FEOFAN NASTPER - "Fundamentals of Orthodox Education". Feofan Reasancer on the right faith and imaginary Christians

FEOFAN NASTPER - "Fundamentals of Orthodox Education". Feofan Reasancer on the right faith and imaginary Christians


Basics of Orthodox Education

Prayers about children


The sacrament of baptism

Features of baptism in infancy and

the meaning of christian education


christian education

Fighting a sin. Primary education of bodily needs

and spiritual feelings

Raising Mind, Will and Heart

Training sciences

Awareness of a Christian and

decisivity to live in Christian

Stormy river of youth.

About the dangers of youth

Incorrect education - Cause

mischievous grace of baptism

Fruits and advantages

good upbringing

Prayers about children


The session and development of the life of Christian is significantly different from the session and the development of the life of natural. It depends on the special nature of the Christian life and his relationship towards our nature. A person is not born a Christian, but becomes one after birth. The seed of Christ falls on the Earth of the heart already beating. But as a naturally born man is damaged and opposed to the requirements of Christianity, the beginning of truly Christian life in a person there is some recresitution, giving new forces, a new life.

As in the seed, the vegetable life awakens the moisture and heat in him hidden in it, and through them - the all-host power of life, and in us the life of the Divine is awakened when the spirit of God penetrates and believes the beginning of life in spirit, cleanses And collects together the oversized and broken features of the image of God.

Where to find and how to accept grace, hissing life? Changing grace and sanctifying our nature is performed in the sacraments. Here we offer the action of God or to God to God have our indecompical nature, and he implements her with his action. God was pleased for the defeat of our proud of our mind, at the very beginning of a true life to hide its strength to his subtlety substance. As it happens, we do not comprehend, but the experience of all Christianity testifies that it does not happen otherwise.

The sacrament of baptism

Epiphany there is the first in Christianity the sacrament, the Human Human of Christian worthy to encourage the gifts of grace and through other sacraments. Without it, it is impossible to enter the world of Christian - to become a member of the church. Empty wisdom created a house on Earth: the door introducing to this house is the sacrament of baptism. Sew the door is not only included in the house of God, but it is also tasted with a decent clothes, they receive a new name and a sign, imprinted in the whole being of the baptized, through which heaven and terrestrial difference.

Who is in Christ, Nova Creature, teaches the apostle (2 Cor. 5: 17). I sow the new creatant Christian becomes baptism. From the font, the person comes out at all as it comes in. Like the light of darkness, as the life of death, so ceremony is opposite to unresolved. Casual in lawlessness and born in sins, man before baptism wears the whole poison of sin, with all his consequences. It consists in dismilies of God, there is a nature of Chado anger; Damaged, upset itself in itself, in the ratio of parts and forces and in their direction mainly on the reproduction of sin; Subordinates the influence of Satan, which acts in it powerfully due to sin living in it. As a result, he is inevitably inevitably an Oder Hell, where he must suffer with his prince and his clutters and servants.

Baptism eliminates us from all angry. It removes an oath by the power of the Cross of Christ and returns the blessing: the baptized essence of the Chada of God, how to refer to and to be given to them the Lord himself.In the same child, then the hear heiress Wob's God, Sconcelates Christ (RIML. 8: 17). The kingdom of heaven belongs to Khfezhemma, already on baptism itself. He takes out from under the rule of Satan, who now loses power over it and the power to act in it. The entry into the church is the house of refuge - Satan is moving into the entrances to the newest. He is here as in a safe fence.

All this is spiritually external advantages and diving. What happens inside? Healing sinful disease and damage. The grace of grace penetrates into and restores the divine order here in all its beauty, the doctor's disorder, both in the composition and relationship of forces and parts, and in the main direction from himself to God - on the bareguin and multiplication of good deeds. Why baptism is a revival or a new birth, delivering a person to an updated state. The apostle Paul is comparing all the baptists with the Risen Savior, giving to intelligence that they have the same bright in the renewal of the creature, which mankind was in the Lord Jesus through the resurrection of him in Glory (RIML 6: 4). That the direction of activity in baptized changes - it can be seen from the words of the same apostle, which speaks elsewhere, that they are alreadydo not live to yourself, but the deceased for them and the risen (2 Cor. 5: 15). Hedgehog is dying, the sin of dying united, and hedgehog lives, the gown lives (RIML. 6: 10). We will do the baptism of death (RIML. 6: 4), and oUR OUR, PERSON SHOULD WITH HE CRINGED, IKOKO COME Do not work our sin (RIML. 6: 6). So all the human activity by force of baptism addresses itself and sin to God and the truth.

Wonderful word apostle:I can not work to us sin ... and other: sin you don't have (RIML. 6: 14). It gives us to understand that the fact that in the upset, the fallen nature is the strength that attracts to sin, does not exterminate in baptism, but only it is supplied to such a state, in which the authorities do not have us, does not possess us, and we do not work his. It is located in us, lives and acts, just not as a gentleman. The primacy has already belongs to the grace of God and the Spirit, consciously who betraging him. St. Diodech, explaining the power of baptism, says that the sin lives to the baptism, and the grace from the outside acts; After this grace puts up in the heart, and sin entails from the outside. It is expelled from the heart as an enemy from strengthening, and settled out, in parts of the body, from where and acts fragmented by raids. Why is there an incessant tempter, a seducer, but no longer lord: worries and worries, but he does not command (Dobryol. Part 4. 79 and more).

So there is a new life in baptism! Which is required by the person, or how it comes to what is updated in baptism, is depicted in the "drawing of Christian moraling", especially in the article "The Norm of Christian Life". This is not repeated here, because the adult, starting to baptism, is the same as the sinner who turned to God in repentance.

It is drawn here how starts through the baptism of Christian life in those who are baptized with babies, as it can be mainly between us. For here the beginning of the Christian life arranged with a certain characteristic feature resulting from the ratio of grace for freedom.

Features of baptism B.

Infant and meaning

Christian education

The Lord applies grace Tuna; But it requires that a man looking for it and preferably perceived her, devoting himself entirely to God. The execution of the condition in repentance and in the baptism of adults is obvious. But how is it performed in the baptism of babies? The baby does not have the use of mind and freedom, therefore, cannot fulfill the conditions for the beginning of the Christian life for its part, i.e. Desire to devote himself to God. Meanwhile, this condition must certainly be executed. From the method of execution of the condition, the beginning of life, through the baptism of babies, is performed with a certain characteristic feature. Exactly.

Grace descends on the infant soul and produces everything in itone so, as if freedom participated at this, on the only basis that this in the future this, who does not know himself and is not acting personally, the baby, when he comes into consciousness, willing himself willingly devote himself

God, it is advisable to take grace, find her actions in himself, will be glad that it is, it will become so done for him, and it confesses that if for a minute of baptism there were a meaning and freedom to him, he would not do anything else, As reported, and would not want otherwise. For the sake of such a future free dedication to God and the combination of freedom with the grace, the Divine grace is full of a baby and without him everything produces that it is characteristic of it, one assurances that the desired desire and legend of themselves will be undoubtedly Perceptions, assigning God to the Church that this baby, who come to consciousness, appears exactly such a use of freedom, what is required for grace, they accept the duty to admit the most important thing to the infinite.

Thus, through baptism in the baby, the seed of life about Christ is supposed to be in it; But she still no matter how it acts as an forming force. The life of the spiritual, the birth of baptism in the baby will be his own person, will be in full of his form, according to not only with the grace, but also with the property of a reasonable creature from the time when he arises to consciousness, the free magnitude will devote himself to God and desirable Joyful and grateful perception will be afraid of his graceful strength. And until now, there is a truly Christian life in it, but as if without his knowledge, it acts in it, but there is still no one; From moments of consciousness and election, she becomes his own, not gracious only, but also free.

Due to this, more or less prolonged, the gap between the baptism and the dedication to God, the beginning of Christian moral life, through the grace of baptism in babies expands, so to speak, to an indefinite space of time, in continuation of which the baby ripens and is formed in a Christian in St. Church among Christians, as previously thoughtfully formed in the womb.

Install, reader, streaming to this thoughts. It will be extremely necessary for us when determining how parents, perceivers and educators should do with a baptized baby, who entrusts to them from St. Churches and gentlemen.

It is clear that after the baptism of the baby, it will be very important to parents and perceivers: so to lead the baptized forces to be in consciousness, conscious of the fertile forces, with a joyful desire he has perceived them, as well as the duties required by them and the image required by them Life. This face to face supplies with the question of Christian education or about education at the request of the grace of baptism, with the goal of preserving this grace.

To clearly it was, as it should do with a baptized baby in the objectives shown, you need to know that grace falls the heart and lives in it, only when it qualizes the appeal from sin and himself to God. For the sake of this mood, everything is active, then all other gifts of grace are applied, and all the advantages of the deliberate, favor of God, Soncotye Christ, putting out the field of Satan, out of danger to be convicted in hell. If you soon, this mood of the mind and the heart is diminished or lost, immediately sin again begins to have a heart, and the bonds of Satan are imposed, and the faithfulness of God and the juice of God are distinguished. Grace in the baby tammes and swells sin; But he can recover again and rebel, if you give him food and freedom. So, all the attention of those on which there is a duty of the obstacle in the intention taken from the font of a Christian child, should be drawn to the fact that it is not possible to prevail the latter over him again, in every way to suppress this last and exhaust, and the direction to God to excite and strengthen . Should make such a mood in a growing Christian grew, although on someone else's leadership, but amateur, so that he is more and more accustomed to prevail over sin and overcome it for the sake of a bareguin, it is accustomed to drink the powers and body so much Serving God. That this is possible, it is seen from the fact that born and cubized is the whole - seed of the future or earth, filled with seeds. The new mood has not been influenced by the grace of Baptism only or sane, but valid, i.e. There is also a seed of life. If at all all seed develops by its nature, then the seed of the fallen life in Emirates can develop. If it contains the seed of the prevailing sin to appeal to God, then it can also be developed and is observed, like other seeds. It should only use effective tools on this or determine the appropriate way to act on a baptized baby.

The goal, to which everything should be sent to, is that this new person, who come to consciousness, was aware of himself not by a person only, the creature is wisely free, but together by a person who has entered into obligation with the Lord, with which it is inextricably his eternal fate; And not only aware of himself, but also found himself able to act in this obligation and saw in itself preferential to that. Ask, how to achieve this? How to deal with the baptized to come to age, he did not want anything more like a true Christian. Or - how to educate in Christian?

In response, you do not undertake to consider everything in detail. We restrict ourselves to one common ferris of the whole case of Christian education, bearing in mind to indicate how in which way to maintain and strengthen the good side in the children and how to exhaust and suppress Houdua.

Components of Christian Education

Here, first of all, attention stops on the baby in the cradle, before waking up any abilities in it. The baby lives, therefore, you can influence his life. Here are sv. Secrets, for them all church; And with them together faith and piety of parents.

All this, in the aggregate, will make a saving around the baby atmosphere. All the sim mysteriously appreciate the graceful life, conceived in the baby.

