Synopsis of an individual lesson in sound production w. Individual lesson on setting the sound

Synopsis of an individual lesson in sound production w.  Individual lesson on setting the sound
Synopsis of an individual lesson in sound production w. Individual lesson on setting the sound

Children in the process of forming speech have various problems with many letters. One of the most common difficulties is setting the sound Ш. Usually, it is difficult for children to pronounce hissing sounds for the reason that they cannot relax the tongue and place it in the required shape, which is required by the correct articulation of the sound ш.

The main reason a child cannot speak hissing sounds correctly is due to the way the parents communicate with the baby. Many adults deliberately copy the speech of a child, speaking to him in a childish way. Thus, the child hears the wrong pronunciation and gets used to exactly this manner of staging the sound ш. That is why experts strongly recommend that parents speak to their children correctly.

In addition to the parental craving for imitating children's babble, an important role for the production of the sound Ш is played by some structural features of the articulatory apparatus, to which the following points can be attributed:

  • the movement of the tongue is limited due to the shortened hyoid ligament;
  • articulation is affected by the size of the lips (too thin or full) and the size of the tongue (too large or small);
  • dentoalveolar anomalies;
  • disruption of the auditory canal.

In most cases, the violation of sound production w is quite simply corrected at home with regular and careful work with the child. In some cases, a speech therapist will help babies who have problems with the pronunciation of sibilants.


The key to good pronunciation is correct articulation of the w and w sound. To teach a child to speak the letters w and z correctly, it is necessary to study one method of articulation, since the speech apparatus works almost the same when pronouncing both letters.
So, in order to correctly speak the letter w, it is necessary to work with the articulation apparatus as follows:

  • the baby's lips should be slightly pushed forward in the form of a tube;
  • the tip of the tongue is raised to the palate so that a small gap remains between them;
  • the lateral edges of the child's tongue are pressed against the upper extreme teeth, giving the tongue the shape of a cup;
  • a stream of air easily passes through unused vocal cords, creating the desired sound.

In order to understand how to teach a child to say the letter w, it is necessary to resort to the above articulation, while connecting the vibrations of the vocal cords.
Regular exercise for sound production is very important. These exercises can be done with a speech therapist or at home.


Specialists have developed special speech therapy exercises for the sound of w and w to help kids learn to pronounce it correctly. This technique has many different exercises. Below are the most effective and popular among speech therapists.


This exercise for setting the sound Ш is aimed at relaxing the tongue. You need to open your mouth and smile. In a relaxed smile, stretch your tongue forward and place the tip in a calm position on your lower lip. The sides of the front of the tongue gently touch the corners of the mouth.

It is important to maintain this position without tension for a few seconds. This exercise is basic for such a problem as the production of hissing sounds, including the letters w and w.


The task "Pie" must be used to strengthen the muscles of the tongue, as well as to develop the mobility of the lateral walls of the tongue. As in the previous exercise, the mouth is open in a smile, the tongue lies on the lower lip. Without straining the lips, it is necessary to raise the side walls of the tongue so that a depression forms along the central axis of the tongue.

You need to hold this position from 5 to 10 seconds.


"Swing" is used to make the child's tongue more mobile. The initial position of the articulatory apparatus is as follows: an open and relaxed smile on the lips, the tongue lies wide and flat (do not allow it to become narrow).

The movements of the tongue are alternately carried out:

  • first, to produce the sound w, a wide and flat tongue stretches towards the ceiling, after which it is directed towards the floor;
  • then the tongue moves first to the upper lip, then to the lower;
  • it is necessary to crawl with the tongue between the upper lip and upper teeth, and also do the same with the lower lip and teeth;
  • further, the tongue touches the upper and lower incisors;
  • at the end, you need to touch the wide tip of the tongue to the alveoli behind the lower dentition, and then behind the upper one.

