The first homo sapiens of the modern type called. Why do people call people? How a reasonable man appeared

The first homo sapiens of the modern type called. Why do people call people? How a reasonable man appeared
The first homo sapiens of the modern type called. Why do people call people? How a reasonable man appeared

Why do people call people? For an adult, this question may seem a few "childish". However, parents often quite difficult to answer him to the child. Let us find out how a smart man appeared (Homo Sapiens) and what they mean by this concept.

What are the definition of "man"?

What is the concept of the word "man"? According to encyclopedic data, a person is a living creature, gifted by the mind, free will, a gift of thinking and speech. Based on the definition, only people have the ability to mean the creation of workers and their use during the organization of social labor. In addition, a person sustain his own thoughts to other individuals using a set of speech characters.

The appearance of a person is reasonable

The first information about the person is reasonable date back to the epoch of the stone century (Paleolith). It was during this period that, according to scientists, people learned to organize in small groups in order to jointly find food, protection against wild animals, growing offspring. The first economic activity of people was to hunt and collecting. All sorts of sticks and stone chopped were used as instruments of labor. Communication between people of the Stone Age era occurred by gesticulation.

At first, representatives of Homo Sapiens were guided by the organization of herd life exclusively to survival instincts. In this plan, the first people were more like animals. The physical and mental formation of a person reasonable was completed during the late Paleolithic period, when the first primitives appeared oral speechIn groups began to distribute roles, and the tools of labor became more advanced.

Characteristic features of a person reasonable

Why do people call people? Representatives of the species "reasonable man" differ from their primitive predecessors by the presence of abstract thinking, the ability to express their intentions in verbal form.

To understand why people call people, let's proceed from the definition. A reasonable man learned to improve the tools of labor. Currently, more than 100 items have been found, which used in the organization of life in groups of the Late Paleolithic Epoch. Mute man knew how to build housing. Although at first they were quite primitive.

Gradually, the change of herd life came generic communities. Primitive people began to identify their relatives, distinguish between representatives of the species that belong to hostile groups.

The organization of a primitive role with the distribution of roles, as well as the presence of the ability to analyze the situation led to the elimination of full dependence on environmental factors. Growing plant food came to change. Hunting was gradually replaced by cattle breeding. Due to such adaptable activities, the indicators of the average life expectancy of a person's reasonable increased significantly.

Awareness of speech

Answering the question why people call people, it is worth considering a speech aspect separately. Human - the only appearance On Earth, which is able to form complex combinations of sounds, remember them and identify messages from other individuals.

Proportions of the above abilities are also noted in some representatives of the animal world. For example, some feathers who are familiar with the speech of a person can quite accurately reproduce individual phrases, but do not understand their meaning. In fact, it is only imaturing opportunities.

To realize the meaning of words, create meaningful combinations of sounds, a special signaling system is required, which is only a person. Biologists have repeatedly tried to train individuals, in particular primates and dolphins, the system of symbols used to communicate by man. However, such experiments gave insignificant results.


Perhaps it is precisely the ability of a prehistoric person to organize life in groups, communication, creating instruments of labor, the distribution of social roles allowed modern people to take a dominant place on the planet among all living beings. Thus, it is assumed that the presence of a culture allows us to be called people.

Homo.sapiens. - The view in which four subspecies entered - Academician RAS Anatoly Derevyko

Photo of ITAR-TASS

Until recently, it was believed that the man of a modern biological species originated in Africa about 200 thousand years ago.

"Modern biological type" means in this case us. That is, we, the current people, Homo Sapires (more precisely, Homo.sapiens.sapiens.) We are direct descendants of some creatures that appeared precisely there. Previously, they were called Crohanyonians, but today such a designation is considered obsolete.

About 80 thousand years ago, this "modern man" began his victorious procession on the planet. The victorious in the literal sense: it is believed that in that hiking, he supposed other human forms from life - for example, famous Neanderthals.

But recently showed evidence that it is not quite so ...

Led to this conclusion the following circumstances.

Several years ago, the expedition of Russian archaeologists and specialists of other sciences, who operated under the leadership of the director of the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences of Academician Anatoly Derezko, found the remains of an ancient person in the Denisovskaya cave.

Culturally, he fully corresponded to the level of modern Sapirens: the tools of labor were at the same technological level, and the love of decorations pointed to a sufficiently high stage of social development. But biologically ...

It turned out that the structure of DNA found remains differs from the genetic code now living people. But it did not make a basic sensation. It turned out that this one - on all, repeat, technological and cultural signs - a reasonable person was ... "a stranger". According to genetics, he departed from us a line of no less than 800 thousand years ago! Yes, we are even neanderthal relative!

"We see much about the new form of a person who has not previously been known to world science," said the Director of the Department of Evolutionary Genetics at the Institute of Evolutionary Anthropology named after Max Planck, the legendary circles in professional circles. Well, it is a curved: it he conducted an analysis of the DNA of an unexpected find.

So what happens? While we, people, climbed along the evolutionary stairs, parallel with us climbed up a kind of competitive "humanity"?

Yes, according to Academician Derevko. Moreover: in his opinion, such centers, where different groups of people sought to rank a reasonable person in parallel and independently of each other, may be at least ... Four!

On the main provisions of the new concept already called the new revolution in anthropology, he told ITAR-TASS.

Before proceeding to the merits, let's start with the "pre-revolutionary situation". What was before the current events, what was the picture of human evolution?

You can confidently say that humanity originated in Africa. The first traces of creatures learned to produce workers of labor were found today in the East African Rift area, stretched in the meridional direction from the dead sea in the Red Sea and on the territory of Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania.

The spread of the first people in Eurasia and the settlement of vast territories in Asia and Europe occurred in the mode of gradual development of the most favorable environmental niches and then promotion into neighboring areas. The beginning of the process of human penetration into Eurasia, scientists belong to a wide chronological range from 2 to 1 million years ago.

The most numerous population of ancient Homo, who left Africa, was associated with the type of Homo Ergaster-Erectus and the so-called Older industry. Under the industry in this context is understood to be a certain technology, culture of stone processing. Older or Oldovayskaya - the most primitive of them, when a stone, most often pebbles, because of which this culture is called still pebble, split in half to get a sharp edge without additional processing.

About 450-350 thousand years ago, east of Eurasia begins promotion from the Middle East of the Second Global Migration Flow. The spread of the Late Asless Industry is connected with it, in which people made macrolites - Stone Rubil, Otcheda.

In case of its promotion, a new population of a person in many territories was met by the population of the first migration wave, and therefore there is a mixing of two industries - pebber and lateaachel.

But what is interesting: judging by the nature of finds, the second wave reached the territory of India and Mongolia. Next she did not go. In any case, the difference in the whole industry of Eastern and Southeast Asia from the industry of Eurasia is noticeable. And this means, in turn, that since the first appearance of ancient human populations in Eastern and Southeast Asia, 1.8-1.3 million years ago, there was a continuous and independent development of both the physical type of man and its culture. And one of this is contrary to the theory of monocentric origin of man modern type.

"But you just said that a person originated in Africa? ..

It is very important to emphasize, and I did not accidentally done this: we are talking about a man of modern anatomical type. According to the monocentric hypothesis, it formed 200-150 thousand years ago in Africa, and 80-60 thousand years ago his distribution in Eurasia and Australia began.

However, this hypothesis leaves many problems unresolved.

For example, in front of the researchers, it is primarily the question: why, if a person of a modern physical type arose, at least 150 thousand years ago, then the culture of the upper Paleolithic, which is associated with Homo Sapirens, appeared only 50-40 thousand years ago?

