The position of the open festival of children's creativity. The position of the school festival of children's creativity "Star rain" material on the topic

The position of the open festival of children's creativity. The position of the school festival of children's creativity "Star rain" material on the topic

1. General Provisions

1.1. The present situation determines the conditions, procedure for organizing and conducting Urban Festival of Children's and Youth Creativity "Estaft of Arts - 2018" (hereinafter - the festival) of educational educational organizations of the city of Moscow in 2017-2018 academic year.

1.2. The festival "Art Relay - 2018" is the form of the artistic and aesthetic development of students, which is the necessary component of the formation of the basic culture of the personality, as well as identifying gifted children and the best creative children's teams of educational organizations in the city of Moscow.

1.3. The festival is carried out in order to implement the state "concept of a nationwide system for identifying and developing young talents" (from 03.04.2012 Order No. 827), the provisions of the "Strategy of the State Cultural Policy for the period up to 2030" (Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 29, 2016 № 326-P), "Strategies for the development of education in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025" (Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 29, 2015 No. 996-P), the state program of the city of Moscow for the medium term (2012-2018) " Development of the formation of the city of Moscow ("Metropolitan Education") ".

1.4. The festival was organized by the City Methodological Center for the Department of Education of the city of Moscow.

1.5. The organizational committee is being prepared for the preparation and holding of the festival.

2. Goals and objectives of the festival

2.1. Purpose: Promoting the formation of the spiritual culture of the personality of the studying through the development and execution of the best samples of classical and modern art.

2.2. Tasks:

The development of creative potential, figurative and associative thinking of students;

Education of Russian civil identity, spirituality, emotionally value attitude to peers, its city and country;

The creation of aesthetically organized leisure activities;

Attracting more children to artistic creativity.

3. Participants of the festival

3.1. Participants in the festival are educational creative teams of general education organizations, institutions of additional education of children and educational institutions of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow aged 7 to 18:

Junior Group: Students of 1-4 grades;

˗ Medium Group: Students of 5-8 grades;

˗ Senior Group: Students 9-11 classes;

˗ Mixed Group: Students from different age groups.

3.2. Information about participation in the competition of pupils of pre-school educational organizations of the age category 5-7 years is posted on the site in the section Contests and Methodical Space Preschool Education / Projects, Contests, Festivals / Children's Contests, Festivals.

4. Terms and stages of the festival events

4.1. The festival is carried out from September 2017 to April 2018:

Stage I: September-October 2017;

Stage II: November-December 2017;

III Stage: January-April 2018.

5. Organizing Committee of the Festival

5.1. For the organization and holding of the festival, the City Organizing Committee of the Festival is created (hereinafter - the Organizing Committee).

5.2. The Organizing Committee consists of Methodists of the City Methodological Center (Appendix 1).

5.3. The work of the organizing committee is based on this provision and corresponds to the deadline for the festival.

5.4. The Organizing Committee performs the following functions:

Decides on the procedure for holding the festival;

Determines the conditions, deadlines, stages of the festival;

Organizes registration;

Defines the schedule and venue of the III stage of the festival;

Forms the jury of the festival, taking into account genre affiliation;

Methodical support and information and organizational support;

Consultations for members of the jury, team leaders and individual performers in accordance with the request;

Determines the system of promotion, awarding the participants of the festival;

Prepare post-release following the festival for accommodation on the website of the city methodical center.

Summarizes the results of the city festival of the children's and youth creativity of the "Art Reel - 2018";

Organizes and conducts a gala concert on the results of the festival.

5.5. The Organizing Committee reserves the right to change the timing of the steps of the festival.

6. The procedure for holding a festival

6.1. I Festival Stage (School)

6.1.1. The first stage of the festival passes inside the educational organizations, subordinate to the Department of Education of the City of Moscow, and provides for a full-time review of the derogatory concert numbers.

6.1.2. The jury of educational organizations chooses and presents the best concert numbers on the second stage of the festival.

6.1.3. To participate in the second stage of the festival, educational organizations need from October 1, 2017 register an application On the website of the city methodical center. - "Art Relay - 2018" By genre. For the accuracy of the information in the Personal Account, the head of the team or soloist is responsible.

6.2. II stage of the festival (correspondence)

6.2.1. The second stage of the festival provides for the correspondence of the review of concert numbers by genre.

6.2.2. To participate in the second stage of the festival, a creative team or an individual performer presents one concert number in one genre and in the same age group. In the genre "Art reading" from each structural unit of the educational complex, no more than 3 rooms are provided.