The tongue walks through the teeth

This task is useful for setting the sound w in that it develops the baby's ability to control its tongue well. To complete this task, you need to open your mouth and relax the smiling lips. With the wide tip of the tongue, touch the lower dentition from the side of the tongue, and then from the side of the lip.


This task for working out the letters w and w helps, first of all, to strengthen control over the setting of the language. It also gives the baby a sense of how to guide the tongue towards the top of the mouth.

It is necessary to open your mouth in a half smile, relax the lips and fix the lower jaw in one position. Next, let's say the tip of the tongue is a paintbrush and the sky is the ceiling that needs to be painted. In order to do this, it is necessary to stroke the palate with the tongue from the larynx to the teeth and in the opposite direction, not allowing the tongue to go beyond the mouth.

The above exercises for setting the sounds w and w should be performed regularly. At the same time, parental control over how the baby performs the exercise is very important - it is important to control the correct fixation of the jaw, the position of the lips and the movement of the tongue.

In order to speak the sound Ш without problems, not only articulation is needed, but also automation.


For the correct pronunciation of complex sounds, both sound staging and sound automation are equally important. If the setting of the sound Ш has already been carried out using speech therapy exercises, you can proceed to consolidating the sound, that is, to automation.

Automation of the sound Ш is carried out by working out the sound itself, syllables with this sound, and then words, sentences and texts. The production of hissing sounds is especially useful from working with pure phrases, rhymes, proverbs, etc.

  • The letter sh in syllables and words.

Shalun, Shahmat, Scarf; Shorh, ShOkolad, Shorts, Silk, Whisper, Shyol; JOKE, NOISE, SHUBA; Breadth, Bump, Sewing; Shesterka, Shelest, Shest, etc.

  • The letter w in syllables and words.

Heat, Pity, Toad; ZHOR, ZHONGLER, ZHOkey; Acorn, Yellow, Perch; Crane, beetle, horror; ANIMAL, LIFE, ANIMAL; IRON, WIFE, JELLY, etc.

  • Automation of sound sh with reading phrases.

MASHA feeds the little one.

In the summer, it is good to walk down the street.

PASHA and DASHA gave KASH a baby.

GLASHA wrote a poem about our baby.

Our songs about a bowl with porridge are good.

Speak in a whisper: the sheeps are still sleeping with the swift.

I lie by the window on the couch.

Misha, give me a little dust and tell a fairy tale.

Our Natasha all girls are more beautiful.

  • Nursery rhymes will also help to speak the sound w correctly.

A miner walked out of the mine
With a wicker basket,
And in the basket is a lump of wool.
The miner found a puppy for our Dasha.
Dasha dances and jumps on the spot:
“How good! I have a boyfriend!
I'll bake him a pie
I'll sit down to sew him a fur coat and a hat -
My black puppy will be happy. "

Correct operation of the articulatory apparatus and careful consolidation of the studied sounds are the only correct methods of sound production.

In order for the child to understand how to pronounce complex sounds correctly, it is necessary not only to perform special exercises, but also to monitor the correctness of his own speech.

If you regularly work with your child on the setting of sounds, then soon it will be possible to forget about the problem of how to teach the child to say the letter sh.

Synopsis of an individual lesson in setting the sound Ш

The purpose of the lesson: developing the skill of the articulatory way of pronouncing the sound of Sh.

Correctional educational:

Formation of the kinesthetic image of the sound Ш (sensation of the position of the organs of articulation);

Formation of practical skills and habits of using corrected (phonetically pure, lexically developed, grammatically correct) speech;

Exercise in the correct pronunciation of the sound Sh.

Correctional and developmental:

Development of the articulatory apparatus;

improvement of fine motor skills.


Fostering interest in classes;

Education of independence.

Equipment: subject pictures.

Course of the lesson

1.Organizational moment

2. Articulation gymnastics

Static language prep exercises


We open our mouth wide

Raise the edges

The tongue is a balovic,

Lowers the back.

He looks very much like a bucket,

You can pour water into it,

Hold the water, take your time

Show everyone your ladle.

