We study the foundations of a note literacy. Musical alphabet for children Melody motion up and down

We study the foundations of a note literacy. Musical alphabet for children Melody motion up and down
We study the foundations of a note literacy. Musical alphabet for children Melody motion up and down

Those who decided to know at least anything serious in music, not avoiding acquaintance with various music recordings. From this article, you will learn how to learn how to read notes, without memorizing them, but only understood those logical principles on which a gothic gradder is based.

What is included in the concept of a notion diploma? This is all that refers, anyway, to record and reading notes; This is such a peculiar language that is understandable to all musicians in Europe and America. As you know, each musical sound is determined by 4 physical properties: height, duration, volume and timbre (color). And with the help of music record, the musician receives information about all these four properties of that sound, which he is going to sing or play on a musical instrument.

I propose to figure out how each of the musical sound properties is displayed.


The whole range of musical sounds is built into a single system - scale, that is, a series in which all sounds follow each other in order, from the lowest to the highest shouters, or vice versa. Sound is divided by octaves - segments of the musical skewness, each of which contains a set of the same as notes - up, re, mi, fa, salt, la, si.

For recording and reading notes use night Stan. - This is a string to record notes in the form of five parallel lines (more correctly say - lineek). Any notes of the skews are recorded on a tight mill: on the rules, under the rules or above them (and, of course, between rules with equal success). The line is customary from the bottom up:

The notes themselves are indicated by the heads of oval form. If the note is not enough for the records of the main five lines, then special additional rules are introduced for them. The higher the note sounds, the higher it is located on the rules:

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe exact height of the sound is given by the musical keys, of which two are most well-known - creepy and bass. Looking grades for beginners is based on the study of the violin key in the first octave. They are recorded like this:

Read the methods of quick memorization of all notes in the article, perform practical exercises offered there and you will not notice how the problem disappears by itself.

Duration notes

The duration of each note refers to the area of \u200b\u200bmusical time, which is a continuous movement with the same velocity of equal shares comparable to the measurement of the pulse. Usually one such share is associated from the quarter by the duration of nototh. Look at the drawing, you will see a graphic image of different notes and their names:

Of course, smaller durations are used in music. And you already understood that each new, smaller duration is obtained during division of the whole note by the number 2 in N-th: 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, etc. So, we can divide the whole note not only by 4 fourth, but with equal success and on the 8 eighth or 16 sixteenth notes.

Musical time is very well organized, and in its organization, larger units are participating in addition - so you, that is, segments that contain a precisely specified number of shares. Trackers stand out visually by separating one from another vertical clock trait. The number of stakes in the clocks and the duration of each of them is reflected in the notes using a numeric size.

Both sizes and durations and stakes are closely related to such an area in music as rhythm. Most of the beginners usually operates the easiest dimensions, for example, 2/4, 3/4, etc. See how music rhythm can be organized in them.


On how to play one or another motive - loud or quiet, also specified in the notes. Everything is simple here. Here, what icons you will meet:


The timbre of sounds is an area that is not at all affected by a touch literacy for beginners. However, as a rule, there are different instructions on this. The simplest is the name of the tool or voice for which this essay is intended. The most difficult associated with the technique of the game (for example, the inclusion and turning off the pedals on the piano) or with acceptances of the recovery of sound (for example, flags on the violin).

This should be stopped: on the one hand, you have already learned a lot about what you can read in the notes, on the other, there is still a lot of learning. Watch for updates on the site. If you liked this material, recommend it to your friends using the button at the bottom of the page.

No. Classes

Theme lesson


Musical and noise sounds

teach children to distinguish noise and musical sounds

High and low sounds

Keys and keyboard

introduce children with keys and keyboard


assign the location of the octave on the keyboard

Notes and notonic

recove the stages of concepts related to each other: notonic, notes, key

Treble clef

introduce children with a violin key


introduce children with specific notes names

Tact and clock traits

explain to children what tact and clock features

Duration notes

help children to learn the ratio of notes and scores

Note with a point

explain to children, which means notch with a point

The size

based on the knowledge gained on the durations of the notes, to introduce children with a musical size


introduce children with a pause concept


teach children to distinguish musical strokes: Stakkato and Legato

Dynamic shades

remember dynamic shades like peculiar musical paints

Major and mining frets

introduce children with musical frets: major and minor

Lesson 1.

