The serfdom of Gerasima. Fortieted right in the "Notes of the Hunter" Turgenev

The serfdom of Gerasima. Fortieted right in the "Notes of the Hunter" Turgenev



1. Introduction p.3

2. Main part

2.1. Time for writing the story "Mummy" p.4

2.2. Tourgenev's relation to the fastening right page 5

2.3. Writing a story and the appearance of it in the press page 7

2.4. Children's years Turgenev in connection with his mother's biography p. 8

2.5. Real events based on the story page 12

3. Conclusion P.14.

4. Information resources p.15

1. Introduction

Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev is one of the favorite children of writers, although he never wrote specifically for children. The idea of \u200b\u200bhis stories, the simplicity and grace of his tongue, the liveliness and the brightness of the nature painted by them and the deep sense of lyricism, which every work of the writer is permeated, are very placed not only adults, but also children.

My acquaintance with Turgenev began in the lesson of literature from reading the story "Mummy". He struck me with drama of the outlined events, the tragedy of Gerasim's position, the sad fate of the dog.

The purpose of this work is to learn more about the children's years of Turgenev, about the real events based on the story, about the reasons for its appearance in print, find out the role and importance of Turgenev for their time as a fighter with serfdom.

The relevance of the work: this work can be used in the literature lessons in the 5th grade.

2.1. Writing time "Mumu"

The main issue of the era of the 40-50s of the 19th century was the question of serfdom.

The entire population of Russia was divided into several groups called class: nobility, clergy, merchants, boss, peasants. A person could move from one class to another in very rare cases. The nobility and clergy were considered privileged estates. Nobles had the right to own land and people - fortress peasants. The nobleman, who belonged to the peasants, could appoint them any sentences, could sell peasants, for example, to sell the mother to one landowner, and her children are another. The serfs of the peasants were considered under the law of the full property of Mr. The peasants were to work on the landowner on his field or give it some of the money earned.

In the newspapers and magazines of that time articles began to appear that the serf system is unprofitable.

The company covered conversations about the work of the government on the abolition of serfdom. The ruling circles supported such rumors to create secret committees and minor events. There was even a decree "On the obliged peasants". This document allowed landowners to give the peasants to the land of land for use for "agreed accidents". But the landowner still remained the owner of these sites and the "Means" could be appointed which wanted. Naturally, this decree actually facilitated the position of the serf peasantry.

2.2. Turgenev to fastening

Advanced people advocated the liberation of peasants from serfdom. Hopes for the permission of the peasant question were pinned on the Minister of Internal Affairs.

also decided to take part in the resolution of the peasant question. He enters the service to the ministry, which is headed. Turgenev sincerely wanted and believed that you could fix something and relieve the life and fate of serfs.

At the end of December 1842, he writes a note. She was called "a few comments on Russian economy and the Russian peasant." This note was a document for receipt to the service, was official. Turgenev relied on the knowledge of the Russian village, pointed to imperfection in relations between landlords and peasants, for shortcomings in the law on land ownership. At the same time, he spoke about the natural mind of the Russian peasant, his smelter, good nature.

Turgenev continued from June 1843 to February 1845. He served under the authorities, the famous author of the "intelligent dictionary", whose work was very valued.

The question of serfdom has become one of the main these fiction. Turgenev in their stories depicted the collapse of serfdom. The writer showed that the Russian people are smart, gives, talented, and such people can not be kept in slavery. This reflected the progressiveness of the views of the author to serfdom.

In the 40-50 years, Turgenev was one of the most advanced writers. The entire advanced community of that time listened to his voice. In 1852, "Notes of the Hunter", printed in 1852, were an accusatory document directed against the serfdom.

"In my eyes, this enemy had a certain image, wore a famous name: this enemy was serfdom. Under this name I collected and focused everything, against which I decided to fight to the end - with which I swore never to reconcile. It was my Annibalovskaya oath ... "

Writer never, from childhood, did not look at the people around him from the people as a property. He saw in serfs primarily people, often friends and even teachers. It was the serf for the first time "the taste of Russian literature appeared.

he recalled: "A teacher who was first interested in the work of Russian literature was the yard. He often led me to the garden and read me here - what would you think? - "Rossiad" Heraskov. Every verse of his poem, he read first, so to speak, not at the patter, and then he read the same verse, loudly, with extraordinary enthusiasm. "

When the writer inherited a half of the mother's estates, each fortress family wanted to get into possession of Ivan Sergeevich. He let go on the will of the courtyard and translated from the barbecue on the marks of all who wished it.

2.3. Writing the story "Mummy" and the appearance of it in print

1852 year. This year died. Turgenev hardly survived the death of the writer. He wrote Polina Viardo: "For us, he (Gogol) was more than just a writer: he revealed us to us."

Under the impression of Turgenev printed an article about Gogol in the Moscow Vedomosti, which was banned. For violation of the censorship rules, the king ordered Turgenev to arrest for a month, and then send to Spassky for a supervision.

On April 16, 1852, Turgenev was planted to "move" - \u200b\u200bto a special room for those arrested in the police. Next to the camera where the writer was located, there was an executive, where the landowners sent their fortress for punishment. There are fasteners. This neighborhood for Turgenev was painful. Chleerstudy ropes and cries of peasants, probably called in memory and appropriate impressions of childhood. He did not stop thinking about the gravity share of the simple people.

It was here, in such conditions, the author of the "notes of the hunter" wrote his famous story "Mumu". This Turgenev proved that he was not going to retreat from his main topic - fighting fortresses, but it will further develop it and deepen in his work. From the conclusion of Turgenev wrote to friends about his future plans: "... I will continue my essays about the Russian peoples, the most strange and most amazing people, which is only in the world."

Departing a month in conclusion and having received a prescription to go for a residence in your village, Turgenev read for the departure for friends "Mumu. "A truly touching impression," he wrote one of the listeners, "this story made it from the aughere at home, and in its maintenance, and on a calm, though sad, tone of the presentation."