Dynamic Tongue Exercises


Rested and stretched

Turned to the left, to the right,

Like this: tick-tock, tick-tock.

"Let's brush our teeth"

Open your mouth, smile

Show your teeth

We clean the top and bottom,

After all, they are not superfluous with us.


On an accordion to play

You need to lower your jaw

We do not tear off the tongue,

We play very well.

Once upon a time there was a girl named Masha. She was very fond of animals. And then one day, picking mushrooms in the forest, she met Mikhail Potapovich. The bear was delighted at such a meeting and smiled ("Smile"). He was very hospitable and, of course, invited Masha to his place for pancakes ("Pancake"). They drank tea with jam ("Delicious Jam"). And Misha put the pancakes in a nice cup ("Cup"). Masha really liked the visit, and in return she treated Mikhail Potapovich with mushrooms ("Gribochek"). And the neighbor's squirrel took Masha home to her grandparents. She galloped along the paths so dexterously that she replaced Masha's horse ("Horse"). Masha did not even notice how she ended up at home.

3. Sound production.

1st way With labiodental sigmatism, it can be difficult for a child to switch from the usual pronunciation of a sound to the correct one. And if the hyoid bridle is also short and the cup exercise is not given, this method works.

A wooden spatula will come in handy.

We ask the child to smile, stick out his tongue - a pancake. We put a spatula under the tongue, raise their tongue and press, putting the tongue into the mouth. It turns out such a passive "cup", moreover, the lips are "blocked" and do not fold into the usual position for the child. Now we ask you to blow strongly with your mouth. The result is a sound close to Sh.

2nd way With this sound, the tip of the tongue is raised to the upper alveoli, and its edges are pressed against the molars. A small distance is maintained between the tip of the tongue and the alveoli. The lips form an oval, exposing the teeth. The distance between the teeth is approximately 2-5 mm. A warm air jet of air goes in the middle of the tongue to its tip. The voice is not involved. There is a hissing sound: shhhh.

In order for the child to feel the raising of the tip of the tongue up, the following exercises can be carried out in advance: "bell" - la-la-la, "hammer" - d-d-d and "locomotive" - ​​h-h-h. When performing exercises "hammer" and "locomotive" put on the lower teeth a pencil with a diameter of about one centimeter, and on it the tongue and ask the child to tap the tip of the tongue on the upper alveoli. In this case, the child must blow strongly on the tip of the tongue without stopping. And then gradually slow down the "locomotive" - ​​hh and longer pull the sound "H", which should go into "W". We begin to imitate the angry goose: "shshshshshsh", while performing the figurine.

4. Analysis of articulation

What is the position of the lips?

What position are the teeth in?

Where is the tip of the tongue?

Where are the edges of the tongue?

What kind of air stream comes out of the mouth?

(The tip of the tongue rises to the upper teeth, but does not press against them; the edges of the tongue touch the upper lateral teeth. The lips are slightly rounded, the stream of exhaled air feels warm. The upper and lower teeth are drawn together. The vocal cords are open, the stream of exhaled air passes freely between them .)

5. Reinforcement of isolated sound pronunciation

When Masha was walking in the woods, she noticed how the autumn leaves rustled: Sh-Sh-Sh-Sh. (the leaves are spread out on the floor, a rustle is emitted at each step: Sh-Sh-Sh). Walk through the leaves and imagine that you, too, are in the autumn forest.

6. Development of phonemic hearing

And now we are going to play the game "Hunter". As soon as you hear the sound Ш, immediately catch it - clap your palms:


7. Homework

Think of as many words as possible where the SH sound is heard:

At the beginning of a word;

In the middle of a word;

At the end of a word.

8 .. Lesson summary.

Today at the lesson you visited the autumn forest, met Masha and the Bear and learned to rustle like autumn leaves rustle and you did it great! What sound did you meet today? The sound Ш is a consonant, voiceless, solid. There is no soft sound paired with it in Russian. You tried very hard today, well done!