Frequent communion of sv. Christ secrets (can be added: how much can be frequent) alive and effectively connect with the Lord a new member of him, through the preching body and blood will sanctify it, it decesses him in itself and makes impregnable for dark forces. The arriving in this way notice that on that day, when the child is involved, it is immersed in deep peace, without strong movements of all natural needs, even those who are more acting in children. Sometimes it is performed by joy and playing the Spirit, in whom it is ready to hug away from anyone. Often sv. Commission is accompanied by mystery. St. Andrei Cretan as a child did not speak for a long time. When the crushed parents turned to prayer and fertile funds, then, during communion, the Lord, the grace of his own, allowed the tongue bond, after the church he had flowed and wisdom. One doctor in his observations testified that in most part children's diseases should be worn by children. Combination, and very rarely had the need to use medical benefits.

Big influence has a frequent wearing in the church, applying to St. Cross, gospel, icons, air covering; Also at home - the frequent submission under the icon, frequent oxygen of the procession, the sprinkling of St. Water, smoking incense, an autumn cross of the cradle, food and all that touches them, the blessing of the priest, offering in the houses of icons from the church and prayers; In general, everything church wonderfully warms and nourishes the graceful life of the cat, and there is always the safest and impermeable fence from the attempt of invisible dark forces, which are ready to penetrate in developing only the soul to infect her breathing.

Under this visible guard is invisible: the guardian angel, the Lord, an attached to the baby from the very moment of baptism. He will do it, his presence invisibly affects him and in the right cases inspires to parents, which must be done with the child who are in the extremes.

But all these so strong fences, these strong and actual nate can ruin and deprive the fetus disbelief, negligence, wickedness and unlimited life of parents. This is already because at the same time, those or not used, or are not used as it should; But especially on the effect of internal. True, the Lord Mercy, especially in innocent, but there is incomprehensible to us the connection of the soul of parents with the soul of children, and we cannot determine to what extent the impact of the first on the latter; And together, to what extent, with the infectious influence of the first, the mercy extends and the consensus of God to the latter. It happens that it stops, and then harvested reasons bring their fruit. Therefore, the spirit of faith and the piety of parents should read the most powerful means to preserve, upbringing and strengthening graceful life in children.

The spirit of the baby seems to have no more movement in the first days, months, even years. You can not transfer anything to him for the assimilation in the usual way. But you can act on it mediocre.

There is some special way to communicate shower through the heart. One spirit affects another feeling. Such an influence on the soul of the baby is more convenient than fuller and deeper parents with their hearts with their infant. Father and mother disappear into the child and, as they say, do not have the souls. And if their spirit is imbued with piety, it can not be that it does not act on the soul of the child. The best external conductor at the same time - gaze. While in other feelings, the soul remains hidden, the eye opens her to the other. This is the point of meeting one soul with another. Let the hole go to the soul of the Chief of Mother and Father with the feelings of saints. They can not not spread it with this saint. It is not necessary that in the gaze of them not one love, which is so natural, but also beliefs that they have more than a simple child, and hope that the one who gave them under the supervision of this treasure, as a certain quilery vessel, will supply They and sufficient forces to preserve it, and, finally, continuously in the spirit performed prayer, excited by hope for faith.

When the parents thus fence the cradle of their cats with this spirit of sincere piety, when with this, on the one hand, the guardian Angel, on the other - St. Secrets and the whole church will act on it with out and inside, then this will be around the mortgage life to her the spiritual atmosphere, which sneaks into it and its character, just like the blood, the beginning of the life of the animal, in the properties of their own a lot depends on the surrounding air. It is said that the newly arranged vessel keeps for a long time, if not always, the smell of that substance that will be swollen at that time. The same should say about the disrunt shown near children. It will be gracious savingly to penetrate into the established forms of livestock life and will assign their print on them. There is also an impassable barrier to the influence of malice.

Bending such an arrangement from the cradle, it should already continue it later and at all time of education: both in childhood, and in adolescence, and in junior. Church, church and St. Secrets - like the tabernacles for children, they must be inexitious. Examples show how it is saving and multiply (Samuel, Theodore Sisott, April 22 and others). Even one can be replaced, as not without success, all means of education are replaced. An ancient way of education in this mainly and consisted.

Fighting a sin.

Prudent education

Basic needs I.

Spiritual feelings

When the Dietaty begin to awaken the strength, one for another, parents and educators should aggravate attention. For when, under the autumn of the funds shown, they will increase and enhance in them a lot to God and enthusiasm after his strength, at the same time, and a sin who lives in them will not sleep, but it will become overpowered by the same forces. The inevitable consequence of this is a brand inner. Since the children are unable to behave themselves, the place is reasonably replaced by parents. But how it should be led by the same forces of children, then parents strictly need to obey the first launches of their awakening, so that from the first minute to give them declination, according to the first to which they should be directed.

So begins to brave the parents with a sin living in the cat. Although the sin of this and deprived of the point of the support, but it acts, and to stay on something strong, tries to take possession of the body and soul. Must do not allow to this and how to pull out forces from sin's hands and transfer to God. But in order to act at the same time, not without reason, but with a reasonable leading of the fidelity of the chosen way, it is necessary to understand yourself well, which is looking for the remaining sin than it is supplied, by means of what exactly takes on us. The main pathogens, which are enhanced by sin, the essence of their own (or inquisitiveness) in the mind, inevitably - in the will, self-billing - in feeling. Therefore, it should be so maintained and directing the developing forces of the soul and body, so as not to give them a prisoner, pleasure, initious and self-sustainment - for it will be a captive sinful, - but, on the contrary, to accustom to rejugate them and prevail over them and, thus, How much can be dismissed and bring them to harm. This is the main beginning. With him should then construct all upbringing. We will review the most important actions of the body, soul and spirit.

First of all, awaken, and then constantly consist in living activities, until the death, body needs. Nevertheless, put them in the proper limits and secure the skill so that later there was anxiety from them. Here, inaccurate for bodily life, shipment is food. In moral terms, it is a commander of passion to the sinful destruction of the flesh or the field of its development and nutrition. Therefore, it must feed the child so that, developing the life of the body, delivering him a fortress and health, not to ignore in the shower of the model. There should be no look that the child is not enough - it's necessary to begin to settle down to the coarse to the coarse substance and teach a child to possession over it, so that in adolescence, and in the youth, and after them easily and freely could be managed with this need. The first starter is very expensive. From child food, much depends on the subsequent. You can imperceptibly solidity and non-reading in food - two types of gluttony, these disengagement devotionable to nutrition.

Therefore, even doctors and teachers advise: 1) Election of healthy and suitable food, judging by age raised: For one food is suitable for the baby, the other for the cat, the hotel and the young men; 2) to subjugate the use of its well-known rules (again adaptively to age), in which time it would be determined, the amount and method of nutrition, and 3) then from the order established in this way without need to retreat. This will take care of the child not always to demand food, as I want to eat, but wait for a certain hour; Here the first experiments exercise in refusal to themselves in their desires. Where the child is fed every time it will pay, and then whether it will ask for it, there is before relaxing it that after it is no longer different how to refuse food. Together with the sim, it gets used to the sacrificance because he has time to need to be cleaned everything. The same extent must be subordinate to sleep, and warmth with cold, and other amenities, naturally necessary in fact, having an inquiry in mind - do not ignore the passion for sensual pleasures and teach to deny yourself. This should strictly observe at all times of education - changing, as itself, of course, the rules in applications, and not a substantive - until raised by being confronted in them, will take himself in hand.

The second bodies are movement; Its organ - muscles, in which the strength and strength of the body are lying, tools. In relation to the soul, it is a commander of the will and very capable of developing their own way and. The dimensional, prudent development of this departure, informing the body, the initiance and liveliness, teachs to the works and forms the powerfulness. On the contrary, the development of the turning, left for arbitrariness, in some develops exorbitant, and scattered, in others - lethargy, lifelessness, tape. The first strengthens and draws to the law of self-peculiarity and inconsistency, in connection with which there are hopping, angiveness, irreparation in desires. The latter immerses in the flesh and betrays sensual pleasures. So, must keep in mind that, strengthening the body's strength, not to bloom at the time removal and for the sake of the flesh, do not destroy the spirit. For this, the main thing measure, prescription, supervision. Let the child be sinking, but at that time, in that place and the fact that he was ordered. The will of his parents should capture every step, of course, in general. Without this, it can easily shove the knitting knife. Fully cutting down, the child always returns not readily to obey even in any incidents. And this is one time; What to say where this part is completely negligent? How difficult after exterminating the way, since it will soon be in the body, as in the fortress. The neck is not broken, the hand and leg is moving, and the eye does not even want to look as they order. On the contrary, the child goes presented for all orders, where from the very beginning do not give their movements. Moreover, it is impossible to get used to owning my body, how forcing it to strain on instructions.

The third departure of the body lies on the nerves. From the nerves of feelings - the instruments of observation and food of delusion. But about this after. Now, about another general appointment of nerves, as a sedator of body sensitivity or ability to make pleasant and unpleasant external impressions for him. In this regard, it is necessary to put the body to teach the body to painlessly transfer all kinds of influence external: from air, water, temperature change, damp, heat, cold, woundings, pain, and so on. Who purchased such a skill, the happiest person who is capable of the most difficult affairs, in any time and in any place. The soul in such a person is a full master of the body, does not fail, does not change, does not leave affairs, fear of bodily troubles; On the contrary, with some desire refers to the fact that the body can angry. And this is very important. The main evil in relation to the body is the body and sorry of the body. It takes away all power in the soul over the body and makes the first work of the latter; On the contrary, not a splashing body will not be confused in its enterprises with fears from blind animals. How happy accustomed to this since childhood! This includes medical advice on swimming, time and place of festivities, dresses; The main thing is to contain the body not so that it takes one pleasant impressions alone, and on the contrary, more to keep the impressions of concerned. Those are based on the body, and these are strengthened; With those child, everything is afraid, and with these everything is ready and able to stand in the initialist.

This kind of body handling is prescribed by pedagogy. It is shown here only how these tips are also suitable for the development of Christian life precisely the fact that the zealous performance of sensual pleasures is overshadowing the entry in the soul of sensual pleasures, self-adequacy, very . And this is very important in the life of the Christian, according to the very essence of his deprived of sensuality and all kinds of flesh. So, it should not be left to the arbitrariness of the development of the body of the child, and it is necessary to keep it under a stringent discipline from the very beginning, to then pass it into the hands of the Christian-educated Christian, and not hostile to her. Truly loving children of Christian parents should not regret anything or even their parent heart, to deliver this benefit to children. For otherwise, all the subsequent affairs of their love and care will be either low-core, or even fruitless. The body is a commander of passions, and mostly the most ferocious, what lust and anger. It is the authority through which the demons penetrate into the soul or let it go to it. Itself, it commemorates that at the same time should not lose the type of church, and nothing of it can touch the body, for the body will be sanctified, and a greedy animation will be saturated.

Everything is not written here, and only indicates the main tone of acting on the body. Details will indicate the case who need. On this outline, it is also of course how it should do with the body and at all other lifetime: for we have one with him.

