Life and customs of different nations. The most unusual rituals and customs of the peoples of the world (11 photos)

Life and customs of different nations.  The most unusual rituals and customs of the peoples of the world (11 photos)
Life and customs of different nations. The most unusual rituals and customs of the peoples of the world (11 photos)

If you saw a flag hung out of a window in Denmark, then know that at this moment someone's birthday is being celebrated there.

There is such a holiday "Song Kran" - it is celebrated by the indigenous people of Thailand, when they try to pour water on passers-by and this is considered a wish of good luck and well-being. In this country, the lion's share of the population considers themselves to be Buddhism.

It is believed that the head of a person is a divine temple for the soul and therefore touching the head will mean gross violation personal space and offend the person.

The male population in some Eskimo tribes, lined up in front of by a stranger so that everyone can greet him in turn.

The first man to greet a stranger hits him in the head and expects to receive a similar sign of attention in return.

This happens until one of the welcoming parties falls to the ground.

There is an interesting custom among the natives living in South America, when they see each other, they begin to spit, thus greeting. And the population of some African peoples generally prefer to say hello by sticking out their tongue.

But this tradition conquered us, it comes from Korea, so to show guests that you are satisfied with their hospitality and you liked the food on the table, just chomp loudly while sitting at the table, this will be the highest manifestation of gratitude.

For several thousand years, there has been an unusual burial tradition of the deceased in the Philippines in the depths of Lawson Island. A person, feeling his demise, begins to gouge a place in the tree to store his body.

The relatives of the deceased person, then carry the log with the body far into the mountains and leave it in a cave. In some caves you can find a large number of such burial logs. Even creepy!

We eat our food with a fork and a spoon, Asians prefer bamboo sticks for such purposes, Eskimos eat from a knife, and such a very famous dish "Besh-Barmak" is eaten by hand.

If we translate the name, then "Besh" is five, and "Barmak" is with fingers.

When a Chinese greets his friend, he says "Have you eaten?"

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How many countries are located on our planet Earth so many and different traditions exist in these countries. Although the Italians say with their proverb that “All of us are one country,” this is not at all the case. Rather, each country is a special world with its own traditions and customs.

Consider this tradition, which is inherent in the culture of communication in different countries Oh:

  • in Russia they say: "Hello!" or "Hello!";
  • in China - “Have you eaten?”;
  • in Iran - “Be cheerful!”;
  • The Zulus greet each other with the words: "I see you!"

Such a variety of words mean common tradition for all countries - a greeting at a meeting.

Different traditions in different countries

European countries

If in European countries Chomping at the table is considered a sign of poor upbringing, while in China guests chomp hard, fearing to offend the hostess with their quiet eating of food, who might think that the guests did not like the treats. Loud chomping at food, a tablecloth sprinkled with sauces are signs that the guests ate with appetite and enjoyed the treat.


There, in China, there is no tradition of presenting a bouquet of flowers to the hostess. The presented bouquet can offend the hostess, who will take at her own expense an insufficiently beautiful decoration of the house, which the guests want to decorate with their bouquet of flowers.


Imagine a situation where a European comes to visit without flowers for the mistress of the house. V best case he will be accused of poor upbringing, at worst - of stinginess, it is worth thinking about the gift.

Compliments in Korea

The tradition of complimenting a woman differs from country to country. In Korea, a woman's beauty is judged by her fragility and pallor. Such painful beauty is appreciated by men who have a desire to take a girl under their care. Therefore, the highest compliment from Koreans is to tell the girl: "How bad you look!" For example, a Frenchman would try to let such a compliment go to his girlfriend!


Japan is a country of unshakable traditions that are followed and passed on from generation to generation. Such a simple action as blowing your nose into a handkerchief in public is considered unacceptable for the Japanese. Another indispensable tradition: you cannot leave your workplace before the boss. Breaking this tradition can have a detrimental effect on an employee who is accused of being dishonest in the performance of their duties.

Are there any traditions associated with housekeeping?

In many countries, there is a tradition according to which it is impossible to help the mistress of the house wash the dishes. It is believed that by breaking this tradition, you wash away your happiness. In Russia, on the contrary, after a feast it is considered good tradition, when women help the hostess of the house to wash all the dishes after the banquet.

