Position at the Regional Theater Festival. Position I of regional (VI regional) festival-competition of individual acting works

Position at the Regional Theater Festival. Position I of regional (VI regional) festival-competition of individual acting works
  1. Goals and objectives.

      The main objectives of the festival are the support and promotion of young theater groups, familiarity with the work of foreign theaters, promoting intensive cultural integration, the preservation and continuity of cultural traditions of the peoples of different countries of the world, the opening of the world community of new talents under the sign "Art in defense of brands", cultural education .

    • The main task of the festival is to support directors and playwrights of young theatrical formations, creating an art space for joint creative and experimental work, exchange of experience and research of modern society problems, search for models of their solutions through the prism of theatrical art.
  1. Terms of conduct.
Theatrical festival "Teatral Prastor" within the Eurasian International Festival of Cultures will be held on September 25 - 27, 2018 in
Pinsk (Brest Oblast, Republic of Belarus).
  1. Participants of the festival
Youth theatrical teams are invited to participate in the festival (up to 7 people).
  1. Order of participation
    • To participate in the festival, you must send the completed application To the address of the organizing committee (), video of the performance, which will be shown within the framework of the festival, at least 10 photos of theatrical team.
    • The video should contain the entire performance and correspond to one of the formats: .mpeg4, .mpeg, .avi).
    • The photographs should have a team of the theater: the general photo, in the process of work and rehearsals, during performances. Photos are sent in JPG, JPEG format, RGB color model, 600 DPI resolution).
    • The Organizing Committee after selection of applications, sends official invitations to participants and is a festival program.
    • The Organizing Committee of the Festival assumes the costs of living and feeding the participants of the festival for the period of its holding.
    • Festival participants independently pay for travel to the Republic of Belarus, in Pinsk
    • Upon exceeding the number of participants of the theater collective (7 people), it is necessary to pay the organizational contribution of 60 EUR.
  1. Order of conduct

During the festival, it is planned to show the performances of different theatrical genres and trends, holding master classes and thematic round tables with the participation of leading theater leaders from Belarus and other countries of the world.

Government of the Ryazan region


About the regional theater festival "Scene Mirror"

In order to develop theatrical art in the Ryazan region, supporting theatrical figures of the Ryazan region in the process of creative development, attracting young people to the development and maintenance of theatrical art of the region, the Government of the Ryazan region decides:

1. To approve the provision on the regional theater festival "Scene Mirror" (hereinafter referred to as the festival) according to Appendix N 1.

2. To approve the composition of the Organizing Committee for the preparation and conduct of the festival according to Appendix N 2.

3. Involve. - RESOLUTION of 26.09.2018 N 278.

4. Control over the execution of this resolution is entrusted to the Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Ryazan region R.P. Petryaeva.

(p. 4 in the red.)

Vice-Governor of the Ryazan region -
first Deputy Chairman
Government of the Ryazan region
S.V. Filimonov

Appendix N 1. Regulations on the regional theater festival "Scene Mirror"

Appendix N 1.
to the decree
Government of the Ryazan region
from September 30, 2016 N 230

1. General Provisions

1.1. The situation on the regional theater festival "Scene Mirror" (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation) determines the procedure and conditions for the annual regional theatrical festival "scene mirror" (hereinafter referred to as the festival) on the basis of the last theater season.

1.2. Goals and objectives of the festival.

1.2.1. Festival goals:

Development of theatrical art in the Ryazan region;

Support for theatrical figures of the Ryazan region in the process of creative development;

Attracting young people to the development and maintenance of the theater art of the region.

1.2.2. Tasks of the festival:

Identifying the best creative works in various types and genres of theatrical art of the Ryazan region;

Improving the creative level of performances;

Expansion of the audience of state institutions of cultural culture of the Ryazan region, carrying out professional activities in the field of theatrical art (hereinafter referred to as regional theaters).

2. Organization and holding of the festival

2.1. The preparation and holding of the festival provides the organizational committee of the festival (hereinafter referred to as the Organizing Committee).

2.1.1. The organizing committee includes the chairman of the organizing committee, two Deputy Chairman of the Organizing Committee, the secretary and members of the organizing committee.

