An essay on the topic: Comparative characteristics of Napoleon and Kutuzov in the novel "War and Peace. Sparement of Napoleon and Kutuzov on the novel "War and Peace" L.N

An essay on the topic: Comparative characteristics of Napoleon and Kutuzov in the novel "War and Peace. Sparement of Napoleon and Kutuzov on the novel "War and Peace" L.N

(according to the novel L. N. Tolstoy "War and Peace")

Speaking about the role of a person in history, Tolstoy writes: "A person deliberately lives for himself, but serves as an unconscious tool to achieve historical, universal goals ... The higher the person stands on the public stairs, the more power it is connected, the more power it has on others People, the more obvious the predetermination and the inevitability of each of his act. " Thus, Tolstoy makes the idea that, the closer personality to natural life, the more it depends on it, the further, the less.

Kutuzov Napoleon
Dry, physically intimid old old man, but hard spirit and strong mind. A man in the flourish of physical strength, but his appearance decreases in such details as a small height, fat body, etc.
Manner of behavior
Naturalness in everything (sleeping during the Military Council, eats a chicken during the battle). Everything says and is done for history (episode with a portrait of a son).
Attitude towards soldiers
Outtack care, the desire to preserve the lives of soldiers (review in Brownau). Soldiers are a means to achieve glory and power (the death of Polish Ulanov when crossing the Neman).
Objectives of activity
Defense of Fatherland Glory power.
Battle tactics.
Supports the spirit of troops. The power orders are trying to lead the battle.
The attitude of the author
"People's Communist Party", "Savior of the Fatherland". The person who is "dimmed mind and conscience"
Output: "There is no greatness where there is no simplicity, good and truth"

Answer the questions:

Analyze the behavior of Kutuzov and Napoleon's behavior during military events. Explain why Kutuzov can be called the servant of the people, and Napoleon is the leader of the crowd.

  1. Do the actual historical individuals correspond to the images of Kutuzov and Napoleon in the novel?
  2. Show the difference in the author's assessment of the appearance of Kutuzov and Napoleon?
  3. Who is opposed to and who are these heroes like in the novel?
  4. Why does Tolstoy negatively refers to Napoleon and with love for Kutuzov?
  5. Does Kutuzov pretend to the role of a hero in history? And Napoleon?

Conclusion: Tolstoy, comparing Kutuzov and Napoleon, shows that Kutuzov is a popular commander, close to soldiers carrying naturalness, true love, patriotism, the ability to think about the army, and not about themselves. In it - greatness, simplicity, good and though.

Napoleon is distinguished by hypocrisy, selfish, artificiality, theatricality, inability to think about others.

It's all brings closer to Napoleon with the highest light of Russia (compare the evening at A.P Shersher - the same theatricality).

"People's thought in the novel" War and Peace "

In the first lesson on the novel "War and Peace", we set themselves the task: to understand what life Tolstoy claims what denies. In each lesson, partial answers were obtained: when meeting the salon A. Sheer, when studying the war of 1805 and the Patriotic War of 1812. We understood, the criterion of the Tolstsky Estimation of Life: Everything is assessed by the proximity to the living life of nature and proximity to the People's Spirit. All that is incomprehensible to the People's soul and is not accepted by it, not accepted and Tolstoy. What is broken from the national folk roots is condemned by Tolstoy, for example, an aristocratic society. Power in the people, a cohesive single goal, is the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe novel.

"People's Thought", which Tolstoy loved, reveals in the novel in two aspects:

In the historical and philosophical plan - in approval that the people are the leading power of history;

In the moral and psychological plan - in approval that the people have a carrier of the best human qualities.

Both of these plans, intertwining, form a criterion for assessing Tolstoy Life: by proximity to the people, to his fate and his spirit, the writer judges his heroes.

- Why is the people leading power?

In the philosophy of history, the writer argues that any historical event occurs only in the coincidence of the interests and actions of people. (Scenes Leaving Moscow, the widespread opposition to the French, the Borodino battle and victory in the war made from the unity of the interests of Russian people who did not want to be "servants of Bonaparte"). Dubube of the People's War is a formidable power fleeing in the fight against the enemy of the people. Soldier with tied cheek and Tikhon Shcherbaty, artilleryrs on the Battery of Raevsky and Men's-militia, a merchant of Ferapontov, the key to Maur Kuzminichna and others - everyone feels and come in the same way. In the fight against "Muffers" they show heroism, carry any difficulties and deprivation in the name of the life and independence of the Fatherland.

