How do different zodiac signs drink? The main zodiac alcoholics. Favorite alcoholic drink of each zodiac sign

How do different zodiac signs drink? The main zodiac alcoholics. Favorite alcoholic drink of each zodiac sign

Astrologers say that your zodiac sign has a strong influence on how you drink and get drunk. Naturally, the addiction to alcohol is not determined only by the horoscope, one should also take into account such factors as genetics and physiological characteristics. However, for the sake of curiosity, it is still worth looking at the rating of alcoholics by zodiac sign, which is opened by avid lovers of laying behind the collar.


This sign is most inclined to drown their problems with alcohol. Water Scorpio, despite external cruelty, is vulnerable and sensitive inside, but he cannot show this. Therefore, one has to wash down despair with alcoholic beverages, which, by the way, representatives of the sign do not like to admit. Most often, when drunk, they harm others, however, if no one is around, Scorpio can begin to maliciously sting themselves. Paradoxically, there are very few alcoholics among the people of this zodiac symbol - they are obsessed with the idea of ​​​​control, therefore, even having fallen to the social bottom because of alcohol, he can still get out.

Scorpios are more prone to alcoholism than all other signs of the zodiac.

In order to distract Scorpio from the destructive influence of alcohol, it is necessary to give him a new goal or meaning to live. Then he will dive headlong into business and solve his problems without the help of alcoholic beverages.


This is a sign of dreamers and the most inveterate alcoholics. Unlike the drunken Scorpio, which destroys everything around, Pisces are directed inward and quite often plunge headlong into the alcoholic pool. There are a lot of drunkards among them, since it is extremely difficult for this sign to get out of addiction. All because of their natural tendency to obey and be led (this applies to both men and women).

To get rid of addiction, Pisces often undergo long rehabilitation courses. Well, if the passion for alcohol has just begun to manifest itself, such people are advised to plunge into the world of creativity and inspiration in order to direct energy in a useful direction.


Its duality concerns all spheres of life, and even more so alcohol. In general, drunk Geminis are not much different from sober ones, since they can do some unimaginable things even when sober. On the other hand, alcohol can open a second, dark part of nature in a dual sign - and a person becomes inadequate and unable to objectively assess the situation. Despite this, Gemini is usually a spiritual interlocutor who can talk even the most silent friend.

You can distract the air sign from drunkenness with the help of another, more interesting undertaking. In this, their frivolity is only at hand!


The sign without brakes is stubborn, aggressive and active. This is how he stays after drinking. In addition, in alcoholic beverages, representatives of the sign do not know the measure and drink everything indiscriminately. Drunk Aries are out of control, they like to get into fights and other troubles. They should drink with those who can keep it in check - for example, Taurus or Capricorn. But it is strictly forbidden to get drunk with Sagittarius and Leo - together the fiery signs will create such nonsense that then you will have to disentangle for a long time.

If Aries has become an alcoholic, practically nothing can distract him from addiction. The only thing you can do is try to inspire him to other endeavors. The main thing is not to force him to do anything by force, since Aries is considered the most stubborn of all signs. You simply won't succeed!

The addiction to alcohol can be found in representatives of all signs of the zodiac.


Sagittarius in terms of alcohol consumption can be safely called lucky. He drinks. He drinks a lot. He drinks so much that the amount of alcohol he drinks will surprise even Gemini. Why, then, is Sagittarius in fifth place? The fact is that he rarely falls into alcohol addiction. Usually Sagittarius drinks for fun. When drunk, he becomes too straightforward, which can provoke a brawl or even a violent fight.

In general, the adventurous Sagittarius is very easy to distract from addiction - offer him a trip or some other new adventure.


Usually, Taurus love to drink in a warm friendly company, accompanied by a brie cheese appetizer. They are also not alien to watching some funny comedy with a bottle of unfiltered in their hands. Taurus always know the measure in drinking and try to follow the rules of decency. When drunk, they are good-natured and sweet, but if they are still pissed off (and this is not so easy to do), they will show what real rage is.

Most likely, Taurus will not become a drunkard, but he can become addicted to alcohol. In this case, he needs to be reminded that alcohol destroys all his plans. He will listen to you and understand that he made a mistake.


For many zodiac signs, the way out of alcoholism can be a new strong hobby.

Aquarius deserved seventh place not in vain - this extraordinary sign is known for its ambivalent attitude towards alcohol. He seems to be drinking, but he doesn't seem to get drunk. The thing is that Aquarius loves to drink, but he hates getting drunk. He knows that while intoxicated he cannot control himself and becomes dangerous to society, and therefore sticks to the middle.