Musical and noise sounds


  • teach children to distinguish noise and musical sounds.

The poetic form is deliberately explained by noise sounds, and musical is mentioned only at the end.

Everything in the world kids know

Sounds are different:

Cranes farewell closes,

Aircraft loud rockness,

Hum of cars in the yard,

Lai dog in a cone,

Knock wheels and the noise of the machine,

Quiet rustle breeze.

These are sounds - noise.

Only there are others:

Not rustling, not knocking -

Musical there are sounds.

Exercise 1 . Take the child to an independent understanding of what musical sound is. For the audience, determine where - noise sounds, and where - musical.

Lesson 2.

High and low sounds


  • teach distinguishing high and low registers

Explanatory note

Preschool children think figuratively, they have a well-developed imagination. The knowledge of the surrounding world, in which they enter, inextricably with deep immersion and into the world is fabulous, toy, loved by their whole soul. Lovely toy is able to revive the lesson, help in the assimilation of a new material. The difference between high and low sounds is absorbed faster if it is illustrated using the typewriter, dolls, bunny, parrot.

1. Explanation of the topic

Pedagogue, showing how the piano is arranged, sharpens attention to the differences in high and low registers. At the same time, the child is unwittingly at the voice of a low "thick" sound associated with a thick string, and high - with a "fine" string. The child not only hears, but also sees why the keys are becoming higher, "thinner" when the teacher's hand, performing separate sounds, moves along the keyboard to the right (in the fairy tale "about a nino girl" the cat is so moving).

Tale about a nine girl, cat Murku and Piano

There was one girl in the world. His name was Nina. Someone gave her a piano for his birthday, and she did not know how to play it: so let's knock on the keys, snapped even a murk-cat. Announced Nina and went to sleep. I fell asleep Nina, and a surprising sleep was dreamed of her:

As if she is yes cat,

And they are sitting at the window.

And behind: "Boom! Boom!"

Nina turned around, having heard noise

Sees - piano steps

Lid like mouth opens

And under the cover of the key in a row,

As if the teeth stick out.

Here is about the angry piano

Swallow the girl Nina.

Oh, how she was frightened! I wanted to escape, but can not.

But then the cat is on the keys - jump!

And the miracle happened to VMIG.

Murka on the keys goes,

And piano sings, sings.

Murka fell silent,

And the piano is affectionately.

Here the second miracle happened -

Cat suddenly learned:

"Meow, I'll tell you everything.

Want to show a secret! " -

Nina she says

And look into the piano, the magnitude.

Herself wishes the tail,

Keys of the paws clicks.

Left Murka will go -

And if it turns the right -

Sounds are more, more tender.

In the piano, as Nina looked around, so ashounted: each key hammer was traditional, and behind a whole row of strings, and all different!

And strings of short and thin,

And the thicker, longer string -

The lower it sounds.

Murka key presses -

The hammer strikes the string:

String rings, sings

Thinks Nina's girl:

"Not a strange piano.

It is necessary only to beat it,

Fists do not bother on it,

And carefully the keys touch -

So it will not bite. "

The morning came here, and the dream was interrupted. Nina got up, gently touched the keys. In response, the good voices of strings were heard.

P.S: and on the contrary, the sounds are becoming lower, "thinner" when the teacher plays the same sounds in the opposite direction.

2. Fastening material

a) The teacher performs the right hand the sound, alternately up and down (except for the outer, at the discretion of the teacher, you can reproduce short (sounds) motifs, remote sounds, etc.). The left hand of him, in which he holds the toy, moves above the keyboard to the same side as the right, but respectively sounds: or rising, or dropping.

b) the teacher plays the sound. At this time, the student with a toy shows the direction of movement of sounds.