USA and Russia - Taxi Traditions

In the United States, for taxi services, in addition to paying for the trip, there is a tradition to help the passenger get out of the car and bring his luggage to the door. And only a compliment to a woman passenger can be interpreted as sexual harassment. In Russia beautiful woman will be awarded with all sorts of compliments from the taxi driver, but the taxi driver can bring luggage only for a certain fee.

Arab countries

In countries, mainly Arab countries, where the tradition of hookah smoking is developed, the hookah mouthpiece is never passed from hand to hand. This action creates a feeling of being forced to smoke a hookah, which is unacceptable, so the mouthpiece is placed on the table.


In Greece, they are very sensitive to the fact that the guest praises the object of the decoration of the house (vase, painting). According to the existing tradition, the host should present the guest with this item.


When going on a tourist trip, it is a good idea to familiarize yourself with the traditions and customs of the country where you are going. This will help you avoid embarrassing situations and not offend anyone. Carefully and carefully treat the traditions of another people who will be able to appreciate your delicacy and good manners, and then your trip will be pleasant and comfortable.

Cultural traditions different countries

In our world there is great amount nationalities that have their own history. The most unusual and interesting customs and traditions peoples of the world.

Samoa. People from these regions, together with our usual greeting, in the form of shaking hands, sniff each other. For them, this is a very serious and ancient ritual. In the old days, their ancestors with the help of such a greeting could figure out a stranger.

The Maasai tribe in Africa. Everyone is taught from childhood that it is not good to spit. In the Masai, the opposite is true. With the help of this action, they greet each other and thereby show respect for the interlocutor.

Denmark. If, walking along the streets of Denmark, you see that the national flag is peeping out of the window of a house, you should know that a person who has his birthday today lives in this house.

Andaman Islands. In this area, a person can walk up to another, sit in his arms and cry. And these tears will not be from grief, but from the joy they experience when they meet this person.

Among the American Indians, the groom had to endure many trials in order to get the bride. The bride's parents had to drive him away in every possible way, insult him, or even use him as free work force... If the groom endures all these trials, then his chosen one was given to him as his wife.

In China, Japan, Korea, if a person does not chomp while eating, then this means that he did not like the food and this can offend the owners of the house.

In the East, it is customary to treat guests to tea. At the same time, the container for tea is not poured full and gradually, during communication, little by little topped up. When the owners are already tired and want the guests to leave, they pour a full bowl, which means that they finish their drinks and leave.

Tibet. Here it is customary for passers-by to show their tongues when they meet. This custom has ancient history... In the 9th century, a tyrant king ruled Tibet, and it is known that he had a black tongue. After his death, the inhabitants were very very happy, but they feared that the king would not be reborn in another body. That is why, when meeting with strangers, they consider it their duty to check the language of this person.

In the Philippines, North Africa and some parts of China, if a guest ate everything that was put on his plate, then they may think that he is very greedy. In these places, it is customary that if you no longer want to eat, you must leave something on your plate and this will mean that you are full. Otherwise, the owner, according to the rules of etiquette, is obliged to fill you up with food.

According to the ancient tradition of hospitality, if a guest in the host's house praised something, the host is obliged to present it to the guest.

In India, it is considered an insult if you shake hands with someone you don't know and have never seen before.

In central Nigeria, it is not customary to marry thin girls. In order to prepare the bride for marriage, she is placed separately from everyone, she is forbidden to leave the premises. Only a mother can visit her, who brings a lot of fatty and flour food to fatten her daughter for the wedding.

It is not customary in Vietnam to praise a newborn. Locals it was always believed that if a dark spirit hears all the virtues of a child, it can steal him. Also, in Vietnam there is a tradition to hang a mirror on the doorstep in front of the entrance to the house. It is needed to scare away the dragon. The inhabitants thought that if the dragon, having come to them, sees its reflection in the mirror, it will think that there is already a dragon here and leave.

In the North of Kamchatka, since ancient times, it was believed that if a guest slept with the wife of the owner of the house, then he expressed his respect for the owner. And it was especially appreciated if the wife got pregnant from this guest.

In Spain, it is customary to address everyone as "you", even if this person is older in age or rank. If you turned to the person on "you", then it may even offend him.