Together with the detection of bodily needs and in the soul do not slow down the lower abilities, in their natural sequence. Here the child begins to stop his eyes on one or another, and on one more, on the other less, as if one, he likes more, and the other less. These are the first sweeps of the use of feelings, which immediately should awaken the activities of imagination and memory. These abilities are on the transition from bodily activities to spiritual and act together, so that the one has done immediately transmitted another. Judging by the importance of which they currently have in our lives, as well and saving the first origins of them to consecrate them from the area of \u200b\u200bfaith. First impressions deeply remain memorable. It is not necessary to remember that the soul is in the world with a naked force; It increases, rich in the domestic content and diversified in the activity it is after. The first material, the first food for the formation of its own it gets from the outside, from feelings, through imagination. Obviously, the first items of feelings and imagination should be, so as not only to keep it, and even more contribute to the resulting Christian life. For it is known that both the first food has a significant effect on the temperament of the body and the first items, which are engaged in the soul, have a strong influence on the character of the soul or the tone of her life.

Developing feelings deliver material imagination; Immediate item is stored in memory and make up, so to speak, the content of the soul. Let the feelings get the first impressions of the sacred items: icon and light lamps - for eyes, sacred songs - for hearing and so on. The child does not understand anything else that he has before his eyes, but his eyes and hearing are getting used to the sim subjects, and they, pre-trial the heart, thereby put in other objects. Behind the feelings and the first exercises of the imagination will be sacred; It will be easier for him to imagine these items than others: these are its first bends. Then, for the future, the elegant, which is substantially connected with the forms of feelings and imagination, will attract it no otherwise, as under the sacred forms.

So, let the child be protected by the sacred objects of all kinds; Nevertheless, can corrupt in examples, images, things - remove. But then and at all next time it is necessary to store the same order, it is known how the broken images strongly act on the soul, in whatever form they concern it! As an unhappy child, which, closing the eye or remaining one and delving into itself, is suppressed by many non-abdominal images, siete, seductive, breathing passions. This is the same for the soul that chad for the head.

It should not also be overlooked from the type and image of the activities of these forces. The case of feelings - to see, hear, mess, in general testing, torture. Therefore, they are the first pathogens of intensity, which then goes into imagination and memory and, acquire settlements in them, becomes an unstable tyrant for the soul. It is impossible not to use feelings: for it is not different, as through them, and things are known, koi should know, for the glory of God and our benefit. But at the same time, inevitable and torture, which is unstoppable tendency - without a goal to see and hear what is done and what happens. How to do? The experiencing needed already toastfulness. Inquisitive is where they try to find it all randomly, aimlessly, without distinguishing, whether it is necessary or not necessary. So, it follows only when the senses are exercised to observe the measure and order and pay them to one needed and consciousness - then there will be no food for delusivity; those. should teach a child to test what is considered necessary for him; From the same other to be held and removed. Then, in the very action of experiencing, abide by the gradualness - do not overdone from the subject or from one line to another, but, revising one after the other, about being taken care to imagine after the subject as it should. Such a race of classes will save the child from the mood to have fun even among the allowed, teach themselves to own feelings, and through them and imagination. And it will not go from one to another without need, therefore, to dream and entertained by images and not to give rest to the soul, Mutya her tide and a tide of their disturbing visions. Unreasonable to own feelings and imagination it is necessary to scattered and is inconsistency, being Tom's toastfulness, which will drive it from one subject to another before relaxing forces, and all this without a fetus.

Modificly these abilities arise from the child's passion and begin to disturb it from an early time. The child does not say yet, does not go, he had just learned to sit and take toys, but he was already gray, jealous, she would, she would, would make it easily and so on., In general, the action of passions. This evil, approved on the animal life, is intelligent; Therefore, it should counteract him from the first manifestations. How to do it - it is difficult to determine. It all depends on the prudence of parents. You can, however, decide the following: 1) To warn in every way their occurrence; 2) Then, if any passion manifested itself, it is necessary to hurry to repay it with invented and tested by means. This will prevent the rooting of them or predisposition to them. Passion, more often than others detecting, to heal should be with special attention, because it can be a dominant manager of life. The delicious way to heal passion is the use of fertile funds. To them with faith should contact. Passion is a mental phenomenon, meanwhile to act on the soul of the parents first there are no ways ... Therefore, first of all, it should pray to the Lord, and will make a job. Further in this supervisor for a zealous father, or mother, or nanniki will experience. When the child is with meaning, then there can be already used against passions of funds. In every possible way, they should be arm at first and pursue later at all times of education so that the child skillfully and accustomed to own them; For their outrageous raids will not stop until the end of life.

If it is strictly observing the instructional procedure on the body and lower abilities, then the soul will receive excellent preparation for truly good mood; However, only the preparation is the most mood to make it necessary to create a positive effect on all his forces: mind, will and heart.

Raising Mind, Will and Heart


Children will soon be detected. She is modern to speaking and grows together with the advancement of the latter. Therefore, to start the formation of the mind is needed together with the word. The main thing that should keep in mind, these are common concepts and judgments on the origin of Christian about everything that is found or subject to attention to the attention of cats is that good and evil, which is good and bad. It is done very easily through ordinary conversations and questions. Parents themselves speak between themselves: children listen and almost always assume not only thoughts, but even the turnover of their speech and manners. Let parents, when they say, call things always their own names. For example: What does the real life mean, what it will end, from whom everything turns out that such pleasures are, what advantage of those or other customs and so on. Let them speak with children and interrupt them or straight, or, only better, through stories: is it good, for example, to dress up, whether it is good when you get praise, and so on. Or, let the children ask, as they think about both, and correct their mistakes. In a short time, this simple tool can be transferred to sound principles for judgments about things, which will not be parted for a long time, if not for life. In this way, worldly wising will be suppressed in the root, evil, unsatisted. The truth binds the mind that it satisfies it. The worldly wising does not saturate and the inquisition of toastiness. Having rid of him, great benefit will be delivered to children. And this is even before they take for books. Further, it is only worth not to give children the books with broken concepts, and their mind will continue to continue, in support of the Holy and Divine. In vain, do not care in this way to exercise the child as an assumption that it is still not enough. Truth is available to anyone. That the small Christian child is the wisdom of philosophers - showed experience. He is now repeated, but before he was everywhere. For example, during martyrdom, small children argued about the Lord Savior, about the madness of idolatry, about the future life, and so on.; This is because the mother or father has picked them about being in a simple conversation. These truths were cried with the heart, which began to ride them until they were ready for death for them.


The child is multi-relatively: it takes it all, everything entails him and gives rise to desire. Do not know how to distinguish your kind from evil, it wishes everything and everything that wishes is ready to fulfill. The child granted to himself is made indiscriminately by self. Therefore, parents should strictly blast this branch of mental activity. The simplest means to conclusted it to the proper limits is to arrange children to do nothing without permission. Let with every desire resort to parents and ask: Is it possible to do something or something? To convince them with their own and strangers in the fact that they are dangerous, not asking for, to fulfill their desires, to set up them so that they even be afraid of their will. This location will be the happiest, but together it is the easiest to imprint, for the children and the larger part are asked to the adults, conscious of their ignorance and weakness; It is only worth a view of this business and put it in the law indispensable. The natural consequence of such a mood will be complete obedience and humility in the whole will of the parents, on its own, the location in many ways to deny itself and the skill to this, or decrease; And most importantly, the experienced belief is that it should not listen to himself. This is all clearer for children from their own experiments that they wish a lot, and meanwhile it is harmful to their body and soul. Happier from his will, you need to teach the child to do good. For this, let the parents themselves see the true example of good life and introduce children with those who have the main concerns not about pleasures and differences, but about the salvation of the soul. Children are lovely. How early they can copy mother or father! There is something similar to what happens with the same tuned tools. At the same time, the children themselves should be called for good deeds and first order them to do them, and then bring out to do themselves. The most ordinary things are the essence of: alms, compassion, mercy, fasciance and patience. All this is not difficult to teach. Cases are commemorated, it is worth taking. From here will be released with the mood for different good deeds and in general with a good one. And void is needed to teach how to others.

A heart

Under such an activeness of the mind, the will and lower forces by itself and the heart will be tuned to have feelings of common, true, acquire the skill to be used in the fact that it really truly delighted, and do not even sympathize with the fact that, under the cover of sweets, pours poison in Soul and body. The heart is the ability to eat and feel saturation.

When a person was in the Union with God, found the taste in the things of the Divine and Consecrated by the grace of God. By fall, he lost this taste and eager sensual. The grace of baptism was deserted from this, but sensuality is again ready to fill the heart. It should not be allowed before it must protect the heart. The most actual means to raising the true taste in the heart there is a church in which the contents raised children are inexitious. Sympathy to the entire sacred, sweetness of his stay among it, for silence and warmth, hearing (C.It is not possible to repel, reject) from brilliant and attractive to worldly bustle, cannot be imprinted in the heart. Church, spiritual singing, icons are the first extensive items in content and strength. It should be necessary to remember that the future eternal abode will be appointed to taste, and the taste of the heart there will be such a form how it is formed here. Obviously, the theaters, bolagans and the like are not enough for Christians.

Hired and organized in this way, the soul will not, peculiar to her messy, prevent the development of the Spirit. The spirit is easier to develop, rather than the soul, and before it detects its strength and activity. It includes:fear of God (in line with impass),conscience (in accordance with the will) and prayer (in line with the feeling).Fear of God gives prayer and shifts conscience. No need that all this appeals to another invisible world. Children have a predisposition to that, and they soon assimilate these feelings. Especially prayer is hidden very easily and is not acting as a tongue, but with a heart. Because they are willing to and without tired, they are involved in home prayers and church services, and we are glad. Therefore, it should not deprive them of this part of education, but little to introduce them to this sanctuary of our creature. The earlier the fear of God and the prayer will be excited, the stronger will be pious at all subsequent time. In some children, this spirit manifested itself, even among the visible obstacles to its detection. It is very natural. The spirit of grace, obtained by baptism, if it is not repaid by the wrong development of the body and the soul, can not not revive the spirit of our spirit, and at the same time - what can prevent him from being in his strength? The nearest, however, the manual requires conscience. Common concepts, with a good example of parents and other ways to teach good, and prayer will clarify it and brief with sufficient grounds for subsequent good activity. But the main thing, they should form a mood to conscientiousness and consciousness. Consciousness is a matter of emergency importance in life; But how to easily form it, so easily and drown in children. The will of parents for small children is the law of conscience and God. How many parents have prudence, let them manage their commands so as not to supply children to the need to be criminals of their will; And if you have already become such - how many can be placed to repentance. What is frost for flowers, then the retreat from the parent will for the cat; It does not dare to look into the eyes, it does not want to use her caress, wants to escape and be one thing, and meanwhile the soul thorns, the child begins to die. How well to pre-arrange it to remorse, to do, so that without fear, with trust and with tears came and said: "So I did it bad." Self itself that all this will concern some ordinary items; But it's good that the reason for the future permanent truly religious nature will be revealed here - immediately rebel to fall, the ability to quickly repent and clean themselves or updating tears.

So order: let the child grows in it, and the spirit of piety will develop. Parents must follow all the movements of the revealing forces and all send to one. This law is to start from the very first breath of the Childhood, to start all suddenly, and not one that, all this is continuous, smoothly, stepwise, without gust, with patience and waiting, watching, however, I wise gradualness, stitching sprouts and using them, Not counting anything unavailable in the case is so important. Details are not disclosed; For it is understood to indicate only the main direction of education.

