Teaching children game on musical instruments in kindergarten. Methodical development: "Child learning system game on musical instruments in kindergarten

Teaching children game on musical instruments in kindergarten. Methodical development:
Teaching children game on musical instruments in kindergarten. Methodical development: "Child learning system game on musical instruments in kindergarten

Music has the possibilities of exposure not only on adults, but also on children early age. Moreover, it is also proven, even the intrauterine period is extremely important for the subsequent development of a person: the music that the future mother listens is to have a positive effect on the well-being of a developing child (maybe forms its tastes and preferences). From what we can conclude that it is important to create conditions for the formation of the foundations musical culture Preschool children.

The main tasks of musical education can be considered:

Develop musical and creative abilities (taking into account the capabilities of each) through different species musical activity;

To form the beginning of musical culture, contribute to the formation of a common spiritual culture.

The successful decision of the listed tasks depends on the content of musical education, primarily from the significance of the repertoire used, methods and techniques of training, the forms of the organization of musical activity, etc.

In the child it is important to develop all the best that is laid in it from nature; Considering the tendency to certain types of musical activity, based on various natural deposits to form special musical abilities, promote overall development.

The main form of musical activity in children's garden are classes that include not only the hearing of musical works available to the perception of kids, learning their singing, movements in musical Games and dances, but also learning their game for children musical instruments.

Why, conducting musical classes, I pay me much attention Game on children's musical instruments? Yes, because child music is expanding the scope of musical activity of preschoolers, increases interest in musical classes, promotes development musical memory, attention, helps overcoming excessive shyness, stiffness, expands musical education Baby. In the process of the game, the individual features of each performer are clearly manifested: the presence of will, emotionality, focus, develop and improve musical abilities. Having learned the game on children's musical instruments, children discover the world musical sounds, consciously distinguish the beauty of the sound various tools. They improve the quality of singing, they quietly sing, improves the quality of musical and rhythmic movements, children reproduce the rhythm.

For many children, playing musical instruments helps to convey the feeling, inner spiritual world. This is an excellent means of not only individual development, but also the development of thinking, creative initiative, conscious relations between children. And therefore this work in our DW is paid great attention and it is not formally carried out on the case of the case, and there is a whole system of learning.

The work is carried out organized and consistently, a variety of methods and techniques are applied: show illustrations, toys, the use of musical and didactic games, there is a large base of children's musical instruments. Systematic use on musical activities of musical toys and tools causes children interest in such classes, expands them musical impressions, promotes creative activity.

Acquaintance with musical toys and instruments in 1 junior group.

I begin to acquaint children with musical instruments in 1 youngest group. I will teach children to distinguish sounds in height (high and low sound bell, metalfone, piano), learn and distinguish the sounds of a tambourine, rattles, drums, shoes.

I wonder each musical toy, creating a game situation. For example, a dog brought interesting things in the basket, they turned out to be rattles. Children with enthusiasm consider them, told, learn to communicate with them, extract sound. Then the dog is holding the game "Rattles" Muses. M. Rakhverger. A musical play is played, and children along with the educator perform movements; Under the quiet music play a rattle in front of them, and under the loud lift it up and shake with a lot of power. This game gives kids joy, teaches to distinguish a quiet and loud sound.

In the next lesson, children meet with Michemia. He brings a tambourine, he wants to dance. But he dances slowly, turning out, and the teacher hits the tambourine. One of the active children is invited to dance with a teddy bear, (Mishka dances on the table so that everyone is well seen). In the next lesson, all children turn into a bears, slowly, having fallen off her legs, they dance with Michemia (the teacher plays on the tambourine). Then the bear offers children to play a tambourine, first with the help of an educator, and then independently. Of course, not everyone gets rhythmic blows, not everyone can hit. Often, Katya doll comes to children and turns on to children's games. Children love to play with Katya. Here Katya goes around the hall - rare blows in the tambourine, but Katya ran and children hear frequent sound. At the same time drawn attention to the different sound of the tambourine. Thus, children learn to feel rhythm (distinguish between the rhythm of the step and run), respond to a change of music.

For the development of timber hearing, in 1 youngest group, musical didactic game "Guess what I play?" Children recognize the drum, dull, tambourine, bell. First, there are only two contrasting tool on the sound, and then the quantity increases to four. Children are not asked to give names to these tools, they are shown on those who lie in front of the screen (those on which the tutor plays, lie behind the screen). First not all children correctly determine sound toolsBut after several classes, children successfully cope with the task.

The second younger group.

In the 2nd younger group, we fix the knowledge of children about the musical instruments and toys, which they learned about in the first younger group, I continue to acquaint with the new ones - add a musical hammer and a metallophone. It was noted that the children of this age gives pleasure to perform various movements with tools. For the development of a sense of rhythm, children are offered such an exercise. We distribute 2 cubes to all children and we offer to take a place in chairs. The train is gaining a move - children slowly hit in cubes. The pace is accelerated, children together with the educator try to transfer rhythm faster. The train stops, and cubes are shuffled with the melody.

Always with a big hunt, children perform exercises for the development of rhythmic perception. Matryushka comes to visit children and brings with me cubes and rattles. She wants to pay, but there are no music. Then the educator asks the children to play Matrushka, and she will dance. Children with pleasure to dance music hit the rattles and cubes.

In the game "Who walks through the forest?" The task is complicated. Children learn to compare and transmit slow blows on one tool - a bear walks, an elephant, and fast - bunny jumps, the hedgehog runs.

Practice shows that children of this age without much difficulties distinguish between two different bells (high and low sound), in the games "Large and small" games, "What a bird sings?", Children differ from 1 and to 2 octaves.

