Distinctive signs of the Red Army until 1943. Kubari, sleepers, rhombus

Distinctive signs of the Red Army until 1943. Kubari, sleepers, rhombus

In the articles of May and June numbers of newspapers in 1940, the importance of the authorities of the titles of the generals and admirals of the Soviet Union was emphasized, the responsibility and role of carriers of these ranks in front of the country and history were noted:

The highest commander was awarded to thousands of thousands of fighters. It leads the battle and knows how best to apply existing forces and means. He is responsible for the outcome of the battle, for the decisive defeat of the enemy. A huge mass of people, the entire powerful organism of the modern war should strictly obey the will of the Frequently Summer Commander, flexibly and clearly fulfill his orders and decisions.

Also received military ranks:

  • colonel-General artillery:
  • lieutenant-General:
  • lieutenant Artillery:
    • Drozdov N. F.
  • lieutenant-General Tank Forces:
  • lieutenant General of Engineering Forces:
  • major General:
  • admiral


Since July 1940, a new form and new signs of the differences and the Marshals of the Soviet Union:

  • a large golden star, two laurel branches and emblem - sickle and hammer, embroidered on the loop of the diamond form
  • on the sleeves - a large golden star, bordered by the Red Cant, and the Golden Sewing Square, on the Red Square of which two golden laurel branches.

Signs of the distinction of the command and superior composition of the Armed Forces on June 22, 1941

Military rank Insignia
in petters on sleeves
Ground troops, Air Force (except for sea aviation) and troops NKVD including border troops
An ordinary composition
Not Not

Red longitudinal lumen width of 5 mm (on gymnasts), 1 cm (over coolers)
Junior team composition
Lance Sergeant

Red longitudinal lumen width of 5 mm (on gymnasts), 1 cm (over chinelles), 1 enamel triangle Not
Red longitudinal lumen width of 5 mm (on gymnasts), 1 cm (over coolers), 2 enamel triangles
Red longitudinal lumen width of 5 mm (on gymnasts), 1 cm (over coolers), 3 enamel triangles

Red longitudinal lumen width of 5 mm (on gymnasts), 1 cm (on overcoats), parallel to Kant was a gold galoon 3 mm wide, 4 enaler triangles
Middle team composition
1 enamel square 1 Golden Galun Galina 4 mm wide, lumen of red cloth: at the top of 10 mm, at the bottom of 3 mm
2 enamel square 2 Galted Galun Gallery 4 mm wide, between the Galuna lumen of a red cloth width of 7 mm, at the bottom of the kant 3 mm wide
3 enamel square 3 Galted Galun Gallery 4 mm wide, between the Galuns of the Red Suk Lights of 5 mm wide, at the bottom of the KANT width 3 mm
Senior teamwork

1 enamel rectangle 2 Galted Galun Gallery 6 mm wide, between the Galuny clearance of a red cloth width of 10 mm, at the bottom of the kant 3 mm wide

2 enamel rectangle 3 Galted Galun Galun 6 mm, Between Galuna Luxury Red Suk Width 10 mm, At the bottom of the Kant 3 mm wide

3 enamel rectangles 2 Golden Galun Salt: Upper 6 mm width, lower - 10 mm, between Galuny clearance of a red cloth 10 mm wide, at the bottom of a kant 3 mm wide

4 enamel rectangle 3 Golden Galun Salt: Upper and medium 6 mm wide, lower - 10 mm, between Galuny Blossoms made of red cloth with a width of 7 mm, at the bottom of the kant 3 mm wide
Supreme Command Team
General -Myor.
2 Metal Gilded Stars
3 Metal Gilded Stars Embroidered Small Golden Star, bordered by Crate by the nature of the troops, one square of golden galina 32 mm wide, down - Kant by the family of 3 mm width
4 Metal Gilded Stars Embroidered Small Golden Star, bordered by Crate by the nature of the troops, one square of golden galina 32 mm wide, down - Kant by the family of 3 mm width
5 metal gilded stars Embroidered Big Golden Star Ombolined by Red Cant, One Golden Galun Caller 32 mm width, in the top of the Galun - from a red cloth 10 mm wide