2.1.2. The Organizing Committee independently determines the procedure for organizing its work in accordance with this Regulation.

2.2. The Organizing Committee performs the following functions:

Engaged in the organization and holding of the festival;

Determines the place and timing of the festival, including the solemn ceremony of awarding the laureates of the festival (hereinafter - the laureate);

2.3. Announcement of the place and timing of the festival is located on the official website of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Ryazan region in the information and telecommunications network of the Internet kkt.ryazangov.ru (hereinafter referred to as the official website of the ministry) on time no later than 10 calendar days before the festival.

Information about the place and time of the ceremony of awarding the laureates is located on the official website of the Ministry no later than 5 calendar days before the date of the solemn ceremony.

2.4. The following nominations are established within the festival:

2.4.1. Professional festival nominations:

- "best work director";

- "The best work of the artist-director";

- "The best job of the balletmaster / choreographer";

- "The best job of the artist on costumes";

- "The best work of the artist in the light";

- "Best Music Design" / "Best Composition";

- "Best Women's Role";

- "Best Male Role";

- "The best role of the second plan";

- "The best role in the play for a children's or teenage audience";

- "Best Young Actor" / "Best Young Actress";

- "The best performance of a big form";

- "The best performance of small shape";

- "The best performance for children."

2.4.2. Special nominations of the festival:

- "For an outstanding contribution to the development of theatrical art";

- "Prize the jury";

- "Prize of theatrical journalists and critics";

- "For the support of theatrical art of the Ryazan region."

2.5. The jury as part of at least 4 people is formed annually from among the leading figures of theatrical art of Russia (actors, directors, artists, ballersters, etc.) and professional theatrical critics (theatersov, musicologists, art historians).

The jury cannot include members of the organizing committee, representatives of the regional theaters participating in the festival.

The term of the composition of the jury is no later than 10 days before the festival.

2.5.1. Jury during the festival:

Carries out the performances put forward to participate in the festival;

Conducts an assessment of the presented performances;

Determines the laureates in each festival nomination, and also has the right to not define the laureates in any festival nomination.

2.5.2. Decisions on the definition of laureates in the relevant nominations are accepted at the end of the views of the festival performances and their assessment at a closed jury meeting. The jury meeting is considered to be eligible if it is present at least two thirds of the total number of its members. The jury decisions are accepted by voting by a simple majority of votes. In case of equality of votes, the voice of the jury is decisive.

2.5.3. The decision jury on the definition of laureates in the relevant nominations is made up by the minutes of the jury. The minutes of the jury meeting signs the chairman of the jury.

2.6. Until the end of the solemn ceremony of awarding winners, members of the jury and the organizing committee are not entitled to disclose information on the decisions adopted at the jury meeting.

3. Terms and procedures for participation in the festival

3.1. Terms and procedures for participation in professional nominations.

3.1.1. In professional nominations, the performances of regional theaters are put forward.

The right to extend performances belongs:

Ryazan Regional Office of the All-Russian Public Organization "Union of Theater Workers of the Russian Federation (All-Russian Theater Society)" (hereinafter referred to as the Ryazan Regional Office of the Union of Theater Workers of the Russian Federation).

3.1.2. The following documents are submitted to extend the performance to participate in the festival to the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Ryazan Region:

Application for participation of no more than two performances in the form according to Annex to this Regulation;

The written consent of the head of the theater, where the performance was raised, to participate in the festival (in the event of a performance to the Ryazan Regional Office of the Union of Theater Workers of the Russian Federation);

Poster and the play program;

Publications in the media about the performance.

3.2. Terms and procedures for participation in the special nominations of the festival.

3.2.1. In a special nomination "For an outstanding contribution to the development of theatrical art", theatrical figures are put forward (directors, actors / artists, film artists, composers).

The right to nominate in a special nomination "For an outstanding contribution to the development of theatrical art" belongs:

Leaders of regional theaters;

Ryazan Regional Office of the Union of Theater Workers of the Russian Federation.