Training sciences

It is impossible to determine when a person comes to the consciousness of himself a Christian and independent determination to live in Christian. In fact, it happens to be bottled: at 7, 10, 15 years and later. Maybe, before that, the learning time will come, as is the biggest part. At the same time, the indispensable rule is to keep all the former order without a change and for all the time of study: for it exists significantly from the nature of the forces of our and the requirements of Christian life. The study order should not be opposed to the mood shown in any way, otherwise everything will be broken; those. There should be student children, as well as babies, piety of all surrounding, church, sacraments, and should also act on their body, soul and spirit. At the same time, in relation to the teaching should only be addressed: let the training be so located in order to be seen that the main thing is that the subordinate. The thought of this is easier to finish the distribution of learning and time items. Let it be considered the main thing - the study of faith, let it be better to be appointed to cases of piety and, in the event of a clash, advantageously over scientific relations; Let approval deserve not one success in the sciences, as well as faith and Dobernav. In general, it is necessary to be like this in the spirit of the students so that they did not go out the belief that the main thing we have a barefoot, and the scientific relationship is an appropriate quality, an accident, suitable only for the period of real life. And therefore it should not put it so high and in such a brilliant form so that it takes out all the attention and absorb all the concern. There is nothing poisonous and more disgusing for the spirit of the life of Christian, like this scientific and exclusive care about it. She directly imperts in cooling and then can be kept forever in it, and sometimes it is also embarrassed by debauchery if the facts are favorable.

Another, what should pay attention to is the spirit of teaching or views on learning items. It should be put by an immutable law so that any science taught by the Christian was impregnated by the beginning of Christian, and moreover Orthodox. Every science is capable of that, and even then only will be the true Nauchio of its kind, when it fulfills this condition. Christian principles are undoubtedly true. Therefore, not doubting, deliver them with a common measure of truth. We have the most dangerous misconception that we teach science without any attention to the true faith, allowing yourself a liberty, and even a lie, in the suggestion that faith and science are two areas, resolutely disconnected. Spirit we have one. He also accepts sciences, and is seeded by their principles, as it takes faith, and he penetrates. How can they not come to a favorable or unfavorable contact here? The same and the area of \u200b\u200btruth is one. Why and stuff something that is not from this area, or with what it is impossible to seem in the yard.

If in this order, training will be kept for faith and life in the spirit of Faith to have for all in the attention of the students, and in the image of classes, and in the spirit of teaching, there is no doubt that laid in childhood began not only will be saved, but also submitted, Strengthen and come to proportionate maturity. And how is this benefactor!

If you behave in such a manner, the education of a person from the first years, then a little in the face will be exposed to the character that his life should have, he will be more accustomed to the idea that it lies the duty on the face of God and the Savior of our - to live and act according to his prescriptions; that all other affairs and classes below them are appropriate only in the continuation of the real life; And that there is another place of residence, another Fatherland, to which it is necessary to ask all his thoughts and all its desires.

Awareness of the Christian and determination to live in Christian

IN the natural course of the development of forces each naturally comes to consciousness that he is a man. But, if the new beginning of the Christian's fertilizer is gracious at the very first moment of the awakening of his forces and their movement (in baptism), and if then in all points of development, this new beginning is not only the beginning of the championship, but on the contrary, always prevailed, Got as if the form of everything, then, coming to consciousness, a person at the same time will find himself by Christian, will find himself a Christian. And this is the main goal of Christian education so that the person as a result said in himself that he is a Christian. If, come to the complete consciousness of themselves, he will say: I am a Christian who is obliged to live from the Savior and God so that it is so in order to honor the blissful communication with him and elected him in the life of the future, then, arisen to independence or to a self-intelligent The establishment of life, he will put for himself the first significant matter - to independently keep and sneak the spirit of piety, in which he went before, on someone else's leadership.

Previously, it was remembered that there should be a special moment when it is necessary to deliberately resume all the obligations of Christianity in the mind and impose on them to them, as an immutable law. In baptism, they were adopted not consciously, then they were stored more stranger on someone else's mood, and in simplicity. Now it is consciously to put on the good Igo Christ, to elect Christian life, exclusively devote himself to God, so that even the days of life to serve him with an animation. Here, only a person himself actually begins the life of Christian. She was in it before, but, it can be said, it came from not from amateur time, no matter how from his face. Now he himself, from his face, will begin to act in the spirit of Christian. Then the light of Christ was in it, as the light of the first day, non-centered, spilled. But as the light needed to give centers, attract it to the Suns, the focus of the planets, and this light was needed to go around the initial point of our life, our consciousness. A person becomes quite a person when comes to self-knowledge and reasonable independence, when it becomes a complete dominion and a manager of his thoughts and affairs, keeps any thoughts because others have passed them, but because he finds them true. Man and in Christianity remains a man. Therefore, he should be reasonable here, only this reason he should pay in favor of the Holy Faith. Let reasonably be convinced that the Holy Faith that the Holy Vera is the only true way of salvation, and that all other ways disagree with him are leading to the harm. Not a blind confessor to be the honor of a person, but the convicts that, by doing so, he acts as it should. All this he will do when it deliberately imposes the good Igo Christ.

Only here his personal faith, or a good life, gets hardness and unshakable. He will not be seduced by an example, will not pass on with empty thoughts, because it is clearly aware of the obligation to think and act already determined. But if he was not aware of this, then, as before, a kind example set it up to do it as he does, so now the unknown example can arrange it to the undescene, captivate to sin; And as good thoughts of others previously owned his mind easily and without precipitation, so now they will win evil thoughts. And on experience, it can be seen as the risks to the confession of faith and the kindness of life from the one who had not been aware of himself a Christian. Who will meet little temptations, he will continue to reassure in simplicity of the heart. But who can not be alleged them, he stands before the face of great danger. We see in the life of all who preserved the grace of baptism that they had a minute when they strongly dedicated themselves to God. The ego is indicated by the words: I burned in the spirit, the divine desire ignited.

The Christian who was aware of the Christian, or consciously decided to live in Christian, may now keep himself, with all the care taken from former age perfection and purity of life, as otherwise kept her. Of particular rules for the leadership to offer him no need. At this point, he converges with the rebeling, who, resolved from sin, accepting inspired determination to live in Christian. Therefore, he should be heading among him with the rules.

What the difference is with him with a perfected perfection, it will figure out himself.

Now you need to make only some, very, however, important cautions for the age of youthful, exclusively relative to it. As well and saving not only to be tuned in a Christian education, but then aware of themselves and decide to be a Christian - before entering the junior summer. This is necessary, in mind the great dangers, how young youth is inevitably exposed to: 1) by the property of its age and 2) in the great in continuation of its temptations.

Stormy river of youth.

About the dangers of youth

The river of life is emanated by the Volvaist band of youth. This is the time of the climbing of body and spiritual life. Quietly lives the child and the fatters, little quick gusts in her husband, respectable seeds lean towards peace; One youth browsing in life. It is necessary to have a very solid support to resist at this time from the head of the waves. The most randomness and the pigsiness of the movements is dangerous. The first his own movements begin - the beginning of the awakening of his forces, and have all the charm to him: they will force all the power of his influence everything that was before the thought and heart. Former for him will be a dream, prejudice. Only real feelings are true, only they have reality and meaning. But if he, before the awakening of the current, related to the obligation of confession and the life of the Christian, then all the excitement, as already secondary, will be weaker and easier to infuriate the demand for the first because those older, previously tested and elected in heart, and most importantly - bonded vow . The young man strongly wants to keep his word. What to say about who not only did not like Christian life and truth, but didn't even hear about them?

In this case, he is a house without a fence, devoted plundering, or a dry twig, dedicated to burning on fire. When the time feet of youthful thoughts on everything throws a shadow of doubt, when he is very disturbed by his excitement of passions, when the whole soul is filled with tempted thoughts and movements - a young man in fire. Who will give him a drop of dew for coolness or will give a hand of help, if the voice does not come out of the heart for the truth, for good and purity? And he will not come out if the love of them is not settled before. Even tips in this case will not help. They are not what to instill them. Silen advice and conviction, if, sitting through the hearing in the heart, they will break the feelings there, koi are and have a price for us, but only at the moment they are suspended by others, and we ourselves are not found, how to release them and inform them of characteristic strength. In this case, the Council is a precious gift of the young man from the adviser. But if there are no revenues of clean life in the heart, it is useless.

The young man lives in itself, and who explores all the movements and evasion of his heart? This is the same thing to explore the path of birds in the air or running the ship in the water! What the fermentation of the spice fluid is that the movement of the elements with a heterogeneous mixture thereof, then the heart of a young man. All the needs of the so-called nature in live excitement, each gives a voice, looking for satisfaction. As in nature, our quality disorder, and the totality of these votes is the same as the random cries of the noisy crowd. What will happen to the young man if he is not accustomed to impose his movements into some system and did not impose obligations to keep them in strict subordination to some higher demands. If this started deeply improved in the heart in the original upbringing and then consciously accepted in the rule, then all the excitements will occur on the surface, transient, without shifting the base, do not hesitate the soul.

What we leave from the years of youth, a lot depends on what you enter into them. Water falling from the rock, boils down and flower, and then goes already quietly different ducts. This is an image of youth, in which everyone will enjoy how water in a waterfall. It overlooks two orders of people: some shine kindness and nobility, others are darned with dishonest and debauchery; And the third is the middle class, a mixture of good with evil, which similarity is the head of the fire, koi lean on the good, then on evil, as spoiled hours, then go true, then run or behind.

Who crossed themselves in advance with the obligation, he, as if she was hiding in a strong, who does not let go of the boat, or spent the deceased chute on the whirlpool. Without the same, good upbringing will not always save. Let them and not fall into coarse flavors, but still, if he does not bounce in himself, his heart, not extended from all over the vow, will be inevitable, and he will inevitably come from the years of youth chilled, did not reach either there or here .

So savingly before the years of youth not only to get a good mood, but also to bore itself a vow - to be a true Christian. Responsible let it be afraid of the youth itself, like fire, and therefore runs all the cases, in which younnight is easily unleashed and it is done in unprofitable.

And the youth itself is dangerous; But two more people are joined, peculiar to this age, descending, from which youth arousal begins to be more stirred and becoming greater and danger. This is: 1) thirst for impressions and 2) a tendency to communicate. Therefore, as a means to avoid danger of youthful age, you can advise - to subordinate to the rules these descending, so that instead of good they have brought evil. Good locations excited before will remain in all force if they are not repayable and not to thresh up.

Thirst for impressions reports some rapidness, continuity and variety of young people. He wants everyone to experience himself, to see everything, to hear everything, to visit everywhere. Look for it where there is a shine for eyes, harmony for hearing, space for movement. He wants to be under the continuous flow of impressions, always new and therefore diverse. He is not sitting at home, it does not stand in one place, does not hurt to one subject. His element - entertainment. But this is not enough for him; He is not satisfied with the actual, personal test, but wants to assimilate and how to move the impressions of others, it was noted that they felt how others acted on themselves, or in such circumstances. Then he throws on the book and begins to read; She moves over one book after another, often without dealing with their contents; He has the main thing - to find the so-called effect, from which kind of things he is neither and whatever. Novo, pictorially, is sharp - the best recommendation for it is a book. Here it is found and a tendency to light reading is the same thirst for impressions, only in another form. But here is not all. The young man often encourages real what would impose from him from: it binds it and concludes too much in certain boundaries, and he is looking for some freedom. Then he often disappears from the actual, goes into his created world and there begins to act on glory. Fantasy builds him whole stories, where most of the hero is his own face. The young man only enters into life. Before it is a seductive, tempting future. Over time and he should be there: what will he be? Is it possible how to lift this veil and see? Fantasy, very mobile in these summer, will not be satisfied with satisfaction. Here is also found in such a kind of action. Dreamability is brought up.

