Generation Z. X, Y, Z: How the theory of generations and the history of modern culture of the last generation are related and they are all

Generation Z. X, Y, Z: How the theory of generations and the history of modern culture of the last generation are related and they are all
Generation Z. X, Y, Z: How the theory of generations and the history of modern culture of the last generation are related and they are all

We live in the 21st century - a century of high technologies and rapid development. The world around us is changing, and transformations are affecting all areas of our society. Someone strives to keep up with innovations, someone, on the contrary, adheres to a conservative position. What strategy of behavior a person chooses in changing conditions often depends not only on personal beliefs, but also on factors such as social environment, upbringing, and generational affiliation.

The problem of "fathers and children" has existed in our world for a long time, and the issue of mutual understanding between generations is regularly raised in various literature, both fiction and scientific. And in the modern world, the gap between generations is becoming more and more noticeable, since the conditions under which representatives of different generations grow up and are brought up are radically changing. This undoubtedly has a significant impact on their values ​​and attitudes: thinking, way of life, people's attitude to rest and work are changing.

Many argue that representatives of different generations hardly understand each other, because they grew up in radically different conditions. It is believed that the younger generation that is now entering the labor market has different labor values, different job requirements and different expectations.

But are representatives of different generations really significantly different from each other in terms of work values? Let's answer this question by reviewing current research on this topic.

X, Y, Z - who are they?

In 1991, American scientists Neil Howe and William Strauss published a book on the theory of generations, in which they described their ideas that approximately every 20 years in the world there is a change of generations, people with new values, a new mindset enter the "arena" have other life trajectories.

Recently, the theory of generations has gained popularity, and we can often hear references to generations X, Y and Z, who are currently the most active workers and consumers of economic goods and services.

What are these generations? What makes them different from each other? Let's try to figure it out.

Determining generational boundaries is not an easy task. Some scientists establish them based only on time intervals, that is, starting from the year of birth, someone focuses on similar values ​​and attitudes, the common conditions of upbringing. It is worth noting that social, cultural and economic conditions, which can vary greatly in different countries, have a great influence on the process of defining generations. Any turning point that affects the development of society can occur in different countries with a difference of decades. For example, the widespread use of the Internet took place in America in the 90s of the last century, and in our country it began only in the new millennium. It is obvious that such significant events have an impact on the development of society and draw boundaries between generations.

Thus, the boundaries of generations X, Y and Z are not defined stably and vary somewhat depending on countries and the approaches of scientists. So, let's define the main characteristics of representatives of generations X, Y, Z.

GenerationX Is the generation of people born after 1965. The upper generation limit varies from author to author, with some scientists setting it at 1976, others talking about 1980 or 1984.

American scientists speak of the people of this era as a "lost generation." It was at that time that the “era of divorce” began in America, and many people were greatly influenced by this family event. In Russia, the years of growing up of representatives of Generation X fell on the years of perestroika, and this era had an important impact on the formation of personalities. Generation X is characterized by a high level of skepticism, social and political indifference, lack of initiative, but at the same time, they are a very educated and literate generation. Compared to the previous generation, who used to work together, X's are focused on hard work and individual success. They are used to building their careers throughout their lives, gradually moving in the chosen direction.

GenerationY also referred to as the networked generation or millennial generation, were born from about 1985 to 1995. A characteristic feature of this generation can be called the widespread use of the Internet, pop culture, and mobile communications during their growing up, which had a great impact on their values ​​and attitudes. The gamers are accustomed to being constantly in touch, communication, cooperation, cooperation are important for them. They are not ready to spend their entire lives in one place, they strive for a variety of work, therefore they are ready for training and retraining throughout their lives. Games are characterized by greater flexibility, they quickly adapt to changing conditions, but at the same time, they change the conditions themselves, they are ready to dictate their own rules if they see that it will be of great benefit and increase efficiency.

There are other points of view, some argue that gamers are used to consuming: information, pop culture, products. They do not strive to start working, do not want to grow up, they are characterized by the "concept of eternal youth" and constant narcissism.

GenerationZ- these are people born in the period from 1995 to 2010. Now representatives of this generation have not yet entered the labor market, so it is still difficult to talk about their work attitudes and values, but some characteristic features can be noted. Representatives of generation Z grew up surrounded by modern technologies, they are less sociable than the previous generation, more focused on themselves, their own world. Because of this, some scientists call this generation “Generation MeMeMe”, emphasizing their focus on their own thoughts and feelings, and not on other people. Due to the development of electronic technology, the Zetas are used to visual perception of information. This makes it possible to assume that over time, new ways of learning and new work technologies will appear on the market, which will be introduced by representatives of Gen Z.

Once again, we note that generational boundaries are conditional, so, for example, a person born in 1995 will be closer to someone who was born in 1994, that is, a representative of a different generation, than to someone who was born in 2005 - a representative of his generation. Therefore, scientists note that the boundaries are calculated with the assumption of + - 3 years, and for people at the junction of generations, the features of both are often characteristic.

Comparison of work values

Many domestic and foreign sociologists have studied labor values ​​in the modern world, but it is worth noting that none of them subdivided the population under study into generations X, Y and Z, perhaps because such a division is very arbitrary. In addition, there is the problem of the lack of information about the labor values ​​of generation Z. The fact is that at the moment representatives of generation Z are between 5 and 20 years old, and mass surveys usually cover the population from 18 years old, which is why there is no relevant information about labor values and the beliefs of this generation. Therefore, we will determine the differences in labor values ​​of generations X and Y.

So, let's look at what labor values ​​are typical for representatives of generation X.

According to V.S. Maguna, for representatives of this generation, the main labor value is good earnings. In addition, the interest of the work and the reliability of the place of work are of great value. Also, other researchers confirm that the dominant position in the pyramid of labor values ​​is occupied by high earnings.

Can it be argued that commercialism is the main feature of X's? I think that such conclusions will be hasty and unfounded. A.N. Demin argues that in the minds of Generation X, the prestige of a job is invariably associated with high wages. Money is not an end in itself, it serves as a means for satisfying needs and is instrumental in nature, contributing to the achievement of a high position in society.

In general, it can be assumed that the desire for financial well-being and the desire for a secure place of work may be a consequence of the changes taking place in the country in the 90s. The transition to a market economy, the instability of the economic situation in the country, the 1998 crisis - these events could have a significant impact on the work attitudes of people.

In addition to the aforementioned values, among the widespread answers about the important characteristics of the place of work, there are the following: the ability to benefit society, the ability to manage their own time and the desire to match the work with the level of a person's competence. We can say that by the end of the 90s, a transformation is taking place in the minds of Russians, which is a consequence of the transformation of society. People are becoming more free, they want to have more independence and scope for action, in addition, they want to benefit not only themselves and their families, but also other people. In society, old boundaries are being destroyed and restrictions are being lifted. If earlier, in Soviet times, too much earnings were considered suspicious, and starting a business was condemned by society, now labor is becoming free from conventions and strict rules. Naturally, in such conditions, people strive for greater realization of their capabilities and want to earn as much as their level of knowledge and skills allows.

Carol Zhurkiewicz says that the opportunity for personal growth is important for Generation X. However, domestic researchers do not confirm this. This difference can be explained by the fact that societies are developing at different rates, so labor factors that were important for America 10 years ago are becoming important in our country only now.

Do the work values ​​of Generation X coincide with those of their "followers", Generation Y?

Good pay also remains in the first place for the generation of gamers. The following positions are an opportunity for career growth and an opportunity for self-realization, which was not in the answers of the X generation. Work continues to be perceived by people as a means of achieving success, a way to take a worthy position in society. But now an important role is played not only by material wealth, but also by other components of labor - self-realization, position in society.

In addition to wages and self-realization, the generation of gamers makes high demands on the quality of work: they need good working conditions, social guarantees, and work ethic.

This is a significant difference from the previous generation, whose representatives did not name these values ​​among the priorities. This means that the labor values ​​of the gamers' generation, which were formed in completely different economic and political conditions than the values ​​of the X's, are somewhat different from each other. The new generation is developing positive attitudes towards work, they are ready to work, improve their knowledge and implement skills, this predetermines high claims for decent wages and high-quality working conditions.

But is it safe to say that differences in work values ​​of different generations really exist?

There is no such guarantee, I believe, as the difference in answers may be due to differences in the methods of collecting information, for example, different questions.

In order to avoid this inaccuracy, let us turn to the study “Youth of New Russia: Way of Life and Value Priorities”, conducted in 2007 and covering representatives of two generations: young people aged 17 to 26 and older, generation from 40 to 60 years old.

Let's compare the answers of representatives of two generations to one question: "What requirements should a job that would suit you meet?"

The most popular answers among representatives of generation X are as follows (the sum of answers exceeds 100%, since it was possible to choose an unlimited number of answers): a well-paid job (87.2%), interesting for me (60.0%), with good working conditions ( 42.4%). The least important were career opportunities and prestige.