The fact that Tolstoy means in the novel under the concept of the people, there is ratios rather. In a unified fight against the enemy, the interests and behavior of Natasha Rostova, her brothers Petit and Nikolai, Pierre Probrelov, the Family of the Bolkonsky, Kutuzov and Bagratione, Dologi and Denisov, "Young Officerika" and the Saratov landowners who left Moscow without the order of Rostopchina with their crackers. All of them, in thick, no less heroes of history than the old age of Vasilisa or Tikhon Shcherbaty. All of them are included in "Roy" People doing history. The basis of national unity is the simple people, and the best part of the nobility seeks to him. Heroes of Tolstoy only then find their happiness when they do not separate themselves from the people. By proximity to the people, Tolstoy appreciates its positive heroes.

- Why are the heroes of the novel so strive for the people? Why does the "soldier, a simple soldier" want to be Pierre?

The people have a carrier of the best human qualities. "... They all the time to the end are hard and calm ... They do not say, but do it," Pierre thinks.

This is the ability to go to victims and deprivation in the name of the Motherland, heroism, "hidden heat of patriotism", the ability to do everything, unpretentiousness, cheerfulness, peacefulness and hatred of "Miroderem". We see all these qualities in the soldiers, in Tikhon Shcherbat, in the Lapaury of Prince Andrei Peter and others. However, Tolstoy considers positive and other qualities that most inherent in the novel by Plato Karataev, it was he who at one time revived in Pierre faith in the justice of life.

- What did he run on Pierre? Does he look like other men?

In Karataev, as in other men, there are positive qualities: simplicity, calm, the ability to adapt to live in any circumstances, faith in life, anxiety about Moscow, goodwill, he is a master of all hands. But there are both other things: kindness becomes with all overgrowth (and to the enemies too), unpretentiousness - the lack of all demands for life (everywhere he is good), faith in the intelligence of the natural course of events in life - submissions before the fate ("Rock Head is looking for" ), the intuitiveness of behavior is the absolute lack of mind ("not by his mind - God's court"). How to evaluate such a person? His qualities, both positive and negative, are inherent in the Russian peasantry. Tolstoy considers Karataeva "the personification of the entire Russian, kind and round" (T.4, part 1, ch. 13). Naivety, spontaneity, the circumstances of the circumstances are in other peasants, in the same Tikhon Shcherbat, Boguchars, but in the images of other peasants the main principles are the main principles. The novel as a whole shows the "resistance of evil", the struggle, and in Karataev, the main thing is that the adaptation of the quality of life, and it is for these qualities that the Tolstoy idealizes him, makes Meril's vitality and for Pierre, his beloved hero.

OUTPUT: L.N. Tolstoy recognized that in the novel "War and Peace" he "tried to write the history of the people" determined the genre of "War and Peace" - Roman-epic.

Tolstoy wanted to show: Hero people; People affecting history.

The main task of the writer could be solved in the epic novel, as the epic embodies in themselves: the fate of the people; Himself a historical process; wide, multifaceted, even a comprehensive picture of the world; Meditation over the fate of peace and people.

The novel "War and the World" is a people's heroic epic, the main thought of which: the people are a carrier of morality.

1. The people are the embodiment of moral ideals.

2. War - checking the depth of patriotism and the power of the Spirit.

3. The driving force of history is the people.

4. Only a person close to the people can influence the events.

5. Man, people, History - Tolstovsky Merilies of the World.

Topic: "Being quite good ..." Dye Prince Andrei Bolkonsky

As you understand the theoretical formula of the "real life": "Life between the real life of people with their essential interests of health, illness, labor, rest, with their interests of thought, science, poetry, music, love, friendship, hatred, passion, went , as always, independently and out of political intimacy or hostility with Napoleon Bonaparte and beyond all possible transformations "

This life is the realization of natural human interests.

- Do you agree that this life should go out of politics?

What is the thick of the human nature? Human nature, in a thick, multifaceted, in most people there is a good and bad, human development depends on the struggle of these two began, and the character is determined by what is in the foreground.

- Give examples of the multifaceted human nature.

An calculating share is a gentle and loving son. Pierre is smart, but inexperienced in everyday affairs, quick-tempered to rabies, but kind, etc.

