Literary musical composition on the theme of winter. Literary and musical composition for the new year for high school students

Literary musical composition on the theme of winter.  Literary and musical composition for the new year for high school students
Literary musical composition on the theme of winter. Literary and musical composition for the new year for high school students

Literary and musical composition "Winter-Winter".

Target: Expand children's knowledge of the seasons, winter and winter months; aesthetic and moral development of children.


Develop children's motivation for learning and creativity.

To contribute to the formation of an emotional and personal sphere, a culture of communication and behavior.

To improve the skills of expressiveness of speech, to work out clear diction.

Equipment: artificial Christmas trees, illustrations - "Winter landscapes", children's drawings, elements of costumes: winter, snowman, musical soundtracks of works.


    Song about winter

Lead 1. Winter is a beautiful, magical time of the year, when the most fabulous holidays come: New Year, Christmas. Every person has childhood memories associated with this time of year: snow games, roller coasters, gifts from Santa Claus. Poets wrote many beautiful poems about winter, composers composed music for them, and artists painted pictures.

Today we will try to hear together with the poets the "language" of nature, to see the beauty of the winter landscape, to hear the music of winter.

Winter goes by roads,

Creeps like a fox.

All covered with snowdrifts

Snow covered the woods.

Quiet in the thicket

The winter dressmaker came in.

Birches are very happy:

Thanks for the outfits!

Fluffy and white

I will do winter outfits

Both for forests and fields -

Let them be warmer!

All trees in the woods,

Winter gave handkerchiefs

And she dressed them in fur coats -

Itself cheered up

Here is the north, catching up with clouds,

He breathed, howled - and now she

There is a sorceress - winter,

Came, crumbled; shreds

Hanged on the branches of oak trees,

Laid down in wavy carpets

Among the fields around the hills.

Brega with a motionless river

Equalized with a plump shroud;

Frost flashed, and we are glad

Mother's mischief - winters.

Lead 2... More recently, we remembered summer, but then autumn days flashed by, and we are ready to meet winter. Many miracles await us, because winter is the most magical time of the year.

Reading the poem by I. Nikitin "Hello, guest - winter"

    Hello, guest winter.

We ask for your mercy,

Songs of the north to sing

Through forests and steppes.

We have a lot of space.

Walk anywhere.

Build bridges over rivers

And spread the carpets.

We won't get used to it, -

Let your frost crackle:

Our Russian blood

It burns in the cold

Snow flutters, whirls,

It's white on the street.

And puddles turned

Into cold glass.

Where the finches sang in the summer

Today - look! -

Like pink apples

Bullfinches on the branches.

The snow is cut with skis

Like chalk, squeaky and dry,

And the red cat catches

Cheerful white flies.

Lead 1... The beginning of winter is always an event for the soul of every person.

    Sergey Mikhalkov White Poems

The snow is spinning

Snow falls -

Snow! Snow! Snow!

The beast and the bird are happy with the snow

And, of course, a man!

Happy gray titmouses:

Birds freeze in the cold

Snow fell - frost fell!

The cat washes its nose with snow.

A puppy on a black back

White snowflakes are melting.

The sidewalks are covered with snow

Everything around is white - white:

Snow, snow, snow!

Enough for shovels

For shovels and scrapers,

For large trucks.

The snow is spinning

Snow falls -

Snow! Snow! Snow!

The beast and the bird are happy with the snow

And of course. Human!


Outside the window is a blizzard,

Outside the window - darkness

Looking at each other

They sleep in the snow at home.

And the snowflakes are spinning -

All of them do not care! -

In light dresses with lace

With a bare shoulder.

Teddy bear

Sleeps in his corner

And listens in half an ear

Blizzard outside the window.

Old, gray-haired,

With an ice stick

Blizzard waddles

Baboyu - Yaga.

And the snowflakes are spinning -

All of them do not care! -

In light dresses with lace

With a bare shoulder.

Thin legs -

Soft boots,

White slipper -

Ringing heel.


Lead 1. How beautiful the snowfall is in the silent silence of a winter day, when snowflakes flicker in the air like little white moths, quietly sinking to the ground. Each snowflake is delicate, fragile, like a beautiful fairy flower, and each snow flower is unique. And when a strong wind rises, everything changes around, and then you cannot tell where the snow is coming from: either from the sky, or from the ground. Everything is mixed, nothing is visible, except for a white veil.


Light fluffy

Snowflake is white

How clean

How brave!

Dear stormy

Easy to sweep.

Wonderful azure

She left

Into the unknown

She brought down the country.

In the rays of shining

Slides, skillful,

Among the melting flakes

Preserved - white.

In the wind

Trembles, flies up,

On him cherishing,

Swinging lightly.

His swing

She is comforted

With its blizzards

Spinning wildly.

But now it ends

The road is long

Touches the earth,

The star is crystal.

Lies fluffy

The snowflake is bold.

How clean

What a white!

Dance of snowflakes.

Lead 2. It is very beautiful after the snowfall. “Young trees, stretching out their thin trunks, form bizarre arches covered with snow. In white fluffy coats, reminiscent of frozen snow maidens, poplars stand with their snow-covered sleeves down. Sometimes a lump of snow will soundlessly fall off a branch and also soundlessly fall to the ground, leaving behind a strip of silver dust in the air. "

Winter is a sorceress, a sorceress, a sorceress who decorates the earth, fetters it, closes it with a white canopy. There are snow-covered trees. The winter sun does not warm the earth, but, it seems, cools it even more, and the snow shines brightly under its rays.