Embroidered big golden star, in the bottom of the buttercups are embroidered with gold two laurel branches and sickle and hammer emblem Embroidered Big Golden Star, Ombreated in Red Cant, One Red Suk Square, in the middle of which is embroidered with gold two laurels, on both sides of the square there are golden sewing with a red edging
Political composition
Junior Politruk
2 enamel square Red Star with Sickle and Hammer
3 enamel square
Senior Politruk
1 enamel rectangle
Batalion Commissioner
2 enamel rectangle
Senior Battalion Commissioner
3 enamel rectangles
Regiment Commissioner
4 enamel rectangle
Brigadier Commissioner
1 Golden rhombus
Division Commissioner
2 golden rhombus
Corrugated commissioner
3 Golden Rombie
Army Commissioner 2 rank
4 Golden Roma
Army Commissioner 1 rank
4 Roma and Small Golden Star
An ordinary composition
Redflower a red star
Senior Redflower
Junior team composition
Starmin 2nd article no loopes completely, the signs of differences only on the sleeves
Starmin 1st article
Main Storn
Middle team composition
no loopes completely, the signs of differences only on the sleeves 1 medium golden strip
2 Medium Golden Stripes
Captain Lieutenant
Senior teamwork
Captain 3 rank no loopes completely, the signs of differences only on the sleeves 3 medium golden strips
Captain 2 rank 4 medium gold stripes
Captain 1 rank 1 Wide strip
Supreme Command Team
Counter-admiral no loopes completely, the signs of differences only on the sleeves
Vice Admiral
Admiral Fleet. Big Star, Lower Wide and 4 Medium Stripes
Sea aviation, coastal defense troops and marine border
An ordinary composition
no loopes completely, the signs of differences only on the sleeves a red star
Red Star with Golden Crate
Junior team composition
no loopes completely, the signs of differences only on the sleeves Red Star with Golden Crate and 1 Narrow Short Golden Stripe
Red Star with Golden Crate and 2 Narrow Short Golden Stripes
Red Star with Golden Crate and 3 Narrow Long Golden Stripes
Red Star with Golden Crate and 4 Narrow Long Golden Stripes
Middle team composition
no loopes completely, the signs of differences only on the sleeves 1 medium golden strip
1 Average and 1 Narrow Golden Stripes
2 Medium Golden Stripes
2 medium and one narrow golden strips
Senior teamwork
no loopes completely, the signs of differences only on the sleeves 3 medium golden strips
4 medium gold stripes
1 Wide strip
Supreme Command Team
no loopes completely, the signs of differences only on the sleeves Small star, bottom wide and 1 middle strip
Small star, bottom wide and 2 medium stripes
Small star, bottom wide and 3 medium stripes
The political composition of the Navy
Junior Politruk no loopes completely, the signs of differences only on the sleeves Red Star with Sickle and Hammer, 1 Middle and 1 Narrow Golden Stripes
Politruk Red Star with Sickle and Hammer and 2 Medium Golden Stripes
Senior Politruk Red Star with Sickle and Hammer, 2 Medium and One Narrow Golden Stripes
Batalion Commissioner Red Star with Sickle and Hammer and 3 Medium Golden Stripes
Senior Battalion Commissioner Red Star with Sickle and Hammer and 4 Medium Golden Stripes
Regiment Commissioner Red Star with Sickle and Hammer and 1 Wide Golden Stripe
Division Commissioner Red Star with Sickle and Hammer, Lower Wide and 1 Medium Golden Stripes
Corrugated commissioner Red Star with Sickle and Hammer, Lower Wide and 2 Medium Golden Stripes
Army Commissioner 2 rank Red Star with Sickle and Hammer, Lower Wide and 3 Medium Golden Stripes
Army Commissioner 1 rank Red Star with Sickle and Hammer, Lower Wide and 4 Medium Golden Stripes
Special titles of military personnel of the NKVD bodies (NKGB since 1941)
Sergeant of state security
Two enamel squares
Junior Lieutenant State Security
Three enamel squares A sign is an egg embroidered with a sword, a sickle and a hammer in the center. The sword is silver, the sickle, sickle and hammer - golden color.
Lieutenant of state security
One enamel rectangle A sign is an egg embroidered with a sword, a sickle and a hammer in the center. The sword is silver, the sickle, sickle and hammer - golden color.
Senior Lieutenant State Security
Two enamel rectangles A sign is an egg embroidered with a sword, a sickle and a hammer in the center. The sword is silver, the sickle, sickle and hammer - golden color.
Captain State Security
Three enamel rectangles A sign is an egg embroidered with a sword, a sickle and a hammer in the center. The sword is silver, the sickle, sickle and hammer - golden color.
Major State Security
1 enamel rhombus
Senior Major State Security
(Commissioner of State Security)
2 enamel rombus A sign is an egg embroidered with a sword, sickle and hammer in the center. Oval golden color, sword, sickle and hammer - silver.
Commissioner of State Security 3rd Rank
3 enamel rombus A sign is an egg embroidered with a sword, sickle and hammer in the center. Oval golden color, sword, sickle and hammer - silver.
Commissioner of State Security 2nd Rank
4 enamel rombus A sign is an egg embroidered with a sword, sickle and hammer in the center. Oval golden color, sword, sickle and hammer - silver.
Commissioner of State Security 1st Rank
Star and 4 enalev rhombus A sign is an egg embroidered with a sword, sickle and hammer in the center. Oval golden color, sword, sickle and hammer - silver.
General Commissioner of State Security Golden star with sickle and hammer
Engineering and technical composition, Military and administrative composition, Military medical and military-veterinary composition, Military legal composition
Junior Voinchnik one enamel square
Voinchnik 2 rank
Independent 2 rank
Junior warrior
two enamel squares
Voinchnik 1 rank
Intension technician 1 rank
Senior Vortalfeldsher.
Senior WarTerfeldsher
three enamel squares
Milifornizer 3 rank
Intendant 3 rank
People's Warterwriter 3 Rang
Moorrister 3 rank
one enamel rectangle
Milifornizer 2 rank
Intendant 2 rank
Mervat 2 rank
Malvitvrian 2 rank
Vagerur 2 rank
two enamel rectangles
Milnagerger 1 rank
Intendant 1 rank
Voivarovach 1 rank
Military Warter 1 Rang
Vagerur 1 rank
three enamel rectangles
1 Golden (enamel) rhombus
Major General of Technical Forces
Major General Intensdant Service
2 Golden Stars or 2 Golden (Enamel) Rhombus
Lieutenant-General Technical Forces
Lieutenant General of the Intensdant Service
3 Golden Stars or 3 (enamel) Golden Rhombus
Colonel-General of Technical Troops
Colonel-General of the Intensdant Service
4 Golden Stars or 4 Golden (enamel) rhombus


1. The colors of the lamps, loovers and kants for generals and Marshal of the Soviet Union are as follows:

  • for the Marshal of the Soviet Union and the general general generals - red.
  • for alleys of artillery and tank troops, the color of the petition is black (velvet), lamps, kants on the cap - red.
  • for aviation generals - blue.
  • for generals of communication troops, engineering, technical troops and the intenntener service - raspberry.

2. The generals of artillery, tank troops, aviation, communication troops, engineering, technical troops and the intennant service on the buttercasters had established emblems by the family of troops and services.

3. The colors of labor of the troops were the following:

  • infantry - Raspberry;
  • artillery and car troops - black;
  • Air Force and Airborne Forces - Blue;
  • cavalry - blue;
  • economic and administrative composition - dark green;
  • for the troops of the NKVD and NKGB: border guards - bright green, GB - dark blue, the rest are crap.

4. The shelters of the command formulation were color by the family of troops with edging twisted golden galoon. Political composition they relied with edging color by the nature of the troops. The team and political composition had emblems on the nodes of troops.

5. Liners for the younger boss - color by the nature of troops or service, with a cloud-born Crate color by the nature of troops, the red longitudinal lumen for all types of troops and services - the same. In the petties, the emblem of the kind of troops and a golden triangle (in the upper corner) were located.