Turgenev managed to print a story with the help of friends. He was placed in the third book of the contemporary magazine for 1854. The police have tried after the story was printed.

2.4. Children's years Turgenev in connection with his mother's biography

Why is Turgenev, nobleman on origin and upbringing, rebelled against serfdom? It seems that the answer must be sought in the biography of the writer, in his children's years. They left an indelible track from the horrors of violence and arbitrariness.

Born on October 28, 1818 in the city of Orel, in a rich nobility family. His childhood passed among the amazing and unique beauty of the middle strip of Russia in the estate of Spassky - Lutovinov Oryol province.

The parents of the writer were the richest landlords of the region. They had over five thousand fortresses. Sixty families serviced the Lord's House. Among them were mechanic, blacksmiths, joiners, gardeners, pisari, tailors, shoemakers, painters, musicians.

Father - Sergey Nikolayevich, in the youth officer of the Kirassirian regiment, beautiful, spoiled, lived as he wanted, did not care about the family or his extensive farm. Mother - Varvara Petrovna, nee Lutovinova, a powerful woman, intelligent and quite educated beauty did not shine. She was a small growth, squat, with a wide face, painted with smallpox. And only their eyes were beautiful: large, dark and shiny.

In childhood and youth, she suffered a lot of injustices, and it was very hard for it. To understand this, you need to tell a little story.

Varvara Petrovna was an orphan. Her mother, grandmother of the writer, after the death of her husband remained without any means of existence and was forced to marry a widow again. He already had children. The mother of Varvara Petrovna devoted his own life to the concerns about other people's children and completely forgot about his native daughter.

Varvara Petrovna recalled: "To be a kind of orphan without a father and Mother, it's hard, but to be an orphan at your mother - terrible, and I experienced it my mother hated me." In the family, the girl was blame. Stepfather it beat, the sisters were also not loved.

After the death of Mother, it became even worse. Without withstanding the humiliation and offense, a fifteen-year-old girl decided to escape from the father's family to find a shelter from his uncle - Ivan Ivanovich Lutovinov, a man of harsh and unlike, owner of the rich estate Spassky. She walked over seventy kilometers. But the uncle himself did not make it easier for her.

he was a cruel landlord. He immeasieled my fortress. He paid attention to his niece, but demanded a slave submission from her. For the slightest breath, threatened to drive out of the house.

Fifteen years old niece tolerated humiliation and mockery of his uncle. The girl decided to run.

But the sudden Death Death unexpectedly made Varbar Petrovna the owner of numerous estates, several thousand fortress peasants, a huge monetary state.

Varvara Petrovna became one of the richest brides in the edge. He married Sergey Nikolayevich. It would seem to have suffered in childhood and youth to the offense, harassment, humiliation should make a person softer, compassionate, but maybe everything is different. A person can work out and himself become a despot. That is what happened to Barbara Petrovna. She turned into an evil and cruel landowner. All the courtyards were afraid of her, she brought them to those surrounding in fear.

Turgenev's mother was a very unbalanced and controversial nature. The main features of her nature were egoism, despotic, contempt for the poor. And at the same time, she possessed the features of a gifted person and a kind of charm. When she spoke with the peasants, she sniffed cologne, because her annoyed "Men's smell". Many of their serfs, she crippled life: some hijacked to the catguard, others - in the deaf villages for the settlement, third - to the soldiers. Brutally painted with servants with rogging. For the slope of their sequel on the stable. The cruelty of Varvara Petrovna was preserved a lot of memories like her son and his contemporaries. Close to Turgenev's writer Pavel Vasilyevich Annenkov recalled: "As a developed woman, she did not humiliate to personal injections, but prone to persecutions and insults in his youth, mischievous her character, she was not at all away from homemade radical corrections for recalcitrant or not believable. ... no one could be equal to her in art to insult, humiliate, make an unhappy person, keeping decency, calm and their dignity. "

The fate of serfs was terrible. Varvara Petrovna did not give them to marry, insulted.

In the home atmosphere, the landowner tried to imitate crowned individuals. Fortress people differed among themselves with court titles: She was the Minister of the courtyard, Minister of Mail. Correspondence Varvara Petrovna was presented on a silver tray. If the lady was pleased with the received letters, everyone was happy if, on the contrary, then everything, hopping his breath was silent. Guests hurried to leave the house.

Varvara Petrovna was terrible in anger, could get angry because of the slightest trifle. Writer, being a boy, recalled such a case. One day, during a walk of the Baryni in the garden, two fortress gardeners, busy business, did not notice her and did not bow to her when she passed by. The landowner was terribly indignant, and on the other day the guessed were exiled to Siberia.

Another case recalled Turgenev. Varvara Petrovna loved flowers very much, especially tulips. However, her passion for flowers was very expensive by serfs. Since somehow someone snatched the dear tulip from the flower beds. The culprit was not found and burned to the stable of all gardeners.

Another case. Mother writer had one fortific talented boy. He loved to draw. Varvara Petrovna gave him to learn painting to Moscow. Soon he was ordered to paint the ceiling in the same Moscow theater. When the landowner learned about this, she returned the artist to the village and forced him to write flowers from nature.

"He wrote them," Turgenev himself told, - thousands - and garden, and forest, wrote with hatred, with tears ... They were conveyed and me. The poor fellow rushed, the teeth crossed - heat and died. "

The cruelty of Varvara Petrovna extended her beloved son. Therefore, not good recalled Turgenev his childhood years. His mother knew only one educational agent - row. She did not imagine how to bring up without her.

Little Turgenev Poroli in childhood very often. Turgenev subsequently recognized: "Draught me for all trifles, almost every day."

Once some kind of old Surrounding Something asked Varvar Petrovna on her son. Turgenev recalled that the mother without any court and the questions immediately began to sch. Shell by her own hands, and to say all his plea, for which he was punished, sentenced: you know yourself, you yourself will guess, God yourself, for which the second.