Tolstoy sees the same man "then the villain, then an angel, then a sage, then an idiot, with a strongman, then a powerless creature" (from the Diary of Tolstoy). Heroes of him make mistakes and suffer from it, they know the gusts to swell and obey the destruction of low passions. With all the contradictions, positive heroes always remain dissatisfaction with themselves, the lack of complacency, continuous searches of the washed of life. This consists of a fat understanding of the unity of character. "... To live honestly, it is necessary to rush, confuse, fight, mistaken, start and throwing, and again start and throwing again, and forever fight and lose. And calm - spiritual meanness "(from the letter L.N. Tolstoy dated October 18, 1857). The best heroes of Tolstoy repeat its moral code, so one of the principles of the image of positive heroes is an image of them in mental complexity ("Dialectics of the Soul") and "yielding", in continuous search for truth.

Today in the field of our view, one of the favorite heroes of Tolstoy - Prince Andrey Bolkonsky falls.

- What attracts you Andrei Bolkonsky?

He is smart, understands life, disassembled in politics. And most importantly, not a careerist, not a coward, does not seek a "cozy place."

- What details of Tolstoy emphasizes that the prince Andrei is not in itself in the cabin

A. Sheher?

- When Pierre Duhov asked Bolkonsky, why he goes to war, which is impossible

call just ... What does Prince Andrei answer him?

Read the passage "For what? I dont know. So it is necessary ... - I go because this life I lead here is not for me. "

- What conclusion can we do?

- What do you think Glory is that the most important thing is that you need a person?

Probably not. After all, Glory is only for himself. Prince Andrei wants to earn glory feat, a real business. Such a dedication can fill life. Suvorov said: "The bad one who does not dream of becoming a general"

But you want to be general you can in different ways. One moves through the service due to its forces and abilities, and sees the ultimate goal in fulfiguously realizing himself. Well, and if you deeper into the statement of Suvorov, then you need to understand this: everyone should strive to achieve perfection in his business.

"The man is wiser, the smaller the vanity in his dream." When did Prince Andrei understand it?

After Austerlitsky battle. His dreams of glory seemed insignificant to him.

Bolkonsky after the war 1805-1807. Returns home, lives in his estate. His mental state is heavy. Prince Andrey - a man deep. He suffers from the lack of sense of life. Deciding to engage in public affairs, participates in the work of the Commission on the preparation of new laws, but the sweat is understanding that they are tearing off from life. He goes to war. Before the Borodino battle, he is overwhelmed, because it participates in a general patriotic business.

- Death breaks the quest for Prince Andrew. But if he did not die and his searches continued, why would they bring Bolkonsky?


Roman L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" is almost the only historical novel-epic. It describes in detail the military campaigns 1805, 1809 and the war of 1812. Some readers believe that on the novel can be studied individual battles during history. But for Tolstoy, it was not the main thing to tell about the war, as a historical event. He had another idea - "Folk Thought." Show people, their characters that reveal the meaning of life. People are not only simple, but also great historical figures, such as Kutuzov, Napoleon, Alexander, Bagration. L.N. Tolstoy gives a specific characteristic of Kutuzov and Napoleon in "War and the World". This open comparison of two commander passes through the entire plot of the work.

The principle of contrast taken by Tolstoy as a basis discloses the images of Kutuzov and Napoleon as military strategists in the "war and the world", shows the attitude towards their country, to his army, to their people. The author amounted to the true portrait of his heroes, without inventing heronts and false flaws. They are real, alive - from the description of appearance to damn character.

Place of heroes in the novel

At first glance, it seems that Napoleon in the novel is larger than Kutuzov. We see it from the first lines to the latter. Everyone speaks about him: and in the salon Anna Pavlovna Sherler, and in the house of Prince Bolkonsky, and the soldier's system. Many believe that "... Bonaparte is invincible and that all of Europe can not against him ..." And Kutuzov does not appear in the integers of the novel. He scolds, laugh at him, forget about him. Vasily Kuragin mockingly responds to Kutuzov, when it comes to who will be the commander-in-chief in hostilities of 1812: "Is it possible to appoint a commander-in-chief of a person who cannot ride a ride, falls asleep on the Council, the man of the fastest morals! ... man of stale and blind? .. He sees nothing. In Zhmurki, play ... "But here the prince of Vasily recognizes the commander in it:" I'm not talking about his qualities like a general! " But Kutuzov is present invisibly, they hope for him, but they do not talk about it out loud.

Napoleon Bonaparte

The Great French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte in the novel will be represented by the eyes of his soldiers, Russian Social Society, Russian and Austrian generals, the Russian army and L.N. Tolstoy. His vision of small traits of Napoleon's character helps us understand this complex image.

We see Napoleon at the time of anger, when he understands that his general Murat was mistaken in the calculations and thereby gave the Russian army to win. "Go, destroy the Russian army!" - he exclaims in a letter to his general.

