Soviet composers - children. Notes N.

Soviet composers - children. Notes N.

Ticheeva E. N.

Elena Nikolaevna (r. 4 (17) XI 1909, Moscow) - owls. composer. CHL CPSU since 1952. In 1937 he graduated from Moscow. Conservatory according to the class of composition at A. N. Alexandrov (previously engaged in R. M. Gliera). In 1937-41 and 1943-47 taught music. Accessory them. M. M. Ippolitov-Ivanova in Moscow, in 1941-43 - in Tomsk Muses. Accessories. Advantages. Attention in creativity pays music for children. The author of a variety of songs and the content of songs and choirs for children of school and pre-school ages. Many of her mod. Firmly entered the repertoire of children's choir. collectives, numerous. Radio station with Music T. am Sat. "Play with us" (M., 1954). An important methodology. Material for musical education. Works are sat. T. "Little Songs" (1961, 1968), as well as songs placed in SB "Music Cover" (M., 1961, 1973) and "School of Choral Singing" (Vol. 1-2, M., 1966 -71, Vol. 1, 1973).
Works : for soloists, choir and orc. - Oratorio of the memory of the dead heroes (S. S. I. Closej, 1942), cantata (for children) thanks, native country (L. L. V. Nekrasova, 1959), Lenin (Sl. M. I. I. Ivensen, 1960) , Pioneer salute heroes (Sl. Ya. A. Khaletsky, 1974); For Orc. - Symphony (1937); Chamber instant Ensembly - Sonata (1938) and plays (for children) for the TCR. and FP., Strings. quartets (1946, 1956); Rooms (A Cappella) Motherland (1976), evening song (1978), you are beautiful, the fields of the Earth of the Native (Sl. M. Yu. Lermontova, 1979), Choir with FP., Including on S. S. A. Yesenin; For voice and orc. - New Year's songs (Sl. E. F. Trutneva, 1949); For voice and FP. - Romances to the words rus. and owls. poets, song cycles for children, including about spring (Sl. A. A. Kardashova and N. P. Foundedovova, 1945), Mishin day at the cottage (words of T., 1946), Rainbow (words People, 1948 ), Winter (L. L. V. Nekrasova, 1947), calendar (S. S. Ya. Marshak, 1947), our day (People's words, 1953); Music to the dram. performances, radio stations. Literature : Karysheva T., creativity dedicated to children, "MZH", 1969, NO 20; Her, Elena Nikolaevna Tychyeva, in Sat.: They write for children, no. 1, M., 1975; Viktorov V., Art of Elena Nikolaevna Tilicheeva, "Preschool Education", 1978, NO 3. T. I. Karysheva.

Music encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, Soviet composer. Ed. Yu. V. Keldysh. 1973-1982 .

Watch what is "Ticheeva E. N." in other dictionaries:

    Rod. November 17, 1909 in Moscow. Composer. In 1937 he graduated from Moscow. Cons. on cl. Compositions A. N. Alexandrova. Teacher music. Schools of Tagansky r at Moscow (1937 1941) and music. School of school. M. M. Ipolitov Ivanova (1937 1946). Op.: Oratorio ... ...

    - (Rod. 1888) A modern composer who experienced the influence of Tchaikovsky, then Debussy, Metric and a partly of Scriabin. Until 1924 published over 20 covers of its writings (string quartet, romances, plays for piano, including 5 sonatas). Alexandrov, ... ... Large biographical encyclopedia

    Andrey Yakovlevich Abolin Latvian. Andreis āboliņš ... Wikipedia

    It took from the old nobility. Having entered in 1795 to the Page Corps, he was released from the chambers of the Fajes to the corneets of the Alexandrian Gusar Regiment, and on August 21, the same year was translated, with the rank of ensign, ... ... Large biographical encyclopedia

    - (5.3.1803 28.6.1867). Michman GW. crew. Brought up in the maritime cadet. Corp., where 25.6.1812, Gardemaryan 23.6.1817, Unter Officer 16.2.1820, was produced in Michman and defined in 1 FL. Crew 23.2.1820, translated into GW. Crew 15.3.1823, ... ... Large biographical encyclopedia

    - (25.3.1796 1870 or 1871). Returning captain, former adjutant led. kn. Konstantina Pavlovich. Father Stats Secretary, Poet Yuri Alexandrovich Nelocesky Meltssky (6.9.1752 13.2.1829), Mother Prince. Ek. Nick. Khovanian. Army Unter Officer (1812), ... ... Large biographical encyclopedia