    In the enchanting winter

Bewitched, the forest stands -

And under the snowy fringe.

Motionless, dumb,

He shines with a wonderful life.

And he stands, bewitched, -

Not dead and not alive -

Enchanted by magic sleep

All entangled, all shackled

Light down chain.

Does the winter sun sweep

His ray is oblique to him -

Nothing will tremble in him,

It will all flare up and shine

Dazzling beauty.

    Silver, lights and sparkles

A whole world of silver!

Birches are burning in pearls,

Black and naked yesterday.

This is the realm of someone's dream

These are ghosts and dreams!

All subjects of old prose

Illuminated by magic.

Crews, pedestrians,

There is white smoke on the azure.

The life of people and the life of nature

Full of new and holy.

Lead 1. Not only poems and songs are a lot about winter. There are many proverbs and sayings, riddles, ditties.


Ah, winter, winter, winter,
Wonderful beauty
You drove us all crazy
We like the winter!

Circling, circling in a round dance

Snow beauties .

Dance blizzard

We all really like it!

(I. Ageeva)

I'll go outside
I am blind to the snow woman.
And I'll put a bucket on her.
And I'll hand her the broom!

Snow fell full
Outside the window is white white!
Where are the gloves? Where is the shovel?
I need to remove the snow!

I am flying down the hill on a sled
Oh, you catch me!
I, after all, and the sled,
Brakes failed!

As it shines in the sun

Our new school skating rink!

Why so short

Our physical education lesson ?!

In our yard there is

Snowman with a broom

Watching the dark night

He is our home from the wolf.

(I. Ageeva)

I make a mask for myself

We must try -

I want Snow Maiden-Tanya

To confess in her love!

Oh, you are my darlings

Bullfinches, titmouses!

I made a feeding trough for you -

Help yourself, birds.

(I. Ageeva)

Of pure, new snowflakes

I'm making a snow maiden.

And I won't leave him in the spring -

I'll put it in the freezer!

(I. Ageeva)

Lead 1. Let's imagine what might happen if there is no winter ...

Scene about winter.

    White snow covered everything:

And trees and houses.

The light-winged wind whistles

"Hello, Winter is winter!"

We put feeders for the birds,

We pour food into them,

And birdies sing in flocks

"Hello, Winter-winter!"

Sergey Yesenin


White birch
Under my window
Covered with snow
Like silver.
On fluffy branches
Snow border
Brushes blossomed
White fringe.
And there is a birch
In sleepy silence
And the snowflakes are burning
In a golden fire.
And the dawn, lazily
Walking around
Sprinkles branches
New silver.

9. Ivan Surikov


White snow, fluffy
Is spinning in the air
And quietly to the ground
Falls, lies down.

And under the morning snow
The field has turned white
Like a shroud
Everything clothed him.

Dark forest with a hat
Covered himself with a weird
And fell asleep under her
Strongly, soundly ...

God's days are short
The sun shines a little, -
Here came the frosts -
And winter has come.

Lead 1. But the landscape is changing. The fairy tale has disappeared, and before us are pictures of harsh winter nature. And the sorceress winter turned into a formidable governor Frost.

Reading an excerpt from NA Nekrasov's poem "Frost, red nose ..."

10. On the street crackling frost,

And it's warm in my house.

Clouds hung over the aul -

And it whirled, covered with snow

Snow-covered house, my window

And the train going to the steppe

And even the sun from the frost

He hid his nose behind the clouds,

And the blizzard rubs its hands

And howls like a wolf at the gate.

But I'm not small, I know:

She will howl and leave

Faithful servants

Snow blizzards

See all the paths

So as not to go into the thicket

Neither horse nor foot!

Neither the forester nor the devil!

White blizzard - blizzard,

Whisk up the flying snow.

You spin, you smoke,

They fell in peace on the ground,

Cover the earth with a shroud

Become a wall in front of the forest.

Here is the key

Here is the castle

So that no one can pass!

Winds, storms, hurricanes,

Blow what you have.

Whirlwinds, blizzards and snowstorms,

Play it out for the night!

Fly over the ground.

Let the drizzle run in the fields

White snake!

Dance of the Frost-Voevoda with snowmen.

Lead 2. We can say that no season is as magical as winter. In summer and spring, the earth is noisy with life: trees whisper with foliage, ozone waves of rivers and rivulets are racing, meadows laugh with variegated grasses and flowers, chirping and squeaking of insects, birds - everything moves, breathes, rejoices in warmth and light. In winter, everything is different. All living things hid in the depths of the earth and sleep, waiting for the sun. The trees are bare, the birds have flown away, and those that remain do not sing and fly chilly and unhurriedly.

Sergei Yesenin describes winter as follows:

Sergey Yesenin

Winter sings - hunts,
Shaggy forest lulls
Stozvon pine forest.
Around with deep longing
Are sailing to a distant land
Grizzly clouds.

And in the yard there is a blizzard
It spreads like a silk carpet,
But it's painfully cold.
Sparrows are playful
Like lonely children
Snuggled up by the window.

Chilled little birds
Hungry, tired
And they huddle more tightly.
And a blizzard with a furious roar
Knocks on the hanging shutters
And he gets angry more and more.

And the tender birds doze
Beneath these whirlwinds, snowy
By the frozen window.
And they dream of a beautiful one,
In the smiles of the sun is clear
Spring beauty.

Lead 1. Enchantress - winter gives all this white silence a new life: motionless, dumb, mysterious. This life is a life of sleep, a time of white and quiet nature.