6.2.3. When registering an application on the website of the city Methodological Center Konkurs.Site - "Mark Relay - 2018" in its genre you need to download a link to a video with a participant's speech or a team on YouTube video server in closed access.

6.2.4. According to the results of the II stage of the festival, the Organizing Committee forms a list of participants in full-time III stage of the festival.

6.3. III stage of the festival (urban)

6.3.1. The III stage of the festival provides for full-time review of concert numbers by genres in accordance with the schedule posted on the website of the city methodological center in the methodical space Educational work / creative contests / festivals, contests.

6.3.2. The best concert rooms in genre areas: "vocal", "choral", "folklore", "dance" and "artistic reading" have the opportunity to take part in urban competitions for schoolchildren held by the highest educational institutions of the city of Moscow.

6.3.3. The festival organizing committee forms the composition of the jury of the III stage of the festival, which includes at least 3 experts in the genre area;

6.3.4. According to the results of the III stage of the festival, the best concert numbers recommended by the jury will be presented at the final gala concert, which will be held in April 2018.

6.3.5. For participation in the Gala concert, individual performers provide permission to the Organizing Committee to allow legitimate representatives to posting personal information (Appendix 2).

7. Genres of Festival

- "Vocal" (Academic vocals, pop vocals, author song). The duration of the performance is up to 5 minutes. The main characteristics and requirements of the vocal genre (Appendix 3);

- "Choral" (Choolds, vocal choral ensembles - live sound, without microphones). Participants perform from 2 to 4 different characteristics, the duration of the performance is up to 8 minutes. The main characteristics and requirements of the choir genre (Appendix 4);

- "Folklore" (People's singing, folk ensembles - live sound, without microphones). The duration of the performance is up to 5 minutes. The main characteristics and requirements of the folk genre (Appendix 5);

- "Dance" (Classical and modern choreography, folk, pop dance, ballroom and sporty ball dance). The duration of the performance is up to 4 minutes. The main characteristics and requirements of the dance genre (Appendix 6);

- "Art in sports"(Rhythmic gymnastics, cheerleading (chirilding), pop-sports dance, aerobics, acrobatics). The duration of the performance is up to 4 minutes. The main characteristics and requirements of the "Art in Sport" genre (Appendix 7);

- "Original" (Circus art: tricks, pantomime, clownades, equilibristics, eccentric, circus trains). The duration of the performance is up to 4 minutes. The main characteristics and requirements of the original genre (Appendix 8);

- "Art reading". The duration of the performance is up to 3 minutes. The main characteristics and requirements of the "Art Reading" genre (Appendix 9);

- "Different directions of modern youth culture" (Hip-Hop, Rap, Soul, R & B, Bit-box, Brake Dance, etc.). The duration of the performance is up to 4 minutes. The main characteristics and requirements of the genre (Appendix 10);

- "Concert Rooms of Ethnoculture" in national costumes (vocal and dance art). The duration of the performance is up to 4 minutes. The main characteristics and requirements of the genre (Appendix 11);

- "Instrumental" (Orchestras, ensembles and soloists-instrumentalists). The duration of the performance is up to 4 minutes. The main characteristics and requirements of the instrumental genre (Appendix 12);

- "Vocal-instrumental ensemble". No more than two works with a total duration of up to 8 minutes. The main characteristics and requirements of the VIA genre (Appendix 13);

- "Show Group". The duration of the performance is up to 8 minutes. The main characteristics and requirements of the "Show Group" genre (Appendix 14).

8. Evaluation criteria

8.1. The concert number presented at the festival is estimated taking into account age groups of participants on a 10-point scale.

8.2. The criteria for assessing the concert numbers of the festival are specified by genres in applications.

9. Work jury festival

9.1. Independent professional jury II and III stages of the festival viewing concert numbers by genre.

9.2. The jury's decision cannot be challenged. The jury has the right to refuse to comment on its solution without explaining the reasons.

9.3. Participants exceeding the regulations of the speeches at stage II are not allowed to participate in the III stage of the festival.

10. Summing up

10.1. The jury of the stage of the festival is summed up by genre directions, taking into account the evaluation criteria.

10.2. On the basis of estimates, the participants who scored the most points are invited to face full-time III stage of the festival.

10.3. The teams and individual performers who participated in the second stage of the festival are assigned the status "Member of the Stage II of the City Festival of Children's and Youth Creativity" Art Reference - 2018 ". In the personal account there is a certificate in electronic form.

10.4. The teams and individual performers who have become the diploma and laureates of the III stage of the festival are awarded with diplomas.

