What instruments are included in the drums. Ethnic drums of the world

What instruments are included in the drums. Ethnic drums of the world
What instruments are included in the drums. Ethnic drums of the world

Audio recordings

    Oboe: Wooden musical instruments / rules. G. Schmalfru, T. Varga [and others]. - M.: Twitch Lirik, 1998. - 1 SL. cassette. - (Tools of classical music).

    Clarinet : Wooden brass instruments / rules. J. Lancelot, I. Kita [and others]. - M.: Twitch Lirik, 1998. - 1 SL. cassette. - (Tools of classical music).

    Saxophone : Wind musical instruments / rules. B. Marsalis, J. Harle [and others]. - M.: Twitch Lirik, 1998. - 1 SL. cassette. - (Tools of classical music).

    The flute : Wooden brass instruments / rules. P. Meissen, H. Dovher, [and others]. - M.: Twitch Lirik, 1998. - 1 SL. cassette. - (Tools of classical music).

Impact musical instruments

Impact musical instruments are a group of musical instruments, the sound of which is removed by the blow or shaking (shaking) of the hammers, sticks, beaters, etc. on the sounding body (membrane, metal, wood, etc.). The most numerous family among all musical instruments. Due to the simplicity of the principle of sound recovery, they were the first musical instruments (blows sticks, bone scrapers, stones). Always associated with certain rhythmic alternations, they formed the first musical instrumental composition. Impact tools are used in modern orchestras, ensembles for the metrohymic, dynamic and timbre-color-color design of music.

From the point of view of acoustics, the impact tools are characterized by the presence in their spectra wide scales scales in which noise is present. The non-harmonicity of the sounds of shock tools is slightly larger than non-harmonicity in the instruments of the brass band. The spectrum (timbre) of the sounds of impact tools depends in many respects from the place and the strength of their excitation; the degree of rigidity or the softness of the material from which the sounding bodies are manufactured; their size. The sound of the drum tools is decaying, with different sound duration.

The variety of varieties and forms of shock musical instruments has formed several options for their classification. The same tool can belong to several groups.

By sound, impact musical instruments are divided:

      impact musical instruments with a certain height of sound which can be configured to certain sounds of sound (Litavra, xylophone, vibraphone, bells and etc. ) ;

      impact musical instruments with an indefinite height of the sound that do not have settings for certain sounds (largeand small drums, triangle, plates, tambourine, cassays, there-there and etc. ).

B. araban - Impact musical instrument with an indefinite height of sound, which is a hollow housing (or frame), serving a resonator, on which the membrane is stretched on one side or two sides. The membranes at the drums are fixed by two rims and tensioning screws located around the circumference of the tool housing. The housing of the drum is made of sheet steel or glued plywood, stones with an artistic celluloid. To give a drum of a specific sound above the lower membrane, special strings or spirals (edge) are tensioned, which are powered by a discharging mechanism. The sound is retrieved by hitting the membrane (the most common method) or friction. The use of synthetic membranes in the drums made it possible to significantly improve their musical and acoustic capabilities, the reliability of operation, the duration of the service. Distinguish drums small and big orchestral, smalland large pop, Tom-tenor, Tom Bas, Bong.

olshoy drum
Sounds powerfully. His voice resembles rollers of thunder or cannon shots. Therefore, it is often used in visual purposes. They play on a large drum with wooden sticks with soft beasts on the end, they are made from traffic jam or felt.

Small drum It has a dry and decent sound, his fraction well emphasizes rhythm, sometimes revitalizes music, sometimes makes alarming. Play on it with two chopsticks.

The composition of the symphonic or brass orchestra usually includes two drums - large and small, but in the jazz orchestra or pop ensemble, the shock installation besides these two includes even to seven tAMTAMOVwhose body is similar to the elongated cylinder. The nature of the sound is different. In the impact installation also includes bongi. - Two small drums, one slightly more than the other, they are connected in a single pair and play them most often with hands. Installation can enter kong - Their body narrows the book, and the skin is stretched only on the one hand.