Or: if the upper-paralyolitic culture spread to other continents with a modern person, then why did its products appear almost simultaneously in the regions of Eurasia? And besides, significantly distinguish between themselves according to the main technical and typological characteristics?

And further. According to archaeological data, the man of a modern physical type settled Australia 50, and maybe 60 thousand years ago, whereas on the territories adjacent to East Africa on the very African continent it appeared ... later! IN South AfricaJudging by the anthropological finds, about 40 thousand years ago, in Central and Western - apparently, about 30 thousand years ago, and only in Northern - about 50 thousand years ago. What to explain what modern man first penetrated into Australia, but only then settled on the African continent?

And how from the point of view of monocentrism, explain what Homo Sapiens for 5 - 10 thousand years was able to overcome the giant distance (more than 10 thousand km), without leaving any traces of their movement? Indeed, in South, Southeast and East Asia, 80-30 thousand years ago, in the case of replacing the autochthonous population, it was necessary to have a complete change of industry, but this is absolutely not traced in the east of Asia. And between the regions with the upperopelyolithic industry, there were territories where the culture of the middle Paleolithic continued to exist.

Dropped on something, how do you assume some? But in South and East Africa on the locations of the final of the middle and early stage of the Upper Paleolithic found no means of swimming. Moreover, there are no tools for processing wood in these industries, and without them boats and others cannot be built. similar fundswhere you could go to Australia.

And what about the data of genetics? After all, they show that all modern people are the descendants of one "father" who lived just in Africa and just about 80 thousand years ago ...

Well, in fact, monocentricists on the basis of the study of DNA variability in modern people suggest that it was during the period 80 - 60 thousand years ago a demographic explosion occurred in Africa, and as a result of a sharp growth of the population and lack of food resources, a migration wave splashed into Eurasia .

But with all respects for the data of genetic studies, believe in the infallibility of these conclusions, without having no convincing archaeological and anthropological evidence in their confirmation, it is impossible. But meanwhile there are no such!

Here are looking. It must be borne in mind that with the average life expectancy at the time about 25 years - the offspring in most cases remained without parents still in immature age. With high postnatal, child mortality, as well as adolescent mortality due to early loss of parents, there is no reason for the demographic explosion.

But even if you agree that 80 - 60 thousand years ago in East Africa there was a rapid growth of the population, which determined the need to search for new food resources and, accordingly, the settlement of new territories, the question arises: why migration flows were first aimed far to east , right up to Australia?

In a word, the extensive archaeological material of the studied Paleolithic locations of South, Southeast and East Asia in the range of 60-30 thousand years ago does not allow to trace the wave of migration of anatomically modern people from Africa. In these territories, not only the change of culture is not observed, which was supposed to occur in the case of substitution of the autochthonous population, but also well-pronounced innovations, testifying to accumulation. Such authoritative researchers like F.J. Hubgud and N.R. Franklin make an unequivocal conclusion: the indigenous people of Australia never had a complete African "package" of innovation, as they were not immigrants from Africa.

Or take China. The extensive archaeological material of hundreds of studied Paleolithic monuments in Eastern and Southeast Asia demonstrates the continuity of the development of the industry on this territory throughout the last million years. Perhaps as a result of Paleoecological catastrophe (cooling, etc.), the armed of the ancient populations of a person in the Sino-Malay zone was allowed, but the archantropips never left her. Here, an evolutionary, without any significant influence, the person himself developed from the outside, and his culture. No similarities with African industries in the chronological interval of 70-30 thousand years ago in Southeast and East Asia are not traced. According to the existing extensive archaeological material, there is also no migration of people from the west to the territory of China in the chronological interval of 120-30 thousand years ago.

But over the past 50 years in China, numerous finds are revealed to trace the continuity not only between the ancient anthropological type and modern Chinese populations, but also between Homo Erectus and Homo Sapiens. In addition, they have mosaic morphological signs. This indicates the gradiment of the transition from one species to another and indicates that the evolution of a person in China is characterized by continuity and hybridization or interspecific crossing.

In other words, in Eastern and Southeast Asia, for more than 1 million years, the evolutionary development of the Asian Homo Erectus occurred. This does not exclude the coming here for small populations from neighboring regions and the possibilities of gene exchange, especially on border with neighboring populations of territories. But given the proximity of the Paleolithic Industries of Eastern and Southeast Asia and their difference from the industries of the adjacent Western regions, it can be argued that at the end of the average - the beginning of the top playeconduction, the man of modern physical type Homo Sapiens Orientalensis was formed on the basis of an authon erectoid form Homo In Eastern and Southeast Asia, along with Africa.

That is, it turns out that the path to Sapiress was traveled different, independent of the descendants of the erectus, independent of each other? Different shoots developed from one cutken, which then spun in one barrel again? How can this be?

Let's consider the story of Neanderthals to understand this process. Moreover, hundreds of various parking lots, settlements, burials of this species have been studied in 150 years of research.

Neanderthals spread mainly in Europe. Their morphological type has been adapted to the harsh climatic conditions of northern latitudes. In addition, the Paleolithic locations are also open in the Middle East, in the front and Central Asia, in the south of Siberia.

These were low-spirited autonous people who have great physical strength. The volume of their brain was 1,400 cubic centimeters and did not yield to the average volume of the brain of modern people. Many archaeologists paid attention to the greater efficiency of the Neanderthal industry on final stage Middle Paleolithic and the presence of many elements of the behavior characteristic of a modern anatomical type. There is a lot of evidence of the intentional burial to the Neanderthals of their relatives. They used tools of labor similar to that in parallel developing in Africa and in the East. They also showed many other elements of modern human behavior. It is not by chance that this kind is or subspecies - today also refer to "reasonable": Homo Sapiens NEANDERTHalensis.

But he was born in the period 250 - 300 thousand years ago! That is, also developed in parallel, not under the influence of the "African" man, which can be denoted as Homo Sapiens Africaniensis . And we have only one solution: consider the transition from the average to the upper Paleolithic in Western and Central Europe as an autochthonous phenomenon.

- Yes, but Neanderthal is not today! How not and chinese Homo.sapiens.orientalensis

Yes, according to many researchers, the Neanderthals were subsequently substituted in Europe with a contemporary anatomical type, released from Africa. But others believe that, perhaps, the fate of Neanderthals is not so sad. One of the largest anthropologists Eric Trinkaus, comparing 75 signs of Neanderthals and modern people, came to the conclusion that about a quarter of the signs are characteristic of both Neanderters and modern people, as much as the Neanderthals and approximately half - contemporary people.

In addition, these genetic studies show that up to 4 percent of the genome in modern non-Africans are borrowed from Neanderthal. The famous researcher Richard Green with co-authors, among which genetics, anthropologists and archaeologists did a very important note: "... Neanderthals are in equally close relationship with the Chinese, Papuas and the French." He notes that the results of the study of the Neanderthal genome may not be compatible with the hypothesis of the origin of a modern type of a person from a small in the number of African population, to displace it with all other forms of Homo and resettlement on the planet.

At the present level of research, there is no doubt that in the border areas of the habitat of the Neanderthals and the people of modern type, or in the territories of their cross-resettlement, there were processes not only diffusion of cultures, but also hybridization and assimilation. Homo Sapiens NEANDERTHalensis Undoubtedly made its contribution to the morphology and the genome of a modern type man.

Here is the time to remember your sensational find in the Denis Cave in Altai, where another one was found, whether the subspecies of the ancient person. And also - the tools are completely dissatible, and in genetics - and the origin of not African, and the differences with Homo Sapiens are more than with Neanderthal. Although Neanderthal is also not ...

