Man who made a feat for the sake of his homeland. Heroes of the Great Patriotic War

Man who made a feat for the sake of his homeland. Heroes of the Great Patriotic War
Man who made a feat for the sake of his homeland. Heroes of the Great Patriotic War

Orthodoxy.FM - Orthodox, patriotic, family-oriented portal and therefore offers readers to readers top 10 amazing feats of the Russian army.

The top does not include single exploits of Russian warriors like Captain Nikolai Gastello, a sailor Peter Cat, a warrior of Mercury Smolensky or headquarters, Peter Nesterov, because with the level of mass heroism, which the Russian army has always been different, is strongly impossible to determine the top ten warriors. All of them are great.

The places in the top are not distributed, since the described expitions relate to different epochs and compare them between themselves are not entirely correct, but all of them unites one - a vivid example of the celebration of the spirit of the Russian man.

  • The feat of the squad of Evpathy Kolovrat (1238).

Evpathy Kolovrat - a native of Ryazan, not so much information about him, and they are contradictory. One-stripes say that he was a local governor, others - boyar.

From the steppe came to guide that the Tatars go hiking on Russia. The first on their way was Ryazan. Understanding that Ryazantsev's own forces for successful defense of the city, the prince sent Evpathia Kolovrat to seek help in neighboring principles.

Kolovrat served in Chernigov, there he was overtaken by the news of the ruin of his native land by Mongols. Not a minute not a minute, Kolovrat with a small friend hastily moved towards Ryazan.

Unfortunately, the city was found already ruined and burned. Seeing the ruins, gathered those who could fight with the army, about 1,700 people rushed into pursuit of the whole of Batya's Ord (about 300,000 warriors).

Having overtook the Tatars in the vicinity of Suzdal, gave the fight to the enemy. Despite the small number of squad, the Russians managed to smith an airship of Tatars with a sudden attack.

Battered was very stunned by this inhound attack. Khan had to quit his best parts into battle. Baty asked to lead him to Kovovrat alive, but Evpathy did not give up and courageously fought with the enemy superior.

Then Baty sent to Evpathy the parliamentant to ask what Russian warriors want? Evpathy replied - "Just die"! The fight continued. As a result, Mongols who were afraid to approach the Russians, had to apply the catapults and, only so the squad of Kolovrat could beat.

Khan Bati, struck by the courage and heroism of the Russian warrior, gave the body of Evpathia his squad. The rest of the warriors, for their courage Bate ordered to let go without causing it harm.

The feat of Evpathy Kolovrat is told in the ancient Russian "Tale of the Ryazan Batym".

  • Suvorov's transition through the Alps (1799).

In 1799, the Russian troops participating in battles with the French in Northern Italy as part of the second anti-armnce coalition were recalled home. However, along the way home, the Russian troops had to assist the Corps of Roman Corsakov and defeat the French in Switzerland.

For this, the army under the leadership of Generalissimus Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov. Together with the turn, artillery and wounded made an unprecedented transition through alpine passages.

In the campaign, the Army Suvorov took place with battles through Saint-Gothard and the Black Bridge and made the transition from the Rysis Valley to the Mutenskaya Valley, where he had surrounded. However, in the battle in the Mute Valley, where the defeat of the French army was defeated and came out of the environment, after which he made a transition through a snow-covered hard-to-reach Ringerkopf (Panic) and across the city of chickens headed towards Russia.

During the battle for the damn Bridge, the French managed to damage the span and to overcome the abyss. Russian warriors under fire tied the scarves of officers of the board of the plank-nearby shed and went to battle. And during overcoming one of the passages to knock down the French from a height, several dozen volunteers, without any climbing equipment, climbed the rim on the top of the pass and hit the French to the rear.

In this campaign, the son of Emperor Paul I Grand Duke Konstantin Pavlovich was participating under the Suvorov team as a ordinary soldier.

  • Defense of the Brest Fortress (1941).

The Brest Fortress was built by the Russian military in 1836-42, set out of the citadel and three defending its fortifications. Later, she was modernized several times, passed to Poland's property and returned to Russia again.

By the beginning of June 1941, parts of two small RKKA rifle divisions were placed on the territory of the fortress: the 6th Orlovsk Red Banner and 42nd Rifle and several small units. In total, by the morning of June 22 in the fortress there were about 9,000 people.

The Germans decided in advance that the Brest Fortress, standing at the border from the USSR and therefore, elected as one of the first strike facilities, would have to take only infantry - without tanks. Their use of forests, swamps, river ducts and canals surrounding the fortress prevented them. For the capture of the fortress, German strategists were distinguished by the 45th division (17,000 people) not more than eight hours.

Despite the sudden attack, the garrison gave the Germans a hard rebuff. The report said: "Russians fiercely resist, especially behind our attacking mouth. In the Citadel, the enemy organized defense by infantry parts with the support of 35-40 tanks and armored cars. The fire of Russian snipers led to great losses among officers and nonsense officers. " Within one day on June 22, 1941, the 45th Infantry Division was only killed by 21 officers and 290 lower ranks.

On June 23, from 5:00, the Germans began the art printing of the Citadel, while trying not to hit his soldiers blocked in the church. On the same day, for the first time against defenders of the Brest Fortress, tanks were applied.

On June 26, on the North Island, German sappers blew up the wall of the school building. There were 450 captives. The main focus of resistance on the North Island remained East Fort. On June 27, there were 20 commanders and 370 fighters from the 393rd anti-aircraft battalion of the 42nd Rifle Division, headed by the commander of the 44th Infantry Regiment by Major Peter Gavrilov, was defended.

On June 28, two German tanks and several self-propelled guns returned from repair to the front, continued to fill the East Fort on the North Island. However, this did not bring visible results, and the commander of the 45th division appealed for support for the Luftwaffe.

On June 29 at 8:00, the German bomber dropped a 500-kilogram bomb on the Eastern Fort. Then another 500-kilogram and finally a 1800-kilogram bomb was reset. Fort was practically destroyed.

Nevertheless, in East Fort, a small group of fighters led by Gavrilov continued to fight. Major was captured only on July 23. Residents of Brest said that until the end of July or even before the first nights of August, the shooting was heard and the Nazis brought from there to the city, where the German Army Hospital was posted, his wounded officers and soldiers.