    Anatoly Nikolaevich (p. 13 (25) V 1888, Moscow) Soviet composer, pianist, teacher. Nar. art. USSR (1971). Doctor of Art History (1941). He was engaged in the theory of music in N. S. Zhilyeva and S. I. Taneyev (1907 10), in 1916 he graduated from Moscow. ... ... Music encyclopedia

    Music designed for hearing or execution by children. Its best samples are characterized by concreteness, alive poetic. content, figurativeness, simplicity and clarity of the form. Instrumental D. M. Property, elements ... ... Music encyclopedia

    Nikolai Pavlovich Tilicheev (1810 (1810) after 1850) Director of the Demidov Lyceum in Yaroslavl in 1848 1850. Biography was born in 1810; It came from the nobles of the Tula province. Education got homemade. In 1827 ... ... Wikipedia


the formation of rhythmic walking skill, the development of auditory attention, the ability to start and finish moving to the music.

1. Started legs - TOP, TOP, TOP!

Well, more fun - top, top, top.

That's how we can - Top, Top, Top.

2. Started legs - Top, TOP, TOP!

Right along the track - top, top, top.

Shop boots - top, top, top.

It is puffy legs - top, top, top.

For the singing of the teacher, children are marching around the room and at the end of music stop - stop.

2 . Holder

On the melody of the Russian folk song "I went on a slide"


This exercise contributes to the establishment of warm, trusting relationships between the educator and the child.

1. Give my palm, my tiny,

I will stroke you on my palm.

2. on - palm, my tiny,

You push me on my palm.

The teacher suggests showing his palms, children stretch them out. The tutor on the first verse strokes the palms of children with two hands, and on the second verse pulls his palms to children, and they stroke. We must have time to greet all children!

3. Yes, yes yes!

Words of Yu. Ostrovsky, Music E. Tilseeva

The exercise develops auditory care in children, coordination of movements, a sense of rhythm.

1. We are clapped with handles - yes yes yes!

We tray with legs - yes yes yes!

2. Feel the handles - yes yes yes yes!

Punning with legs - yes yes yes!

Children perform movements in the text, the conclusion is running and squatted.

Words I. Ploky, music T. Lomova

Exercise develops coordination of movements, a sense of rhythm. It helps to increase the emotional tone, creating a good mood.

1. Where, where are our legs, Children are squatting,

Where are our legs? grasing the knees.

Where, where are our legs -

There is no our legs.

Here, here are our legs, Get up and put on legs.

That's where our legs!

Dance, our legs dance,

We dance our legs.

2. Where, where are our handles, Hiding handles behind the back.

Where are our pens?

Where, where are our handles -

There is no our handles.

Here, here are our hands, Show pens

In-of our handles, rotating brushes.

Dance, dance our hands,

Dance our pens!

3. Where, where are our kids - Close your eyes with palms.

Where are our kids?

Where, where are our kids -

There is no our kids.

Here, here are our kids, Open eyes

In - from our kids! caught by I.

Plyashug, Plyashug Our kids, clap your hands.

Little babes!

5. Chek yes chock!

Words and music by E. Makshantseva

Exercise forms elementary dance skills in babies, expands their motor experience, develops the ability to coordinate movements with music.

1. Chek Yes Chek - children dance. Put legs


Chok yes chok - kids dancing,

Exhibiting a heel.

Chorus: Our children ran Children run in a circle

Faster and faster for each other.

Our children dug out

Veleering, fun!

2. Floating and clap - children dance. Children chlo in your hands

Floating and clap - went to dance, two cotton on the right and left.

Floating and clap - kids dancing,

Very fun with us!


3. Sat our children, Children make semi-mans

Sat a friendly enemy. pens on belt.

Sat our children -

That's how you have fun!

Chorus. Children run in a circle each other.

4. Chek Yes Chek - children dance. Repeat movement

The task of the musical strip is to introduce a child into the world of music and bring up an emotional and conscious attitude towards it.

Previously published music trap (8th edition of 1972 and earlier) pursued a narrower goal, directed mainly on the development of musical hearing and preparing children to teach singing on notes.
The new keynament is distinguished by a wide musical and aesthetic approach, although the material of the former editions is partially preserved in it.
The letter is designed for preschool children. It can be used in the senior groups of kindergarten, in the preparatory classes of the secondary school, in preschool groups of the music school, as well as at home.

