Life and amazing journeys Gerald Darrell. Beasts and women Gerald Darella Lee Darrell Biography

Life and amazing journeys Gerald Darrell. Beasts and women Gerald Darella Lee Darrell Biography
Life and amazing journeys Gerald Darrell. Beasts and women Gerald Darella Lee Darrell Biography
There are many wild animals in this strone of this stronger, we are still unknown to the outside world. Radchey animal species were pretty successful. In this story, environmental measures were carried out, which were still changing after the revolution.From the thunderstorms of the Soviet Union Traveltwentes with ZapaDa almost did not have the opportunity to see the mostly separable and unknown corners of strings. The Soviet Union in 1984 was a superoperative, monolithic, tall, police officer. But the jereld realized that the Thin Communist Partition was served here friendly, open, merry, hung in freedom, are people who were close to the soul and the heart of the Jerlda. He strongly felt instinctive brutality with these people - it may be blossoming to the surge of Russia to alkolkol.
...Although the film, and the book, naappia on its basis, produce a one-time journey, during which the expedition has done the path of 150 thousand miles, and therefore it was three trips, laid by half a clamp. Supported by the complete illogical of the filming was completely illogical and was explained by the weather conditions and fictions of the Soviet bureaucracy. Despite the same long-term accession, the goal of the expedition is the former - Jereld wanted to see what it is done in the Soviet Union for the purposes of using and preserving those species that are not familiar with the extinction.

Indeed, Darrell with the group came to the USSR three times. Here is the shooting route:
On October 22, 1984 - the shooting group flew to Moscow, after which he headed into the prison nursery of a prok-terrace reserve.
October 28 - flew into the Caucasus, where they spent filming in the Caucasian Reserve, Sochi, Georgia.
In mid-November, Darrell returns to England.
The impression of the first trip was left twofold. Here is what Botting writes:
Investments from the Soviet Union, Jeralda was mixed. In mid-November, the Jerey returned to Na Jersey. "Everything I can check," he wrote to Memphis to the parents of Lee, - that the sequence we experience a kind of love of love and nonsense to this story. We saw a lot that I didn't even touch and deeply touched. But we saw what we saw Naham would not want. The idea is especially terrifying that there is a huge number of factory people forced to exist in developing a system in which I would not like to live. Even worse, that we still know about it, but that do not create. "
In the spring of 1985, the film crew returned and went to the Darwan Reserve.
April 8 - arrived in the Prioksky Reserve
April 19 - flew to Eastern Siberia - Buryatia, Barguzinsky Reserve, Baikal.
May 2 - Karakuma - Repeteek Reserve (Turkmenistan)
Then Uzbekistan - Tashkent, Bukhara, Samarkand, Chatkala ...
May 22 - the group returns to Moscow and flies on Jersey
June 5 - Return to the USSR
June 7 - Astrakhan Reserve
After him, moving to Kalmykia
June 16 - Ukraine: Askania-Nova, Kiev
A week later, the group was in Belarus - Minsk, Berezinsky Reserve.
July 8 - the group made a flight to Khatanga - to Taimyr

On July 20 - the filming was completed and Darrells return to England.
Saver Jereld and whether they returned to England, being unable to get away from the taste of vodka and venison. They made an amazing journey in their lives. They walked to see the sophisticated scientists who did not explore the sushi scientists. Since this time they filmed almost thirty miles of the film. "That, in the sense of Nature in the Soviet Union, made a deep letter of deep in the Soviet Union," the Jereld was written in a century that the USSR will be given. "Here you will have a good sign, as not in one straight world. Although all these actions are far from perfect, but they are being conducted. According to a high standartham. In strings, there are many of those who have had a very purposeful and taking advantage of NAS, sincerely, as interested in their aspects of their best. This is very interesting and carried away.
13 Avgusta, three weeks after being disturbed from the Soviet Union, the Jereald and whether the book is not a book about your journey. This trip changed Jerlda. He said that it would be nice to be not bad for the continuation of the book "NaTurist Na Mushek" and nazing her "Russians from Flyer - on the steppe in the preliminary navel."
Unfortunately, the second book was never written ... And she, like the "Naturalist on Musk", written about the filming of the film "Four-Lover film", would be much more interesting ...
In February 1986, Darrell suffered a complex replacement for the replacement of the thigh, which he was very disturbed when traveling to the USSR. In April, the premiere of the series took place on the 4th channel of the British television. The film was a great success in the audience.
The premiere of the film in the USSR took place on January 2, 1988 on the main central television channel.

And finally, several excerpts about the trip from the interview with Soviet editions:
- Why did I decide to come to the USSR and make this multi-seater? The fact is that in the West the only idea of \u200b\u200byour country that a person who did not happen in Russia can receive is what is formed by the media. Nothing can be recognized about the life of the Soviet Union, about people of your country, about nature ...

I thought: it would be nice to show not only the protection of nature (although for me nature and man are inseparable, and therefore I consider the protection of nature and protect a person with one general business), but also the real life of the USSR is a huge country. After all, many in the West do not even imagine that the Soviet Union consists not only from Russia, but from the 15 Union republics, and Russia is only one of them. I myself did not imagine it until I came here. I sincerely hope that thanks to our TV shows, millions of people in dozens of countries will be able to see how things are in the USSR, see the realities of your country.
When I first told at home that I am going to the Union, it was not without any questions: what to shoot there? Have you ever seen something yet? Honestly, not all my friends represent how great wealth and a variety of landscapes in your country.
Gerald Darrell: "We have only one earth" ("Around the World" No. 6 (2548), June, 1986)
- What made you the greatest impression in the USSR?
- Much. In particular, the fact that you use the breeding of animals in captivity as one of their means of their protection. I consider this method very effective and myself follows him. I have seen animals with whom I wanted to meet most of all: dying, Baikal seal, saiga.
- It is believed that with a well-known fraction of fantasy, everyone can compare itself with any animal. In this case, who are you like?
- Friends argue that in the Russian bear.
- Will you write a book about the journey in the USSR?
- Yes, and not one, and two: I will make a photo album and narration about filming. - Your favorite leisure hour?
- Prepare for friends. From each country where I visited, culinary recipes. Now I am going to prepare in the Russian cookbook translated into English. I don't know how to read Russian, but the tongue is pleasant to me, a little reminds Greek, which I know from childhood, since I lived on Corfu Island. When I hear Russian speech, I always have such a feeling that I would have to understand her. But I can not, and it causes annoyance!
("Week", № 36, 1985)
Almost all articles on Soviet patosna and "ideologically verified." For example, how do you interpret from the newspaper "True"?
The scientist is brought to an official statement and specifically asks for his words to the "Protocol":
- From the first second of the appearance on the Soviet land, I find true friends. I'm just amazed by the fact that I know me so well in your country.
True, Darrell begins to complain that they treat him, as with a child: they are afraid to not begged, he did not fall from the horse, did not dislocate, get rid of God, leg.
"Nevertheless," he says, "there is one lack of a trip along an unfamiliar country - to travel with his wife ..."
Waving when I am going to laughter, Lee Darrell complements the words of her husband
- Gerald right. We found a lot of friends here, although we are in the Soviet Union a very short time ...
Spouses Darrella arrived to us as part of the Film Group of the Canadian TV company "Propying Production" at the invitation of Gosperary of the USSR. The company works on the thirteenisseriy film under the conventional name "Adventures of Darrell in Russia" and leads to shooting in reserves, zoo, museums.
"I do not agree with that name," Darrell confesses. - Perhaps, it's more correct to call this cycle as follows: "Steps in the right direction." I think it will be an interesting job about the Soviet Union. What do we see at home on television? Only military parades on Red Square. I want to show the beauty of Russia, her animal peace and, most importantly, the beauty of people.
- By the way, do you write Soviet readers?
"A week comes from twenty to forty letters from the USSR," answers Darrell. - Fortunately, an elderly woman who knows Russian lives nearby from our zoo on Jersey. She helps us in correspondence. I'm always readily installing professional contacts ...
Looking a little forward, I will give such a detail. After seeing from the Soviet Union on the eve of the Moscow Zoo, Darrell first of all asked: when the "resettlement" of the zoo begins to the new territory, what did he hear a lot about?
- reasonably and scientifically organized zoos will become the last refuge for a huge number of disappearing species, "said Darrell.
Six years ago, from Jersey Island to the Moscow Zoo was free of charge for a long time for breeding a one-year-old male bear, the South American beast included in the Red Book. At the same time, his "brother" was transferred to the New York Zoo.
"See, our Jersey Zoo became like a third state between the Soviet Union and the United States," says Darrell. - Moscow Bear, I must say, grew up, he has a friend, life, the word continues. But the American slipped something, remained alone ...
Saying good, Gerald Darrell said:
- I loved the Russian people. And I will be glad if our current work will serve good things ...

Lee Darrell Composer Country

United Kingdom United Kingdom
Canada Canada

Number of serials Production Producer Producer Operator Tronomeration Broadcast TV channel On screens

The series was shot in 1984-85 during two arrival of the film crew in the USSR. During this time, they visited different parts of the Soviet Union, visiting the largest and most famous reserves located from the Arctic tundra to the Central Asian desert.


  • 1. "Other Russians" (The Other Russians) - Gerald and Darrells meet with their fans in Moscow and attend the Moscow Zoo
  • 2. "Flood Rescue" (Flood Rescue) - Salvation of wild animals from a flood in a rio-terrace reserve
  • 3. "Baklans, Crows and Soma" (Cormorants, Crows and Catfish) - huge bird colonies and other animals of the Astrakhan Reserve
  • 4. "Seals and Saboles" - Baikal Neros and Soboli Barguzinsky Reserve
  • 5. "Last piece of untouched steppe" (Last of the Virgin Steppe) - Askania-Nova Reserve in the Ukrainian steppe
  • 6. "From Tien Shan to Samarkand" (from Tien Shan to Sagland) - Chatkal Reserve in the mountains of Tien Shan and the ancient city of Samarkand
  • 7. "Red Desert" (Red Desert) - Travel Darrells on camels on the Karakumam and the Reteekki Reserve
  • 8. "Saving Saiga" (SAIGA Saving) - Saygak and Jeyranov nursery near Bukhara
  • 9. "There for Forest" (Beyond The Forest) - Flora and the Fauna of the Soviet Far North, which flourishing for a short summer
  • 10. "Return of Zubere" (Return of the Bison) - a trip to the Caucasus in search of bison
  • 11. "Children and Nature" (Children in Nature) - Children's Help Nature in the Berezinsky Reserve
  • 12. Song Of The Capercaillie) - Spring Fraight Ritual of Glugs in the Darwinian Reserve
  • 13. "Endless Day" (The Endless Day) - a flock of sheep in the Arctic Tundra on Taimyr

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  • Durrell G., Durrell L. DURREELL IN RUSSIA. Macdonald Publisher, 1986, 192 pp. ISBN 0-356-12040-6
  • Krasilnikov V. Gerald Darrell. Newspaper "Biology", № 30, 2000. Publishing House "The Oymost September".


Excerpt characterizing Darrell in Russia

Princess saw that his father was unfairfully looked at this case, but she had the idea that now or would never solve the fate of her life. She lowered his eyes to not see her eyes, under the influence of which she felt that he could not think, and could only obey, and said:
- I wish only one thing - to fulfill your will, "she said," but if my desire had to be expressed ...
She did not have time to finish. Prince interrupted it.
"And fine," he shouted. "He will take you with the dodged, by the way will capture M Lle Bourienne." That will be a wife, and you ...
Prince stopped. He noticed the impression produced by these words on the daughter. She lowered her head and was going to cry.
"Well, well, kidding, kidding," he said. - Remember one, Princess: I hold down those rules that the girl has the full right to choose. And I give you freedom. Remember one thing: the happiness of your life depends on your solution. I have nothing to talk about.
- Yes, I do not know ... Mon Pere.
- nothing to talk! He is told, he is not only on you, who wants to marry; And you are free to choose ... Come to ourselves, think about it and in an hour come to me and tell me if it is: yes or no. I know you will pray. Well, perhaps, pray. Just think better. Stay. Yes, or not, yes or no, yes or no! He shouted while the princess, as in the fog, staggering, was already out of the office.
Fate decided and decided happily. But that his father said about M Lle Bourienne, - this hint was terrible. It is not true, let's notify, but still it was terrible, she could not not think about it. She went straight in front of him through a winter garden, not seeing anything and no hear, as suddenly familiar shopot M Lle Bourienne woke her. She raised her eyes and saw Anatol from himself in two steps away, who hugged the Frenchwoman and whispered something to her. Anatol with a terrible expression on a beautiful face looked at the princess Marjo and did not release the Mal Lle Bourienne in the first second, who did not see her.
"Who is here? What for? Wait!" As if the face of Anatoly said. Princess Marya silently looked at them. She could not understand it. Finally, M Lle Bourienne screamed and ran away, and Anatol with a cheerful smile bowed to the princess Marya, as if inviting her to laugh at this strange case, and, shrugged, went on the door he was on his half.
An hour later, Tikhon came to call the princess to Mary. He called her to the prince and added as Prince Vasily Sergeich there. Princess, while Tikhon came, sat on the sofa in his room and kept the crying M Lla Bourienne in his arms. Princess Marya quietly stroked her head. Beautiful eyes are printed, with all their former calm and radiance, looked with tender love and regret with a pretty face M Lle Bourienne.
- Non, Princesse, Je Suis Perdue Pour Toujours Dans Votre Coeur, [No, Princess, I have fallen your location,] - spoke M Lle Bourienne.
- Pourquoi? Je Vous Aime Plus, Que Jamais, "said Princess Marya, - Et Je Tacherai De Faire Tout Ce Qui Est En Mon Pouvoir Pour Votre Bonheur. [Why? I love you more than ever, and I will try to do everything for your happiness, everything in my power.]
- Mais Vous Me MEPRISEZ, Vous Si Pure, Vous Ne Comprendrez Jamais Cet Egarement De La Passion. AH, CE N "EST QUE MA PAUVRE MERE ... [But you are so clean, you despise me; You will never understand this passion passion. Ah, my poor mother ...]
"Je Comprends Tout, [I understand everything," answered Princess Marya, smiling sadly. - Calm down, my friend. I will go to my father, she said and came out.

So it happened that the article Ilya Astakhov about Gerald Darrell, I got
March 8, being on the shore of the Ionian Sea, waiting for
funny papers with round gray seals that will be allowed to walk
on local salt water. Outside the window - pouring rain. From mouth - par. Under
Hand - Gracies Uzo (local anise). And Darrell. What else to wish? :)

And today is March 8, then let this publication become
congratulations to our grandmothers, mothers, sisters and daughters, for
which Darrell's books became the first peasant jumping
Stroces of water in the direction of the endless world, full of amazing
Plants and intricate animals. I'm sure Ilya will support me!

Kostya Pourevodka

Everyone who in childhood dreamed of traveling to distant unbearab countries knows Gerald Darrell. Most read his books, with love and humor narrow about the expeditions of naturalist. Many have seen the Soviet television series " Darrell in Russia, "where the elder, but still tireless Gerald He made serious competition to Drozdov and Senkevich.

Decade Jerry had seen Corfa In 1935. His eccentric family has lived on the island before the beginning of World War II. About what Darrell Tried in the trilogy " My family and other animals, birds, beasts and relatives, Garden of gods"And in other books. Since then, grateful readers seek CorfaTo revive books and walk the paths of a young naturalist.

Of course, over the past eighty years a lot has changed. Nature and patriarchal world of old Greece pretty retained with modern tourist business. But something can be seen now.


Corfu - Capor Corfu

In order to find traces Gerald Darrell, it is absolutely necessary to climb into some island debris. In the very center of the capital, which is also called Corfu for good Greek, there is a brothers park Darrellov (Former bosetto). "Brothers" because the fate of Lawrence, the older brother JerryAlso related to the island. And in the medium of high-blade intellectuals, he is an equally well-known writer, the author of the tetralogy "Alexandrian Quartet".

In the park you can see the Bust-reliefs of Gerald and Lawrence, which tourists by tradition to shine rubbing the noses. It seems to me that Jerry is not against such familiarity.

House in Kalas

The most "Darrellovsky" location on the island of Corfu is traditionally considered a white house in the village Kalay, thirty kilometers north of the capital, directly opposite the Albanian coast. On many Russian-speaking tourist sites, this house is called "the very snow-white villa Darrellov" In fact, an object has a very small attitude to the famous naturalist. He was rented eldest from the brothers, Lawrence, when he doried with his mother.

The house is pretty, you can have a snack and even remove the room.

Everything around is thoroughly built up, so you can be sure that no modern writer will no longer choose this place for creative solitude.

To lure fans GeraldaThe figurines of funnies of funnies are arranged around.


Three Villas Darrellov

Those who are familiar with books with island history Darrellov, remember that the family lived on three villas: Strawberry-Pink Villa), Narcissovo-Yellow (The Daffodil-Yellow Villa) and Snow-white (The Snow-White Villa). I will explain how the family could afford a similar luxury.

Mother Darrell It was a widow with three minor children in his arms. And percentage of capital remaining after the death of her husband (construction engineer), could not afford high-quality housing in England. Greece It cost much cheaper. So moved Darrell From the house to the house on the island of Corfu, calling housing with villas and giving them color names.

By the way, to school Jerry did not go at all. His formation was engaged in random people, which seemed to go to the future naturalist benefit.

On the old photo from the book D. Botting "Biography Gerald Darrell"- one of the young teachers Darrell, Dr. Teo Stefanidis, who shared and encouraged the tendency of the young man to study the nature.

Strawberry pink

First Villa Darrell Removed about six months, and she was in PERAME, not far from this airport. Then it was a quiet fishing village surrounded by olive groves. Subsequent owners have seriously repaired the structure. There is no more overgrown garden, alive ingredients and an old Victorian house. That is, there is a house, but a supplemented pool, jacuzzi, concrete fence and other joys of civilization. Therefore, the object is practically uninteresting. But there was a beautiful view of the mouse island (Pontikonissi) and the Canoni Peninsula.

View of Pontikonissi Island (mouse) from the house of Darrelles (in the lower left corner - archival photos with little Jerry). His sister Margo loved to sunbathe on the island of naked, confusing the monk who lived there.

But what the same island and the village look like Peram With a modern dam. Now the aircraft go straight over him, and the boys are staring on roaring weapons of iron birds.



Numerous bohemian guests of the elder brother, who already considered themselves a big writer, did a small dwelling Darrellov Closed. And the family moves to a more spacious old Venice villa in the town Conptokali. (Guvia Bay, about 5 km north of the capital). The villa is attached to the villa with a view of the island of Lazaretto. AND Jerry For a birthday gets your own boat.

"Bootle Bumtrinket" - so dubbed its sharp Lawrence, hinting for some design features. The translator of the Soviet publication successfully picked up the phrase "Tolstoguya Boot" And facilitated the life of censors.

At the "Butle" eleven-year-old boy commits independent travel along the coast, studying the life of the inhabitants of the sea and enjoys nature. So it was the beginning of a career Darrell- Naturalist.

View from the shore on the island of Lazaret, where Admiral Ushakov arranged a Russian hospital, and during the Second World War there was a concentration camp. Now the island is uninhabited, it remained only ruins yes memorial boards.

Almost all family on the porch Narcissian-yellow Villa (From left to right: Margo's sister, Nancy, Louuren's wife, Lawrence himself, Jerry and mother Darrell, photographed the middle brother Leslie)

This villa has been preserved, but is in private ownership. Going legends about the fans broken into the territory Darrell And the good maid, which in the absence of the owners allowed something to take a picture there. Simple a certain blogger Yakhtsman John: came out from the sea on the boat and made good photo:


Last time of the family Darrellov (since September 1937) has become Snow-white villa, again in PERAME, not far from the first. A large building of the Georgian era overlooking the Lagoon Halicopulus. This is close to luxury. His olive grove! And your own church (although she hardly interested someone from Darrellov).

The building is still in private ownership of the family who surrendered him to rent Darrelam. They say that the repair is not made there. If so, then I suppose, due to the lack of funds, and not from respect for the memory of the famous writer.

Here was Jerry

So, all attempts to go in the footsteps Gerald Darrell on the Corfa doomed to failure? Strawberry villasa B. PERAME Actually replaced by a new building. Yellow Villa in Conptokali. and Snow-white in Crasress Closed for tourists like private property. Why are there any villas, if we are interested in a naturalist writer?

You can fuse on a mouse island. Wander around the small lagoon of Halicopulu, where every morning I sought Jerry Behind frogs and water beetles. Now the airport's runway takes approximately half of the lagoon, but closer to PERAME If you wish, you can see the traces of those most connections, the first of which were made by more venetians for salt fees. And now this half-sponsored shore, in some places occupied by grill, serves to nesting birds and tears shallow water by the sea inhabitants. Fish boys and fishermen, exploring what Jerry called "chess fields." Of course, they look now quite different.

Similar Lake Scottini is somewhere nearby from Conptokali., around Narcissian-yellow VillaBut I could not find it. By the way, not far from the house of Lawrence in Kalay There is a place of crouch. After the war Gerald I was going to buy a house there, but the second to enter the same river a carefree childhood did not work. And sorry ... there are cute places, not so amazed by civilization, like a neighboring house-memorial Lawrence Darrell. For example, wild cochochka with funny for Russian ear name Hukhulio.

Interestingly, Gerald Darrel until the end of the life experienced a sense of guilt to residents Corfa. He believed that his books and films contribute to an increase in the flow of tourists and thereby destroying the nature of the island. What to say? Everyone such self-criticality - nature would definitely have prevented.

A small British family, which consisted of mother-widow and three children not older than twenty years arrived with a long visit. The fourth son, who was more than twenty - and besides, were married there; At first they all stopped in Perama. Mother and younger siblings have been equipped in the house, which then began to call the strawberry-pink villa, and the eldest son and his wife initially settled in the house of a fishing fisherman.

This, of course, was family Darrell. Everything else, as they say, belongs to history.

Is it so?

Is not a fact. For the years that have passed since then, Darrells and about those five years that they spent on Corfu, from 1935 to 1939, many words were written, and most of them themselves were written. And yet there are many questions about this period of their life without answering, and the main one - what exactly happened over the years?

Gerald Darrell. 1987.

I managed to ask this question myself Gerald Darrell In the 70s, when I drove a group of schoolchildren at the Darrell Zoo in Jersey during a trip to the Norman Islands.

Gerald to all of us reacted with extraordinary kindness. But he refused to answer questions about Corfu, unless I promise to return the next year with another group of schoolchildren. I promised. And then he very frankly answered all the questions I asked him.

At that time I found it a confidential conversation, so much of the telled never retell. But I still used the main milestones of his story - to seek explanations from others. A detailed picture, which I could compose in this way, I shared with Douglas Botting, which then wrote the authorized biography of Gerald Darrell, and with Hilary Piypety, when she wrote his guide "In the footsteps of Lawrence and Gerald Darrells on Corfu, 1935-1939."

Now, however, everything has changed. Namely - all members of this family have long died. Mr. Darrell died in India in 1928, Mrs. Darrell - in England in 1965, Leslie Darrell - in England in 1981, Laurence Darrell - in France in the 1990s, Gerald Darrell - in Jersey in 1995, and Finally, Margo Darrell died in England in 2006.

Everyone has children left, with the exception of Gerald; But the reason why was impossible to report the details of the old conversation, died with Margo.

What should I need to tell?

I think some important questions about Darrellha on Corfu, which still have to sometimes hear, require a response. Below I am just trying to answer them - truthfully, as far as possible. What I betrayed was, for the most part, told Darrell to me personally.

1. The book of Gerald "My family and other animals" is more likely artistic or rather documentary prose?

Documentary. All characters mentioned in it are real people, and all of them Gerald are carefully described. The same applies to animals. And all the cases described in the book are facts, although not always outlined in chronological order, but Gerald warns about this in the preface to the book. Dialogues also definitely reproduce a manner in which Darrells communicated with each other.

2. If this is so, then why Lawrence on the book lives together with his family, while in fact he was married and lived separately in calves? And why in the book there are no mention of his wife Nancy Darrell?

Because in fact Lawrence and Nancy most of her time at Corfu held together with the Darrell family, and not in the White House in Calais - this applies to the period when Mrs. Darrell took a huge yellow and snow-white villa (that is, from September 1935 August 1937 and from September 1937 to departure with Corfu. They were filmed a strawberry villa for the first time, and it lasted less than six months).

In fact, Darrells have always been a very cohesive family, and Mrs. Darrell was in these years the center of family life. And Leslie, and Margot, after they were twenty, also lived for some time on Corfa Separately, wherever they settled on Corfu during these years (the same applies to Leslie and Nancy), Villas Mrs. Darrell have always been among these places.

However, it should be noted that Nancy Darrell never became a truly member of the family, and they with Lorenis broke up forever - shortly after leaving Corfu.

Lawrence and Nancy Darrell. 1930

3. "My family and other animals" - more or less truthful statement of the then events. How about other books of Gerald about Corfu?

Over the years, the fiction added. In the second book about Corfu, "birds, beasts and relatives", Gerald told some of his best taeks about the time spent on Corfu, and most of these Bakeek are true, even if not all. Some stories were pretty stupid, so he subsequently regretted that he had included them in the book.

Many events described in the third book, the "Garden of the Gods", are also invented. Briefly speaking, most fully and in detail about life on Corfa Tasted in the first book. The second one entered some stories that were not included in the first, but they were not enough for a whole book, so I had to fill the gaps with fiction. And the third book and the collection of stories that followed it, although they contained some share of real events, mainly literature.

4. Are all the facts about this family life of the family entered the books and stories of Gerald about Corfu or something was deliberately omitted?

Something was deliberately omitted. And even more than intentionally. Closer to the end of Gerald, more and more came out from under the control of the mother and has lived for some time together with Laurence and Nancy in calves. About this period, he never mentioned for a number of reasons. But it was at this time that Gerald could be called "Child of Nature" with full right.

So, if childhood is really, as they say, the "Writer's bank account", then it was Corfu and Gerald, and Lorence with Village replenished his experience, subsequently reflected in their books.

5. They say that Darrells led an immoral lifestyle at Corfu, insulting the local population. Is it so?

Only not Gerald. He in those years on Corfa was just a small and adored boy. He was loved not only by the mother and other family members, but all who surrounded him: the islanders, whom he knew and with whom communicated at quite a demolished Greek; Numerous teachers who have had over the years, and especially Theodore Stefanidez, who treated him as his native son, as well as a guide and mentor Darrelles - Spiro (American), a taxi driver.

However, other family members really insulted public opinion, namely, Nancy and Laurence got rid of their first child and buried the fruit on the shore of the bay of calves; Margot, in which there is practically no doubt, got pregnant without her husband and had to go to England to give the child to adoption; Finally, Leslie, from which the servant became pregnant, Maria Condu, refused to marry her and ensure their son.

In the case of Margo, Gerald hinted at the beginning of the head of "fighting with spirits" in the book "Birds, animals and relatives", but he only reports that in the midst of their stay at Corfu Mrs. Darrell had to urgently send Margo to London in connection with "Sudden obesity."

The authentic and events described at the beginning of the chapter 12 of the books "My Family and Other Beasts". The main villain was Gerald teacher - Peter, in real life Pat Ivens. Pat was expelled from the Darrell family, but, leaving CorfaHe did not leave Greece and during World War II became the hero of Greek resistance. Then he returned to England and married. However, he never told about Darrell, not his son.

White house in calves on the island of Corfu, in which Lawrence Darrell lived

6. During the years of life, Darrells were not too famous for the years of life. How much has grown since their fame?

Lawrence is now considered one of the most notable writers of the XX century. Almost all of his books come out so far, and two early novels are preparing for reprinting over the next year (2009 - OS) by the School of Darrell on Corfa and its director-founder Richarda Pain. In addition, his travelives are highly appreciated.

Gerald Darrell, in turn, wrote 37 books for his life, but only a few of them are still reprinted. Unlike Brother Lawrence, Gerald entered the story not as much as a writer as like a naturalist and enlightener. The main heritage of his heritage was the zoo in Jersey, where they are bred and produced on the will of rare animals, and the book "My family and other animals", one of the best books on travel in the history of literature.

Gerald Darrell and his wife Jackie. 1954.

7. Darrells seemed to decide to leave Corfu in 1938 - from that time the seventy years. First, for what reason did they go to Corfu at all? Why did you leave in 1939? And why never came there, if the experience gained there became a key to Laurence and Gerald's writer?

In early 1938, they realized that a new world war was coming, and began to prepare for departure from the island in 1939. Whether they had the opportunity to stay at Corfu if it were not for the war, - a controversial question. Mrs. Darrell at first went to Corfa Following the son of Lawrence in 1935, because it was possible to live there on her retirement than in Britain. But by 1938 she had financial difficulties, and in any case she would have to return home. In addition, children during this time rose and left the father's house, and Gerald, the youngest, had to learn.

By the end of the Second World War everything changed. Gerald turned twenty, the rest of the children by that time found their way in life. In addition, in the post-war world, it was hardly possible to afford to lead the same way of life that before the war with sufficiently scarce means.

Yes, and Corfu has forever changed.

Nevertheless, Darrells have repeatedly come back there. Lawrence and Gerald bought themselves at home in France, and Margo is next to his mother in Bornmouth. Only Leslie turned out to be financially insolvent and died in relative poverty in 1981.

Gerald, Louise and Lawrence Darrell. 1961.

8. Is there anyone alone who was familiar with Darrells on Corfu? And what places on Corfu should be visited to restore the course of events?

Mary Stefanidez, the Widow of Theodore, even though she is already in old age, still lives in London. Her daughter Alexy lives in Greece. And on the Corfu itself, in Perama, the confusion family still lives, who knew Darrells since 1935. The head of the family remains Menelos Contep, which owns the hotel AEGLI in Perama. Vasilis Contep, his son, Managing Corfu Holidays, owns a strawberry and pink villa, the first man of Darrells on Corfu. Now she is put up for sale for 1,200,000 euros.

Next to Aegli is the Batis Tavern, which Elena owns, Sister Melaosa. And the son and daughter-in-law Elena - Babis and Lisa are owned by luxury apartments on a hill rising above the tavern. Her daughter and granddaughter also own hotels, including Pondikonissi, located across the road from AEGLI and directly on the beach, which Darrells went when they lived in Penam.

The best chronicle of these years is the book Hilary Pipeti "In the footsteps of Lawrence and Gerald Darrells on Corfu, 1935-1939."

And in the center of Corfu, there is a School of Darrellov, in which every year courses under the leadership of one of Laurens Darrell - Richarda Pain are held.

9. And finally, what was Darrellov's contribution to the development of Corfu, if at all?

Invaluable. At the same time, the government, and the population of Corfu just now begin to realize him. The book "My family and other animals" is not only sold by millions of editions around the world, but has already been read by several generations of children within the framework of the school program. Only this book brought the island and residents of Corfu widely fame and prosperity.

Add all other books written by Darrell or about them; All this together as a result turned into something that can be called "Darrellovskaya industries", which continues to produce huge speeds and attract millions of tourists to the island. Their contribution to the tourist industry is huge, and now it exists on the island for everyone - no matter, the fan of you are Darrelles or not.

Gerald, Gerald regretted the influence that he had to develop Corfu, but in fact, this was mainly for the better, because when Darrells arrived there for the first time in 1935, most of the population lived in poverty. Now, in many ways, thanks to their stay there, the whole world knows about the island and most of the local live well-minded.

This is the greatest contribution of Darrellov to Corfu.

(c) Peter Harrison. Translation from English Svetlana Kalakutskaya.

For the first time printed in The Corfiot, May 2008, №209. Publication of the portal

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In the spring of 1935, a small British family arrived at Corfu with a long visit, which consisted of mother-widow and three children not older than twenty years. The fourth son, who was more than twenty - and besides, were married there; At first they all stopped in Perama. Mother and younger siblings have been equipped in the house, which then began to call the strawberry-pink villa, and the eldest son and his wife initially settled in the house of a fishing fisherman.

This, of course, was the Darrell family. Everything else, as they say, belongs to history.

Is it so?

Is not a fact. For the years that have passed since then, Darrells and about those five years that they spent on Corfu, from 1935 to 1939, many words were written, and most of them themselves were written. And yet there are many questions about this period of their life without answering, and the main one - what exactly happened over the years?

I managed to ask this question yourself to Gerald Darrell in the 70s, when I drove a group of schoolchildren at Darrell Zoo in Jersey during a trip to the Norman Islands.

Gerald to all of us reacted with extraordinary kindness. But he refused to answer questions about Corfu, unless I promise to return the next year with another group of schoolchildren. I promised. And then he very frankly answered all the questions I asked him.

At that time I found it a confidential conversation, so much of the telled never retell. But I still used the main milestones of his story - to seek explanations from others. A detailed picture, which I could compose in this way, I shared with Douglas Botting, which then wrote the authorized biography of Gerald Darrell, and with Hilary Piypety, when she wrote his guide "In the footsteps of Lawrence and Gerald Darrells on Corfu, 1935-1939."

Now, however, everything has changed. Namely - all members of this family have long died. Mr. Darrell died in India in 1928, Mrs. Darrell - in England in 1965, Leslie Darrell - in England in 1981, Laurence Darrell - in France in the 1990s, Gerald Darrell - in Jersey in 1995, and Finally, Margo Darrell died in England in 2006.

Everyone has children left, with the exception of Gerald; But the reason why was impossible to report the details of the old conversation, died with Margo.

What should I need to tell?

I think some important questions about Darrells on Corfu, who still have to sometimes hear, require a response. Below I am just trying to answer them - truthfully, as far as possible. What I betrayed was, for the most part, told Darrell to me personally.

1. The book of Gerald "My family and other animals" is more likely artistic or rather documentary prose?

Documentary. All characters mentioned in it are real people, and all of them Gerald are carefully described. The same applies to animals. And all the cases described in the book are facts, although not always outlined in chronological order, but Gerald warns about this in the preface to the book. Dialogues also definitely reproduce a manner in which Darrells communicated with each other.

© Montse & Ferran /

White house in calves on the island of Corfu, in which Lawrence Darrell lived

2. If this is so, then why Lawrence on the book lives together with his family, while in fact he was married and lived separately in calves? And why in the book there are no mention of his wife Nancy Darrell?

Because in fact Lawrence and Nancy most of her time at Corfu held together with the Darrell family, and not in the White House in Calais - this applies to the period when Mrs. Darrell took a huge yellow and snow-white villa (that is, from September 1935 August 1937 and from September 1937 to departure with Corfu. They were filmed a strawberry villa for the first time, and it lasted less than six months).

In fact, Darrells have always been a very cohesive family, and Mrs. Darrell was in these years the center of family life. And Leslie, and Margot, after they were twenty, also lived on Corfu separately, but wherever they set out on Corfu during these years (the same applies to Lesli and Nancy), Mrs. Darrell villages have always been among these places.

However, it should be noted that Nancy Darrell never became a truly member of the family, and they with Lorenis broke up forever - shortly after leaving Corfu.

3. "My family and other animals" - more or less truthful statement of the then events. How about other books of Gerald about Corfu?

Over the years, the fiction added. In the second book about Corfu, "birds, beasts and relatives", Gerald told some of his best taeks about the time spent on Corfu, and most of these Bakeek are true, even if not all. Some stories were pretty stupid, so he subsequently regretted that he had included them in the book.

Many events described in the third book, the "Garden of the Gods", are also invented. Briefly speaking, the most fully and in detail about life on Corfu is told in the first book. The second one entered some stories that were not included in the first, but they were not enough for a whole book, so I had to fill the gaps with fiction. And the third book and the collection of stories that followed it, although they contained some share of real events, mainly literature.

4. Are all the facts about this family life of the family entered the books and stories of Gerald about Corfu or something was deliberately omitted?

Something was deliberately omitted. And even more than intentionally. Closer to the end of Gerald, more and more came out from under the control of the mother and has lived for some time together with Laurence and Nancy in calves. About this period, he never mentioned for a number of reasons. But it was at this time that Gerald could be called "Child of Nature" with full right.

So, if childhood is really, as they say, the "Writer's bank account", then it was Corfu and Gerald, and Lorence with Village replenished his experience, subsequently reflected in their books.