Continuing to develop dynamic perception, I use such games as "quiet and loud palms", "quiet and loud calls", where children first call the bells that quietly, then loud, in accordance with the change in the power of sound in music, and then complicating tasks: children They are divided into 2 subgroups. Girls - quiet bells, and boys are loud, and they can only ring their music, extract and attention develops.

Next, I begin to acquaint children with a new musical instrument - metalophone. I try to get acquainted with the tool in an atmosphere of great interest, using a variety of material, in a game form.

"Fairy Tale about Flagschonka KVAK" (on flannelhemph)

"Flagschonok Kwak went to walk. Suddenly, it fell a droplet of rain (I hit the metalfone plate 1 time). The car closed the sun, it became dark, and a few more drops drowned on a frog (I hit several times). In the beginning of the droplet droplets rarely (rare blows), and then rain did not diverge On the joke and the droplets were poured one after another more and more often. Rain strengthened (frequent strikes). The frog jumped into the lake and began to wait for the rain. Soon the rain ran out, and the sun looks out again. "

Questions for children: What was the rain? Strong, weak, rare, frequent. And here is the tool that helped me to portray a real rain. Thus, the name of the tool is fixed. Next, I suggest to see and touch, once again listen to the sound. In the next lesson, the game "A fun rain" enshrines the ability to distinguish between the rhythmic pattern, and the kids are determined which rain goes. If in 1 younger group kids, having learned the sound tool, just showed on it, then in the 2nd younger group, I ask you to give a name tool, and in the future, learning, calling and playing on it.

Musical toys in this age group are used on holidays. So New Year We give children bells or rattles - so they will be a Snow Maiden, which sleeps in her house. Sometimes they dance with rattles, and Parsley, who came to the holiday, shows them movement. Gradually, the kids are enriched with experience of the perception of music, the emotional responsiveness for familiar children's musical instruments is brought up, a desire to act with them will appear.

Medium group.

IN medium group envisaged the new kind Children's musical activity - a game on a metalfone. The game on this tool contributes to the development of melodic hearing, rhythm and musical memory. Initial learning held in class and then during individual work with kids. Great importance It is paid to the right landing of children during the game. Supply of body and hand is ensured. The show is accompanied by an explanation. During the game on the instrument, the children independently depict a large and small bell, jumping a sparrobe, aid toothy. After the children felt that the sounds of the metal fond were low and high, loud and quiet, long and short and express various images, we start the game of simple songs on one sound. First, I will introduce children with a speaker, showing an illustration, then with the whole group and individually. From the very beginning, I teach children to accurately reproduce rhythm. To do this, we suggest to push the rhythmic pattern of the speakers using various percussion instruments. Children transmit rhythm on the tambourine, cubes, music hammers. At the same time, we learn to coordinate your movements with the movements of comrades, so as not to overtake and not to be discovered, and not to lag behind.

Exercise "Clarification"

Our clarops in the morning:

varya-Varya-Krya (children sing)
Vary-Varya-Kry (tool sounds)

Our geese at the pond:

ga-ga-ha (sing children)
Ga-ga-ha (tool sounds)

Our chicken in the window:

ko-ko (children sing)
Ko-ko (tool sounds)

After such exercises, children play friendly, more coordinated.

Continuing to develop a spinning speaker in the next lesson, I put the task before the children to find out her on the melodies, sing it, to stroll a rhythm. And only after all the children digest a good rhythm, go to the game of this speaker on the instrument. Gradually, children are mastering the skill of the game on the metal phones: they play familiar songs on one sound, pass the rhythmic drawing on the drum group, learn to listen to each other.

Senior group.

In the senior group, when learning, playing children's musical instruments, an important place is given to musical and didactic games. Music and didactic games help develop certain skills and skills in children, so necessary when mastering one or another tool, instill interest and desire to play them on their own, develop musical abilities. Therefore, I will definitely apply in my work. various gamescontributing to more efficient children's learning to play musical instruments. For example:

Game for the development of timbre hearing "Forest School"

"Children, now we will play school with you, but unusual to school - Forest.

Those who sits in the third row will be bearings who sits in the second row will be listened, and those children that are sitting in the first row will be rapid.

(Children are shedding - emblems with an image of appropriate animals). Well, Forest animals, we will learn to distinguish the sound of different tools.

Listen! It sounds a metalphone. And it knocks the kastagnets. Well, this melodic sound of the bell. When I knock on the castanets, fill the legs of the "bearish".

When the metallophone sounds, they scribble in your hands-legs "Lisyata", and when the bell tower - "Run" will show how they play in it, - to turn the hands. "

The game with handouts "Determined on the rhythm".

Each child makes his image: drops, clock, thunder, plane, car, train, etc. And transmits its sound in a certain rhythm on the tool itself selected. Other children guess this mystery, finding the subject itself or a card with his image. Wins the one whose riddles will be solved.

In this group, I continue to teach the game on the metallophone. Children switch to the game of melodies built on 3 or more sounds, with a more complicated rhythmic pattern, as well as melodies that include wide ranges. The learning of such parties starts from work on a paper keyboard. On it, preschoolers get acquainted with the location of the keys, the name of the notes, play the song-gamma, learn where the note "to" the first octave ("on the first floor") and "to" the second octave ("on the second floor"). As a result, children learn to easily find notes with eyes. The melodic line is "played" by children on the keyboard first in the first octave, then in the second. When children learn to navigate well on the paper keyboard, they are invited to play the same thing on the metal fond.

In the senior group, I will introduce children with a new tool - a ziter. First, listen to the sound of the instrument, paying attention to the fact that it can be played by a mediator, tasty for strings. Comparing the sound of a citra with other tools, find the difference in sound. Since this tool is complicated for development, training on it is mainly individual occupations.

Working on simple songs, we form in children the skills of the game in the ensemble, teach listen to yourself and others, play with dynamic shades. Executive works on children's holiday, using performances to improve the skills of a collective game.