Methodical instructions
I part. Music - the language of feelings
E. Ticheeva - Sunny
E. Ticheeva - rain
E. Ticheeva - Thunderstorm
E. Ticheeva - Mom sings
E. Ticheeva - We are walking to the parade
E. Ticheeva - a man goes
E. Ticheeva - in the movies
E. Ticheeva - Winter Forest
E. Ticheeva - Charging
E. Tilyaeva - will cost me without me
E. Ticheeva - what the rain is crying
E. Ticheeva - Autumn wanders on the forests
E. Tilyaeva - That in the autumn in the basket
E. Ticheeva - Sad song
E. Ticheeva - hot
E. Tilseeva - Ruffy, Lei!
II part. What does music tell?
I. Armeyev - Border Guard
I. Armeyev - Pipes Brought Tube
I. Arceyev - Spring Leaflets
I. Armeyev - Elephant and Pug
I. Armeyev - Red Cap and Gray Wolf
I. Arkeyev - Three Bear
I. Arkeyev - Machines Day
I. Arceyev - Morning
I. Armeyev - Day
I. Armeyev - Night
III part. How does music tell?
E. Tilseeva - Pedes
E. Ticheeva - Swing
E. Ticheeva - Echo
E. Ticheeva - Watches
E. Tilseeva - Pipe
E. Ticheeva - Lullaby
E. Ticheeva - Harmonica
I. Armeyev - Caledochka
E. Ticheeva - Bubakers
E. Tilseeva - our home
E. Ticheeva - Lestenka
E. Ticheeva - High Staircase
Cockerel. Processing of the Russian folk song (Processing I. Armeyev)
E. Ticheeva - I am going with flowers
E. Ticheeva - Skiing
E. Ticheeva - at dawn
E. Ticheeva - Snegiri
E. Ticheeva - I will be a pilot
I. Armeyev - Pipe and Echo
I. Armeyev - Boys dance
I. Armeyev - Girls Dance
I. Arceyev - soldiers marching
I. Armeyev - Grandfather and Grandson
I. Arkeyev - to visit
I. Armeyev - on foot
I. Armeyev - by bike
I. Armeyev - by car
I. Armeyev - Train
I. Armeyev - Tip
I. Armeyev - Dad and Mom talk
I. Armeyev - Rooster and cuckoo
I. Arceyev - Balalaika and Harmoshka
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Heart, given to children.
By the 105th anniversary of the Birth of the composer E.N. Tylichieva (1909 - 1997).
Composer E.N. Tychyeva, 105 years since the birth of which turned 17 November 2014, belonged to the community of Russian composers of the 20th century, which devoted a significant part of their creativity to children. To their number belonged to Z. Levin, A. Aleksandrov, M. Krasov, M. Ruhverger, Z. Patzhaladze, D. Kabalevsky and others.
The composer knew well and felt the specifics of music for children. She knew how to take a look at the events of the daily life with the eyes of a child and transfer it to listeners. Tychyeva wrote a lot of songs for children who sang and sing in pre-school educational institutions and schools of the whole country. Its works are at the same time highly worry and are easily accessible to the widest range of completely unprepared performers and listeners, young children.
In the work dedicated to children, E.N. Tycheeva appealed to the widest topic. These are solemn songs about the Motherland (Soviet Country), and songs dedicated to state calendar holidays ("check boxes". "May", "Mother's Day March 8"), a lot of songs dedicated to the native nature ("Rain", "Apple Tab "), The city's urban life (" Airplane "," We are going along the street "), as well as a large number of highly artistic treatments for Russian folk songs, additives that made up a few collections (" Rainbow "," our day "), as well as a large number Music games and fairy tales for children who were performed both in the broadcasts of All-Union Radio and in preschool institutions (for example, "Gus-Swans and Wolf", "Apple Tabs"). Also, the composer was targeted by the didactic collections of children's songs, intended for the formation and development of singing intonation and spelling skills of children. This is a "musical letter" (1963), "Little songs" (1961).
At the same time, the composer paid attention to the songs devoted to the study of musical letters to children of younger school age. Such songs were created for the texts of the "Choir School" of Professor Popov.
The main defining feature of all creativity E.N. Tytikaeva steel Russian folk songs. Any song melody, whatever character, it is, to whatever the genre did not relate, was permeated with Russian song and speech intonation. This consisted of the strength of the composer's creativity. Tylic melodies clean, clear and inspired. They are not exhausted, but are written easily and freely, they are well perceived by rumor and freely fall into the voice. At the same time, the musical texts see a large and painstaking work of the author, which manifests itself in a brilliant finish of both the vocal melodic line and a batch of accompaniment, which carries a significant semantic load, performing not only the role of voice support, but also complementing the musical image of the voting-color and harmonious means, bringing semantic meaning and emotional - semantic depth to the elementary melody of children's songs, helping to avoid making a comprehension of musical material. It is in accompaniment that the brilliant skill of E.N. is manifested. A tishing as a composer creating on the background of predominantly dictional melody, which was caused by the musical and didactic tasks of works for young children, richly developed textured and harmonically accompaniment.
You can safely argue that the legacy of the composer E.N. Tilicheeva stands at the level of the best examples of academic music
Russia 20th century.