However, the official date of the end of the defense of the Brest Fortress is considered July 20 on the basis of the inscription, which was discovered in the barracks of the 132nd individual battalion of the Konvoy troops of the NKVD: "I am dying, but I do not give up. Goodbye homeland. 20 / VII-41. "

  • Camping of Kotlyarevsky detachments during the Russian-Persian Wars 1799-1813.

All the exploits of the detachments of General Peter Kotlyarevsky are so amazing that it is difficult to choose the best, so imagine them all:

In 1804, Kotlyarevsky with 600 soldiers and 2 instruments of 2 days were dismissed on the old cemetery from 20,000 warriors Abbas Mirza. 257 soldiers and almost all officers Kotlyarevsky died. There were a lot of wounded.

Then Kotlyarevsky, wrapped the wheels of the cannons with rags, at night, passed through the camp of the precipitating, took the storming fortress Shah-Bula, knocked out the Persian garrison of 400 people from there, and sat down in it.

13 days he was shot off from the capext of the building of the corps in 8000 Persians, and then at night heed up the gun on the wall and left the detachment to the fortress Mukhrat, which he also took the attack, knocking Persians and from there, and again prepared for defense.

To drag guns through a deep ditch during the second transition, four soldiers aroused fill it with their bodies. Two were crushed to death, and two continued the campaign.

In Mukhrate, the Russian army came to the revenue of the Kotlyarev battalion. In this operation and when taking a slightly previously fortress of the Gange, Kotlyarevsky was injured four times, but remained in the ranks.

In 1806, in the field battle at Honashin, 1644 Major Kotlyarevsky soldier broke the 20,000th Army of Abbas Mirza. In 1810, Abbas Mirza again made the troops against Russia. Kotlyarevsky took 400 hurkers and 40 contesions and came to meet.

"On the way" he took the fortress Migri fortress, defeating a 2 thousandth garrison, and captured 5 artillery batteries. After waiting for 2 reinforcements, the colonel accepted the battle with 10,000 Persians Shah and forced him to retreat to the Araks River. Taking 460 people of infantry and 20 equestrian Cossacks, the colonel destroyed the 10-thousand Detachment Abbas Mirza, having lost the 4 Russian soldiers killed.

In 1811, Kotlyarevsky became a Major General, moving through an impregnable mountain range with 2 battalions and hundreds of Cossacks and assaulting the fortress of Akhalkalak. The British sent to Persians of money and weapons for 12,000 soldiers. Then Kotlyarevsky went hiking and took the fortress of Kara-kah, where military warehouses were.

In 1812, in the field battle in Aslanduze, 2000 Warriors of Kotlyarevsky, at 6, the tools broke the entire army of Abbas-Mirza in 30,000 people.

By 1813, the British, rebuilt the Fortress Lankaran fortress for advanced European samples. Kotlyarevsky took the fortress by storming, having only 1759 people against the 4,000th garrison and during the attack almost completely destroyed defendants. Thanks to this victory, Persia requested the world.

  • Taking Izmail Suvorov (1790).

The Turkish fortress Ishmael, covered by the Danube crossing, the Osmans were built by French and English engineers. Suvorov himself believed that it was "fortress without weak places."

However, arriving on December 13 under Izmail, Suvorov for six days he kept active preparation for the storm, including the teaching troops to storm the layouts of the high fortress walls of Izmail.

Next to Izmail, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe current village of Safyan, the Earth and Wood Analogues of the Rava and the walls of Izmail were built in the area of \u200b\u200bSafyan, the soldiers were trained to throw the staircase, after the lifting of the wall, they quickly prick and struggle the stuffed, imitating defenders installed there.

For two days, Suvorov led artillery training by field guns and guns of the ships of the flotilla, on December 22, at 5:30 am, the fortress assault began. Resistance on the streets of the city continued until 16 o'clock.

Attacking troops were divided into 3 detachments (wings) 3 columns each. The detachment of Major de Ribas (9,000 people) attacked from the river side; The right wing under the superior of the Lieutenant General P. S. Potemkin (7,500 people) should have shock from the western part of the fortress; The left wing of General-lieutenant A. N. Samoilova (12,000 people) - with east. Cavalry reserves of Brigadier Westfalen (2,500 people) were on the land side. In total, Suvorov's army consisted of 31,000 people.

Turkish losses amounted to 29,000 people killed. 9 thousand captured captured. Only one person saved from the whole garrison. Easy wounded, he fell into the water and swam the Danube on the log.

The losses of the Russian army amounted to 4 thousand people killed and 6 thousand wounded. All 265 guns were captured, 400 banned, huge reserves of the provincial and jewelry for 10 million pirasters. The commandant of the fortress was appointed. I. Kutuzov, in the future the famous commander, Winner of Napoleon.

The conquest of Izmail had a great political importance. It affected the further course of the war and for conclusion in the 792 of the Yaski world between Russia and Turkey, who confirmed the accession of the Crimea to Russia and established the Russian-Turkish border along the Dniester River. Thus, all Northern Black Sea Castle from the Dniester to Kuban was enshrined by Russia.

Andrei Stemteda

In contact with

We present to your attention the most heroic domestic acts committed by our children. These are stories about the heroes who, sometimes, at the cost of their life and health, without thinking, rushed to the revenue to those who need help.

Zhenya Tabakov

The most young hero of Russia. A real man who was only 7 years old. The only seven-year owner of the order of courage. Unfortunately, posthumously.

The tragedy was played by night on November 28, 2008. Zhenya and his twelfth older sister Yana were at home alone. An unknown man called the door, who introduced himself as a postman, who brought the supposedly registered letter.

Yana did not suspect anything wrong and allowed him to go. Entering the apartment and closing the door, the "postman" instead of the letter pulled the knife and, grabbing Jan, began to demand that children gave him all the money and values. Having received the answer from children that they do not know where the money, the criminal demanded from Zhenya to look for them, and he dragged Janu himself in the bathroom, where he began to tear with her clothes. Seeing how he breaks clothes from his sister, Zhenya grabbed the kitchen knife and stuck him in despair to the lower criminal. When painting from pain, he loosened the grip, and the girl managed to run out of the apartment for help. In a rage, a failed rapist, pulling out a knife from himself, began to stall him in a child (on the body of the fiance they counted eight wounds, incompatible with life), after which they ran. However, the wound caused by Zhenya, leaving behind the bloody trail, did not allow him to leave the chase.