3. Repetition

The toy does not participate here. The teacher plays the sound. The student standing with his back to the keyboard, guess: from a slide or a slide ride a car (a doll goes), a parrot flies on the bottom or on the contrary.

Fasten the completed material to children will helptask 2.

Lesson 3.

Keys and keyboard


  • maxue children with keys and keyboard.

In order for this difficult material to be presented to children in an entertaining, interesting form, use poems and drawings.

Miracles here, and only!

That's what keys are different how much!

And only seven names they have.

How can I not confuse them?

See the black keys row?

They are two, then three in a row,

Only two black click,

Between them you will find.

Left - before, and right,

In order, click them:

To, re, mi.

Next to now, look

See, Three black keys?

From them on the left Fa lives,

Soon sings his song.

Near the Fa - Salt, La Sit

And together on Si look.

Well, and si quite simple

It is very easy to find:

Right from three black keys

At home you will force her.

And now say:

Up, re, mi, fa, salt, la, si,

Play them with each other

And quietly repeat:

Up, re, mi, fa, salt, la, si.

Just si you call -

Nearby will find again.

If we are from up to gone,

To another to reached -

So the whole octavoy

Together we went through.

Well, fast, time, two, three,

This word is repeat:Oktawa.

Miracles here, and only!

At least here the keys of different so many -

I know, what their name is,

Know where they live.

To learn in practice the location of the keys to children will help

tasks 3 and 4.

Lesson 4.



  • assimate the location of the octave on the keyboard.

Explanatory note

Useful to use cards with animal images from task 2, those that helped in learning registers. To do this, they must be placed on the keyboard in the following order:

  1. Subcontrobtava - Elephant
  2. Kotroktava - Elephant
  3. Large Octave - Bear
  4. Small Octave - Bear
  5. First Octave - Cat
  6. Second Octava - kitten
  7. Third octave - mouse
  8. Fourth Octava - Mouse

Tasks 5 - 6.

To secure the material usedtask 7. where the concept is introduced -before the second octave.

Lesson 5.

Notes and notonic


  • disclose stages of concepts related to each other: notonic, notes, key.

Explanatory note

In order for the assimilation of the new material to be more firmly, in this topic information about the key is not mentioned, and if notes, the notes are explained so far simply as signs that are indicated by musical sounds. Later, after dating children with a violin key, it will be told about the specific names of notes.

With such a sequence of studying notes, the teacher puts the goal to show the children, as notes look like and where they are written - on the rules, between the rules, under them and above them.

At the same time, the initial ideas about the duration of notes are also given -task 8. . Explain to children that sounds are long and short, on the example of any song. To do this, it is necessary that the children fall several of its rows, while having a rhythmic pattern of the melody in your hands.

Religious to learn this material will helptask 9.

The concept of "notonic", which children learn from the poem should be supplemented with another name of the NOTONOP - a music station.

Here is a five-storey house.

Signs live in it.

Notonic home is called

Signs - notes in it live.

(Show illustration of the house with notes)

Lesson 6.

Treble clef


  • to introduce children with a violin key.

Explanatory note

After dating children with a "fairy tale about the wise owl", the teacher must clarify: the key is called "violin" because it seems like notes, whose sound is as high as the violin.

Tale of the wise owl

I lived in the forest very wise and kind owl. That owl helped all forest residents. And so…

Somehow flew to her a bird - sulfur,

Play, sighing the beginning and the speech was such:

- Good Owl, help, remorse from trouble.

Everyone knows that I sing every morning my song.

I meet with her Sunny

He can wake up

But today evil spiders

Hid all notes in the chests.

And the chests are closed on the castle,

And the keys from the castles in the ground buried,

Without a song, I can not live.

How can the sun help now?

"Do not burn, I will cut you out of trouble," the owl of the bird was reassured. She took the branch, inscribed on the ground a notonic trainer and began to draw something on it, saying:

I first draw a snapshot here

On the top round,

Oh, some kind of goose

I'm a little bit afraid.

Not! I will do like this:

To be not a goose, but a sign,

Quick line straight

I will complete the bold point.

So the key came out great,

And he is called a violin one.