Elena Nikolaevna lived a long life. She left life in 1997, at the age of 88. Her life path was difficult and difficult, as well as in the entire Russian people in the 20th century. Born in 1909, the composer survived the I World War, the revolution of 1917, a difficult period of repression of the 30s, the Great Patriotic War, finally, in the late 40s, when it would seem, the heaviest tests were behind, life paths were missing Composer and her husband V.Yu. Tyliyev, famous pianist, professor of the Moscow Conservatory and the Music and Pedagogical Institute. Gnesinic. The further life path of Tiliyev continued alone. But despite all the vital difficulties, E.N. Tychyeva, as the contemporaries testifies, always remained a light, open and purposeful, friendly and humble man.
V.I.Sosunova (before Marriage Chuikov) recalled: "I studied at a music school in the class of solfedzhio and the composition of Vladimir Yurevich's composition of Vladimir Yuryevich, Elena Nikolaevna Tyliyeva. It was the beginning of the 30s ... E.N.Tylicheeva was a completely amazing person, an excellent musician, an excellent teacher who loved children. She led a circle of composition ... With Vladimir Yurevich, they met in the Merzlyak School, where they studied together. They loved each other very much - they had a wonderful family ... She loved him as a man and appreciated as a musician. She was a very modest and charming person ... "
The Foundations of the Ryazhsky Local Lore Museum preserved a letter to E.N.Tylichyeva, written in gratitude for the publication in one of the newspapers of Ryazhsk and for the award of diploma. Masted composer wrote: "Dear Anna Afanasyevna! Thank you for everything! You really choose me, it's just inconvenient for my humble work to receive letters and constant mention of my name in the newspaper. Write whom and at what address to me to thank for receiving the diploma that I was given. " Probably, this document is the best characteristic of the personal qualities of the composer, its modesty was legendary.
Elena Nikolaevna was born in Moscow. Her mother was a pianist. He graduated from the Moscow Conservatory. The father was by profession a lawyer, but later became a professional singer, he sang in the choir them. Pyatnitsky, and then in the Red Banner Ensemble of the Soviet Army.
In 1915, the Troitsky family (such a maidy surname Tilicheeva) moved to Ryazhsk Ryazan region. There Lelia (so called her in the family) heard Russian folk songs and tunes, which were in the future foundation of the formation of her vocal style. The girl did not want to learn music, but she liked to sing in the choir, where she gladly and ease improvised the second voice.
At home, the classical music was constantly sounded - Mom gave the lessons of the piano game and often played herself. The rumor of the younger Leli highlighted Beethoven and Chopin. The works of these authors Lelia tried to pick up hearing and play in different tonalities. In them, she composed her improvisation.
In 1925, the family returned to Moscow, where 16-year-old Lelia began to attend concerts, heard the symphony orchestra, got into Opera.
In the music technique (as the musical schools called), she came, not knowing the bass key. However, teachers on listening managed to see in the applicant genuine musical gifts.
In the process of learning, the Lelee was technically failed to catch up with their more advanced comrades, but in theoretical disciplines it succeeded. A.F. Mutley, the author of the famous collection of challenges by harmony, noticing the outstanding abilities of the student, began to deal with her composition.
In the years of study, Elena Nikolaevna with V.Yu is occurred in the music technical school. Tyoliyev, future husband. A sincere and touching mutual love broke out between them. This is how I described my relationship with Lelle Troitskaya V.Yu. Tilicheyev: "I was directly needed to pour your impression to someone (we are talking about the first visit to Professor G.G. Nigause),
Scripping ran into a technical school to look for Leby Troitskaya, I wanted to tell everything, but I did not find it. In one door looked - Mutley sits, does ... I walked around him to tell him ... I ran home from him .., and then it's time to go to the technical school, I caught Lelo in the technical school, let me tell everything. She so sincerely, from the heart was worried about all my story and was terribly glad for me. " A young musician set for himself in one row of the names of the Great G.G. Nehigause and Leli Trinity. The Union of these two people, Vladimir Yuryevich and Elena Nikolaevna Tyliyev, became their professional unity.
Elena Nikolaevna was adopted at the Moscow Conservatory of Elena Nikolaevna. The teachers of the Tibereva on the composition were R. Glyaer and A. Alexandrov. The symphony (1937) was written by the diploma work (1937). Allone were written by Sonata and Sonatina for piano, a violin sonata, a fugue for the quartet, romances to Pushkin Pushkin, Lermontov. The romance "Adeli" on Pushkin poems was the first published work of a young composer (1937).