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of January 20, 2009 For the courage and dedication, Yevgeny Evgenievich, manifested in the execution of civil debt, was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage. The Order received Mama Galina Petrovna.

On September 1, 2013, the School's courtyard opened a monument to Tabakov's wife - a boy who distinguishes the crucible from a dove.

Danil Sadykov

A 12-year-old teenager, a resident of Naberezhnye Chelny, died, saving a 9-year-old schoolboy. The tragedy occurred on May 5, 2012 on the enthusiast boulevard. At about two o'clock in the afternoon, the 9-year-old Andrei Churbanov decided to get a plastic bottle that fell into the fountain. Suddenly he hit him, the boy lost consciousness and fell into the water.

All shouted "help," but the water jumped only Danil, who at this moment drove past a bike. Danil Sadykov pulled the victim to the side, but he himself got the strongest blow to the current. He died before the arrival of ambulance.
Thanks to the selfless act of one child, another child stayed alive.

Danil Sadykov was awarded the Order of the courage. Posthumously. For the manifestation of courage and dedication in the salvation of a person in extreme conditions. Nagrada was awarded the chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation. Instead of his son, she received the father of the boy - Aidar Sadykov.

Maxim Konov and Georgy Suchkov

In the Nizhny Novgorod region, two third-graders saved a woman happily in the hole. When she was forgated with life, two boys passed by a pond, returning from school. A 55-year-old resident of the village of Mukhtolov Ardatovsky District went to the pond to gain water from Epiphany Rubbish. The hole was already covered with the edge of the ice, the woman slipped and lost its equilibrium. In severe winter clothes, it was in ice water. Hooking behind the edge of ice, the unfortunate began to call for help.

Fortunately, at that moment, two friends Maxim and Georgy, returned from school, passed past the pond. Noticing a woman, they, without losing a second, rushed to the rescue. When driving, the boys took a woman for both hands and stretched out onto strong ice. The rid were held her home, not forgetting to grab the bucket and sledge. Arrived doctors examined the woman, they assisted, she did not need hospitalization.

Of course, such a shock did not pass, but the woman does not get tired to thank the guys for being alive. Its rescuers she presented football balls and cell phones.

Vanya Makarov

Vanya Makarov from Ivell is now eight years old. A year ago, he saved his classmate from the river, which fell under the ice. Looking at this little boy - the growth of a little more meter and the weight of only 22 kilograms - it is difficult to imagine how he was able to pull the girl out of the water. Vanya grew in an orphanage along with his sister. But two years ago he got into the family of Hope Novikova (and after all, a woman had four of their children). In the future, Vanya plans to go to study in the Cadet School, then to become a lifeguard.

Mobikev Maxim

Fire in a private residential building in the village of Potelvena Amur region broke out late in the evening. The neighbors have discovered with a big delay, when the windows of the burning house poured a thick smoke. Reporting a fire, the inhabitants began to extinguish the flame, pouring it with water. By the time in the rooms burned things and the walls of the structure. Among those who came to the rescue was the 14-year-old Maxim Kobymov. Having learned that there are people in the house, he, not confused in a difficult situation, penetrated the house and pulled out on the fresh air of a woman-disabled born in 1929. Then, risking his own life, returned to the burning structure and made a man of 1972 of birth.

Kirill Daineko and Sergey Skripnik

In the Chelyabinsk region, two more years have shown this courage, saving their teachers from the destruction caused by the fall of the Chelyabinsk meteorite.

Kirill Daineko and Sergey Skripniki heard their teacher Natalia Ivanovna calls for help from the dining room, unable to knock out massive doors. The guys rushed to save the teacher. At first they ran into the duty room, grabbed the reck of the stretch rods and knocked them the window in the dining room. Then, through the window, the heads were transferred by a wounded fragments of glass to a teacher to the street. After that, schoolchildren discovered that the help needed another woman - a kitchen worker, which the utensil collapsed explosive wave was poured. Operatively disassembled the challenge, the boys called for adults.

Lida Ponomareva

The Medal "For Salvation Died" will be awarded to the student of the sixth grade of the Ustvash high school of the Lesheconomsky district (Arkhangelsk region) Lydia Ponomarevoy. The corresponding decree was signed by Russian President Vladimir Putin, the press service of the regional government reports.

In July 2013, a 12-year-old girl saved two seven-year-old children. Lida, ahead of adults, jumped into the river first behind the tough boy, and then helped drink and the girl, which also believed far from the coast. One of the guys on land managed to quit a thin child of a life jacket, behind which Lida and pulled a girl to the shore.

Lida Ponomarev is the only one from the surrounding guys and adults, who were at the place of the tragedy, without thinking, rushed into the river. The girl doubly risked his own life, because her injured hand was very sick. When the next day after the salvation of children, Mom and her daughter went to the hospital, it turned out that it was a fracture.

Having admired the courage and courage of the girl, the governor of the Arkhangelsk region Igor Orlov was personally thanked by telephone Lady for the brave act.

At the suggestion of the governor Lida Ponomarev was presented to the state award.

Alina Gusakova and Denis Fedorov

During terrible fires in Khakassia, schoolchildren saved three people.
That day the girl was accidentally near the house of his first teacher. She came to visit a girlfriend, which lived next door.

I hear someone shouts, said Nina: "Now I will come," says Alina about that day. - I see in the window that Polina Ivanovna screams: "Help!". While Alina saved the school teacher, her house in which the girl lives with his grandmother and elder brother, burned down.

On April 12, in the same village Konzhukhovo Tatyana Fedorova, together with the 14-year-old Son, Denis came to visit the grandmother. Holiday as no. Only the whole family sat down at the table, as a neighbor came running and, pointing to the mountain, called the fire.

We ran up to fire, started to extinguish rags, "tells Rufina Shaimarkov, aunt Denis Fedorova. - When they put out most of, blew a very sharp, strong wind, and the fire went to us. We ran to the village, ran into the nearest buildings to hide from smoke. Then hearing - the fence is cracking, everything burns! I could not find the door, my brother was thin whining in a click, and then returned for me. And now we can not find a way out! Smoke, scary! And then Denis opened the door, grabbed my hand and pulled out his brother. I have a panic, my brother is panic. And Denis calms down: "Calm down Rufa." When they walked, there was nothing at all, I did not have any lenses in my eyes splaved from high temperatures ...