As a result of field studies in Altai for the last quarter of a century on nine cave parking lots and more than 10 open-type parking lots, over 70 culture-containing horizons belonging to the early, middle and upper paleolyte. The chronological range of 100-30 thousand years ago includes about 60 cultural consuming horizons, in varying degrees of archaeological and paleontological material.

Based on extensive materials obtained as a result of field and laboratory studies, it is possible to assert that the development of human culture on this territory occurred as a result of the evolutionary development of the medium-altolytic industry without any noticeable influences associated with the infiltration of populations with another culture.

- That is, no one came and innovation did not?

Judge for yourself. In the Denis Cave, 14 culture-containing layers are isolated, some of them are traced several habitat horizons. The most ancient finds relating, apparently, to the Late Asless Time - early Paleolithic, fixed in the 22nd layer - 282 ± 56 thousand years ago. Next - gap. The following culture-containing horizons from the 20th to the 12th belong to the middle Paleolithic, and the layers of the 11th and 9th - upper-paralyolitical. I pay attention to: there is no gap.

In all medium-alterooletic horizons, the continuous evolution of the stone industry is traced. Materials from cultural horizons 18-12 are particularly important, which belong to the chronological interval of 90-50 thousand years ago. But what is especially important: these are things, in general, the same level that the man had our biological type. Bright confirmation of the "modern" behavior of the population Mountain Altai 50-40 thousand years ago are the bone industry (needles, shill, bases for composite guns) and objects of non-turptive destination from bone, stone, shells (beads, suspension, etc.). An unexpected find was a fragment of a stone bracelet, when several technical techniques were used: grinding, polishing, sawmills and drilling.

About 45 thousand years ago, the Mustier Type Industry appeared in Altai. This is the culture of Neanderthals. That is, some group reached them here and settled on time. Apparently, this small population was displaced from Central Asia (for example, Uzbekistan, Teshik-Tash Cave) a man of modern physical type.

She long existed on the territory of Altai. The fate of it is unknown: either it was assimilated by the autochthonous population or extinct.

As a result, we see: all the archaeological material accumulated as a result of almost 30-year-old field studies of multilayer cave parking lots and parking lots in Altai, convincingly testifies to autochthon, independent formation here 50-45 thousand years ago and expressive in Eurasia. So, the formation of the culture of the upper paleolithic, which is characteristic of a person of a modern type, occurs in Altai as a result of the evolutionary development of the autochthonous medium-pressureolithic industry.

At the same time, they are genetically - not "our" people, right? The study conducted by the famous Svan Paabo, showed that we are with them - even less relatives than with Neanderthals ...

We did not expect this! After all, judging by the stone and bone industry, the presence of a large number of subjects of continuity, methods and techniques of life support, the presence of objects received by exchange for many hundreds of kilometers, people who lived in Altai had modern human behavior. And we, archaeologists, were confident that this population was genetically belonged to people of modern anatomical type.

However, the results of the decoding of human nuclear DNA, made by the phalange of the finger from the Denisovaya cave in the same institute of population genetics, turned out to be unexpected for everyone. The Denisovtsian genome deviated from the reference man genome 804 thousand years ago! And with Neanderthals, they divided 640 thousand years ago.

- But after all, Neanderthals then did not have?

Yes, and this means that the general alert for Denisovsky and Neanderthals population left Africa more than 800 thousand years ago. And settled, apparently in the Middle East. And about 600 thousand years ago from the Middle East migrated part of another part of the population. At the same time, the ancestors of the modern man remained in Africa and developed there their way.
But on the other hand, Denicemen left 4 - 6 percent of their genetic material in the genomes of modern melanesians. As Neanderthals - in Europeans. So although before our time they are in their appearance and did not live, but they can not be attached to the dead-end branch in the evolution of man. They are in us!

Thus, it is possible in general the evolution of a person to present as follows.

The entire chain leading to the emergence of a modern anatomical type in Africa and Eurasia is the alert basis of Homo Erectus Sensu Lato. Apparently, the entire evolution of the Sapient line of human development is connected with this politic spec.

The second migration wave of erectoid forms came to Central Asia, South Siberia and Altai about 300 thousand years ago, probably from the Middle East. From this chronological line, we can follow in the Denisian cave and on other locations in the caves and parking lots of an open type in Altai, the continuous convergent development of the stone industries, and therefore the physical type of human itself.

The industry here was in no way primitive or archaic compared to the rest of Eurasia and Africa. It was focused on the environmental conditions of this region. In the Sino-Malay zone there was an evolutionary development of both the industry and an anatomical type of man himself on the basis of erectoid forms. This allows you to highlight a modern type man formed in this area, in the subspecies of Homo Sapiens Orientalensis.

In the same way, Homo Sapiens Altaiensis and its material and spiritual culture developed in South Siberia.

In turn, Homo Sapiens NEANDERTHalensis autochonically developed in Europe. Here, however, a less pure case, since people of a modern type from Africa got here. There are arguments about the form of relationships of these two subspecies, but genetics in any case shows that part of the Neanderthal genome in the current people is present.

Thus, only one conclusion remains: Homo Sapiens is a view in which four subspecies entered. This is Homo Sapiens Africaniensis (Africa), Homo Sapiens Orientalensis (South-East and East Asia), Homo Sapiens Neanderthalensis (Europe) and Homo Sapiens Altaiensis (North and Central Asia). All archaeological, anthropological and genetic studies, from our point of view, testify to this!

Alexander Tsyganov (ITAR-TASS, Moscow)