6. In the artistic literature, the spoken name of the square is often found - "Cube", "Kubar", a rectangle - "sleepers".

Military titles of the RKKA and Navy of the USSR

During 1942-1943, the People's Commissariat of Defense continued to test the military ranks of the Chief of the Republic of Red Army and WFM of the USSR. The changes were due to the fact that military ranks of the superior composition were characterized by the plurality of positions and sharply differed not only on the ranks of the command composition, but were substantially unequal for different services.

The first solutions of the State Committee for the Defense of the USSR on this issue were:

  • resolution of the USSR GKO No. 1528 dated 04.04. "On the introduction of personal military ranks with the engineering and technical composition of the Navy Air Force" and the Order of the NK Navy from 10.04. The same titles were introduced into the USSR Navy.
  • in March, similar solutions were made regarding military rank of military-technical composition:
    • resolution of the USSR GKO No. 1381 from 03.03. "On the introduction of personal military ranks by the engineering and technical composition of the artillery of the Red Army" and the order of NKO USSR No. 68 of 04.03. The following titles of engineering and technical composition of artillery were introduced: Lieutenant Technician, Senior Lieutenant Technician, Captain Engineer, Major Engineer, Lieutenary Engineer, Colonel Engineer, Major General, Lieutenant-General, Colonel-General engineering and Artillery Service,
    • resolution of the USSR GKO No. 1408 of 07.03. "On the introduction of personal military ranks by the engineering and technical composition of the auto-rotary troops of the Red Army" and order of the NKO USSR No. 71 of 08.03. The following ranks of the engineering and technical composition of the auto-rotary troops were introduced: Lieutenant Technician, Senior Lieutenant Technician, Captain Engineer, Major Engineer, Lieutenant Colonel Engineer, Colonel Engineer, Major General Lieutenant General, Colonel-General engineering Tank Service.
    • Order of NPO No. 93 of 30.03. Resolution of the State Committee of Defense No. 1494 of 26.03 announced. Introduced military ranks for the senior and middle commanding staff: Lieutenant of the Intensdant Service, Senior Lieutenant of the Intensdant Service, Captain of the Intensdant Service, Major of the Intensdant Service, Lieutenant Colonel of the Intensdunt Service and Colonel intensductant service.
  • Resolution of the USSR GKO No. 1912 dated 17.06. "On the introduction of personal military ranks around the engineering and technical composition of the coastal service of the Navy of the Navy of the SSR" and the order of the NK NCF from 27.06. The following ranks were introduced: Lieutenant Engineer, Senior Lieutenant Engineer, Captain Engineer, Major Engineer, Lieutenant Colonel Engineer, General Major Engineer, Lieutenant Engineer, General Colonel Engineer coastal service USSR Navy.
  • The idea of \u200b\u200bthe differentiation of military ranks for persons having a higher and secondary technical education leads to an introduction to the existing (technician-lieutenant and senior technician-lieutenant) of new military ranks for the superior composition of artillery with secondary technical education: Resolution of the USSR GKO No. 2303 dated 13.09. "On the introduction of personal military ranks to the superior composition of the artillery of the Red Army, which has a secondary technical education" and the order of the NGO of the USSR No. 278 dated 14.09. : Captain of Artillery and Technical Service, Major Artillery and Technical Service, Lieutenant Colonel of Artillery and Technical Service and Colonel artillery and Technical Service.
  • Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR from 09.10. "On the establishment of a complete uniqueness and abolition of the Institute of Military Commissar in the Red Army" announced by the Order No. 307 of 09.10 declared Order No. 307. Canceled existing titles political composition. Also relied:
    • military Councils of Fronts and Army Severe command military ranks to political workers within the limits of rights provided to him;
    • military Council Councils to provide in the defense addict no later than November 15, 1942 through the main political office of the Red Army attestation material for assigning command military ranks to political workers, starting with the senior battalion commissioner and higher.
  • Order of NPO No. 10 declared a decree of the State Committee for Defense No. 2685 of 04.02. "On the introduction of personal military ranks by the military-medical and military-veterinary composition of the Red Army", № Goko-2822 "On the introduction of personal military ranks engineering, legal and administrative composition of the Red Army"(The same resolution introduced a new category of military personnel - administrative composition; It included persons in service in the headquarters, institutions, military school institutions and local military authorities (military commissariats) and operating organizational, mobilization and other works) in the Red Army
  • from 14.02. № 2890 "On the establishment of personal military ranks for intensdunt, medical, veterinary, administrative and legal composition of the Navy"In the USSR Navy,
  • Order of NPO No. 55 of 06.02. Resolution of the State Committee of Defense No. 2822 of 04.02 announced. Installed for the middle, senior and higher engineering and technical composition of communication troops, engineering troops, anti-chemical protection troops, topographic troops, railway troops of the Red Army title: Junior Lieutenant Technician, Lieutenant Technician, Senior Lieutenant Technician, Captain Engineer, Engineering Major, Lieutenant Colonel Engineer, Colonel Engineer, Major General, Lieutenant-General, Colonel-General engineering Service,
And for the legal and administrative composition of the Red Army of the title: Junior Lieutenant of Justice, Lieutenant of Justice, Senior Lieutenant Justice, Captain of Justice, Major Justice, Lieutenant Colonel of Justice, Colonel of Justice, Major General Justice, Lieutenant-General Justice, Colonel-General justice. who introduced the following military ranks: Captain, Major, Lieutenant Colonel, Colonel aviation and Technical Service.
In medical service In veterinary service For the engineering and technical composition of the Navy Coast Service of the SSR Union For engineers of ship service In artillery technical service In engineering and artillery service
In engineering and aviation service
(the title from the captain to the colonel only during higher education)
In engineering and tank service
(the title from the captain to the colonel only during higher education)
For engineering and technical composition of communication troops,
engineering, antihimic protection,
Railroad and topographic troops of the Red Army
(the title from the captain to the colonel only during higher education)
In the intenntenant service For the Military Legal For administrative composition
Middle and senior notes
junior Lieutenant Medical Service junior Lieutenant Veterinary Service The title was not introduced The title was not introduced The title was not introduced junior Lieutenant Justice junior Administrative Lieutenant
lieutenant Medical Service lieutenant of veterinary service lieutenant Engineer lieutenant Engineer technician-Lieutenant Artillery and Technical Service machinery-Lieutenant Engineering and Aviation Service lieutenant Engineering Tank Service lieutenant of the Intensdant Service lieutenant Justice lieutenant of administrative service
senior Lieutenant Medical Service senior Veterinarian Lieutenant senior Lieutenant Engineer senior Lieutenant Engineer Ship senior Technician Lieutenant Artillery and Technical Service senior Technician Lieutenant Engineering and Artillery Service senior Technician Lieutenant Engineering and Aviation Service senior Technician Lieutenant Engineering Tank Service senior Technician Lieutenant Engineering Service senior Lieutenant of the Intensdant Service senior Lieutenant Justice senior Administrative Lieutenant
captain Medical Service captain veterinary service engineer-captain engineer-Captain Lieutenant Ship captain of Artillery and Technical Service engineer-Captain Engineering and Artillery Service engineer-Captain Engineering and Aviation Service engineer-Captain Engineering Tank Service captain Engineering Service captain of the Intensdant Service captain Justice administrative Captain
major Medical Service major veterinary service engineer Major engineer-Captain Lieutenant 3 Rank major Artillery and Technical Service major Engineer Engineering Service major Engineering and Aviation Service major Engineer Engineering Tank Service major Engineering and Technical Service major intennant service major Justice major administrative service
lieutenant Colonel Medical Service lieutenant Colonel of the veterinary service engineer Lieutenant Colonel engineer-Captain Lieutenant 2 Rank lieutenant Colonel Artillery and Technical Service engineer-lieutenant colonel of engineering and artillery service engineer Lieutenant Colonel of Engineering and Aviation Service engineer-Lieutenant Colonel of Engineering Tank Service lieutenant Colonel of Engineering Service lieutenant Colonel of the Intensdant Service lieutenant Colonel of Justice lieutenant Colonel of the administrative service
colonel of medical service colonel of veterinary service colonel engineer captain Lieutenant Engineer 1 Rank colonel Artillery and Technical Service colonel engineer engineering and artillery service colonel Engineer Engineer colonel Engineer-Tank Service colonel of engineering and technical service colonel of the Intensdant Service colonel of Justice colonel of administrative service
Higher Nachsostov
major General Medical Service major General Veterinary Service major General Coastal Higher title was not introduced Higher title was not introduced major General of the Engineering and Artillery Service major General Engineering and Aviation Service major General Engineering Tank Service major General Engineering Service Entered 07.05.
See above "Soviet generals and admirals"
major General Justice Higher title was not introduced
lieutenant Lieutenant General lieutenant-General Veterinary Service lieutenant Engineer Coast Service lieutenant-General Engineering and Artillery Service lieutenant General Engineering and Aviation Service lieutenant General Engineering Tank Service lieutenant General Engineering Service lieutenant-General Justice
colonel-General Medical Service colonel-General Veterinary Service