For representatives of the generation of gamers, the answers were distributed in a very similar way: good pay (84.9%), interesting work (63.5%), good working conditions (29.0%). That said, the least popular answer for this generation is effortless work.

It is noteworthy that the top of the hierarchy of values ​​is the same for representatives of two generations, although the percentage of answers is somewhat different. However, it is noticeable that other values ​​differ in importance for representatives of different generations. So, representatives of the Y generation have a great focus on professional growth and a desire for creativity in the profession, while Xs want to be useful in society, while they want work to leave more free time, do not strive for career growth.

It is difficult to say whether such differences are caused precisely by belonging to different generations, that is, by the conditions of upbringing and socialization, or whether they depend only on age. Naturally, by the age of 50, a person, most likely, has already moved up the career ladder and reached a high position if he aspired to it. Therefore, this direction ceases to be a priority for him, and other values, such as free time, in order to spend it with his family come to the fore. The younger generation has ambitions that have not yet been realized, so they strive for advancement and career growth.


So, generations X, Y, Z do not have clearly defined boundaries, but differ from each other in the characteristics of upbringing, values, perception of the world.

At the moment, the labor values ​​of Generation Z have practically not been measured by scientists, since those who represented this generation are mostly still receiving education and have not entered the labor market as active workers and consumers. Measuring the work values ​​of this generation seems to be an important task for modern sociologists, since they will soon become the main labor force of the country.

The main labor value for both generation X and generation Y continues to be high wages, but this is, rather, not an end in itself, but a means to achieve other goals, such as prestige and respect in society.

The labor values ​​of generations X and Y are somewhat different, the gamers strive for self-realization through the profession, for a more creative work, in addition, they claim good working conditions, for X's it is important to have more freedom.

It is important to note that the topic is not well researched at the moment, but it is of great value. The world is changing, the labor market is transforming, and it is necessary to take into account the needs and demands of young generations in order for work to be more efficient and the potential of young generations to be realized in work.

Infographics: Natalia Sidorova

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Generation Z in Russia there are about 21 million boys and girls who were born between 2001 and 2010. These children and young people do not know a world without financial crises, the Internet and cell phones.

Their position in life, foundations and values ​​are not at all the same as those of those who were born earlier. It is believed that Gen Z people will represent the most active, resourceful, knowledgeable and adventurous population. Until they have fully formed into a full-fledged workforce, we offer you some facts and characteristics of generation Z for review.This information will help you get to know the representatives of this generation better, determine what is important to them, as well as how to hire them and offer them your services. ...

The best workers are the enterprising people. They are overwhelmed with new ideas, they are ready to work hard and take responsibility. But they are also the most dangerous - sooner or later they decide to work for themselves. At best, they will simply leave and create their own business, at worst, they will grab your information, a pool of clients and become competitors.

If you are already a subscriber of the magazine "General Director", read the article

Generation X, Y and Z theory

In 1991, American scientists Neil Howe and William Strauss developed The Theory of Generations. A generation is a collection of people born at a certain time interval, exposed to the same external factors, incidents, upbringing methods, with similar life priorities.

We are not aware of the impact of these priorities and values, but they largely determine our life: the manner of communication, ways of resolving conflicts and creating teams, development paths, shopping, motivation, goal setting and people management.

The formation of values ​​occurs at a very young age (up to about 10-12 years). Over the next years, their transformation or even a radical change is possible, but this is practically impossible without the influence of important events in the world, society and the life of the person himself.

In this theory, periodic generational cycles are distinguished and described. One cycle consists of four generations. The time phase during which people of one generation are born is about 20 years, respectively, the duration of one cycle is about 80-90 years. When the cycle comes to an end, a new generation begins, with the values ​​and traditions characteristic of the first generation of the previous period. Children who were born at the junction of generations absorb the priorities of the two groups and represent the transitional, or echo generation.

Generations of a new cycle duplicate the main features of the corresponding generations of previous cycles, therefore, the change of generations is compared with the seasons and is divided into the following types:

"Autumn" (Heroes) - active, self-confident warriors who mainly fight for existing values, and do not create new ones.

"Winter" (Adapters) are lonely, indecisive, even weak conformists who choose an adaptive lifestyle.

Vesna (Idealists) are rebels, activists who change the world around them and create a bright future.

"Leto" (Reactionaries) - changeable, sarcastic, deceived by false hopes for a happy functioning of the existing system of nihilists.

At the moment, generations of the following types are distinguished:

  1. Generation GI (born 1900-1923)
  2. Silent Generation (born 1923-1943)
  3. Baby Boomer Generation (born 1943-1963)
  4. Generation X (born 1963-1984)
  5. Generation Millennium, or Y (born 1984-2000)
  6. Generation Z (born in 2001)

Generations X, Y and Z and their characteristics

Generation X(Generation unknown). Born in 1963-1984 (summer, nomads). Their personalities were formed in the conditions of the Cold and Afghan wars, information isolation, drugs, AIDS, total deficit, stagnation in the economy, and the beginning of perestroika. A stream of divorces swept across the country, which made people of generation X more flexible in relations with others, and the constant absence of parents from home due to workloads - more independent.

Baby boomers did not see parenting as their mission in life. In their opinion, a child who independently cope with the difficulties that have arisen will be happier than a refined child. Therefore, as a child, the Xs traveled on bicycles and scooters around the city, warmed their food and knew how to cook the simplest dishes in case their parents were again late at work.

The consequence of such childhood was constant mobility, readiness for reforms and confidence only in their own strengths and their own experience. Generation X people find it very unpleasant to seek help. Most of them are introverts, trying to avoid large events and gatherings of the masses. Even when choosing a hobby, the emphasis is on non-team sports: as a rule, boxing and wrestling for boys and figure skating and gymnastics for girls.

The main priorities in life are time and the right to choose. The greatest pleasure for the people of this generation will be the work that allows them to create and not limit their imagination and originality of thinking. The best rest is a quiet pastime in a boarding house, sanatorium, on the beach.

That being said, Gen X people are cynical and adventurous. For them, the definition of "patriotism" loses its meaning, since they were brought up behind the "iron curtain", in isolation from the influence of other countries. The homeland for them is family, children and the closest environment.

Generation Y(Network generation, Millennium generation, as its representatives graduate from schools already in the third millennium). This is a population that was born during the "autumn" period, 1984-2000 ("heroes"), who, according to the theory of generations, have similar characteristics to the GI generation.

The main historical events during the period of their formation as individuals are the collapse of the USSR, regular terrorist attacks, epidemics of the latest diseases. And all this happened along with the rapid development of digital, communication, information and biotechnology. Y are simple-minded and inclined towards collective action. Generation Y people are well versed in computers, so it is easier for them to find a soul mate many kilometers from their village than to keep in touch with their nearest neighbor.

Scientists call Ys "the generation of the thumb" from the habit of texting with the thumb while holding the phone in one hand. For them, there is practically no difference in the virtual and real world, since they easily combine them in their lives, spending time every day in correspondence, blogs and computer games. These are gentle, spoiled creatures, practically devoid of the independence that their parents possessed. From them, a well-known, but at the same time convinced of their indispensability and importance, generation has formed.

They do not believe in future rewards, it is important for them to receive the due payment immediately. For people of this generation, a sense of duty and high moral standards are more important than those of the previous generation. Y's are a generation of brands who are well versed in fashion. Fashion is their principle, and their main goal in life is to get maximum pleasure from everything they do. Adrenaline and positive emotions are what Generation Y want to feel even from sports. The most preferred sports equipment is roller skates, skateboards or bicycles.

Generation Z(Generation Z, Net Generation, Generation M, Internet Generation, digital generation, lost generation, winter period). These are guys who were born starting in 2001-2003 (according to various sources). Generation Z children live in times of regular economic crises. The powers of the authorities are becoming stronger, the state is gaining greater power and influence. Large networks absorb small firms, everything powerful grows stronger, and the weak perishes. Humanity is in constant anticipation of terrorist attacks and new deadly epidemics such as swine flu or Ebola.

An important characteristic of Generation Z is their parents, already elderly representatives of Generation X and young Y's. What was previously called "technologies of the future" or "new technologies" for Gen Z is their present. This is the biggest difference from Generation Y, whose young years passed before the technological boom.

Gen Z salient features

Feature 1. Accustomed to the easy accessibility of information.

All people over the age of 30 are used to waiting and remembering from a young age. All cartoons and TV shows could be watched only at certain times. There was no Internet, and the plot of interest could be watched only at the time scheduled by the television channel. It was customary to know the phones of relatives and comrades by heart, so as not to carry a phone book with you all the time. Everyone was in constant expectation of something, hurried and taught! Everyone except Gen Z.