Natalia Volkova
Synopsis of an individual speech therapy lesson on sound setting [Ш]

Theme: Sound setting Ш

Target: clarification of articulation sound [W], sound production


1) Educational: learn to pronounce correctly sound Ш, allocate sound Ш from a row of words;

2) Correctional - developmental: the formation of a long directed air stream, the development of articulatory praxis, the development of fine motor skills of the fingers, attention and memory, the development of phonemic hearing;

3) Educational: fostering interest in occupation, education of independence.

Equipment: presentation "Articulatory gymnastics", a cotton ball on a thread, a prickly ball.

Course of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment

Now you and me speech therapy session.

Little Antoshka came to visit you today. (boy - presentation)

He found out that you will learn to hiss, and he came with you to learn.

2. Articulation gymnastics

Smile at each other affably (Ex. "Smile") - presentation, tube (count up to 10)

Antoshka still has few teeth, but you can show off yours (Ex. "Fence")

Antoshka loves round donuts very much (control "Ring") He eats lamb with delicious jam (control "Delicious jam"). Very tasty jam, it's a pity it's left on my lip, I'll lift the tongue and lick the rest.

Antoshka drinks jam with tea from a cup (control "Cup") - smile, open your mouth, put your wide tongue on your lower lip, raise the edges and tip of your tongue.

If the tea is hot, then blow on it. Show Antoshka how to do it. Now you need a cup "Wash" and put it back in the cupboard (put a “cup for the upper teeth).

3. Cultivating a strong directional long-lasting smooth oral air jet

Antoshka loves to show tricks and look at them.

Let you show me the tricks now. ( Speech therapist offers the child a cotton ball with a diameter of 2-2.5 cm, attached to a thread 10-12 cm long). Hold the balloon in front of your lips. - Smile. Show your teeth. Open your mouth. Draw out your lips with a straw. Blow the balloon lightly. See how beautifully the ball flew off your lips.

Now hold the balloon up to your nose. Smile. Show your teeth. Open your mouth. Raise your tongue in the shape of a cup to your upper lip. Blow on the tip of your tongue. See how beautifully the ball flew up.

4) Finger gymnastics

Stroke my palms, hedgehog. You're prickly, so what?

I want to stroke you, I want to get along with you!

(we roll the ball between our palms, stroke it, touch the individual thorns with our fingers)

5) Development of phonemic hearing

Now we'll play a game "Hunter"... As soon as you hear sound Ш, immediately catch it - clap in palms:


HA - SHA - LA - PA - SHA, HAT - AUTUMN - FUR - CAT - Donkey

6)Sound production

Antoshka loves to ride the little train. Shall we show him the train?

(blow hard on the tip of the tongue, do not stop. And then gradually slow down the engine - h - h - h and pull longer sound"H" which should go to "NS")

H - h - h - h - h - h - h - h, I drive the train,

I'm taking my friends

It's more fun to ride together!

I drive a locomotive

I announce the stops. (the train stops)

What kind of air stream comes out of the mouth?

(The tip of the tongue rises to the upper teeth, but does not press against them; the edges of the tongue touch the upper lateral teeth. The lips are slightly rounded, the stream of exhaled air feels warm. The upper and lower teeth are drawn together. The vocal cords are open, the stream of exhaled air passes freely between them .)

Look, the tongue and lips take this position when pronouncing sound"NS". (picture)

Now say sound"WITH", and then raise the tongue to the palate and say the same sound"WITH" to let the warm air flow.

Let's show how the snake hisses. (sh-sh-sh ....)

7) Bottom line classes.

Which sound did we learn to pronounce today? Who came to visit us?

- Reinforce the correct performance of articulation exercises.

- Continue to form a continuous, directed air jet.

- Learn to pronounce the sound [w] correctly with mechanical assistance.

- Continue to learn to select the sound [w] from a number of words.