In the light of the newly published and future video, for the overall development and systematization of knowledge, I propose a generalized review of the generics of the Hominide family from later Sachelanpov, who lived about 7 million years ago, to a man of reasonable, which appeared from 315 to 200 thousand years ago. This review will help not get to the rod to lovers to mislead and systematize their knowledge. Since the video is quite long, for convenience in the comments, there will be a table of contents with a half code, thanks to which you can start or continue viewing a video, from the selected genus or type, if you click on the blue numbers in the list. 1. Sahelanthropus This genus is represented by only one type: 1.1. Chadsky Sachelanpus (Sahelanthropus Tchadensis) is a extinct view of the hominid, about 7 million years old. His skull named Tumaina, which means "hope for life," was found in the North-West of the Republic of Chad in 2001 by Michele Brus. The volume of their brain, presumably 380 cm. Cubic, approximately like modern chimpanzees. According to the characteristic location of the occipital opening, scientists believe that this is the most ancient skull of an open creature. The Sahelanprop may be a general ancestor of people and chimpanzees, but there are some more questions to his facial features that may question the status of Australopites. By the way, the belonging of the SahelanTropes to the human pedigree challenges the discovers of the next kind with the only species of Ororin Tugenisis. 2. The genus of erorain (Orrorin) includes one kind: Ororin Tugenisis (Orrorin Tugenensis), or Millennium Man, this kind was found in 2000 in the Tiges of Kenya. Its age is about 6 million years. Currently, 20 fossils were found in 4 sites: these include two parts of the lower jaw; Symphyshes and several teeth; Three fragments of the thigh; partial shoulder bone; proximal phalanx; And the distal phalanx of the thumb. By the way, ORRYRINOV, femoral bones with obvious signs of straightening, in contrast to indirectly from Sahelanhropovs. But the rest of the skeleton, except for the skull, indicates that he climbed on trees. The growth of the erorain was about 1m. 20 centimeters. In addition, the accompanying finds indicated that the erorases lived not in the savannah, but in the evergenous forest environment. By the way, this species demonstrates lovers of sensations in anthropology or supporters of ideas, about extraterrestrial origin of people, telling that 6 million years ago, I was visited by aliens. As evidence, they note that this type has a femur closer to human than the later type of Afar Australopithek, named Lucy, 3 million years old, this is true, but explained that they made scientists 5 years ago Describing the level of primacy of similarity and that it is similar and with primates who lived another 20 million years ago. But in the appendage to this argument "TV experts" report that the reconstructed form of the face of Orriere is flat and similar to human. And then take a look carefully on the pictures of the finds and find parts of which you can collect your face. Do not see? I, too, but they are there, according to the authors of the program! At the same time show the video fragments about completely different finds. This is designed to trust hundreds of thousands, and even millions of viewers and they will not be checked. So mixing the truth and fiction It turns out sensation, but only in the minds of their adepts, and unfortunately, not enough. And this is only one example. 3. Ardipitecus (Ardipithecus), ancient genus Gominid, who lived 5.6-4.4 million years ago. At the moment, only two types are described: 3.1. Ardipithecus Kadabba (Ardipithecus Kadabba) was found in Ethiopia in the Valley of the River Middle Avas in 1997. And in 2000, the north was found even few findings. Finds are presented mainly by teeth and fragments of skeletal bones, from several individuals, age of 5.6 million years. Bole qualitatively describes the following type of ardipitecles. 3.2. Ardipithecus Ramidus (Ardipithecus Ramidus) or Ardi, that in translation means land or root. The remains of Ardi were first discovered not far from the Ethiopian village of Aramis in 1992 in the Afar Vpadina in the Valley of the Avash River. And in 1994 more fragments were obtained, which was 45% of the total skeleton. This is a very significant find, which combines signs and monkeys, and man. The age of findings was determined on the basis of their stratigraphic position between the two volcanic layers and amounted to 4.4 million years. And between 1999 and 2003, scientists discovered bones and teeth more nine individuals of Ardipica Ramidus, on the north bank of the Avash River in Ethiopia west of Hadar. Ardipitiate is similar to most primitive, previously recognized hominines, but unlike them, Ardipithecus Ramidus had, preserved a grabbiness, a thumb, fitted for climbing on trees. However, scientists argue that other features of its skeleton reflect adaptation to straightening. Like late Hominins, the Ardi has been reduced fangs. Its brain was small about as in modern chimpanzees, and about 20% of the brain size of a modern man. The teeth they say that they fed up both fruits and leaves without preferences, and this is the way to omnipiness. As for social behavior, weak sexual dimorphism may indicate a decrease in aggression and competition between males in the group. Ramidus's legs are well suited for walking both in the forest and in conditions of meadows, swamps and lakes. 4. Australopithecus, here it immediately needs to be noted that there is still an Australopiteca concept that includes 5 more clans and are divided into 3 groups: a) Early Australopheca (7.0 - 3.9 million years ago); b) graceful Australopheca (3.9 - 1.8 million years ago); c) Massive Australopheca (2.6 - 0.9 million years ago). But Australopitek as a genus is fossils of higher primates with signs of straightening and anthropoid features in the structure of the skull. Which lived between 4.2 to 1.8 million years ago. Consider 6 types of Australopites: 4.1. Anaman Australopithecus AnaMensis is considered the ancestor of a person who lived for about four million years ago. Fossils were found in Kenya and Ethiopia. The first find of the form was discovered in 1965 near Lake Turkan in Kenya, previously lake had the name Rudolph. Then in 1989, the teeth of this species were found on the northern shore of Turkan, but on the territory of modern Ethiopia. And in 1994, there were about two hundred additional fragments from two dozen hominids, including one full lower jaw, with teeth resembling human. And only in 1995, based on the described finds, a view was allocated as an anaman Australopithek, which is considered a descendant of the appearance of Ardipica Ramidus. And in 2006, the new find of Anaman Australopithek, in the north-east of Ethiopia, was announced at about 10 km. From the place of finds Ardipiteca Ramidus. Age of anaman Australopites about 4-4.5 million years. Anaman Australopithek is considered the ancestor of the next type of Australopithek. 4.2. Australopithecus afarensis (Australopithecus afarensis), or "Lucy" after the first discovery, is an extinct hominid that lived between 3.9 and 2.9 million years ago. Australopithecus afarensis was closely related to the genus Homo, as a direct ancestor or a close relative of an unknown common ancestor. The very same Lucy, age - 3.2 million years old, was the discovery in 1974 in the Afar Triangle near the village of Hadar in Ethiopia, November 24. Lucy was represented by an almost complete skeleton. And the name "Lucy" was inspired by the song Beatles "Lucy in Heaven with diamonds." Finds of Afar Australopitets were also in other settlements, such as Omo, Macs, Faith and Belokhda in Ethiopia and Cobati Fore and Lotham in Kenya. Representatives of the species had fangs and molars, relatively large than that of modern people, and the brain was still small - from 380 to 430 cm. Cubic - the face was with protruding lips. Anatomy of the hands, legs and shoulder joints assumes that creatures were partially wood, and not only land, although in the general anatomy of the pelvis is much more human like. However, thanks to the anatomical structure, they could have been directly walking. AFARSKAYA Australopitheka is just associated with climate change in Africa with a jungle to Savannah. In Tanzania, 20 km from Volcano Sadiman, in 1978 the fingerprints of the feet of the family of sparkling hominids were found, preserved in volcanic aside to the south of the Olduva Gorge. Based on the sexual dimorphism - the difference in body sizes between men and women - these creatures most likely lived in small family groupscontaining one dominant and larger male and several small breeding females. Lucy would live in group culture that implies communication. In 2000, the Skeleton remains were discovered in the Skeleton area, allegedly 3-year-old Afaropitek Australopites, who lived 3.3 million years ago. These Australopita according to archaeological finds used stone tools to cut meat with carcasses and crushing. But it is only use, and not making them. 4.3. Australopithecus Bahrelghazali (Australopithecus Bahrelghazali) or Abel - Fossil Hominin, first discovered in 1993 in the Bahr El Gazal Valley on the Archaeological Site of Coro Toro in Chad. Age Abel is approximately 3.6-3 million years. The find consists of a mandibular fragment, the lower second cutter, both lower fangs and all four of its premolars. IN private view This Australopitheek has fallen due to its lower three root premorals. Also, this is the first Australopita detected north of the previous ones, which speaks of their widespread. 