The boy did not know that he didn't know him, he did not know what the cross section was continued for three days. The boy was ready to escape from the house, but his German Governor helped him. He talked to his mother, the boy was left alone.

As a child, Turgenev was a sincere, frequency child. For this he often had to pay. Turgenev was seven years old when the poet and Basinople came to visit Varvara Petrovna. The boy asked to read one of the guest's Bass. He willingly did it, but in conclusion to the great horror surrounding said that his fables were good, but - much better. According to one source for this mother, he flew to Rogo personally, according to another, the boy was not punished this time.

Turgenev has repeatedly recognized that in the orphanage he was kept in his hunters and his mother he was afraid of his fire. He tried with bitterness that he had nothing to remember his childhood, not a single light memories.

From the children's years, Turgenev raised the serfdom and gave himself an oath before and under any circumstances do not raise hands on a person, even in something dependent on him.

"Hate to the fastener right - I already lived in me," Turgenev wrote, - by the way, it was the reason for the fact that I, who grew up among the beatings and tortures, did not defile his hands with his one by any blow - but before the "notes of the hunter" was long away. I was just a boy - almost a child. "

In the future, surviving the harsh years of childhood, having received education and becoming a writer, Turgenev all their literary and social activities sent against the nest and violence reigning in Russia. Evidence of this was the wonderful anti-quiliation stories. Most of them entered the book "Hunter's Notes."

2.5. Real events based on the story

They are close to the content and story of "Mumu". The writing material was the actual case that occurred in Moscow on an oozen in the house number 37.

The prototypes of the main characters of the story are well acquaintances of Turgenev people: His mother and janitor Andrei, who once lived in their home.

Once, by living his estates, Varvara Petrovna noticed the peasant of the Bogatyr addition, which could not answer anything to the abrasion of the Baryn: he was dumb. She liked the original figure, and Andrei was taken to the Spassky janitor. From this time he received a new name - a dumb.

"Barbara Petrovna flashed his giant janitor," he told. "He was always wonderful and, except for the red kumachi shirts, did not wear anything and did not love; In winter, a beautiful fur coat, and in the summer, a plus subholder or blue Armyak. In Moscow, a green brilliant barrel and a beautiful gray in the apples of the factory horse, with whom Andrei went for water, were very popular with the fountain near the Alexandrovsky Garden. There everyone recognized Turgenevsky's dumb, honorablely met and explained with him signs. "

Mute janitor Andrei, as well as Gerasim, found and sheltered a stray dog. Used to her. But the dog did not like the lady, and she ordered her to drown. Mute performed the order of Baryni and continued to live peacefully and work at Baryni. As neither bitterly was Andrei, but he remained faithful to his Mrs., before the death he himself served her and, except for her, no one

i didn't want to recognize Mrs. An eyewitness said that after the tragic end of his favorite, Andrei, not a single dog had never admitted.

In the story of "Muma", Gerasim is shown as a rebel. He is not afraid with the shelter's laughter causing him. In protest, he leaves the cruel lady in the village to Plow Native Earth.

The report of the royal official from the secret correspondence of the censorship of the time is preserved. In it, the official says that readers, reading the story, will be compassioned to the peasant, oppressed by the landlord.

This document confirms the Great Artistic Expressiveness and the ideological strength of the Turgenev Work.

i saw a peculiar symbol in Gerasim - this is the personification of the Russian people, his terrible strength and incomprehensible meekness ... The writer was confident that he (Gerasim) speaks out of time. This thought turned out to be a prophetic.

3. Conclusion

We will make the following conclusions:

1. A person who has suffered as a child and pain, entering into an adult life, behaves differently: someone, like Varbara Petrovna, becomes evil and vengeful, and someone like Turgenev - sensitive to the suffering of a person, ready to help People not only in a word, but also.

2. Seen in childhood humiliation, insults of the human personality and dignity formed in the future writer aversion to serfdom. Although Turgenev was not a political wrestler, but with the help of his literary talent, a social activity he fought with a serfdom.

3. In the "Mum" there are two strengths: the Russian people, straightforward and strong, and the serfdom in the face of a capricious, surviving the old women. But Turgenev gives this conflict a new turn: he has a peculiar protest, expressed in his self-friendly caring from the city to the village. The question arises, what is the fortress right, why did the henichi men forgive the gentlemen any whims?

4. Information resources

1. Big classroom directory. Russian writers of the 19th century. M.: Drop, 2000

2. Life and creativity: Materials for the exhibition at the Sost Children's Library School. and introductory article, M.: Children's literature, 1988

3. From the memories of the family. Literature 5 class ed. - M.: Mnemozina, 2010

four. . Biography. Manual for students. L.: "Enlightenment", 1976

5. History of the story "Mumu" Change № 000 November 1947. [Electronic resource] / Access mode: SMENA - *****\u003e STORIYA-RASSKAZA-MUMU

6. Turgenev Collected Works and Letters in 28t. Letters. M.-L., 1961 T.2

7. Turgenev at school: Teacher / Sost Manual. .- M.: Education, 19c.

8. Cher about Russian writers. Photos. M.: Children's literature, 1982, 511c.

9. Encyclopedia. What. Who it. in 3t. t. 3. M.: Pedagogy - Press, 1999

Biography. Manual for students. - L: "Enlightenment", 1976

N. Biography. Handbook for students. - L.: "Enlightenment", 1976

Biography. Manual for students. L.: "Enlightenment", 1976

Turgenev Collected Works and Letters in 28t. Letters. M.-L., 1961, T 2 p.323

In the same place - with. 389.