- Continue to develop the skills of sound-letter analysis and synthesis.

- Exercise in the selection of words-antonyms.

- Fix the names of marine life.

- Develop attention, memory, fine motor skills.


Toy "Gnome"; typesetting canvas; set of letters of the split alphabet; picture (or toy) "Snake"; seven pictures for the game "Remember by Symbol"; picture "Underwater world" (superimposed images).

1. Organizational moment.

Speech therapist. Today a guest is going to our class. But who it is, you will find out a little later.

2. Before you meet our guest, you need to warm up, do gymnastics. First, let's do exercise "Fence"(repeat 3-4 times), then "Ring"(repeat 3-4 times). Make sure that the teeth are closed and the lips are rounded. And now the tongue will work. Show how he can do exercise "Shovel"(repeat 3-4 times). Then blow on the tongue. Following exercise "Cup"... It should be large, wide, out of the mouth (repeat 2-3 times). Now blow on the nose so that it feels the breeze (repeat 3-4 times), hide the tongue behind the upper teeth and hold it in this position (repeat 3-4 times).

3. And now it's time to find out who came to us. I will pronounce the word, and you select the first sound and designate it with a letter. Put all the letters in order on the typesetting canvas. Listen carefully: GruSha, Natasha, OpuShka, Machine. When pronouncing each word, the speech therapist highlights the first sound and sound [w], showing its correct sound. Make a word out of letters. What did you do? Child. Dwarf. Speech therapist. That's right, a gnome came to class(puts out the toy).

4. The gnome has a snake. She loves to hiss. Let's show you how she does it. In order for the snake to hiss, it needs to whistle: s-s-s. At this time, lift your tongue with a spatula and listen to the snake (setting the sound [w] from the sound [s] with mechanical assistance).

5. Look at the snake, what is it? Is it short? Child. No, it's long!

Speech therapist. Is she angry? Child. No, kind! Speech therapist. She is sad? Child. No, funny! Speech therapist. Is it prickly? Child. No, smooth!

6. Speech therapist. The snake loves to hide very much. And now she hissed and hid ( setting the sound Ш from the sound C mechanically). Let's look for her. I will speak the words, and you listen carefully. As soon as you hear that the snake hiss: shhh, shout loudly: "There you are!" Dog, hat, giraffe, apron, car, robe, bag, snowflake, pillow, etc. Let's show once again how the snake hisses (setting the sound Ш from the sound С mechanically).

7. And now the dwarf is going for a walk. He walks along the path and names the pictures that come across him on the way. This is a castle, but a lot of things? That's right, a lot of castles. The child forms the shape of each word, focusing on the question of the speech therapist. As you go through the "path" the pictures are turned upside down and up.

8. The gnome came to the seashore, put on a scuba gear and dived. Air comes out of the scuba gear, hisses (setting the sound Ш from the sound С mechanically). Various fish appeared nearby.

Look quickly, my friend!

Fish swim around:

Swordfish, hammerhead and sawfish, Angler fish and needlefish.

The child performs finger movements.

9. The gnome sank even deeper (setting the sound Ш from the sound С mechanically). Help him see the jellyfish, octopus, starfish, seahorse. The child finds underwater inhabitants among the superimposed images and names them.

10. The dwarf returned to the shore and went home along the path. Look at the symbols and remember what pictures they represent. The child remembers each picture by looking at the symbols. To check the named picture, you need to turn it over.

11. Lesson summary.

Speech therapist. Today in class you learned to hiss correctly and showed the gnome how good you are already at it!

Individual lessons with a speech therapist are necessary to formulate and automate the correct sound pronunciation. This method of work is necessary for children with speech pathologies, physiological disorders of the articulation apparatus.

Classes are devoted to the formulation and automation of groups of phonemes or individual sounds. The topic of today's lesson is “Sound [S]”. In the lesson, we use the methods of setting the sound [S] and [W], developed for corrective work with preschoolers.


