Literary quiz "In the footsteps of children's stories" (grade 6). Literary riddles, contests, quiz

Literary quiz
Literary quiz "In the footsteps of children's stories" (grade 6). Literary riddles, contests, quiz

Literary quiz "On the pages of favorite books" among students of grades of the goals: to improve the interest of students to literature and literary creativity. Tasks: 1. Determine the level of literary knowledge and skills of students; 2. Contribute to the formation of creative reading skills; 3. Develop the imagination and creative abilities of students. Participants: Students 6 classes Number of teams: 2 teams of 5 people led by the captain. Each teams in advance chooses the name, the motto and prepares the enclosure of the jury: members of the jury in the amount of 3 people presenter (music sounds) Good afternoon, dear participants and guests of our quiz! Good afternoon dear fans! We begin the literary quiz "On the roads of children's works." Today, the participants of the quiz will show us not only their knowledge of literature, but also stage and acting abilities! And the fans and simply spectators will have the opportunity to participate in an exciting literary journey, help their comrades and remember the famous writers and their creativity. Our program includes 1 warming up 2 Competition: "Yumorina" 3 Competition: "In the country of the resentment" 4 Competition: "Collect the proverb" 5 Competition: Homework 6 "Find out the work and its author" 7 Competition: "Find the words" 8 Competition: " Burim "9 Find out the writer 10 contest (Captain Competition):" Cords "Let's get acquainted with the honorary jury, which included: .................................................... .. So Team! (Music 2) presenter. Famous philologist, scientist - Linguist Vladimir Dal said: "As the kreblek are drawn up, and knowledge reading is drawn up from the bats." These words will be today the motto of our literary quizzes. 1.Mogen. (For 1 minute, the command must correctly answer as many questions as possible. If the team does not know the answer to the question, then says "further!", And reads the next question.) The jury takes into account the number of correct answers. We begin to tick the watch (3) questions for the first team. 1. How is the name of the lyceum in which Pushkin studied? (Tsarskostsky) 2 The author of the "Adventures of Robinson Cruzo"? (DEFO) 3 How did Pushkin and Lermontov died? (For duels) 4 Outstanding Russian scientientcyclopedist, whose name is the University of Moscow? (M.V. Lomonosov) 5Ator of the work of the "Adventures of Tom Sawyer"? (Mark Twain) 6. The author of the fairy tale "Sinaushkin Well"? (Bazhov) 7 from what work these lines: the tuchka's golden on the breasts spent the night, in the morning, in the morning, she was silent early, the lazaries playing fun ...? (M. Yu. Lermontov. "Rock") 8 What is the name of the conversation of two persons in the artistic work? (Dialogue) 9 The author of the story "Quiet Morning"? (Cossacks) 10 What is an allegory? (Allegorical image of the subject, phenomena in order to most clearly show its essential features) 11 Name the genre of the poetic work, which most often lies with a historical event, led by a sharp tension plot (ballad) 12 a small epic product that tells about one or more events in Human life. (Story) 13 The author of the work "Fairy Tale of Fisherman and Fish"? (Pushkin) 14 From what product is these lines: And you, friends, no matter, do not go to the musicians. (Wings. Quartet) 15 Heroes of which work A. S. Pushkin are Naina and Chernomor? ("Ruslan and Lyudmila") 16 In which product of the detective genre of the beetle played a major role? (Golden beetle. E.O.) 17 From what work these lines are: but only the dusk fell to the ground, the rope of elastic ax stuck, and the pets of the centuries were felling without life! The clothes of them broke their small children, the bodies were sulled later, and slowly burned to the morning they were fire. (Lermontov. Three palm trees.) Questions for the second team. 1 Nanny Nanny Pushkin? (Arina Rodionnova) 2 What time of the year most of all loved the Russian poet Pushkin? (Autumn) 3 What was the name of the friend of Sawyer Tom? (Geclberry Finn) 4 The author of the work of "Vatukino Lake"? (Astafyev) 5 Plounter: I sit behind bars in the dungeon of raw fed by unilles of the young ... (A. Pushkin) 6. Posted by Ballad "Cup"? (V. A. Zhukovsky) 7 From what work these lines are: under it a jet of light lazuries, the ray of the sun is golden ... And he, rebellious, asks a storm, as if there are peace in the stormies! (M. Yu. Lermontov. "Sail") 8 The author of the work "Song about Oleg's meaning"? (A.S. Pushkin) 9 What is hyperbole? (Excessive exaggeration of the properties of the item depicted) 10 Call the literature. (Epos, Lyrics, Drama) 11 Speech of one person in the work? (Monologue) 12 Fictional name under which the author publishes his works? (Pseudonym) 13 Picture of nature in a works of art. (Landscape) 14 Author of the fairy tale "Snow Maiden"? (Ostrovsky) 15 From what work these lines are: when there is no agreement in comrades, they will not go to the way, and it will be out of it, only flour. (I. A. Krylov. "Swan, pike and cancer") 16 The heroine of which work did the twin appear, with whom she visited the mirror in the country? (Gubarev. "Kingdom of Curves Mirrors") 17 Who wrote a work about scarlet sails? (Green) who have fun, that is always young! Laughter sounds (4) 2 contest. "Yumorina" card number 1 Card # 2 1. Which of the heroes of the Russian folk fairy tale married the amphibian individual? 