Preparatory to school group.

IN preparatory Groupe introduce children with music Stame and the name of notes. Child learning notice litera Going through the game, through a fairy tale, through the development of children's fantasy. For each child, we have a velvet paper house with a ton mill, mugs - notes. When meeting notes, I use short poems from " Music alphabet". Children easier memorize notes and poems make recovery, cause an emotional response in children. At each subsequent occupation, fix the material of the previous one and give a new one. Game form learning helps the child easily, without voltage to master graphic image notes, basic elements music diplomas. Understanding a tank record contributes to a more accurate execution of melodies on musical instruments.

Thus, by conducting a systematic work on the training of children to play musical instruments throughout the time of stay in kindergarten, we were able to approach the main stage of work - the creation of the orchestra and conscious learning in it melodies on musical instruments.

The instrumental composition of the children's orchestra

Of great importance for high-quality sound is the timbre variety of the orchestra. The composition of our orchestra uses various groups of musical instruments:
Drums without a certain height of sound (drums, tambourines, tone blocks, maracas, cassays, triangles, bells, plates);
Shock melody tools (xylophones, metal phones);
String (harp, citra);
Brass (block flute, triol);
Electrical tools (synthesizers);
Sets of folk instruments.

Different children's musical instruments are interested in the timbre of the listeners by the methods of sound recovery and the character of the sound. When recruiting orchestra, it is necessary to adhere to the ratio of all groups of instruments. I note that tools with quiet sound (metallophones, citra, etc.) must be greater, and the tools of the shock and the brass group are less. They, although they have a rich, loud sound, should not drown out the melody of the musical work, which is performed on a metal fond or citre.

Ways to accommodate participants of the children's orchestra

When organizing a children's orchestra, it is important to follow defined rules. Small performers should see a job well. They should comfortably sit or stand without interfering with each other. Musical instruments are best put on small stands, and not to put on her knees, so that children, playing on them, did not sit bent. Wind instruments Before the game, children can put on her knees

The quality of the orchestra's sound quality depends on the location of the team. Sitting children should be equally both at rehearsals, and on speeches. The participants of the children's orchestra are searched so that the right there are low musical instruments, on the left - high-sounding tools, and the shock tools are placed in the back, in a free order. From the first lessons, I teach small orchestrants to your permanent jobs.

Forms of conducting classes with a children's orchestra

In working with a children's orchestra I use all forms of classes: individual (on initial stage learning to play musical instrument), group (when playing for homogeneous musical instruments) and collective (with a confident game of their batches by each participant of the orchestra). Skalle form is the most difficult, but it gives positive results if the occupation is properly organized and the sound alternates with clarifications Teacher.

Results of work

Classes in the orchestra give positive results to everyone without exception to children regardless of how quickly the child is moving in his musical Development. First of all, they bring satisfaction in the emotional plan. In class reigns the atmosphere of passionism, sometimes inspiration. Emotional sphere The child is enriched with constant communication with classical music. Children really likes to play the same works that they hear in audio in audio records performed symphony orchestra. They sincerely rejoice in every well-fulfilled product. Great pleasure They deliver "public" speeches to the staff of kindergarten, parents on holidays and entertainment, open occupations Before guests, on exit contests and concerts.

Indisputable and educational function of the orchestra, since collective Muzitis It is also one of the forms of communication. Children have a responsibility for the correct execution of their party, the collaboration, concentration. The orchestra combines children, raises the will, perseverance in achieving the task, helps to overcome indecision, timidity, insecurity in their forces.

I want to hope that the efforts will not disappear for the gift and children from the little ones and according to the composition of the orchestrik, already becoming adults, will forever remain friends of classical music.

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Musical Education -

this is not upbringing a musician, but

first of all, the education of man.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky

Music has the possibilities of exposure not only on adults, but also on young children. Moreover, it is also proven, even the intrauterine period is extremely important for the subsequent development of a person: the music that the future mother listens is to have a positive effect on the well-being of a developing child (maybe forms its tastes and preferences). From this one we can conclude that how important it is to create conditions for the formation of the foundations of the musical culture of preschool children.

Tasks of musical education and learning games on musical instruments :

    Develop musical and creativity (taking into account the possibilities of each) through various types of musical activity;

    To form the beginning of musical culture, contribute to the formation of a common spiritual culture.

3. Right the names of the tools, recognize their timbre.

4. Master the receptions of the game on the metal organophone, and at will and on other tools; Commit to spend the breath, playing on triol, clarinets, twins; find a convenient application, playing on the accordion, accordion, piano; muffling the sound of plates, triangles; Correctly hold hands when playing on a tambourine, drum, shaking kastagnets, maracas.

5. Playing an ensemble, observing the overall dynamics, the pace, timely join and finish.

6. Select well-familiar songs, additives, counters.

7. improvise uncomplicated speakers.

The successful decision of the listed tasks depends on the content of musical education, primarily from the significance of the repertoire used, methods and methods of training, the forms of the organization of musical activity, etc.

Forms of conducting classes with a children's orchestra

In working with a children's orchestra I use all forms of classes: individual (at the initial stage of learning the game on a musical instrument), group (when playing for homogeneous musical instruments) and a collective (with a confident game of their parties by each participant of the orchestra). Skallective form - the most complicated But it gives positive results if the occupation is properly organized and the sound alternates with the explanations of the teacher.

The child is important to develop all the best that is laid in it from nature; Considering the tendency to certain types of musical activity, based on various natural deposits to form special musical abilities, promote common development.