If Aquarius began to drink cruelly and mercilessly, it is worth taking a closer look at the reason. You must identify the problem that he is trying to drown in alcohol - and then the air sign will find itself again.

a lion

Leos, like Scorpios, are control freaks, and therefore rarely get drunk to the point of losing their pulse. Nevertheless, they love to drink and talk heart to heart. Drunken Leos are people of extremes: they are either nice and kind to everyone around them, or they arrange brawls out of the blue. If the fire sign adheres to the golden mean, there is nothing wrong with alcohol for him. By the way, he prefers sweet wines and whiskey to drink.

Leo can be distracted from drunkenness, no matter how stereotypical it may sound, with flattery and compliments. Tell him a couple of times that he is perfect without alcohol, and like a purring cat, Leo will immediately get rid of the habit of drinking.


It is believed that Libra should take the lead in drunkenness, but in reality this is not the case. For them, alcohol exists only as a way to escape from the outside world and disharmony in themselves. Despite this, their frivolity allows them to quickly forget insults and get carried away with something more interesting, therefore, although they like to wash down their problems with alcohol, they are unlikely to become drunkards.

If the Libra tipped in the direction of alcoholism, it will not be difficult to return it to its original position. They easily forget about their addictions if they meet something new along the way.


Only family can stop Cancer from alcohol abuse

Warm, cozy, homely Cancer loves to drink. An introvert by nature, he avoids noisy events, but rarely refuses a glass of white in a small company. They try to look for a measure in everything, since the drunkenness of Cancers is unstoppable and irrevocable. They get away from a hangover for a long time, and when drunk, they pour out their souls to the first person they meet or cry a lot.

Cancer should never abuse alcohol, as this causes a severe blow to his health. If you see that he starts to drink too much, you need to stop it immediately. This can only be done together, with the whole family - this is how you show Cancer that he is not indifferent to his relatives and everyone is worried about him.


Representatives of this zodiac sign drink, but they do it in an extremely civilized and polite manner. They will most likely invite a few best friends and will be solving crosswords all evening while drinking a bottle of brut, because the Virgo drunk is not a sight for the faint of heart. The meticulousness of the earth sign has no boundaries, and on a drunken head, he will begin to get involved in disputes and incite quarrels. That is why they, knowing themselves, stay away from alcohol.

It is unlikely that Virgo will become an alcoholic - she is usually invited to parties as the only sober observer.


Capricorn is considered the most conservative zodiac sign of all. And no wonder, since this is a cardinal earth sign. Most likely, Capricorn will drink solely for pleasure, but will never become a drunkard. Their body is strong and insensitive to alcohol, so they simply cannot “drown grief” in wine.

If Capricorn has already fallen into the clutches of a green serpent, be sure that he will get out thanks to his iron will and tenacious grip. After all, alcoholism takes so much strength and energy, and he still needs to complete his corporation and conquer the world! Drunkenness is not included in this calculation.

Of course, each sign of the zodiac has its own degree of predisposition to alcohol, but do not forget that a number of other factors affect the sensitivity to alcohol: gender, weight, genetics. Therefore, this rating should be treated with some humor and in no case should you justify your actions by the location of your date of birth in the zodiac circle. Remember that everything needs a measure.

Each of us has had experience with alcoholic beverages. For some, communication takes place only on holidays, for some it is already a daily habit, and for some, alcohol can’t stand it at all.

Astrologers say that addiction to alcohol depends on the date of birth. Now we will find out what the stars think about this.


Aries does not know a sense of proportion. Under the influence of alcohol, he becomes unbalanced and begins to seek adventure. If you need to get something from him, give Aries a drink, because under the influence of alcohol he becomes kind and supple.


Taurus prefer to drink expensive drinks at home. Very often, a drunk Taurus begins walking around friends and acquaintances. Don't piss off the Taurus. In a state of intoxication, he becomes unbalanced and a fight may break out.


The twins are ready to organize a booze out of the blue. Under the influence of alcohol, they do not change. Aggression does not appear. But they drink more and more often than all other signs of the zodiac.


Cancers love intimate conversations over a glass of wine. However, if the degree goes off scale and the amount of alcohol is drunk above the norm, the circus program begins. Drunk Cancer and sober Cancer are different from each other. These are two completely different people.

a lion

Most often, Lions know the measure in alcohol. They don't want to lose their reputation. If they drink, they can be violent or cheerful.