Winter again

Whirling around easily and clumsily

The snowflake sat on the glass.

The snow was thick and white at night -

The room is bright with snow.

Slightly powders volatile fluff,

And the winter sun rises.

Like every day, fuller and better,

A fuller and better new year ...

Winter pictures

The aunt is walking the puppy.

The puppy parted with the leash.

And now on a low level flight

The crows are flying after the puppy.

The snow is sparkling ...

What a little!

Sadness, where have you gone?

The fields are covered with a motionless veil.

Fluffy white snows.

As if the world had said goodbye to Spring forever,

With her flowers and leaves.

A ringing key is chained. He is a prisoner of Winter.

One blizzard sings, weeping.

Teacher. Poets and artists helped us to better see and feel the beauty of nature, they made us look more sharply at the world around us, to see the uniqueness of winter colors. Winter is just beginning, and we hope that it will still delight us with snowy landscapes, frost, azure February windows, and, of course, merry Christmas holidays.

Literary and musical composition "Happy New Year!"

Happy new year, happy new year!

Congratulations to everyone at once.

Let them sound with his arrival

Songs, music and laughter.

May every day and every hour

A new one will come to you.

May your mind be kind

And the heart will be kind.

Let my song fly by like a bird

New Year is already on the doorstep.

We will be with you, friends, we are now having fun,

To let the worries fly away.

(performance of the song "If there was no winter ...")

And I will lead my conversation about

(Those were not fairy tales, but verily, they were).

Remember the dear fatherly home

And the one who was truly loved.

And the heart of languid boredom is unnecessary,

Dear, dear people.

Have worked your nimble hands

But hearts are knocking on the new year.

(performance of the song "The Stream Flows")

Today we will reveal our secrets to you,

Wishes float in succession:

Low-low bow to respected doctors,

The disease bypasses you.

We wish you love and affection,

Let the blizzards blow

May the heroes of a good fairy tale

Your heart will warm you.

(Staging "The Tale of the Goldfish in a New Way")

May currants bloom for you in the new year,

Fishermen light bonfires.

And bow to the ground to you, dear Motherland,

Let the old people not know the needs.

(Performance of the song "My Dear Old Men")

Anything with honest people to spin in a round dance

And swim, like on the waves, in the songs of grandmothers and mothers.

Let's remember a song about the meadow duck.

All honest people love our old round dance.

(Round dance "I'll go out into the street ...")

The fourteenth year of the new millennium ...

And let the years fly by.

I want you to always be healthy

And they were always funny.

Let boredom go away from the soul forever - too much ...

Let the cornflowers shine in the rye.

May the boarding school live happily - our "Cherries",

Let the old people live without grief.

Let my timid song fly over the earth!

Look - and life is good!

I believe that you are not quite old,

If you have a young soul.

Happy New Year! We wish you happiness and joy.

Meet the peaceful morning sunrise.

Let them remain in the old sadness ...

Joy to you.

And live without grief for a hundred years.

(Performance of the song "We Wish You Happiness")

Winter is the coldest, most severe, snowiest time of the year. Children love this time of year for winter fun: you can ski, ice skate, sled and play snowballs, make snowmen, build snow fortresses.



Literary and musical composition "Winter-Winter"

Held by: Bobrysheva N.A.

Literary and musical composition "Winter - Winter"

Objectives: - to acquaint with the names of the winter months according to the national calendar, proverbs, sayings, signs associated with them;

Develop speech, a sense of beauty through poetry, fine arts, musical works;

Expand words knowledge;

To instill a love for nature, for their small homeland.

Equipment: reproductions of paintings by V.I. Surikov "Taking the Snow Town", I.E. Grabar "February Azure", "Winter Landscape", N.D. Kuznetsov "Hoarfrost", A.A. Plastova "First Snow", D.Ya. Aleksandrova "Winter's Tale", I.I. Shishkin "Hoarfrost"; drawings of students on the theme "Winter-winter" (photographs of winter nature), posters with proverbs, sayings about winter, winter months; costumes for performances, kerchiefs for the performance of ditties; snowflakes to decorate the hall, decorated with cotton wool snow; disc with presentation, multimedia projector, computer, tape recorder, disc with recording of the songs "New Year", "Snowflakes", music by P.I. Tchaikovsky “The Seasons. December ", cards for the game" Winter typesetter "; souvenir gifts for children.

The course of the holiday.

Teacher. Dear friends! We will devote our meeting today to one of the most beautiful seasons of the year. What time of year it is, you will find out by guessing the riddle.

Snow in the fields

Ice on the rivers

The blizzard walks.

When does this happen? (In winter)

"Mother" - this is how the Russian people used to call winter in the old days. Not spring-red, not warm summer, not well-fed autumn, namely winter with its cold weather, snows, blizzards and blizzards. Maybe because winter, like a dear mother, covers the whole earth with a snow "blanket", protecting it from severe frosts. And what wonderful poems were written by poets about winter! Listen.

To the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky “The Seasons. December ”pupils recite prepared poems by heart.

Winter meeting

Hello, guest winter!

Welcome to us

Songs of the north to sing

Through forests and steppes.

We have expanse

Walk anywhere:

Build bridges over rivers

And spread the carpets.

We won't get used to it, -

Let your frost crackle:

Our Russian blood

It burns in the cold!

I. Nikitin

Fluffy white snow

Is spinning in the air

And to the ground quietly

Falls, lies down.

And under the morning snow

The field has turned white

Like a shroud

Everything clothed him.