1. Name the heroine of the Russian folk fairy tale, which was a frog. 2. Which of the fabulous heroes was a member of himself and the hostess fed through the smelter? 3. Name the heroine of Andersen's fairy tales, which gave his shoes to the river. 4. Name the fairy tale of the Russian writer, where the hero joins the fight with his head. 5. In which Russian folk fairy tale, the brother did not obey his sister, once violated sanitary-hygienic rules and cruelly paid for it? 2. In which Russian folk tale, the problems of housing are solved or, by the smart language, the problems of housingly communal services? 3. What are the heroine of Andersen's fairy tales, which could freeze with his kiss. 4. In what fairy tale of the Russian classic at the hero the power enclosed in his beard? 5. What a fabulous hero has sown money, thinking that the money tree will grow and will remain just shooting a crop? 3 contest. "In the country of the poem" (each team receives a poem) guys, in my hands of the poem, but some confusion occurred in them. Listen! (Read verse). Let's try to properly arrange the signs of punctuation! Riddles viewers. Task number 1 ... Kissel there is boiled from rubber there tires make from clay bricks there burning from milk cottage cheese prepare from sand glass there mocking from concrete dams build from cardboard the cover there from the cast iron there is boiled steel from the canvas linen from plastic dishes Meat Cutlets are cut out of the soot there Vaksu makes from yarn, they will stay there the threads from the cloth suits sew from the tolnaya kissel there is boiled. Task number 2 in the river there fish on the hill of the cow in a cone dog barks on the fence sings the cinema in the hallway playing kids on the wall hanging the picture on the window patterns of fucking in the tag burning firewood in the hands of the girl elegant there is a doll in a cage handmade sin Lying the skates for the winter are preparing there glasses lying for the grandmother the notebooks are always kept in order. 4 Competition. "Collect the proverb" Music (5) Sign up part of proverbs from 1 and 2 columns. While the teams work on proverbs, you can prepare for your homework! Task 1 Who else is digging by another pit, 2 love to ride, 3 husband is not navigated, 1 is the one that says. 2 It is necessary to make your mind. 3 And with the beetle contact - in the manure 4 who eats soon, 5 to hunt 6 who early gets up, 7 love is not a potato to be. 4 From that and you'll get. 5 Talk to swell. 6 Eyes VoN. 7 enemy mine. 8 who has something hurts, 9 on that she and pike, 10 do not talk about yourself, 11Close others learn, 12kto the old one will throw, 13 do notice the tongue, 14c bees to be found in the pool to be, 15 o'clocks meet, 16clovo - silver, 17c who will happen, 18Anka my 19s wolves live 20 not by the habits, 8 he himself falls into it. 9 In order not to be regardless. 10 Uses escape. 11 Dove and Santocho carry. 12th God gives. 13 Mecle Gold. 14Who his wife delivers the pot. 15 pieces will take care of it. 16 Summary. 17thots and works spore. 18 Do you throw it into the window. 19 Sobak feed. 20ЧTOK Karas not dreamed. 1 Who else is digging, 2 you like to ride, 3 husband is not navigating, 4 who eats soon, 5 to hunt 6 who early gets up, 7 love is not a potato 8 who has a hurt, 9 on that she and pike, 10 don't talk about Hoodo yourself, 11Those to learn, 12kto the old will remember, 13 do not hurry the language, the answers 8 he himself falls into it. 11 Dove and Santocho carry. 14Who his wife delivers the pot. 17thots and works spore. 19 Sobak feed. 12th God gives. 18 Do you throw it into the window. 1 Tom talks. 20ЧTOK Karas not dreamed. 15 pieces will take care of it. 2 It is necessary to make your mind. 6 Eyes VoN. 16 Summary. 14C bee to be found in a computer 3 and with a beetle to contact - in the manure being located, 15 o'clocks meet, 16clovo - silver, 17c who will tell you, 18я language 19s wolves live 20 not a habits, to be. 10 Uses escape. 13 Mecle Gold. 4 From that and you'll get. 7 enemy mine. 5 Talk to swell. 9 In order not to be regardless. 5 Competition. Homework. 6 competition. "Find out the work and his author" in front of you 6 cards, on which the excerpt from the work. Think from what work this passage is taken. Name the author of this work. Tell me what will happen next. Excerpt number 1 passage number 2 and started like this: "Friends! What is all this noise? I, your old swat and kum, came to put up to you, not at all for the sake of a quarrel; Forget the past, set up a common way! " (I. A. Krylov "Wolf on Psarn)" Who, Knight Whether noble Ile Latch is simple, in that abyss jump from the embroidered? Throwing my cup there is golden: who will be able to in the dark of the depth of my cup and will return to him harmlessly, that he will be award-winning. " (V. A. Zhukovsky "Cup") Excerpt number 4 "looked at the boy in the mirror and almost fell. I saw Peter's teeth, which turned into a high, thin, pale old man. He grew up with a gray salad beard, mustache. Wrinkles covered with a network face "(Schwartz" Tale of the Lost Time ") passage №3 Remember You are now the Word of My: Warrior Glory Otrada; The victory is glorified by your name; Your shield on the gates of the Tsarope; And the waves