This is how the 14-year-old schoolboy saved two people. Not only helped get out of the house with a flame, but also brought to a safe place.

The head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, Vladimir Puchkov, presented departmental awards by fire and residents of Khakassia, distinguished from the elimination of mass fires, in the fire station No. 3 of the Abakan garrison of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. In the list of awarded 19 people are the firefighters of the Russian Emergencies Ministry, fire hacasia, volunteers and two schoolchildren from the Ordzhonikidze district - Alina Gusakova and Denis Fedorov.

This is only a small part of the stories about brave children and their not children's deeds. One post will not be able to accommodate stories about all the characters. He is all awarded with medals, but they are not less significant from this. The most important reward is gratitude to those whose life they saved.

Superheroes are designed not only for comics and films. Around the world there are many real heroes committing superhuman feats. From unthinkable force to incredible manifestations of courage and perseverance, these real people have shown on their example, which incredible feats can be performed due to the power of the human spirit.

10. Blind man saved a blind woman from a burning house

Imagine what it is like to try to save a blind man from a burning building, directing them step by step through the burning flame and smoke. Now imagine that you are also blind, as in this inspirational story. Jim Sherman (Jim Sherman), who is blind from birth, heard shouts about the help of his 85-year-old neighbor, when she was trapped in his burning house. During the feat, which can be called heroic with confidence, he snuck into her house from his trailer, located next door, groping along the road along the fence.

As soon as he got to the house of a woman, he somehow managed to get inside and determine the location of his frightened neighbor, Annie Smith (Annie Smith), which is also a blind. Sherman pulled Smith from a burning house in a safe place.

9. Instructors for parachute jumps donated to everyone to save their students

Not many people are experiencing a drop from a height of thousands of meters. However, no matter how incredible it does not seem to have two women managed to do this, thanks to the dedicated actions of two men. The first man gave his life to save the man he had just met. Parachute Parachute Instructor Robert Cook (Robert Cook) and his student, Kimberley Dir (Kimberley Dear), climbed into the sky so that she could make his first jump, it was at that time an aircraft engine refused. During an incredible feat, Cook said Dir to sit down on his knees, chanting their gear. When the plane collapsed to the ground, Cook's body swallowed a blow by killing him, but defending Kimberly Dir from what was supposed to become a fatal accident.

Another parachute jump instructor, Dave Hartsock, also saved his student from hitting. It was the first jump in Shirley Dygert in a tandem with an instructor. Although their plane did not fail, the parachute of Didiger did not reveal. In the course of a terrible free fall, Hartovok was able to arrange himself under his student, having hit, while they fell together to land. Despite the fact that Dave Hartok broke his spine, because of which his body remained paralyzed from the neck down, they both survived the fall.

8. A man carried four soldiers from the battlefield

Despite the fact that he was a simple mortal, Joe Rolino (Joe Rollino) spent his 104-year-old life, making incredible, superhuman deeds. Although it weighed only about 68 kilograms in the heyday, he could lift the weight of 288 kilograms with the help of fingers and 1450 kilograms on the back. He conquered several titles of Sale and many honors.

Nevertheless, hero in the eyes of many people did not make him talent in the power competitions and not his title of "the most severe person in the world", which he received on Koni-Island (Coney Island). During World War II, Rollyno served in the Pacific and received Brozovaya and Silver Stars (Bronze & Silver Star) for courage, manifested in the performance of official duties, as well as three purple hearts (Purple Hearts) for his combat injuries, due to which He in the aggregate spent 24 months in the hospital. It is most famous for the fact that he pulled his comrades from the battlefield, two in each hand, and then returned to the line of fire, to attribute even more of his wounded fellow fellow in a safe place.

7. Father fought with an alligator to save his son

Father's love can inspire for superhuman feats, as they proved two fathers from different ends of the world. In Florida, Joseph Welch (Joseph Welch) came to the aid to his six-year-old son, when the alligator clung to the boy's hand. Without thinking about his own security, Welch without a break beat the Alligator, trying to make him let go of his son. Finally, passerby arrived to help Welch, and began to kick alligator in the stomach, while the beast finally did not let go of the boy.

In Mutoko, Zimbabwe, another father saved his son from the crocodile attack in the river. Father named Tafadzwa Kacher, began to poke his reed into the eyes and the mouth of the crocodile, until he released his son. After releasing the boy, the crocodile rushed to his father. Tafadzwe had to flick her eyes with an animal to free his hand. The boy eventually lost his leg due to the attack of the crocodile, but survived and told about the superhuman courage of his father.

6. Two real wonder women who raised cars to save lives

Men are not the only ones who can show super-human strength in crisis. Daughter and mother showed that women can also be heroes, especially when a loved one is in danger. In Virginia, a 22-year-old woman saved the life of his father, when BMW, he worked on, slipped off the jack and landed on his chest, giving him. Understanding that there was no time to wait for help, a young woman raised the car and pulled her father, then made him an artificial respiration to make him breathe.

In Georgia, another jack slipped out and lowered the 1350 kilogram car Chevy Impala on a young man. Without assistance, his mother, Angela Cavallo (Angela Cavallo), raised the car and held it for five minutes until the neighbors managed to drag her son in a safe place.

5. Woman stopped by anyone not managed school bus

Not all superhuman abilities consist of strength and courage, some of them are in the ability to quickly think and act in an emergency. In New Mexico, the school bus with children was dangerous on the road, when the driver had a fit. The girl who was waiting for the bus saw that the bus driver was in trouble, and turned to his mother for help. Woman, Ronda Carlsen (Rhonda Carlsen) immediately came to the rescue.

She ran next to the bus, and with the help of gestures convinced one of the children on the bus to open the door. After the door was open, Carlsen jumped into the bus, grabbed the steering wheel, and the bus stopped calmly. Her fast reflexes helped prevent harm that could be applied to children on the bus, not to mention any strangers, which could be on the way by anyone not managed bus.

4. Teen pulled out a man from hanging over the abyss of a truck

A truck with a trailer tired over the edge of the rock with a deaf at night. A large truck cab creaked at a stop, and began dangerously hanging over the gorge below. The truck driver was trapped inside. The young man came to his aid, broke the window and pulled the driver to a safe place with bare hands. This is not a scene from the militant, but a real event that happened in New Zealand in Waioyek Gorge (Waioyka Gorge) on October 5, 2008.