Most Virgos are ardent opponents of alcoholic beverages. If they drink, they do it beautifully. They can spend the whole evening drinking one glass of wine, enjoying the drink.


Representatives of this sign lack self-control. They very often lose control of themselves, so they quickly get drunk. Libras always suffer from hangovers.


Scorpios seek solace in alcohol. If they drink, then there is a good reason for this. When drunk, they become dangerous to others. They want either showdowns or sex.


Sagittarius is a great party companion. Over a glass of alcohol, he becomes the soul of the company. But if he drinks too much, he becomes straightforward. He will tell you everything he was afraid to say soberly.


Capricorns are very reserved in their emotions. They cannot relax even under the influence of alcohol. Capricorns either seek solace in alcohol or don't drink at all.


Aquarians love to experiment with alcoholic beverages. They prefer cocktails, often mix drinks, then suffer from a terrible hangover. They may not drink for a long time, but then they are happy to participate in friendly parties.


Fish don't drink! They cannot stop in time. The process of getting used to alcohol is very fast. They have a penchant for alcoholism, so the representatives of this sign need to be careful with drinking.

Alcohol is, undoubtedly, the worst enemy of all mankind, but when the working week comes to an end and Friday is approaching, the belief that all these are stories and myths takes root in us more and more, and in fact alcohol is our friend, which will help to forget everything the hardships of working time and will give us long minutes of joy and relaxation in the company of friends. But before you have a binge, we advise you to find out under what zodiac sign your potential drinking buddy was born, otherwise you never know ...


The consciousness of a drunken Capricorn is calculated by a simple formula: character to the tenth power, plus the root of common sense, multiplied by minus one. The state occurs after the third glass and then does not change, regardless of the amount drunk. The closed and cautious Capricorn, when drunk, turns into the soul of the company, which generously lavishes compliments on others and responds good-naturedly to jokes. Don't get fooled! The catch is that in the morning this bastard Remembers Everything.


A drunken Aquarius is able to turn the world around without exchanging for such trifles as a fulcrum. He grabs a sheet of paper and gives birth to divine lines, rushes to the canvas and with three strokes enters the history of world painting, composes revolutionary economic models or creates a new religion. But, unfortunately, no one has ever seen it. As well as, in fact, a drunken Aquarius. Because usually a little tipsy Aquarius says: “You are here, and I went to sleep.” And goes to sleep.


If the fish is a saw, keep your distance. If the fish drank a lot, run. A drunken Fish experiences the full range of emotions in four minutes, after which it repeats this cycle until it is able to move its gills. Just now she was sobbing in the corner because no one loves her, and thirty seconds later she is happily jumping on chairs, waving her panties over her head and throwing caviar at her drinking companions. And at the same time, she retells an anecdote she just heard in the first person as a story that happened to her just yesterday.


The first rule of drinking with an Aries is: never drink with an Aries. If you're already drinking with an Aries, try to have a sober Aquarius next to you to take you away in time. Otherwise, you run the risk of waking up in some Leningrad (wherever this city is located), after which it turns out that yesterday you married an elderly Russian teacher and offended a good man in a black faux fur hat. At the same time, Aries will sympathetically look at you with absolutely sober eyes and shake his head: “What are you like, we are a little bit.” Well, if you are Aries, then you should keep in mind that other signs have a very strange physiology - they get drunk from alcoholic beverages.


Drunk Taurus always pretends to be sober. Even if Taurus crawls along the floor like a snail, leaving a wet trail behind him, he is still sure that the evening has just begun. Taurus has an unshakable rule: take everything from life. All the money, all the sex, and so that the house is a full bowl. This applies equally to alcohol. If you are going to drink with Taurus, do not save money, otherwise you risk hearing something like: "Send a fool for vodka - he will bring one." However, two vodkas will not save you either: after them, Taurus will reveal to the world the beautiful-eyed Bychara and will spread everything he can crawl to: coffee service, geraniums, and your good relations.


The notorious duality of Gemini at the stage of intoxication recedes, bringing to the fore one of the incarnations. And here - how lucky. A cheerful kitty with a microphone and a resume “You sing great!” or a gloomy fiend who not only hates everyone around, but also seeks to destroy them in every possible way. In the second case, Gemini's counterpart runs the risk of learning a lot about his appearance, about his abilities and about his life decisions. And in the morning, Gemini will wave his hand - they say, are you crazy, offended? I was drunk.