The following documents are submitted to applicants in a special nomination "For an outstanding contribution to the development of theatrical art" The following documents are submitted to the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Ryazan Region:

A letter view with a characteristic and an indication of the experience of theatrical activity, activities aimed at preserving, developing and popularizing theatrical art;

Photo of a special nomination applicant (size 10 x 12 cm).

3.2.2. In a special nomination "For the support of theatrical art of the Ryazan region", individuals and organizations of all forms of ownership are put forward.

The right to extend to participate in the special nomination "For the support of theatrical art of the Ryazan region" belongs:

Leaders of regional theaters;

Board of the Ryazan Regional Office of the Union of Theater Workers of the Russian Federation.

For applicants in the special nomination "For the support of theatrical art of the Ryazan Region", a letter representation with the characteristic and indication of the forms of support for the applicant for a special nomination are sent to the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Ryazan Region.

3.2.3. The applicant in the special nominations "Prize the jury", "a prize of theatrical journalists and critics" is every competitive performance or a member of theatrical team that submitted a competitive performance.

3.3. Evaluation of work in the professional nominations and special nominations "Jury Prize", "The Prize of theatrical Journalists and Critics" is carried out according to the following criteria:

High level of professional skill;

Disclosure of an artistic image;

Creative approach to the interpretation of the dramatic work;


3.3.1. In a special nomination "For an outstanding contribution to the development of theatrical art", the laureate is determined by the criteria:

Perennial ministry to theater;

Contribution to the preservation, development and popularization of theatrical art.

3.3.2. In the special nomination "For the support of theatrical art of the Ryazan region", the laureate is determined by the criterion for the most active support of theatrical art of the Ryazan region.

4. The size of the festival premiums and sources of financing

4.1. The size of the awards is indicated taking into account the tax deductions provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.1.1. According to the results of the festival, each professional nomination is awarded:

- "Best Work of the Director", 1 Prize - 50.0 thousand rubles;

- "The best work of the artist-producer", 1 Prize - 35.0 thousand rubles;

- "Best work of the balletmaster / choreographer", 1 bonus - 35.0 thousand rubles;

- "The best job of the artist on costumes", 1 Prize - 35.0 thousand rubles;

- "The best work of the artist in the light", 1 premium - 35.0 thousand rubles;

- "Best Music Design" / "Best Work of Composer", 1 Prize - 35.0 thousand rubles;

- "Best Women's Role", 1 Prize - 50.0 thousand rubles;

- "Best Male Role", 1 Prize - 50.0 thousand rubles;

- "The best role in the play for a children's or teenage audience", 1 premium - 50.0 thousand rubles;

- "Best Role of the Second Plan", 1 Prize - 35.0 thousand rubles;

- "Best Young Actor" / "Best Young Actress", 1 Prize - 20.0 thousand rubles;

- "The best performance of a large form", 1 premium - 50.0 thousand rubles;

- "The best performance of small shape", 1 bonus - 50.0 thousand rubles;

- "The Best Performance for Children", 1 Prize - 50.0 thousand rubles.

4.1.2. Following the festival, each special nomination is awarded:

- "For an outstanding contribution to the development of theatrical art", 1 premium - 50.0 thousand rubles;

- Premium Jury, 4 awards of 25.0 thousand rubles. Each.

4.1.3. Laureates of all nominations are awarded memorable signs of the festival.

4.1.4. Prizes in professional nominations "The best performance of a large form", "the best performance of small shape", "the best performance for children" is distributed in equal shares among the participants in the staged groups of each performance.

4.1.5. The award is paid to the festival laureates in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Ryazan region, published no later than the next working day since the signing of the Protocol and on its basis, by transferring funds to the personal account in the credit institution specified in the statement of the winner to transfer a premium during its foundation 30 calendar days after graduation.

The term for granting the statement of the laureate - until October 31, the festival is inclusive.

4.1.6. Financing of winning costs of winners is carried out at the expense of funds provided for by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Ryazan Region for the implementation of the State Program of the Ryazan Region "Development of Culture and Tourism" in the amount of 730 thousand rubles.