- Impact musical instrument. One of the oldest, he appeared in the symphony orchestra in the XIX century. The device of this tool is very simple: as a rule, it is a narrow wooden or (less often) metal hoop (shell) on one side of a leather or bubble-tightened membrane, the other side is open. Diameter - 400-500 mm. The membrane or glued to the shell, or stretches with the help of "barbs" and screws. On the inside of the shells, brying rings, plates are suspended, some species in the slots on the pins are inserted with small metal "plates". Sometimes still inside the hoop on stretched twin or spirals, small puments, rings are rolled. All this from the slightest touch to the tool is by creating a kind of sound. Strokes on the membrane produce fingers ends or the base of the palm of the right hand. The tambourines are used for rhythmic accompaniment of dance, songs. In the East, where the art of the game on the tambourine has reached virtuoso skill, a solo game has a solo game on this tool. Azerbaijani tambourine is called def, Dyf. or gave Armenian - dAFor hawlgeorgian - dyra, Uzbek and Tajik - dair.

During the game, the performer freely holds a tool in his hand with his fingers, palm, a fist of another hand hits the membrane in the center and closer to the shell, removing various sounds and timbre sounds, spends on the skin with a moistened finger of the right hand, causing a characteristic vibrato, shakes, producing a challenge . Sometimes they hit the knee tool, the elbow, the head, so on. Apply a tambourine as a rhythmic tool for accompanying dances, solo and choral singing. He enters folk and professional ensembles, orchestras.

- (Sp. castanetas., the name "Castanets" in Spanish means "Little chestnuts") - Impact musical instrument with an indefinite sound height belonging to the family idiophons Mooromanian (Spanish) origin. Kastagnets are most common in Spain and Latin America. Interestingly, despite the widespread opinion that castanets are a purely Spanish invention, there are also similar musical instruments in many other cultures. Previews of modern kastanets existed in ancient Egypt about 3 thousand years before. e. In those days, they were used during religious ceremonies. Later, this tool was loved by the ancient Greeks and the Romans. Today, the kastagnets (or similar to them) are found in India, Switzerland, Turkey and Japan, as well as in some other countries. However, despite the so wide popularity, most of us kastagnets are still associated with the image of Spanish music, especially with the music of Spanish Gypsies, the style of Flamenco, etc. Therefore, this tool is often used in classical music to create a "Spanish color".

Castanets consist of two or three sink-like plates made from solid wood, which are completely connected to each end with a cord. When playing, the performer tips in the required rhythm on one of the plates, thus creating a specific bright clicking sound.

- (Sp. clave, literally "key") - Cuban folk shock musical instrument of African origin: two round wands of 15-25 cm long each, carved from a very solid tree, with which the main rhythm of the ensemble is set. The artist holds one of them in a special way (so that the compressed palm is a resonator) in the left hand, hitting it with another stick.

The sound is sharp, high, ringing like a xylophone, but without a certain height.

If necessary, two and even three pairs of such sticks that differ in size and, respectively, the height of their sound relative to each other (above-below) can be selected.

Possible individual blows in any rhythmic sequence as well tremolo. For this, the performer holds both sticks nearby, confronting them alternately, then the bottom ends.

Widely used in Cuban music, as well as in these styles of Latin American music, as mambo, Salsa and etc.

- (Ial. Xylofono., FR. Xylophone) - Impact self-sounding musical instrument, which is a set of wooden pars of different sizes corresponding to different sounds. Lands are made of rosewood, maple, walnut, fir. They are located in parallel in four rows in the order of chromatic gamma. Mounting lumps on durable laces and are separated by springs. The cord passes through the holes in the bar. During the game, it is located on a special table, which is equipped with resonators - copper sleeves of various sizes, suspended under the bars, while the sound becomes more singers.

For the game, xylophone is folded on a small table on equity rubber gaskets located along the tool cords. Play on xylophone with two wooden chopsticks with thickening at the end. Xilophone is used for both solo games and orchestra. Xylophone range - from s. Male octaves before before fourth octave.

Currently, keyboard-like tools are used more often with pars, located in two rows like the key. The sound is extracted by two colored chopsticks with thicketers at the ends - t. N. goat legs. The timbre is ringing-piercing, clicking, in the upper case - dryish. Xylophones are of different sizes, with a range of 1.5-3.5 octaves. Xylophone - very virtuoso tool. It is possible great fluency in fast passages tremolo and special effect - glissando(rapid movement with a stick in Bruckam).

L. itavry - Very an ancient musical instrument. Many peoples have long found tools consisting of a hollow vessel whose hole is covered with skin. It was from them that there were modern Litavras. Litavre has a huge range of sound strength - from the imitation of thunder to grumble to the quiet, barely catchy rust or hum. Build: Metal case in the form of a boiler. The housing has certain, strictly calculated dimensions, which makes it possible to achieve a strict height of the sound. In order not to interfere with the free vibration of the membrane in the center of the boiler, there is a hole for moving air. Litavra are a set of two, three and cooler boilers with a stretched top with leather or plastic, which are installed on a special stand. The body of the Litavr is made of copper, brass or aluminum, they set them on the stand - tripod. Split strip screws, mechanical and pedal. The most common pedal, since one click on the pedal can, without interrupting games, rebuild the tool for the desired tonality.