In China, the number 4 practically does not exist, they try to avoid it. And all because the Chinese number 4 sounds like the word "death".

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In Denmark, a flag hung in a window indicates that someone is celebrating a birthday in this house.

In Thailand, on the Song Kran holiday, it is customary to pour water over passers-by, this is considered a wish of good luck. Also in Thailand where most of the population professes Buddhism, the head of a person is considered a sacred repository of the soul and touching it is considered a serious offense.

Men from some of the Eskimo tribes line up to greet the stranger. Then the first of them comes forward and gives the stranger a good slap on the top of his head, and expects a similar response from the stranger. The spanks and blows continue until either side falls to the ground. Natives South America say hello spitting at each other. And for some peoples of Africa, a protruding tongue serves as a sign of greeting.

In Korea, to show that the feast turned out to be good, and that everything is very tasty, you need to chomp as loudly as possible.

For many centuries, the peoples of North Kamchatka meant that if a guest enters into sexual contact with the owner's wife, then by doing so it gives him a great honor. The hostess of the house made every effort to make the guest want to share the bed with her. And it was considered special luck for this house if a woman became pregnant from this connection. The whole village celebrated the birth of a child.

A unique funeral custom has existed for two thousand years deep in the island of Luzon in the Philippines. The deceased are buried in logs hollowed out by themselves, and then carried to caves high in the mountains. In some caves, there are up to several hundred original coffins.

We eat with a spoon and a fork, peoples East Asia quite often they use chopsticks for this, the Eskimos manage with a knife, and the Central Asian dish besh-barmak is called so because they eat it "besh" - with five, "barmak" - with their fingers.

Enter christian church wearing a headdress means committing sacrilege. Anyone who enters a synagogue or mosque with his head uncovered is also blasphemous.

In some places in the East, women still hide their faces and bodies under ridiculous shapeless clothes. Many Africans still believe that a short apron is the top of what they can afford to wear to their detriment. old customs prescribing total nudity.

To rest in the middle of the day, we sit on a chair. A Tajik or an Uzbek will prefer to sit on the carpet with their legs folded in Turkish style. The Zulu will think that his European and Central Asian friends simply do not know how to rest and are completely devoid of imagination. There are so many ways to sit! Moreover, they are their own, special, among Zulu men and women. And representatives of one of the North Australian tribes most of all like to rest in a position that is surprisingly uncomfortable, in our opinion. They stand on one leg, resting the foot of the other leg on the knee.

Greeting, the European stretches out his hand, the Japanese crouches down, and the kamba in Kenya, as a sign of high respect, spits in the oncoming. A man from the Maasai tribe solemnly spits upon meeting, then moistens own hand saliva and only after that allows himself to shake hands with a friend. Mangbetta in the north of the Congo are greeted in a very European way, by the hand, but at the same time they politely crunch the knuckles of the middle fingers.

If you are not tired of the listing, you can continue it. In Tanganyika, to say hello, they kneel down, take a handful of earth and sprinkle it crosswise on the chest and arms. On the Zambezi, under similar circumstances, they clap their hands and make a curtsy, and when meeting with a white it is also considered necessary to shuffle their feet: why not European XVIII century?

Greeting a friend, the Chinese asks: "Have you eaten?", The Iranian wishes: "Be cheerful!", The Zulu says: "I see you" ...

It turns out that kissing is by no means as common as even someone who knows that wild chimpanzees are great at kissing might suggest. So, since ancient times, the Chinese rubbed their noses instead, and the Eskimos did the same. The ancient Egyptians kissed from time immemorial, and among the ancient Greeks, according to Herodotus, this fascinating occupation took root relatively late.

V African tribe The Masai people greet each other with leaps. The higher you jump, the more respect you will show.

Aborigines of the Maori tribe from New Zealand rub their noses against each other when they meet, this is such a greeting. By smell, they distinguish fellow tribesmen from strangers.

V Latin America at each meeting and acquaintance, hugs and a kiss are accepted.

It is better to greet the Japanese with a bow, as he does you. Nowadays modern Japanese are no longer surprised by the outstretched hand of a foreigner.