11. Additional conditions

11.1. Registration of an application for participation in the festival is consent to the terms of this Regulation.

11.2. Taking part in the festival, teachers agree to handling personal data.

11.3. Responsibility for the life and health of the participants of the festival at all stages and concert events carry accompanying teachers, team leaders, legal representatives.

11.4. During the final gala concert of the laureates of the city festival, video and photography is allowed. These materials can be used in the media and in the global Internet. Mention of the source (city festival of the children's and youth creativity of the "Marks -2018")).

11.5. During the festival, it is unacceptable:

The use of abnormative vocabulary;

Manifestation of aggressive behavior towards the jury and other participants;

Use during the dance of indecent gestures and shouts;

Using the subject of a concert number affecting political or religious views.

Scene festively decorated .

On the start holiday in spectator hall blackout

Sounds music on the start festival

Leading 1 : Good afternoon dear friends!

With great joy, we welcome you in our hall at the festival of childhood and creativity, talent and optimism!

Lead 2:Welcome to the Children's Creativity Festival

Pickle festival

Lead 2:Today, small stars and young, applying hopes, the constellations of talented and bold will be opened on this scene.

Against the background of music

Lead 1: What is the joy of our source?
What is the meaning of our life will be?
Perhaps that you will give,
His rare gift to joy to people?

Lead 2:Perhaps in creativity he is hidden
In decrease to see, hear, remember.
And he is open for everyone,
So that the beauty of our world is filled!

Music number for opening a festival

Lead1: Which of us ever did not dream to be on stage, feel at least for a moment the singer and musician, dancer and actor. But for this talent is not enough. We need courage and despair, infinite faith in yourself and their capabilities.

Lead 2.: Yes, not each of us will become a world-famous star, but we are quite capable of surprising each other. Not in vain said one of our contemporaries:

We are all talented with pellery
One is a dancer, another singer.
And even the smallest child
Artist, star and just well done!

Lead 1.: And so we meet our contestants!

/ Contestant presentation /

Lead 1:The right to judge our contestants will be a respected jury:

Chairman of the jury -

Lead 1:As you know, the limit of creative talents does not exist. At this festival, each of them can manifest itself not only in vocal skill and dance, but also show their creative work.

Lead 2:In the lobby of the House of Culture, an exhibition of creative works made by the hands of children engaged in circles and studios of cultural institutions, which our just jury will appreciate.

Lead 1.: More Great Nietzsche said: "Without music, life would be a mistake." There are many talented people in the world.

Lead 2:It proves various creative contests and festivals, which became popular not only in our country, but also the world: "New Wave" in Jurmala, Golden Orpheus in Sopot,

Lead 1:"Slavic Bazaar" in Vitebsk. And the Children's Competition "Eurovision?" For a long time, no one surprises the victories of our guys in Europe.

Leading 2 : So let's pick up this good tradition, and we will prove to all that the reserves of children's talents of our Voronezh Territory have not yet been exhausted!

Lead 1:Good luck to you young diving! Our festival begins!

Pickle festival

First block festival age category / from 7 to 16 years /

Leading 1 : And in the nomination "Vocal Executive Mastery" aged from 7 to 11 years on the scene is invited

Lead 2.: I think the participants of this category category gave a good start to our festival. Let's find it once again.

The applause of the speaking participants sound

Second block festival

Leading 1: And here is the following participants of the festival of the nomination "Vocal Performing Mastery", in the nomination aged from 12 to 17 years old on the scene


Speech by the next participant

The third block festival

Against the background of music

Lead 2.: In the nomination - "Dance craftsmanship" stated several participants,

Dance is the best fun of all times and all centuries.

Lead 1.: Nowadays, the dance is not only an integral part of the culture, but also a way to be beautiful, happy and healthy. With the help of a dance, a person can transmit its feelings to other people by means of plastic body.

Lead 2:There are many dance styles: incendiary Latin American dances, passionate oriental dances, sincere folk dances.

Lead1: And how many new-fashioned modern dance styles exist in our time. This is rap and R n b, electric-boogie and break dance, jazz modern and hip-hop. Let's see what the participants of the festival will surprise us today?

Lead 2:So, meet the first member of the nomination "Dance Mastery" of the age category

Lead 1:On the stage _______________________________________________

Lead 1:: The next participant of the nomination "Dance Mastery" in the age category with _____ to _____________________________________.

Lead 1.: On the stage are invited __________________________________

__________________________________________________________________ .

presentation of a dance group

Lead 1.: Yes, it will be difficult for the jury. How many talents.

Lead 2.: I used to think that the jury is easy.

Lead 1.: And now?