Generation Z technologies are digital and mobile inventions. These guys do not need to memorize numbers (why? After all, everything is recorded on the phone), wait for their favorite programs and films (why? After all, there is cable TV and high-speed Internet).

It would seem that all the advantages of the availability of information that previous generations could only dream of deprived the representatives of Generation Z of the need to remember and know many things. Therefore, they are unlikely to remember the dates of significant events for our country, the authors of great works and mathematical formulas ...

On the other hand, Generation Z analyzes a significant amount of information without unnecessary problems and quickly finds the necessary answers.

Feature 2. They do not like tight schedules and schedules.

The older generations could not imagine their life without a strict timetable. To kindergarten - by 8.00, for a lesson - by the first bell, work - from 9.00 to 18.00, evening news at 21.00. Generation, born in the 1990s, did not adhere to such a rigid framework. Therefore, when Generation Z was just being born, the system of conscious motherhood entered life, mothers preferred to raise their children themselves, without sending them to kindergarten, the school schedule and the authority of teachers decreased, and your favorite cartoons could be watched at a convenient time.

As a result, representatives of Generation Z do not understand why they need to work in the office according to the schedule and why they have to "plow" the whole working day, and not when they have strength and inspiration.

To generate Z, work is a set of goals and tasks that need to be completed within a certain time frame. Something like a familiar computer situation in which the hero must find a treasure, coping with all the difficulties, otherwise his princess will be eaten by a dragon. Until the evening, the hero can do nothing at all, because the condition is this: you need to complete all tasks BEFORE dark. And Gen Z is not accustomed to doing something in advance, BEFORE a set time.

Feature 3. Lightheadedness in relationships.

Gen Z, whose characteristics are significantly different from older generations, perceives relationships, both friends and workers, very carelessly. Z-c has several hundred friends and subscribers on social networks, and they, without hesitation, will add their boss to their “friends” and without a drop of doubt or embarrassment will comment on his photos.

This lightheadedness in relationships makes Gen Z a hard time forging strong bonds. If suddenly they no longer feel comfortable at work, then without unnecessary worries they will write a letter of resignation. Moreover, representatives of Zs do not recognize hierarchy and will not obey simply because this person is a leader.

But they have an undeniable advantage - a wide circle of communication, respectively, and general erudition. Almost every representative of Generation Z has among his friends a doctor, a teacher, an insurer, and a bank employee. Each of them, without hesitation, Z will consult on the necessary issue. Thanks to the active use of social networks, this generation is always aware of the latest developments - in the field of fashion, the film industry, modern technologies and developments, the political situation. Generation Z is actually a source of information. The most important thing is to know how to use it.

Feature 4. No interest in careerism.

Millennials have planned their lives for years to come. Acquisition or construction of housing, land improvement, purchase of a car, career growth ... The psychological characteristics of Generation Z are such that they even hate the thought of planning. To live only today and now is their principle.

As soon as a representative of this generation loses interest in work, he will leave even the most successful and profitable project without regret. The Zs are able to trade the proposed raise for downshifting if they suddenly get carried away with it.

It should be borne in mind that Generation Z does not go to work for a prestigious position or a large salary, but to complete an exciting task. If you can get him interested, you will get an enthusiast who can work on irregular hours and for a low salary.

How to work properly with Gen Z

Provide them with parenting.

Generation Z, whose formative years have taught them to be independent, start making money from the age of 16, and at 20 they already consider themselves adults and independent. But this is not the case. According to research by Sparks & Honey analysts, 60% of representatives of this generation manage to change three jobs by their 20th anniversary, but 95% still have not left their parents.

Z's are not ready to deal with any adult's problems. Throughout their lives, they have acted according to their parents' plan. Mom and Dad decided for Z, which circle he would go to, what kind of sport he would do, what additional classes he would take, in which subjects to go to the tutor and what exams he would choose to take. The matured members of this generation still want their lives planned out by others. Therefore, in order for them to successfully complete the tasks, everything must be described in detail, dividing into points. As it was in childhood.

Don't: "Prepare a sales report for our branded stationery."

Need to: “By next Wednesday, make a sales report for our branded office supplies. In this report, you need to enter a graph of curves relative to last year's sales. You can get the initial data from Anna, Vladimir will help with the calculations, Evgeny will make the charts. This report is very important and will be presented at the meeting with investors. Nikolay will supervise the fulfillment of the task ”.

In the first option, a Gen Z representative will search the Internet for how to make a report. He will try to fit his data to the found examples, will do it somehow, just to deal with this task.

And if you use the second option, then Z will complete the task, strictly following the instructions, taking into account the established time frame. But at the same time, it will suit responsibly and creatively, for example, by creatively designing a presentation.

Generation Z, unlike Y-s, do not consider strict limits to limit their imagination. This is how Y thinks:

Assignment without restrictions → “I will do better than others” → does it according to his taste → manager is dissatisfied and annoyed → the task needs to be corrected → Y is annoyed.

Here's what Gen Z thinks:

Assignment with restrictions → “I'll do it as expected” → add a little imagination → the task is completed within the framework, but unusual → the boss is satisfied → the task is closed → Z is a good “son”.

Generation Z projects the task into their childhood. Y- "mom" sets the task. Z is calm because he knows that Y is on his side. This is a familiar and calm situation. And in calmness, Z works well.

Invite them to become supermen

Generation Z and other generations have different motivators for completing tasks. Interest is of great importance to Zs. The main components of their comfort are the absence of boring frames and the presence of a curious task.

This can be easily seen in the following example. Students of the Institute of Agriculture were sent to practice in an agricultural firm. For the successful completion of the second course of study, it was necessary to fill out an animal observation diary. The students completed the assignment, but they did it lazily and in bad faith.

Then the chief engineer came up with the idea to invite students to take part in the work on creating a system with artificial intelligence. He explained that the purpose of the system is to reduce resource losses. In order for the system to fully function, the data collected by the trainees is necessary. After that, the students began to take a more responsible attitude to the task at hand and gave productive suggestions for optimizing the operation of the system.

The advantage of Generation Z is that they can solve several problems simultaneously without losing quality, and in a short period of time. But they are unable to complete a task if they do not understand its essence. They need to know what exactly needs to be done, why and how it relates to the goals of the firm.

Don't: Create five different product packaging options (for multiple audiences) and send to marketers.

Need: We are planning to expand, so you need to develop five packaging design options. By introducing the modified packaging, we will be able to attract new consumers.

In the first case, a representative of generation Z will complete the task, but will rely only on his thoughts and preferences, and in the second case, he will perform as expected by the leadership. Z will monitor a significant amount of information, highlight the main points and create a new solution.

Generation Z will take a few consultations from their peers and social media specialists, which will save time. Y may be much more educated and erudite than Z, but will spend more time on the same task. It is difficult for Z to remember information, but he knows where to find it. He will quickly cope with this task. Speed ​​is a reflection of Gen Z.

Dictate the rules of your game clearly

For Gen Z, there is no hierarchy even in working relationships. They treat their colleagues and management like a friend. Z will not hesitate and, if a question arises, will consult not with a colleague, but through a message to the boss. It should be borne in mind when working with representatives of generation Z that they will respect Y as a person, and not as a leader.

Z does not like living on a schedule, adjusting to a schedule, working within normalized working hours, because he believes that it is necessary to work for inspiration and convenience, and not on orders.

Z envisions work as a combination of tasks that must be completed in good faith and on time. Time is the only valid limiter. Failure to meet the deadline will result in punishment, as it was in childhood.

Don't: Prepare me tender documents and answer customer complaints.

It is necessary: ​​By Monday morning, the tender documentation should be ready: terms, conditions, our recommendations, presentation. By Tuesday night, you need to review and respond to customers' complaints. You should first provide me with a draft report. Don't forget that we have introduced late penalties.

In the first case, Z will complete all the tasks, but even if he knows that it is urgent, he will not rush. In the second, the documents will be prepared on time. And if he is late with the change and receives a fine, he will take it calmly.

People Z do not accept strict control over themselves, but at the same time they calmly work under restrictions (terms, fines, etc.), perceiving this as special conditions of a computer game.

Offer tasks designed for quick results

Generation Z are realists. They saw how the plans of the older Y's were broken, so they do not want to take on unsolvable problems so as not to worry in the future. The Z's are determined to win and don't like being defeated at all.

Ambitious tasks are not for the Z-s, it is the prerogative of the Y-s, who are very eager to fulfill them, but so far unsuccessfully. If you set an ambitious goal for Z, then you need to divide it into smaller and achievable goals.

Don't: The profit of our company should be increased by 50% by the next year.

Do: You need to identify the factors limiting the company's sales and get rid of them. Then determine which innovations will increase profits. At the same time, think about how to reduce existing costs at the moment (terms and level of responsibility should be set for each task).

In the first case, people Z will come to the conclusion that the boss-Y is picking on and deliberately setting impossible tasks. In this situation, it will be easier for them to quit and start looking for a new job. And in the second case, they will try to complete the tasks as soon as possible in order to report to Y-th.

