Blue white flag with a cross in the corner. Flag combined with the coat of arms of the Russian customs

Blue white flag with a cross in the corner. Flag combined with the coat of arms of the Russian customs
Blue white flag with a cross in the corner. Flag combined with the coat of arms of the Russian customs

- * "Andreўski Kryzh" * Andrea's Cross Conducting Bivalent, preserved up to metaphase I MEIOS due to the lack of the process of terminalization chiasm ... Genetics. encyclopedic Dictionary

Andreevsky Cross - The image of the cross in the form of the letter X. It has the name "Saltir" in Heraldry. Moses erected from the copper x-shaped image of the cross. He pointed out the Israelis that they would be saved through it. Special mystical properties endowed this symbol Plato ... ... ... Symbols, signs, emblems. Encyclopedia

The correct flag for flights on land on the Cayman Islands is blue, as described. However, since this is a British overseas territory, the British flag can be sent at will. When two or more flagstocks are on the same level with the building, the top is on the left, when watching the building outside. On the flagpole with the yardar, the left limb surpasses the right, and the upper position exceeds both. Foreign flags should fly only with the flag of Cayman Islands or with Jack Union in an excellent position.

Union Jack, the flag of the United Kingdom, must fly correctly. This may be indicated by placing a white diagonal cross and a red diagonal cross passing through its center. When the flag is in the correct position, in the upper left corner is shown more white stripe, and a narrower white strip below.

Andreevsky Cross - (Dr. Rus. - By the name of the Holy) - the cross, the scorched in the form of the letter X. on such a cross, according to legend, was crucified to the apostle Andrey Prolonna - the brother of the Apostle Peter, the student of John the Baptist, the closest student of Christ, called first (hence And ... ... Basics of spiritual culture ( encyclopedic Dictionary teacher)

Personal or branded flags can be performed separately. No national flag should fly one over the other on one state. If there is only one flagpole, two flags must be bent on the table at the same point, so they will fly side by side. Flags used as national Symbol In public events, can be shipped or displayed in the background. Nevertheless, they can not be switched or draped from the front of the stand or head table or use as oatmeal.

Instead, for these purposes, use suitable color material. At the funeral flags can be draped on caskets, but removed and rolled before burial if the dead was on military service Or was properly engaged in the public service.

Andreas Cross Figure Andreevsky Cross. Conducting Bivalent, preserved up to metafase I MEIOS due to the absence of the process of terminalization of chiam . (Source: "Anglo Russian dictionary… … Molecular biology and genetics. Dictionary.

Andreevsky Cross - The oblique cross in the form of the letter X. According to legend, the apostle Andrey was very prolonged on such a cross. There was an Izstari in great reverence, as it was simultaneously considered as a symbol of the name of Christ (Greek x). In Russia, the blue oblique cross is depicted on ... ... Orthodox Encyclopedic Dictionary

At the Sea of \u200b\u200bCourt, registered in Cayman, must fly with a red Kaiman banner. Foreign vessels must fly on this flag as politeness when in the waters of Cayman. The state flag, inverted upside down, is a sign of disaster. The flag has a blue cross on a white background. It takes two forms: the national flag and the national flag.

Every Finnish citizen has the right to fly to the national flag. For some exceptions, the national flag is exported by Finnish courts as their national ensign. The state flag is either rectangular or three-spin. The coat of arms of Finland is inserted into the square formed by the cross-arms of the cross. The square has a yellow border whose width is one hundredth in the width of the cross. Government departments and institutions fly to the rectangular state flag. Defense forces use the three-pointed version of the flag, which is one unit of measurement longer than the national flag or the flag of the rectangular state.

Andreevsky Cross - Four-spin cross with the same inclined ends. (Terms of Russian architectural Heritage. Plugs V.I., 1995) ... Architectural dictionary

Andreevsky Cross - See Cross ... Orthodox encyclopedia

The President of the Republic uses the three-end version state Flag., in the canton of which is a blue and yellow cross of freedom. The current flag of Greece stood in history modern Greece In constant competition with a simple blue flag with a white cross.

The national flag consists of nine equally wide horizontal stripes in blue and white. In the left top canton white Cross On blue - square base. The sides of the square corresponds to the width of the five horizontal strips, the white cross with the width of this strip.

Blue and white colors can be in byzantine Empire. The current flag is a light blue law. In most cases, we see that the flag in Ultramarin Sine and on the website of the President of Greece. The flag must represent the "wisdom of God, freedom and country." Blue is the sea and sky, white for the purity of the struggle for independence. Cross is christian tradition Greece, which is supported above all Orthodox Church. Another explanation is that greek word Freedom has nine letters.

Andreevsky Cross - Andron EEVSKY KR eats ... Russian spelling dictionary

Cross Order of the Coffin of the Lord ... Wikipedia


  • Andreevsky Cross, Jesse Russell. This book will be made in accordance with your order using Print-On-Demand technology. High Quality Content by Wikipedia Articles! Andre? Evka Cross - oblique cross, symbolizing ...
  • Andreevsky Cross, Daj Andrey Yuryevich. ...

"... Andrei shouted - I will leave the berth,
If you donate me a secret.
And the Savior answered:
"Andrei quietly, there is no secret here.