Lead 2.: I do not envy them. After all, they depends on their professionalism, as the evening will end.
LeadingI think everything will end fine, the jury will distribute all places by justice.

LeadingI have no doubt about it.

Dear viewers, the last number of the festival was executed, and now it all depends only on the decision of the jury.
LeadingThe jury is removed for the meeting, and on the stage for you ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Sounds music


The world of children's creativity is so amazing
Then he is mysterious, he is rapidly
From the light of smiles comes in motion,
Full of fantasies and imagination.

Lead 2.: For the announcement of the results of the children's festival-competition, the word is provided to the chairman of the jury

Music sounds for diplomas

Chairman of the jury announces the results of the competition in the nominations:

"Vocal Mastery"

"Dance craftsmanship"

"Creative work"

Are awarded Diplomas participant Festival

Diplomas winners of the festival

Lead 2.: We once again congratulate all the participants of the festival with the victory, which they wanted due to their immediacy and talent.

We ask all the participants of the festival to go on the scene.

Lead 2:

Music sounds, the competition participants are published on the scene

Lead 1.: And we, the leading festival-competition, remains to say

This holiday is a childhood holiday,

The track will leave in every heart

And opens the door to the fairy tale

And gives wonders

And beautiful is a song

Smile heaven!

Sounds final song

We wish all participants in the festival and viewers, we wish you happiness and good, that your little stars rose into big and bright stars!

Sounds music in the hall

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GBUK G. Moscow "DK" Salyut "



festival of children's creativity

"Solar Talent Ray"

Purpose of the festival -detection and support of gifted, talented children and children-youth teams in various genres of art.

Tasks of the festival:

Promoting the artistic and creative and personal development of children;

Activation of the creative potential of the younger generation;

Improving the level of performing skills through the exchange of creative experience;

Creating conditions for the further creative growth of young performers;

Promoting strengthening and expanding the cultural exchange between creative teams and individual performers;

Creating an atmosphere of an unforgettable creative holiday;

Meeting and communication with famous educators in the field of vocals, choreography, original genre, participants of TV projects.

Festival organizer- State budgetary institution of culture of the city of Moscow "Palace of Culture" Salyut ".

Children's creative teams of palaces, cultural centers, additional education institutions, studios of various creative areas of Moscow and the Moscow region, as well as individual participants at the age of age are invited to participate in the festival. from 6 to 14 years inclusive.

The festival is held in one tour. The program of performing participants is drawn up and approved by the Organizing Committee of the Festival in advance on the basis of the applications received.

Festival nomination:

· vocals

6-9 years old (solo, ensemble),

10-14 years old (solo, ensemble),

· choreography

6-9 years old (folk dance, classic dance, modern choreography),

10-14 years old (folk dance, classic dance, modern choreography),

· original genre solo, group (in the mixed age category with 6DO 14 years).

Participation in the festival is paid . The amount of organizational contribution is 500 rubles. from each participant. Payment of the organizational contribution is carried out by purchasing tickets at the office of DC "Salyut" on the day of the festival.

Creative teams have the right take part in several nominations, making an organizational contribution for each nomination, respectively.

Jury competition.

Well-known specialists and figures of culture and art, participants of TV projects are invited to the jury:

1. Irina Ptashkin

2. Anna Shoz- Pedagogue of pop-jazz vocals at the Russian Academy of Music named after Gnesini.

3. Alexandra Trekhmistrenko - Head of the exemplary team of the folk-pop-pop workshop "Saturday", soloist of the group "March 10".

4. Alexey Yatsenko - Mentor of the project All-Russian competition of young talents "Blue Bird" - Russia 1. Member of the TV project "Dances" on TNT (new season) and "Dance" on the first. Assistant of the second choreographer, dancer of the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympic Games in Sochi. Horeographer-director of the vocal dance show "Dreams of the Composer", Art Nova-2012.Deadagog-choreographer of the leading school of dance model357 and MDC NRG dance center.

5. Innocent Isaev - Pedagogory-choreographer, a member of the TV project "Dance everything".

6. Alexander Kasyanov. Theater and cinema actor, assistant director of the TV projects of the first channel "Minute of Glory" and "Two Stars".

7. Pavel Volkov. Winner of the All-Russian Competition Artists of the Original Genre.

As well as other cultural and art figures.

To participate in the festival You must apply (annex), as well as a phonogram of the room to the Organizing Committee of the Festival (NICE. ***** @ *** RU) on the prescribed form until March 17, 2016.

Performance duration - not more than 3.5 minutes.

Requirements for phonograms.