Z, unlike Y, is not career-driven. It is too long and boring for him. He works for interest, not for career growth and money. Remuneration for labor is a nice bonus, thanks to which you can buy tickets, courses and pay for entertainment. Z is not a creator, but a performer who is interested in solving assigned tasks like a puzzle.

Promise rewards

The Zs don't care about the value of the reward, but the lack of reward at the end will devalue the task itself. The reward may not be too large and conditional, but its presence is required.

Yandex offers its employees comic promotions. After a year of work in the company, the person is assigned the status of “guardian of the coffee point”. The longer the service life, the higher the comic position. Such "titles" do not bring any advantages, but, according to research by Milenian Branding, it became known that Gen Z would prefer a slight career growth after a certain period of time than a high position of unknown when.

Gen Z people need to know their immediate future. They are used to living in comfort and peace. The Zs must know not only the time required to solve the problem, but also the date when the first victory will be achieved.

No need: after completing the internship, we will consider your candidacy and, if you fully suit us, we will accept you full-time.

It is necessary: ​​we are ready to take you on an internship. If during it you show yourself well, then upon completion we will raise your salary and accept you on a trial period. If you do not complete the assigned tasks, we will be forced to fire you. And if you are proactive and executive, you will be enrolled in the staff.

In the first case, Z will get scared and continue looking for work, and in the second, she will work hard to prove herself and reach the next stage.

Gen Z people are focused on achieving quick results. They expect success after the first effort they make. The next step can be more difficult, but it is also doable and time-limited.

7 tips and tricks to adapt to Gen Z for the good of your company

Sometimes it seems that it is better not to build a business relationship with Gen Z: they are capricious, lazy and poorly motivated. Moreover, a generation after Z will soon come - the incredibly talented Alpha prodigies, from whom promising leaders will grow.

Z-people are thoughtful performers, malleable, and easily transform into serious workers.

1.Write clearly, point by point, speak briefly, explain clearly... According to Microsoft employees, Gen Z children only listen to new information for eight seconds. They are unable to concentrate on long messages. The oral problem should be about 25 words long and broken down into sub-points. Each item should also be a maximum of 25 words. does not remember information well, because he knows that everything can be found on the Internet. A written problem will help you remember details.

2.Draw a comic for the problem. The new generation perceives images better than words. Illustrated activities and video instructions for them are more effective. This also applies to larger tasks, such as the development strategy of the company.

3.Like it. Z has been admired by his family and teachers since childhood. For all their achievements, they were awarded prizes, even for photos on social networks they get likes. - we cannot work without encouragement and praise. The reward does not motivate them for a better solution of the problem, but its absence knocks them out of their working rhythm.

4.Don't deprive them of their gadgets... According to Childwiz research, he uses all modern gadgets every day. Setting a problem in the form of a program has a greater impact on them than a meeting. Introduce modern technologies into the work of the company, do not prohibit the use of social networks and do not force them to keep exclusively paper documents. This will increase the performance of the Z-a.

5.Give them some leisure. This generation is used to having fun. The information does not need to be presented in an instructive form, this will only turn Z-in away from work. Let them develop and learn at will, which will increase their loyalty to the firm.

6.Look for friends for them. Despite all the virtual friends, the Z's are lonely. Live communication cannot be replaced by anything. only looks relaxed and sociable, but in fact they have practically no relationship building skills. Involve them in the team, let them feel their belonging to the team.

7.Have a clear deadline. Gen Z people recognize the importance of timelines, but they often break them. Set strict deadlines and fine for violation. Once such control is established, irresponsible workers will weed out on their own.

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In 1991, the generation theory was created by American scientists Neil Howe and William Strauss. According to her, every 20-25 years a new generation of people is born with character traits, habits and characteristics that distinguish them from the background of all the others and then are repeated in future generations.

Having studied in detail the work of scientists, site I'm ready to tell you about the last 4 generations that we often encounter today.

Hove and Strauss gave the name and characterization for each of the generations, starting as far back as 1433. However, we are interested in representatives of the last four generations, whom we often meet today and whom it is quite possible to fit into one conditional family: the youngest - Vanya ( generation Z), his' elder sister ( generation Y), Vanya's dad ( generation X) and grandmother ( generation "Baby Boomers"). Let's talk about each in more detail.

Generation Baby Boomers

Dates of birth: 1943 to 1963

Grandma is 72 years old. Several times a week she goes to the pool, visits the spa salons, bakes incredibly delicious pies, feels energetic and healthy.

Granny's generation is called Baby Boomers. It got this name because of the post-war surge in the birth rate. Representatives of this generation have a high level of patriotism. These people are optimists, team spirit and collectivism are inherent in them. It is important for them to help each other, to work together and together.

They know how to do almost any manual job: they cook well, sew, fish, educated and well versed in many sciences. Many of the boomers are active, going to fitness centers, mastering gadgets and traveling. And, we repeat, they are distinguished by enviable health and energy.

Generation X

Dates of birth: from 1963 to 1984

Dad is 47 years old. He has been with a renowned construction company for over 20 years. He started from the lowest position, and now holds the post of deputy director. He is hardworking, responsible, and likes to do all the difficult work himself.

Papa Vanya is a prominent representative of Generation X. Generations of singles dedicated to hard work and personal success. These are people who, from childhood, were accustomed to independence: they did their homework, got ready for school, cooked lunch for themselves and did most of the tasks without outside help.

Generation X people tend to are distinguished by their global awareness, technical expertise and independence in almost everything. Most often, they prefer to work for 30-40 years in the same organization, accumulating experience and rising from the lowest level to bosses and directors.

Generation Y (or Generation "Millennium")

Dates of birth: 1984 to 2004

Older sister Vanya is 23 years old. She is studying abroad, she has thousands of followers on Facebook, and often visits new cafes, parties and art exhibitions with her friends. She is a Generation Y, or Millennial.

Millennials are people who are often referred to as the "social media generation." The environment around them has changed incredibly quickly, which is why millennials are not like their parents. Prestigious work and career growth are not for them. They are not ready to work for one company for many years, prefer flexible hours and immediate reward for the work done.

The speed of technology development is growing, so we can only assume that the next generation will be even smarter, adapt faster and completely get rid of all racial, ethnic, gender and other stereotypes in all spheres of life.

The theory of generations was created in 1991 by American scientists Neil Howe and William Strauss. They simultaneously and independently of each other decided to study in detail such a concept as "generation". Their attention was attracted by the well-known "generational conflict", which is not associated with age-related contradictions. The adaptation of the theory of generations for Russia in 2003-2004 was carried out by a team led by Evgenia Shamis.

This theory is based on the fact that the value systems of people who grew up in different historical periods are different. This is due to the fact that a person's values ​​are formed not only as a result of family upbringing, but also under the influence of social events, the entire context in which he is in the period of growing up. Everything matters: economic, social, technological, political factors. According to this theory, the formation of values ​​occurs until about 12-14 years of age.

Representatives of the next generations now live in Russia (the years of birth are indicated in parentheses).

  • The Greatest Generation (1900-1923).
  • The Silent Generation (1923-1943).
  • The Baby Boomer Generation (1943-1963).
  • Generation X ("X") (1963-1984).
  • Generation Y ("The Game") (1984-2000).
  • Generation Z "Zed" (since 2000).

Let's dwell on each in more detail.

Greatest Generation (1900-1923)

The basic values ​​of people belonging to this generation were formed until the mid-30s of the last century. These years, as we remember, were revolutions, civil war, collectivization, electrification. They are distinguished by hard work, responsibility, belief in a bright future, adherence to ideology, family and family traditions, categorical judgments.

Almost every one of us is familiar or was familiar with people who were born in those years. If they judge something, then it is really very difficult to convince them of something. These people, even at an old age, at 80-90 years old, are ready to go through the courts to prove their truth. Money is not a value for them. Apparently, this is due to the fact that money during their life has repeatedly depreciated, became pieces of paper, and people many times lost everything that they gained.

Silent Generation (1923-1943)

The values ​​of these people were formed until the mid-50s. We all remember this time interval: the Great Patriotic War, Stalinist repressions, first the destruction of the country, then restoration; the discovery of antibiotics.

The concept of "family" for them is a sacred concept. Only in the family can he speak on any topic, discuss problems, because relatives will definitely not betray or let him down. In other places, they will control themselves. Hence the name of the generation - silent. The fact that at this time antibiotics were discovered, which turned the whole world medicine, instilled in them unconditional respect for doctors. The doctors' words are a law that defies discussion. People belonging to this generation respect the laws, positions and statuses of other people, they are very law-abiding. Resting them is often associated with restocking, in cabinets for pickles, jams and canned food.