The third interpretation is that four white stripes in four directions and five blue bands correspond to five parts Mediterranean Seawhich borders with the area that in Greece on behalf of the idea of \u200b\u200bMegali 19th a century sought. During the struggle for independence from Ottomans used supporters of the family of the bellotronis and Cypriot-fighters of Hadjigerogios of the Blue Cross on a white background. The rear of the flag was only red. As a military flag, a white cross on a blue background landed, a blue flag, which had a white rectangle with a blue cross, was used for shopping ships in the canton.

You see there, on the mountain, the cross towers.
There are dozens of soldiers under it. Misti on it.
And when you get tired, go back,

Walk on the water, walk on the water, walk on the water with me! "


Tell me which christian religious symbol Is it very common in centimylology? No, this is not the so-called Scandinavian cross, not at all. This is oblique, or how often do we like to call him, Andreevsky Cross. Although actually talking about the oblique cross as exclusively "Andreevsky" is not entirely correct, more precisely, it is not exactly right.
As you understand, this symbol has appeared long before Christianity. He was known in Egypt. And the Romans called him Crux Decussta, since in shape he reminded the figure 10, and this sign usually denoted the places where it was impossible to pass. In Heraldry, he is often called Saltir.

The old flag of the merchant was canceled, instead of the Civil Courts used a striped flag. The Kingdom of Greece was a crown in war and the state flag. Among the kings of Vittelsbach and weapons of Vittelsbach. She has the aspect ratio of 7: however, the cross flag is still used by the Greek army during parades and as a symbol on their cars.

Background: Flags in the Bible

James is perfectly responsible for the origin of the flag and the meaning of his characters. That is, why is there a Christian flag? These standards, of which were four, were processed with embroidery and beautifully decorated. It is probably called the name of the tribe to which it belonged, or some distinctive device. As soon as it was visible, the military pipes were blown up. "Fire signal" was sometimes used as a signal.

  • A flag that carries each individual tribe has a smaller form.
  • High signal flag, not portable, but still.
  • Usually he was built to the mountain or another high place.
The banners and banners of the Roman army had idolatry images on them, and therefore they are called the "abomination of the launch."

Classic Saltir in Heraldry.

It was this cross wide distribution in the origin of the Christian Church. And this is not surprising, for his form recalls the first letter of the nickname Christ according to Greek, and plus it is more than this cross of the cross with the execution of one of the students of Jesus - St. Andrew.

The main Roman standard, however, was an eagle. The creation of God or the provision of the banner imports his presence and protection and assistance provided by His people. During recent years A flag was developed, which will be the emblem, around which all Christian nations and various denominations can rally in devotion and devotion.

Overton dedicated his flag to the Christian world, refusing copyright or patents. This means the absence of faith or denomination, but for Christianity. Each sect of Christ followers can weaken this flag, and it is equally suitable for all nations.

Hee ro - one of the most famous symbols of Isus

On the One very, we know a lot on one side, but on the other - we do not know anything. Let's start, perhaps, with the name. Name Andrei Greek, not Jewish, and considering social status the future of the saint (he, like his brother Simon (he kif, he was Peter) were hereditary fishermen) and to put it mildly not very widespread the spread of Greek names among commoners of the time in Galilee, from where they come from, it can be concluded that it was called it later later - when writing or translating the saint Scriptures on Greek - the language of enlightenment of that time. But the real name of the saint is lost in centuries. Well, once Andrey, let Andrei be. Since his father was called ion, then you can call Andrei Ionovich 🙂

The same article says: "Using the National Flag in christian churches It became almost universal worldwide. " This once again confirms this moment. The church has long demonstrated the national flag for a long time, and this gave them the opportunity to demonstrate that, although they belong to their own country, they have a higher devotion: a country without borders, as the switch sings.

On this page from the prayer Foundation it is said that the flag is a unique "free" and intended for the presentation of Christian unity. Since the flag is not tied to any particular denomination or church institution, it represents the unity of all Christians, despite the historical, cultural and dogmatic differences. Its simplicity makes it easy to copy any christian community.

Our hero

In his youth Andrei became interested in the ideas of John the Baptist and even, apparently, became his follower. Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the fact that when the arrival of a new and bright preacher - Jesus, Andrei became the most first official follower. Therefore, it is often called Andrei and First Called.

The Christian flag is the only free world in the world. It differs from any other flag, religious or secular, ancient or modern. It is uncontrollable, independent and universal. Unlike all the national flags and all the significant flags of various churches, he has no earthly connections or addictions. Only Christ and Christ is his teacher. It cannot be limited to any nation or denomination. This unique, universal quality makes it look like the air that we breathe, belonging to everyone and still belonging to anyone.

Andreevsk Church and Andreevsky Descent

One of the favorite and loyal students of Christ followed him everywhere. He was present at the execution of the Savior, and became one of the witnesses of his resurrection and ascension. In addition, he descended by the Holy Spirit, therefore he was able to work wonders and heal for the benefit of the glory of God and spread the teachings of Christ. One of the most active saints he visited an extensive territory and therefore several states consider him to be His saints. Including us.

Flag of the Finnish Republic

It belongs only to Christ and the cross, which symbolizes it. Flag of Finland shows the blue Scandinavian cross on a white background. Distinguish the "General National Flag" and the National Flag used government agencies. The civil and shopping flag is the basis of all versions of the National Flag. Blue Cross divides the flag of four rectangles. The total area is eleven units and 18 units. The width of the cross is three units. Internal fields - five units, external - ten.