And there is a second name,

I will write it here: Salt's key.

Remember, Bird - Sinely small,

It is called so because

That the beginning of the curl

On the second paint the line, -

Just on the very second line where the note is writtensalt first octave. Take, a bird, this key and fly to the sputs of the chests to open. As soon as you can go to them, listen first, in which your notes are sounded, then that chest and unlock.

Thanked Poultry - Sereny - Nobrey Owl and flew to his notes.

That's how the owl of the bird returned her song.

Writing a violin key Children can master by performingtask 10. . The play "Folk Support" first should play with the 3rd finger of the right hand, and then the 3rd finger of the left hand.

Lesson 7.



  • maxue children with specific notes names.

To play plays,

Notes need firmly to know.

Here - before, re here too and si

Learn the names of notes and where every living.

There is a rainbow seven colors,

And music has seven notes.

Only who without tips

Do these notes disaster?

As if the droplets are similar

We can not distinguish them.

This is what: notes all decorate,

Like a rainbow coloring.

And we remember right away

Where is the Fa, and where are there.


Will facilitate the assimilation of this materialtask 11.

Tale about Petushka

(Read the fairy tale, calling notes instead of missed syllables).

There was a rooster in the world

what was good in Petya!

In the morning the sun will only wage,

Petya Gom Embosse

Song ringing

And the gubean goes on the meadow

ma Ma, Garden Mo,

A broken fence

It takes and return,

For affairs, they will take.

Will be put in order M,

Furnace floods, and then

Gets Peter in the garden.

There, the peas will break,

Yes, Nako T. Koloskov -

Here is a breakfast and ready.

Clean mouthpiece put on,

On the table, he will change the tablecloth,

Put, treat.

Ay, yes, Petya! Nag Day!

Here friends in the window knocks.

- Come in, I'm glad you!

Lesson 8.

Tact and clock traits


  • explain to children what tact and clock features are.

Explanatory note

This topic does not require additional comments, since the material intasks 12 - 15 It is pretty pretty. To consolidate the topic of "Change": the image of the room in the house with the image of the Notonic, children will count the number of rooms in the house and easily determine the number of "rooms - clocks" on notonic.

Lesson 9.

Duration notes


  • help the children to learn the ratio of notes and scores.

Explanatory note

When studying this topic, children are experiencing certain difficulties. To facilitate the absorption of this material, a fairy tale "Friendly Family" is offered.

As you know, children and adults are different dynamics (children are much moving adults). On the basis of this principle, this fairy tale was built: in it, the eighth notes are called the guys, the fourth - mothers and dads, half-grandmothers, and a whole - great-grandmother. All this clearly explains the ratio of duration and score.

Friendly family

There was a friendly family:

Great-grandmother, two grandmothers

Moms with dads

And the guys

They often all went to the park for a walk. And once, so that the fun was walking, they came up with the guys their own lesson: to count their steps. The alley in the park was long, they had to do a lot of steps, and they could only be able to count only to four.

They thought, thought how to lengthen the score, and came up with: after each figure 1,2,3,4, the guys decided to add the letter "and". No sooner said than done.

The guys run on the way

And consider the steps of chalunca,

And it goes like this:

See how fast they run.

Moms with dads heard them

And the steps are silent:


Times and, two and, three and, four and

Here they succeed!

Well, and grandmothers, so as not to fall behind

Like this:


Times and, two and, three and, four and

Here the great-grandmother said quietly:

- And I also counted steps:


Times and, two and, three and, four and

Oh, how slowly she was!

They walked, walked,

And went home to rest.

So, the fairy tale is time to cum.

P.S.: It should not be understood at the initial stage of training due to the fact that children sometimes instead of a specific name of the duration of the notes (for example, half) call it "grandmother". In this case, it is important to ask the child to remember the present name of the duration of this note. From the use and of the other duration names ("grandmother", half), you can gradually go through the use of only the present name.

After familiarization with the proposed material through reading a fairy tale proceed totasks 16 - 18 - All this will be an occupation.

Lesson 10.