(as amended by the Decree of the Government of the Ryazan Region of 18.11.2019 N 356)

Application. Application for participation in the regional theater festival "Scene Mirror"

to position
about regional theater
festival "Scene Mirror"

Theater name ___________________________________________

The name of the play ________________________________________________

Note form (small / big) ____________________________________

The composition of the protrusion:

1. ________________________________________________________________

2. ________________________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________________________

4. ________________________________________________________________

5. ________________________________________________________________

Premiere date "____" ______________ 20___

An organization that puts forward the performance, ________________________________


(Position of the Organization Head)


"____" ______________ 20___

Appendix N 2. Composition of the Organizing Committee for the preparation and conduct of the regional theater festival "Scene Mirror"

Appendix N 2.
to the decree
Government of the Ryazan region
from September 30, 2016 N 230

Petryaev Roman Petrovich

deputy Chairman of the Government of the Ryazan Region, Chairman of the Organizing Committee

Popov Vitaly Yuryevich

minister of Culture and Tourism of the Ryazan Region, Deputy Chairman of the Organizing Committee

Kirillov Konstantin Gennadyevich

chairman of the Ryazan Regional Branch of the All-Russian Public Organization "Union of Theater Workers of the Russian Federation (All-Russian Theater Society)", Director of GAUK "Ryazan State Regional Theater of Dolls", Deputy Chairman of the Organizing Committee (in coordination)

Snastina Lyudmila Borisovna

chief Specialist of the Department for Coordination of Culture and Arts Organizations of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Ryazan Region, Secretary of the Organizing Committee

Members of the Organizing Committee:

Grechko Semen Borisovich

director of Hagum "Ryazan State Order" Sign of Honor "Regional Theater of Drama" (as agreed)

Yesenina Marina Viktorovna

artistic director GAUK "Ryazan State Regional Theater for Children and Youth" (in coordination)

Chernyshova Marina Vyacheslavovna

director of the Gaguk "Ryazan Regional Music Theater" (in coordination)

Vologhanina Ekaterina Aleksandrovna

deputy Chairman of the Ryazan Regional Branch of the All-Russian Public Organization "Union of Theater Workers of the Russian Federation (All-Russian Theater Society)", Deputy Director of the Gaguk "Ryazan State Regional Theater of Dolls" (in coordination)


General position:

International Theater Festival named after Viktor Sergeyevich Rosova - Annual Creative Action held in the city of Kostroma, designed in the format of the Forum to unite the leaders of the theater of the whole world, to acquaint residents of the Kostroma region with the creative achievements of outstanding scene masters, serve the propaganda and distribution of artistic creativity, ensure the conditions for exchange Creative experience and transmission of artistic skill of creative youth of the region, to promote the strengthening of interregional and international cultural ties, to promote the development of theatrical art and theater. The festival is an extraction, its program is formed in such a way as to most fully submit to the public and theatrical community the current state of the modern theater in the framework of a predetermined topic. The festival is also designed to create conditions for professional discussion of the most significant aspects of theatrical art and theater. As part of the festival, workshops, creative meetings, scientific and practical conferences, seminars, round tables and other events can be held. Festival participants are domestic and foreign theater groups, directors, actors, playwrights, artists, teachers, theaters, critics, producers.

Festival goals:

Promote the preservation of historical memory of the outstanding Russian playwright Victor Sergeyevich Roset and the actualization of interest in his work;

Facilitate the preservation of traditions and the development of theatrical art;

Promoting the values \u200b\u200bof artistic creativity, to promote the growth of the prestige of creative professions and intensifying interest in creative activity in the youth of the region;

Promote the expansion of the cultural supply in the Kostroma region;

Promote the development of international and interregional cooperation in the field of theatrical art;

Promote the achievements of the domestic theater in international cultural space;

Promoting the formation of a favorable image of the city of Kostroma in the population.

Tasks of the festival:

In a high quality and artistic level, to acquaint residents of Kostroma with creative achievements of domestic and foreign theater groups;

Facilitate professional training of students of creative educational institutions in the region;

Ensure increased attention of the population and means of a wealth of information to festival measures;

Contribute to the growth of theatrical audience in the region;

Promote the exchange of professional experience and the transfer of artistic skills by the festival participants.