4.4 African Australopithecus Africanus (Australopithecus Africanus) was an early gominid, who lived 3.3 - 2.1 million years ago - in Late Pliocene and Early Pleistocene. In contrast to the previous species, he had more brain and more human-like features. Many scientists believe that it is the ancestor of modern people. African Australopithek was found only on four sites in the southern part of Africa - Tung in 1924, Schonfonttein in 1935, Makapansgat in 1948 and Gladysweile in 1992. The first find was represented by a children's skull known as "Baby from Taung" and described by Raymond Darth, who appropriated the name Australopithecus Africanus, which means "South Monkey Africa". He argued that this species was intermediate between monkeys and people. Further discoveries confirmed their allocation to a new form. This Australopita was a two-legged hominid with his hands, a little longer than the legs. Despite its somewhat more human skull features, there are other more primitive features, including similar to monkey, curved fingers for climbing. But the pelvis was more adapted to bipedalism than in the previous species. 4.5. Australopithecus Garhi (Australopithecus Garhi), aged 2.5 million years, was discovered in Ethiopia in Bower's sediments. "Garha" means "surprise" at the local Affaren language. For the first time, together with the remains, labor implements were found similar to the Older Stone Processing Culture. 4.6. Australopithecus Sediba (Australopithecus Sediba) is the form of an early Pleistocene Australopites, represented by fossil remains dated about 2 million years. This species is known, in four incomplete skeletons found in the territory of South Africa in a place called the "Cradle of Mankind", 50 km north-west of Johannesburg, within the Cave of Malapa. The find was made thanks to Google Planet Earth service. "Sediba" means "Spring" in the language of Soto. The remains of the Australopitheeks of the Sedib, two adults and one infant at the age of 18 were found together. Total to date, more than 220 fragments are excavated. Australopithecus Sediba may have lived in savannah, but the diet included fruits and other forest products. Sedib's growth was about 1.3 meters. The first copy of the Australopithecus Sediba was discovered by 9-year-old Matthew, the son of Paleoanthropologist Lee Berger, August 15, 2008. The found lower jaw was part of the young male, whose skull was discovered later in March 2009 by Berger and his team. Also in the area of \u200b\u200bthe cave, fossils of different animals were found, including saber-to-feline, mangoshos and antelope. The brain volume of the sedibe was about 420-450 cm cubic, which is about three times less than that of modern people. Australopithecus Sediba had a surprisingly modern hand whose capture accuracy assumes the use and manufacture of tools. Sediba may belonged to the late South African branch of Australopithekov, which coexisted with the representatives of the genus Homo already living at that time. Currently, some scientists are trying to clarify dating and seek the connection of Australopites of the Sedib with the genus Homo. 5. ParanThropus - Fossil Primates. They were found in Eastern and South Africa. They are also called massive Australopithecks. Finds of paranthropov dated from 2.7 to 1 million years. 5.1. Ethiopian Parantropic (Paranthropus Aethiopicus or Australopithecus Aethiopicus) The view was described by the 1985 discovery in the area of \u200b\u200bLake Turkana, Kenya, known as Black Skull due to dark color, thanks to the content of manganese. Skull dated 2.5 million years dated. But later, a part of the lower jaw, found in 1967 in the Valley of the Omo, Ethiopia, was taken to this kind. Anthropologists believe that Ethiopian parangers lived between 2.7 and 2.5 million years ago. They were pretty primitive and have a lot of common features with Afarch Australopithek, maybe they were their right descendants. Their special features were very discovering jaws. This species, as scientists believed, diverges from the HOMO line on the evolution branch of the Hominide tree. 5.2. Paranthropus Boisei) He is Australopithecus Boisei (Australopithecus Boisei), he is the "Nutcracker" - it was an early hominine described as the largest Parantroprian kind. They lived in East Africa in the Pleistocene Epoch approximately from 2.4 to 1.4 million years ago. The largest skull was found in Konso in Ethiopia and dates back to 1.4 million years. They were 1.2-1.5 m in growth, and weighed from 40 to 90 kg. The well-preserved skull of Parantrop Boys was first discovered in the Olduva Gorge in Tanzania in 1959 and he was given the name "Nutcracker", because of its large teeth and tolstoy enamel. It was dated $ 1.75 million. And after 10 years later, in 1969, the son of the Nutcracker's title, Mary Liki Richard, found another skull of Parantrophop Boys in the coobo Fora in Lake Turkan in Kenya. Judging by the structure of the jaws, they fed massive vegetable foods, and lived in the forests and the Savans. In the structure of the skull, scientists believe that the brain in these paranthropov was quite primitive, the volume of up to 550 cubic see 5.3. Paranthropus Robustus). The first skull of this species was discovered in Cromdarae in South Africa in 1938, a schoolboy who later exchanged him to the chocolate anthropologist Robert Burum. Pararangs or massive Australopites were two-legged hominids, which probably occurred from the graceful Australopites. They are characterized by durable cranial boxes, and the gorilla-like cranial crests that suggest strong chewing muscles. They lived between 2 and 1.2 million years ago. The remains of massive paranthropov were found only within South Africa in Cromdraeai, Wetcrance, Drimolen, Gondolin and Coopers. The remains of 130 individuals were discovered in the Watertcranx Cave. Tooth studies have shown that massive parangtopes rarely lived to 17 years of age. The approximate growth of males was about 1.2 m, and their weight was about 54 kg. But females were a slightly less than 1 meter and weighed about 40 kg, which indicates a fairly large sexual dimorphism. The size of the brain has from 410 to 530 cu. See they fed rapidly massive foods, such as tubers and nuts, possibly from open forests and savannah. 6. Kenyanthropus (Kenyanthropus) Rod Gominid lived from 3.5 to 3.2 million years ago in Pliocene. This genus is represented by one species, Kenianthropic Plothitz, but some scientists consider it a separate type of Australopithek, as the Australopita of the Folitan, and others belong to Afarch Australopithecks. 6.1. Kenianthropus Platyops (Kenyanthropus Platyops) was found on the Kenyan side of Lake Turkan in 1999. These clanitrocks lived from 3.5 to 3.2 million backwards. This species remains a mystery, and encourages the thought that 3.5 - 2 million years ago there were several human-like species, each of which adapted well to life in a certain environment. 7. Rod people or Homo includes both extinct species and a man of reasonable (Homo Sapiens). Extincting species are classified as ancestors, especially person straight (Homo Erectus) or as closely related to modern people. Self early representatives The kind, at the moment, is dating 2.5 million years. 