We see it at the moment of fame when Napoleon with a highly raised head and a contemptuous smile looks back the Austerlitz field after the battle. He is built by the wounded for inspection, for him this is another trophy. He or respect, whether with a mockery thanks Russian General Repnin for honest battle.

We see him per minute of complete peace of mind and confidence in the victory when he stands on the top of the hill in the morning before Austerlitsky fight. The unshakable, apparent, he raises the "white glove" and one movement of the hand begins the battle.

We see him in a conversation with Alexander, when he came to a meeting in Tilsit. A harsh solution, indisputable by anyone, a domineering look and confidence in actions gives the French emperor what he wants. The Tilzite world was incomprehensible to many, but Alexander was blinded by the "honesty" of Bonaparte, he did not see the cold calculation and a clear deception of this truce.

The attitude to the French soldiers of Tolstoy shows without hiding. For Napoleon, this is just an instrument that should always be ready for battle. He does not think about people at all. His cynicism, cruelty, full of indifference to the life of a human, a cold calculating mind, trick - this is the qualities that Tolstoy speaks about. He only has a goal - to conquer Europe, seize, precisely to seize, Russia and conquer the whole world. But he did not calculate his strength Napoleon, he did not understand the fact that the Russian army is strong not only by the Gaubes and guns, but above all faith. Vera in God, faith in a Russian man, faith in the people's united, faith in the victory of Russia for the Russian king. The outcome of the Borodino battle was for Napoleon a shameful defeat, defeating all his great plans.

Mikhail Ilarionovich Kutuzov

In comparison with Napoleon - the current, thinking young, but the experienced Emperor Kutuzov looks like a passive commander. We often see him talking to soldiers sleeping on military councils, not decisive categorically the course of battles and not imposing their opinions to other generals. He acts in his own way. The Russian army believes in it. All soldiers for their eyes call him "Kutuzov-Father." In contrast to Napoleon, he does not have his title, and in the simplest goes on the field not after the battle, but during him, his hand is fighting next to his comrades. For him, there are no ordinary and generals, all are united in the struggle for the land of Russian.

When examining the troops near Brownau Kutuzov "with a tender smile" looks at the soldier, and takes the problem of lack of boot over himself. He learns Timokhin, who gives a separate bow. This suggests that there is no rank for Kutuzov, not the title, but just a man with his soul. Tolstoy in the "war and the world" of Kutuzov and Napoleon shows in bright contrast in this aspect - the attitude towards his army. For Kutuzov, every soldier is a person, a person with his propensions and disadvantages. Everything is important for him. He often wipes his eyes full of tears, because he is tend to worry about people, for the outcome of the case. He takes excitement to Andrei Bolkonsky, because he loves his father. Bitch takes the news of the death of the old Bolkonsky. Understands losses and aware of failure under Austerlitz. Takes the right decision in the Shenagraben battle. It is thoroughly preparing for Borodino battle and believes in the victory of the Russian army.

Comparison of Kutuzov and Napoleon

Kutuzov and Napoleon are two great commander, who played an important role in history. Everyone had its own goal - to defeat the enemy, they just walked to her different ways. L.N. Tolstoy used different means to describe Kutuzov and Napoleon. He gives us an external characteristic, and the character of the soul, the effect of thought. All this helps to fold the full image of heroes and understand whose priorities are more important for us.

Comparison of Kutuzov and Napoleon in the novel of Tolstoy is not an accidental choice of the author. He does not put one step of two emperors - Alexander and Bonaparte, he builds a comparison of exactly two commander - Kutuzov and Napoleon. Apparently, Alexander, a very young ruler, did not have those qualities of the present commander to be able to confront the "Napoleon himself". Only Kutuzov could claim it.

Test on the work

Roman L.N. Tolstoy "War and World" tells in detail about the military campaigns of 1805, 1809 and the war of 1812. Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy had his own look at the world order, and he also had his own theory about the role of a man in history and his meaning in the context of eternity. In this article, we will analyze the image of Kutuzov and Napoleon in the Roman L. N. Tolstoy "War and Peace", and the table below will be presented to the table of the comparative characteristic of Kutuzov and Napoleon.

Place of heroes in the novel

At first it seems that Napoleon is allocated a much larger place in the novel than Kutuzov. Its image is already revealed from the first lines. Most claim that "... Bonaparte is invincible and that all Europe can not be against him ...". Kutuzov is almost not in the integers of the work. Above him mock, they scold and often forget. In the novel, Vasily Kuragin rushed over Kutuzov, however, they hope for him, although they do not talk about it out loud.