Organizational structure of the festival:

The festival president of the festival is implemented by the festival, the Soviet and Russian director, the playwright, theatrical teacher. Son of the famous Soviet playwright Viktor Sergeyevich Rosova, Sergey Viktorovich Rosov.

The leadership of the organizing committee of the festival is carried out by the Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Festival - deputy of the Kostroma Regional Duma, a member of the Committee on Education, Culture and Archives of the Kostroma Regional Duma, a co-founder of the non-profit organization "Regional Theater Association", Ilya Albertovich Yakhontov.

The overall coordination of the festival is carried out by the art director of the festival - a member of the Guild of theatrical Directors of the Russian Federation, a member of the Board of the Kostroma Regional Office of the Union of Theater Workers of the Russian Federation, the co-founder of the Non-Profit Organization "Regional Theater Association", Stanislav Borisovich Golodnitsky.

The formation and distribution of the budget of the festival is carried out by the Executive Director of the Festival - Executive Director of the Non-Profit Organization "Regional Theater Association", Nikolai Viktorovich Viktorenko.

The festival partner is recognized as a legal or individual, government body, public organization or association, diplomatic representation, sponsor, Russian or international charitable foundation or an organization that exercises direct financial and / or organizational support to the festival or its participants. In cases established by law, the relationship between the executive director of the festival and the partner is issued by the relevant contract.

Partners have the right to offer the chairman of the organizing committee of the festival of candidates for the organizing committee of the festival. The organizing committee may include prominent public figures, art masters, heads of cultural management bodies, creative teams, organizations of culture and art.

The organizing committee approves the composition of festival activities offered by the President and Art Director of the Festival, the final program of the festival. Each member of the Organizational Council controls the holding of festival measures to meet its respective specialization, gives an assessment of the quality of the organizational and artistic level of activities carried out, makes public statements, participates in press conferences and PR shares.

The President and Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Festival opens and close the festival, hand over memorable gifts, summarize the general results of the festival, participate in press conferences and PR shares. The President and Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Festival is obligatory at all festival events during all days of the festival.

Festival financing:

The formation and distribution of the budget of the festival is the exceptional competence of the executive director of the festival. The festival has multichannel financing. Sources of funds can be funds obtained in the form of subsidies and subventions from budgets of any level, funds received from federal and regional targeted programs, national and international charitable programs and funds, sponsorship support, private deposits, revenues from the sale of tickets, souvenir and concomitant products. , as well as funds from other sources that are not prohibited by the current legislation.

Direct support of the participants of the festival by third parties is recognized as the support of the festival. The Executive Director has the right to receive copies of the relevant financial documents from such participants to submit partners.

Regulations of the festival (for theatrical teams):

1. The art director sends to potential participants of the invitation festival on behalf of the president of the festival. The following information is attached to the invitation:

Regulations on the festival;

Draft festival program;

Application template.

2. Participants within 30 days from the date of receipt of the invitation send an art director of the festival Answer about their consent or disagreement to take part in the festival.

In the case of consent to the answer, the following information must be applied:

The quantitative composition of the participants of the team indicating the number of men and women;

Technical player of the performance: the size of hard scenery, requirements for stage, sound and light equipment platform, requirements for the method of transportation of decorations, props and costumes, the requirements for mounting the performance, quantity and composition of the necessary technical personnel, technical photos of the performance;

Information on the minimum amount of time for which the performance can be mounted, as well as rehearsals required to prepare for the performance;

Household Rider of the performance: wishes for the organization of the passage of the team, wishes for settlement in the hotel, quantity and equipment of grimatic, the presence of auxiliary personnel (costumes, make-upers, etc.);

Other requirements at the discretion of the participant requiring operational additional approval.

3. The art director within 10 days from the date of receipt of the participant's consent sends him confirmation to participate in the festival on behalf of the president of the festival or refusal to specify the cause.

4. Together with the confirmation of the Executive Director of the Festival, the Executive Director sends the Participant to the offer of the contract to participate in the festival, or the draft treaty of intent to conclude an agreement for participation in the festival with specific conditions for participation. In case of consent with the offer, the participant sends a contract signed on fax to fax, the Executive Director of the Festival also sends a copy of the contract by fax. The exchange of originals and closing documents can be carried out by mail, or directly on the site during the days of the festival.