At the end of September or early October 1942 G. K. Zhukov and I, engaged in the preparation of an offensive operation near Stalingrad, were caused at the rate with the next report. After the discussion of the report was completed and all decisions on it were accepted, Stalin informed us about the intention of the GCO, in order to further strengthen and raise the authority of the command composition of the army and the fleet, to establish in them the uniqueness, to abolish the Institute of Military Commissar and Following this The officer and general composition, at the same time, at the same time, for the basis of the old signs of the difference in the old army - epaulets. We were immediately invited to watch the samples of this garment prepared in the next room. When inspection was M. I. Kalinin and some other members of the Politburo. Discussing this issue, we were convinced that it was no longer the first conversation from our leadership on this topic.

Military Historical Journal. 1963. №15. P.115. "From the memories of Marshal Soviet Union A. M. Vasilevsky"

A serious occasion that prompted the Soviet government to introduce straps in the Red Army, was the introduction of uniqueness. In combat conditions, new signs differences decided to raise and strengthen the authority of the command personnel. The need to introduce the pursuit was also dictated by the upcoming joint actions and close interaction on the fields of battles with allied armies. It was recognized useful to introduce generally accepted signs of differences in the armed forces - epaulets.

Ibid. "From the memories of the main marching of artillery N. N. Voronova"

Shares were introduced in the army by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of 06.01. "On the introduction of new signs of distinction for the personnel of the Red Army"; On Fleet - 15.02 Wikipedia

Military titles in the Armed Forces of the USSR 1955-1991 - See also: Signs Differences Armed Forces of the USSR ... Wikipedia

Military titles in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - In the Russian Federation there are two types of military rank of military personnel of military and ships. War titles are assigned to sailors of the surface and underwater forces of the naval navy (Navy), sea military units of the internal ... ... Wikipedia

This is an article about military ranks in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation of the 1994 2010 period. About the modern military ranks, and the adopted signs of differences, in 2010, see the article Military titles in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation ... ... Wikipedia

Military titles in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (1994-2010) - This is an article about the epaulets of the period 1994 2010, about modern straps adopted in 2010, see the article Military titles in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, military ranks in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (1994 2010) signs ... Wikipedia

The titles and signs of the distinction of the Red Army on average, senior and higher hosting, 1936

The titles and signs of the distinction of the Red Army on average, senior and higher natch station, 1940

Four years later, another change in military uniforms and ranks occurs.

Order of the NGO USSR No. 226 dated 26.07.40 Introduces new and changing the old signs of differences for the command and political composition of the Red Army.