Life and creativity: Materials for the exhibition at school and children's library Sost. and introductory article, M.: Children's literature, 1988

From the memories of the family. Literature 5 class ed. - M.: Mnemozina, 2010, p.58

I liked so much that I decided to choose him for my research. The topic of the study is "Condemnation of serfdom in the story" Mummy ". Studying the biography of the writer, work with the text helped me find an answer to the problem question: "How does the serfdom affect the person?". In work, I highlighted such questions:

· Writer's biography pages


The janitor, Gerasim, was a man of extraordinary strength, not only his portrait, but also a description of the room in which he arranged in his taste. By character, he is hardworking and responsible, kind and able to sympathize. But at the same time, Gerasim is a deeply unfortunate man: he loved Tatyana, but she was married to the drunkard of the capitone, he was attached to the Mother with all his heart, but the lady ordered her to drown.

Who is to blame that Gerasim is unhappy? The answer is unequivocal: a lady, and in her face serfdom.

The main conclusions:

· Serf right cripples, uroduces the soul of man

· The serfdom destroys families, the relationships are torn

· A person cannot dispose of his life, he does not belong to himself, he can not be happy

· In the story of "Moumu", Turgenev shows the first protest sprouts, they are still timid and spontaneous, but these are precursors of the coming change

· The story "Mumu" puts the writer in a row with such fighters against serfdom, like Pushkin, Gogol, Nekrasov. Honesty and nobility helped him make a brave choice, stand up in the ranks of the defenders of the oppressed people.

Turgenev I. S.

Writing on the work on the topic: The image of the cruelty of the Lord in relation to the fortress people in the story of I. S. Turgenev "MUMU"

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev is not only a great Russian writer, but also an active defender of weak, humiliated and disadvantaged. Another young boy he watched the cruel and unfair appeal to his powerful landowners with fortress people, and other examples around it was abound. Becoming an adult and having received a good education, I. S. Turgenev completely devoted himself to literature and on the pages of his works tried as honestly and openly express his attitude towards the fastened right.

Reading the story "Mumu", we get acquainted with many people - the characters of the events described. This is the "glorious man" Gerasim,

and Tatiana's timid worker, and the wonderful butler Gavril, and the desired shoe Capital Klimov, and many others. Many grief and disord recognized each of them in his life, but the most amazing thing is that the fates of all these people are completely given in the hands of a capricious, touchy, powerful and stupid Baryn, any change in the mood of which can even cost the lives of serf. Surrounded by flattering and cowardly survivors, the lady never thinks about the fact that a subalka person may have pride and dignity. Addressing the serfs, as with the toys, she wakes them in his intelligence, relieves from place to place, execute and might. Adapting to the discarded nature of the Baryni, the Chelyant becomes a cunning, dodgy, false or intimidant, cowardly, unrequited. The worst thing is that no one is trying to change anything, because such a state of affairs is the norm adopted by all. And if the life of the fortress sulfur and the same name, the life of Baryni is "sad and right." There was no, no and there will never be friends, loved ones and even truly loved ones, because it does not need honesty and frankness, she does not know what it is.

Childhood and the beginning of the literary path of Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev. Definition of the concepts of "serfdom" and "personality". History writing the story "Mummy". Characteristics of the heroes of the work based on the comparison of verbal and graphic images.

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Plan-abstract lesson

On the topic: serfdom and personality (according to the story of I.S. Turgenev "MUMU")


russian language and literature teacher

TA Shepetlenko

One of the most difficult to understand the works, which is included in the 5th grade program, is the story of I.S. Turgenev "Moumu". The fifth graders appreciate the whole depth and severity of the work is very difficult. Guys, first of all, sorry the unfortunate dog Moumu, they regret and at the same time admire the heroic power of deaf-and-dumb Gerasim, someone condemns him for drowned up to Mum, without trying to confront the lady. That is, above all, is emotions. And the whole complexity of this work is that, throwing into the emotion, to see the symbol of serfs of Russia in the deaf-and-day Gerasima - the same strong, mighty and unable to speak, to resist.

This lesson is the last to study this work. The results are summed up, conclusions are made, the facts of the biography of the writer are remembered.


1) educational:

To repeat the knowledge of the childhood and the beginning of the literary path I.S. Romegenev, plunging into the epoch in which the writer lived and worked, to develop interest in the personality of the writer and his work;

Remember the history of the creation of the story "Mummu";

Consider the heroes and their actions.

2) developing:

To form the ability to analyze the text of the artwork;

Develop the ability to express their thoughts, evaluate the arrive of the hero - to generalize, draw conclusions;

To form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe heroes of the work on the basis of the comparison of verbal and graphic images;

Teach compressed to express the narrative text;

Develop communicative skills, enrich the vocabulary;

Continue work on the development of schoolchildren's speech culture.

3) Educational:

Education of universal values;

The ability to work in the group: respect the opinion of the comrade, the development of a sense of mutual assistance, support.

During the classes

Good afternoon guys. We read the story of Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev "Mumu". At our lesson, we end the conversation about this amazingly interesting, but at the same time a very difficult work of the Great Russian Writer of the second half of the 19th century Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev "Mumu". Today we have to solve a difficult problem, which lies in such concepts: serfdom and personality. Write the topic of the lesson in the notebook.

To begin with, we need to determine the meaning of these concepts. Houses in the intelligent dictionary S.I. YOURSHOVA The meaning of these words looked and recorded in the notebook our classmates. Let's read them. (Prepared students read definitions).

Fortress law - Historical system in Russia, the form of the dependence of the peasants: attaching them to the Earth and subordination of the administrative and judiciary of feudal. In Western Europe (where in the Middle Ages, British Villans, Catalan Retes, French and Italian Services were located in the position of serfs, the elements of serfdom were disappeared in the XVI-XVIII centuries. In Central and Eastern Europe, the harsh forms of serfdom spread in the same century; Here, the serfdom is canceled during the reforms of the late XVIII-XIX centuries. In Russia in a national scale, the serfdom was issued by the judiciary 1497, decisions of the reserved years and urgent years and finally - Cathedral deposits of 1649. In the XVII-XVIII centuries. All inappropriate population merged into the fortress peasantry. Canceled by the peasant reform 1861).