18-year-old Peter Hanne (Peter Hanne), who became a hero, was in his house when he heard the roar. Without thinking about his own security, he climbed into a balancing truck, jumped into a narrow slit between the cab and a trailer, and broke the rear window of the driver's cab. He cautiously helped the victim to get into safety, while the truck creaked and swinging under their feet. In 2011, Hannah was awarded the New Zealand Bravery Medal (New Zealand Bravery Medal) for his heroic deed.

3. Missed by bullets soldiers who returned to the battlefield

The war is full of heroes, and many of them risk their lives to save their fellow soldiers. In the movie Forrest Gump, we have seen how the eponymous fictional character saved several of its fellow soldiers, even after he received a gunshot wound. In real life there are even more exciting stories, such as the story of Robert Ingram (Robert Ingram), which received the Honor Medal (Medal of Honor).

In 1966, being in the siege from the enemy, Ingram continued to fight and save his comrades after three bullets got into it - one to mind that left him partially blind and deaf on one ear, the second hit his hand, and the third He dug into his left knee. Despite his wounds, Ingram continued to kill North Vietnam soldiers who led the attack on his detachment, and go under the fire to save his fellow soldiers. His courage is only one exciting example of many wart heroes that defended their countries, making incredible feats.

2. The world champion in swimming saved 20 people from a sinking trolleybus

Aquaman does not go to any comparison with the Shavarsh Karapetyan (SHAVARSH KARAPETYAN), which saved 20 people from drowning in a trolleybus fell into the water in 1976. 11-multiple world record holder, 17-fold world champion, 13-fold European champion, seven-time champion of the USSR, Armenian champion in high-speed swimming ended the training race with his brother when he witnessed how trolleybus with 92 passengers came from the road to the reservoir , falling into the water 24 meters from the coast. Karapetyan dived into the water, knocked out the rear window and began to get tens of passengers from the trolleybus, which by that time was already at a depth of 10 meters in icy water.

It was estimated that he left for about 30 seconds to save one person, which allowed him to save man by man before he himself lost consciousness in cold, turbid water. Of all the people he pulled out from trolley buses for a short time, 20 people survived. However, the heroic work of Karapetyan did not end. Eight years later, he ran into the burning building and pulled out several people in a safe place, having received strong burns. Karapetyan received the Order of the Hall Sign from the USSR and many other awards for underwater salvation, but he argued that he was not a hero and did only what was.

1. A man raised the helicopter to save his employee

The shooting platform of the television show became a real drama when the helicopter from the popular television series Magnum Pi fell into the drainage ditch in 1988. Preparing for a soft landing, the helicopter suddenly tipped out, out of control and fell to the ground, and all this was shot on the film. One of the pilots of the show, Steve-like (Steve Kux), was trapped under a helicopter in shallow water. In an incredible moment, as if taken from the film "Man of Steel", Warren "Baby" Everly (Warren "Tiny" Everal) ran up and raised helicopter from what. The helicopter was a Hughes 500D model (Hughes 500D), and weighs such a helicopter, at least 703 kilograms, when there is no cargo in it.

The fast reaction of the crumb and its superhuman strength was saved as a weight of the helicopter, who chained him to the water, which could crush him. Although the left hand of the pilot was damaged, he recovered from what could be a fatal accident, thanks to the local Hawaiian hero.

Before the war, these were the most ordinary boys and girls. He studied, helped the elders, played, bred pigeons, sometimes even participated in the scuffles. But an hour of heavy test came and they proved that an ordinary little children's heart can be enormous when sacred love of his homeland begins in it, pain for the fate of his people and hatred for enemies. And no one expected that it was these boys and girls who are able to commit a great feat to the glory of freedom and independence of their homeland!

Children remaining in destroyed cities and villages became streetless, doomed to hungry death. It was scary and difficult to stay on the territory occupied by the enemy. Children could send to the concentration camp, to take it to work in Germany, turning into slaves, to make donors for German soldiers, etc.

Here are the names of some of them: Volodya Czazmin, Jura Zhadno, Lenya Golikov, Marat Kazei, Lara Mikheenko, Valya Kitty, Tanya Morozova, Vitya boxes, Zina Portorova. Many of them fought that they have earned the battle orders and medals, and four: Marat Kasey, Valya Kitty, Zina Portnova, Lenya Golikov, became the heroes of the Soviet Union.

From the first days of the occupation of the boy and the girls began to act at their own risk, which was indeed fatal.

"Fedya Samodurov. Fed 14 years, he is a pupil of a motorized rifle part, which commands Guard Captain A. Chernavin. Fedya was selected in his homeland, in the destroyed village of Voronezh region. Together with part, he participated in the battles for Ternopil, the Germans knocked from the city with a machine-gun calculation. When almost the entire calculation died, a teenager, together with the surviving fighter, took over the machine gun, long and stubbornly shooting, delayed the enemy. Fedya was awarded the medal "for the courage".

Vanya Kozlov, 13 years old, He stayed without relatives and for the second year is in the motorized rifle part. At the front, he delivers food, newspapers and letters to fighters in the most difficult conditions.

Petya tooth.No less difficult specialty chose Peter's tooth. He has long decided to become an intelligence. Parents killed him, and he knows how can you settle with the damned German. Together with experienced reconnaissance, it gets to the enemy, reports its location, and artillery for their pointer gives fire, crushing fascists. "(" Arguments and Facts ", №25, 2010, p. 42).

And sixteen-year schoolgirl Olya Demes with his younger sister Lida At the station Orsha in Belarus, on the task of the commander of the partisan brigade, S. Zhulin was exploded using magnetic mines tanks with flammable. Of course, the girls attracted a much less attention to German security and policemen than teenage boys or adult men. But after all, girls fit into the dolls, and they fought with the soldiers of the Wehrmacht!

Thirteen-year-old Lida often took the basket or bag and went on railway tracks to collect coal, producing intelligence on German military echelons. If she was stopped by watch, she explained that he collects coal to pull the room in which the Germans live. Mama Oli and younger sister Lida Fascists grabbed and shot, and Olya continued to fearfully fulfill the tasks of partisans.