5. No later than 40 days before the festival, the participant sends the art director of the festival text information about the play and photographs (indicating the name of the author) to accommodate the festival and festival billboard in the booklet.

6. If the participant expresses the desire to take part in the festival on his own initiative, he sends a festival art director for participation in accordance with paragraph 2, ch. Festival's regulations.

7. The Executive Director provides equal conditions for participation in the festival for all participants, except for those participants who expressed the desire to take part in the festival on their own initiative. With such participants, the conditions of participation are coordinated individually.

8. Under the conditions of participation refers to the obligation of the executive director:

Ensure the accommodation and food of team members, while paying for accommodation and meals for the three days of the festival.

9. The Executive Director is not obliged to ensure payment of participation in the festival (fee of the fee) participant. This condition is the subject of individual negotiations between the executive director of the festival and the participant and is not subject to the disclosure of third parties, except for the partners of the festival.

10. For all participants, a single participation format is established:

Day of arrival, settlement, participation in the events of the festival;

Day of montage, rehearsals and performances;

Departure Day.

At the request of the participant, the stay at the festival can be increased by more than one day, but in this case the payment of accommodation and nutrition in days exceeding the established limit is carried out at the expense of the participant's own funds.

11. At the end of the performance, all theatrical teams receive commemorative souvenirs and diplomas of the participants of the festival from the hands of the President and Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Festival.

Final position:

The regulation of the participation of individual participants (moderators of seminars, leading master classes, etc.) is determined by a separate agreement with the Executive Director.

The festival is held in February 2018 in the city of Kostroma on the scenes of the State Philharmonic of the Kostroma region and the Kostroma Chamber Drama Theater under the leadership of B.I. Golodnitsky.

Wishing to take part in the festival, we ask for up to October 1, 2017 to send a request to the attached form to the address: [Email Protected]

Phones for communication:

8-905-592-31-30 - President of the festival, Rosov Sergey Viktorovich.

8-903-898-25-65 - Executive Director of the Festival, Viktorenko Nikolai Viktorovich.

8-960-73-8888-3 - Art Director of the Festival, Golodnitsky Stanislav Borisovich.

Email address: [Email Protected]

Application must be applied to the performance program, the composition of the performers (including the stage) and the poster.

It is advisable to submit a video of the performance to the Organizing Committee. Applications sent later than the specified deadlines, the organizing committee is not considered.

Attachment 1


about the IV Regional Festival of Amateur Theater Collective

"Theatrical manifold"

1. General Provisions.

The regional theater festival of amateur groups of the Tula region "Theatrical diversity" (hereinafter referred to as the festival) is conducted by the TRO WFP "United Russia" on the basis of the GUK "Tula Academic Drama Theater". Amateur theatrical teams of the Tula region can take part in the festival.

2. Festival goals.

Attracting attention to the activities of amateur theaters. Support for talented theatrical teams of the Tula region.

3. Participants in the festival.

Participants in the festival are amateur theatrical teams of the Tula region, submitted applications to the Organizing Committee until October 25, 2017 at the electronic address: Teatr. ***** @ *** com

4. The timing and procedure for participation in the festival.

The festival is held in the period from 2017. The order of participation in the festival:
    The first stage of the festival is applicant (from October 4 to 2017). Theatrical amateur groups, who expressed the desire to participate in the festival, send applications (Appendix 2) and provide a reference to a 15-minute video excerpt from their performances on a free topic to the festival organizing committee (the "Theatrical Diversity" mark is affixed in the field) by email: Teatr. ***** @ *** COM second stage - qualifying (from October 25 to 2017). The Organizing Committee and the Jury of the Festival are viewing video formulations of the stated teams. The best works selected as a result of the qualifying round are allowed to participate in the festival gala concert the third stage - the presentation of works (November 27, 2017 at 14.00). On the gala concert, the winners of the second stage represent their works. According to the results of the speech at the gala concert, the jury reveals the best teams and determines the laureate of the festival and two diploma. Winners of the festival are awarded valuable gifts and letters of letters. All participants of the festival as spectators are invited to participate in the gala concert.
Summing up the competition The composition of the jury is determined by the organizational committee of the festival. The jury includes representatives of the United Russia party, specialists in the field of culture and art. Members of the jury carry out the creative materials submitted by the participants and evaluate them in the following criteria:
    acting and completion of the formulation; selection of musical material, props; creative nature and originality of work; Director's decision.
The festival is considered to be if at least 5 works are represented in the Organizing Committee. In the absence of a sufficient number of competitive works, the competition organizers reserve the right to extend the deadlines for accepting applications for the competition.