Dark forest that is heaped

Covered himself with a weird

And fell asleep under her

Strong, soundless ...

God's days are short

The sun shines a little

Here came the frosts, -

And winter has come.

I. Surikov.

Sorceress Winter

Bewitched, the forest stands -

And under the snowy fringe,

Motionless, dumb,

He shines with a wonderful life.

And he stands, bewitched, -

Not dead and not alive -

Enchanted by magic sleep,

All entangled, all shackled

With a light down chain ...

F. Tyutchev

Wonderful picture

How dear you are to me:

White plain

Full moon,

The light of the high heavens,

And shiny snow

And the sledges distant

Lonely run.

A. Fet

Teacher. Did you know that among the many billions of snowflakes that fall in winter, no two are exactly alike? At the same time, whatever the shape of the snow star, each of them is six-pointed or hexagonal. The famous astronomer I. Kepler in 1611 published the essay "New Year's Gift, or About Hexagonal Snowflakes." He asked the question: "Why are all snowflakes hexagonal?" And he answered it like: "This thing has not yet been revealed to me ..." Since then, four centuries have passed, but scientists still cannot guess this riddle of nature.

The dance "Snowflakes" is being performed.

Teacher. How many riddles have been invented about winter! Guess some of them.

Name, guys,

A month in this riddle here:

His days are shorter than all the days,

All nights are longer than night

On the fields and meadows Snow fell until spring.

Only our month will pass

We are celebrating the New Year.



And again the tale begins

After all, winter has come to us again.

Everyone dresses with white snow,

And in the caps of the snow houses.

December is in a hurry for us, trying,

He builds ice slides

Winter is just beginning

And daring games await us.

Teacher. In Russia, in the old days, December was called cold, jelly, winter. This is the first month of winter. It is characterized by frosts and thaws. He “will pave, and nail, and give the sledges a run”. People say about December: "December ends the year, winter begins." How do you understand this proverb? (Student responses.)

And the artists did not stay away from the winter theme. Look at the reproductions of the paintings.

Demonstration of reproductions of paintings by V.I. Surikov, I.E. Grabar, N. D. Kuznetsova, A.A. Plastova, D. Ya. Alexandrova, I.I. Shishkin.

Teacher. Winter has prepared for us a lot of winter games, ideas and fun. Let's play the game "Winter compositor" with you. I show you cards with a certain set of letters, and you have to make a word out of these letters.

AMZI (winter)

INCOME (cold)

KAEL (Christmas tree)

GENJOS (snowball)

KINSA (sled)

VNOKGESI (snowman)

ROMZO (frost)


BODY (blizzard)

Teacher. Well done, did a good job. Here's another puzzle task. Student.

It pinches the ears, pinches the nose

Climbs into boots frost.

If you splash water, it will fall

Not water already, but ice.

Even a bird does not fly

The bird freezes from the frost.

The sun turned to summer.

What, tell me, for a month is this?



Winter month, snowy month

Opens the first year

And with snow and frost

January is coming to visit us.

He's on rivers and lakes

Built bridges everywhere

And dressed with fluffy snow

All trees and bushes.

Teacher. January in Russia also had its own names: the grain of winter, the turn of winter, overwinter. In January there are the strongest Epiphany frosts: "In January, the pot freezes in the oven." But sometimes there is warming. The weather is clearing up, and the sky is turning blue (hence the blue patch). The days are getting lighter and longer: "The day is growing, and the cold is growing too." People say about January: "The beginning of the year, the middle of the winter." How do you understand this proverb?

Children, what is the happiest holiday celebrated in early January.

Teacher. Now we are going to play the game "Christmas decorations".

The game "Christmas decorations" is being held.

I will play with the guys

An interesting game.

What we decorate the tree with

I'll tell the kids.

If I tell you right -

Say yes to the answer

Well, if suddenly it is wrong -

Answer boldly "no"!

Colorful firecrackers? (Yes.)

Blankets and pillows? (No.)

Cots and cots? (No.)

Gummies, chocolates? (Yes.)

Glass balls? (Yes.)

Wooden chairs? (No.)

Teddy bears? (Yes.)

Primers and books? (No.)

White cotton wool snow? (Yes.)

Satchels and briefcases? (No.)

Shoes and boots? (No.)

Cups, forks, spoons? (No.)

Are the candies shiny? (Yes.)

Are the tigers real? (No.)

Are the cones golden? (Yes.)

Radiant stars? (Yes.)

Song "New Year"

Nativity of Christ is a Christian, public holiday associated with the memory of the birth of Jesus Christ, approved according to the dating of the celebration adopted in the Russian Orthodox Church. Celebrated in Russia on January 7 according to the Gregorian calendar (which corresponds to December 25 according to the old style).

In Russia, the holiday of Christmas became an official celebration since the baptism of Prince Vladimir at the end of the 10th century, however, given the presence of a Christian community in ancient Kiev before, the celebration could have a longer history.

In the 1920s, religious holidays were eradicated by the atheist state. The Christmas tree and related celebrations have gradually lost their meaning. However, on the Russian calendars published at that time, church dates, including Christmas, were marked in different years either as holidays or as days of rest. Christmas days in the calendars of 1919-1922 are marked on January 7 and 8, and 1925-1929 - on December 25 and 26 1 - 1 ... Since 1929, it was forbidden to celebrate the Nativity of Christ in Soviet Russia. 13 ... According to the decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR dated 09.24.1929 "On working hours and time of rest in enterprises and institutions switching to a continuous production week"

In 1935, as a result of an unexpected turn in government policy, Christmas traditions were adopted as part of the secular New Years celebration (January 1). Since then, the "Christmas tree" in modern Russia has been steadily perceived as a "New Year". Gifts, visits to Santa Claus have also become part of New Year's traditions and have lost the original Christmas associations. In 1937, at the New Year's Eve in the Moscow House of Unions, as a companion and granddaughter of Santa Claus, Snegurochka first appeared - a Russian fairy-tale character, no longer associated with the practice of celebrating Christmas 13 ... The holiday itself was decided to be celebrated on January 7th.