Comparative characteristics of Kutuzov and Napoleon

Comparative characteristics

Kutuzov and Napoleon




Slightly chubby face, mocking glance, expressive facial expressions, on the face of scars, confident gait.

Quote - "Kutuzov smiled slightly, while hearing heavily, he lowered his leg with the steps ..."

Quote - "On a plump, the cutuzov's disheveled wound sits a little noticeable smile ..."

Quote - "Kutuzov, in the unbuttoned uniform, from which, as if freeding, flew to the collar of his greasy neck, sat in the Voltaire chair, putting symmetrically plump senile hands on the armrests, and almost slept. On the sound of the Valeeter's voice, he opened the only eye with an effort ... "


Little growth, languishing personality. Big belly and thick pins, an unpleasant smile and a fussy walk. Figure with wide thick shoulders in blue uniform.

Quote - "Napoleon stood several in front of his marshals on a small gray Arab horse, in blue overcoats ..."

Quote - ". He was in blue uniform, disclosed over a white vest, descended on a round belly, in white leggings, tosing fatty shorts of short legs, and in botfors. The short hair, obviously, had just been combed, but one strand of the hair went down the book over the middle of a wide forehead. A white chubby neck across him sharply opposed the black collar of the uniform; From him smelled cologne. On the booming full face of him with the protruding chin was the expression of the gracious and majestic imperial greeting ... "

Quote - "All his stunned, short figure with wide thick shoulders and unwittingly put forward by the belly and breasts had that representative, the basic appearance, which in the hall living in the Sorokalennik people ..."

Personality and character:

Good, attentive, calm and leisurely man. He has his weaknesses and interests, with soldiers always behaves calm and affectionately. Kutuzov is a believer man, he knows German and French, can give will his emotions. Wise and cunning commander, he believed that the most important thing is patience and time.

Quote - "Kutuzov, apparently, realizing his position and wishing, on the contrary, all kinds captain, hastily turned away ..."

Quote - "Kutuzov turned to the prince Andrei. On his face there was no trace of excitement ... "

Quote - "Kutuzov passed around the ranks, occasionally stopping and speaking several gentle words by officers whom he knew in Turkish war, and sometimes soldiers. Potting on shoes, he swayed his head sadly ... "

Quote - "Well, the prince, goodbye," he said to Bagration. - Christ with you. I bless you on the great feat ... "

Quote - "Continued in French started conversation ..."

Quote - "And however, the smart and experienced Kutuzov took the battle ..."

Personality and character:

Napoleon Bonaparte by origin Italian. Sweet and self-confident man. War always considered his "craft". About the soldiers cares, however, most likely makes it from boredom. He loves luxury, is a purposeful person, loves when everyone admires.

Quote - "With the characteristic Italian ability to change an arbitrarily expression of the face, he approached the portrait and pretended to be a thoughtful tenderness ..."

Quote - "On his face it was the shine of complacency and happiness ..."

Quote - "Love and the habit of the French Emperor to the War ..."

Quote - "Bonaparte, when he worked, step by step went to his goal, he was free, he had nothing, besides his goal, - and he reached her ..."

Quote - "For him, it was not new conviction that his presence at all ends of the world, from Africa to the steppes of Muscovy, is equally striking and turns people in madness of selflessness ..."


Salvation of Russia.


Conquer the whole world and make it the capital Paris.

Comparison of Kutuzov and Napoleon

Kutuzov and Napoleon - in the novel two wise commander, who played a huge role in history. Everyone had its own goal and each used different approaches to victory of the enemy. L.N. Tolstoy gives us some idea of \u200b\u200bappearance, character of heroes, as well as their thoughts. Such a performance helps us to fold the full image of Kutuzov and Napoleon, and also to understand what priorities are more important for us.

  • Also see -

Literature, grade 10. Lesson number 45.

Theme is Kutuzov and Napoleon. Comparative characteristics of characters

The list of issues considered by topic:

1. Repetition of the concept of "antithesis".

2. Comparison of the polar images of Kutuzov and Napoleon through the analysis of episodes.

3. Detection of the reason for the intentionally reduced image of Napoleon in the novel.


Antithesis - opposition to various concepts or phenomena, setting a number of opposite words on the meaning of words; It happens a verbal or stylistic, figurative, composite, actually meaningful; Sometimes an entire product can be built on the principle of antithesis.