A fortress man - serf - 1. Related to public build, in which the landowner had the right to forced labor, property and personality attached to the Earth and belonging to him peasants. 2. Fortress peasant.

Personality - man as a carrier of any properties.

The story "Mummy" was written in 1851, nine years before 1861, when serfdom was canceled. We write to the notebook:

1852 - the story "Mumu", 1861 - the abolition of serfdom.

What is serfdom?

(Message in advance of a prepared student)

The entire population of Russia was divided into several groups called class: nobility, clergy, merchants, meshness (small merchants, artisans, minor employees), peasantry. A person could move from one class to another in very rare cases. The nobility and clergy were considered privileged estates.

The nobles had the right to own land and people - fortress peasants. More than half of the peasant population of Central Russia was serf.

What do you know about fortress peasants? (Children's responses)

The nobleman, who belonged to the peasants, could appoint them any sentences, could sell peasants, including to divide families; For example, to sell the mother to one landowner, and her children are another. The serfs of the peasants were considered under the law of the full property of Mr. In fact, it was a legal form of slavery. The peasants were to work on the landowner on his field (barishment) or give him part of the money earned (lifts).

Often, the nobles lived in the villages belonging to them, but it happened that the nobles were traveled, lived in the city or abroad, and the Governing Manager in the village. If the noble family lived in his own house in the city, it was serviced by a numerous courtyard, that is, serfs who lived with the owners in the city.

Guys, and what class belonged to I.S.Turgenhev?

(Children's responses)

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev was born in the Oryol province. Spassky-Lutovinovo village is located in several versts from Mtsensk. The county city of Oryol province. A huge boric estate, in a birch grove, with a manor in the form of a horseshoe, with a church, with a house in forty-room, endless services, greenhouses, wine cellars, storeroom, stables, with a park and a fruit garden.

Spassky belonged to Lutovinov. The last of the Lutovinov owned them to the girl Varvara Petrovna, the mother of the future writer. What information about it are known to you?

Pupil:Tourgenev's mother, Varvara Petrovna, nee Lutovinova, - Woman powerful, smart and quite educated, did not blame beauty. She was a small growth, squat, with a wide face, painted with smallpox. And only the eyes were good: large, dark and shiny. Early losing his father, she was brought up in the father's family, where he felt someone else's dysfunction. She was forced to escape from the house and found shelter from her uncle, who kept her in rigor and for the slightest breathment threatened to drive out of the house. But unexpectedly uncle died, leaving the niece of huge estates and almost five thousand fortresses.

She was already under thirty years, when a young officer Sergey Nikolayevich Turgenev was driving in Spassky to purchase horses from her plant. What information about Ivan Sergeevich's father is known to us?

Pupil: It was a young officer who took place from the old nobleman, by the time of the indispensable. He was beautiful, elegant, smart.

Varvara Petrovna immediately fell in love with a young officer. In 1816 their wedding took place. A year later, they were born the son of Nikolay, and then the son of Ivan. And what recalls Turgenev about their childhood?

Pupil: The upbringing of children was predominantly Varvara Petrovna. Migrated at one time in the house of the stepfather and uncle suffering were reflected on its character. The wayward, capricious, to the children of her she treated unevenly. "I have nothing to remember my childhood," Turgenev said many years later. - Not a single light memories. Mother I was afraid like fire. I was punished for every trifle - in one word, Mustered as recruit. A rare day passed without a rogue when I was drunk to ask, for which I was punished for, the mother categorically stated: "You better know about it, guess."

Back in childhood, disintended by the horror, young Turgenev gave Annibalov oath: "I could not breathe in one air, staying next to what I was having fun ... In my eyes the enemy had a certain image, I wore a famous name: this enemy was serfdom . Under this name, I collected and focused everything, against which I decided to fight to the end - with which I swore never try ... It was my Annibalovskaya oath. " "Notes of the Hunter", the story of "Mumu" - here are the first works in which this young writer is carried out.

So let's turn to the story. To begin with, we need to remember the atmosphere of the Barsky home and his hostess - lady.

What does the House of Baryni look like? (In one of the remote streets of Moscow, in a gray house with white columns, Andresol and a heart-shaped balcony).

Draw a verbal portrait of a barynie. (Old woman, in white Chepts, perhaps with Pensna). Fortress right personality mummy

What did we know about Baryn at the very beginning of the story? (The widow, surrounded by the numerous palace. Her sons served in St. Petersburg, her daughters got married; she rarely leveled and lived in his miser and bored old age. The day her, sad and rainy, has long passed; but also the evening was black and night).

If we summarize our observations, what conclusion can be done? Who is such a lady and what is the atmosphere of the house in which all events unfold? (Barsky house is launched, not well-groomed. Old lady, everyone forgotten, lives his age. Sons served in St. Petersburg, her daughters married and, probably, rarely visited the mother).

Turgenev shows us the powerful and capricious old woman. But it is not the main heroine of the story. And who is the main hero? (Gerasim).

We have to work in groups and answer some questions.

(Work in groups)

Approximate response of children 1 group: Turgenev calls Gerasim "the most wonderful person" from among the whole of Chelyadi. Gerasim was a high guy of the Bogatyr addition, deaf-and-dumb from birth. The author writes: "Gifted by an extraordinary force, he worked for four - it was arguing in his hands, and it was fun to look at him when he either said and, laughing with huge palms in the hisea, it seemed one, without the help of a horse, the elastic breast of the earth Or about Petrov, the day was so crushing as a slash, which, at least, young birch fishing fishing fishing fishing racks with the roots of a double, or agrees and unsteaded with a three-time chain, and how the lever was lowered and the oblong and hard muscles of his shoulders were rising. Permanent silence attached to the solemn importance of his inaccessible work. Nice he was a man, and, not be his misfortune, every girl would be willing to marry him ... "

According to this description, you can judge the attitude of the author to your hero: Turgenev admires Gerasim, its strength and greed to work. Turgenev speaks of his tirelessness and hardworking.