Play standing or sitting with wands with spherical or disco-shaped heads made from Filler (felt, or felt).

As an indication of the composer, wands with heads made from rubber, sponges, wood and from another material can also be used in the notes. From the magnitude of the head and the degree of their elasticity (stiffness or softness) depends largely the voice of the sound. The sticks are kept in both hands equally, the blow is made by the energetic movement of the hand of hands down.

Maracasi - Impact steaming musical instrument with an indefinite height of sound from families of idiophones Latin American origin. In European music, Maracasi came from Cuban dance orchestras, where they were used oVO often as a tool underlining acute sinkated rhythm. Now Maracas - an integral part of Latin American dances, such as salsa, Cha-Cha-Cha, Rumba, Merengand samba. They balance the passionate movements and burning music of these works.

Original Cuban Maracas are made of dried hollow coconut walnut, the inside of which small pebbles and olive grains are filled. The handle is attached below. With a circular motion, Maracas makes a deaf, hissing sound, when shooking - a characteristic noise. Modern maracas are balls with a handle made of thin-walled wooden, plastic or metal material filled with pebbles, fraction, peas or sand. Maracas are kept behind the handle and shake when playing, thus creating a ring-rustic sound, reproducing various rhythmic patterns.

Varieties: aBVES, ATCHER, ERICUDI - in Cuba, kashishi, Ague, Ague, Cher, Hanza - in Brazil, Wada- In Chile.

- Impact musical instrument (African origin), sounding elements of which are wooden plates (from 4 to 20), reinforced horizontally (with leather or fibrous cords) on two metal or bamboo rails located in parallel or at an angle to each other. The gaming plates are made of rosewood wood, which ensures high musical and acoustic properties of the tool. Plates are located on the frame in two rows. The first row contains the plates of the main tones, the second row - the plates of the semitones. Mounted on the frame in two rows resonators (Metal tubes with plugs) are configured to the sound frequency of the corresponding plates. The main nodes of Marimba are fixed on the supporting trolley with wheels, the framework of which is made of aluminum, which provides minimal mass and sufficient strength.

The sound is extracted by the blows of two wooden straight or curved sticks with rubber tips. Music use of Marimba also has a name marimbafon.

Marimba has a soft, juicy chain, has a range of 2 octaves: from notes before small octave to notes before fourth octave.

Marimba can be used by both professional musicians and educational purposes.

(italian. piatti., FR. cymbales., it. Becken, English cymbals) - Impact musical instrument with an indefinite sound height, which consists of two slightly concave metal discs with flat edges (made from brass or neosilber). From the outside, the plates have bulges called cups, in the center of which holes are drilled for fastening the straps required to hold in the hands.

The plates were already known to the ancient world and the old east, but the Turks were famous for the special love and exceptional art of their manufacture. In Europe, the plates became popular in the XVIII century, after the war with Ottomans.

The height of the sound of the plate depends on the size, brand of the metal alloy and the method of their manufacture (forging, casting). Plates are different diameters. In the spirit of the orchestra, the average diameter is usually used. 37-45 cm. On sound quality affect the methods of their excitation, dimensions, material from which they are made.

On the plates, as a rule, playing that nothing bothered their vibrations, and that the sound is fluent in the air. The usual reception of the game on this tool is an oblique, sliding the blow of one plate of another, - after which there is a ringing metal splash, which is hanging in the air for a long time. If the artist wants to stop the vibration of the plate, he brings them to the chest, and the oscillations subside.

On plates is possible tremoloWhat is achieved by quick alternating strikes on plates with chopsticks from Litavr or Small Drum. The orchestral practice also applies a game on a plate (or plates) suspended on a special stand. Release plates orchestral, Charleston plates, gong plates.

- Impact musical instrument high Tessetia. It is curved in the form of a non-complete triangle steel rod with a diameter of 8-10 mm of different sizes, respectively, of different height of the sound (albeit indefinite). When playing, keeps in hand or hangs on a residential string. They play on a triangle with a metal stick without a handle, if necessary (as the performing reception), muffle the sound with the left hand, which holds a triangle. The sound is high, bright, clean and transparent. We are produced orchestral triangles with two steel chopsticks.