Comparative characteristics of the heroes of the literary work Just as the characteristic is individual, includes the description of the portrait, the characteristics of the character of heroes, but in this case these features can be compared on various reasons: according to the degree of similarity, difference.

Episode - A small and relatively independent part of the literary and artistic work, which records one finished moment of action, which is happening between two and more characters in one place and throughout the limited time interval.


Main literature:

  1. Lebedev Yu. V. Russian language and literature. Literature. Grade 10. Tutorial for general education organizations. A basic level of. In 2 h. M: Enlightenment, 2015. - 367 p.
  2. Tolstoy L. N. "War and Peace". Collected works in twelve volumes. M.: True, 1984.

Theoretical material for self-study

A distinctive feature of the novel "War and Peace" is the combination of an artistic image of life with the philosophical arguments of the author. Tolstoy worry questions: "What power drives people? How big is the role of personality in history? What is the case? What is a genius? What is power? " According to the writer, "In the historical events, the so-called great people essentially essentially labels that give the name of the event." Some individuals, according to the conviction of Tolstoy, can not influence the events: "Napoleon, at all time of his activity, was like a child, who, holding the treads tied inside the carriage, imagines that he rules." The writer not only does not recognize his genius, but also shows him in his novel insignificant, vain nomoter.

In large historical events of the guide and driving force, according to the conviction of the writer, people, the will and aspirations of which coincide with the will and the "infinite-small" aspirations of the masses are truly great. Such a person in the novel "War and Peace" is Kutuzov. The greatness of this commander Tolstoy sees that his words and actions arise "not from cunning considerations, but from the feeling that lay in the soul of the commander-in-chief in the same way as in the soul of every Russian man."

Images of two commander in the novel were originally opposed. This technique in literature was called antithesis. In the "War of War and the World", this is a leading composite reception: on the principle of antithesis, the entire novel was built, where the war is opposed to the world on all plot levels (starting with the title), static heroes - developing, Moscow - St. Petersburg, Kutuzov - Napoleon.

With controversial assessments of the personality of Napoleon, the novel begins: in the salon Sherler talk about his treachery, aggressive politics; Pierre sees in the Bonaparte of the Great Man, and Blocksky claims: "Napoleon as a person is great on the Arkolk Bridge, in the hospital in Jaffa, where he gives his hand, but ... there are other actions that are difficult to justify."

The first appearance of Kutuzov in the novel - a review scene near Brownau. Tolstoy shows the commander through the eyes of soldiers and battalion commanders. He old, heavily steps. But at the same time, kind, attentive, sees how the soldiers are dressed, notices the broken shoes. In every subordinate he sees a man. In the rank of Captain Timokhina: "More Izmail Comrade ... Brave Officer!" (T.I, Ch.II, Ch.2). At the image of the campaign 1805-1807. We would hear the voice of Kutuzov when he orders Bagration with four thousand soldiers to delay the 40,000 French army to give the Russian army to enter the connection with his parts: "Well, prince, goodbye ... Christ with you. I bless you on the great feat. " With these words, Kutuzov cries and, hugging Bagration, baptizes it.

We see the "living" Napoleon on the Pratskaya Mountain, when he carries around the field after the battle. The image of Bonaparte, the sound of his voice is given in the perception of Andrei Bolkonsky: "Here is a wonderful death!" - says Napoleon blasphemous words. Bolkonsky, who knows that in front of him is his idol, "so insignificant seemed to be all the interests of Napoleon, so little it seemed to him His hero himself, with this small vanity and the joy of victory, in comparison with the highest, fair and good sky ... "(t. I, h. III, Ch. 19.).

The attitude of Bonaparte to his soldiers is reliefly drawn in the episode "Crossing through Neman": "It was cold and terribly in the middle and on the passion. Ulans clung to each other, fell off the horses, the horses are some tunted, tonulous and people ... They ... were proud to swim and drown in this river under the views of a man who was sitting on a log and did not even look at what they did ... " (T.III, Ch.I, Ch. 2). People for Napoleon are "cannon meat", pawns in a chess game.

Napoleon Tolstoy, as opposed to simple, modest Kutuzov, - a self-breather person, constantly remembering that everything he says and does, "there is a story." Theatrical Fake His behavior in front of the Borodino battle, when the court brings the portrait of his son: he "did a thought of thoughtful tenderness," he touched, "he doesn't know why, with hand to the roughness of the portrait flare" (t. III, h. II, ch. 26). The bloody Borodino battle he perceives as a game: "Chess are delivered, the game will begin tomorrow."

