What is dynamic shades in music? Dynamics in music is one of the main means of expressiveness. Features of piano speakers

What is dynamic shades in music? Dynamics in music is one of the main means of expressiveness. Features of piano speakers
What is dynamic shades in music? Dynamics in music is one of the main means of expressiveness. Features of piano speakers

In this lesson we will talk about another means of transferring emotions - dynamics (volume) of music.

We have already said that the musical speech is very similar to speech in our traditional understanding. And one of the ways to express their emotions (except for the word reproduction rate) is another, no less strong is the volume with which we pronounce words. Gentle, gentle words are pronounced quiet, teams, indignation, threat and appeals - loud. Like I. human voice, music can also "scream", and "whisper."

What do you think unites explosives called "Dynamite", sports team Dynamo and tape recorder "speakers"? All of them occur from one word - Δύναμις [dynamic], translated from the Greek "Strength". That's the word "dynamics" comes from here. Tints of sound (or, in French, nuances) are called dynamic shades, and power musical sound called dynamics.

The most common dynamic nuances, from the most quiet to the highest, are listed below:

  • pP - Pianissimo - Pianissimo - very quiet
  • p - Piano - Piano - Quiet
  • mP - Mezzo Piano - Mezzo Piano - Made Quietly
  • mF - MEZZO Forte - Metzo-Forte - moderately loud
  • f - Forte - Forte - loud
  • fF -fortissimo - Fortissimo - very loud

To indicate even more extreme volume of volume, additional letters f and p are used. For example, FFF and PPP designations. They do not have standard names, usually say "Fort-Fortissimo" and "Piano-Pianissimo", or "Three Forte" and "Three Piano".

The designation of the dynamics is relative, not absolute. For example, MP indicates not on accurate level Volume, and what to play this passage should be slightly louder than P, and somewhat quieter than MF.

Sometimes the music itself suggests how to play. For example, how will you play a lullaby?

Correctly - quiet. And how to play alarm?

Yes, loud.

But there are cases when it is not clear that the composer invested in a musical work. This is the author for this and writes under the tight text of the prompts in the form of the speaker icons. Like that:

Dynamic nuances can be designated both at the beginning and in any other place. musical Work.

There are two more signs of the dynamics, with whom you will have to face quite often. In my opinion, they are a bit like bird beaks:

These icons indicate a gradual increase or decrease in sound volume. So in order to sing the pogrom - the bird opens the beak shout (<), а чтобы спеть потише – прикрывает клюв (>). These so-called "forks" appear under the tank text, as well as above it (especially above the vocal party).

In this example, a long dynamic "plug" (<),означает, что фрагмент нужно играть все громче и громче, пока не закончится знак крещендо.

And here a narrowing "fork" (\u003e) under the musical phrase means that the fragment you need to play quieter and quieter until the diminuendo sign will end, and the initial level of volume in this example MF (MEZZO Forte), and the final - P (Piano).

For the same purposes often also use a verbal method. The term "" (ITAL. Crescendo, abbreviated Cresc.) Indicates a gradual gain of the sound, and "" (Ital. Diminuendo, abbreviated with Dim.), Or decrecheno (Decrescendo, abbreviated decresc.) - gradual weakening.

Cresc designations. and dim. may be accompanied by additional instructions:

  • poco - Poo - a little
  • subito or Sub. - subitty - suddenly
  • più - I drink more

Here you have some more terms associated with the dynamics:

  • al Niente - Al Ninti - literally "to nothing", to silence
  • calando - Kalando - "Falling"; slowing down and reducing volume
  • marcato - Marcato - emphasizing every note
  • morendo - Morendo - Fucking (silent and slowing down the tempo)
  • perdendo or Perdendosi - Perendo - losing power, decor
  • sOTTO VOCE - Sotto Echo - in a low voice

Well, in conclusion, I would like to draw your attention to another dynamic nuance - it accent. IN musical Speech It is perceived as a separate sharp shot.

In notes, it is indicated:

  • sFORZANDO or SFORZATO (SF or SFZ) - Sforzando or Sforzato - Sudden Sharp Accent
  • forte Piano (FP) - loud, then immediately quiet
  • sFORZANDO PIANO (SFP) - indicates Sforzando followed by Piano

Another emphasis as a letter is indicated by the sign\u003e above the appropriate note (chord) or under it.

Well, finally, here's a couple of examples where you, as I hope, can apply all the knowledge gained in practice.

In the previous article, we looked at the concept of tempo as means of expressiveness in music. You also learned the options for the rate. In addition to the pace great value Has the volume of the sound of a musical work. Volume - a powerful means of expressiveness in music. The pace of work and its volume complement each other, creating a single picture.

Dynamic shades

The speaker volume of the sound of music is called a dynamic tint. Immediately pay attention to the fact that various music works can be used dynamic shades. Below you cite a list of dynamic shades.