Blue Cross is Finnish lakes, white earth for snow. Finland has been part of Sweden for a long time, and then the country belonged to the Russian Empire. He was designed by the artists of Eerot Snellman and Bruno Tukantane. The state coat of arms used today and the cross of freedom shown in the presidential flag belongs to Olof Ericsson.

Officially, he reached Kiev, where there was a cross on the hill (now on the place is one of the most beautiful churches - which is called Andreevskaya, as well as the descent nearby), and the shore of Lake Ladoga and even the island of Valaam also visited on the unofficial. Not surprisingly, why he became the heavenly patron of Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Romania, Greece, Georgia, Scotland and Spain.

Other official Finnish flags

Today, all five states lead a flag with a cross. Another name is "Cross of the North" by analogy with the southern cross, which is often used on the flags of the states of the southern hemisphere. The national flag is reserved exclusively for government agencies. In his rectangular form, the national flag of the country in principle corresponds to the national flag, but in the middle of the cross additionally shows the Finnish coat of arms against the background of the Red Square. Between the red background and blue cross are thin yellow the border.

At the end of his life, in the city of Patra, he was crucified on the oblique cross. His cross is kinda as so far in this Greek city. By the way, it is not a fact that death after such a crucifixion was less painful than from the usual one. For, if people died on the usual cross more often from choking, then on the braid - from exhaustion, hunger and shock. After the death of the apostle, the oblique cross often began to call the Cross of St. Andrew, but as I said earlier - it's not entirely right. Often, the oblique cross is also called the Cross of St. Alban, St. Osmund or St. Patrick.

The rectangular national flag is used by government agencies, such as parliament, government, courts, diplomatic missions abroad and public colleges. The President of the Finnish Republic uses the state flag in the form of a language as the president's flag. On the upper corner of the mast is the cross of freedom, which combines the blue cross with a yellow swastika.

The military flag in the form of a tongue per unit is longer than the rectangular shape and is cut on the opposite side of the flagpole three times pointed. It is used by the army. Danebrog as a sample of the Swedish flag of war. It was a year. All three Scandinavian countries now submitted to the king. At first he confirmed the Swedish flag: a golden cross on a blue background. Colors are taken out state coat of arms. However, his monument was still showing another coat of arms with the golden left, which was with him two swords and crown. On a red background nine silver roses.

Saint Alban

It's all about color gamma. White or blue oblique cross is Andreevsky, black - Osmund, Red - Patrick and, finally, Golden - Alban. With Patrick Sameya difficult situation. The fact is that in Ireland itself, whose patron he is (or rather to say one of the patrons) believe that the symbols of this saint are the bell and the shaded. And he also has official color - dark blue (and not green at all, as it is considered), which is the main tinge of the emblem of the Republic of Ireland.

They represent the nine provinces that make Finland, since this is a symbol of Finland, which still belongs to Sweden. It is also preserved when Finland has become autonomous russian state. In the first years, the independence of the crown was removed. The so-called Scandinavian cross, the vertical boll of which is not, as in the Latin Cross, is concentrated, but in the flag stick, ajar from the Daniboga; Danish flag. You can see the flag separated into two parts. There are two squares on the side of the deck, or half the floor, which is closest to the flagpole.

St. Patrick's Day - a fun holiday 🙂

And if you take into account the opinion Catholic churchMaevin Sukkat, whom we know as St. Patrick, was not a martyr, and therefore the cross does not rely he, then the very concept of the Cross of St. Patrick as a red oblique cross on a white background causes some doubts. The Irish themselves believe that he was simply borrowed from one of the most important awards. British Empire - the brilliant Order of St. Patrick. Well, or a noble family of phytzgeralds parted - they have a victim generic coat of arms.

Honorary Award of Britain in honor of St. Patrick

But we were distracted a little, let's go back to the procrusteo bed of our narration. Today we will begin to talk about state flags of those countries that use the oblique cross, as well as regions, regions, districts.


The oldest and most famous of the flags with the oblique cross is naturally Scottish. Well, while (before the possible allocation of Scotland), Naturally English Union Jack. L.egrants associate his appearance with the rule of King Angus in the 9th century, but it is extremely doubtful. Most likely he appeared at the end of the XIII century under Wilhelm I Lev. But according to anyone, how not to twist, one of the oldest flags of Europe, which means the world.

Another bright and interesting flag that uses an oblique cross in its composition is Jamaicy. Appeared in 1962 after the proclamation of independence. Black color denotes residents, green - rich nature, and golden - wealth and faith in the future. Well, do not forget that the 3 listed colors are Panfrekan partly. Given that the cross is golden, it would be possible to assume that this is the cross of St. Alban, but not. The British saint does not have any attitude towards Jamaica, just such a design was considered to make more appropriate.

Flag of Jamaica

Another state flag with the Andreevsky Cross we can find in Africa. The poorest state in the world, as it seems to me, took a white oblique cross in honor of one of the first Europeans who visited those places - famous traveler David Livingston, which was known to the Scottish.

Burundi banner

Red refers to the struggle for independence, white - peace, and green hope. 3 six-pointed stars (about the stars we will definitely talk in one of the following posts) do not have any relation to Israel, but onlythey personify the national motto: "Unity. Work. Progress"

The most famous here, without a doubt, is the Ikurrian - one of the main symbols of Basque. I already mentioned about him here: I will only say that despite the fact that the cross in the Basque flag is green, it is definitely Andreyevsky, since Saint Andrei is one of the patrons of Spain and the Basque countries in particular.