2 Group: "What is a comparison? Find comparisons in the description of the work of Gerasima. "

An approximate answer of children 2 groups: comparison - an image of one phenomenon by mapping with another. Examples of comparisons: "... how the lever was lowered and the oblong and solid muscles of his shoulders were raised"; Turgenev compares Gerasim with a young, healthy bull, "which has just taken from Niva, where the juicy grass grew up in his belly"; Gerasim in the city feels "as a caught beast"; Gerasim "Looked on a power hussak"; When Gerasim worked, "the ax rank like glass, and flew in all directions of fragments and lamps ..."

3 Group: "What is a hyperbole? Find examples of hyperball in the text. What features of Gerasim make the most impression on you? "

Approximate response of children 3 groups: hyperbole is a strong exaggeration. Describing Gerasim's strength, Turgenev uses hyperboles. About the bed writer says: "One hundred pounds could be put on her - I would not get squeezed." When Gerasim mowed, he could have a "young birch fishing fishing fishing locities with a prophetic root." Two cows he knocked his friend about his friends in his foreheads so, "that at least in the police then they are not different." Gerasim strong, he loves to work, neat, everything always does thoroughly.

4 Group: "Find a description of Grasima Camork in the text. For what, in your opinion, the author describes the housing of the hero so in detail? "

An approximate answer of children 4 groups: Grasima Camorka was small and located above the kitchen. "... he arranged her himself, to his taste: built a bed from oak boards on four scuba, a truly warbed bed; One hundred pounds could be put on it - it would not be sad; Under the bed was a dozen chest; In the corner there was a table of the same strong property, and near the table - a chair on three legs, and so durable and squat, that Gerasim himself happened, would raise it, dropping and grinning. Camorka was blocked on the castle, reminded his view of Kalach, only black; The key from this castle Gerasim always wore with him on the belt. He did not like to go to him. " Turgenev describes in detail the Kamorca Gerasima in order to show the character of the hero with the help of this description in more detail.

Turn to the illustrations you prepared. (Working with pupils. Many students depicted Gerasim. They argue their answers).

What impression did you have about Gerasim? What person was he? Gerasim is similar to the Russian epic hero. Nature gave him beauty, health, mind, kind heart, but forgot to give him speech and rumor. Gerasim loves peasant work, knows how to work on earth. But work in the garden - with broom and barrel - it seems ridiculous to him, but he hardly fulfills the entrusted matter. In all Gerasim loves order, accuracy. He is one of those who knew his place well, the place of serf, ready-made "exactly" to fulfill the orders of Baryni.

After reading the story to the end, we will see that not all the orders of Baryni will fulfill Gerasim. One day he will leave it. Could Gerasim return to the Barynie's house after her ill-order fulfill? (Not. Gerasim could not forgive the lady and return to her house. He fulfills her ill-order, but does not forgive her).

The lady, knowing how he was tied to Gerasim to Muma, gives a cruel order without thinking about how herasim will feel. But it was not worried about it. After all, he was an ordinary fortress for her, and hence she could do with him and his fate.

Let's go back to the topic of our lesson and try to answer the question: do the concepts of "personality" and "serfdom" are compatible. (No. Serf right is addiction, and the personality is freedom. Gerasim chooses freedom).

Turgenev does not just depict Gerasim's sam from birth. In the face of Gerasim, he personifies the Russian people, the powerful silent people in the conditions of serfdom. But Gerasim proves to his departure that the silent people can protest and have their own opinion.

Imagine that we have to make a "staircase" and arrange the heroes on it. What step we put a lady, and what Gerasim? (Gerasim We will put on a higher step than a lady).

Tell me what conclusions did you do for yourself? (In any situation, you need to remain a person. To strive to improve yourself, love others, help them).

Estimation. Summing up the lesson.

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Municipal General Education

Kargasokskaya Secondary School No. 2

Creative history of creation

Story I.S. Romegenev


Bragin Light,

class 5 student

Bragin G.A., teacher

russian language I.




  1. Introduction p.3

  2. Main part

    1. Time for writing the story "Mummy" p.4

    2. Tourgenev's relation to the fastening right page 5

    3. Writing a story and the appearance of it in the press page 7

    4. Children's years Turgenev in connection with his mother's biography p. 8

    5. Real events based on the story page 12

  3. Conclusion p.14

  4. Information resources p.15

1. Introduction

Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev is one of the favorite children of writers, although he never wrote specifically for children. The idea of \u200b\u200bhis stories, the simplicity and grace of his tongue, the liveliness and the brightness of the nature painted by them and the deep sense of lyricism, which every work of the writer is permeated, are very placed not only adults, but also children.

My acquaintance with Turgenev began in the lesson of literature from reading the story "Mummy". He struck me with drama of the outlined events, the tragedy of Gerasim's position, the sad fate of the dog.

The purpose of this work is to learn more about the children's years of Turgenev, about the real events based on the story, about the reasons for its appearance in print, find out the role and importance of Turgenev for their time as a fighter with serfdom.

The relevance of the work: this work can be used in the literature lessons in the 5th grade.

2.1. Writing time "Mumu"

The main issue of the era of the 40-50s of the 19th century was the question of serfdom.

The entire population of Russia was divided into several groups called class: nobility, clergy, merchants, boss, peasants. A person could move from one class to another in very rare cases. The nobility and clergy were considered privileged estates. The nobles had the right to own land and the people of fortress peasants. The nobleman, who belonged to the peasants, could appoint them any sentences, could sell peasants, for example, to sell the mother to one landowner, and her children are another. The serfs of the peasants were considered under the law of the full property of Mr. The peasants were to work on the landowner on his field or give it some of the money earned.

It was here, in such conditions, the author of the "notes of the hunter" wrote his famous story "Mumu". This Turgenev proved that he was not going to retreat from his main theme-fighting against serfdom, but it will further develop it and deepen in his work. From the conclusion of Turgenev wrote to friends about his future plans: "... I will continue my essays about the Russian peoples, the most strange and most amazing people, which is only in the world."