The Baby Boomer Generation (1943-1963)

The events that had the greatest impact on the formation of the values ​​of people of this generation: of course, the victory in the Great Patriotic War, the Soviet "thaw", the conquest of space, uniform educational standards in schools and the guarantee of medical care.

The generation received the name because of the post-war surge in the birth rate. They grew up in a real superpower.

They believed in their country as they did not believe either before them or after them, and they probably still do. The events that determined the fate of this generation are very powerful. These people are optimists, team people, collective people.

Even the sluggish Soviet economy responded to the peak of the maximum activity of the "boomers" in the 1960s and 1970s. It was then that the networks of specialized stores "Svet", "Radio", "Hunter-fisherman" and others appeared in the country.

The best sport for them is football, hockey. The best vacation is tourism. In other people, they greatly respect curiosity. Now representatives of this generation, "boomers", are quite active, go to fitness centers, swimming pools, master new gadgets and the Internet, travel to other countries as tourists.

Generation X, or Generation Unknown (1963-1984)

Values: willingness to change, choice, global awareness, technical literacy, individualism, desire to learn throughout life, informal views, search for emotions, pragmatism, self-reliance, gender equality.

Now in business this is the most numerous generation, including myself. This is the so-called generation with a key around their necks, children who were accustomed to early independence, did their homework themselves, knew how to warm up meals left on the stove for themselves. Their parents - "boomers" believed that the better the child learns to cope with difficulties, the easier it will be for him to live. Therefore, they did not make life easier for their children and could even complicate it for pedagogical purposes. The key on the neck is a symbol of early independence, which many of my peers remember well.

"X" draw conclusions based on their own experience, but at the same time are strongly focused on the opinion of loved ones. They, unlike the previous generation, are more fond of individual sports - tennis, alpine skiing. They value their time very much, they are in a hurry all the time. All companies doing business in convenience foods and fast food should be grateful for their appearance precisely to representatives of generation X.

The thing is that representatives of generation X are very pragmatic, they understand that fast food is not useful, but fast. Also, when choosing medicines, they will choose a more potent one, realizing that, perhaps, this is not the best option for a quality recovery.

What is happening at this time in the world during the growing up of Generation X people? The country's closeness, stagnation, the cold war, the war in Afghanistan, the emergence of drugs, the beginning of perestroika. And also such an important phenomenon happened at this time as the divorce boom. Family values ​​at this time were very shaken, many women - representatives of this generation began to do business, strive for independence.

The main value of X's is to have a choice. The best job for them is the one that allows them to show their creativity. “X” does not have to change jobs all the time, but it does need to be realized all the time. Patriotism among representatives of this generation is much less pronounced than among their predecessors, in order to understand the reasons for this, it is enough to look again at the list of events that occurred at the time of their growing up. For X, the homeland is, first of all, a small homeland, or a very small one: a family, a close circle of friends, one that he considers his own.

Generation X in Russia includes most of the successful entrepreneurs of our time - Evgeny Kaspersky, Oleg Tinkov, Evgeny Chichvarkin.

Generation Y, or Generation Millennium, Next (1984-2000)

Values: freedom, entertainment, the result as such. The concept of “civic duty” and “morality”, “responsibility” is also included in the value system of these people, but psychologists note their naivety and ability to obey. Immediate gratification comes to the fore for Gen Y.

In research, Generation Y is also called the Generation of the Thumb due to the fact that a cell phone has existed for them almost always and these guys are able to write SMS very quickly. They are very similar to the representatives of the Greatest Generation, whose representatives were born at the beginning of the last century. The same categorical. During their childhood and growing up, there was the collapse of the USSR, terrorist attacks, military conflicts, the rapid development of communications, digital technologies, the Internet, and mobile phones. The development rates have become very high. The era of brands has arrived.

Drug addiction, tobacco smoking, alcoholism are among the main problems, discussed at the highest level, right up to the interstate level. The era of publicity has come - everything went to television and the Internet. Another important aspect is globalization, erasure of borders and leveling of national differences and traditions.

Important features. Almost all representatives of Generation Y are not accustomed to the independence that was inherent in their parents - "X" and grandfather - "Boomers." They grew up confident in their own worth. Due to the fact that the external environment around them changed very quickly during their growing up, they became inherent in such features as the desire to receive immediate reward for the work done, absolute disbelief in the distant future. When he is told that he needs to work ten years in the organization, and your work will be rewarded with a wealthy life, he replies: “What ten years? We may have a different country in ten years. After all, life is changing so quickly. Ten years ago there were no smartphones, no fast internet, or even the Schengen zone in Europe. "

And he's right. If for previous generations nothing has changed for decades (and for their predecessors - for centuries), in his life, except for rapid changes, there was nothing. He knows no other life.

Another important aspect for "gamers" is fashion, brands. They even go in for sports not in order to win, to be healthy or to feel better, but because it is fashionable and enjoyable. If the "gamers" choose a sport, it will be a beautiful sport rather than a useful one.

Generation Z (since 2000)

And finally, let's say a little about the generation of people who were born after 2000 and continue to be born to this day. Little is known about this generation, since the values ​​of even the oldest representatives of generation Z are in the process of formation.

The theory of generations itself is based on the assumption that generations are not only different from each other, they are also cyclical. So, as mentioned above, representatives of generation Y are somewhat similar to the "greatest". There are also opinions that Generation Z will be very similar to the "silent generation" that was born before World War II. Of course, we can only assume, but if the theory of generations is correct, then they will be about the same as those whose childhood fell on the war and post-war years.

What global events are taking place now, during the growing up of Generation Z children? The global financial crisis, business consolidation, the creation of retail chains.

Their silence may also be due to the ubiquity of various means of communication; they draw conclusions based on the information they received from the Internet. The share of live communication with people is steadily decreasing in favor of the virtual one.

In order to visualize which generations are now the basis of the able-bodied population, we present a scheme developed by ECOPSY Consulting *.

Before we generalize what has been said above about the theory of generations, I would also like to draw your attention to the fact that the years of birth indicated for each generation are approximate frames. Much depends on the specific region in which a person grew up. For example, if in large cities generation Y was born in 1983-1984, then X was born in the outback in 1986. In addition, there are people who were born on the border of generations, in which case they may have value characteristics inherent in to both generations.

If you, as a young manager, think that among your employees, most likely, there will not be people of an older generation than the one to which you belong, then keep in mind that they will most likely meet you in the form of your leaders, colleagues or clients.

Basic values

Knowing and understanding the basic values ​​of employees belonging to different generations, we can more targeted work with them in terms of their motivation and setting goals for them. For example, we will need to take into account that for a person born after the war (1943-1963), the status of things is very important.

The origin of everything he touches is important. For example, if he has a good Swiss watch, he believes that this has seriously pushed him on the path of success in life. This is important to him. And if you tell him that this Swiss watch, which he is so happy with, is actually made in Taiwan or Korea, you will significantly ruin his mood. In his understanding, everything should be conservative and predictable, square - square, and perpendicular - perpendicular. Swiss watches made in Korea are nonsense.

Therefore, when we are looking for arguments for these people to motivate them for something, we must definitely refer to the authorities. The Russian president himself is skiing - this is an argument. The same furniture is in the head office of Gazprom - this is an argument. Bruce Willis wears the same shirt - that's an argument.

People of this generation have a certain conservatism towards brands. If he once decided for himself that adidas is cool, then he will think so all his life. It is very difficult to convince them, he can only convince himself. You can gradually slip materials, invite people who are authoritative for him, but it is useless to put pressure on him. It is important to take this into account.

But the Xs love to be surprised. For them, the property or quality of the product will matter more than the brand. They are ready to use Chinese devices if they are of high quality. IKEA has definitely hit the X's. The generation of those who grew up with a key around their necks will assemble these stools with their own hands and fold modular furniture in different combinations.

Independent "xes" and in more important issues will try to draw conclusions themselves, make decisions, it is very difficult to influence them. If you want “X” to do something, he must “reach” this himself, he will not take his word for it. It is imperative to take this into account when setting the "X" tasks. Only if they understand why you are setting such a task, what goal you are actually pursuing, they will perform the task, but in this case perform in an exemplary manner.

For a “game”, we have already said that the determining factor when choosing a product is the brand. He is well versed in fashion, knows what is fashionable now, what is not fashionable. Even knowing that the chemical composition of aspirin from different manufacturers does not differ from each other, he will choose the more fashionable brand of aspirin.

Mood is very important for them, they love positive emotions. For such people to work effectively, they must enjoy both work and interaction with people. You will constantly have to create such conditions for them.

The question of how to effectively work with employees - representatives of generation Y, is now probably the most discussed in the HR environment. The business was not ready for their appearance. Over the past ten years, organizations have recruited mainly employees - X, they told them: "For ten years you will work with us, you will earn a good car and an apartment." It was for the “xes” that the enterprises developed such motivators as systems of grades and ranks: “Those who work for five years - such a bonus, those who work for ten - such a bonus”. And now generation Y has come to the world prepared for the Xs. And for them grades and allowances are an empty phrase.