T. solving tread - Impact wooden musical instrument designed for rhythmic or noise maintenance of singing, dance, rites and magical rituals. In musical instruments of various nations, there are many ratchets of a wide variety of forms and devices. It is used by this tool in ancient Russia as a musical instrument of written evidence. In archaeological excavations in Novgorod in 1992, 2 tablets were found, which, by the assumption of V. I. Povethkin, were included in the aft of ancient Novgorod rattles in the XII century.

Racks were used in the wedding ritual in the performance of magnitude songs with extraction. The choir performance of a magnificent song is accompanied by a whole game of a whole ensemble, sometimes more than 10 people. During the wedding, the ratchet is decorated with ribbons, flowers, sometimes with pubs. The use of rattles in the wedding ritual suggests that in the past this tool except musical, also performed the mystical function of the playful of young on evil spirits. In a number of villages, there is still alive not only the tradition of the game, but also the tradition of making cracks.

In the Symphony Orchestra, a ratchet is a box, rotated by the performer around the gear wheel on the handle, while the elastic wooden plate, jumping, with one tooth to another, makes a characteristic crackle. Most effectively sharp dry tremolo in Nuance forte or fortissimo. - quiet calm is generally impossible; It is also obtained rhythmically not too complex sequences of individual "cotton".

Chokalo (Tube) - Impact musical instrument, close maracasam On the principle of sound formation. This is metallic (Chokalo) or wooden (Kamso) Cylinders, filled, as well as Maracas, any bulk material. A feature of some models chocalo is the presence of a leather membrane, which makes up one of the side walls. Like I. camso, Chokalo, hold both hands, shake in a vertical or horizontal direction or rotate. And the other tools sound louder and sharper than maratasas. Tapping on the housing fingers also give a brighter than the maratas.


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  • Impact - the most numerous family of musical instruments. The sound from the tools of this type is extracted by hitting the surface of the sounding body. The sounding body can take various forms and be made from a variety of materials. In addition, instead of hitting, shaking is allowed - essentially mediated by blows with chopsticks, hammers or beasts along the same sounding body.

    The history of the first percussion instruments

    Impact tools are among the most ancient. The first prototype of the impact tool appeared when primitive people, hitting a stone about a stone, created a kind of rhythm for ritual dances or simply in everyday household worries (crushing of nuts, grain grinding, etc.).

    In fact, an impact tool may be called any device producing dimensional noise. Initially, these were stones or sticks, skimming. Later, the idea appeared to tapping the rhythm on the skin stretched on the hollow body - the first drums.

    When excavations of the settlement sites of the tribes of Central Africa and the Far East, archaeologists have already found more similar to the modern samples obviously, they were at one time they served as an example to create European shock tools.

    Functional features of shock tools

    The sound produced by shock tools occurred from primitive rhythmic melodies. Clamping and ringing prototypes of modern shock musical instruments were used during ritual dancing by the peoples of ancient Greece and ancient Rome, Asia countries.

    But representatives of the ancient Arab states used shock tools, in particular drums, in military campaigns. This tradition, European peoples adopted a lot later. Naked in a melodious plan, but loud and rhythmic, drums have become unchanged accompaniment of military marches and hymns.

    Yes, and in the orchestra, percussion instruments found quite wide use. Initially, access to European academic music was closed. Gradually, the impacts found their use in dramatic music within the framework of the opera and ballet orchestras, and only then they hit the symphony orchestras. But today it is difficult to imagine an orchestra without drums, Litavr, Plate, Tambourin, Tamburin or Triangle.

    Classification of shock tools

    A group of shock musical instruments is not only numerous, but also very unstable. There are several different ways to classify them, so the same tool can relate to several subgroups.

    The most common percussion instruments today are a lietavra, vibrafon, xylophone; Various types of drums, tambourines, an African drum there, as well as a triangle, plates, and many others.

    Among all musical instruments, the shock group is the most numerous. And it is not surprising, because the drum musical instruments are the most ancient on earth. Their history leads its beginning to almost the very beginning of mankind. The most primitive of them is either very simple for manufacture, or do not require any processing at all. In fact, every object of the world can serve as such a tool.

    So the first percussion instruments in the world were bones of animals, tree branches, and later for musitizing, a person began to use the kitchen utensils that appeared by that time - boilers, pots, and so on.