Dreams, easy reading, entertainment, all this is one almost in spirit - children thirst for impressions, thirst for new, diverse. And the harm from them is the same. It is impossible to climb good seeds, laid on the heart of the young man as them. The young color, planted at such a place where winds blow on him, will suffer a little and dried; Grass, according to which they often go, does not grow; Part of the body, which is subjected to long friction. The same happens with the heart, and with good locations in it, if you get to dreams or empty reading, or entertainment. Who was standing in the wind for a long time, especially cheese, the one, in the calm, feels that everything in it is as if not in its place, the same happens in the shower that has been having fun. Returning from scattering into senses, the young man finds in his soul everything in a perverted order; And most importantly, everything is kind, and in the first plan there are alone charms left for the forefront; Consequently, no longer what was and should always be: the locations were changed by the primacy. Why, returning to myself after some scattering, the soul begins to raise? Because it finds himself. The scattered made his soul his big expensive, according to which, through the imagination, as shadows, there are seductive items and sit down at her soul. But then, as she thus breaks away, the devil fits secretly, takes a good seed and believes evil. So teaches the Savior, when explains who kidnaps the sown upon the way, and who is a all-willed spomela. The other enemy is doing a little man.

So, the young man! It is desirable for you to preserve the purity and innocence of childhood, or the vow of Christian lives without uchors? How many strength and prudence, hold away from entertainment, messy reading of seductive books and dreams! How well subordinate itself in this case with strict and foregae discipline and be at the time of youth under the manager. Those young men, which do not allow to dispose of their behavior to matureness themselves, can be called happy. And every young man is needed to rejoice if it is delivered in such circumstances. The young man himself, obviously, can hardly walk before; But he will show a lot of mind if she believes to be more at home for a business, not to dream and not read empty. The entertainment will be dismissed by hard work, dreametiness - serious classes under the guidance, which should be subordinate to reading, and in choosing books, and in the image of reading. As if, however, who did it, albeit only to do. Passion, doubt, hobbies flared up precisely in this, so to speak, the shaky fermentation of the boy's mind.

The second, the so dangerous tendency of the young man hasa tendency to communicate. It is found in the needs of the partnership, friendship and love. All of them are good in true, but insert them in this order should not young man.

Youth age is the time of living feelings. They at his heart - as a tide and a tide off the coast of the sea. It takes everything, everything surprises. Nature and society opened their treasures before it. But feelings do not like to be hidden in themselves, and the young man wants to share them. Then she needs in a person who could share his feelings, i.e. in comradist and friend. The need is noble, but it can be dangerous! To whom you entrust your feelings, give some way the power over him. How to need to be careful in choosing a close person! You will meet this, which is far away, can start from the direct way. Self itself, of course, that kind of naturally seeks good, but deviates from the unkind. There is some taste on the heart. But again, as often happens, the simplest to be tipped by cunning? Then, all the young man advise to be careful in choosing a friend. Good not to make friendship, until you experience a friend. It is even better to have the first friend of the father or one who largely replaces the father, or some of the relatives - experienced and kind. For the first Christian to live in Christian, this friend is a spiritual father; Arriving with him, he believes the secrets, weigh and go. Under his leadership, with prayer, God will send, if necessary, and another friend. Not so much, however, danger in friendship, as in the partnership. You rarely see friends, but more friends and buddies. And here how much is possible and how much evil happens! There are mugs friends with very unfinished rules. Being leaning towards them, you will not notice how to unite with them in the spirit, just as you will imperceptibly fill in a stench in a sieve. They themselves often lose the consciousness of the objection of their behavior and calmly be roasting in it. If it is awakened in whom this consciousness, he does not have the strength to fall behind. Everyone fears to declare that, waiting for him after everywhere they would be pursued by the invasion and say: "So be, maybe it will pass."The customs of the usual conversations are evil. Robby, Lord, all sorts of these depths of Satanins. For the decision to work, one partnership with the pious, seeking the Lord; From others it is necessary to be removed and sincerely not to contact them, follow the example of the saints of God.

The very top of hazards for the young man - from handling from another floor. While in the first temold, the young man is only coming from a straight path, here he also loses himself. In the first awakening, this is mixed with the need of the beautiful, which since the awakening of his own causes the young man to look for satisfaction. Meanwhile, the beautiful little, it begins to take an image in his soul, and usually human, because we do not find anything more beautiful ... Created image is worn in the head of the young man. From this time, he seeks as beautiful, i.e. Ideal, not earthly, and meanwhile, it is found with a dwarlet man and it is visible. This taste is most appropriate to avoid the young man, because it is a disease, and the disease is the most dangerous that the patient wants to hurt to madness.

How to disapperate this ulcer? Do not go through the way that they reach the taste.

This path is as depicted in one psychology. It has three turns.

1) First, it is awakened by the young man some sorting feeling is unknown about what and from what, reflecting, however, that, especially that he is alone. This is a sense of loneliness. From this feeling immediately different is different - some pity, tenderness and attention to yourself. Before he lived, as if not noticing himself. Now he appeals to himself, inspects himself and always finds that he is not Hood, not from the latter, there is a face worth: begins to feel his beauty, the pleasitude of the forms of his body, or - like himself. This ends the first movement of the temptation to himself. Care now, the young man refers to the outside world.

2) This entry into the outside world is inspired by confidence that he should like others. In this confidence, he boldly and seems to be winning the action on the field and, maybe, for the first time, he supplies a law with a law, purity, elegacity to scoffsies; It begins to wander or seek dating, as if without a certain goal, in secret, however, how to attract something of the heart seeker, and at the same time he tries to shine with the mind, pleasant in circulation, helpful attention, in general, to all what hoped to like. At the same time, he gives all the will the preferential delay body - the eye.

3) In this mood, it looks like a powder substituted under the sparks, and soon meets its illness. The eyes of eyes, or a particularly pleasant voice, as an arrow amazed or shot, it is first somewhat somewhat in the frenzy and stumbling, which come to himself and come back, finds that his attention and heart are addressed to one subject and attaching to him with an insurmountable force. From this pore, the heart begins to disarm the forties; The young man was sad, immersed in himself, is busy with something important, looking, as if he lost, and that he does, makes for one person and, as it were, in the presence of it. He is exactly lost, sleep and food will be on the mind, ordinary affairs are forgotten and come to disorder; Nothing is expensive to him. He is sick with a lute to the disease that his heart is shy, hens breathing, dries the most sources of life. Here is a gradual move of ullants! And he sees himself, which should be afraid of the young man in order not to fall into this trouble. Do not go dear! Rock harbingers - an indefinite sadness and a sense of loneliness. Make them in the opposite: it became sad - do not dream, but start doing something serious with attention - and passes. It became a pity for himself or a sense of her royal, hurry to sore himself and moved this fabulous to some kind of severeness and cruelty to himself, especially by clarifying the sound concept about the insignificance of what climbs into the head. Random or deliberate humiliation in this case would be like water on fire ... to suppress and drive this feeling to take care of especially because there is a start of movement. Stop here - you will not go further: I will not be born, no desire to like, nor the search for outfits and scope, nor the hunt for visits. They will break through - and beat them. What a reliable in sections of the fence is a strict discipline in everything, the work is body and even more head! Effort of classes, sit at home, do not have fun. You need to go out - keep feelings, running the other floor, the main thing is to pray.

In addition to these hazards arising from the properties of youthful age, there are two more: firstly, the mood for which the knowledge of rational, or his personal comprehension, is being taken to heaven. The young man considers the advantage - to define a shadow of doubt, and all that puts aside that it does not coincide with the measure of his understanding. This one he cuts off from the heart, all the mood of faith and the church, therefore, disappears from it and remains one. It seems to replace the replacement, throws on the theories built without considerations with frankly truth, entangle themselves with them and expels from your mind all the truths of faith. Even more troubles, if the reason for this is to give the teaching of sciences in the schools, and if such a spirit becomes the predominant there. Thinking to have truth, but violate foggy ideas, empty, dreamy, the biggest part of the opposite even common sense, which, however, are fond of inexperienced and become an idol of youth inquisitive. Secondly - lightness. Let it represent something useful, but the predominance of her in the young man is pernicious. It marks life on the impressions of feelings, such a state, in whom there is little a little in itself, and everything is almost in an outside or affair, or a dream. With such a mood hate the inner life and those who are talking about her and live it. True Christians for them are mystics, entangled in concepts, or hypocrites, and so on. To intelligence the truth prevents them from the spirit of the world, a qualifying in the circle of secular life, whose contact is not allowed and even advised to young people. By this contact, the world, with all its broken concepts and customs, is stuffed into the susceptible soul of the young man, not pretended, not confused disgusting, and only the host of the mood, and finishes on it, as in the wax, - and he involuntarily becomes Chad. And this is disgusting to the Chia of God in Christ Jesus.

Here are dangers for young men from youth! And how hard to resist! But it's not so dangerous to be well educated and decorated to devote himself to God: it's not so dangerous: a little to suffer, and there will come the rest of the purest and blessed. Save only vows Christian pure life and at this time; And then you will live with some sacred unshakable. Who passed safe youth summer, he seemed to overflow a stormy river and, looking back, blesses God. And other with tears in the eyes, in repentance, drawn back and pens myself. Togo never grinds that you will lose in youth. Who fell, will he achieve any other than the non-fallen?

Incorrect education -

Cause of failure

Grace of baptism

From what has been said, it is easy to reach the understanding of where the reason is that so rarely storing the grace of baptism. Education to the whole reason - and kindly, and evil.

Because the grace of baptism is not preserved, that the order, rules and laws applied to that applied to that are not respected. The main reasons are: a) distance from the church and their grateful funds. This flashes a sprout of Christian life, separating it with sources, and it fades how the color is faded in a dark place. b) Inattention to the departure of bodily. It is thought that the body can in every way to develop without harm to the soul: meanwhile in his departures of the passion of passions, koi together with its development are developing, rooted and seized soul. Penetrating bodily departments, passions get sideways in them or arrange an impregnable certain fortress from them, and the time to strengthen the power for all the subsequent time. c) Immamorial, not aimed to one goal. Development of the soul forces. Do not see the goals in front - do not see the way to her. From here, with all the care of modern education, they do not do anything more, as soon as the toastfulness, self-wiring and thirst for pleasure. d) perfect oblivion about the spirit. Prayer, fear of God, conscience is rarely taken into account. There would be a good condition, and those inner states always assume and always because they are left to themselves. e) during training - the closure of the main case by side, the flaps of himunited - the many others, e) finally, the entry into the youth without the prior position of good began and determined to live in Christian, and further - the irreparation of attirements of the young life in due order, legends themselves all the thirst for impressions through entertainment, easy reading, tricking imagination with dreams, inaudible Communication with loved ones and especially with another floor, the exceptional science and dedication of the spirit of the world, walking thoughts, rules and customs, koi are never favorable than graceful life, but always hostile to armed against her and seek to suppress it.