7.1. Homo Gautengensis (Homo Gautengensis) is a kind of hominines, which was highlighted in 2010, after a fresh look at the skull, found in 1977 in the Corcontaine cave in Johannesburg, South Africa, Gotang Province. This species is represented by South African fossil hominines, previously counted to the person skillful (Homo Habilis), a person working (Homo Ergaster), or in some cases to Australopithecus. But Australopithecus Sediba (Australopithecus Sediba), who lived at the same time with Homo Gautenensis, turned out to be much more primitive. Homo Gautengensis Identification was performed on the shards of the skulls, the teeth and other parts found at different times in the caves on the site called the cradle of humanity in South Africa. The oldest copies are dated to 1.9-1.8 million years. The youngest specimens from the weldabrans are dating from about 1.0 million to 600 thousand years. According to the description, Homo Gautengensis had large teeth suitable for facing plants and a small brain, most likely he consumed predominantly vegetable food as opposed to Homo Erectus, Homo Sapiens and probably homo habilis. According to scientists, he produced and used stone guns and judging by the burned bones of animals found with the residues of Homo Gautennesis, these hominines used the fire. They were slightly higher than 90 cm, and their weight was about 50 kg. Homo Gauthengensis moved on two legs, but also spent a considerable time on the trees, perhaps he was fed, slept and hid from predators. 7.2. Rudolfsky Man (Homo Rudolfensis) View of Homo, who lived 1.7-2.5 million years ago, was first discovered in 1972 on Turkana Lake in Kenya. However, for the first time, the remains were described in 1978 by the Soviet anthropologist Valery Alekseev. The remains were also found in Malawi, in 1991 and in Coba Fora, Kenya in 2012. Rudolfsky man coexisted parallel with Homo Habilis or a man skillful and they could interact. Perhaps the ancestor for later types of homo. 7.3. Man skilled (Homo Habilis) is a kind of fossil hominid, which is considered a representative of our ancestors. Those who lived from about 2.4 to 1.4 million years ago, during the Gelaz Pleistocene. The first finds were discovered in Tanzania in 1962-1964. Homo Habilis was considered the earliest known view of the genus Homo, before the opening of Homo Gautenencis in 2010. Homo Habilis was low and had disproportionally long hands compared to modern people, but with a flattened face than the Australopitheeks. The volume of its skull was less than half compared to modern people. His findings are often accompanied by primitive stone weapons of Olduva culture, hence the name "Skillful". And if you describe it easier, the body of Habius, resembles Australopita, with a more human-like face and less teeth. Whether Homo Habilis was the first hominid that owns stone instruments, remains controversial, as Australopita Garhi, dated 2.6 million years, was found along with similar stone worms of labor, and he at least 100-200 thousand years older than Homo Habilis. Homo Habilis in parallel lived with other two-boiled primates, such as Parantrop Boisei (Paranthropus Boisei). But the person is skillful, possibly due to the use of the instrument and more diverse diet, judging by the analysis of the teeth, became the predecessor of the whole line of new species, while the remains of Paranthropus Boisei were no longer met. Homo Habilis also coexisted with Homo Erectus about 500 thousand years ago. 7.4. Man working (Homo Ergaster) is extinct, but one of the earliest types of Homo, who lived in Eastern and South Africa during early Pleistocene, 1.8 - 1.3 million years ago. Man working, named after its advanced technologies hand tools, It is sometimes referred to as the African Homo Erectus. Some researchers believe man working, the ancestor of Ashhelian culture, while other palm championships are awarded early erectures. There is also evidence of the use of fire. For the first time, the remains were discovered in 1949 in southern Africa. And the most complete skeleton was discovered in Kenya on the West Bank of Lake Turkana, he belonged to a teenager and called "Boy from Turkana" or another Nariokotome Boy, his age was 1.6 million years old. Often, this find is classified as Homo Erectus. It is believed that Homo Ergaster deviated from the Homo Habilis line between 1.9 and 1.8 million years ago and existed around the semi million years in Africa. Scientists also believe that they quickly became half-arms, still in his youth. Its distinctive feature was also quite high growth, about 180 cm. A person working is also characterized by a smaller sexual dimorphism than that of Austroptecs, and this can mean more promal behavior. The brain it has already been more than 900 cubic centimeters. Some scientists believe that they could use the protofation based on the structure of the cervical vertebrae, but this is at the moment only assumptions. 7.5. Dnanisian Homo Georgicus or (Homo Erectus Georgicus) is the first representative of the genus Homo who left Africa. Finds dated to 1.8 million years have been discovered in Georgia in August 1991, were described in for different years Also as a man Georgian (Homo Georgicus), Homo Erectus Georgicus, Dmanisian Gominid (Dmanisi) and as a person working (Homo Ergaster). But it was highlighted in a separate look and, together with erectures and ergasters, are also often called arcantrophips or if there is another Geidelberg man of Europe and Sinantropropa from China, then Petecantroprops will already work. In 1991, David Lordspanidze. Along with the ancient human residues, the tools of labor and bones of animals were found. The brain volume of the DManisian hominid is approximately 600-700 cubic centimeters - two times less than that of modern people. It is very little brain The gominide, which was found outside of Africa, except Floresiensis (Homo Floresiensis). Dnanisian hominid was two-legged and lower than the growth compared to abnormal-high ergasters, medium height Male features were about 1.2m. The state of the teeth indicate omnivorous. But among archaeological findings of evidence of the use of fire was not found. Perhaps the descendant of Rudolf man. 7.6. A man stranded (Homo Erectus) or simply erectus is the extinct view of the hominids, which lived from the end of Pliocene to late Pleistocene, from about 1.9 million to 300,000 years ago. About 2 million years ago, the climate in Africa has just changed on dry. A long time of existence and migration could not not create many different views of scientists on this species. According to available data and their interpretation, the view appeared in Africa, after migrated to India, China and to the island of Java. In general, Homo Erectus settled in the warm parts of Eurasia. But some scientists suggest that erectures appeared in Asia and only then migrated to Africa. Erectuses existed over a million years, longer than other types of man. Classification and pedigree at Homo Erectus rather controversial. But there are some subspecies of erectors. 7.6.1 Petecanthrop or Javanese Man - Homo Erectus Erectus 7.6.2 Yuanmoian Man - Homo Erectus Yuanmouensis 7.6.3 Lantyan Man - Homo Erectus Lantianensis 7.6.4 Nanjing Man - Homo Erectus Nankinensis 7.6.5 Synantrophop or Peking Man - Homo Erectus Pekinensis 7.6.6 Megantrope - Homo Erectus Palaeojavanicus 7.6.7 Yavaltop or Soloysky Man - Homo Erectus Soloensis 7.6.8 people from Totavel - Homo Erectus TautaVelensis 7.6.9 Dnanisian Hominid - Homo Erectus Georgicus 7.6.10 Man from BiltsingsBene - Homo Erectus BilzingsleBenensis 7.6.11 Atlantrop or Mauritanian man - Homo Erectus Mauritanicus 7.6.12 A man from Sparan - Homo Cepranensis, some scientists stand out, like many other subspecies in a separate appearance, but the late 1994 discovery in the vicinity of Rome is represented only by the cranial box, so Little data for more thorough analysis. The man straight is not in vain got his name, his legs were adapted for both walk and for running. Temperature exchange was increased by rarely and short hair on the body. It is possible that the erectures have already become hunters. Smaller teeth may indicate changes in the diet, most likely due to food processing with fire. And this is the path to the increase in the brain, the volume of which the erectors ranged from 850 to 1200 cm cubic. They were taking up to 178 cm. The sexual dimorphism of erectors was less than the predecessors. They lived in groups of gatherers hunters, together hunted. We used fire both for heat and cooking, and to scare away predators. Tools, hand-knaps, pawned, were made, the tapes, as a whole were carriers of Ashhelian culture. In 1998, it was suggested that they were built rafts. 7.7. The person preceding (Homo Antecessor) is extinct human view, age from 1.2 million to 800,000 years. I was found in Sierra de Atapuerc, in 1994. The fossil of the upper jaw and the part of the skull, the age of 900 thousand years, found in Spain, belonged to the boy a maximum of 15 years. Nearby there was a lot of bones, both animals and people, with celebrations that may indicate cannibalism. Almost all eaten were adolescents or children. At the same time, evidence indicating the lack of food in the vicinity at the time was found. They were about 160-180 cm in growth, and about 90 kg weighed. The volume of the brain of the preceding (Homo Antecessor) was about 1000-1150 cubic centimeters. Scientists suggest the infancy of speech. 