    Impact musical instruments of different nations

    By virtue of the circumstances listed above: the simplicity of manufacturing and history, leaving roots in deep antiquity, the percussion instruments were so widespread that they penetrated literally into every corner of our planet. Each people have their own tools, the sound of which is extracted with the help of blows of a kind.

    Of course, the number of percussion instruments in each individual people depends on the nature of its musical culture. For example, in Latin America, where ethnic music is distinguished by a variety of rhythms, the complexity of rhythmic patterns, the impact tools are an order of magnitude greater than, for example, in Russia, where folk song art often does not involve any instrumental accompaniment. But still even in countries where melodic starts over rhythmic music prevails in folk music, still there are their unique shock tools.

    Percussion percussion

    Some drums with time formed a single integer, which is now called the trick installation. Impact installations are usually used in various varieties of pop music: in rock, jazz, pop music and so on. The tools that are not included in the classic composition of the drum plant are called percussions, and the musicians who play with percussionists.

    Such tools tend to have a pronounced national character. The greatest distribution today received percussion musical instruments of the peoples of Latin America and Africa.

    Name history

    The name of the musical instrument "Percussion" has Latin roots. It comes from the root having a "beat, hit". Interestingly, the word is familiar not only by musicians and music lovers, but also doctors. Perkussia in the medical literature is called the method of diagnosing diseases with the help of tapping on the tissues of the body and analyzing the sound published by them. It is known that the sound from hitting a healthy organ differs from the sound of a strike on a body in a painful state.

    Music percussion is also associated with blows that are responding to humans, albeit not through direct impact, as in medicine.

    Classification of musical instrument percussion

    The great set of drum tools that do not belong to the set of classical shock installation, eventually began to need to be systematized. Tools of this kind are made to divide into certain musical notes and noise tools - that is, there are such, the sound of which does not have a certain height. The first include xylophone, metallophone, licensions and others. All sorts of drums - percussions of the second variety.

    By sound source, musical instruments of percussion are divided into:

    1. Membronofones are those in which the sound comes from the membrane vibrations stretched on any basis, such as in the tambourine.
    2. Idiophones - where the source of the sound is the entire body of the tool, or its one-piece components, such as the triangle, metal fond, and the like.

    In turn, idiophones are divided into made of wood and from wood.

    An interesting fact is that the piano also belongs to the musical instruments of the genus of the drums, since in this instrument the sound is obtained by hitting the hammers in strings. The string drum also includes such an ancient musical instrument as cymbals.

    Exotic tools

    Percussion in modern music

    Despite its national roots, percussion tools are used not only in ethnic music. In many modern jazz orchestras and rock bands, besides the drummer playing on the traditional installation, percussionist is also involved.

    Thus, the rhythmic section of the ensemble is noticeably enriched due to the saturation of the drum parties. Samples of percussion musical instruments are also used in various directions of electronic music. The set of drums in the symphony orchestra is called orchestral percussion.

    Kits percussion

    For those who want for the sake of interest to try to play percussion as a musician amateur or for those who are a professional in this area, there are both separate percussion tools and ready-made sets.

    For the smallest musicians in music stores, you can find kids percussion sets, often they are sold in ordinary toy stores. Sometimes these tools are completely identical to real percussions, with the exception of their reduced size.

    Famous percussionists

    • Airto Moreira is famous for its cooperation with the classic jazz music, Miles Davis. His solo projects are also known. Contributed to the spread of small noise shock tools in European jazz.
    • Karl Perazzo - Percussionist of the famous Santana group.
    • Arto TunçBoyaciyan - vocalist, composer and percussionist. It is known for its ability to get a first-class sound from any rented subject.

    - Musical instruments, the sound on which is mined by a blow (hands, chopsticks, hammers, etc.) by body, becomes its source. Numerous and most ancient family among all musical instruments. Sometimes shock musical instruments are called a word percussion (from English. percussion. ).

    Musician playing on shock tools is called drummer or percussionist in rock and jazz groups - also drummer.

    1. Classification

    Depending on the sound source, shock tools can be:

    From the western regions of Ukraine to other regions of the republic, an exotic percussion instrument came, for the specific color of sound is called bull. In a small cone-shaped rudder, the upper hole is covered with skin. A bunch of horse-haired is attached to her in the center. The musician moistened in kvass hands pulls over the hair and mined the resistant sounds of the chord.

    4. Multimedia


    • Short Music Dictionary, M.1966
    • Anthem to drum art (rus.)
    • Impact musical instruments (rus.)