The Russian commander-in-chief in front of the battle asks for the blessing of God and the forces from his native land. The scene of the godfather with the icon of the Smolensk Mother of God, symbolizing the unity of the entire Russian people in the face of the Terrible enemy, is replaced by the image of a prayer. Kutuzov fits the icon, goes down to her knees, applied to the icon and bow again, touched by hand to the ground ...

The main difference between Broadcoud and Napoleon is manifested in the image of the Borodino battle. Kutuzov monitors the spirit of the troops and gives only those orders that can strengthen its durability: orders to notify the troops about the captivity of Murat, about tomorrow's offensive on the French. He understands that "there is something stronger and more considerable to his will, is an inevitable course of events, and he knows how to see them, knows how to understand their meaning and in view of this value knows how to renounce participation in these events, from his personal will aimed at Other.

Pictures of Napoleon during the battle, Tolstoy writes that he gives a lot of orders, thinking that he guides the battle, while these orders "or have already been executed before he did, or could not be and were not executable" - The situation changed and the order was becoming wrong.

The writer finally annoys Napoleon in the scene on a positive grief before joining Moscow. Through the inner monologue, the Hero Tolstoy exposes in it a petty vanity and disorder: "One of my word, one movement of my hand, and this ancient capital died ... I have to be generous and truly great." Realizing that Moscow is empty, he only said: "What an incredible event!" (t. III, C.III GL.19.20).

How hard is Kutuzov, the decision to leave Moscow, the reader can judge the "Council in Files" on the stage. This event is given by the eyes of the peasant girl. The child is free in perception, no beautiful words about the "sacred debt" will not eclipse for Malashi false intonation. It is not clear to her what the military say, but she sympathizes Kutuzov with all the soul: "... in his soul she kept her side of the grandfather." And for him, the main thing is to preserve the army: "While the rural army, Tsev and Russia."

The right thing of the wise commander confirmed life. After just a few months, the once great and invincible army, left by Napoleon, disbanded shamefully. Tolstoy claims that "only ignorance of counterparts, weakness and insignificance of opponents, the sincerity of lies and the brilliant and self-confident limitations of Napoleon made a genius and idol from him." The writer reveals the anti-people nature of its activities as the invader, the fragrancer of freedom of peoples.

Unlike Napoleon, for which the war is the way to glory, Kutuzov perceives the war as the worst evil in the world. In a heavy for the homeland, it demonstrates its best qualities: patriotism, proximity to people, wisdom, patience, insight. This folk commander, thinking about the fate of the Fatherland, is truly great.

Examples and dissemination of solutions for the tasks of the training module

Example number 1.

Unit / Multiple Choice

Among the aphorisms are finding the one that belongs to the author of the Roman-Epopea "War and Peace":

"Genius and villainism - two incomplete things."

"There is no greatness where there is no simplicity, good and truth."

"We are all looking at Napoleon ..."

Correct answer:

"There is no greatness where there is no simplicity, good and truth"


Opposing Kutuzov and Napoleon, Tolstoy considers the non-shaped smug-egoistic narcissification of the universal idol; The greatness of Kutuzov, according to the writer, - in its simplicity, modesty, true humanism.

Example number 2.

Conformity establishment

One of the means of the image characteristic is the statement of a different character or characteristic given by the author. Find compliance between the saying about Kutuzov and those who belong to whom.


1. "He understands that there is something stronger and more considerable to his will, is the inevitable course of events, and he knows how to see them, knows how to understand their meaning ..."

2. "... It is difficult to imagine a historical person whose activity is so consistently constantly aimed at the same purpose. It is difficult to imagine a goal, more worthy and more coinciding with the will of the whole nation ... "

3. "Not ... Brother, Eyes of you, and boots and exposure, looked around ..."

Who owns saying:

Andrey Bolkonsky

Correct answer:

1. Andrey Bolkonsky

Task analysis:

M. I. Kutuzov is represented in the Roman L. N. Tolstoy, as the Father Radenting about the People, while Napoleon is a proud ruler, who dreams of domination. This antithesis is emphasized by the attitude of the characters to these two historical individuals. Kutuzov understands the soldier, he is the personification of the Holy War sacred for the Russian man, in which he protects the Fatherland, then Napoleon is the magnitude, as if erected to the pedestal himself, where he comes from where he had to fall.