about the All-Russian Theater Forum - Festival Festivals

"Golden Gate"

I.. Event Organizers:

Administration of the Vladimir region,

GAUK "Vladimir Academic Regional Theater of Drama",

Anok "Creative Coordination Center" Theater-Inform "(Moscow)

supported by

Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation,

Vladimir Organization of the Union of Theater Workers of the Russian Federation.

II.. Event Concept:

The rapid and, sometimes spontaneous increase in the number of theatrical festivals in Russia at the turn of the XX-XXI centuries was the answer to theatrical community on the manifestations of the economic crisis of the mid-1990s, aggravated the lack of thoughtful state cultural policy. On the eve of the new millennium, the system of touring the domestic repertoire theater collapsed for the domestic repertoire theater, the unity of the country's cultural space as a whole was the unity of the cultural space of the country under threat.

Today in Russia only in the professional sphere there are more than hundreds of theatrical festivals of various status and format. With such quantity, there is a danger of their creative and program unification.

Theatrical Europe, which has long been covered by the festival boom, is increasingly thinking about the role of festivals as a public factor, as a method of civilization of territories and socialization of the population. The leaders of the World Theater worries the question whether to turn festive theatrical meetings only in communicating closed professional circles or it is important to assimilate them in the formation of a cultural environment and improving the quality of life of large and small cities.

It is time to analyze the current processes and in the Russian festival movement, to withdraw its conceptual orientations, designate and then maintain at the state level effective development trends, to actualize the accumulated positive experience.

All-Russian Theater Forum - Festival of Festivals "At Golden Gate" is the largest national event on the panoramic presentation of significant creative results and analytical understanding of the modern festival movement in Russia.

The format of the forum allows the forces to participate in it by the forces of leading specialists in the field of domestic and world theater in order to form a saturated educational environment of the festival, both for professionals and spectators.

III. Event structure:

All-Russian Theater Forum - Festival of Festivals "At Golden Gate" consists of four software blocks:

1) All-Russian theater festival festivals (hereinafter referred to as the festival festival);

2) the Golden Lectures cycle of the Golden Gate;

3) "The Red Track of the Golden Gate". The program of the best monospectacles of the world;

4) the international program of theaters and performers. The program takes part the performances of large and small forms of the theaters of the world, as well as separate performers with monospectacles.

IV. Objectives:

Conducting the All-Russian Theater Forum - Festival of Festivals "The Golden Gate" has the following professionally and socially significant goals:

Promoting the improvement of the creative activities of Russian theaters and their competitiveness in modern socio-cultural and economic conditions through a panoramic demonstration of the artistic achievements of the country's theaters - the winners of large theatrical festivals;

Assessment of the general condition and determination of trends in the development of the modern Russian theater on the basis of studying and analyzing the best performances of the domestic scene - a kind of "golden poster" of the country;

Increasing the role of theater as a factor in the humanization of public consciousness, the development of artistic tastes of the population, expanding the sphere of public goods and the formation of a cultural environment in the Vladimir region;

Improving the status of G.Vladimir as the leading theater and cultural and tourist center of the Russian Federation.