At that time, according to the preserved testimony of contemporaries, V.Yu. Tyliyev often performed in concerts of his wife. So V.I. Sosnova, former student V.Yu. Ticheeva wrote: "Few people know, with what domestic delight Viktor Yuryevich sat for the tool to fulfill the author's works of his wife. For many years, they constituted most of its concert programs dedicated to modern music. The memories of those years are about it. The concert name of V. Tiliyev at the end of the 1930s of 1940s. It was known as the name of the first artist of the piano works of Elena Tilicheeva. It was very expanding the horizons of the pianist, enriched the musical palette with new harmonies, sounding, modern tongue. Elena Nikolaevna highly appreciated his professional approach to her work and dedicated him the best of his works. These two great musicians live in my memory today. "
Thanks to the close creative cooperation with her husband E.N.Tylichyeva during the period 30-40s, a fairly impressive number of works for academic compositions was written. These were chamber-instrumental compositions - Sonata for Violin and Piano 1938, String Quartet 1946, Poem for Violin and Piano 1943, Suite for Violin and Piano 1944, Children's Pieces for Violin 1946, Pieces for Piano, Romances to Pushkin, Lermontov, Surkov , Kovalenkova.
In the future, most of the works listed above were not, unfortunately, were published and kept in the manuscripts at the author. However, in the 90s, the entire archive of the composer after her death was lost due to the irresponsible actions of neighbors who have entered into an inheritance for an apartment, tested by them E.N. Tytikaeva.
Not only not only music texts, manuscripts, disappeared all photos and newspaper publications related to creativity E.N. Tytikaeva. Single archival materials managed to find in the foundations of the Ryazhsky Museum of Local Lore, whose employees carefully followed creative by the composer in life and carefully kept photos and publications about the composer in the local press. Low for this bow.
Today, only children's plays for violin and piano and the romance "Adeli" can be represented from the above for violin and piano and romance. But these essays can give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe features of the creative manner of the author.
In the late 40s, the vital and creative paths E.N. Tyliyeva and V.Yu. Tycheeva diverge. Since 1946, E.N. Tycheeva is devoted to creating music for children. It was then that V. Feroes and M. Ruhverger offered her to enter the children's section of the Union of Composers.
The first essay of children and for children vocal suite "Mishin Day at the Dacha" (1946). E.N. Tychyeva wrote on his own poems.
The cycle "Mishin day" is close on the subject of the cycle of the Mussorgsky "Children's". This is a scene romance, in which the inner world of children is described. The story comes on behalf of the main hero of the cycle - the boy Misha. Other cycle images arise from Mishina references - this is Sister Ella, Mom, Dad, and flying forward steam locomotive. The cycle appears an hour over the hour of the whole day of the child, from early morning until late evening. And every time of the day and experience is devoted to a separate cycle number, all of them are connected among themselves according to the principle of contrast - picture drama. For example, "Morning", "Sister Ella", "Bens Pope".
Children's period of creativity.
Since 1948, the composer writes music exclusively for the execution of children. Focusing on the possibilities of a child voice and using the middle range of the vocal party (from "re" the first octave to "before" - "re" second), the author richly paints the accompaniment of harmonic paints, uses the teachings of the orchestral letter, liketing the sound of the symphonic orchestra. For example, there should be a bold register and dynamic opposition in the texture of accompaniments, giving the sound of the piano the colorist and dynamics of the symphony orchestra.
Even in works for the smallest performers E.N. Tychyeva showed exceptional ingenuity and composer skill in painting the accompaniment party, while never overloading it as dynamically and not forgetting about the dynamic possibilities of a child voice (children sing the ends of the ligaments in the dynamics from "P" to "Mr").
For children early and younger preschool age, from 1 mg of 6 months to 3 years, written writings for musical and rhythmic movements, which are very easily digested by children, do not require memorization, and at the same time the music is not elementary. Many of these exercises suggest pronouncing and falling down by children of early age accessible to the syllables to them (the one, la -l, top - top, clap - clap, etc.). Samples of such works can serve as a "little web", "Charging", "Yes - yes yes!", "Doll walks and runs", "Airplane" from the collection "Music in kindergarten" edited by N.A. Vetlogian.
Great value of the so-called. Tycheeva attached to the assimilation of children of the younger age of Russian song intonation. She created songs on genuine Russian folk texts, putting musical intonations of Russian song folklore in them. Thus, the composer continued the traditions of Russian classics, among which the names of M.I. Glinka, N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov, M.P. Mussorgsky, MA Balakirev, S.V. Rakhmaninova (Collections "Our Day" - 1953, "Raduga" - 1948).