Rank Insignia in pettice Duplicate

middle and senior com. structure

Ml. Pilatenant One square One 4 mm wide golden gallene carbon, top view of a red-width of 10 mm wide, at the bottom of the KANT width 3 mm
Lieutenant Two squares Two Galted Galuine Gallery width of 4 mm, between them clearance of red cloth 7 mm wide, bottom of a kant 3 mm wide
Senior lieutenant Three squares Three golden gallery of 4 mm wide, between them two lumes made of red cloth width 5 mm each, at the bottom of the kant 3 mm wide
Captain One rectangle Two Galted Galun Gallery 6 mm wide, between them clever of a red cloth 10 mm wide, at the bottom of the kant 3 mm wide
Major Two rectangles
Lieutenant colonel Three rectangles Two Galted Galun Gallery, Upper 6 mm Width, Lower 10mm, Lights from a Red Suk 10 mm wide, at the bottom of the KANT width 3 mm
Colonel Four rectangles Three Galted Galun Gallery, upper and medium 6 mm wide, lower 10 mm, between them two lumen of red cloth 7 mm wide each, at the bottom of the kant 3 mm wide

Political composition

Junior Politruk Two squares
Politruk Three squares Red Star with Sickle and Hammer
Senior Politruk One rectangle Red Star with Sickle and Hammer
Batalion Commissioner Two rectangles Red Star with Sickle and Hammer
Senior Battalion Commissioner Three rectangles Red Star with Sickle and Hammer
Regiment Commissioner Four rectangles Red Star with Sickle and Hammer

Regarding military ranks "Sample 1935" For the command formulation, the title of "Lieutenant Colonel" is introduced, and for the military-political composition of the "Senior Battalion Commissioner".

Percelain signs and broken stripes of the Red Army

Colonel and the Regiment Commissioner are now carrying four sleepers instead of three on the buttercasters who moved to lieutenant colonel and senior battalion commissar.
The order completely revised the system of the violation signs of the senior and medium-sized team. Red cloth chevrons gave way to smart signs using Golden Galun.

According to the rules wearing the form of clothing from 1936, the political workers could not wear the emblems of the manifestations of the troops on the lets. Although they were equated with the rights to the commanders of the divisions, by order of May 10, 1937, as well as in 1925.

Reacing the experience from the Finnish company 1939, to strengthen the uniancer in July - August 1940, all commissioners were transferred to the positions of deputy commander in political part. I suppose to wear petroleum emblems of a kind of troops, and master the military specialty of the kind of troops.

waste stripes using golden galoon

Examples of loops of various kinds and ranks.

A. Major. One sleeper. Armored troops. Parade form 1935.
V. Parade officer Petweck 1943.
C. Shine buttercup, ml. Sergeant 40 g
D. Marshal of the Soviet Union. 1940
E. Border troops Senior Lieutenant 1935
F. General Petger 1943

Signs of differences and shape of clothing Marshal Soviet Union and LDKKi Generals since May 1940.

Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated May 7, 1940 introduced the general titles. On July 13, the corresponding signs of differences were approved. The general form turned out to be similar to the general form of royal generals, the same closed twentieth, pants with lamps, dad and an edged overcoat with "coat of arms" buttons. A parade one-breasted uniform is the same as in the German army. The heap of the general had a round gilded cocardium. In the top of all, the general was laid a white cotton cuitel.

General in summer outfit, Major General Parade form, Marshal in everyday form.

At the petters of the army, the army was located five gilded zovers, Colonel-General - had four, General -Lenatentant - had three stars, the Major General was put on two in the petters. Komkom G.K. Zhukov first awarded the title of General of the Army.

Designer Major General V.G. Grubin and General Army Zhukov.g. in the front-end general uniforms 1940

The title of Marshal of the Soviet Union was established on September 22, 1935 by the Decree of CEC and SCA of the USSR. Marshal was dressed in a general form, the differences were red loops, a golden embroidered star, laurel branches and on their crosshair sickle and hammer, sleeve coal with laurel branches of gold embroidered well, and large sleeve stars. Until the fortieth year, there was no laurel branch with a sickle and hammer on the buttercups.

The difference between Marshal Pets, clearly visible on the uniforms of Budenny. M.M. On the left form of the sample of 1936, and K.E. Voroshilova in the uniform of the 1940 sample

The first titles of the Marshal of the Soviet Union were awarded Tukhachevsky, Voroshilov, Egorov, Budynoye and Blucher.

The titles and signs of the distinction of the Red Army on average, senior and highest natch station. Two months after the start of the war, due to the differences between the military form of the elder and the highest natch from the rest of the military form. On August 1, 1941, an order was sent by Telegraph, obliging to cancel the wearing of violating signs for the entire Nachs station, which participated in hostilities, and establish for all types of troops wearing a protective color with protective signs of differences. General to issue gymnasters of protective color and sharovar without lamps.

Which is characteristic, the most difficult period of the beginning of the war, it would seem complete confusion, N by the end of August 1941. Protective buttercups and signs of differences were sent to the fronts.

Personal things, mobilization, vacation and premium documents, black arrow indicated "White ticket"

Uniforms of the working and peasant Red Army (RKKA), which presented a combination of the objects of military uniforms, equipment and difference signs, was sharply different from all the analogues in the prevailed years. It was a kind of material embodiment of the declared Soviet authorities in November 1917. The abolition of the textual division of citizens and civilian (and then military) ranks.

The Bolsheviks believed that in the free army of the new state of the workers and peasants created by them, there can be no external forms that would indicate the power and superiority of some over others. Therefore, after military ranks and titles, the entire system of external signs of differences - stripes, shoulder, orders and medals was abolished and the titles.

In appeals, only names are preserved. Initially, two forms of treatment were initially allowed: a citizen and comrade (citizen commander of the battalion, Comrade of the platoon commander, etc.), but soon the generally accepted form of appeal was "Comrade".

In the formation of the first parts and compounds of the Red Army, the stocks of uniforms were widely used, stored in the warehouses demobilized in 1918. Therefore, the redarmeys and commanders were dressed in the still king of Nikolai II hiking shirts of the 1912 sample, protective color, sharovars of the same color, refilled in boots or windings with shoes, as well as caps.

From the military personnel of the Russian and created during the civil war of the White Army, they differed only by the lack of challenge, bad sign and a red star on the loudshair of the cap.

To develop a new uniform of the Red Army on April 25, 1918, a special commission was established, which already in December of the same year submitted for the approval of the revolutionary military council of the republic (the Revoensive Council - the body carried out the leadership of military construction and the combat activities of the Red Army during the Civil War) Head Upora - the famous "Budenovka", distant signs for the command formulation and distinguishable signs of the main generics of troops they were approved on January 16, 1919. And they became a kind of starting point for a sufficiently long process of creating a uniform, which was used during the Great Patriotic War.