Now all the previously created systems of motivation break on it. The best head of the sales department, whom I have seen, gives a supernatural result, 2.5 times more than the others, top managers meet with him, give him a big bonus: career! " And he answered: “No, guys, I want tomorrow. I have already invested, I want a return. "

That is, by and large, it must be admitted that the business was not ready for "playing games", until now managers, coaches and consultants in many organizations are trying to come up with and create conditions that are interesting for gamers. At the same time continuing to work with Boomers and Xs.

Formula of management. A practical guide for a novice leader/ Timur Dergunov. - M .: Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, 2015.
Published with permission from the publisher

Recently, the global network and Runet have been vigorously discussing Generation MeMeMe, which in Russian is called "Generation YAYA". The quintessence of half of these articles: “The MeMeMe generation is not mimic. It is difficult to communicate, live and work with them. " The other half are trying to protect these guys by “debunking the myths,” but they seem to only make things worse by creating confusion in concepts. Zillion decided to clarify some of the nuances and offer their position.

The essence of the problem

The problem with generations, which has been on everyone's lips lately, is actually more complicated and deeper than formulated in articles entitled “How can we live and work with them”. Because, firstly, this is a new phenomenon of the "witch hunt": man, as the most cruel species of all the fauna of the Earth, historically needs to find a common enemy. Second, ironically, negligence and the ensuing confusion of concepts are also hit by those who were not targeted by social accusers, that is, representatives of other generations, age groups and lifestyles. So, it is better to call Generation MeMeMe classically - Generation MeMeMe (sounds like "MiMeMe") - so as not to interfere with the terms (there are so many of them). And certainly not Generation Millennials or Generation Y. Because it turns out that millennials / Y have nothing to do with it for 10-15 years. Thirdly, the inflated negative around the generation, which is called "YAYAYA", will not lead to anything good. Millennials, accustomed to the fact that they are "forever young" and that they always scold them, take articles about the MeMeMe / YAYA generation at their own expense and start writing articles in their defense. Although the society for the generation of 30-year-olds, overgrown with families, mortgages, children and start-ups, already had no particular questions.

In general, what is a generation? Strictly speaking, not everything is clear with the definition itself. According to the dictionary, in demography a generation, or as they say “cohorts”, are people born in the same year. Generations are also called steps in descent from a common ancestor, each of which spans 30 years. And it seems that everything falls flat: according to this logic, the MeMeMe Generation belongs to the Millennial Generation. But in practice, the spread of three decades at our stage of civilizational development is a gigantic difference in worldviews, and besides, it is worth taking into account the transition across the border of the millennium. Sometimes they say that one generation spans five years, and more or less it looks like the truth: a year is not enough, ten is already quite a lot, and a 30-year gap is actually people with different paradigms of consciousness and a set of socio-technological skills. The confusion in concepts is due to the fact that it does not take into account the "acceleration of time", the acceleration of progress, as well as the fact that measuring generations in thirty-year periods is a formalism and irrelevant approach. Disciplines do not govern these processes, but only reflect and investigate. New generations and subcultural offshoots do not stand out immediately, but are formed within each generation - and it is only a few decades later to evaluate what has become a "dead-end branch" and what has taken shape and dissociated itself as a new generation.

It is time for us, thirty years old, to admit that we are forever young for ourselves, and from the point of view of society and demography we have “aged” - we are no longer the very heart of what is called youth. Thirty-year-olds are adult youth. She got the historical opportunity to remain an eternally young adult youth even to a ripe old age, and this can be comforted. After 30-year-olds, that is, millennials / Y, “young, leggy and politically literate” have already grown up, who today are still referred to as millennials by inertia. But it is already becoming clear to many researchers and journalists that this is like a “generation after generation”, a new generation that has many differences from 30-year-olds and a different social psychology. A comical situation arises: old man lamentations about how 30- and 40-year-olds live and work next to 20-year-olds (+/-).

This column isn't really about whether the MeMeMe generation is good or bad - it's very patchy. The very idea of ​​raising such questions in society is absurd and dubious, only to be the first to express a provocative and obviously imperfect idea in a well-known magazine, and then watch how it spreads virally around the world, overgrown with fictions. In Generation MeMeMe, there are girls and boys who are obsessed with selfies and tech fetishes, bringing sleeping mats outside the door of Apple Stores, eager to get on vulgar reality shows, selfish narcissists who overestimate their personal value and value in the labor market. Among 50-year-olds and non-celebrities from different countries, there are also plenty of those who take comical selfies in toilets and elevators, and then post them on Instagram and Facebook: strictly speaking, the love of such things is a fuzzy criterion. And also in the MeMeMe Generation (the one that is homemade called YAYA) there are bright minds, young scientists and just normal guys, of which very decent people and good specialists will grow up by the age of 30. All the same can be said about any generation: technological realities and habits change, social trends rise and fall, only one thing is invariable - society is always heterogeneous. In any generation there are people who rush to the ridiculous or even dangerous extremes of behavior and worldview at any stage of progress.

At first, it’s not clear why this hype is going on with an in-depth discussion of the traits of Generation MeMe and Generation Y, that is, millennials. And it looks like this. Millennials (that is, 30-year-olds with families, relationships, children, mortgages, MBA degrees and 1-3 higher educations, with their own business or a bunch of work tasks) suddenly found out that they are "problem people": selfish narcissists, careerists, overestimating their talents, and generally do not like to think, work and wait, but they want to sell themselves at a higher price, etc.

First, it is very “timely”. And secondly, all these lists of qualities and myths around which the lines of defense and attack are built are absurd: any normal person seeks to avoid waiting, to find more effective work algorithms in order to shorten the path to the goal and make a career jump.

About overestimating their talents, overestimating demands and narcissism with selfishness: the new youth belonging to the MeMeMe Generation have got a difficult set of social trends, problems and contradictions to which they adapt. Life in the era of universal media coverage and mutual responsibility of social networks requires new protective mechanisms, and going to extremes, they show "holes in reality." This allows us to "cure" or weaken another social neurosis, which has become our dependence on social media, networks and services.

A recent internet sensation, the festival short Noah, is about MeMeMe. In the film, a young man, Noah, continually switches from his (former) girlfriend's hacked Facebook account to a porn channel, Chatroulette, and back. Two students from the Canadian Film University, Walter Woodman and Patrick Söderberg, shot a 17-minute film as a thesis and better than any article told in what a difficult lifestyle the MeMeMe Generation found itself.

The fact is that the new generation, into which it is still possible to loosely include both 20-year-olds and schoolchildren, has grown / is growing in the era of the Internet and the flourishing of social media. Most 30-year-olds first "touched" the Internet at the institute in the early 2000s. And those who are younger do not remember the time when the web and social networks were not directly accessible. The Internet has set a global trend for the speed and availability of information and contacts, and social networks have absorbed and exaggerated all the most painful features of their most grateful and natural audience - schoolchildren, students, and young people in general. From them, the new laws of Internet sociality were extended to the older generation, to 25-35-year-olds, who have their own typical problems, mainly related to the question of intrinsic value and social achievements: "What have I achieved in comparison with ...?" (substitute the name of a classmate / Zuckerberg, etc.). This is how a continuous cycle of fake and real coolness in social media began and continues, which sometimes degenerates into comic forms. When a 20-year-old person or a middle / high school student, exhausted by typical complexes and age-related problems, opens his page on a social network and sees there a holiday of the “protective” vanity of another student / student, imitation, copying, imitation, and so on, eventually patterns are added. The distance between these patterns and real young people can turn out to be incredibly large: the online image is one, and the real person is completely different, sometimes more adequate.

There is also a great distance between those who belong to the same generation. Here is a young talented scientist Ionut Alexandru Budisteanu, with whom we recently did an interview (read also: ) After all, he, too, can be attributed to a lesser extent to the Millennial Generation and to a greater extent to Generation Z (this is another name for the MeMeMe Generation): he was born in 1993. Frikessa (today) Miley Cyrus was born in 1992. Generation - about one, but while Miley demonstrates her abilities and achievements in the field of twerking, Ionut Alexandru - in the development of self-driving machines based on artificial intelligence. And, by the way, not only wants to help people of the Earth, but has already developed a device that helps blind people see with their language, while Miley demonstrates to the people of Earth the length and flexibility of her language. Moreover, Ionut is also quite a MeMeMe in the sense of the concept - there are also a lot of "YAYAYA" in his words. But, firstly, this is not at odds with the case: the main prize of Intel ISEF - Gordon E. Moore Award is given for a reason. Secondly, there are three key meanings in the construction of this "YAYAYA": " I AM I want to check if I can do this project too "," I AM I want to be proud of me, and the neighbors' children took an example from me "and" I AM I want my inventions to be useful to all people of the planet ”(literally). If this is selfishness and narcissism, then, perhaps, more selfishness and narcissism. Naturally, we can say that there are very few such 20-year-olds. Not as much as I would like, yes. And in order for such to become more in the transitional MeMeMe Generation, and in the next after it, the main thing is continuous education.

