril and Methodius - Saints Cyril and Methodius. Ancient image. Cyril and Methodius, Sununi Brothers (Thessaloniki), Slavic enlighteners, creators of the Slavic Azbuchi, Preachers of Christianity: Cyril (about 827 869; before adopting in 869 monasses Konstantin, ... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Cyril and Methodius - Brothers, creators of Glory. Alphabets, "Slavic Propeners", preachers of Christianity. Born and brought up in the family of Greek. The commander in Soluni, now Thessaloniki (from here "Solong Brothers"). Kirill (before the adoption of Schima in 869 Konstantin) (approx. 827 ... ... Russian pedagogical encyclopedia

    Cyril and Methodius - St. equivalent, enlighteners of Slavs, the creators of Slav. Alphabets, Scripture Translators for Glory. language. Kirill (in the world Konstantin) and Methodius were born in Soluni (Dessaloniki) in the commander's family (Drungary) Lion. Methodius from 833 consisted of military service ... ... Bibliology