Getting Cancer drunk is the only way to really get to know him. The drunken arthropod master of disguise is open to the world and finally ceases to be shy. If you drive away sober Cancer for spontaneous sex - a task with an asterisk, then drunk Cancer is already practically in the same stockings and everything is on fire. Of course, in the morning Cancer will again climb into its chitin and will suffer silently there, clenching its teeth.

A drunken lion is no different from a sober lion. Unless the number of decibels increases in direct proportion to the amount drunk. The sober Lion, talking about his prowess, adventures and victories, still sometimes pauses to breathe in a little air. But the drunken Leo does not need air at all. A drunken Leo needs to tell a story for the hundredth time from the series “how cool I am, Lord,” because in a company of twenty people there was one unfortunate person who for some reason had not heard this story yet.


Why Virgo drink is completely incomprehensible. Perhaps the soul of the drunken Virgin temporarily leaves the body in order to wander through the green fields with violets and grazing unicorns. In our sinful world, Virgo goes through three mandatory stages: “I'm so drunk” (after the first glass of a cocktail), “I love you so much” (middle of the night) and “Where is the aspirin?” (in the morning). A young hungover Virgo may discover in the morning that she is no longer a virgin, but she will never remember the details. Very convenient, by the way.


Libras are afraid to drink, but they love it very much. Because only in a drunken state do they finally stop weighing everything around and come into harmony with the world around them. The eternal search for a bright ideal is temporarily stopped, because this is the very situation when there are no ugly women. Stupid men, by the way, too. All such darlings, bunnies and cats, that it is completely incomprehensible how it was possible to wrinkle your nose in aesthetic rejection of the Universe for so many years. True, in the morning, Libra, remembering how they managed to drink up to brotherhood with a man from a threshing and crushing technical school, becomes unbearably ashamed. But that's how it is in the morning.


Scorpio gets drunk exactly to the state of courage, and then abruptly slows down, continuing to pour others, at the same time whispering in a Jesuitic manner "I have a light hand." He's lying! Scorpios have a very, very heavy hand, and they absolutely love to laugh at how their victims are trying to get back on their feet. If you plan to get Scorpio drunk on purpose, for example, to drag him into bed or find out some information, it is better to shoot yourself right away. Because he will say: "yes, of course, but let's first one more, I'll pour, my hand is light." And then - yes - Leningrad, an elderly teacher and a kind person in a black hat. Drinking with Scorpions is possible only for those who dream of becoming a YouTube star.


Sagittarius. Or a teetotaler. Because Sagittarius has failed in life. Or succeeded. It is not at all clear how to drink with Sagittarius. In the first case, health is not enough. In the second case, you will die of boredom in about half a lecture on the dangers of drinking alcohol solutions. But be that as it may, once at the table with Sagittarius, do everything as he says. Arguing with him is harmful - he will either shoot you or be offended, and the latter is incomparably worse.

Well, citizens are alcoholics, hooligans, parasites... Let's see to whom these characteristics apply more than to others!

Did you know that the tendency to alcoholism and preferences in alcohol are determined by the date of birth and the sign of the Zodiac? That is what the astrologers say.

We offer alcohol that will reveal your secret passions!

We have arranged all the signs of the Zodiac from teetotalers to drunkards. Find yourself on the list.

12th place - Capricorn

Capricorns are well versed in alcohol, they can offhand identify the year of bottling and distinguish the slightest notes in the bouquet. They easily distinguish Scotch from Irish whiskey by aroma, and brut from semi-dry by the cotton of the cork. But no matter how much Capricorns drink, they don't get drunk. That is, according to the comrades who are more prone to alcoholism in the zodiac circle, they only translate the product.

The best drinks for Capricorns: red wine, whiskey.

11th place - Pisces

Pisces do not mind drinking, although they do not know how to do it at all. A small glass - and they are carried away into such abysses that in the morning it is a shame to look people in the eye. But others do not even suspect that alcohol has nothing to do with it. Pisces are forever in these abysses, alcohol simply gives them insight. As a result, Pisces begin to ask questions like “Where am I? Who am I?!" and toss around wildly. Usually everything ends well: someone close to them catches them and does not allow them to do stupid things. After that, the Pisces swear SO not to drink again. And they keep their promise. For some time.

Optimal drinks: vodka, red and white wine.

10th place - Cancer

Crayfish love to drink to make it tasty and fun, but with friends, but with fragrant snacks and a change of dishes. But they only drink a little! If Cancer manages to drink more than the norm, he goes to extremes: either he becomes an inveterate drunkard (there is nothing to lose), or he no longer drinks. At all. Never. More often it is the second case that can be seen.