and land are submissive to you; Enlightens the unfortunate of so wonderful fate. (A. S. Pushkin "Song about the meaning of Oleg") An excerpt number 5 "The case was in the evening. He went quietly and looked at the water. Suddenly it seemed to him that she would fly in Tine at the very shore. He burned down and saw ... "(I. S. Turgenev" Mumu ") excerpt number 6" At first, no one noticed this. The boy looked at the dull and uncertain look, how do all newborn children look up to the famous age. The days went over the day, the life of the new person was considered already weeks. His eyes cleared up, a muddy blanket made them, the pupil decided. But the child did not turn the heads behind a light beam, penetrating into the room along with the funny chirping of birds "(V. G. Korolenko" Blind Musician ") 7 Competition. "Find the words" in this story the names of five universal animals are hidden. Some - after the end of one word and the beginning of the next. Others - between words with a pretext. The third is still godne. And the viewers do not miss, I prepared and questions for them from works! I will identify the most erudite in the literary area. Skiing once we went to ski. Initially, they went quickly and easily. Then the difficulties began. When I descended from the slides, Kolka Bunkers fell and broke a new ski. And we all so that the ring does not disappoint, they decided to return. Back he was on one ski. We got home in the evening, because Kolka, and then failed to a snowdrift. And before we managed to dinner. Such an unemployed adventure happened to us on that day. 8 Competition. Burim Burim is a poem on pre-specified, unusual rhymes. The form of Burim arose in the first half of the 17th century in France, the next case served as the reason. A certain poet Dyu stated that he lost his manuscript with 300 sonnets. Such a number of works caused doubt among the public. Then Doyously admitted that he wrote not 300 sonnets, but only looked rhyme for them, and his friends decided to write sonnets to the finished rhymes. So there was a form of a borime as a poetic game. Try and you play Burim! Music 6. Task: sang - watched a circle - Capported Pattake - Delicious Other - Kuragoy in hide and seek - Horses left - lay down. Without fire - I have in the afternoon in him in the evening - a light of the grass - alive. Example: We sang songs today, many cartoons watched. Then they sat down in a circle to prepare a pate. Patty cabbage, really delicious. We decided to do another. True, with Kuragya. Then they played hide and jumping like horses. They came straight home, lay down very quickly. 9 Competition. "Find out a photo writer" Think, whose photo in front of you on the screen. Name the surname of the writer and his works. 10 Competition (Captain Competition). "Cords" 1. The pop on a copper, the cap on the pope, a shock under Pop, pop under the cap. 2. Came proof - Durce was boiling, the proof was gone - dill boils. As dill, dill boiled when proceeding, and without proof, dill boils. Presenter (music 1) How beautiful the world of the book! How is the literary world amazing! How many discoveries we do, reading the rows of talented writers! So I want to wish all our participants, viewers and guests to be closer to the world of literature! So let's summarize our quizzes! The word jury! Goodbye, dear friends, to new meetings! For viewers! Excerpt number 1 "What a street! What kind of town! Bridge paved with a mother of pearl; The sky is a variety, turtle, the golden sun goes across the sky; You will nim it, it will come off from the sky, it will go around and rises again. " (V. F. Odoyevsky "Town in Tabakerque") passage number 2 "drive up; At the gate from the pillars, the crystal arch; All pillars are those curled cunning in the Snakes Golden; On the tops three stars, around the gardens terme; On the silver branches there, in the sprinkled in the cells of the birds of the paradise live, the songs of the royal sings. But Terem with Teremes as if a city with villages; And on the Tereme from the star from the Orthodox Russian Cross, "(P. P. Ershov" Conekhorbok ") excerpt number 3" On a festive day and he came to those people who had a sirot. She sees - full of hill the people, big and small. At the stove, the girl is sitting, and next to her the cat drowned. The girl is small, and the cat is small and so thin and risen that it rarely who will put this in the hut. Girl strokes this cat, and she is clearly purring, which is heard throughout the hollow. " (P. Bazhov "Silver Copytz") excerpt number 4 "An old man wanted to put on, but with another one to take a challenge; The king was enough by his rod on his forehead; He fell a thing, and the Spirit is won. - The whole capital shuddered ... "(A. S. Pushkin" The Tale of the Golden Petushka ") excerpt number 5" Lives in a Popov House, sleeps on straw, eats for four, works for seven; Before the light, he dances, the horse will harness, the band will plow, the furnace will flood, everything prepares, buy, the testicle bakes, and he will enjoy himself. " (A. S. Pushkin "Fairy Tale about Pop and his Bald") Riddles were waiting for mom with milk, and wolf let the house ... Who were these little children? In childhood, everyone was laughing at him, they tried him out: because no one knew that he was born in white swan. Bought samovar, and saved her mosquito. She was an artist beautiful, like a star, from evil Karabas fade forever. Paul