The musical abilities of children manifest themselves in every different way. In some, in the first year of life, all three main abilities - a lade feeling, musical and auditory ideas and a sense of rhythm - are expressed quite brightly, quickly and easily develop, this indicates musicality; Others later, harder. Music - auditory views are most difficult - the ability to reproduce a voice melody, for sure it, intonating, or pick it up by hearing on a musical instrument. For most children, this ability is manifested only by five years. But the lack of an early manifestation of abilities, emphasizes the psychologist BMPlov, is not an indicator of weakness or the more ability. The environment in which the child grows (especially in the first years of life) is of great importance. Early manifestation of musical abilities is observed, as a rule, it is in children who receive sufficiently rich musical impressions.

The main form of musical acts in kindergarten are classes that include not only the hearing of musical works available to the perception of kids, training their singing, movements in musical games and dances, but also training their game on Dmi. The interest in the orchestra of children's musical instruments as to the means of musical education was great. Outstanding musicians B. Asafyev's enlighteners, B. Yevorsky, Austrian K. ORF emphasized the importance of active forms of the musical activity of the children's orchestra, as the basis for elementary muscy and the development of children. The creators of the current system of musical education of preschool children are attached great importance to the orchestra of children's tools.

Back in the 20s, N.Metlov and L.Mikhailov talked about the need to organize the children's orchestra as an effective development tool music perception And hearing in children. In the 30-40 years of N.Metlov, orchestras in kindergarten were organized, new sounded dmi. Starting in the 20s with the training of children, the game percussion instruments(tambourine, triangle, calls, kastagnets, etc.), N.A. Memetlov soon leaves them the right of only accompanying, giving a certain color to the work. It is looking for, designed and improves melodic tools on which children could perform any melodies, independently mousit . The first tools for children were xylophone and metallophone. When teaching children, the game on these tools used the notes recording system. In the Union S. masters-workers V. Rakhmaninov, V. Bodrov, and others. N.Metlov in 1941-1942 created a metalphone with an accurate and stable setup, a cleanprint sound. On modern xylophones and metal phones, the names of the sounds and their location on a tonet mill are depicted. Playing such tools, children almost assimilate the elements of musical letters. In the group of melodic tools, the bastards introduced a children's citrator, bayan, flute, oboe. He organized an orchestra in kindergarten as part of 30-40 children playing musical instruments. For each work, N.A.metlov created tools taking into account the genre and structure. Works, specific tool. Special role In the instrument, he assigned the piano party, which the music leader was performed. Party of the piano, he decorated with additional harmonic and varicious means of expressiveness. It was very important to instrumentation of plays for the impact orchestra. Based on folk melodies and songs, the bastards created a repertoire of a children's orchestra, convenient for execution on children's instruments; Later, the repertoire included the works of Soviet composers.

Together with N.A. Memetlov, the famous teachers worked in 20-40g. .Linkevichus, V.V. Histich).

1.Iigra on dmi - useful and interesting occupation

Why do you spend musical classes we pay great attention to the game at kids and musical instruments? Yes, because children's muscycling expands the scope of musical activity of preschoolers, increases interest in musical classes, contributes to the development of musical memory, attention, helps overcoming excessive shyness, stiffness, expands the musical education of the child. In the process of the game, the individual features of each performer are clearly manifested: the presence of will, emotionality, focus, develop and improve musical abilities. By learning tools game, children discover the world of musical sounds, consciously distinguish the beauty of the sound of various tools. They improve the quality of singing, they are cleaned, the quality of musical rhythmic movements is improved, children reproduce the rhythm.

For many children, playing children's musical instruments helps to convey the feeling, the inner spiritual world. This is an excellent tool not only individual development, but also the development of thinking, creative initiative, conscious relations between children. And therefore, this work in our DW is paid to much attention and it is not formally carried out on the case of the case, and there is a whole training system that I will try to disclose in this work.

Work is carried out organized and consistently, a variety of methods and techniques are applied: show illustrations, toys, use music-Didactic Games, there is a big base of children's musical instruments. Systematic application at musical activities of musical toys and tools causes interest in children to such activities, expands their musical impressions, contributes to creative activity.

Education of children game on musical instruments opens up before them new world Sound colors helps to develop musical abilities and stimulates interest in instrumental music.

In the process of learning, the game on musical instruments is learned to master the note. Playing, children best understand the device of musical instruments, distinguish their sound, the timbre and naturally enter the new musical alphabet for them.

In the process of playing musical instruments, aesthetic perception and aesthetic feelings of the child are improved. It contributes to the establishment and development of such volitional qualities as excerpt, perseverance, purposefulness, perfection. Children appear a sense of mutual assistance, attention to the actions of comrades. The game on musical instruments is developing concentration, memory. Familiarity with the names of the tools, their timbres, special musical terms (strings, keys, mediator, orchestra, etc.) enriches children's active dictionary, develops their speech.

When a child hears and compares the sound of different musical instruments, its thinking is developing, analytical abilities. The game on musical instruments trains a small muscles of fingers. Teaching children to the game, the teacher contributes to the development of their musical and sensory abilities, timbre, register, harmonic hearing, feelings of rhythm, the ability to listen into multidimensional and multi-voice factual support. Finally, the game on tools creates conditions to children who different reasons They do not know how to clean it, expressively move, for active inclusion in the performance of music.

That is, the game of tools activates all children, contributes to coordination musical thinking And the motor functions of the body, develops fantasy and creative abilities, musical taste, teaches to understand and love music.

The game on musical instruments is also valuable and what can be applied in the most different conditions - both in classroom with teacher and in independent musical activity arising from the initiative of children. Musical toys-tools enter the life of a child - his daily games, classes, entertainment, meet the tendencies of children and unite them in the performing team.

Thus, the game on musical instruments has an impact on comprehensive development Personality, has a large educational and educational significance.

2 Meaning with musical instruments in the first group

Familiarity with musical instruments, we begin in 1 younger group. We teach children to distinguish sounds in height (high and low sound bell, metalophone, piano), learn and distinguish the sounds of a tambourine, rattles, drums, shoes.