Somewhere in Bilbao

There, in Spain, we can observe the stale, which is very often confused with Scottish. And this is no wonder - differences only in the width of strips and shades of the background. We are talking about the flag of the biggest Canary Islands - Tenerife. This shade is called "deep sea".

Flag and Kara Tenerife

Why the similarity is so great, no one can say for sure. There are 2 official versions, but both have their own flaws. According to the first, the whole thing in the masons, when the local chosen the charter, they decided to act on Scottish, and in respect there was such a flag. The second theory concerns Horatio Nelson. In July 1797, Tenerife, the famous admiral suffered the greatest fiasco, not only without fulfilling the task, but also having lost a bunch of people and own hand. Despite the defeat, the Spaniards were so admired by the acts of a crew of one of the ships, which was 100% the Scots, which decided to take such a flag in their honor. I do not know how to you, but I personally do not really like both versions.

R. Westoll. "Wounding Nelson with Tenerife"

Red oblique cross on a white background is used in the flag of Jersey Island. Explanations here are also a few. According to the first, this is the cross of the Fitzpatrikov family who had a great influence on the island, and he later became the basis of the so-called Cross of St. Patrick, which we spoke about in the first part. On the second, the sign was formed during a centenary war and showed that despite the fact that Jersey was populated by the English subjects, he kept neutrality. Well, on the third is just an error. They wanted to draw just the cross of St. George (red straight - the flag of England), but made a mistake 🙂

Jersey Island

So there was a similar flag. And in order not to confuse it with others on the flag there is an old British coat of arms - 3 gold going on the lion (leopard), which crown the so-called crown of plantagenets.

Flag of Alabama

Related red crosses on a white background we can find in the USA. I wrote about some of the most interesting, in my opinion, the flags of the US states, but not Alabamsky, did not enter the Florida there.

Both of them are related to the so-called burgundy cross (which is not surprising for these former Mexican territories) on which, perhaps we will dwell in the following parts. But if the flag of Alabama is simple, then in the center of the cross on the banner of Florida we can observe the so-called big seal (read the coat of arms) of the state.

Flarida flag

In print, we can see the seashore along which someone from the seminol tribe goes along, then at least someone else remembers?) By behalf of a fast goal and scatters hibiscus flowers. From behind it can see the palm tree of the Sabal, about which we have already spoken in the same state flags, and some wheeled steamer in the sun rays. Well, at the bottom of the print, you can read the words, to pain acquaintances to all collectors american money. In general, I only came up with the name of the Indian woman, and otherwise everything is. Admire:

It looks like the Russian naval-maritime banner of one of the most eastern provinces of Canada, which is called simply and uncomplicated - New Scotland (formerly Acadia). In the center of the White Flag with the Blue Andreevsky Cross, we can see the ancient coat of arms of Scotland - Red Lion in the Golden Field

Nova Scotia banner

Another flag with a slap cross can be considered the banner of Komarka (district) of Spain, which is called El Bierzo in Leon Province. There, the flag is divided into white and blue, there is a braid red cross, rather Andreevsky, well, in the center of the emblem of the region, which basically has a gold twisted cross on a red background on which the letters of alpha and Omega are fixed. Very popular in Spain sign, which goes back to the emblem of the kingdom of Asturias. This cross is often referred to as the "Cross of Victory" and it denotes the reunion of Spain after reconquiters.

Flag of El Bierzo

Very similar sign (only on a blue background) has now and Spanish Asturias Province. By the way, the white-red separation of the flag apparently hints at border state Mosquito between all the same Asturias and Leon.

Well, the last flags that can be detected in the same Florida. On a white background Green oblique crosses with a medallion in the middle. These are counties collier (called so in honor of the rich advertiser), the glue district (in honor of the Secretary of State). In the center of the medallion, the seal of the district. At the County, the collier is overwhelming, because you can see the turkey.

Banner Circuit Clay

Caller County Staging

Well, the most cool district flag in Florida is perhaps the Brevard district.

Brevard county flag.

It is not in vain called the "Space District" (the center of space research is located there. D.F. Kennedy), since on his press we can find the Portuguese Caballero with the outerhead of the Caravel Order of Christ, and Neil Armstrong itself on the moon. Well, all this on a green flag with a red oblique cross.

Printing the district of Brevard

We will continue our topic of oblique cross. It's time to talk about cities.

As not paradoxically, the country itself will be .... No Scotland, but Malta! As much as 5 (!) Cities have twigs with a slash cross.
But I propose not to start with them, but with one very beloved famous domestic literary Character city. In the place where everything is "stolen in white pants" :-)) Yes, yes - I am about Rio. "January river", namely, the Rio de -Zhanairo is so literally translated, it has the basis of staging, which pleases the eye to any Russian sailor. That kind Andreevsky 🙂

Flag of Rio

In the middle of the flag there is a modernized (other colors) of the coat of arms of the city - the sphere with 3 arrows and the Frigian cap with the municipal crown and 2 dolphins as a pawn. Sphere - communication with Portugal; 3 arrows - symbol of the patron of the city of St. Sebastian, and the hood is a famous symbol of freedom. Blue-white color Flag is the vintage colors of Portugal. The first Portuguese county had a straight blue cross flag on a white cloth.