The tradition of officially celebrating Christmas at the state level was revived in 1991: in December 1990, the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR adopted a resolution declaring the Orthodox holiday of Christmas a non-working day®. Already on January 7, 1991 it was inoperative. However, in some republics of the RSFSR, for example, the Tatar ASSR, this decree was ignored, and state institutions worked on that day®. Nowadays, Christmas is part of a general “New Years Eve” that starts on New Year's Eve (or the day before) and continues until Christmas.

Folk traditions of celebration edit.

Costumed: bear, guide grandfather, old woman, goat.

Unlike Western European countries and the United States, Christmas in modern Russia is mainly a religious holiday and has no well-established generally accepted secular traditions, for the vast majority it is a day off, which everyone can use at their own discretion. The traditions of celebrating Christmas that previously existed in Russia and the USSR, after the exclusion of the holiday from the official calendar in 1929, were transferred to the celebration of the New Year, which remained after the restoration of Christmas as a public holiday in 1991.

On Christmas Eve (on the night of January 6-7), the festive Liturgy is broadcast on federal TV channels (after the restoration of the temple - from the Cathedral of Christ the Savior). Some Orthodox believers at this time stand services directly in the church.

Christmas is considered the second most important holiday in the Orthodox Church after Easter. The holiday is preceded by the many-day Christmas, or Philip Lent, which lasts from November 28 to January 6 13 .

According to the gospel story, Jesus Christ came to John the Baptist, who was at the Jordan River in Bethabar (John 1:28) (at the age of 30 - Luke 3:23) with the purpose of being baptized.

John, who preached a lot about the imminent coming of the Messiah, when he saw Jesus, was surprised and said: “I need to be baptized by You, and do You come to me?”. To this Jesus replied that “we must fulfill all righteousness,” and was baptized by John. At the time of baptism, “the heavens were opened, and the Holy Spirit descended upon Him in bodily form, like a dove, and there was a voice from heaven, saying: You are my beloved Son; My good pleasure is in You! " (Luke 3: 21-22).

Thus, with the participation of John, the messianic destiny of Jesus Christ was publicly witnessed. The baptism of Christ, which took place then, is considered as the first event of his public ministry " 41 ... After the baptism of Jesus “John also baptized in Aenon, near Salem, because there was a lot of water; and they came [there] and were baptized ”(John 3:23). The Evangelist John connects the appearance of the first of the twelve apostles precisely with the preaching of John the Baptist: “The next day John stood again and two of his disciples. And when he saw Jesus walking, he said: Behold the Lamb of God. Hearing these words from him, both disciples followed Jesus ”(John 1: 35-37).

According to the gospel story, after his baptism, Jesus Christ, led by the Spirit, withdrew into the wilderness to prepare in solitude, prayer and fasting for the fulfillment of the mission with which he came to earth. For forty days Jesus "was tempted by the devil and did not eat anything during those days, but after them he was hungry for the last" (Luke 4: 2). Then the devil approached him and with three deceptions tried to tempt him to sin, like any other person.

Place of Baptism [edit | edit wiki text]

View of Al-Makhtas (Wadi al-Harar) from Qasr al-Yahud, the alleged place of the Baptism of Jesus Christ. The modern Orthodox church of John the Baptist.

The exact location of the site of the baptism of Jesus Christ is unknown. Most of the early Greek manuscripts of the New Testament call the place of the Baptism of Jesus by Bethany of Transjordan (BpOavia nxpav toi 'lop5avou). It is believed that the name Bethawar was first proposed by Origen " 51 , but he placed it on the west bank of the Jordan " 61 ... In the Slavic Bible, the place of baptism is called Bethavara on the other side of the Jordan (Vieavar was called on half of the Jordan), in the Russian Synodal translation - Bethavara at Jordan (John 1:28), in the New Bible of King James (NKJV) - Bethabara beyond Jordan (Bethabara beyond the Jordan), in the Greek Bible and the New Vulgate - Bethany beyond the Jordan " 71 .

However, on the Madaba map of the 6th century, the place of Baptism is depicted opposite Jericho on the western bank of the river, that is, not beyond the Jordan, when viewed from the western bank. There is an assumption that the author of the Madaba map, who lived on the eastern bank of the Jordan, understood the phrase beyond the Jordan in the sense of a place located on the other bank in relation to it, although the author of the Gospel, naturally, understood the preposition for as being located on the eastern bank " 81 ... The pilgrim Theodosius (V-VI centuries) reported that at the site of the Baptism of Jesus Christ there was a marble column crowned with an iron cross " 51 .

Until the 6th-7th centuries, the traditional place of the Baptism of Jesus Christ was located on the eastern bank of the Jordan near Jericho, but after the Arab conquest of Palestine (640), the place of Baptism was also considered a place near Jericho, but on the western bank due to the inaccessibility of the eastern coast " 61 ... Over time, the place of Baptism was lost due to the destruction of the churches located there.

Over the course of time, the Jordan River changed its course, so the site of Jesus' baptism is currently on land. 191 .