Each musical toy is introducing, creating a game situation. For example, a dog brought in the basket Interesting things them turned out to be rattles. Children with enthusiasm to consider, learn to communicate with them to extract sound. Then the dog is holding the game "Rattles" Muses. M.Rukhverger. A musical play is played, and children along with the educator perform movements; Under the quiet music play a rattle in front of them, and under a loud lift it up and shake with a greater force. This game gives kids joy, teaches to distinguish a loud and quiet sound. At every occupation, the atmosphere of joyful mood from communication with music is created.

In the next lesson, children meet with Michemia. He brings a tambourine, he wants to dance. But he dances slowly moving muses. M Rahaverger, and the teacher hits the tambourine. One of the active children is invited to dance with a teddy bear, (Mishka dances on the table so that everyone is well seen). In the next lesson, all the children turn into a bears, slowly pulling out a foot on the leg, they dance along with a teddy bear (the Bubne is playing). Then the bear offers children to play the tambourine, first with the help of an educator. And then independently.

Of course, not everyone has rhythmic blows, but everyone knows how to strike. Often, Katya doll comes to children and turns on to children's games. They love to play with Katya very much. Here Katya goes around the hall rare blows in the tambourine, but Katya ran and children hear frequent sound. At the same time drawn attention to the different sound of the tambourine.

Thus, children to suit the rhythm (distinguish between the rhythm of the step and run), respond to the change of music. Develop a sense of rhythm, as well as hear the change of two pieces of the play, the ability to perform the corresponding movements, which characterize the melody helps the game "Going-run" MUZ. E.Telcheeye and dance "Tuben" R. Frida. For the development of timber hearing already in 1 ml. G.Provodim Music and didactic game "Guess what I play?". Children will recognize the drum, a shoes, a tambourine, a bell. It is first given only 2 contrasting to the tool, and then the amount of them increases to 4.

Children are not asked to give names to these tools, they are shown on those who lie in front of the screen (those on which they play the re-lies are behind the screen). At first, not all children correctly determine the sounding tools correctly, but after several classes, children successfully cope with the task. Using a piano metalcone, we also learn kids to distinguish high and low sounds (game "Bird and chicks" music. Telicheyeva.)

3. Knowledge of children about musical instruments in 2 youngest group

In the 2nd younger group we fix the knowledge of children about musical instruments and toys that they learned in 1 ml. c., We continue to acquaint with new-add a music hammer and metallophone. We noticed that the children of this age gives pleasure to perform various movements with tools. For the development of the rhythm, we offer children such an exercise. We spend the children in 2 cubes and we offer to take a place in the chairs. The train is gaining a move - children slowly hit in cubes. The pace is accelerated, children together with the educator try to transfer rhythm faster. The train remains and together with the melody and silenced and cubes.

Always with a big hunt, children perform exercises for the development of rhythmic perception. Matryoshka comes to the guests and brings cubes and rattles with them. She wants to pay, but there are no music. Then the teacher asks for children to play a dirty, and she will dance. Children with pleasure to dance music hit the rattles and cubes. The game "Mishka goes to visit" MUZ. Rajverger (melody is familiar with the 1st ml. Gr.) It is proposed to play the drum. Breeding a bear, and the child slowly hits the drum. In the game "Who walks through the forest?" The task is complicated. Here, children learn to compare and transmit slow blows on one tool - a bear, elephant, and fast - bunny jumps, runs hedgehog.

Practice shows that the children of this age without much difficulties are distinguished by the sound of 2 different bells (high and low sound), in the games "Large and small" games, "what kind of bird sings?", Children differ to 1 and up to 2 octaves. Continuing to develop dynamic perception, we use such games as "quiet and loud palms", "quiet and loud bells" Muses. Rustamova, where children first call the bells, then quietly, it is loud, in accordance with the change in the power of sound in music, and then, complicating tasks: children are divided into 2 subgroups. Girls on the first row - quiet calls, and the boys on the second are loud, and they can only ring their music, extract and attention develops.

In the game "Walking and sleep" MUZ. Krasia Kids react to a quiet and loud sound game on the bells, performing an exercise associated with a two-sided form of music. Next, we start to acquaint children with a new musical instrument-metalophone. We try to get acquainted with the tool in the atmosphere of great interest, using a variety of material, in a game form.

When teaching children, the game on musical instruments is of great importance to the feeling of rhythm, the ability to transmit a simple rhythmic pattern. That is why various percussion instruments are used in this group, and try to orchesting some songs that we sing in the classroom.

Musical toys are used on holidays. So for the new year we give children bells or rattles, so they will be a snow maiden, which sleeps in his house. Sometimes they dance with rattles, and Parsley, who came to the holiday shows them movement. Gradually, the kids are enriched with experience of the perception of music, the emotional responsiveness for familiar children's musical instruments is brought up, a desire to act with them will appear.

4. Turning on musical instruments in the middle group

In the middle group There is a new type of children's musical activity-game on the metallophone. The game on this tool contributes to the development of melodic hearing, rhythm and musical memory. Initial training is carried out at the lesson, and then during individual work with children. Large importance is paid to the right landing of children during the game. Supply of body and hand is ensured. The show is accompanied by an explanation. During the game on the instrument, the children independently portrayed a large and small bell, jumping a sparrobe and dyatla strike.

After the children felt that the sounds of the metallophone could be low and high, loud and quiet, long and short and expressing various images, we start the game of simple songs on one sound from music bookpoint Vetlogian. First, familiarize children with a speaker, showing an enlarged illustration, then we sing the whole group and individually. From the very beginning we learn exactly reproduce the rhythm. To do this, we propose to stroll a rhythmic pattern of a speaker using various percussion instruments. Children transfer rhythm on, tambourine, cubes, musical hammers. At the same time, we learn to coordinate your movements with the movements of comrades, so as not to overtake and not ahead, and did not lag behind.