Kalachi, drove a guy on the furnace. Raced around the village and married the princess. This tablecloth is famous for feeding all the existence that she herself delicious evokes is full. Sweet apples fragrance lured that bird in the garden. Feathers are glowing with fire, and light around, as day. Like the Baba, Yaga does not have a very single leg, but there is a wonderful aircraft. What? He is a robber, he is a villain, he scared people whistling. And the bunny, and the wolf all run to it to be treated. I went to visit my grandmother, she suffered pies. The gray wolf followed her, deceived and swallowed. He was born in Italy, he was proud of his family. He is not just a boy, he is reliable, loyal friend. You will not spend a lot of strength over a simple question. Who is a boys with a long nose from the CM solver? My question is not difficult at all, he is about the city of Emerald. Who was Nice ruler there? Who was there a wizard chief? Outfit is my motley, the cap is my sharp, my jokes and laugh are merry all. All the most important is she in the riddle, although in the cellar there lived: to pull her grandfather from the garden with a grandmother from the garden. That is a completely uneteced, short question: who in the ink thrust a wooden nose? Krasno Girl is sad: She does not like spring, she is hard in the sun! Tears pour a poor thing! The nose is round, pyatadk, it is convenient to rummage in the ground, the tail is a small crochet, instead of the tufelk - hoofs. Three them - and how many friendly brothers are similar. Guess without tips, who is the heroes of this fairy tale? Near the forest, on the edge, three of them live in the hut. There are three chairs and three mugs, three cribs, three pillows. Guess without tips, who is the heroes of this fairy tale? Boloto - her native house. Water goes to visit her. The fat man lives on the roof, he flies all above. Most likely approached the evening, and the hour long-awaited came to me in a gilded carriage to go to the fairy ball, she was a gnome girlfriend and you, of course, familiar. Who is frost playing hide and seek, in a white fur coat, in a white hat? They know all his daughter, and the name of her ... Arrow of the Wellhold landed in a swamp, well, where is the bride? Marry hunting! And here is the bride, eyes on the painter. The bride is called ... Harmoshka in his hands, on the painting of the hat, and the Cheburashka sits next to him. The rarest beast and hides in the ambush, no one can catch him. He is with heads ahead and rear, only aibolit to guess it will help him. And Nuky think and seek, because this beast - ... he comes to all deep at night, and the umbrella opens his magic umbrella: a multicolored umbrella - sleep caresses the eyes, the umbrella of black - dreams does not happen. Obedient children - a multicolored umbrella, and naughty - black relies. He is a gnomewester, he is known to many, but tell me how the gnome is called. The answer from the king's dancer girl was running home, a shore from a crystal was lost on the steps. Pumpkin has become the coach again ... who, tell me, this girl? Answer answering the question: who in the basket Masha Neus, who sat down on Penets and wanted to eat a piddle? Do you know a fairy tale? Who was it? ... the answer was born at mom's daughter out of a beautiful flower. Good, baby just! In. There was a baby with an increase. If you read the fairy tale, you know how the daughter was called. Answer who loved to play and sing? Two mouses twist and ... Responsive grandfather and Baba together lived, the daughter of the snow was blinded, but the fire hot heat turned the girl into the pairs. Grandfather and grandmother in sorrow. How were their daughters called? Answer what kind of fairy tale: Cat, granddaughter, mouse, still dog bug Help Help, rooted root? The answer is everywhere together always, animals - "inseparable": he and his fluffy friend, joker, Medvedik Winnie Pooh. And if it's not a secret, let me answer me: who is this cute fat man? The son of Moisenushki - ... She taught the answer to writing, and the key gold helped to look. That girl with big eyes, like a sky azure, hair, on a nice face - a talious nose. How is her name? Answer the question. The answer is a fairy tale quickly remember: the character in it is a boy Kai, the queen of the snowy heart frozen, but the girl's tender boy did not quit. She was in the frost, blizzards, forgetting about food, bed. She walked to help a friend. What is his girlfriend? The answer is this fabulous hero with a tail, pretty, in his hat he has a pen, his entire striped, walks on two legs, in bright-color boots. The answer from this hero is a friend - a patch, he is donkey as a gift for a blank pot, climbing in a hollow for honey, the bees chasing and flies. The name of the bear, of course, - ... The answer loves he is a sandwich is not like everything, on the contrary, he is in a vest, like a sailor. Call cat, tell me how? The answer to Prostokvashino lives, the service is caring there. Pickage stands at the river. The postman in it is uncle ... The answer of his father grabbed a lemon, he threw a dad to the dumplings ... Radish - boy friend, did not quit the friend in trouble and helped free his father's father from the dungeon. And everyone knows without a doubt, the hero of these adventures. The answer to the snowy sleigh of the Queen in the winter sky flew. Touched Malts, incolment. Cold, unfinished ... answer