V.. Tasks:

The tasks of the All-Russian Theater Forum - the festival of festivals "At the Golden Gate" includes the achievement of the following professional and socially significant results that ensure the implementation of its goals:

Competitive show in Vladimir as part of the festival of festivals of at least 10 -12 -12 disclaimers who received prizes in the last 2 years in the main nominations in domestic festivals of the International, All-Russian and Interregional Level;

Ensuring work at the festival festivals of an authoritative professional jury in an amount of at least 5-7 people;

Discussions of the jury in the professional audience of each competitive performance and conducting a final round table on creative issues;

At least 4-5 specialized public meetings "Golden lectures at the Golden Gate" with students and the intelligentsia Vladimir with the provision of participation in them as rapporteurs of leading Russian and foreign specialists in the field of theory and practice of the modern theater;

Ensuring participation in the above meetings at least 150 representatives of the humanitarian sphere and the media of the Vladimir region;

Ensuring the antshlag visits to the audience of all performances of the festival festival.

VI. Terms, Venue, Periodicity of the event:

The event is held in Vladimir once every two years in the second half of September and is timed to the date of the founding of the Vladimir Academic regional theater of the drama and the opening of the new theater season. In 2016, the All-Russian Theater Forum - Festival of Festivals "At the Golden Gate" will be held in the period from September 16 to September 30.

VII. Event organisation:

For organizational work on the preparation and implementation of the event, the Organizing Committee, the Administrative and Program Directorate of the Forum are being created.

The organizing committee includes representatives of the Administration of the Vladimir Region, the Vladimir Academic Regional Theater of the Drama, the Creative Coordination Center "Theater-Inform", representatives of partnership structures and other persons.

The composition of the administrative directorate is formed by Hagum "Vladimir Academic Regional Theater of Drama".

The composition of the program directorate is formed by Anok "Creative-Coordination Center" Theater-Inform "in coordination with the leadership of the Vladimir Academic Outline Drama Theater.

VIII.. Members:

Participants in the event can be professional theaters, winners of foreign festivals, organizations and individuals who have passed official accreditation according to one of the following types:

A - complete accreditation(involves paying for travel, participating and nutrition of the participant at the expense of the Organizing Committee of the event);

B - accreditation for theaters participating(involves paying for the accommodation and nutrition of the participants of the festival group);

C - Guest Accreditation(implies payment of travel, accommodation and nutrition at the expense of the participant).

Accreditation for any type includes viewing the performances of the festival festival and participation in other massive programs of the event.

The number of places for accreditation of participants is limited by the budget of the forum.

Accreditation by type with is guaranteed until June 30 festival year, in a later date - if there are resources for software events or with payment of the accreditation fee (the cost of tickets for the performances of the festival).

Accreditation is conducted by the Vladimir Academic Regional Drama Theater.

IX. All-Russian Theater Festival Festivals.

Festival festival - a festival competition-feast of a nationwide scale, which seems to the performance of the theaters of Russia, who received prizes on the main nominations in domestic festivals of the International, All-Russian and Interregional Level, as well as foreign festivals.

The inclusion of performances in the festival festival billboard is carried out at the proposal of the forum software directorate on the basis of the press materials about the festivals and their winners, applications of theaters and heads of festivals, official recommendations of the jury of large Russian festivals and expert offers.

Applications, recommendations and suggestions enter the Forum Program Directorate no later than 1st of February, the decision of the Organizing Committee on the inclusion of performances in the festival festival program is accepted no later than March 1 festival year.

In exceptional cases, on the festivals of the spring period, the decision is made until May 31 of the festival year.

Collection of information and acceptance of applications is carried out by the TCC "Theater-Inform".

All participants receive honorable diplomas of the organizing committee for participation in the festival festivals, memorable souvenirs.

Following the festival of festivals, the winners are awarded:

for the first place - the Grand Prix is \u200b\u200ba large "monomacha hat" and a golden diploma,

for II and III places - respectively, silver and bronze diplomas and the prize of the festival.

The Grand Prix of the festival is a crystal "monomakh hat" - a peculiar "crown of the Russian Theater Empire", which is the author's work of masters of a crystal business, made on the order of the festival organizers. Festival prize is a small crystal "monomacha hat".

In coordination with the Director of the Forum, special prizes and rewards of both legal and individuals can be established.

Awarding the main prizes of the forum for the best performance of the festival festival and the presentation of special prizes and awards is carried out at the closing ceremony of the event.