Composer creates accurate and bright images with pie and concise. Songs in the named cycles alternated according to the principle of contrast, embodying the stylistic features of folk songs, such as shallows, debris, ritual-labor, dance, dance songs and chastushki. A sample of this kind of songs from the "Rainbow" collection is, for example, the "Rainbow" song, written in the genre of the shaft. From the collection "Our Day" can be brought as the most vivid samples of the song genres "Go, Spring!" (Horovodna) and "I'm peas of milk" (ritual - labor). In 1948, a cycle was written to the text S.Ya. Marshak "all year round". The cycle contains 12 songs. In case of misuse of the vocal painting, due to the age restrictions of a childish voice, the cycle songs produce a bright artistic impression at the expense of the workshop by the author of the artistic and expressive opportunities of the accompaniment party.
Interesting seems to be "February", where the musical and pictorial element of the fossils of the February blizzard with intonations of the Marsham of the combat of chimes dedicated to the Day of the Soviet Army. The author managed to overcome the small-form framework and go to the level of dramatic contrasting two-part musical form.
"January". The author of the medical facilities transfers the vitality of nature into the January Stuzh.
This is a monotonous melody based on a multiple repetition of one sound, a quint organ point in the bass, buying harmonization, sound-resistant passages in the upper case of the accompaniment, reminiscent of climbs.
It should be noted that in most songs E.N.Ticheeva, the child is inextricably linked with the world of nature. Nature is in its work an integral natural sphere of life of the younger man. Obviously, the child's child's impressions that grew up in the face of a small town of the middle lane of Russia, where a person is not separated by nature by the barriers of civilization, which brings the illusion of comfort, material well-being and security, and lives in a natural natural environment, being part of it. In this regard, the creativity of E.N.Ticheeva can be called environmentally friendly, as it returns us to the delights about the summer rain, autumn leaves, spring drops, twitter birds, walks in Bor and similar values.
In 1952, E.N. Tycheeva met with a talented musical leader of one of the kindergartens of Moscow with faith of Konstantinovna Kolosovoy. As a result of the creative cooperation of the musician teacher and the composer, the album "Little Songs" (1953 g) was created, which became the experience of creating a music school for kids. Songs that make up the collection are essentially vocal exercises for young children.
In the preface to the collection V.K. Kolosova wrote: "Most children are especially in preschool age, the language is not allowed and interferes with ease of sound. It is very helpful, for example, exercises on the syllables of la-la la (at the same time he fluctuates the tip of the language). In the song "Balalaika" these exercises are conveniently combined with the text. In the song "Pipe", "Airplane" useful exercises for the vowel letter "U".
Especially convenient and necessary exercises for symbols ha ha ha! Ga-ga-ha! (In the songs "Chepuha", "Geese") and on the syllables but! But! But! (In the song "Horse"), the tra-ta! (in the song "Drum")
In practical work on singing among the correctly singing, children are often found with low, buzzing on one sound voices. These children do not hear themselves and their "buzz" are knocked down the rest.
Over the "small songs" work well with children singing low, having a low-depleted musical rumor, but healthy voice ligaments. It is necessary to start with high sounds of the upper register, because the child hears them better than the sounds of the average register. For example, in the songs "Geese", "Drum", "Horse", the child first sings only the top sounds on the ha-ga-ha! - But! But! But! - TRA-TA! "
Each of the collection of the collection is a pearl of a children's vocal - a song repertoire, combining artistic and vocal - didactic advantages. The author of the article from his own experience may argue that when working on the execution of these songs, 2 - 3-year-old children begin to intonate 2 - 3-year-old children. Especially good for this purpose Songs "Cuckoo", "Bor", "Horse", "Chepukha".
In the Commonwealth with V. N. Kolosova, a significant number of musical fairy tales was created for children. T.N.Tylicheeva possessed the gift of the creation of dramaturgical compositions based on elementary musical material, corresponding to the possibilities of musical perception of children of precious age. This is, for example, the fairy tales "Zaysa and Fox", "Snow Maiden", fairy tales - the games "Cook", "Jablock" and other sample of incarnation of dramaturgical problems of this kind is \\ song - game "Cotten - Kotok", where the main dramatic reception It is the opposition of the sowing - narrative replicas of the leading and response typus of the choir group.
The great difference is E.N. Tychyeva gave the creation of songs dedicated to children's calendar holidays. She never neglected such work and wrote these songs professionally and ingeniously, carefully finishing the invoice before the limit perfection.