If we talk about the negative qualities attributed to generations, then on this score there is an exhaustive thesis: "each generation has its own YAYA". And then recursion: depending on what sense is "YAYA". Don't worry that the new generation of 20-year-olds seem arrogant and overestimate themselves. Half of this is superficial, a mask. In the other half of the time, 20-year-olds try boundaries and luck, seeing many examples of quick success. And who would not want to try to find quick legal success if given such a chance? The amortization of generations smoothes these sharp corners and in 15-20 years those who today are scolded / protected as the YAYA Generation will also resent the vices and "vices" of those born in 2013. The same was done in ancient Greece. It’s just the tiredness of the spirit of maturing people and adults - and envy of someone else’s youth.

Another point: society loves to tickle its nerves. It is quite possible that the medieval witch hunt was essentially something similar, but turned into such a nightmare due to general intellectual poverty and underdeveloped ideas about humanity. Man is by nature hostile. Throughout history, he searches, finds and appoints enemies for himself: it does not matter if we are talking about another nation, representatives of a different faith, party or social group with an unusual image / behavior.

Generation Z / MeMeMe / YAYAYA got a controversial time with its own characteristics (however, as well as 30-, 40-year-olds, etc.). As they can, they cope. Why further complicate their task with articles in the spirit of "how to live and work with them"? Yes, it is normal to live and work, in a regular mode: choosing the most pleasant and adequate ones in relationships, family, friends and work, which is a universal rule for everyone. Well, a new generation has emerged, so what? What such an urgent need to decide what to do with them: "how to live and work with them." A couple of years ago, "children were scared" by hipsters. Now they started to promote the topic "YAYAYA". And they untwist it inadvertently: it's just that humanity has such fun - to find a common "enemy" and "be friends against" him. Then they get bored, and they take on someone new, who is still fresh in the form of a "social threat".

What millennials and the MeMeMe generation have in common are serious social problems: with work, education and personal life. The world has become more open and at the same time sociopathic: people have many quick contacts, but strong comfortable connections are problematic for many. Millennials are also a “generation of disappointed hopes”: more was expected from life than most millennials received by the age of thirty. Both generations have faced the financial constraints of classical higher education and higher unemployment rates than previous generations. And the hype around millennials and the MeMeMe generation is not harmless: it programs the society, the employer for negative stereotypes that are manifested in attitudes and behavior. If, for example, a MeMeMe representative in a given situation behaved differently at work than his 40-, 50-year-old leader was used to, this behavior will immediately be interpreted in the context of lists of horror stories describing the generalized qualities of the MeMeMe Generation in a strange way. And what could really be? Millennials and the MeMeMe Generation are truly people with a different paradigm of thinking. Although, again, not everything: you can be a progressive 60-year-old and a dense 20-year-old. The names of generations mean not so much the years of birth and life as the paradigms of thinking. So millennials and MeMeMe are distinguished by a “horizontal” vision of social contacts, while “parental” generations adhere to a “vertical”, hierarchical paradigm of social interactions.

In a recent interview with Zillion, Greg Kress, American engineer, designer, physicist, futurist, team building researcher, founder and CEO of the innovative startup Radicand Lab (read also Gregory Kress: "If you can predict the outcome, you are not doing anything new" ") :

- I believe that most effective teams do not need a leader at all. The best teams have no hierarchy and the responsibility for making decisions is evenly distributed. I have found that the best managers are the ones who are left alone. I have often encountered cases of mismanagement or assignment to a task that was clearly below my potential. This was not the case when I was managing my own work in the context of a team. So, in a sense, the best leader is the best teammate, the teammate.

This is exactly why the lack of sacred hierarchical fear among millennials - and even more so among MeMeMe - is called arrogance: it is incomprehensible and outrageous for those who are not so used to it. But in essence, the concept of "horizontal" social interaction - that is, without hierarchical curtsies - is a healthier, essentially democratic paradigm. Its development is the future, in which everyone can become really equal, and not so that “all are equal, but some are more equal”. If we talk about impudence in a different context, then it is always a matter of personal ethics.

Today, unscientific or pseudo-scientific, several generations have been identified that appeared in the 20th century and exist in the 21st. Almost for each of them there are duplicate names, which at the same time carry a slightly different meaning. There are many options for spacing generations across decades, especially when it comes to generations Y and Z. A variant is proposed here that seems convincing, although so far the time boundaries of these generations can be designated only conditionally - time will clarify and correct.

Lost Generation

These are those born in the years 1880-1900. The authorship of the term belongs to the American writer Gertrude Stein: as she called the emigrated American writers who gathered in her house. In the future, the meaning of the term covered a whole group of post-war writers, in whose works pessimism, loss of ideals and disillusionment with modern civilization were expressed. The same was true for readers who shared these sentiments. Historical events that influenced the formation of the Lost Generation: the First World War, the Great Depression and the events that led to the emergence of the USSR and the development of the Union's policy according to the Stalinist scenario.

Greatest Generation

Other names: Generation GI, Generation of Winners. Those born in 1901-1924 are counted among him. The term was coined by NBC journalist and broadcaster Tom Brokaw (sometimes referred to as Tom Brokaw). Representatives of this generation have witnessed such historical events as the Second World War and the creation of the UN.

Silent Generation

This is what Time magazine called those born in 1925-1945. Historical events that are significant for him are the Korean War and the Cold War. This generation is called Silent because of its conformity and lack of significant cultural contributions (with the exception of the beatnik movement).

Baby Boomers (Baby Boom Generation)

Other names: Me Generation,Generation Me , Baby Boom Generation. Branches: Golden Boomers, Generation Jones, Alpha B oomers, Yuppies, Zoomers, Cuspers. These are those born in the decades of the population boom, in the years 1946-1964. The sharp increase in the population was associated with the sexual revolution, the popularity of rock music and the hippie movement, the evolution of the socio-political views of a democratic society. The term was coined by the New York Times. Events that became the most significant for this generation: the emergence and heyday of rock music, the sexual revolution, the Vietnam War, the invasion of Czechoslovakia and May 1968 in France (social crisis that resulted in demonstrations, riots and huge changes in French society) ... The main feature of the baby boomers who grew up in comfort has become a rebellion against authoritarianism and "classical" moral principles. Interestingly, as a generation, baby boomers were segmented into Golden Boomers, Generation Jones, Alpha boomers, Yuppies, Zoomers and Cuspers, but it was not possible to give clear boundaries to different branches.

Perhaps, in the case of millennials and the MeMeMe Generation, it will be the same - this can only be assessed in a historical context, at a distance, which once again confirms the senselessness of attempts to evaluate millennials and YaYa here and now.

The Baby Boomer Generation is also referred to as Me Generation, coined by the writer Tom Wolfe. Generation I. Wolfe, like Christopher Lash later, marked the rise of narcissism among the younger generation. Narcissism was understood as the priority of self-realization at the expense of social responsibility. But here is an important point: socio-political and economic hypocrisy are the best demotivators that encourage people of any generation to protest or go into internal emigration and focus on self-realization and enjoyment of life. That is, compared to the middle of the last century, now there is no terrible new generational misfortune: everything has already happened and will be repeated. If a few decades later, the features of Generation Me (Generation I) were multiplied by three to get Generation MeMeMe (Generation YAYA), this says only one thing - the demotivation by socio-political and economic hypocrisy has tripled in half a century.

Generation X (Generation X)

Other names: Xers, Xers, Generation 13, Unknown Generation. These are those born in 1965-1982. The term was coined by British researcher Jane Deverson and Hollywood reporter Charles Humblett, and reinforced by writer Douglas Copeland. Events affecting this generation: the Afghan war, Operation Desert Storm, the beginning of the era of personal computers, the first Chechen war. Sometimes people born in these years are attributed to generation Y and even to Z (although the latter were not in the project), and sometimes they try to combine millennials (Y) and MeMeMe (Z) with the letter X. In the United States, Generation X is commonly referred to as people born during the post-population boom fertility decline. A 1964 study of British youth by Jane Deverson for Womans Own magazine found that young people "sleep with each other before marriage, are not religious, do not love the queen or respect their parents, and do not change their last name when they get married." The journal refused to publish the results. Dverson traveled to Hollywood to publish the book with reporter Charles Humblett. He came up with the loud name "Generation X". Canadian writer Douglas Copeland liked the dramatic title, and he reinforced it in Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated Culture, which focused on the fears and anxieties of people born in 1960-1965: they talked about the loss of cultural connection with the Baby Generation. boomers. It is interesting that those born in the period from 1965 to 1982 were given other loud names. For example, Generation 13 is in the 1991 book by William Strauss and Neil Howe. Strauss and Howe believed that Generation 13 formed:

  • Dissatisfaction with the authorities, lack of trust in the leadership.
  • Political indifference.
  • The increase in the number of divorces.
  • An increase in the number of women-mothers in workplaces.
  • Zero population growth.
  • Oral contraceptive availability.
  • Growing divisions in the educational system.
  • Reduced funding for the education system and difficult access to student loans.
  • Increased academic requirements and intellectual ability.
  • Ecological problems.
  • The emergence of the Internet.
  • End of the Cold War.