The dream is left

Arkhangelsk was never twinned by Rio, but if you look at the flag ... .. Although in fact this stable flag is identical to the banner of the whole area, but I decided to remember it here, and not in the previous part. On Andreevsky oblique cross, symbolizing crucial roleHe played and plays Arkhangelsk for the formation and development of the Russian fleet, the center of Archhangelsk is imposed in the center. As you understand the city received my name in honor of one of the ArchRearts (more about heavenly troops, we previously spoken), and specifically - Archangel Mikhail.

Coat of Arch of Arkhangelsk region and de facto city Arkhangelsk

One and depicts on the coat of arms, drinking the devil with a flaming blade in his hand. Everything is beautiful and noble, if not only one. The fact is that there is some conflict of interest.

Saint Michael has his own cross. This or equilateral red on a white background, or a golden straight or even in the form of a blade on a blue background. But not oblique. Therefore, some disharmony in the beautiful flag of Arkhangelsk and the Archangelogo region is present.

Similar to the flag of 2 previous cities can also be found in Brazil. This is a large millionth called Fortaleza - the capital of Seara. In the center of the Andreevsky Cross is the coat of arms of the city of Golden Tower among the waters. This is a hint of Fort Fortalez de Nos Senor de Assuneau, from which the city arose. In general, Fortaleza translated from Portuguese this is the "Fortress".

Fortaleza banner

3 cities in Florida have an oblique cross in their banners. However, the Red Cross (like the Flag of the State) is only one - in Panama City. In the center of the Cross - a medallion with a seal (coat of arms) of the city.

Panama City Flag

The remaining 2 cross of other colors. In Hollywood (Florida, not California - it is important not to confuse) the cross is green.
At the capital of the state - Tallahassee - flag repeats Scottish with medal and seal in the middle.

Talahassi flag

Three-color cross

And at the town of Coral Springs, the cross and the three-color - green and white-blue.

In Spain, there are also 2 deck, where we can observe the oblique cross on municipal banners. This Wine Capital Country is the city of Logrono in the province of La Rioja. This town is also known for fans of football. In now, Logrones, Oleg Salenko, who ceased to exist, won the departivo Logrones 2 years.

Red cross in the center is crown of coat of arms of the city. Red Cross - Allusion on Burgundy, and we can see the bridge in the coat of arms. At the place of crossing through the full-flow river Ebro, once a long time ago, this city has arisen.

Flag Logrono

But Castro-Urdiales, that in the province of Kanabaria, a flag is a bit different. The cross is white on a green background. This color is mad, since this region is often called "Green Spain" - here the coldest climate in the country, but the richest vegetation. In the center of the flag, the complex coat of arms of the city, which displays his rich history. The basis is the coat of arms of Castile and Leon, the kingdom, under the control of which the city was when it was

And coat of arms Castro Urdiales

The bottom portion shows the port and fishing boats - 2 industries that always fed the city. Between them, apparently depicts the Biscay whale - the subspecies of southern China family of smooth whales, which theoretically can be contemplated in those latitudes. And on the same shield you can see 2 Iberian wolves under one of the oldest symbols of that region - the oak of Gernikov, a sheephair cross.

In the Netherlands, the topic of the oblique cross in the municipal flags also takes place. Community Kauthek (Dirgon's homeland Kyuta, by the way), which will soon become one city in the province of South Holland has the Andreevsky flag with a red and yellow triangle. These are the colors of the coat of arms that are displayed in the flag.

Banner Kathek

One of the Dutch Brad cities in South Brabant in the middle of the 20th century developed a new banner in which on the red field we can observe 3 small oblique cross. The banner is made on the basis of the coat of arms of the city.

And in the coat of arms, the crosses appeared because of one of the branches of the princes Nassau, which belonged to the code of Breda. Although at all 3 oblique cross the topic in Dutch heraldry is very popular - I have about 35 coat of arms at one time with the like.

Brad flag

Well, the most famous flag of the Netherlands, in which oblique crosses are used, is definitely the capital. In the middle of the Red Flag on the black strip, which refers to the Amstel River, we can see the 3 oblique Andreevsky Cross, and not the letters of XXX, as an indicator of entertainment for adults, as many people think

According to one of the versions, three crosses mean "Valor, Hardness and Mercy", on the other - should protect the city from the main misfortunes, with whom he often came across all his history - these are floods, fires and plague.

Stoying the South African Town Potchefstrum, the first capital South Africa RepublicIt is a blue cloth with an overlaid white and red oblique cross.

Well, at the end of our narrative of the municipal century, it is worth mentioning Malta. On this wonderful island, all the tiny, including the city. But 4 of them have flags with oblique crosses. Luke where is located international AirportHas a red cross on a silver background.

Flag bows

Marshalokka flag

The largest town in the north-east of Marsswalkk, completely repeats the Russian naval flag.


Barbar has a white Andreevsky cross on a red background.

And 2 cities have very bright flags.

Flag Salnea

One of the so-called 3 cities in the Metropolitan District of Senglea has a yellow flag with a black oblique cross and 5 white sinks on it. This city is named after 48 Great Master of Master of Hospitallers Claude de la Senglan. And the city's banner displays the generic emblem of this French nobleman.

Flag of Shex

The coat of arms of the town of the sewers is simply rosy (from a positive point of view this term) Adorable. Yellow-red zigzag is hints on the fields and valleys, and white-blue - on the waves of the sea.

Burgundy cross.