Literary quiz with answers for primary school "Who is the author of the work?"

Kondratieva Alla Alekseevna, primary school teacher MBOU "Zolotukhinskaya Central Community School" Kursk region
Description of the material: This material can be used teachers of kindergartens and primary school teachers for spending extracurricular activities, leisure children and as a final lesson at the end of the school year.
Purpose: Formation of children of preschool and younger school age interest and needs in reading (perception) of books, the development of aesthetic taste, the organization of leisure of children.
1. To acquire children of preschool and younger school age to the world of book culture, bring up a competent reader.
2. Create knowledge of children, develop cognitive and creative activity, memory, speech, intelligence.
3. Recomproof in children cognitive interest in the book, form an emotional responsiveness to the literary work.

"Students should - wrote K.D. Shushinsky - to transfer" not only certain knowledge, but also to promote independently without a teacher to acquire new knowledge. "

"A kind book is like the most grain, she germinates in the shower, and when it happens, the book becomes a demanding and strict interlocutor." Viktor Astafiev

1. We all know His works: "Tarakanishche", "Aibolit", "Barmalei", "Phone", "Fly - Costume", "Fedorino Mountain ....

(K. Chukovsky)
2. Warrant fairy tales of this writer: "Cinderella", "Sleeping Beauty", "Cat in Boots", "Boy with Finger", "Red Hood", "Blue Beard" are glorified in Russian music, ballets, movies, theatrical performances, in Painting and graphics dozens and hundreds of times. "

3. This writer challenged in his works justice, good, love, sense of human dignity. He presented the world "Snow Queen".

4. Its fairy tales this great poet did not write specifically for children, but it turned out that the children know them and love since childhood. Golden Cockerel is the last fairy tale of the writer known to the world.

(A.S. Pushkin)
5. Authors of the fairy tale "Bremen Musicians", "Porch pot" - brothers. Call them with the surname.