For the head of the young partisani Oli Demes Fascists promised a generous award - the land, a cow and 10 thousand stamps. Copies of her photography were distributed and sent to all patrol services, policemen, old builders and secret agents. Seek and deliver it alive - this was the order! But I could not catch the girl. Olga destroyed 20 German soldiers and officers, allowed 7 enemy echelons under Sunshi, conducted intelligence, participated in the "Rail War", in the destruction of German punitive divisions.

Children of the Great Patriotic War

What was with children in this terrible time? During the war?

The guys worked in the factories, factories and industries, putting on the machines instead of the brothers and fathers who went to the front. Children worked on defense enterprises: they made fuses to miners, smeared to manual grenades, smoke checkers, color signal rockets, collected gas masks. Worked in agriculture, grown vegetables for hospitals.

In school sewing workshops, pioneers sewed for the army underwear, gymnasters. Girls knitted warm things for the front: mittens, socks, scarves, sewed brushes for tobacco. The guys helped the wounded in hospitals, wrote a letter to their dictation with their own, put the concerts for the wounded performances, arranged concerts, causing a smile among the exhausted war adult men.

A number of objective reasons: Care of teachers in the army, the evacuation of the population from Western regions to the eastern, inclusion of students in labor in connection with the departure of the Familian feeding war, the transfer of many schools under the hospitals and others, prevented deploying in the USSR during the war of universal seven Training started in the 1930s. In the remaining educational institutions, training was conducted in two or three, and sometimes four shifts.

At the same time, children were forced to store firewood firewood. There were no textbooks, and due to the lack of paper they wrote on old newspapers between the lines. Nevertheless, new schools opened, additional classes were created. For evacuated children, boarding schools were created. For the youth, which at the beginning of the war left the school and was busy in industry or agriculture, in 1943 schools of working and rural youth were organized.

In the chronicles of the Great Patriotic War, there are still many little-known pages, such as the fate of kindergartens. "It turns out that in December 1941 in a deposited Moscow In bomb shelters worked kindergartens. When the enemy was discarded, they resumed their work faster than many universities. By the fall of 1942, 258 kindergartens opened in Moscow!

From memories of Military childhood Lydia Ivanovna Kostyleyova:

"After the death of the grandmother, I was defined for a kindergarten, an older sister at school, mother at work. I went to the kindergarten alone, on the tram, it is in part-time five years. Somehow I was seriously sick, lay at home alone with a high temperature, there was no drugs, it was killed in a rapid pig that runs under the table, but everything went.
My mother saw each other and rare weekends. Children raised the street, we were friendly and forever hungry. From early spring, they ran to Mai, the blessing of the forest and swamps nearby, collected berries, mushrooms, different early grass. Bombings gradually stopped, in our Arkhangelsk the residences of the allies were placed, it brought to life a certain flavor - we, children, sometimes slept warm clothes, some products. Basically, we ate black Shanghi, potatoes, sealing seals, fish and fish oil, on holidays - "Marmalad" from algae, tinted with a swamp. "

More than five hundred educators and nannies in the fall of 1941 digging the trenches on the approaches to the capital. Hundreds worked on logging. Educators, who were still a dance with children, fought in the Moscow militia. Under Mozhaisk heroically, the teacher of Children's Garden of the Baumansky district Natasha Yanovskaya died. Educators remaining with children did not make exploits. They just saved the kids who have fathers fought, and the mother stood at the machines.

Most kindergartens during the war were boarded, the children were there afternoon and night. And in order to feed the children at half ago, protect them from the cold, to give them a drip of comfort, to take them with the benefit for the mind and soul - for such a job there was a huge love for children, deep decency and limitless patience. "(D. Shevarov" World News ", №27, 2010, p. 27).

Children have changed games, appeared "... a new game - to the hospital. The hospital was played before, but not so. Now the wounded for them are real people. But in the war playing less often, because no one wants to be a fascist. This role is Trees are performed. They are shooting with snowballs. We learned how to assist the victims - fallen, bruised. "

From the letter of the boy Frontovik: "We used to play the war before, and now much less often - the war would have been tired, would rather it end so that we would live well ..." (ibid.).

In connection with the death of parents, many street children appeared in the country. The Soviet state, despite the difficult wartime, still fulfilled its obligations to children left without parents. A network of children's receivers and orphanages was organized and opened to combat hopelessness, employment of adolescents was organized.

Many families of Soviet citizens began to take to their orphanswhere they have gained new parents. Unfortunately, not all the educators and leaders of children's institutions were characterized by honesty and decency. Here are some examples.

"In the autumn of 1942, the children who stolen potatoes and grain with collective farms were caught in the Pochinkovsky district of the Gorky region. It turned out that the" harvest was collected "the pupils of the district orphanage. And they did this not from a good life. During further Investigations, local policemen revealed a criminal group, and, in fact, a gang, consisting of employees of this institution.

In total, seven people were arrested in the case, including the director of the orphanage of Novoshelsev, an accountant of the bedrooms, a mostertower of Mukhin and other faces. When searching, 14 children's coats were seized, seven costumes, 30 meters of Sukna, 350 meters of manufacture and other illegally assigned property, with great difficulty allocated by the state in this severe wartime.

The consequence found that by non-idle the relying norm of bread and products, these criminals only during 1942 cleared seven tons of bread, half-tons of meat, 380 kg of sugar, 180 kg of cookies, 106 kg of fish, 121 kg of honey, etc. All these deficient products workers of the orphanage sold on the market or simply ead themselves.

Only one comrade of new settlers daily received on himself and members of his family fifteen servings of breakfasts and dinners. Due to the pupils, the rest of the service personnel was well eaten. Children were fed with "dishes" cooked from the crown and vegetables, referring to a bad supply.

For the whole of 1942, they only once issued on one candy for the 25th anniversary of the October Revolution on one candy ... And what is the most amazing, the director of the orphanage of Novoseltsy in the same 1942 received an honorary diploma for excellent educational work from the People's Commissariat. All these fascists were deservedly sentenced to long-term detention periods. "(Zephyrov M.V., Decalarev D.M." Everything for the front? As the victory was actually a victory, p. 388-391).

At such a time, the whole essence of man appears .. Every day, stand before the choice - how to do .. and the war showed us examples of great mercy, great heroism and great cruelty, great meanness .. We must remember this !! For the future !!