Otherwise, it is often referred to as a branched or lily slave cross. This sign was directly associated in a long year with Spain. It would seem burgundy as a historical region and / or ancient state (He dreamed of recreation, by the way, someone Henry Himmler-Reichsführer SS) rather far from the pyrenees and nothing to do with it should not have. But it is not so. The fact is that in 1526 the French king Francis I lit in the Burgundy Emperor of the Sacred Roman Empire CarloV.This outstanding person who comes with distant offspring of the last of the Great Burgundy Dukes of Karl Mobrelogo, besides, was the King of Spain (De Yura - Castile and Aragon) and through it, this symbol began to spread through Pyrenees.

Burgundy Cross on the Naval Flag of Spain

However, some experts believe that he was still invented by Philip I Beautiful. First, as a naval - red cross on a yellow background or a red cross on a blue background (such an option was often called the Cross of Saint Magdalene), then the military. Although it is associated with the name of another saint, in fact, this is an upgraded precisely the Andreyevsky cross. St. Andrei was a patron saint of Burgundy, but in the flags of the Kingdom and Duchy of Burgundy was almost not used.

Map of New Spain

Well, finally, according to the establishment in the new light of the Vice-Kingdom, the new Spain, which covered half of Northern and Central America, the Burgundian cross was chosen on a white background. From what this sign will be distributed on the continent.

Symbols of New Spain

In the territory modern England Approximately from 5 to 9th century there was a certain kingdom (one of 7), called Mercia. It is believed (although it is generally legends) that the capital of this kingdom, the Blue Banner with the Golden Skim Cross developed on the capital of this kingdom. Later, his royal sign put the ruler Offa, founding the monastery of St. Alban. Therefore, often a yellow oblique cross on a blue (or blue) background is called the Cross of St. Alban.

It is believed that it looked like a mission.

Perhaps the coat of arms of the aristocratic family of Nevilles lead from the same places, very famous last name, among which it is enough to remember Richard Neville 16 Count Warwick, named "Demotela Kings". On the flag of this family, some sailed live and to this day you can observe a red oblique cross in Silver (White) field.

One of the options for the kingdom of Polish

In addition, the Andreevsky flag was often used as the banner of the kingdom of Polish. Initially, he was designed as naval, in his satisfied, he had an ancient Polish symbol - a silver eagle in a federated field, but then also used and not only on the fleet.

In general, the oblique cross was most loved in the fleet. It is enough to look at modern gyuses (nasal flags of ships) to understand it.

Gyus Belgium.

... Bulgaria

... Latvia

... Estonia

... Paraguay

... Uruguay

Of course, we cannot bypass the flag of the Russian Navy. Officially, he was approved by Emperor Petroi Alekseevich

Ship charter of 1720, while the king itself drawn: "White flag, across it there is a blue Andreevsky cross, which christened Russia." Although there is information that the flag with the Andreevsky Cross rose at the first Russian battlefield "Goto Pre-Network" for another 20 years before. In addition, there are projects of Peter, in which the oblique cross was attached to the Russian tricolor.

Andreevsky Flag: Glory and courage of the price of life

December 11, 1699 Peter I established the Andreev flag as the official flag of the Russian military fleet

December 11, 1699 Peter I established the Andreev flag as the official flag of the Russian military fleet

Russian Naval Flag, Andreevsky Flag - Defense russian emperor Peter the Great. Under his leadership and with direct participation, the first Russians were built martial vehicles and ships, winged first victories in marine battles. Petr I made Russia a great sea power, and it was his hand that made the shrine and a symbol of the Russian military fleet. Andreevsky flag was not created suddenly and not at a time. In state archives, the outline of the embodiments of the marine flag made by Peter are preserved. Practically, the idea was viewed from the very beginning, in the image, the diagonal cross, on which, according to biblical legends, was crucified by the Holy Martyr Andrei Varozvannaya, considered to be heavenly patron of Russia. "Russia accepted Russia from this apostle holy baptism"," I explained to Peter I a choice, establishing December 11, 1699 the official flag of the Russian military fleet (Blue Cross over the blue-white-red cloth).

A year later, the Andreev flag gets its further development: the squadron was divided into three parts: Cordibalia, Avangard and Ariergard, each had its own feed flag. At the main forces, Kordebatali, - White, the Ariergard - Blue, at the avant-garde - red. The Andreevsky Cross was placed on a white field in the upper left corner of the flag.

In 1710, the Russian Naval Flag has changed again - the blue Andreevsky cross is located in the center, and the ends of the Cross did not reach the edge of the banner. It was this banner that was fluttered on the first linear ship of the Petrovsk era of Poltava. The final version of the Russian Naval Flag was adopted in 1712 and existed until 1917. And on July 26, 1992, on the day of the Sea Fleet, the Andreevsky flag reappeared on the masts of Russian ships.

In the Petrovsky Maritime Charter, there is an article in which it says: "All Russian military ships should not lower the flags in any way." The whole history of the Russian military fleet for several centuries is full of examples of courage, durability and unparalleled courage. Victory to the sea, survived under the Sacred Andreev flag, became the property of our story. The defeat of the Swedish Royal Fleet in the Baltic Sea at Cape Gangut July 27, 1714, Chesme Battle in the Aegean Sea with Turks in June 1790, the victory of the F. F. Ushakov's escorder over the huge Turkish fleet at the Tendra Cape August 28, 1790, the complete destruction of the Enemy Fleet In the Sinop Battle of November 18, 1853 - this is not full list Victories survived by Russian sailors under the Andreev flag.