(Brothers Grimm)
6. His story "Who told meow?" They know and love all children.


7. "Timur and his team", "Blue Cup", "R.V.S.", "Hot Stone", "Military Mystery", "Far Countries", "Smoke in the Forest", "Fourth Dropper", " School "wrote ...


8. Who wrote the adventure story "Live Hat"?


9. Copper Mountain Mistress-main heroine of his fairy tales.

(P.P. Bazhov)
10. Works "Uncle Stepa", "That's what scattered", "We are with a friend", "fun travelers" do not leave any child indifferent.

(S.V. Mikhalkov)
11. Stories of this writer, including the "Magic Word", are well acquainted with schoolchildren.

(V.A. Zeeva)

12. Some of the favorite heroes of this writer - Uncle Fedor, Dog and Cat.


13. "Koshkin House", "Twelve months" and other works of this writer are loved by children, and adults.

(S.Ya. Marshak)
14. Who is the author of funny stories "Denisian stories."

(V. Kologunka)

15. Who does not know her carlson?

(Astrid Lindgren.)
16. This writer told the world about the adventures of the bold girl Ellie

(A.M. Volkov)

17.In the country's theaters there is a lot of plays of this writer - "Rostik in the dense forest", "Rusac", "very smart toys", and on his play-fairy tale "Lopuschok at Lukomory" operated opera.

18. His "Flower-SemiCholetik" is an effectively magical and teaches

(V.P. Katayev)

19. This writer invented a story about a wooden boy Chipollino.

(D. Rodri)

20. This fairy tale is talking about the jungle, wolves, baby? Who is the author?

(R. Kipling)

21. Sold about the lost time invented ...

(E. Schwartz)

22. Digured a bear on the floor,
Sloped upside down the paw.
All the same, he will not bother
Because he is good. " Whose poems are it?

(A. Barto)
23. "Golden meadow", "Lisukin Bread" and its other works introduce children with the world of nature.

(M. Svtain)

24. The "Forest Gazeta" became the whole encyclopedia of nature.

Praphrasing the famous expression, say: "Literature is our everything." Literature Scientific, artistic, documentary comes us to the events of the past and present, to the Russian word, to the thoughts and feelings of mankind.

Quiz "Year of Literature 2015" contains 14 questions. All questions are answered.

Foreign quiz: Iris Revu

1. What are the main tasks of the year of literature?
Answer: Attracting attention to reading, solving the problems of the book sphere, stimulating the interest of Russians to the books.

2. Who is presented on the official logo of the year of literature?
Answer: A.S. Pushkin, N.V. Hogol, A.A.ahmatova

3. What are the main types of literature?
Documentary prose
Memoir literature
Scientific and popular science literature
Reference reference

4. Specify the three classic questions of Russian literature:
"Who is guilty?" Herzen +.
"What to do?" Chernyshevsky +.
"What do I do for people?", Danko, Gorky
"Who lives well in Russia" Nekrasov +

5. What events are scheduled for 2015 within the framework of the declared year of literature?
Answer: International Writer Forum "Literary Eurasia", the project "Literary Map of Russia", "Bibliison - 2015", the pilot project "World Book Day", the contest "Literary Capital of Russia".

6. Which of the heroes does not belong to the type of "little man" in Russian literature?
Samson Vyrin ("Stationander" A.S. Pushkin)
Akaki Akakievich Bashmachkin ("Shinel" N.V.Gogol)
Pierre Lyuhov ("War and Peace" L.N. Tolstoy) +

7. When in Russian literature, for the first time, the phraseology "Keanny lady" appeared?
Answer: For the first time in the literature, this phraseologist appeared in the story of Nicholas Pomleyovsky "Meshchansky Happiness" (1861)

8. Who can be counted for the cohort of "Heroes of his time"?
Evgeny Onegin +.
Evgeny Bazarov +.
Gregory Pechorin +.

9. From what product phrase?

"And there is nothing to divide:
How is a tree with fire to be friends? "
Answer: from Basny I.A. Krylova "Grove and Fire"

"But tea is carried; Maiden Chinno
Barely for meals took
Suddenly because of the door in the hall long
Fagot and flute were heard. "
Answer: Evgeny Onegin A.S. Pushkin

"Who, serving the great goals of the century,
My life fully gives
On the struggle for the brother of man
Only he will survive. "
Answer: "Zina" N.A.Nekrasov

10. Which of the types of Russian literature does not apply to "Turgenev Girls"?
Lisa Kalitina +.
Katya Odintovova +.
Olga Dymova

11. Comic question (phraseologisms)
How do we say?

Seventh water on ...
Kiere +.