And no time can cure wounds from the war, especially children. "These years, that were once, the bitterness of childhood does not allow ..."

Twelve of several thousand examples of unparalleled baby courage
Young heroes of the Great Patriotic War - how many of them were there? If you count - how else otherwise?! - The hero of every boy and every girl, whom fate led to war and made soldiers, sailors or partisans, are dozens, if not hundreds of thousands.

According to the official data of the Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense (TsAMO) of Russia, over 3500 servicemen under the age of 16, during the war in combat versions of the war. At the same time, it is clear that not every commander of the unit, which risked to take the shelf's son to raise the son, found the courage to declare a pupil on the team. Understand how they tried to hide the age of small fighters their fathers-commanders who, and in fact, many were instead of fathers, can be in confidence in premium documents. In the yellowed archival sheets in most minor servicemen are indicated by a clearly overstated age. Real it turned out much later, after ten, and even after forty years.

But there were still children and adolescents who fought in partisan detachments and held in underground organizations! And there were much more there: they sometimes went to the partisans with whole families, and if not, then almost every teenager, which turned out in the occupied land, was for whom to revenge.

So "tens of thousands" - this is not an exaggeration, but rather, the denial. And, apparently, we never know the exact number of young heroes of the Great Patriotic War. But this is not the reason not to remember them.

Burlin boys went to Berlin

The youngest of all famous little soldiers - in any case, according to the documents stored in military archives, can be considered a pupil of the 142nd Guards Rifle Regiment of the 47th Guards Rifle Division Sergey Aleshkin. In archival documents, you can find two certificates of awarding the boy born in 1936 and in the army from September 8, 1942, shortly after the punishers shot his mother and her older brother for contact with the partisans. The first document of April 26, 1943 - about awarding his medal "For military merit" due to the fact that "Tov. Aleshkin Favorites Regiment "" His cheerfulness, love for the part and surrounding in extremely difficult moments he instilled cheerfulness and confidence in victory. " The second, dated November 19, 1945, about awarding the pupils of the Tula Suvorov Military School "For the victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945": In the list of 13 Suvorov, the last name Aleshkina is first.

But still such a young soldier is an exception even for military time and for the country, where all the people rose to the defense of the Motherland, from Mala to Velik. Most young heroes who fought at the front and in the rear of the enemy were on average for 13-14 years. The very first of them were defenders of the Brest Fortress, and one of the sons of the regiment - the Kavaler of the Order of the Red Star, the Order of Glory III degree and the Medal "Overland" Vladimir Tarnovsky, who served in the 370th pillar of the 230th Rifle Division - left his autograph on Reichstag's wall in the victorious May 1945 ...

The most young characters of the Soviet Union

These four names are Lenya Golikov, Marat Kasey, Zina Portorova and Valya Cutch - now over half a century are the most famous symbol of the heroism of young defenders of our Motherland. Fought in different places and those who committed different things in circumstances, all of them were partisans and all posthumously awarded the highest award of the country's title of the Hero of the Soviet Union. Two-Lena Golikov and Zina Portnova - by the time they had a chance to show unprecedented courage, turned to 17 years old, two more - the Vale of the cat and Marat Casey - only 14.

Lenya Golikov was the first of the four who won the highest title: Assignment Decree was signed on April 2, 1944. The text says that the title of Hero of the Soviet Union of Golikov was awarded "for the exemplary fulfillment of command tasks and manifested courage and heroism in battles." And indeed, in less than a year - from March 1942 to January 1943, Golikov managed to participate in the defeat of three enemy garrisons, in the undermining a dozen with excess bridges, in capturing the German Major General with secret documents ... and the heroic to die in Battle under the village of Outrash, without waiting for a high award for the seizure of a strategically important "language".

Zina Portnic and Valais The cat's title of the Heroes of the Soviet Union was awarded 13 years after the victory, in 1958. Zina was awarded the award for the courage with whom she led the underground work, then carried out the duties of a connected between the partisans and the underground and eventually carried out inhuman flour, hitting the Hitlermen at the very beginning of 1944. Valya - for the totality of exploits in the ranks of the Shepetovsky partisan detachment of the name of Karmelyuk, where he came after a year of work in the underground organization in Shepetovka itself. And Marat Kazai was awarded the highest award only a year of the 20th anniversary of the victory: a decree on the title of the title Hero of the Soviet Union was published on May 8, 1965. For almost two years - from November 1942 to May 1944 - Marat went to the partisan compounds of Belarus and died, undermining the last grenade and herself, and surrounding his Nazis.

Over the past half century, the circumstances of the features of the fourth of the heroes became known to the whole country: not one generation of Soviet schoolchildren has grown in their example, and today they certainly tell about them. But among those who did not receive the highest award, there were a lot of real heroes - pilots, sailors, snipers, scouts and even musicians.

Sniper Vasily Kurka.

The war caught Vasya sixteen-year-old teenager. In the first days, he was mobilized to the labor front, and in October, he made enrollment in the 726th Rifle Regiment of the 395th Rifle Division. At first, inappropriate age, the boy, who also looked for a couple of years younger than his age, left in the mound: they say, there is nothing to do teenagers on the advanced. But soon the guy achieved his own and was translated into a combat unit - to the snipers team.

Vasily Kalka. Photo: Imperial War Museum

Amazing Military Fate: From the first to the last day, Vasya Kloka went in the same shelf of the same division in the same shelf! Made a good military career, Having reached the title of Lieutenant and accepting the rifle platoon. He recorded on his own account, according to various sources, from 179 to 200 destroyed Nazis. Passed with battles from Donbass to Tuapse and back, and then farther, to the west, to Sandomira bridgehead. There's a Lieutenant Kurka and was mortally wounded in January 1945, less than six months before the victory.

Pilot Arkady Kamanan.

The location of the 5th Guards Assault Aviakorpus 15-year-old Arkady Kamanan arrived together with the Father, appointed to the post of commander of this famous part. The pilots were surprised to learn that the son of the legendary pilot, one of the seven of the first heroes of the Soviet Union, the Chelyuskina rescue expedition participant will work by aircraft in the squadron of communication. But soon they were convinced that the "General Son" did not justify their negative expectations at all. The boy was not hiding behind the back of the famous Father, but simply did his job well - and struggling to the sky.