    • A. Andreeva. Impact tools of the modern symphony orchestra. - K.: "Music Ukraine", 1985
    • A.Panayotov. Impact tools in the modern orchestra. M, 1973.
    • E. Denisov. Impact tools in the modern orchestra. M, 1982.
    ? ? Impact musical instruments
    A certain height of sound

    Shock tools, titles and descriptions of which are presented in this article, arose before other musical instruments. They were used in the deep antiquity, the peoples of the Middle East and the African continent for accompanying militant and religious dances and dances. Impact tools, the names of which are numerous, like their species, in our days are very common, no ensemble does not do without them. These include those whose sound is retrieved by hitting.


    According to its musical qualities, it is, if possible, extracting sounds of one or another height, can be divided into 2 groups all types of percussion instruments, the names of which are presented in this article: with an indefinite height of sound (plates, drums, etc.) and with a certain height ( Xilophone, Litavra). They are also divided depending on the type of vibrator (sounding body) on self-refined (casstags, triangles, plates, etc.), lamellar (bells, vibrofones, xylophones, etc.) and webbed (tambourine, drums, litwords, etc.).

    Now you know what kind of drum tools exist. Let's say a few words and what the timbre and the volume of their sound is determined.

    What does the volume and the timbre depend on

    The volume of the sound is determined by the amplitude of the oscillations of the sounding body, that is, the power of the blow, as well as the sizes of the sounding body. Strengthening sound in some tools is achieved by adding resonators. The timbre, which have certain types of drum tools depends on the set of factors. The main of them is a way of impact, the material from which the tool is made and the form of the sounding body.

    Effective impact tools

    The sounding body in them is a membrane or a stretched membrane. These include percussion instruments, whose names are: tambourine, drums, Litavra, etc.


    Litavra is a tool with a certain sound height, which has a metal housing in the form of a boiler. The membrane made of the selected skin is stretched at the top of this boiler. As a membrane, a special membrane made from polymeric materials is currently used. It is fixed on the housing using stretch screws and hoop. Located around the circle, the screws are released or stretch it. The shock tool of the Litavra is configured as follows: if you pull the membrane, the system becomes higher, and if it is lowered, it will be lower. In order not to interfere with the membrane to vibrate freely, there is a hole for the air movement below. The housing of this tool is made of brass, copper or aluminum. Litales are installed on a tripod - a special stand.

    This tool is used in the orchestra in a set of 2, 3, 4 and more boilers of different values. From 550 to 700 mm is the diameter of modern Litavr. The following types are distinguished: pedal, mechanical and screw. Pedal are the most common, since it is possible to rebuild the instrument on the necessary tonality, without interrupting the games by pressing the pedal. Litavr has sound volume approximately equal to Kwint. Below all the rest is tuned by a large licitation.


    Tulumbas is an old impact tool (genus Litavr). He served in the XVII-XVIII century in the army, where it was used to serve anxiety signals. In shape, this is a potted resonator. This antique shock tool (genus Litavr) can be made of metal, clay or wood. From above, it is covered with skin. There are wooden bits on this design. Removed a deaf sound, resembling something shot of guns.


    We continue to describe the shock tools whose names were listed at the beginning of the article. Drums have an indefinite height of sound. These include various percussion instruments. Names, the list of which is presented below, all denotes the drums (different types of their varieties). Large and small orchestral drums, large and small pop, as well as Bongs, Tom Bas and Tom Tenor.

    A large orchestral drum has a cylindrical body, from two sides covered with plastic or skin. It is characterized by a deaf, low, powerful sound, extracting a wooden beater with a tip in the form of a ball from a filler or felt. For the membranes of the drums, today began to apply a polymer film instead of parchment leather. It has better musical and acoustic properties and higher strength. The drums of the membrane are fixed with tension screws and two rims. The housing of this tool is made of glued plywood or sheet steel and is facing with an artistic celluloid. It has a size of 680x365 mm. A large pop drum has a design and shape similar to the orchestral. Its dimensions are 580x350 mm.

    A small orchestral drum is a low cylinder, from two sides covered with plastic or skin. The membrane (membranes) to the housing is fastened with tie screws and two rims. To give the tool of a specific sound, special strings or strokes (spirals) are tensioned above the lower membrane. They are powered by a discharging mechanism. The use of synthetic membranes in the drums made it possible to significantly improve the reliability of operation, musical and acoustic characteristics, the freight and duration of the service. A small orchestral drum has a size of 340x170 mm. It is included in the symphony and military brass orchestras. A small pop drum has a device similar to the orchestral. Its sizes are 356x118 mm.