For participants of the vocal nomination: The execution of the competitive number should be under the "minus" phonogram (or under the accompaniment, which should be specified in the application). "Back-vocals" can be recorded in the phonogram or executed "live" (according to the participant's application). The use of phonograms with recorded back-to-vocal batches is allowed to addition and decorate the number, but not replacing vocal data. The phonogram is sent in advance to the festival organizing committee (NICE. ***** @ *** RU) together with the application to form a consolidated disk. The participant of the festival must have a phonogram with him on the day of the festival on the flash drive.

For nominations, the dance and the original genre: It is prohibited to use a low-level phonogram. The phonogram is sent in advance to the festival organizing committee (NICE. ***** @ *** RU) together with the application to form a consolidated disk. The participant of the festival must have a phonogram with him on the day of the festival on the flash drive.

Awarding the participants of the festival:

The winners of the festival are awarded the Grand Prix diploma, "Winner of the Festival" Sun Luche of Talent "I, II and III degrees, a Cup with a festival symbolism and a thanks to the leaders of creative teams.

Participants in the festival who did not occupy prizes are awarded diplomas of the diploma I, II and III degrees and letters of grateful letters to the leaders of creative teams.

Award prizesperformed on the basis of the jury protocol and the number of scored points. Calculation of points is made on the basis of criteria:

Vocal nominations (vocal data; scenic culture; artistry; compliance with the participant's age),

Dance nominations (execution technique; artistry; originality, semantic content number; general impression).

Nomination "Original Genre" (execution technique; artistry; originality of the number, the semantic content of the number; general impression).

The jury has the right:

Award the same rank of several participants (in the case of qualitatively equal to the execution of numbers and a large number of participants in the relevant nomination and age category).

Regulations on the festival of children's creativity

"Magic Box" 2013/2014 academic year

I. General provisions.

1. The motto of the festival: "All works are good, choose to taste!"

2. The competition is carried out in the framework of the moral and aesthetic direction of education and organization of vocational guidance work.

3. Competition tasks:

  • Development and support of all types of children's and youth creativity.

  • To identify, develop and encourage the talents and creative abilities of students.

  • Selection of participants for school events, district and district competitions.
4. The organizer of the competition is the Deputy Director for BP Kostyanova Ekaterina Yurievna (51 Cabinet).

II. Competitors.

  1. Everyone's students from 1 to grade 11 take part in the competition. To participate in the competition, it is necessary to apply in the established form to the Deputy Director for Educational Work

  2. It is allowed both individual and group participation.
III. Conditions of the competition.

  1. The festival is carried out in four stages and 6 nominations:
I Stage - "The World of My Creativity" -OCTOBER

  • Decorative and applied creativity - free topic (work is accepted good quality performed in any technique, in the work from sets for children's creativity it is necessary to make copyright or design);

  • Fine arts (drawings, posters in any performance on the sheets of format A4, A3 and A2) - the "world of professions" (Acceptance of work until October 25).
Works are accepted strictly signed, due to the limited space for exhibitions (assembly hall), warn that work will be chosen worthy. All works submitted to the competition will later be aimed at charitable fairs and exhibitions.

Stage II - "World of Literature" -NOVEMBER

  • Artistic Word - The topic "All works are good, choose to taste!" (poems about people of different professions, about labor, its importance and values);

  • Copyright - author poems, prose, the topic is free.
To participate, you must apply in advance by email - sK[Email Protected] yandex. ru Or personally in writing. Applications for the competition are accepted from October 1. The schedule of rehearsals and listening will be reported additionally. Date of the final contest - November 22.

III Stage - "The World of My Hobbies" -NOVEMBER DECEMBER

  • Vocalists (individually or chorus) - the topic is free, but the work must necessarily correspond to the age of the contractor;

  • Musicians (execution of both copyright and classical works) - free topic;

  • Choreography (individual dances or collective) - free topic;

  • Copyright - Author's music, songs, free.
At this stage, a certain schedule of auditions and contests will be organized. To participate, you must apply in advance by email - sK[Email Protected] yandex. ru Or personally in writing. Applications for the competition are accepted from October 1. The final concert competition is scheduled for December 13th.

  1. Winners will be detected in 3 age groups:

  • junior (1-4 class);

  • average (5-8 class);

  • senior (9-11 class).
IV. Defining winners.

The determination of the winners is carried out by the competent jury, which includes representatives of the administration and the teaching staff of the school, representatives of the Izmailovo office, detached schools and organizations, students of the school - the winners of district and district reviews.
V. Rewarding winners.

All participants will receive diplomas and gratitude from school. Winners are awarded winner diplomas and gifts from school.
Deputy Director for BP Kostyanova E.Yu.