Optimal drinks: fortified wine or dry white.

9th place - Leo

The lion is shaking for his reputation, because he is afraid to get drunk: what if, in an alcoholic frenzy, he will ruin what he has been building for many years? After all, Leo knows how shaky this reputation is, it is based on the legends that he tells about himself. Alcohol acts on him like a truth serum, so Leo does not drink much. That does not prevent him from lying about alcoholic exploits.

Optimal drinks: champagne and cognac.

8th place - Aquarius

Alcohol scares Aquarius more than spiders, terrorists and robbers in a dark alley put together. But you will never guess about it: Aquarius drinks on an equal footing with everyone else and even more than anyone else. Because it is not in his nature to give in to his own fears. Instead of retreating, Aquarius yells "Geronimo!" dives to the bottom of the bottle. At some point, it may seem that the green serpent killed this brave man, but he will cope with the danger. Aquarians are not subject to addictions, therefore they never get drunk and do not drink too much.

Preferred drinks for this zodiac sign: ale, vodka, sake.

7th place - Scorpio

It would be necessary to give the first place in our rating to Scorpio, few people can boast of such alcoholic exploits and drunk displacement. But still this sign is located in the middle of the list. This is because Scorpio-alcoholic can be seen extremely rarely. Having drunk, this person turns into a real darling, a favorite of those around him, even children. Alcohol completely turns off the misanthropy of Scorpio. But it is fundamental in the formation of his personality. Scorpio still rarely drinks to the complete loss of this very personality due to innate pride, which does not allow him to lose control of himself.

Optimal drinks: cognac and vermouth.

6th place - Virgo

Virgo is a quiet alcoholic. When others find out about her addiction, they are genuinely surprised: they would never have thought! No wonder, because even in this state Virgo retains control over herself and pretends that everything is in order, she does not get drunk, but simply drinks good wine. And this is annoying, because Virgo drinks solely to get rid of this damned self-control.

Suitable drinks: cocktails, liquors.

5th place - Taurus

Taurus don't care about alcohol. They try alcohol at an early age and fall in love with it instantly, from the first glass. They live with alcohol in love and harmony until withdrawal symptoms separate them. Alas, after that their relationship will be spoiled. Having experienced a severe hangover and spending the morning in an embrace with a basin and in the company of an ambulance, Taurus firmly decides to say goodbye to alcohol.
But good intentions rarely translate into reality. After all, limiting yourself to one serving of alcohol or a couple of beers is like interrupting a date a step before bed.

The best drinks for Taurus: red wine and moonshine.

4th place - Sagittarius

Sagittarius just fell short of the top three. They can be called happy drunkards: they love alcohol, and he pays them in return. Sagittarius is not looking for a reason to drink, his own desire and the pleasant taste of the drink are enough for him. But he does not succeed in sleeping: for this he is too strong in health. He can turn the libation at any moment. If you hear that someone's grandfather drank until the age of 98, without losing his health, and then immediately quit, do not hesitate: this grandfather was a Sagittarius.

Optimal drinks: vodka and herbal liqueurs.

3rd place - Libra

"Bronze" is given to Libra, who take alcohol not for pleasure, but for the benefit of shaky mental health, suffering from the imperfection of this world. Soon the purchase of a magical bottle that transports Libra to a magical fantasy world where fairies ride unicorns becomes a nightly tradition. In no case should a person be deprived of this ritual: the consequences will be nightmarish. True, not for long, Libra will still find a way out. Some say that Libra can even turn water into wine or take alcohol out of thin air.

Preferred drinks for this zodiac sign: beer, rum.

2nd place - Aries

We give the silver medal to Aries. These are hereditary alcoholics in the hundredth generation. If an Aries doesn’t get drunk to the green devils in the middle classes and hasn’t earned alcoholism by the time he graduates from the university, then this is most likely not an Aries. It should be checked whether he was replaced in the maternity hospital with some Very Correct Capricorn. After all, a real Aries goes hand in hand with alcoholism in life, he does not suffer from his habit, but enjoys it.

The most suitable drinks: aperitifs, beer

1st place - Gemini

Gemini is a collection of subpersonalities that constantly replace each other. They agree on only one thing: alcohol is delicious. For the sake of alcohol, subpersonalities unite and thump collectively. Who said you can't drink alone? More as possible. True, Gemini is likely to get drunk. But not because they drink alone, but because they always have a bottle with them and a company of excellent drinking companions. So what if it's other "I"! It's always nice to have a drink with smart people.

Optimal drinks: white wine and tequila.