    Tom-Tom Bas and Tom Tom Tenor are not different. They are used in shock pop installations. Tom Tenor is attached to a large drum using a bracket. Tom Tom Bas is installed on a special stand on the floor.

    Bongs are drums that have small sizes, on one side of which plastic strain or leather. They are included in the shock pop installation. Bongs are connected by adapters.

    As you can see, many percussion instruments belong to the drums. Names, the list of which was presented above can be supplemented by including some less popular varieties.


    The tambourine is a shelter (hoop), on one side of which plastic or leather stretched. Special slots are made in the hoop housing. Brass plates are strengthened in them, it looks like small orchestral plates. Inside the hoop sometimes on spirals or on stretched twins, small rings are rolled up, puments. All this fits from the slightest touch to the tambourine, creating a special sound. On the membrane, the strikes produce palms of the right hand (its base) or fingertips.

    The tambourines are used to accompany songs, dance. In the east of the virtuoso skill reached the art of the game on this tool. A solo game on the tambourine is also common here. Dyaf, DEF or GAVAL is Azerbaijani tambourine, Hawa or Dafa - Armenian, Dyra - Georgian, Doyra - Tajik and Uzbek.

    Plate shock tools

    We will continue to describe the shock musical instruments. Photos and names of lamellar shock are presented below. To such tools with a certain height of sound, can be attributed to xylophone, marimba (marimbaf), metallophone, bells, bells, vibro.


    Xylophone is a set of wooden pars of various sizes that correspond to sounds, different in height. Lands made from rosewood, spruce, nut, maple. They are placed in parallel in 4 rows, following the order of chromatic gamma. These pars are mounted on durable laces, and also separated by springs. Through the holes made in the brooms, the cord passes. The xylophone for the game is laid out on a table on rubber equity gaskets, which are located along the cords of this tool. It is played by two wooden chopsticks having thickening at the end. This tool is used to play the orchestra or for solo game.

    Metallophone and Marimba

    Metallophone and Marimba are also shock musical instruments. Photos and names are they talking about something? We offer to get acquainted with them.

    Metallophone is a musical instrument similar to xylophone, but the sound plates are made of metal (bronze or brass). Photo is presented below.

    Marimba (Marimbafon) is a tool that sound elements are wooden plates. It also installed metal tubular resonators to enhance sound.

    Marimba has a juicy, soft tempo. The range of its sound is 4 octaves. Gaming plates of this tool are made of rosewood. It provides good musical and acoustic characteristics of this tool. In 2 rows on the frame are plates. In the first row - the plates of the main tones, and in the second - halftone. The resonators installed in 2 rows on the frame are adjusted to the sound frequency of the corresponding plates. Photos of this tool are presented below.

    On the supporting trolley, the main nodes of Marimba are fixed. The frame of this cart is made of aluminum. This provides sufficient strength and minimal mass. Marimuba is used both for learning purposes and for professional game.


    This tool is a set of aluminum plates, chromatically configured, which are located in 2 rows by analogy with the piano keyboard. On a high table (bed) plates are installed and attached on laces. In the center under each of them there are cylindrical resonators of a certain value. Through them are held in the upper part of the axis, on which fan uerens (impeller) are fixed. So the vibration is achieved. The damper device has this tool. It is connected under a bed with a pedal in order to mute the sound of the foot. The vibraphon is played with 2, 3, 4, and sometimes with a large number of long wands having rubber balls at the ends. This tool is used in the Symphony Orchestra, but more often - in pop or as a solo instrument. Photo is presented below.


    With what drum tools can be played in the orchestra bell ringing? The correct answer is the bell. This is a set of shock tools used in symphonic and opera orchestras for this purpose. The bells consist of a set (from 12 to 18 pieces) of cylindrical pipes that are tuned chromatically. Usually steel chromed or brass nickel plated tubes. The diameter of them ranges from 25 to 38 mm. They are suspended on a special rack frame, the height of which is about 2 m. The sound of the pipes of a wooden hammer is removed. The bells are equipped with a special device (pedal damper) to join the sound.


    This is a shock tool consisting of 23-25 \u200b\u200bmetal plates configured chromatically. They are placed steps in 2 rows on a flat drawer. The black piano keys correspond to the top row, and the white is lower.

    Immediate impact tools

    Talking about what percussion instruments (titles and species) are, it is impossible not to mention the self-refined drums. This type includes the following tools: plates, thamas, triangles, rattles, maracas, casstans, etc.