Departing a month in conclusion and having received a prescription to go for a residence in your village, Turgenev read for the departure for friends "Mumu. "A truly touching impression," he wrote one of the listeners, "this story made it from the aughere at home, and in its maintenance, and on a calm, though sad, tone of the presentation."

Turgenev managed to print a story with the help of friends. He was placed in the third book of the magazine N.A.Nekrasov "Contemporary" for 1854. The police have tried after the story was printed.

2.4. Children's years Turgenev in connection with his mother's biography
Why is Turgenev, nobleman on origin and upbringing, rebelled against serfdom? It seems that the answer must be sought in the biography of the writer, in his children's years. They left an indelible track from the horrors of violence and arbitrariness.

Born I.S. Turgenev October 28, 1818 in the city of Orel, in a rich noble family. His childhood passed among the amazing and unique beauty of the middle strip of Russia in the estate of Spassky - Lutovinov Oryol province.

The parents of the writer were the richest landlords of the region. They had over five thousand fortresses. Sixty families serviced the Lord's House. Among them were mechanic, blacksmiths, joiners, gardeners, pisari, tailors, shoemakers, painters, musicians.

Sergey Nikolayevich's father, in the youth officer of the Kirassirian regiment, beautiful, spoiled, lived as he wanted, did not care about the family or his extensive farm. Mother Varvara Petrovna, neborn Lutovinov, a powerful woman, smart and quite educated beauty did not shine. She was a small growth, squat, with a wide face, painted with smallpox. And only their eyes were beautiful: large, dark and shiny.

In childhood and youth, she suffered a lot of injustices, and it was very hard for it. To understand this, you need to tell a little story.

Varvara Petrovna was an orphan. Her mother, grandmother of the writer, after the death of her husband remained without any means of existence and was forced to marry a widow again. He already had children. The mother of Varvara Petrovna devoted his own life to the concerns about other people's children and completely forgot about his native daughter.

Varvara Petrovna recalled: "To be a kind of orphan without a father and Mother, it's hard, but to be an orphan at your mother - terrible, and I experienced it my mother hated me." In the family, the girl was blame. Stepfather it beat, the sisters were also not loved.

After the death of Mother, it became even worse. Without sustaining the humiliation and offense, a fifteen-year-old girl decided to escape from the father's family to find a shelter from his unclean Ivanovich Lutovinov, a man of harsh and unlike, owner of the rich estate Spassky. She walked over seventy kilometers. But the uncle himself did not make it easier for her.

I.I. Lutovinov was a cruel landlord. He immeasieled my fortress. He paid attention to his niece, but demanded a slave submission from her. For the slightest breath, threatened to drive out of the house.

Fifteen years old niece tolerated humiliation and mockery of his uncle. The girl decided to run.

But the sudden Death Death unexpectedly made Varbar Petrovna the owner of numerous estates, several thousand fortress peasants, a huge monetary state.

Varvara Petrovna became one of the richest brides in the edge. Soon Varvara Petrovna married Sergey Nikolayevich. It would seem to have suffered in childhood and youth to the offense, harassment, humiliation should make a person softer, compassionate, but maybe everything is different. A person can work out and himself become a despot. That is what happened to Barbara Petrovna. She turned into an evil and cruel landowner. All the courtyards were afraid of her, she brought them to those surrounding in fear.

Turgenev's mother was a very unbalanced and controversial nature. The main features of her nature were egoism, despotic, contempt for the poor. And at the same time, she possessed the features of a gifted person and a kind of charm. When she spoke with the peasants, she sniffed cologne, because her annoyed "Men's smell". Many of their serfs, she crippled life: some hijacked to the catguard, others - in the deaf villages for the settlement, third - to the soldiers. Brutally painted with servants with rogging. For the slope of their sequel on the stable. The cruelty of Varvara Petrovna was preserved a lot of memories like her son and his contemporaries. Close to Turgenev's writer Pavel Vasilyevich Annenkov recalled: "As a developed woman, she did not humiliate to personal injections, but prone to persecutions and insults in his youth, mischievous her character, she was not at all away from homemade radical corrections for recalcitrant or not believable. ... No one could be equal to her in art to insult, humiliate, make an unhappy person, keeping decency, calm and their dignity "3.
The fate of serfs was terrible. Varvara Petrovna did not give them to marry, insulted.

In the home atmosphere, the landowner tried to imitate crowned individuals. Fortress people differed among themselves with court titles: She was the Minister of the courtyard, Minister of Mail. Correspondence Varvara Petrovna was presented on a silver tray. If the lady was pleased with the received letters, everyone was happy if, on the contrary, then everything, hopping his breath was silent. Guests hurried to leave the house.

Varvara Petrovna was terrible in anger, could get angry because of the slightest trifle. Writer, being a boy, recalled such a case. One day, during a walk of the Baryni in the garden, two fortress gardeners, busy business, did not notice her and did not bow to her when she passed by. The landowner was terribly indignant, and on the other day the guessed were exiled to Siberia.

Another case recalled Turgenev. Varvara Petrovna loved flowers very much, especially tulips. However, her passion for flowers was very expensive by serfs. Since somehow someone snatched the dear tulip from the flower beds. The culprit was not found and burned to the stable of all gardeners.

Another case. Mother writer had one fortific talented boy. He loved to draw. Varvara Petrovna gave him to learn painting to Moscow. Soon he was ordered to paint the ceiling in the same Moscow theater. When the landowner learned about this, she returned the artist to the village and forced him to write flowers from nature.

"He wrote them," Turgenev himself told, - thousands and garden, and the forest, wrote with hatred, with tears ... They were conveyed and me. The poor fellow rushed, the teeth crossed - heat and died. " four

The cruelty of Varvara Petrovna extended her beloved son. Therefore, not good recalled Turgenev his childhood years. His mother knew only one educational tool. She did not imagine how to bring up without her.