Astrologers promise in 2018 good luck to the signs of the Zodiac, prosperity and success in any projects. You can achieve happiness without alcohol. Therefore, if you were invited to a company where there is a high risk of getting drunk, remember this rating. Suddenly the presented material will be useful to you.

It's important to know! Alcohol addiction is extremely dangerous. For long-term alcoholics, the chances of living to a ripe old age are incredibly small. According to statistics, 62.1% of alcoholics kill themselves, 60% suffer and die from pancreatitis, 67.7% die from liver cirrhosis, 23.3% suffer from cardiovascular diseases. And another 72.2% of people become murderers.

Sooner or later, each of us first gets acquainted with alcoholic beverages. For some, the familiarization stage is difficult, with unpleasant consequences and disgust, while someone quickly finds a common language with strong drinks and from time to time allows himself to relax with their help. Let's take a closer look at people's attitudes towards alcohol from an astrological point of view in order to understand which zodiac signs are better off staying away from alcoholic beverages.


They perceive alcohol as a kind of addition to a fun pastime in the company of friends. Representatives of this zodiac sign are always happy to support any company, and boldly agree to take part in any alcohol competition. In addition, they themselves are often the initiators of large-scale drinking parties. Depart from drinking, as a rule, easily and quickly, fall into dependence infrequently.


They are more likely than other signs of the zodiac to become addicted to alcohol. If in real life these people are quite restrained and reasonable, then under the influence of alcohol a certain fearless character is instilled in them, capable of any of the most desperate and reckless actions. After such active parties, Taurus is often ashamed in the morning.


These are ardent lovers of cool parties and big feasts. But this love is more connected not with addiction to alcohol, but with the desire to have fun and interesting time with old and new friends. If the Gemini lifestyle consists of just such activities, then they are more likely to get into a habit in the form of the abuse of strong drinks.


People of this sign are usually divided into 2 categories: ardent opponents of strong drinks and those still alcoholics. Representatives of the first category consciously approach their choice and understand the consequences of frequent drinking. But the latter drink, move away from drinking, assure that they will never drink again, and after a while they again take up the old.

a lion

Lions are most often neutral to alcohol. Their common sense usually wins over the desire to support the company. The thing is that for people of the Leo zodiac sign, their reputation is extremely important, so they always try to carefully monitor what they drink and how much.


Despite their cool head and sober calculation for everything that happens in their lives, Virgos quickly become hostages of alcohol. Moreover, most often Virgos become an inveterate drunkard alone and, as a rule, against the background of their insolvency. If everything is in order in Virgos in their personal lives and in the professional sphere, then dependence on alcohol bypasses them.


The owners of this zodiac sign rarely drink too much, because, having experienced at least once a hangover, they are wary of any alcoholic events for the rest of their lives. To avoid unpleasant consequences after a feast, Libra always tries to eat more and maintain interesting conversations.


They often become addicted to alcohol, because in a state of intoxication they manage to relax at least a little and stop seeing a threat in everyone and everything that surrounds them. Yes, Scorpios are always suspicious and incredulous. By the way, they themselves often "solder" the interlocutor in order to bring him to clean water and find out what the second one really thinks about them.


They just love fun companies and noisy parties. And alcohol, as you know, is the main component of such events. If Sagittarius is lonely and not particularly busy with work, constant feasts and alcohol parties become his way of life. In such a rhythm of life, one can easily reach alcoholism.


Capricorns usually fall into the "rarely but aptly" category of people. They don't really like to while away the evenings with a glass of red semi-sweet or something stronger with slices of ice. But, if a grand party is planned, Capricorns should prepare their body in advance for taking large doses of alcohol. The morning after such gatherings with Capricorns usually does not go well, and they do not ripen very soon for the next such gathering.


Most Aquarians treat alcohol rather coldly. The fact is that the owners of this zodiac sign love live communication, new acquaintances and emotions too much, and under the influence of alcohol it is rarely possible to enjoy pleasant communication to the fullest. That is why there are so many opponents of alcoholic beverages among Aquarians.


This sign and strong drinks are two inseparable concepts. Good alcohol with a delicious snack in a cozy place next to your loved one is something that, of course, should be present in the life of every Pisces. In such an environment, they feel comfortable and at ease, and rarely become addicted to alcohol. But the hostages of alcohol are more often precisely those Pisces whose reality absolutely does not coincide with their ideal picture of the world. That is why astrologers recommend that Pisces be careful with strong drinks and, if possible, minimize frequent alcoholic gatherings.