Exercise "Clarification"

Our clarops in the morning: Varya-Varya-Kry (tool sounds)

varya-Varya-Krya (children sing)

Our geese at the pond: ha-ga-ha (instrument)

ga-ga-ha (kids)

Our chicken in the window: Ko-Ko-Ko (Tool)

ko-ko (children).

After such exercises, children play friendly, sazene. Continuing to develop the spinning speaker in the next lesson, I put the task before children to learn it on the melody, sing it, to stroll a rhythm. Then the drawing is laid out on the flannelhephraphor, large or small Christmas trees, matryoshki, asterisks. In the next lesson, children determine the speaker on the rhythm laid out on the flannelhemph. And only after all the children digest a good rhythm, go to the game of this speaker on the instrument. Metolofon plates are designated with colored circles. Gradually, children are mastering the skill of the game on the metal phones: they play familiar songs on one sound, pass the rhythmic drawing on the drum group, learn to listen to each other. Often play a whole orchestra from various tools, which causes joy and desire to play more.

The use of musical instruments while singing familiar songs develops the work of children, encourages them to apply knowledge in everyday life. At the music classes, we offer children individual tasks. The child on the instrument should pass the rhythmic drawing of his name with its simultaneous pronouncing. This task very much like children.

5. Turns on musical instruments in the senior group

In the older group, we introduce children with a new tool - a ziter (Domro). First, listen to the sound of the instrument, paying attention to the fact that it can be played by a mediator, tasty for strings. Comparing the sound of the citra (domra) with other tools we find the difference in the sound. Since this tool is complicated for development, training on it is mainly in individual classes. In the senior groups, when learning a game on dmi, we are important place we assign musical and didactic games.

So for the development of timber hearing, they play "Determine the tool", games with a handouting material "determined on rhythm". Music and didactic games play very important role, Help to develop certain skills in children and skills as necessary when mastering one or another tool, instill interest and desire to play them on their own, develop musical and sensory abilities. Music has its own secrets, many of whom children are comprehended at musical classes. In the afternoon senior group We introduce children with a tonet and the name of notes. Teaching children of a notebook goes through the game, through a fairy tale, through the development of children's fantasy. For each child, we have a velvet paper house with a tinny mill, mugs - notes.

When familiarizing with notes, we use short poems from the "music alphabet". Children easier memorize notes and poems make recovery, cause an emotional response from kids. At each subsequent occupation, we fix the material of the previous one and give a new one.

6. Turning on musical instruments in the preparatory group

In the preparatory group, we introduce children with the accordion. Let him consider it. Children listen to familiar melodies in the execution of the head and listen to his sound performed by musicians - professionals. Not every child can play on the accordion. Of all children's instruments, it is complicated for children. From the group of children 5-6 people who want to learn the game on the accordion. This work is carried out individually. We teach children not to pull your fingers, keep them over the keyboard, learn the right state of appliqué, breed the accordion calmly without jerks, follow your posture when playing.

Working on simple songs, we form in children the skills of the game in the ensemble, teach to listen to yourself and others.

In the preparatory group, I will introduce children with a noteworthy and the name of notes. Teaching children of a note guide is through the game, through a fairy tale, through the development of children's fantasy. For each child, we have a velvet paper house with a ton mill, mugs - notes. When familiarizing with notes I use short poems from "music alphabet". Children easier memorize notes and poems make recovery, cause an emotional response in children. At each subsequent occupation, fix the material of the previous one and give a new one. The playing form of training helps the child easily, without tension to master the graphic image of the notes, the main elements of the music letter. Understanding a tank record contributes to a more accurate execution of melodies on musical instruments.

Thus, by conducting a systematic work on the training of children to play musical instruments throughout the time of stay in kindergarten, we were able to approach the main stage of work - the creation of the orchestra and conscious learning in it melodies on musical instruments.

7. The instrumental composition of the children's orchestra

Of great importance for high-quality sound is the timbre variety of the orchestra. As part of the orchestra, you can use different groups of musical instruments:

    Drums without a certain height of sound (drums, tambourines, tone blocks, maracas, cassays, triangles, bells, plates);

    Shock melody tools (xylophones, metal phones);

    String (harp, citra);

    Brass (block flute, triol);

    Electrical tools (synthesizers);

    Sets of folk instruments.

Different children's musical instruments are interested in the timbre of the listeners by the methods of sound recovery and the character of the sound. When recruiting orchestra, it is necessary to adhere to the ratio of all groups of instruments. I note that tools with quiet sound (metallophones, citra, etc.) must be greater, and the tools of the shock and the brass group are less. They, although they have a rich, loud sound, should not drown out the melody of the musical work, which is performed on a metal fond or citre.

Games - Exercises with musical instruments for children of the younger group

Kryuchkova Svetlana Nikolaevna, music leader MDOU kindergarten № 127 "Northern fairy tale" Petrozavodsk
Purpose: The material is designed for children 3-4 years old (2 youngest group), can be useful to music leaders and caregivers. Games exercises with musical instruments can be included as a fragment into entertainment, or at any occupation with children.
Purpose: development creative abilities Children
-Acker reception games on musical instruments
-develop creative imagination
- Rhythmic rhythmic ear

"In the morning the sun will wake up"

(exercise with spoons)

For musical accompaniment Games can use any Russian folk melody, for example, "Ah you, Songy", "shines a month" ...).

Leading:(Shows the sun)
Around the sun, friend,
Be seen soon in the circle.

(Children stand in a circle, the sun can be put in the middle of the circle. On the floor in a circle, wooden spoons are laid in the number of children (2 spoons for each child)

Leading: Guys, the sun prepared a spoon and want us to play for him.

Children squatted around their pair of spoons.