And Vaska listens yes ...
Eats +.

Let's return to our ...
Baranam +.

Questions on the history of Russian literature

12. Which of the Russian writers stood at the sources of satirical directions in the literature?
A.Dkatemir +.
V.K.T. Diakovsky
M.V. Lomonosov

13. What direction dominated in the literature in the XVIII century?
Classicism +.

14. What work do we call the "monument of the ancient Russian literature"?
The word about the regiment of Igor +
From the ledges about Olecse Dovbosche
Tale of Promethea

Literary quiz is repeatedly used by teachers in secondary schools. This is a peculiar form of monitoring learned knowledge on topics. From thorough preparation of the teacher depends on how fascinating and qualitative will be the result.

Goals and objectives

The purpose of literary quizzes is to develop interest in reading. Books should be for students real friends. Literary quiz can be carried out in a game form.

It will be able to increase the interest of children, help them actively show themselves and demonstrate their wonderful knowledge.

  • Education - deepening and consolidation of knowledge gained in the lessons. Expansion of the horizon.
  • Developing. It is to develop logical and figurative thinking, which is necessary at a young age. Formation of creative abilities, activation of imagination.
  • Educational. Will help to awaken interest in the works of Russians and

Quiz "On the guys-peer"

This is a traditional literary quiz for schoolchildren.

Questions and answers (in brackets):

Quiz "Writers about animals"

This is a literary quizzine with answers, which is devoted to various animals from stories and fairy tales. Children such a topic is close and extremely interesting, as everyone loves the brothers of our younger.

  1. Who was afraid of the main heroine in the attic in the story of V. Bianki "Arishka-Pantish"? (Spider).
  2. Who taught to swim and dive a bunny in the fairy tale "List Falls" I. Sokolova-Mikitova? (Beaver).
  3. Name the nickname of a huge and evil PSA from the story of "Course" N. Artyukhova. (Lochmach).
  4. Who predicted the queen's appearance in the tale "Sleeping Tsarevna" V. A. Zhukovsky? (Spider).
  5. Who is very frightened by the baby in the forest in the story "Conscience" A. Gaidar? (Dog).
  6. Name the nickname of a wonderful elephant from the story of "Elephant" A. I. Kurin. (Tommy).
  7. In the "fairy tale about a brave hare" D. Mamin-Sibiryak, the main character frightened ... (wolf).
  8. Who was under a mysterious hat in the story "Live Hat" N. Nosov? (Kitty).
  9. Where did the dog and the lion live from the story of L. N. Tolstoy? (In Zveztz).
  10. Name the book of the dog of Aunt Natasha from the story of "Friendly" N. Nosova (Dianka).
  11. What was the name of the fox, a girlfriend from a fairy tale A. Tolstoy "Golden Key ..."? (Alice).
  12. Who scared Petya and Shura in the dark in the story (hedgehog).
  13. Name a sad friend who lost the tail in the "Winnie Pooh" fairy tale A. Milna. (OSLO IA).
  14. Who Peppi Long stocking from the story-fairy tales A. Lindgren could raise and carry on himself? (Horse).

Literary quiz (grade 4) "on the pages of children's books"

  1. What is the favorite word of Emeli from the fairy tale "on a whitening vein". (Reluctance).
  2. Name the mainland from the story of L. N. Tolstoy "Shark". His shores occur the main events. (Africa).
  3. What was the Iron Wood Rover from the story-fairy tale "The Wizard of the Emerald City" A. Volkov? (Water).
  4. Who writes patterns on the windows? (Santa Claus).
  5. Where did Komar from the fairy tale, A. S. Pushkin drank the cook? (Into the eye).
  6. Due to what kind of medicine Aibolit instantly cured her neck? (Ointment).
  7. What dish initially wanted to cook from Pike, which was the main character of the fairy tales "on a whitening courage"? (Ear).
  8. Where did Pineosa put in the house of Malvina in the punishment? (In a chulad).
  9. Who has turned the stunning leaf thanks to (in the donkey).
  10. What was inherited by the eldest son in the fairy tale "Cat in boots" sh. Perso (Mill).