Each of these reasons and one sufficient to repay your grace life in man. But it happens the biggest part that they act together, and one inevitably attracts another; Nevertheless, they are so scoring the spiritual life so that the slightest marks are sometimes noticeable, as if the person does not have a spirit, it was not created to communicate with God, it does not have the intended forces and did not receive grace, reviving them.

Why is not followed by the appropriate order of education - the reason for this or in the ignorance of this order, or in negligence about him. Education, left without attention, if necessary, takes the directions of the writings, false and harmful, first in home everyday, and then during training. But then, where, apparently, the upbringing is accomplished without attention and subordinate to the well-known rules, it turns out to be often fruitless and evading the goal due to false ideas and began on which it is built by ordering it. It is not meant in mind, it is not supplied by the main thing that should; It is not a barefold, not the salvation of the soul, but completely different - or the improvement of the forces of only natural, or adaptation to posts, or the shelf life in the world and so on. But when not pure and falsely, the beginning, if necessary, and the approving on it cannot lead to good.

As the main deviations, you can specify: 1) to the removal of bodies. It is a natural consequence of oblivion that the Christian raised is and is not natural only, but also gracious forces. And without these funds, a Christian is a faded garden, which trample the breeding demons, breaks the storm of sin and the world, which there is no one and nothing to cooke. 2) for predominant preparations of happiness in the life of temporary, with a muffle of memory about the eternal. This is spoken at home, they are interpreted in classes, this is the main thing in simple conversations. 3) on the predominance of appearance in everything, not excluding even sacred login.

Not prepared at home, lasts so upbringing, inevitably reopened in the head, everything looks at all the eyes, which should; Everything represents in a perverted form, like through broken or false glasses. Therefore, it does not want to listen to the last true true goal or about the means to that. All this he has a bit side, no matter how comic.

After that it is not difficult to determine what exactly is necessary to correct such a thin order of things? It is necessary to 1) well understand and assimilate the start of true Christian education and act on them, above all, at home. Home education is the root and the founding of the whole subsequent. Well brought up and refilled at home, the first school education will not eat it easily from the direct path.

2) followed by rebuilding on a new, true beginning of school education, to make Christian elements in it, faulty corrected; The main thing is to keep in all the time of education raised under the abundant influence of St. The church, which all its arrangement saves to the creation of the Spirit. It would not let the sinful pathoons be flared up, would distinguish the spirit of the world and distilled off the spirit of the abyss. Together with this, it is necessary to direct everything from temporary to the eternal, from the external to the inner, to educate Chad church, members of the kingdom of heaven.

Most of all 3) to educateeducators under the guidance of such persons, Koi know the true upbringing is not on the theory, but by experience. Forming under the supervision of the most experienced tutors, they will again pass their art to others, followed by, etc. The teacher must pass all the degrees of Christian perfection so that later in the activity can be able to keep himself, be able to notice the directions of brought up and then act on them with patience, successfully, strongly, fruitful. The ego must be the estate of the persons of the purest, bogoresbram and saints. Education from all saints is the most holy.

Fruits and advantages of good upbringing

The fruit of good education is the preservation of grace of holy baptism. The latter rewards with excess all the works on the first. For some of the high benefits belong to the one who kept the grace of baptism and from the first years dedicated to God.

1) The first advantage, as it were, the basis of all other advantages, is the integrity of naturally gracious composition. The man was appointed to be a conspicuous unusually high strength, ready to strengthen him from the source of all the best, just let him not upset himself. And repentable can be healed completely; But he seems to not be given to knowing and feeling that the unpaid, or he cannot be delighted by the integrity and possess the daring, which is its consequence.

2) From here, the liveliness, ease, ease of void flows. He goes to good as in the only common world. There is a long time to strain and teach yourself to this good to make it easy, but also to reach it, constantly keep yourself in tension and fear. On the contrary, he lives in the simplicity of the heart, in some begging confidence of salvation, and confidence negative.

3) Then, in his life there is some evenness and non-restant. There are no gusts or weakening; And as a breath, we have the most part of exactly, and he is walking in good. It happens the same in the repenseed, but not soon is acquired and not in such perfection is. Wheel fixed often gives you to know about my vice; And the watches are no longer so good as unintended and new.

4) The unpaired Yun is always. In terms of its moral character, the feelings of the cat are reflected, until it has not yet been guilty before Father. Here is the first sense of innocence - childhood in Christ, as if ignorance of evil. How much it cuts off his thoughts and volatile unrest of the heart! Then an extraordinary warranty, sincere kindness, the tacity of the lava. In it, the fruits of the Spirit indicated by the apostle are found in all strength: Lubility, joy, peace, long-suffering, goodness, mercy, faith, meekness, abstinence (Gal. 5: 22). It seems to be covered in the womb of illegal, goodness, humble, meekness, long-suffering (count. 3: 12). Then he retains immaculate funny, or the joy of spiritual; For in him the kingdom of God, which is the world and the joy about the spirit of Holy. Then he is characterized by some kindness and wisdom, seeing everything in himself and beside himself and who knows how to dispose of themselves with their own. He's heart takes such a mood that he immediately tells him what and how to do. Finally, it can be said, he is peculiar to the female falls, a sense of security in God.Who can tell you from Luke God? (RIML. 8: 35). All this in the aggregate makes it and dlyopable, and truly frequent. He involuntarily entails. The existence in the world of such persons is the great grace of God. They replace the apostolic moires. As a strong magnet, a lot of sawdust is collected or as a strong character carries the weak, so the strength of the spirit inhabites in them leads to themselves, especially those who have the heads of the Spirit.

5) The main moral perfection belonging to the preserved whole in the summer of youth is some unshakable virtue in life. Samuel remains hard at all temptations in the temptation in the house of Elijah and among the unrest of people in society. Joseph, among the unkind brothers, in the house of Pentefria, in the dungeon and in glory, equally retained his soul immobably. Truly,fortunately, there is a husband, albeit a yarre in his youth (Cry. Ier. 3: 27). Choo, from youth, your avoidance of the punishment and then the wisdom is cranked. In business, it is little worried, and soon the Yarshi will be fruit of her (Sirah. 6: 18, 20). The right mood is drawn as it were in nature, and if sometimes somewhat breaks, it comes to the first system. Therefore, in the even mines, the saints find the most part of those who have kept the moral purity and grace the baptism in his youth.

Beyond who, keeping cleanliness, devotes to God from an early age, that

1) Doing the thing to God, brings him the most pleasant sacrifice: a) because God in general, according to the law of excuses, pleasesfirst: gears of fruits, primary people, animals, and, therefore, the first summer of youth; b) because the sacrifice is brought by a clean - immanent youth, which is mainly required from any sacrifice; c) Because it makes it with overcoming considerable obstacles and in yourself, - with renunciation from pleasures, to what, especially at this time, feel a call.

That 2) makes it the most prudent. It is necessary to devote yourself to God, for in this one salvation. Didn't anyone be desperate. But no better and more reliable for this time, as the first thing we were aware of themselves, for who knows what will happen for tomorrow? But if it was hoping for someone to live a lot, everything is not dedicating to God, he will only make him difficult to make himself, who is accustomed to the opposite life, and God knows himself after. Let even overcome: what is the sacrifice of God - a patient, depleted, damaged in members, not a whole? However, although it all happens, but how rarely! How rarely lost innocence time to return it! How difficult it is to ask who did not know good life since childhood, the blissful Augustine in his confession is vividly. "The Summer of Advocacy," he says, "I spent in sufficientness and cakes, even in disabilities, in disobedience and inattention to the parents. With the entry into the youth, it began to take a breakfast, and in three years I was brought before I brought up that after, in a continuation of 12 years, everyone considered the intention to correct and - did not find the strength to do this. Even after I made a turn to the decisive fibement of the will, I was still slow two years, making an appeal from day to day. So relaxed the will from the first passions! But, on the decisive circulation and accepting grace in St. Baptism that I had to undergo, struggling with my passions, hardly injected me on the old way! "

Is it surprising that so few people who have been able to spend youth?! This example shows the most clearly of everything in which a great danger is a person who has not received good rules in his youth and God who did not devote himself in advance. Which is therefore happiness to get good true Christian education, join you in the summer of youth, and then in the same spirit to join the summer of courage.

Prayers about children

Prayer about Chadah

Lord Jesus Christ, Budy Your mercy on my children(names), save them under your telescope, the maintenance of all the Lukavago wrapping, unbaggering from them all the enemy and the sacrup, the ears and the eyes of the heart, give the dignification and humility of them to them.

Lord, we all create yours, pity the children of my(names), and turn them to repentance.

Save, Lord, and nice children(names) and they enlighten them the mind of the mind of the Mind of the Gospel of your Gospel and to nasty them on the path of the commandments of your and teach them, Savior, Create Your Will, Yako you are our God.

Prayer angel keeper

Holy angel, the oppression of my soul and a passionate my life, do not leave me a sinner, below retreat from me for the confusion of my. Do not give a place to have a crash demon to have me, the violence of a mortal television; Inhapping the distinguished and thin my hand and put me on the path of salvation. Her holy angel of God, the keeper and the patron athang of my soul and body, all I'm sorry, Elikima Insults, in all the days of my belly, and it is more silent in the preceded nosta, the face of the right day, and save me from all sophistication Yes, yes, I don't hurt God in any Gres, and pray for me to the Lord, so I will approve in my passion, and it will be worthy of the Slave of his good. Amen.

Prayer before icon

Most of the Mother of God

hereinafter "the recovery of the dead",

or "getting rid of the misfortunes"

The intercession is a diligent, the fragrant Lord Mati, to you resort to Az Okayanny and the sinner of all the sinner man; Won praying to my prayer, and my cry and wrap hear. Yako lawlessness is my forecast of my head, and Az, I am a ship in the Pochin, immersing in the sea of \u200b\u200bmy sins. But you, all-inclusive and merciful laddy, do not contemporary the desperate and ghesh dyingly; Pomemuyu kayuchagosya in the evil decele of my, and turn to the path of the right lack of ankanese soul. On you, Mother Vladychitsa, I have all the hope of my. You, Mother of God, Save and keep them under your hands now and dreamily and forever. Amen.

In infant diseases

Prayer of the Holy Martyr Paraskeva, Naschenny Friday

She is also praying for the patronage of the family hearth, about good relations in the family, in the marital obsolence and discharts, as well as good grooms

About the holy and laced Martyr christian Parasivo, Krasoto Devic, martyrs praise, cleanliness of the image, generous grazing, wisdom wonder, the faith of Christian Keepers, Idolskaya Slolence, the Gospel, the Gospel of the Divine Burning, Commandments of the Lord Jealous, who became more likely to come to the eternity of peace and in the thistle of your groom Christ of God is light having fun, a shaved crown of virgin and martyrdom decorated!

Molima, Holy Martyr, Budi about us sadness to Christ, his own vision is accurately awesome; moths of the global opening, and the word of the eyes blind opening, it will save us from the illness of our products, bodily coupled and spiritual; Raised by your holy prayers Dark march who arrived from our sins, as soon as the Father Light is the light of grace with spiritual and bodily farming our; enlighten us, overshadowed sins; The light of God's grace, yes, for your saints of prayers will give any sweet eyesight.