Millennials, or Generation Y

Other names: Generation Y, Generation Millennium, Generation Peter Pan, Generation Next, Networked Generation, Echo Boomers, Generation Boomerang, Generation Trophies. Different sources refer different people to this generation. Some say that this is everyone born since the beginning of the 80s. Others specify: from 1983 to the end of the 1990s. And still others cover the early 2000s. The second option - from 1983 to the late 1990s - is perhaps the most convincing.

You would think that two people born with a difference of 1-3 years can belong to different generations only for this reason. Two people born on the same day can belong to different generations depending on opportunities, cultural context, growing environment, social, educational and technological opportunities, as well as trends - this is more like the truth.

Back to Generation Y, the term was coined by Advertising Age magazine. It is believed that the formation of his worldview was influenced by: perestroika, the collapse of the USSR, the "dashing 90s", terrorism, wars (in Iraq, Chechnya, etc.); the international financial crisis, rising housing costs and unemployment; television, pop culture, torrent trackers and video hosting, development of mobile and Internet communications, computer technologies, social networks, digital media and video games, flash mob and meme culture, online communication, evolution of devices, etc.

The main characteristic of this generation is its involvement in digital technologies, the philosophical paradigm of the new millennium (millennium), a new round of division into liberal and conservative views. But the main thing, as they say within the framework of the classical interpretation, is the desire to postpone the transition to adulthood, but in fact it is the concept of eternal youth (albeit with depressive interludes).

In sociology, the question arose sharply - what is considered adulthood? Researcher Larry Nelson has suggested that millennials are slow to take on the responsibilities of adulthood because of the negative example of their predecessors. On the one hand, this is logical and true. On the other hand, it has not been taken into account that this is the Millennium Generation, that is, already people with “other brains”. The coordinator of the project "Theory of Generations in Russia - Rugenerations" Evgenia Shamis suggested that Generation Y does not and will not have heroes, but there are idols, and in the future representatives of the millennial generation will themselves become heroes for other generations. This is what we, in general, observe in the era of startups. In Generation Y, a special attitude towards corporate culture has taken shape: representatives of this generation expect results and benefits from work, strive to adapt work conditions to their lives, prefer flexible hours, outsourcing, etc. Naturally, for those layers of managers who are accustomed to “corporate slavery ”, such a situation is uncomfortable. But the logic of the generation in it is transparent: people realized that life is beautiful and diverse, it is necessary to work on what is a real passion, and the hierarchy is a convention, a construct of society, and in fact “all people are brothers”.

Generation Z (Generation Z), or Generation MeMeMe (Generation MeMeMe)

Other names: Generation YYAYA, Generation Z, Net Generation, Internet Generation, Generation I, Generation M (from the word« multitasking»), Homeland Generation, New Silent Generation, Generation 9/11(referring to the 9/11 Attack as a turning point in the life of a generation). Until recently, people born up to the early 2000s were also considered "canonically" to belong to the millennial generation. And only now, after dozens of articles, many university professors and journalists, realizing the disharmony of the resulting "tree of generations", are inclined to believe that it is incorrect to unite today's thirty and twenty-year-olds into one generation, because significant differences are visible, hinting at a new round of social evolution ...

So, Generation Ζ (or Generation MeMeMe) are people born in the early 1990s and 2000s (Business Insider writes that Gen Z are those born from 1996 to 2010). Their philosophical and social outlook was influenced by the global financial and economic crisis, Web 2.0 and the development of mobile technologies. Gen Z is seen as the children of Generation X, and sometimes also as the children of Generation Y, which is millennials.

The fundamental property of Generation Z is that technology is in its blood, it treats them on a completely different level than even millennials. The key term in this whole story is Digital Natives. In the digital world, they are local themselves. And their parents and older siblings from Generations X and Y are Digital Immigrants, digital immigrants. Moreover, the entire Generation Z (YYYA) was born in the era of globalization and postmodernism. Z have accumulated the features of their predecessors close in time and those features that we already feel, but cannot yet accurately formulate. In ten to twenty years it will be easier: then it will be possible to compare what is obtained in between and where it began. And since the "building blocks" for this are more pronounced arrogance, denial of hierarchy, selfishness and narcissism, then the "dark side of power" Generation Ζ is intuitively called MeMeMe, that is, YAYA.

It is difficult to look beyond the horizon and understand why human evolution “needs” these Generation Z qualities. It is quite possible that they will serve something that is not fully understood even by those in their thirties. Timid positive assumptions can be made now: having recovered from pubertal diseases, Generation Z, accused of selfishness and narcissism, will take the first steps towards a balanced lifestyle of the future, in which they work for creative pleasure and social benefit, create a family out of feelings, and not because society is considered it is indecent to be alone, they have children not for a glass of water in old age, but to pass on their matured digital and libertarian values ​​to Generation Alpha, as demographer Mark McCrindl predicts. Negative scenarios for Generation Z are also possible: time will clarify a lot. Here is Mao Zedong's ingenious answer to everything: "It's too early to draw conclusions."

Generation Alpha

Alpha people are already among us. They were born around 2010. This is the real generation of the 21st century. Millennials, that is, today's 30s, are actively involved in the creation of Generation Alpha - and will pass on their values ​​to it in order to build a bright future. Therefore, the best we can do for Generation Alpha today is to continuously learn and help others learn: to support the “bright side” of Generation Z.

Let us stipulate that all these divisions are not strict and are not fixed by science - different interpretations and positions are possible: since we are witnessing transition processes, we can only assume that now such a continuity of generations is emerging. In general, it will be seen.

P. S.

University of Georgia psychology professor William Keith Campbell shared with Zillion interesting thoughts on generations, individualism, and narcissism.

William Keith Campbell

(W. Keith Campbell)

Professor, Head of the Department of Psychology at the University of Georgia, Ph.D. Specializes in the study of narcissism. Author of numerous articles, including USA Today, Time and The New York Times. Guest expert on popular radio and TV shows. Among his books: "When You Love a Man Who Loves Himself: How to Deal with a One-way Relationship", "The Epidemic of Narcissism" ("The Narcissism Epidemic: Living in the Age of Entitlement ") and many others (" The Hand book of Narcissism and Narcissistic Personality Disorder: Theoretical Approaches "," Empirical Findings, and Treatments "). Official site: WKeithCampbell. Com

For every generation there are several names, and none is scientifically correct. We found in our research that change happens smoothly. Anyone who was born in 1980 will be closer in psychology to someone who was born in 1979 than to someone who was born in 1990.

Culture of the United States, like many other countries, is changing towards individualism. This has many positive aspects, in particular, an increase in the level of tolerance. Our work is focused on the growth of narcissism as one of the negative manifestations. To investigate this cultural phenomenon, we observe various social activities, from how people behave on Facebook to how they call their children.

Overall, observing generations, we see individualism, narcissism and self-esteem increase - but also tolerance.

Narcissism- this is a grandiose or overestimated assessment of oneself. Attached to narcissism are character traits such as self-centeredness, drawing attention to oneself, and a sense of being chosen. Narcissism is associated with individualism, but it is individualism with less responsibility and a sense of superiority over others. In extreme cases, narcissism can become a mental disorder, but this is rare.

Professor William Keith Campbell: “I think what is really interesting is the question: why are the psychological traits of young people not changing in line with the economic downturn that we have seen over the past five years?”

Cultural changes, that we see began at least in the early 1970s. So there is more to it than the impact of social media or reality TV shows. I think there is an important difference between staying young and full of life - for example, being energetic and open to new ideas - and not growing up, giving up important adult responsibilities and responsibilities.

There is a theory that millennials should be a very involved generation with a civic consciousness: its traces are drawn from the ideas of the Russian economist Kondratyev. However, the large amount of data we have collected does not support this idea. I think what is really interesting is the question: why are the psychological traits of young people not changing in line with the economic downturn that we have seen over the past five years?

When you do research group differences - be it cultures, genders or generations - there is always the risk of looking at differences and stereotyping individuals negatively (and sometimes positively). Each generation has a wide variety of personalities.

In younger generations much more tolerance. At the same time, there may be a tendency to identify less with nations and more with fickle groups. I don’t know whether we will have a global nation or whether the importance of belonging to the nation will simply decrease, which will become key for the organization of society.

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