Quiz competition

The literary can be carried out in the form of the game, which will increase the interest of students. You can combine all the tasks with one topic, for example, fabulous. Among the main goals are the following: activation of children's reading; Consolidation of knowledge on the topics passed, the organization of leisure of students, repetition of the names of the authors and the heroes of children's fairy tales.

The literary game-quiz may be called "on the pages of favorite fairy tales." You can start a quiz-competition with the introductory words of the leading. The teacher welcomes children, asks them about favorite fairy tales. Requests themselves to divide into two teams and helps them with it. Each team comes up with a unique name. Quiz can be divided into several sections. For the correct team responses get points. After all competitions, the teacher (or members of the jury) summarize.


It can be a separate literary quiz. Grade 3 with it quite cope. Children and the second and first class will be able to answer these questions.

In the first competition two teams can take part simultaneously. Pupils are responsible for questions.

  1. It was noticed on sour cream. It was cold on the window. He has a ruddy side. These are children, ... (bang).
  2. Mom his daughter sewed a beautiful hat. Girl to her grandmother went to visit. And pies with them took. What is the name of this girl-paw? (Little Red Riding Hood).
  3. Together, together, along the chain, they took up so firmly. Dage, grandma, bug, the granddaughter can not pull out. How sat down firmly. Who is it? (Repka).
  4. Bearded villain torments his children. Artemon and Piero, Pinocchio and Malvina. Knows each of you. This is a terrible (Karabas).
  5. A boy lived in a blue hat in a famous children's book. He is foolish and Zaka. What is his name? (Dunno).
  6. Wooden guy knows one mystery. Artevel, Malvina and Piero are friends with him. And his nose is long. Who is it? (Pyratino).
  7. The croup came through, washed to stepmate. The house cleaned and fell on the ball. Beautiful as sunshine. Who is it? (Cinderella).

Command game

Literary quiz can be held as a competition. For this, the teacher divides children to two teams. First corresponds to the first group. The second should not suggest. Answers need to be given instantly. The correct answer is 1 point. Wrong - minus score. Then another team answers the questions. Questions for the first group of children:

Questions for the second team:

  • What was the name of the boy from the fairy tale "Snow Queen"? (Kai).
  • What fruit ate Cheburashka? (Oranges).
  • Who wrote a fairy tale "Red Cap"? (Charles Perra).
  • What was the name of the girl who had "seven-family flowers"? (Zhenya).
  • Which hut was the hare in the tale "Zaikina Hut"? (Lubyana).
  • Who became eleven royal sons? (In swans).
  • What was the name of the cat from the fairy tale "Buratino"? (Basilio).
  • Friend Piglet (Winnie Pooh).
  • Who wrote a fairy tale "Konk-Gorbok"? (P. Ershov).
  • In which one should come back home from the bala? (Twelve).


Thus, the literary quiz is not only one of the forms of control of the knowledge gained in the lessons. It will help to activate schoolchildren, organize their leisure, increase interest in reading and books. Questions and Topics Quiz can be the most diverse. It will be quite interesting if the teacher organizes with several stages. Interestingly organized quiz will increase the interest of students to such a form of work. They will look forward to it and carefully prepare for subsequent quiz.

Comic Questions for Literary Quiz

1. Which of the heroes of Russian folk fairy tales was a bakery product?
2. Name the heroine of the Russian folk fairy tale, which was vegetable

3. What Russian folk fairy tales tell about the problem of a separate housing?

4. What kind of energy used Baba Yaga, flying into a step?

5. What a fabulous hero sown money, thinking that the money tree would grow and would only be a harvest?

6. What poultry was engaged in manufacturing products from precious metals for their owners?

7. ◘ Dentist is a literary critic who specializes in the work of Dante, or a dentist?

8. ◘ Grimor is a researcher of the art of brothers Grimm or the worker of the theater?

9. ◘ Critic is a resident of the Greek Island Crete or a person who is engaged in interpreting and evaluating works of literature from the point of view of modernity?

10. ◘ He is a critic, she is ... who?

11. ◘ How old was A.S. Pushkin when he was born?

12. ◘ And Mazay, and Fir - who are they?

13. ◘ In "War and the World" L.N. Tolstoy is the phrase: "Pierre Duhov printed a letter." Where at that time, Pierre took a computer and printer?

14. ◘ What is the hero of Turgenev did not have a sound card?

15. ◘ The name of which title heroine Romana L.N. Tolstoy is equally read as from left to right and right to left?