  1. Sound production and automation [S].
  2. Consolidation of sound in an isolated position, in syllables, in words and sentences.
  3. The setting of whistling sounds, their differentiation.



  • Statement and consolidation of the phoneme [C] in the reflected repetition for the teacher, independently.
  • Enrichment of the vocabulary.


  • Formation of skills in syllabic analysis.
  • Consolidation of the sound [S] in isolation, in syllables, words, sentences.
  • Development of thinking, memory, attention.
  • Development .
  • Development of motor skills of the organs of articulation, fingers.


  • Maintaining interest in learning, working with a speech therapist.
  • Education of industriousness.
  • Developing the skill of controlling sound pronunciation.

To conduct the lesson in a fun way, you will need a toy (for example, a bear, an elephant), a mirror, a sound ruler, cards with letters and images of objects, and syllabic schemes.

Course of the lesson

Organizing time

Good afternoon, Zakhar (child's name). Today we will meet the guest. He came to us to see what you are doing in the lesson, to help you do the exercises and play.

Let's get to know him. The elephant's name is Semyon. How are you?

We met, now we will tell the elephant what we will be doing today.

We will learn how to pronounce the sound [C] correctly, repeat the exercises to warm up the face, fingers, tongue. Consider interesting pictures from fairy tales and come up with our own story. And Semyon will help us and learn too. And with what sound does the name of an elephant begin? (the child answers), and your name is well done.

Hear and Clap Game

Purpose: to develop phonemic hearing.

  • Let's play a game. I will name the words, and you will clap your hands if you hear the sound [S].

Sledge, broom, elephant, owl, cat, bag.

  • Well done. The elephant praises you too. He is proud of you, wants to be just as smart and considerate.

Now let's get ready to warm up.

Articulation gymnastics

For setting the sound [C], articulatory gymnastics must be used. Completing assignments helps to relax muscles, feel the position of the oral cavity organs, and set them up for work. It is impossible to exclude this stage from speech therapy classes.

Repeat the steps after me. Rub your palms, fingers. Pat yourself on the cheeks, forehead (3-4 times). Pass the handles to the ears, rub the lobes (3-4 times). Rub over the lips, under the chin (3-4 times).

Articulation exercises:
Performed in front of a mirror or without it, the child repeats the movements behind the teacher.

  • Smile

We stretch the sponges as much as possible on the sides. We keep smiling for a few seconds, then we relax the muscles. 2-3 repetitions.

  • Scapula

We smile, open our mouth, put the tongue on the lower teeth. We clap our lips with our tongue and say: “Bya, pya, pya, bya”.

  • Jam

We lick our lips as if they were smeared with a sweet treat.

  • Needle

Pull out the sharp tongue, pull it out as far as possible, and now hide it back. Repeat.

Well done. Our tongue, lips are ready for the lesson.

Breathing exercises

Helps the child to relax, take a break from articulations, and tune in to further work. Perform 2-3 breathing exercises with the preschooler.

  • We puff up our cheeks

Let's make Seeds laugh. Let's show him how the fish breathes under water. Take some air in your mouth and puff out your cheeks. Try not to let it out right away, hold it. Then puff out one cheek, the other.

  • Trumpeter

Pull the lips into a tube. Take air into your lungs, blow it out through a thin slit in your mouth, as if blowing out a candle.

Finger gymnastics

Now let's stretch our fingers. Let's make a "Lock", "Fist-ring".

Sound production

The main part of the lesson. Sound setting [S] is carried out using a mirror. The child must follow the movements of the articulatory apparatus. Fix the correct positions of the lips, tongue. These exercises, methods can be used as methods of setting whistling sounds in the next lessons.