About the Great Hall of God! Oh courageous devo! Oh strong Martyr Holy Parasivo! The saints of your prayers would be a sinful assistant, petition and pray for the popyan and the bearer of the unrelated sinters, speed up to help us, for the misfortune of the Esma. Moths of the gentlemen, a clean girl, moths of the mercy, the holy martyr, the moth of your bridegroom, imperceptible Christ of the bridesmaid yes your prayers, the darkness of the sinwhno, in the light of the true faith and acts of the Divine, in the light of the Eternal Day of Nepoberno, in the hare of Having You are now Light Blanchas Gloss and having fun endless, Slavorovyovy and chanting with all the heavenly forces, a trizzy one, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and are constantly and in the eyelids. Amen.

On the development of the mind of children, as well as for sporting in science,

when starting a diploma or in the weak teaching of children

Martyr Neophite.

Tropear, voice 4:

Your martyr, Lord, Neophyte, / In the suffering of his crown, they will bring an unnecessary from you, our God; / Boy your fortress, / tormentors located, / Crushi and demons of the gentleness. / That prayers will save our soul.

Kondak, voice 2:

The star brighter appeared, / unpainted worlds, the Sun of Christ announced, / soaring your, passionerpherpiece, / and the charm redeemed the whole, / we are given the light, / praying incessantly about all of us.

About the treatment of bad

Prayer to the Mother of God

(St. Gabriel Novgorod)

ABOUT Unfortunately Mrs., Delo Vladychitsa The Mother of God, the Queen of Heaven! Merry Christmas to save the human genus from eternal tormenting of the devil: For Christ was born from you, our Savior. Watch your mercy and on this(name), the deprived of the grace of God and grace, the outcomes of your daring and your prayers from your son, the Christ of our God, so that he sent his grace over in this dying. About predicted! You are hoping unreliable, you are desperate salvation, but the enemy is not happy about his soul!

The life of the recluses may seem empty and gloomy: languid days, carried out, involuntarily pushing this thought. However, the believer looks at it differently. He knows that such a feat is needed in order to stay alone with God, get him grace. Therefore, many Christians respectfully apply to the choice of reasons, with all his heart supporting him.

Who are the recluses?

Let's start, perhaps, from the simplest. The recluse is a person who voluntarily refused society of other people. True, in contrast to hermits, they do not go into deserted lands or deserts. Instead, they close in a certain room, which is completely or partially fenced from the influence of the surrounding world.

There is a temporary and lifelong shutter. In the first case, the believer is locked for a certain period, for example, at the time of the post or church holiday. In the second monk, it undertakes to spend the rest of all his life in full isolation from material reality.

Christian recluses

In Christianity, the rejection is a monk who is looking for the salvation of the soul in solitude. To do this, it blends from everyone in his room, the cell or cave. There, the believer is waiting for the test of silence, which reveals the essence of being and helps to find the path to God.

Throughout the provenity period, the monk does not leave their room. However, in case of extreme necessity, he can come out from there, but after must return again. For example, the reason for this may be an emergency collection of all clergymen or a natural disaster threatening the monastery.

Orthodox traditions: Feofan Reasanizer and Grigory Sinait

Orthodox monks are quite often practicing a gate. The main goal of this action is "Isychia" - sacred silence. That is, the reclusive man seeks to retire in full silence. For a larger effect, Orthodox monks take the vow of silence for the period of absence. Thus, the Christian remains alone with her thoughts: he prays, speaks with God and is trying to realize his place in the world.

It should be noted that many monks do not just retire in their rooms, but they move to live in special caves or cells. Sometimes the passage to them is immuting, leaving only a small window where their brothers can bring food and books. These walls are dismantled only if water and food remains untouched for more than four days. After all, this means that the monk reached his goal - he reunited with his father in heaven.

Among all Orthodox reasons, FEOFAN Maulovnik and Grigory Synait have become the greatest glory. The first refused to be a high spiritual sanitary and left to live in Celhoy, where many books and spiritual transfers wrote. And the second summarized all the rules and rituals associated with the pinnacle.

In particular, Gregory Sinait wrote: "Being in the cell, patient be: go through all the prayers in my head, for that way you guessed the apostle Paul."

Catholic church

Catholic monks also adhere to the roaster ritual. In their culture, this ritual is called "Inclusive". His roots stretch to the first Christians who refused all the earthly goods and locked themselves in homes. There they led a very meager lifestyle, spending most of the time in prayer.

Later, this practice was adopted by Catholic monks. And in the 9th century, the REGULA SOLITARIORUM book was published, which described all the rules and norms of the recovery life. Its influence was so strong that even today, many Catholics adhere to those recommendations that are contained in it.

Other cultures

However, the reclusive is not necessarily a Christian monk. Other religions and cultures can also boast of people with the extraordinary effort of will. For example, a recovery lifestyle is often conducted when they are trying to achieve harmony with them. True, in contrast to Christian monks, the Asian brothers never accept indefinite vows. The longest practices pass no more than two or three years, and the shortest can limit the ten days.

In addition, the reclusive is not only a believer. Sometimes people close from the whole world for personal reasons not related to any religion. The reason for this can be disappointed in other or attempt to realize the inner man. In the first case, the extension will rather destroy the psyche of a person, as it should not be blocked in yourself. In the second, short loneliness can help see what a person has not noticed before.

Kiev spiritual schools became a cradle for a huge number of Svetoma of our church, 50 of which are counted for the saints. We offer the attention of our reader chapter from the meeting of letters sVT. Faofan of the recovery of the Otchensky (+ 1894, Memory January 6, January 10, June 16).

Saint Feofan Reasanizer

"We had a good priest; But translated into another parish. On his place did another, from which sorrow in the soul. The service is unwitting and soon, conversations, when happens, leads everything about trifles; About the case of God, if he speaks, all with some restrictions and cutting of strict truth. How to get rid of such a temptation? "

They themselves are to blame. Poorly enjoyed a good priest; Lord and took it. Tell me, have you become better from the former good priest? So I will win: yes. And I made a say that I didn't become better, according to that, judging by that condemn the new priest, without knowing how to keep his feelings in relation to him, as should. After all, and before now, you have had a good priest from you, you had a good priest; And who was before that, was good. See how good the Lord sent good priests; And you are all the same faulty.

So he put it: what to spend good priests on these? Let's send them so good. And sent. Seeing this, you should have to appeal to yourself, repent and become more meant, and you just judge and refress. Become good; Then the priest will immediately change. Think: With these, it is impossible to correct the case sacred; It is necessary to reverently serve and edify conversations. And correct.

Priests If they are careless and soon in the ministry, but in conversations whisbing, then the larger part is applied to parishioners.

Speaking, I do not justify the priest. He is no apology, if he is not only an anti-authorized practice, but even by the charter is unreasonable seduces the souls entrusted to him. But I only say that you have come in this case to do. And first I said: do not judge, but ask yourself and reveal yourself better and in prayer, and in conversations, and in all behavior. Then pray it all that the Lord fixed the priest. And he will fix. Just pray as it should. The Lord said that if two advise about a certain thing and pray, it will be the question of them ( MF. 18, 19.).

So gather all bonionable parishioners, and put praying for the priest; To prayer, attach the post and exacerbate alms; And do it no day, not two, but weeks, months, year. Worry and tear yourself absolutely until the priest change. And change; Be sure that it will change.

I recently heard about a similar feat and his fruit. One Starita, a simple village, a great reverent, saw that someone, he was respected, began to somewhat retreat from the usual rigor of life, and painned about that; came home, fixed in his kyutka and became on prayer, saying to the Lord: I won't get away from the place, the crumbs of bread do not taste, the water drops will not give away and the eyes of my sleep for a minute will not give, until you hear me, Lord, and again Turn this person. As decided, I did, it worked in prayer and tomil the crushed tears, I write it to the Lord to hear her. Exit already, already the strength began to leave it; And she is all his own: even though die, and not to retreat until the Lord hear me. And heard.

It came to her the certificate that he prayed about whom she prayed, again began to keep himself in the old way. "Discovered to see, I saw that it was, and bred. There was no grateful tears to her end. So here is what a prayer is, even though it's not so in shape, because maybe it's inconvenient to do it, as she did, but such a diligence, self-sacrifice and unstuckness. And will undoubtedly get the desired.

If you are so passing only, you will sometimes at home, or in the church, or when talking to talk: God for him, Lord, become good, what kind of fruit will expect from such a prayer? Yes, it is not a prayer, but simple words.

It's my main thing that I said. Would add another one; But it is such that to fulfill it so that it bring to the goal is very difficult. I understand what! You can, bonion and honorable, come to the priest and ask him to change the way that you confuse and seduces.

Do it - there is nothing easier; But make it so that it brought the fruit is extremely difficult. It is necessary that you and the eyes, and mine, and the tone of speech, and not just the content, all the solemnie breathing sincerely and burning. Then you can hope that it will bring to the goal. And without it it is better not to take for such a step: it will be worse, it will break the most sorrowful. To write everything to him, maybe more convenient, but again the whole thing in the spirit of love is perpetrators. And it is also possible to ruin the case, as personally enjoyed to the priest. That is why I do not decide to certainly recommend this reception. I know that he can be crowned with success, but most importantly - in due execution.

Come to the priest or write to him in absentia, and to express everything to the most impitution, there will be a lot of geries; But for success, something else is needed than politeness. Politeness without love is a stingy binding. It seems that in other places they do and then say: we did our job! And I will say that it was better if it was not done.

More I will not say anything to you; Is still - tolerate. There are still legal ways; But those not in my part, and I will default about them.

Feofan (Govorov) Bishop Tambov and Shatsky, Svyzhensky, Saint (1815-1894)

Children's, Youth and Young Years

Saint Feofan Navdapaneskie, in the world Govorov Georgy Vasilyevich, was born in the family of the Orthodox priest, in the village of Chernivka of the Oryol province, January 10, 1815.

His father, Vasily Timofeevich Govorov, served in the Vladimir Church, located in the same village. Mother, Tatiana Ivanovna, a deeply believer woman, took place from a priestly family. Initial education George received from his parents. They gave him love for God. Father often took his son to the temple, and he gladly participated in worship served in the altar.

In 1823, George was identified in the Livensky Spiritual School. Six years later, he successfully graduated from him, and then entered the Oryol spiritual seminary. It was 1829. In Seminary, Georgy was in a good account. They say that the knowledge has so attracted him that despite the successes in study, he himself expressed the desire to re-undergo training in the philosophical class. At the end of the Seminary of George, with the blessing of the Bishop of Orlovsky Nicodem, continued to increase his educational level in the Kiev Great Academy. As the best students of the seminary, he was sent there for a physical score.

At the Academy, as in the former educational institutions, he studied with great adjacent. Here in it revealed the ability to writing creativity.

He loved to retire in the silence of the shrine of the Kiev-Pechersk Resident and indulge a reverent prayer. Joyful impressions of those visits were preserved in his memory until the end of the earth's days. During this period, there was a desire to combine his life with the monastic feat.

Promotion to monastic

In October 1840, Georgy filed a petition to lead to a monk. In February, 1841 Rector of the Academy, High Security Jeremiah, made herself. Then Georgy received a new name, Feofan, in honor of the saint.

In April 1841, Inok Feofan was dedicated to Ierodiacon, and in July - in Hieromonach. In 1841, he graduated from the spiritual academy, defending his thesis and receiving a master's degree.

In the same year, in August, Father Feofan was appointed to the position of rector of the Kiev-Sofia Spiritual School and began to fulfill the duties. In addition to the work by the rector, he taught Latin. In addition, during this period, he was engaged in an in-depth study of the work of the Holy Fathers of the Church.