The diameter of the vigorous star Marshal Soviet Union and the army general together with the edging was 54 mm. The twisted star of Marshal Soviet Union and the general general generals had an edging from a red clunk width of 2 mm, a twisting star for the remaining generals - edging by color by the nature of the troops (raspberry, blue or red), 2 mm width. The diameter of the distorted star together with the edging was 44 mm.

The chevron of the army general was one carbon from the golden galun 32 mm wide, and in the upper part - from a red clunk width of 10 mm. The generals of the childbirth of the troops were relied on one square of the Golden Galun with a width of 32 mm, downstairs - Kant by the family of 3 mm width.

Looking very spectacular chevrons of the Komostava were canceled shortly before the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, and with its beginning in the current army and the march parts, the differences were replaced by field: For all types of troops, wearing a shelter of protective color with signs of differences painted in protective color. Also canceled the wearing commissars on the sleeves of political workers.

The radical change in the sign of the signs of the difference occurred on January 15, 1943, when, in accordance with the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of January 6, 1943, the People's Commissar of Defense, I.V. Stalin issued an order "On the introduction of new signs of distinction for the personnel of the Red Army." In accordance with this order, new signs of differences were introduced - epaulets.

According to its shape, the EMP shape was similar to the chains adopted in the Russian army until 1917. They were a strip with parallel long sides, the lower end of the pursuit of the rectangular, and the upper cut on the stupid angle. The pursuit of marshals and generals the top of a stupid angle is cut in parallel to the lower edge.

The servicemen in the current army and the personnel of the parts prepared to be sent to the front should wear field straps, and the servicemen of the rest of the units and institutions of the Red Army - everyday epaulets. Both field and casual epaulets finished around the edges (except for the bottom edge) with colored clouds. Accordingly, the signs of differences (asters, lumens, stripes) and emblems, and emblems, and emblems, lumens, stripes, and emblems, and on everyday pursuit of the younger team, ranks and cadets of military schools, also stencil the names of military schools were placed on the pursuit of the pursuit (Connections). Field and everyday epaups of generals and the entire personnel of infantry - without emblems, in the rest of the troops - with emblems.

For the marshals of the Soviet Union and the generals, the field of the pursuit was performed from the Galun of a special weaving: for field vehicles - from silk color of khaki, for everyday - from golden wipes.

With the introduction of the pursuit of the functions of the loovers, it was mainly reduced to the designation of the military accessories of the RKKA military personnel, while the placement of the loovers on the nodes and the gymnasters was generally canceled.

On the collar of the uniform of the older and medium-sized teams, longitudinal buttercups were placed from dashboard without edging. The length of the looper in the finished form was 82 mm, width - 27 mm. The color of the loover - by the nature of the troops:

infantry - Raspberry;

artillery - black;

armored troops - black;

aviation - blue;

cavalry - light blue;

engineering troops - black;

intensductant service - raspberry;

medical and veterinary service - dark green;

the Military Legal composition is raspberry.

On the ledges of the senior command formulation, two longitudinal, shied golden dressing, strips, passing by silver thread. On the pastes of the middle command lineup - one strip.

Signs of Differences and Butterms of the Red Army 1924-1943

Worker-peasant Red Army Abbreviated (RKKKA), the term Soviet Army (CA) appeared later, the beginning of the Second World War, as not strangely met in the military uniform of the sample of 1925

Defense People's Commissariat with its order of December 3, 1935, introduced for the entire personnel of the Red Army, a new outfit and signs of differences. Old job titles partially persist for military-political, military-technical. Military legal, military medical and junior command-bosy.

Perping signs of differences used since 192g existed practically unchanged until 1943. 1943, when epauped were introduced.

Perping signs of differences from 1924 g, existed unchanged to 1943

For 19 years of existence of petty signs of differences, changes in Signs Differences and Liners of the Red Army small entered.

The appearance of the emblems of the childbirth of the troops and services changed, there was a change in the colors of edges and a loover, the number of signs in the buttercasters and the production technology of signs.

In different years, as an additional element to the loovers was introduced and broken stripes abolished.

But by and large, the signs of difference, of all pre-war time and the first one and a half years began the Great Patriotic War remained virtually no change. With the exception of changing the production technologies towards cheapest products, cheaper materials were used. But the degradation of the quality of the materials used was not so catastrophic as in the Wehrmacht's troops, which, as it is known steadily reduced the quality of the materials used for the production of military uniform.

The bodies of troops differed in the colors of the loop, the colors of the caps, edge on the outfit and emblems. Here everything is described more about the samples of the uniforms of the Red Army 1940-43.

The width of the loop for gymnasters and the nods was 32.5 mm together with Kants, the length of the loop had about 10 cm. Rhinestone coincoads diagonally in centimeters of 11 x 9, in Marshal of the Soviet Union of a larger size of 13.5 x 9.

The hinges of the highest military composition ended the gold embroidery, for the rest, a closed edging was used depending on the kind of troops.

Brass was used for making emblems, the emblems were silver and covered with gilding, but predominantly red enamel.

Interestingly, on the orders of the emblem on the buttercups in the rank embarrassment, it was assumed to paint on a stencil, but it was rare, metal emblems on foot or screws were used.

An ordinary composition: 0. Red Army.

Junior Combining Composition:

1. Junior Sergeant,
2. Sergeant,
3. Senior Sergeant,
4. Stornish.

Many are confused in military ranks, the whole thing is amended in 391 orders.

Buttercup and broken sign of the senior up to 40 g and after

For example, under 40, the senior was three triangles in the loop and three stripes on the sleeve, and from 40 years four.

Squares and rectangles defining military rank, the "Kubari" or "Cubes", respectively, "sleepers", respectively.

The rhombus and triangles of the jargon names did not have, the exception was the foreman, his four triangles were called "saw".

Emblems and twisted stripes of the Red Army

  • (A) Watching Chevron. Junior lieutenant, sample 1935
  • (B) Waste Wallates Washer
  • (C) Watch flyer smart chevron, khaki color, field shape
  • (D) Wristwall Sign Air Force "Casual"
  • (E) Watching Motion Control Sign
  • (F) Watching Chevron Artillery

Artilleryrs and car troops used black buttercups, but the commanders of the tank workers were velvet. The emblem of artillerymen and motorists were introduced into the first world, crossed guns and the winged wheels with the wheel of the drivers. And those and others are used with minimal changes today. Tankists are emblems in the form of miniature tanks BT. Chemicals have two cylinders and gas masks on the emblem. In March 1943, they were changed to the hammer and key.

private and Junior Complex of the Red Army

The corpuer received a red strip of fabric regardless of the kind of troops. And the corporal began to resemble the listener of the Sergeant school, which also made some confusion. With further assignments of the titles, triangles were applied to the tissue strip.