An educator or music leader says the text, children listen. Then to the music children rhythmically playing on spoons


1. In the morning the sun will wake up
Immediately kids smile.
Babes with a sun rose
In the spoons handle take.

To the music, children slowly rise, take spoons in hand.

2. Baby spoons in hand took,
A friendly in spoons were caught.

Hit a spoon about a spoon in front of them

3. We now melt oven -
It is necessary to bake pancakes.

Slightly tilting the body with spoons to the right, left hand with a spoon from above, then the same left - "Pancakes"

4. We are time to have fun
In the carousels to ride.

Spin around him in a handing step, play on spoons, keep them in front of them

5. With you we are now, guys,
Play together in hide and seek.

I hit spoons in front of yourself to a strong share of music, then we take your hands behind your back and hit the spoons behind your back

6. We will ride in a slide,
And then leave the mountains.

Gradually raising straight hands up, quickly hitting with spoons, then lowering hands down, hitting with spoons

7. Our spoons are so tired,
Very fun danced.
We put on the floor of the floor
And put the palms together.
We will rest a little
And again dance will begin.

Kids sit down, hands under the cheek - rest

How we fun danced,
A friendly spoons were knocked.
The sun is smiling,
So he likes.


(For the game exercises you can use puppet show or toys)
Each character brings with them a basket with musical instruments by the number of children.

1. Peter-Cockerel goes.
He carries a basket.
And in the basket toys,
Naughty rattles.

Rattles will give
All around will be fun.
(for anyone merry music hit the rattle of palm)

2. To us, the chanterelle came running,
Shells showed us.
We approach chanterelle,
In the hands of the sticks take.

I hit chopsticks,
Very fun playing.

(knock for music with chopsticks)

3. The juroic has come to visit,
Maracasy brought
We approach the chicken
Maracas we take.

Maracas we take
They shame them together.

(to the music of Shawk Maracas - you can use big eggs from kinder surprises, filling them with cereals)

Musicians are good
Everyone was playing from the soul.
Prepare all palms,
We praise a little bit.

Marina Balahonov

Mazepa Zhanna Evgenievna

Music director of the second qualification category,

higher education,

work experience 14 years old.

I work as a music director in kindergarten for more than 10 years and pay special attention to playing children's musical instruments.

Children attract not only the sound and type of instruments, but also what they can make sounds themselves.

Muzitization contributes to the development of musical memory, attention, fantasy, creative abilities.

When the child hears and compares the sound of different musical instruments, its thinking is developing, analytical abilities.

The game on musical instruments is developing a small muscles, a motility of fingers.

In addition, children start to sing cleaner and expressively, the quality of musical and rhythmic movements is improved, children reproduce the rhythm.

Not immediately and not all children can move right and well to the music, sing, explain their impressions of listened music, so the game on musical instruments available to children compensates for their forced inaccessibility.

In the process of the game, the individual features of each artist are pronounced: the presence of will, emotionality, concentration.

The whole complex of receptions of children's admission to musitization is well preparing them for future school lessons.

Training preschoolers game on musical instruments different forms Works:

Frontal and subgroup classes;

Thematic classes;

Entertainment, holidays;

Theatrical games with musical accompaniment;

Music and didactic games;

Individual work with children.

When teaching children, I try to create a positive emotional climate in classes, which in turn allows you to successfully develop practical material.

Relying on the software tasks and requirements, as well as having studied the experience of other teachers-musicians, I systematized the materials for teaching children to play children's musical instruments, picked up musical and didactic games for better learning tools.

IN music Hall Created a small museum where shock, brass, string, keypad musical instruments that try to keep in working condition.

A special place is assigned homemade noise tools.

For their manufacture, everything is suitable for: paper, wooden cubes, pencils, boxes, natural materials, Metal jars different sizes, buttons, calculations ... And much more, from which you can extract sounds!

Each group has a music corner with a necessary set of children's musical toys and tools. When creating it, I think about:

Expediency of placement of a corner, accessibility for guys;

A variety of musical instruments;

Accounting age features children;

Aesthetic design music Corner and benefits.

Medium group

Senior group

In his work I rely on the principle of pedagogy - "From simple to complex". There is a direct connection between the simplicity and age of children: less babyThe easier it needs a musical instrument. At the same time there is a connection of a different kind: the poorer the musical experience of the child, the lower the level of its musicality, the more simple tools Start learning.

At the initial stage The first tools of children are shock noise in all their wealth and diversity. Learning to recognize and distinguish the sounds of a tambourine, rattles, drums, wooden spales, Maracas, etc.

Every tool I put it, creating a game situation.

Gradually, children are brought up with emotional responsiveness for familiar children's musical instruments, a desire to play on them will appear.

Next stage - Education of children game on musical instruments with a sound series. Metallophone and xylophone are most convenient for this. First, the guys learn to keep the hammer with which sounds are retrieved.

After the children felt that the sounds could be low and high, loud and quiet, long and short, we begin the game of simple songs on one sound. From the very beginning, I teach children to accurately reproduce rhythm. To do this, we suggest to take a rhythm, lose with the help of various percussion instruments (tambourines, spoons, musical hammers).

After the children learned to transmit a rhythmic pattern of different melodies built on one sound, we move to learning the speakers built on two, and then three or more sounds, with a more complicated rhythmic pattern. Heading starts from work on a paper keyboard, and then I propose to play the same thing on the metal organophone (or another melodic tool).

Working on simple songs, we form in children the skills of the game in the ensemble, learn to play with dynamic shades.

In the third stage We choose a piece for orchestration. Guys listen musical composition In my performance or audio recordings.

Then the children are offered tools on which it is possible to orchesting this product. All parties are learning individually and only then we combine all the musicians in the orchestra.

To play nicely and coordinated, hear not only your game, but also the game of all other guys, a lot of time is required.