Note with a point


  • explain to children, which means notch with a point.

Explanatory note

Poems and task 19 It will make it easier for children to master this rather difficult theme. But in order for this material to be perceived easier, it is useful at the initial stage at the point to draw the calm so: or so:

Lesson 11.

The size


  • based on the knowledge gained on the durations of the notes, to introduce children with a musical size.

Explanatory note

The topic does not require additions. For better assimction, it is useful to usetask 20. - "Music Lotto".

Lesson 12.



  • to acquaint children with the concept of pause.

Explanatory note

For acquaintance with the concept of a pause, a fairy tale "Inseparable friends" is offered. Reading it, the attention of children should be focused on the fact that the pauses in music should also listen and consider as notes.

Inseparable friends

He lived on the light of the boy Kolya.

He studied in a music school,

And he had a book.

And once at night, when Kolya fell asleep, such a story happened.

Only watch twelve struck,

Suddenly this book was quickly opened.

And who would you think she opened it?


Yes, notes - small,

Who lived in the first pages.

They cried, lit up,

Something to tell each other.

Then they ran through the book without looking back,

Only spurious heels.

Far ran away from the Native Notopian,

Stopped on one page, look,

And the place to them is unfamiliar.

Some signs go to meet

Ask notes: "How did you get here?"

Notes in need to tell steel:

Oh, you know, we are not completely disappeared.

The boy who is engaged in this book,

Makes us singing without a breather.

You just knew

How we are tired!

After all, it is impossible to sound all the time,

We must sometimes rest.

See what happened to us

What trouble happened:

Half note, poor,

It became terribly pale.

The whole sang so long,

That even all has been sad.

The fourth note has been handled from work.

And we, notes of eighth, funny, mischievous,

Before that sang, tried,

Listened to their signs strangers and say:

Well, it is not worth grieving about it,

Tears combustible shed.

We are just signs of silence,

We denote the break in the sound.

Pause us is called.

Here we are all here.


The whole pause half the fourth eighth

Once and, two and, three and, four and. Times and two and times and times

So we met with you, notes.

Now you are singing differently.

Close to us for notonic

We will live together,

No more thing to truck about.

We will become inseparable friends.

Notes were delighted, climbed to pauses and began to live - wait, burning not to know.

Appeal to "funny pictures" will help children quickly and firmly remember what pauses look like. They are easy to imagine that a whole pause, as a sign, hanging on the line; Half, as if the chest on the shelf lies on the line; The fourth is similar to the snake; And the eighth resembles the figure skater.

Lesson 13.



  • teach children to distinguish musical strokes: Stakkato and Legato.

Explanatory note

The topic clearly reveals in verses and drawings given intask 27. It is necessary to learn:

Point over a note and a point under notew

Tell me, dot, who are you?

Know guys calling mestakkato,

Dance forcing I do notes.

Stakkato - briefly, abruptly.


Oh, an arc, what's here!

How, tell me, your name is?

League I am called.

And remember friends,

In the plays, my role is important

I need notes very much

To teach them

Smooth arrival walk.

Well, and the ta, guys,

Called legato.

Legato - smoothly, connected.

Lesson 14.

Dynamic shades


  • remember dynamic shades as peculiar musical paints.

Explanatory note

Topics will help drawings and listening to the play D.G. Tuka "I'm so tired" in different manner of execution fromtasks 28.

The first time the teacher plays an inexpressively, smooth sound, and the second time - exactly performing all the dynamic shades in order for children to prefer not to monotonous, but a colorful execution that fully discloses the meaning of the play.

After that, you can go directly to acquaintance with the names and appointments of dynamic shades. The distribution of color brightness of paints on the palette will contribute to the best perception of the essence of dynamic shades.

Lesson 15.

Major and mining frets


  • to acquaint children with musical Ladas: major and minor.

Explanatory note

It is known how difficult this theme is difficult to explain to small children and how difficult they perceive it. The Fairy Tale "Two Brothers" will facilitate her perception.


In the long-standing time in a fabulous country called the Correal of the Rules of the King of Dean-Don-Seventh. Most of all in the world he loved to sleep yes bored.