The Ship Artillery of the Baltic Fleet saved the other Creation of Peter I - the city on the Neva, the truth, who was carrying another name at that time - Leningrad. The fascist hordes stopped at the turn, to which they delivered large-caliber shells of linear ships and forts. The siege artillery of the Nazis was not able to completely destroy the city, meeting the hard disgrace of Soviet sea artilleryrs. Linkors "Marat" and "October Revolution" were made a huge contribution to the defense of Leningrad, who went to the royal time under the Andreev flag and called Petropavlovsk and Gangut names.

Feat of the crew of icebreaking steamer "A. Sibiryakov "has no analogues in world history. On August 25, 1945, having met in the Kara Sea with the German hard cruiser - the Rider "Admiral Sheer", Siberianakov refused to lower the flag and entered the unequal battle. 104 crew member and four small-caliber guns against six 283-millimeter cruiser guns, not counting other weapons. The battle continued for about an hour ... The last radiogram from a dying vessel: "We continue to fight, the ship is burning ..." Alive there are only 18 Soviet sailors left. Retribution overtook the German cruiser on April 10, 1945 - he sank in the port of Kiel's city with all the crew under the bomacies of the British, who also had a unpaid expense for across the transport ships to the German raider.

The death of the ship, whose crew would fully fought with the enemy, could not win the victory, but did not surrender to the mercy of the winner, is not a defeat.

"We before the enemy did not defuse the glorious Andreevsky flag, they themselves blew up" Korean ", we swept" Varyag "!" - Strits from the song "Slesh Cold Waves" of Fyodor Bogorodsky, written in 1904 to the poems of Repinsky Yakov Nikolayevich. This is one of the two songs of that time about the feat of two Russian ships: the Korean cruiser and the Korean canoner boat, on January 27, 1904, joined unequal fights with the Japanese squadron when leaving the Korean international port of Svilpo. The captain of the first rank of Rudnene Vsevolod Fedorovich, who commanded the "Varyag", and the captain of the second rank of Belyaev Grigory Pavlovich, who was at the bridge "Korean" in his last battle, fulfilled their officer debt to the end, retaining and honoring their honor, and honor of the Russian Naval Flag. All officers of this heroic battle were awarded the Order of St. George IV degree, the lower ranks were awarded the soldiers of St. George crosses.

The story knows the case when the execution of the debt for the sake of salvation of the honor of the military flag could lead to a major international conflict, even the war.

The reason for hostilities between the Russian Empire and Austria-Hungary could serve as an insulting, neglectful and arrogant act of the command of the Austrian Military Fleet and the Marine Fortth of Fiume in relation to the Russian Naval Union - the Andreev flag. On September 1, 1910, a small detachment of Russian warships, consisting of the Baltic fleet of the Baltic Fleet "Cesarevich", "Rurik" and "Bogatyr", entered the harbor of the Austrian Naval Fortiff Fiume ( Modern name Rijeka, Croatia). According to the maritime tradition, giving the tribute to the owners, 21 shot from the signal tools was produced with an artillery salute of nations. In response, the Russian sailors heard ... silence. The commandant of the port ignored marine Greeting, insulting this and Russian admiral, and the Naval Flag of Russia. On the flagship ship - Bremenoce "Cesarevich" at that time was a representative imperial family - grand Duke Nikolai Nikolayevich Romanov with his retinue. However, when the counter-admiral Nikolai Stepanovich Mankovsky, indignant by the cynical and naked act of the Austrians, turned to the great prince for the advice, he did not want to take responsibility in such a delicate matter. He with his approximated left the ship and went ashore, as she was going to go to St. Petersburg by train, advising the mankovsky to understand the situation itself. And in the meantime, the situation was aggravated - the Austrian fleet, more than two dozen cruisers and armaduses entered the strait. The Austrian flagship ship Kaiser Karl VI cruiser passed directly to the port, the rest of the ships threw anchors at the external raid. In terms of respect and greetings, Russian ships again produced 21 shot from the signal tools, and in response - silence. The re-insult was so apparent and causing that he left for Russian sailors only two exits: to accept and forever cover the shame not only themselves, but the whole russian fleet, or enter into an unequal battle and honor in it with it. Moreover, an attempt to obtain an explanation from the Austrians did not lead to anything. Then they were presented with ultimatum: either they honor the Russian flag, or open fire. In Russian ships played a fighting alarm, they starred from the anchor and took a way out of the bay, towing the instruments of the main caliber to the Austrian cruiser. There was no connection with the base in Sevastopol to the Russian admiral, he acted independently, supported by all officers of the fleet crews. The Austrian had a connection, undoubtedly, they took advantage of her, and the decision on the situation was created at the very high level. The commander of the Austrian Fleet Vice-Admiral Count Rudolf Montekukkola Del Erre was forced to give up. On the morning of September 2, when the flags were raised on Russian ships, the solemn salute by Austrians was produced, and the Austrian escords of the Austrian Squads were out of the anchor, and had already reached the open sea under the sounds of Russia and Austria-Hungary.

For obvious reasons, this event did not find reflection in the overseas press of those years. Silence and Russian newspapers were kept - no one decided to inflate the scandal, because the honor of the imperial surname would be a burst. But there were live witnesses of what happened - 1800 Russian sailors and officers, from them and reached our days the truth about the forgotten conflict. Such a dismissive attitude to Russian sailors was a consequence of the defeat of Russia in Russian-Japanese war 1904-1905.