Permanent volume
Full titleAbbreviationTransfer
fortissimo. fF. very loud
forte f. loudly
mezzo Forte mF. middle volume
mEZZO PIANO. mP medium-quiet
piano. p. quiet
pianissimo. pp. very quiet
Volume changes
Volume change

Consider the examples of the interaction of volume and tempo. Marsh, most likely, will sound loud, clearly, solemnly. Romance will sound not very loud, in a slow or middle pace. With a lot of probability, in the romance we will meet a gradual acceleration of the pace and an increasing volume. Less often, depending on the content, it is possible to gradually slow down the tempo and reduce the volume.


In order to fulfill the music, you need to know the designation of dynamic shades. You saw what signs and words are used for this in notes.

In this article you will get to know basic concepts Speakers, learn the most popular designations and methods dynamic work, as well as errors and problems that beginner musicians face.

What is the dynamics in general?

If you refer to the etymology of the word speaker, then we will learn that from Greek. Δύναμις - power, power.

What force is this is speech In applied to music?

Of course, the strength of sound, one of the 4 parameters of the musical sound as a whole. (All 4 sound parameters are considered)

The sound of sound in turn affects the volume of sound, as the stronger we pull the string, or hit the piano key, the stronger the amplitude of the oscillations of the sounding body and the more volume.

However, not everything is so simple, as it seems at first glance. And the volume of the sound itself is little means for the artist.

It is important to be able to work with the volume and most importantly have a wide palette of dynamic shades that you can play on your instrument.

Under dynamic shades, the musicians are most often meant. relative system The volume designation that can be found in the notation.

SAMI simple scheme as follows.

p (Piano - Piano) - Quiet

f (Forte - Forte) - loud

The remaining designations are derived from them.

pP - Pianissimo - very quiet

mP - Matso Piano - not very quiet

mF Mezzo Fort is not very loud

fF - very loud

As you can see, the scale is relative enough and sometimes it is almost impossible to distinguish the MP from MF.

That is why these designations are called relative volume designations.

It is clear that Forte on the guitar and forte on the piano is completely different volume.

Comparative volume table in decibels without binding to the tool.

fFF.Forte-Fortissimo - the most loud100 background88 Son.
fF.Fortissimo - very loud90 background38 Son.
f.Forte - Loud80 background17.1 Son.
p.Piano - quiet50 background2.2 Son.
pp.Pianissimo - very quiet40 background0.98 Son.
pPP.Piano-Pianissimo is the quietest30 background0.36 Son.

The first stage of mastering the speakers on your instrument is to learn to play forte and piano, without smooth transitions.

Then you can try to play first PP, then immediately ff. Talk to professional teacher To obtain spectacular exercises to master the speakers.

One of the most common mistakes among novice musicians is the lack of work on the dynamics. All that they play sounds not very quiet and not very loud. Such an approach imposes music and its expressiveness and of course should be eradicated at the very first stages of classes.

You need to learn to play in all possible dynamic ranges.

The next important element of speakers in music is graduation, That is, the transition from one level of speakers to another.

In fact, any musical phrase is based on the use of smooth change in the dynamics and very rarely all notes are played on the same volume.

Notation is used to indicate explicit speakers

cresc. and dim. or reinforcing and relaxing

Also in notes are used forks, to indicate an increase or decrease in volume:

Sharp volume changes

sf. or sFZ - suddenly loud or sharp accent

The designation is also found fP. (Forte Piano) It means "loud, then immediately quiet";

sFP. (SFORZANDO PIANO) indicates Sforzando followed by Piano.

Also in the notice designations there are accents that are set over a separate note, which indicates their dynamic allocation in comparison with the surrounding sounds. The strength of the accent may vary from hardly a catchy change, to a very acute attack. In the picture, the images of the accent 3 and 4.

In jazz, you can very often meet deactitating or ghost notes. These are notes that are recorded in brackets and practically not played or played at minimal dynamics.

Such sounds allow you to keep ripples and are an important feature Style.

It is important to note that the speaker is responsible for the emotionality of music, and also significantly affects the phrase, as the agogic is almost always relied on proper work With dynamics.

Watch your speech and speech of other people and try mentally to record their dynamics. You will hear that the speech of any person changes dynamically depending on emotions. Attendant phrases we pronounce MF, when we are excited, we can speak loud, with Kressendo to important words. When the dispute in fullings participants can be on FF, and by the end of the dispute to sink.

Whisper is PP or even PPP, which is very often associated with secrets or secrets that we want to tell other people.

All you need to master the speakers is to transfer the dynamics of live speech into your game.

Listen to other musicians paying attention to the dynamics - after all it is here hidden most of secrets of successful performance.

One of the popular techniques Working with dynamics is the effect of echo, in which the phrase is repeated quieter or vice versa louder. Modern musicians Apply this technique to shocks on a small drum or the topics.

Such contrast dynamics is also very characteristic of the music of the Barroko era.

In those days, gradient transitions were not as popular as today - therefore, the main work of work on the dynamics consist in comparison of the quiet parts loud and vice versa.

Delighted in the nature of the sound dynamics will return to the beginning of the article.

2 simple sound gradation is Quiet and loud.