For example, the song "What we like in winter" was certainly created for the New Year holidays. In writing with musical means, the skirting of funny winter fun of children is transmitted (rapidly running down, and then swelling up the line of the vocal party, the moving line of the post-day melody of piano escort, the rapid pace of music in small durations).
An interesting example of a children's patriotic song is "homeland". Completed in the best traditions of Russian patriotic songs and the hymn of the Soviet period, which manifests itself in the magnitude of the chordic texture of the accompaniment and the highness of the vocal party. The song in full can be decorated with a modern children's holiday dedicated to a civil event or an anniversary.
In the early 60s E.N. Tycheeva was invited by a group of scientists - methodologists to create an "musical strip", conceived as a manual for teaching a musical certificate of preschoolers.
Famous Russian scientist - Methodist N.A. The Soviet period of the Soviet period wrote in "Methodical guidelines" to "Music Investigation": "The book is the first attempt to create a system of learning for young children in order to ensure the development of melodic hearing, a sense of rhythm, voices (all exercises are given on the sounds of" Fa " Octaves - "to" the second octave, that is, on the sounds, convenient for singing children of this age).
The manual consists of 4 sections. For the first section E.N. Ticheeva wrote 21 miniature songs, the intonation of each song represents the interval from rejection to septim. Gradually, the material becomes more melodically developed, the Vocal Party includes combinations of various melodic intervals and a variety of rhythmic duration ratios. So, the "Pediators" song was built on the primary interval, "swing" - on the septim interval, in the "Echo" Septym song, etc. According to the authors of the manual, such a study of the intervals in figurative - game form should lead to a learning apprentice The main interval ratios of the European music system. According to the author of the article, these songs after detailed vocal - choral stakes can be used to play in guessing intervals.
Several numbers of the first partition are written for singing on one sound to escape long sounds on "Lee" and short on "Lee" in various rhythmic combinations, which makes it possible to actively develop the rhythmic sense of children simultaneously with the upbringing of sounding hearing and the singular intonation of children. All partition numbers are carefully harmonized by the author, which leaves the impression of artistically perfect musical text, despite the limiting fragmentation of exercises included in the collection.
The second section of the camp "We will sing on notes," is devoted to the study by the child of the pre-school age the basics of notebook. The authors are gradually leading a small student from the ratios of the duration of musical sounds to the concept of a tank mill depending on their alosight.
Third section "Pow by notes! Includes 8 songs E.N. Tythilieva and 2 Russian folk songs - game "Shadow-Shadow" and dance "near raw oak." Songs written by Tibereva are samples of different genres - march "To visit pioneers", lullaby, lyrical song "March 8", folk - Game "Rain", Dance "Polka", Landscape Miniature "Evening", vocal-instrumental miniature Software with an element of the image "Riddle". Work on these songs will require a child from performing a variety of musical - performing tasks for sounding, sounding, diction, dynamics, respectively, the character of executable music.
The fourth section is an application - the game "Municipal Lotto" with blanks of cards for decaving them on a not one.
At the final stage of the study manual, it is advisable to hold a final game on the pages of the "Primer" - "Ugadayki", i.e. The task is set in the songs "Chips", "Skvorts and Crows", "Echo", "Swing", etc. To determine the name, which interval underlies the melody, in the song "Riddle" - to the sound of the accompaniment, without words, about whom a song. There may be other tasks options, it all depends on the fantasy of the teacher.
Helen Nikolaevna Piez wrote a lot to perform children on toy musical instruments. The plays of these composer, obviously created by order N.A. Vetryogina, for the collections "Music in kindergarten", whose compiler was for many years in the Commonwealth with I. Dzerzhinsky and T. Lomoy.
We stopped at the main musical genres for preschool children, in which the composer E.N. created their writings. Tylicaeva. Based on the material shown at the seminar, it would be desirable that the heritage of the composer will not be forgotten, as it turned out, unfortunately, the heritage of the early period dedicated to the music for academic compositions is lost.
Heritage E.N. The Tibereva created for children, represents undoubtedly incredit value in the cultural heritage of Russia, for its essays carry the stamp of a large talent and high professionalism.
Everyone created by Elena Nikolaevna for children is a bright page in the domestic musical pedagogy and is waiting for its researcher and deserves to be published and systematized.