    Plates are metal discs made of nezilber or brass. A somewhat spherical shape is drawged by disk plates. Leather straps are attached to the center. Long ringing sound is published when they hit them about each other. Sometimes use one plate. Then the sound is removed by the blow of a metal brush or wand. Orchestral plates are produced, the plates "Gong" and "Charleston". They are ringing, sharply.

    Let's tell about what other shock instruments are. Photo with titles and descriptions will help you get to know them closer.

    Triangle orchestrum

    The orchestral triangle (it is presented below) - this is a steel rod of an open triangular shape. This tool when playing is hanging freely and then hit it with a metal wand, while performing various rhythmic patterns. Ringing, bright sound has a triangle. It is used in various ensembles and orchestras. Triangles are produced with two chopsticks made of steel.

    Gong or there - there is a bronze disk with bent edges. The beater having a felt tip is hit by its center. It turns out gloomy, thick and deep sound, the full strength reaches gradually, not immediately after impact.

    Kastagnes and Maracasy

    Kastagnets (photos are presented below) is the folk instrument of Spain. In the form, this vintage shock tool is a cord-related shell. One of them is facing a spherical (concave) side to another. They are made of plastic or solid wood. Castanets produce single or double.

    Maracas are plastic balls or timber filled with a shot (small amounts of metal pieces) and decorated colorfully outside. They are equipped with a handle so that during the game they were comfortable to keep. Various rhythmic drawings can be reproduced, shaking maracas. They are used mainly in pop ensembles, but sometimes in orchestras.

    Rattles are sets of small plates fortified on the plate.

    These are the main names of the shock musical instruments. Of course, there are much more. We talked about the most famous and popular.

    Impactor, which has a pop ensemble

    In order to have a complete picture of this tool group, it is also necessary to know the composition of shock kits (installations). The most common is the following composition: a large and small drum, a large and small single plate, a paired dish Hay-Het ("Charleston"), Bongi, Tom Tom Alto, Tom Tovor and Tom Tom Bas.

    On the floor in front of the artist is installed a large drum, which has stubborn legs. On the drum from above can be fixed using the drum brackets by Tom-Tom Alto and Tom Tomor. It also provides for an additional stand on which an orchestral plate is fixed. Fastening on the Big Drum Tom Tom Alto and Tom Tenor Brackets regulate their height.

    Mechanical pedal - an integral part of a large drum. The performer with the help of it extracts the sound from this musical instrument. It is necessarily included in the percussion installation of a small pop drum. It is attached three grabs on a special stand: one retractable and two folding. Installed stand on the floor. This is a stand, which is equipped for fixing in a certain position, as well as changes in the slope of a small drum by a locking device.

    A small drum has a silencer and a dropping device that are used to adjust the tone. Also in the drum set, sometimes there are several volumes of tenors, volumes of alto and volume drums, different in size.

    Also shock installation (it is presented below) Includes orchestral plates with a stand, a chair and a mechanical stand for Charleston. Maracas, triangles, castanets and other noise tools are associated tools for this installation.

    Spare parts and accessories

    The replacement accessories and parts of the drum tools can be attributed: stands for orchestral plates, for a small drum, for the charleston plates, litter sticks, a mechanical beaker for drum (large), sticks to a small drum, pop drumsticks, orchestral brushes, beasts and Skin for large drum, belts, cases.


    Shock and keyboard and shock tools should be distinguished. The shock-keys belongs to the piano and piano. The strings of the piano are arranged horizontally, it hits the hammer from the bottom up. The piano is characterized by the fact that the hammer hit in the direction from the musician in string. The strings are tensioned in the vertical plane. The piano and piano thanks to the richness of sounds on the strength of sound and height, as well as the best possible features of these tools received a common name. And the other tool can be called in one word - "Piano". Piano is a string percussion tool according to a method for extracting sound.

    The keyboard mechanism that is used in it is a system of levers interconnected, which serves to transmit pianist finger strings. It consists of mechanics and keyboard. The keyboard is a set of keys whose number can be different depending on the sound range of a tool. The keys are usually plastic overlays. Then they are mounted on the keyboard frame with the help of pins. Each of the keys has lead seals, a pilot, capsule and a lining. It transmits as the first-kind lever of the pianist's effort on the figure of mechanics. Mechanics are hammer mechanisms that transform the effort of a musician when pressed on the strings of the hammers. The hammers are made of a graph or maple, felt tighten their head.