The result of our lessons - the speeches of the orchestra in children's holidays and entertainment. It is here that children learn to be responsible, attentive, disciplined. And if the audience is not only the guys, but also their favorite parents, then the joy of success is doubly.

Analyzing the work done, it can be said that the game on children's musical instruments helps to develop children's musical abilities: timbre, dynamic, sound, rhythm feeling, musical memory.

Children themselves are oriented into a variety of game receivers, they develop auditory control and the ability to correct inaccuracies in their performance. Many guys can pick up the hearing melodies.

Muzitication increases the responsibility of each child for the correctness of the fulfillment of its party, helps to overcome uncertainty, timidity, is splitting a children's team.

The game on the tools brings all children satisfaction in the emotional plan. In class reigns the atmosphere of passionism, sometimes inspiration.

Some guys from the preparatory to school of the group, especially interested in musication, began to visit music school And already achieved certain success in the game on a musical instrument.

Zhanna Pankov
Games with musical instruments in kindergarten

"Game on children's musical instrument

Tasks learning

In all age groups In various forms, communication with musical instruments occurs. If for the youngest uses mostly musical toys, then in the senior groups, children get acquainted with more diverse tools and gradually acquire the skills of the game on them.

By the end of stay in preschool institution Children seize the next volume of knowledge and skills.

Children need to know:

tool names;

the nature of the sound of tools (for example, metal metal phones, the accordions are sonored, the plates are loud, ringing, the drum is a rattling t. d.,

terms of use of tools and their storage;

receptions of the game on them;

the location of high and low sounds on various tools;

own the simplest receptions of the game on different tools, for example, the soft movement of the brush when playing the hammer on the metal fondon, xylophone;

muffling the sound of plates, triangles; Correctly hold hands when playing on a tambourine, drum, shaking maratasa;

play in the ensemble, observing the overall dynamics, pace; timely join and finish the game;

use elementary dynamic shades;

play individually simple songs, speakers;

Musical games for children 3-7 years old.

Structure occupation

Today I want to go with you in amazing journey - into the world of musical instruments. And at the beginning I want to check how you know them ---

Music - didactic game "Guess and Repeat

Purpose. Teach children for rumors to determine the sound of children's musical and noise instruments: xylophone, bell, wooden spoons, triangle, maracas, tambourine. Develop timbre and dynamic hearing.

Description. Shirma for the lead with the above set of musical instruments. Two tables for participants of the game with similar sets of musical instruments.

The course of the game.

The presenter chooses one of the tools and executes a small rhythmic composition. The task of players guess the tool. Who correctly identified the tool - playing on it.

And now answer me how we can recognize the noise instrument or music. (If the tool sound can be repeated in voice, then this is a music tool; if the voice can not be repeated, then - noise).

You can help, makes the corresponding riddles:

In the hands of the hammer took,

On the records were stuck.

Hear metal ringing?

So it sounds ... (Metallophone) "It looks like a roof of the house.

Metal stall

For lunch soup eating,

By evening "Conspiring"

Wooden girls,

Musical sisters.

Play and you are a little

On beautiful bright. (Spoons) with me to go easy to go,

With me having fun on the way,

And I'm crying, and I Buyan,

I'm ringing, round ... (drum).

He is a rice for a rattle

Only this is not a toy! Maracasi

Cheerful orchestra

Everyone gets up in a circle in the hands of each music. tool. Play and sing:

Oh, once, once again. That's how fun with us.

Oh, once, once again, we will play now.

By end of the population - put a tool in front of you. Further, under the appropriate music, moving in a circle (march, jumps, running, bears, hares, fox) Music stops - take the tool in front of which they stopped.


Purpose. Develop a sense of rhythm

Tasks: To form and develop musitization skills in the ensemble, a sense of an ensemble game, rhythm, the ability to respond quickly to those tempo changes in music.

Tools and equipment: xylophones (3-5 pieces, noise tools (rattles, maracas, spoons) by the number of children.

The course of the game.

There was a hamster. Once I came to the pea field, I saw a lot of peas and began to collect it eagerly. And he collected him for his cheeks, how all the hamsters do. Put full cheeks and went home.

(Slow part of the music "Kalinka" sounds, children play on xylophones Glyssando "- peas is rolling.

And suddenly, hamster as a glow apchchi! Polka dot and crumbled. The hamster began to collect him quickly quickly. (Kalinki's fast part sounds the rest of the children playing noise tools In tact music - "Hamster collects polka dot"

Music leader. He collected the peas and went on ... The game is repeated. For children of senior and subship. c. Fast part can be played with acceleration. "The chicken came ... began to peer peas. The hamster hurry to collect it - acceleration."

Palms. Game for children 5 - 7 years old.

Material: flat images of large and small palms. MUZ. The manager lay out rhythm: large palms correspond to the fourth durations, small - eighth. With the words: "Clear, palms!. Protop, legs!" Children must strone this rhythm. May 1 part of this rhythm determine the 2nd-project.

Merry musicians.

Purpose. Summary of the experience of playing children's music. tools and execution of familiar dance motions. Development of creative abilities, rhythmic feelings. Providing each child to manifest itself and acquire confidence in their abilities.

Equipment and attributes. Table, children's musical instruments, 3-4 ward from different fabric.

The older children, the more variety musical styles May be included in the game.

The course of the game.

Children stand in a circle. In the center of the circle on the table lie different children's music. Tools (those on which children of this group have already tried to play). The presenter gives one of the children's handkerchiefs. Children to the music passes handle to each other and sing on the Bulba Bulba Motive

"I sing, not knowing boredoms,

I'm not silent today

Tools give in hand -

I want a musician.

By the end of the song, that child who remained the handkerchiefs, goes into a circle, choose a tool and music plays for any rhythmic music. Tool. The remaining children clap in the tact by the Contractor

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