  • First, let's tell the elephant how we pronounce the sound [S]. Show what the tongue, lips, teeth are doing, how the air flows. Let's remember together.
  • Put your lips together in a smile, clench your teeth, relax your tongue and put it on the bottom of your mouth. Its tip should rest against the lower teeth. Exhale into the palm of your hand. Do you feel that the air is cold, coming out in a thin stream? Well done. Let's do it one more time.
  • Remember that the C consonant is hard and soft, it is always voiceless. Can you name a few words where C is soft. I call the word Sema. Try to come up with.
  • And now the words, where C is solid. I call the word, sleep. Now it's your turn.
  • Let's take a look at the pictures. They depict fruits. Name the ones that begin with C.
  • The child is offered color images: plum, pineapple, currant, cucumber, tomato, peach, etc.
  • And now let's talk for a long, long time. S-s-s-s-s. We will sing a song to Semyon, as if we inflate the tires with a pump. C-C-C.

The setting of the sound C with dysarthria is accompanied by vowel sounds. We pronounce the syllables su, sa, then small words soup, dog. We sing not a separate phoneme, but syllables with vowels.

The setting of the C sound is similar to the correction of the pronunciation of the phoneme Sh. The language takes the same position, the lips are stretched to the sides.

Mechanical method

If the preschooler does not cope with the pronunciation, the sound C is independently used with the help of a teacher and a spatula, a toothpick, and fingers. The mechanical method of phoneme extraction helps the child to feel. Understand the correct positions of the cheeks, tongue, control the process of exhaling air during articulation.

Sound production:

  1. Place the toothpick on the child's tongue. It is immersed in the oral cavity by 1, 5 - 2 cm.
  2. The child forms a groove in the outstretched tongue, blows air through it. You can press down on a toothpick, lowering your tongue to the lower palate. You will hear whistling sounds when you exhale.
  3. Place your tongue, toothpick in different positions, look for the right position for the clearest phonation.

Sound automation

Pay special attention to audio automation. This stage of work is important for consolidating the norms of sound pronunciation in free speech. We automate the sound in syllables, words, sentences, stories.

To automate the sound [S], syllabic schemes are required. The sound [S] should be hard, soft, in different positions. After pronunciation, be sure to analyze the pairs, compare them in sound, meaning.

  • in syllables

Come on, let's read the cards with you. Repeat after me, look in the mirror for the movements of your lips, tongue. Tighten them up.

Sa-sa-sa - what a beauty.
C-C-C look do not miss.
Behold, behold, do not go to your place.

The set of syllables may differ from the one given, use open, closed isolated syllables to formulate the sound with, use the same cards, phonemic sets for consolidation.

  • in words

Now let's move on to words. Pronounce it correctly, take your time.

Automation of sound [S] in words at the end, in the middle, at the beginning of a word.

Look at the cards. What's in the pictures?

  • in sentences

You can use plot pictures from books, collections of fairy tales. The child is invited to repeat sentences, phrases after the teacher. Then compose your own text based on the proposed vocabulary.

  • in texts

Look at the picture. What do you see?

This is Boris and Slava. The boys gathered in the forest. I will tell you and them, and you will repeat.

Slava and Boris gathered in the forest. They want to see the pine trees and hear the nightingale sing. They took their dog Strelka with them.

The child repeats the story. Correcting irregularities in sound pronunciation. Fix your attention on the problematic sound.

Now come up with a short story about our guest, the elephant Semyon. I will give you a few words to use in the text: elephant, scooter and pump.

The preschooler is given a few minutes to think it over at will. The text is compiled. The teacher monitors phonetics, grammar, syntax.

Do you like crossword puzzles? I have prepared for you a crossword puzzle with words with sound [S]. Try to guess it.

Lesson summary

Today you and I have learned a lot, learned to pronounce the sound [S] better. Say it again. Well done!

At home, repeat the tongue twisters: “Robin Bobin has been eating all day, and he is not too lazy to chew. He ate a whole apricot, he began to peel the coconut ”,“ Carried Sanya with him on the sled hill ”,“ Mow, scythe, while the dew ”.

Let's say goodbye to Semyon and invite him to the next lesson.