But if you take extremes, you can talk about full silence (Pause too music) and maximum volume.

This is an area that needs a thorough study on the instrument. Try to find yourself quiet soundwhich can be removed.

When does the transition from silence to sound? Such a process may be similar to meditation.

Or most loud noise - Can you make the most loud forty even loud?

Just as artists distinguish dozens of colors, musicians learn to distinguish the finest shades Dynamics.

At the beginning of the way you hear only loud and quietly. Then begin to catch the transitions and shades of Forte, Piano, accents, Ghost notes.

Ideally, the sound stream will be perceived by you, like infinite waves of sound dynamics turning from Fort to Piano and vice versa.

As you can see, the dynamics are simple and at the same time more complex to master some of the music. It is easy to understand views musical dynamics And its transitions, but it is much more difficult to learn to hear and perform these transitions.

Use ideas outlined in this article, and also carefully read the instructions of the composers, because their task as accurately and unequivocally specifies you to all dynamically changes to be observed to create the most accurate interpretation.

For musicians performing rock, jazz and any other modern music It is important to learn to hear the dynamics, since it is not discharged in notes, but is invariably present in any composition, since the music is impossible without dynamics!

"The dynamics bearing sensations and emotions, manages perception and creates objects and spaces.

In order for musicians and conductors to understand the composer's intention, you need to somehow mark dynamic plan in notes. For this there are special designations.

IN old music They are usually very small. The reason for this lies in the fact that the composer himself was a conductor and a musician. The designations themselves also have a bit: forte and piano.. Remind title musical instrument. Piano because he received such a name in due time due to the fact that it allowed to play music as loud - forteand quietly - piano.. In fact, initially it is Italian words and more correctly translate them as "strongly", "firmly" and "plain", "plane", but they lost the initial meaning not only musical termsbut also just international wordswhich are in most European languages.

Only later appeared additional shades:

fF Fortissimo - very loud
F Forte - loud
MF mezzo forte - not very loud
MP mezzo piano - not very quiet
P Piano - Quiet
PR Pianissimo - very quiet

In the era of romanticism, and this composer has become little. The designations expanded even more (from PPppP to FFFFF) attempts were made to measure the physical values \u200b\u200bof dynamic shades. Of course, it was possible to do only approximately. For example, N.A. Garbuzov Studying the zone nature of dynamic hearing came to the conclusion that the width of the zone of each dynamic shade is approximately 10 dB. Considering that modern sound recording The dynamic range of even academic music genres does not exceed 40 dB, the obvious excessiveness of this value is obvious.

Signs of dynamic shades show some volume zone, but not smooth growth and dynamics decline. In order to designate smooth changes, you should use the "forks" and the words of Crescendo ("Crefesto" - increasing volume) and Diminuendo ("Diminuendo" - a decrease in volume). Less often to reduce the volume is indicated by the word Decrescendo (Decrecheno).

Not so long ago, the signs of the forks and words were completely equivalent:

Dim. or decresc.

Currently, the forks are used for short rapids and dump dynamics (not more than a clock), and words for longer. In addition, the additional phrase "Poco A Poco" is used for very long, the "Poco A Poco" phrase is used, which can be stretched for several clocks for greater visibility:

non-long volume increase

What is dynamic shades in music? Honestly, the phrase "dynamic shades" is somewhat wisdom, but its meaning is very simple. This is the volume of the volume of music execution.

Why did such a term have taken root in music? Because it comes from the Greek word "Dynamicos" - that is, "power" and implies, with what force you need to play a particular part of the work.

In music distinguish such dynamic shades:

pP - Pianissimo (read like "Pianissimo") Indicates - very quiet
p - Piano (read like "Piano") quietly
mP - Mezzo Piano (read like "Mezzo Piano") Indicates - moderately quiet, slightly louder than Piano

mF - Mezzo Forte (read like "Mezzo Forte") - moderately loud
f - Forte (Forte) loud
fF - Fortissimo (Fortissimo) - very loud.

As you can see, dynamic shades are simply different degrees of loud and quiet sound.

There is also such a term as "Sforzando". The SF is denoted and implies a sharp allocation of separate sound, notes or chord. Softundo with accents should not be confused, when it is allocated from the NOT group, one or more. Accenting notes, as if attaches some value to one or another, their weight and importance are different, however, as the prices in the shock. I advise you to look around, the summer will not slow down come, think about the upcoming holiday and time of vacation.

So, when we emphasize the note, we deliberately allocate it, we are louder than the rest, in this way it can form a special rhythm against the background of the general. Therefore, focusing more refers to the construction of rhythmic figures. But Sforzando is all the same, the term denoting dynamic shade.

These words are also related to the designation of dynamic shades: diminuendo (Diminuendo) is a gradual impact of sound and Crescendo (Kreferedo) a gradual amplification of sound.

So why are these designations in notes given? In order to transfer the nuanxion of a particular work. Of course, the ultimate interpretation lies on the artist, but these signs in the notes help to understand how the author of music sees her execution.

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