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Tybeeva Elena Nikolaevna - Composer, member of the Union of Composers of the USSR.

Parents Little Lelay were musicians: Mom - Pianist, and the father of the soloist of the choir. Pyatnitsky.

The musical education of young Elena Nikolaevna in the technical school them. Yaroshevsky was engaged in Z.V. Grigorieva and V.A. Mind (Piano teachers), A.F. Mutley (teacher in composition). In the Moscow Conservatory Teachers Tyliyeva were R.M. Gliere and A.N. Alexandrov.

During the war, Tycheev was in evacuation in Tomsk, where he taught in the music school, composed music. After evacuation, she continues to work at the Moscow School. Ippolitov-Ivanova, leads the class of young composers.

Professional interests E.N. Tibereva concentrates around the composition of music for children. Thus, in 1946 the first work appeared about the children and for children "Mishin Day at the Dacha", executed by adults. Then there are works for execution by the children themselves. They are characterized by: the accuracy and brightness of the musical image, fascination, sound image, affordable to the children's voice of expressiveness.

Meet E.N. Tilicheva with a talented musical leader of kindergarten V.K. Kolosova allowed the composer to create songs of songs for the smallest. The results of the cooperation of the composer and the methodologist are the cycles of musical games for preschoolers, widely used in the practice of modern Dow.

E.N. Ticheeva - the author of the children's radio transmission "Clashkin's book", "Famous Duckling Tim", "Put with us." Co-author of a unique "musical bookpool" N.A. Vetryogina - the first domestic manual for preschoolers music literacy.

The author of a variety of songs and the content of songs and choirs for children of school and pre-school ages. Many of her works are firmly entered into the repertoire of children's choral groups, numerous radiopostanis with the music of Tilicheva E.N. Associated "Play with us" (M., 1954). An important methodological material for musical and educational work is Sat. T. "Little Songs" (1961, 1968), as well as songs placed in the "Music Cover" collections (M., 1961, 1973) and "School of Choral singing" (Vol. 1-2, M., 1966-71 , Vol. 1, 1973).

Songs for children written by E.N. Tilicaeva is reflected in the children's musical subculture of a modern child, loved by preschoolers.

Circle of friends:A. Aleksandrov, D. Kabalevsky, M. Ruhverger, M. Strolomsky, V.K. Kolosova, N.A. Vetlugin et al.

Basic works for preschoolers:"Mishin day at the cottage", cycle of songs "all year round" to the verses of S. Ya. Marshak; Collections "Rainbow", "Our Day", "Small Songs", "Put, Kids", "Songs-Riddles", "Spring has come"; Musical Games "Skvorts and Sparrow", "Shepherd, Goats and Wolf", "Naughty Ryzhik", "Kittens", "Snow Maiden", "Crystal Ball", "Hares and Lisa", "Jablock", "Zainka, come out ", Repka," Guys and Bear "," Gus-Swans and Wolf "," Fishermen and Fish "," Build a house "," Toy shop "and others.