At the end of the 15th century, it was believed that the place of Baptism was located in Beth-Abara, aka Befwara (Judg. 7:24)) in the area of ​​the modern Allenby bridge " 1011111 , but since the 16th century it is believed that near the monastery of St. John, about 10 km east of Jericho " 101 ... At the same time, it remains unclear from which bank Jesus entered the river. On the west bank, this place is called Qasr al-Yahud (controlled by Israel) " 111 " 121 , on the east, opposite him - Al-Makhtas (Wadi al-Harar) in Jordan " 131 " 141 ... During excavations in Wadi al-Harar, a large marble slab was discovered, apparently, which is the base of a column mentioned by the pilgrim Theodosius " 51 " 151 .

Teacher. To guess the name of the next month, listen to the riddle.


Snow is falling in bags from the sky,

There are snow drifts around the house.

That snowstorms and blizzards

They ran into the village.

The frost is strong at night

In the afternoon, a ringing is heard.

The day has increased markedly.

Well, so what month is this?



February walks in the yard

And pinches the ears of the kids,

And paints her cheeks red.

If February is gone, spring will come.


Let the frost crack and be angry

And the snow drifts

To visit us on a holiday rushes

Blizzard girl!

Teacher. February is the shortest month of the year - 28 days, and the leap month - 29. This is the last month of winter. The people in the old days called him a blizzard, fierce, bokogrey. Blizzard - named for the snowfalls, blizzards, blizzards that occur at this time. "February has two friends: a blizzard and a blizzard." "Blizzards and snowstorms came in February." Fierce is called for frosts, sometimes they reach thirty degrees. Bokogrey - on the sunny side it is warm, "sugrev" is noticeable, the sun is catching up with warmth.

Teacher. How pleasant it is on long winter evenings, accompanied by the howling of a blizzard, not only to listen to a fairy tale, but also to watch it. Let's look into the forest and see what is going on there, what the forest beast is talking about. Listen and watch.

Staging of N. Sladkov's stories (prepared in advance, students are dressed in appropriate costumes).

Hare and Vole

  • Frost and blizzard, snow and cold. If you want to smell green grass, to gnaw juicy leaves - endure until spring. And where else is that spring - beyond the mountains and beyond the seas ...
  • Not overseas, Hare, spring is not far off, but under your feet! Dig the snow to the ground - there is a green lingonberry, and a cuff, and a strawberry, and a dandelion. And sniff and eat. Like me!

Hare and Deer

  • Oh-oh-oh, Olyapka, in any way, did you decide to swim in the hole?
  • And swim and dive!
  • Will you freeze?
  • My feather is warm!
  • Will you get wet?
  • My feather is water-repellent!
  • Will you drown?
  • And I can swim!
  • Ah ... ah ... will you get hungry after swimming?
  • And that's why I dive, to have a bite with a water bug!

Teacher. But winter is not only games, fun, a merry New Year and school holidays. Winter is the harvest of next year, water reserves in reservoirs; winter is a time of worries for thousands of people who are responsible for keeping their homes warm and the roads clean. Remember the proverbs and sayings about winter, name them.

Students. Winter does not live without three holidays.

The winter wind is a helper for the frost: it gets colder.

Winter day with a passerine gallop.

In the winter cold everyone is young.

Winter is the keeper of the fields.

Teacher. Winter is folk festivities with perky ditties, funny dances and folk songs. Hear ditties about winter.

What happened outside the window?

Snow winds in drifting snow.

It's a winter-winter

Laughs merrily.

Flew from a height

White fluffs.

They began to cover the ground

White snowflakes.

Our Russian youth

A beautiful soul

Snow white winch,

Hello winter winter!

Came in a white sundress

Of silver brocade

And diamonds burn on it,

Like bright rays.

You are fluffy and white

All the kids are lovely,

Make a slide for us soon

Fill in a skating rink on the river!

I teach lessons at the rink

On a sunny winter day.

It is true, I write all the numbers,

But not with a pen, but with a skate!

School has been canceled today

Oh, frost! Sleep, son!

What are you, mom! This is the case,

I'll run to the skating rink!

I'm on a ski trip

I dressed myself

But while I was going

The winter is already over.

Bottom line. Winter is the coldest, most severe, snowiest time of the year. Children love this time of year for winter fun: you can ski, ice skate, sled and play snowballs, make snowmen, build snow fortresses.

Reflection: What new things have you learned for yourself today? What did you like the most?

Try to answer the question: "What is our winter?" Someone will say: "Cold and snowy", and someone will object: "It is not cold and not blizzard at all." "Beautiful, fluffy and snow-white!" - another exclaims admiringly.
Our winter is really very different. At first glance, every year the same thing: snow and frost.
But in fact, if you look closely, it is cold and with a thaw, with snowstorms and with drops, snowy, but with the sun.
And the day is different in winter! Early morning - quiet, inaudible, with the sun shriveled in the frosty blue and crunchy snow. And the evening is long, very long, thoughtful and a little mysterious, as if nature itself is waiting for a fairy tale to appear. And the fairy tale comes, looking into the windows of houses. She cautiously creeps up to people from the blackness of a distant forest, from the mysterious light of the moon and the unexpectedly loud crackle of branches in the frozen silence of the night air.
Our winter with poets, musicians, artists is a beauty, sometimes mischievous, sometimes quiet, like a dream. This is how it appears in A.S. Pushkin, cold, calm and majestic.