There were many reasons for this defeat, and the main of them is the complete unsuitability of artillery shells, which stitched through the Japanese cruisers and the destroyers, but did not explode. By order, the counter-admiral Nikolai Nich Bathtova, due to the impossibility of further resistance, five Russian ships recognized themselves defeated by the military flag, and were captured by the Japanese. It was only a second case for the entire glorious history of the Russian military fleet, when enemy sailors in the business went on the deck of the Russian ship, and the Andreevsky flag became the prey of the winner.

In May 1829, the frigate "Rafail" surrounded by Turkish ships capitulated by the orders of the captain. The officers of the ship were deprived of awards and were kept in ordinary, and the ship that lossed under the Turkish flag of 23 years, was burned by the Russian squadron in the flame of the Sinop Battle, together with the entire Turkish fleet.

If the admiral of Nakhimov was calculated for the shame of "Rafail", then the bleeding wound Tsushima did not bother up to the defeat of the Imperial Japan in 1945. The brilliant operation of Soviet sailors for the liberation of southern Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands, this debt paid. Sometimes we are told: "Why do you need four small island on a distant outskirts of Russia, show a good will, return their Japan ..." You can argue as much as you like to argue about who has more rights to the island of Kunashir, Shikotan, Habama and ITUURUP. But now they are ours, and we should not forget what price they got to us, because including the price of the Tsushimsky shame.

Nowadays, the Russian military fleet is floating under the Andreyevskoye lad flagist of the Russian Military Fleet - Ordena, a heavy atomic missile cruiser "Peter Great", who received its name in honor of the Russian Emperor Peter I and included in the Navy in 1998. Despite the relatively solid age, this ship has no equal in the world in terms of its weapons. He has an unlimited diving range, which is provided by the operation of two atomic reactors. Ship can affect any strategic goals On the ground, on water, under water and in the air at a distance of up to 2500 kilometers and resist any enemy. His unique weapons simply amazing imagination. Supervocate winged rockets "Granite" can approach the targets at ultra-low heights, independently detecting and distributing targets, 20 rockets at the same time can carry 15 tons of nuclear charges. Powerful system anti-heart defense, created on the basis of the C-300 missile system, is able to fire at once in 12 goals. The anti-aircraft missile complex "Kortk" can affect all goals in close and distant distances. Artillery two-sided 130 mm installation confidently shoot at a distance of 22 km. The three helicopters of Ka-27 PL and the Anti-Raper Rocket System "Volgograd NK" will not leave the enemy submarines any chance in battle with the ship.

On January 10, 2013, the new Andreevsky flag was raised on the cruiser, with the image of the Order of Admiral Nakhimov in the upper left quarter of the panel. Currently, the cruiser is located in the Mediterranean, performs a combat challenge to combat international terrorism in the Syrian Arab Republic.

Now the White Andreevsky Cross on a green background can be seen on the symbolism of the state customs service. It appeared for the first time this banner in 1827, and from 1994 it was used in Russia again.

Flag combined with the coat of arms of the Russian customs

Staging Novorosia.

The imperial tricolor became a symbol of Novorossia: as an official flag, the option was chosen, which in the past was in Russian Empire. The Union of People's Republics in the East of Ukraine as its official flag chose black and yellow white flagWhich in the past was a symbol of the Russian Empire from 1858 to 1883. The flag for Novorossia chose a specially created competitive commission. The flag's cloth on the equal parts divide three stripes: white and black, and golden (yellow) in the center. Such a choice was made to emphasize the connection of Novorossia with the history of the Russian state. For the final statement of such an option, it remains only to wait for the approval of the selection of the local parliament.

The selected state flag of Novorossia is a cloth with three horizontal stripes of equal width: white from above, yellow (golden) in the middle and black below. As the competition commission explains, through the white-yellow-black state flag, today's Novorossia associates itself with own history In line with the history of the Russian state.

After the adoption as the State Flag of Russia, the white-blue-red cloth, the white-yellow-black flag began to be considered a "dynastic" flag of the Romanov. This circumstance is once again connecting the white-yellow-black flag with Novorossia, as the creation and development of the Novorossiysk province are connected with the era of this dynasty, reported Days In the press center "Novorossia".

In addition to the official interpretation of flag colors, it is proposed to introduce another symbolic line: white - the purity of ideas and thoughts, yellow - the golden fields of Lugansk region, black - Donbass mines.

Military Banner of Novorossia - Red Pictal with Cutting Blue on White Background Andreevsky Cross. How to emphasize its creators, the red banner is connected in it. Great Victory and the flag of the Russian Navy. In addition, Zaporizhzhya Cossacks used the flags of red, dark red and raspberry colors. It was the red banner who became a symbol of victory over nazi Germany. In Heraldry, red symbolizes courage, courage, love and blood spilled in the fight.

Blue Andreevsky Cross on a white background is a banner of the Russian Navy. The Black Sea Fleet became an integral part of the creation and further history Novorossia. Further, the competition commission will recommend the selected flag and combat banner for approval by the Parliament of Novorossia.

Add, on June 25, the Supreme Council of the Lugansk People's Republic voted for the Constitutional Act on the Education of the Union People's Republics (SNR). On June 26, Oleg Tsarev was elected Speaker of the Union Parliament, which includes 30 representatives from Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics.