Digital essential television, how to adjust the antenna under different signal conditions. What is needed to receive digital airtal television? How to receive a signal and watch t2

Digital essential television, how to adjust the antenna under different signal conditions. What is needed to receive digital airtal television? How to receive a signal and watch t2

For many reasons, the connection of digital television (cable and satellite TV) is now very popular, especially if you consider that you can connect it even on the outdated model of the TV. Now there are many companies that have a service for connecting digital TV and configuration for a specific fee. . Most people pay for help in such companies, without having the idea that self-configuration of the TV channels is nothing complicated. The main thing is to stock the necessary equipment and perform all the steps exactly according to the instructions.

Before proceeding to self-configuration of digital channels, you need to figure it out - what is digital television than it differs from analog, as it works and what is its advantages.

Digital television is a modern way to transfer a video and sound track in a coded compressed format on certain channels to the device directly from the translator. Such television has the following advantages:

  • Stably high quality audio and video signal, not affected by external factors.
  • Mobility - No need to push cables for connection and connect unnecessary equipment.
  • Digital TV is available in remote areas, for example, in the country.
  • A large number of television channels - informational, entertainment, sports, children's.
  • The ability to set up television yourself without referring to the specialists.
  • Digital TV opens the ability to use additional options, including the Internet.

General settings

There are several ways to configure digital television, each of which has its advantages and cons. It is worth considering that the acquisition of a set for connecting a channel package may have a different cost depending on the selected connection option.

  • Through the antenna. To configure the essential television, you must connect the antenna and the amplifier to the TV tuner, and it is to the TV. You can choose from manual and automatic search TV channels. During auto-search, there is a risk of multiple duplication of the same programs - you can delete them to switched to manual setting.
  • Through the tuner. The receiver bonus is the transmission of standard federal channels. When connecting a TV tuner to a regular television antenna, you need to use the channel search feature. Rates for the tuner account for about 1,500 rubles.
  • Through fiber optic cable. Equipment can be purchased from a telecommunications company such as MTS and The kit comes cable, prefix and control panel. The cable is connected to the antenna socket. The cost of service is 500-1000 rubles per month (depending on the provider and the number of channels).
  • Through a satellite plate. Installation of antenna is best entrusting to the masters - they will select the right place. The receiver connects to a television with a low-frequency or high-frequency cable. The cost of equipment is approximately 3,500 rubles, and the annual board depends on the selected package.
  • Using a function. The fastest way, occupying about 5 minutes. In modern TVs of such famous brands, as there is a built-in SMART TV function. With it, in automatic mode, it is possible to find all available TV channels and save them into the device's memory.

The principle of searching for channels on TVs of all manufacturers is approximately identical:

  1. From the console go to the TV menu, go to the settings.
  2. We find the item "Search channels" - choose automatic or manual search.
  3. In the window that has gone from two options "Antenna" and "Cable", select cable TV.
  4. The preset TV tab appears. We highlight the "complete" item.
  5. In empty fields, we drive the following data: Frequency 314, modulation 256, data transfer rate 6956. I confirm the choice by the "Start" button.
  6. After time, the program will begin to appear on the screen. At the end of the search, the number of channel found will be seen.

Depending on the model of the TV, digital television settings may have some features consisting in the sequence of steps and the name of the menu items.

Setting up LG TVs

The LG TV menu and firmware may differ depending on the model and year of release, but all devices of this company have similar features for which it is necessary to navigate. To configure digital channels on the LG TV, you must perform the following steps:

  1. connect equipment (antenna, cable, tuner);
  2. on the TV remote control, press the "MENU" button;
  3. in the drop-down window, select the option "Option"; in subparagraph "Country" indicate Germany or Finland;
  4. pressing the "Back" button on the console to return to the original menu, this time you will need "Settings";
  5. in the drop-down list, select "Automatic Search", the connection type is "Cable";
  6. we specify the standard values \u200b\u200bto three above the above characteristics and click "Start".

There is nothing difficult in this, you can cope with all the manipulations in 5-7 minutes. It is important not to forget about the choice of the country, otherwise nothing will work. It is also recommended to disable the auto-updating function of the channels, otherwise, each time it is repeated, the tuning TV will always be reset.


The entire process of setting on Samsung TVs is also made using the control panel and includes the following steps:

  1. connect the antenna to the TV;
  2. on the console, press the "MENU" button;
  3. on the right side, the list of tabs will appear, it is necessary to stay on the channel "Channel" or "Broadcast" - a satellite antenna icon is located next to the title;
  4. in the appeared on the left window, open the item "Antenna" and choose "Cable";
  5. flashing a little below we find the item "Country", select "Other" in the list - after that the system will request a PIN code (enter 0000);
  6. after successfully entering the password, a window will appear in which you want to select the source of the "Cable" signal;
  7. at the end, choose a quick automatic search for TV channels, as well as enter by analogy of the frequency, modulation and data transfer rates listed above.

At the end of the search, which takes a couple of minutes, all the essential channel found on the screen will appear on the screen.

Setting up Philips TVs

In principle, on the Philips TV, you need to do the standard actions described above. But still there is a pair of nuances, and some names of the menu sections may vary. The instruction looks like this:

  1. connect the antenna to the TV;
  2. open the menu;
  3. in the list, select the "Installation" item (gear icon);
  4. the auxiliary window will be displayed on the right, it is looking for the "Channel Settings" string;
  5. over the side pops up another window - there will be the option "Automatic installation";
  6. do not be afraid of the warning that all old saved channels will be removed from the memory - confirm that we agree with the conditions;
  7. click the "Start" button, then select "Reinstalling Channels";
  8. in the floating window, open the "Country" tab and traditionally install Germany or Finland, then we return a step backwards;
  9. select the connection type "Cable";
  10. we introduce the necessary adjustments in the "Settings" section - in the "Transmission Speed" parameter score 314;
  11. finally, you can click "Start" so that the TV begins to search for TV channels.

Allowing to watch digital television. Digital TV has significantly more advantages than usual, which is why many are moving to it. And to start, of course, you need from selecting the receiver. It is necessary to take into account the brand of the manufacturer, functionality, quality and, of course, the price. Finally, acquiring a digital receiver, it is necessary to prepare it for use. But how to do that? In this article you will learn how to connect and configure DVB-T2 digital television. Let's deal with the question together.

If you want to know how to configure a TV console, then this article for you

First of all, you need to connect all the elements among themselves. There is nothing hard in it, see for yourself. Connect the antenna to the receiver, and the receiver itself is to the TV. That's all - ready! It is recommended to connect the prefix through the HDMI cable, of course, provided that the devices have appropriate inputs and connectors. If HDMI is not supported, connect through ordinary "tulips". With any model of the console in the kit, an instruction is in which it is clearly shown to be connected with.

We start connecting the device

Please note that the configuration process is the same for all models of digital receivers, so it does not matter exactly what brand is your prefix. Of course, designing windows and some menu sections names can differ slightly, but the general essence does not change.

To begin with, the connection method is selected

By connecting the device, turn on the TV and the console. On the TV you need to select the video input to go to the receiver menu. If everything is done correctly, then on the screen you will see the window with a greeting, in which you need to choose the language, region, mode and image format, as well as search mode. Install the required parameters using the console of the console. Settings can not be changed and leave them by default. Click "OK" to go to the next window.

The first dialog box on the screen

If the "Search mode" section costs "DVB-T + DVB-T2", the receiver will immediately find all the channels available for your region yourself. But this method will work only if you already have an operating antenna directed in the right direction. Upon completion, you can close the menu and enjoy viewing. Other users need to position the antenna. There is nothing difficult in this, everything you need is to produce several settings in the receiver menu.

The list of available channels is loaded manually or automatically

In the event that you did not have an antenna before and it appeared now, along with the DVB-T2 console, while in the welcome window, click the button to call the menu on your remote. Go to "Setting up DVBT" and select "Channel Search". In the window that opens, set the Search Mode. Here you can install both "via channel" and "frequency". There is no big difference here - choose what you like more. Next, specify the "UHF" search band.

To simplify the channel search process, go to a special site with information on frequency channels for your particular city. In principle, it is necessary to do so optionally, it is possible to do without it, but this approach will facilitate and speed up the configuration process. Select the desired value in the "Frequency Channel" item. If the direction was chosen correctly, then after a couple of seconds you will see the filled "signal intensity" scales and the "signal quality" on the bottom of the window. If the level of the scales is good, then click "Search". After that, the receiver will configure in a given frequency channel.

In the event that you do not know the desired direction of the antenna, take and smoothly twist it, watching intensity and quality scales. Once they are filled to an acceptable level, fasten the antenna and search. As soon as

So, you decided to connect and configure digital aietal television for the Smart TV device. It is possible to do this, of course, regardless of which manufacturer's company you have TV - Samsung, LG, Philips or some other. The main thing is that your gadget has a built-in receiver. It is important to note that such a receiver is installed in almost every modern SMART TV TV. But just in case, you can clarify this or in the instructions, or in the store where you purchased the TV (or find information on the Internet).

There is nothing difficult in setting up digital airtal television, if you clearly follow the instructions

What can you give the fact that the TV will be able to take digital broadcast television? Remember the old TVs, which most often had a screen with a twggling image, which were often simply impossible to watch your favorite transmission - these were analog channels. So, the modern world will overcome this problem with digital TV channels that have high quality images and sound. Agree, in this case, it will be much more pleasant to watch movies, TV shows or the same news. In general, some advantages and no minuses! Therefore, let's get directly to how to connect digital airtime television to the TV.

How to set up digital airtime television?

Before proceeding to the most configuration of digital airtal television, let's deal with the preparation. You will need, first of all, the antenna itself, which you must first acquire or install (if you have your own). You can also calculate the antenna so that any problems with the length of the cable do not occur. Well, of course, the TV with digital channels is supported. Pay special attention to this, since not all the TV can take them.

If you have a positive answer to these two questions, that is, you have an antenna, and a TV capable of receiving digital channels (it has a special built-in receiver), you can move on. As for the receiver, then carefully read the SMART TV application instructions. Such information is indicated in it necessarily.

Universal method

The method below is not quite versatile, but rather common. That is, the principle of the sequence of actions will be converged with others, but there will be some menu items or buttons names. Therefore, you can try your logical and analytical abilities in practice and draw an analogy with your device. If you doubt yourself or do not want to complicate your life, then just below are the instructions for your TV (samsung, lg and philips are considered). In any case, we went further:

  1. We connect the antenna to TV using a special connectivity.
  2. Now we take into the hands of the TV control panel and click on the "Menu". This button is usually the largest, and it is located in an affordable and visible place.
  3. Next, you need to find options or settings where we need automatic mode for them.
  4. If necessary, you can specify the source of the signal (this is naturally cable), and then select digital channels. With each positive choices, click OK or "Next".
  5. Specify that you need a complete search channels. Here, perhaps, a field will appear to fill data. In this case, specify the following information (note that if there is a network search for channels, you do not need this data):
    • For frequency, apply a value of 314 MHz.
    • For transmission rate - 6875 ks / s
    • Well, modulation - 256
  6. Click the long-awaited "Start" or "Start" button. It remains to wait for the completion of the process, after which you can enjoy watching TV channels in a higher quality, as your TV will be able to take digital broadcast television.


  1. As in the previous instruction, first connect the antenna to the Samsung TV.
  2. Using a special button on the control panel, enter the device settings.
  3. In the list that appears, we will need a broadcast tab (or another name where the antenna icon is drawn), where there is an "antenna" item, you need to specify that the connection is carried out using a cable.
  4. Then open the Country menu item. Here we will choose "Other" with you.
  5. Now you have to appear in front of you with the requirement of entering a special PIN code. By default - 0000, if you have not changed anything yourself.
  6. If the device needs to specify the source of the signal, then without choosing the cable.
  7. Next, set the following search settings: quick mode, automatic network selection. Do not forget also to fill this data:
    • For the transmission rate - 6875 ks / s.
    • Well, the modulation is 256.
  8. How often they write on the Internet, "turn on Hachico mode" and waiting for the end of the process. Upon successful completion, you will manage to connect digital channels to the TV.


  1. The LG Smart TV turn came. Just in case, we repeat about our first step - connect the antenna to the TV.
  2. Next, open the device settings using the button on the remote control.
  3. We will need to find the parameters of the country where Finland or Germany should be chosen.
  4. The next stage is the automotive channel of the channels. Its without any problems can be found in the menu tab with drawn antenna.
  5. Next, we will need to specify which one we have a connection type. As you know, this is a cable. Therefore, here the choice is obvious and think for a long time.
  6. We fall into special settings, where you specify the data already familiar to us (if you read previous items). If not, we look at:
    • For frequency, apply a value equal to 314 MHz.
    • Transmission speed - 6875 ks / s.
    • Modulation - 256.
  7. We wait for the end of searching for digital channels. If everything went well, you can please yourself to view any transmission in digital quality.

It is necessary to immediately mention the automatic update of the channels on LG TVs. This feature is not all models. If there is, you can not produce a new search - the TV will do everything for you. This setting is adjustable, so if desired it turns off in parameters.

Televisions Philips.

As mentioned above, the method is practically no different from the previous ones, except for the names of the menu items and some tabs. Let's proceed:

  1. Connect the antenna to the TV and go to the "Install" tab of the configuration menu using the remote control.
  2. You will appear with the parameters. We need the Channel Setup item.
  3. Next, we enter the automatic installation, where the system will notify the update of the channel list. We are not afraid, but click the "Start" button.
  4. Now you have to click on the reinstalling of the channels, then indicate Germany or Finland as a country.
  5. After the manipulations conducted, you will need to set the type of connection - the "cable".
  6. It's time to put some parameters using the Installation Point. Here the speed should be equal to 314.
  7. And so, after numerous manipulations with the settings and the search for the necessary menu items, we reached the finish line: click on "start" and wait for the process to complete. At its end, your fruitful work is declared finished.

How to decode channels?

First of all, note that if you configured digital channels according to the method described above, you should not have encoded channels in principle. Such a problem occurs when you have cable television (for example, NTV plus or tricolor TV). There you have a special price for viewing channels for a certain period of time. When the subscription time ends, you have access to these digital channels. Then the services should pay and re-configure the receiver. If you do not know how to do this, you can contact the specialists specifically your receiver at the phone number or through their website. You can also try to find the instruction on everything on the same official website where the entire pre-viewing procedure is described in detail.


Digital essential television has higher display quality compared to the analog channels. You can connect and configure this feature very easily on any TV - for this you do not need to have some special knowledge. Let us summarize our instructions in common to most TVs:

  1. Connect an antenna.
  2. In the settings menu, we find auto parts of the channels.
  3. Then set the connection type "Cable" and set the parameters if necessary in the data area (transmission rate, frequency and modulation).
  4. Also, as needed, you need to choose the country - most often it is Germany or Finland.
  5. We start searching the channels using the start button in the dialog box.
  6. We wait for the search for the search and go to the long-awaited view!

MENU (SETTING) -\u003e Options

Choosing a country, for example, Austria (for Russia there are no digital cable TV settings)

Setup -\u003e Digital Cable Setting - Select Other Operators

Section Auto Access -\u003e Select Cable

The cable subsection is a search type setting. Data exhibit both in the photo and save (ok)


Search process: first digital channels will be found, then analog

Video instruction

MENU (SETTING) -\u003e Channels -\u003e Autopoysk

Setting up a digital cable -\u003e other operators

Choose cable TV

Set the parameters as in the photo and click Next

Select the search by type of channels (if you not mark anything, digital and analog channels will be found)

Search process

Video instruction

1. Press the button - "Menu"

2. Select the item "Settings"

3. In the window that appears, select "Analog Menu. Settings "

4. In the window that appears, select the "Add TV Signal" item

5. In the table that opened table, we put a tick on the "DVB-C" line and dropping below click "start auto-tuning"

6. After finding all digital channels, entering the Main menu in the "Setup" item appears the "DVB-C" setup menu. By choosing this item, you can correct the setting in manual mode (set the frequency and speed).

Your TV menus may differ from the proposed model. In this case, you need to find similar on the meaning of the tab. If your TV will request a search step, indicate 8 MHz.

Instruction number 1.

First we read on the back wall of the TV stickers, where separately for each tuner (DVB-T and DVB-C) contains a list of countries in which, according to Philips, there is a digital broadcasting (at the time of the TV, but if you update the firmware through them Official site, then in subsequent firmware, this list may change). If our country is not there, then you have to put some other of this list.

2. Select - "Configuration"

3. Select - "Installation"

6. Select - "digital mode"

7. Select - "Cable"

8. Select - "Automatically"

9. Press - "Start"

Instruction number 2.
Television Models Philips 2011

1. Click on the icon - "Domik"

2. Select - "Installation"

3. Select "Search channels"

4. Select - "Reinstall channels"

5. Select - "The country that is indicated on the sticker on the back panel" (usually, France, Finland or Germany)

6. Select the digital mode - "Cable (DVB-C)"

7. In the "Network Frequency" row, drive the frequency

8. In the Row "Transmission Speed" drive

The setting is made approximately 5-10 minutes.

Instruction number 3.

1. In order to configure high-definition digital TV channels from the overwhelming number of Philips models, press the "MENU" button on the remote control, you will open the TV menu in which you will need to select the "Configuration" section

2. Select the Installation tab. After pressing the "OK" button, you move to the second menu field, then go to the "Channel Setting" tab. After pressing the "OK" button, you will open the third part of the menu where you need to select "Automatic. Installations. Next, you have a message about updating the list of channels, click "Start"

3. Select "Reinstall channels"

4. In the Country section, you must select Finland, but if there is no given country in the list, select Germany

5. Since you are connected to digital television through the DVB-C cable network, you must select "Cable"

6. Before, start searching for channels, select "Settings" to manually fix the search parameters

7. Install the manual transmission speed mode. In the Transmission Speed \u200b\u200bmanually, change the control panel to the desired one. In some models of televisions, the flow rate is indicated in the "Symbol 1" tab, "Symbol 2" leave 0.

8. Now install manual network frequency mode and from the control panel will enter a network frequency.

9. After pressing the tab is ready, you will again fall in the menu of the channel startup, you can now start scanning

10. If you all made and saved all the modified parameters, then during the search you will find channels.

MENU -\u003e Channel

In the antenna section, choose a cable

In the Auto-tuning section, the subsection cable search parameters are set in the photo.

Selecting channel search: all, only digital, only analog. Then -\u003e Next

Channel search process

Video instruction

Instruction number 1.

If your TV model is provided with the reception of digital channels, but there is no item "DTV Menu", then pre-choose another country - France, Switzerland, Sweden or Finland.

1. Press the button - "DTV"

2. Click - "DTV Menu"

3. Choose - "Installation"

4. Choose - "Autofallation"

5. Press - "OK"

The setting is made approximately 5-10 minutes.

Instruction number 2.

2. In the window that appears on the TV, select the TV tab, click OK.

3. In the menu that appears, set the tuner mode parameters - Cable, Country - Russia.

4. In the window that appears, select the Channel Search tab and click OK.

5. In the window that appears, select the ATV and CTV parameter and click OK.

Since not all Sony models are equipped with a digital tuner for cable TV (DVB-C) you need to check the model of your TV Sony.

Models equipped with a DVB-C tuner have a KDL label - ** EX *** or KDL - ** NX *** - for example, KDL-32EX402R2 first 3 letters in the model name (KDL) just indicate that the TV "digital" . In KLV models - ** bx ***, etc. There are no DVB tuners.

1. Press the "MENU" button (some models it is called "home" on the remote control (hereinafter referred to as the remote control. This button is usually blue.

2. Select the "Installation" item.

3. Find the "Digital Configuration" menu list, log in to it.

4. Select "Autopoysk digital stations"

5. A source selection window opens - select the TV connection type. Select "Cable"

6. In the scan type selection item - select "Full Scanning" mode

6.1 or choose the "manual" item

7. Click "Start"

Wait for the TV Complete Channel Search.

Pay attention to the bottom of the on-screen menu of your TV. In the bottom of the menu panel, prompts are displayed with any PO buttons to perform certain steps in the TV menu.

Instruction number 1.

1. Turn off the TV and set the conditional access module. Turn on the TV. Go to the menu. Choose a Russian language.

2. Click the DTV tab manual setting and click OK

3. Enter the frequency, modulation, symbol transfer rate

4. After pressing the OK button, the search will begin, as a result of which the channels must be detected.

Instruction number 2.

1. To start the setup, press the MENU button on the remote control.

2. In the window that appears on the TV, select the Setup tab, click OK.

3. In the menu that appears, select the Automatic Channel Scan tab, click OK.

4. Select the Digital Cable TV option and click OK.

5. In the window that appears, click Yes.

After the installation is completed, all available digital and analog channels should appear on the TV.

The article presents detailed instructions, how to connect a digital console to the TV. More and more users prefer digital television, as today it is one of the most advanced signaling methods. Therefore, the quality of the translated picture and sound is several times better than analog broadcasting.

To access a digital TV user, you need to purchase a digital receiver, and then connect it and configure it.

The receiver can be connected not only to the television screen, but also to the PC, video player. But in this case, the user needs to additionally acquire a special adapter, it is necessary for connecting a coaxial wire. You can buy such an adapter in most electrical stores.

To view digital channels, you will need the following equipment:

  • television;
  • console;
  • television or satellite antenna;
  • consumables;

Connection process

  1. The prefix is \u200b\u200bunpacked necessarily need to completely remove the protective film, otherwise it can subsequently lead to overheating of the device.
  2. Curtainly cut the ends of the antenna cable, retreats about 10-20 cm.
  3. Bend the screening of the cable and fasten the F connectors to it.
  4. After that, the cable is connected to the receiver and to the TV.
  5. After the cable is connected, you need to connect RCA wires (tulips).
  6. Connecting a digital console to the TV is completed. The next step is to configure the technique.


After connecting to the TV, the setting step begins. You can configure the digital receiver by the following scheme:

  1. Press the PU key "Menu".
  2. Next, choose the item "Set up TV channels."
  3. Then press the "OK" key, automatic channel configuration will begin.
  4. When the procedure is completed, click "OK" and save the found channels.

You should know that to view the TV, the user must conclude an agreement with any provider that provides services for connecting satellite television. Many companies offer to acquire subscriber and their company receivers. This is the basic information, how to configure and connect the receiver to the TV.

Connection to an outdated TV model

Is it possible to connect the satellite receiver to the old TV? - The question of interest, many telubers. You can connect the TV console to the old screen, but it is worth knowing that not all outdated models are equipped with AV connectors, but each has SCART, some of its contacts can capture component signals. Therefore, one of the ways to connect the tuner to the old TV is to use the adapter.

If the screen is completely old, it does not have any connectors at all, so in such cases the antenna jack is used, a signal will be served through it. It will be needed to purchase an adapter with RCA connectors. With this method, the satellite tuner can be connected to the old television equipment.

DVB-T2 Format Receivers

Unlike satellite TV, where the user needs to purchase a large set of equipment (plate, tuner), and then all this needs to be configured and installed, the digital television of the DVB T2 format can be translated through the usual antenna.

In order to watch TV in this format you need to buy a DVB T2 receiver. The DVB T2 receivers circuit to the TV is practically no different from connecting other receivers.

Manual how to connect T2 television panel:

  • with the HDMI cable, the screen is connected to the receiver;
  • then, also by wire, the receiver joins the antenna;
  • all equipment is included in the network;
  • next, standard settings are performed.

Such a simple method can be connected to the DVB T2 console of digital television to the TV.

Interactive TV from Provider Rostelecom

To date, the consoles of Rostelecom are in great demand. This equipment allows you to watch interactive TV perfect quality, the user can choose the most interesting package, as well as buy additional services.

  1. Connect the DC 12V wire to the desired device connector, but do not include in the rosette.
  2. The Internet cable is connected to the LAN connector.
  3. Using the HDMI cable, connect the console to the television panel.
  4. Enable equipment to the network.
  5. Next translate TV to HDMI mode .
  6. A window will appear on the monitor, you will need to drive the registration information (password, login), all these data must provide a provider in advance.
  7. After making data, click "Yes."
  8. If the connection and configuration are performed exactly according to the instructions, it will not have to configure anything else, after entering data, the subscriber will be available digital television.

The instruction is suitable for most modern models: Samsung, Philips, Toshiba.

What do you need AV receiver

This device is one of the main cinemas in the system. Since all other components of the system are connected to the AV receiver. In fact, the AV receiver performs the role of the switching system (decorate, processes, distributes the signal). Therefore, when choosing, it should be paid to its decoding, switching, amplifying properties.

Overview of the most popular AV receivers models

  1. Pioneer VSX-831stylish and functional AV receiver supports option google Cast,it has compatibility with different brands (Sony, LJ). The main advantage is the presence of 6 HDMI connectors.
  2. Receiver BBK AV321T.inexpensive, but rather good quality receiver. Equipped with all necessary functional, there is also an input for the karaoke microphone. Another advantage of the receiver is simplicity and ease of operation.
  3. DENON AVR-X2300W many specialists note that this receiver is endowed with all the necessary properties for the ideal work of the home theater system. The receiver has a well-pronounced dynamics, he has a sufficiently different options. The device menu is convenient and intuitive.
  4. Yamaha RX-V581 the powerful receiver, has a stylish and modern design. Supports technology Dolby Atmos.. The only minus can be considered the fact that the device has only one HDMI output and four inputs. But at the same time, they all have passed Certification 2.0A, this means that they can broadcast the most modern formats.

Equipment connection scheme

Connect AV receiver as follows:

  1. Preparation of all components of the home theater system.
  2. Then you need to select a location where the device will be located.
  3. After, the receiver is connected to the screen using the Wire.
  4. On the screen will appear on the equipment setting.
  5. Code Installation Events will be completed, you need to connect speakers and columns.
  6. The signal source is connected, the network is configured.
  7. The system is ready to work.

These are basic recommendations How to connect a satellite receiver and DVB T2 format receivers to the screen. And also presented an instruction on setting up the Rostelecom console and AV receiver review. Read also.