Here is the north, catching up with clouds,
He breathed, howled - and now she
Winter is coming sorceress.
Came, crumbled; shreds
Hanged on the branches of oak trees;
Laid down in wavy carpets
Among the fields, around the hills,
Brega with a motionless river
Equalized with a plump shroud,
Frost flashed ...

But there is also something very young and cheerful in winter. Another poet, P. Vyazemsky, meeting winter, exclaims:

Hello, Russian young girl,
A beautiful soul.
Snow white winch,
Hello mother winter!

Everyone is happy with the pranks of "mother winter". Frost blushes cheeks, pinches nose. And the snow is light, fluffy and very slippery. The sledges fly over it in such a way that it takes your breath away. Fun in winter. A. A. Blok wrote:

Playful grandchildren
Knee-deep snow.
Have fun for kids
Fast sled run ...
They run, laugh,
They make a snow house
Ringing out
Voices all around ...

In poetry, in music, the mood of a person is always conveyed. And the one who writes about nature - sounds, colors, words - involuntarily endows it with the feelings that he himself experiences. And then the moon in the verses becomes gloomy and angry, and the blizzard looks like a real angry person.

Evening, do you remember, the blizzard was angry,
The haze was worn in a cloudy sky,
The moon is like a pale spot
Through the gloomy clouds it turned yellow,
And you sat sad ...

The storm has ceased, a bright and good morning has come, and we admire together with Pushkin:

But now ... look out the window:
Under blue skies
Great carpets
Shining in the sun, the snow lies
The transparent forest alone turns black,
And the spruce turns green through the frost,
And the river shines under the ice.

And another poet, S. A. Yesenin, paints the winter a little sad. The lines sound calm and sad.

I'm going. Quiet. Ringing is heard
Under the hoof in the snow.
Hooded crows only
They made some noise in the meadow ...
A horse gallops, there is a lot of space,
Snow falls and lays a shawl,
Endless road
Runs off into the distance with a ribbon.

Winter is a sorceress. She bewitches all who are subject to her spell. Tyutchev writes: “The forest is bewitched by a witch-winter…” And Sergei Yesenin echoes: “Bewitched by invisibility, the forest is dormant under the fairy tale of a dream. As if a pine tree was tied with a white kerchief ... "
Winter dresses nature in unprecedented outfits. Let's listen to Yesenin:

White birch
Under my window
Covered with snow
Like silver.

On fluffy branches
Snow border
Brushes blossomed
White fringe.
And there is a birch
in sleepy silence,
and the snowflakes are burning
in golden fire.

And the dawn? lazily
Walking around
Sprinkles branches
New silver.

We can say that no season is as magical as winter. In summer and spring, the earth is noisy with life: trees whisper with foliage, mischievous waves of rivers and rivulets are racing, meadows laugh with motley grasses and flowers, chirping and squeaking of insects, birds - everything moves, breathes, rejoices in warmth and light. In winter, everything is different. All living things hid in the depths of the earth and sleep, waiting for the sun. The trees are bare, the birds have flown away, and those that remain do not sing and fly chilly and unhurriedly. And the sorceress-winter gives all this white silence a new life: motionless, dumb, mysterious. This life is a life of sleep, a time of white and quiet nature.

Please listen to some pieces of music and try to tell what moods the composer conveyed about winter in music. Take pencils or paints and draw pictures for these pieces of music.

Explanation. Small pieces of music are selected for the conversation. It can be instrumental music:

Fragments of works from P. Tchaikovsky's piano cycle "The Seasons", fragments with the same name of Vivaldi's concert, a small piano piece by Krutitsky "Winter", "Morning" from "Children's Music" by Prokofiev, "Santa Claus" from "Album for Youth" by R. Schumann, etc.

As well as vocal works:
"Cold, cold", music. A. Grechaninov;
"Winter", music. C. Cui;
"Birch", music. V. Veselova;
"Farewell to Winter", music. Rimsky-Korsakov from the opera The Snow Maiden.

Other poems about winter may also be recited in a thematic conversation. It is good if they are performed by children or read expressively by adults.
Listening to musical works will become more active if you invite the child to choose a poem to match the musical fragment he heard.

Hello, in a white sundress
Of silver brocade.
Diamonds are burning on you
Like bright rays.
Hello, Russian young girl,
A beautiful soul.
Snow white winch,
Hello mother winter!
P. Vyazemsky

Snow and snow.
The whole hut was skidded.
Snow whitens all around knee-deep.
So frosty, light and white!
Only black, black walls ...

And the breath comes out of the lips
Vapor freezing in the air.
There is smoke creeping out of the pipes;
Sitting in the window with a samovar,
Old grandfather sat down at the table,
Bent over and blowing on the saucer;
So grandmother slipped off the stove,
And all around the kids are laughing.

The guys are hiding, they are looking,
How a cat plays with kittens ...
Suddenly the guys are squeaky kittens
They threw it back into the basket ...
Away from home to the snowy expanse
They rolled on a sled.
The courtyard is announced with shouts -
A giant made of snow was blinded!
Stick in your nose, check your eyes
And they put on a shaggy hat.
And he stands, a childish thunderstorm, -
Here it will take it, here it will grab it in an armful!