Sergeant Kamanin in 1944. Photo:

Soon Arkady achieved his one: first he rises into the air as a summer leaving, then the navigator on the U-2, and then goes to the first independent departure. Finally - the long-awaited appointment: the son of General Kamanin becomes the pilot of the 423rd separate squadron. Before the victory of Arkady, who served before the title of the foreman, managed to fly almost 300 hours and deserve three orders: two - the Red Star and one - a red banner. And if it were not for meningitis, literally in a matter of days, killed 18-year-old guy in the spring of 1947, perhaps in the cosmonaut detachment, whose first commander was a kamanan-senior, it would have been a kamanan junior: in the Names of Zhukovsky Arkady, it managed to enter Back in 1946.

Front-line scout Yuri Zhadno

In the army, the ten-year-old Yura turned out to be accidental. In July 1941, he went to show a little-known ferrod in the Western Dvina retreating redarmers and did not have time to return to his native Vitebsk, where the Germans had already entered. So and left with a part to the east, to Moscow, to start the return path to the West from there.

Yuri Zhadno. Photo:

In this way, Yura managed a lot. In January 1942 he, he never had a parachute with a parachute, goes to the revenue that fell into the environment to the partisans and helps them break through the enemy ring. In the summer of 1942, together with the group of searcher's intelligence officers, a strategically important bridge over Berezina explodes, sending a bridge cannon to the bottom of the river, but also nine trucks passing around him, and less than in a year it turns out to be the only one of all connected, who managed to break through to the surrounded Battalion and help him get out of the Ring.

By February 1944, the 13-year-old breast of the 13-year scout was decorated with a courage and the Order of the Red Star. But the projectile broke literally under his feet interrupted the front career of Yura. He got into the hospital, from where he was heading to the Suvorov school, but did not pass on the state of health. Then the retired young intelligence officer retrained into the welders and on this "front" also managed to become famous, having traveled with his welding machine almost half of Eurasia - built pipelines.

Infantryman Anatoly Komar

Among the 263 Soviet soldiers who closed enemy embrasures closed by their bodies, the most younger was the 15-year-old Private 332rd intelligence company of the 252nd Rifle Division of the 53rd Army of the 2nd Ukrainian Front Anatoly Komar. In the existing army, the teenager was hit in September 1943, when the front came close to his native Slavyansk. It happened almost as well as Yura Zhadno, with the only difference that the boy served as a conductor not from retreating, but at the coming red-Armenians. Anatoly helped them go deep into the front-line lane of the Germans, and then left along with the upcoming army to the West.

Young partisan. Photo: Imperial War Museum

But, unlike Yura Zhadno, the front-line path of the mosquito was much shorter. Only two months later, I was able to wear epaulent recently in the Red Army and go to intelligence. In November of the same year, returning from his free search to the rear in Germans, the group of intelligence officers revealed himself and was forced to break into her with the battle. The last obstacle on the way back was a machine gun, pressed exploration to Earth. Anatoly Komar threw a grenade into him, and the fire verse, but it was worth the reconnaissance as a machine gunner began to shoot again. And then, the closer to the enemy of Tole rose and fell on the machine-gun trunk, by purchasing precious minutes for a breakthrough.

Sailor Boris Kuleshin

On the cracked photography against the background of sailors in black shape with cartridge boxes on the back and the superstructure of the Soviet cruiser, a boy is ten years old. His hands are firmly squeezed by the machine gun of the PPS, and the head is banging with the Guards ribbon and the inscription "Tashkent". This is the pupil of the crew of the leader of the destroyer "Tashkent" Boris Kuleshin. The snapshot was taken in Poti, where after repair the ship went to the next cargo of ammunition for a deposited Sevastopol. It is here that the Skhodni "Tashkent" and the twelve-year-old Boris Kuleshin appeared. His father died at the front, the mother, as soon as Donetsk was occupied, stolen to Germany, and he himself managed to go through the front line to his own and together with the retreating army to the Caucasus.

Boris Kuleshin. Photo: WERALBUM.RU.

While they persuaded the commander of the ship Vasily Eroshenko, while they decided, which combat part of the junction, sailors managed to give it a belt, caking and automatic and take a picture of a new crew member. And then there was a transition to Sevastopol, the first in the life of Bory raid on Tashkent and the first in the life of the closet for the zenith artavtomat, which he was on a par with other zenitchiks. In his fighting post, he was injured on July 2, 1942, when German aviation tried to sink the ship in the port of Novorossiysk. After the hospital, Boria, after the captain, Eroshenko came to a new ship - the Guards Cruiser "Red Caucasus". And already here, he found his deserved award: presented for fights at Tashkent to the medal "for courage", he was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of the Red Banner of the Army of Marshal of the Budennye and Member of the Marshal Commander. And in the next front shot, he is already banging in the new formen of the young sailor, on the head of which a shortage of the guards ribbon and the inscription "Red Caucasus". It is in this form in 1944 Boria and went to the Tbilisi Nakhimovskaya school, where in September 1945 was among other teachers, educators and pupils were awarded the medal "For the victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945."

Musician Peter Klypa

The fifteen-year-old pupil of the musical platoon of the 333rd rifle regiment Peter Klypa should have been, like other minor inhabitants of the Brest Fortress, with the beginning of the war go to the rear. But to leave the fighting citadel, which was among others and the only native man - his older brother Lieutenant Nikolai, Petya refused. So he became one of the first in the history of the Great Patriotic War of adolescent soldiers and a full participant in the heroic defense of the Brest Fortress.

Peter Klypa. Photo:

He fought there until the beginning of July, until he received an order together with the remains of the regiment to break through to Brest. From here and started by Petitia. Running through the influx of Bug, he was among other colleagues captured, from which he soon managed to run. I got to Brest, lived there a month and moved to the east, behind the retreating Red Army, but did not reach. During one of the nights, he was discovered with a friend, and adolescents were sent to forced work in Germany. We liberated Petya in 1945 by American troops, and after checking, he even managed to serve in the Soviet Army for several months. And on returning to the Motherland again pleased with the bastard, because he succumbed to the persuasion of an old friend and helped to speculate drunk. Liberated Peter Klypa only seven years old. Thank you for it, he needed a historian and writer Sergei Smirnov, on the tavern recreated the history of the heroic defense of the Brest Fortress and, of course, who did not miss the history of one of her young defenders, who was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War I degree after liberation.