The victory of the army depends on the experience and skill of the commander. Lion Tolstoy bowing to the military craftsmanship of Kutuzov. In the price of the burning of Moscow, the Great Communion managed to save the army, which means to save the statehood of the country. The comparative characteristic of Kutuzov and Napoleon in the novel "War and Peace" makes it possible to analyze the reasons for the defeat of the Russian army in the first half of the Patriotic War of 1812 and its victory during the second half of the military campaign.

Comparison of the appearance of two heroes

Main feature face Kutuzov Is a smile and a lonely tear against the background of one-eyed facial expression (Russian Feldmarshal lost his eyes due to injury received in battle with the Turkish landing in 1774). The Patriotic War of 1812, the hero met a deep old man on the seventh decade, passed her heavy step. The chubby bright face of Mikhail Illarionovich decorated the wise expression of the lonely of the orbit, he was fat and sutowable due to the venerable age, but it did not prevent the prince skillfully lead the army.

Napoleon There were forty years when he attacked Russia, his outstanding belly looked ridiculous with little height. Bonaparte carefully watched his appearance. The emperor's hands were standing out aristocratic whiteness, and the body enveloped the aroma of the exquisite cologne. Excessive fullness of the legs were issued with tight white soles, and the bold neck emphasized the blue collar of the military jacket.

Character features of Kutuzov and Napoleon

Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov He became famous among the soldiers of kindness, often showed care of ordinary, about ordinary people. The prince differed attentiveness, noticed the individual details of what was happening around. His rise was not embarrassed by the complexity of any situation, he remained calm and imperturbable under any circumstances. Moving Feldmarshal slowly, sleepily pulling off his legs on the leg.

Kutuzov expressed his thoughts clearly, concisely, with a special charm and a decent intonation. Lion Tolstoy emphasizes the simplicity of the commander, proximity to the people. Neither posture, nor manner of behavior hero does not play any specific role, but remains an ordinary person. An old man is intended to be interested in beautiful women, joking in his circle with subordinates.

Contemporaries noted the habit of Kutuzov to apply affectionate to officers and soldiers. Bolkonsky knows that the head is weak on tears, capable of sincerely express sympathy, believes to the depths of the soul. The Roman Heroes respond about Field Marshal, as a wise commander, recognizing that at some points of the war it is better not to interfere, providing history to develop arbitrarily.

NapoleonOn the contrary, high opinion about their actions. Egocentrism of the emperor France makes him think that its own solutions are the only right. Tolstoy paints a portrait of a narcissistic little man. Provoke the murder of millions of soldiers is lowland, insignificance and intellectual limitations dictated by the capriciousness of limitless power.

Table of comparative characteristics of Kutuzov and Napoleon


  1. Feldmarshal sincerely smiled by the corners of the lips, thereby decorating a disheveled face.
  2. Unpretentious to the conditions of field life, could accommodate in any hut.
  3. He considers His mission to save Russia from enslaving the enemy army.
  4. Otchen attitude towards soldiers, facilities before the fight short and delomet. For example: "Sewing!"
  5. Personally takes part in the main battles of the 1812 military campaign.
  6. It understands that the outcome of war depends on many factors, including ordinary soldiers from the combat spirit.
  7. As a religious person recognizes its small importance in the historical process.


  1. The imperial smile was false, the eyes remained indifferent.
  2. Fragment of luxury, yard is striking.
  3. Wants to conquer the whole world to impose their cultural values \u200b\u200band evoke at the expense of other states.
  4. It believes that the army wins only thanks to his craft to lead the war known to the pathoral long speeches before battles.
  5. Trying to keep at a remote distance from the fire line.
  6. It thinks that everything in life depends only from his will.
  7. It believes that the world is spinning around him, his role in the whole is the key, he is destined to change the picture of Europe.

Lion Tolstoy repeatedly reminds: Kutuzov Hold his soldiers from bloody battles, he tried in every way to avoid the death of the army, even the cost of passing Moscow. For the Commander-in-Chief of the War there is a disaster in National, his fate - to help the people to survive, free from the fate of the Foreign Conqueror on His land.

Napoleon Write the war, sees himself a key figure of history that has changed the world map in the direct value of these words. After examining the Borodino field, the soldiers of both armies soldiers, the emperor admires the deadly species of the wounded Bolkonsky.

The reason for the victory of Russia in the Patriotic War of 1812 lies in the union of the state and the people. Each person, whether it is a peasant or nobleman, Lion Tolstoy shows the insignificant gesh of society. As soon as people are combined in a single historical process, their strength increases repeatedly, turns into a victorious wave, sweeping any campaign in its path, started by an evil genius. Kutuzov loved his people and appreciated his patriotic power, a natural will to freedom.