It happened to his throne and misses.

From boredom will swallow

From boredom will order cookies to file,

And the soldiers will have a song.

Soldiers were unusual

Everything like one, singers are excellent.

And for this, by the way,

He became a Dean-Don their sounds called.

Sing the sounds of king one song, another,

The king will scatter, and the sounds are also on the side.

Sleep yourself until the morning.

In the morning you will stand, shout: "Hurray!"

The king will wake up, with side it turns on the side,

And everything will begin to begin:

Boredom, cookies, soldier's singing.

From this life, the sounds were inclined,

What to sing as you should have arrived at all.

The king was terribly saddened.

He stopped bored.

Makes them sing and so, and soyak,

And they do not want anywhere.

But one day he arrived in the soundland from the far country of Prodia two brothers - Lada. One was a fun dancer-hoochun, another sad, thoughtful. Cheerful calledMajor, and sad - Minor. Major and Minor about the trouble king learned and decided to help him.

In the palace came,

The king, as it should be bowed.

Hello, Dean-Don, they say. -

We want to listen to your soldiers.

Well, - commanded the sounds of the king, -

Maintain everything else!

Once, two! Once, two!

Put the sounds who are in the woods who are on firewood.

The brothers did not stand this music

Come on, - say, - Dean-Don, we will help you,

From the sounds of your song. Frequently folded.

Built major sounds in a row -

It turned out the sound.

Commanded Major: "On the tone, halftone is calculated-and-tally!"

Sounds quickly calculated:

Tone, tone, halftone,

Tone, tone, tone, halftone.

Sat! - Commanded Major. Sounds sank:


All of us can be in a row, in a row - Ko - a row.


Not about - stand Ma - Jorus, RA - Four, for - Dore!

Finished the sounds of singing - stepped forward Minor. Commanded: "On the tone, halftone Calculate - and - Taifully!". Sounds immediately for some reason they laughed, reluctantly calculated:

Tone, tone, halftone,

Tone, tone, halftone,

Tone tone.

Sat! - Commanded Minor. Sounds sank.


We are a normal sound - ko - a row of sad sounds


The dog is a nude sad - well - we are and this and this hour we are in the re-ve.

Since then, there has been order in soundland.

Din-Don has become different in another

For new music stopped sleeping.

He will load - Minor will appear

He wants to have fun - major will appear.

Steel sounds live okay

And the songs sounded folded!

Ekaterina Nikulina

Purpose: Familiarity with elements of music letter.

Teaching a musical letter of children of senior preschool age. Acquaintance with music signs, rhythm. Learn to catch rhythmic drawings.

Tasks: The development of musical hearing, feelings of rhythm, musical memory and singing skills.

The game form of training helps the child easily, without a voltage to master the graphic image of the notes, the main elements of the music letter.

Understanding a tank record contributes to a more accurate intonation of the song melodies.

The first stage of learning - acquaintance with notes

I introduce children with the name and location of the notes on a notch mill, with the help of a learning video about a total literacy. I tell interesting stories about the notes, Sergeeva V. D. "Where notes live," as well as make a riddle. To better absorbed the material by children.

The second stage of learningacquaintance with the durations of notes.

At this stage, I introduce children with the durations of notes. They learn that "TI" is a short duration, and the "that" is long. For the best assimilation of the material, I bring examples in the steps: the step is slow "that - that ..." and the step is a quick "T - Ti ...". Next, I post with the help of magnets various rhythmic pictures that children pronounce, slam down and lose on musical instruments.

For this I use games: "Repeat as I" "Tops - chlopai."

The third stage of learning (final) is a game on notes.

Configuring knowledge of music letters, children easily play musical instruments with my illustrative material "Music Forest".

Each key is indicated by a defined picture and title:

Before - house (rain). Reek, Mi-Bear (head, F - Apron, Solnyh. La - Frog, Si - Lilac.

With the help of cards: "Lestenka", "Cat Scientist", "Spit dolls", "Bubares" children play musical instruments.