In 1842, he received a new appointment - to the Novgorod spiritual seminary. There he performed the responsibility of the inspector, taught psychology and logic. The main thought of him as a teacher of the seminary, and he constantly reminded his pupils about it, was the one that the barefold should be supplied in their first place in their lives, and not dry scientific relationship.

In 1844, Father Feofan, on the blessing of the church authorities, took the position of teacher at the Department of Moral and Pastoral Theology at the St. Petersburg Theological Academy. And in 1845, he became an assistant to the academy inspector.

Serving in Jerusalem. Further activities

In 1846, Jeromona Feofan became part of the members of the Russian spiritual mission formed then in Jerusalem. In October 1847, the mission was nominated to the Palestine territory, and in February arrived in Jerusalem.

During his stay in Palestine, Father Feofan honed the knowledge of Greek and French, thoroughly studied the religion of a number of nonsense denominations: Catholicism, Lutheranns, Armenian-Grigorianism and others. Here he had ample opportunities to get acquainted with the sacred works, including with valuable manuscripts, reading them in the original language.

The activities of the Russian mission in Jerusalem was very fruitful. However, with the beginning of the Crimean War, in 1853, it was recalled and its participants were forced to return to their homeland.

Upon returning to Russia, in April 1855, Father Fefan was erected in San Archimandrite. After that, he began activities in the St. Petersburg Spiritual Academy, at the Department of Canonical Law.

And after a few months, in accordance with the new appointment, Archimandrite Feofan took the post rector of Olonetsk theological seminary. Performing the responsibilities of the rector, he, in addition to participating in the educational process, was engaged in arrangement of the seminary, including the organization of construction work.

In 1856, Archimandrite Feofan was sent to the church leadership in Constantinople to the place of the rector of the Russian Embassy Church.

In June 1857, he, who gained fame and respect for his educational and ascetic arrangement of the Spirit, was summoned to St. Petersburg and received a proposal to occupy the place of rector of the St. Petersburg Great Academy. The proposal was made, but the fishery of God he held this position for a long time. At that time, Father Feofan participated in the activities of the academic journal Christian reading.

Episcopal ministry of St. Feofan

In June 1859, Archimandrite Feofan was ordained in Bishop Tambov and Shatsky. During his management of the Tambov diocese, many schools and schools were opened, including the female diocesan. In addition, the "Tambov Diocesan Vedomosti" began to be published. He performed the duties of the diocesan bishop zealously and responsibly, but even more and more thought about secluded prayer and theology.

In 1863, the church leadership moved the Bishop of Feofan to another department, in Vladimir-on-Klyazma. Here, as in the place of the previous ministry, he contributed to the increase in church-parish schools and spiritual schools. Since 1865, again, with his personal initiative, Vladimir Diocesan Vedomosti began to be published. He often participated in the temple worship, visited various areas of the territory entrusted to him, preached a lot, but with a heart, though, sought herringbody.

In 1866, Bishop Feofan filed a petition to the Holy Synod. The request of the saint seemed to members of the Synod unusual, because in terms of knowledge and spiritual experience, and for health state, and on organizational abilities, he satisfied the requirements of the bishop ministry. The saint was listened to, after which, having agreed with his arguments, freed from the leadership of the diocese.

Then he was appointed the abbot in the excused deserts. However, the position of the abbot did not quite fit the desire of his enlightened heart. As a result, some time later, he filed a petition for release from the duties of the abbot. And this request was satisfied.


In 1872, the saint actually began to lead the life of the rejection. He fell apart in a separate room. The range of his visitors was limited to an extremely small number of people. In his cells, he arranged a small house church, he himself served in it the Divine Liturgy: at first - on Sunday and holidays, and in the last years of her earthly life - daily.

In addition to prayer, he devoted a substantial part of his routine to reading, the scarce of correspondence and the preparation of response messages, theological works. At the same time, guided by ascetic instructions, he paid a lot of attention to physical work: he was engaged in icon painting, carving on a tree, sewing clothes for himself.

On January 6, 1894, the sacter quietly departed to the Lord. The funeral of the archpastor took place on January 11 at a huge crossing of the people. Bishop's body buried in the Koshenskaya desert, in the Kazan Cathedral.

Creative heritage

Saint Feofan The rejection left behind many outstanding works. As a benefit on moral theology, his work is well known :. At the same time, this series includes a lot of other writings, such as, for example, like,.

As an interpretation to the sacred Scripture of the New Testament, they were compiled by such works as

1. Do not say: "I can not". This word is not a Christian. Christian word: "All I can". But not by itself, but about the Lord who strengthen us.

2. Great, repulsive life is not God's life. When the Savior told you stand up, to wash, the head was impressed and hanged, then it was easy to do not sneak.

3. The enemy usually runs up and says: do not descend, otherwise come down. He is lying. The best hollow from the creek is humble fasciance.

4. About frequent communion nothing can be said disapproving. But the measure is one day once or twice - the most member.

5. With one gospel or new covenant, you can live a whole century - and everything read. For a hundred times read, and everything will be all the same will be undeveloped.

6. It follows everyday affairs to bother as about the Lord of the Order and as before the Lord. When you get tight, then no business will not give your mind from God, but, on the contrary, will bring it closer to it.

7. Do not meet with fun, and with God-fearing.
8. There are people who think that they are expanding the range of freedom in the unrestriction of their desires, but Koi act in fact on monkeys, who are commerve themselves in the network.

9. When self-praise comes, then collect everything from the same life, which, according to conscience, you can't praise and fill it up with thoughts.

10. Since the prayer soon, everything is fine.

11. Praying God, it is better not to imagine him in any way, but only believe that he is: there is a near and everything sees and hears.

12. Lekari say: "On an empty stomach does not come out." In relation to the soul, it is fulfilled by morning prayer and reading. Highlights the soul - and no less coming to the day of the day.

13. The main location of the prayer may be repeated, for we sin all.

14. Economic affairs can excuse only the short standing on prayer, and the rational of the inner prayer cannot excuse.

15. God does not hear? God hears everything and sees. Only your desire to fulfill is not useful for you.

16. How to fire to act in passion. Where at least a small shadow of passion, do not wait for the proc. It hides the enemy and confuses everything.

17. Do not think that you can allow the liberty to thoughts, feelings, words and movements. It is necessary to keep everything on tickling and managed.

18. While they will fall down, do not wait for anything good.

19. When drinking water, then take out the slightest fly in there; When we get a finger, then be afraid of a little clearly visible, you hurry to get rid of anxiety, it caused; When the poroshinka is getting into the eye, the selfish and mutters eyes, you raise big troubles, to quickly clean your eyes from her. So put yourself on the law to act and in relation to passions: in whatever little form they have been manifested, hurry to drive them out, and so ruthlessly, so that they are not left.

20. I do not sleep your smart one from the heart, and everything comes from there, immediately grasp and disassemble: well - let him live, not good - immediately kill it.

21. Bearing to stay without any guidance; We beat him as the first good.

22. It is true that the persons who could be trusting for advice on spiritual life are becoming more and less often. But they always have. And the wishing always finds them in the grace of God.

23. It is necessary to pray to God, going to the confessor with the question, and ask God to put the desired thought to the confessor.

24. This obedience is listening, without seeing the grounds and despite its reluctance.

25. Many in the sky are prepared by the abode; But all of them are the abode of those who suffered and mourned.

26. Excuse me to keep in thought when you find sorrow that this is the Lord's road to your kingdom of your kingdom or even more: takes the hand and leads.

27. Saving Divine Grace for the awakening of the sinner of sleep, directing his strength to the ruin of that support, in which who is alleged and reveals his self-sufficiency, that's what it does: who is connected by the village, thinks in illness and, relaxing the flesh, gives spirit freedom and strength come into yourself and cut off. Who is pretty beauty and power, thus deprives beauty and keeps in constant exhaustion. Whoever gets on their power and strength, that refers to slavery and humiliation. Whoever relies on wealth, it takes away. Who high gravity, he will be posted as a low-spirited. Who relies on the strength of connections, they are breaking. Who reached the Eternity of the order established around him, that he ruins the death of the persons or the loss of things necessary.

28. Who lives in the family, that and salvation from family virtues.

29. The husband of God set being a wovers. And often he himself, without conscious, gives the permission or prohibition to his wife, which God inspires him.

30. Having a wife a friend and strong love forcing it to be submissive.

31. Wife needed to decorate herself predominantly virtues, other decorations to have as something third-party, secondary.

32. The lack of children is the greatest of all sins, there is an extreme degree of wicked.

33. I always harden mothers, caring about Chad: You are a perpetrator of a martyrdom, wait and the crown of this.

34. There is no sin more disrespect and insulting the mother. Good promised parents. And for non-verbal - deprivation of goods.

35. A very beneficial effect has a frequent wearing of them into the temple, applying to the Holy Cross, the Gospel, also bringing to icons, the autumn of the procession, the sprinkling of holy water, the autumn of the cross of the cradle, food and all the touched children, the blessing of the priest, and in general All church wonderfully warms and feeds the graceful life of the cat, and there is always the most secure and impermeable fence from the attempt of invisible dark forces.

36. Health - that horse: beat - ride nothing.

37. Everything is granted by ordinary youths uncomfortable, after will be reviewed in old age with diseases and nonsense

38. Abstinence from passions is better than all medicines, and it gives rapidness.

39. Remember that you, speaking, give birth to a word, and it will never die, but will live to a terrible court. It will be before you and will be for you or against you.

40. A lot of evil from the thought that death is around the corner. Please bring it closer and remember that it should not span nothing because of the mountains.

41. Set up the fear of God - and he, taking the reign of your inner man into the hands of the reign of your inner man, will asleep you after the Lord.

42. Who told you that it is difficult to escape? It is only necessary to want and take up the work decisively - and the salvation is ready.

43. Everywhere you can escape and die everywhere. The first angel between the angels died. The apostle between the apostles in the presence of the Lord himself died. And the robber - and on the cross saved.

44. Become good - then the priest will immediately change. Think: With these, it is impossible to correct the sacred business, it is necessary to reverently serve and edify the conversations. And correct.

45. The enemy, the destruction of the souls, through the jealousy of salvation of everyone leaves the soul of someone who wore such thoughts.

46. \u200b\u200bBelieve the soul of the sublime and great, and the disbelief serves as a sign of the soul unreasonable and low.

47. You need to know the truth and believe in it: where will you take it besides the church, which is the "pillar and statement of truth" ()? You need to bless you: where will you get her, except the church, the keeper of the sacraments, without which the grace is not served? You need to lead your leadership faithful to you and in the case of life: where do you meet him besides the church, in whom there is a boguelyonnected and god delivered to the shepherdness? You need to combine Jesus with the Lord Jesus: where will you make it up, if not in the church, where are the chapter of Christ, the Lord?

48. Catholics pounded apostolic legend. Protestants took the right thing and even worse. Catholics dad are alone, and Protestants are not a protestant, then dad.

49. Who says: "I, and praying at home, can attract Heavenly Spirit to himself," he is like a man who hopes to quench the thirst with one imagination of water.

50. When we will weaken or change the beginning: Orthodoxy, autocracy and nationality, the Russian people will cease to be Russian.