  • 1-Red Army, Autob
  • 2-Efreitor, artillery
  • 3-ml. Sergeant, those service
  • 4-Sergeant, Military Air Force
  • 5-senior sergeant, car troops
  • 6-Storn, Supper

The nurses of the foremen had differences from the rest of the younger boss. Between the edges and the field of the loop, the Golden Galun passes the same as with the senior officers.

The emblem pilots also practically did not change to the present day, all the same winged propeller, on blue buttercups with black cant.

Golden or silver bowl with a snake (exactly the same as in our days) in military doctors and veterinary service.

By 1937 applies the time of creating military schools. Metal letters were applied to the flow of troops. MPU listers, for example, corresponded to the Moscow border school.

Metal letters were applied to the troops of the troops

Students of the Academy Letter And in front of her, enamel triangles, denoted military rank.

Shores in the Red Army 1943, 1944, 1945.

(on the example of the shape of artillery players)

On January 6, 1943, the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council (PVA) of the USSR "On the introduction of a challenge for the personnel of the Red Army", declared by order NKO No. 24 of January 10, 1943, following him, January 15, 1943, an order of NKO USSR No. 25 "On the introduction of new signs of distinction and changes in the form of clothing of the Red Army" (). In it, in particular, it was determined that field tremors are serving military personnel in the army and the personnel of parts prepared for sending to the front. Casual epaulets are serving the other parts and institutions, as well as when wearing the front-end clothing. Ie in the Red Army existed two types of pursuit: field and casual. Differences were also introduced in the commands for the command and the superior composition (see the Regulations on the Command and Commanding Compositions) so that the commander from the head can be distinguished.

The differences were prescribed to new signs from 1 to 15 February 1943. Later, by order of the NKO USSR No. 80 dated 14.02.1943, this period was extended until March 15, 1943. To the beginning of the summer shape of clothing, the Red Army was fully secured by new differences signs.

In addition to the above-mentioned policy documents, the instruction manual of the technical committee of the main intensity department of the Red Army (TK GIU KA) No. 732 8.01.1943 "Rules for the selection, consolidation on the subjects of uniforms and wearing the personal composition of the Red Army", as well as A number of technical conditions of the TC GIU ka. In addition, some technical documentation has been adopted long before the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. So, for example, temporary technical conditions (WTU) of the TC GIU KA No. 0725, in which there was a description of the emblems and signs of difference (stars) on the chains, were published on December 10, 1942

The sizes of the chase were installed:

  • Null - 13 cm. (For women's uniforms only)
  • First - 14 cm.
  • Second - 15 cm.
  • The third - 16 cm.
    The width is 6 cm, and the width of the pursuit of officers of justice, medical, veterinary and administrative service - 4 cm. The length of the sewn shoulder should be installed for 1 cm longer for each size.
    The width of the general pursuit - 6.5 cm. The width of the shoulder of the generals of medical, veterinary services and the highest NCH. The composition of V.-UR. Services - 4.5 cm. (In 1958, for all generals of the Soviet Army, a single width was established for such a pursuit - 6.5 cm.)

Varieties of field pursuit according to the method of manufacture:

  • Soft sewn epaulets( ) Consisted from the field (top), beam (linings), gaskets and edges.
  • Soft removable epaulets( ), in addition to the above parts of the parts had a half-stability, a lining of a half-eyed and jumper.
  • Hard removable epaulets( ) Different from soft in that when they were manufactured, the tissue and gasket laying were performed with a leaky, consisting of 30% of wheat flour and joinery glue, as well as the presence of an additional gasket from electrical cardboard - pressshpana, jacquard or calibrated, thick 0.5 - 1 mm .

- Coloring of the field and everyday pursuit of the Red Army -.

- Military titles of the USSR SCSR 1935-1945. (Tabel about ranks) -.

Shoulder straps of the younger Command, Chief and Private Composition of the Red Army
(ordinary, sergeants and elders)

Field straps: The field of field pursuit has always been khaki. The epaulets ended (trimmed) at the edges, except for the lower, color clouded cart for troops or services. Stripes on the chains of the younger team and the superior composition were a silk or alternating galoon. The stripes were produced different sizes: narrow (1 cm wide), medium (1.5 cm wide) and wide (3 cm wide). The younger team makes a Bordeaux Galun, and the younger bunch of brown.

Ideally, the stripes were to be sophisticated on straps in factories or in sewing workshops in engaging parts. But often the stripes fucked the servicemen themselves. In the conditions of the front deficit, the stripes made from girlfriend were often used. It was used to use everyday (golden or silver) stripes on field straps and vice versa.

Field epaulets were supposed to wear troops and stencils without emblems. On the shoulders were placed uniform iron 20-mm buttons for protective color with a star, in the center of which sickle and hammer.

This type of shale existed until December 1955, when bilateral shoulders were introduced. In the period from 1943 to 1955, the technology of making these shoulders changed several times. In particular in 1947 and 1953 (TU 1947 and T1953)

Field epaulets of the junior command formulation on the example of artillery artillery. Stripe (Galun) is sewn by factory in a sewing machine. Buttons iron protective color.

Casual straps: The casual epaulets of the younger team, the younger superior and ordinary composition ended (trimmed) at the edges, except for the Lower, colored clouds, and also had a field of colored cloth by the family of troops. Stripes on the chains of the younger team and the superior composition were a silk or alternating galoon. The stripes were produced different sizes: narrow (1 cm wide), medium (1.5 cm wide) and wide (3 cm wide). The younger team composition relied the Galun Golden-yellow color, and the younger boss - silver.

Casual pursuers were put on golden emblems by the nature of troops and yellow stencils denoting part (compound). It is worth noting that stencils were extremely rare.

On the chains were placed uniform golden brass 20-mm buttons with a star, in the center of which sickle and hammer.