There is one in China ancient tradition- avoid the number four. Because "four" sounds the same as "die." If you need to get to the fourth floor, you simply will not find it, even if the house is five-story.

In the East, guests are traditionally treated to tea. The bowl is not poured full, but little by little. A full bowl will be poured for a guest who stays too long, which will mean "Drink and go."

If you are invited to visit in Greece, do not praise the decoration of the house, because by old tradition whatever the guest liked, the hospitable host should give him.

In Spain, they have breakfast at 14 o'clock and lunch at 22 o'clock. At the table, they try to avoid such topics as personal life, bullfighting and the period of Franco's reign.

In Malaysia, men are greeted with a bow, and married women it is forbidden to take by the hand.

As you know, each country has its own traditions and customs. The whole world knows about some of them, some are carefully hidden from strangers. There are also shocking ones. So what are they, interesting customs of different countries?

Southern states

1. In Australia, you need to be prepared for the fact that instead of the traditional handshake in many countries as a greeting, there will be a touch on the head of the penis.

2. In one of the states Central Africa during the first wedding night, the wife performs a ritual beating of her husband, and this happens every night for seven whole days! According to representatives of the Bahutu tribe, this is the only way the spouses can get used to each other.

3. In modern Greece do not praise the decor items of the guests' apartment, otherwise the owners will be forced to give them to you.

4. A shocking ritual is performed by the inhabitants of the state of India called Maharashtra. Newborn babies are thrown down from the 15-meter-high temple wall. No, babies do not crash to death - below they are met by people with a stretched canvas. It is believed that only after this, children will grow up smart, strong, healthy and happy.

5. Phuket annually hosts an extremely unusual festival... In autumn, for 9 days, none of the inhabitants of the island eats meat. In addition, crowds of people pass through the streets, whose cheeks are pierced through with spears, knives, metal rods, etc.

6. Maasai warriors living in Kenya cut the veins of cows and drink hot blood mixed with milk. It is believed that in this way they can multiply their vitality.

7. There is an unusual tradition in Taiwan - striptease at funerals. Especially for the deceased and those who came to say goodbye to him, they order a truck, in the back of which to the rhythms dance music strippers wriggle. There is nothing shameful for the Taiwanese in this.

Nordic countries

1. Eskimos living in North Kamchatka line up to greet the guest. No, no one will hold out a hand. If you are a stranger, you will be hit hard on the top of your head, expecting the same from you. Everyone else does the same. The strange ceremony lasts until someone falls to the ground.

2. Several unusual traditions is in Norway. Firstly, it is not customary there to praise students and announce their grades - otherwise the teacher, from whom the praise comes, even the most sincere, will be caught in gross flattery. Secondly, do not try to give way to an elderly person in transport in this country - this way you will show your physical superiority over him. Thirdly, it is not customary to ask about the state of health after an illness - the Norwegians consider it too intimate a thing.

3. In Sweden they like to eat fish with a smell. There is even a fermented herring festival. Prepare it in a special way: a little salt and seasonings are mixed, the resulting mixture is rubbed with the fish and left in the sun for two to three days. The main thing is that the fish should ferment, and not rot. The disgusting smell of the dish is compensated by its magical, according to the Swedes, taste.

Shocking Asia

1. Chinese people chomp as loudly as possible at a party - there is no other way to show how tasty everything is, it will not work, words of gratitude for an excellent dinner will not be heard.

2. During meals, guests are not particularly careful. The dirtier the tablecloth, the more the hostess will be pleased - after all, everything was eaten with gusto.

3. If the Chinese go to visit, they in no way give flowers to the hostess of the house, because it is considered: if you are given flowers, then your home is not beautiful. Another custom: fresh flowers are a symbol of death, therefore, artificial bouquets are in common use.

4. In Mongolia and its neighbor Buryatia ( Russian region) after eating, no one restrains the belching. If the guest burps loudly, it means that he is full and satisfied.

5. During meals at South Korea(and there it is very sharp) do not hold back the flowing tears and snot. The more, the better - by restraining yourself, you offend the one who offered you a treat or prepared it.

Of course, these are far from all the interesting customs of different countries, but only a small fraction of them. As you can see, our world is full of eccentricities that have been passed down from generation to generation for many hundreds, or even thousands of years.