7.8. Heidelbergian man (Homo Heidelbergensis) or Protantrop (Protanthropus Heidelbergensis) is a extinct view of the Homo kind, which can be a direct ancestor as Neanderthalens (Homo Neanderthalensis), if we consider its development in Europe and Homo Sapiens, but only in Africa. Detected remains were dated from 800 to 150 thousand years. The first finds of this species were made in 1907 by Daniel Hartman in the village of Mauer in the south-west of Germany. After that, representatives of the form were discovered in France, Italy, Spain, Greece and China. Also in 1994, the discovery was made in England in the area of \u200b\u200bBoxgrove village from here and the name "Man from Boxgrove" (Boxgrove Man). However, the name of the terrain is also found - the "horse slaughter", which involves the cutting of the carcing of horses with the help of stone instruments. Heidelbergian man used the tools of Ashhelian culture, sometimes with the transitions to Mustier culture. They were an average of 170 cm in South Africa, and in South Africa, the findings of 173 cm in south africa occurred. And which were dated from 500 to 300 thousand years. The Heidelbergian person could have been the first view that His dead was buried, these conclusions are based on 28 remains found in Atapuerk, Spain. It is possible to use a tongue and red okhru as decoration, which is confirmed by finds in Terra Amate near Nice on the slopes of the Mountain of the Broor. The teeth analysis assumes that they were right-handers. Heidelbergian man (Homo Heidelbergensis) was an advanced hunter, judging by the tools of hunting, such as spears from Schöningen in Germany. 7.8.1. Rhodesian man (Homo Rhodesiensis) extinct subspecies of Homininov, who lived from 400 to 125 thousand years ago. The fossil skull of the cabba is a typical specimen of this species found in Broken Hill Caves in Northern Rhodesia, now Zambia, Swiss Miner Tom Zwigwar in 1921. Previously allocated in a separate look. Rhodesian man was massive, with a very big eyebrows and a wide face. Sometimes it is called "African Neanderthal", although he has intermediate traits between the Sapires and Neanderthals. 7.9. Florisbad (Homo Helmei) is described as "archaic" Homo Sapiens, who lived 260,000 years ago. Presented partially preserved skull, which was discovered in 1932 by Professor Driver within the Archaeological and Paleontological Florisbad object near Bloemfontein in South Africa. It may be an intermediate form between Heidelbergian man (Homo Heidelbergensis) and a man intelligent (Homo Sapiens). Florisbad was the same size as a modern person, but with a large brain volume of about 1400 cm cubic. 7.10 Neanderthalets (Homo Neanderthalensis) extinct view or subspecies within the genus Homo, closely connected with modern people, and repeatedly crossed them. The term "Neanderthals" comes from the modern writing of the Neander Valley in Germany, where this species was first discovered in the cave of Feldhofer. Neanderthals existed, according to genetic data from 600 thousand years ago, and on archaeological finds from 250 to 28 thousand years ago, with the last refuge in Gibraltar. Finds are currently intensively studied and described in more detail it makes sense, since I will also return to this way and perhaps more than once. 7.11. Homo Naledi Fossils were discovered in 2013 in the Camera Dynali, Cave Systems rising star, Gauteng Province in South Africa and were rapidly recognized as the remnants of the new type in 2015, and differ from the remains found earlier. In 2017, the finds are dated from 335 to 236 thousand years. The remains of fifteen individuals, both male and female were extracted from the cave, among them were children. The new kind Named Homo Naledi, he has an unexpected combination of modern and primitive features, including a rather small brain. Growth "Out" was about one and a half meters, brain volume from 450 to 610 cubic meters. See the word "nondes" means "star" in the languages \u200b\u200bof Soto-Tsvan. 7.12. Mano Floresiensis (Homo Floresiensis) or the Hobbit extinct dwarf view of the genus Homo. Floresian man lived from 100 to 60 thousand years ago. Archaeological remains were discovered by Mike Morwood in 2003 on the island of Flores in Indonesia. Not complete skeletons of nine individuals were restored, including one full skull, from the cave LIANG BU. A distinctive feature of the hobbits, as can be understood from the name, is their growth, about 1 meter and a small brain, about 400 cm cube. Stone tools were found along with the residues of the skeleton. Regarding the man of Floresky, there is still disputes, whether he could make the tools with such a brain. The theory was put forward that the skull found is a microcel. But most likely this species evolved from erectors or other species in insulation conditions on the island. 7.13. Denisova man (Denisovovets) (Denisova Hominin) is Paleolithic members of the genus Homo, which can belong to the previously unknown man. It is believed that this is the third person, from Pleistocene, who demonstrated the level of adaptation, which was previously considered unique for modern people and Neanderthals. Denisovtsy occupied large territories extending from cold Siberia to wet tropical forests of Indonesia. In 2008, Russian scientists, in Denisovaya Cave or Ayu Tash, Altai MountainsA distant phalanx of the girl was discovered, from which it was later possible to highlight mitochondrial DNA. Mistress Falangi lived in a cave about 41 thousand years ago. This cave was also populated by Neanderthal and modern people in different time . In general, the finds are not so much, including the teeth and part of the phalange of the finger, as well as various tools and decorations, including the bracelet not from the local material. Analysis of the mitochondrial DNA of the dice of the finger showed that Denisovtsy genetically differ from Neanderthals and modern people. They may have separated from the Neanderthal line after separation with the line of Homo Sapires. Recent analyzes also showed that they intersect with our species and even repeatedly crossed in different periods. Up to 5-6% of DNA Melanesians and Australian Aboriginal, contain the impurities of Denice. And the modern non-Africans have about 2-3% impurities. In 2017, in China, fragments of skulls were found, with a large volume of the brain, up to 1800 cm of cubic and age 105-125 thousand years. Some scientists relying on their description suggested that they could belong to Denisovtsam, but these versions are currently controversial. 7.14. Homo Sapiens Idaltu is an extremely subspecies of Homo Sapiens, which lived about 160 thousand years ago in Africa. "Idelt" means "firstborn". Fossil remains Homo Sapiens Idaltu were discovered in 1997 by Tim White in Herdo-storms in Ethiopia. Although Cherep's morphology indicates archaic features that are not found in later Homo Sapiens, but they are still considered by scientists as direct ancestors of modern Homo Sapiens Sapiens. 7.15. Man's reasonable man (Homo Sapiens) View of the Gominid family from a large detachment of primates. And he is the only alive type of this kind, that is, us. If someone reads or listens not from our species, write in the comments ...). Representatives of the species appeared for the first time in Africa about 200 or 315 thousand years ago, if we take into account the latest data from Jebel Irhud, but there are still many questions. After that, they spread almost all over the planet. Although in more advanced form as Homo Sapiens Sapiens, well, a very reasonable person, a little more than 100 thousand years ago, according to some anthropologists. Also in early times, other species and populations, as for example, Neanderthal and Denisovtsy, as well as a straw or Javanop, a man from NGANong and a man from Callao (Callao Man), as well as a Soloisian man or Yavaltop, and others who do not fit in appearance A man is reasonable, but by dating, living at the same time. As for example: 7.15.1. A man from a deer cave (Red Deer Cave People) is a extinct population of people, the latest famous science, which does not fit into the framework of the variability of Homo Sapiens. And perhaps belongs to another view of the genus Homo. They found in the south of China in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region in the Lunelin Cave in 1979. The age of the remains is from 11.5 to 14.3 thousand years. Although they may well be the results of metation between different populations living in that period. These questions will still be discussed on the channel therefore a brief description is enough. And now, who looked at the video from start to the end, put the letter "P" in the comments, and if the parts are "h", only at honestly!