This type of shale existed until December 1955, when bilateral shoulders were introduced. In the period from 1943 to 1955, the technology of making these shoulders changed several times. In particular in 1947 and 1953. In addition, since 1947, encrypts were stopped for everyday epauphones.

Casual epaulets of the junior command formulation on the example of artillery artillery. The stripe (Galun) is sewn to the soldier himself. Encryption, as at most pursuit, are absent. Buttons: top brass (respectively yellow-golden color), low-iron.

Straps of the senior and medium team and the superior composition of the Red Army

Field straps: The field of field pursuit has always been khaki. Emplooms finished (trimmed) along the edges, except for the bottom, with color clouds. On the pursuit field, one or two Bordeaux color lumen for the command makeup and brown for the superior composition. Accordingly, assigned to military rank, affiliation to the family of troops or service, on the pursuit field placed signs of differences.

On the shafts of the middle command lineup - one clearance and metallic silver plated 13-mm stars.

On the econctions of the senior command formulation - two lumes and metal silver plated 20-mm stars.

On the challenges of the command formulation, in addition to the command composition of infantry, silver plated emblems were established by the family of troops, service.

On the chains - shaped metal 20-mm protective color buttons with a star, in the center of which sickle and hammer.

Field epaulets of the medium command formulation on the example of ml. Lieutenant artillery. Star denoting title should be silver. In this case, silver washed.

Casual straps: Field shape of a team composition of golden silk or from golden galoon. The field of emanating engineering-team composition, indena, medical, veterinary, military legal and administrative services is from silver silk or silver galun. Emplooms finished (trimmed) along the edges, except for the bottom, with color clouds. Accordingly, assigned to military rank, affiliation to the family of troops or service, on the pursuit field placed signs of differences.

On the shafts of the middle command lineup - one clearance and metal golden 13-mm stars.

On the elaboration of the senior command formulation - two lumets and metal golden 20-mm stars.

On the command of the command formulation, in addition to the command composition of infantry, golden emblems were installed by the family of troops, service.

The emblems and asterisks on the epaulets of the engineering and command staff, the intenntenant, administrative and medical service are gilded. On the pursuit of the military-veterinary composition of the asterisk gold-plated, the emblems are silver plated.

On the chains - shaped golden 20-mm buttons with a star, in the center of which sickle and hammer.

Shores and signs of the difference in the middle and older leadership of the Military Legal Service fully corresponded to the chains and signs of the differences in the senior and secondary team members of medical and veterinary services, but with their emblems.

Shores of the military-administrative composition were exactly the same as the epaulets for the older and middle boss of the composition of medical and veterinary services, but without emblems.

These straps have been existed until the end of 1946, when the technical conditions of the TK GiU of Sun No. 1486 dated October 9, 19946 for the officers of the armed forces were installed epaulets from a cut vertex angle, i.e. Steps have become hexagonal.

Casual epaulets of secondary team formulation on the example of the shape of the captain of artillery. Button must be golden.

Shoulder epaulets of the High Command Makeup of the Red Army
(generals, marshals)

Field straps: Field of a pursuit of silk galloon of a special weaving on a closure. The color of the shoulder field is protective. Color of edge Cant Shopping: general general generals, alternatives of artillery, tank troops, medical and veterinary services, senior beginning. The composition of the Military Legal Service is red; Aviation Generals - Blue; Generals Technical troops and intenntenant service - Raspberry.

The sprockets on the shoulder straps were embroidered with silver of 22 mm. On the shafts of the generals of the medical, veterinary service and the highest beginning. Military legal service composition - gold, size of 20 mm. Buttons on the chains with the coat of arms are gilded. On the cuts of generals honey. services - metal gilded emblems; On the cuts of the generals do. services - the same emblems, but silver plated; On the chase of the highest beginning. The composition of the V.-Legal Service is metal gilded emblems.

Order of the NKO USSR No. 79 dated February 14, 1943, epaulets were installed incl. And for the highest engineering and technical composition of the troops of communication, engineering, chemical, railway, topographic troops, - generals of engineering and technical service, according to the sample established by the general troops. From this order, the highest NCH. The composition of the military-legal service became known as the generals of justice.

Casual straps: a field of pursuit of a special weaving halves: from golden wolves. And for generals of medical and veterinary services, the highest beginning. The composition of the Military Legal Service is from Silver Volley. Color of edge Cant Shopping: general general generals, alternatives of artillery, tank troops, medical and veterinary services, senior beginning. The composition of the Military Legal Service is red; Aviation Generals - Blue; Generals Technical troops and intenntenant service - Raspberry.

The stars on the pursuit were embroidered along the gold field - silver, in a silver field - gold. Buttons on the chains with the coat of arms are gilded. On the cuts of generals honey. services - metal gilded emblems; On the cuts of the generals do. services - the same emblems, but silver plated; On the chase of the highest beginning. The composition of the V.-Legal Service is metal gilded emblems.

Order of NKO USSR No. 61 dated 8.02.1943, artillery generals are installed for carrying silver emblems.

Order of the NKO USSR No. 79 dated February 14, 1943, epaulets were installed incl. And for the highest engineering and technical composition of the troops of communication, engineering, chemical, railway, topographic troops, - generals of engineering and technical service, according to the sample established by the general troops. Probably from this order is the highest beginning. The composition of the military-legal service became known as the generals of justice.

These epauisles existed to 1962 without fundamental changes, when the order of the USSR No. 127 dated May 12 on the side-weekend-weekends of the generals was installed, suture shoulder straps with a steel field.

An example of everyday and field shape of generals. Artillery generals from 8.02.1943, artillery emblems were additionally on the pursuit.


  • Shape of clothing and signs of the distinction of the Red Army 1918-1945. AIM, Leningrad 1960
  • Shoulders of the Soviet Army 1943-1991 Evgeny Dryig.
  • Coloring table of field and everyday pursuit RKKK ()
  • Newspaper "Red Star" dated January 7, 1943 ()
  • Article Alexander Sorokina "Field Shoulder Soldiers, Sergeants and Officers of the Red Army Sample 1943"
  • Site - http://www.rkka.ru.

article code: 98653