And the guys laugh, shout,
The giant came out to glory with them,
And the old woman looks at her grandchildren,
Will not contradict the childish disposition.
A. Tolok

It is not the wind that rages over the forest,
Streams did not run from the mountains,
Frost-voivode patrol
Bypasses his possessions.
Looks - are the blizzards good?
Forest paths brought
And are there any cracks, cracks,
And is there no bare ground?
Are the pines tops fluffy,
Is the pattern on oak trees beautiful?
And are the ice floes tightly shackled
In waters great and small?
Walks - walks through the trees,
Crackling through the frozen water
And the bright sun is playing
In his shaggy beard.
N. A. Nekrasov

* * *
A blizzard roamed
Bent over ate
Down to the ground. With fright
The shutters creaked.
And snowflakes in the window
They beat with moths
Melt and tears
They pour down the glass
Complaining to someone
The wind blows on something
And it rages fiercely:
Someone did not hear.
And a flock of snowflakes
Everything is knocking on the window
And with tears, melting,
It streams down the glass.
S. Yesenin

This is my village;
Here is my home;
Here I am rolling in a sled
The mountain is steep;
Here the sled has rolled,
And I'm on one side - bang!
Swaying head over heels
Downhill into a snowdrift.
And boy friends
Standing over me
Have fun laughing
Over my misfortune.
All face and hands
He covered me with snow ...
I am in a snowdrift grief,
And the guys laugh!
I. Surikov

* * *
Mom, look out the window -
Know that yesterday was not for nothing that the cat
I washed my nose;
There is no dirt, the whole yard is dressed,
It brightened, turned white -
Apparently there is frost.
Thornless, light blue
Frost is hung on the branches.
Look at least you!
Like someone tart
Fresh white, puffy cotton wool
I removed all the bushes.
Now there will be no dispute:
For a sled, and uphill
Fun to run!
Really, Mom? You will not refuse
And you yourself, probably, will say:
"Well, hurry up for a walk."
A. Fet

Elena Strizhakova

musical and literary composition)

Purpose: - To improve singing and choral skills when conveying the mood of the song.

Develop artistry in the transfer of a dance image

Teach to see and hear the beauty of words, music, movement. Find pictorial means to convey the color of the mood of the winter image.

To develop musical-figurative thinking, a sense of the harmony of nature in creativity.

New Year, winter, baptism,

Laughter, fun, mess,

And funny gifts

Games, dances, leapfrog.

Everything comes true in the world

If you really want to,

And for a winter walk

We want to invite you.

We will fall into the world of dreams

Into the world of magical childhood dreams

Where is love, goodness and happiness,

They lead a round dance with us. (E. Strizhakova)

"Winter's Tale" music by V. Shainsky, lyrics by M. Tanich

A snowflake flew, hovered, circled,

And softly landed on my hand,

Crystal edge, snow-white patterns,

You are a mystery, a miracle of great nature. (E. Strizhakova)

Song "Snowman" music by Y. Dubravin, lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky Who's to say what snow is?

You will take it in your palm, as it is not,

One water runs from my hands

And it lies on the ground, glitters!

Silently falls, lies down,

In the winter sun, everything sparkles,

As if all of gems,

Poets for centuries glorified. (E. Strizhakova)

Song "First Snow" music by V. Boganov, lyrics by V. Orlov

The magic book of winter opens

Kind words about Mother Winter - appear:

Talented, crystal, pure and cold,

You weave lace patterns for us slowly,

And like a bride in white, your love is generous,

Leave your kiss, slightly bewitching.

Warm the big earth with fluffy snow,

And you can dissolve as icicles ringing,

Witch, enchantress, Zimushka - Winter. (E. Strizhakova)

"Waltz of Snowflakes" music by P. Tchaikovsky from the ballet "The Nutcracker"- Green tree, where did you grow up?

- In the forest in a clearing by the stream.

- And who is left in the clearing now?

- Brothers and sisters, I miss you.

- Do not be sad, we are good,

- Only the forest is far from you.

- Do you want to come back? Return to the woods?

- There was a stump of me.

- Look how glad you are!

- The joy of giving is doubly pleasant! (E. Strizhakova)

"Yolka" music by E. Tilicheva, lyrics by E. Shmakova

The blizzard is buzzing and the wind is blowing

And clouds float across the sky

I can't see the long road

On it my way lies home.

Eyes are so blinded by a strong rub,

And the snow flies, flies in the face,

A blizzard and a blizzard are two friends

It is given to us to meet in winter. (E. Strizhakova)

Musical orchestra to music by G. Sviridov "Snowstorm"

In winter, you can't go out in the frost in shoes,

And you won't go in a dress either,

Throw a warmer coat,

And you will go for a walk in felt boots. (E. Strizhakova)

Russian folk dance "Valenki"

I'll walk up today, play enough from the heart,

I will blush in the cold, so that Santa Claus, look:

Like sledding, and skiing from a snowy hill up and down,

And then the snowballs and the fortress will prepare a surprise for us.

Children's laughter, in the snowy winter,

Clean air and play

We will become stronger with you

Never with a sheet! (E. Strizhakova)

Round dance "What we like in winter" music by E. Tilicheyeva

The winter day of winter passed unnoticed,

You and I were able to admire it in full:

This is a whirlwind and contemplation,

This is children's laughter, a game

And, of course, parting

How the Star appears. (E. Strizhakova)

Song - dance "Stars" music and lyrics by L. Guseva

The book of winter closes

But miracles continue

In the pictures that we paint

In poetry and music of winter.

"December" by P. I. Tchaikovsky from the cycle "Seasons"

Brightly illuminating this topic by compilation methods (collections of poems by famous poets, demonstration and illustrative material, textbooks), the effect of the child's immersion in the world of beauty is achieved and his preferences are formed on the examples of world classics.

This sketch is only part of the reflection of a large preparatory work, based exclusively on my work and the program material of the DOE.