Neanderthal [History of the failed humanity] Vishnyatsky Leonid Borisovich

Motherland Homo Sapires

Motherland Homo Sapires

With all the diversity of views on the problem of origin of homo Sapires (Fig. 11.1), all proposed options for its decisions can be reduced to two main opposing theories, which briefly said in Chapter 3. According to one of them, the monocentric, the place of origin of modern anatomical type people there was some kind of fairly limited territorial region, from where they subsequently settled throughout the planet, gradually supplanted, destroying or assimilating the preceding them different places The population of the hominid. Most often, Eastern Africa is considered as such a region, and the corresponding theory of the appearance and distribution of Homo Sapires is referred to as the theory of African Exodus. The opposite position is occupied by researchers who defend the so-called "multi-regional" polycentrician - theory, according to which the evolutionary formation of Homo Sapiens occurred everywhere, that is, in Africa, in Asia, and in Europe, on a local basis, but with more or less wide exchange genes between populations of these regions. Although the dispute between monocentricists and polycentricists, having a long history, is still not completed, the initiative is now explicitly in the hands of supporters of the theory of African origin of Homo Sapirens, and their opponents have to hand over one position after another.

Fig. 11.1. Possible scenarios of origin Homo Sapiens.: but - Kandelaban hypothesis, implying independent evolution in Europe, Asia and Africa from local hominid; b. - multi-regional hypothesis, differing from the first recognition of the exchange of genes between populations of different regions; in - the hypothesis of complete substitution, according to which our species originally appeared in Africa, from where it was subsequently settled throughout the planet, outering the hominide form preceding him in other regions and at the same time without mixing with them; g. - Assimilation hypothesis, differing from the hypothesis of complete substitution by the recognition of partial hybridization between the Sapires and the aboriginal population of Europe and Asia

First, fossil anthropological materials clearly suggest that people are modern or very close to such physical type appeared in East Africa at the end of the middle Pleistocene, that is, much earlier than anywhere else. The most ancient of the most famous anthropological finds attributable to Homo Sapires are the skull of Omo 1 (Fig. 11.2), discovered in 1967 near the northern coast of Oz. Turkana (Ethiopia). Its age, judging by the existing absolute dating and a number of other data, ranges from 190 to 200 thousand years ago. Not bad surviving frontal and, especially, the occipital bones of this skull are anatomically quite modern, as well as the remains of the bones of the facial skeleton. Fixed a fairly developed chin. According to many anthropologists who studied this discovery, the OMO 1 skull 1, as well as the well-known parts of the post-strangle skeleton of the same individual, are not involved in the framework of the common variability for homo sapiens.

Fig. 11.2. Skull Omo 1 - the most ancient of all anthropological finds attributable to Homo Sapiens

For findings from OMO as a whole, three skulls were very close in their structure, found not so long ago on the whereabouts of Herdo on average Avash, also in Ethiopia. One of them came to us almost entirely (except the lower jaw), the preservation of the other two is also pretty good. The age of these skulls is from 154 to 160 thousand years. In general, despite the presence of a number of primitive signs, the Morphology of the skulls from Herdo allows us to consider their owners as an ancient representatives of the modern form of a person. The remains of modern or very close to the age of people are modern or very close to such an anatomical type have been discovered on a number of other East African monuments, for example, in Grota Mumba (Tanzania) and Dire-Daua Cave (Ethiopia). Thus, a number of well-studied and pretty reliable dated anthropological finds from East Africa It indicates that people who have not distinguished or not much differed in an anatomical plan from the current inhabitants of the Earth lived in this region 150-200 thousand years ago.

Fig. 11.3. Some units of the evolutionary line, led, as expected to appear Homo Sapiens.: 1 - Bodo, 2 - Broken Hill, 3 - Latoli, 4 - Omo 1, 5 - Border

Secondly, from all continents only in Africa there is a large number of remains of a transition hominide, allowing at least general features Trace the transformation process of local homo erectus in people of modern anatomical type. It is believed that the immediate predecessors and ancestors of the first homo Sapires in Africa could be the hominids represented by Singa's skulls (Sudan), Florisbad (South Africa), Illenet (Kenya) and a number of other finds. They are dated the second half of the middle Pleistocene. As a few earlier links of this line of evolution, the skulls from Broken Hill (Zambia), Ndutu (Tanzania), Bodo (Ethiopia) and a number of other samples are considered (Fig. 11.3). All African hominid, anatomically and chronologically intermediate between Homo Erectus and Homo Sapiens, sometimes relate together with their European and Asian contemporaries to Holiday Heidelberggestsis, and sometimes credited into special types, earlier of which are referred to as Homo Rhodesiensis ( Homo Rhodesiensis), and later homo Helmy ( Homo Helmei.).

Thirdly, these genetics, according to the majority of specialists in this area, also indicate Africa as the most likely initial center for the formation of the type of homo sapiens. It is not by chance that the greatest genetic diversity among modern human populations is observed exactly there, and as it deletes from Africa, this diversity is increasing. So it should be if the theory of "African Exodus" is true: after all, the population of Homo Sapiens, the first to leaving their ancestors and settled somewhere next to her, "captured" only part of the species gene pool, those groups that were then bounced on them And advanced even further - only part of the part and so on.

Finally, in the fourth, the skeleton of the first European homo sapiens is characterized by a number of features that are typical for the inhabitants of the tropics and hot subtropics, but not high latitudes. This was already said in Chapter 4 (see Fig. 4.3-4.5). Such a picture is well consistent with the theory of African origin of people of modern anatomical type.

From the book Neanderthal [The story of the failed humanity] Author Vishnyatsky Leonid Borisovich

Neanderthal + Homo Sapirens \u003d? So, as we already know, genetic and paleooantropological data suggest that the widespread dissemination of people of modern anatomical type beyond the limits of Africa began about 60-65 thousand years ago. First they were colonized

Author Kalashnikov Maxim

"Golev Sapiens" we as a reasonable form on earth are not at all alone. Next to us there is another mind - inhuman. Rather, the legless. And this is embodied evil. His name is nicely reasonable, Holem Sapiens. We have long let you down for this conclusion. It hurts it is terrible and

From the book of the third project. Volume II "Point of Transition" Author Kalashnikov Maxim

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Chapter 6. Sapires, but not our relative, this Lemur really made the impression of a small man with a dog head. B. Avelmans Sapiens, but not Homo? It is believed that in America there was no ancestors of man. There were no man-like monkeys. Ancestors of a special group

Completeness of classification

It would seem that no problems with the classification of the animal type, known as Homo Sapiens Sapiens (intelligent person), should not arise. It would seem that it's easier? It belongs to the chord (vertebral subtype), to the mammal class, the detachment of primates (humans). If more detail, then his family is hominids. So, the genus him is a man, the species is reasonable. But the question arises: how does it differ from others? At least from the same Neanderthals? Did you have extinct views of people so unreasonable? Is it possible to call Neanderthal far, but the direct ancestor of a person of our time? Or maybe these two species existed in parallel? Did they cross the joint offspring? Until the work on the study of the genome of these Mysterious Homo Sapiens NEANDERTHalensis, there will be no answer to this question.

Where did the look "reasonable man" appeared?

Most scientists believe that the overall ancestor of all people both modern and disappeared Neanderthals appeared in Africa. There in the Miocene era (this is approximately six or seven million years ago) a group of species separated from hominids, subsequently evolving to the genus Homo . First of all, the foundation of such a point of view was the discovery of the oldest remains of a person called Australoptecom. But soon other finds were opened ancient people - Sinantropropa (in China) and Homo Heidelbergensis (in Europe). Were these varieties of the same kind?

Have they all the ancestors of modern people or dead-end branches of evolution development? One way or another, a man is a reasonable appeared later - forty or forty-five thousand years ago, in the time of Paleolithic. And the revolutionary honors from the homo sapiens from other hominids moving on the hind limbs was that he made the tools of labor. The ancestors of it, however, like some modern monkeys, only used the remedies.

Secrets of the generic tree

Another 50 years ago, the school was taught that the person was intelligible from Neanderthal. It was often represented in the image of a hairy semi-boring, with a beveled skull and a protruding jaw. And Homo Neandert Poles, in turn, evolved from Peteitrontrop. Its same soviet science Pictured almost a monkey: on semi-bent legs, fully covered with wool. But if everything is more or less clear with this ancient ancestor, then the relationship of homo Sapiens Sapiens and Neanderthal is much more confusing. It turns out that both of these types have existed at the same time and even in some territories. Thus, the hypothesis of the origin of a person intelligent from Neanderthals requires additional evidence.

Does Homo Neanderthalensis belonged to the mind "reasonable man"?

A more careful study of the burials of this species has shown that the Neanderthals was completely well. In addition, these people had ai-graduated speech, the tools of labor (stone chisel), religious cults (including funeral), primitive art (decorations). However, a number of features distinguished him from a modern person. For example, the lack of chores, which makes it possible to judge that the speech of such people was not well developed. Finds are confirmed by the following facts: Neanderthals arose hundred and fifty thousand years ago and flourished to 35-30 thousand years before our era. That is, this happened at that time when it was already appeared and clearly took shaped the appearance of "Man Reasonable Sapirens". Fully disappeared "Neanderthals" only in the era of the last glaciation (Vurm). What was the cause of his death (after all, a change climatic conditions He touched only Europe), it's hard to say. Perhaps the legend of Cain and Avele has deeper roots?