Little Turgenev Poroli in childhood very often. Turgenev subsequently recognized: "Draught me for all trifles, almost every day." five

Once some kind of old Surrounding Something asked Varvar Petrovna on her son. Turgenev recalled that the mother without any court and the questions immediately began to sch. Shell by her own hands, and to say all his plea, for which he was punished, sentenced: you know yourself, you yourself will guess, God yourself, for which the second.

The boy did not know that he didn't know him, he did not know what the cross section was continued for three days. The boy was ready to escape from the house, but his German Governor helped him. He talked to his mother, the boy was left alone.

As a child, Turgenev was a sincere, frequency child. For this he often had to pay. Turgenev was seven years old when the poet and Basinista I.I.Dmitriev arrived to visit Varvar Petrovna. The boy asked to read one of the guest's Bass. He willingly did it, but in conclusion to the great horror of others said that his fable was good, and I.A. Krylova - much better. According to one source for this mother, he flew to Rogo personally, according to another, the boy was not punished this time.

Turgenev has repeatedly recognized that in the orphanage he was kept in his hunters and his mother he was afraid of his fire. He tried with bitterness that he had nothing to remember his childhood, not a single light memories.

From the children's years, Turgenev raised the serfdom and gave himself an oath before and under any circumstances do not raise hands on a person, even in something dependent on him.

"Hate to the fastener right - I already lived in me," Turgenev wrote, - by the way, it was the reason for the fact that I, who grew up among the beatings and tortures, did not defile his hands with his one by any blow - but before the "notes of the hunter" was long away. I was just a boy - almost a child. " 6.

In the future, surviving the harsh years of childhood, having received education and becoming a writer, Turgenev all their literary and social activities sent against the nest and violence reigning in Russia. Evidence of this was the wonderful anti-quiliation stories. Most of them entered the book "Hunter's Notes."

2.5. Real events based on the story
They are close to the content and story of "Mumu". The writing material was the actual case that occurred in Moscow on an oozen in the house number 37.

The prototypes of the main characters of the story are well acquaintances of Turgenev people: His mother and janitor Andrei, who once lived in their home.

Once, by living his estates, Varvara Petrovna noticed the peasant of the Bogatyr addition, which could not answer anything to the abrasion of the Baryn: he was dumb. She liked the original figure, and Andrei was taken to the Spassky janitor. From this time, he received a new name.

"Barbara Petrovna flashed his giant janitor," he told V.N. Sovov. "He was always wonderful and, except for the red kumachy shirts, did not wear anything and did not love; In winter, a beautiful fur coat, and in the summer, a plus subholder or blue Armyak. In Moscow, a green brilliant barrel and a beautiful gray in the apples of the factory horse, with whom Andrei went for water, were very popular with the fountain near the Alexandrovsky Garden. There everyone recognized Turgenevsky's dumb, honorablely met and explained with him signs. " 7.

Mute janitor Andrei, as well as Gerasim, found and sheltered a stray dog. Used to her. But the dog did not like the lady, and she ordered her to drown. Mute performed the order of Baryni and continued to live peacefully and work at Baryni. As neither bitterly was Andrei, but he remained faithful to his Mrs., before the death he himself served her and, except for her, no one

i didn't want to recognize Mrs. An eyewitness said that after the tragic end of his favorite, Andrei, not a single dog had never admitted.

In the story of "Muma", Gerasim is shown as a rebel. He is not afraid with the shelter's laughter causing him. In protest, he leaves the cruel lady in the village to Plow Native Earth.

The report of the royal official from the secret correspondence of the censorship of the time is preserved. In it, the official says that readers, reading the story, will be compassioned to the peasant, oppressed by the landlord.

This document confirms the Great Artistic Expressiveness and the ideological strength of the Turgenev Work.

I.A. Asksakov saw a kind of symbol in Gerasim - this is the personification of the Russian people, his terrible force and incomprehensible meekness ... The writer was confident that he (Gerasim) speaks out of time. This thought turned out to be a prophetic.

3. Conclusion

We will make the following conclusions:

  1. A man who has suffered as a child and pain, entering into an adult life, behaves differently: someone, like Varvara Petrovna, becomes evil and vengeful, and someone, like Turgenev - sensitive to the suffering of a person, ready to help people do not Only in a word, but also the case.

  2. Seen in childhood humiliation, insults of the human person and dignity formed in the future writer aversion to serfdom. Although Turgenev was not a political wrestler, but with the help of his literary talent, a social activity he fought with a serfdom.

  3. Two strengths face "Mumu": the Russian people, straightforward and strong, and the serfdom in the face of a capricious, surviving the old women. But Turgenev gives this conflict a new turn: he has a peculiar protest, expressed in his self-friendly caring from the city to the village. The question arises, what is the fortress right, why did the henichi men forgive the gentlemen any whims?
4. Information resources

  1. Large training directory. Russian writers of the 19th century. M.: Drop, 2000

  2. The life and creativity of Turgenev I.S.: Materials for the exhibition at the Sostrian Children's Library School. and introductory article N.I. Yakunina, M.: Children's literature, 1988

  3. Zhitova V.N. From the memories of the family and .s.Turgenev. Literature 5 class ed. G.I. Belenyko- M.: Mnemozina, 2010

  4. Naumova N.N. I.S.Turgen. Biography. Manual for students. L.: "Enlightenment", 1976

  5. K. K. History of the story "Mummu" Change No. 491 November 1947 [Electronic resource] / Access mode: SMENA- Online. RU\u003e STORIYA-RASSKAZA-MUMU

  6. Turgenev I.S. Complete collected works and letters in 28t. Letters. M.-L., 1961 T.2

  7. Turgenev at school: Teachers / Sost manual. T.F. Kurdyumova.- M.: Education, 1981-175c.

  8. Sher N.S. Stories about Russian writers. Photos. M.: Children's literature, 1982, 511c.